High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Aerois #98 | The Weapons Facility (Part 1)

Episode Date: January 18, 2021

The team recoup with Thalia and Moonstar to prepare for the Weapons Facility raid! Support the High Rollers and get early access to podcast episodes (and more) on our Patreon: www.patreon.com/HighRo...llers Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pickaxe. you can afford to hoard because Ikea is priced for student life. Shop everything you need for back to school at Ikea today. Summer is like a cocktail. It has to be mixed just right. Start with a handful of great friends. Now add your favorite music. And then finally add Bacardi rum. And there you have it. The perfect summer mix.
Starting point is 00:00:44 Bacardi. Do what moves you. Live passionately. Drink responsibly. Copyright 2024. Bacardi, its trade dress and the bat device are trademarks of Bacardi and Company Limited. Rum 40% alcohol by volume. Welcome back to Erois and High Rollers. Last time, the party have arrived in the sky city of Gusthaven, docking their airship for repairs and to reunite with old allies.
Starting point is 00:01:28 After recouping the party funds by selling various magical treasures and magitek weapons to Azaria Perel of the Aethergora, and meeting with Sky Prince Aradan and Lucius' sister Edea, the party begin to plan their next steps. the party begin to plan their next steps. Quill uses his Eye of the Storm to learn the teleportation runes needed to access a hidden weapons factory of the Cloud Barrens. Sentry encounters a group of guardians and has the opportunity to use the Prime Matrix and save two ailing guardians themselves. Shortly after, the city is shocked when the astral ship, the Twinstar Longbow, which the party had brought to Eros from the Astral Sea, soars across the trade district
Starting point is 00:02:11 pursued by two cloud baron ships. The party leap into action to save the Twinstar and find Captain Thalia Whisperwind and Medusa Pilot wounded at the helm. After safely recovering it and making plans to store the Twin Star in Gustaven, the party must now decide what to do next with the knowledge and information they have. And that is where we are going to pick up today as it is still middle of the day.
Starting point is 00:02:38 We have not begun a new day yet. The grand sky city of Gustaven, a floating city that soars through the air protected by magic and ruled over by the Sky Prince you have the Storm Chaser your airship is still being repaired staying there will be
Starting point is 00:02:54 noisy and disruptive but is totally possible. You have rooms in inns provided by the Sky Prince as well as a secret base that Lucius has maintained beneath one of the noble family's estates built on his old family home's land.
Starting point is 00:03:12 Secret. It's becoming less secret. But yeah, you guys have a bunch of things. What do you guys want to do? How do you want to proceed? I think we're still deciding on where to store this yeah massive alien ship uh there was no final decision but i think we would have had a discussion about it and then i think some people
Starting point is 00:03:39 were like maybe we shouldn't have that uh trader and all her work colleagues and staff in my basement. So Lucius probably agrees to put it where the Sky Prince suggests to put it. So the Sky Prince has a kind of royal dock, like a warehouse, where his own personal airship and things like that are stored. He can actually have that kind of moved out. And then, yeah, the Twin Star can be located in there. It has lots of mages and guards that can look after it. Obviously, more people will know about it
Starting point is 00:04:14 because it is built into the Sky Docks themselves. But it means that you get to keep some level of secrecy with your own little basement of secrets. And yeah, that can be arranged. level of secrecy with your own little basement of secrets. And yeah, that can be arranged. The Sky Prince and the Royal Guard Captain and the various shipwrights of Gusthaven will begin making those preparations. Thalia, still injured but recovering,
Starting point is 00:04:39 will basically help maneuver the ship into the docks once an appropriate illusion has been conjured, and then it is laid to kind of rest in there and be studied ahead of time. Cool. Anything else from anyone else? Well, we know what we have to do next, I assume? Yeah, we need to
Starting point is 00:05:06 teleport Circle down to this weapon facility thing to try and shut it down, I guess. The utmost haste, yes. Before the council meeting. So,
Starting point is 00:05:22 council meeting is in, what, three, four days three days three years four days four days four days to recap the information you have yeah so in four days time the leaders of Erois the world
Starting point is 00:05:39 will be meeting in the sky city of horizon to discuss the Valkyrian threat the Starbane threat, the threat of Kalas Starbane. You heard from Belenor Magrona that
Starting point is 00:05:53 his brother, Democles, would be traveling to this kind of, to an unknown location a few days before the meeting, about three days before, so tomorrow effectively. And
Starting point is 00:06:08 it is believed that they are manufacturing Aetherium weapons along with the Valkyrian Empire. So Aetherium being the rare resource that the Sky Cities of Eros is unique to the Sky Cities of Eros. They collect it from the air and it's used to empower magical
Starting point is 00:06:25 items, magical relics, and do wonderful things. It's Edea, Lucius' sister, believes that they are working in collaboration to create weapons. Oh, yep. So, in terms of...
Starting point is 00:06:43 How much... Does Poseby have any idea of what the guarding was like? In terms of guards, well, there's guards outside their estate, but we don't need to use their teleportation circle to get there. I saw the runes, and I'm pretty sure I remember them, but we can use any teleportation circle. I'm sure I saw the runes, and I'm pretty sure I remember them. But we can use any teleportation circle.
Starting point is 00:07:08 I'm sure it's pretty sure it will. Like 98%, but we can go to Sky Prince and use his teleportation circle. That means we get the runes that we need to make sure that we get back safely as well we'll end up here not somewhere else entirely um so that's a way to get there by using the sky prince's teleportation so well just as a point on teleportation circles the way it works is the teleportation circle that's that gust haven has it's not the sky princes it is the cities um you learn those runes which are like a permanent like dial code right think of it like a permanent dial code, right? Think of it like a telephone number, right?
Starting point is 00:07:46 Once you know the number, you can go to that teleportation circle. Anybody who can cast teleportation circle, you can cast teleportation circle anywhere. You draw it out on the ground with chalk or with dust or whatever, and then you can immediately vanish. However, that circle is only for that one casting. Permanent circles are the ones you have to learn the code for. So, for example, Lucius, who can cast Teleportation Circle,
Starting point is 00:08:11 you don't have to go to the Sky Princes to teleport somewhere. You just need to know the code to come back, and that's where you will arrive. So that's the way it works. I'm guessing I can't just leave the circle on the floor and as I can escape, it has to be casted and drawn within 10 minutes and then boom, you go.
Starting point is 00:08:33 Yeah, basically when you use one to travel somewhere, the one you created to go vanishes basically. And you can't leave it and be like, I'll leave it for 10 minutes and come back. No, no, no. It doesn't stick around basically. The permanent circles are the ones that you have to come back to effectively you basically travel between uh to a permanent circle but you can go to it from anywhere
Starting point is 00:08:54 okay yeah i guess but if we get stuck in this uh manufacturing facility then i can at least cast teleportation circle as well well to get back. I think you can as well, Lucius. I can. It takes me ten minutes to draw it all out, but it's possible. It's not a quick escape. It does take time to conjure a Teleportation Circle. It's a ritual, after all.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Ten minutes? I believe it's a minute. Yeah, one minute. Either way, it's an escape. We don't know where this manufacturing facility is. If it's a teleportation circle to get there, it could be anywhere. So we're going to need to teleport back anyway, regardless. True.
