High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Aerois | #2 - Daddy's Lost Luggage (Part 1)

Episode Date: July 9, 2018

Stranded in a dangerous land the party have to overcome Wild Elves and more to survive!   Huge thanks to our sponsors D&D Beyond and Brilliant. D&D Beyond is the official digital toolset for Du...ngeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Use the code HIGHROLLING on D&D Beyond (http://bit.ly/dndbeyondhighrollers) to get 25% off all digital items (excluding the Legendary Bundle)! Brilliant.org helps you master concepts through fun, guided problem solving. D&D has a rich history of puzzles and problems, so boost your brain power with Brilliant! The first 200 users to follow our link (http://bit.ly/highrollersarebrilliant) will get 20% off an annual subscription! Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 pickaxe i'm dave and saving with td insurance made me feel like i scored my own jingle save on home and auto like only you can at td insurance.com slash ways to save td ready for you bumble knows it's hard to start conversations. Hey. No, too basic. Hi there. Still no. What about hello, handsome? Who knew you could give yourself the ick?
Starting point is 00:00:37 That's why Bumble is changing how you start conversations. You can now make the first move or not. With opening moves, you simply choose a question to be automatically sent to your matches, then sit back and let your matches start the chat. Download Bumble and try it for yourself. Hello and welcome to High Rollers, a Dungeons & Dragons podcast in the world of Arois, run by Dungeon Master Mark Sherlock-Humes, with me, Tom, playing Kelek Adkalar, the bard slash cleric. Hi, I'm Katie, I'm playing Ayla, a wild elf barbarian. And I'm Kim. I'm playing Nova, who is an air ganassi,
Starting point is 00:01:09 and she is a hexblade warlock. I am Chris Trott. I'm playing Lucius Viren, Eloin Elinastio, and I am a high elf sorcerer. Hi, I'm Rhiannon. I'm playing Sentry. I am a guardian paladin. A huge thanks to our sponsors, D&D Beyond and Brilliant.org.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Stick around until the end to hear more about those. Let's jump in to the lowlands of Erois. Quick recap of what happened last time on High Rollers in Eroes. You guys were, all for your own reasons, your various characters were travelling aboard a skyship. One of the marvels of modern Eroes made possible through Ethereum, a special resource. The particular skyship you were on was called the Sparrowblade and it was headed for the floating sky city of Gusthaven. You had travelled across various different continents and you had left a port called Imixan and were
Starting point is 00:02:16 travelling across the sea towards another stop-off point called Goldthrone before completing your journey to the sky city itself. In the middle of the night, you were awoken by a terrible storm. Flashes of lightning, peals of thunder, echoed throughout the ship, and the sound of battle kind of shook you awake and kind of drove you to take action. When you left your cabins, you met with each other as well as several other passengers that were traveling alongside you, and you were attacked by mysterious masked figures that seemed to have some sort of arcane powers and attacked you in the aim to simply kill you, it seemed like. They had no objective beyond eliminating witnesses. After this, you managed to explore a little more
Starting point is 00:03:02 of the ship and discovered that in the keel, a creature called a stalker, a remnant stalker, had been unleashed and killed most of the crew. But to reach the glide sails, these parachutes, and escape the crashing airship, you had to do battle with it. You defeated the creature, although not without cost. Several of you took serious beatings from the creature, but you managed to escape. Several of you took serious beatings from the creature, but you managed to escape. However, a dwarven passenger called Arvel kind of was separated and drifted off into the woods. And you found yourselves crashed in a large valley, snow-tipped mountains, kind of autumn, like trees are dying, like things are, you know, beginning to approach towards winter. The air is very, very bitter, very, very cold.
Starting point is 00:03:46 And yeah, it just seems to stretch out before you. And that is pretty much where we left off. You guys had made your way to recover Arvel, this dwarven passenger. And as you kind of tracked him down, you witnessed that he was fending off four humanoid creatures that you saw from a distance that were wearing sort of ragged furs and leathers
Starting point is 00:04:06 covered in sort of tribal kind of swirling pattern tattoos and appear to be elven in nature. And we begin this week by rolling initiative. Oh, straight away. Just to get an idea of reactions. Just to get an idea of reactions. You might not want to fight, but just so we know who is where.
Starting point is 00:04:25 I don't know why I'm rolling. I've already rolled mine. I'm just doing it for funsies. Ayla? Ten. Ten. Quill? Nine. Nova?
Starting point is 00:04:33 Ten. Lucius? Fourteen. Sentry? Seventeen. Whoa. It's important to note the initiative here because the last thing you saw as you approached,
Starting point is 00:04:44 you guys were making your way quietly through these kind of thick pine tree woods, but Sentry just happened to lean on a tree, and as she kind of put her foot down, you hear a large audible branch snap. And you watched as these four elves, two of them had been sort of like firing arrows haphazardly towards Arvel, who was ducked behind several fallen logs with what appeared to be a broken leg. Two more, however, had come around his side flanked him and one had shot him with an arrow and you watch as his eyes kind of flutter closed and he collapses to the ground this kind of stout dwarven fellow with all sorts of jewelry and gold on him just kind of collapses into the
Starting point is 00:05:19 the leafy ground um century what would you like to do um i want to peg it to arbol okay so you can see that there is like a kind of semi-clear opening you can see that there are fallen trees um there are several kind of like large rocks kind of sticking out of the ground and then kind of clusters of trees all around okay um imagine much more clustered trees basically okay um you can see yeah so around sort of like the edges there are much more clustered trees basically. Okay. You can see, yeah, so around sort of like the edges there are much more clustered trees, but there is this kind of large opening where there are these kind of very old looking rocks
Starting point is 00:05:51 and you can see Arval is down over here behind what appears to be several kind of like fallen branches. Realistic. And then these elves have basically scattered themselves amongst several rocks, two of which have flanked up on his side. So Sentry, you would like to run over? Yeah, I'd like to try and... amongst several rocks two of which have flanked up on his side so century you
Starting point is 00:06:06 would like to run over yeah I'd like to try and yeah she's dead yeah so you just want to move up yeah yeah okay all the way to our yeah so wherever you guys were I can say yeah count it is good dashes an action I suppose yeah you can dash as an action yeah 30 feet so that's your movement and if you just want to get to him you can spend your action to dash which is you get to move again yeah I can do that yeah
Starting point is 00:06:35 it is difficult terrain to hop over the log so it will cost 5, 10, 20 so you basically get right over his body you can see that he's got this arrow sticking out of his side, and you can see it's a bleeding wound. You can also see his leg. The bone is kind of jutting out of his knee.
Starting point is 00:06:52 It's like sticking out of his thing. He has roughly splinted it with like, it looks like a kind of piece of wood, like a branch, and he's tied it with like strips of like his shirt. He's basically just tied it to his leg to form a very, very crummy splint. You reach him, look down.
Starting point is 00:07:12 Is there anything you'd like to do as a bonus action? Let me see. I think your lay on hands and things is a full action. Oh, okay. If you go on D&D Beyond, you just tap on the little bottom one and you go to actions. Actions. Actions.
Starting point is 00:07:26 It should have all the things you can do. Okie dokie, bonus actions. I'm not even sure I have any bonus action spells. Healing Word. I could do Protection as a reaction. Yeah, so you can do that as a reaction. So you can position yourself over him, like if they try and attack him or try and do anything to him,
Starting point is 00:07:43 you can try and defend him. So is that what you want to do, essentially? Yeah, I could do that, yeah. You want to essentially leap over this log, she strides up to the dwarf and basically raises this shield, which you can see is very, very immaculate. There is some sort of heraldry on it, but none of you would recognise the heraldry, except I think Lucius, you made a check. You would probably recognise it as being Solvin, this ancient kingdom. This shield has the emblem of it. And she's kind of raising this up
Starting point is 00:08:09 and she's in a defensive stance over Arvel. But you can still see he is unconscious. After Sentry, Lucius would be the next one to go. Arvel! Arvel, no! I'm going to sprint over to him as well. Okay. I think I did it. Pull the dash. Yeah. Arvel, no! I'm going to sprint over to him as well. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Full dash. Yeah. And that's me. Bonus action Blade Ward on myself. Is that a bonus action? Nope. I'm going to Blade Ward. So as now two of you have moved over,
Starting point is 00:08:43 you can see the elves that had fired. They kind of look over in your direction and you just hear one of them. You're not really sure if they're men or women. They're kind of covered in like thick paint that almost like blends in with like the kind of dark brown late autumn surroundings. It looks like kind of almost like war paint. You can see they wear thick furs, leathers. Their bows are very rough. They have they have like not really short are very rough, they have, like, not really short swords, but more like axes,
Starting point is 00:09:07 like hatchets and things like that, and one of them just calls out, and you're a high elf, so you do speak elvish, but it's like hearing somebody in a really rough elven accent, like, Cockney, get away! He's ours! He is in our lands! Can I use my bonus action
Starting point is 00:09:24 to respond? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's a free action to speak, but you can only get a few short phrases out. Stay away from my friends, you beasts! Okay. We'll pull that out. So, after that, I would say... Ayla, you have, I think, the highest dexterity out of everyone. What's your dexterity on Nova? 16, plus 3.
