High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Aerois #188 | The Herald of Hadar (Part 2)

Episode Date: June 15, 2023

Things are going pretty rough against Xarkira but the Stormchasers start to pull out some pretty powerful spells to outmatch the evil sorceress! Support the High Rollers and get early access to podcas...t episodes and more on our Patreon: www.patreon.com/HighRollers Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound, TCT Adventures (Solasta: Crown of the Magisters) and Jolene Khor! Check out Jolene Khor and all her wonderful work on High Rollers on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1WX3ICiTmf4GpHwImnQMs6 Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Welcome back to part two, everyone. Our champions are in a battle against Zarkira, former foe, mage of the Valkyrian Empire, and a clever strategist as she has trapped Valor in some sort of magical prison, poisoned Siaska and summoned an ancient foe of Calus Starbanes to distract him and to focus her intent onto the champions of Erois.
Starting point is 00:00:54 It has been a pretty difficult battle already, Nova severely injured having just only been healed from Sentry and many of the other champions having been wounded already can i and i appreciate that this is this is me using uh zarkira's intellect and ability to analyze can i have what everyone's hit points total uh current hit points are hey i'd appreciate it too in reverse order uh let's start with Nova. 41. 41 for Nova. Okay. Lucius. 25.
Starting point is 00:01:29 Oh my God. Fucking hell. Boy, that was recent. Yeah, that was just on the last bit. 125. 125 for Sentry. 297. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I mean, yeah, she knows that Ayla's pretty tough. I've got 80. 80 for Quill. Okay. High five, bud. Thank you, everyone. We're dead. I've got 80. 80 for Quill. Okay. High five, bud. Thank you, everyone. We're dead. Hey, no problems.
Starting point is 00:01:49 Has she got one of those analyzers? Yeah, is it a Zaria Perel tech? This is just her intellect. Her vast 30 intelligence. Burgeoning. Boy, howdy. Brainiac. At the start of a brand new round,
Starting point is 00:02:03 remember I have now informed you, you can call upon Kallus at any point to come and aid you, and now you have the ability to call upon Siaska to help heal you, maybe cleanse some of these bleeding wounds and the Hadar magic that is pressing down upon you. Zarkira scans the Battle of the Wild Eyes, just sort of looking down. No, no, not yet.
Starting point is 00:02:27 You haven't suffered enough. And with a swoop of her staff, she is going to make a number of arcane blast attacks. I'm going to do these one at a time because she's going to pick her targets based on... No, no, I'm not going to do that. That's not how it would work. She would target all of these at once. She's going to do two at Nova and two at Lucius.
Starting point is 00:02:44 Oh, shit. Shit. So is this the same as the opening salvo? I'm gonna take Nova against one of them. Yes, would you like to make a disadvantage? I'll do that one first then. It's still pretty high, Sentry, unfortunately. That's gonna be a 31.
Starting point is 00:02:58 She's incredibly and pretty high. Nope, nope, it doesn't hit me. Nova, next one. Next one is, I think it's still hit me. Nova, next one. Next one is... I think it's still going to hit you because it's 22. No, I... yeah. Lucius. Oh, that is 21.
Starting point is 00:03:16 Hey, I've got some of you. I mean, still pretty low, but yeah, 23. All pretty low. I'm just going to take the average damage on these. That is going to be 15, so 30 points of fire damage to Nova, and 30 points. It's two different strikes, Lucius. So the first one will do 15 points of fire damage, and then 15 points of force damage. So 30 straight up.
Starting point is 00:03:38 For Nova, 30, because she's going to not do anything that you're resistant to. I'm going to Chromatic Control the fire twice. So 15 of that becomes 7. 7, so you're still 15 for the other one. Yes, 22. So if you're going to go down, don't waste the sorcery points on Chromatic Control. Right, 22 keeps you up, right? Does 22 keep you up?
Starting point is 00:03:57 No, they're not sorcery points, they're just a reaction. It would, yeah, it would keep them up. Okay, if it keeps you up, do it, but I didn't want you to go down and still use it. Is that a spell for Sentry's benefit? Just about. It says ranged spell attack, so I'm going to say yes. Nova would take 15, because it would half it. Heal back 15.
Starting point is 00:04:19 Technically it would be 14, because it would half it to 7. Stupid math. So yeah, so yeah so century your aura is protecting from these blasts but yeah and then down towards lucius as well and i'd say that because she's flying up high the cover is not going to help you lucius lucius spits blood onto the floor seeing that she just looks down and there's something is ticking away in our mind. After that, Sarkira, it is Quill. I will point out, it goes Quill, the raid action, Aayla, Lucius, the raid action,
Starting point is 00:04:53 Nova, Sentry, the raid action. Well, those are the three slots. Those are the three slots. It doesn't necessarily mean it attacks every time. And there are these Hadar's balls are on the battlefield right now. Hadass balls. The orientation of them,
Starting point is 00:05:09 they've got some crackling energy. Does that indicate anything, or is that just a mini? This would be a bonus section on your turn to determine something. I would say that, I'll give you this for free, the crackling energy is just the mini.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Sure. So they are surrounded by energy, but it's not pointing in a certain direction. It's a solid thing. It's like a ball of energy. It's like those things that you touch, the glass balls. Yes, but without the glass. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:29 Ah. Yeah. It's kind of like ball lightning. Right. Oh, I love that. Made of red and dark energy. Cute. That's so goth.
Starting point is 00:05:39 Yeah, that's too goth for me. All right. Well, I'm going to... So I need to be within 60 Oh, 60 feet of Massacure Wounds. I use the spell all the dang ass time. Am I within range of... I'm currently 50 feet up. Yes. So where do I need to get to in order to hit... Well, if I can hit Ayla as well, that's a nice bonus. Right now you you can hit everybody. Oh, all right. If it's 60 feet, you can hit everyone.
Starting point is 00:06:07 You can see Ayla just about, I'd say, because you're flying up in the air. Okay. I also still want to get into a position where I'm not in range, well, not grouped up with everyone. So I think I will, still being 50 feet in the air, just go more towards the center of the map. Yeah, that works.
Starting point is 00:06:26 Yeah? Yes. And yeah, I'll just do a Mask Cure Wounds at, oh my god, do the fifth or eighth? Yeah, eighth. So. Shit. That is going to be three, four, 5, 6d8 of healing. Is she going to do anything with that? Plus your wisdom modifier, right?
Starting point is 00:06:51 Plus 6, yeah. No counter? Yep. Okay, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. I'm trying not to counterspell as much because it's not very fun for you guys. That is 45 healing. 45 points of healing to everyone. Now remember those of you who've got doom tokens,
Starting point is 00:07:08 who's got doom tokens? Oh yes, yeah. One each? One. One. Nova it's reduced by six, Lucius it's reduced by two, the healing. Is that a D6? It seems to be.
Starting point is 00:07:18 Seems to be. That would be a bonus action to find out, right? And as a bonus action, I'm going to use my feature to restore harness divine power to restore a level three spell slot okay your bonus action as my bonus action and I've moved as well so that is my turn at the end of your turn quill legendary action yeah your turn, Quill, it's like a legendary action. Legendary action.
Starting point is 00:07:48 And she is going to cast a spell. This is a 6th level spell, so it will cost her two of her legendary actions. Oh, okay. No, sorry. Ignore me, that's a different thing. So this is just one, and she is going to, again, I don't think you've seen the spell. Anybody can make an Arcana check if you'd like to know what it is,
Starting point is 00:08:07 so that you can, for the purposes of things like Counterspell. Sure. At a cost or anything? No, no, for free. 19. 19? Yeah, that's a one. I just want to know the name of it at least.
Starting point is 00:08:17 It is called Circle of Death. I, even I don't know that spell. I like the words of that. So this is going to target a 60-foot radius sphere, so it's basically going to catch Quill, Sentry, and Nova. She can't put it directly because she can't hit herself with it. Oh. It does affect every creature in the range.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Does that mean Siaska too? Yes, but Siaska is not affected by it. Sure. She's a goddess. Old Echo will be affected by it though. Echo's been oscillated. Yeah, that's true. Still oscillating up there.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Six foot radius sphere to hit Quill. Yeah, it would actually probably ignore the Echo actually, because it would be too high. It's still just oscillating up there. See, it's useful though. It's kind of useful. I have plans for Echo. Okay. This is a constitution saving throw from those who are affected. Nova, you have a doom token, yes?
