High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Aerois #184 | The Horrors of Hadar (Part 2)

Episode Date: May 18, 2023

The battle continues on the deck of the Stormchaser as the crew fight back against Hadar's Horde! Support the High Rollers and get early access to podcast episodes and more on our Patreon: www.patreo...n.com/HighRollers Grab some High Rollers merch: https://freshmerch.fm/collections/high-rollers Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound, TCT Adventures (Solasta: Crown of the Magisters) and Jolene Khor! Check out Jolene Khor and all her wonderful work on High Rollers on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1WX3ICiTmf4GpHwImnQMs6 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pickaxe. That's crypto on Kraken. Powerful crypto tools backed by 24-7 support and multi-layered security. Go to kraken.com and see what crypto can be. Not investment advice. Crypto trading involves risk of loss. See kraken.com slash legal slash ca dash pru dash disclaimer for info on Kraken's undertaking to register in Canada. Hello, welcome back to part two. The champions of Aroes are in the depths of astral space. Having emerged from the infinite staircase into an epic astral space battle with the forces of Hadar, they've been pursued by a couple of corrupted Valkyrian cruisers as well as a horrid abomination of a bio ship.
Starting point is 00:01:16 They've been fending off creatures on the deck of the storm chaser as well as now having to navigate a debris field. But we come back into the action at the top of a brand new round yeah a few enemies remain on the storm chaser a few of the crew have unfortunately met their end nigel pascar i don't remember naming pascar and even kamara and kamara yeah but nigel correa has repositioned the ship to now be facing back the way you came. You now have these two enemy ships in your front arc. You have no shields, neither do they.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Your weapons are primed and ready as we begin a brand new round. Sentry, you are at the top of the round. Yeah, I'm gonna run up to Kamara's lifeless body and bring life back into it, please. Oh! Are you gonna cast Revivify? Revivify.
Starting point is 00:02:07 Alrighty. Do you have the components to do so? I believe it is 300 GP of diamond dust. I did, but then I disintegrated. I don't know that we ever bought that. You had a full diamond on you, and that disintegrated into diamond dust. How much did that diamond worth?
Starting point is 00:02:27 So grind me down. I will allow the diamond to be used. I'll crush it myself. On your forehead. Smash it into the ground. So, with an action, you speak these words. What does this look like, in fact? You tell me, what does this look like for Sentry to cast Revivify? I like the idea of Sentry crushing the diamond.
Starting point is 00:02:47 It's ridiculous, but it's just cool. And then she just radiates this diamond with golden energy and just lets it fall on Kamara, the particle of diamond. And she just says to her, We can't let your adventure end here, Kamara. We still need you. And she'll let the diamonds just fall on Kamara with the radiant energy.
Starting point is 00:03:13 There is a moment. You are not yet in the Faram, but the Broken Veil is very close to the realm of Hadar and the realm of its entropic magic you feel the energy of the spell from the matrix as the diamond dust scatters over Kamara some of her wounds begin to knit but slower than you would expect them to and you can feel the magic being pulled away being drawn to that red star in the distance but you are not close enough just yet for this belt of fame as you watch as kimara kind of takes in a deep, ragged breath.
Starting point is 00:04:06 She's still heavily injured. She's going to be at one hit point, and she's going to be very exhausted. She's probably not going to be too much use in this fight, but she is alive. Is there a way to help her up and take her towards the back of the ship? Yeah, I would say that you can absolutely get her below decks, and we can say that she is going to be safe from the enemies currently present. Okay, cool. But this is an excellent point for me to now tell you.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Because once you have had moments for this fight to kind of wind down, and I'm sure Century will sort of describe what happens, Nova and Quill, with your knowledge of magic, when you reach Entropos, resurrection magic will not work on anyone. NPC, PC, or otherwise. No true resurrection, no resurrection, no revivifying. When somebody dies on Entropos, they are gone forever. With that,
Starting point is 00:05:03 Kamara comes back to life. I will remove her from the battlefield and send you help down below decks and we will consider Kamara safe as long as this encounter is successful. With that, that is your action and movement. Is there a bonus action you would like to take? If it's a bonus action to command any of your crew.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Yeah, can I command the rest of the wolf pack to shoot at this big deathmangler? The deathmangler, absolutely. You have three of them left, which means they can make one attack. This is a d20 plus four. Can you roll it for me, please? So funny, Thomas.
Starting point is 00:05:39 I didn't even have that prepared. What? Revivify and all that stuff. Our cleric, our healer is so good at his job. It's good to know that five years later, you're still in that mode. I was about to say, I wish I didn't have those. It was a miss from the wolf pack, but a half damage. So a d10 plus four plays Rhiannon, and it's going to be half the total.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Ten. So 14 halves, so seven points of damage. Nice. Which, not enough to finish it off, Ten. So with the 14 halves, so seven points of damage. Nice. Which, not enough to finish it off, but Lucius, this thing in front of you is looking heavily wounded. Yeah, maybe. How much damage would your Armor of Agathys currently do?
Starting point is 00:06:17 15. 15? Well, maybe one punch, maybe more. You don't know. One punch. But yeah, looking heavily injured as the rest of the crew are like, They fire their force rifles, their magitek rifles into it. That's going to be your full turn.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Move bonus action action. Quill. So I would like to use my action to sunbeam again. I think I should be able to angle this in such a way. Quick point of thing. During the break, we did check. Unfortunately, sentry sunbeam was lost in concentration, but Quill's remained.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Mine's fine, yeah. I think I can angle this in such a way to hit the Daever and also the Mage again. Yes, I would say. If you fly above and aim it. If I nudged around just a little bit, I would probably, yeah. Yeah, I would say you have to nudge over to here.
Starting point is 00:07:04 So five foot to the side. Yeah, which doesn't take you out of opportunity attack range or anything. So they make a... Con save. Con save. For the mage. Oh, sorry. I'll do that for the D.Va because it was with advantage.
Starting point is 00:07:15 That is going to be a 17 for the D.Va. That's a fail. So they're going to take half damage because they're resistant and they are unfortunately immune to being blinded. The mage is going to be a 18. uh also a fail okay uh what did you say 80 18. okay their arcane ward did not recharge so they are not able to defend themselves with it so that is um do i do individual dice rolls or is it both i just do one damage roll one. Okay, both. That's quite good. Six, then 12, then 18, then 23 total damage. 23 points of damage.
Starting point is 00:07:49 The mage is once again blinded. Yeah. 23 halved would be 11 to the daver. The daver is like, yeah, the radiant energy is not having much of an effect on this daver at all, even though it's like unable to resist the effect. It is definitely still more than capable of fighting
Starting point is 00:08:05 the mage not heavily injured but he's taken a blast in like he's kind of using shields to kind of defend itself but uh it's it's not in any danger currently uh and i bonus action spell wise bonus actions in general uh who wants to do something as a bonus action? We currently have Penny, Lansian, and Oriah. Oriah's got three fours and stuff as well. I've got Pilot. If I've got a free bonus action, I could get Oriah to start boosting now.
Starting point is 00:08:37 Yep. Good idea. Either that or Lansian goes for the wizard who is currently blinded. Lansian is looking pretty heavily injured. Yeah, like, mushy boy. I say get us out of here. He's capable. He also has a ranged attack.
Starting point is 00:08:52 He is kind of like a sorcerer-esque. He can fire radiant bolts. And he would have advantage because the mage is currently blinded. And he did just do some nasty stuff, so maybe... Yeah, let's get Lansian to hit the Mage. Can you roll with advantage? D20 plus 6, please. 15. 15 against Limoges is going to... Ooh, hang on, what's there with the Mage Armors?
Starting point is 00:09:24 15 with Mage Armors,'s 15 with mage armor. So, yeah, it does hit. C6 plus 6. C6 plus 6 is 9. 9 points of damage. Yeah, your striker's lantern kind of fires out this radiant bolt. It does manage to chip off, kind of causing the mage to stumble back a little bit.
Starting point is 00:09:41 All right. Anything else on your turn, Quill? I will stay where I am, because if I move away, he'll whack me. He's going to whack me anyway. Okay. The light cruiser in the distance that's currently fighting the twin star, he's going to try and fire a salvo at the twin star. Yep, it does hit.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Okay. For 18 points of damage to the Twinstar. So you see it kind of like it's trying to track fire, the Twinstar takes a hit, kind of like, but then pulls back and it's gonna continue its assault on that cruiser, keeping it well distracted. We then go to a million things, Ayla. So I'm in the engine room.
