High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Aerois #96 | The Gusthaven Elite (Part 1)

Episode Date: January 4, 2021

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pickaxe. The perfect summer mix. Bacardi. Do what moves you. Live passionately. Drink responsibly. Copyright 2024. Bacardi, its trade dress and the bat device are trademarks of Bacardi and Company Limited. Rum 40% alcohol by volume. Go back to school with Rogers and get Canada's fastest and most reliable internet. Perfect for streaming lectures all day or binging TV shows all night. Save up to $20 per month on Rogers Internet.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Visit Rogers.com for details. We got you. Rogers. Welcome back to Eroics. What was that? I'm trying, guys. I'm trying, okay? It's not my fault. Tom's going to have to cut it out anyway. I had to wait an extra two seconds for Tom to finish his stupid laugh before fading to Mark.
Starting point is 00:01:26 And then I did it, and then they all lost anyway. And then he laughed anyway. It was good. I was ready. I was ready. Right. Last time on Erois, our party of adventurers inside an ancient temple to Hesper, god of sky, knowledge,
Starting point is 00:01:42 and magic, the party completed several powerful trials and saved a primordial tempest dragon from a terrible enchantment that trapped it within a deep nightmare. In doing so, they also ended a magical storm that had ravaged the land of Voxar for centuries and gained another powerful ally.
Starting point is 00:02:00 But their good deed would not go unpunished. As the party boarded their airship, the Stormchaser, and prepared to leave, a powerful sorceress called Zarkira teleported to the temple and attacked the ship with a meteor swarm. With a last-minute order, Lucius managed to save the crew, but the ship was nearly destroyed, and only the quick actions of Aayla, Quill, Nova, and a few members of the crew saved them from absolute disaster. A devastated storm chaser limped its way back towards the sky city of Gusthaven, where the party have docked for repairs and prepare their next steps. And that is pretty much where we are going to begin today, my dear friends. A moment of respite after several very difficult encounters and challenges
Starting point is 00:02:51 in reaching the heart of the Temple of Hesper, but also your very narrow escape from Zarkira herself. You have arrived into civilization. The ship is being repaired, having paid for it with the last of your raw funds, I think. The ship is being repaired, and you have about five days before
Starting point is 00:03:14 a very important meeting is taking place on the Sky City of Horizon, a meeting where the leaders of the various factions and continents and countries of Erois will meet to discuss the threat of the Valkyrian Empire and the fate of Erois. So, with this time that you have, my question to you all is what would you like to do? Heal over and die.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Yeah, sure. Okay. Can I willingly do that? keel over and die sure okay can I willingly do that? can you just roll over and just choose to die? I'm just I'm done I mean there's a very dark
Starting point is 00:03:59 there's a very dark method of doing it I'd like to not do that so no yeah I think we're at the point dark method of doing it. I'd like to not do that. So, no. Lucia still has plenty to continue living for, I think. Oh, yeah. No, I was talking about myself. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:04:16 Yeah, that's very different. You can just kind of like... He's got a lot to do. Anyway. Anyway. I believe we were talking about the discussion of meeting with my sister yeah yeah that was one of there was uh talk of meeting with a day up um you have like various supplies you guys might want to get gust haven beingven being a very large, wealthy city that travels all over Erois is popular for trade. This is a great
Starting point is 00:04:48 place to buy supplies, sell magic items, do all of that kind of good stuff. It's also home to the Imperium Archive, the Imperial Archive, which is a great repository of knowledge from across Erois. Nova is
Starting point is 00:05:03 very familiar with it, having spent some time researching there. There is also the Scholar of the Eterna, who is kept safely beneath the Archive if you had any more questions or if Nova wanted to go and speak to her. I'm sure you also all have your own personal things that you want
Starting point is 00:05:19 to achieve as well. I was going to ask if Helios wants to go and check in with Dean dean alessandra vastra helios will most certainly be taking some time to go and check in with them um separating himself from sentry uh and going to catch up with them uh yeah how much time is there you have about five days before the meeting on horizon so you have five days before the meeting on horizon um it's still early morning when you arrived
Starting point is 00:05:50 uh i think the only thing that i will say is at some point during the day you will receive specifically lucius will receive a messenger dressed in courtly attire uh very prim and well kept young female high elf uh who delivers a missive umire, a very prim and well-kept young female high elf
Starting point is 00:06:05 who delivers a missive. It is a very short letter addressed to Lucius and the members of the Stormchaser. And it simply says, I'm pleased to hear that you've returned to Gusthaven. I deeply wish to inquire to your recent activities and your progress in the various threats against Erois and to catch up
Starting point is 00:06:28 regarding the matters within Horizon. Please at your convenience attend to Galecrown where I will be happy to host you for dinner and it is from Skyprince Aradan. Skyprince Aradan, the Skyprince of Gustave.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Thank you very much. You're welcome, Mr. Alonso. We have a missive. Sorry to interrupt. Bye. I would prefer to return to the Sky,
Starting point is 00:06:59 to return to His Majesty with your response. If you will be joining him this evening or perhaps it is still early this would be an evening arrangement um so whenever would suit your person's best it could be this evening or perhaps tomorrow evening if you have other arrangements we have no other arrangements we i'm sure we'll make every effort to prioritize this over anything else. We did want to meet with Edea, didn't we?
Starting point is 00:07:29 The Sky Prince himself, Aradan. I believe we should attend. Okay. Okay. Yes. Tonight sounds good, I think, for everyone. Is everyone okay with that? Yes. Yeah, fine. It will be a private
Starting point is 00:07:44 dinner with just the prince and yourselves. No other no it will be a private dinner with just the prince and yourselves there will no be no other nobles will be in attendance please do feel free to come dressed as you are there are no expectations on formal wear it will be a rather private affair
Starting point is 00:07:58 well shall I tell the I will tell the guards and the sky prince to expect you around 7pm? 7 bells? Perfect. That sounds wonderful. Thank you, Sir Elanasto. And she bows and will begin making her way to deliver other messages and jobs around the city. Well, that's us busy for today. I've got to go find new clothes.
Starting point is 00:08:23 You just said that it was fine to come dressed as we are, so I'm absolutely not changing. That is a... I think they're just extending some generosity, considering what we've been through, but it's the Sky Prince Aradan. I cannot be seen wearing these, you know?
Starting point is 00:08:39 It's a formal event, a private dinner. I mean, it's the most formal out of all of us. All the time. Yeah. You look fine. I mean, I guess Sentry could polish yourself, but the rest of us can't really.
Starting point is 00:08:56 I don't think we have enough money. I just wanted to address a small issue. But between fixing the whole Jester Tours Hall, and the money lack therein, what? That was the last of the bars gone. And, you know, we thought that that would keep us going for quite a while. It's gone. So if anyone has...
Starting point is 00:09:24 I got a thing i could sell but i mean i'm not gonna sell something to spend money on clothes for lucius no that's not a good or a bath or i suppose i can luxury through my my old wardrobe and maybe something's come back into fashion recently. I've got some formal attire for such events. Oh, look at my old wardrobe. Fine, I'm going. I assume it's here somewhere. I don't know if it's been moved here.
