High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Aerois | #21 - Burning Questions (Part 1)

Episode Date: January 28, 2019

In the Temple of H'esper the team have met a man who is very interested in their shadowy weapons! D&D Beyond is the official digital toolset for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Create your FREE acco...unt now and start digitising your campaigns here: https://www.dndbeyond.com/ Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pickaxe. See app for details. Need a great reason to get up in the morning? Well, what about two? Right now, get a small, organic Fairtrade coffee and a tasty bacon and egg or breakfast sandwich for only $5 at A&W's in Ontario. Hello, welcome back to High Rollers, a Dungeons & Dragons podcast in the world of Erois, run by Dungeon Master Mark Sherlock-Humes, with me, Tom, playing Keelakad Kalad, a bard slash cleric. I am Chris Trott.
Starting point is 00:00:48 I'm playing Lucius Vue in Elowin Elanastro. And I am a High Elf Sorcerer. Hi, I'm Rhiannon. I'm playing Sentry. I am a Guardian Paladin. Hi, I'm Katie. I'm playing Ayla, a Wild Elf Barbarian. And I'm Kim. I'm playing Nova, who is an Air Ganassi, and she is a hexblade warlock. We're sponsored by D&D Beyond, the official toolset for Dungeons & Dragons.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Check the link in the description to start digitising your campaigns. In the Temple of Hesper, the team have met a man who is very interested in our shadowy weapons. Hello, welcome back to Erois. I was trying to do that from 9 o'clock news. Hello, and welcome back to the Roars after witnessing a spell class spell clash match
Starting point is 00:01:49 drinking in a seedy bar with the orc priest Kalu Utoma and making plans with Arvel our adventurer has met once again with the field warden
Starting point is 00:01:58 of Kaylie's Rest Malika Dawnblest who informed that she had spoken with the Sands family and the mercenary Sana Long Ears and after learning the true nature of Night Frost,
Starting point is 00:02:07 the Eterna relic that you acquired from a Court of Shadows starship, she encouraged you to be cautious with it, but gave you free reign in the city and to leave it when you wished. With the doubts cast on Night Frost, you sought information about him, as well as explore your own areas of learning by heading to the Temple of Hesper, a squat little tower in North Street. You found it to be a disorganized hoarder's nightmare of books and scrolls. A strange old man spoke with you for a short time until you revealed Nightfrost, where he referred to it by its name, an Eterna.
Starting point is 00:02:46 The temple of Hesper seems to loom around you as Dean Simon stands staring at you intently. The dark shadows of the night and lack of ambient lighting turn the bookcases into cavernous walls, and the book stacks seem like awkward-shaped stalagmites rising up towards the ceiling. In the brief silence, you can hear the creak of wood and a gentle hum. The smell of old parchment and polished leather drifts through the room as the dean rubs his chin but keeps his eyes focused on the long black cloak draped across Lucius's shoulders. The shadowy fabric swaying softly, though there is no breeze, and a gentle mist coils towards the floor.
Starting point is 00:03:32 The dean kind of just looks around at all of you. So? Care to explain? Explain what, exactly? He gestures towards the cloak. You said that you had something for me to look at. Not often. In fact, never once in my life have I ever encountered one of these things. But I know enough about it to recognise an Eterna.
Starting point is 00:03:56 A strange group of folk bringing one into Cayley's rest is certainly to Pike an interest. So you've come here for a reason, no doubt. Yes, well, information. Nova's full of it, but unfortunately, in terms of Night Frost, we don't know too much. Hmm. What about the rest of you, hmm?
Starting point is 00:04:17 All the same thing? Oh, well, I'm here to, well, just learn more about Hesper, to discover some things about him related to me, the Arakokra. Your people have an affinity with the Lord of Magic and the sky. I'm surprised that you've not learnt a little more before, but certainly that that can be found here. You've got
Starting point is 00:04:46 very serious all of a sudden. You must understand, for the most part, people that come here, people that live in Callius Rest, they're not exactly the type who are looking for genuine knowledge. They are looking for cheap and easy answers, or secrets
Starting point is 00:05:02 that can help them overcome rivals or get on with their little meaningless lives. You've all come here with a very clear purpose, and you are more... Well, let's just say there's more to you than I first thought. As for you, young lady, please stop fiddling around with those stacks. That's just something... I'm trying, but it's just...
Starting point is 00:05:23 He goes over and places a hand on the Shrine of Hesper. You hear him kind of whisper a gentle prayer, and the book stacks fly into the bookshelves, all kind of finding their own place. And the dust just settles down into the room itself. There are still plenty of, like, tables and barrels that they'd been sitting on previously just scattered around the room. Can you teach me that spell? It is not a spell, my dear.
Starting point is 00:05:55 It is a prayer. The Lord of Knowledge, well... He wouldn't like to see this place in such a mess. Why? I mean, it's been a long time since you've done this spell before. He wouldn't like to see this place in such a mess. What? I mean, it's been a long time since you've done this spell before. Are we really that important? Not important, but you've been to the town. Do you really think that the people around here
Starting point is 00:06:17 are interested in learning that much about the past or about magical phenomena? Are you that interested about teaching them? Perhaps that would be beneficial. He kind of looks at you like, judging me. Perhaps if you spent long enough here in the lowlands, Mr. Sky Elf, you would be a little bit more jaded.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Still, let's talk about it, shall we? He gestures towards the cloak. It has a name. Which is? Night Frost. Hmm, Night Frost. I had read a description of it... long ago, back when I was learning in Horizon.
Starting point is 00:07:03 There is a catalogue of the Eterna? Not a catalogue as such. My, a teacher of mine, Dean Alessandra Vastra, in the High Church of Hesper in Horizon. An elven woman. Yes, you can tell. She has become very interested in these creatures, these beings I should say. Very few people know about them.
Starting point is 00:07:32 The Temple of Hesper has been keeping their existence somewhat secretive. We're concerned how others may react when they discover their nature, that they are used as weapons and power sources for the Court of Shadows. There are too many people now with a god's departure that seek to fulfill their own merits, especially amongst the Sky Cities. Sky piracy and lowland tyrants, warmongers. If they were to acquire such powers, well, we have some concerns. Anyway, Alessandra had spent a lot of time researching the Eterna, speaking
Starting point is 00:08:14 with people. She identified several of them, wrote descriptions of their various forms, and interviewed others Eterna that walk among us, freely. That's where she learned of this one. He was believed to be dead. So she kept a record of it. She also spoke of the, she learned of the,
Starting point is 00:08:37 what they call the Eternal Triumvirate. They're three leaders. Leaders? Yes. Three of them. Yeah. Leaders? Yes. Three of them. Yeah. Three of them, very powerful, equal in power, and they governed the society of the Eterna together.
Starting point is 00:08:56 You see, the Eterna are beings of energy, and they didn't have these forms before. They existed very differently to us. But the Triumvirate, the Eternal Triumvirate were sort of a council. Advisors, but also law bearers. There were some...
Starting point is 00:09:13 Well, we'll get to that in a second. The Eternal Triumvirate are made of three Eterna. One called Tiangong, Eleia, and Tassadar. What? Tiangong's Eleia, and Tassadar. Is... what? Tiangong's one of the bosses?
Starting point is 00:09:29 Seems to be very familiar. Yes, Nova has Tiangong. Oh, okay. Nova has Tiangong. Everyone, why don't you just shout it? I can see that you're not quite used to keeping knowledge to yourself. He loves to learn, teach. Knowledge is to be shared, is it not quite used to keeping knowledge to yourself. He loves to learn. Teach.
Starting point is 00:09:46 Knowledge is to be shared, is it not? That's why we have books. Certainly some of it is. Some of it should be kept protected. Nova's just kind of like holding her hand up. Your kind saw the sort of power that the Court of Shadows wielded. Yeah. Much of that power came from these beings.
