High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Aerois #80 | The Great Escape (Part 2)

Episode Date: July 30, 2020

The heist begins. Will our plans go smoothly? Probably not! Support the High Rollers and get early access to podcast episodes (and more) on our Patreon: www.patreon.com/HighRollers Thanks to our sp...onsors D&D Beyond and NordVPN! NordVPN allow you to browse securely and protect your data online! Get three years and an extra month free for 75% off with the code HRDND here: www.nordvpn.com/hrdnd D&D Beyond is the official digital toolset for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Create your FREE account now and start digitising your campaigns here: www.dndbeyond.com/ Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pickaxe. app for details. Summer is like a cocktail. It has to be mixed just right. Start with a handful of great friends. Now, add your favorite music. And then, finally, add Bacardi Rum. And there you have it. The perfect summer mix. Bacardi. Do what moves you. Live passionately.
Starting point is 00:00:40 Drink responsibly. Copyright 2024. Bacardi. It's trade dress and the bat device. Our trademarks of Bacardi and Company Limited. Rum 40% alcohol by volume. so gather assemble all of you are currently positioned in the busy streets with these big cloaks the streets of azergrat are still busy people are still going about their business enjoying the wonders that the the city of pleasure has to offer but there is a sense of heightened awareness people are constantly looking around people are whispering to each other um your faces are still appearing on these polished surfaces wherever a
Starting point is 00:01:37 wall is smooth enough um it's got this polished mirror-like sheen, but an illusory image of your visages with the words wanted. Great reward for those who bring in these criminals. Gratz is watching you, that sort of thing, are kind of plastered everywhere. But with it being so crowded, with thick cloaks disguising your predominant features, blending in with the travelers who come and go
Starting point is 00:02:04 across the main strip of azaghrat is is easy enough uh and you eventually arrive at the point where decisions need to be made you can see the great starport it does extend further than what you can see on the map you can see all sorts of different hangars and bays with all sorts of astral ships ready to go and you can see the offices and the administration buildings the two the tall spires with the generators looming around you and including the thick walls on either side of the port itself and you are at the point now where yeah those of you who are going to the storage area will need to split up from those of you who are going to move through the offices and admin building to the
Starting point is 00:02:46 generator. So any spells or things you are going to be casting, I recommend you do them now. Okay, so that's a fly on Thalia straight away. And it lasts for one hour, yes? It
Starting point is 00:03:02 does. Ten minutes. Yeah, I guess i'll cast invisibility on myself talia uh what's her name pyra and yes trot can i make sure that we are circling the ones turning themselves invisible so that people around us don't see people turning invisible very good sure yeah so those of you who are not becoming maybe century yeah yeah century clang clang clang clang clang nova this is a question for you um fyra and thalia fyra doesn't take orders but she's following along um hasnn't really spoken that much since, but is kind of noting what you're doing and is aware of the plan. They're going to basically follow you.
Starting point is 00:03:51 So what do you want to do? Are you just going to fly up from this main street to the top of this spire? Or are you going to try and duck in between the offices and the administration buildings? You're invisible, so even if you fly straight up, nobody's probably going to see you, but it's just to know exactly where you are and where you're invisible so even if you fly straight up nobody's probably going to see you but it's just you know to know exactly where you are and where you're positioned how tall is it how how tall is it up 200 feet i'm suddenly regretting this plan
Starting point is 00:04:16 especially when mark does this like deadpan face like that's 200 it's a shame because you've committed to it now so yeah um terrible to change it in the last minute just like a straight up and down or are there like ledges we can kind of um there are crannulations but i would not say ledges there's definitely things that if you were desperate you could hang on to um but the spire goes up with these kind of jagged metal crenellations uh and then eventually it turns into almost a flat disc and you can see that there is some sort of room at the top of the tower there is actually like a control it's almost like an airport control tower where there is some sort of room up there uh but we'd be on the and then projected from those towers uh projected
Starting point is 00:05:02 from the two towers and spreading across the whole of the port is this uh kind of semi-transparent blue net of energy lines that descends over the whole whole area but we'd be on the outside wouldn't we huh you are yes yeah you guys set up uh start off climbing up the tower meanwhile um some of your other agents begin moving into position they begin moving in position but uh storage unit squad uh it is over to you i believe storage unit squad so let me show you didn't scout this place did we oh there's a guy not yeah you make your way ducking off of the main street and you head into a it appears to be open almost like a large yard you can see that there are storage units all around the sides um that uh you know blocked
Starting point is 00:05:54 off but there are also these several kind of like crates um shipping containers that are blocking line of sight as you move in like you can't quite see around the corner um but you do see kind of patrolling left to right doesn't seem to have spotted you initially um but you see kind of passing from like this side to here and then disappearing out of sight there does appear to be a armed looking guard uh who is making their way around um So I hand it over to you guys. I potentially hear anyone else outside of that one guy that we just saw. With your whopping passive perception, you believe you can hear some,
Starting point is 00:06:37 yeah, you can hear some footsteps and some sort of like demonic kind of snuffling or growling or growling or something coming from this direction around the corner. Okay, I'll communicate that to everyone. There's noises that way. And the guard up ahead.
Starting point is 00:06:55 We might need to take out quickly. I'll also remind Nova of the moment they're up there and the moment they're safe in the thing that I can disable fly. Roger, roger. Okay, so how do we get through this room?
Starting point is 00:07:09 We'll take them a couple of rounds, like two or three rounds to get all the way to the top. And then figure out how to get inside. Yeah. So how do we deal with the guards? What do we do? I'm panicking now. We should just abandon all hope.
Starting point is 00:07:26 No, no. We're cloaked. We can at least get close to him and then maybe take out the guard quietly and quickly. As for the sounds over there, I don't know what that is. But it sounds like it's not a guard. It won't come to me.
Starting point is 00:07:41 We need to make a hole. We're going to be very loud doing so. This is all messenger ring, the way yeah um the guard sort of making his way trolling down here looks like he's doing a circuit so he'll be coming in front of you within a few seconds so what if uh sentry okay we could try the command Sentry. Okay. We could try the command. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:08:09 I can buy some time. It will last for a minute. But if we can sneak through. Can we get them to leave the area, maybe? And not come back? It's a minute of him running back as well. That's two minutes of him gone. Let me just make a hole. But there's something else here. I can command more than one.