Starting point is 00:09:45 You're 17, right? So yeah, I'll give Ayla the advantage. Can I see if they look like a clan of wild elves? Sure. Give me a perception check. Yeah, perceptional insight. Seven. Seven?
Starting point is 00:10:04 So you're straining to look at them, but you can see that yeah they're kind of blended in quite well with their environment from everything you can look at they look elven you can see like pointed ears kind of sticking out from their very rough kind of very dirty looking hair some of them have got like thick dreads or like their hair is just like matted with like leaves and sticks and things like that. And they still have their weapons drawn. They have them. Oh yeah. Two of them have got short,
Starting point is 00:10:28 no, all four of them have short bows out at the moment, but you can see they each have these two hatchets kind of tucked into their belts. They look very, very rough. And yeah, they don't have any clan colors on them though. That's probably the only thing you'd notice.
Starting point is 00:10:41 I'm going to walk out. And just say some, look, none of us want to be here. None of us have chosen to stay in your land, but there was a bit of a crash. Don't know if you've seen it. A lot of smoke over there. You just hear like one of them like barks out a laugh. Two of them, the two closest to you kind of look over and. And you hear, they're all speaking in Elvish. If you don't speak Elvish, this just sounds garbled like another language to you. In Elvish, he's just like,
Starting point is 00:11:11 Edith! While they look over and they're like, Ha! You are in wrong lands here. These are ours. You can go, but we're taking him. He has stuff. And he's basically like really rough kind of accented. They sound very...
Starting point is 00:11:26 Even the wild elves you know, these guys are talking really, really just dirty and rough. Their accent is extremely heavy. Right. And you can see they're kind of looking at Arvel, and all of his hands are covered in rings, and he's got gold necklaces and stuff on him, and his clothes are all very well made. yeah you you've been around wild elves like they've seen something that they want and they're gonna take it uh but they they gestured to you they're like you can go
Starting point is 00:11:53 uh as they point over nova unless you want to do anything else no not at the moment nova um can i move up to um just tip the tree out of the way i just i can't see these guys uh can I move up to... Just tip the tree out of the way. I can't see these guys. Can I move up sort of like behind this tree so I can kind of support Ayla? So you want to be behind the tree? Yeah, behind the tree so I've got cover from the tree. But I can like pop out and just be like pew if I need to. Okay.
Starting point is 00:12:20 But Nova speaks Elvish, so I'm guessing she would have understood. So you can understand everything that's been said. So I'm just going to take out a little pocket book, like a translation book, and just quickly look through my translations and just be like, if we give you his rings, will you let us go? We don't want to be here. And also, or we could give you the loot from the ship. Give me a persuasion check with advantage.
Starting point is 00:12:51 Persuasion check with advantage. 22. Okay, 22. So you catch the attention and you can see them all kind of like looking around. And the two that were talking to Ayla are still having that conversation but you're kind of calling this out just as they finish um but one of the other ones uh that was basically moving up towards arvel on the other side kind of glances over looks at lucius looks at you and you've got quite like scrolls and books and you've got quite nice clothes on you're covered in like colorful clothes and gemstones
Starting point is 00:13:31 You're quite far away, but you have like you've got like navigation stuff on you like well I've got the golden compass and I suppose your spyglass and stuff like that I'm not actually out of the rocket. Can they still see me? I haven't even acted shit pretty no But they're pretty pretty perceptive the probably these not as me Still means haven't even acted as yet. No, but they're pretty perceptive. Not as perceptive as me. Not as perceptive. It doesn't cancel their sight. They have eyes. They see better than you.
Starting point is 00:13:51 I can see better than you. One of them kind of calls out, it's like, you all have nice things. Perhaps we take them all. He's just going to chuckle to himself. Anything you'd like to do? I'd like to point out the way that she's saying it
Starting point is 00:14:09 as well is very like book broken yeah book hellvish like you know very formal like hello my mother is a camel nerd speaking
Starting point is 00:14:15 similar area stuff like that my age is 23 or whatever Oname wa Novades yeah Watashi wa
Starting point is 00:14:24 wow Aishiteru bonjour Oname wa Nova desu. Yeah. Watashi wa. Wow. Aishiteru. Bonjour. I would like to... I'll reply to... You can't reply. Okay. In about six seconds.
Starting point is 00:14:35 You've said your thing. Can I ready an action that if one attacks, I will Eldritch Blast them. Okay. Yeah, perfect. Okay, so you're going to ready that action. Quill. Oh, in fact, no, perfect. Okay, so you're going to ready that action. Quill. Oh, in fact, no, before Quill, the two elves...
Starting point is 00:14:49 No. ...are going to kind of scoot round. They just kind of reposition themselves, and you watch as, very similar to, like, you can see Nova kind of readying herself, like, you've kind of got one hand on Tiangong's's grip and then your other hand is kind of at the ready you can see the these all of these elves now knock arrows and they tense you can see them like not aiming them at you but if they need to they can quickly snap these bows up and fire if they have to um yeah you can
Starting point is 00:15:20 probably say uh one of them kind of steps more towards Arvel, and he is more directly pointing the bow at Sentry, and he's just like, move! Ours. No way, who is he? He's just like, glares for a second, and you can see there's this kind of standoff still going on. Quill, what would you like to do? Nova, what's the deal?
Starting point is 00:15:42 Is this another fight? What's happening? Do you not speak Elvish? No. I don't know what's going on. Can I reply to him? Yeah, say you've got enough. They want our stuff. That's probably about as much as with the other conversation.
Starting point is 00:15:55 You're like, they want our stuff. I'm going to sort of peek out from behind the rock and put one hand out. Little burp hand. My only hand. Wing, claw. Wing, yeah. I don't know if you speak
Starting point is 00:16:07 my language, but we mean no harm. You can take some stuff. Just not the hymn. I'm not translating. Okay. So, Arvel. That's my turn. That's my entire turn.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Does he get to ready an action or anything? No, he's dead No, I wasn't going to anyway I just want to see how they act The other elf is just like When you say you can take us, he's like Okay, give stuff All of your dropped things
Starting point is 00:16:39 Everything valuable, give to us now Does he say an elvish or He says in common, like that broken kind of like, all give. You see the elves all tensing. But yeah, he just is barking like... He like gestures to Lucius. Gems, all of them. Clothes. You absolutely will not get any of these gems.
Starting point is 00:17:01 Do you want some fire in your face? Oh, God. Please, just give him something. Come on. I've got nothing here. As soon as the arrow comes up, the whole bravado thing just drop. He just gestures it towards you, this bow.
Starting point is 00:17:19 So at the moment yeah, they're not making any advanced movements. They are basically threatening and demanding. They're like drop, drop, drop. Are we allowed to speak? They kind of size you up and they're like, they're not going to mess with you too much.
Starting point is 00:17:33 Same with Sentry. Sentry and Aayla, they don't make any demands, but the three of you, and they point at Arvel like, give us your things. I will pay for all of us to just go our separate ways. How much? Well, I have some coin. Good. All coin.
Starting point is 00:17:55 All coin? All coin. Are you mad? You probably are. No. I'm giving you... It's because we're still in initiative because Arvel, you can see his blood is pooling out
Starting point is 00:18:04 within a century. What would you like to do? I'm kidding because we're still in initiative because Arvel you can see his blood is pooling out within the sentry what would you like to do can I do cure wounds on Arvel do you have any spell slots left oh that's a good point
Starting point is 00:18:12 probably not no can you lay on hands instead if you have any lay on hands left yeah I've got all lay on hands
Starting point is 00:18:18 okay so you just kind of as you start reaching down towards him you hear the kind of stretch of the bowstring and one of them is just like, Stop!
Starting point is 00:18:27 Ours! Like, What are you doing? Well, he'll be no use to you if he's dead. At least. It's like, he will be plenty use to us if we're dead. Good fuel for fire. And his rings will still belong to us.
Starting point is 00:18:43 But he's our friend and we need him. So you can't have him. We don't. I do not care if he is your friend. He fell in our lands. He's trespassing. What are you doing? I'm just,
Starting point is 00:18:56 I'm just going to hold my shield up in front of Arvel and I'm just going to carry on. Carry on doing it. Carry on laying on hands. How much do you want to lay on hands in by? Can I give him five? Okay. Five hit points.
