High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Aerois #96 | The Gusthaven Elite (Part 2)

Episode Date: January 7, 2021

The team meet with the Gusthaven elite! Support the High Rollers and get early access to podcast episodes (and more) on our Patreon: www.patreon.com/HighRollers Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Le...arn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pickaxe. We interrupt your podcast to bring you breaking news. Tim's Classic Breakfast Sandwiches are just $3 when you buy any size coffee. You heard that right, $3. Your mornings will never be the same. Plus tax, Canada only, limited time only. Terms apply, see app for details. It's time for Tim's. We begin our second half. As night begins to fall over Gusthaven, you make your way to the very prominent, very affluently decorated noble section of the city.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Kind of nestled between several different districts, namely the Azure Bright Plaza. Gale Crown looks over the whole rest of the Sky City itself. crown looks over the whole rest of the sky city itself projected from its tallest peaks is this prismatic shield that seems to kind of cover the whole sky city uh keeping out the errant winds and colder weather of being so high up in the air you are escorted by guards you are given a armed retinue that helps escort you to the castle uh through it you notice as you make your way that a lot of the castle is perhaps a little bit more barren than it was once before there was a lot of ostentatious decorating uh decoration before a lot of that seems to have been taken away um or removed uh great kind of like tapestries and silks and suits of armor um that you remember being there
Starting point is 00:02:03 and no longer there giving the palace a much more kind of minimalist, austere kind of feeling to it. You're eventually led into a not very large, kind of much more smaller, intimate dining room where a large table has been set out for dinner. And you are welcomed inside by the guards, a few kind of aides um there's not really many servants or anything like that it's mainly guards and then a couple of assistants uh lead you inside and bid you to take a seat uh while they go and fetch the sky prints um where you are left momentarily uh by yourselves um does it look like it's a deliberate design thing this minimalist thing or does it actually
Starting point is 00:02:48 look like just stuff has just been like ripped off the walls and just I would say ripped off the walls like it doesn't look like there's been like any violence or anything like that but yeah it is it is something you would definitely I think Quill especially
Starting point is 00:03:04 would notice with the perception and stuff that, yeah, like... And there's still furniture left, but it's the more kind of, you know, ostentatious, the more sort of like, you know, expensive items that didn't really serve a purpose. Anything that was more decorative and didn't really serve a purpose. Anything that was more decorative and didn't really serve a purpose have been
Starting point is 00:03:25 removed. Okay. Weird. Lucius? Lucius, Lucius, Lucius. Yes. I've never been to dinner with a prince. What do you do?
Starting point is 00:03:42 What do you don't do? What's the etiquette? What's the deal with the forks and the tiny spoons? Oh, don't worry about that. There's usually people that provide the cutlery in order and you just work outwards to inwards. Out to in. You work on the little dainty ones and they get bigger and bigger towards the middle as the food gets bigger, you see. What if you don't want to use the tiny dainty forks because they're stupid and you can't eat as much with them? Well,
Starting point is 00:04:14 that's fine. Absolutely. You just choose what you'd like to use and I'm sure they will accommodate your needs. As Lucius is speaking, the doors open, and in steps a much more
Starting point is 00:04:29 casually dressed Sky Prince Aradan. To describe him from what he was before, he is about Lucius' age, so he's still quite a young high elf in terms of age, but he looks, you know, that kind of agelessness that a lot of elves have. He has long brown hair, wears kind of robes and clothing cut of whites and blues uh there is a large uh
Starting point is 00:04:52 sword that he normally carries but you see that a smaller slender rapier is at his side um with a large cloak his eyes are a very soft pale blue uh and he just has very sharp angular features he looks very traditionally elven. On one arm though, he wears like these he wears like a big thick falconry glove on one arm and perched on it is a very strange looking white owl with a kind of very
Starting point is 00:05:15 glowing, almost like a glowing star mote above its head like a little sigil that kind of twists its neck around with a little tiny beak um kind of glances around at everything uh when he enters there are no servants with him he just enters by himself uh shuts the doors behind him um and you see his kind of expression lighten as he sees you he's just like i'm so glad that you could all join me for this dinner. Thank you so much for coming. He lifts up the arm
Starting point is 00:05:45 and the owl flies from it to a small perch next to one of the chairs and begins just pecking away at some sort of, maybe like a little bowl of nuts or fruit that's been laid out. And the prince begins taking his gloves off and places it on the thing. He's just like, I hope
Starting point is 00:06:01 that it's alright. I've kept things quite simple. This is no opulent dinner or anything like that. Something a bit more casual. Some food will be brought through shortly, but it will simply be a couple of courses. Nothing too fanciful. I hope that that is okay. More than adequate, Your Highness.
Starting point is 00:06:23 Thank you kindly for inviting us to dinner and i do a very eloquent bow please lucius there's no need for any of that i think that the services that you have rendered gustaven and from what i am told by hesper your services to arois uh have there is no need to bow if anything i should be bowing to you. I think this is more appropriate to what you have done for our world and for Gusthaven. Still, please, let's
Starting point is 00:06:53 take a seat, have some wine. I would very much like to hear some of the things from your own mouths. I'm led to understand that from Hesper, he has spoken to me in my dreams. You have solved the storms
Starting point is 00:07:09 over Voxar. That was you. You've done this. Yes, it was a byproduct of this staff. This staff of oracles. Dragon Johandrius, played with nightmares. Well, you must tell me the story. us please tell me exactly everything that has happened um uh whilst we have food please
Starting point is 00:07:32 i wish to hear it if you would be so kind well if if you've had more adventures than than ending the storms over voxar I would be delighted to hear them as well oh well this might take quite a while I would gladly welcome that we have wine
Starting point is 00:07:57 we have food I can have the fire lit and I have nowhere else to be this evening I've cleared my schedule and I could do with just listening to a story for a few hours. Okay. Well,
Starting point is 00:08:15 Nova has it all written down. Oh, for fuck's sake. I was going to say, you don't have to recite everything that's happened in the campaign. I was waiting to hear Tom Hazel recite everything in exact detail especially metal crates who i get like is this like some one person tells the whole story or is this like quill starts telling about this and then nova jumps in and adds detail and then lucius tells the next bit and then ayla talks about yeah there was this cool worm and we beat it up and then it was in and adds detail and then Lucius tells the next bit and then Aayla talks about, yeah, there was this cool worm
Starting point is 00:08:45 and we beat it up and then it was a good worm and then it was fine. And then Sentry tells about some of the connections. The entire story isn't necessarily this well-written story. It's all of us just jumping and it's like, oh, oh, and there was this other bit where we went for the stick of glass
Starting point is 00:09:02 and the airship exploded and now Sentry is the prime. It's not in the right order either. It's just all over the place. Yeah, true. We keep coming back. The food that's brought in is quite simple affair. It's good.