Starting point is 00:09:39 But we should definitely go there, try and shut it down. And I mean, this close to the meeting, they've probably manufactured and maybe even shipped a lot of the weapons that they'll need. But we may be able to find some ledgers of where these weapons went to. A way to stop people even getting into the meeting to begin with
Starting point is 00:09:57 if they potentially have these Ethereum weapons. We need a way to provide evidence as well. Taking our word for it, I'm sure the sky prince will however the rest of the council and you know the dragonborn don't exactly hold us in high regard taking us seriously is important so if we can provide some evidence or maybe take something with us like you say blueprints or anything like that, plans, that would be a high priority, I assume. Yeah, it would also be a way to take these weapons and maybe even manufacture them ourselves.
Starting point is 00:10:37 Or maybe take control of the plant ourselves so that it's under Gustaven control rather than Magrona control or anything else. But either way, after taking down two airships and saving another one, I'm pretty spent.
Starting point is 00:10:56 I think tomorrow is a good idea. After a long rest is what I'm saying. Okay. That makes sense, yes. We need to be at our best. We still have four days, do we not? We do.
Starting point is 00:11:12 What does everyone else think? What's the plan of attack? Are you just going to teleport straight into this place? If you're our way back out of there, one of our ways back out, and if you're a bit spent already, then yeah, we probably should take some time, not run in. back out of there. One of our ways back out. And if you're a bit spent already, then yeah, we probably should take some time, not run in.
Starting point is 00:11:29 But I am a little bit worried that we're just gonna, you know, poof into existence in the middle of a giant factory full of potential very explosive devices. And we have no idea who's there. I don't know what we can do to prepare beforehand, you know?
Starting point is 00:11:46 Maybe we can have some plans of attack as much as we can. Invisibility. Yeah, always a solid. I can precast some spells. We can precast a load of stuff before we move in, but again. You can choose the same technique that Nova had to haphazardly apply to you as you decided to fly off from
Starting point is 00:12:10 a lunch table and fly to the Magrona's house. The invisible flying scout of the area. Maybe you can do it on Echo or something like that as well. Echo, I can also cast Arcane Eye. I can scout the entire place out.
Starting point is 00:12:26 And that's invisible. That might be good to do. Yeah, I can cast Invisibility on four people. And also, I can disappear in the shadows and things like that as well. I've been practicing on my stealth. As you guys are having this conversation, by the way, been practicing on my stealth um as you guys have in this conversation by the way a giant metal uh and wooden creature with giant antlers and a big pair of wings like a giant bird lands as close to century as it can get which in in gust evens docks is on a nearby pier uh and it kind of just lets out this kind of mournful as it
Starting point is 00:13:07 makes its way towards Sentry, as this giant antlered flying beast now kind of looms beside her. It's not a... Sentry, is that... Is he just staying around with us now? Do we have a pet?
Starting point is 00:13:28 I can bring him back into the Matrix when I want to, but this is Alnissix. This is my new companion. Alnissix. Alnissix. Alnissix. Pleasure to meet you. Put out a velvet glove to something.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Yeah, I think that Alnissix would kind of raise a taloned claw or maybe kind of lower its head so your hand brushes against it. It's strange. It is a mixture of organic kind of wood, kind of like sentry, right? It looks like a guardian. It has like these organic wood elements, vines for muscles, but then it has like armored metal plates as well. And then this
Starting point is 00:14:12 single glowing eye in the middle of its face. And then these giant antlers reach up. I say giant. It's actually probably not as big as I first described. It's only a medium creature, but it's still got a pretty big wingspan. So when it brings its wings in,
Starting point is 00:14:29 it seems quite large and imposing. A big presence. It's got to be big enough to carry Sentry, who is also large and imposing. So I imagine it's a pretty decent size. Yeah, you're probably looking at... Its body is smaller than a horse's. Like, it's probably just big enough for Sentry to ride,
Starting point is 00:14:48 but then it has these huge wings that are all folded up and these big, powerful talons beneath it. Pleasure to meet you. And it kind of just brushes its head up against your hand, Lucius. Lovely. He's very glad to meet you too. To meet all of you. Is this...
Starting point is 00:15:10 This is Elko, right? Yeah. In a way. The same way that Elko is also Echo. Okay. Can you still summon Echo and Elko? I can only summon one at a time. Hmm. So it's... They serve different purposes in their different forms, but yeah, this is, I suppose, my airborne variant.
Starting point is 00:15:43 Okay! Okay, two of us can fly now! We're making progress! my airborne variant. Okay. Okay, two of us can fly now. I'm making progress. I feel a little bit better about the fact that Sentry might not fall off of things as often if she can, you know, have something to fly on. Something that we did clarify, we got a bit wrong last time,
Starting point is 00:16:00 it does take ten minutes to summon your steed. So no, if you're falling you can summon it as you're falling you need to have them out and ready to go but again like the fine greatest they exist now you could have
Starting point is 00:16:16 them nest on the ship and they'll just stay there until you summon them you can communicate with them telepathically so at any point you can just be like hey I need you to come and get me or whatever or do this and they can give you information and stuff like that as well so yeah speaking of flight uh for the rest of us perhaps it's worth um i'm going to go get some resources so that we can cast these teleportation circles uh i head to the trade district to do that um I feel like a strong
Starting point is 00:16:45 otherworldly presence patting me on the back for that. And then we should probably get some featherfall tokens for those that can't fly and hit the floor like a dead weight. We've used all of ours. Probably a good idea.
Starting point is 00:17:03 So if I could have... I think... We... I feel like we should probably put in on order as well for the wolf pack uh for the cruise um armor and weaponry as well i think yes an enchanted uh weaponry pikes i believe it was um all fully enchanted um and the ability to fly And the ability to fly. I don't know... Okay. Once again, if the wolves can fly before I can fly, I'm going to be
Starting point is 00:17:32 mad about it. Or put in another order. I can cast fly on three people, including myself. I know, but I don't want to rely on someone else to fly. If the wolves can fly whenever they want, I want to fly whenever I want to.
Starting point is 00:17:46 It's just a principle thing, I think. I mean, I don't know. I'm fine, though. If you just hand me all the platinum bars that we have, I'll go order all these things. We don't have any left. We spent them all. Yes.
Starting point is 00:18:05 We do have gold. 24 spent them all. Yes. We do have 24,000 gold. Yes. And that will give us all the everythings. Yes? Almost definitely not. Not fully enchanted weaponry. No. Not for everyone on the ship.
Starting point is 00:18:21 All ten, apparently. Unfortunately, I don't think we're going to be able to afford enchanted weaponry for everybody on the ship, Luci ten, apparently ten. I don't think we're going to be able to afford enchanted weaponry for everybody on the ship, Lucius, I'm afraid. I think at first we should go for a standard armour and weapon set. I told them that they'd get one, though.