Starting point is 00:10:05 They contain enormous amounts of energy, beyond what their forms now are capable of. But using the right rituals that the Court of Shadows knew, they could power their starships, they could power giant engines of war,
Starting point is 00:10:21 great beasts of metal and stone and magic. Yeah, that's where we got Night Frost from. We found him on a ship. It would make sense. Yes, his power was used for evil. Yeah, you say his powers... Do you mean more specifically, or do you mean just to power the ship itself? I'm not sure, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:10:43 I think he was trying to do something with the weapon as you say this you hear the voice of night frost kind of echoing out like yes he was for evil great terrible things the war destruction devastation those girls the power I stole from them and all of you hear that in his voice. And Simon seems to listen intently. How long have you had this Eterna with you? Not too long. We just travelled here from the previous town where we acquired it. And that wasn't too far away, was it?
Starting point is 00:11:21 A few days? A few days. And it was active when you found it? Yes. Well, it was on a pedestal, almost absorbing power itself, or was being stored there. It was generating power to the... That's the one! But it's good. It was conscious, it spoke with you then? Yes. Yes. I felt them enter. There is something you should know.
Starting point is 00:11:46 The Eterna... Calas Starbane, the tyrant, the demigod, he bound them to his will. Through that binding, this pact he made, he stole away some of their ability to change their form. He forced them to take on the forms as you see them now, these weapons, armor, devices used to generate power.
Starting point is 00:12:13 Through doing so, they have a sort of immortality. They can be destroyed, but they do not age, they do not change. They can slowly be drained of their power, however. they do not change. They can slowly be drained of their power, however. Everything that Elisandra learned is that once their power is gone, the only way it can be restored is through a willing return of energy
Starting point is 00:12:36 from a living host. They are symbiotes of a sort. But there is something else she spoke of. It is possible for the Eterna to be force-fed power, life, energy. Very much how undead are created by necromancy. When that happens, Eterna can become corrupted. They can become dark, twisted things. They are driven mad and crave power and energy.
Starting point is 00:13:08 They cannot be restored. There is no cure for this. They are not like you and I. We cannot use divine magic to purge away their ills or their minds. You carry something very dangerous, or at least the potential for danger with you. Yes, that's very clear now. You say you carry Tiangong. Do you speak with him?
Starting point is 00:13:33 I'm surprised he would not have warned you against this. I... I don't even know if it's a hymn. I hear voices in my sleep, in my dreams. It's spoken to me before when I found it, when it willed me to rescue it. And, well, Night Frost said that Tiangong was shattered and what I hold is a sliver. I imagine that if I was to find more parts and reunite,
Starting point is 00:14:03 then Tiangong would be stronger. It is likely the only way that such an immense being of power, the Eternal Triumvirate, they were the leaders. You've all heard the stories of the Archfiends, of Celestials, great beings, not quite gods, but incredibly powerful. The Eternal Triumvirate were of a similar level. If they were broken into shards, it was a way for Calus to distribute their power amongst his forces rather than keeping it to himself. I do not know where the other two are, and
Starting point is 00:14:36 my mentor kept far more research notes than I have. This is simply what I can remember of my time spent studying with her. The Eterna can take various forms, humanoid, weapon and armour, but only those who are considered free, that have bonded with a willing, symbiotic human, can take on a humanoid form. Some of them are... They bond with a human and then they leave. Some are forced to stay by their side.
Starting point is 00:15:06 From what I understand, that's where most of my mentor's notes came from, speaking with one. One called Celeste, if I remember. Celeste. She was supposed to be a woman of almost luminosity, appeared as if glowing, a feminine form, could take the form of a spear. Anyway. I don't know... She just roams freely around Eros? That is what my mentor told me, yes. So she...
Starting point is 00:15:35 This Celeste seeks to free her people from the pact with Starbane. But sadly, I mean, that is impossible. I've got a 10 on history. Yes. What do you want to know?
Starting point is 00:15:50 So, there was a spear in the lore of the Sundering. Yes. I'm just, I was just trying to piece it. So,
Starting point is 00:15:59 from what you remember, yes, in the Sundering, the history of the Sundering is the god Atelicus, the eldest son of Siasca, seeing his mother die at the history of the sundering is the god atelicus the eldest son of siasca um seeing his mother die at the hands of calistar bane enraged plunged his spear uh into the ground of erois erois was once one big landmass that plunging of the spear split the
Starting point is 00:16:18 world up into the continents you now know and caused untold devastation. To this day, Atelicus is kind of regarded as a god to be worshipped but feared because of this rage. He represents primal rage and anger. You don't think that his spear would have been an Eterno. He existed before Starbane arrived to Eros. That's almost his spear is like a part of his godly power. What were the three names of the council? So you have one.
Starting point is 00:16:49 The other one is Aleja, which is A-L-Y-E-J-A. Kind of like Freya from Norse mythology, but Aleja. And Tassadar, T-A-S-S-A-D-A-R. Tassadar. And Celeste is one of the... Celeste is just an Eterna. Yeah. Just.
Starting point is 00:17:09 So, now my question to you all. What do you intend to do with this being that you have? I'm personally terrified of the potential. If it's a corrupted Eterna, like you say, and it has the power that could... I do not know the exact process. Perhaps this corruption is not complete. Perhaps it is merely only a sliver away from transformation.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Transformation to what? A darker form. From what I understand, there would be some sort of physical change. And from your research with your advisor, what was it? Mentor. Mentor. Was there any knowledge as to, you know, these sacrifices, these willing sacrifices? Is that something that Night Frost could take himself?
Starting point is 00:18:07 How to explain this... So Normally my understanding with the Eterna is they if they are drained of their power they can enter a sort of symbiotic relationship a process of bonding where a humanoid, a mortal like us, can give them some of their life force and in exchange it awakens the Eterna's powers. But there is discussion, research from captured remnant, that there is a way to force an Eterna to feed off a life. Normally fatal.
Starting point is 00:18:49 How much is required, I do not know. That has happened. We've witnessed it. Then I would suggest that that Eterna that you have is very likely on the brink of such a corruption. But there's no evidence that you can't stop it, that kindness and understanding can't help them. Kindness and understanding don't stop death. But he... He didn't...
Starting point is 00:19:15 He didn't... He didn't drain the last girl. But he can be forced to do so. Regardless of... Yeah, you hearfrost, yeah. Deimos stopped me. Deimos was the one that prevented me from draining her. I had no control.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Can I get in the way of further draining? Perhaps, Master Lucius. I don't know. I don't know what they can do to us It's not something we know it has never been done before how many did you drain? for Four of them I killed I can still see their faces They're young innocent faces. I had not seen many of your kind before I
Starting point is 00:20:03 Was distant as a ship My weapons fired down, but I did not see faces. Bears were the first ones I saw, and then they were gone. The voice goes quiet. It seems to me that he has suffered quite a substantial amount from such an activity. The remnant truly do not have any mercy on them. I do not know if you are correct, young Ganassi. Perhaps you are right. Perhaps they can be saved. There is salvation. My experience only is of a similarity
Starting point is 00:20:38 between them and the undead. And there is no saving the undead. I just wonder because I guess maybe I have a symbiotic relationship with Tiangong. Tiangong asked me if he could if they could come with
Starting point is 00:20:56 me. If they could share some of my power. Tiangong works through me. I learnt these spells through him. Keep in mind Tiangong is of an incredible power, far beyond the rest of his kind. It would be as if it is the difference
Starting point is 00:21:12 between you and I and one of the greatest champions, one of the greatest heroes of all of our time. It is a power level. It may be that he does not require the same energy that these others do. I do not know. My mentor perhaps will have better
Starting point is 00:21:32 answers, but this is all I can offer. Perhaps if I reform Tiangong, Tiangong can help Nightfrost and others. At this point that is a hypothesis, but it is one I cannot disagree with. I have no evidence to or against the contrary. Nightfrost, what do you think? I do not know, Nova. I regret everything that I've done, and there are times when I hate what I am. There are times when I wish only to vanish. But then there are times when I am so desperate
Starting point is 00:22:05 to see the light that I missed for so long. There are times when I want to be free of this pain. In any way, I can. I don't know. This is not what we are, not what we are used to. I was a being of energy once, beyond any of this. I miss my people. I wish Tiangong were here to tell us what to do as he once did, as they once did. I want you to know Night Frost, I'm looking for Tiangong since you told me
Starting point is 00:22:37 that what I hold is just a sliver. I want to reform them. I want to find the rest of Tiangong. And if that helps you, then that strengthens my resolve. Thank you. You just kind of hear that amongst all of you? Well, it's a wonderfully noble cause, Nova. Nova, noble, noble, Nova. It almost works. But we have to consider that going on this quest to reform Tiangong, it's worthy only people in the way of the remnant or Court of Shadows
Starting point is 00:23:14 obtaining the power of these Eternals. And the more we piece them back together and grant them their power back, the more power we could potentially give to the Court of Shadows. Well, we recovered Nightfrost from the Court of Shadows. Yeah, we beat those guys up real bad. Aayla. Yeah. Yes. And that's one less for them.