Starting point is 00:09:18 It's well-made, but it's not lavish or extravagant. There are not multiple small forks, Lucius. Like, there is no vast amounts of cutlery. There is one set of cutlery, that's it. Wine is brought in. It's good wine, but it's kept very minimal. Yeah, as the dinner goes on. But
Starting point is 00:09:38 the Sky Prince listens intently, with absolute captivated attention to to all your stories asking questions here and there um when especially when speaking about worlds beyond the rois you can just see just amazement uh and uh in curiosity lit up in the sky prince's face um yeah just kind of listens to everything and when it all comes to a culmination uh you just kind of you know having had a little bit of wine and good food he just sits back and is like well i i had believed that you had accomplished much simply based on on my knowledge
Starting point is 00:10:17 of of your cleansing of the storms but it seems that even that is but a pale shadow of all that you have accomplished. Yeah, we've done a lot, actually. You have. You have indeed. I think we've spoken enough, though, of our achievements. What of Gustaven? It seems that things have calmed somewhat. Calmed is a word. I believe that our mutual enemies, these cloud barons, they are still active.
Starting point is 00:10:51 I do not know if you have heard, but airships have been attacked more frequently. Several of them have gone missing entirely. I believe that the cloud barons, I believe that they may be in a suit. They may be working with Calus Valkyrian. I believe that everything Cloud Barrens, I believe that they may be working with Kallus Valkyrian. I believe that everything you have told me and what was uncovered before, I believe that there is a connection. They are too organized. They have magic and technology that they did not have access to before.
Starting point is 00:11:19 But it seems that Gusthaven, at least least has become less important to them. I don't know. Things have been calmer here. The difficulty I now face is that with less airships coming in, trading is the lifeblood of Gusthaven. Without trade, we must be very careful with our finances. I have expended most of the royal treasury and have done what I can to make sure that we have plenty that the people and the the merchants and the the people that keep the city going really have
Starting point is 00:11:51 everything they need it has not earned me favors with some of the noble families but i have done what i need to still that is really a minor complaint in the grand scheme of things one thing i did wish to speak with you all about was this upcoming meeting in horizon my hope is that you will accompany me as both guests and as my personal guards uh i i'm sure that you have already considered that it is highly likely that this is a target by some attack, either by the Cloud Barons or by Calus, this Starbane manifested once again from everything you have told me. I think it likely. And so I can think of no one better to not only protect me, but to give your own input and your insight into this meeting with the leaders than yourselves. I think that coming as my guests
Starting point is 00:12:46 will give you some credibility and will also be a show of power for Gusthaven therefore mutually beneficial I would hope very kind I believe we were also invited ourselves anyway due to our dealings with the Dragonborn
Starting point is 00:13:03 and the council we've passed through vivex the dragonborn are I sincerely hope that we can convince them to keep their zealotry in check I know that they have a deep hatred for
Starting point is 00:13:21 this callous and they take the defense of Erois extremely seriously but I fear that they are they're a war, they're a people of war and Erois is not Erois has had 500
Starting point is 00:13:37 years without it and I fear that there may be a mishmash of cultures to blame there true, still perhaps we could learn from them too I fear that there may be a mishmash of cultures to blame there. True. Still. Though perhaps we could learn from them too. Indeed. As much as we'd
Starting point is 00:13:52 like to feel that we are peace-faring. War is upon us. Maybe we need that stern strength. Indeed. We will certainly need their strength, most definitely. My intention was to travel by century.
Starting point is 00:14:08 Sorry, my apologies. Sorry. No, they were an ally to us during the Sundering. We're going to need them again. Oh yes. Oh yes, I'm certain. I just hope that these past 500 years have not clouded their judgment in the matter.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I know that they greatly miss their home and they, whilst they have become allies here, they are very vocal in their... You are right, they are allies. We must trust them and hope that they will come to our aid once more. we must trust them and hope that they will come to our aid once more. I intended to travel by teleportation circle to Horizon. That will allow me to take up to eight companions. I believe that with your ship damaged, you are in need of transportation.
Starting point is 00:15:00 It would make sense for us to travel together. I have also arranged to have a private ship of my Royal Guards fly to Horizon and meet us once the talks have begun, both to provide us a unit of backup if we need it, but also as an alternative escape route if we cannot use the teleportation circles to return. That seems
Starting point is 00:15:20 perfect to us. We were looking for transport, and we'd be more than happy to provide you with protection en route. I think that I would feel safer with that, most certainly. And I think that your presence, I did not realize that you had all been invited individually, but I think that your presence is necessary. The other leaders need to know what you have accomplished. They need to know that you are fighting for
Starting point is 00:15:45 Eros' best interests. On the topic of world leaders, who is attending, do you know exactly? Who is representing? There are various factions. Some of them are in constant fluctuation.
Starting point is 00:16:06 My understanding is the Princess of Giselle will be in attendance. The Council of Vortensar will be sending an emissary, if not the head of their council themselves. The continents of Al-Saraf and Xena are difficult. Their power structures are always changing. They do not have as established societies as the others. And the dwarves of Sivona are still bickering amongst them
Starting point is 00:16:39 who would actually attend, but somebody will be attending for Goldthrone and somebody will be attending for Bloodvale. One of the two main families i imagine will send someone to attend in that matter um from voxar i imagine one of the druids will attend in their place to speak on their behalf and from the archipelagos i do not know again they tend to be more mercantile in their leadership. So I'm not familiar. They have various different heads of departments and various trade delegations. I'm imagining that they will send someone from there.
Starting point is 00:17:16 And then, of course, the dragons. One of their dragons will attend with an accompaniment of guards. Any advice? As a prince? No. I'm afraid that my politics have been limited to here in Gusthaven for so long. I know the leader of Horizon somewhat. She is an interesting character.
Starting point is 00:17:44 Lucius, I think that one thing you should be aware of is that horizon um horizon has had a troubled history with high elves it is something that i have worked hard to overcome but their their history is a very dark one uh for our people especially um many people in Horizon they were abandoned and nearly killed by the high elves who ruled over Horizon before it was reclaimed by its people
Starting point is 00:18:16 the leader is wise if a little fiery in her temperament but she is wise and she is noble of heart. But it is something that you must remember that your heritage, your nobility will account for very little in Horizon. You will be treated no differently than another citizen, as will I, as will any High Elf who attends.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Something to be aware of, perhaps. I rarely utilize it anymore anyway we go on the merits of what we've achieved as this party I think that that is in a way I think that is a far more noble achievement and a far better way to live
Starting point is 00:18:57 still in terms of other recommendations Horizon is a wonderful city it is truly a testament to what Eros is capable of. It is many different people all living in one place, functioning together. A true mixing of cultures. I think that it is a good place to us to look towards for the future of our world. a good place to us to look towards for the future of our world apart from that i'm afraid i have very little i'm still quite new to all of this myself as you witnessed with the dealings with eloise and uh these cloud barons uh politics is not my strong point um there is one matter uh that i wish to discuss further and perhaps uh i think it's perhaps time that my other guest did show themselves
Starting point is 00:19:46 he gets up, moves over to a window opens it sticks his head out and says you should probably come in now you've been up there for some time and as he steps back a very slender female form wearing tight fitting leather armour and a long cape
Starting point is 00:20:03 and a mask enters moving very silently female form, wearing tight-fitting leather armor and a long cape and a mask enters, moving very silently. This kind of simple face mask with a crescent moon shape along the front of it. You may not have... You may have seen posters for this
Starting point is 00:20:19 figure in the city in your last visit. She is called Moonstar. The Eloise and several of the others had convinced me that she was a threat to the city in your last visit. She is called Moonstar. The Eloise and several of the others had convinced me that she was a threat to the city. However, with Eloise's true nature and the Cloud Barons themselves, she approached me with evidence
Starting point is 00:20:38 towards several other members and we have been working together in secret to try and uncover them. I felt that it's important that she meet with all of you as well, as the ones who are partly responsible for Alois's capture. We have met before, actually, shortly before leaving Gusthaven last time. It's nice to see you again, Moonstar.