Starting point is 00:10:26 There's a move action to get back up onto the deck of the ship. Okay. What would it be to go to the other cannon? The bottom turret? Yes. Move action. I just say it's like you're just going to a different part of the ship. Sure.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Yeah, you run along. You run past Howard, who's like, is everything okay? Good job, Howard! I just keep going. Yeah. Yeah, so you can run along, you run past Howard, who's like, is everything okay? Good job, Howard! I just keep going. Yeah, so you can run down, and the rotary turret is on the bottom of the storm chaser, and it's kind of like this glass half sphere. Millennium Falcon style.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Very Millennium Falcon style, and you can spin this kind of arcane magical cannon around, and you can fire with it. Can I shoot at the squishy bio ship? The bio ship? Absolutely. The cannons have set bonuses, but you do get to add...
Starting point is 00:11:12 So what is your dex modifier? Plus five. Plus five. So this would be plus 12 for you to fire the turret with. Okay. Three plus twelve. Fifteen.
Starting point is 00:11:26 It does just barely hit. 3d10 points of damage to the Bioshock. 3d10. Five. Nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen. Twenty-four. Oh, twenty-four points of damage. That's pretty good.
Starting point is 00:11:44 That's good for 3d10, yeah. 24. Oh, 24 points of damage. Pretty good. That's good for 3d10, yeah. You watch as something kind of, as the do-do-do strikes the bio ship, something in it kind of almost seems to rupture, and you watch as this kind of undulating, as an internal sort of explosion of acid causes parts of it to blow up, and you watch as the whole alien organism just floats and
Starting point is 00:12:06 smashes into a piece of debris as the bioship is disabled between the massive cannon here and the continuous fire and the crash that it suffered earlier uh it is disabled nice um as ayla finishes it off ayla i think that is going to be that's your move and your action. Can't really rage from within the turret. You can, but you're not doing anything. I'll just say, bonus action, tell someone to do something. Penny, shoot the Valkyrian ship. Sure.
Starting point is 00:12:35 All right, roll for me. So this is, you're going to shoot with Penny, plus seven. The main cannon's a bit lower. 14 plus seven. That is going to hit. 5d12 of damage. Cool. 14 plus 7. That is going to hit. 5d12 of damage.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Cool! Um... 5... 6... 8... 18... 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 points of damage. 23 points of damage. Again, the same kind of arcing cut.
Starting point is 00:13:03 The Valkyrian ship maybe manages to pull away, doesn't strike it quite as badly as it did the Bioship, but does manage to get this solid blow against it as it cuts all the way through. In that case, end of your turn, we go to the Daever, who is going to continue to attack Will. Oh, yeah. They're going to attack with their mace, the foot, to start with.
Starting point is 00:13:21 That is going to be a 23 to hit you. Yep. False, I mean. Incorrect. Incorrect. Invalid. 25 points of damage again. Okay. As it strikes you. Let me do my concentration. So this DC would be 12.
Starting point is 00:13:43 Yep, no. that's gonzo. Sunbeam is gone. They are then gonna try and reach out with a hand and try and grab you again with their hands. Oh! Is that 20? Oh! Oh, he handsy.
Starting point is 00:13:58 He real handsy. You watch as this time around your throat quill, this hand whips lightning fast and wraps around your throat as Quill. This hand whips lightning fast and wraps around your throat as they're gonna use their, basically their inflict wounds. Okay. He's not looking.
Starting point is 00:14:12 This is gonna be, oh my god, so using my crit rules. Yeah, this is gonna. This is gonna be a lot. This might. Oh, it's doing inflict wounds, is it? Basically, yes. It's like a reverse healing touch that's the same as inflict wounds.
Starting point is 00:14:28 This is slightly more because it would be quite... How squishy is squishy? He's not great. Squishy. Yeah. Well, I started this fight with like 70 down as well or whatever it was. Did you? Why?
Starting point is 00:14:39 When the eye was ripped out of me. Oh, shit. Oh, yeah. I forgot about that at the start of this session. Well, not the eye, the damage. 90 points of damage. Jeez! That's great, dude.
Starting point is 00:14:50 60-10, max to 60, plus another 60-10. My crit rules work for you guys, they work backwards, I'm afraid. It's one of the benefits of the crunchy crits. That's unfortunately... I'm down, yeah, with that. So you're reduced to zero. Yes. They're gonna drop your body,
Starting point is 00:15:10 which means you would take falling damage. Okay. Instant fail. One death fail, technically. Okay, we're not in the broken veil yet, though. We're looking at it. So you watch as this Daever just grabs Quill by the throat, and you just watch black magic and inky darkness spread up,
Starting point is 00:15:34 draining the life from Quill, almost looking like it's, like, Quill looks withered and, like, desiccated like a corpse, and then it just drops its body to the ground with a slump. Rehydrate me. Luckily, that is all of the corrupted Davers' turns. It has no more actions left. The wizard, who is still technically blinded,
Starting point is 00:15:53 is going to fumble around. Because it doesn't know where Quill is, it was going to split. It's going to do three arcane blasts. Two of its blasts are going to go to where Quill was because it would know where the sunbeam came from and it fires these arcane blasts up into the air and hits nothing. Because it doesn't know Quill isn't there anymore.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Well, when I land, I make like a squeaky toy noise. It doesn't know that that's you. But yeah, just will basically blast up there. But because Lansian did attack it, one of its arcane bursts is gonna go at Lansian. Oh, shit. What a poopy fun face. 20-70. Oh my god. This thing...
Starting point is 00:16:33 No! Lansian, no! As this creature kind of... Actually, it would have been with disadvantage. It's a miss because... I because they were blind um so you watch as this thing blasts and lancy has to like basically like duck to the floor as this blast nearly takes his head off this blast of magic as the creature is just flailing around flinging magic um in magic in a wide pattern. Something coming in clutch here. Deathmangler Lucius. Oh, yeah, that's him.
Starting point is 00:17:09 Oh, he's still mangling. The first one is going to be 19. No. Doesn't hit? No. Wait, yeah, no, it beats it, yeah, yeah. But you've got Armor of Agathys. So you will take, we'll do this separately. So you'll take 13 points off your Armor of Agathys temporary HP.
Starting point is 00:17:30 So we've got two points of impact. I take 15 points damage, yes. Yeah, boy. The Deathmangler is still up. It does not understand that, like, it's like, ow, how did that hurt me? And it's going to keep punching. But next attack is unfortunately going to miss. Third attack is unfortunately gonna miss.
Starting point is 00:17:45 Third attack is gonna be a 19 to hit again. Yes. You take another 15 points of bludgeoning damage and then it impales itself on your armor of Agathys. Has it just stuck to him? No. Yeah, Lucius has stuck to it. Oh no.
Starting point is 00:18:01 And then it falls off into the endless void. It kind of just stumbles off the ship. That was a good play, armor of Agath it. Oh, no. And then it falls off into the endless void. It kind of just stumbles off. That was a good play. I remember back to this. That was good. It came through. So just two left. And then we go to Lucius' turn.
Starting point is 00:18:14 As the Deathmangler falls out of my vision, I see Quill fall to the ground. Like, he watches this thing just... And I look with evil intent at the Daever. Right, I thought you were going to go for Quill there. At Quill's body. Now's my chance. Come on, Igor.
Starting point is 00:18:32 Melt it. I destroy her. And considering longevity, I'm going to- You are the chosen one. You're meant to destroy her, not join them. Got a firebolt, 120 foot range. Firebolt? Yeah. Ha!
Starting point is 00:18:51 24. I thought that was the noise of your attack. 40, 10. Aw. Gizzity go. Hyah! Hyah! Hyah! Hyah! Hyah! Please don't, this reminds me that I'm
Starting point is 00:19:03 where my heart my brush is. Three. Yeah! Four. I should voice link this movie. Ten. Oh! 19, 19, 24 points of fire damage.
Starting point is 00:19:16 24 points of fire damage. Kind of scorches this Dava's face and just emotionless looks towards you now with these void-like... And I run towards him 30 feet as much as I can. Yeah. Down onto the deck next to Century and Lantian as this Daven looks down to you and like with its... And you can see that it's flying.
Starting point is 00:19:37 It doesn't have wings, but these tentacles are almost giving it like lift. Like it's able to fly by moving these tentacles. Sick. I've still got a bonus action, so I would like to command somebody it's able to fly by moving these tentacles. Sick. I still got bonus action, so I would like to command somebody who's left. Lantian is attacked, Oriah is attacked, Penny's attacked, so. Howard.