Starting point is 00:09:59 I mean, there isn't really a wardrobe here in Gusthaven. You had everything with you and then your house blew up. So there is no wardrobes left. You have what you had when you began these adventures, and what you have collected and paid for thus far, and that is here on the Stormchaser, which is effectively now your home. I'll spend the next ten minutes or so
Starting point is 00:10:22 asking the company above Has anyone seen my wardrobe? Has any clothing been moved? Or recovered? No? If you are asking the noble family who has bought the land that your house was on, there are a lot of very embarrassed kind of
Starting point is 00:10:39 and gesturing towards other members of the family like, I'll just bring in a knave to handle this, and then, oh, I'll need to, and then they go off and find somebody else, and then eventually the answer is no. There was nothing left to reclaim. It was all gone or destroyed or sold off.
Starting point is 00:10:57 All right. I'll come back. However, I will say, Lucius, when you do go and speak to, I believe it is the Virenor family who bought your family's land and then built you a secret kind of room underneath it, they do provide you with 800 gold, which is their basically their kind of seasonal payment that they are basically giving you in exchange for, you know, leasing them the land. And then, you know, they've then built you this kind of private base underneath their own house. So they provide you with 800 gold which is like a seasonal payment
Starting point is 00:11:32 so you'll get that like several times in a year. Thank you. I could get some new velvet glovies with this one. Excellent. Whatever you wish to do with it, Lucius, you are more than welcome to. Perfect. Well, good day to you.
Starting point is 00:11:48 I have to... I've got so much to prepare. I've got dinner with the prince. Oh! The Sky Prince. Prince Aradan. He's invited us. That perks up a few ears. That perks up a few ears. Yeah, and I'll just scurry down to the secret base and look around
Starting point is 00:12:07 my shoulders make sure no one's looking even though they all know yeah the the family that live here know about it yeah but i think like a lot of servants probably wouldn't like the family have built this so that you can come and go quite privately um so yeah uh what about the rest of you so uh what about what is everyone else doing? So in terms of money, I mean, Ayla has some things to sell. I've got this staff now. I don't need this other staff that I have,
Starting point is 00:12:36 which might be worth quite a lot. Or, I don't know, maybe we could shove that into Ayla. We could put it into your hammer somehow. Don't say you're going to shove a staff into me, because that's not... Into your hammer! Into your hammer! That's a very rapid correction.
Starting point is 00:12:54 What does it do? It's a staff of striking. I mean, I can ask you. At plus three, staff of Striking has ten charges. When you hit with a melee attack, you can expend three of its charges, and the target takes an extra 1d6 of force damage. So it's pretty cool.
Starting point is 00:13:18 I mean, if magic people can make the things happen, then maybe. I don't know. If you want to upgrade the hammer, that's a thing. Or we could just sell it. I have a thing. The lightning pew-pew. Oh, the lightning pew-pew. I remember.
Starting point is 00:13:43 The hookshot thing. Wait, did I sell that already? Lightning Cable Launcher It is, Lightning Cable Launcher I've got that You can try and sell those, yeah If we want to sell a load of stuff, we can make money Yeah, I kind of maybe need something
Starting point is 00:14:00 like, let's see 1000 and then another 250 and then 500. 2,000 gold? Ish? That's not 1,250 and 500 added together, but okay. What's the plan?
Starting point is 00:14:15 I'm a mathematician, yes. Well, I would like to stock up on materials so that I can cast heal greater injury again should we ever get ourselves into a nervous look at Lucius situation again and
Starting point is 00:14:31 Well, then and then a greater healing potion would be nice as well. I'm completely out of potions now events recently revolving around nervous look at quill the temple and such forth Reminded me that we're running rather low on potion supplies revolving around nervous look at quill the temple and such forth reminded me that we're running rather low on potion supplies and then gold plating some some filigree oh uh yes no i uh i need to modify the lenses um so i can cast a spell it's a thousand gold function
Starting point is 00:15:12 and we don't have a thousand function and sunglasses function i think dim so you don't get blinded by the sun oh great pretty good idea yes i i think always look sun. Oh. Great red light. Pretty good idea. Yes. I think.
Starting point is 00:15:28 We should always look after our eyes. I think. Yes. That's awkward. Wow. Bold statement from Ayla. He's got a better eye now, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:15:44 It sees stuff. I've learned you shouldn't look after your eyes because Hesper will just come down and give you a better eye now to be honest. It sees stuff. I've learned you shouldn't look up your eyes because Hesper will just come down and give you a better one. There you go. See? I agree. Anyway. I think we should sell the stuff that we don't need and use the money
Starting point is 00:16:00 to keep ourselves alive with things like potions and things that protect people to keep ourselves alive with things like potions. Oh, that's a good idea. And things that protect people because we suck at that part of things currently. Also, we're about to go to a meeting in which everyone is about to get attacked. And we know that for certain, right?
Starting point is 00:16:23 Yeah. We're about to go attacked and we know that for certain right yeah like so i think a bad place maybe let's not upgrade things unless we have excess from what we sell let's focus on you know living a little bit longer okay just saying okay just just an idea because I don't like it when you guys fall down I really don't like it anymore I'm not keen I'm not keen speaking of living how about we've got five days here
Starting point is 00:16:55 I never gave you a full tour of the key features of Gusthaven oh one of the key features of Gusthaven is the moononstar. What? No, no, no. I'm talking visual geographic locations.
Starting point is 00:17:13 We haven't been to the Skylake, which, knowledge nugget, here we go, Hesper was one of the original gods that raised Gusthaven into the sky. Did you know that? Well, he did all of them, I know. You revived me near there.
Starting point is 00:17:31 Yeah. Well, we could go again. Have we been? Grand Cathedral? Yeah. What about Deathfall Arena? Have you been there? You did not go there. No, we haven't been to death ball arena we want to go to a place called death ball arena
Starting point is 00:17:49 oh don't get too excited that's really fun living we just said let's stay alive and this place is called death for sky jousting see it's a whole history behind what it's like that thing and remember last time we went to see the spell clash? That was hilarious fun for me, because I was sitting and watching other people getting hurt, and none of you were really getting hurt that bad, and you really won.
Starting point is 00:18:15 And skyjousting, none of you are going to be doing it. But other people might get hurt, and that'll be fun to watch. So... Maybe my brother will be doing it. Yes. Your brother? Is your brother here? You have a brother sky jouster i mentioned him very many times he's a sky jouster yeah i got hit in the head with a meteor you can't expect me to remember things it's cool fascinating tornado i could have one of his collectible cards.
Starting point is 00:18:46 His stage name is Tornado. He would have been newer than, I think, Lucius. When Lucius was into skyjousting, Tornado would have been a young boy as well. But you probably did, if Tornado was an avid fan of skyjousting, you probably
Starting point is 00:19:02 collected the same cards and followed the same kind of cards and followed the same jousters, for sure. Fascinating. I would just like to say that while we're here, and the meeting's in five days, we should
Starting point is 00:19:17 probably be careful. We know it's going to get attacked. We know something bad's going to happen, so we don't know necessarily who is here and who might be here for the fairies. I think it's a question of would they, if there are forces planning to attack the meeting, would they split up to all the individual cities
Starting point is 00:19:39 to take them out before they even arrive at the meetings? I think if anything went awry beforehand. Now, I think we should keep an open mind and be wary of everything, but thinking this logically, if something were to happen to Sky Prince Haradan before the meeting even begins, then the meeting would get cancelled.