Starting point is 00:08:26 So if we know where their thing is, I can at least try and do that. As you are thinking of this, you see this figure begin stepping out. It's literally patrolling around. This person, they seem to be a human, dressed in black and red leather armor, greatsword in there, sort of like shouldered, with a crossbow at their hip.
Starting point is 00:08:50 They just seem to be idly walking past, so they stop, see you guys at the entrance. Hey, you're not allowed to be in here. Get out of here. Come on. Okay, Lucius. Aayla, Sentry, you might need to take this down quickly. Oh, I think we're...
Starting point is 00:09:05 Oh, come on. For the wandering... What is your orient? Flee. Flee. And the DC of the saving throw is? 15. Oh!
Starting point is 00:09:21 I don't know where they succeed. I'm rolling physical dice, by the way, because we've proven time and time again that roll 20 loves me and he's like have three natural 20s in a row mark um that is going to be a 17 plus uh three i'm afraid uh so that is a 20 um he looks for a moment yeah moment and he's like, hey! And then... I would like to rage and go at him. Sure.
Starting point is 00:09:52 Sentry as well, your invisibility ends. Yeah. Invisibility ends. Rhi's like... Okay. You cast a spell, babe. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:10:03 Yeah, that's all right. There's no advantage of being alright. The plan has already fallen apart. Which is fine. Just one dude. I will let Ayla and Rethra can both, because Rethra also charges.
Starting point is 00:10:21 When he sees Ayla charge forward, he charges forward. Yeah, you guys can make basically you get a surprise round you get one action each so 16 plus 9 to hit and then
Starting point is 00:10:37 11 plus 9 to hit both of those will indeed hit so find some snaps for nine to hit. Both of those will indeed hit. So, I'm going to get some temporary stats for seven, eight, nine, ten,
Starting point is 00:10:54 twelve, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-eight, twenty-eight, twenty-eight, twenty. 21, 28, 28, 24, 25, 26, 27. 28 damage on the hammer for both strikes and then a dex save.
Starting point is 00:11:11 Is that 28 total, yeah, for both strikes? Total for both strikes on the hammer and then dex save. Hey, can you also everybody roll initiative for me just so I've got initiative? Okay. Yeah. 21.
Starting point is 00:11:25 No, I mean, no, you don't need to roll it, Kim. I'm just going to have to jump back and forward between you and what the NPCs are doing. Sure. So, Quillic, 13 total? Yes. 21 Lucius total.
Starting point is 00:11:39 Sentry, is that 17 total? I don't know if you have a bonus. 17 total, yeah. 17 total. Taylor?'t know if you have a bonus. 17 total, yeah. 17 total. Cool. Aayla? 23. 3? Crap, you guys are definitely going to go first, I think. I get advantage on initiative. You do.
Starting point is 00:11:55 And then 13 for Rethra. Okay, so 28 bludgeoning damage for this guy, and then deck saving for the morning. Yeah, I rolled two ones on my lightning damage, though. Well, that's a...
Starting point is 00:12:14 It was a 13 DC saving throw. Which I think is a fail. I believe it's a fail, so he takes two. Sure. Lightning damage. So you see, yeah, you rush forward. Two big blows coming from the Howling Tempest send this guy reeling.
Starting point is 00:12:30 Just manages to pull his greatsword free. And then Rethra, who springs into action, wielding basically like a bathlax, which has got like a spider kind of motif engraved onto it. And then a very wicked-looking short sword comes out like a screaming Vikingiking um behind ayla he will make uh just one attack i know two attacks sorry one for each hand for now um that is going to be 16 is the first it's a hit on the first one and a hit on the second one um so i'll just roll these
Starting point is 00:12:57 both at the same time uh so that's going to be seven five twelve and then 2d6 fire damage after three points of fire damage um so he takes another 15 total okay cool but with that as you get this first button you send him staggering like a heavy kind of blow uh sends him reeling back blood begins kind of pouring down his arm um and that's enough time for him to kind of go like hey attack and yeah you hear noises coming from uh off in the distance but ayla uh you are you follow up on your momentum uh it's your turn let's start the combat okay um uh 18 to hit 18 will hit okay and 18 plus 9 that'll hit
Starting point is 00:13:51 yep so first one is first one is 10 damage on the hammer second one is 15 damage so 25 total wait what did I say yeah yeah and then Second one is 15 damage. So 25 total.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Wait, what did I say? Yeah, yeah. And then 15. Dex save. He doesn't make a dex saving throw. There's no other creatures in range because he is dead. You watch as his body is sent flying back by the blast of lightning as wham, wham. And then this blast of lightning rockets out of your hands sending his body
Starting point is 00:14:28 screaming backwards um yeah easily enough to finish this thing off uh as it does say uh any movement you've got the rest of your turn so you got move and bonus action i think i will just move further in sure oh god yep i've just seen what's behind there yeah so ayla sees this before everybody else you kind of
Starting point is 00:15:00 start rushing into the this this crowded, basically, full of these shipping containers. And get back there, Tron. You can see it later on your turn. I'll do it. I'll messenger ring the guys and say, two more over here. Yeah, well, what you see is you see another fellow similarly dressed.
Starting point is 00:15:20 You see black and red armor, great sword, crossbow. Almost looks identical identical like twins they look like generic guards but the creature next to him is definitely not generic it resembles a very very large, almost like a huge mastiff in build
Starting point is 00:15:38 big bulky muscular dog like body it's covered in armor like plates and it doesn't have a face. It just has a circular mouth with rows and rows of teeth, and a big long tongue hanging out of it.
Starting point is 00:15:54 No eyes, but seems to know exactly where you are and looks in your direction, and telepathically you hear, Halt what you are doing! You are under arrest. Sexy. Now it is your turn.