Starting point is 00:18:37 Why would you do that? I got excited! Okay. Alright. Alright. Well, either way, I have all the money I got excited. Okay. All right. Well, either way, I have all the money in this little replica chest. Just wallet.
Starting point is 00:18:53 I'm also updating it whenever you do stuff because I've got it in my inventory, by the way, just out of double-checking that we are actually tracking this stuff. Yeah, I do too. So, is the plan to go and buy this stuff and get these materials for teleportation circles and stuff? We can probably just
Starting point is 00:19:11 skip over some of this, because you know where to go. You've already met Azaria Perel. She likes you guys and happily sells things to you. They can also supply mundane gear from the Aether Gora as well. The teleportation circles, for each casting of teleportation circle, as Lucius is very aware,
Starting point is 00:19:28 having motioned it, you will need rare chalks and inks infused with precious gems worth 50 gold for each casting. So Azari can probably supply up to four castings, so 200 golds worth on hand, and then she'll be able to get more made for the
Starting point is 00:19:47 future. But for the time being, she can sell you up to four castings of Teleportation Circle. The Wolfpack's gear, you actually Kamara put a list together. If you would like to buy them a whole new set of weapons, which would basically equip every Wolfpack member with a heavy crossbow,
Starting point is 00:20:02 a pike, and short swords, all mundane not magical would be 600 gold and then in terms of boosting their armor their current ac is 14 each members um you can boost all of them to have an ac of 16 for 2000 gold or boost their armor to 17 for 4000 gold and it still gives them full range of movement they won't have disadvantage on acrobatics or doing any ship stuff, depending.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Who's with me in this trading? I'm the money guy at the moment, so I am. I think the whole party's together. I don't think you guys split up. Go on, give them the big one. So we're looking at, what, 7,800 for weapons, armour, four castings of teleportation circle.
Starting point is 00:20:52 No, I believe you might be combining the two different sets of armour there, my good man. 4,000, if you wish to give your crew the best armour possible, splint mail, a variant of splint mail, it would be 4,000 gold. And then 600 gold for a set of weapons, for 10 sets of weapons. And then 200 gold
Starting point is 00:21:12 for the teleportation circles. I was combining. I was combining. 4,800, we can do it. Very reasonable. As the quartermaster, I will fulfill my role by saying it can be done. Now the quartermaster, I will fulfill my role by saying
Starting point is 00:21:26 it can be done. Now as the captain, you have to make the final decision. Oh, yes. Give money. In that case, I can chest big chest.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Just on the table. Very impressive. Here you go. 4,800. One, two, three, four. I'm not going to call you. You've missed the meeting.
Starting point is 00:22:00 Yeah, you pay the money, mark it off your sheet, and I will update the airship's stats to include stats for the crew um but generally their survivability improves so things like with the crew buying this stuff for them because i don't track things like hit points for the individual crew members uh they generally have their own system of like when they get injured um but this makes them much more durable so if you get into another fight or if they take damage like it makes it a lot better all right so you have it's not just an investment in boosting their ac and giving them different weapons it will basically increase their attack rolls when they
Starting point is 00:22:35 make an attack as you know the part of the crew action and stuff like that um so yeah okay um azaria will have all that sent to the Storm Chaser she won't trouble you with travelling and all that she's like no no no I can send that all off she perhaps probably hints that she's very excited to work on the Sky Prince's new project she's been informed of her
Starting point is 00:22:57 involvement and is very interested and excited everything else Lucius very obviously looks around what project? I don't know of any project quill
Starting point is 00:23:12 do you? there is no need to be coy my chambers are warded against scrying or eavesdropping and anybody within earshot will most certainly be coming with me as my assistants. Right. Got to keep these things on the down low, though. I'm practicing.
Starting point is 00:23:32 And if I were creaking to the ones who were not involved, you can be assured that I would be... subtle. Excellent. Glad we could count on you. Anyway, Quill, let's head to my house. Not in the basement. Let's go. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:59 That's where we're going. Okay. And she just smiles, this kind of very ethereal, very odd woman, Azaria Perel. There's a very, there's often a disconnect when you speak with her that you don't notice. As you are traveling back to Lucius's hidden basement, Nova Vija. Oh no. You hear a voice in your head a voice you have not heard in a long time
Starting point is 00:24:27 it is the voice of Professor Whitsong your old academy professor oh Nova this is Professor Whitsong spoke with your mother incredible finds
Starting point is 00:24:42 things have been happening in Vortensar. My research halted, being kept quiet. Be careful. You have 25 words to respond. It is a sending spell. Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Oh, God, she knows I didn't submit my last paper.
Starting point is 00:25:03 Ah! Oh, God, she knows I didn't submit my last paper. Um. Ah. Vibber. Conscious effort. Blah, blah, blah. Um. Uh.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Um. Are you in danger? Is it Starbane um um yeah that counts possibly meeting council member soon. Can I trust them? So much to tell you. I don't know if that's 25. You've got only three left, I think. Yours sincerely, Nova.
Starting point is 00:26:05 Okay. There is not a follow-up sending. Oh. Oh. Not that I want to add anything to our ever-growing list of things to do, and we do have quite the list of things to do. I've just received a message from my professor back in wortenstar and um lovely it doesn't it doesn't sound good um she says that her project
Starting point is 00:26:37 has been suspended and and and she says to watch out and be careful um which if she's saying it something's wrong something's going wrong i've sent her a message back to ask for more but she hasn't replied yet um i know that we've got more pressing things right now with the bomb and the meeting which is probably also gonna bomb um but yes um if we could just add that to the pile of, oh my, there's a lot of things going on. Right, okay. This project, is it important? Yeah, what is the project the Professor is working on?
Starting point is 00:27:14 Well, Professor Whitsong, she moved to Vorten, the reason she's, she's actually a High Elf, she's not a Ganassi, and the reason that she moved to Vortensar was to investigate the Jasavir incident. Of course, you all know about the Jasavir incident, don't you, from the last time that I told you about it. Right, Quill? Right, Lucius? Yes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:27:37 What? Yeah. Jasavir incident. You know the one, Quill. I know, Jim. Mm-hmm. My favourite. Was it better than my planet being blown up?