Starting point is 00:19:56 We should keep him on his toes, that's for sure. We want to keep him alive. Yes. I mean, he's probably already on his toes. He's not stupid. There's been a lot going on in Gusthaven alone for him to keep on his toes. Nevertheless,
Starting point is 00:20:12 I was thinking perhaps with this dinner, maybe as we're all going to the same place, Sky Prince Aradan may have means of transport to this meeting that we could latch onto. Yeah, we're trying to get to Horizon.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Yeah. It might be worth asking. But yes. Did we not already send him a message and he said that we could hitch a ride? You did, yes. You did. Quill you sending and he said
Starting point is 00:20:45 that he would be able to provide transportation for you all yes okay but no details because sending is obviously limited in how much you can say so there were no details about it but he did he did confirm that there would be a way to transport you guys we'll get the deets cool sure uh well you have a good you know whole afternoon before this uh dinner so is it a case
Starting point is 00:21:09 of you want to go and sell some stuff um i believe nova is already familiar with the one of the best places to go there's a couple of different um merchants here that specialize in valuable magic items and materials and things like that uh There is the Aethergora, which is a very large, almost like a department store, like a kind of fantasy magical department store that sells all sorts of materials, scrolls, potions, magic items, as well as more mundane materials and everything else. There's a place called the Joyous Scepter, which is a much smaller store, but it's more esoteric. They probably were dealing
Starting point is 00:21:49 more off-the-cuff or unusual things. And then there is a place called the Mind of the Arcane, which is more of a library that deals in specialist scrolls and spellbooks. And I believe Nova
Starting point is 00:22:06 already went to the Aethagora, which is run by one of the noble families of Gusthaven. Specifically, a woman called Azaria Yorian Perel, who's one of the chief nobles of Gusthaven. Yeah, that's where we got our messenger rings, actually.
Starting point is 00:22:25 It is. Yeah, it comes to me. So long ago! Mm-hmm. Well, I... The things I need are fairly standard. I think probably the Aethagora is probably good enough for a bit of buying and selling.
Starting point is 00:22:45 Sure. I don't think the other places have... I mean, this Staff of Striking, would that strike you as esoteric? Was that a pun, Quill? Very funny. He noticed
Starting point is 00:23:01 it, too. So, things like the Staff of Stri and any any kind of items that you gained while you were out in astral space are gonna be very rare and unusual here on arois um magitek is not really a thing in arois like it's still much more grounded high fantasy than the kind of more sci-fi fantasy of uh the rest of the campaign so yeah things like any magic stuff is either going to be people aren't going to buy it because they don't understand it or you're going to need to find specialist dealers who would be very interested in it and will probably pay top price to buy that stuff um the only person you've really met who has dabbled in kind of Magitek more than anything is Lucius's sister, Edea, and Nova.
Starting point is 00:23:47 Nova has learned a lot in her time in the Valkyrian ships and with Tiangong's knowledge and everything else. Yeah, it's still quite an unusual art. The Dragonborn are the only other ones who really deal with Magitek because they obviously came from a world beyond Eros, so they understand Magitek a lot more. They'd probably buy Magitek because they obviously came from a world beyond Eros. So they understand Magitek a lot more. They'd probably buy Magitek. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:11 Well, we can go there and try. I've also got a load of other weird junk that I want to sell, like a breastplate. I'm never going to wear that. Yeah, the Aether Gore is a great place to sell that stuff. They buy weapons and armor
Starting point is 00:24:20 and adventuring gear and they basically will buy and sell pretty much everything. So it's like a big plaza shopping mall fantasy sky mall um of everything fantasy sky mall cool uh it is located in uh the trading district uh which is called farron's fortune uh and yeah it is you find the eighth agora at the end of a large long street of beautifully kept well cleaned uh stone streets all beautifully paved curving around um every ounce of space in gust haven i mentioned this when you guys were here before every ounce of space is utilized in
Starting point is 00:24:58 gust haven so if there is space in the street for a few trees or flowers or vegetable plots to be planted they are uh things like houses are very tall but very narrow buildings that kind of uh almost form like these long tall streets with buildings flanking on either side um because it's obviously one chunk of land that's been lifted up into the air and then set ad, they can only maintain a certain maximum population, and that means they have to cram everything in as much as possible. So it creates, in some ways, it's a little claustrophobic. The streets are very narrow, and the buildings are like rising up above you or all around you.
Starting point is 00:25:35 But it's also very beautiful. Art and the way things look is kind of important as well. It's not utilitarian. A lot of the building surfaces are made from magically reinforced glass to allow as much light in as possible so you create these kind of beautiful um apartments where you can see inside people's you know apartments and there are colored curtains to give them privacy and things like that as you make your way through did you have a question trot i heard like an intake of breath no i'm just
Starting point is 00:26:06 breathing oh you're just breathing um the eighth agora sits at the very end of such a street and it sprawls out as a kind of half moon semicircle um made of multiple floors uh there are stairs that lead up to different levels uh selling everything from trader's supplies, fabrics, tools, seeds and vegetable, like, you know, kind of homegrown gardening kits, things like that, to a whole section which is dedicated to items of convenience, like minor magic items that, you know,
Starting point is 00:26:38 a broom that will sweep by itself, a metal plate that you can cook that will heat up magically um so you don't need fire and fuel and things like that it's very very interesting stuff very eberronish um and then yeah there was a very like jml style there's an element of jml there's a bit there's like an element of jml but it's obviously like everything's done with enchantments and magic. So it is still cool, but it's kind of also naff at the same time. A bit tacky, yeah. Yeah, there's like, you know, an overly gilded chest
Starting point is 00:27:15 that's magically enchanted to remain cold inside so people can preserve food for longer and stuff like that. But it's, you know, advertised as just like, ah, the legendary magic chill box and stuff like that uh but it's you know advertised as just like ah the legendary magic chill box and stuff like that and there's like advertisements everywhere um for it but there is a large section of the athagora which is dedicated purely to connoisseurs of the arcane of the of enchantments and of magical relics um and this is uh roped off there is like it should be kind of like a security guards, like there are guardsmen that patrol
Starting point is 00:27:48 to kind of keep an eye on it. And inside, when you step inside, you find only the wealthiest of Gustaven's patrons, all speaking with a very, very tall, she must be close to nearly seven feet tall. She looks ageless. It's almost hard to depict how old she is, even though she's High Elf. But she could be, by her pose and just her kind of presence, you feel that she's a mature woman.
Starting point is 00:28:18 But her skin is flawless as if she was barely older than a teenager. She looks immaculate. All dressed in black with a long veil that covers most of her eyes. A headdress with these kind of sweeping dragon horns and then long silvery black hair that trails down behind her. And Nova would recognize this as the owner of the Aethagora, Azaria Yorian Perel. And she waves her hands and
Starting point is 00:28:45 items lift off the shelves by themselves and scurry away as her customers are purchasing things. And when she sees you all, she just turns and smiles. A very kind of serene, Welcome to the Aethagora. I recognize
Starting point is 00:29:00 at least two of you. Sir Elinaster. And she bows her head towards Lucius. And I believe your name does escape me, my dear, but if I remember, you requested a rather unique messenger device. Ways of telepathic communication, if I'm not mistaken. Yes, we're still wearing it now. They're fantastic, by the way. Revolutionary. I am pleased to hear it.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Normally that design is limited to only two individuals. Creating it for multiple was a unique challenge, hence why I remember it. But still, I am glad to see that you have returned to Gusthaven, and I hope that you have returned with business for the Perel family. Yes. We have
Starting point is 00:29:48 things that we'd like to sell and things that we'd like to buy and I remembered how amazing you were with the ring and the things. So we're here. Hi. Oh, and the breastplate. This is Ethelforge's breastplate as well. Ding, ding, ding.
