High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Aerois #81 | Breaking the Chains (Part 1)

Episode Date: August 3, 2020

Our plan is actually going well! Just one objective left: Break the chains! Support the High Rollers and get early access to podcast episodes (and more) on our Patreon: www.patreon.com/HighRollers ...Thanks to our sponsors D&D Beyond! D&D Beyond is the official digital toolset for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Create your FREE account now and start digitising your campaigns here: www.dndbeyond.com/ Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pickaxe. Soft microfiber cushions engineered for comfort and a range of colors and finishes. Dyson on track. Headphones remastered. Buy from DysonCanada.ca. With ANC on, performance may vary based on environmental conditions and usage. Accessories sold separately. Because the Skip app saves you so much time by delivering stuff like your favorite cool treats, groceries and bevies, you get more time to have the best summer ever.
Starting point is 00:00:46 Like riding roller coasters. Learning to water ski. Applying sunscreen to your dad's back. Yep, definitely the best summer ever. Squeeze more summer out of summer with Skip. Did somebody say Skip? Hello, welcome back to High Rollers, the Dungeons & Dragons podcast in the world of Erois. We're sponsored by D&D Beyond, the ultimate digital Dungeons & Dragons toolkit that takes
Starting point is 00:01:17 all the confusing rules of D&D and compresses it into an awesome online package. Perfect for D&D newcomers and veterans. Use the link in the podcast description to try out D&D Beyond for free. Welcome back to Herois. Last time, our party of heroes have been trying to escape from the planet of Azagirat, the pleasure planet or the demon planet of the multiverse. There, they have been trapped in the city of Zelotar under the rule of Grazt, the demon prince.
Starting point is 00:02:10 With the aid of a drow matron mother and worshippers of Lolth, however, the group have enacted a plan to finally escape their clutches. Disabling the magical barriers that prevent their astral ship from escaping and disabling the chains that currently hold it in place, the party split into two groups. The first half approached the astral port and decided to sneak
Starting point is 00:02:34 in through a storage yard, taking care of a few guards, and then ultimately crawling through the network of magical conduits and pipes before emerging and planning to ambush the guards stationed outside their astral ship, the Twin Star Longbow. Meanwhile,
Starting point is 00:02:50 sneaking into a tower under the cover of invisibility, Nova, Captain Thalia, and their new drow ally, Phyra, disabled the magical barrier generator, as well as including a system that would allow Phyra to reactivate it once
Starting point is 00:03:05 the ship was clear of the Astral Port, therefore preventing any further escape. The ever-present threat of the Demon Prince Gratz, if he finds out where they are, if an alarm is raised and enough time passes, Gratz will locate them. Gratz will be a threat
Starting point is 00:03:22 greater than this party can face. But, so far, things have gone pretty well. As the party emerged from the network of conduits and cables, Sentry unfortunately alerts the guards to their presence. And we begin this week by rolling initiative. So, everybody, I would very much like you to roll initiative. Okay. Kim, I know you have a thing you wanted to do,
Starting point is 00:03:47 so we will start that basically. That will be, once I've got everyone's initiative, we'll have you narratively describe that, and then we will kick things off. So is this a surprise round, or they have spotted us? It is not a surprise round, no. Because, yeah, well, not just Sentry. A few of you
Starting point is 00:04:05 uh didn't do very well on your stealth checks uh and after emerging into the astral port i'll describe the scene and set the scene as well but i just want to get the initiatives down um so that we can roll straight into it oh uh cool lucius total 21 21 uh Quilek. 15. 15. Ayla, total initiative, please. She's muted. No. I think it was a 20. 20. She said 20.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Century, total. 19. 19. Very good initiatives all around, actually. Nova? Yeah. Better. Four. Four.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Okay, there you go. That makes up for it. Okay. Balance is restored. Before we fully jump into this combat then. So, across the way, across a large street filled with visitors of all kinds, demons, humanoids, fey, even some angelic beings. Ganassi, the busy streets of Azaghrat, across the way there is a tall spire,
Starting point is 00:05:16 at the top of which sits one of the magical generators that powers the force net enshrouding the entire port, keeping any of the ships from escaping. And we see at the top in a small control tower with glass, a circular glass window all the way around it, almost like an air traffic control tower. We see Nova, the Air Ganassi, along with Captain Thalia, a Medusa who dresses a little bit like Han Solo,
Starting point is 00:05:43 along with a drow inquisitor called Fyra, dressed in black and white leather armor. You guys have taken control of the various engineers and technicians that work on the Magitek that powers this device. And yeah, you have just finished hacking or kind of magically controlling this enchantchantment and you are about to teleport over we've already marked the spell off but i know you had a specific way you wanted to conjure it so tell us what that looks like um so i basically wanted to um like how much of the uh where the
Starting point is 00:06:19 ship is how much of that can i see from it is it clear like it's not clear because it's a good sort of you know you're talking quite a long distance away like you know 500 300 300 500 feet away so you can see like tiny shapes and vague outlines of what's going on um but that's probably about it okay i think um you know on a large space in the middle that you can probably target with the portal. I'd probably want to communicate with the other team. You know, are they out? Because I don't want to zap in, like think that I'm going to zap in
Starting point is 00:06:53 and like, you know, suddenly just throw off. I believe that we ended the very last session with you sending them a message as you were conjuring the portal. And that was as they were emerging from the pipes. So there's not really any room for further communication. I think we replied with like, yeah, we're going in stealthy.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Watch out for the... No! It was kind of like, it's kicked off, basically. In which case, can I grab Talia's hand and say, I have an idea. It's kind of weird, but just go with it. And then can I start to climb back out of the window grab Talia's hand and say, I have an idea. It's kind of weird, but just go with it. And then can I start to climb back out of the window
Starting point is 00:07:28 to where we were and then cast the port, the arcane gate from there so that we step through the portal to where the ship is. But if something was to maybe, you know, be encouraged back the other way they'd
Starting point is 00:07:47 have a ledge well here's the problem if you imagine that you're on like a balcony if you conjure the portal directly in front of you and you enter it that way anything that comes out will just basically emerge in like out the way you've just come which means they would land on the balcony if you want to do this as some sort of trap, you would need to cast it in midair and either jump through it or jump down into it to do that. If you just create it on the same level as you and just step through it,
Starting point is 00:08:15 they'll just step and land safely on this balcony, which would obviously put Pyro in danger. What kind of check would you make me roll for that? I feel like that's a... I don't know. Well, it depends on how you conjure it. If you kind of conjure it down, if your idea is you jump off and fall into the portal,
Starting point is 00:08:34 there might be some sort of checks involved in that. Probably acrobatics in nature. Make sure that you fall through it correctly. I mean, it wouldn't be too difficult. It's basically just stepping down into it. But it's also preparing yourself magically to create it. It's going to be another
Starting point is 00:08:55 giant situation back on that dragon world. Do you know what? YOLO. Let's do it. You only live once. Okay. Sure, just make an acrobatics check for me. I'll make one for Thalia. Also, I just decided I need... I'm not going to make it too crazy down.
Starting point is 00:09:11 I live twice. No, but the reason for the check, Kim, is because ultimately, casting a magic spell involves lots of complicated hand gestures and speaking, and you're doing that whilst jumping but i can't 200 feet up in the air you can cast it and hold it and then you have to basically aim it and fall through it so that's why i'm gonna say acrobatics check okay here we go kids that's a 19 there you go perfect nice uh and then yeah thalia's at like 16 as well. So you basically cast a spell, hold it,
Starting point is 00:09:47 kind of channeling the energy for a second, and then as you begin falling, you kind of step off, yanking Thalia with you. You summon this spell ahead of you, and you fall through it. You will carry some of the momentum of falling, very much like Portal, as you emerge from the other end. Speedy thing goes in, speedy thing comes out thing goes in so it comes out speedy thing comes in speedy thing comes out so whereabouts you can pretty much see uh i will mark roughly where you
Starting point is 00:10:13 can see on this battle map that we have um you can see sort of this space or this space uh the two giant uh chains are kind of obscured by a half wall, but the easiest spaces for you to conjure the portal will be in these two spaces here. So you can see like a large, almost like a courtyard in between these two large stone pillars with what appears to be a kind of metal fencing between it, and then a large open area just in front of the the astral ships
Starting point is 00:10:46 gangway um okay i will cast it um just draw like a little five foot line or something for me so it's a 10 foot portal uh 10 there you go okay 10 10 foot in diameter uh and i'm going to cast it right in front of the two guys here. So right in front of them. And always come out barreling into them. Well, you will, in fact. Definitely do that. Good show.