Starting point is 00:27:50 It was on a similar vein, where my... I think I was distracted by that last time you mentioned it. So sorry. I really didn't listen. My bad. It's fine, Ayla. It's fine with you two. It's just the other two um it's just other two
Starting point is 00:28:05 yes your people are on the road um yes we understand yes the jazzafira incident is basically where the city from the ganass home world uh was uh accidentally teleported by high elves from this world uh and swapped places um with vortensar so Vortensar is actually from the planet Gnas, which we discovered when we were up there in the Astral Sea. So she was trying to investigate the spell that the High Elf scholars in this planet carried out. So she could figure out if she could teleport them back or, you know, how to stop this kind of thing from happening again. But also maybe we were kind of um investigating a little bit into playing our magic but it's fine um and if she's been told to stop that then then
Starting point is 00:28:50 something i don't know with everything that's happening i i don't know i have suspicions starving suspicious well it would be sensible to assume it's part of a bigger more terrifying scheme and to work backwards from that if it's not that's good but we could always plan that it's the worst case scenario at least but you're right we do have maybe only a few days now to sort this current incident but i'm sure we will can you send a you sent a message, I assume, back. Yeah, I asked for more details, but she hasn't replied yet. I didn't tell you, but I cast Dream the other night so I could speak to my mother. And I sent her kind of information on Ganas to share with the professor,
Starting point is 00:29:42 which I think is why the professor's got in contact with me. I guess we'll see if there really is a council member coming from Vortensar in the next few days, and maybe I can learn more from them, depending on who they are. Yes. We'll make that a priority, to make sure that you have contact with them. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:57 Thanks, Lucius. Well, I'm sure all of us agree, right? Oh, 100%, yes. Just very verbal diarrhea today. I don't know why I've had too much caffeine. Century, stop
Starting point is 00:30:13 making so much coffee. It's too much. Stuff that I want me to make is amazing, and I can't stop drinking it. I can't stop giving it out. The people need to try it. I can stop at drinking it. I can't stop giving it out. The people need to try it. I can stop at any time. I can stop whenever I wanted.
Starting point is 00:30:30 Whenever I wanted. Isn't that right? I'm not drinking right now. Not a big deal. I'm not drinking right now. Not right now at all. And how bad is your headache? Oh, you're both drinking. Okay, great.
Starting point is 00:30:43 Vought and Star can be on the list. I mean, we're in Gasth Okay, great. Well, okay. Well, Vortensar can be on the list. I mean, we're in Gusthaven. We're heading to Horizon. Vortensar should be accessible. Relatively easily accessible with all the teleportation circles on every city. So maybe we can get there quite quickly after the meeting.
Starting point is 00:31:01 But it's just a question of when do we get our ship back. Well, if we're still waiting for the ship then we can go via teleportation circle anyway and then when we come back maybe the ship will be done you know put on the list the big list that keeps expanding big list right excuse me i'll just add that to the list as well with all of this what's the plan i mean it is probably just barely afternoon like or like at least early afternoon um is there any plans that you want to do before you i know you know you guys want to take a long rest before you head to this secret facility um what's the plan maybe we should Moonstar yeah
Starting point is 00:31:47 Moonstar your sister I can't say that in public yeah it's like talking about the secret basement even though definitely we're all, the basement.
Starting point is 00:32:08 We're all in the basement right now. Extra cautious. Secret basement. To update her, maybe she can assist with this infiltration, so to speak. Maybe some more information from the good McGrowner.
Starting point is 00:32:24 Is she a daytime kind of person? I mean, she does seem to operate mostly at night. Does she just sleep through the day? Does she just not sleep? She's an elf, isn't she? So elves don't sleep. That's really handy. I can see how that's really handy, being a nighttime...
Starting point is 00:32:39 They have to rest. They have to trance for hours. It's not that they don't sleep. They do. Handy. You can head to the Lucius basement if you wish. See if Moonstar is there. Yes, I'm sure they will be
Starting point is 00:32:56 aware and will come see us. They probably know that we're speaking about this already and will meet us at my special hidden place that doesn't exist. Great. Okay. Salt and tea. Sure. Let's go there, see if they are not there. Can we pick up some featherful things on the way?
Starting point is 00:33:20 Yes, you wanted feather. Sorry. How many featherful tokens did you want? We'll just do it. They're 50 gold each. Should we do one each? Well, actually, Quill, you don't need one. You don't need one. Four. 200 gold. Just mark off 200 gold and get a featherful
Starting point is 00:33:35 token each. Isn't it nice being able to not need that? Being able to fly again. We don't talk about that broken we don't talk about that it's not going to happen you guys can pick those up on whatever it is
Starting point is 00:33:51 thank you all just when we're there if Moonstar's there then great if not I'll send in so when you head down into the secret El Anasto basement beneath the little park that's been set up,
Starting point is 00:34:10 you find this big open expanse area. Not necessarily things have been moved in, but a small corner of it has been dedicated to what appears to be a small workbench. There is a bedroll on the floor, some satchels
Starting point is 00:34:26 containing supplies, clothes, that sort of thing. And you see with the mask off, Edea, Lucius's sister, is tinkering with something on the workbench. Some sort of kind of grappling launcher, kind of grappling hook device. She's fiddling with that.
Starting point is 00:34:43 She hears there's no immediate panic. She seems to be aware that you've entered but doesn't say anything. Seems to be intently working on her latest gadget, her latest little trinket. Oh, hello.
Starting point is 00:35:01 Didn't mean to interrupt your whatever that is. You are not interrupting. I am capable of maintaining a conversation and working on this at the same time. She seems to be kind of screwing in various plates and some sort of crystal device.
Starting point is 00:35:20 Wonderful. Well, we wanted to update you on our plans regarding the Magrona weapon manufacturing facility thing. We intend to head down there via teleportation circle tomorrow, as early as we can. We plan on maybe casting invisibility before we enter, so we don't get spotted the moment we enter the place. Why is that? But you are a master of...
Starting point is 00:35:48 Do you know where this facility is? You say that you are travelling there via teleportation circles. You have obviously studied the runic sequence necessary. Do you know where it is? Would I know how to find out if I just had the runes? No. It's literally just knowing a... It's like knowing a telephone number, right?
Starting point is 00:36:10 Right. It could be anywhere. No, I don't know where it is. Interesting. But it's accessible now, now that we have the runes to get there. But since you're a master of, well, staying silent and hidden, we were wondering if you wanted to help in some way, scout the playbacks.
Starting point is 00:36:34 I am no master of those sorts of things, nor fear. Lucius and I's guardian and protector taught me. She is far more adept at stealth than i am i have practiced a little bit in the city um well i intend on coming with you i made this clear last time i'm glad that you've informed me but obviously i am coming with you this concerns the people that killed my parents and lucius will be there and it is important to Gusthaven's protection. I am coming with you. In terms of your tactics and visibility, yes.
Starting point is 00:37:10 A very sound idea especially for those of you she looks in Sentry's direction. You do not seem to be the quietest of individuals, Guardian. No, stealth is something I've struggled with in the past, I'll admit. Visibility will be very valuable for you then.
Starting point is 00:37:30 If the Magronas are... Well, they must be involved if you've confirmed that they have this facility through whatever means you have. They are potent mages. We should expect that there may be magical defences there things that can see through invisibility things that can dispel spells perhaps even constructs
Starting point is 00:37:51 to protect them, soldiers I imagine this place will be heavily defended we should expect a battle but the longer we can go undetected the more we can discover without being found, the better. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:38:12 Well, we've got Sentry's Echo. Okay. Oh, I am working on a new... My previous... My magic is better suited to creating these machines and relics. I lack a lot of abilities to get around by myself. I've been modifying a sort of tether, a kind of grappling tether to go further and longer.
Starting point is 00:38:44 It's proven useful in the past. Oh, I don't know if this will be any use to you, but I found this, and I take out a kind of battered bit of parchment. I took this from the Prime facility a long time ago. You might find some use from it, and I hand over this sketch. There was like a sketch of a metal rod with different weapon heads, that weapon heads could be attached to.