Starting point is 00:19:55 Howard is below deck, yeah. Has Oriah not done? She boosted. Yeah. No, she didn't. Oh, no, she didn't? Oh, that's true. She will do it at the end of her round anyway,
Starting point is 00:20:03 so if there's anything else you'd rather do with your bonus action, that's probably a safer use of it. Wolf Oh, shush. No, I did right. She will do it at the end of her round anyway. So if there's anything else you'd rather do with your bonus action, that's probably a safer use of it. Wolfpack, go on. Don't forget, you as the captain can issue... You can give somebody advantage. You can give Araia advantage on her next check. Oh, but the Dave is in the air.
Starting point is 00:20:15 If Araia boosts now, he's gone. Unfortunately, they are within the atmospheric... Yeah. He just bangs his head. Otherwise, you would have gone. You would have banged his head. I know, I know. But I've landed now. Bangs his head on the bubble.
Starting point is 00:20:26 We've landed! Does the job to the best of your abilities. You've used your Captain Boost Morale, basically. I gracefully landed on the ground. Araya, you've got this! Nice, yeah. I don't say that. You can just basically be like, Araya, hit it, like, you know, like...
Starting point is 00:20:38 Punch it! Punch it! Yeah, perfect. All right, in that case... We don't punch it, that's what I did, and we crashed. No Vija. So I think I'm going to divert shields, so 20 points from the back to the front.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Divert all power to the front shields. Is it 15? Good job. Chewie. 20. You can do it after 20. Divert all power to the front shields, Chewie. There's 15 left. I'm 90 years old. No, there's nothing for the back. Harrison Ford. a bunch of 20. Divert all power to the shield, Chewie. I'm 90 years old. Harrison Ford! I'm Indiana Jones!
Starting point is 00:21:10 The back's fine. Shut up, Chewie. You can be my Chewie. So 20 points to the front. So you're going to use your action to divert power to take shields from the back to the front. So there's now 30 points on the back and 20 points on the front. Okay.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Bonus, there's no one else to command, really, is there? Unless can I command the wolf pack to swarm the mage? They already took an action this round. Okay. Penny's fired. So everyone, I'm out of crewmates. I think everyone's gone. Pretty much everyone but Howard.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Except Howard. Can I tell Howard to come up and help Kamara? Absolutely. Well, Kamara's down below deck. So I take Kamara to Greymon. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So Century can kind of get back to it. Alrighty. Sounds good in that case. At the end of the round, Raya will make her piloting check. So I need a Raya with advantage and a D4. Advantage and a D4.
Starting point is 00:22:05 Come on, Rage. Come on, then. Plus eight. Come on, then. Who are you? Sorry, plus ten. Plus ten. Plus ten.
Starting point is 00:22:12 Yeah, sorry. Nat 20. You got it, Captain. And just watch a skillfully weaving past the Valkyrian cruiser that's, like, oncoming towards you, bridging that gap as the falling, defeated alien bio-ship. She just skims in between the two, weaving between all the debris that's flying past.
Starting point is 00:22:35 I'm in the little glass bit. Just go... As the ship goes past. As you just leave these enemy ships behind you in the dust as it just sails past i'm just with unconscious on the ground just i don't know you're right wait beaks do that oh there's around there in your pelican his tongue does that century you're up all righty um i would I would like to dash 30 feet towards Quilly boy, please. Thank you. 30, you are... Nice.
Starting point is 00:23:08 Yep. No, Will is technically here. Not just in range. You are just out of range. Because he did move to get the sunbeam off. All right, I'll bonus action. I can't do a spell though if I do that. Wee!
Starting point is 00:23:21 Wee! All right, action dash and then bonus action. Bonus action potion. Yes, you could do that. Well, no, it's an action to feed a potion to somebody else. Oh, okay. Bonus action to drink your own potion. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Action to make them take their own medicine. Misty... No, it's a two, two, two, two. You could misty Step five feet and then feed a potion to Quill. Because it doesn't count as cost. All right, yeah, I'll do that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Yeah. Okay, so... Land on him. I'm not going to reach him in time. Stands on a foot. D&D, everyone. And then... You can roll that
Starting point is 00:24:03 because it should say on the front what it is. 4d4 plus 4. Greater healing potion. Oh, greater. Okay, everyone. And then, do you want to, you can roll that, because it should say on the front what it is. 44 plus four. Greater healing potion. Oh, greater. Okay, cool. Three, is that three? Three, a one, and a one. Three, a one, and a one.
Starting point is 00:24:16 Five. Plus four. Nine. Nine HP, Quill. It's, I mean. It's up. It's going to do up. More importantly, Quill's turn is next. So, Quill, that is pretty much you fully done there, Sentry. Yes. It's up. Shagalug. More importantly, Quill's turn is next.
Starting point is 00:24:25 So Quill, that is pretty much you fully done there, Sentry. Move, bonus, action. Thank you very much. Take that. Ready for campaign three. Me done. So Quill. So how's Lucius looking?
Starting point is 00:24:40 You've just been taking armor and baggages damage, right? I'm pretty ball right now, bro. Okay. Well, either way, I'm pretty balled right now, bro. Well, either way, I'm going to do something regardless, because I think Sentry needs a heal. You could do some damage to that David, though. You need a heal. He's flapping around up there, mocking you.
Starting point is 00:24:55 He's right below you. Going to bolt right up the bum. Right up his toga. Toga, toga, toga! Oh, god! Oh, Tomga, toga! Oh, god. No, Tom, fucking heal yourself! I'm going to use a bonus action to heal myself. Yes, get quaffing.
Starting point is 00:25:13 You're going to drink your potion. And toga. You're going to use that potion now. I could poche. Or you could just use one of your healing spells. Supreme is 10d4 plus 20. Is that actually what I have? We've got like 50 bajillion other Hadar things to get through.
Starting point is 00:25:29 I'm thinking spell slots too. Spell slots are more important than inventory space. Yeah, but Siaska's going to do some magic and be like, there you go, long rest. I don't know that. Barbarian's good though. I'm going to quaff this 10d4 plus 20 poche. I want you to put all of those in your mouth.
Starting point is 00:25:47 No, please don't, just roll it. I veto that. We don't have time. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10. Okay. One, three, five, seven, nine, 13, 16, 17, 19, 21 plus 20 healing oh nice 41 40 100 where is healing potions in the game and that's it at the end of an encounter that's our only one right
Starting point is 00:26:16 yep that's the only one we had that's real efficient it's more efficient than a spell slot. No, it's not. It absolutely is. It's not. I've got the last one. Wait, I've got one. I've got the last one. You can give that to someone else to heal. Oh, I got superior. Can I have it now, please?
Starting point is 00:26:34 He has a supreme. Thank you. Don't care, took my turn. Yeah, oh, well, that was only your bonus action. You got a whole action. A whole bonus action. Hell yeah, bitch! Your whole thing.
Starting point is 00:26:43 Exactly. Oh, it's not efficient. It's not, though. Well, I'm about to fucking destroy the stable. A whole ass action. Toga. Hell yeah, bitch. Do the whole thing. Exactly. Oh, it's not efficient. It's not, though. Well, I'm about to fucking destroy the stable. You'd better kill him. If he lands on you and you knock him out. But a healing word is a full ass action. What can I do with a bonus action then?
Starting point is 00:26:55 Cry? My God, hurry up. You're making me cry. It's like it's a team game. You don't have to do everything yourself. Yeah. Huh? Wasteful. It's not fucking wasteful. Tom, what are you doing? No, but... Yeah. Huh? Wasteful!
Starting point is 00:27:05 It's not fucking wasteful! Tom, what are you doing? No, nothing, no. All right, okay. Fucking. All right. You're fucking. I'm going to spend this time thrusting at the sky.
Starting point is 00:27:15 I'm going to flamestrike this guy. Flamestrike? The daver. What's the rate? Do you want to read that out for me? Full range on that? No. I'm going to... So I'm going to move... Oh, it's going range on that? No. I'm going to move.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Oh, it's going to hit sentry too. No, it's not. 10 foot wide, 40 high cylinder. Oh, 10 foot wide. So I'm going to stand up as half my movement and hit both the wizard and the mage. She's in astral space. With a flame strike.
Starting point is 00:27:44 So they have to do a dex save. Right, Dava gets advantage because it's a spiel. That's still going to fail. That's a terrible failure. And then the mage... ...is also going to fail. Nice, so they take 4d6 fire and 4d6 radiant. Love it. Kill him!