Starting point is 00:23:36 Yeah. It's freeing a people. There was a war. Like a war of all of Erois that destroyed Erois. What can we do against that? But the Eterna were enslaved in that war. We're working to free them. Yes, my only worry is it's only us
Starting point is 00:23:53 that's really in the way of an army. It's true, but seeing what the Court of Shadows are now, if we let them run free, collecting all the Eterna and gathering power, they're going to reform and they'll become the army that destroyed Eros before. I'm not saying we dismiss the quest. All I'm saying is maybe we need more help. Oh, obviously. That's a given.
Starting point is 00:24:19 I'm afraid my help is somewhat limited. I am neither a mage or a powerful priest. I'm a librarian, if nothing better. But my mentor should have some answers for you. Where can she be found? Horizon, the Sky City. That's a fantastic place to go. You know what? I hear the weather's good.
Starting point is 00:24:40 I'm surprised that you're so keen to head to Horizon. Why? Perhaps you're not so familiar with your neighbouring cities as I thought. It's a sky city. It is. It is a sky city where a rebellion overthrew the high elf royalty that run it. It was... I wondered why Daddy never took us there.
Starting point is 00:24:58 It is not. There are plenty of high elves who exist there, but it is strange that one who is quite obviously a noble son of the... Thank you, you noticed. Thank you. It's not hard. Horizon is a place where the common people rose up and claimed it for their own. It is a good place. I spent many wonderful years there.
Starting point is 00:25:23 Great. But it is different. What was the founding family that helped? There was an assistance, wasn't there? It was on Gustaven itself. I'm getting them mixed up. I'm afraid I could not tell you. The ruling family that was overthrown
Starting point is 00:25:38 did some terrible things and their name has been stricken for most records. The citizens would have a better history of Horizon. There were refugees in Gustaven too. I remember that. Good. History lessons are so boring though. Ayla puts the hammer on the ground and is like,
Starting point is 00:25:55 are we done? I'm so bored. Please. Is there anything else we need to ask this old man? We could ask about your tartan. That's a really good idea. Hey, old man, what do you know about this? Waves a piece of tartan in his face. It is a piece of cloth. Great, good.
Starting point is 00:26:11 What? He's just like, clan, blah blah blah blah blah. Ayla goes through the speech, because I don't want to put words in Kate's mouth. He's like, hmm, high elf and things. I'm afraid not. I do not have any records of censuses taken at the time,
Starting point is 00:26:30 but there were a number of elven families who came down from the Sky Cities to live in Eros, and they became the wild elves of today. I'm afraid that here, I could ask Hesper, but that is a lengthy process, and not one that I believe I have any books on in particular.
Starting point is 00:26:49 What about you, Guardian? You, Aristocrat? You mentioned you wanted to learn. Is there anything you wish to know, Guardian? Well, I've been seeking a temple of Hesper for some time, actually. Why? Well, I... A while back, I was flying along. Everything was fine. Two wings.
Starting point is 00:27:12 You might have noticed. Only one now. And then I was struck by lightning, surely to kill me, plummeted into the ground, And then I saw some things. And also I got a message from who I believed then to be Hesper. And that connection has been strengthening over time. And I am seeing him more and more. Let's stop for a second.
Starting point is 00:27:45 I was waiting for you to interrupt. I was... I'm not going to interrupt you when you're clearly explaining something. There's some more information that's required. First of all, you say you saw things. Elaborate. Okay, so... I saw a blinding light.
Starting point is 00:28:04 Lightning. Lightning, I imagine. And then I saw a blinding light. Lightning. Lightning, I imagine. And then I saw places that I've never been to before. Cities and people running and screaming. And there's fire. There's chaos. There's buildings collapsing. There's fire. There's chaos. There's buildings collapsing.
Starting point is 00:28:30 I don't know if that is my imagination running wild. A metaphor for the moment of falling to my almost certain doom. But shortly after, Hesper reached out and then I woke up in the lowlands. You say Hesper. You saw him? He spoke to you? He, yes, well, a very short message, but since that time I've been having dreams. He is appearing, he's giving me a path, he's asking me to fly with the Arakokra or to cocoon myself on the ground.
Starting point is 00:29:08 Strange messages that I don't have an answer for. And my powers have been growing. You feel a deeper connection to him spiritually. You have access to magics. Yes, magics that I never would have had before. I never had prior to the storm. It is not uncommon that gods, following the sundering, they pulled away from Eros in mourning for their mother.
Starting point is 00:29:37 It was a dark time. But they hadn't given up on us completely. They just need some time to adjust. They're not like us. Siaska was everything. They were part of her, and when she died, part of them died with her. But they still speak to us. They still speak to a few of us that listen, that represent them, that have something to learn from them that we can pass on to the others Hesper is a good man a good being I should say he sees such potential in many of us but he was always a strange one amongst his family he liked his
Starting point is 00:30:18 books and his learning he liked the sky And he liked the sky. So what? If he speaks to you, he believes that you have great potential. Is there any clue as to what that is? I believe that it is likely tied to this vision. Visions are not uncommon among servants of the gods. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:45 They are used as ways to warn us of things to come, but they are not always exactly what they appear. Like you said, it may not be an actual city in need. It could be a kingdom, a society, a small town. Right. But that answer will come in time. Okay. Likely now, you're being guided.
Starting point is 00:31:08 I can give you some teachings. I can give you some information about Hesper himself. Okay. But the best thing you can do with a god of knowledge is keep moving. He's put you on a path. You may not know it, but that doesn't matter. You need to just keep moving.
Starting point is 00:31:24 The next step is the most important one wherever the road takes us wherever the road takes you in terms of your training yes everything seems seems applicable he goes over to one of the bookshelves
Starting point is 00:31:39 and he pulls out a scroll goes through several and he's like yes stamps on it. This will consider it a gift for a new acolyte. Acolyte, okay. It is a spell scroll.
Starting point is 00:31:53 Right. You may not be powerful enough for it now, but perhaps in time you will be. And it will allow you to ask him a question. Oh. It is called a divination. Ask him a, okay. You It is called a divination. Ask him a... OK. You can attempt to use it sooner.
Starting point is 00:32:10 It will depend on the wisdom that you've earned. Right. And, um... I suppose one-time use? I'm afraid so. OK. So it better be a good question. All questions should always
Starting point is 00:32:26 be good questions. That's true. And you, Guardian, I have something more for you, my young friend. And we can speak more if you intend to spend more time here in Kali's Rest. Okay, yes. I'd be happy to teach you what I know. Thank you. And you, Guardian,
Starting point is 00:32:42 is there anything I can help you with as we seem to be doing the rounds? Yeah. While we're here? While we're here, yeah, that's very true. You seem very knowledgeable in different races. I've studied. Yeah, it's amazing.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Myself and one of the other guardians have shared a similar vision about almost a god-like being called the Prime and yeah. Are you asking if I know of such being? Well, given your knowledge of different races, I wondered if maybe it would come across in a
Starting point is 00:33:22 study? I'm afraid I can't say I have. Your people are few and far between, and secretive in many ways. I do not know much about them. I've never heard of this Prime. Although, some things begin to dwell in my old memory.