Starting point is 00:30:01 A fine piece. Well, and she turns if you would excuse me, it seems that this may take some time. Many of my assistants would be able to see. She turns to the others and kind of brushes them off. Says, please come with me into my parlor. And she moves her hand and you see these big curtains kind of sweep aside. And where you were positioned in the shop, you feel like there shouldn't be much space in this section of the room.
Starting point is 00:30:31 But when she sweeps these curtains aside it extends like a palace it just keeps going and seems to be this impossibly large space beyond these curtains lots of guns uh it's all beautifully lavishly decorated in rich blacks and purples and dark reds gold filigrees um silks and crystal decanters book you know elegantly carved wooden shelving and bookcases filled with all sorts of components and devices um and she gestures you in and things begin lifting by themselves by unseen servants as they bring you trays of of a kind of refreshing cold mint tea and she gestures, So, please, what have you brought for me to trade with?
Starting point is 00:31:12 I'm always interested in the curiosities that fall across my parlor. So, Nova will get out both Gadwin's hammer, which I still have, and the energy crossbow that I took from the crystal bow.
Starting point is 00:31:35 Well, she looks over these. Ah, two very interesting and quite powerfully enchanted relics. This hammer, if I'm not mistaking, is pre-sundering. She waves, she kind of just gestures with her fingers and her eyes, which are normally this kind of purple. Like most high elves, they're like a solid block of colour,
Starting point is 00:31:55 like Lucius is. They don't have pupils, they're just solid blocks of colour. But as she waves her hands in front of them, you watch as white and black spirals kind of begin to swirl in her eyes and then fade for a moment. Oh, a rather interesting little enchantment. I'd be more than happy to part with, say, a thousand gold for this hammer. The crossbow. Now, this is quite interesting.
Starting point is 00:32:22 I've never on Erois seen anything like this. And I have heard on the rumor mill that Lord Elanasto and his companions had been traveling to some interesting locations. I'm very interested by this. I believe that this crossbowbow by its seemingly ability to create magical energy Yes. Yes. Very potent. I would offer you 5000 gold
Starting point is 00:32:52 for this. I would like to break it down and analyze it structurally. Throughout this whole entering this place and watching her doing these movements and stuff. She's very graceful. Alien almost. He instinctively golf claps
Starting point is 00:33:08 everything. Like opening the curtains. Yeah, and this is you know, I think for Lucius this would be all of your time as a younger man spent on Gusthaven with the nobility. There's always been an air of like oh we do things with
Starting point is 00:33:25 magic or we do things like you know very prestigiously uh there's not and it's normally done with a little bit of showmanship of like oh yes look at the spell that i can but with her it's just graceful it's not to show it off it's almost as if you know it's as natural to her as using her hands like just waving her hand and watching the curtains open, and this is effortless to her. It's not put on for your benefit. It's just the way that she happens to live her life kind of thing. But yes, 6,000 for the pair, I believe, would be a most fair price.
Starting point is 00:34:00 I am, of course, as I mentioned to you last time, my dear Ganassi, happy to part exchange for any of the tools or potions or scrolls that you may find in my Emporium. I do think we probably need a lot of potions.
Starting point is 00:34:18 Of course. If I remember, you are in dangerous kind of work. All the time. But this breastplate really saved my hiney. Ding, ding, ding. Yeah, and Nova's just going to, like, blubber, like, just endlessly just trying to cover for the fact
Starting point is 00:34:39 that she's also going to messenger ring everybody and try and have two conversations simultaneously, one out loud and one to everyone who's got a messenger ring everybody and try and have two conversations simultaneously, one out loud and one to everyone who's got a messenger ring. I've just had a moment where I've realised that I'm trying to barter extraterrestrial technology on a primitive planet and I don't know whether or not this is ethically and morally the right thing to do, given that I am bringing futuristic technology and I have just realized the absolute error of what I've done but then also if we are about to go to war with a giant big bad guys from said extraterrestrial technology Should it be responsible to bring the technology to this planet so that we can defend ourselves against that? Oh my god
Starting point is 00:35:17 I'm having an aneurysm Nova take the money Jesus It's fine, they're trying to kill us up there. We need to know what we're facing. Don't be feeling bad about this. We need the money to defend ourselves, to defeat the people that are up there
Starting point is 00:35:32 trying to kill us with this tech that we're now going to sell. I suppose that we could argue that if we sell her this technology, then she could use this technology to make more technology to protect her. We're always against the bad guys up there. And the a point it's not purely technology it is heavily based in magic it's still enchantments it's just advanced magic right like this is uh magic to the point where it
Starting point is 00:35:55 becomes almost like technology it's not like it's a laser gun yeah it's not i'm using the word technology yeah i'm using it more as the yeah like the kind just technology not like like science but just like a good term for it is magitech
Starting point is 00:36:10 magitech is the combination of technology and magic combined that's what this is it's magitech I think uh while Nova is rambling I'll uh
Starting point is 00:36:19 slip the ring off and then say well if it's out of world technology you're interested in then maybe you'd like the Staff of Striking. Huh?
Starting point is 00:36:30 Really cool. The eye is this, and you see for the first time on this serene woman's kind of expression, there's like the corners of the mouth tilt up into like a little giddy excitement. Yes, I am very interested in this may i examine it
Starting point is 00:36:47 uh yes and i would like to remind you where else are you going to get something like this no one else has been like you said the rumor mill has been spinning up she waves her hand and her eyes glow once more a staff of striking these are spoken of in ancient historical records they were often wielded by warriors here on aroes but also invaders of the valkyrian empire of the callous empire i've always been fascinated by their accomplishments the valkyrian empire's accomplishments in its magical advancements. Knowledge that we did not have access to here on Aurois.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Yes, I'm very interested in this item. It is a very powerful weapon. I'm surprised that you are willing to sell it. I would have thought that to individuals such as yourselves you would like to keep a potent weapon such as this. Or do you not have another use for it? Ayla can probably
Starting point is 00:37:46 explain this one away. What? You are Ayla? Ah, yes. A warrior. Yes, this would be quite a fitting weapon in your hands, would it not? See, I'm really attached to this giant hammer that I have.
Starting point is 00:38:02 Previously, people have taken some other magical things and put them into the hammer somehow. I'm not good with the magic. No, the promise is no different to
Starting point is 00:38:17 a blacksmith who has multiple broken weapons can melt them and reforge them into a new weapon. The process is similar with magic enchantments. It is difficult. Not everyone can do it. Only truly
Starting point is 00:38:32 practiced and experienced enchanters can accomplish this. Or beings who have an affinity for craft. Those who study the ways of the goddesses, such as Valena and such, would be suitable at this as well.
Starting point is 00:38:51 If you are asking, it is, I would be able to perform such a service for you. I would be able to infuse this staff with the aid of some smiths that I know. It is not impossible to do. I will explain the process however what i would do is the staff would be condensed and used to forge the haft of
Starting point is 00:39:14 your hammer we would replace the old uh non-magical haft with the staff and imbue its enchantments to function throughout the rest of the weapon in doing doing so, you would lose some of the potency of the staff. Its natural potency as a weapon would be diminished, but its functions to enhance attacks with powerful strikes would remain. I would
Starting point is 00:39:38 be glad to do this, on the condition that the leftover residuum, this is the material that is left over when condensing magical items, is mine to use as I see fit. In game terms, in game terms, let me explain.