Starting point is 00:16:11 You may move. Alright. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. Oh, you can just right click while you're left clicking. Did you know that? So you can just about see some figures behind these boxes,
Starting point is 00:16:25 but not enough to detail or to target them. As you move forward. Still blocked, right? Large crate. Can I hold my action then? Because I've only moved. So that when they are in range, I will twin spell a chromatic orb at level three at both of them absolutely
Starting point is 00:16:47 cold couple of reminders having looked up the rules um the when you are when you hold a spell as a part of an action you are technically concentrating on it even if it's not a concentration spell so if you have other spells and you hold a spell you'll lose concentration if you've got it the The other one is the held action happens at the end of the creature's triggering action. So if they move within range, they complete the movement, then you get the reaction
Starting point is 00:17:14 if it goes off. So, just as a point. But yeah, so cool. So you move up and then you begin channeling energy, ready to strike at any target that rushes forward. Sentry. Okie dokie i'm gonna move up five times within 20 25 30 there um i can't see them yet god damn okay i'm gonna hold my action um if they uh come near me i'll attack them divine smite style okay uh so you hear a kind of like hey hey we got intruders
Starting point is 00:17:50 back here coming from the one the human god uh talking uh ayla um and from his position he will uh as a bonus action he kind of cuts his hand holds holds it up to you, and chains made of blood try and grab you, Ayla. Can you make a strength saving throw? You're probably going to pass. Blood chains? No. That's very Hellraiser. I'm almost certain that Ayla's going to pass this,
Starting point is 00:18:19 because it's a strength save. You're muted. Your mic is off. I rolled terribly, so I might not. I only rolled 11. I rolled a 3. That is a fail. These chains rush up, they bind you.
Starting point is 00:18:36 Your speed is reduced to 0, and you are unable to take reactions. Do you have advantage? Is it on a save advantage or is it just a check? It's deck saving throws. Oh, you are raging. I don't know. What does it say under rage?
Starting point is 00:18:54 I think it says strength and ability checks. Oh, and advantage on strength checks and saving throws, not attacks. Then you get advantage. There you go. Oh, that's better. That's a advantage. There you go. Ooh, that's better. That's a 19. 11 plus 8.
Starting point is 00:19:10 You basically just flex and this blood just splatters apart as you break the chain. Alright, Tom, was it actually you or was that Twitch chat? That was me. That was all me. Okay, alright. Fair enough. I thought it was saving i thought it was
Starting point is 00:19:27 just check ability checks i didn't go saving through that's fine um the creature that was his bonus action will then yeah kind of move 5 10 15 20 25 We'll move in range and make two greatsword attacks against you. Lucius, your spell will go off, but there is only one target. Bugger. Can I not twin it, or will twinning just happen? I believe that you have to decide to twin it when you cast the spell, which was technically when you held the action, so the sorcery points are spent.
Starting point is 00:20:06 You could just waste the other target. You can just basically be like, box! But the sorcery points are sadly spent. Hmm. Hmm. Okay. It's very generic terminology in there. It says when you cast
Starting point is 00:20:22 a spell, right? No, it says you have the option to target another creature. If he knows roughly where the other one is, could he have a disadvantage on a hit in the area? He can't even see it to target it,
Starting point is 00:20:38 sadly. So it's completely blocked. It's totally obscured. The crate is very, very tall. It's like, you know, 11 feet tall, this massive shipping crate. So you can't even see it. totally obscured um the the crate is very very tall it's it's like you know sort of you know 11 feet tall this massive shipping crate um so you can't even see it uh yeah i mean my ruling is that my understanding a twin spell is when you cast the spell you can spend several sorcery points to add an extra target technically you cast the spell when you ready the action, which was last turn. So the sorcery points are spent. Alright. Here we go. Chromatic Orb, cold.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Gonna choose type cold here in this handy-dandy drop-down. 16 to hit. 16 will hit. And that is 30 cold damage. Nice. So this streaking orb of ice flies out,
Starting point is 00:21:23 smashes into his chest. Seven points of Dicromancy will also whip out of my blue gem on my body. Perfect. So another streaking bolt of ice. So it slams into this figure as it's swinging. It still completes its two attacks against Ayla, but you can see that that attack has really badly wounded it. Nice.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Katie, that first attack is a natural 20, I'm sorry. As is the way. Luckily this guy, oh it's a great sword, so 2d6, 12, 16. That's going to be 21 points of damage and then 5 points of fire damage. So it'd be half to 10 and then the 5
Starting point is 00:22:04 you take full. Yeah, so you take ten. So fifteen. That's already, that's the half. Fifteen total, yeah. So as the blade swings down, it ignites in flames. The second attack is only going to be a fifteen to hit, which I believe misses you. So the first attack strikes, you know,
Starting point is 00:22:20 really badly across the shoulder, but the second one you manage to, you know, block and parry away as it strikes. And this figure already looks to be very alarmed at the prowess of the people attacking. Quilek and Kalar.
Starting point is 00:22:36 15 damage from a crit. Holy crap. 5, 10, 15, 20. I'll go behind Sentry because I know I still need to protect myself for Fly. And I will just do a very basic sacred flame
Starting point is 00:22:52 on this guy. So he makes a dex save. Dex saving 3? That is a 8. Yeah, alright. So it's 3d8 plus 5 damage. He takes 15 damage.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Ow. And almost all of my bonus damage is healing, which no one needs yet, and concentration things, so I can't do those. So that's all I'll do. That's all I got. Okay, Rethra charges up 5 10 15 20 25 30
Starting point is 00:23:29 you will rush up next to ayla uh and swing twice uh 14 his first attack doesn't uh penetrate through the creature's armor and the second one also manages to dodge away from he doesn't seem as strong a fighter as ala um but he definitely uh kind of rages out but doesn't hit either and then a deck saving throw uh which the guy passes um so he takes half fire damage seven three points of fire damage um which is still enough like even though uh rethram missed this just roll of flames kind of washes over his arms and the guy kind of bats them away as he desperately tries to fight Lucius
Starting point is 00:24:10 and I believe Century and Quill would notice this creature move up 5, 10, 15 20, ah there he is yes a horrible beastie it is yeah, it's pretty horrible actually let me see if I can I might be
Starting point is 00:24:26 able to quickly throw up a picture of this thing because it is pretty I think I know what you're talking about yeah with teeth basically except it's all sick
Starting point is 00:24:41 and he kind of trots out from behind the shipping container seems to kind of trots out from behind the shipping container um seems to kind of look around uh sees lucius um and you just hear a like his large his long tongue 5 10 15 20 25 30. His long tongue comes shooting out of its mouth towards Lucius. I just like that his tongue has spikes on him as well. Yeah. 22 to hit Lucius. I didn't roll.
Starting point is 00:25:14 You didn't. You should do that now. Six and a 19. That is going to be 15 points of piercing damage. You are grappled, Lucius, and then it sucks its tongue back in and you are pulled with it. And then it claws you.