Starting point is 00:21:03 The figure just nods her head and kind of with that magical kind of voice alteration, which kind of makes it sound like a very garbled version of a woman's voice, she speaks back and just says like, Indeed, I hope that your travels have been fortuitous.
Starting point is 00:21:23 Yep. Nova's just like, nudging Lucius and kind of trying to be subtle but not subtle. Yep. Nova's just like nudging Lucius and kind of trying to be subtle but not subtle. Yes, yes, yes. For sure. Yes. Quite busy. Aayla's just not going to say anything because she feels like
Starting point is 00:21:39 if she says one thing, she'll give it all away and that's... She's like, no. No. Moonstar kind of uh moves in i do not wish to take up too much of your time but the sky prince was insistent that i meet you as his only allies that he truly trusts the cloud barons are still at large. You should know that Elois was not the end of it. He was but one head of a hydra. A creature that
Starting point is 00:22:10 is operating through much of Gusthaven's nobility, but also amongst the other Sky Cities as well. Their crimes against the El Anasto family, she nods and loses his direction, as well as many others, have still gone unpunished.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Their ringleaders are still out there. They still pose a threat. I have uncovered some information, and together the Sky Prince and I have taken various members of their faction down, but they are still out there. I have some information, specifically information for Lucius
Starting point is 00:22:45 and I suppose the rest of you, given your connection with him and his associates when you are finished speaking with the Sky Prince, I would wish to speak with you in private as well absolutely
Starting point is 00:23:04 very well it should also be noted I will also be accompanying you and on this mission to horizon yes the sky Prince trusts me I have equipment equipment that I think will be useful in keeping him protected. I believe him to be a good man and a good protector of this city that I call home. With that, I shall find you later.
Starting point is 00:23:39 Sky Prince. I'm afraid that I do not have time to sit around and dine and drink wine there are still those out there that need to be brought to justice and then she runs out and jumps out the window wow okay
Starting point is 00:23:54 yes she does that I'm afraid very dramatic like leaving a bit of an impression Lucius pushes his plate and his wine away from himself and then doesn't eat or drink anymore yeah sure well
Starting point is 00:24:16 I was hoping that that would be more of a conversation really but I wanted you to be aware that she is somebody I trust the information that she has provided me, the actions she has taken against the Cloud Barons, I genuinely think that she is working for the benefit of the people of Gusthaven. However, there are still people of nobility that...
Starting point is 00:24:38 I'm glad. I'm glad to hear that. Some of the nobility, and especially amongst the guards, still consider her a criminal, some of the nobility and especially amongst the guard still consider her a criminal and so meeting with her has had to become something of a clandestine endeavour are you not worried about
Starting point is 00:24:53 are you not worried about the Moonstar just being at this meeting everyone to see them oh well you have seen how she is. I imagine that she will not be revealing herself. More of a protector
Starting point is 00:25:11 from the shadows. That makes sense. That works. As for the wind or cloud barons definitely cloud barons not wind barons, right? As for the Cloud Barons.
Starting point is 00:25:29 Might have been Wind Barons, and I might have said Cloud Barons. Might be. Who knows? They've upgraded. Sometimes the DM can't keep track of his own world sometimes. Sometimes he remains in action. Did I tell you last week?
Starting point is 00:25:44 They've evolved they've gone beyond that now as for the Cloud Barons if they were stifling trade and destroying airships and all of this other thing and now they are suddenly silent are you not worried they've moved the horizon maybe to
Starting point is 00:25:59 take out any it is not that they have stopped entirely they are still doing those things. They are just less prevalent here in Gustaven. Whether that is because Eloise was at the head of the operations here, or whether because they have, I don't know, new allies or perhaps new targets. I don't know. They are still active.
Starting point is 00:26:20 We still have to keep on top of it. We still find them smuggling things in and out of the city. There is still a narcotic that has been... I believe that they've been testing it here in Gusthaven. We've found many of their manufacturing labs within the chains beneath the city. They are still active here, but it is no longer as prominent. They also seem to be less less interested in myself i must be honest before there was always the threats to my own life and to the lives of citizens and the
Starting point is 00:26:51 airships here but it seems to be less important to them now and if they do attack horizon i think that is all the more reason for uh yourselves and moonstar to be there. She knows she has been very accomplished in fighting against them, their tactics, their ways of thinking. Oh, absolutely. I was also wondering about, as we mentioned in our recap, the codes that we picked up to the Tassadar, the allies we made out there.
Starting point is 00:27:23 Yes, the angels. Returning Valor. Yes, returning Valor to returning Valar. Yes, returning Valar to Erois. I mean, we haven't formulated any real concrete plans except that we create some kind of
Starting point is 00:27:38 two-pronged attack between the allegiances we've made out there and with us here. Maybe that could be, while they're distracted with the meeting, we try and return Valor then? I don't know. Quillek, if I may be honest, such matters are actually beyond me. I'm not a military commander.
Starting point is 00:28:12 If you require the use of Gusthaven teleportation circle you have it if there is aid that i can offer you um not financial but if you need guards if you need soldiers ask and i will provide them wonderful okay um okay well we can try and figure out some way of doing that maybe after the meeting i don I don't know. I am afraid that I must leave that to your own discretions. You know these enemies. You know these allies far better than I. But if I can aid you in any way, speak it. And I will do what I can. Financially, I'm afraid that Gustaven cannot offer you any financial support. As I mentioned, I am using what I have to keep the city going as is.
Starting point is 00:28:49 Even your ship, as much as I wish I could have helped you repair it, I'm afraid that that is simply beyond my accounts right now. But if there is other ways that I can assist you, of course, I am more than happy to help. And when we speak in the meeting, please understand that I will support you all fully. You will have Gusthaven's full support in whatever you must say, in whatever requests you must make to the
Starting point is 00:29:13 other leaders of Eros. I will support you and back you and give you whatever political aid I can. And to you, to the best of what you can provide. You've been a great help to us.
Starting point is 00:29:32 I'm afraid that I've not really been able to provide much, Sensory. I am just a boy who was born to the right bloodline and has inherited a crown and a sword and a city. All I can do now is
Starting point is 00:29:47 try and make it as honest and as good and safe as I can. I am not a fighter. I am not a mage. I'm just a man. That is all I can be. You've given us your time.
Starting point is 00:30:04 You've listened to us of course that is I feel that anyone could do that your seat is a symbol and you fill that seat quite honorably I believe
Starting point is 00:30:19 you're doing Gusthaven a service and to that Erois we are honored to stand by your side. Thank you. Your words are kind, Lucius, but, or any, anyone could sit in that chair. You could. I don't have anywhere near your experience,
Starting point is 00:30:36 your abilities. Perhaps I'm okay with a sword. That is probably the best of my accomplishments. I believe if you are doing your job correctly, you have
Starting point is 00:30:51 no need of such skills. Our skills are when your politics fail. Well, I hope that then that perhaps one day I can make you all out of a job. Still. Still.