Starting point is 00:39:58 It would basically, rather than being a plus three weapon, the hammer would gain, become a plus two weapon. It's a plus one weapon currently, the Howling Tempest. It would get upgraded to a plus three weapon, the hammer would become a plus two weapon. It's a plus one weapon currently, the Howling Tempest. It would get upgraded to a plus two weapon and it would keep the ability to spend charges to add extra D6 to the attack. So it might lose some of the charges.
Starting point is 00:40:17 It currently has 20, I think. It might go down to 10 or 15, but it would still keep that ability to expend the charge and deal extra damage on a hit, kind of similar to like a Divine Smite, Sentry's Divine Smite and stuff. Oh, okay. So you'd lose a plus one,
Starting point is 00:40:33 so it'd go from a plus three staff to a plus two hammer, but you'd keep the expend charges to boost attacks. Okay. Let's park that one for now. Well, the other option... Just... Okay....is I would buy this off of you let's let's park that one for now just I would buy this off of you
Starting point is 00:40:48 for 20,000 gold holy mother of siaska that's a lot of gold guys let's put that one I'd say like while while all of this conversation is going on
Starting point is 00:41:06 Nova who still hasn't seen that Quill's taking the ring off is going oh my gosh now Quill is giving her the staff of striking I don't think we should but then and she's going on
Starting point is 00:41:14 another monologue trying to figure out but when the woman says 20,000 gold she just goes holy mother of what what
Starting point is 00:41:21 crime directive be damned. That's a lot of money, right? Yes, it is. We currently have almost... Well, yeah. In the messengering, I'm going to say maybe these are things
Starting point is 00:41:40 we shouldn't be selling and trying to put into our own things. Who's got things they need upgrading? Because, I mean, honestly, that's a lot of lot of money we could do i don't know what to do here guys shall we shall we see how much how how about we see how much we can sell all of our other stuff for as well total up what that amounts and then we can make a decision on how to get our essential things to, you know, keep us alive. And then the nice shiny things that help us hit things hard. We also need to see how much your enhancement would actually cost as well.
Starting point is 00:42:19 If we do put that stuff into your hammer or whatever. She already said she would just take the residuum. So if you... She would keep the residuum from your business. It wouldn't cost you anything. How much would it cost, in theory, how much would it cost to upgrade to a plus two hammer without this item?
Starting point is 00:42:38 Just a plus two without the extra stuff, it would be 4,000 gold. That's quite a big difference. But you lose out on the charge benefit. Yeah. Yeah. But I don't want to spend that amount of money. Do you have anything else that you wish to trade?
Starting point is 00:42:57 Oh, yeah. Lightning Cable Launcher. Yes, please. Ah, this is... I'm afraid that this is not quite as exciting my dear, an interesting item but one I have seen a similar design for before, 500 gold for this little device
Starting point is 00:43:12 okay, that's something it's not 20k I don't need it a stone of good luck. Ah. That's interesting. You're not going to keep that?
Starting point is 00:43:30 I can't use it. Its enchantment is very useful. I definitely would have buyers who would be interested in this. 3,000, I believe, would be a fair price for that stone. Wowie. And also my breastplate.ie! That's stone. Wowie. And also my breastplate. I can't wear it. Too heavy.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Armor. I do not normally interest myself in the more mundane items. I can have a blacksmith provide you with a chair. It will basically be whatever it costs in the player's handbook, you'll get half. That's what she'll offer you. She'll just offer you half of the cost of it. Is that the Aetherforged?
Starting point is 00:44:08 No, Aetherforged would be good. This is just normal breastplate. That's just 200 gold. Quill, we could give it to one of the crewmates if you're not using it anymore. Oh, sure, yeah. I mean, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:44:22 I've got a javelin as well that I'm not using that one of them can have if they want. I must apologise, but yes, such matters, I would rather have one of my assistants deal with. I am mainly interested in the esoteric, the enchanted, the magical, the unusual. And what about the guardian? Do you have Lucius, Lord Elinasto, and your Guardian companion?
Starting point is 00:44:46 Anything that you would wish to trade? No, honestly, I've got everything I need here. A quick question for you, though. Have you ever done any commissions for the royalty? For Prince Aradan, no, but he has retained my services in other matters. Magic item creation, the royal family have their own history of relics.
Starting point is 00:45:12 His sword, for example, has passed through his generations. But I have done various other things, enchantments for their clothing, some enchanted armor, that sort of thing. I'll messenger ring to finally respond to Nova
Starting point is 00:45:27 saying I think the technology is in good hands and you're right we should provide Eros a better chance of survival and it's good with this person who's given us the messenger rings and I'm just staring at I'm not good at
Starting point is 00:45:46 multitasking so just staring into space Sentry? Anything Sentry would be interested in trading off for? She'd just be tapping her tabard looking around I have these
Starting point is 00:46:01 I've had these for a while I put out the two Matrix shards that I think I picked up in episode one. What are those? I don't even remember those. These are shards from a Guardian's Matrix. You got them where you got Gadmin's Hammer
Starting point is 00:46:18 and where you fought the Forge Guardian. Yeah. Yeah. Dust them off. Guardian Matrixes. Interesting. I've never had one of these come across my desk before. I would be interested in these.
Starting point is 00:46:32 I'm afraid they, by themselves, they are not worth much. Much of their energy has dissipated. But to study, 50 gold each, I think, just for these fragments that you have left I trust that there is no remnant of your spirit in them, these are just remnants of the shards
Starting point is 00:46:53 then yes, 50 gold or so that sounds fair, it'll be interesting to see what you make of them, what you can find out from them I don't think anyone else besides myself knows how to study even to recreate them well the arch mages of solvent if i'm to understand were the ones who helped create your beings i've always found the creation of the guardians to be one of magic's great mysteries uh your kind are
Starting point is 00:47:21 of magic's great mysteries. Your kind are phenomenal, magical, incredible. How you possess an intelligence sentience without... created by a divine being, it is most intriguing to me. I must admit, as a young woman, I was quite enchanted by the tales of Queen Astoria, of Solvin and her magical prowess.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Something of a role model, I think. I think she was to many. Indeed. It's nice to hear. To many mages. Well, yes, once I have had time to study them, please come back. If you ever wished for me to... Well, you are a living, breathing guardian. I would be for me to well you are a living breathing guardian would be
Starting point is 00:48:06 most curious to study you myself oh that's interesting i don't know if i've ever been studied well anybody who's got like a passive insight by the way go on kim just excuse me just occasionally slips open the chapters that nova's written in a notebook about century i don't think you've ever like it's been like a like stand there and pose kind of thing you've just made notes as you've gone along right um i've just been watching her she's gone down the corridor yeah Yeah. Anybody who's got a decent passive insight, and I think Quill maybe would be anyone, you don't get the impression
Starting point is 00:48:51 that this woman, Azaria, is looking at Sentry as a person. You get the impression it's like, oh, look, a curious thing that I want to study. Like, it is an object, a weapon, an enchantment, you you know that she wants to unravel rather than that's a person you know kind of thing um okay yeah centuries centuries worth
Starting point is 00:49:15 a lot to us um oh of course i would make no offer or implication to buy or sell or any such thing. But for 20,000! We might be able to work something out. I'm going to assume that water actually in character. How much would you buy Sentry for? If you ask her in character, she'll tell you. I don't want to ask her. I wouldn't ask her that.