Starting point is 00:11:18 You also shoot into a metal gangway, which is directly ahead of you that leads up into the ship. So, technically, you would be falling at a rate of about 50, 60 feet, let's say. You shoot out at that
Starting point is 00:11:34 speed, you're going to collide into two objects. I will have each of them make a deck saving throw against your spell DC. So what's your spell DC? That is a 17. 17. I think that's going to? That is a 17. 17. I think that's going to be
Starting point is 00:11:47 a fail on both of them. They're going to take some damage, but you two are also going to take some damage from as you fly out and impact into this metal crate, metal walkway. You are basically slamming into an extremely high speed.
Starting point is 00:12:04 You're all going to take 12 points of bludgeoning damage as you come hurtling out of this space and i will also knock these guys prone um well that's a good start 12 points damage to her I'm here! And then 12 damage there. I always make a big entrance, don't I? Yeah. We should get like a cannon on the ship so we can just fire you into places. Fire me out of it, yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:35 They won't be able to get any of that stuff off. Okay. Cool. So, you see, so you do this just as the giants and the... To describe the scene for you, this large red rocky ground covers the entire port, but it's been sort of paved over in this thick black tar-like material
Starting point is 00:13:00 in certain places. The back of the port is covered in these thick rows of large metal pipes that crackle with arcane energy. And there is a metal gangway that leads up to your ship, this sleek, angular, astral ship that you've been traveling on. Attached to the ship and descending down into the ground connected to two metal plates
Starting point is 00:13:27 are five foot wide 40 50 feet long thick metal chains um they're made from a dark black iron that doesn't really look like any metal that you have encountered before. And next to each chain is an enormous, large, dark-armored, pale-fleshed giant that stands over each one with a large weapon, a greatsword in each hand. Sorry, they have, like, wrapped chains, almost like with these hooked metal spikes at the end that they're wielding. Just behind them are two large stone pillars with these kind of metal railings and then a scattering of boxes and cargo from before the port was locked down. It's quite a large open space apart from these columns and railings.
Starting point is 00:14:27 space apart from these columns and railings um and the the very south of the map uh if you imagine it is where the doorway that leads to the guard posts is um outside of this doorway there are two guard posts um and we begin literally with thalia and over shooting out of this portal you there's just enough time for the the mage and its strange golden masked companion to kind of point in the direction of the rest of the party say hey what's what's going on over there the giants begin turning as this blue shimmering portal appears and a screaming thalia uh who is screaming nova what the fuck and they come flying out smacking into these two unsuspecting figures who go stumbling back, falling to the ground. Nova and Thalia, you impact against the walkway.
Starting point is 00:15:10 You are also knocked prone as, yeah, just this tumbled mass of you come shooting out at high velocity. And then we kick off the proper initiative with Lucius. Kicketh it off. Right. The chains, by the way, are thick enough that you will have to climb over them. They do count as difficult terrain.
Starting point is 00:15:32 They're kind of diagonal, and they are very heavy and very, very thick. So, moving across them counts as extra movement. Okay. I will thrust my gauntleted hand toward the first chain and a spiral of blue energy comes down to the fingertips and beams out creating a wall of ice that's going to cut
Starting point is 00:16:01 across horizontally across both chains, creating a barrier. But also, the lines that are on the gauntlet that pulse down using chromatic control, three sorcerer points. That's a reaction, thank you. Changes to green. So as it's also creating this ice, acid follows it, and it sweeps across the whole lot, changing it all into a wall of acid. So you create a wall of acid instead. What is the range on Wall of Ice?
Starting point is 00:16:31 Like, how long and stuff can it be? So it's 120 feet to cast it, for one. So you can cast it pretty much anywhere in this range. 10 10-foot square panels. So that's 100 foot long. 100. Yes. Okay. Yes. Okay. That sucks compared to this.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Wall of Light is also a lower level spell. Oh, true that. Yeah, okay. Thanks, Trot. You've already done that for me. Cool. So you see this swirling orange pattern. Oh, somebody did. I don't know who. Thanks, Tom. Technically, I think it can be a bit longer
Starting point is 00:17:05 as well because I think it's 100 feet. That's fine. It's fine. Oh, they can just go around it, right? They definitely could, yeah, just go around it if you don't fully size it. Well, I'll let you do that, Thomas. Whilst, yeah, this
Starting point is 00:17:21 orange wall just is conjured into being as you see it yeah yeah so it's a cascade so you see it create its ice but also straight after it it then distorts into an orangey
Starting point is 00:17:38 acid yeah cool so across both chains as well yes I want to hit both and also it kind of forms a bit of an annoyance for the two big boys behind it yeah absolutely it will
Starting point is 00:17:56 sorry those two giants and I'm hoping it's going to do some damage to them chains that's the ultimate aim right there it is so roll the damage And I'm hoping it's going to do some damage to them chains. That's the ultimate aim right there. It is. So roll the damage. So normally when you create Wall of Ice,
Starting point is 00:18:11 just read it out what it normally does for us. Sure. So if the wall cuts through a creature's space, it would push it. It would take 10d6 damage or half as much on a successful save. It currently doesn't cut through a creature's space. Okay. So the chains don't make a save because they're chains, obviously. Chains can't dodge out of the way. So just roll the damage for me,
Starting point is 00:18:30 and that is what it will deal. What the fuck? It would be the first one. Oh. I was going to say, yeah, I don't know what the second one was. It must have double-clicked. So it's 27, which is way less.
Starting point is 00:18:43 So the ones will become twos. So it's 27. Which is way less. So the 1s will become 2s. So that's 20... 30. It'd be 30 total. 30 points of acid damage. Okay. So I'm just going to make a... And my Diancromancy would also switch on.
Starting point is 00:19:02 So how much Diancromancyancy damage and which chain are you doing that to uh I will do it to this chain closest
Starting point is 00:19:11 to us which is the one there okay so another 10 points to that one
Starting point is 00:19:19 yeah okay so you watch as this wall streaks across the two chains, the bubbling acid, the swirling viscous liquid begins pitting and eating away at these thick iron chains. And you can see that it is making very, very quickly damaging and corroding them.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Perhaps if it was normal steel, these chains would already have been broken but these, it seems, I mean they're so thick, each individual link that the acid is melting them but has not fully destroyed them. It's begun eating its way maybe through about half of it you're not quite sure
Starting point is 00:19:59 but yeah, has already severely damaged them. As long as you keep concentrating, I believe, because you have to concentrate on the spell, yes? Okay. As long as you don't lose concentration, then it will do. Very well. Okay.
Starting point is 00:20:14 That is my go. Would you like to move or anything, or are you just going to stay? You're kind of huddled around this gate. This great, sorry. This pipe, difficult terrain. Is it a block? They are like 10 feet high the pipes around the back um i've moved century onto one just because it's easier than having a on top of coil space but yeah these the thick metal pipes that kind of lead up to the gangway
Starting point is 00:20:38 are about 10 feet high so yeah they would you need to like spend time climbing up them effectively um i would like to get behind it as cover so can i do a acrobat if there's not enough room to get behind the pipe uh for cover i mean on this side it becomes like a thick yeah i don't is there space on that side uh you could climb over it yeah i mean it would be sort of 20 feet to get on top of it with an athletics check to climb up because you'll need to climb it as you're When you say they're 10 feet high do you mean you can go under them?
Starting point is 00:21:12 No no they are like huge walls of metal and crystal they're almost like yeah these enormous pipes but you'd need to climb up one in order to get on top of it and get to the other side i'm just gonna do this instead 5 10 15 20 oh wait i'm technically on a pipe right now
Starting point is 00:21:35 where does it count as being on can i move like this sorry my chrome window just broke can i do this? I've got to refresh roll 20. Hang on, give me a second. No, so you are not on top of me. You can move along it like that. You can move along it like that, for sure. So you can kind of shimmy along the side of it. And be here now.
Starting point is 00:21:57 So I've gone all the way around this pipe that's sticking out into the battle arena, and I've just gone behind it. Yeah. Okay. That's me. Ayla. Hello. I would like to rage for one
Starting point is 00:22:17 and then I will hop on over to this dude who is, I believe, prone on the ground. Well, do you... I still have movement even with difficult terrain. Yep, you do. I have 45 feet of movement.