Starting point is 00:19:06 So you reach down and you plant the shield and then you plunge down and you see the man, the arrow kind of shoots loose, but you can see it's a warning shot. It just thugs into the ground as you just reach down and you feel this kind of warmth flow out of your roots and
Starting point is 00:19:22 your metal and stone and you see Arvel's eyes kind of flicker open the wound is still there and it's still bleeding um but you can see he's kind of got some vitality left and he's like what in the blaze like you can see he's disorientated but yeah this wound probably still needs to be physically patched up um and he's got a broken leg but yeah you can see he's alive for now. So that's your go. That's your action. At this point, yeah, it looks like the rest of them now are starting to basically take action
Starting point is 00:19:50 because it was a new round, any previous ready actions. So just the warning shot went off. Lucius, what would you like to do? Okay. Put your brutish birds down. Let's handle this like people. I will give you coin if you let the rest leave. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:11 Are you doing anything or just saying? I'm going to dipping into my coin. I'm showing them a whole stack of coins. How much coin? 50 gold. Whoa, that's a lot of gold. Okay. Just showing them that.
Starting point is 00:20:22 Okay. Okay. Okay, okay, okay. Okay. Just showing them that. Okay. Okay. Okay, okay, okay. Okay. Can I hold that much there? It's like, because you've got like platinum coins in as well. Like you can probably have like some gold and some platinum mixed in. Ayla, what are you doing?
Starting point is 00:20:37 Do you see Lucius? Like you see them like fire this warning shot. You can see Sentry's, Arvel is conscious. Lucius is holding out this money. What would you like to do? You're not going to get a better offer than that today. Come on. Gold. And then we just want
Starting point is 00:20:52 to keep going and leave this land. Okay. Why don't you give me a intimidate or persuasion with advantage because of Lucius. That's a good roll. 21. Intimidate.
Starting point is 00:21:09 Okay. So you watch as you kind of say that, they kind of eye up the gold and they lower the bows now. It looks like they were literally about to engage, but with that they kind of lower their weapons down. They kind of cast a suspicious eye. I will still ready my action to blast if anyone moves to attack, but I will just say things
Starting point is 00:21:34 to the effect of, again in my very translatory book, How to Speak Elvish. I'll just carry on with what everyone else is saying. Like, he'll pay for all of us, and we can help you get fuel from the ship if you need. They kind of chuckle. We do not need outsider help. Already our people are at your ship. But he kind of gestures forward,
Starting point is 00:22:01 and you can see they kind of raise their weapons. There's one of them, this kind of brutish man that's been speaking. You can see he's an elf, but he's got horrible scars like over his lip and face, part of his ears being torn off. You can see that they're covered in these kind of very pale blue tattoos like Celtic knots and swirls around their arms, around their neck, almost covering most of their body. And he kind of walks up to Lucius, holds out his hand. Coin! Coin! their body and he kind of walks up to lucius holds out his hand coin very slowly giving it he just like grabs your hands or breaks it off stop it bites one smells it it's very much real like he opens up like a rabbit skin pouch and he kind of
Starting point is 00:22:41 like shots it all inside ties it it up. We had a deal. He like slings his bow. He's like, you have made deal with me. And if you wish to pass through lands, you will need more coin and you will need to convince Kara. And he whistles,
Starting point is 00:22:56 like it's almost like sounds like a bird noise when he whistles. It's kind of like a, like a bird shrill thing. And you watch as the others, the others like sling their short bows. They still keep hands on the hand
Starting point is 00:23:08 axes though and they basically begin to back off. Off you go. And they're just watching you. Could you point the way out? We paid for your services. You paid for life. Not service. I think you just paid to survive yourself. Your people.
Starting point is 00:23:23 What clan are you from? He sneers a little. We are our own clan now. And then he just kind of turns away. And you can see that by all the scars and things like that, you don't think that, considering they don't have any colors on them, you're not sure if these guys are still part,
Starting point is 00:23:44 they might be exiled. It's quite common for people that upset the clan to basically be kicked out. And giving the impression of where they're living here, you're not sure if these guys are part of a formal clan anymore. What clan were you in? I ask because I'm looking for a clan myself. Turns around.
Starting point is 00:24:04 Looks at you with a kind of look of slight respect. It's like, they were called Calanrhus. They are far to the east. This is our land now. Be careful where you tread. Skylander.
Starting point is 00:24:19 And then he looks at Lucius, spits, and then walks away. What was that name? Calan Rus. R-U-S. A little apostrophe. After the Calan. So, at this point,
Starting point is 00:24:35 you're out of initiative, obviously. Arval is, Arval is, like, holding, but he's, like, desperately trying to hold in blood. The arrows probably nick some sort of artery, and he's like... He's, like, looking down down at it but you can just hear him. He's struggling to concentrate. Standing proud at the
Starting point is 00:24:52 moment and just looking around at the group. So after a few seconds, most of the elves, Quill you managed to keep an eye on most of them Aayla and I think Nova you managed to keep a decent eye on them as well. But they do blend into the woods and then they kind of like melt away into these kind of like wooden autumnal trees.
Starting point is 00:25:13 You can probably still hear them, but they're moving very, very quietly. One of them kind of even you can't follow where he's gone, like just seems to like vanish. So they're going away from us? Yeah, they're moving away. Okay, in that case, I'll step out from the rock and just sort of say to everyone, I think they're gone now. Are we...
Starting point is 00:25:30 We can take them away. Oh, my God, it was too much. You came in useful for once. Well done. How much gold do you have? I might roll a constitution check to faint. Sure. 16 plus.
Starting point is 00:25:43 You managed to kind of keep it together. You kind of still have that you want to keep a good impression still. So you're managing to say, but you're like trembling, your hands are shaking. This is why daddy said never go to the toilet. Hands on Arvel and a hand like on holding the tank.
Starting point is 00:26:00 You feel this kind of like plated sort of like metal hand. Oh, thank you, century. Arvel, are you okay? Feeling a little woozy. Bleeding. He's like holding it to his body. You can see it's a pretty bad wound.
Starting point is 00:26:17 Does anyone have any supplies, bandages, anything? I never did my first aid, of course. Anybody can try a medicine check. Well, I think I would probably rush up and try to help him. So I'll do a medicine check of course. Anybody can try a medicine check. Well, I think I would probably rush up and try to help him, so I'll do a medicine check of 11. 11, yes. You manage to, you kind of tear off phantom
Starting point is 00:26:33 cloth, maybe part of the sky sail, or like the glide canvas and stuff like that, and you kind of shred that into bandages, and you begin tying it up, and you probably have like a, you know, maybe not like a sewing kit, but maybe you've got like've used a slight amount of healing magic just to kind of like keep the flesh pressed together and heal
Starting point is 00:26:50 whatever kind of internal thing got nicked. You managed to kind of like compress that down. This bandage will stop him bleeding but if he gets jostled too heavily if he gets knocked down again this could come loose and he needs either long rest,
Starting point is 00:27:07 like days worth of rest to heal properly, or a better physician to provide a more suitable binding to him. What happened to the other three? They waited, just when you guys heard the cries, they were like, we'll wait over there. Maybe the Siaska cohort, they have some healing capabilities. Probably going to check for them, actually, because those elves are not going to be easy to spot.
Starting point is 00:27:34 That's a good point, yes. So I guess we will go back to those three. Come on, budgie! So you can see that with the broken leg, do you want to carry him? I want to carry him yeah
Starting point is 00:27:45 okay what's your strength skill let me have a look I could probably carry him you could put him on your shield I think the two of you
Starting point is 00:27:54 probably can even weaker than Juta 16 plus 3 yeah so 16 wow yeah with your equipment
Starting point is 00:28:02 because like you've got your armor and you've got your shield and thing you'll have to like literally put your shield like on your back or something like that because you armor and you've got your shield and thing you'll have to like literally put your shield like on your back or something like that
Starting point is 00:28:07 because you can't just carry him like piggyback you'll probably have to like physically like fireman carry him because he's a dwarf right he's short but he's very wide you can see he's got
Starting point is 00:28:16 a bit of a gut to him he's quite heavy yeah so you kind of have to like lift him up with both hands I can hold your axe if you really want and then
Starting point is 00:28:24 yeah or you've got like a you've got like a loop for it and stuff as well if you want to. I have an idea. You use the shield as almost like a trolley. You hold one end, you hold the other and you put the dwarf in the middle.
Starting point is 00:28:38 Did you? Cool! What a great idea. You've got her battle axe I just want to swing it about a little bit Yeah it's pretty well weighted You can see that there's flowers And then you've kind of got Arval
Starting point is 00:28:52 Kind of over your shoulder You have to at this point You are moving about half your normal speed Because like Sentry is carrying Arval But you have to do it very carefully Because you don't want to jostle him in this bandage So it takes you Can we take the rest of the sail that you took the bandage from
Starting point is 00:29:10 can we take the rest of that or anything like just it's just like a big cloth um you can see that there there was some sort of like enchantment which has faded now yes it's landed but yeah it's just like you can begin cutting that up um if somebody's got time it probably takes you like 15 20 minutes just to cut up, like using like a knife, like cutting shreds of these fabrics. It'd be useful to have some more. Into strips. Yeah, sure. You can do that. So 20 minutes to do that.