Starting point is 00:31:07 I hope so too. Still. It is getting late, and I believe that our mysterious companion did say that she wished to speak with you. If there's anything you need while you're here, you have it. Thank you. Well, I'm quite put off by food. I don't know about all of you. Well, I'm quite put off by food. I don't know about all of you. I will leave you to it.
Starting point is 00:31:29 If you do wish to stay, someone will see you out. But if you wish to stay and drink, please do. But I think I should go and get some sleep. Take care. He gets up. Malachi. And then the owl flies over his shoulder and the two of them leave. Yeah. Man, Malachi is cool sweet dreams
Starting point is 00:31:49 yeah star owl it's pretty cool eh he's way cooler than the lame prince nah come on um okay so um that's good to know I mean the support from the full
Starting point is 00:32:08 support from the prince of Gusthaven he plays himself down his ability and his power that he possesses my dad used to talk about it all the time he controls a sizable
Starting point is 00:32:23 city and an army to talk about it all the time. He controls a sizable city and an army. He'll come into it, I'm sure. As long as he continues to try to do the right thing and sides with the right people, then nothing more he'll need.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Yes, that humility can be a strength. Anyway. So what next? Maybe more shopping or some shops are still open uh i think i'm all chopped out really not new clothing or something maybe some treats everything i want to buy right well uh how about about another sky lake you've only been there once and at this time of night it's idyllic yes wonderful
Starting point is 00:33:15 right now sure I mean would your sister like to meet us there do you think when I see it Nova wherever she wants to meet us like to meet us there do you think where I see it Nova wherever she wants to meet us she'll meet us there I don't think
Starting point is 00:33:31 it's a question of where we go it's a question of if she'll find us and she probably will yes I suppose you're right maybe we should just go back to our hideout and await the inevitable I suppose you're right. Maybe we should just go back to our hideout. And await the inevitable...
Starting point is 00:33:53 I suppose? Hideout? Not Sky Lake? Sure. You tell me. Hideout. Alright. hide out alright hide out you are all
Starting point is 00:34:05 you will make your way out of Galkrout and you make your way back to the small park erected in honour of Lucius' family activating the
Starting point is 00:34:14 special wards beneath behind it you are teleported down into the large open cavernous
Starting point is 00:34:20 space that has become been left for Lucius to do with as he wishes. And waiting inside is not one figure, but two. You can see that there is not really much in the way of furniture. They're just kind of stood there waiting.
Starting point is 00:34:34 The first you see is Moonstar with her mask removed as Edea. Edea Elanasto, Lucius' sister. Brown hair, kind of sweeping down the same face um she has uh two blue eyes where lucius has one orange and one blue adea has two blue eyes um and she stands there with her mask off but still wearing the same armor and things
Starting point is 00:34:57 next to her is another figure and i think this is a figure most of you have met before uh lucius would certainly remember them uh they appear to be wearing the armor they almost look like um a much more traditional fantasy knight and they have full plate um all kind of strapped up with a kind of uh very elaborate tabard and they're holding a helm in one hand um they look quite um as if they've just returned from something you can see that there's like a little bit of glean of sweat on their brow short cropped uh blonde hair a very kind of handsome masculine face um and it is a elf called belenor mcgroner um who is a member of the Magrona noble family. Yeah, I remember this guy, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Yeah. And as you begin making your way down, your kind of footsteps echoing, Edea turns, nods in all of your direction. I was hoping that you would all make it back here. I didn't want to have to go finding you somewhere in the city. Not by skylight. Should he be in here? You see him kind of stiffen. He's just
Starting point is 00:36:14 like, and what is that supposed to mean? Our Cokra? Why should I not be here? Because it's our secret. You're not an El Anasto. I brought him here. I brought him here. I brought him here because he has important information
Starting point is 00:36:31 and information that I think that Lucius should hear and that all of you should hear. And he has offered his aid to me, and I have come to trust him. So much so that now I know who I am I'm not so sure about this I'll be honest it's a little impolite
Starting point is 00:36:53 to assume that he is welcome and that you should bring him here why are you so certainly trusting of him, McGrowner? Belenor kind of awkwardly kind of stiffens and like looks away. And you kind of see just like he just, I think Quill would hear like under his breath, he kind of mutters like, oh, for star's sake, Lucius. And Edea is just like, Lucius, whatever problems you had when you were younger, we need to put that aside.
Starting point is 00:37:28 Belenor has information about the barons. More importantly, I think he has information about the ones who are directly connected to mother and father's death. Oh. Right. That is why I've brought him here. That is why
Starting point is 00:37:44 I've come to trust him and how certain are we of your information it is not i wish i wasn't certain about it lucius when you first came here when we heard that you were alive we began investigating what happened you remember my mother was arrested. Anastasia was arrested in the belief that she was connected to your... the murder and embezzling of your money. Yes?
Starting point is 00:38:13 Yes. Ever since then, my brother Democles has been taking over more and more of the Magrona's family's affairs. He's always been smart. Like Edea, he's been interested in Ethereum, making things, magic, stuff that I never understood.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Mother's been distraught. She doesn't come out of her room. Democles has said that she's not allowed to leave the house. Says that she's brought too much shame, that it would only make her worse, that she would embarrass herself. He's... I've noticed things he doesn't think i'm clever enough to notice them but money's gone missing shipments that
Starting point is 00:38:54 shouldn't have been made have been sent out i've seen paperwork for them he tells me that it's all just business things that i wouldn't understand, but I'm no fool. With everything that happened with you and your family, and Mother's reaction to your father's death, well, something's up. Something's going on. And together, your sister, who I didn't know was alive,
Starting point is 00:39:18 have been, well, doing what I can. She's been helping me investigate Democles. Edea looks around and says, Democles and I have always been quite interested in magic and ethereum, enchantments.
Starting point is 00:39:34 I think he's the one who created the explosive device that was used to destroy our home, to kill mother and father. I think he's working with this Starbane to use this magitek this new technology to build weapons i think that that's what the cloud barons that's their ultimate goal is using sky cities ethereum to build new weapons for the valkyrians ethereum is a resource unique
Starting point is 00:40:01 to eros only eros it. And it has powerful elements to it. Dangerous elements to it. I think that's what's happening. It's quite significant how it ties with the events of
Starting point is 00:40:19 Valkyrian and everything. Well, everything you told me, the evident the what you told me about what happened with this this girl and and callous coming to arois it lines up the cloud barons their actions didn't become they were a small-time gang until well well, pretty much your events, the things that you told me happened in that town with the portal. Until then, they were a small-time gang, and then things ramped up quickly. Sure, people like Eloise had clearly been disgruntled for a long time. They'd been planning things politically,
Starting point is 00:41:01 but they didn't get violent until they had these new tools right and and how far have you got yourselves well um bella bella nor step sword he's like i my brother is scheduled to uh he has a meeting uh somewhere normally he travels by airship but he has to use a teleportation circle for this next meeting and it's happening a few days from now it's unusual he's keeping it really secretive i think that he might be visiting what did you call it adair i think he's going to the place where they manufacture the weapons. I've scoured all of Gusthaven. I found no trace of any sort of facility where he could do this.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Wherever he's making these weapons, it must be somewhere else. And I think he's probably traveling there. This, so much is happening. At the same time, we have an important meeting to attend that is uniting the leaders of all of Erois. And we need to be there for it. Lucius,
Starting point is 00:42:15 if they're really manufacturing Ethereum and Magitek weapons and explosions, maybe they are going to use one of these devices at the meeting. It could benefit us finding these devices, maybe, or blueprints or something. And so if there's a possibility that one of them is at the meeting, we could stop it. We could work against it.