Starting point is 00:49:46 A quick question. You mentioned the messenger rings for this amount of people was quite the challenge. Yes. Could it be extended? A couple more ringies? Ah, this is something I mentioned to your Ganassi friend when they were first purchased. Unfortunately, new connections cannot be added to the rings.
Starting point is 00:50:04 I could forge a whole new set but your current existing rings once the number was set it was set they cannot be expanded upon i would need to create a whole new set of them how much were they to begin with nova yes two thousand gold for five of them there you. I wonder if it's worth at least potentially having another set of maybe two or three that one of us could have and then members of our ship and our crew could also have so that we could always have that content.
Starting point is 00:50:38 Could you enchant one of our current rings to act on both channels of the messenger rings it would not it would be very similar to in a sense that would be adding it would not be to the same network I am intrigued by the challenge
Starting point is 00:51:02 of such an idea but I cannot promise results. It would be something that I would have to attempt. I would not be able to give you a price until I've had a chance to experiment with it. And of course, any costs in that experimentation I would expect you to pay for. Could have given Lucius a link to his crew.
Starting point is 00:51:24 Captain's communication That could be useful Like I said, it is not impossible but I would need time and funds to experiment It is not something I've attempted before It is magic items relics, enchantments
Starting point is 00:51:42 They are difficult potent ones, you may have noticed this yourselves, you are only capable of bonding with magical enchantments, a set number of enchantments. This is because the spirit has limitations. There's only so much magic that one can be attuned to at one time. Adding an item that serves a double purpose that would that would be a an interesting challenge to see if i could make it within the restrictions and limitations of
Starting point is 00:52:14 enchantment levels interesting however okay i'm sure starbend could do it i don't say that. Did he? Okay, well, okay, I think it's selling all of this stuff and then figuring out what to do with the staff of striking. Ayla, it's up to you, really. If you want to enchant the hammer
Starting point is 00:52:39 with plus two by just spending four thousand, then we can do that. Or... It's not my decision. No, it's a great decision. You want the enchantment as well. It's a lot of money. It's up to you.
Starting point is 00:52:52 Either way, the hammer could use an upgrade. I mean, everything can always use an upgrade. And we could have 16,000 spare if you want to upgrade it, and we also sell the Staff of Striking. Nova, what do you think? You can tell me in a minute what you think.
Starting point is 00:53:14 I don't know. I just worry. She's frozen her camera in a fun pose. Oh, yeah. Yeah. This is all of her messenger ring to quill um i feel like if something is as powerful as 20 000 gold should we be selling it or should we be using it to fight shithead up there. You know? I mean, yeah, we can
Starting point is 00:53:45 definitely... That's my worry. I mean, I'm not going to use it because I actually have more powerful now than this thing. Your hammer, you're not going to use a staff. Lucius isn't going to use a staff. Sentry isn't. Nova definitely isn't. Separate her from Tian Gong. Wow. Well, yeah,
Starting point is 00:54:02 but it's also 20,000 and that shouldn't... I don't want to be the one person who's, you know, hog's also 20,000 and that shouldn't I don't want to be the one person who's hogging the 20,000 gold when we can buy a lot of other stuff with it In that case we go back to what you said before
Starting point is 00:54:18 we need money to live and 20,000 gold that'll get a lot of living It's a lot of living. It would, but we've also got like six grand from selling the other bits and odds and ends. Looking at survivability and our combat prowess from a bank seat, quite literally, it seems that we are in no short supply of potency.
Starting point is 00:54:46 Our ability to inflict damage on others is quite high. However, our potential vulnerability for losing life or going down is also quite high. So maybe we should focus on that 20,000 supplying to fences rather than our fences is what I'm trying to say. Okay, and that gives us some kind of enchantments for armor. Yep. And we can
Starting point is 00:55:16 then get Nova her gold goggles or the thing that she wanted to do. I totally zoned out there for a minute. What? I was thinking about space. I was just saying that it's selfish for one person to hog the 20,000 gold in one item
Starting point is 00:55:33 when we can use it for many multiple things. So we're probably going to just sell it, get the 20 grand. Spread it. Siphon that money into armor upgrades maybe instead of weapon upgrades. Get all those armor. Well, you have all fallen rather silent.
Starting point is 00:55:51 I can only assume you are communicating amongst yourselves, as is your right. We have discussed potential sales to me, but is there anything that you wish to buy? Oh, crap. This is how she gets it. Yep. Potions! Of healing!
Starting point is 00:56:10 Potions are acceptable I have a rather large supply of your standard healing potions Ones of more potency are difficult to manufacture and it takes me some time but I have several of the greater and superior varieties I forget the cost of all these things greater and superior varieties. I forget the cost.
Starting point is 00:56:28 I don't need any. A greater healing potion, which I believe is the slightly better than regular, is 250 gold each, whereas the superiors are 750 gold. Well, I'm fine with the greater for me, personally.
Starting point is 00:56:48 That seems to fill me right up if we buy two for everyone that's 2500 gold do we? I don't have any left at all I've used mine I've still got one you've got one? you don't have any sentry?
Starting point is 00:57:03 no I'm all out all out. All out, all out. Yeah, if we top up, then yeah. And I cannot interest you in any superiors of the more impactful potion. Maybe one or two might be good in some of our hands. In an emergency, perhaps? Yes.
Starting point is 00:57:22 I only have two of them available currently in my stores. I have up to five of the greater and two of the superior. I would welcome it. I would welcome it. Sure. Yes, is that within our budget, Nova? If we sell things, what are we selling? Are we selling?
Starting point is 00:57:41 We're selling. We're selling, then yes. 2,500. I mean, yes. So, stone of good luck there you go three unless anyone else wants this unless anyone hang on unless anyone else wants this i touch it one more time it's giving me some good luck say goodbye goodbye good luck stoney has given you it's given you terrible terrible luck i mean it's amazing luck. I could be dead without it.
Starting point is 00:58:07 I don't know. It's incredibly lucky. I actually believe that Lord Elanasto's belief in it is perhaps more likely than you think. If he has carried this stone with him, I'm sure that it has caused a blow to miss him when it would have otherwise struck him or perhaps given him the foresight to move out of the way of a magical effect
Starting point is 00:58:28 that would have otherwise incapacitated him I would have hated to see him if he didn't have this stone he wouldn't be with us if he didn't have this stone yeah no my father he was very into this sort of thing he used to call
Starting point is 00:58:44 he had a word for it because he was so invested in luck. He called it the Placebo. Of course he did. Okay, in that case, Stone of Good Luck. There's the armor I think we're keeping for the crew. So you get the Placebo stone. You get lightning cable launchers for me. That's 500.
Starting point is 00:59:10 I'll remove that and I'll add the money. Do you want me to carry the money, Nova, in my handy haversack for weight? We're about to blow most of it. So don't worry about that for now. Don't worry about that. Let don't don't worry about that let me let's just toss up our shopping list yes so far five potions of greater healing two potions of superior healing comes to 2750 gold I would also like to spend
Starting point is 00:59:37 1,000 gold on some new lenses for my goggles and I have the spec here, waves quill. I also would like to, if we are making a fair amount of money, I would like, in fact, to buy two lots of materials for greater healing. Yes. Does anyone else need anything? Lucius wanted some velvet gloves.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Oh, no offense, but I would not shop here for clothing. Wow. You do see, like, Azaria's kind of eyebrow does twitch ever so slightly.