Starting point is 00:29:32 And then about sort of like 5, 10 minutes, 15 minutes to walk back to the group where you were. You find that they have basically found like a small kind of like clumps of trees and they've kind of like nestled in and you can see them trying to keep themselves as hidden as best they can. But you see a dark-skinned woman with long, dark hair. You can see that she's got very angular features, quite a sharp chin and sharp nose. And then next to her is a fellow with sandy-coloured hair, a bit of a three, four days' worth of beard growth, blue eyes. And they're both wearing priest robes, which are dark colors emblazoned with, like, little sparkling gemstones, or, like, little crystals, or, like, painted stars, and they're wearing these kind
Starting point is 00:30:15 of robes, and then kind of nestled between them is this young girl who's wearing dark clothing, kind of like, you know, peasant girl kind of clothing, but she's got long dark hair and these bright purple eyes, and she's kind of stuck between them, like, looking a bit bored, but also a little bit scared. And you kind of hoist over. Sister Yusuf, the woman, kind of rushes up and is just like, oh, you found him, thank goodness. Is everything all right?
Starting point is 00:30:40 Is Siaska able to shine upon us any healing? For him, I'm afraid he may need it. I'm afraid I used all of it when we were crashing, fighting off the assailants that we fought, and the beast in the hold. I mean, I can attempt to reapply the bandages if you wish, but... I mean, bandages are going to hold, aren't they? These are... It will hold for now.
Starting point is 00:31:05 I just worry if anything violent is to happen to our friend. This leg is also, and she kind of examines it, I'm afraid that this is a clean break. This will take either magic or weeks to heal, I'm afraid. And it is far beyond my power. We'll need to get him to civilisation at some point. How does the splint look on his leg? Pretty rough, like it could probably be used
Starting point is 00:31:24 with somebody doing a better job as well. It's so easy for him to just go over in the wrong angle and snap it again and cause a lot of pain. Can I try and look for wood that would make a better splint? Sure, yeah. You don't even need to roll for that, you're an outlander, you kind of spend a bit of time scooting around, you find some sort of like long branches without any kind of like, you can take your axe and something's going on above us. Seagulls? You can probably use Sentry's axe to kind of like chop down some of the smaller branches into like proper sized pieces.
Starting point is 00:31:58 And then with those, with the strips that you took from the thing, yeah, I'd say that somebody, either you can ask Sister Yusuf to do it or one of you can try it and get a medicine check. Because she's probably bad. You want her to try? Sure. Yeah, she seems to do a much better job than Arvel did. She sets him down.
Starting point is 00:32:15 It takes about an hour. So she kind of sets him down and she just gingerly takes off the splint. You can see that Arvel's in a lot of pain, but he's kind of bearing through. He's like... You know, he has to kind of bearing through, he's like you know he has to kind of psych himself up but she kind of sets the leg ever so slightly like basically then attaches the wood on either side kind of forms like a four-way splint
Starting point is 00:32:35 and then bandages it all up and it's pretty solid. He's going to be pretty slow if he has to walk but he can walk vaguely on it. Okay. Useful. And you can see that his shirt is like all ripped where he's had the wound and it's been bandaged by Quill. He had such nice clothes,
Starting point is 00:32:51 right? He did have nice clothes, yeah, but they've all kind of been ruined. They're blood-stained. The vest is all cleaned through.
Starting point is 00:32:57 You look atrocious, I must say. I fell out of an airship and then a bunch of wild elves, no offence, tried to kill me. I'm not surprised.
Starting point is 00:33:07 What did they? So did I, but I look great. Do you, though? Sure. I don't think you've seen yourself recently. Oh, don't say that. Anyways, at least they didn't take Evangeline. You can see the whole time he's been holding this crossbow close to him.
Starting point is 00:33:23 He's, like, stroking it. Here, let me assist. No, not Evangeline. I'm going to apply mending to his clothes. Okay, yeah. You watch as the threads weave together. Some whisked colour go into the fabric. The threads themselves take on hues to fix the ones that have been lost.
Starting point is 00:33:41 And you watch as where it's been ripped and torn, it now begins to mend or grow new fabric he's like what thank you boy that's mighty kind of you. If I knew I could do that to your leg apologies. That would be quite the feat this will need this will need severe work I've heard of priests that can heal wounds like this but we'll need to find somewhere. Daddy will know. I'm sure he will. I'm sure he will. I'm sure he will. We just have to communicate with him somehow.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Where is Daddy? Gusty. Does anyone actually know where we are, speaking of? Nope. Would I know from the name that Wild Elf told me, would I know anything? You can make a history check if you want. Yeah, you can make a history check.
Starting point is 00:34:25 15. 15? Yeah, it here, history check. 15. 15? Yeah, it kind of vaguely rings a bell. You don't know all of the clans out there, but Caelan Roos, maybe you've heard, might be on the continent of Sivona. And they tend to live in a, you know that they live in quite a cold, bitter climate.
Starting point is 00:34:41 They're pretty sad, they're pretty tough folk. You know, wild elves in general are rugged and tough people. These guys chose to live in a very, very cold, inhospitable area. Generally known for being very good hunters. Just the stories
Starting point is 00:34:58 that you've heard. You know, Sivona, most of you, in fact, all of you would know except Sentry, because you were not awake when all of this happened. Savona is the southeastern continent. No, sorry, southern continent, not southeastern, southern continent. It's kind of in the middle of the different continents. And does Gusthaven only fly around?
Starting point is 00:35:18 Yeah, would we know from that? No, Gusthaven is what's on something called the central ley line, No, Gusthaven is something called the Central Ley Line which is a wind current that basically drifts across three of the different continents and it actually circles the entire planet unlike some of them which kind of only circle
Starting point is 00:35:34 one continent, Gusthaven kind of goes across the thing. It means that Gusthaven is very very profitable because it trades with all different types of people it doesn't just trade with the same people all the time so it's very, very affluent. He's so proud. He's like, that's my hometown.
Starting point is 00:35:50 It's one of the seven cities. It is one of the seven sky cities, yeah. Gustaven is one of the prime seven cities. It does fly over Sivona. It trades quite heavily with the, not really the capital, but one of the main kingdoms here called Goldthrone or Rooksfield. I know that. Yeah, you would know that it trades called Goldthrone or Rooksfield. I know that.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Yeah, you would know that it trades with Goldthrone. You would have probably done business with the dwarf and human kingdom there. Okay. Does anyone know of any lowlands, elements in this continent? Goldthrone. Goldthrone. Goldthrone.
Starting point is 00:36:21 Goldthrone's like the big one. Unless you're really natives to this continent, which I don't think any of you are, you would either have to make a history check or, yeah, some sort of like, something like that to figure it out. Like, there might be a reason. Would I know more about Goldthrone being a messenger?
Starting point is 00:36:39 Sure, give me it with an advantage. Okay, so history. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. 18. Yeah. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. 18. Yeah. So you know a little bit about Goldthrone. Sure, you would have, like, learned about it when you
Starting point is 00:36:51 were trained to be a messenger, because it is a major... It's one of the major, kind of, civilizations of the lowlands. Like, there are... Most continents will have one or two of these, kind of, like, rebuilt cities, right? After the Sund sundering where everything was destroyed many of the cultures and civilizations rebuilt and they took old kingdoms they might have
Starting point is 00:37:10 taken old cities that were ruins and repaired them they might have built new ones um you know and rebuilt up new kingdoms you know the gold throne um back in the pre-dark war was primarily dwarves and it was kind of known um the area around it was a bit of a bread basket, right? Like it fed pretty much a lot of Eroics. It has like really fertile soil, very, very good for growing crops and vegetables and things like that. After the Sundering, it kind of still retained a lot of that soil and so the culture that grew up here is very farming orientated. It's a pretty affluent city city it does a lot of trade trades a lot with the sky cities for food and ethereum so it means that it's very very uh
Starting point is 00:37:50 you know just well off um the conf the the the rural villages around it are almost always farming communities um and they have something called the harvest guard which is that their version of like their their watch their city watch um and they kind of spread out across everywhere. You know a few settlements. It's kind of tricky. Goldthrone is the main capital, but the rural settlements you probably don't know the exact names of, but there's a lot of them scattered around.
Starting point is 00:38:16 Yeah, and if you're on Suvona, you're probably, if you're on Suvona and Goldthrone was your next stop, you reckon looking at where you are, your knowledge of cartography, you think you're in a place called the Bitterwood, which is the sort of southern edge of the continent.
Starting point is 00:38:32 It's a very icy kind of bitter area. It's a very thick wood that covers it in a mountain range, known for having quite a lot of monster problems and kind of like exiled humans that get sent out here because it's not a very nice place to live.