Starting point is 00:28:04 Save these separately because the corrupted Dava will resist 46 radiant. Kill him! Uh, six. These separately, because the David will, the corrupted David will resist the radiant. Okay, that's nine fire. Nine fire. And... Uh, wow. 14, 15, uh, radiant.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Radiant, so 24 to the Maj. Ooh. But then only, uh, what's that going to be? Seven, 16 to the David. Yeah. Oh. But then only, what's that going to be? Seven. 16 to the Daevir. Yeah. Both looking injured. Both are now below half health.
Starting point is 00:28:32 That's good to hear. Yeah. So yeah, you call down this column of fire quill, kind of scorching these two creatures. The mage definitely looks more sort of aware of what's going on. It's like trying to put out the flames on the robe, but the Daevir just lets itself burn. It's trying to put out the flames on the robe, but the Daver just lets itself burn. It's just...
Starting point is 00:28:47 It doesn't care. It just does. No emotion, no care. Apathetic to it all. Feels like me. End of turn? End of turn. Sorry I wasted anyone's time.
Starting point is 00:28:57 You should be actually. Thank you. I appreciate you. Is the Valkyrian ship still in pursuit of us? It is still active, yeah. Is the Valkyrian ship still in pursuit of the Sorceress? It is still active, yes. You are also the only gun that can now hit it because it is in your rear arc. Well, then I shall hit it.
Starting point is 00:29:13 All right, so plus 12 again. Uncanny Barbarian reflexes. It's a three again. So it's... Oh, this is against the Valkyrian ship, though, isn't it? Yeah. Unfortunately, that does not hit. It is this is against the Valkyrian ship though, isn't it? Yeah. Unfortunately that does not hit. It is more defensive than the Vio ship.
Starting point is 00:29:30 The armored plating of the corrupted Valkyrian ship deflects the attack. You have a move and a bonus action. Is a move to return to the deck? I'll return to the deck, and then I will... It's your full movement to get back to the deck, by the way. So you have a bonus action. I will ask Penny to use her weapon to shoot the day. She will come off the cannon. That's absolutely what she can do. Because she can't shoot anything. Yeah, she will pull out her bow, her magitek bow.
Starting point is 00:30:19 This is a plus nine to hit. Oh, is it? Yep. Five plus nine. That is not enough, unfortunately. So she takes a shot, but is maybe still semi-injured. Alright, in that case we then go down to the injured
Starting point is 00:30:34 Daever. You rise again. Pointless. So very pointless. Alright, intrusive thoughts. The Daever will land on the deck. So very pointless. Alright, intrusive thoughts. The devil will land on the deck. And Quill is going to come for you once more.
Starting point is 00:30:52 Protect Quill, please. It is going to swing at him with its flail. Would you like to protect against that attack? Yes, please. That is going to be a miss, thanks to Sentry. Sentry's shield is going to block it. And then it is going to try and reach out with its hand once more okay that is gonna hit it's not a crit this time it's gonna be 24 22. oh i'm shieldable again thomas what did we put in my ring of spell story um
Starting point is 00:31:23 Thomas, what did we put in my ring as spell storing? Mask your wounds. Mask your wounds? No, we didn't. But then you changed it to something else. Was it like two spells? Yeah, it was two spells. One you used when I lost my eye.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Lesser restoration and something else. Well, as the angel reaches down, it grabs you once again with these crackling necrotic hands. That's 34 points of magic damage. He's still up. That's a lot of damage. Let's go. The wizard is no longer blinded, I believe,
Starting point is 00:31:51 as it ends at the end of your turn. No, it's not. It is. It does not recharge that. Ready to go. Yeah, what was it? Lansian and Lucius. No, Lansian.
Starting point is 00:32:12 A bolt of lightning is gonna reach out its hands and need you both to make dexterity saving throws. I will make it for Lansian. Actually, no, I'll have, let's have Kim. Roll a d20, please. Does Lanshan get 17? You are not, what's the range of it? Is it 30 feet? In that case it would, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:31 No! Lanshan is going to succeed, it's going to take half damage. Jesus! 17. You will also pass, you take half damage, Lucius. Thank you. Beacon of Hope. Was it Boab?
Starting point is 00:32:44 Yeah, you got bacon in there. Bacon, yeah. You got bacon? I filled your ring with bacon. And Lesser Restoration. But the Lesser was used on your eyeball? Yeah. Well, in a panic, yeah. Or did...
Starting point is 00:32:56 I put a potion in his face in a panic, so I had nothing to do. 30 dead on. So 15 points of lightning damage to Lucius and Lansian. 13. 15. Which is enough. Lansian's gone. Sweet boy. In the arms. I almost go to grab him, but he slips past me. It will all end soon enough. You will all join us.
Starting point is 00:33:31 With that, Lucien. You sooner than us. I'm going to moonwalk over Lansian's dead body. Okay. Valencian's dead body. Okay. Can you do a dex check for that? Acrobatics? Don't move me. Is this what you said you'd do?
Starting point is 00:33:57 Did you not do that? No, I'm sorry. I'm going to power up a Chromatic Orb out of annoyance. Level four, Acid on Mage Bitch. Okay, here we go. Here we go, nat 20. Is it ready? Yes. Can confirm.
Starting point is 00:34:23 So how much damage is a fourth level Chromatic Orb? That is a 6d8. So that would be 48. 48 base and then plus 68 more. Plus 68. So how much is a 48 base? You can roll it if you want, but I'm gonna tell you now you don't need to.
Starting point is 00:34:39 30. So an extra 30 points. So 78 damage of damage. You vaporize this mage. Hell yeah. The acidic orb of magic, the orange magic that you send streaking out, just melts their body.
Starting point is 00:34:55 That's it. And there is a moment where as they, they try and almost like, are like, yes, like, I welcome, ah, ah, ah, and they do feel that pain at the very end as they melt to nothing. Lucius breaks the small smile of vengeance. Anything else, Lucius?
Starting point is 00:35:16 I grumble. 30 feet, probably not. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25. No, it's just out, in fact, actually. I'm actually going to go to my knees and just cradle Lantian's body. It's this young, very pretty, handsome young man who you didn't speak too much,
Starting point is 00:35:33 but was this kind of, you know, yeah, just a figure that was always around, but sadly he's now gone. You've done well. And I'll stand in front of him and the daver. Sure. Nice. All right. Nova. Hi. Sure. Nice, all right. Nova. Hi.
Starting point is 00:35:50 You are down in the entrance. I'm wondering whether or not, because I can try to replenish shields, but also I kind of want to pop up and Eldritch Blast the Daevah. Yeah, sure. I'm going to pop up and Eldritch Blast the Daevah. Yes, absolutely.
Starting point is 00:36:01 So that's four beams. You appear, you see poor Lansian being cradled by Lucius. You come out blasting. First one fires wildly behind me somehow for some reason. Just straight into the door. Like me bowling. That was a natural one. Second one.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Ah, there we go. It's a 19. That's a hit. That is seven points of damage. Seven points of damage. First boss. That is a 21 to hit. 21 hits. 13.
Starting point is 00:36:37 13 points of damage. That's a 19 again. 19 hits. Seven points of damage. Another seven points. You can see the Davers stackering with each blow. I'm still standing. I will bonus action. Actually, I don't think there's anything really I can do with bonus action.
Starting point is 00:37:00 Can I command the wolf pack to fire at him? You absolutely can. So it's going to be a d20 plus four roll for me, please. That's a six. That's not enough. They kind of turn around. It's going to do half damage because they are map firing, like all three of them are firing.
Starting point is 00:37:13 So it's a d10 plus four halved. Do they start multi attack as well? No, there's only three of them left. Five rounded down to a two. Chips off a little bit of damage as they're like blasting, but the Dave are almost like moving, dodging these blasts, and the magic kind of echoing around them. All right, Nova, I believe that is it.
Starting point is 00:37:33 I believe that there are no more NPCs to act now. So, jump back up to the top. I will need a Raya to make one last piloting check at the top of the round to get out of this debris field Just a d20 plus 10 14 Unfortunately, the stormtroopers gonna take one last hit as it escapes the debris fields Shields are at the front so it's gonna be So it's 22 points of damage
Starting point is 00:38:03 Wipe out the shield said to go through to the hull, but it is also a mishap. Even though it hit shield? Oh, that's true. No, it did hit the shields, yes. It didn't go through. Actually, what about the damage? Actually, no, a crash always causes a mishap. Sorry. Lots of rules, lots of custom rules. Yeah, 274. Ooh, Tom Hazel, you like rolling dice, don't you? I do like rolling dice. Yeah, 274. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Tom Hazel, you like rolling dice, don't you? I do like rolling dice. Roll a d4 for me, please. D4. You like powerful blessing dice too. I don't know if four is good. As the ship, there's like a small piece, and it looks like, in fact, actually, no, it's not a piece of debris.