Starting point is 00:22:33 You do? So you can make an attack? Would I get advantage because they're prone? So you do. However, the creature next to it in the golden mask as it sees you rushing towards its ward it intercepts the attack it kind of rolls on top of it
Starting point is 00:22:51 you have to target that creature instead you cannot target the spellcaster but you still have advantage because it is also prone it kind of rolls on top of it to absorb the blow that's fine hit someone it's so good so It kind of rolls on top of him to absorb the blow. That's fine. Hit someone.
Starting point is 00:23:05 It's all good. So that wasn't a very good roll but 18 is the right top. Ooh. Okay and the next hit is a 13 plus 9
Starting point is 00:23:25 which will also hit so then we are doing the 10 14 damage on the first strike 14 damage okay
Starting point is 00:23:44 uh-huh and first strike. 14 damage. Okay. And 11 damage on the second strike and then a deck save. Does have advantage on that. It's going to be a 21.
Starting point is 00:24:02 That will pass. I rolled two ones. God damn it. You also notice that even then, the lightning doesn't seem to affect this creature as much as you would hope as well. So you watch as this masked face creature, it almost kind of rotates its joints
Starting point is 00:24:18 into a very bizarre way and scurries on top of the mage, absorbing the impact as you bring your hammer down twice, grunting loudly as it does, but it makes no sort of like audible cry for pain or anything like that. It just kind of recognizes the impact with a solid, but doesn't scream out or cry out as it does so. The creature underneath it appears to be like a pale-skinned man who's screaming like,
Starting point is 00:24:44 Ah! Intruders! Deal with them! Kill them! Can I also... I should have said it before I moved. I was going to say... I completely forgot. I was going to say to Rethra, do you know a way we can break these chains easily before I go and then I'll go?
Starting point is 00:25:02 Because I know he's a blacksmith. Well, he looks at you. Well, he looks at you and he's like smash them. He doesn't. He's just like hit them as hard as we can. Do that. Okay, I'm done.
Starting point is 00:25:19 That's a professional person's opinion. Sure. I was wondering if they had any other Lucius. He wasn't really trained as a blacksmith, but more a professional person's opinion. Sure. I was wondering if they had any other, like, you know, Lucius... He wasn't really trained as a blacksmith, but more he was kind of a dog's body in the blacksmiths of Carrion. Well, I don't know
Starting point is 00:25:34 that. Sentry. I'm just going to move you, Sentry, because technically you're on the same space as Goyle, but you are. Alrighty. So yeah, Sentry. I'm going to move up to here, and then can I use my flamelance to try and do some more damage to the point that Lucius has already hit
Starting point is 00:25:50 You can, absolutely So it's a tank Is it normally a dex saving throw on the flamelance? It is a dex throw, yeah, dex save, yeah It bails those automatically So just roll the damage Okay, so 3d 10 16 16 more points nice so with this
Starting point is 00:26:14 superheated blast yeah don't forget to take that cold damage as well i think you take some cold damage when you use the flame last six so you watch as this superheated line of fire begins cutting through several of the chains, but even then it's not quite enough to burn through a link entirely. You just see it turning it red hot and melting it as the acid itself is burning it away. And then you said you wanted to do bonus
Starting point is 00:26:38 action? Yeah, I was going to misty step 30 feet back to the guys up here. Sure. Okay, yeah, so you bamf back and get yourself ready for protection. Perfect. Okay. Quillik Adkalar,
Starting point is 00:26:54 your Parry Point initiative are working out very well at this point. Yeah. Woo! I can't wait for them to do some stuff. I'm going to continue with my plan, even though there's been a bit of noise, and I'm going to cast Silence in that gap by the two gates, or in the entire
Starting point is 00:27:10 gap of the gate, to act as like a black hole of sound, even though I guess it could carry on over the wall, but it'll still mask it a lot. I don't need to see the point either, apparently. So I can just do... Oof. It's a big sphere of silence. a big sphere of silence
Starting point is 00:27:25 a big sphere of silence to try and mask any audio from this fight going to the guards like there and that's an action to do that so I'm going to stay back a bit, hide behind
Starting point is 00:27:42 these two, I need to concentrate on it and that's my turn sure okay nice uh thalia on her turn basically rushes up the gangway to the door of the twin star longbow and she begins on the crystalline panel she begins tapping in a sequence of numbers um that you assume is some sort of way for her to unlock the ship or open the ship. And then there is a faint crackle, like a magical buzz in the air, and she begins speaking into it. Kairi, my dear, if you wouldn't mind, I know that you're in hiding right now. Get on the guns, would you? We're about to make a very quick exit.
Starting point is 00:28:20 And she then begins continuing work on the door. It is going to be her action to use an item to basically unlock the Twinstar Longbow, but that is going to be her full turn. Rethra, on his turn, moves down to where Century flamelanced the... Technically, it'd be sort of around here, and he's going to try and whack the chain as hard as he can. As, you know, he instructed Ayla that he would.
Starting point is 00:28:49 He attacks it once. The first attack, his normal sort of mundane axe just bounces off the metal and you see a huge chunk of the axe itself kind of is deflected away. The second attack, as he brings like a long knife down, the same sort of thing. The weapon just doesn't seem to be able to break through the sturdiness of the iron um and he kind of looks at it and shrugs tougher iron than i expected might need magic uh which is his go uh finally the first of the monsters gets to go
Starting point is 00:29:22 uh after you guys have already done work. The pale robed figure currently hiding beneath its companion as Aayla rips it apart above, pulls out what looks to be like a small red stone, clutches it in his hand and he's like
Starting point is 00:29:39 tell the prince they're here! They're here! As he speaks into it. So he will use his sending stone as an action uh and then as a bonus action he will oh good ah well no you do you have we do you spent you spent uh one of your recon teams to protect you for some time. We messed the sending stones up, didn't we? Yeah, the other guy went and did that. Well, I mean, maybe, but as far as you know,
Starting point is 00:30:17 you weren't expecting this guy to have an individual one on him. This looks perhaps to be something you didn't expect. Yeah. But you have some time. As his bonus action he can't actually do anything. I thought he might have a bonus action spell but he does not. So he will basically just stand up
Starting point is 00:30:35 keeping himself close to his companion and try and defend himself when he is attacked. Oh, actually no, as a bonus action this is in, I forgot, this is in my separate notes. He, after he speaks into the stone, he mutters some word in Infernal,
Starting point is 00:30:52 which is, for those of you who speak Infernal, is basically the word activate. And you watch as along the thick iron chains, lightning springs up from the ground and courses up and down the whole width of these large metal chains,
Starting point is 00:31:07 electrifying them. You see Rethra is blasted by a kind of bolt of lightning, which I'll do on his turn. But yeah, it looks like anybody who gets too close to these chains will suffer damage, including Sentry and Quill at the start of their turns.
Starting point is 00:31:23 Yeah. The golden masked figure also stands up and will basically reposition itself next to its companion and Aayla, and then it will try and chop down on Aayla with its large halberd. Three times it does this. So Ayla, the first one
Starting point is 00:31:47 is a 22 to hit. AC is 19, Mark. 19 and above. 19 and above. Six points of damage halved, so three, because you are raging. The next one also hits. For 12, so six points of damage. the next one also hits uh for 12 so 6
Starting point is 00:32:08 points of damage and then the last one is a miss so this halberd kind of comes slamming down three times um but one of them the last one you just managed to kind of deflect and block um but yeah the previous two managed to work the way through this creature however the one in the
Starting point is 00:32:24 gold mask looks incredibly injured. It does not look like it is faring too well with the blows that you've already lain against it, as it's barely able to stand. Nova Vija. Can I messenger ring and shout, Aayla, push the magic guy into the portal! Or hold his head in there.
Starting point is 00:32:48 I don't care. One or the other. One or the two. You choose. And then can I energy... Actually, two things. Can I hexblade curse the weird magic guy? Sorry, the guy in the mask.