Starting point is 00:39:09 If I just say weapon heads enough, maybe the words will actually come out of my face properly. She looks at the parchment and is like this is fine work. This was being drafted by a very powerful magician. Somebody who was very well versed in enchantments.
Starting point is 00:39:28 I think that such a thing is quite honestly a bit beyond my abilities, Nova. This is my talents. My brother has the innate magical abilities that he has. I was more of a study, and in that study of magic, I also have a lot of my father's inventiveness. I am not as skilled with raw magic as our mother and as Lucius are. My talents lay in creating technology,
Starting point is 00:40:04 I suppose, of a sort. This item is far more enchantment. This would have been made by a very powerful sorceress or wizard. I imagine somebody like Azaria
Starting point is 00:40:19 Perel would probably be more suited to making something like this. These formulas are more in line with creating magic items the traditional method. Mine are a little bit more modern. Ooh.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Thinking of modern, do we want to show Edea the things that we brought back from the Astral Sea? That are just on the Twin Star Longbow? What are you doing with your face right now, Nova? I'm trying to do the secret.
Starting point is 00:40:55 I just feel like we need a visual signal for when we're being secret. I feel like she can hear us. Ah, the thing that Lucius's eye has been doing. I'm flicking a light on her. She can hear us. Ah, the thing that Lucius's eye has been doing. That... Yeah. I'm flicking a light on. It's like one light goes off and then one light goes off and on. That's the equivalent of winking.
Starting point is 00:41:16 I've been trying to be really subtle with it. I think I've got my language very down. But it's just a face thing. I can hear you, Nova. You're not being particularly quiet what thing we brought back this thing
Starting point is 00:41:31 this like I don't know what it is some kind of transport that works with magic-y things that are all from that stuff I'm certainly interested some sort of transport that moves via magic. What, similar to an airship?
Starting point is 00:41:48 No, no, it's little, and it has, like, wheels. Two wheels? Only two? That shouldn't be possible. Something that small would require an immense amount of Ethereum. I am interested. That's very interesting, actually. Where do we keep that?
Starting point is 00:42:04 Where is it now? It's on the ship. We should probably bring that into my secret basement. Please, say secret basement one more time. We're in it. It's fine. It's safe here. I can say it all I like. I am very interested. We should go fetch it, though. Yes. Let me put my mask on and I'll come with you. Right. We'll show you it though. Yes. Let me put my mask around and I'll come with you.
Starting point is 00:42:26 Right, we'll show you. Great. I'd like to see the ship. I've heard about it and I saw it. I assumed it was involved with all of you somehow. I'm very curious to see it as well. It's our ship. The Sky Prince would like me to investigate it along with Azaria. Well, we'll give you the tour. Excellent. Let me just... and she picks up her kind of opaline rounded mask, puts her hair up and like cloths on like a helmet and then it snaps too, and the voice modulation kind of comes over. Alright, let's go. Would it not be best for us to not be seen with you, for your identity's sake?
Starting point is 00:43:12 Since working with the Sky Prince, I've been more visible in the city. I don't think it would be too unusual. Also, I will be sticking to the shadows. Very well. Does anyone want anything from this ship? Are you all coming with me? Yeah. Oh, you want to go now?
Starting point is 00:43:34 You want to go now? Now. You want to go now? We got things to do? No, I've got nothing else to do. No possible way of getting out of this. Okay, let's go. I don't have to come. I've got nothing else to do. No possible way of getting out of this. Okay, let's go.
Starting point is 00:43:46 I need to get my scarf back anyway. I understand, it's nothing personal. I need to get my scarf back. So, um... Yep. Oh, you can get the scarf back. If we can investigate this ship and this transport you have,
Starting point is 00:44:03 I would also be interested... Century, you appear to be very different from the last time I spoke with you. Could I talk to you about whatever has happened, this transformation? Oh, of course you can. Yeah. It's very interesting. You're radiating a considerable amount more magical power. Something like that could be extremely beneficial. It's the Prime Matrix.
Starting point is 00:44:26 We went to the Volcanos facility, and I met the Prime, who is this ancient guardian who's been on Arois for thousands and thousands of years. And he passed his power over to me, and now I'm his descendant. I know that the people of Solvin were marveled for their magical advancements in technology they created. Is it possible that this Prime was the source of that knowledge? I believe so.
Starting point is 00:45:00 I would very much appreciate it if I could study whatever has happened, these improvements. Um, yeah. Can do. And with that, she just kind of gets her things ready, ready to leave. You'll probably tell that Century was a bit uncomfortable with that, right? With that request, maybe? Can I messenger ring and just say, can I messenger ring Sentry and just say, you don't have to
Starting point is 00:45:34 if you don't want to, Sentry? It's okay. I'm sure any knowledge gained from my race is beneficial to anyone. In some regard. A lot of people don't know a lot about Guardians. It's just... It's been a lot. A lot of people have asked.
Starting point is 00:46:00 That's what I mean. I know that you're amazing and you're the god of all guardians and stuff, but if someone tried to prod about and examine why I had any of my powers, I would probably hit them. So, I mean, if you don't want to do it, you just stay. Okay?
Starting point is 00:46:17 Okay. Thank you, Ayla. So the plan is to head to the ship? Yes. You guys make your way you have full authority you know you are literally champions of the sky prince as far as the city is concerned so making your way into the secret hangar uh is no problem uh inside it's probably been a few hours by the time it took you to go and buy stuff with zarya get that all shipped out come back to the
Starting point is 00:46:44 secret lab and chat with uh you know all of this kind of stuff it's probably getting to evening time um and when you arrive you can see that work has already been uh the ship has been pulled into a large um huge warehouse and there is like wooden scaffolding built around so that people can get onto the top of it uh you see a black dress, wearing her black dress with this kind of ornate mantle of shimmering purple and black Carthus Azaria Perel. And she has a visor of crystal
Starting point is 00:47:13 over her eyes, which is kind of glowing with subtle enchantments. And she's just staring up at it in wonder, kind of making suggestions to an attendant who's making notes nearby. Guards are patrolling around it uh but
Starting point is 00:47:26 yeah you make your way in uh you head up to the kind of landing entry um and peer inside where you can hear uh captain thalia uh aggressively uh you kind of enter and you just hear a no don't fucking touch that i'll let your mage examine, but you don't know what you're doing. Just leave it alone, all right? If you touch that too much, you're probably going to send a pulse of infernal energy through the ship. Go on, get out. Go on, go and speak to your mistress. Get out of here.
Starting point is 00:47:53 Ugh. Kairi, they're fiddling around with the engines again. Can you check the weapons charge? Oh, it seems okay, Captain. Not too overcharged over here. I think we're in safe parameters. Alright, at least they didn't do that. Could have
Starting point is 00:48:09 blown off half of this warehouse if they'd messed around with it too much. And then emerging from the engineering department with a buttoned up shirt this time, a cleaned Nova's scarf around her neck. You can see it's been
Starting point is 00:48:25 cleaned of any blood and things like that. And Thalia's actually wearing it like a scarf. She kind of emerges not expecting to see you guys there. And there is a kind of like, hey! And then she starts taking the scarf off kind of thing as if like, oh,
Starting point is 00:48:41 I'd forgotten I was wearing this kind of thing. And she's like oh i wasn't expecting to see you all so soon um are you all well are you okay you seem to be having trouble with the researchers uh tinkering they're tink they're tinkering too much honestly key like they're fiddling with things they don't understand. They're treating the Infernal Engine like one of these plebeian airships that you travel around on.