Starting point is 00:38:42 Some sort of hidden, like there are, inside these wrecks, you can see the remnants of Hadar creatures. And one of these creatures, seeing the storm chaser about to rocket past, launches itself out of the thing. And it appears to almost be like... You guys have seen beholders before, but it's mutated and warped. And as it kind of like rockets itself using magical propulsion towards the ship, it begins to kind of glow and swell
Starting point is 00:39:07 as it becomes a living bomb and it detonates against the side of the ship. As it does, it strikes a piece of vital enchantment or piece of the ship's kind of magitek workings as all of you begin... Oh! The environment system begins to fail on the Storm Chaser. you begin... Aww. Aww. Aww. Thank you! The environment system begins to fail
Starting point is 00:39:27 on the storm chaser. It is fixable from engineering. As the breathing happens, it fails. I'm at the end of the initiative. You're gonna die by then. As a point, suffocation is you have one round plus your con modifier of rounds you can hold. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:44 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Aayla is like... Eight rounds, baby! Not like a minute, baby. plus your con modifier of rounds you can hold. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A-crimes, baby! Not like a minute, baby. But some of you do not have that. The environment. I have a plus seven. The environment system, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:53 The environment shielding. So basically, all of the air gets sucked out of the protective bubble. You don't get sucked out, but like, you're basically leaking air and you're like. Life support offline. Life support is offline. You got it, Star Trek nerd.
Starting point is 00:40:11 So with that, Sentry, you are the first to go. Those of you who don't need to breathe, like Sentry and Nova, you are fine. Can we choose not to breathe? No. So Sentry, you are up. This Daever is still the only threat left on the ship. I'm going to take him out, I think.
Starting point is 00:40:28 Or try to, at least. I'm going to bonus action Starbreaker first. No, you're going to summon the big boy. Yeah, summon big boy time. Okay, Starbreaker! As you do... Oh. Oh.
Starting point is 00:40:41 In the presence of this creature, Starbreaker seems larger and the swirling green energy seems stronger. Starbreaker is a factor where it deals an extra D8 point of damage against abominations, against aberrations. Yes. This counts as an aberration. Two D8. Two D8 extra damage.
Starting point is 00:41:02 Oh my God. Right, okay. Let's try and hit this mofo first. 19. 19 will hit. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. I've got to do some dice adding. Okay, I'm going to do a fourth level Divine Smite. So, 2, and then an extra 2 for the thing, 2d8, and then level one, level two, level three, level four. And then plus seven.
Starting point is 00:41:35 As if Rhianna needed any more power-ups. Just tip the whole thing. Well, this is what Starbreaker was made for. 16, 20, 24, 26, 26, 31, 33, 48, 56, plus 7. 63. This enormous lance
Starting point is 00:42:06 That's insane This green spiraling energy Punches a hole through this creature's chest When it does sentry There is a flash in your mind A memory or a vision Not of your own But of the last bearers of Starbreaker
Starting point is 00:42:24 Oh cool And you remember When you found this treasure not of your own, but of the last bearers of Starbreaker. Oh, cool. You remember when you found this treasure that Quill wanted to go and seek, you remember this tomb of a knight and their squire and how this weapon was forged to fight against minions of Hadar and Demon Spawn and things like that. And you see this like blue haired knight in like this armor with this red cape using it.
Starting point is 00:42:48 And they're struck down by a similar creature, not an angel, but like a corrupted giant. And they kind of struck down by it and they're riding this corrupted dragon of Hadar. And then the lance falls and it's picked up by a young squire. And then you see that same squire in later battles fighting again
Starting point is 00:43:06 and delivering that same strike and that same movement, this like one-handed thrust, punching this hole through. And it just passes down. As you sense, this is what Starbreaker was built for. It is there to fight against this Hadar-like enemy, as it does. And the Daever is destroyed. Nice. Very cool.
Starting point is 00:43:27 I think when that happens, since you look at Starbreaker and look down to Quill, and like just... I mean, it's huge, right? Just like nod at Quill. Yeah. Okay. With that, we are going to stay in initiative
Starting point is 00:43:42 because there are ongoing dangers. Yeah. With that sentry, that is your action. You still have move and bonus action if you would like. Um, can I... There is no immediate threats on the deck. I guess I'll just start moving towards the engine room. Okay, we'll move you down. We don't need to worry about the map at this point.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Alright, in that case, Quill, how often can you summon Starbreaking? Exhaustion level every time you do it. Yeah, so it lasts 10 rounds. Okay. I've got some Arcana, so I'll head down. If I can get to the engine room from where I am. Yes, you can get to, from where you are, no, you have to be closer to the back end of the ship. Could I? You can make your way there though, yeah. Oh, if I dash, you have to be closer to the back end of the ship. You can make your way there, though. If I dash, I have to use an axe. If you dashed, yeah, you would not be able to assist this turn.
Starting point is 00:44:31 Okay. I'll just make my way there, too. How many rounds do you have of breathing? Me? What's your comm modifier? Plus two. All right, so you've got three rounds. The wolf pack you all see are like,
Starting point is 00:44:47 they're struggling. They probably don't have too much. They don't have long. Ayla. I can't fix... You can still see there is that Valkyrian ship in the... Yeah, I can't fix any Arcana things because I'm dumb. So I'm going to go back down to the turret
Starting point is 00:45:04 and try and shoot The Valkyrie Sure Yep Same roll So plus 12 Please roll High 11 plus 12
Starting point is 00:45:11 I mean that's still a hit 23 3d10 3d10 11 16 22 What's that for?
Starting point is 00:45:25 The You strike a blow And it's not You just strike Randomly 22 what's that for uh the you strike a blow and it's not you just strike randomly on a ship you're not sure where you're shooting but you've clearly
Starting point is 00:45:31 weakened it or it's taken enough damage from the crashes and the various attacks you strike something and you see the whole ship just cream
Starting point is 00:45:40 to the side like it's something happens with it a mishap or something and it slams into the side of one of's, something happens with it, a mishap or something, and it slams into the side of one of these debris and just smashes into it,
Starting point is 00:45:50 completely crumpling the front of the ship, disabling it. Just, it is not going to be able to pursue you any further. Excellent. All right,
Starting point is 00:45:59 in that case, we jump down to probably the next person who's going to matter, Lucius and Nova. I'm just pointing at the engine room yeah i'm i'm i'm gonna i'll follow her in uh i'll kind of check dc15 can i assist uh yeah you can absolutely yeah because you two are both close enough to both make your way down there so you can give advantage to the rock oh advantage here's the this yeah
Starting point is 00:46:20 let me take your one okay okay. It's already on a 20. Two and a 12. 12 plus nine is more than 15. Having been familiarized with the system, this is a lot easier fixed. This is just internal rewiring of the magical enchantments and the power from the engines, and very quickly you hear this kind of hum noise, this kind of flickering of the shields,
Starting point is 00:46:42 and then suddenly you find it all easier to breathe once more as it is fixed and with that we're going to come fully out of initiative as the storm chaser emerges from the debris field you see the twin star finishing off that one last cruiser now joined by several other smaller fighters from the astoria as you see basically the hadar forces in retreat. Any that did survive are fleeing at this point. Living a clear path from where you and your allies are to the fleet that you're meeting with outside
Starting point is 00:47:14 of Arcadia. So it's like a splinter force? No, it looks like they've been recalled. It looks like this was going back to their match. Yeah, exactly. It looks like probably retreating for now like this. And you don't know, you guys aren't military tactics but if you want to ask any of your allies you can do or you can make assumptions but they are the hadar forces that those and most of it's been destroyed like we're talking like a scattered handful and you
Starting point is 00:47:37 can see some valkyrian ships are in pursuit trying to take down not let any of them get away, but they are, you have won the battle. It isn't long before you hear several hurried communications from Rain, Calus, the dragons, all kind of checking in, like Stormchaser, this is the Astoria, are you all right? Stormchaser here, we have several fatalities but and shields are low shields are low, some damage to the hull but otherwise
Starting point is 00:48:12 we're okay. We've received word from Calus we're reconvening around they have a sort of encampment I'm trying to think they've created a sort of safe zone up ahead, they're using some of their outer ships to create a perimeter so that we can take a moment to gather ourselves,
Starting point is 00:48:29 try and repair what we can. We're making our way there now. I'm sending you the coordinates and they'll transfer me over like a... Do you have them? I have got them, Captain. Setting course now. Can I tell Penny to go to see Gridanna?