Starting point is 01:00:18 The smile stays plastered on her face in a very polite kind of dealing with it. Well, for all seven of the potions, which would be 2,750, what were the components you mentioned, my dear? I need a focus for the spell Scrying, but I'd like to engineer it into my goggles,
Starting point is 01:00:38 if that's okay. That is something that can be done, yes. It may take us a day or so to carve the crystals to the appropriate dimensions, but that could be possible. It will be 1,000 gold. The quality of crystal needed for scrying must be of a very exact clarity. It is very difficult to manufacture. So that is 1,000 gold for the scrying lenses.
Starting point is 01:01:02 That is 1,000 gold for the scrying lenses. I would also like to purchase two lots of materials for the ritual. I have the ingredients of which here. So that total, if no one else wants anything else, comes up to 3,750 gold. If we sell the Luxe Stone and the... Can you imagine these components, my dear? 500 gold each, I believe. I checked it earlier. Was this for greater... Our mathematics may be slightly...
Starting point is 01:01:33 Heal greater... Heal greater injury. 500 GP of rare oils, powder made of crushed diamonds and mushrooms... That'd be 1,000 for two. Yeah, 1,000 for two. So the total is 3,750 gold to buy things. My calculations are different. You said you wanted five greater healing potions,
Starting point is 01:01:54 two superior healing potions. That is 2,750 for the potions alone. 1,000 gold for the lendings. There we are, my dear. Excellent. I'm glad that we are, my dear. Excellent. I'm glad that we are on the same list. Sorry, I wasn't trying to call you. I'm trying to have two conversations at once.
Starting point is 01:02:14 By all means, my dear. You do not need to keep your conversations clandestine. I'm here as a business opportunity. We are in my parlor. I consider us to be in a safe place of information and we are conducting a transaction. You do not need to have telepathic communication. You probably didn't want to hear my long, winding discussion
Starting point is 01:02:32 and philosophical answerings on the Prime Directive and technology in the hands of certain people, but that's fine. Oh, that reminds me. I should put this back on. Okay. So we've got 3,500 worth of stuff here
Starting point is 01:02:47 for payment for those things. And there was also some other things everyone was also... Yeah, there was also the stuff that Nova was selling on top of the stuff. So far, all we've given her is the stone and the lightning cable launcher. Lightning launcher.
Starting point is 01:03:04 Yes. Did anybody... So what was the decision on the staff cable launcher. Lightning launcher. Did anybody... So what was the decision on the staff? Sorry, I was zoning out when you decided on the staff. Yay or nay? Selling it. Selling it. Okay, so that's 20,000.
Starting point is 01:03:19 Allow me to save you some time, my dear. Allow me to save you some time. The luck stone, the lightning cable, the crossbow, the hammer, and the staff of striking would, to my calculations, come to 20,000, 27, 28, 28,500 gold. Ooh. Sentry, did you want to include your shards in that? I will.
Starting point is 01:03:46 28, 700. There we go. 28, 700 GP. In terms of your purchases so far, would be 4,750. Shall we say, knock it down to 4,700 to round things off leading you with a total net sum
Starting point is 01:04:07 of 24000 gold that you may leave here with today I would hope that it would be suitable to provide you some of this payment in the form of some pressed platinum bars, perhaps a few gemstones I do not imagine you wish to carry it all
Starting point is 01:04:24 in raw coinage. I got a bag. You can put it in the bag. FYI, I've put it in my inventory as the court master. I thought you were going to say the chest. Let's just put it in this chest.
Starting point is 01:04:39 I mean, he's going to use it. I have to go back and put it in there, but I will do. I 100% will do. So I've put it in my inventory 24 000 gold is in there i'm going to keep it do you want me to put it in my haversack as long as somebody has to have it oh no i don't mean so that it exists somewhere as the quarter that's what i'm saying yeah here's an idea That's what I'm saying. Here's an idea. What if you both write it down?
Starting point is 01:05:08 I'm writing it down in my journal and whatever happens, it's going in my journal. In world, I am not carrying 24,000 gold. In world, Ayla is putting various... Exactly. So Ayla has got bars and gemstones, but you have 24,000 golds
Starting point is 01:05:24 worth of materials in the bag. Tom has just written it on his inventory as a reminder that that's how much you have. 24,000. So we're doing 24,000 gold. Yes.
Starting point is 01:05:38 Yes. You also now have five greater healing potions. Somebody write this down. You have five greater healing potions somebody write this down you have five greater healing potions yep two superior healing potions nova specifically has two costings of heal greater injury and the thousand gp focus for scrying which is specifically on nova on my goggles are you going to divvy these greater out, or should we do it later?
Starting point is 01:06:07 Yes, right now, everyone... Everyone just put one in your inventory right now. Put one greater healing potion in it. That means Nova has two. Yeah, the bag has two, or whatever. Done. Added. Because Quill already had one. Added. Lovely. Oh already had one. Added.
Starting point is 01:06:26 Lovely. Oh, so I'm not getting one. That's what I assumed. No, everyone gets one. Everyone gets one. I don't care what happens. Everyone gets one. Of course, this technology,
Starting point is 01:06:38 this magic tech that we are providing you is of very alien design and superior to that of anything on a Lois, I assume you'll keep this relatively secret to yourself. Of course. It would be foolish of me to hand out the secrets to potentially new enchantment designs that I could monopolize as a businesswoman.
Starting point is 01:07:03 I believe we've put it in safe hands and for if i thank you for your belief mr elenaster and my question about nobility earlier is that if you were to provide some knowledge on your understandings of this stuff having us giving it to you i'm sure you would help gustaven and Eros as a whole. I'm sure that the Sky Prince and I can come to an understanding on how best to use this knowledge. Thank you very much.
Starting point is 01:07:34 And how I can be adequately compensated for it. Of course, it's all business, but... Indeed. The fate of the planet, I'm sure you'd be right there with us to help. Is there something that I should be concerned with in particular? There's always a threat.
Starting point is 01:07:53 You've seen the problems with Gusthaven recently. I would not put Cloud Barrens as a threat to Erois as a world, however. Are you telling me that there is something more dangerous that I should be aware of? Haven't we got a meeting very shortly? I'm so sorry to do this. But
Starting point is 01:08:15 we have so much to do today, and we're only having a fleeting visit. Of course. I will have, and she gestures, the potions and the ingredients that you have requested are already prepared for you. You shall have them as you leave here. Your lenses, Nova, is it? Your lenses will be ready by the end of today.
Starting point is 01:08:36 Simply come back and collect them at your convenience. Excellent. Would it cost extra to have them sent to a ship called the Stormchaser? No, no, no. I can have them delivered to your ship if you wish. Also, if your ship came into port under considerable damage, if you are working with any of the shipbuilders here and you wish to have any magical enhancements made, please keep me in mind.