Starting point is 00:33:05 The weird clockwork dude. And then I'm going to attack him with my energy crossbow. Oh. Nice. Oh, and stand up as well. So lots of things. Lots of emotional
Starting point is 00:33:20 things. So... Sorry. Energy crossbow is this 23 points to hit uh no crit and then uh d10 plus five so six seven eight nine ten, and then an additional 4 points of Hex Curse damage, which is 15 points Radiant damage. And that's to the golden mask guy, sorry? Yeah, golden mask boy. Okay, so as the energy ball, this kind of conjured energy blast fires from the crossbow, it slams into the creature with a golden mask,
Starting point is 00:34:01 and you just watch as it collapses. into the creature with a golden mask and you just watch as it collapses uh thin wisps of black smoke uh emerge from its body and sort of trail up into the air um as its body just goes lifeless okay uh so one that means i heal 16 points of health from my hexblade curse nice i'm guessing it's not a humanoid it is not a humanoid okay cool sadly tuck a cursed tuck that one away okay one day uh anything else nova any movement you've got 15 feet a bit left i'm gonna you should sit up from prone i'm gonna stick where i am um and wait i can't really hold an action count. No, I've done it.
Starting point is 00:34:46 No. No, you've attacked. Okay, cool. In that case, the two very large giants will go. Uh, how smart are these things? Ooh, not super smart. Um, so one of them will probably... Now, the wall of acid is opaque right trot like it's um
Starting point is 00:35:06 it's like solid they can they walk through it or yes uh that's a good point because you can't really i don't think they can it's solid ac on the wall of ice so i assume it'll keep the same properties but then you can change it to acid which would change
Starting point is 00:35:22 its property yeah so maybe instead of of them doing a deck save or whatever to walk through it, they just take the damage walking through it? No. They'll still take a deck save. Why? Let me have a look at the spell. Because they still would.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Well, actually, no. If they walk through it, they wouldn't get a saving throw. They'd just take the damage. Yeah. But it's just what they said. If the wall cuts through a creature space when it appears the creature within the area is pushed to one side and they make a deck saving throw on a failed save the creature takes 10d6 cold damage after that so basically that only applies when it's first conjured the wall is then an object and it can't be damaged and thus breached it has an ac of 12 and 30 hit points per 10th of section but it's not it's not ice anymore it's now cold acid oh here you go a creature moving through the sheet of
Starting point is 00:36:09 frigid air so if it gets destroyed it leaves behind a sheet of frigid air in the space it occupied a creature moving through the sheet of frigid air for the first time on a turn must make a con saving throw or takes 5d6 cold damage so what we'll do is if it's a wall of acid we'll just make it so that the whole wall is now that. So it basically counts as if it was the Frigidaire, and it will do 5d6 acid damage if a creature moves through it and fails to save, or half damage on a successful one. How about that? Sounds good to me.
Starting point is 00:36:33 Sounds good? Okay. Does it do the damage or the deck save from when it was conjured, then? No, because it didn't cut through their space. Yeah. Lucius had it cut through the chains. So it works a bit differently. They're behind the chains.
Starting point is 00:36:51 So they will both move through it because they're both pretty stupid. And I just want to check their reach. Oh, yeah, that's fine. So they will do that. Dex saving throw for both of them. This is a minus one. One is a zero.
Starting point is 00:37:07 The other one is a five. They both take full damage. So 5d6 damage to both of them. 21. That's two sixes there. So that's pretty good. I'll just do the same damage roll for both of them. So that way it's a bit speedier.
Starting point is 00:37:23 But they kind of just walk through and this acid just kind of gloops and sloughs off of their pallid bodies as they merge on the other side and then they begin whirling these large chains uh around them uh cool uh this one in fact will actually finish the rest of its movement oh no it doesn't need to so one will target uh let's see probably go for nova and then the other one will target um hmm we really go for rethra these things are pretty dumb go for the chains go for the chains Why would they attack the chains Kim? Yeah, it's a one more time getting damage from the lightning on that side are they gonna get lightning damage on being equidistant
Starting point is 00:38:18 I will they're not within five feet of the chain. Oh Yeah So no. So we want to hit Rethra. The chain flies out of the giant's hand and wraps around Rethra. He is grappled. He takes a bunch of damage as well.
Starting point is 00:38:36 So it's going to be 10, 15 points. As you see this chain sort of smashes against his face and then he is grappled and then he is pulled i believe uh no he's just grappled uh so the chain is kind of wrapped around him and then the giant begins swinging the other other side nova same thing towards you see if it hits uh that's going to be a 26 to hit um maybe hit a little bit that maybe hits low damage roll, though. 12 points of bludgeoning damage
Starting point is 00:39:05 and you are grappled. Whilst you are grappled, you are restrained. But he can't attack anybody else while he has you grappled. And so they're just holding on to you, basically. I need to make a concentration check on my arcane gate.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Sure, please do. DC would be 10. Constitution saving throw. it's a con saving throw okay uh plus 3 18 and you're fine you maintain concentration on the arcane gate uh that is the two giants go i need to remember their reaction lucius i guess i would do the same thing if I cast the spell. I'd make a concentration check on the wall of acid, right? You haven't taken any damage.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Yeah, or if you cast another concentration spell. If you cast another concentration spell, the wall goes completely. Okay. Also, sorry, one other thing. Just before your turn, before you do, you hear a screech um from above as you see one of these vulture-like demons that you've seen flying over the city before
Starting point is 00:40:14 uh screeches and begins plummeting down towards you um nope no thanks no it does well not towards you specifically lucius um but it does it would be flying in this corner so yeah you see it basically beginning its descent down towards uh lucius now it's your turn right i'm gonna pop out maintaining this concentration uh i'm going to cast Chromatic Orb Acid. I'm going to use my sorcery points to twin it and hit both chains at level 4. Is it 120 feet? Is that the range on it?
Starting point is 00:40:55 90, and it's within. Technically it is not. Technically you are 5 feet away. You can step 5 feet more forward. Yeah, as long as you do that you're fine 15 i've moved so far then you're attacking the chains yeah yes both chains and ding dong we'll do the acid damage at the end of your turn as well 25 to hit them 29 acid on both so you have to roll for both targets with twin spells.
Starting point is 00:41:25 So that will hit the first one, which will make the closest one to you. And then you need to roll again to see if you hit the second one. Does it just add to the second target? So the 15, this is why, because the 15 is not enough. So the 15, the acid orb hits, but it's kind of, it hits at an odd angle and the acid ends up
Starting point is 00:41:42 spraying behind it rather than over the chain itself. But the first one is coated thoroughly by the first chromatic orb. So that one takes 29 points of damage, which is going to be... That. And then... Yes. I think that's right.
Starting point is 00:42:02 So the first chain snaps, and you see the lightning sort of arcs. The arc fades as the chain is melted through by this mixture of acid from the orb and the damage it's previously taken from Sentry and the Wall of Acid. And you just watch
Starting point is 00:42:20 as the links just creak and bend and... And they fly apart as splinters of iron go flying out in every direction. Eight points of dichromancy on the unbroken chain. Oh, wait, it's 30 feet, isn't it? Range? Yeah, I was going to say 30 feet of range on that. I will hit the closest big boy to me. Closest big boy? Sure.
Starting point is 00:42:44 This one. And that was how much eight yes acid eight points so you you pull up this conjured uh spike of orange acid fling it in the giant's direction as it splashes over one of its armored arms do you want to roll five to six more acid for me as well for the wall um because that's still in effect hell yeah here i go look at me go it's gonna be max damage 16 um 17 17 so uh so the wall of acid continues eating away at the secondary chain in the background um as this all takes place what's's the matter, Tom? Very, very good round. Any other movement? No, no. Looking for ones.
Starting point is 00:43:27 Oh. That, I'm going to move back behind the pipe. Sure. Sorry, I was up here, I think. Seeing you cast this acid, you hear this screech from this vulture-like creature as it's now its proper go. Ah! Mage! I must deal with the mage, you stupid
Starting point is 00:43:49 giants! And it flies down 60 feet. 5, 10, 15, 20, 21, 22... Oh, he hit the... It flies over the wall as it is a flying creature. And it will
Starting point is 00:44:08 basically... It kind of hovers about just five feet above you, Lucius. And it will rake down with its beak and its talons. Or actually, no. What did it do? No, it won't attack you, actually. Instead, it will open its kind of big beak uh mouth
Starting point is 00:44:28 and erupting from it um is this terrible screeching sound uh each creature within 20 feet let me just check my plan 15 20 quill century rethra and lucius must all make a constitution saving throw. Quill, you will get the bonus from Sentry's Aura. How much of a bonus? Three. Plus three. Cool. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:44:59 Rethra will be... 17. Lucius, you need to make this as well. I did. 21. Oh, you did. Sorry you did sorry yeah 21 uh so quill total uh 16 total century 22 okay and then retro got 17 so you all managed to hold your ears and kind of keep your teeth you know clamped together as this screech echoes in your mind, threatening to overwhelm it, but you manage to resist its effects as you do so. Keep that wall of acid up.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Yeah. Sure. Ayla. Hello. Doing what Nova asked me to do, I'm going to push this person into the portal. Close.