Starting point is 00:48:43 She's very injured. Yeah, yeah. You can basically take any of the injured. Same with the wolf pack. Yeah, they've got like superficial injuries and things like that. Lucius will pick up Lansian and not being that medically trained,
Starting point is 00:48:56 we'll take him down to Greilano. Yeah, sure. You can see Greilano is in the process of finishing patching up Kamara. And you can see that like in this whole fight, like whenever you guys took an attack, maybe one of the wolf pack got injured and had to be taken in.
Starting point is 00:49:08 And Grey Llama's purpose is basically she keeps the NPC crew on their feet. And she's in the middle of patching up Kamara, who is basically kind of at full HP now. She's coming back to duty. And as you kind of bring them in, she sees Penny and she's like, okay, take on Penny.
Starting point is 00:49:23 I'll deal with you in a moment. And then she sees Lansian. She's like, he on Penny, I'll deal with you in a moment. And then she sees Lancey and she's like, he's not speaking, bring him here. She lays him out very quickly. She just sort of places her hands on and looks at the wound on his chest and just takes her hands away. I'm sorry, Captain.
Starting point is 00:49:39 Right. And I can, and she begins pulling pulling like a shroud to like cover him up and stuff no no not just yet just keep his head there and I'll just like tuck him in as if he's going to bed and just have a moment and put his
Starting point is 00:49:57 eyelids down do a little prayer to see ask you for him yeah just a brief somber moment ask it for him. Yeah. Yeah, Grey Lone Ripper's in the fight. Just in silence. Everyone just a brief somber moment. I'm an asshole, but you hear Howard like, oh, where's Lansian? Like you hear him out in the hallway like asking. I'm sorry, Howard.
Starting point is 00:50:20 He fought so bravely, put himself in harm's way. Oh, oh well. He fought so bravely, put himself in harm's way. Oh. Oh, well, I guess we knew that that was possible. Oh. You see just that lingering moment of like, he's accepted it, but he hasn't. He's just sort of like, I'll wait. And he just kind of comes in the room and sits down.
Starting point is 00:50:44 As I leave the room, I'll just put a hand on his shoulder. Yeah, he just sort of pats it. I'll be all right, Captain. I'll be all right. I know you will. And then I'll just head back up to the others. You reconvene with everyone. There's not much time to rest, especially for the wolf pack. Repairs need to be made.
Starting point is 00:51:07 They start working on getting everything back together. Over time, things like the shields can be replenished, but out here, things like the hull repairs, they're temporary fixes. Your hull hit points cannot be restored. They are what they are. The shields can be restored, but the hull... They're not too bad. It was minus 26 by the end. Yeah. Or 274.
Starting point is 00:51:27 Yeah. So it's like a chip damage kind of thing. So shields can go back up. Yes. The storm chaser flies out, Araya follows the coordinates that was given, and you find yourselves hovering over this quite beautiful planet, Arcadia, this plane. You can see that there are great spires that almost reach up into astral space. They're so tall and high with all dozens of creatures,
Starting point is 00:51:54 but there is a huge fleet of Valkyrian ships here. I mean, this is more than you've even seen in the old tapestries above Aroes. This is the most Valkyrian ships you've seen. And they basically form a perimeter around the planet, and there's a station where a lot of the ships are meeting. The Tassadar is one of them, and you receive a message from Kalos. Stormchaser, if I could request your presence, we must discuss the next steps of our plan.
Starting point is 00:52:26 Affirmative. We'll be over shortly. I'll send one of my command shuttles to ferry you over. And yeah, we'll just send a message. And yeah, you are called to a meeting. Cool, I will do a, because I imagine there's not a huge amount of, I guess there's not a short rest of time between us and the... You can certainly take a short rest.
Starting point is 00:52:49 Short rests, yes. In this instance, the journey over to the Tassadar will count as a short rest. Okay. So if you want to spend hit dice, you may spend hit dice. If you'd like to... Do you do beyond? You can do short rests and do beyond.
Starting point is 00:53:03 As in, it will do the rolls now. You have to mark off how many you're going to do, and then you have to do it yourself. Eventually, a small black and purple crystalline, like,
Starting point is 00:53:16 oval-shaped ship makes its way, docks with the side of the storm chaser. It's not much small, like, the storm chaser's not much bigger than this kind of like shuttle transport ship that's been sent over.
Starting point is 00:53:30 And you guys, you know, prepare yourselves on it, leaving the crew to deal with the aftermath of that previous encounter. You make your way to the Tassadar where you are quickly taken up, escorted by a cadre of Valkyrian soldiers up to the command room that you've met with Kallus and the others in previously. Kallus is stood there alongside Siaska and Valar,
Starting point is 00:53:54 as well as Rain from the Astoria. And you also see General Felissa of the Dragons, who is not the happiest to be there, but is there nonetheless. And there are also four other individuals that you've never seen before. All dressed in crisp, not black, but like a deep purple with like white and gold valkyrian uniform um some of them wear armor some of them don't
Starting point is 00:54:31 some of them have a slightly more mage look to them but there is a large gray skinned orc massive bulky arms um she's got like like her thick hair is like braided um and she actually has like pieces of iron growing out of like her forehead like spikes and she has them around her chin on her knuckles and things like that um and she's dressed almost like a like a warrior mixed in with this kind of uniform you know she's got armor plates and like trophies hanging off of a belt and things like that um there is also a creature that I don't think you have, have you guys encountered Githyanki yet? I don't think you have.
Starting point is 00:55:11 Not in this camp. I don't think so. Was there one? Actually, we might have seen one. Oh, there was one in the lab. Yeah, in the lab. Yes, that's right. There's that Githyanki there, yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:19 So you recognise, you see this creature, this yellow kind of orangey skinned humanoid, but a bit too tall and a bit too lithe, flat nose, like no nose, almost just the holes, elongated kind of skull. You couldn't, you wouldn't really be able to tell if it was male or female. Like there's no outwardly signs, you know, in their physiology, but dressed in the same uniform but with a very ornate headband and you can see that one of their pauldrons is the skull of an illithid of a mind flayer and they wear it as almost like a pauldron there is also a male devil almost like like an incubus like a male succubus like very handsome and charming very strong jaw jawline, red eyes, red skin,
Starting point is 00:56:07 black hair, slicked back, looking very prim and proper, like almost like a naval admiral with a little tail and wings kind of at the back, but very kind of much slimmer and leaner than the large orc. And the Githyanki, although she's tall and thin, although they're tall and thin, they can still see muscle definition on them. They're clearly like a warrior. and then the large orc. And the Githyanki, although she's tall and thin, although they're tall and thin,
Starting point is 00:56:25 they can still see muscle definition on them. They're clearly like a warrior. And then finally, there is an older human woman, dark skinned, her hair kind of gray. She must be in like her 60s. And she has an eye patch. And she's kind of got like, you can see vitiligo kind of marks on like her neck
Starting point is 00:56:41 and things like that. And she's wearing very arms behind her back, very prim and proper, very Imperial officer from Star Wars kind of marks on like her neck and things like that. I mean, she's wearing very arms behind her back, very prim and proper, very Imperial officer from Star Wars kind of vibe. And as you enter, Calus will gesture and say, oh, welcome champions of Rois Stormchaser. These are the Lord Admirals. These are the highest commanding officers of my fleets.
Starting point is 00:57:03 He introduces them, he points to the orc. This is Lord Admiral Hartok Ironhand. This is Lord Admiral Selindra as he points to the Githyanki. This is Lord Admiral Orbol and Lord Admiral Vos and he points to the human female, the older human woman. Orbol is the male devil. I have asked you to join us as we are currently discussing our plan of attack on Entropis itself. It will not take us long to reach Entropis from this point. We will not be able to use the Infinite Staircase
Starting point is 00:57:38 or the River Styx to travel further. Unfortunately, Hadar's influence, it does not react well with the subplanes. They are far more dangerous the closer we get to Hadar. We have to rely on astral travel. We've been discussing our battle plan, and we believe that between the Lord Admirals, your Commander Rain, and General Felissa, I believe,
Starting point is 00:58:03 and the dragon sort of like... We have come up with a plan to deal with the majority of the forces there and to get our landing party to Entropis. But there is an obstacle. Kilokad Kalar, I know that you have recently suffered this injury, but you told me about a vision. Yes. Do you remember the ship that you saw?