Starting point is 00:49:13 It's not the same. Ethereum, whatever it is, very different thing. The Infernal Engines are temperamental if they're not dealt with properly. But yes, other than that, they're annoyingly curious. They all keep looking at me as if I'm about to turn them into stone,
Starting point is 00:49:29 which I find very irritating. And, apparently, nobody's willing to bring me any alcohol, so I'm annoyingly sober. Hmm. I could probably talk to them and say that, in exchange for poking and prodding at this that they should bring you alcohol
Starting point is 00:49:48 maybe scare them into doing it please do so well they're too scared to even talk to me half the time so if you wouldn't mind Ayla that would be much appreciated who is this and then she points in the direction of the masked Batman
Starting point is 00:50:02 the Batman woman you have brought with you. This is where Mark's going to have to talk in two character voices. This is Moonstar. She works with the Sky Prince and is working with us as well on a mission
Starting point is 00:50:20 coming up and she is very invested in this sort of technology. I've given her access to have a look at the ship if that's alright with you Captain well thanks for at least asking my permission seeing as we've got enough of these elves poking and prodding the twin star one more won't
Starting point is 00:50:40 make a difference moon star looks kind of around it's hard you can't read an expression because she has this complete mask on this is a extremely impressive thing i don't quite know what to even call it vehicle seems utterly lacking in descriptive terms thalia just kind of nods well at least somebody appreciates the twin star um yes by all means have a look around if you wish uh um uh are you all staying around for a bit longer and you can see thalia's kind of like looking glances at nova looks around everyone else again nova is um currently hiding behind sentry just kind of lurking a little bit just like you know just yeah oh we were hoping to take a look at the
Starting point is 00:51:33 um uh you know that thing um it's got like two handles two wheels kind of roll it around yes yes yes yes the one that you recovered from that Valkyrian ship. Yeah, we wanted to show Moonstar that as well. I wasn't sure if you wanted this Zarya woman to look at it, so I hid it in the storage compartment. But yes, if you want to take it, by all means. Yes. Don't want everyone scrutinizing all of the things that we own.
Starting point is 00:52:06 You might have a difficulty getting it past her. She's been obsessively over the ship. But it's in the storage. I can lower it from the outside and then you can take it out from there, but what you do will come to that. Is there something fancy yet completely useless
Starting point is 00:52:22 that you could trigger on the ship to get the attention of the staff whilst we put a cloth on it. I haven't turned the shields on yet. I'm sure that will draw their attention. I have a suggestion. Can we just tell them
Starting point is 00:52:38 to piss off for like an hour or something and then they can come back later? Maybe you lot can. They're not really willing to listen to me it seems that they're uh they keep saying that uh as per the agreement of the sky prince they've been given full rights to examine it but maybe if you tell them it might have some more meaning locius you could maybe say that um you you need an hour or something i don't know it's this is at the end of the day it's's not her ship. She's been given privilege here, so
Starting point is 00:53:05 I think that asking for an hour is fine, and then we can hide it away again. She doesn't need to see it. True. I just hope it doesn't raise more suspicion than necessary. Just say that we want to spend some quality time
Starting point is 00:53:21 with our friend. And have some drinks. Because I do actually want a drink. I'll go ask them now. I'll walk out. Okay, sure. Can I go with him and just try and look intimidating? Don't know if it'll do anything to this woman, but I'll try.
Starting point is 00:53:42 Okay. So, yeah, you guys making your way out there uh i think surely off like while you're having this conversation kairi the little harpy girl who's the gunner of the twin star kind of clambers down the ladder and he's kind of peeking around oh hello everyone and she kind of looks at the ground uh averting her gaze um big cat you hear like a wow from the from the helm uh and the big white cat of big cat emerges you hear like a meow from the helm and the big white cat of big cat emerges, kind of brushes up against
Starting point is 00:54:10 Sentry and Quill, Nova. Still so cuddly, big cat. Not trying to eat me, at least. Yes, yes, I think he's been missing all of you quite a lot. Nova, thank you for saving him.
Starting point is 00:54:34 There's no problem, I won't save anyone. Oh, perhaps I think that the plan... I don't really want to, I think seeing as we're on the Sky City, I was thinking that perhaps Kairi and Big Cat and I might stay off the ship. It's rare that we actually leave it, and seeing as people are poking and prodding all over the place, I thought maybe we'd go and check out one of the inns in the city.
Starting point is 00:55:01 Are you staying anywhere in particular, all of you? Lucius will whip around as he's like almost out the door of the ship oh yes you can you can come stay in our seat uh and he just backs away we are staying in a inn yeah uh lovingly gifted by the sky prince um Yeah, lovingly gifted by the Sky Prince. So, I mean... What was the inn called? You can have my room if you want. I'll just sleep on the Stormchaser. I'm really not fussed about the fantasy room.
Starting point is 00:55:35 Oh, it's fine. I'm sure, well, considering this deal I've broken with your Sky Prince, getting a room should be... I think that that's within his accommodations. No, I think it would just perhaps be good to get off the ship for a little bit she kind of just looks a bit awkward
Starting point is 00:55:51 and stands around while this is all going on Aayla and Lucius you guys make your way over Azaria has kind of turned almost doesn't notice you guys approaching it isn't until one of her attendants kind of like taps her on the shoulder and points that she looks over. Ah, Lord Elinasto and Aayla, I believe, wasn't it?
Starting point is 00:56:10 Yep. Hi. Hello again. How can I help you? Lucius gives a glance at her attire, trying to hide his expression but noticing he gets a few flashbacks to other sorts of things that were on similar colour schemes okay well perhaps
Starting point is 00:56:34 you're okay so when I said it was like black and purple cloak it's not valkyrian purple it's like a shimmery it's more of like very wizardy it's very it's probably glamour weave the same like very wizardy it's it's very like it's probably glamour weave the same thing that your lucius's clothes are made out of so it's kind of like sparkling dimmering but yeah it's i was not have starbane on the back embroidered no but it's not
Starting point is 00:56:56 even the same color right like it's not like a stark purple it's just has a purple shimmer of magic to it is what i more meant all right good it's almost like she dresses almost like a widower at a funeral you know like it's this big elegant black dress with like a veil and stuff and then this kind of shimmery black uh shimmery purple ish energy i love the outfit by the way thank you i do try and do my own fashion trends I know that bright colors are more in at the moment but they are something about a clean black or a mute gray I need to add that to my wardrobe please let me know who your tailor is of course yes I have one in my house at the Aethagora. Come and see them sometime. Oh, yes.