Starting point is 00:45:48 Strength check? Just roll. Just pure strength, but you have advantage because you're raging. I will roll. This guy's going in. I rolled a one. You don't even need to finish rolling, Kate. Dunk. Do you just grab him by his robes
Starting point is 00:46:03 and throw him in like pick him up and just throw him through the ball see ya yeah basically just the way that this would be is you'd basically be grappling him moving him into the portal and then push it and then letting him go basically like you shouldn't have just you shouldn't have used the stone man just sure and then you throw him and the last thing you see through the portal is him like scrabbling for your arm like he's trying to keep hold of you and you just throw him and he just hans gruber style it's like flying through the air the only thing i'm gonna check and see if is he got any reaction spells that he could do to get himself
Starting point is 00:46:46 out of this. I don't think he does. This is a horizontal portal, right? He has to go up first and then over at the side of the portal. No, because the other portal was like... Nova and Thalia went in downwards.
Starting point is 00:47:02 This portal is sideways. They came out of it like that, so he goes in it and then he'd fall down. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a portal. It works. I'm not taking it down.
Starting point is 00:47:15 It works. It just keeps going in and out of the portal. It's like one of those punching punching doll keeps coming back I think you can cancel a concentration spell at any time so yeah sure sweet nice good job I like how this is going
Starting point is 00:47:35 no I'm not going to be I was going to be really horrible and like shut it when he's halfway through so I'm going to rule right now, Kim, because the spell doesn't have it. You cannot close the portal if another creature is halfway in it.
Starting point is 00:47:49 Right? Because there is no rules for that. I have genuinely been sat here for the last turn there being, how dark is Nova going to be right now? I don't know how dark Nova is. The spell wouldn't work that way because it would be too overpowered
Starting point is 00:48:05 if it was. It's fine. Yeah. Century. Does that count as two attacks? Sorry. Or does that count as one attack? That counts as your action.
Starting point is 00:48:16 It counts as your action, I would say. To pick him up and throw him through a portal. I mean, you did just completely eliminate one creature from the fight. I'm gonna move... You still have movement and a brain dissection Well I'm just gonna move over here Okay Near the
Starting point is 00:48:35 For next Next Torn Probably Century Yeah Century The lightning is not there because the chain is broken
Starting point is 00:48:46 so you don't have to worry about that oh cool i'm gonna move 5 10 uh 15 up to here and then i would like to do turn the faithless so i can try and target the vulture creature and the big boy over here if possible uh so tell me how does turn the faithless work? So you present your holy symbol. Each fae or fiend within 30 feet of you that can hear you makes a whiz saving throw. On a failure, the creature is turned for one minute or until it takes damage.
Starting point is 00:49:16 Okay, so this will only work on the Vrok, the vulture creature. It won't work on the Vrok. Okay, cool. The vulture rolled a six. Autumn. Okay. So you're going to to six. Portent. Okay. So you're going to Portent it? All right.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Yeah. Let me just check one thing. I'm worried this dude has, like, mega high wisdom. So there's this interesting thing with Portent, because this thing has advantage on saves against spells or other magical effects. Portent's rule, the word, the way that Portent is worded is it replaces the roll.
Starting point is 00:49:46 It doesn't specify whether... It replaces the final roll. Which is how I'm going to rule it. Yeah, it's not one of the rules. It's basically it replaces the final one. So yeah, okay. So it turns the creature for a minute, right? Which means it has to move away from you
Starting point is 00:49:59 as much as on its turn, basically. And it has disadvantage on attacks. Actually, no, that's a different thing. I'm thinking of frightened again. I always get frightened and turned mixed up. I will have a read of that. But yeah, cool.
Starting point is 00:50:16 It does say you replace a roll in this way. Tommy, replace a roll, eh? I was sure it was the final roll is what it at the final way that because yeah because the way the advantage is is you roll twice take the highest result and then i'm guessing you replace that result with the portent is how it would be worded um is how it'd be intended so yeah um i just distracted by statue in century yeah a turned creature must spend its turn trying
Starting point is 00:50:48 to move as far away from you as it can and it can't willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you it also can't take reactions um okay so for its action it can only use the dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it from moving if there's nowhere to run the creature can use the dodge action so So basically, for a minute... Does it get an extra saving throw? Or until it takes damage. So if it takes any damage, it will also break this effect, but otherwise,
Starting point is 00:51:13 it has to spend its whole turn just running away from you. It flies into a wall. Anything else, Sentry? So, a little bit of movement, action. I'd like to use the rest of my movement just to move back up to Quill, if that's okay. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:51:30 Keep that protection aura. Yeah. Cool. Quillek. You're the best. And with that action, I'm going to reward you with a magic weapon, a holy weapon.
Starting point is 00:51:41 So you get an extra 2d8 on your attack. The silence is gone. I don't think that really matters. Sure. It would have mattered if that mage hadn't had a personal sending stone. Exactly. Cell phone. So yeah. 2d8 damage passed through you. Enjoy. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Anything else, Tom? Why does Holy Weapon have a con 17 on it? damage passed through you. Enjoy. Thank you. Anything else, Tom? Why does Holy Weapon have a con 17 on it? Why is that? I read the spell. Oh, for when I explode it. I can choose to explode it as well. Yeah. I will Sacred Flame
Starting point is 00:52:19 this giant. So he makes a dex save? Is Holy Weapon a bonus action or an action it's a bonus action okay yeah in that case yeah you can sacred flame uh the big giant uh yeah big giant boy uh that is gonna be a weapon nine no it doesn't nine okay perfect explodes the magical war around it. 3d8 plus 4 plus 5. So 22 damage with a cantrip. Hello. Damn. Welcome to the world of
Starting point is 00:52:51 high levels. Yeah, so the sacred flame launches out and you see the giant kind of brings its hand up as it does so, blinded temporarily by this flame that you have conjured uh from it anything else quillick uh that's me i'm gonna stay hiding behind sentry shield and well sentry
Starting point is 00:53:15 is my field and she has a shield cool on thalia's turn the doors to the twin star open um and she runs inside to begin prepping the ship. You can hear her calling out, and you begin to see one of the arcane lance turrets on the ship begins rotating around. It can't point down into this combat, but instead you see it pointing up into the sky, where many more of those vulture creatures
Starting point is 00:53:41 and other flying enemies are beginning to descend down as they come down as they come, as they begin to converge on your position. Rethra is currently restrained. He's going to try and break free. Fails to do so. You can see him
Starting point is 00:53:59 struggling on these chains. He can't move. He's not in range to attack. So Rethra, unfortunately, can do nothing. He's been thrown out of a portal window like Hans Gruber. That guy is dead. Nova Vija. Okay, I know you've rolled this before,
Starting point is 00:54:15 but I need you to remind me because I'm grappled. Can I cast a verbal and somatic spell? Yeah, you can. Your speed is zero. You can't move, basically. But I can cast somatic spell. Yeah, you can. Your speed is zero. You can't move, basically. But I can cast a somatic spell. This is like the chains
Starting point is 00:54:29 wrapped around your legs. Yeah, I'm going to allow you to. If somebody specifically was trying to prevent you from spellcasting, I'd probably say you can't do anything with your hands, but you could still speak
Starting point is 00:54:40 unless they gag you. This giant hasn't done that. It's literally just wrapped a chain around you enough to give you enough to wriggle a spell out if you need to in which case can i cast charm person on both giants please you can it fails okay they are not humanoids they are not humanoids so it doesn't affect them so sorry they are technically giants and therefore in my mouth that was gonna be my clutch sorry that's it it was a pretty that was clever but it doesn't
Starting point is 00:55:13 go that way what what no on that one what do you mean no poop in my mouth hole yeah okay i throw more in the other one no okay all right okay yeah um so that's action so you conjure the magic the magic surges out but doesn't take any effect i can't cast another spell can i um because i know no andrew you can't uh if you can cast a cantrip as a bonus action technically yes i've got no bonus action cantrips um almost there aren't any i think it's only like very specific circumstances like the grave uh shillelagh is shillelagh a bonus action can i wriggle it is yeah can i try and get out no your action was to cast a spell okay that. That's it. I'm dead then. Bye. Carry on.