Starting point is 00:09:10 Yeah. You have a bleed token. Am I affected? No, this won't actually hit you. Ah, where's my... Get those circles out. Get your bloody circles out. Get them out.
Starting point is 00:09:20 You can't see. Show me your circles. 60 feet. I think this isn't even an extension. That's a 20 in. You need to also flip that horizontal because I'm 50 feet up. Yeah, I don't actually think she can get Lucius and not include herself in it. Actually, no, she could. If I did it like this... He's had enough.
Starting point is 00:09:41 This will clear it. No, she can hit Lucius. I can't see. Lucius, you have a bleeding token, yes? Just the one or two? I've got two. Then you have, unfortunately, a minus two to your constitution saving throws. I have a doom. Doom you are. You're going to take some extra damage.
Starting point is 00:10:00 If you fail it. Actually, no, even if you don't fail it. Oh, did my healing do anything with bleed or doom? Oh very well reminded, thank you Quill! Yes it does. How much did you heal? 45? 45. Yeah in that case you could remove up to four bleed tokens. But no dooms. No doom.
Starting point is 00:10:19 So none of you have bleed. Yeah. So actually you don't have minus two to that Lucius. Sick bro. Sick Sick, bro. Sick healing there, bro. Hey, NP, BP. Nice. So Quill, Sentry, Nova, Lucius.
Starting point is 00:10:32 What'd you get on your con save? 15. I'm gonna use my indomitable to roll again. Okay. 15 is not enough, I'm afraid. That was a natural one, so. Is this a spell? I thought I should get resistance.
Starting point is 00:10:41 I got a spell. Well, Nova does. Yeah. I'm out. So, yeah, you failed. Nat 1. I got an unnatural 20. Yeah. So I believe that's a failure from everyone. Let me circle of death.
Starting point is 00:10:55 Can you point around the table and say, failure, failure, failure, failure again? Make it feel like it's Christmas. Oh my god. That's a lot of D6s. That's a lot of d6s. A lot of d6s. I think I'm dead. You were. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:11:12 You just got a 45. 39 points of necrotic damage. Halved to Nova and Sentry. So that would be 15... 17 necrotic damage. Nova, you do take an extra d6 because you are doomed. So that's another 5. Oh god, this doom is nasty.
Starting point is 00:11:28 The recent timeline of Lucius is he coughs up blood, gets healed, and then coughs up blood again. Those of you who took that damage, each of you gains a doom. A doom! As you are hit by the necrotic energy
Starting point is 00:11:44 of Akira's spell, she just erupts this sphere of darkness that just absorbs the life force around you, catching pretty much everybody but Aayla, who is tucked away behind. Aayla, you watch. It's like, yeah, they're all shocked by this, and you feel this oppressive red lightning
Starting point is 00:12:00 kind of calling, pressing down on you. That was at the end of K Cool's turn as a legendary action. Oh, yeah. The raid action. Raid action. Oh my god. Who is... So, choose to...
Starting point is 00:12:12 The spheres erupt in a 15-foot aura around them. Any creatures with the aura must make a constitution saving throw. Aura is... Oh, the eyes? Yep. Constitution saving throw. Mm-hmm. That's better.
Starting point is 00:12:24 I don't know if we can actually... You certainly can. No, I rolled terribly. Oh, if you rolled terribly then... Doesn't that turn into a 25 or is that just strength? Strength. 18. 18 is not enough.
Starting point is 00:12:40 I rolled a five. Oh, that's bad. So we got five for Ayla. What about Nova and Sentry? 13. 24. 24. 24 is a five. Oh, that's bad. So we got five for Ayla. What about Nova and Sentry? Thirteen. Twenty-four. Twenty-four. Twenty-four is a success against these effects.
Starting point is 00:12:52 So that is going to be everybody, so Nova and Ayla, you both gain a doom and a bleed token. Oh, sure. Here, have a doom token. And your speed is reduced by 20 feet. 20? Oh my god. To the end of your next turn. That sucks balls for me. End of next turn.
Starting point is 00:13:11 Two turns. 25. Well, 25 is still better than 10. Yeah, but I can't do anything if I don't have... You might better whack Hadar's balls. No, they've moved. Oh yeah. So they're all just flying back away from us. Well, it's a random direction.
Starting point is 00:13:33 They might do another thing. They might have more than one ability. That's it, that's it. Maybe, but that 15 feet thing is not a problem now. If I used a fly charge, would it be halved? It wouldn't be halved, it would still be reduced by 20. So you get a 40 foot flight speed instead. Can I still reach her? She is 40 feet up in the air,
Starting point is 00:13:55 but the platform she's currently above is 15 feet off the ground where you are. So no, I can't. She is 55 feet up in the air, so you cannot quite reach her. Okay, I will. You could move and start making your way. Ready in action.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Bums and piss and shit. I will move towards the platform and hold an action to hit her if she's close enough to me. What a waste. You can do your movements movement's 45, right? So it'd be 25, so you can get to basically here, this corner. I was going to go more up the platform. Oh, like here?
Starting point is 00:14:34 Like from where I was. Yep. Go up the platform. Straight up towards our key. This is 15 feet high. I can jump that, right? What's your strength? 25.
Starting point is 00:14:45 If you said I could jump the lead. Make an athletics check for me. Was it bad things? You probably can, yes. I don't know why I'm asking. No, I rolled a five again, so it's only 18. But don't you replace it with your strength score? Yes, 25.
Starting point is 00:14:59 I will say that's going to take the rest of your movement to jump up here, though. That's fine. You want to be like here? Yeah. You are within 15 feet of the ball. I just found out about that. Go across so I'm not. Yeah, that's fine.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Okay. So directly underneath it. Yes. All right. Ayla, end of turn. Yeah, I'll hold an action to hit her if she is within range. Within slappy range? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Nice, okay. In that case, she is going to use oneill, Nova, and Sentry. She's going to cast Blindness, Deafness. Oh, damn. Three to make Constitution saving throws. Con saving throws. I believe so. Let me check. My memory on the spell is not perfect. I don't use it that often.
Starting point is 00:16:06 Blindness, deafness, I think I've got... Constitutional. 20. Okay, fail. One, three. She's one of the most powerful mages in existence, her VCs are high. Rolled a nine, I failed. All three of you are blinded.
Starting point is 00:16:21 She is concentrating on the spell. Yeah, I can't remember what the... can't remember uh disadvantage basically you can't how long it lasts i mean uh one minute or until concentration yet concentration she just cast it out and your eyes fill with black and red mist ah you can no longer see as her magic just loves taking my eyes again yeah and my my ears uh That was the end of Aelistan Lucius. I'm going to call out Weakly to see Asgore. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:52 If you could assist me in any way. She will hold her side. Not just you, Lucius, all of you. And she will hold her hand up. Oh shit, I thought it was a one person. Oh, no, no, no, no no no. Cleansing Starlight. Each hero in the battle, that's you guys. That's us.
Starting point is 00:17:11 That's you, the heroes. Heals 3d8 plus 10 HP. Oh! That's gonna be...24 hit points to everybody. And everybody removes, anybody who has them, can remove up to three tokens. Your choice whether it is doom or bleed. I'm taking away two dooms, one bleed. I'm taking away a doom and a bleed. I'm left with one doom.
Starting point is 00:17:35 So you've still got one? One doom. So as she reaches up weakly, like still holding off this poison, this virus, she reaches up her hand and you feel the air around all of you become like twinkling starlight and you feel soothing energy flow into your bodies. Your wounds begin to knit back together
Starting point is 00:17:55 and you feel that oppressive magic kind of lifted away as she provides you with this healing, this cleansing starlight. Okay. And that is a free action to do on your turn, Lucius. Yes, yes,us, thank you. Blindness or deafness? She doesn't have Spellbreaker.
Starting point is 00:18:08 Oh, shit. What kind of healer is she? I know. Not a healer. She's a goddess. Oh, yeah. She's my goddess. I'm just going to try and knock
Starting point is 00:18:18 Zarkira's concentration with a simple Firebolt. Just a Firebolt? Yeah. Okay. Saving up the spells, I love it. Saving up those big boy slots. 29. Is that a natural 20?