Starting point is 00:33:41 It is not a god of Erois, I can tell you that much. Not one of Siaska's children. None of us claim dominion over your kind. But there are other beings. Okay. Things like the Eternus Triumvirate, the Archfiends, the
Starting point is 00:33:55 Celestials that the Aesimar once came from. They're not gods, but they are powerful beings. And there are other worlds out there. Worlds from which creatures not found on Erois come from. There's one in this town, a centaur, I believe. She came from a world full of flowers and strange creatures. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:17 I have heard of one, a place called Mechanicus, a planet far, far beyond this place. There are beings, constructs, golems, beings similar to the Guardians. I believe that that may even have been where the original ideas for your kind came from. Wow. And there is something about a Primus. Not prime, but Primus. Primus. Not prime, but Primus. Primus. I'm not sure if that is the same thing,
Starting point is 00:34:49 but it is all I can think of, I'm afraid. Well, that's so helpful. You've spoken to Tracker and the other guardians here? Yes, yeah, we have. We've met them. Well, I'm afraid that they'll have more knowledge than I, on your kind. Other larger cities, I know that the Goldthrone and the Sky Cities have a vetted interest in your type,
Starting point is 00:35:12 and many of them come there seeking purpose. I hope that that helps. Thank you so much, if it does help. As he finishes talking to Sentry, you're kind of stood at the back of this temple near his shrine. The bookshelves all around you. You hear the door open.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Sound of armoured feet. You turn around and you see filling in through the door, there's about five of them. Maybe two of them are still outside just by the door itself. They wear breastplate or chainmail.
Starting point is 00:35:50 Some of them carry shields. Weapons not fully drawn. Leading them is a man in a long white and red robe. You can see that a burning, gauntleted fist. Whereas before, you've seen the symbol of Paladar as an open palm, this one is a gauntleted fist. Whereas before you've seen the symbol of paludor as an open palm, this one is a gauntleted fist facing the other way. And they kind of enter
Starting point is 00:36:11 and Dean Simon is talking to Century at the time and one of them calls out. And you can see this one in the robes seems to be doing the main speaking. There's still armour on it, like he has a breastplate over the robes themselves. And then one behind him seems to be wearing sort of more
Starting point is 00:36:28 form-fitted clothing, and you can see he has a long kind of whip kind of attached to his side. Dean Simon. Dean's like, what now? Another vis... Oh. It's you. What do you want?
Starting point is 00:36:46 I've got to remember that they're Savonans. The Abbotess would very much like to speak with you, Dean Simon. She's gathering all of the leaders from the local temples, heading towards the Abbey. She wishes
Starting point is 00:37:02 to speak with you privately. Abbotess? There is no such thing. What about Abbot Varson? What's happened to him? I'm afraid that Abbot Varson has fallen ill and the leadership of the Abbey has fallen to the Abbotess. Demon Simon looks at you. He's like, you should all go now.
Starting point is 00:37:23 Are you sure? And then he just kind of looks at you with a very troubled look on his face. Turns back. I'm to understand that you ought to take me there now, peacefully, I would hope, as long as you come quietly, yes. As for the rest of you,
Starting point is 00:37:42 get out. Get out of Kelly's rest. This ain't no place for fre rest of you, get out. Get out of Kelly's rest. This ain't no place for freaks like you. This is a place for good people. And then as he sees Ayla, especially your fucking kind, spits on the ground. Wow. And you see Ayla is, like, gripping the hammer,
Starting point is 00:38:01 not taking action. Mm-hmm. like gripping the hammer, not taking action. Well, I guess we will be off then. Right? Got everything. When you say that,
Starting point is 00:38:16 you guys can all make insight checks for me. Nope. 14. 16. Like nothing. 8. 16. Like nothing. 8. 10.
Starting point is 00:38:30 10. So I think, Lucius, you're the only one that picks up on this. When you say, like, oh, I guess we should be leaving then, there's a slight hint of disappointment on Dean Simon's face. Like, he's like, okay, yeah, yeah. I gotta go with these guys then. Almost like there was a tiny hope that you'd help but he's just like, alright.
Starting point is 00:38:51 Let's not keep this amethyst waiting. And then he kind of turns around and you hear this kind of very low I wouldn't remain in Kali's rest too much longer. I'm sorry my boy. I'll have to reschedule our time to spend talking about Hesper." He gets up to go with these five individuals who are just watching the five of you for any
Starting point is 00:39:14 signs of trouble. When is he expected to return, Dean Simon? You ask the guy? Yeah. He looks at you like, how fucking dare you talk to me? When the abatis is done with him, it's none of your fucking business, bird. I had a schedule to keep. Too fucking bad. Good people in Caddy's Rest. Yeah, they are, when they're surrounded by their own fucking kind, not some freaked up strangers coming in ruining the whole place. You make me fucking sick. I'm sick of your kind around here.
Starting point is 00:39:52 And then the one with the whip kind of puts a hand on his shoulder. He's like, easy now, brother. There's no need to get heated. The Dean's coming with us. These folks will be on their way soon, I'm sure. And Dean's coming with us. These folks will be on their way soon, I'm sure. You can see that as they get up, the one who's been doing the speaking, this one in the robes, just kind of grabs Dean Simon's wrists, kind of pretty angrily, like, grabs him.
Starting point is 00:40:18 And he's like, come along, Dean! And shoves him sort of out the door. He said he was going willingly. He just turns around. That just looks... There's no need. Okay. Begins taking the Dean away. Jesus.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Of all the different people we've met, he was the rudest. Are we okay with this? I mean, no. Is that if they left? They are, like, at the door. I'm going to say that, like, the door is open and they're, like, stepping outside.
Starting point is 00:40:53 So if you're doing something... Well, they'll be on the street, but if you want to do something while they're still in the building, now is the time to do it. Because otherwise they're going to be out in the public streets. I don't like how you're handling that, man. They stop.
Starting point is 00:41:12 Yes. My mum said that you shouldn't swear. Bad language is very uncouth. They stop. And you see that the two are still outside. Kind of grin under these kind of like bucket homes and there's like the one with the robes turns around you don't like it mr. fancy elf that's a real fucking shame why don't I come over and apologize finally some sense he begins making his way in and the Inquisitor
Starting point is 00:41:44 just kind of rolls his eyes. Lucius. You can see that they shove Dean Simon into the corner behind the door, and one of the three men with the shields kind of stands next to him, and they shut the door until they all step in. Can I silently blade ward myself?
Starting point is 00:42:01 Make a sleight of hand check. Can I look to Dean to, like... I'm looking for advice from him at this point. He's just got a hard set face. Eleven. Give me a perception check. Okay. Can I like ready my shield and stand between Lucius
Starting point is 00:42:19 and. Yeah so you like actually step up like you step up to this guy in his face. Seventeen. He mouths the word Yeah, so you like actually step up. You step up to this guy in his face. 17. He mouths the word. He mouths, it's going to get bad. And as he steps up and as Sentry kind of steps to him in his face, this guy just grins. He's like, you know, it's a shame.
Starting point is 00:42:46 These libraries, really prone to burning down. And you watch as his form begins to flicker into flames. Would you guys like to see where you are? Yes, please. Oh good,
Starting point is 00:42:56 he had a battle map prepared. Oh, brilliant. Oh, I mean, we couldn't just let him go, could we? Oh, that's so rude. No! So nasty. They're manhandling an old man. Why are none of us human? I mean we couldn't just let him go could we oh that's so rude no so nasty
Starting point is 00:43:06 they're manhandling an old man why are none of us human because humans are boring and racist I know one two I really like the closed fist compared to the open arm yeah that's cool
Starting point is 00:43:21 oh Simon's been shoved in there there's these guys and then you guys are all basically near the shrine which is back here okay and then we've got Ayla as well I'm going to have to use Ayla's old mini because I don't know where Katie's good one is
Starting point is 00:43:39 and once you've placed your miniatures on the map I'd like that Century stepped up in front of Lucia Yes she did Yeah You're basically like There's this kind of like sack
Starting point is 00:43:52 Where a bunch of books were kind of like Just propped on it But they've all been thrown back into the shelves And it's kind of just between you and him Yeah Little sack Little sack And with that
Starting point is 00:44:04 Let's roll some initiative wow straight in we've got lots of lore and now it's time for a fighty fight
Starting point is 00:44:12 I'm going last before we do this what was the surname for Alessandra uh oh god Kim
Starting point is 00:44:19 why do you do this to me now um Alessandra Vastra Vastra. Yeah, I didn't have that either. I had a long name and panicked. I had Vostro.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Fire on fire, it would seem. Lover. Luscious. Is someone ready to say cool off? What killed the dinosaurs?