Starting point is 00:56:05 Okay. Right. Yeah. And in fact, on your turn, the two giants will kind of tighten the chains and kind of lash them at you and Rethra again. Oh, actually, I think that the one fighting Rethra, the Vrok did give it an order. It will stop grappling Rethra,
Starting point is 00:56:24 and it will stomp,omp stomp stomp no the chain's broken no that chain's broken no more lightning um you broke it in fact um so it stops grappling rethra and it will instead go for lucius uh because the rock specifically commanded it to uh the one against nova that is going to be a 24 to hit. Yeah, maybe. I'll just see if it gets a crit. It doesn't. That's going to be 17 points of bludgeoning damage. As the chain
Starting point is 00:56:53 tightens, you can squeeze you tighter as another end whips around. That is going to be 27 to hit Lucius. I'm behind a big old pipe. You are, so it's 10 feet tall. This thing has got a reach of 20 feet, though.
Starting point is 00:57:10 It could probably whip the chain up and over. It's also huge, so it's taller than the wall. So it can just whip down. This thing's like 15, 16 feet tall. Can we get cover? I'll give you cover. Five plus five AC. I don't you cover. 5 plus 5 AC. I don't think it's going to help.
Starting point is 00:57:28 I mean, that's 3 quarters cover. It just doesn't help you unfortunately. So that's going to be 15 to 16 points of bludgeoning damage and you are grappled and I need you to make a constitution saving throw for the wall. 10. The wall saving throw for the wall. Ten.
Starting point is 00:57:47 The wall disappears as this chain whips round one of your arms. Your neck is all being grabbed by this giant as it's trying to pull you across this chain. Hoist you towards it
Starting point is 00:58:02 as it does so. As the two giants go lucius it is your turn you are grappled and restrained uh i would like to try and break free of that oh that's right actually the dc the dc would have been 10 so actually you succeeded um oh very well um yeah for some reason i had it in my head as 13 but it wasn't it was dc 10 um falls back that's good yes whoop uh so i would like to break on three is that a strength that is a uh escape dc's so it can be athletics or acrobatics very well acrobatics is an eight you are not free uh so you spend your action wriggling trying to get yourself free but nothing nothing happens i'm afraid can i move within the confines of the your speed is zero nope your speed is zero whilst you are restrained okay so i can't pivot you can turn around but not move in the
Starting point is 00:59:09 sense of dnd moving no you can sort of pivot and things like that but that's about it do i get to like do a bonus action barrier ring or am i too grappled for that you can you can actually you can activate the barrier ring as a bonus action nice i. I'll do that. So plus two to AC as you summon this spectral shield. At the end of your turn, can you roll 5d6 for the wall of acid, please? Certainly can. We need to get to the ship.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Break the chains! Break the chains. What a leader. Captain Elanastro. 17. 18, actually. 18. Is it enough?
Starting point is 00:59:54 That is not. No, the acid melts away at the chain, but not enough to break it fully. Does that count as a... No, it doesn't count as a documentary, because it was when it was cast. Yeah, exactly. you've got it okay the vrock on its turn
Starting point is 01:00:10 exactly what sentry has made it do flies away good it is turned yeah literally a good combo wombo there with the portent and the turn the faithless as yeah it sees the golden light of the theent and the turn the faithless. As yeah, it sees the golden light of the prime matrix.
Starting point is 01:00:27 The golden light of it blares and it just... And flies away. It burns! It burns! As it flies up and as far away and as fast as it can away from Sentry. That's its whole turn. Ayla? I would like to
Starting point is 01:00:50 move up to the chain and I would like to recklessly attack it twice, please. Sure. So when you get within five feet, you're going to take ten points of lightning. You're resistant to lightning, though, aren't you?
Starting point is 01:01:05 Half that to five. You half that to five. And then you hit it twice and make an attack roll. You make each attack individually. So... 16 plus nine. That's a hit. Will that hit?
Starting point is 01:01:23 Yep, that'll hit. And 15 plus 9 both of those will hit for each attack you also get blasted by lightning as your weapon connects the lightning sort of arcs down your body so it's going to be 7 so half that to 3 for the first one
Starting point is 01:01:40 and then 10 half to 5 for the second one and yeah you feel this lightning arc through your body and then 10, half to 5 for the second one. And yeah, you feel this lightning arc through your body, but you flex and your tattoos glow and your own lightning aura channels it away, some of it away. You can still feel that power rippling through you,
Starting point is 01:01:56 fueling your rage. So the first one is a 12 points of damage and the second one is 13 points of damage and the second one is 13 points of damage. I don't know if it'll take lightning damage because it's... It will not take lightning damage
Starting point is 01:02:14 whilst this thing is active. No, the lightning damage does nothing. Also, you notice that because you're attacking it with a hammer, some of this, the damage you're doing doesn't seem to be as effective either. But it's a magical hammer. It is a magical hammer, but
Starting point is 01:02:30 that does not seem to affect these chains. The fact that you're smashing a chain with a blunt object and these chains are made from some sort of infernal iron seem to be giving it some protection. I will say over the messenger ring, need magic on this chain, please!
Starting point is 01:02:46 Somebody! As you're next to the bubbling wall of acid. I will step back from that. Sure. Because he's currently grappling Nova anyway.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Nova. Yeah. Sentry. I'm helping! I'm going to step up to the giant over here, attacking Lucius, and I'm going to wail on this bad boy. Cebu play. Whirlwind. So 20 to hit for the first one.
Starting point is 01:03:20 Yep, that will hit. Awesome. So I'm going to use my level 2 Divine Smite and the 2d8 Holy Weapon that Quill gave me. Awesome. So I'm going to use my level 2 Divine Smite and the 2d8 Holy Weapon that Quill gave me. Nice. So that's 7d8. 5, 6, 7. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:03:36 Oh, my God. Oh, my God. So just to check, the 5d8 is your weapon plus the second level divine smite the 2d8 is the holy weapon damage on top yep add the d4 for her majesty's rose
Starting point is 01:03:52 and then plus 5 to that so we're looking at 27 plus 8 which is 35 plus 2, 37 plus another 5 damage so 42 42 the magic number Plus two, 37. Plus another five damage. So 42 points of damage. 42. The magic number.
Starting point is 01:04:09 Meaning of life. Nice. Yeah. I mean, yeah, you watch as this barbed, Her Majesty's Rose, this longsword, sprouts these metal thorns, but is also just blazing with golden light and swirls of feathers around it.
Starting point is 01:04:25 As it strikes, you just see the giant for the first time. This great scorching rend of a wound goes up its body. I thought it was like street fire. It was just... That's just awful. And then the second attack, kind of moving with the momentum of it I don't think it'll work
Starting point is 01:04:49 I don't think it'll happen it doesn't matter, I know it happens anyway it's fine, I was going to do my driven to purpose but I already know the outcome so it's fine I mean it would give a d4 so yeah, so you lunge forward to strike but that momentum carries you a bit too far forward to strike but that momentum kind of carries you a bit too
Starting point is 01:05:05 far forward and you hear lucius kind of like chains and you're momentarily distracted at this kind of chain holding your friend um and that just causes the attack to slightly go wide uh as you attempt to strike uh okay quillek ad kala um right mean, I want to kind of get over this side of the chain. So 5, 10, 15, 20. And I want to go over the chain away from that one giant. To get a little closer. Is there anything I can do to... Can I hit the chain that he's using to grapple Lucius?
Starting point is 01:05:43 Is there anything I can do to help Lucius get out? I mean, from where you currently are, you tell me. You can try and attack the chain. It's very difficult to hit a weapon like that, and you're not a trained fighter at disarming opponents and things like that. You can certainly try.
Starting point is 01:06:01 If you have another spell that can help Lucius, you tell me. I don't need to do it. I can just use Magic Missile and just hit his hand, and the missiles will just hit his hand guaranteed, right? Well, no, they'll hit him guaranteed, but remember, hit points don't necessarily represent physical harm. Hit points can be like luck, stamina.