Starting point is 00:38:48 But you know that there are settlements to the north that going north will basically bring you to Rooksfield, which is the kind of area that Goldthrone is the capital of. Oh, okay. So we're actually not too far away from... You're weeks away. Well, I mean, it could be further away.
Starting point is 00:39:04 Yes. You reckon that if you're at the very edge of the Bitterwood, it will probably take you a couple of weeks, maybe a bit longer, to reach Goldthrone itself. But there will be villages and settlements along the way. I'd also say with your knowledge of cartography, you spotted
Starting point is 00:39:20 that there was a river flowing out from the mountains. That river flows into a large lake. And so it flows north and leads into a large lake, which is a week or a week and a half travel from Goldthrone. So if you follow the river, chances are you'll probably find settlements along the way. Interesting. Clearly you seem lost in your own thoughts.
Starting point is 00:39:40 Sorry. I'm just thinking. This wound is not going to heal itself. We need to get it treated. I couldn't catch a lot of what you were all saying to these elves. Oh, elvish. Well, yes. Are we able to go to the ship to get supplies?
Starting point is 00:39:58 They're already there. Right. Probably a bad idea. Probably a lot more of them as well. I mean... daddy's back oh no we need to go we
Starting point is 00:40:09 I mean how much coin do you have I gave 50 away and I've got some fat numbs and another 100 how much I'm whittling down it's awful oh yeah dreadful
Starting point is 00:40:22 you see out of the assembled folks, Sister Yusuf has kind of been speaking with the other brother, the kind of priest that's been traveling with her and the young girl. And the brother actually speaks up. Corrin, you know his name is. I don't mean to be
Starting point is 00:40:38 rude, and he kind of glances at Aayla when he says that, but he's like, from what I understand and what I've learned of these wild elves, we're going to have clashes with them throughout all of these woods. We probably cannot just keep paying them off forever. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:40:53 From what I understand, it is a case of, well, yes. He just kind of like awkwardly looks around. They mentioned a leader, didn't they? What was the name? Kara. Kara. Maybe we should just go to her and pay her off,
Starting point is 00:41:07 and maybe all the little henchmen and henchladies will leave us alone. Yeah, they're not going to do that. Yeah, I'm pretty naive, but in my teachings of the Wild Elves, that's not going to work. Why? Money doesn't make the world go around. Well, it does. It does for them.
Starting point is 00:41:21 But money is only going to take you so far, and you're going to run out. And then what? They're going to take your rings and then your clothes. They're going to just look at you, look at what you're wearing, and they're just going to kill you and take it. Well, that's extremely rude. Yeah, but... I think the only reason
Starting point is 00:41:37 they didn't fight you back there is because you had the numbers on them. Do you think there's more? Oh, yeah. If they're at the ship, there will be a lot of them. If that was only, they weren't even with the other clan.
Starting point is 00:41:51 There's more than one clan in these woods. Oh, it's Jessica above. Why am I down here? Because the ship crashed. I think, what's the time today? It was early morning.
Starting point is 00:42:03 It was super early morning when the ship crashed. It crashed in the middle of the night, sort of like 4am. So for you guys it's probably about 6-7am now. So the sun is risen, late risen, but it is kind of casting sunlight throughout the woods. And you can see that these are expansive woods, these are thick woods all around you. It's only because Quill has this rough map that he managed to sketch out from when he was up high that you kind of vaguely know the locale and what's around you.
Starting point is 00:42:32 But it'll be very easy to get lost, and it's probably going to take you some time to travel through these woods. Quill, did you see any settlements on your descent? No settlements, no. The only thing really is the crashed ship. It's going to take us weeks to get to... Weeks? Weeks, potentially. I'm going to miss sorcerer practice.
Starting point is 00:42:53 What sorcerer practice? I have it on Wednesdays. What day is it today? It is the second of Pallas, so I'll have to come up with names for the days of the week. Pallas Day. It's the month. Well, you're going to miss it. How many? What practice is it you're missing?
Starting point is 00:43:14 Sorcerer. Sorcerer? Yes. Sorcerer. Oh, like the... Yes. Sorcerer. Yes, how I meant it to Arvo's clothing and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:43:24 Sorcery. I'm a sorcerer. Sorcerer. Yes, how I'm mended to Arvel's clothing and whatnot. Sorcery. I am a sorcerer. Sorcerer. Yes. Sister Youssef. I've probably got a book on her. Looks at Sentry. Guardian, what do you think we should do?
Starting point is 00:43:37 Your people are known for being quite capable. Well, I'd say we're in a quite tricky situation. Arvel's really hurt, we really need to get Arvel seen to because technically we're down a person so if we come into conflict we're going to be a man down. It's possible that the airship may have had some healers, kits and medical supplies perhaps but I'm not sure. Not to mention survivors potentially, maybe. Yes, I was worried about that. They were probably the only ones.
Starting point is 00:44:10 Well I believe that Guardian you told us that the captain and the first mate were at least still fighting when the ship was going down. Did they have access to the gliders though? Well I don't know. No, no. I don't know. If they are perhaps a bit more seasoned on the ship. They would know what to do, I suppose. I just pictured them with salt and some paprika and things like that on them.
Starting point is 00:44:30 Sorry, distracted, seasoned. Yes. We have two choices here. We either go one way, try and find a settlement, have some shelter, get some rest, or we can go back to the ship and probably die to a massive clan
Starting point is 00:44:46 of wild elves your choice so all this time has been going on I've been reading from a scroll and if someone checks it
Starting point is 00:44:51 it will say something like a survivor's guide to the lowlands what to do when you what to do it's like it's really
Starting point is 00:44:58 like anybody like you if you read it and you if you read it you would realise it's bad advice yeah it's like
Starting point is 00:45:04 a kids book you know like an illustrated kids book like how to survive it's illustrated kid's book like how to survive yeah it's more like yeah if an owl bear approaches you pretend to like make yourself look really big and you know that that just will make them more aggressive and territorial and stuff like that like it's really backwards in most places so according to my scroll 10 ways to survive the wilderness oh can I see that yeah in a second but it says that we should find water shelter and punch elbow our bears in the nose how best yeah cuz it throws their scent off apparently oh wow yeah I'm gonna need you to not ever show this scroll to anyone ever but it's written by no why so many reads it's written by... No. Why? So many reasons. It's written by...
Starting point is 00:45:45 The name is very clearly some sort of high elven writer. Somebody who's never been in the... Very obviously. Pictures are nice though, so just look at those. They are nice, aren't they? Very well illustrated. Did you go for a big jab or was it like a quick... It doesn't say.
Starting point is 00:46:04 Maybe I could blast them with some magic so I don't have to touch them. I think that would work, yeah. I kind of wish those elves had actually got me now. Airship. Okay, well we do have another option. When I was in the sky, I did see a camp relatively nearby. I imagine, seeing the wild elves
Starting point is 00:46:20 now, it's their camp. Oh. I mean, if there's loads of elves at the ship, which has loads of supplies, then that's one option. Another is we could go back to the wild elves that just
Starting point is 00:46:35 attacked us. How certain are you that it's wild elf camp? I really don't think that you're going to be able to talk your way over again with them. But, I mean, we could just take them down. I put it this way. They were willing to kill me because they had numbers on me.
Starting point is 00:46:51 If there's more of them than you, I suspect that they'll just try and kill you and take your stuff. They're not interested in anybody. Maybe we kill them first. We could leave the trail of gold. Give them a reason to not leave us alone.
Starting point is 00:47:08 If they know who we are and we know that we're killing them, they won't come to us, right? We might attract more attention. They might come for revenge. I was just going to say it was a wild elf camp, though, because those elves were pretty stealthy, so surely they would have a camp that we couldn't see. Oh, plausible. I saw the treehouses. and they ran off in that direction. I imagine
Starting point is 00:47:29 The north yeah They ran off to that direction and it's you saw it but like you saw it because you're really fucking good at spotting stuff Because you're a fucking bird man. Did it look? It did it look like yeah You could see that there were like vague shapes of buildings, like some in the trees, some on the ground. But you saw like tiny plumes of smoke, probably from fires that had been put out in the morning, you know, like. Yeah. Fires that had died out and the smoke was just rising.