Starting point is 00:25:32 As it does so, it kind of goes, wraps the tongue around your chest, yanks you towards it, and then claws down on you. For a... 21 to hit. You're squishy, boy. That's detents.
Starting point is 00:25:49 I'm assuming you didn't say yes that hit because you know a 21 hits you and I know that. I'm not gonna answer that, Mark. That's another 12 points as these claws break down. And then it seems to be trying to pull you into its mouth to bite with its big circular mouth.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Yes, come here. I have been hungry waiting for some intruder. Okay. Pretty sure. I'm pretty sure that's what my cat thinks like every day. Just like he's got that attitude. Ayla. Is this dude still up then he is barely like he's like god he looks like he just wants to defend himself but yeah oh no that's not gonna happen um natural 20 oh nice you can roll the damage if you want but i know he's dead
Starting point is 00:26:45 so i mean i'm not going to because it's going to be a base 18 plus another wait 18 plus another d10 which is four five six seven eight nine ten twelve his jaw shatters and you send
Starting point is 00:27:01 the body spinning through the air as it sails around can i run an attack with my and you send the body spinning through the air as it sails around. Can I run an attack with my other action? Yeah. Can I attack the little dog thing? You move yourself where you want to move to. Yeah, you've got your movement. And smack the dog in the face.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Tongue dog. 17 to hit. 17 to hit. Just barely hits this thing, actually. Its thick natural plates absorb some of the impact, but yeah. So that is going to be... 14 points of damage with the hammer and dex save
Starting point is 00:27:47 for Zylathin. 4, but it does half this. It has resistance to lightning as it strikes at the lightning and courses up and down its body, but like many fiends, it seems to be not as effective. Damage is 9 total, so half
Starting point is 00:28:03 of that. Half is four. Perfect. So yeah, you strike with the hammer once, and it kind of reverts. The creature's body kind of shudders for a moment, but it doesn't let go of Lucius, and it's pulling him into its mouth. You can see him pulling Lucius' arms
Starting point is 00:28:17 and head into its mouth, like ready to bite down. Lucius, it's your turn. I'm currently grappled, right? You are. It's an action to free yourself. Acrobatics or athletics check. I'm going to...
Starting point is 00:28:35 You are restrained. I'm going to use Quicken's spell, Manapool. So that's two points to make Armor of Agathys a bonus action. I'm going to do that. So I'm going to do that at
Starting point is 00:28:52 what level do I do that at? Fourth level. Fourth level. So that puts 20 cold potential damage on them if they attack me and gives me 20
Starting point is 00:29:07 temporary hit points. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. There it is. Yep. Cool. Yep. So yeah, you summon this armor. Then I will use an action to try and escape. That sounds very smart. So acrobatics or athletics?
Starting point is 00:29:24 Acrobatics check. 20. Unnatural 20. Yeah, you manage to kind of like shrug and pull and you slip out of this slimy tongue, pulling yourself free. Still next to it, but free. Get off me, you foul beast of the night.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Don't talk to me so seductively. You still have movement movement do you want to try and move away yeah 5 10 15 20 25 it's a century opportunity attack please do it yeah it will to sentry. Opportunity attack, please. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:05 Um. Hmm. Yeah, it will. It will try and bite you as you pull yourself free. 19 plus 7, 26 to hit. That'll hit. 20 points of damage, please. Well, that happens after you take damage, I believe.
Starting point is 00:30:23 No, it's when you attack. Is it when he attacks? Okay. You're still going to take it now. That's going to be 22 points of piercing damage to you as it bites down on you as you escape, and then it takes half the cold damage because it is resistant to cold. So it takes 10 points of cold damage.
Starting point is 00:30:42 So it bites through, seemingly unfazed by the armor of Agathys. It just bites through, shattering the armor into pieces. And the shards embed in its flesh. But it just kind of watches you go, I'm afraid you will need to be colder than that, my dear boy. We need to kill it. We need to kill it immediately. As I scart back to kill it. We need to kill it immediately. As I scarred him back to
Starting point is 00:31:05 sentry. I will use 20 points of my Lay on Hands on Lucius. Okay. Get him a little bit better as my action, and then I'll bonus action Misty Step up
Starting point is 00:31:21 towards the creature with my 30 feet of movement. Amph. Misty step up towards the creature with my 30 feet of movement. So you literally bamf away and appear in front of it blocking the path to your companions. Yeah, so you touch Lucius on the back let healing energy wash all over him and then in a flash
Starting point is 00:31:40 of golden light disappear and appear in front of the creature. Perfect. Quillek. Okay, I will do a Guiding Bolt on this dude. Just a little level 1 one. How much healing was that sentry?
Starting point is 00:31:56 20. Thank you. That's awesome. It's alright. So I've got a d20 plus 9. An unnatural 20. Yep, that's going to hit. so I've got a d20 plus 9 a natural 20 yep that's going to hit and it does 11 radiant damage
Starting point is 00:32:13 that's awful 6113 that's why level 1 spells but the damage does not seem to be resisted and yes a creature the next attack against it has advantage but yeah none of the damage is deflected away
Starting point is 00:32:29 by its inherent natural resilience as it strikes through Rethra will follow up 30 away from it so it can't tongue me just in case it wants to sure absolutely Rethra moves up
Starting point is 00:32:44 sadly his first attack misses. His second attack will hit, however. But these are non-magical weapons, so they seem to be a little bit less than effective against this creature's hide. He kind of stabs in and it doesn't quite go as far as he'd like. The flame aura
Starting point is 00:32:59 of the creature fails. So he takes another eight points of fire damage to make sure he's not immune to fire. He is not. You see this thing is taking a beating, but it seems to be very strong and resilient. Like, it's taken all these blows,
Starting point is 00:33:18 but it's still standing and doesn't really show any major concerns about it. It does look around the fact that it's being kind of outnumbered by all of these people it doesn't really like that so it will target it'll probably go for century looks quite tough to bite alayla looks pretty tough Ooh, got a choice Um Let's go Rethra there as well Rethra's not been a big threat so far. I think it would go for
Starting point is 00:33:54 Aayla, so he will try and bite Aayla Protection, Sivu play Protection, so you're going to use your reaction to give disadvantage That becomes 8 That's a 15 to hit Aayla evil play. Protection, so you're going to use your reaction to give disadvantage. That becomes eight. That's a 15 to hit, Ayla.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Okay, so with sentry shield blocking the way, it kind of wraps its teeth around the edges of sentry shield and doesn't manage to quite bite through. Then it tries to rake its claws. And that is a 22 to hit. Ugh. So that's going to be hit. Ugh. Yup. So that's going to be 13.