Starting point is 00:44:46 The Ice Age Please never quote Batman Forever at me It's got rubber nipples in it It does Okay Game face Bad situation Rhiannon Bad, bad, come on
Starting point is 00:45:04 There you go. Yes. So, Sentry. Hello. 12. 12. Quill. 4.
Starting point is 00:45:11 Nova. 19. Lucius. 8. And then the Inquisitor is... I need to open my spell list.
Starting point is 00:45:19 I haven't seen this in a while. What is combat? How do you spell? How do you combat? How do you fight men? 19odius is oh my goodness he is he's up for a fight oh no are you okay uh-oh crikey he's up for a fight shit oh my god yeah he really is i think they will so he up, and as he says those last words, like, it's a shame how easy everything burns in here. And then he seems to be wielding, I believe he has a...
Starting point is 00:45:54 Yeah, he's got, like, a long kind of, like, Crozier staff. Nice. And he slams it on the ground and then points it forward and projecting in a 15 foot cone from him which I think is going to be 5, 10, 15 is going to catch Lucius, Aayla and Sentry as well as several tables, barrels and everything else.
Starting point is 00:46:14 A cone of flame erupts forward and can you guys make dexterity saving throws for me? Is that me as well? No, I think you're just out. I'm going to catch Lucius because Trot has annoyingly put himself on half things, so I'm going to make him go there. Try and put yourselves actually on the grits.
Starting point is 00:46:32 I'm going to go over the wall. Wall in. Lean in. I don't limit myself to a grid-based system. Yeah, is that what you do? Okay. So what did you get on those decks, Samy Throws? Five.
Starting point is 00:46:43 Five? 16. And then I've got to make one for Ayla, haven't I? And that is going to be a whopping nine for Ayla. Wowee. Wowee, wowa. You got 16, did you say? You pass, you're going to take half damage.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Wicked. So it's going to be 12, 13. So 13 points of fire damage to Ayla and Century. Sweet. Bring it on. And then seven points of damage to you, Lucius. As this kind of column of fire erupts, as it hits
Starting point is 00:47:11 things like the tables, the barrels, they ignite. And the whole place launches. Oh, we've got to get through them to the exit. Oh, there's an upstairs. There is an upstairs, yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:29 And as he slams down that, he just calls out. He's just like, they're resisting, boys, for the Abbotess. As they launch forward. Nova. My Abbotess. Nova's like, oh, I regret this decision. I regret standing up for what's right. Why is doing the right thing so hard?
Starting point is 00:47:53 I wish I was a water ganassi and I could just... Well, you're an air ganassi. What does that mean? I can suffocate? You don't have to worry. Well, no, it means that you don't have to worry about, you know, suffocating yourself. What's that? Is that the light? Because it's so dark. Yeah, the camera's very that you don't have to worry about, you know, suffocating yourself. What's that? Is that the light? Because it's so dark.
Starting point is 00:48:07 Yeah, the camera's very dark. We need to get, like, a little portable light or something. Can I? I'm probably going to regret this. Cast Crown of Madness on him. Sure. Damn. Go for it.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Can you please make me a wisdom saving throw? On the guy with the cruisier staff, the main guy in the front. The main guy. The main asshole. The other, I don't even know. Wisdom saving throw. On the guy with the cruisier staff, the main guy in the front. The main guy, the main asshole. Okay. Wisdom saving throw? Yes. DC? 14.
Starting point is 00:48:30 I mean, zealot priest. 21. What is this shit? Yeah. I rolled a 15, to be fair. So you kind of reach out. He just acts like a dumb person. You channel...
Starting point is 00:48:40 The accent doesn't make him dumb, guys. No, the racism. Oh, yeah, racism. That's fair. You channel the power accent doesn't make him dumb, guys. No, the racism. Oh, yeah, racism. That's fair. You channel the power through Tiangong. You feel this kind of twisting, dark nether magic, almost from... You sense the void itself,
Starting point is 00:48:56 and you try and curl it around his forehead, but he just senses something, and this kind of crown of flame kind of burns the magic away. It's kind of cool. It's just like, the god of fire, the ash will cleanse your pathetic little heretic magic. Can I? Two of the swords.
Starting point is 00:49:15 Hey, I've got stuff to do. Go on, carry on. Yeah, I'm just gonna move up. I'd like to hexblade curse him and then move. Okay, you're right, you move first then. Oh, I wanna tuck behind like here. Yeah, so you just move like five, 10. Moving across the table would be difficult terrain. So I was there, was I?
Starting point is 00:49:34 Five, 10, 15. Oh, you can go to me. 20, 25, and just like tuck behind cover here. Okay, so he gestures, he's like, deal with that one, she's some sort of spellcaster all these spellcaster oh wow they're moving around the pillar no so two of his guys start moving round the other one seems to just be guarding the priest oh he's checked it yeah Steve's got it a lot. It's a lot better. Steve's got it.
Starting point is 00:50:05 A lot better. So two of them basically start making their way to Nova. The third one kind of backs up and is like keeping an eye on the dean, who's now like, oh, my books!
Starting point is 00:50:15 He's looking at the flames. He's like, you fucking idiots! To the guys, not to you guys. He was so serious a second ago. Ayla, on her turn. Smash. Ayla's still a little bit injured from her fight with Callum. I did give her a short rest.
Starting point is 00:50:32 But she is going to rage. Whack. Whack. Whack. She'll move over to here so she's not in the fire. A whacking? A whacking. It's going to be a whacking.
Starting point is 00:50:44 It's going to be a whacking. In true Katie fashion, I will not reckless attack because she's low in the fire. A Whacken? And then she's got the Whack. A Whacken! It's going to be a Whacken! It's going to be a Whacken! In true Katie fashion, I will not Reckless attack, because she's low on hit points. That is for a 16, which I believe is a hit. It's so Reckful. Is that the opposite of Reckless? Then it's a d10. Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Not the best damage in the world. So that's going to be 1d8 plus 6. That's 8 points of damage. And then a reflex save for him. For 13, which is enough for 1 point of damage. Even when Katie's not here, it's still the same. But Aayla's now up in his face, kind of like, get out of the fucking way, swinging her hammer around,
Starting point is 00:51:29 trying to get in his face. We then go to the Inquisitor. Oh, he doesn't look fun. He will. See that sentry set up to try and get in the way. Oh, yeah. And he will. He pulls out this whip, this barbed whip.
Starting point is 00:51:47 Cool. And he cracks it a few times. And then he tries to launch a whip afterwards. Oh, I've had one of those before. My chain whip. Oh, that is a 23 to hit you. That is a hit, yep. Okay.
Starting point is 00:51:59 So the whip just coils around your body and you feel these barbs sticking. And then with an unnatural spiritual strength, he yanks you, pulling you... Oh, so it's kind of like the... Like an ensnaring strong. Lightning blow. Yes, lightning blow.
Starting point is 00:52:15 He basically pulls you. It knocks over this table. All the fire kind of goes everywhere. It's just spilled over. Rightio. He kind of pulls you in towards him you're currently grappled and then he basically with his other free hand
Starting point is 00:52:30 which you can now see glows with this internal heat like the fire is built up inside of him and he goes to reach out and try and grab you as you're grappled what a piece of shit that's only a 13 so you manage to get the shield up and
Starting point is 00:52:45 as it hits the shield, you hear this kind of like hot flame hitting metal sound. Nice. As his whole hand, his whole body almost, is emanating this powerful heat, like this internal heat source. Okay. As it erupts from him. So
Starting point is 00:53:01 after then, Sentry. Okie dokie. So I'm still, am I still grappled? You are grappled. You can make, so you can make an athletics or an acrobatics check to break the grapple. Oh. Which is your move action. Strength.
Starting point is 00:53:13 Athletics is strength. Oh yeah. Can I do athletics then please? Yep, so make an athletics check. I'll tell you the DC is 11. Nice, I got... High. 15, 16, 17, 19.