Starting point is 00:18:35 No, it's a 16. 29 will hit and she has no reflections. I'm fucking straight. 4d10. She does have fire resistance though. Oh. That's good. 4d10. She does have fire resistance though. Oh. That's good.
Starting point is 00:18:48 She also has lightning resistance as well, yeah. Weird. Come on, 410s, here we go. That is not 410s, I got 110. 15. 27. 27, not bad. I'm going to...
Starting point is 00:19:07 Yes. Do it. Chromatic control. Did I do that this turn? Not this turn, no. No, you've not used your reaction. You've just got your reaction back. I'm going to convert that to...
Starting point is 00:19:21 Ice. Sure? Yeah. Okay. You channel it into ice. She's resistant to everything. Well, not everything. She's gonna have something. Probably Radiantek.
Starting point is 00:19:34 Oh, wait, I hit her with a Radiant spell, didn't I? Was not resistant to it. I can only do it into my Dunk of Existence. She knows what each of us have. That's what she's done she's done lightning cold acid yep
Starting point is 00:19:48 I'm going to and then she has natural resistance burning a first level spell to gain a chromatic a font of magic sorcery point
Starting point is 00:19:57 okay all right there's your bunch of action you're going to spend to get a sorcery point back to get me six which is just what I need okay
Starting point is 00:20:04 all righty. After Lucius, it is raid action. The things explode. Nobody's around them. Okay. Nothing else. So that's all they do, but they do move. They move randomly, though.
Starting point is 00:20:17 That's okay. Just wait for them to walk off the battlefield. Yeah, most of the things I do randomly do do that. Do do. You said do do that. Do do. You said do do again? Do do. Oh, so one has gone right in front of Sentry and Nova. Question, would Zalkira have had to make a concentration check for Lucius' attack?
Starting point is 00:20:35 Yeah. How much damage was it? It was half, so it was 27 half would be, well it was half of half because she has resistance. That would be 10, DC 10. Yep, I will make a concentration check. It's low, but I think it's still going to succeed. Yep, still succeeds. 20.
Starting point is 00:20:49 I'll have to try. Yeah, absolutely. That was good. Got to knock it off. Thank you for pointing out. All right, that is the red action, Nova Vija, followed by Sentry. So I am blind, I I cannot see however my echo can
Starting point is 00:21:06 and I can make attacks from my echo's space which means I'm gonna Eldritch it's a spell
Starting point is 00:21:14 not an attack this has been an issue before but Eldritch Blast is technically a spell it is not an attack the echo is good at making melee attacks
Starting point is 00:21:25 or ranged attacks with a ranged weapon. Which case I can't do shit then because... Can you not teleport the Echo? Only... I can magically swap with it but I don't think I really want to be blind and 100 feet up in the air. That's probably not a good idea.
Starting point is 00:21:44 On 67 health. That's probably not a good idea. Yeah, on 67 health. That's probably not a good idea. No. I mean, you can make attacks. You know where she is. It's just disadvantage on each attack. Yeah, the thing is, I just can't get next to her with all of this now. Like, I was going to Misty Step and... Now you can't see.
Starting point is 00:21:58 But I can't see. I can't get to her. It's better to try with disadvantage. Yeah, I'll do some disadvantage Eldritch Blast because that's all I can do You can still move, remember, even if it applies you can still move Just don't move and fall off I'd say that Nova is spatially aware enough to know that there was a 15 foot drop behind her
Starting point is 00:22:17 But also because I could see through Tiangong's eyes Could I use that knowledge to kind of I want to move away from the scrotum. Yeah, I'd say you can't use it to get rid of the disadvantage because you're concentrating on the cost of the spell and you can't look through the eyes and she could easily move. But I'd say for movement, yes, you can do that.
Starting point is 00:22:37 In which case, can you move me towards Vala? Like, not necessarily towards, but that direction. Like this? Like here? Yeah. All the way back? Just kind of away from everything. Okay. And let's see if I can do some Eldritch Blasts towards that direction. Like here? Yeah. All the way back? Just kind of away from everything. Okay. And let's see if I can do some Eldritch Blasts and not shoot.
Starting point is 00:22:50 What? That's an eight. 19 to hit. Whoa, that's close. Unfortunately not. Natural one. Three. That's even closer.
Starting point is 00:22:58 She's really honing it in. Three, 14. The disadvantage, unfortunately, just, I'm able to see. 23. Oh, no. That's a lot of damage. She's really honing it in. 314. The disadvantage, unfortunately, just unable to see. 23. Oh no. Sadly not.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Let's try. The blast, just without being able to see, just go wild around her. Bonus action. Can I, um... I can't remember what it is to, like... Words, Kim! It's all right, take your time. Like, de-summon Tiangong, and I can't remember if it's...
Starting point is 00:23:43 To summon them is a bonus action, right? So it'd just be a bonus action to summon them in a new place. So I would like to... I don't think there's any... You don't have limited uses of it, right? You can just keep doing it. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:53 So I would like to summon them sort of at the base of Zarkira. Mm-hmm. Yeah, maybe just a bit further, like, maybe where Aayla is. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. How's that? Yeah, that's still within range of me.
Starting point is 00:24:11 All right. Without anything oscillating, so Akira's going to end the move. That's great. She just chooses not to have the spell continue. Shit, I was going to use that as a funnel. No. Maybe that's why she got rid of it. Shit. Anything else Nova? That's all I can do.
Starting point is 00:24:28 All right, Sentry, you're up. Um... I'm thinking of calling on Calus to get rid of these orbs. Calling on him to knock her down. As soon as she can get within range, like... Yeah. This flying is annoying. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:47 Yes, it is. I'll ask Calus to come and bring her down then. Okay. So you kind of like, what, you just call out to him? Yeah. Alrighty. You call out and you can see, you know, you guys have been focused on this battle. Not that you can see, Century.
Starting point is 00:25:00 You're blind. But those of you who can see, the whole battle has been going on. Calus has been fighting this Eritreanrates off in the distance and kind of fighting him, you know, going back and forth. You can see a piece of his armor being broken, but the fight seems to be evenly matched. And when he hears Sentry call out, "'Calus, we need you," or something like that, he just kind of drops to the ground
Starting point is 00:25:18 and immediately teleports. Oh! He's going to arrive. I missed that. And so, the might of Gideon. Oh! Calus is occupied with a second battle against an ancient foe during the battle,
Starting point is 00:25:30 but can be called upon to provide encouragement and aid in an attack. At the start of any player's turn, they can call for Calus to assist them in the fight. Calus appears on the battlefield until the start of the next turn of the player who summoned him. Whilst present on the battlefield,
Starting point is 00:25:42 Calus has a 30-foot aura that grants advantage to attack rolls and saving throws, and he grants half cover to any hero within five feet of him. Whilst present on the battlefield, Calus has a 30-foot aura that grants advantage to attack rolls and saving throws, and he grants half cover to any hero within five feet of him. He can also make one of the following attacks. The Tassadar Volley Cannon, Blade of the Empire, or Protectors of the Multiverse. Okay.
Starting point is 00:25:59 And Teleport arrives in front of you, Sentry. I can't spare long. What do you need? He needs to bring her down. Which attack? This is Alka. Which attack would you like him to do? The best option is considering you're blind.
Starting point is 00:26:12 Tastar Volley Cannon is basically like all creatures in a 15-foot-wide big line. Blade of the Empire is a single creature that has a chance of, on a crit, doing a lot of damage. Protects the multiverses. He instead enhances an attack of your own, allowing you to use his attack bonus or saving throw DC and dealing an additional damage on a hit. I like the blade one. Blade of the Empire.
Starting point is 00:26:36 Yeah. All right. In that case, Sentry, I would like you to roll a d20 for me, please, and add 18. 18. Oh. 24. No, I think that's just your...
Starting point is 00:26:50 It's not enough. Any bonuses from you? No. What did you roll? Four. I rolled a... Six. Six, yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:01 Yeah, six. So, 24. With that... We're having such bad luck. Better, yeah. Yeah, six. So 24. With that... We're having such a bad time. It's better than me. I don't know. I mean, it's the way it happens, guys. You've got to remember, this is how it goes.