Starting point is 00:47:57 I mean, it could be the wild elves, it could not be the wild elves. Either way, I did see that there could be some supplies there if we are willing to ransack someone else's camp. So, to summarize, danger that way, danger that way, death here. And we've got three weeks or so, or a few weeks or so to get to Goldthrone. At the very least,
Starting point is 00:48:17 to have Arvel seen to. Arvel looks up and he's like, well, it will take that long. If we're where you think we are, then it will take that long to get to Goldthrone. But there's towns and villages along the way. There's a few in southern Rooksfield. They'll see to us, I'm sure.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Arvel knows. We'll just follow Arvel. I am from Sivona, so. Oh. What did you say? I'm from Goldthrone. I was being shot by elves. And I don't know if you have noticed,
Starting point is 00:48:48 but, and he like gestures at his wound that is like, wasn't exactly in a talking mood till now. What a wonderful ton of events you've landed in your homeland. Oh yeah, sure. I was kind of hoping to go to Goldthrone though, not land in the middle of the damn Bitterwood.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Well, have you been here before? No, that's the thing. Most folks don't come down this way most the only people that will come into this place would be either people are desperate to get away people looking at a kind of set out on their own or people looking for trouble this is ain't this ain't no fun this ain't no fairground around here and on that note those guys are potentially exiles, so they're probably even more aggressive. Harvest Guard
Starting point is 00:49:29 have a lot of problem with wild elves around here. You need to watch yourself if we go to civilized places, Missy, because they might not take too kindly to you. I mean, I've met you. I'll vouch for you. You saved my life, but folks around here, wild elves, they just come in, they take what they want, set fire to farms.
Starting point is 00:49:49 People don't take... well, people are real protective around here. Who's in the name? Wild. Thank you. For your observation. Thank you. Can we move? High elves, sure. Well, we need a direction. Are we going to the camp? Are we going to the ship?
Starting point is 00:50:05 Are we going to the river? It's like Nova said, death, death. Pick one, go! Which way do you think Goldthrone would be? Because I'd quite like to get there too. Yeah, me too. Well, I mean, we'd need to follow the river. We'd probably find a settlement.
Starting point is 00:50:17 The river's to the east. But we have to pass this big mountain. So we'd have to go around that too. Past the camp. These all sound awful. Let's just start walking then. It's worth a try. Let's just...
Starting point is 00:50:32 Okay. So you guys, where would you like to go? Point to me on your little map there, Tom Hazel. Well, have we decided then, the camp, or are we just walking? I guess towards Goldthrone, so east. We're just walking towards Goldthrone, so east. Towards Goldthrone. We're just walking towards Goldthrone. Just walking towards...
Starting point is 00:50:46 Look. That's North Throne. Walking towards... It's just north. Yeah, so we're... If you pass me your map, we're currently on the southernmost part of that map. Let me just draw a little note here.
Starting point is 00:50:56 And yeah, basically to the north of us is the way to Goldthrone. Around the mountain was the river. And on the edge of the mountain... I've drawn the direction towards Goldthrone for Around the mountain was the river. And on the edge of the mountain was the campground. I've drawn the direction towards Goldthrone for you. That way. North, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:10 That's all we got. So we can just walk north until something happens, if that's what you want to do. I'm going to stand behind Sentry like a shadow. If we go that way, we'll kind of pass the ship. Maybe you can sort of see if it's worthwhile.
Starting point is 00:51:24 That's true. We could of pass the ship. Maybe you can sort of see if it's worthwhile. That's true. We could see what the ship looks like. I imagine mostly destroyed and covered in owls. I'm sure it's attracting a lot of attention. Maybe we could use that to avoid that entirely. Okay, well, let's go to the river. Okay. I'm hearing two different things about where you want to go. This half is saying go to the river. Okay. I'm hearing two different things about where you want to go.
Starting point is 00:51:46 This half is saying go to the river, and then I feel like this half is saying just go north past the edge. This one is saying nothing. I've just got a map. I feel like we have to. There's mountains in the way. We can't really... You just skirt around it.
Starting point is 00:51:58 We have to skirt around the mountains, which is going north regardless. You did see some caves on there as well. I did draw them on. Yeah, there. Oh, I thought draw them on. Yeah, there. Oh, I thought that said camp. No, that's a cave. That's a camp. It says camp.
Starting point is 00:52:13 You're a cartographer, guys. He drew a little fire. Yeah, all the same thing. I'm sorry I'm not an artist. We have an alternative plan now. What's that, Quill? There's a cave in the mountains. A cave? I don't know what's in there. What are we, Quill? There's a cave in the mountains. A cave?
Starting point is 00:52:25 I don't know what's in there. What are we, a bear? Good point. I cannot be held up in a cave. Why not? You can stay in the woods then and die to a... Okay, I'll go to the cave.
Starting point is 00:52:34 That's not a problem, actually. Things are at least sheltered, if anything else. True. How good? Very good? I can feed myself, thanks. Could you feed...
Starting point is 00:52:43 One, two, three... This many people? Could three there's many people could I feed that many people yeah let me get a play a sandwich I think you can feed up to six we know the whole not the whole group group does century need to eat I don't need century doesn't need three we could just get to the river I still couldn't be with people and then just follow the river until we find some kind of settlement. Is anyone hungry? Does anyone want food? I'm always hungry.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Yourself and up to five other people. So six people total, including yourself. So I can't feed everyone. You can do four of you and then two of the others and then two would be without. But you might also have, like, if you've got things like explorer's packs, you guys might have some rations've got things like explorers packs you guys might
Starting point is 00:53:25 have some rations and things already um you might have water skins let me see what skins will generally last you a day before you need to like fill them up unless you want to ration yourselves got a scroll of pedigree what nothing useful i've got a scholar's pack i have a little bag of sand. You can cook. I've got a bag of dirt. I can eat the sand. If we get flooded. I'm going to jump. And then Century is just like, I don't need to eat. I'm fine.
Starting point is 00:53:52 I can eat. I don't need to. That's useful. Yeah. I like that. Century. That's useful. Century.
Starting point is 00:53:59 What? When you put food in, where does it go? I don't put food in. You don't? No. You don't need it? I don't put food in. You don't? No. You don't need it? I don't need food. Oh, fantastic.
Starting point is 00:54:08 I can mimic the act of eating if it makes you feel uncomfortable. That's just a waste. That's a waste of other people's food. You can eat Lucius's food. Is Arbol okay? Does he need food? I would like some food, yes, please. I can give Arbol my food.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Little rabbits? You're not hungry. I worry about us standing around out here. Let's move. Let's get moving. What's the plan, Quill?
Starting point is 00:54:29 We're going to go north. We're going to avoid... Actually, hold on a minute. We don't actually know your name yet.
Starting point is 00:54:35 Quill. Quill. No, but Kim's speaking here. Okay. Have I not ever said my name? You haven't actually
Starting point is 00:54:41 said your name, not in episode zero, not in last week. I'm pretty sure you haven't. Everyone else has introduced each other. So I guess every time anyone's been talking to me, they've just been saying... Oh, he's literally just called you Birdie. Yeah, he called you Birdie.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Yeah, everyone's been calling you Birdie and Birdie. I was going to say Quill. Birdie. No one's asked. Aww. So the plan is we'll go this way, and I'm pointing north. The ship will be to our left. The cave will be to our right. We could scout out from afar, potentially, just to see what they're
Starting point is 00:55:12 like. We can keep going north, scout around the mountain. If we see a camp, we've gone too far. It would sound good if we head on our way and then perhaps you all could scout out. We will keep an eye on Arvo for you. Oh, thank you. Good idea. Very nice. Let's do that.
Starting point is 00:55:26 All right, so you want to head to that midpoint between the cave and the airship and then scout out. Okay, which one would you like to check out first? Well, I suppose, has the ship created a large clearing? Just tell me which one you want to go to first, and then I'll let you know some more details. I guess we would have a look at the ship first. Because the cake might lead somewhere.
Starting point is 00:55:46 So the first thing is, making your way there, I need you to choose somebody who's leading you through the woods to avoid you getting lost to make a survival check. You may assist if anybody wants to try. I'm kind of navigating. Not us two. So is anybody going to attempt to help Quill? I can help.
Starting point is 00:56:03 Okay, so can you make a survival check for me first? I think I would. Yeah, I think I would be asking Ayla for help and things like that. You've seen this tree before, right? Seven. Corrin will try and help. He actually seems to be, yeah. So I was going to say you have advantage
Starting point is 00:56:20 because Ayla is trying to help, but you're used to a different style of wood and you often just kind of stalk off on your own and forget to come and tell him like you're like oh yeah this is interesting so is this survival sorry survivor with advantage uh unnatural 20 okay so um ayla's kind of off doing her own thing like wandering around but corinne is kind of like he kind of walks up beside you he's like i don't think we've properly introduced, I'm Brother Corrin of Siaska's church. Oh, I am Kilikad Kalar from Hesper's church, I suppose.