Starting point is 00:34:30 It's going to be 17 points, but it is normal slashing damage. You half it to eight points of damage. Oh. Ah, you are quite bothersome. My foolish others are dead. Hmm. Nova. Foolish others are dead. Nova, you, Thalia, and Phyra reach the top of the tower about this point. Oh, goody.
Starting point is 00:35:00 You see that there is a small room encircled with a short kind of metal, black metal wall and then glass that seems to stretch all the way around uh giving like a 360 degree vision there is a large magic engine like a magitek engine in the middle of this control room uh which is channeling energy from somewhere below through the tower up into this net um you also see that there are you know several you several mix of humans, maybe a couple of ganass, maybe a couple of dwarves or Durga who are operating the control room and standing with them is a much more intimidating looking demon. It's similar to the ones that had the pincers that was taking Lucius and Quill prisoner before. And it seems to be overseeing everything. What do you want to do? Is there any way in, like any kind of like a window
Starting point is 00:35:56 or any hatches or anything like that? There's windows, but none of them are open. It's like big curved sections of glass all the way around. You could smash it and enter it that way or you could teleport inside if you if you need to see to teleport um could i see any buttons that look like they open the windows and that would be very hard to tell give me a yeah sure give me an arcana check see if there is some sort of magitek there that would do that function. That would be a nine total. Yes. You look around, there are too many different control
Starting point is 00:36:33 systems, and you're not sure if they would have any sort of rudimentary functions like opening the windows. Okay. I've written a whole list of things I can try, guys, so we'll be here a while. That's good. Is there anything a gas can get through?
Starting point is 00:36:52 Yeah, I would say that there are enough holes, maybe like some cracks between sort of like the metal sections and the glass panes and stuff like that, or like maybe some vents that seem to be to be to keep air fresh in there that you could definitely slip through as a gas. The only thing is if I cast that, invisibility would make me do stuff.
Starting point is 00:37:13 My initial idea was mage hands and buttons. Well, that was a cool idea, but very complicated system. How many of these people look like they they'd fight um if they only the demon they were like the demon they look like civilians yeah yeah just the demon oh i could threaten them stupid technicians what a bunch of nerds um yeah well that's i'm assuming that you
Starting point is 00:37:38 would threat that my assumption is that you if you got in there and threatened them they would stop they wouldn't do anything to fight back. They'd just be like, oh, fuck, and they'd leave. But the demon probably would kick up a fight. Also, the demon's not looking in your direction. It's kind of looking around at other things right now, but if it looks up, you're not sure if it's the type that can see through invisibility. Is he, like, in the middle of the room?
Starting point is 00:38:03 Yeah, he's, like, in the middle, kind of? Yeah, he's like in the middle. He's like examining, kind of keeping watch over everybody. You hear Fyra kind of whisper next to you like, I can probably deal with the creature in the middle. I could try and banish it for a time. If it becomes a problem. I think that's definitely something we need to do.
Starting point is 00:38:21 Of course, that's not guaranteed. I can get two of us in there. Two? I can get two of us in there. And then I guess I could try and activate a window to let the last one in, or something like that. Has anyone got any preference? Thalia, kind of, who's holding your hand,
Starting point is 00:38:44 because she was the one who flew you up here uh well honestly i'm not sure until we can until it involves magitek i'm not going to be super useful inside um i mean i can we can smash the glass that's not a problem but obviously that would cause an alert but if you can if you and fire can get inside and take care of the demon, then that becomes less of an issue. The other option is I can cast Disguise Self and somehow bluff him away. But no, he's a demon, so he can probably see through it. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:17 Fyra, get ready. We're going to go in. And I could just see Mike just do a little grin. Yeah, I'm excited. I guess we go in, we attack this thing, we take it down as fast as possible. Thalia, if you work on a way in, I'll try and get you in. I think try not to break the glass,
Starting point is 00:39:40 because if the glass breaks and goes down on the streets below, that might draw, although I guess technicians. Screw it.'s go smash and grab let's do it oh god i hate it why i'm the most indecisive fucking player in the world and i'm the one making fucking decisions here oh yeah sorry you see that the demon's looking around it's probably turning it's like slowly beginning to look toward in your direction seconds seem to slow down time dilates decision needs to be made now
Starting point is 00:40:11 right no we're gonna we're gonna go in and we're gonna try and smack this bitch up um okay so you cast dimension door i'm gonna cast dimension door right okay so you grab fire and you vanish in a kind of bamf. You feel time and space collapse, coalesce around you,
Starting point is 00:40:31 and then you reappear in the middle of the room. You become visible. Fyra does not because she has not cast a spell yet. There is a few sort of like audible gasps as the demon begins whirling around. And then you hear Fyra utter a prayer to Lolth something like Spider Queen
Starting point is 00:40:49 send this creature away from my sight and she casts Banishment on it. It does get advantage on saving throws against Magicka Bex. That was a 6 and a 5. You watch as this creature just and disappears
Starting point is 00:41:06 very very luckily yeah she so Fira appears next to you the technicians all begin like oh what are you doing don't hurt us and they put their hands up then you hear you hear a giant thunderous like
Starting point is 00:41:22 as Thalia smashes the glass on one side with a spell shot, leaps in and is pointing at her guns like, nobody move! No one move! Phyra basically raises a hand crossbow. She clicks her fingers and all these kind of spectral spiders begin swarming on the ceiling. Do as the good
Starting point is 00:41:45 Medusa says. I'd hate for you all to become statues up here after all. Get on with your business then dears. And she points to you and Thalia to begin the magitek stuff. Meanwhile back at the encounter time. Ayla, your turn.
Starting point is 00:42:02 Also found out last turn completely forgot one of this monster's abilities. Century wouldn't have been able to teleport next to it, but I'm going to hand wave that because it's already happened. She could have walked up to it, though, with her movement. Exactly. So, same thing. So, it doesn't really matter.
Starting point is 00:42:18 I have advantage on it because Quill's guiding bolt. On the first attack, yes. On the first attack, yes. Oh, did Jim Bolt not use that? He would have done but I forgot, so let's just give it to Ayla instead.