Starting point is 00:27:12 So Calus arrives, and he kind of pulls the sword back, and he leaps up into the air to strike Zarkira. It's like she knew he was coming. She just sensed, kind of knowing what he was going to do, and as he strikes, the bladed spear just kind of locks with the blade. Not today. I'm sick of you and your pathetic mission.
Starting point is 00:27:34 I don't take orders from you anymore. And just shoves him back and he stumbles back, unable to fully land the strike, pulling next to you, Sentry. I'm sorry, Sentry. It's okay. But he will remain until the end of your next turn to provide those other benefits. They are good benefits.
Starting point is 00:27:53 Yeah. Do keep in mind, like, if you guys have any reactions to boost stuff, I'm happy to allow those as well, or, like, I'm happy to retroactively, because a lot of things are moving quickly. I guess the only thing is Portent, maybe, but... Portent would have been good.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Yeah. Or, you know, even Driven to Purpose. I'm happy for you to use it on Calus's behalf. Okay. If you'd like to do so now, we can retcon it. I know you guys are having a hard time. That's all right, because I forgot about it, so it's fine. Okay, yeah, all right.
Starting point is 00:28:23 I'll take the L. Okay. In that case, from Century, that is just a free action at the start of your turn, Sentry. It's still your turn. I kind of want to figure out what this poison thing is with Siaska, since I can't... Yes. Also, those of you who were blind, you can remake the same throw at the end of the turn. So any of you who were affected by it, you can attempt to make it. Constitution saving throw, yes. I don't think I've taken a turn.
Starting point is 00:28:47 Is that with your plus three from Sentry? Oh, so 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. No, sadly not. Yeah. I think it happened after my turn, so. Yes. Yeah. All right, so Sentry, your full turn now.
Starting point is 00:29:02 I want to move next to Siaska. Okay. I know I'll probably take an attack of opportunity, or I could probably do it and stay within its reach, actually. No, this thing doesn't make attacks. It doesn't do attacks. Oh, cool. Doesn't make attacks.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Okay. It's dead. I want to figure out if this poison, if it's like just normal poison, or if it's like a curse or like a spell. I can make a medicine check. 18. 18.
Starting point is 00:29:32 It is it is a magical poison Okay. of almost distilled from Hadar's essence. You get the sense that this poison
Starting point is 00:29:44 has been specifically made to weaken a divine being. It is an incredibly powerful not liquid, but like, is a concoction that has been made specifically with the purpose of weakening a divine being.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Okay. So would something like Remove Curse work? I will tell you, Remove Curse, Cure Poison, this will not affect it. Siaska will fight it off in time, but your mortal magics are not enough to penetrate this right now. Okay. Good to know, good to know. I would say, with an 18,
Starting point is 00:30:28 if you did use a spell that can remove a poison, or any ability that can remove a poison, it will probably help Siaska, because you will be helping her fight off this, and I will say that her Healing Starlight will automatically recharge. Cool. Because right now it's a random charge, she has to gather her strength back.
Starting point is 00:30:47 So I'd say if you remove poison or cast any kind of spell or do anything that would, you know, remove the poison from her, that would do so. And you are technically blind, but I imagine this is almost like touching her, like kind of sensing her with the matrix, like, you know, I'm not going to worry about you being blind and making that check. Same with like, you can find her and use Lay on Hands on her, you can cast spells on her, like, you know, not gonna worry about that stuff.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Okay. So can I use five Lay on Hands points to neutralize poison? I will say you do your best, you don't neutralize the whole poison, but you kind of take some of the brunt away and she's just like, thank you, Sensory. Not much, but it's as much as I can do at the moment. It helps.
Starting point is 00:31:26 And that will automatically recharge her healing Starlight, cleansing Starlight ability. Okay. Otherwise that would have been a four, five or six on a D6 at the start of the turn. So 50-50 chance. Oh, okay. Oh shit.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Definitely a good check. And then at the end of your turn, Sentry, if you're done, you can make a new saving throw, constitution saving throw with with your uh bonuses and all that good stuff uh and you have callus so you technically have advantage on the saving throw 24 24. uh let me check i believe that is enough just you feel the matrix and knowing that callus is present and sensing everything going on, you manage to force that Hadar magic from your eyes, and it does end the effect.
Starting point is 00:32:14 Nice. 24. Sweet. So you're no longer blinded. Cool. All right, end of turn. That is my end of turn, thank you. All right.
Starting point is 00:32:23 Sentry, unfortunately, you are within 15 feet of one of these energy spheres. This is gonna be the last time they appear. They're gonna vanish after this. I need you to make a constitution saving throw. DC 24. Uh, yeah, fail, I got an eight. Oh, does that have advantage because of Calus, though? With advantage, yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:42 All saving throws and attacks. All saving throws and attacks. Nine. Nine. All right, that's a doom and a bleed token. All righty. All right. And your speed is reduced by 20 feet. Okay.
Starting point is 00:32:51 All right. At the end of the round, Zarkira looks around. I really did expect more. I had so much about all of you, and yet this is just a bit too easy. And she's going to... Yeah, you're all on the ground. She's going to look up, and with her ancient spells, she's going to call down...
Starting point is 00:33:22 Scythe of Impending Doom. Okay. That's a really big scythe. I want one of those. Scythe of impending doom. Okay. That's a really big scythe. I want one of those. Hey, that's right in front of me. Just below you, a giant spectral scythe, like it is swung from a pendulum, is going to appear. It is pointing to the left and right towards Sentry,
Starting point is 00:33:42 and the statuette Lucius is currently placed. Okay, oh, so it's... It's in front of you, but it's not going in your direction currently. Yeah, yes. You're bugging it. Quill is like looking down on it. I'm gonna pick it up.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Use it. That's mine now, thanks. Pocket. Yoink. Save that for later. That is at the end of the round. She can give up now if she likes. That's a free action. If she's bored, she can go.
Starting point is 00:34:13 It's not that she's bored, she just, she said what she said. She said what she said. I am going to. There's probably some other dudes on the battlefield. She's smart, she's not, she's gonna stay, she's gonna stay up in the air where she's, like, so far she's been safe. Why would she do anything else? Why indeed?
Starting point is 00:34:32 And she is going to use her Arcane Blast to make four attacks against... Ooh. Lucius, you still look pretty injured, don't you? Yeah. Quill. And who's still blinded? Nova? Yep, she'll make an attack against Nova
Starting point is 00:34:48 because then she gets advantage on the attack roll. So against Nova. Ooh, not great. That's still going to be 22. Yep. Against Century, you're no longer blind. She's not attacking you. Quill, you are blinded, yes?
Starting point is 00:34:58 I am. That is going to be a 28. Cool. Lucius. Mm-hmm. You do have some... Oh, no, she's up. Yeah, she wouldn't be a couple for this. Like 36, it does hit 28. Oh. Lucius. You do have some, I know she's up, yeah, she wouldn't do a cut off on this. Like 36, that's heavy. Sorry. And who else? Nova, Quill, Lucius,
Starting point is 00:35:14 Halo. Are these the spells? These are the arcane blasts, yeah, a basic kind of like magic attack. Yeah, that's like 30 something. Crazy. Use my reaction already. That is going to be, you know what, I'm just going to do force damage to all of you. That's 30 something crazy. Use my reaction already. That is gonna be, you know what, I'm just gonna do force damage to all of you. That's gonna be 16 points of force damage. It is a spell, so Quill, I think, everything but Nova. I'm 50 feet up.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Oh, that's right, yeah. So Ayla does, however, I think, still within 30 feet of sentry. So it's half. So it's eight. So 16. 30 sentry. So 16, sorry, well that's eight. So 16. 30 feet of sentry. So 16, sorry, that was the entire thing.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Yes, that's the whole thing. And she just kind of launches this fusillade of attacks down on you. Quill. Her flying is out of magical origin. It's not a spell, but her bladed wings couldn't lift like yours can. So you assume it is magic, but maybe not the fly spell.
Starting point is 00:36:11 Bring her down. Yeah. I... Or just kill her. I want to cast Anti-Magic Field, which centres on me. I can... My wing... anti-magic field, which centers on me. I can, my wing, I've since removed the attunement of it.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Is it magical, can I still fly with that wing? I would say it has, it does have magitek components, but the main construction of that wing is like leather and metal and it's engineering i will say you have a half flying speed because it's like you're having to rely on like you know it's harder to work and flap but it's you could use it to fly and glide and stuff like that but because we used an air elemental yeah there is magical components in it which is why you can fly a bit faster but i'd say at half speed you can still fly. 25 feet of movement then in that case,
Starting point is 00:37:06 because if I started it here, the anti-magic field. I was going to say, why don't you move and then cast it? Because I want to catch this scythe that's here. Oh, I see it. Oh, big bird brain. But if I moved 10 feet, then cast it, I would then have half of 40, which is 20 feet of movement left.