Starting point is 00:56:50 Oh, you're one of the Aery folk. Oh, well, possibly. I mean... Oh, sorry, that is, sorry, my apologies. That is what we call followers of Hesper. Follower is a strong term. I believe I've had some message,
Starting point is 00:57:08 but I don't really know what to make of it just yet. He kind of chuckles a little bit. He's like, believe me, I know how that feels. Siaska is wonderful, but sometimes the messages and teachings of the churches can be confusing. But yes, and he kind of gestures. He's like, I don't know much about the woods, but I've read a few books and things But yes, and he kind of gestures, he's like,
Starting point is 00:57:28 I don't know much about the woods, but I've read a few books and things like that. And it does seem like he gestures to a few things like, this looks like an animal trail. I think this should be a fairly safe way to go. And with his help, you kind of manage to keep yourself on a rough track. And he helps, he shows you a few things. He uses some wind, he checks the wind direction. And between you, you manage to kind of stay of stay on track and you don't lose any time so you manage to make your way there you don't get stuck in any difficult terrain you manage to keep onto a fairly decent track and it takes you
Starting point is 00:57:53 probably about two hours or so um to reach up to a certain point where just on the edge you can see now uh huge chunks of this forest have been cleared out by the falling ship. The ship has split into three sections. You can see that it's kind of broken at the bow, the stern, which I think is the back and the front and then the middle section. And it's kind of scattered everywhere. And it's not really left a crater as it like upturned earth, like it's kind of dug through the earth like a big plow. It's just kind of gone and thrown earth all around it on it on the side of it i mean you can see that there is no fire there's not like
Starting point is 00:58:30 anything's on fire or burning rather it's just been shattered and broken all over the place okay um and you can just vaguely see that in the distance you're not close enough really to see any details you can just vaguely tell that that's what's happened there's not really a crater but it is pretty open like the ship itself is like pushed and thrown trees to the side as it fell is there a lot of uh debris sort of scattered about lots of debris like varying from what appears to be parts of the deck um parts of the the underneath the the passenger chambers cargo just everything scattered around it looks like quite a large area. If you wanted to search through it, it'd take some time. But you can't, again, make out the exact details.
Starting point is 00:59:09 So if there are any creatures there, you're not sure you'd see them just yet. If you get closer, you would be able to. Lucius, I don't think we're going to get your daddy's trunk back. Oh, it's quite robust. No, that's not the problem. It's the crash. It's a wide area. It will take us days
Starting point is 00:59:29 to find even just one trunk in this entire valley. It's a very colourful bag, if it helps. Can I be keeping an eye out for the wild elves now that I know what their count is? That's what passive perception is. So your passive perception is like you're constantly keeping an eye out for the wild elves now that I know what their cast is? That's what passive perception is.
Starting point is 00:59:45 So your passive perception is like you're constantly keeping an eye out. If you want to be like, no, I want to stalk around and see if they're sneaking up on us. But in general, your passive perception will just be a general like keeping your ears and eyes open. But unless you want to like stalk off into the woods and be like, no, I want to ambush these guys if they come after us. Then you can make different checks hmm how valuable is it irreplaceable oh yes yes what exactly is in the chest oh yes just business just business you wouldn't like yes is it worth all of us risking our lives trying to find it well I'd be very grateful.
Starting point is 01:00:25 How grateful? I'd be handsomely rewarded. We've already had to traipse through sewers to try and get that freaking chest. Yes, what's another little skirt around a ship crash? No! He offered money. Yes.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Daddy will pay you handsomely. What's in the chest? Prototypes. What kind? Prototype cages Cages? Yes, we were on our way back Daddy wanted me to go on my first airship ride And I was very excited
Starting point is 01:00:54 And I was like, yes, Daddy, I will go on this airship ride That sounds fantastic Also, I get to see some other towns and places I've never left Gusthaven before This is fantastic But yes, he gave me responsibility for this bag to reach its destination. Is Daddy going to be really mad if you don't bring it? He'll be very cross with me, yes. Very cross.
Starting point is 01:01:14 What kind of prototypes? What is your family invested in? You don't know about the El Anastos? Oh, well... I'm guessing not. I get everyone looks around confused. Nope. You would have heard of them. Oh, would I?
Starting point is 01:01:26 Yeah, because you, again, Sky Cities, you do a lot of work with them as a messenger. The El Anastos, you know this, they build Ethereum, what's called an Electrum cage. And it's basically like a cage made of a mix of silver and gold. And it's designed in a certain way that it holds an electrum core and when those are dangled from sky cities as they pass through clouds they gather ethereum, they gather the magical residue of ethereum and it
Starting point is 01:01:53 crystallizes. And these cages have to be enchanted and they have certain ways of being made and the El Anastos are one of the high elven noble families that make them. And so they are fairly rich, they're not the most cutting edge family in the world, but you would know that they're a fairly big deal
Starting point is 01:02:10 when it comes to... Traditionally. I would never know about that given that she's fairly technology... Yours is more planar interest. This is more like Sky City stuff. I guess this is like physics. This is more... No, chemistry compared to... And it's more like very specific to the sky cities
Starting point is 01:02:26 the the the way that ethereum and stuff works is very sensitive to them your interest is more in things like planar magic and maybe more like the actual like the cradle and the the stars astrology yeah this is like business more than yeah um and century you've never even heard of ethereum you've never heard like this is all and then never heard of, like, this is all. And at one point, Sister Yusuf kind of comes and is like, Guardian, I want to make sure that you are all right. You asked some questions the last time we spoke, and I just want to make sure that you are all right.
Starting point is 01:03:01 I imagine it was quite a lot of information to take on at one time. Yeah, no, it's a lot of information to take on. I can try my best to try and find Solvin again. I'm sure we can search for a later stage. I believe it's still there. Well, what I could say to you is the Sky Cities, they were lifted by Hesper, the god of winds and magic. He lifted them into the air and set them adrift. Many of them are old cities. Many of them are still from before the Sundering.
Starting point is 01:03:27 And many of them have libraries and they have scholars there that would, well, if anybody is going to know of your city, of your home, it would probably be one of the sky cities and their libraries. I do think that that might be
Starting point is 01:03:39 the best way to find your answer. And I, eh, Siaski may be gone, but her divine power still lingers. And I hope that it travels with you wherever you go she just kind of like kind of just like patch on the shoulder and just kind of like gives you a sort of nod and it's like and if there's anything we can do please let me know just nonsense and gives you a quick like little mod cool so how mad would
Starting point is 01:04:03 your dad be? He'd get into a strop For at least a week And I wouldn't have any I'd be housebound And that'd be awful Grounded Yes, housebound We don't like to use the word grounded
Starting point is 01:04:17 It sounds so bumping I've been there As like us We're currently grounded Because we're on the ground Oh that's true Yes. We're currently grounded because we're on the ground. Oh, that's true. Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 01:04:26 We're all grounded. Wonderful. Oh, dear God. We're grounded. But surely you would be happy that you have... That was a joke, Century. Very good. Surely...
Starting point is 01:04:36 Is that correct? It is correct. Look how we all laugh together. Your human module is working. Wonderful. You see Bala, this kind of very quiet teenage girl, is kind of smirking. She's kind of like, yeah, that's pretty funny.
Starting point is 01:04:51 But surely your father would be happy that you're alive and not dead. Yes, yes. So he could make more... He does place value in the lives of people. But he could make more prototypes, surely? Well, this prototype took a long while and a lot of money to make. I mean, do you have... And it's not something he'd usually do.
Starting point is 01:05:10 It's all about tradition. Do you have any blueprints on you? I could try and make a new one. Blueprints? Sketches on what it looks like? Well, I'm just... Diagram? Any notes? Oh, they're probably in the box. Useful.
Starting point is 01:05:28 We could get some supplies from that ship, but... I was thinking that the ship will have food and water and such things. Look, my daddy is very clever, and he understands the El Anasto business. I'm sure this airship crashes now and again throughout the centuries of the El Anastos, there would be tracking people would track like your your kind would probably know the airship routes and my daddy would know that we crashed and come save us any moment now well not if the elves take everything and
Starting point is 01:05:59 so your plan is we stay here and wait no no no I'm sure they'll come and pick up the package. We don't have to worry. That is some wishful thinking. If the elves see a very colourful case, I'm sure they'll take it. It's robust. Yeah, do we know what does his luggage look like? Does it look as ridiculous as the original?
Starting point is 01:06:20 Yeah, it's a very thick trunk, like very well made, like metal reinforced. Is it all covered in gems and everything? It is not, I wouldn't say it's probably covered. If it's your dad's case, it probably is quite nondescript, but it has a symbol of a kind of like a pyramid trapezoid shape that looks like a cage made of solid metal kind of stamped onto it. And it is painted. It looks expensive.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Like it would look expensive. It's to be shown at a pitch, basically. It looks expensive. It would look expensive. It's to be shown at a pitch basically. Something like, what? Look at this. So it's something that people will definitely go for. They definitely notice. Bespoke. The young girl kind of pipes up and she doesn't speak that much but she kind of looks up at the group and is like, another thing,, what happened to the people that tried to attack us? The Guardian said that there were more on top of the ship. If they're still there, we shouldn't go anywhere near that thing.