Starting point is 00:42:33 Rather than having PCs use it. Okay. 17 plus 9 for the first one. That's a hit. Yep. And 14 plus 9 for the second one. That's a hit. Yep. And fourteen plus nine for the second one.
Starting point is 00:42:48 That is also a hit. Both of those will hit. So seventeen damage on the hammer for the first one. Ow. Yeah, this thing does not like it. You hear something squish
Starting point is 00:43:05 and sort of inside only 9 damage on the next one because I rolled a 1 and then dex save thunderous blows come raining down that is going to be a 19 dex save that passes
Starting point is 00:43:21 so it was 5 damage I rolled so half to 2 then half again to one. The lightning just sort of crackles along its body, not really doing all too much. Anything else, Ayla, on your turn? If not, Lucius? Nope.
Starting point is 00:43:37 All right, Lucius. All right. I'm just going to try and get a better angle on it, so I guess I could just cast through century right you can there it does get a very slight increase to AC because you're you're it effectively has a
Starting point is 00:43:55 small amount of cover if you move there then you're fine yeah move there then I'm gonna continue my onslaught of chromatic orbage but I'm going to use acid instead this time because I know cold is resisted
Starting point is 00:44:11 ding dong here we go going to do a fourth level ding dong acid 11 11 nailed it it doesn't matter it doesn't matter this thing the acid acid 11 Nailed it
Starting point is 00:44:25 It doesn't matter This thing, the acid washes over it and it has no effect on the creature It is immune to acid damage Oh So the acid just washes over it just shakes its body seemingly
Starting point is 00:44:41 completely unfazed by it Demons, man Demons are Lucius' worst enemy. You basically did. How refreshing. As it just coats it in acid, basically.
Starting point is 00:44:56 Crikey. After Lucius, anything else? If not, Sentry. Sorry, mate. Well. When you said acid acid I was just like oh man buddy I got some bad news for you it as well for a little like
Starting point is 00:45:13 extra bit of bathing hey polish it's little arm a bit you kind of give it a nice sheen lovely century alrighty I'm gonna pull out her majesty's rose and get whaling on this
Starting point is 00:45:26 dude um I'm gonna use level 3 divine smite is it is this a fiend uh it is indeed
Starting point is 00:45:35 a fiend yeah so cool so level 368 damage if I can hit it just remember
Starting point is 00:45:41 don't mark off the spell slot until you hit because it's only once you hit that you you spend it so because you you might miss and then don't mark off the spell slot until you hit, because it's only once you hit that you spend it. Because you might miss and then you don't spend the spell slot. So 25 to hit. Yeah, that's
Starting point is 00:45:52 going to hit. As the blade comes striking in. Yeah. This is a lot of damage. So that's 20 damage plus the 5. Those are D d6's Brie oh yeah
Starting point is 00:46:07 wow what am I doing no no no it's just because I want you to get as much damage as you can sadly it was one less than what you rolled classic nice and then plus 5 as well on that one so that's 12 21 regular attack as well
Starting point is 00:46:29 you've done 68 is that just a divine smite that's include that's including all the d8s so that's including regular attack as well okay uh still this the this blinding blade of holy light radiant from the matrix just rends this thing apart it tears the armor from its flesh it sends it sprawling it's barely still standing as you deliver this first strike
Starting point is 00:46:57 uh 24 that's also a hit you can't keep that profile are you gonna spend it again at level 3, yeah? Yes, I am, yeah. Yeah, so this is crazy damage. 30 damage for that one. Already.
Starting point is 00:47:15 Plus the d4. Whoops, that's the wrong one. No, it's right. Plus 4d4 damage. So 34, 39 points of damage there. As the matrix plunges in, the golden light seems to explode through the demon's body as it just turns it to dust.
Starting point is 00:47:35 Just... Shit. As it just evaporates. In a very painful scream throughout your minds, it just disintegrates the thing. And you and I left. You don't hear any immediate guards rushing to your position.
Starting point is 00:47:51 Can I start pulling the bodies away and trying to hide the bodies? Yeah. Shipping containers and stuff. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Rethro can help Quill uh who's struggling and yeah you basically drag them throw them in a
Starting point is 00:48:10 shipping container um there's a little bit of blood but not too much on the floor um there is some streaks of ice but that's already beginning to melt um from the spells but yeah yeah you definitely managed to hide the bodies um And yeah, so what do you want to do now? The yard seems to be clear. You don't hear any more creatures or sense any more creatures in here. I'm going to head towards where the pipes
Starting point is 00:48:36 are. Yeah. Sure, so the kind of top left. It's for the pipes. Sure. There are shipping containers. There's kind of like storage units where they're built into the walls and there are two doors. There is one sort of here
Starting point is 00:48:52 and then there is another door here. You should be able to kind of see them on the map. They are both closed. Hmm. So these are the ones that would lead to like... Did we get any intel from the... This direction definitely will.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Did we get any intel from the guys on the whip? No. Again, didn't scout this area, so you don't know the exact details, but you know it's vaguely in this corner. This is the best place to breach through in order to get to the gut works of the port. The door next to Lucius and Aayla definitely seems to be, that's the right side.
Starting point is 00:49:32 But it could be maybe up in the corner where Quill is as well. It could be up in this kind of like far corner. Master ring. Top right. I'm certain, almost certain that the wall that me and Aayla are at is going to lead into that maze of who knows what whereas maybe the one with quills
Starting point is 00:49:50 will lead to the pipes easier I'm not too sure let's try the one at the top first okay you're going to need to get this door down how do you want to get the door down can I acid splash the lock
Starting point is 00:50:04 yeah, cantriprip right so you can keep continuously doing it you basically slowly begin melting enough away of the acid um to the point where uh ayla can probably just pull the lock off once it's weakened enough um and yeah it'll swing open um revealing inside inside a short-looking room. It looks to be like some ship equipment is stored in here. So things like you can see what almost looks to be like the
Starting point is 00:50:34 tip of some sort of like ballista that looks like it would be mounted to an astral ship by a large, chunky ballista. That's all you can see from the doorway. Alright, let's carry that along the way. I guess it's...