Starting point is 00:37:25 You can definitely get next to Zarkira. Which means I could then also get Zarkira. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. I'm casting this at ninth level as well. Oh! Because I don't have an eighth. So I'll move 10 feet forward, anti-magic field, catch the tip of this scythe, I suppose.
Starting point is 00:37:41 All right, so let's do the scythe first. This is an ancient magic. It is. Even at 9th level, I'm going to ask you for a roll. I need you to make just a spellcasting ability. This is going to be just d20 plus your wisdom modifier. Plus 6. Okie doke.
Starting point is 00:38:06 10. Plus six. Okie doke. Ten. Oh my god. You got any ability to change that? Again, I was saving my portent specifically for if Zarkira tries to do anything to it. Saving it, you know, you only get to use it if you're not all dead. True. I don't think actually your portent would even, with that bonus, your portent wouldn't do that. Again, portent is before the roll.
Starting point is 00:38:28 I didn't do it, so again, take the L. Unfortunately, the anti-magic field, this is magic, but it is of a realm of magic beyond. This is powerful stuff, and it does not affect Scythe. It's fine, that wasn't my target because i'm going to blindly fly towards our kira fly this way 20 looking yeah the arrested development The Arrested Development. And if she will be within my magic and anti-magic field.
Starting point is 00:39:11 How big is the field? It is a 10-foot radius sphere. And you're flying 50 feet up in the air. Well, basically to match her 40 feet up in the air. I want to collide into her, basically. You probably will. I probably will. 40 feet. Her magic wings, her bladed wings.
Starting point is 00:39:25 Everyone fell! Everyone fell! I'm going to fix it then. Hey, do you remember that held action you had? I did have a held action! No, it's a new round. Does it still count? No, you haven't taken a turn yet.
Starting point is 00:39:37 That's why I did it. Aayla smash. So, first things first, she's Foyfe up in the air. Sprung. 20 points strength, bitch. Where did I go? I'm going to go to the other side. That's why I did it. Aayla smash. So first things first, she's got a beat up in the air. Spray on. 25 strength, bitch.
Starting point is 00:39:49 Would her concentration go on that? Oh yeah, if she's taking damage. Any magic that she was maintaining, so concentration, blindness and deafness, is gone. We're not blind. We're not blind. The flying, her wings seem to be magically enchanted
Starting point is 00:40:04 to allow her to fly, which is why she fails to the ground. You also see some of her defenses break away as well. I did describe her as having magic bearing on her boards earlier. Everybody get in. I'm also sacrificing myself because you can't do anything now. The other thing, Zarkira is very intelligent. She sees you cast a spell. Let's see if lot of it. You can't do anything now. Yeah. The other thing, Zarkira's very intelligent. She sees you cast a spell.
Starting point is 00:40:26 Let's see if she recognizes it. She does. Easily. I think she's cast it before herself. She sees you coming towards her. She's going to purposely, like, start dropping herself, and she's going to make an acrobatics roll to try and not land prone and reduce some of the damage,
Starting point is 00:40:39 because she's going to see you coming. So she knows that, like, oh, okay, I know what he's doing. Acrobatics? Yes. I can't see her, so I can't 4 in anyway uh you can you knock out the blindness yeah when you knock the blindness that's true um god turn it into an eight like i don't know what the dc of this acrobatics save is either way she's about to get whacked by i mean what are you using the port on no i'm not no you're not in that case uh this is acrobatics. She's not proficient in it,
Starting point is 00:41:05 but she does have a pretty good dex. That is not enough. Six plus six is only 12. So she lands. She tries to tuck and land, but clearly not used to the physicalities of this kind of task. She's going to take 46 bludgeoning damage.
Starting point is 00:41:20 That is going to reduce down to half, so that's going to be four months but she does land prone which means your attack of opportunity as Akira slams into the ground looking up annoyed, frustrated at Quill but then this hammer comes swinging down
Starting point is 00:41:39 here we go go big mama so 29 29 will hit. Let's go! All aboard the pain train. Now there's a point. Yorah's only 10 feet, yes?
Starting point is 00:41:51 It is. So she's out of the range now. So her AC is back. You see the magic kind of flicker back on, but any concentration spell she was on is out. 21 damage plus 6 lightning damage. 21 points of damage. Half the lightning to 3. 21 points of damage. Half the lightning to three.
Starting point is 00:42:05 24 points of damage. You can see, for the first time, Zarkira starting to look injured. The magic does absorb most of, like, she has, like, these shields and sigils and barriers, and the impact is kind of shudders, and you see the ground crack underneath her as the barriers absorb it.
Starting point is 00:42:22 But those barriers are starting to waver now. They are starting to flicker and crack. And she looks annoyed. She teased. Yeah. Yeah, I would be. Is that the end of your turn? So I don't have any movement there.
Starting point is 00:42:38 How high are you? 40 feet? I mean, I don't think dropping is an action. 40 feet. But I guess my only plan would be to... I mean, I would't think dropping is an action. Point beat. But I guess my only plan would be to... I mean, I would say you can drop. You will take fall damage if you choose to do that. You could literally just choose to tuck your wings in and you'd fall. But then I could fail the concentration.
Starting point is 00:42:56 I catch you! You could. I'll... Yeah, I'll... Stay here. I don't want to risk it because it's anti-magic field. End of turn, yes? End of turn.
Starting point is 00:43:07 All right. I'm only going to do this for Quill, because right now Zarkira's gaze is fixed solely on him. Hey. How many hit points do you have? 94. Fuck. I'm really sorry, man.
Starting point is 00:43:20 No! She looks up. Wretched vermin. Die! Power word up. Wretched vermin. Die! Power word kill. Who? She casts the ninth level spell, power word kill. Is there a...
Starting point is 00:43:34 No saving throw. Count a spell. If you have less than 100 hit points, and it is not you are reduced to zero, it is you die. Count a spell. I don't have a ninth level. I've got an eighth level. I've got a third level. Remember, if you're not casting it at the same level,
Starting point is 00:43:50 it's the same roll regardless, so you might as well cast it as a third level. What if we combine a ninth and a third? All right, yeah. What's the, I don't know what the save on this is. Mm, I like the idea of combining the counter spells, though. I've got three. I really like that. You've got three levels.
Starting point is 00:44:08 What's the deal if you can't cast it at the same level? Is it an, it's not an attack, is it? Because it's a spell. Yeah, it's a spell. So she's casting a spell. Well, I've got counter spell at third. I mean, you can try, the thing is, if you both counter spell it,
Starting point is 00:44:22 if Trot fails the roll, you might succeed the roll. So it's worth you both casting it. What is the roll? It's a 20. So it would be a D20 plus your spellcasting ability modifier versus DC 19. 19? What's your spellcasting ability modifier?
Starting point is 00:44:37 Plus a, wait, one iron? So you would need a six or higher on a D20. It can be done, it can be done. I mean, how gamey is it if I, before you roll. It's not gamey at all. I've asked for a lot of numbers here. You have a lot of abilities. Portent that to an eight.
Starting point is 00:44:52 I think that that is very fitting. I'll portent that to an eight then, which is enough. All right. Right? She looks up and Quill feels this wave of terror as you feel something clutch your heart and stop it. As her magic reaches up and you feel that same presence when she reached into your eye, just clutching at your heart.
Starting point is 00:45:15 And you look down and looking around at all of your friends and allies, you glance over and you see Lucius beginning to form a spell. No, no. I mean, how does the portent factor into this, though? I mean, if there's some way of directing magical energy right into... I would say that you could definitely throw out a reserve of your arcane energy, of your faith, of your soul, that hits with Lucius's own magic, counter spell being a spell itself, as it reaches out and it grips it.
Starting point is 00:45:45 And you see that orange and blue mixed now with that golden white and feather as it becomes this radiant resplendent and it just breaks the air between you and Zarkira and that tightness on your chest just releases. Oh my fucking Christ. She's got that. She's got that. She's got that?