Starting point is 00:42:39 We also need to discover the scale of this manufacturing, the kind of weapons they're creating, how many and, well, where they're getting sent to is another thing. Maybe we should go there tomorrow, scout, and gain evidence to bring to the meeting. And if we can scupper the plans of any sort of terrorism, we could do so. I don't know where it's taking place. Democles doesn't tell me anything. He won't tell Mother anything. We've been effectively shut out of our own family business. I'm not... I'm a knight. I fight.
Starting point is 00:43:18 I don't know how to deal with this sneaking around malarkey. I didn't know how to get the information, so Edea said that we should speak with you, that your friends here might have ways of uncovering that information somehow. If you were to allow us to meet with Democles, or even see him in some way, I could get the information myself.
Starting point is 00:43:44 And I think that that's something I can arrange. He's playing the part of a political noble. You're very well liked by the Sky Prince. Lucius has earned something of a name to himself. I'm pretty sure we can at least arrange a casual meeting, if that's all you need. I just need to see him. Even in the distance, anything.
Starting point is 00:44:06 I could get the information. That's very doable. That's very doable. The issue, Quill, is if we were to provide this as evidence to the meeting, it's word against word. If we are simply looking for a way to get into the manufacturing
Starting point is 00:44:23 facility in some way, that's all the information I'll need. We can then a way to get into the manufacturing facility in some way, that's all the information I'll need. We can then use that to get there ourselves. Right. Adaya looks at Will and says, like, this would be my plan. I think that we should, if this is, if Democles is making these weapons, the scale of which to destroy our family home was significant. I think that these are the same weapons.
Starting point is 00:44:44 When you were attacked here in gust haven you remember the tower they used similar explosive devices uh to uh teleport uh themselves and and weapons through i think they might be dealing with similar matters there if we can find this place shut it down maybe recover some of their devices or blueprints as miss nova says we may be able to find a way of shutting down any plans they have before they are to strike. What's more, imagine a manufacturing facility of Ethereum under the control of Just Haven instead.
Starting point is 00:45:21 True. Belenor looks at that like that is very forethinking of you I would not I would imagine you wish only to destroy it and not keep it around I don't know how to deal with
Starting point is 00:45:38 matters of this nature Lucius I know that you and I had our difficulties as children and I think that I made it clear when last we spoke that I'm I apologise for those matters that behaviour it was wrong, I acknowledge that
Starting point is 00:45:54 I need your help the Magrona family despite its history with the El Anastos I'm proud of it I'm proud of my family. My mother is a good woman if a
Starting point is 00:46:09 shrewd one. What my brother is doing is a shameful act. It is shameful to Gusthaven. It is shameful to my family and I wish to put a stop to it. But I can't do this by myself. I'm not clever enough. Will you help me
Starting point is 00:46:26 oh of course i'll help you it's it's beyond both of us beyond both of our trivial histories i know what happened i know it affected me and I'm good enough to know that I am past it growth we both have learnt and I think it's evidence that you have grown and learnt from it too and I respect that I
Starting point is 00:46:58 yes perhaps I will say more when it is perhaps just the two of us there are things I wish to say about our past as well perhaps things that you are not aware of Yes. Perhaps I will say more when it is perhaps just the two of us. There are things I wish to say about our past as well, perhaps things that you are not aware of. But for what I did, I am sorry and thank you for helping me. Your sister has been enlightening to speak with. She is... I think that...
Starting point is 00:47:23 And he just kind of straightens himself up. Still, this is clearly... I'm glad that we are united on this. I will reach out to you in the morning. Quill? Quill? Quillek? Your name?
Starting point is 00:47:39 Keelak. Keelak. Keelak. Keelak. I will... If you need only to see my brother, I will... We can make that happen tomorrow. Evenlek. Kelek. I will... If you need only to see my brother, I will... We can make that happen tomorrow.
Starting point is 00:47:47 Even in passing. Perfect. Can it happen tonight? With the aid of... It is a bit late now. ...Moonstar. He will be in the estate. It will be difficult to get him out.
Starting point is 00:47:59 But make your way to the trade district tomorrow. There's a small cafe beside the Aethagora. Sit and have breakfast there. Or you only need to see him. I will make sure that we walk past that direction. I'll make sure that I get him out of the house and pass by there.
Starting point is 00:48:19 Right. Okay. Very well. Is that all, Edea? Yes, thank you, Belenor. I think perhaps best I speak with my brother and his friends alone now. Very well.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Good evening. And Belenor very awkwardly kind of stomps his way over. You do actually, before he goes, he glances at Nova. He looks at Nova. You don't have a brother sky jouster do you is he here have you seen him has he has he been in any matches recently tornado yes that's him isn't it i think you you just missed him. He was here for a tournament that finished tonight. He unfortunately was knocked out a couple of days ago,
Starting point is 00:49:10 but he was here. Good fighter. Do you know where he is? Is he still in Gusthaven? Is he around? He may still be in the city. He may have moved on. The next one is in Horizon, so I couldn't... He may still be in the city. He may have moved on. The next one is in Horizon,
Starting point is 00:49:25 so I couldn't tell you. Horizon? Perfect, but also possibly not perfect if things are exploding, Quill. Oh, I need to find him. I didn't think I recognised the family resemblance. Although he's very different to you.
Starting point is 00:49:44 You're far more bookish. Just say nerd. It's fine. It's a good word. Yes, you're a nerd. He is not a nerd. No, he's not. No, no, no. You're a prick. But no, he was always the athlete of the family.
Starting point is 00:50:01 He was the sporty one. I love him so much. Oh, I'm so sad that he got knocked out of the tournament. He needs to work on his lateral movements. They're slowish. They're sluggish compared to his attacks. It's very easy to unseat him.
Starting point is 00:50:19 I'll tell him that when I see him. Thank you. I will. Goodbye. Goodbye. You know where to find us. thank you i will goodbye lucius stiffens when he starts talking about sky jousting yeah he doesn't seem giving giving uh brutal advice to the sister of the sky jouster yeah uh it's almost like it's a bit too familiar for Lucius. Yeah. But yeah, he leaves
Starting point is 00:50:51 and Edea kind of relaxes. Bringing him here was a last resort, I want you to understand. He was insistent that he speak with Lucius and I do think that we can trust him. I'm glad that you
Starting point is 00:51:10 are safe. I've heard some worrying things. Well, yes. They're probably all true to be honest. It's been a bit of a rough one. I appreciate the one. I appreciate the honesty. I imagine
Starting point is 00:51:27 that they are true. I only know what I've learned from the Sky Prince, that you were involved somehow in cleansing Voxar. There was also... There were rumours. There were rumours of saying that a ship came from beyond the cradle.