Starting point is 00:58:28 I was called the... Yep, I do. The Fenrir. Yep, that's it. A Ragnarok-class ship of the old giant world is a threat that we cannot... not consider. It is unexpected, is a threat that we cannot not consider.
Starting point is 00:58:50 It is unexpected and its firepower is capable of taking out our strongest ships. The Tassadar, the Astoria, many of the other ships in my fleet, it will destroy them easily. We can't launch our full attack on Entropis until the Fenrir is dealt with. But if this was a Valkyrian ship before, do you know the best way to... The Fenrir was never a Valkyrian ship. It belonged to an ancient world of Entropis.
Starting point is 00:59:17 Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We do think we have a plan. It relies on you and your allies. Okay. Would infiltration work? That will be part of it, Nova Vita. I can see that you are already anticipating some of what I might be explaining. The Fenrir is a massive ship.
Starting point is 00:59:38 Built by the giants, it is incredibly large. It is also very formidable. It has a barrier shielding that is very difficult for any weapons to penetrate even to physically bypass. Its firepower is immense, however it does have its weaknesses. It is large enough that a smaller vessel can fly with inside it and deliver a significant payload of weaponry to destroy its energy core. What? Yes.
Starting point is 01:00:09 However, to do that, its barrier shielding would need to be disabled. Is there a vent? Like a... Just a gap in the shield. Just a gap in this small target that only a really good pilot can... Carry on. That was not in character. Listen, I made a whole campaign based on certain things.
Starting point is 01:00:29 You think I'm not going to get this in at the end? A small enough ship like your Twinstar would be able to deliver a high enough weapon to disable its energy core, perhaps disabling its weapons or at least rendering it unusual. Its energy barrier would need to be disabled before a ship like that could make its way inside, or at least a gap created, a hole large enough for the Twinstar to pass through. I would also
Starting point is 01:00:56 recommend that several other fighter ships accompany the Twinstar in case the Twinstar fails. To do that, a ship will need to get close enough to the Fenrir for a party to board it. Sneak inside, locate a system that it can be accessed from, and allow the Twinstar to get inside. We can handle the vast amounts of other ships present around Entropis, but the Fenrir is a problem. The Fenrir is also likely defended by Astral Dreadnaughts, perhaps even other smaller ships. So the Storm Chaser and perhaps any of your allies would need to accompany you and be able to fight off powerful threats. Threats that perhaps only you are capable of dealing with. I would propose a three-pronged system.
Starting point is 01:01:53 The Stormchaser with its full crew and some powerful warriors, such as yourselves or mages, remain on the Stormchaser to deal with these creatures outside, the Astral Dreadnaughts or other ships. Assemble an infiltration team to board the Fenrir, locate its Magitek systems, and create a gap in the shielding for your fighter to access. And then this ship, this Twin Star, and perhaps other fighter craft, make their way inside to try and disable the power core of the Fenrir. Once the Fenrir is disabled,
Starting point is 01:02:27 the Astoria, the Tassadar, all of our most powerful ships will enter the battle. We'll then make our launch on Entropis. This will be brutal, but I believe it may be the only way. If you have any other suggestions or ideas, we are more than open to them. But the counsel of my Lord Admirals, of Commander Rain, of your allies, we believe this to be our best chance. If I may? You have the floor.
Starting point is 01:02:57 The forces on the Fenrir, I assume they are Hadar corruptions of giants. Most likely. There may be others. You've encountered some of the Hadar spawn in that previous battle, I take it. Expect many of the similar types of creatures. The infiltration team will need people that can fight. It cannot just be you will want to send people
Starting point is 01:03:16 that can protect them as well. Do you have information, data on this ship? Its entry and exit points? Sadly, it is from a time... It is from a time even before my empire was what it is today. information, data on this ship, its entry and exit points? Sadly, it is from a time even before my empire was what it is today. We have limited knowledge. Do we still have access to Vanguard? Not for this. There is something in the works, but it won't be ready. It's something I was hoping to employ on Entropis.
Starting point is 01:03:51 Hmm. If we fail? High casualties. we can still get you to Entropis. If you cannot disable the Fenrir's weapons, we can still make sure that you, me, Siaska and Valor arrive on Entropis. But we'll both lose people.
Starting point is 01:04:17 And he gestures on the kind of like, there's like the holographic map of the fleet. He gestures at the Astoria and the Tassadar. Somebody will need to take down the Fenrir, and that will be a difficult fight. Is Thalia here? Thalia's not here, but you can call her over. I think before we go any further with discussion on the Twin Star Longbow,
Starting point is 01:04:39 we should summon the captain here. Certainly. I do not have their communication access. I know what they're going to say, but they should at least say it. Quill, can you... Call her over? Call her over, please. Yep, easily done. It doesn't take that long.
Starting point is 01:04:54 She can land on the Tassadar and then is quickly brought forward. Swaggering in, Kairi sort of awkwardly, wings kind of holding together, wearing a little Shansara t-shirt, kind of like hobbles in after a big cat, just pouring behind them. The three of them enter the command chamber. Thalia kind of looks around like,
Starting point is 01:05:16 big wig table, sits down, puts her feet up on the table. If she does this, then can you expunge her record? Make a persuasion check with advantage. Nice. 10, uh, 16. 16. Calus, like, furrows his brow, and. And you think like he's even at this, he's just like, no, she's a criminal.
Starting point is 01:05:47 And then Siaska puts a hand on Calus's shoulder. Calus, there are far more important things at stake than a few minor infractions of your laws. And he just nods. He's just like, very well. This would consider this to be community service for crimes committed. What are we talking about?
Starting point is 01:06:11 I'll turn to Thalia and I'll say, the things I do for you. Do you... You know how we talked about, you know, very dangerous missions, very high death rate, possible chance of explosions. I mean, yeah, I was in that previous battle.
Starting point is 01:06:33 I kind of understand the stakes here. Worse than that. Great. Okay. What are we doing? We need the best pilot in the galaxy. Well, she just kind of like stretches. Former royalty.
Starting point is 01:06:45 Well, technically still current royalty, and also probably the best astral starfighter pilot in the galaxy, yeah. I mean, that's me. So we're going to need you. Okay, what am I doing? There's a giant ship, and I'll point at the holographic. That's a very big ship.
Starting point is 01:07:01 It's very big. Okay. It's a giant ship. Right. And we need to get rid of it, because otherwise we can't get to Entropis. Yeah, the twin star's good, but I don't think I can take that thing down.
Starting point is 01:07:15 Ah, but you see, the bigger the enemy, the more the smaller details get forgotten. Lights up. You want me to fly up the ship's butthole? Porthole. Yes! Porthole. She lights up. You want me to fly up the ship's butthole? Porthole. Yes! Porthole. Porthole.
Starting point is 01:07:28 I'm going to fly up the ship's butthole. Porthole. I'm in. That's right. But. And she'll turn to Kairi. You're staying here. There's.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Sorry, kid. Not this time. There's a chance if we don't succeed we're all dead. Yeah. I know. But, nah. This one's going to take, I need to be fully concentrating. And she just looks at Kyrie and says sorry, just, I need to
Starting point is 01:08:03 focus. And I can't do that if you're there. Would you be happy with Kairi on the Storm Chaser? All the ships are at danger, Thalia. I prefer to be on the Astoria. The Astoria, then. She can man guns there. And Kairi's like, no, no. And she's like, no.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Put my foot down this time. You need to take... She looks a big cat. You too. You need to take the snakes, guys. Curry's like, well, I guess, yeah, okay. I don't want to, but I know I can't argue against you, so sure. She just looks sad.
Starting point is 01:08:43 She just looks like, oh, I'm not good enough. Like, she gets that kind of, you get that sense that she's just like looks like oh i'm not good enough like that's she gets that kind of you get that sense that she's just like yeah i'm not good enough to help but like i'm just like no sorry kid but yeah i'll be a gunner down but i don't need i can i can operate the guns remotely it's fine all right she's like, sounds good to me. Mechanically, let me jump out of character for a moment here. This is effectively two slash three missions simultaneously. We're good at those. Yeah. I will tell you, you have access to all of your NPC allies.