Starting point is 00:46:06 I mean, that was a ninth level. She doesn't have any more ninths? I didn't say that. Oh, okay. She said she doesn't have that one. Holy fuck. So that's all Lucius, no combining? No, you don't, yeah. I'm so glad you have that.
Starting point is 00:46:19 Oh my God. Hey, for a second there, I thought she was going a little easy, but nope. You do see Zarkir now looking at Quill and Lucius. I should have expected this. I know not to leave either of you alive now. That was the end of Quill's turn. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Yeah, that was a legendary action, right? Raid action. We are crazy. The pendulum swing. Oh, we are cruel. Pendulum swing! Oh yeah. Sentry Lucius, I'm going to make an attack against you with the pendulum. Sway.
Starting point is 00:46:54 You can't beat a 17. 21. Sentry. Oh, he beat a 17? 27 for the sentry. This is, I'm just gonna take the average damage, 31 slashing damage and you both gain a dude. Am I behind a cover?
Starting point is 00:47:12 You are, that would only boost your AC by five. That was close. Oh, I have a 17 and you rolled a 21. I did 22, you would boost it. And Calus is on the field. Calus, advantage. Yes, that's true, within faith of your Calus. Within faith of your Calus. So sentry would get it. So sentry would get it. And Calus is on the field. Calus. Advantage. Yes, that's true. Within 30 feet of Calus. Yeah, within 30 feet of Calus.
Starting point is 00:47:26 So Sentry would get it. So Sentry would get it. But it's not a saving throw. I attack it. Yep, yep, yep. But the cover, you're right, with the plus five
Starting point is 00:47:35 from full cover, the pendulum swings and it cuts through the statue, giving you enough time to roll out of the way as it swings past. You don't take damage.
Starting point is 00:47:43 A sausage roll. Sausage roll. Nice. As you tuck and roll, but essentially you do bear the brunt of this scythe kind of cutting up through you as it does so. Ayla.
Starting point is 00:47:56 This is fucking... So Akira's on the ground. Too far. Bitch. Yes. I hit her. A lot. A lot, hopefully. She I hit her. A lot. A lot, hopefully.
Starting point is 00:48:06 She's still primed. She hasn't had a turn yet. 28 to hit. 28 hits. Even with the magical protections up, that's going to hit. When's her turn? At the beginning of the round. Yeah, start of the round.
Starting point is 00:48:14 So it's an entire turn. She could potentially take a legendary action to try and move if she has that ability. You don't know. 15 on the hammer, six lightning. 15 on the hammer six lightning 15 on the hammer six lines are 18 total 30 to hit 30 hits see this is what we've been waiting for i knew that a look at here 10 on my damage as well so 23 on the hammer four lightning lightning. Big. Big. 2 lightning. 25. Dex save. Dex save, she has disadvantage.
Starting point is 00:48:48 I'm going to give her, because she's prone. That is going to be 16. Bail. Bail. I love it. Bail. I deserve it. That should really be point of the mini.
Starting point is 00:49:01 Yeah. 14 lightning damage. 14. It does half it, unfortunately, just because of her natural resistance. But with those hammer strikes, you see that there is the first sign of a physical injury. Just enough on like blood dripping down the lips
Starting point is 00:49:16 as the final kind of arcane barriers that are representing her hit points are broken through, and she is now vulnerable. Very good. End of turn, Ael? Yes, I'm very happy. points are broken through and she is now vulnerable. Very good. End of turn, Ayla? Yes, I'm very happy. Okay, at the end of your turn, she is gonna use her last remaining legendary action
Starting point is 00:49:32 to perform her wing strike. Wing strike, she makes a bladed wing attack and then she can move up to 50 feet without provoking the attack against the person she attacks. So I believe Echo will get an attack opportunity yes um blade of wings against ayla that is a 31 yeah uh you take 18 slashing so half to nine and you gain a bleeding token a bleed token can i have a bleed yeah here i'm the keeper of the bleed and doom token thank you just remind me guys when you start your turn just
Starting point is 00:50:02 remind me if you have bleed and doom token when you do stuff, because I'm going to lose track. Yeah. That is her turn. She then does get to move 50 feet, and she's going to fly up, but she's going to stay away from Quill. So she doesn't get opportunity attack from me, but she does from Echo? Echo can make an opportunity attack, yes.
Starting point is 00:50:21 Did I get advantage from Kalos? From Kalos, yeah. Oh, that was... 14 plus 13 make 27. 27's gonna hit. Yeah, she can fly again. Oh, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. 27 points.
Starting point is 00:50:43 27 points of damage. I see. She, that cut, gashes along her arm, and she flies away. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, none of this. After Ayla, because that was Ayla's turn, right? Yes. It's Lucius. She is flying above you, Lucius.
Starting point is 00:51:04 Oh god, that was bad again. Very upset, right? Yes. It's Lucius. She is flying above you, Lucius. Oh, God, thank you. She's back again. I'm very upset. Don't forget. I turn and face her. Do you have any bleed or doom tokens? Hmm? Do you have any bleed or doom tokens?
Starting point is 00:51:14 I'm clean. Clean. Let's go. Kallus has done his thing, right? He will disappear very shortly. And Siaska's done her thing. Siaska's is recharged. Siaska's is recharged.
Starting point is 00:51:25 Oh! And it's free. Siaska! Very well. Thank you so much. You're winning, keep pushing on. She will lose her composure the more you hurt her. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:39 15, 25 healing to everybody, and you remove how many tokens? Five! Oh, boy. I have to be clear, this does still affect me. There's still three mirror images of me. Why would it not? It does still because unless it's created by a deity,
Starting point is 00:51:56 anti-magic field, or an artifact. So it still bursts through my anti-magic. Oh, that's cool. Yeah, that's great. Just gonna hit her. She knows that, though. She knows that the three big warriors are like- She was down for one turn and got smacked and went, nope.
Starting point is 00:52:13 Yep. If she was smart, she would have done that immediately, but she was so angry at Quill, she tried to kill him. That's true, actually. She did use her rage to her disadvantage. She is intelligent, but there is weaknesses. She's janky. All right.
Starting point is 00:52:28 All right, Lucius. Eighth level, Chromatic Orb. I was gonna do something else, but I'm vulnerable and she's right next to me, so. Okay. To blast her where I can. Natural 20. Oh!
Starting point is 00:52:42 On an eighth level. That's amazing. Oh my god! I am going to attempt to use her reaction reflect magic, which you have seen her use before. Oh no! I know, I know. We're going to keep that natural 20 though.
Starting point is 00:52:56 So now, for reflect magic, because it is over 6th level, you and Zarkira are going to make contested spell cast checks. So d2020 what's your spellcasting ability spellcaster versus spellcaster what's your charisma bonus plus five so it'll be plus five and i will have my much higher number well yeah well i can roll bad uh wait oh no this is this is to see if she can reflect your spell. Just clear that. That 20, if she reflects it, that's back on me. Ew.
Starting point is 00:53:28 So, let's roll. 24. I have a plus 10. I rolled a three. Yes! 13. She goes, almost smiling, like, you've seen me do this before,
Starting point is 00:53:46 readying herself to deflect it. But as the spear hits it, it's like there's resistance. It's too strong. She can't. She looks down, throws her brow, almost screaming in rage as that orb just becomes light and engulfs her. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Natural 20, baby. I mean, how much... Oh, yes! Level 8 Chromatic Orb. That my god. Natural 20, baby. I mean, how much juice is in that? Oh, yes! How much damage did we talk? Level eight Chromatic Orb, that's huge. Oh my god. That's why I rolled a 20. You put it in his mouth.
Starting point is 00:54:11 He blessed it. Oh yeah. So what are we talking about? That is 10d8, so that's 80. That's 80 plus another 10d8. 10d8. Fuck. Oh my god.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Oh my god. 10d8. Fucking deserved after this fight, though. The odds got out of the eights on this one. Lucius is being pumped. What element here, though? She does have resistance. 44.
Starting point is 00:54:30 Another 44, so we go to 124. Guess what? You must have resistance. But Elemental Adept. Yeah. She can't resist it. She can't use her resistance. Why?