Starting point is 00:51:46 A lot of people are hearing rumours recently. Well, a ship coming through the cradle? Big news. Something breaking through the cradle? We were on it. That was us. Yeah. Don't worry, though.
Starting point is 00:52:02 We got permission. We are permission from, you know... Divine permission? Divine God permission and stuff and things and there was a worm involved, it was a very strange time. Yeah, Sentry got an upgrade, I think. She did, she did now. She has got it now. Apparently. And you need to know... She did now. She has got it now. Apparently.
Starting point is 00:52:27 And you need to know... Sentry wasn't Sentinel Prime when you were here last, was she? No. So yeah, so Edea would be looking at Sentry like, yeah, okay, there's definitely some changes as well. You need to know as well, Lucius
Starting point is 00:52:43 has been amazing on all this. He's been an absolutely formidable and brilliant captain of the Storm Chaser. And he's really pulled us through so many situations. Thank you, Nova. And he's awesome. Thank you. A leader that we should all follow on our airship. You do realize that this is as uncomfortable for me as it is for Lucius.
Starting point is 00:53:04 Just having people relentlessly praising my brother awkwardly. Don't worry, he still bought new glovies earlier, so he's still himself. It's fine. The art of 24,000 gold was a lot of money. Is it a lot of money? Oh, my. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:26 Amazing. Well, I must admit I've gotten into the habit of really just taking what I need now from other families and armories and things like that. Is that a lot? Brother?
Starting point is 00:53:40 Yes. I don't know, sister. It's a lot of money. Well, anyway, I just want to say thank you Brother? Yes. I don't know, sister. It's a lot of money. They say it is. Well, anyway, I just want to say thank you for the gift that you provided. You did not need to. How has it been functioning? Has it been functioning?
Starting point is 00:53:56 More than acceptable. It's been a lifesaver in some instances. Do you have any criticisms or feedback? Any improvements that could be made? No, I just want to thank you for the generosity and the gift. That's a shame. I was hoping that you would have more feedback
Starting point is 00:54:14 that I could build upon the design. I'm going to look at Nova. I was thinking about this earlier. He probably has extensive notes. Well, I would like to compare our notes then if you do have information about it thank you
Starting point is 00:54:31 oh yes yes you are welcome you are welcome I mean it yes I know you mean it it means a lot to me thank you of course it does she just looks at you like yes i know in that kind of like she's always been like this today is like very sort of just he gives up less emotional yeah
Starting point is 00:54:52 she's more like your father in that she's less emotional and more like like yes of course of course you appreciate it i gave it to you like lucas after that it's like, ah, yeah, yeah, there we are. Well, thank you for arranging this space. I've not quite had the opportunity to use it much yet, but with regards to this matter, with these, with what Belenor has discovered, if Democles is involved, he will be one of the major players in these cloud wind barons, whatever you wish to call them, this gang I do think it is
Starting point is 00:55:28 important that we discover this manufacturing facility as soon as possible, I know I'm asking a lot, you have had many grand adventures but the sooner that we can investigate this the better I feel Agreed if we can do anything to scupper the plans and
Starting point is 00:55:43 perhaps even like Quill says put them to our advantage we can do anything to scupper the plans and perhaps even, like Quill says, put them to our advantage, we should do so immediately before this meeting. Not just that, Lucius, but I need... This is also the one who's responsible for Mother and Father's death. I want to make something clear to all of you now. If we find democles there
Starting point is 00:56:07 i will kill him i'm not going to let that get away from me i need that i need to know that he suffered for what he's done eloise was a ringleader was a part of this yes and i intend to bring all of them to justice but if democles was the one who made the thing that killed them, well, I need to make sure that that justice is delivered. I can't let that sit. I'm sorry. I just want you all to know that. It's worth remembering, Edea,
Starting point is 00:56:37 there's two of you here that would make that judgment. Lucius has a say in this too. Give me a no don't even make a roll for it I think I'm not even going to roll for that but I think she does like hard looks at Quill
Starting point is 00:56:54 and it's like she wants to argue that but she can't bring herself to there's this moment where she's like he's right Edea he is wrong well and this is where you and me you and I yes it's where we differ where you think that we must that we let him live and what would killing him really do it's how you've always been
Starting point is 00:57:25 absolutions equivalent exchange he took their lives we take his the law of nature you are sensitive to these things
Starting point is 00:57:42 Lucius you always have been this is this is just You are sensitive to these things, Lucius. You always have been. This is... This is just justice. What else could be? If he goes to prison, this type of individual with these connections, he'll weasel out of it. Or one of his companions will silence him.
Starting point is 00:58:03 I just believe a swift end is not fixing your problem I believe justice is not going to cure what ails you in your mind and it will not be the end it will only be the start and the catalyst for more and so they just go unavenged they will have justice in the correct way
Starting point is 00:58:29 something for us to discuss or perhaps at least think on privately when you are ready when you have that information me know, and I can make the arrangements for us to reach there, either via teleportation circle or more mundane means. I won't keep you too much longer. Good to see you. And to you. I'm glad that you are safe, and I'm very grateful to the rest of you for looking after my brother.
Starting point is 00:59:07 Have you had word from Nanny Norfear? Norfear, as usual, is her cryptic self. I've received ciphers from her. She's actually been one of the ones who's helped me make sure to verify
Starting point is 00:59:23 Belenor's information she's been instrumental in making sure in searching lowland facilities to try and locate this manufacturing facility but she's not had much luck last i heard that she had traveled to gold throne she was investigating savona to make sure there were no uh facilities there she'd met several of the large business owners in the city and was working with them from what i understand she's always active oh yes she rarely seems to stop these days i think that she is not so much nanny as she is uh nor fear now um much more back to her old occupation, shall we say. I
Starting point is 01:00:08 fear she's always been like that. She was just very good at hiding it from us. Well, I certainly hope that she did less killing when she was reading us bedtime stories. I'm worried now she was doing it just the same. That might explain
Starting point is 01:00:28 some of her odd disappearances. Anyway, I won't keep you. Anyway, yes. With that, she's like, well, clips the mask back on. I shall see you tomorrow, in an augmented voice, and then she just walks, begins making her way out.
Starting point is 01:00:45 But yeah. Okay. Well that went well. We got a lot of information in regards to getting to the bottom of this weapons facility, Lucius.
Starting point is 01:01:02 Yes. Beneficial. Beyond. Now facility Lucius and uh you know yes beneficial beyond um now it's it's really up to you Lucius we can meet with Democles or just I can glean the information um it's it's are we going for this facility before the meeting? I think we should. Don't you all agree? Yeah, if they have explosives, we can't really let that slide. Not before this meeting. That is a classic weapon of espionage. And I really do think espionage,
Starting point is 01:01:44 and, well, terrorism, is going to be happening all up in this meeting. weapon of espionage. And I really do think espionage, and well, terrorism, is going to be happening all up in this meeting. World leaders, all together, come on. Perfect opportunity for a strike. We should also consider, rather than putting everything on this being the potential threat, that there may be many more as well.