Starting point is 01:06:19 He might move out of the way. This is why there's not a called shot mechanic in D&D because hit points are this very ephemeral thing. Also i could just as the monsters be like i'm gonna aim for quill's head oh i chop his head off oh i'm gonna aim for quill's legs oh there go his legs you know there's a reason that just happens because of injury checks yeah fine i'll just do a uh chain he's holding to try could use the chain he's holding to try and damage the chain he's holding or the chain holding
Starting point is 01:06:49 the ship or the chain holding the ship yeah I should probably do that instead I'll do a healing word that is a range of something 60 feet
Starting point is 01:07:03 I'll cast that on Lucius thank you bonus action to do that and I'll do that level 5000 yeah I'll do that level 3 so you get 3d4 healing I believe
Starting point is 01:07:20 nice plus like a lot. 4000 again. So 15. Plus 5. 15 healed. Pretty good. Who are you healing? Lucius. Lucius.
Starting point is 01:07:37 That's almost max. I thought you said Katie there. I was like, why are you healing me? No. I got caught. I misheard something. I'll Sacred Flame within range range i'll sacred flame the chain where it's weakest um sure which it fails have i guess 3d8 plus 5 damage oh yeah damn sacred flame is kick ass all of a sudden it's kind of like what high level spells the high level spells aren't really about damage they're more about doing
Starting point is 01:08:10 cool things uh cantrips get pretty pretty strong um also you just rolled very high on that damage roll yeah i know that's what i mean with that the holy light the radiant energy that you cast from your hand
Starting point is 01:08:25 strikes through, and where the chain has been weakened by Aayla's hammer blows and the acid, you watch as it fragments and splinters. And the chain snaps, freeing the twin star longbow. Still has
Starting point is 01:08:41 chains attached to its hull, but they are no longer tethered to the ground um allowing the ship to move free uh giving you a moment uh potential chance to break away uh and for yourself you see the engines thrum and come to life the arcane lances overhead you hear a cacophonous blast of energy as you see one of these vulture-like creatures just disintegrated mid-air by the ship's cannons.
Starting point is 01:09:11 You can see many more flying creatures beginning to descend down towards you. Rethra, caught in the middle of a battle here, will try and strike at the injured giant. The first attack will unfortunately miss. Second attack will miss.
Starting point is 01:09:28 Two fours in a row there. So he just tries to wail on the giant's armoured form, but the weapons just don't quite pierce through or the blows don't seem to gain any real purchase as it rains down on him. Nova Vija. So I would like to cast a far step on myself,
Starting point is 01:09:47 which is a bonus action. And it means I can teleport up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space and I can keep doing it every bonus action. Shut down. Have you got one more spell slot left? That was my last spell slot.
Starting point is 01:10:03 That was your last one. Yeah, you got 60 feet. slot left? That was my last spell slot. That was your last one, okay. Yeah, the first one. Yeah, you got 60 feet. The first one I cast last time. You are no longer restrained. So I'm going to bamf. I'm probably actually going to stay kind of close to the ship. So I'm just going to bamf to try and get out of the giant's chain,
Starting point is 01:10:23 so I'm just no longer restrained at no longer yeah you can just literally five feet if you want and then can i in fact i'm gonna go closer up to the gangway um so i'm kind of as far up the gangway as i can be and then right by the door basically yeah eldritch blast the giant that is holding lucius so um sure with the one on the right. So that is d20 plus 9. It's 11 to hit. That's not enough. Glances off the back of his armor.
Starting point is 01:10:56 Kind of like Rethra, you kind of try and take aim, but this thing's covered in this thick iron plating made of very similar metal to the chains themselves, and the blast just rockets off to the side. I believe you have some more blasts. Oh, it's three beams, isn't it? It's three beams, yeah.
Starting point is 01:11:14 It's not more damage per beam. It's three attacks. Nope, it's individual attacks. Yeah. Nice. I rolled a natural one on the second one. That also is deflected by the creature's armor
Starting point is 01:11:26 But the third one does hit The last one does indeed hit Five points So you see as it kind of stumbles Very heavily injured, you can see blood pouring from beneath the armor, but it's still holding tight, mindlessly listening to this order. You can see that it doesn't
Starting point is 01:11:43 It's kind of got this big metal helmet that covers its eyes like just these porphyrated vents that it seems to see through. And you just hear this like, it stumbles from these injuries. But that's it, I believe. Yes? Yes, me. Okay.
Starting point is 01:12:00 The giants go, and it's last kind of following the orders that it's been given this mindless giant will continue to attack Lucius as it does so with advantage because he is restrained
Starting point is 01:12:14 that is going to be 17 plus 9 that's going to hit Lucius even with cover in the barrier ring I think that's going to be 26 scrapes it, yeah. That's gonna be 9. That's gonna be 14 points of bludgeoning damage.
Starting point is 01:12:31 So you kind of feel yourself yanked forward again, slamming into the metal wall. Concentration saving throw, please. Concentration save. 14 this time. Success. The wall of acid still remains nice might just drop it anyway you could do you absolutely could um these join a la you will get an
Starting point is 01:12:56 attack of opportunity it's gonna move away from you so it can get that bird it wants the bird is the word i rolled a 19 plus nine damn it that's very close uh nine points of damage nine points brutal critical it once with the camera but yeah it makes it more damaging the hammer. Yeah, it makes it more damaging. It makes it more damaging. It doesn't increase the chance. Nova has the thing which helps her crit more with 19s. And then this chain whips out towards
Starting point is 01:13:35 Quillock for 15 to hit. I don't believe that's a hit. No! Is it a hit? No, it's 16. I can see it there. So, yeah, you just managed to kind of throw yourself to the side as this chain slams down into the black tar-like material, the hardened tar beneath you,
Starting point is 01:13:57 cracking it and splintering it. Ah, oof. At the top of the next turn, you begin to see, again, some more creatures descending down. Some of them are being blasted by Kairi, but one of them does manage to get through. This appears to be, the best way to describe it would be some sort of weird amalgamation. A large bird-like creature with antler-like horns, large coloured wings, but big clawed feet. And on its back, in a large
Starting point is 01:14:28 black leather saddle, appears to be an armoured knight with a lance, black and red armour gleaming with symbols of grots as they begin to fly down. But Lucius, it's your turn first. Alright.
Starting point is 01:14:44 Well, I can't cast spells where grappled, right? Yeah, you can. I've already said, yeah. As long as it's not purposely trying to stop you spellcasting, which these guys aren't. Right. So I've got a 20-foot sphere spell going on here. And I want to hit both giants without hitting anybody else.
Starting point is 01:15:02 And it's Lucius's luscious light. Woo! Yeah. Classic. Oh,us's Luscious Light. Woo! Yeah. Classic. Oh, my God. Look at that. Oh, look at that. That's some Tetris right there.
Starting point is 01:15:13 There you go. Thank you very much. So, the air is difficult terrain. Any creature that starts its turn there takes 2d6, cold. And then anyone that ends their turn there takes a dex saving throw and takes 2d6, cold. And then anyone that ends their turn there takes a dex saving throw and takes 2d6 if they fail. It's also blinding.
Starting point is 01:15:32 That area is completely dark and covered. Yeah. Okay. That hit? I can't move because I'm grappled. You want restraint? I will just move because I'm grappled. Do you want restraint? I will just insist that everyone gets on the ship. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:52 And... Do I drop the wall of acid? Well, is Lucius's luscious light a concentration spell? I believe it is. Yes, it is, so it will drop. So the wall goes anyway. The wall vanishes as this new sphere of blue and orange light, blindingly bright, fills the space.
Starting point is 01:16:12 If that's it, Aayla. Aayla. I will move towards the ship. No, I won't. I will move to here and I will throw my hammer
Starting point is 01:16:35 through both giants. Nice. I will throw the hammer and aim at the second giant. That's because you've had a long rest. So, yeah. So, as you throw the hammer and aim at the second giant. That's because you've had a long rest. So, yeah. So, as you throw the hammer, it transforms into a bolt of lightning passing through the first giant,
Starting point is 01:16:51 and then it reforms into a hammer. Not that anybody can see it, as it does so inside the sphere of luscious light. You will technically have disadvantage on the attack against the second giant, as there is a giant 20-foot sphere of blinding light between you, so you technically can't see it.