Starting point is 01:09:22 That list of allies that you created, You have access to all of your NPC allies. That list of allies that you created, consider all of them available to be used in these missions. Okay, okay. You need to assemble a team to infiltrate the Fenrir and disable the barrier shields. You will also still need to defend the Storm Chaser from whatever is protecting the fenrir itself the
Starting point is 01:09:46 storm chase is a bit too small for like the fenrir to like target with his main guns but it's going to have smaller guns and it's going to have defenders like astral dreadnoughts and other hadass born creatures to protect itself you also may want to send other fighters alongside thalia because the twin star on its own, if she fails, there's nobody else to cover her if she fucks up. But do we know? You can have access to ships.
Starting point is 01:10:13 Yeah, you can have unnamed fighters if you want. So the way this is going to work is like, if you want to be like, can we have a squadron of Valkyrian soldiers to go with blah, blah, blah? Absolutely you can. They are not reliable. Like there's that classic thing of like
Starting point is 01:10:26 they'll perform their modifiers their bonuses are going to be really bad compared to the allies that you trust that you know are committed to this like you can definitely send them and maybe they'll help but the the allies that you send if the closer you are with them the more powerful and the more competent they're going to be because you're putting people that you care about at risk. That's the price you're paying. Like, you want to send random mooks that you don't care about, you can do it. They're not going to be as helpful as sending the people
Starting point is 01:10:53 that you actually are invested in. This also means you might want to split your own characters up and have some of your characters stay on the Storm Chaser and have some of you go in the infiltration mission. Those of you, when you do that, we're going to basically jump between the two missions, and if you're not playing your character, you will play some of the NPCs that you leave behind
Starting point is 01:11:14 or you send on the mission. So you'll always have something to do. It's not going to be like you're going to sit there doing nothing. So, I know we've only got a few minutes, but if you can, have a quick think now. What NPCs do you want to go and where do you want them to go so I kind of already am eyeing up
Starting point is 01:11:30 North there for infiltration there are certainly going to be a couple which I think are going to stand out I will tell you that the infiltration mission is going to need you'll probably the more you can remain undetected the better
Starting point is 01:11:40 because it is going to be like invading a system you're going to be outnumbered so being stealthy is going to be good you're also going to need people who know magitek to actually disable these barrier shields you're going to need people that understand magitek well um so i think nova should go infiltration because i have invisibility i have portals i have arcana knowledge the only thing is my armor currently is very noisy so i need need to replace my armor. Yeah. Or take it off. Yeah, or take it off.
Starting point is 01:12:05 Or just be like, well, we need more stealthy people to balance me out. Because it will be like group skill checks and it's going to be like ability checks and stuff like that as well. Azaria knows Magitek. Yeah, so just as a refresher
Starting point is 01:12:19 as to who we kind of brought, so it's Thalia, Big Cat Kairi, Maximilian, Hope, Protector, Scout, Azaria,aria tasadar norfear rethra we also have on the astoria danica rain grand strategist zemmix ariah garador acquired via apple pie um and in terms of war assets we have the guardian army the dragonborn army the eterna heart spire rose knights wild, and Vanir, and Priests of Siasco. Those guys, the war assets are not going to be useful in this version.
Starting point is 01:12:50 Same with, like, Garador and stuff aren't going to be available. But Danica absolutely is an NPC that can join you. There are NPCs that I basically consider, like, combat NPCs, and that's the ones we're kind of talking about here. Could, like, Eterna help us with the little attack ships? Or dragons? They would have the same properties as if you send like nameless people. Again, it has to be like, if you send named NPCs that you are close to, they will be better. Otherwise, we'll assume that you can send like two or three random nobodies.
Starting point is 01:13:16 But they will be nobodies. Yeah, I was gonna think, protector and scout or just scout? Just scout, I think. So currently scout, Norfear. I would suggest Nova for infiltration rather than anything attacky. What about Maximilian? Attacky? Will he want to leave Valor, though?
Starting point is 01:13:38 No, true, yeah. He will if you tell him. Because he knows that Kalos and Siasco are here. Yeah, I'm just thinking he's good with Magitek as well. Because he's not stealthy. He's a big clunky... He might be useful in the stormchase then. You don't need to take everyone as well. Like you just can be like you can.
Starting point is 01:13:54 You don't have to like allocate everyone. These are just our named people that we brought here with us. And obviously with things like the infiltration team, like if you'd send too many people, that might overbalance it. If you send too small and they get in a fight, that could be bad as well, right? And this is where we're in the difficult decisions part. We've got Hope as well.
Starting point is 01:14:18 Hope, she's probably not quiet. But not, yeah. She has access to druidic magic. She could pass without a trace people yeah that's what i was thinking and healing as well yeah she could kind of be a support she does have healing yeah she's basically if you want to classify them hope is a spot if you ask me like what's this npc specialty i'll give you like a rough kind of classification so hope is 100 a support npc she's good at healing she has some spells spells to help out other people, like utility spells
Starting point is 01:14:47 and things like that, and she's fairly tough as well. But she's not necessarily gonna be a big damage dealer. Danica, would she be infiltration? I'm thinking Danica might be better outside of the... Danica is a blaster. She's basically very good at ranged damage. Getting rid of minions. She would be good on the deck of a ship.
Starting point is 01:15:08 I feel like as captain I shouldn't leave the storm chaser or command it where possible. I'm assuming that by the way that your storm chaser crew like Uriah, Penny, they're all going to be remaining on the storm chaser. Oh yeah, yeah. So for the storm chaser I'm going to put down Lucius for now as a definite on the storm chaser. I think Ayla needs to be where the fight is so if that's on the storm chaser, I'm going to put down Lucius for now as a definite on the storm chaser. I think Aayla needs to be where the fight is, so if that's on the storm chaser, then that's on the storm. So Aayla as well. She's not. I mean, you can be quite stealthy, though.
Starting point is 01:15:35 You've got a decent stealth. Yeah, because you're survival and tracking. It's okay, but it's not, like, that great. No, true. I don't know. I feel like I'd be stronger dealing damage to things. I mean, they might be
Starting point is 01:15:48 fighting, like, on the other shit as well. Just as a point, like, I'm not saying, like, the infiltration isn't just going to be purely stealth. If they get into a fight,
Starting point is 01:15:56 there could be a fight there as well. It could be good to have one strong lass. I'm just going to put it... I mean, again, you've got NPCs as well. Like, you want to take,
Starting point is 01:16:04 like, somebody like Max or, you know, somebody like that, they might be able to take on a fight. Or Sentry. I mean, again, you've got NPCs as well. Like, you want to take somebody like Max or, you know, somebody like that they might be able to take on a fight, or Sentry. I mean, Sentry's not very quiet. Sentry's not stealthy. What's your stealth? I think it's, like, plus five or something.
Starting point is 01:16:14 Yeah, so mine's plus three, so you're already better than me. Mine's plus three, and I need to get rid of my armor to do that. So... What about Quill? They might need a navigator on the Storm Chaser for things like the ship systems. Um, yeah. I'm thinking that, but also...
Starting point is 01:16:28 If Loav is going on the infiltration team, the storm chaser will need a new engineer. Yeah, I'm just wondering if, um... I'm just trying to think what I could do if I went on the infiltration. I can get people back. I can as well, though, because I have portals and stuff. I will stay on the storm chaser, then. Storm chaser. Well, as long as I can see something to portal to, I can portal well, though, because I have portals and stuff. I will stay on the storm chaser, then. Well, as long as I can see something to portal to, I can portal this out.
Starting point is 01:16:48 I mean, you're going to be in a massive ship. Yeah. If I can look out a window and see something within 500. Well, I'll tell you what. You guys think tonight. Yeah. I will need you to tell me who exactly is going where by tomorrow, because I need to prep and get stuff done.
Starting point is 01:17:05 Oh, boy. So tonight when you go home, have a think about it. And then if you let me know in Discord tomorrow because I need to know ASAP tomorrow. Sure. Because that is it for today's episode. Hoo boy. Thank you all for joining us. A little brief reminder.
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Starting point is 01:17:31 there's also YouTube members you can go check out it's a whole series a whole series on there Warhammer also a quick another final shout out to Jolene Core
Starting point is 01:17:39 for doing the epic music that you heard The Infinite Staircase it is now available on Spotify there are links in chat and if you keep following along there might be more things coming soon there is more epic music that you heard, The Infinite Staircase, is now available on Spotify. There are links in chat. And if you keep following along,
Starting point is 01:17:48 there might be more things coming soon. There is more. There is more. You can follow them on Spotify and you'll get those tracks will be updated when you're there. All right. Well, that's it. We love you.
Starting point is 01:17:57 Take care. We'll see you next time for more High Rollers. Bye-bye. Bye. See ya.

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