Starting point is 00:53:24 You pull yourself free At the very start of your turn though you did take some fire damage Some piercing damage sorry from the quip which is 5 points of damage Cool quip Nice, alrighty Cool But then you break free of it and he's right in your face nice i would like to raffle smite okay the furnace action you cast raffle smite on your axe yes please and then
Starting point is 00:53:53 who are you going to attack oh i don't know i don't know who's going to annoy me more uh this guy the whippy boy he's going to annoy me so much yeah the inquisitor yes please sure so give me an attack roll attack roll 15 plus my thingamajiggy bonus bonus which one is the comments action oh yeah there it is plus six that's yeah 21 easily hits him this guy doesn't seem to be wearing any armor he's just got like clothing but he's got this whip um you hit him as you do uh as the axe connects this kind of roaring heat from his body is enough that it starts singeing your actual joints and arms you take another four fire damage for hitting him with a melee oh the fire gun wow the this guy inquisitor oh he's got fire as well he's the one that when he touched uh sentry shield he's the one that had this internal heat source in his body Yeah, hot. But you still hit him so now you can roll your damage and you add the benefits from wrathful smite
Starting point is 00:54:53 Oh, they're gonna cook me That would be so delicious 1d6 Yep, KFC Abates, Abates, fried chicken Oh Whilst Raven's reading up on like, ugh, spells Abatis, Abatis, Fried Chicken. Oh. Whilst we're reading up on like, ugh, spells. I know, I haven't done this for so long.
Starting point is 00:55:09 No, that's fine. So it's DC, one D6, does an extra D6 plus physical damage. So I need to do, is it my standard? So it's your standard damage. So where's Wrath of Smythe? Let's just read up the stats on that. So additionally, if the target is a creature, creature okay so it has to make a until it's
Starting point is 00:55:28 clients make a wisdom say yeah it deals an extra 1d 6 psychic damage in addition the target is a creature must make a wisdom saving throw it becomes frightened of you so I'll do that so d6 so I got five it's actually gonna fail the wisdom saving throw. Okay. And then, so your- Plus four spell attack. Well no, it's d6 added to your normal weapon damage. Okay, so- It's been a while,
Starting point is 00:55:53 so good to have actions. It's equipment, it's actions. D8 plus four. So, yep, and then- Plus five. Which one is that one again? The diamond. There we go.
Starting point is 00:56:02 Wah wah! So that's seven. Plus five. Plus five. Eight. Eight. No. What is my math?
Starting point is 00:56:11 Twelve. Yes. Twelve DiMaggio's. And he failed his wisdom save. So you watch as the axe kind of bites in. It does pierce into his body and this flame kind of erupts and licks your own arm. But he kind of is like, ah, fuck! And he looks down and he's just like, we've got to get out of here!
Starting point is 00:56:27 Come on, let me in! And he's trying to pull away and try and back away from you as best as he can. Cool! It takes effect. And yeah, he's definitely terrified. And that Lucius. Zoe.
Starting point is 00:56:40 Oh, my. Stiaska. Excuse me, buddy! I've got to go back here. I forgot to attack Dave. That's Oscar! Excuse me, buddy! I'm gonna go back here. I forgot to attack those. That's a shame. Oh no! I was like, I moved my guys up there and I was like,
Starting point is 00:56:53 why do they still have their actions left? You're out of my range. I'm going to cast... They just thought I looked cute and adorable. Lucius. I'm going to cast Snilox Snowball Swarm. Snilox Snowball Swarm! Call up in this. Okay, I'm gonna cast it here. So it Swarm. Snilox Snowball Swarm. Yeah, you're working on it. Call up in this.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Okay, I'm going to cast it here. So it's a five, anything within a five foot radius. So that will unfortunately affect the sentry, sorry. Okay. I'm going to get these two. You're going to get those two. Yep. I need two sorcery points to twin the spell.
Starting point is 00:57:18 Woo! What is this? What do you mean? What have you done? I'm twinning the spell. So you duplicate the effect. Here. These fucking two. Okay, so with twin spells... Double Sneerlock, Snowball Swarm.
Starting point is 00:57:32 I always find it funny when it's got a named... so it's not just a snowball smell. There's a smell, stealth... There's like a name to it as well. Yeah. I think most of wins, same as us. I think most of the high level stuff. So, with the snowball swoon... That one. Like, isn't there a tent one as well that's named after a person? Area.
Starting point is 00:57:53 That one. I think you can't twin it if it targets an area. You can't twin a fireball, for example. Mm. Yeah, it's a point within you, so you can't twin that. You could twin Chromatic Orb, because it targets one creature. So, the way to think of twinning is as long as it targets just one creature, you can twin it and hit another creature.
Starting point is 00:58:10 If it targets an area, you can't twin it. Well what about in a rowis? I'm gonna still play by the same rules. Because otherwise you can go, twin fireball! Pew pew pew! And it becomes ridiculous. We don't need twin fireballs. You could twin Chromatic Orb, though.
Starting point is 00:58:27 I'm going to single Snilok here on these two. Okay. Dexterity saving throws? Is that what I'm making? Correct. Inquisitor, that is 11. Custodes, even lower.
Starting point is 00:58:41 13. Both fail. Century, can you do a dexterity saving throw, please? Sorry. That's a 3d6. Can I get some d6? That is 13 for me. Two more.
Starting point is 00:58:53 That's a 13? Yep. I think that passes, right? That does pass. So you're going to take half damage. Sorry. Okay. Six into three.
Starting point is 00:59:01 15. 15 damage. Yeah. And guess what? Ow. If I can't get the twin, I will get the dich Fifteen. Fifteen damage. Yeah. And guess what? Ow. If I can't get the twin, I will get the diagram, auntie. Yes, you will. Yes.
Starting point is 00:59:10 It's half. So you choose one creature. The Inquisitor. You're going to go with the Inquisitor, yeah? How much damage is that? Level two spell plus three charisma, that's five. That's five. Look at you.
Starting point is 00:59:20 He's learned his part. So what does it look like? Describe what Snilox Noble Swarm, the Lucius form, looks like. I build it up in my hand first, so it's a little vortex of cold fog. Rasingan. With little, like, unique snowflakes in there. And they're all, like, offended by everything. Okay.
Starting point is 00:59:38 He's so pleased. Very good. Carry on! And it closes. Yep. He's so pleased. Carry on. And it closes. Yep. And it reappears in a five-foot swarm that then explodes. Like a whirlwind of snow, a blizzard. Yes.
Starting point is 00:59:52 And then you pull off something blue, like from your outfit, I guess. I'll pull from the blue of the spell itself a shard, which then just like... I mean, I'm entirely blue. Yeah. I'm entirely blue. Okay. I pull it from Nova's hair Okay there we go So you kind of look over, you glance with your blue eye you glance this Nova's like coat
Starting point is 01:00:14 and you pull out a shard of magic spins it into an ice blade throw it to the Inquisitor He's battered by the snow and you can see the frost is building up along his arms He's shivering uncontrollably, still standing, but just like, I think we made a mistake. And the one in the armor is just like, stay strong, brother.
Starting point is 01:00:38 We're going to teach these fucking foreigners a lesson. Nope. Quill. This is my life. It's too real, man. It's too real it's almost like you know you get to like certain areas where religious places can develop into cults and it gets really bad yeah um so if sentry failed that she would have died, by the way, so I'm going to heal her. Wow! How low are you? I'm six.
Starting point is 01:01:07 Oh, dear. Oh, dear. Took one of our own team to knock you down. Welcome to the show. I'm so sorry. It's all right. So I'm going to... Yes, we killed our own Sentry. Oh, no, you're so far away from me.
Starting point is 01:01:23 I need to do... You can healing word Yeah, it's the ranged one The ranged one is Garbo though You can move up and touch it But then I'd be within range of flaming Yeah, you would And I wouldn't be able to get away from him
Starting point is 01:01:35 Yeah I can't kill myself How much do you care about sentry? And they say that a hero was saved Nickel coil I don't want to look every fight I've lost
Starting point is 01:01:47 so I'm going to healing word at level at level 2 healing word there we go 2d4 plus wisdom so
Starting point is 01:01:56 2d4 plus my wisdom that's a 1 that's a 2 oh my god that's like 5 5 hit points hey that's better than nothing almost double almost double isn't it That's a two. Oh my god. Like five. Five hit points. Hey.