Starting point is 00:54:42 You don't have element. You've been using fire spells. Yeah, I was trying to. Oh! 124 points of damage. Well. Oh my god! Well done, my son.
Starting point is 00:54:52 MVP! How close is she to me right now? She is, she would be 50 feet up in the air. Okay. You just out-sorcered a sorcerer. So. Can I have the signs with my documentary? My pen shield.
Starting point is 00:55:03 You could. Yeah, I have like 13. 13 points of damage to the side. It does affect it. It does hit it. Acid or cold doesn't really matter. It just hits it and begins to break parts of it away, but still standing just about. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:16 But. I don't need to worry about that. You see as the light engulfs Zarkira. Acid or cold? I did say cold for the sight, so it'll be cold. Cold. Frost, white-blue light engulfs her, and you see, just fine but only barely,
Starting point is 00:55:40 her skin shredded by the ice and the frost, raw, red, almost down to the bone in parts, her face mangled. Very good. Very, very good. I think a little playtime's over. It's time I showed you what Hadar's given me. As she uses her reveal second form. Phase two, baby!
Starting point is 00:56:13 Mist, red and black mist begins to swirl around her body, and then it grows and grows until a dome. Lucius, you are pushed back 20 feet lucius while he was casting that looks fucking angry really angry pendulum's gone baby pendulum disappears as you are pushed back as this mist blows you back and you begin to see a shadow in that space. Much, much larger. Oh no, where's her mini going? Bring that back. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:56:51 I can't. Here we go. Oh! Yes! Yes! Oh my god. Wow! Like a, what?
Starting point is 00:57:03 It's like, I can't even describe it. Like a serpent lady. You see Zarkira, her torso and her face, the same as it was before, no longer damaged by the ice, almost as if a facade has been torn away, not her actual body. Her crown of gold's now larger, but you see behind it slithering snake-like forms. A pair of monstrous purple wings
Starting point is 00:57:36 replace the bladed enchanted ones you had seen previously. But a giant coiling serpent tail extends from her legs and she is now far far larger than she was. Do you like it? Do you like my new body? I am Hadar's herald. This is the power he's given me. And now I'm going to use it to wipe out you little insects. I will raise your corpses to nothing and I will feed upon that girl and then I will murder that goddess
Starting point is 00:58:23 and that pathetic man you call Calus. And then I will watch as everything is turned to nothing. Okay. Lucius, I believe that was pretty much the end of your turn. Yeah, I did... What did I do there? You did a lot. I did an 8th level. I counterspelled.
Starting point is 00:58:55 That was in between turns. In between. So you've got your reaction back. And I bonus actioned my... Something. Yeah, I'm done. Annoyingly, she's blown you back into the comfort of your ally's auras. I don't think I want to fly close to that anymore.
Starting point is 00:59:16 She's up in the air. She's up in the air. She's up in the air. She's up in the air. She's up in the air. She's up in the air. She's up in the air. She's up in the air. She's up in the air.
Starting point is 00:59:16 She's up in the air. She's up in the air. She's up in the air. She's up in the air. She's up in the air. She's up in the air. She's up in the air. She's up in the air.
Starting point is 00:59:18 At the end of Lucius's turn, one of her legendary actions. You watch as Zarkira's eyes turn deep glowing red the serpents of her hair come black and red with single red glowing eyes she uses her entropic stare Lucius, I need you to make a constitution save. No. Come on, baby.
Starting point is 00:59:52 Don't eat the dieting. I'll get it, and he got the 20. You have calluses in the field, so you have advantage, and a plus three. 22. You have calluses in the roll. Same roll.
Starting point is 01:00:02 22. 22. I'm pissing my ass off. You tell me, Chris Trott, you tell me how it is. Is it just the confidence of that final blow, that incredible spell of magic? But you feel this gaze stare upon you and trying to strip the life out of your soul. How do you resist it? Oh, oh. Oh.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Flashes of... Actually, just because I don't know how many hit points you have left, you do, even on success, take 20 psychic damage. I'm okay, I'm okay. Continue. I'm okay. Just very quick flashes of everyone he's cared about that is now dead, that he's now fighting for.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Goes across his vision. His mum, his dad, and Norfya. You feel that darkness almost trying to bury itself in your heart and your soul. But those lights, those flashes, just keep it it at bay and although it wrecks your mind you feel pain in your head maybe no blood comes out your nose or eyes but you still stand against this and you feel this isn't zarkira's power this is hadaz coming through her. You hear that familiar voice that you've heard once before. Give in.
Starting point is 01:01:29 You say no. No Vavija. Oh, Woody. I'm just trying to figure out if I can get to her. If I make Tiangong move 30. This, unfortunately, is too much terrain to pass over. But I then bonus action teleport swap.
Starting point is 01:02:06 And then move up. Ooh, nice. The last 15. 15, okay. And it's a free action to just have Tiangong move, right? So that's easy, yeah. Bonus action swap and then you move up. Perfect.
Starting point is 01:02:19 Yeah, perfect. So you charge in. Is Kallus gonna affect me in way, or am I well out? You are well out of the range. I'm well out, okay. But you know what? No, rule of cool on this. Kallus is like, Nova, do it!
Starting point is 01:02:34 And calls out to you. She collapses. Kim was actually giving you a bunch of attack. How about that? Okay, watch me roll, I guess. Because I like the rule of cool. Oh, fuck me, that crit, dude. That was so good!
Starting point is 01:02:48 I'm still reeling from how perfectly fucking timed that was. Yeah. How bad the fight was going, and you get that, and then the roll and the reflect magic, oh my god. It's got to be flat turned around as well. Yeah, scripted. Don't even joke about that, man. Right, Kim, I want would see you be awesome now.
Starting point is 01:03:06 Let's follow the center. Crit hit! Yes! Oh, yeah, she got 19. That's on a hexplated curse. Yeah, absolutely. It's a crit, baby. Crit, baby.
Starting point is 01:03:16 So, I don't know what to do. You do know what to do. 1d8 plus 13. So, 8 plus 13. No, 2d8. What. So 8 plus 13. No, 2d8. What am I talking about? Because I have the Heaven's Wood blade up. That's 1d8, and then a regular 1d8,
Starting point is 01:03:32 and then 13 just flat damage. So it's going to be 16 plus 13 for 29, and then you roll 2d8. And I rolled plus 9 to that. 29, so it goes up to 38. Yeah. Nice. 38, very nice. You can see that this form,
Starting point is 01:03:50 this monstrous form of Zahkira is unharmed. You can see whatever damage you did was affecting this facade, this preform that she had. But you strike in the first blow, cutting along this serpentine body. It's a good sleep. 20 to hit. 20 will not hit.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Do you still have advantage, or is that? No, I'm not the first to hit. It will not hit. As a reaction to you first attacking, she is gonna use Hateful Strike. She is going to use her tail strike against you.
Starting point is 01:04:30 That is a 28 to hit you. I'm just going to say the average for this. This is 21 points of bludgeoning damage and she wraps you up in her tail and you are now grappled and restrained. You can't be restrained. Ring of free action, baby. Slide out.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Still take the damage. But yeah, as it tries to wrap around you, you just feel almost like sea water, and you feel like the essence of the ethereal sea allows you to just move through. And Zahkira just seems like she should've known that you could do that, but was lost in the rage of attacking you. And like almost seems annoyed at herself.
Starting point is 01:05:06 But yeah, continue. Sorry, that was a reaction to your first hit. So you've made one, two, so third attack. And then obviously we can see. Guffo. 15. Guffo. Oh, and I rolled two eights on a DA!
Starting point is 01:05:20 That was an incredible damage pull. 15's not enough, I'm afraid. No. It's one of her hide now. But also using the spear, you can tell Nova attacking her, her strength has vastly increased in this form. Do I want to action search? Don't know, you tell me.
Starting point is 01:05:38 I'm going to action search. Okey dokey. I'm here, I'm finally here, baby. 18, oh, 18 plus 13 is... It's gonna be a hit. 30-something. That is 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 to hit, at points of damage. 23 points of damage, absolutely.
Starting point is 01:05:59 Good. Okay, yep, strike in. You can see that this form is a lot tougher as well. Is that a 16? Yeah. Okay. What, 16 plus? 29 to hit.