Starting point is 01:17:09 So you will have disadvantage on that one. Really? Aww. Yeah, it's blocking line of sight. That's 11, because I would have rolled a 24. That's an 11. The first giant takes the full blast of the lightning. Can I reckless attack to cancel that out?
Starting point is 01:17:28 You could, yes. Can I take my 16 plus 9 then? I'll reckless it. You can. Normally you should say it before. How about you roll again for me? I know, but you didn't say I had disadvantage before I rolled. So I didn't know.
Starting point is 01:17:42 All right, okay. In that case fine yeah we'll take the second moment um so the first giant fails at save and then you get full damage against the second one so yes but in the future do like try not to roll the attacks just give me a second if there's any circumstances because you should reckless before you announce the attack because if you reckless first, that affects all the rest of your attacks that round. So it's something you should announce
Starting point is 01:18:12 before you make any attacks. Just give me a second in case there are circumstances. So... I rolled full die. I rolled 10 on my dice. So 10 plus 8. So that's 18 hammer damage on the one holding Lucius.
Starting point is 01:18:34 And then... And then the 4d6 lightning. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 on that. Of lightning damage. So you watch as the hammer transforms into a bolt of lightning. It arcs through the body
Starting point is 01:18:50 of the first giant who kind of like... And then you just see nothing as this giant sphere of orange and blue light dominates the space. But you hear like the sound of metal cracking and then you just wait as Lucius, you feel
Starting point is 01:19:06 the chain go slack and you are no longer grappled as the second giant is dead. And then you wait for a second, Aayla, and then the hammer flies back to the hand. Okay. Nice. I think I've done two.
Starting point is 01:19:21 And then can I use my remaining little bit of movement to just get... Sure. I'm done. Okay. I'm done. Sentry. Cool.
Starting point is 01:19:33 I'm going to move to... Start moving towards the ships. Five, ten, fifteen... Just remember the chain is ten feet across the chain. Ten feet. So that's twenty there. Okay. So, yeah, is 10 feet across the chain. 10 feet, so that's 20 there. Okay. You can get another 10 if you want.
Starting point is 01:19:49 You can get. Okay, sure. Yeah, that's good for me. Anything else? Action bonus action? No, that's it. Or should I dash? No, no. I'll stay there. Okay, alright, sure. Quillik. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:20:05 I'm fully prepared for this to fail, but I want to cast Entangle on the Giants. Is it a strength save? It's a strength save. How is it? Yeah. Crazy things happen. Yeah, these guys look pretty strong.
Starting point is 01:20:21 That's a 20. Unnatural, but just 20 straight up. Cool. So for the rest of my turn, I'm going to go 5 Unnatural, but just 20 straight up. Cool. So for the rest of my turn, I'm going to go 5, 10, 15, 20, 25. I'm going to go in front of Captain Talia. She's actually on the ship. She's technically off the ship entirely. Oh, right.
Starting point is 01:20:38 In that case, I'll go onto the gangway. Entangle is a full action, so with my bonus action... As a point, Tom, you were here, right? Yeah. Oh, I wouldn't be able to see it, right? Well, no, you can't just jump up onto the gangway from here.
Starting point is 01:20:54 You'd have to come down the round, because it is like a diagonal, basically. So 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30. You can get to about there. So you're just at the tip of the gangway. Oh, and he's blind, so he can't opportunity attack me, right? Technically, he can. He has disadvantage to do it.
Starting point is 01:21:14 Cool, let him do it. That's going to be 8 plus 9, 17. Ah, dang. Yeah, that'll hit ooh that's a really bad damage roll as well 16 21 points of
Starting point is 01:21:30 bludgeoning damage oh there's a sword out of this is light sorry ow he aimed for my head
Starting point is 01:21:39 he said he wouldn't he just kind of swings the sensing some sort of movement he's just like whips it around. Sounds like dinner.
Starting point is 01:21:49 Fried chicken. As you dash past. Fried chicken. Rethra, seeing everybody sort of begin to make their way round, will kind of do the same. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35. And then he will dash 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 um he's still within the giant's uh range but the giant's also reused its reaction this turn uh then the mounted
Starting point is 01:22:18 fellow will begin to swoop in and he will swoop in for the only target he can really see. So spurring his mount on, you watch as he charges forward with this lance that erupts into flame as he does so. Oh. That's going to be a 13 to hit on the first attack, which is just going to
Starting point is 01:22:40 be enough to hit Rethra with his low AC. So that's going to be enough to hit uh rethra with his low ac so that's going to be eight ten points of damage um and then half of fire damage so not too bad and but you can still see the lance kind of strikes down and then he makes a second attack with his lance but that that one does not hit. Rethra manages to parry it aside with one of his blows as this flaming Lance screeches past. Nova Vigia. Can I...
Starting point is 01:23:17 Yeah, I'm going to Eldritch Blast the Giant. I think I'm going to keep working on that guy. So that is three hits. So first one, 24. Second one is a 10, natural one with a 10. And third one is a 12. The 24-way hit, the 12
Starting point is 01:23:35 does not. That's another five points. Feel blessed. Five points. Yeah, can I... Were you striking in the one uh the remaining giant yeah you can still see him actually yeah big giant boy see yep yep yep yep so the beam strikes him yeah the other one is dead i guess am i blocking the the doorway if i'm standing here i know there's people can move around you there's another another way
Starting point is 01:24:05 into it so yeah um just for the lols i'm gonna bamf backwards with far step and then like just just so i'm out of the way like i get cover in the ship um so yeah if you could just consider me bamfed backwards sure what into the actual ship interior itself into the ship yeah yeah sure yeah i could just walk but i've got fast step engaged so why not i don't know why it does this but i sometimes have a problem where all of my chrome windows go black for a moment and then roll 20 doesn't reload yeah this is one of the things i don't like about playing online. After Nova, the creature, the mount of the knight, will make a bunch of attacks against Rethra as well, as it is the only target within range.
Starting point is 01:24:54 One gore and one talon attack. The first one will hit. So will the second one. Nine points of damage to Rethra, and then another seven points, so 16 points total. You can see he's being torn up as he's making a dash towards the ship itself. Just this creature is clawing him in the back, and he's starting to bleed now from several of these wounds pouring down his back.
Starting point is 01:25:24 The last remaining giant, at the start of its turn, it takes damage. Trot, yes? So, if it is in it, yes. Yeah, which it is. So, here we go. So, if they start the turn, it's 2d6, and if they
Starting point is 01:25:40 end, it's turn, it's 2d6 acid, so it didn't start there. Ding dong! It did start there. It does start there. 2d6 acid so it didn't start there ding dong it did start there it does start there yeah 2d6 8 points oh that would be cold damage yep so it takes that cold it's a dex it probably won't end
Starting point is 01:25:56 its turn there because it's going to do this it's going to kind of go right up to me step over yeah yeah I mean it can basically move here and technically it's partially in it but it wouldn't really be
Starting point is 01:26:12 blinded anymore but it would probably take the acid if it fails its deck save yeah and it kind of doesn't want to do that because that's painful so it will step over Rethra and will stand on the side and yeah it will try and lash at the weaker looking target
Starting point is 01:26:28 which is Quillek. That is going to be a 20 to hit you, Quillek. I'll use a reaction on that one. Yeah, I'll shield it. That's 21 AC, yeah? So yeah, you kind of conjure the shield and as the the chain comes slamming down it's bounced away by this barrier of arcane force um as you do so yeah
Starting point is 01:26:53 uh and that is the last thing in this turn and as just before we continue the last turn and before we take a little break uh the sky across zelotar city begins to grow dark and you can hear this kind of building primal scream is beginning to kind of pick up on the wind almost echoing around you you look and catching kind of glimpses in the polished surface of the pipes. You see this obsidian face twisted into anger, these horns kind of spiraling black, and you just see this screaming, howling face. Where are they? I will find you, and I will destroy you.
Starting point is 01:27:41 These paltry illusions cannot save you from me. And that's where we're going to take a break. Shit! The time limit has begun. Time to go. Time to go. Time to go, boys. He doesn't like paltry illusions.
Starting point is 01:27:57 I can stay at the front then. He doesn't care. Get it? Paltry. You're not an illusion. Keep coming. Mere illusion.

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