Starting point is 01:02:07 That's almost double. Almost double, isn't it? Almost double. That was a bonus action. That was a bonus action. That's double digits. But it was a spell. Yes.
Starting point is 01:02:14 You can cast a cantrix, though. In that case, I will... No, sacred flame's a bad idea. We don't need more flame. Sacred flame is radiant damage. It's not fire damage. Oh, is it? Oh, yeah, it is.
Starting point is 01:02:27 In that case... Which is very confusing as a spell name. Yeah, I will Sacred Flame the big flame boy. The big flame boy, one in front of Ayla. Yes. Okay, he fails. He fails, and that's a d8. A d8.
Starting point is 01:02:38 A d8! A d8! I think it might be a d6. Is it a d8? Yeah, for a d8. No, I'm wrong. Six Dimargios. I thought Sacred Flame was quite weak. How much was it might be a D6. Is it a D8? Yeah, for a good entry. No, I'm wrong. Six Dimargios.
Starting point is 01:02:46 I thought Sacred Flame was quite weak. How much was it? No. Six damage. Six damage. It's incredible, thank you very much. Okay. It's okay.
Starting point is 01:02:54 Thank you, Quill. So that just dips down onto his head like a molten crown. Oh, nice. Long as the caveman... It's just like, ah! It's like this golden energy, these golden feathers kind of batter him. Amongst the snow. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:03:07 He, on his turn, so the custodian, the one in the armour with the staff, is just like, we can't fail here. I need to have a quick look up of a spiel. Is it Sneer's Smoke and Snowstorm? It's not, no. It's called Fireball now. Okay. It's called Death Ray.
Starting point is 01:03:28 Sorry, I just need to check how much this does. I think I know how much it does, but I need to check. I wonder if that's why the sacred flame hurt him so much. Because he just got hit with a cold. And then it hit him up a lot really quick. Thinking of expanding. It's like having a frosted windscreen, but It's like... Thinking of expanding. Yeah. It's like having a frosted windscreen,
Starting point is 01:03:47 but you put a boiled kettle of water on it. Explosive. He's dead, actually. Or eating an ice cream and then having a cup of tea. Your teeth explode. And that's why I have veneers. Yeah. So by the laws of physics,
Starting point is 01:04:01 that guy should actually just be dead. Yeah? Yeah. Should I apply the laws of physics to you guys from now on as well? No. No? No, thank you, Mark. So the one in the armor that you just struck with the sacred flame
Starting point is 01:04:14 mutters a word, a healing word of mass variety as a bonus action. He has that? He does. It's a D4 for everybody. Crap, he's so high level. He's at least level four. I mean that? He does. It's a D4 for everybody. Crap, he's so high level. He's at least level four. I mean, you'd know
Starting point is 01:04:29 better than me. You've actually been a level four. Maybe level five. That's a bonus action and then it's his main action. It's a bonus action.
Starting point is 01:04:38 It is a bonus action. Mass healing word. Yes. And then he will attempt to fight Sentry is a bit of a problem so I think he's attempt to fight... Sentry is a bit of a problem, so I think he's going to go for Sentry. Seeing that you're weakened.
Starting point is 01:04:50 Oh, no. Aayla's right there, though. Aayla is there, but he also knows that the Guardian is weakened. And the Barbarian didn't hit him very hard last time. But who's more foreign? That's true. That's a point.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Does a 19 hit you, Sentry? Yes. I think he needs to make an intelligence check. That's seven points of damage as the Crozier staff slams down on you, and then he will do his other attack at Aayla. Too good.
Starting point is 01:05:21 It's going to hit. Great. She's going to hit. Great. She's going to be another... Heroic save. Half, she's raging. I'm going to take you away. So he kind of slams down with his Crozier staff, like bam, bam, slams into the two targets. He's like, we can win
Starting point is 01:05:38 this, come on, fight! Nova. Can I... You're lucky I didn't attack you One round I'm not gonna forget again Does the fire spread By the way So this round
Starting point is 01:05:50 It probably This round It will start to Yes Okay cool The smoke has been building But it's just been Kind of like burning
Starting point is 01:05:56 Things away so far Did my snilox I've got stuff Did my snilox Where did you place it You placed it here No Can you do that again
Starting point is 01:06:04 It's a level two Okay Just keep snilox You can do another level two I can Okay You placed it here. No. Can you do that again? It's a level two. Okay. Just keep snorting. You can do another level two. I can. I didn't say no. I just said it was a level two.
Starting point is 01:06:13 What are you doing, Nova? I'm going to melee attack whoever's closest to me. They're both within five feet. Are they in range of... Yes. Melee attacks. Yikes. That's a nine to hit. So they just have these long swords. They just parry
Starting point is 01:06:31 as the stone echoes amongst the sand. You can hear the fire beginning to grow next to you. I was going to green flame braid them. Yeah. Green flame braid them. Actually, Ten, you've got move and bonus action. Riot. Green flame braid. I can't move, can I? Green Flame, break them. What's your turn you got? Move and bonus action. Riot, the futility of it all.
Starting point is 01:06:46 Green Flame, play. No luck, no more, no harm. I can't move, can I? If you do, they'll get an attack of opportunity. Opportunity attack. I'm just gonna stay here and die. Just gonna die. Alright, well they're gonna attack you.
Starting point is 01:06:59 Yep, here we go. They're gonna attack you. Okay, so the first one, that is a natural one. No. Second one, however, is a 21. Yeah. Yeah? Yeah. Okay, so as he hits you, you watch as his weapon, this sword,
Starting point is 01:07:15 erupts into flame as it hits you, seemingly drawing strength from his ally next to him. So that is going to be 12 points of damage as this flaming sword clashes into your body.
Starting point is 01:07:30 The other one is going to now leave the Dean and charge up next to this guy to fight Aayla. Fucking garbage. Misses.
Starting point is 01:07:41 Just like swings the sword but Aayla brings the huge hammer the Howling Gale, kind of blocks it with the haft of the weapon against their attacks.
Starting point is 01:07:52 Then we go to Aayla's turn. Whacking. Yeah. Aayla will attack the big boy. Natural one. Not even joking. Dexterity saving throw. That's another natural one.
Starting point is 01:08:08 That's, what, three in a row, isn't it? Yep, that's fucking, well, two in a row for that one anyway. I rolled one against Kim, then I got a hit against Kim, then I rolled two natural ones. But guess how much damage I rolled for her lightning? One. Natural one.
Starting point is 01:08:19 It was! Oh my god! Holy shit. So this little... Once again, the static electricity ruts off. Her hair raises slightly. What?! Holy shit. So this little... Once again, the static electricity ruts off her hair. Her hair raises slightly. As it just zaps her with a tiny little...
Starting point is 01:08:32 Who has a balloon? Okay, the Inquisitor, as he is frightened, has to... he basically has to move away from Sentry this turn. So he will... He will spend his action to disengage, and then his move action to go... Ah! Whoa!
Starting point is 01:08:49 Oh, he's going to open the door. That's cool. So he would... Well, yeah, he would go... 5, 10, 15, 20. And then his bonus action is to open the door. I'd like it if he runs out into the main street and is like,
Starting point is 01:09:02 Ah, I'm terrified. We're killing people in there. And then everyone out there knows what's happening. Possibly. No? But he gets to the door, he opens it,
Starting point is 01:09:11 and that's the end of his turn. Sentry. Tell her you're activating. Yeah, it's a terrible fanfare. Can you just check for wrath or spite? How long does the frightened last for me? Oh, the frightened. It's until the spell ends.
Starting point is 01:09:30 As an action, a creature can make a wisdom check. So he gets a saving throw. As an action? So he couldn't have used his action to get disengaged in that time. Oh, he would just choose to do it. As an action, yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:44 Otherwise, one minute. That's crazy. yeah. Okay. Otherwise, one minute. That's crazy. That's interesting. Cool. Okay, so he's going to run away. He's on the process of running away. Cool. Then I'm going to move back, I think, back to where Quill is.