Starting point is 01:02:01 So let's not blinker ourselves to just one situation. Oh, well, I'm going into this situation thinking that every item and every person in the vicinity is a brick stone. Nothing can be trusted. Yeah. Also, this close to the meeting, much of the weaponry would have already been made and probably shipped. It's more a question of finding out
Starting point is 01:02:26 what we'd be up against and how to defend ourselves against it in time, hopefully. Yes. And also information is powerful. An El Anasto situation. Yeah. Like you said, Quill, find out where it's going to. Who's involved?
Starting point is 01:02:43 Who's buying these? Okay. Well, when I see him tomorrow, if he's using a teleportation circle, I could try to find out what the code is. If all teleportation circles use codes, that is. Yeah, they use sigils. It's like a code sequence that you complete, like a password. So if he's using a teleportation circle to get there, like they said,
Starting point is 01:03:06 then I just find out the sigil, we get there ourselves. So you mean you've basically got to ask the right questions, Quill? Yeah. Or I could scry on him. If Belenor gets me a fingernail.
Starting point is 01:03:26 Weird. I don't think you are but you could try if there's nothing else you want a long rest and then get rolling on a new day I believe so we'll head to the place to eat breakfast in town
Starting point is 01:03:40 well yeah I was going to say you guys have like paid-for inn here that the Crown Prince is basically paying for. But Nova, do you want to cast a spell before you go to sleep? A spell you wanted to cast? Do you want to do that?
Starting point is 01:03:58 Yes, please. Yeah, it's a perfect time to do it, right? Like, if you're going to bed, chances are they're asleep, so casting Dream is probably a suitable Yeah, it's a perfect time to do it, right? Like, if you're going to bed, chances are they're asleep. So casting Dream is probably a suitable time to do it. And you did want to get this done, and I think that this is an ample time to do it. Oh.
Starting point is 01:04:15 This close to the end of the episode. Nothing's going to go wrong here. Oh, no. We are heading towards a cliffhanger, aren't we? We should have done it in the middle. Cliffhanger time. Here we go! So yeah, you guys make your way back. You will have individual well-kept rooms, very fluffy beds.
Starting point is 01:04:32 Maybe a bit too soft for Ayla's liking. It's like trying to sleep in a jellyfish. You just sink into it. You're probably going to just take some of the duvet or something, put it on the floor and sleep down there instead. So it's comfortable enough, but not ridiculous. Yep. Much more fitting.
Starting point is 01:04:52 Yeah, you just kind of melt into it. I don't think I've ever heard a bed in Christ that way. Look, if I'd said, oh, it's like a cloud, it's a bit generic. So I said jellyfish, all right? Leave me alone. Meanwhile, yeah, everyone kind of gets relaxed and comfortable. It was a choice, Tom Hazel. It was a choice. It was a choice. cloud it's a bit like generic so i said jellyfish all right leave me alone um meanwhile yeah everyone kind of gets relaxed it was a choice it was a choice uh nova you sit down do you have like any special preparations for the ritual or anything like to describe what you're doing
Starting point is 01:05:16 um because you get to shape it you get to shape all the dream and stuff so you tell me how this goes so i would shape the dream i would take off the um scarf around my waist and hold it in my lap um i would place my uh book for my professor in front of me um and the dream that i would shape would probably be the engine room on the storm chaser um okay and yeah that's what i how i would shape it okay so as you do you put yourself in the dream before they appear or do you kind of leave yourself to appear because you kind of kind of almost become deific in the dream right like you can just be the room and then materialize as a person when you want or you can be there when they arrive you know it's up to you really um i'll be there uh when they arrive yeah and i'll have waiting uh some hot cups of dream cocoa uh ready okay yeah so you got like a couple of waiting you're holding one in each hand um and yeah a now i don't know if you've sent me a full description of her but i
Starting point is 01:06:31 imagine we would see an an older version of nova uh like the kind of uh the hair puffy and kind of like curling but also a little bit thinner at the very ends, like wispy, dressed in probably her own day clothes. So it would be like an apron over a kind of really basic pair of work clothes and a pair of sandaled shoes, blue skin, blue toes, very kept nails poking out from in between, little tiny spectacles perched on the end of her nose with a little chain wrapped around um as yeah this kind of figure kind of looks around in a bit of bemusement um initially kind of squinting uh wrinkles her nose a little bit the kind of crinkles and wrinkles
Starting point is 01:07:18 in her face uh creating these deep lines as she looks around oh this is it's quite dim and quite dirty what's what's going on she turns around and she looks kind of cocks her head no nova what what's going on what is this a dream and she's just kind of looking around a bit confused um this hmm now either I'm dreaming this because I've not seen you for so long or is this something did your father give me too much to drink no no we didn't drink before we went to bed so
Starting point is 01:07:54 she kind of cocks her head hi mum it is you you're kind of almost there it's a dream I created this it's hard to explain it's a dream it's a dream i created this this it's hard to explain it's a spell and this is a dream but i'm here and you're here and i'm gonna give you the biggest hug and just run over and i just like throwing myself on her uh as she tries to like intercept one hand
Starting point is 01:08:20 with the hot drink in it it's just like no you're going to okay yes yes and then she kind of gets an arm around you but also takes one of the cups fries out of your hand and lets you wrap the other one around and then she squishes her face into yours a wispy cloud hair kind of tickling your face uh and she smells you know it's you're creating the dream but it still creates elements of her from her own memory so she has like a strong smell of like street food um that kind of like spices and aromas kind of like emanating out of her skin almost where she's been cooking all day um and she's kind of got that uh you know her hands have maybe got like a bit of flour or dust still on them that leave like little imprints on your clothes um she squishes you tight and you just feel her little arms kind of squeeze you deeply and
Starting point is 01:09:06 she's just like well i don't know how you're doing this did you have you studied learned magic or something ever since you left we know you you left very suddenly and i know that you said that you you were going off to learn things have you have you been studying magic is that what you've been doing yes i've but i've missed you i've missed you so much. I miss you. You smell so good. I've missed you so much. I miss your food. I miss...
Starting point is 01:09:29 How's stupid Coral? Is she all right? How's my sister? How's dad? How's dad? Is he all right? How's granny? How's everyone?
Starting point is 01:09:35 How's the store? How's everything? You're doing your panic. Shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush, shush. Everyone's fine. She kind of like puts her faces around your cheeks. It's just like, quiet time. Quiet time, Nova. Your father is very
Starting point is 01:09:48 well. I miss you so much. I know you do. I miss you too. I miss you too. Your father is very well. He's doing painting now is his new thing. He thinks that he's going to become a painter and he wants to do painting. Watercolors, of course. So he's off doing that. Coral is
Starting point is 01:10:04 fine. She's got such an irritating new friend she just talks and talks and talks and she's never shut up uh it's just very very irritating but you know they're happy enough they're running around together and she's doing well in school she's doing well in school um oh you must tornado he's he's on tour you might find him you might see him he's he's uh we're doing one of the new tournaments he's he's on tour you might find him you might see him he's he's uh we're doing what one of the new tournaments he's he's jousting around i he's off to some of the sky cities i think and suvona um i may have just missed him i i'm in gust haven currently i'm about to go to horizon and i think he's going to horizon and i'll catch up with him there so where are you now?