Starting point is 00:57:46 Sorry about that. I did get carried away. I said I wouldn't buy from this place. You did. Is there something that I can help you with? Currently, I must admit, I'm quite keen to continue studying this incredible
Starting point is 00:58:02 thing. This vehicle, this ship. It quite the vessel yes um first of its kind um quite the honor i'm sure um i hope you understand the the gravitas of your situation being the very first of an erosian seeing such technology and keeping it at the utmost importance. Ah, but that is where you are mistaken, of course, dear Lord Alanasto. I am not the first to see such a device, am I? Hmm? Well, you and your companions, you were the ones who discovered it and brought it here.
Starting point is 00:58:37 True, but I mean in terms of research and that knowledge going beyond where we are right now, in Gusthaven. Very true, very true. knowledge going beyond where we are right now in Gusthaven. Very true. And usually for a... I'm dumb. I am a dumb man. I think Ayla can agree. Oh, 100%. I am not going to take this technology and research
Starting point is 00:58:59 and then utilize it for Eros. I simply used it for Eros. I simply used it to get back. I mean, I just, I was, never mind. Anyway, what I'm trying to say. Like so many, you made use of what was available to you, even if you did not fully understand it.
Starting point is 00:59:21 It is, that is common for most people. It is rare that an individual asks why something works. For most people, it is merely enough that it does work. Precisely. What is she talking about? Anyway, I would like to put in a request if possible. We haven't spoken to our dear friend,
Starting point is 00:59:42 the captain of this ship, Thalia, and her dear friends, our friends Big Cat and Kairi, for a very long time, and they've had quite a rough time of it, and we wouldn't mind a moment's peace aboard the ship, and also to go through our belongings. Some of our belongings are still on board, and I'd like to procure them, because they are personal effects of some of ours.
Starting point is 01:00:02 We'd like to remove them from the ship before everyone starts rummaging through my undies and other things that I haven't even washed. So, if you wouldn't mind giving us an hour. We just want to chat with Talia. She's a bit overwhelmed
Starting point is 01:00:19 with everyone poking about. Can you give us an hour to just catch up with her? She was a bit banged up when she got here and then come back. Is that okay? You are requesting that my team and I vacate the warehouse whilst you have these conversations.
Starting point is 01:00:37 Briefly. Make a persuasion check, Lucius. You may... No, you're not going to get advantage. She does get advantage she does not i mean ayla you can make an intimidation check if you really want but your presence certainly doesn't intimidate her yeah i won't bother she's not the type to be threatened by physical um endeavors 17 17 she looks at you for a long time and it's this uncomfortable sensation of like you feel like you're being read like you're a book and she's just like analyzing she like her eyes like absorb every inch of you of course lord devon I would not think of depriving you from companionship with this wonderful woman who has come from the astral space.
Starting point is 01:01:30 I'm sure there are much you wish to talk about. Of course, yes. I will have my... We will take a break. I will have my staff leave and give you some time to speak. Good for morale, I heard. Frequent breaks. But also, please do not feel that you must hide anything from me.
Starting point is 01:01:50 If there are things that you wish to remove from the ship, or if there are conversations you wish to have, anything that you say in my presence is... Well, it is... It would not go any further than myself. Okay, I'll... I'll be honest with you. Can I insight check her?
Starting point is 01:02:08 Yeah, of course. Whilst it's been incited. Wait, what? Insight check? Oh no, I only got nine. It's the classic thing of like, she is very difficult to read.
Starting point is 01:02:23 You don't see any body language or anything that would imply that there's anything more to what she's saying. You don't know. If you must know, and I'm sure a strong trust between those that work directly for the Sky Prince is important. Of course. I do have a small bag of experimental underwear, and you're actually the first to know about it. Some of them have less material than I'm willing to show other people, but I'm building the confidence.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Some of them have the initials of my family embroidered on them. Is that what you needed to know? There is a look of disappointment and just kind of like, not pity, but almost just like, oh dear. Well, I will leave you to your experimental endeavors. We shall take a brief break. And she waves to her attendant,
Starting point is 01:03:29 a signal for the team to vacate for a small period of time. Perfect, thank you. Much appreciated. And I'm going to look at Lucius with, what the hell? I'm pretty sure she could probably read from my expression that Ayla was like, what the hell are you doing but um she will also say uh could you just um thalia uh she's not gonna turn anyone to stone she doesn't really like it when people you know overly stare at her just as a point for your team
Starting point is 01:04:01 i don't know if it'd be reassuring for them of course no please you know miss ayla uh extend my deepest apologies unfortunately some of my staff are not as um well they are perhaps a little small-minded in certain circumstances of course please make nithalia well aware that i am uh deeply sorry for any insult and that I have no concerns of her appearance or abilities and I'm more than willing to help. I could perhaps discuss her condition with her. Perhaps there is a way that I may be able to help if that is something that concerns her.
Starting point is 01:04:36 I think that would be of great interest to her if you wouldn't mind. That would be very much appreciated by all of us actually. So thank you. But yeah, no, it's more that she's not easily offended, Thalia, like at all.
Starting point is 01:04:52 It's more that I kind of feel like your crew could maybe do with feeling a bit more comfortable. Like, they're fine. She's fine. She's got no interest in that. There is no need. Disciplinary actions will be taken.
Starting point is 01:05:07 And she makes a note. Oh, whoa. No, no, no. No, no, no. It is not appropriate for my staff to treat one another and to make them feel in that case. No, no, no. At least a
Starting point is 01:05:21 warning must be given. A verbal warning will be given. Just set their minds at ease. There's no trouble. And don't forget, this is her vessel, and she owns it, and she knows it inside and out. I'm deeply interested in her knowledge
Starting point is 01:05:39 of how this vessel runs, what it has achieved, but also of the worlds that she must have visited. I find her fascinating. Oh, she's got some stories. You're gonna have great conversations. I'm sure she'd be more than happy to chat to you.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Thank you. Please extend my invitation. If she wishes accommodations, if she wishes new clothing or food or anything she requires, House Perel will provide. And she nods her head. I will leave you to your catching up. She smiles and almost like doesn't quite float,
Starting point is 01:06:17 but she just walks effortlessly with grace. Like everything she does is just ethereal and perfectly balanced. And she just yeah meanwhile in the twin star how's that awkward scenario going out of interest Nova's still hiding behind Sentry
Starting point is 01:06:37 like kind of just looking at everywhere like really intently at some of the paneling and um okay yeah i think century would like pick up on it and just ask if i ask how nova's doing it's like are you okay you is it is it the professor your your mom there's a lot on your mind? Are you okay? Yeah, yeah. Really worried about the professor. We've got a lot going on. Nervous look at Thalia, nervous look away. Yep. Yep, yep, yep, yep, yep, yep. Nice and awkward.
Starting point is 01:07:22 No doubt, no doubt, no doubt. This is fun. I think Quill... What's Quill doing in all of this? I'm leading towards the magic bike thing. So when we found this, we were being chased by this giant space worm thing. It was huge.