Starting point is 01:10:02 You're going to travel all the time. You're going to travel all the time. You're going to travel all the time. He's going to hit you. Well, you can spend your action to disengage and then nobody can take off. Then I could just smack that guy in the face. You could just also hit him. I kind of want to hit him in the face.
Starting point is 01:10:20 Do what you think Sentry would do. Yeah, I'm going to just hit the in the face, because he's annoying me. He's a big racist. He is a big racist, and I don't stand for that! I don't stand for that! So I'm gonna hit this guy. In the face, please. Oh no. Oh no.
Starting point is 01:10:42 Oh no. Total attack. That is an eight. So he swings the cruisier staff and blocks your axe, kind of hooks it underneath the blade, and then she's to slide it to the side, defending himself, just, like, throwing you to the side, like, don't take me for some unskilled priest, guardian.
Starting point is 01:10:59 But you're a massive racist, and I don't like you. Anything else you'd like to do? That's your action. Can I move back as a bonus action? Oh, no. Okay. You could move, but he'd get an opportunity attack against you.
Starting point is 01:11:12 Can I ready an action? No, because you used your action to get back. Okay, then I'm good. You're just good? I'm good. So after Sentry, Lucius. Okay.
Starting point is 01:11:25 Nightfrost, I need you. What do you need,. Lucius? Okay. Nightfrost, I need you. What do you need, Master Lucius? I'm going to do Misty Step. Okay. So you summon his power into Misty Step. Yep. So 30 feet teleport. Okay. So you teleport behind this guy? Yes.
Starting point is 01:11:40 Okay. So the cloak, you watch as the cloak expands like a crawling tendril of shadows, and it completely covers Lucius, who then just goes flat into a shadow of like a bookcase and then reappears behind the guy. And I'm going to cast... He turns around in a surprised look.
Starting point is 01:12:01 I'm going to cast Lightning Lure on him. Okay. Yank him back in. Yes. Okay. So what do I do? So that is a strength saving throw of a 13. 13.
Starting point is 01:12:11 Unfortunately, I don't think this guy has a menace now. I've got a 15. Okay. So the Lightning kind of lashes out, goes to wrap around him. Get back here! You're like yanked forward. He's just like, no! And he goes to run out of the building.
Starting point is 01:12:26 I'm going to go away! So I don't have... I haven't used my movement. So what I'll do is... It's a bonus action to use Misty Step, this thing, isn't it? Yes. So yes, bonus action, action, you still have your movement. In which case I'll run up to him.
Starting point is 01:12:41 Okay, that's an attack opportunity from the militant that you're stood next to. Even though his back is, he's on. I mean, the miniature is there, but he knows that you've appeared behind him and then as you go to leave, he like gets a free strike at you. Okay. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:12:58 So you move, you complete the movement. He doesn't stop your movement. And that is gonna be a 14. Yes. Okay. What's wrong with your cloak on? Cloak doesn't really give AC. So, 16.
Starting point is 01:13:15 Seven points of damage. No fire damage, though. That's you are not next to an ally. All good. So he strikes you. so that's your go Quill I am going to use a bardic inspiration
Starting point is 01:13:31 on Ayla okay so you give bardic inspiration to Ayla and basically what that is is I'm basically saying what I'm about to do
Starting point is 01:13:39 so that she can prepare herself because I am casting in this area calm emotions on everyone okay so that she can prepare herself, because I am casting, in this area, calm emotions on everyone. Okay. Everybody. And I'm giving the Bardic Inspiration to Ayla because her charisma is like...
Starting point is 01:13:53 So you want her to try and save against it so that she's not affected. Okay. Clever. So it basically centres on Sentry, but it hits Sentry, Flame Boy, Militant Boy, Ayla, these two fighting Nova, but not nova. Okay, does it hit Lucius and the other guy?
Starting point is 01:14:10 Oh, it would. Okay. And there must be some positioning I can do to. You'll probably hit me then. Yeah. Put where you're gonna put it. I'll put it where it also hits Lucius as well. You need to, yeah, okay, so that would basically be sentry,
Starting point is 01:14:23 because what is it, 20 foot? Yeah. So five, 10, 15, yeah, it would hit pretty much everybody. In fact, it would hit Sentry as well. It won't hit you, though. Isn't a 20-foot radius 10 either side? Oh, that's true, actually, yeah, it's 10 feet. Oh, is it 10?
Starting point is 01:14:35 Yeah. So you wouldn't hit this guy. You'd hit everybody. You wouldn't hit Nova. You'd hit this guy, this guy, this guy, Ayla, and Sentry. So three of the five bad guys. Yeah, that's not bad. Fine, I'll take it.
Starting point is 01:14:48 And also, in the process, I'm calming everyone down on our side too. Sure. Chill. Okay, and the DC is? Literally. 13. No more fire. Why can't we be friends?
Starting point is 01:14:57 13? Yeah. Okay, so Sentry, you need to make a charisma saving throw as well. Am I not in it then? No. And then for these guys as well. Hey, Sentry passes. Passes. And I don't need to make it.
Starting point is 01:15:06 No. Ayla does pass it, as do the other two guys I'm afraid. Everybody passed it. There's a third guy as well. Which third guy? Oh yes, I forgot the one fighting Ayla, the other military guy. No. Yeah, 18. No, for some reason I remember the one fighting you but I forgot the one next to Ayla. Okay. Everyone passed. Everyone passed, I'm afraid, dude. DC 13, I just made good saves. So you're like, I'm going to do this, and they all listen.
Starting point is 01:15:33 Yes. And steal their minds. How interesting. Did Ayla use her Bardic in speed? She did. And if she hadn't, she would have failed. Good. So that was a strategy.
Starting point is 01:15:43 That was a strategy. I haven't got a bonus action cantrip so I'm gonna I guess I'm right next to the temple of Hesper aren't I you are I'll stay there
Starting point is 01:15:52 okay okay top of the round I know it's break time Steve I just want to try and get through this combat and then we'll take the break the custodus this guy here
Starting point is 01:16:03 will grunt. I'm behind a pillar. He can't see me. I'm dead. I'm on a pillar. Just two people swinging wildly at nothing behind a pillar. I'm fighting a pillar.
Starting point is 01:16:17 Stupid guards. He raises a finger where a single orange bead appears. Oh, no. And he flicks it to just behind Ayla, right in front of you, Quill. And this fireball explodes. Oh, God. And it's you and Ayla to make dexterity saving throws.
Starting point is 01:16:37 Oh, boy. It's going to target it, so it basically, it's like 5, 10, 10. So it hit this area here here I think it might be bigger but then I would just put it further back and it would 16 16 that's a pass you're gonna take half damage it doesn't feel good a la got 14 which is a pass as well I believe just so half damage for her as well so let's roll some dice three how many dice is it viable 86. you're kidding nope yeah what level do you remember do you remember in um boomer's odyssey and he had a necklace of like oh that yeah that
Starting point is 01:17:20 Oh, that, yeah. That. Where did you get those from? The man who blew up your horse. I meant this guy. That's a different one. The man who blew up your horse. Dead on 30 points of damage. Oh!
Starting point is 01:17:33 15. And Ayla takes... Oh, God, I would have been downed if I failed that. It would have done 30 points of damage. You and Ayla would have been downed if you hadn't saved. So you and Ayla leap to the side as this fireball detonates, this cacophony of an explosion. Bookcases are shredded.
Starting point is 01:17:48 The whole thing completely ignites as well. I'm going to add even more fire. Big fire. Oh, that's a... That's big daddy fire. I'm right next to it as well. As the whole, all the bookcases on the walls all erupt in flames. And actually, that seems a good point to take a break.
Starting point is 01:18:04 Oh, yeah, the entire building's on fire so this fireball erupts and he just kind of calls back he's just like burn this place of heresy to the ground
Starting point is 01:18:14 okay we'll take a break we'll see you in five don't go anywhere hey thanks for listening to this episode make sure you check out D&D Beyond
Starting point is 01:18:23 with the link in the description and we'll see you on Thursday to continue this firefight in the Temple of Hesper. We'll see you then.

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