Starting point is 01:07:11 They were really scary. That's true, they were, yeah. They were from the Court of Shadows. What is this? The sister looks at you and is like, well, they are more than likely part of the Remnant. And what business they had on our ship, I do not know. But, yes, it would be interesting to know why they were after us
Starting point is 01:07:31 or why they came after the ship. How important are these prototypes? Do you remember when Calus Starbane attacked, he brought his Court of Shadows with him, the Dragonborn. They fought for him. No, wrong. Just clarifying, Dragonborn. They fought for him. No, wrong. Just clarifying. Dragonborn didn't fight for him.
Starting point is 01:07:47 Wasn't it? Nope. Dragonborn arrived before him, warned that he was coming. The Dragonborn are allies of Eros. Just a quick thing. What do I know about Star Baby? I mean, everybody knows the general legend. Everybody that isn't Sentry and Nova would probably know the basic legend, which is this.
Starting point is 01:08:07 Long, long time ago, Dragonborn came down from space. Literally, Dragonborns in crystal and metal ships landed on the planet. They thought that they came to attack, but they basically revealed to the gods that they were here to warn them that a tyrant, this kind of evil figure called Kallus, was coming. This guy arrived basically with more of these kind of metal ships from space and thousands of hobgoblins and mind flayers and all sorts of horrible creatures. Were they new to Eros, hobgoblins and mind flayers? Yeah, they came down with the ships. They came with Calus.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Demons, fiends, all of these kind of things were part of his army. And he basically turned up and said, I love this planet, I love what you've done with it. Give me half the people and I'll leave the rest of you. And Siaska and the gods said, no, these are ours. We're their protectors. You're not taking them. And a big war happened.
Starting point is 01:08:53 At the very end of the war, Kallus tricked the gods and all of the people of Erois into a battle that they thought they could win. And during that battle, he revealed his true power, which was far more than anybody was expecting. And he killed Siasca. Siasca's divine energy was scattered and it formed something called the Cradle which is a barrier that prevents ships and planar travel reaching Erois. So it means the dragon... This is far beyond centuries time.
Starting point is 01:09:17 This is far beyond centuries time. Century was shut down before this happened. But for the rest of you, you know that it means that things like the dragonborn ships can't leave. It means that things like the the tieflings and asimar who were people that came via planar magic can't leave but it also keeps callus and many of his other forces away what's left is what generally people of the lowlands and the sky is called the remnant which is like the leftover hobgoblins and demons and all these kind of monsters that were left behind but are now still
Starting point is 01:09:45 trying to like find ways to break the cradle or break the planar barriers and stuff and summon allies i see so break the cradle bring callous back that's generally what everyone is that's the legend that everybody knows um do we think of it like this was about four or five hundred years ago so for century it's very different because you were there and you would know some things a little bit differently which we'll talk about um just in private just like ever so slight differences yeah um nova you would have the same thing but perhaps more in more detail you would know some of the names of the battles you would know how the other gods were involved um you'd probably know that yeah things like the planar magic like the ganassi obviously
Starting point is 01:10:22 arrived with vortensar the tieflings and asimar arrived planar magic was something that siasca banned like she was just like do not look into planar magic this is i forbid it um but people still did it anyway because they're dumb um you would also probably know a little bit about the archways which are ancient planar gates but most people don't know about those um so there you go that's like the real quick for the three of you, the quick overview of that. And the Court of Shadows is an old name. It's generally not used.
Starting point is 01:10:51 Most people just call them the Remnant. The Court of Shadows was the name of Kallus' army when he came down. He called it the Court of Shadows, which is how what you would know it as. They are now called the Remnant. So we would think Remnant and we wouldn't really know Court of Shadows.
Starting point is 01:11:09 No. Maybe if you were well-learned, but that's why nova knows it and not the rest of you because i don't know you do you have much history knowledge i probably just was taught it but it's like the boring lesson okay so so yeah so the rest of you would yeah as soon as she kind of says that they're known as the remnant, it kind of twigs a bit more and you're aware of it. They are the remains of Calus's forces. Yes. Well, that's not good. No, it's not good. So they're on the ship? They were the ones who attacked us on the ship, yes.
Starting point is 01:11:34 Of all the airships. They attacked us on the ship, but are they there now? If they were on a ship and they crashed... You're the one with the eagle eyes. Well, I can't see them from here. We're so far away. Also, eagle eyes, that's very racist. Are they about 60 feet away?
Starting point is 01:11:48 Who? The airship. No, no, no. Is it far, far away? Yeah, it's probably about a mile. You'll probably have to walk over there and stuff. Arvold was like, well, I mean, it's a... I don't want...
Starting point is 01:11:58 If you don't want to risk yourselves, then by all means don't. But there could be supplies on that ship, food, water, healing supplies for myself. Packages. Could be the captain's still alive, or someone as well, they might need help. We need to help those poor... But, I ain't saying it's gonna be a risk.
Starting point is 01:12:15 If they were there, and the elves are there, maybe they've sort of killed a few people there. Maybe you could sneak in, not let anyone know you're there. Yes, Good idea. I think. At the very least, there's a lot of supplies scattered around just the valley in general. We could probably pick up what we need before we even get to the ship. We could try. We might even, if we're extremely lucky, find your colorful little...
Starting point is 01:12:37 I think Siaska's on our side. And I look at the three... Siaska's dead. Corrin nods. He's like, hopefully Siaska is always on our side. But yes, we have no magical power to lend aid, but we can certainly say a prayer in your name.
Starting point is 01:12:52 Absolutely. Have you ever been to Gusthaven? I have actually, yes. Have you seen the Grand Cathedral of the Star Mother? That's where I learned my lessons. What a divine place. I was quite fond of it. And sky jousting as well.
Starting point is 01:13:06 Oh, darn. You have sky jousting there? At Gusthaven, of course. We have one of the greatest sky jousting arenas in all of the rows. Death or Arena. What are the names of your current champions? I mean, I've not been back in a long time. I know that.
Starting point is 01:13:21 I'd say that anybody who is familiar with, again, not counting you two because you're a lowlander, you're a robot from the past. I might have partaken of skyjousting. I think that skyjousting is like a real kind of elven tradition, but it's definitely an enjoyable something people watch. Like, it's what it sounds like. People on winged mounts jousting in the sky.
Starting point is 01:13:42 Things like people, and the different riders will find different types of beasts to ride on so you might have the villainous kind of jouster who rides like a manticore and then you have the heroic one who rides a pegasus or a unicorn or whatever. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:13:58 It's a beautiful sport. Do you know the name of your current champions? No. I choose not to watch the current champions. Why? Because some idiots are in it. Why? What? It's just not. We've got
Starting point is 01:14:13 to survive. Perhaps we should have this conversation when we can find ourselves at a nice inn with comfortable beds. Now I like the sound of that Arvel. You always know what to say. How is Arvel looking? Peachy. You can know what to say. How is Arvul looking? Peachy, like you can see he's kind of a bit pale. Is he any worse?
Starting point is 01:14:30 He's not any worse, but he doesn't look great. He's like, you can see that he's injured, he's out of energy, he's just knackered. And listening to two sky people prattle on about skyjasting. I'm not a sky person! He basically thinks you are.
Starting point is 01:14:50 I'm an air person. So, uh just to before we go on break i would say we're going to go towards the ship yeah you're going to investigate the crash thanks for listening to the podcast just some quick housekeeping while i'm here i want to say huge thanks to everybody that has supported us with the launch of this new campaign uh sharing with their friends sending in fan art and rating this podcast on iTunes. It's been super helpful for us. If you haven't yet, please do give a review on iTunes. In the early stages of a podcast launch, reviews and ratings are crucial to boost
Starting point is 01:15:14 it up the charts and get it seen by new people. So if you could, that would be very, very much appreciated. Also, a huge thank you to our sponsors, D&D Beyond and Brilliant.org. D&D Beyond is what we're using in our game to track our stats and basically digitise all of our character sheets and it's been super, super
Starting point is 01:15:29 useful, for me in particular, to keep track of all my spells. Also, if you go to D&D Beyond and use the code HIGHROLLING, that's all caps and one word, HIGHROLLING, you will get 25% off your first purchase, excluding the legendary bundle. And also, a big thanks to Brilliant.org,
Starting point is 01:15:46 who provide logic puzzles and more in fun and interesting ways. So if you're looking for a way to trick your players with some interesting puzzles, or you want to outsmart your DM like I do, then head to Brilliant.org using the link bit.ly slash highrollersarebrilliant. That's bit.ly slash highrollersarebrilliant, That's bit.ly slash highrollersarebrilliant. And the first 200 will get 20% off their annual subscription. Once again, thank you very much for listening. We'll be back on Thursday with the second half of this episode
Starting point is 01:16:14 to see how we deal with those walls in the ship and other stuff. Anyway, please stick around for that. We'll see you then. Goodbye.

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