Starting point is 01:10:47 I'm in Gusthaven, but I've not just been in... We've only just got here. I was in space. Mum, I was in space. What does that mean? What does that mean? Beyond the astral... Beyond the cradle. I was beyond the cradle in space.
Starting point is 01:10:59 Mum, Mum, I found a nurse. Now, you haven't been taking any... You haven't been taking any drugs or narcotics or anything, have you? Mum! You've been sent... Listen to me! I've not been taking narcotics. I promise you, I've been in space.
Starting point is 01:11:12 But, look... That sounds very dangerous, but good. Okay. Mum! Just listen to me! I'm listening, I'm listening, I'm listening. Go on, tell me what you want to say. I need you, I need you, I need you to go and see the professor in the morning.
Starting point is 01:11:32 I need you to see Professor Whitsong, and I need you to tell her that I found Jasavir. I found Ganas. I found where we're from. Right. Okay. I know that you wouldn't... Look, if I if I know you wouldn't joke about those things I found ganass and Jasavir yes it's a really long story but we were sent beyond the cradle and we ended up in the astral sea and there's a whole solar system out there and and gannas is up there. Our home world is up there and all the inhabitants are caught up in...
Starting point is 01:12:10 It's like the ancestors said then. There's a world out there that we came from. Yes. And Jasavir is there. Well, this sounds... I feel like, Professor, I should take this to the council, shouldn't I? This is big. this is something i should take to the council or should i take it to the
Starting point is 01:12:29 professor and then they'll take it to the council exactly and mom mom if you could just focus for a second just look at this piece of paper i've drawn i've drawn the solar system for i now you cannot oh i'm not going to remember this please mom please mom I tried to make it as simple as possible I tried to make it as simple as possible mom I'm looking I'm looking I'm looking and our people they're working with Calus Starbane. You need to know that. Their planet is part of the Valkyrian Empire. And, Mum, this is serious now.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Calus Starbane is here, and he's trying to attack Aroas. But that can't be. They can't get through the cradle. But if you went up there... Mum? There it is. Think this thought, Mum. Think it through.
Starting point is 01:13:36 If I went up there, he can come down here. This seems like an awful lot. I really feel I should... I mean, I'll take it to your professor, but this is a lot. Why can't you, why don't you come here and explain it to the council? You come here and explain it. You're better explaining it than me. I'm very far away from Vortensar and I really want, but I might, I might be meeting up with a member of the council soon. And I will, I will pass this on to them as well. But I wanted you to take this to Professor Whitsong because Professor Whitsong needs to know and she knows what to do.
Starting point is 01:14:07 And I can't do this spell with her because she's an IELTS. She's just going to think I'm some crazy woman. She's just going to think I'm a crazy ganassi. I'm a chimp. She knows you. She knows you're my mum. And just tell her that I cast Dream and it's fine. Dream? You casted Dream?
Starting point is 01:14:25 I cast a Dream. Yes, that's what I did. All right, I'll remember. Maybe that will mean something to her. It means nothing to me, but it might mean something to her. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 01:14:33 So I'm going to take it to them. They're going to take it to the council. Kalistar means he is, and Ganass is working with them, and I've got to show them this diagram. I mean, I'll do my best to remember this, but I don't think I'm going to remember this. But I'll try. Have you memorized it?
Starting point is 01:14:48 Have you memorized it? I think so. It's like a recipe. If I think of it like a recipe, then it kind of makes sense. Like, you know, a big circle of this and a little circle... I think I can. I think I can. Alright? This is
Starting point is 01:15:04 a lot of big stuff. Are you sure that you're up for this? You're just a little, you know, you read your books and you've never been good at playing outside. And, you know, you don't look after yourself. And, you know, your brother's the one who's off fighting and doing all that sort of thing. Like maybe you should just come home and you can tell the professor and then leave it to the council. Maybe that's for the best. I want to come home, Mum. I really do. But if I come home...
Starting point is 01:15:29 I didn't come home! The things I know and the things I've seen, I want to protect you, and I may have just done something incredibly stupid that's put you and the family in danger. And if I come home, I will bring this danger home with me. I need to stay out here, and I need to stop it reaching Vortensar. All right. Well, should I do something?
Starting point is 01:15:50 If we're in danger, should we leave? Should we... What should we do? Should we come and find your brother? I'll find Cloud. It's fine. I mean, sorry, Tornado. Dumb name. We've gotten used to calling him. I know we're. It's fine. I mean, sorry, Tornado, dumb name. It's such a stupid name. We've gotten used to calling it. I know, I know. We're calling him it now.
Starting point is 01:16:10 It's so dumb, isn't it? But anyway, I'll deal with Cloud. But I just want you to know that I'm doing my best and I'm trying to stop things coming to Vortensar. And I don't understand, Mum. I'm trying my best here and I don't understand mum, I'm trying my best here I don't understand people I can't tell you everything but there's stuff happening
Starting point is 01:16:32 and I just wish people would get along, I don't understand why people can't see the logical thing and I may have said something to someone very powerful and I've really made them angry and now they're going to do horrible things to everyone I love, oh god she kind of just like pats you on the back and is like look you are very smart you have always been very smart and unfortunately the rest of us are not as smart as you are
Starting point is 01:16:57 you are going to understand things that many of us can't and people can be very stupid and very stubborn and very thick-headed and you can't change them. So if you know of a way to help, do that. Worry less about trying to convince other people. Worry about looking after
Starting point is 01:17:19 yourself. Worry about looking after the people around you and doing whatever you can. That's all you can. Thanks, Mum. I needed that. Smooch. Smooch face. Kiss on forehead.
Starting point is 01:17:36 Uh, I know you will. Alright, so Professor Wit- I'm trying to remember which one that is. It's the lady. It was the one that you sent me to when Atlas Academy kicked me out because I talked back to the teachers too much. So you sent me to Professor Whitsong
Starting point is 01:17:53 for extra teaching. Yes, I remember her now. I will send her to that one. Alright, okay. I love you. Say it. Thank you. Are you eating well enough and you can see the dreams
Starting point is 01:18:07 beginning to fade as the spell is ending good what are you eating proper food I'm keeping warm as well not any of that lowland I'm eating proper food
Starting point is 01:18:14 are you not eating any of that cancel the spell cancel the spell cancel the spell it just falls apart into an empty empty dream and with that
Starting point is 01:18:22 that is where we will end today's episode with a lovely little chat between Nova and Nova Mum. That was the most typical mum thing ever. I did my best. I'm never going to remember this. Mum doesn't know how to use Zoom energy.
Starting point is 01:18:39 Yeah. You know. But also, like, Nova's mum, well, I hope that she came off in the right way yeah best yeah yeah she's great much yeah perfect well look there was uh there's a lovely little end no scary cliffhanger that will be next week um this week so yeah with that that's gonna bring our episode to an end we'll be back next sunday yes implementing. So yeah, with that, that's going to bring our episode to an end. We'll be back next Sunday. Goodbye!
Starting point is 01:19:05 Bye-bye! Let's go!

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