Starting point is 01:09:08 I'm sure that something like that could be arranged. We will. Yes, quite. That may require not just gold, but rare components. I have spoken with several of the shipbuilders on some of my schematics and they have agreed
Starting point is 01:09:23 various rare components from creatures or beings, magical beings could be used to help facilitate upgrades to your vessel or any vessel really Would there be some form of magical, such as the Sky City itself
Starting point is 01:09:39 is protected in its own ecosphere so to speak is there a level of defense that can be provided by magic itself? Like a shield? Difficult to do on such a large vessel. Even Gusthaven's atmospheric shielding
Starting point is 01:09:55 would not protect against magical spells or against dragon's breath or such. It is really just to keep the atmosphere bad weather outside. It is really just to keep the atmosphere, bad weather outside. It would be difficult. Things such as reinforcements to your hull and strengthening the wood magically or adding armor plating, creating magical sails that are more resistant.
Starting point is 01:10:17 Those things can be accomplished. But a hull shield that encapsulates the ship. I'm afraid that the area is simply too large to replicate. Right. So enhancements to certain components could be done. Oh, yes. Yes, most certainly. And of course, if there were devices beyond Erois from the other planes,
Starting point is 01:10:40 if one were to be able to visit such places. I'd be very interested in studying that, seeing if certain technologies that the Dragonborn protect, for example, could be applied to our own vessels, so that one day the people of Erois may explore beyond our world. Wouldn't that be something? There's nothing out there It's just a lot
Starting point is 01:11:06 It's flat How curious How curious Anyway Thank you so much for your business today I am so welcomed and so pleased that you would consider our family as your
Starting point is 01:11:23 option for this business Do take care She nods her head. Likewise. Thank you for your patronage. Thank you. I look forward to hearing what you discover. Yes. And please, my dear guardian, do remember my offer. I would be most keen to study you in detail. Yeah, me first. Bye. With that, shopping is concluded. I'm going to rush back to the airship.
Starting point is 01:11:57 I'm going to put it all in my chest. I'm going to shrink it down, put it in a different dimension. Yeah! Lose it forever. It's lost forever. Secret chest! Secret chest! Who gets your breastplate?
Starting point is 01:12:12 Oh, we give it to Howard. Which member of the... Yeah, which one? Basically, any mundane gear you guys have, you can just start farming out to the crew. If you give it to Kamara, Kamara will basically assess who it will fit best so things like the breastplate it wouldn't fit howard and also howard wouldn't know how to wear it he doesn't know how to wait he's never worn armor in his life
Starting point is 01:12:35 he's a cook he's too little he's too little but somebody like penny who is like more of a regular fighter and who does do a lot of fighting on the ship probably could wear it same with lancean same with uh the wolf pack even kamara herself probably would wear the breastplate first because she's like one of the key main fighters if anybody boards the ship she's in the melee you know so she'd probably be like i'm gonna wear this and then as they get pieces she'll farm it out to everyone um the other thing you could do is like you guys could just be like yeah we want to buy 12 sets of studded leather armor and equip the crew with that we want to buy 12 thunder rifles and we're going to buy those for the crew yeah yeah yeah um the other thing i'm going to say because i don't want to take up too much time
Starting point is 01:13:18 with the the shopping stuff if you go to lily and sprocket for the ship building they're doing the repairs you can buy upgrades to the ship right now that the ship has been for a while and you have the money things like reinforcing the hull it's not magical it just costs money um you have to reinforce each section of the ship so hull helm engines sails are all separate components um reinforcing them will double their hit points so each section of the ship so like the hulls hit points is currently 300 you could double it to become 600 hull points it costs 10 grand to do that because it's like metal armor on the ship
Starting point is 01:13:56 itself um things like reinforcing the engine would double the engines hit points that cost 5 000 and then the helm and sails cost 2 000 each but it doubles their hit points so it's quite a worthwhile investment facing things like meteor swarms things like magical upgrades well again this is something to think about you don't have to spend it now um things like magical components um things like dragon scale sails these would increase the sails ac and would give it resistance to certain damage types. The difference with some of this stuff is it needs rare components that you would have to go and get from, say, a dragon.
Starting point is 01:14:33 So if you want red dragon scale sails to give your sails resistance to fire, you're going to need to go find an adult red dragon and kill it and then bring the body back, right? I'm sure the dragon would love that other ones that you could do imagine flying back to vivex with that like don't worry we just skinned a great red dragon and then boom by the way we've been spying on you how's the little pseudo dragon other other things you could do uh there's a thing called the Livewood Hull,
Starting point is 01:15:06 which is basically using, you would need to get the aid of a very powerful fey creature, like a powerful ent or a dryad. This would give your hull regenerating HP. So it would regenerate one hit point every 10 minutes, which means that if you just left the ship there it would slowly repair its own hull you'd never have to buy hull repairs again if we had that and we had a meteor swarm attack us could we just leave the ship for x amount of time and it would just repair
Starting point is 01:15:36 it would just repair itself the only thing is if it obviously reduces the hull to zero hit points the ship is crumbles into pieces and it's destroyed like like so it has to have at least one hit point remaining for it to regenerate so if you ever get to zero hit points on the hull the ship's destroyed um but if you had at least one hit point left and you had a livewood hull you'd be able to regenerate hit points if you just left it there for a while the only thing is you can only have like you can either have the reinforcement or the life would hold you can't have both you have to choose which one you want to have um other things that they could construct is like a special figurehead at the reinforcement or the lifewood hull. You can't have both. You have to choose which one you want to have. Other things that they could construct is a special figurehead at the front of the ship.
Starting point is 01:16:12 You could have... So the three examples is you could have a... It's called a guardian figurehead, but it would allow the captain to transform the figurehead into an iron golem for one minute. You can use it every 24 hours. It costs gold, but you would also need to have an iron golem for one minute. You can use it every 24 hours. Costs gold, but you would also need to have an iron golem to put in it, which means going and
Starting point is 01:16:30 finding an iron golem and rebuilding it. You could have a storm giant figurehead. I just got a vision of a giant Lucius on the front of the ship. And then it comes to life like a big golden Lucius. Because you know that he'd make it himself, right? Yeah, of course. It would be his own face. You could add a storm giant figurehead,
Starting point is 01:16:47 which allows you to project a line of lightning. Very fitting for the storm chaser, perhaps, to do that cost of gold. And you would need to have a metal pole charged with storm giant's lightning. So you'd need to either go and find a way to get a storm giant to actually ignite the... Don't we have that kind of
Starting point is 01:17:07 on the ship already we built a lightning rod was it a storm giant? it like it channeled the lightning into me the storm giant did communicate through the storm
Starting point is 01:17:23 did it? where's the storm giant? what storm giant are you talking about? what storm giant did communicate through the storm. Did it? Where's the storm giant? What storm giant are you talking about? What storm giant? Fucking Thor, bruh! Storm giant! It's a different dimension! Storm giant!
Starting point is 01:17:36 He basically was! He's a storm giant! Different quality of lightning. Things like arcane ballistas. If you want to get elemental ballistas, so rather than shooting physical ammunition, you could upgrade them to be elemental cannons that shoot ice or fire or lightning and stuff.
Starting point is 01:17:51 But that's all stuff to think about. If you want to get that stuff upgraded, that's stuff you can do. All right? I want all of it. I want all of it. We can talk about that one offline. Talk about that one.
Starting point is 01:18:02 With shopping done, I think that basically, before we take a break, you guys will make your way to Galecrown, which is the palace of Gustaven, to meet with Sky Prince Aradan. And when we come back from the break, we will have a meeting with them.
Starting point is 01:18:17 Does that sound good? Sounds like a plan. Sounds good.

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