Starting point is 00:50:51 You guys are just looking in at the moment. Nova, how are you doing? Or could you want to go inside? Red squadron, this is blue leader, this is blue leader, blue leader, we are go, we are go! Over! As in, someone's stolen the messenger ring uh red red squadron here are you in can i drop the fly red squadron this is blue leader you are good to drop the fly good okay all right perfect all right we're ready to break into this next area
Starting point is 00:51:25 and I can cast silence. Cool. All right. Yeah. Nova, you are in the process of basically hacking the Magitek security at this point. So it's a lot of sort of like following the flow of arcane energy
Starting point is 00:51:37 and trying to like bypass it. The engineers keeping those like you constantly have to kind of make sure none of them are running away and turn their attention to them. looks like fire is using small bits of spell casting to kind of keep them in check um one person tried to make a run for the the stairs and she paralyzed them uh as she ran he was like whole person they're like as you and thalia you and Thalia are working on the magitek side of things I'm assuming
Starting point is 00:52:06 yeah so Lucius and Red Squadron are you guys stepping through or looming on the edge of the precipice right I will cast detect magic just in case now that I've got
Starting point is 00:52:22 concentration so detect magic up to 10 minutes magic, just in case. Now that I've got concentration. So detect magic. Sure. Up to ten minutes. I mean, from what you can see, you don't see anything particularly magical directly in front of you. Okay. Unless there's any mechanical traps,
Starting point is 00:52:38 we're good to go. Can I use my divine sense really quick? Yeah. To see if there's anybody around in like 60 feet. 60 feet. You sense. You kind of let the matrix pulse for a moment. Sending ripples out through the air.
Starting point is 00:52:56 It returns. You don't sense anything within 60 feet. No creatures anyway. I shall relay that information. Okay. It's just traps traps everyone keep a keen eye uh you first who first me first
Starting point is 00:53:14 anyone somebody go first please Ayla good sorry Ayla steps in so Ayla you look around and you can see um yeah it looks to be like some sort of like ship weaponry equipment like it looks almost like an ancient looking ballista but it's got magitek elements to it it looks very heavy um definitely the kind of thing that it would
Starting point is 00:53:35 require sort of two three people to carry there is also step to the side of the ballista so it's not pointing directly at my face because that makes me nervous. Sure. There does also appear to be something set into the floor, like a access panel. And Quill, you can see that coming from beneath it, you can see kind of pulses of cabling of magical energy coursing underneath the floor here, basically.
Starting point is 00:54:01 Kind of like Batman vision seen through. You can see the power lines driving towards the starport beneath this access point. Well, this is the place. We need to be careful getting through here though. Cables, lots of cables. We don't want to interrupt any of them.
Starting point is 00:54:17 Going anywhere near that trapdoor in case that thing sets off. Perhaps maybe don't stand on it right away. Okay. It doesn't seem like an access door, more just an access door. It could be protected. Just saying. Point that thing up.
Starting point is 00:54:34 Point it away. Century, do you want to do that? Yeah, I'll do that. I'll move it and hold it out of the way. Yeah, like if you're just literally pointing it up, like you're kind of resting it on your shoulders, lifting it up, and it's currently pointing up into the ceiling. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:52 Okay. Can we open this thing, or is it like a mega heavy light? It looks heavy, and it looks locked. Again, it kind of looks like a secure access panel. Either it needs to be broken open or picked. I can do the acid. Lucius, do you want to do the acid thing again, and then I can try and open it?
Starting point is 00:55:12 Keep peeking back at Sentry, making sure that ballista's not... Can I close the door that we just came through? Sure. Not leaving that open. Okay, cool. Yeah, we asked Lucius, make a athletics check for me ada with advantage because rethra can help as well and lucius has weakened it with acid uh you are not raging i
Starting point is 00:55:31 don't believe anymore so just a normal that was a natural 20 on my first roll so that's just 28 you just kick it once you just like look down kick it and it just falls in it's just like i look at it and it opens doesn't yeah basically the ballista does not go off uh the ballista doesn't explode or anything like that it reveals what appears to be a crawl space um with all sorts of almost like made of crystal fibers these long cables made of pulsing glowing crystal. They spark with lightning, they steam with heat. Some of them appear to be freezing cold.
Starting point is 00:56:12 There's all sorts of... Some of them just vibrate with magical energy. Crawling through here, you're probably gonna, like... It's not gonna be a pleasant experience, but it looks like it's a direct route straight to the pipes that connect to the port.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Okay. In that case, I want to do a aid at level four to give everyone some temporary, well, boost their max HP, actually. So it's...
Starting point is 00:56:43 How many people can you affect? 15 HP, actually. So it's... 5, 10, 15 HP for three creatures. So... I mean, me, Lucius... You, Lucius, and Rethra, maybe.
Starting point is 00:57:00 And Rethra, yeah. I would say. Sentry and I are a bit more tanky I can take it are you kidding? this is nothing I'm sure you can but you've also been locked up for I don't know how long
Starting point is 00:57:15 at this point it might be nice to not get hurt as much just a thought you know as long as you don't think I knew. Never would. Good. Nah. Alright. No, no. And he kind of like, he like looks at you like, damn fucking
Starting point is 00:57:31 straight you don't. Um, and he'll just be like, good. And then he, he, huh? Uh, no, it just increases it by the amount it increases it by. So if it increases it by, was it 15, Tom? Yeah, 15. So if it increases your max by 15 you get 15 no you also get 15 as well so whatever it increases it gives you that as well i'm not
Starting point is 00:57:51 wanting to look weak rethra will climb in first um and you hear him sort of like ah yeah it's not too bad but it's definitely crawling through here isn't gonna be be fun. Ow. Are there any pipes that, is it all like close together, the different effects, or is there any pipes that look, okay, I was wondering if there's any that are specifically like lightning or cold that we might be able to Well, if Mario Odyssey, you're going to
Starting point is 00:58:18 fly along the lightning cables. No, I was thinking because if there was certain kinds of damage, i my aura gives people resistance to lightning now all right yeah cool it will reduce some it will prevent you it will take it will prevent you taking the light or reducing the lightning damage that you take but yeah it's you you're definitely all gonna take some damage crawling through this space is ultimately what it goes not Not a lot.
Starting point is 00:58:45 I was just wondering if there was an extra tactic that we could utilize. Sure. No, yeah, no. The lightning resistance is definitely a big factor. And then centuries also cuts all magical damage or spell damage by half as well. So this really isn't going to be too bad as long as you kind of crawl next to each other. Okay. So, well, when you crawl through over the course of the time you're all gonna take eight
Starting point is 00:59:06 damage um that's including resistances and everything else you just flat everybody takes eight um that's not avoidable just crawling along this place you're constantly getting like zapped and burnt um you can feel like this kind of you know magical energy kind of pulse at your bodies but you crawl through and eventually it will lead out to the shipyard that you saw before. Okay. Okay. Final part of the operation.