Starting point is 01:06:13 29 more hit. Five, six, 19 points of damage. 19 points of damage. Nice. All these strikes just to flurry of them slash, slash, slash. It's a good turn. Mm. Yeah, for sure. Ugh. All these strikes just to flurry and then slash, slash, slash. That's a good turn. Yeah, for sure.
Starting point is 01:06:27 Ugh. It was a good turn. Guffo. 16, guffo again. Guffo. Episode title. Guffo. Get guffo.
Starting point is 01:06:36 Yeah, let's not make it that place. I'm the fourth from the end. Yeah. Guffo. Anything else, Nova? Or are you out? Yeah, it's just annoying that Tiangong's not here because I can't...
Starting point is 01:06:47 Yeah, you can't. That is me. Can I ask you how many hit points you currently have? 55. That's a legendary action at the end of your turn. This form of Zarkir is going to look down and seeing you injured in the state you are, just whisper one word.
Starting point is 01:07:04 Pain. She casts Power Word Pain. injured in the state you are just whisper one word pain she cast power word pain i'm guessing shadow yeah no shadow might work it's not an attack what's the sitch on that uh if the target has 100 hit points or fewer is subject to crippling pain um while the target is affected any speed it has can be no higher than 10 feet the target has disadvantage on attack rolls ability checks and saving throws other than constitution saving throws if the target tries to cast a spell it must first succeed on a constitution saving throw or the spell is wasted you can make a con save at the end of each turn on a successful save it ends but this was done out of your turn so no damage though no damage but pretty much disadvantage on everything as you are in agonizing tension. Oh, so like my actual real life chronic conditions?
Starting point is 01:07:52 Sweet. I thought this was for escapism. Well, Sentry, your turn. I'm just going to follow up with Nova and just charge in. Let's go, mama! Sentry! Starbreaker. You need to pole vault. With Starbreaker, you have reach.
Starting point is 01:08:09 Yes! I'm also gonna do the same thing that I did for Nova. Calus cheering you on. You're gonna get advantage on the first attack only. Go, Nova! He's such a beautiful cheerleader. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Someone draw him with pom-poms.
Starting point is 01:08:22 He, uh... So, advantage. Fuck me, that was a two. Advantage. Ah, fuck! 19! Would you like to do anything to boost it? I've got a driven to purpose. 24.
Starting point is 01:08:40 Do you want to do it? I rolled it. In this form, her AC is less. 24 hits. And another benefit sentry, because unfortunately you didn't hit her previously. Now she counts as an aberration. Oh, does she now? Yes.
Starting point is 01:08:56 Right, 2x with the 8, nice. So... I'll do a level 3 Divine Smite, the last level 3 spell slot I've got. She's frantically reading spells about the Abjuration section. I get confused because we've got Arcane Abjuration. Oh, right. 78 to 12. Here we go.
Starting point is 01:09:17 Come on, baby mama. Different word, innit? 9, 12, 36, 45, plus 7, 52 52 points yes yum yum yum finally Starbreaker
Starting point is 01:09:29 and you can see that green glowing energy reacting to the presence of this creature and Zarkira almost pulls away from it like she fears this weapon as it strikes and bites in you hear a as it rips through parts of her scales, ripping them free, causing a deadly, devastating wound.
Starting point is 01:09:48 Hell yeah. Again. Three, so don't worry about it. Unfortunately, this time waiting for you, she spins her long staff down and knocks you away. Less than, I think. Absolutely. Century, is that the end of your turn?
Starting point is 01:10:04 Yeah, I've done a bonus action movement action. Yeah, I'm I'm fortunate. Century, is that the end of your turn? Yeah, I've done a bonus action movement action. Yeah, I'm done. Okay. At the end of the combat round, Zarkira, still able, and now in her new form, will call down an ancient spell. I'm gonna use the one I haven't used yet. She will call up, in her snake-like voice,
Starting point is 01:10:24 I need to get the names of them, so do bear with me. Unleash the mirrors of dark imprisonment. Oh, oh! I love these minis, by the way. They're great. Did you order them? Let me tell you a little story. I have had these miniatures since for about four years.
Starting point is 01:10:45 Oh. Maybe longer. They are Warhammer miniatures and I saved them because I knew one day I'm going to use them for D&D. And then last night when I was prepping this encounter
Starting point is 01:10:55 I looked over and I saw the bag they were in and I went... Oh. It's time. It's time. So there's a... Mirrors of dark what?
Starting point is 01:11:02 Dark imprisonment. So there's a mirror kind of pointing at Nova and Sentry and Lucius. And these are two large mirrors crackling with red Hadar entropic magic. Their surface is opaque. You can't see, nothing's reflected in them just yet.
Starting point is 01:11:21 So they're not sun mirrors. Is this technically a spell? This is an ancient spell. This they're not sun mirrors. Is this technically a spell? This is an ancient spell. This is not the same thing. Your mage slayer will not go off. She's not casting
Starting point is 01:11:31 this spell. She's conjuring it from the evil. It's one of the 10th level bad boys. It's a bad boy. It's a big bad boy. All right.
Starting point is 01:11:38 It's a big bad boy. BBB. That is it. At the start of a turn I need someone in fact I'm going to have Tom Hazel do this as a cleric basically of Siaska.
Starting point is 01:11:46 You rolled a d6. Let me see if Siaska's cleansing starlight resets. Watch this. 4, 5, 6. It's a 1. Yes, it's a 1. She is weakened and unable to summon the energy to be able to cast a... Does Calus leave now?
Starting point is 01:12:02 Calus will have left. Unfortunately he's like, Storm chasers I must go and you can see this monstrous giant like bombing its way over oh shit he's just like
Starting point is 01:12:12 I must leave you but you can do this I believe in you and he will look over look over at Siaska stay strong my love Lala we will
Starting point is 01:12:22 rescue you yeah yeah he loses the game. Go fight that joke. You can see at this point, because I think this is our fourth round, Valor is on her knees in this prison, and she's holding this prison at bay,
Starting point is 01:12:38 but you can see her visibly getting weaker and weaker, and she does so. Just a question on timekeeping if we're going to go to the top of the round. I don't know. Let me do one thing and then I'll do it. So at the top of the round we will revisit this next week but
Starting point is 01:12:55 I just want to set up the situation. So a couple of things. Zarkira is going to look down at the two figures in front of her. And you can see that that spear, that staff, has now become longer, larger, more powerful. And it's crackling with energy. And she lifts that strike in almost a one-handed downward stab, ready to attack the figures in front of her.
Starting point is 01:13:24 in almost a one-handed downward stab, ready to attack the figures in front of her. At the same time, with her other hand, she calls up, she raises up, and she grips and pulls down. And those of you who look up, see that above you, remember the battle of your astral forces is still ongoing as well. Not just on the ground out in the plain of Entropis, but even above. The Astoria, all the different Hadar ships and corrupted Valkyrian ships are all fighting. And as she reaches up and pulls down, maybe it doesn't take too long, but Quill, you're the first to see it
Starting point is 01:13:54 as some chunk of debris or asteroid is being pulled down to strike. It's like meteors all over again. And it is landing this turn. It will. I don't know, I'm not going to strike. It's like meteors all over again. And it is landing this turn. It will. You don't know, I'm not going to say. But that is where we are going to end today's episode. Oh, man. Okay.
Starting point is 01:14:14 We need to figure out where that's going. And what these mirrors are doing. And what her new powers are. And we will find that out in the next episode of High Rollers. Hey, everyone. Thank you guys so much. We love you.
Starting point is 01:14:27 Take care. Make sure you look after yourselves. And we'll see you next time for the next High Rollers. Bye-bye. See you. Bye. And here we are.
Starting point is 01:14:49 Hey. Cool. The post-game. Man, guys, I got to say, I was really worried at the start of that with the rolls and stuff going on. I was really worried. But you pulled it back. Yeah, I mean, that crit from Lucius.
Starting point is 01:15:03 The counter spell. The anti-magic. I just needed to bring her to the ground because you ready that action. That anti-magic was the tipping point. That was the first domino to go and then it fell into place. Just bringing her down.
Starting point is 01:15:16 Yeah. That was good. Listen, guys, thank you guys so much for watching. Thank you guys for playing. We will see you for the next episode. It's gonna be another nail-biter, I reckon. Spicy. See you then.
Starting point is 01:15:27 Bye. See ya. Bye.

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