Starting point is 00:59:33 Well, so... Just wait until I roll one. Two giants. Oh, god. I'll leave these two down here for now. And I'll sort out rethra in a second um yeah and you guys emerge from this kind of series of pipes out at this grate basically this great that you can probably not see very well um you emerge out of it uh Stealthy. Stealth, stealth, stealth.
Starting point is 01:00:05 Is that a metal grate? So yeah. Underneath you is a grate, yeah, which is what you crawl out of. So yeah, Rephra emerges first. But I would like everyone to make a stealth check and let's see how noticed you are. So we'll make this a group one. So basically more than half of you
Starting point is 01:00:22 need to succeed. I don't think I have a chance. 22. 22. Oh. Oh. Rhiannon, I hate to do this, Rhiannon. Technically, you do have to roll with disadvantage
Starting point is 01:00:37 because of heavy armor, so roll again. Let's just see if you get even worse. Oh, come on. I rolled an 18. Okay. Sadly, Rethra is not particularly stealthy. So yeah, as you emerge,
Starting point is 01:00:57 Rethra kind of grunts as he pulls himself free and the last person to emerge from the gate is, of course, Century, whose large guardian form, as you kind of The last person to emerge from the gate is, of course, Sentry, whose large guardian form, as you kind of step upwards, you rip a piece of the pipe out of place, and this giant gout of steam, like,
Starting point is 01:01:18 comes out, which the Enchanter, the giants who have been kind of pacing are like, what was that? As they begin turning. Meanwhile, Kim, as it's you and Thalia, I'm going to have you roll the percentile dice to see if Thalia is successful at setting up this hack. Now, I'm going to give you two things.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Because you have Pyra there, Pyra automatically gives... Now, she's not particularly well suited to this task, but she'll increase the success chance by 15%. And because you are there, I will allow you to roll again if you want to. Oh, okay. So you may choose to basically go, Thalia, move out of the way, I'll do it. So it's a D100, and you are currently at an 85% chance to succeed.
Starting point is 01:02:06 So if you roll 86 or above, it is a failure. Okay. So I can roll twice? You may re-roll effectively, yes. Which with an 85% chance, you can only hope is okay. Yeah. D100? 45. 45. Yeah. can only hope is okay yeah the 100 45 45 yeah so um because again you match the right person to the job having thalia come here to do this she understands magitek quite well this she was the
Starting point is 01:02:35 right call and then you've boosted it a little bit with everyone else um but yeah you basically you hear her kind of you know real, realigning crystals, plugging things out, putting things back in. And then she turns to look at you and she's like, all right, I think this is, I think it's ready to go. She gestures, my lady Fyra, all you need to do is activate this symbol followed by this rune and then this main device switch. Once this is switched, it will disable the force net.
Starting point is 01:03:05 Once it is re-enabled, press these two runes again and it will reignite the system and prevent anyone from interacting with it for a short time. I then recommend you make your escape. Nova, are you ready? Are you prepared? I think, Fyra, you're going to be okay with these losers oh yes no i'm not too concerned about them once you leave i intend on putting them to sleep um and my companions may we may
Starting point is 01:03:35 take some of them to adjust their memories so they don't know that we were here oh wonderful hey any of you can ask guys want to come with us? For freedom? And a new life? We don't want to work with terrorists. I'm not a terrorist, I'm a freaking ass. Screw you! Can I see, like, from where we are,
Starting point is 01:04:01 can we see the twin star? Can I see if things are happening? If explosions have gone off? You can't see any explosions. You can't see can i see if things are happening if explosions have gone off you you can't see any explosions um you can't see anything right now um you just see the guards standing in position right now you don't even see your companions have emerged you just see the twin star it's quite far as well so you're like looking at like like tiny little specks so um but nothing seems to be going on you don't see any signs of fighting i think the only thing you might see is if you look down towards the guard towers you see uh jevan the drow male he slips into the guard post from above it very agilely like a shadow he kind of just blends and
Starting point is 01:04:37 slips in um and then emerges later wiping a blade and he just like looks around and then begins making his way what good voice send him to do the right job fire do you know the signal do you need a signal I guess because we probably need the chains to go before you well I imagine that once I well once I see your chip
Starting point is 01:05:00 flying up into the air I was going to activate it that's probably a really good point yeah yeah that's a really good point um okay uh we could do so much more with someone like you terrible waste of talent um oh how attractive is this woman? Oh my god. I mean, that's up to Nova. It's up to Nova. Big lush. You know, she's, you know, sure. Blush.
Starting point is 01:05:33 Yeah, unfortunately, if it wasn't for the fact that I have to save my own planet, I probably would come back here and help liberate the Ganass. You losers! You're brainwashed! Shout at some Ganass. No, I'm not particularly interested in that. I probably would have taken you as some sort of concubine for Lolth, but yes, I suppose you can come back and do that if you really want.
Starting point is 01:05:51 Dahlia, we need to go. Yes, we do. Our people need us. And she kind of shakes her head. Cool. Messengering you were going to do before you started flirting? Red Squadron, Red Squadron, this is Blue Leader. We are ready to
Starting point is 01:06:07 teleport to you. How's it going? You're in. We don't want to blow your stealth cover. Operation All Avancers. Don't worry, I think that's gone. Well, that message comes in as, uh, yeah, you guys, the, we are going to roll initiative, um, for this
Starting point is 01:06:23 other thing. Actually, do you know what, guys? We don't really have a lot of time. I don't really want to roll initiative. So, I think it might be, this might be the best time to end today's episode.
Starting point is 01:06:41 I'm sorry. We've got to finish five minutes ready for the ads. We've got to read donos,os and also I don't want to start another combat like with 5 minutes so next time that's fair we need to break 2 giants and 2 guards before we can
Starting point is 01:06:56 even get onto the ship and get out of dodge and assuming whoever has the power actually does the command properly. Yeah, and also hope that no guards, nobody manages to
Starting point is 01:07:12 get word to the guards and alert old Gratz himself. Um... And yeah. Thank you.

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