Starting point is 01:07:41 And Lucius got turned to stone and we tried to balance him on top of this thing to ride us back. Honestly, I think this thing saved us. I don't know how we would have got him out there if it wasn't for this thing. But it stays balanced. Two wheels, balanced. Okay, so you're explaining this to Moonstar. I get what you're doing now, like you're telling the story.
Starting point is 01:07:58 I think you notice that Kairi kind of follows behind as well and has just followed you and Moonstar as you go back into like the cargo area where it's all been stored and just kind of is like quietly kind of like just following and like doesn't really join the conversation but kind of just lingers around Moonstar as soon as she
Starting point is 01:08:16 sees the bike is just all over it like is examining it and is you know kind of pouring over it loads of magitek you know artifice a waffle at you that you don't really understand talking about like power cycles is you know kind of pouring over it loads of magitek you know artifice a waffle at you that you don't really understand talking about like power cycles and uh you know distributions of arcane schools and forces and all of this kind of stuff um but yeah like she's nodding and looking between her and nova like yep yep nova you want to nova you want to jump in on this chat? I don't know what's happening.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Sure. Didn't we have a suit of Magitek armor as well? We were trying to figure out what to do. I'm doing the secret thing now. We discussed Sentry wearing it, and then it wasn't worn. So we do have it. Let me find it, but I definitely wrote it down. Something. Gravia.
Starting point is 01:09:08 It was a gravity thing. I definitely wrote it down because I checked it the other day when we were going through all this. Yeah, you bring that out as well. Kairi probably pulls that out. She goes over to a storage locker and is like, yeah, yeah, the armour that you brought and the power crystals are all in here, actually.
Starting point is 01:09:27 Quill. Quill. Where? And she takes, like, a big wing. It's like... Okay. Anyway, here's the grab armour. Enjoy.
Starting point is 01:09:37 I'm going to... Bye. Quill. Thalia's being really weird. She's, like, been really weird ever since you rescued her. I think she's, like, upset about something, but she won't tell me what it is. I mean, I heard her yelling about people prodding and...
Starting point is 01:09:52 No, no, no. ...using the ship. No, no, no. Before... You know, she was drunk when you all left. And, you know, she's always drunk. But this time, because we didn't have any more in the ship, and as she's gotten more and more sober,
Starting point is 01:10:07 like, she's been crying, and she's been, like, really mad at herself. Like, she's been, like, I've heard her. Something's wrong. I don't know what to do, because I can't talk to her. I can't talk to her when she's like that. I know that since she got here, she was always looking for a way out of the
Starting point is 01:10:25 curse and I made an attempt and it didn't work out but maybe I mean I don't want to just ask her outright like I know that she wants out of the curse but I maybe I can have another try
Starting point is 01:10:40 I've gotten stronger since we last met you're just the only way I just don't know what to do and i didn't know who else to talk to and nova's being weird and and and this is all really like this place is really different and she's been quiet okay like there's all this stuff going on and nova's not talking about magic and and and all this kind of stuff and i pick up on that thing sort of thing you know, Nova has been quiet. No, I noticed it too, don't worry.
Starting point is 01:11:08 It's weird. It's really weird. I don't know why. But anyway, if you've been hearing Thalia, then maybe we should just ask her about it. Maybe we should just ask. And just, you know, maybe we have some better solutions now that we're actually here. I'll do it. I can do it.
Starting point is 01:11:24 Okay, yeah, yeah, you should do it she's probably i can do it okay yeah you should do it yeah yeah yeah you're brave and then she kind of gets behind you like like like wings are kind of pushing into you like yeah yeah pushing you forward okay all right and i'll say it was my idea as well yeah yeah yeah yeah i love that kerry i love that she's talking to quill now and this is adorable yeah what's he's the he's a bird man and she's like a harpy so like she's talking to Quill now, and this is adorable. He's a birdman, and she's like a harpy. I know, but it's so nice to see her actually open up to someone, though. It's adorable. Hey, Talia?
Starting point is 01:12:00 Oh, and Sentry. Yes, Quill, yes. What is the matter uh uh uh in private private meeting oh uh yes certainly well miss moon star examine at your heart's content i suppose um nova knows how most of the ship's engines she was a very fine engineer on our journey back. I'm sure she could probably explain to you how some of all of that works as well. Yes, Quill.
Starting point is 01:12:30 And then she walks over to the cockpit, basically, like, all right, let's talk in here. Now that we're back in Arois, I figured it'd be best to let you know that Sentry has regained her role of motivational master. Wait, what was the role we gave you? Morale officer. Morale officer. Morale officer, not motivation master.
Starting point is 01:12:52 No, that's a different thing. Morale officer. That's my other name. The best of spirits. She makes coffee, she makes food, you know, listens to your problems and solves them. That's what Sentry century does she's the best you know what was what was he wanted to talk to me about oh just you know if you're in like a
Starting point is 01:13:12 little funk then uh you know all the people prodding and prying and just yell it out with century let her know all the problems we can solve it wait wait no if it's being weird and so you're being weird and weird no we're not we're not being weird no nothing's happened nothing what's happened kairi run we're busted uh yeah when you say that she walks it's like a uh like and she like runs out and towards a... And she runs out and towards the turret. She runs back towards the turret like, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Thalia. She flies up into the turret.
Starting point is 01:13:55 Kairi told me that you've been upset recently and quiet recently. And since arriving in Arise, you've been... Please don't make this any more painful than it already is. God, it feels like I'm back in the courtyards when I was a teenager. I think I upset Nova and it has been weighing on my mind.
Starting point is 01:14:22 That is all. Upset Nova? Yes, yes. I did something stupid when I was drunk and I regret it immensely. Alright? Is that what you wanted to hear? Did you hurt her? What did you do?
Starting point is 01:14:35 No, I was very, you know, flirtatious and when I'm drunk I'm stupid about things like that, that's all and yes Nova is somebody I respect a lot and it was stupid
Starting point is 01:14:52 it was very stupid of me if you will allow me, I've been a bit I've been pitying myself as I always do when I'm sober is that right? is that right? perhaps it's better, I don't think she really wants to talk to me Cedric Cedric in fact and perhaps it's better I don't think she really
Starting point is 01:15:08 wants to talk to me so perhaps it's better if and she puts the scarf in Cedric's hands like if you should give that back to her I don't think that I should really talk to her
Starting point is 01:15:16 just another just another just another thing that I've fucked up in my life so just yes still thing that I've fucked up in my life so just yes
Starting point is 01:15:27 still what quill solve it it just looks at you both like really I've dealt with crushes and teenagers and this is different this is a whole this is a big thing this is a big thing
Starting point is 01:15:50 I think they need to talk it out amongst themselves Quill we really don't no that's a terrible idea like I said just given over the scuff back and we'll just move on we'll just try and forget it that's all I'll apologize and then we'll just move on. We'll just try and forget it. That's all. I'll apologize and then we'll just move on.
Starting point is 01:16:10 As long as... He's okay. Nothing... I think I just... Maybe not even upset. Embarrassed? I don't know. I don't know. I'll apologize and
Starting point is 01:16:25 hand the scarf back. We can all forget this hideous mess and I can go back to drinking and forgetting what a complete disaster I am. How about that? That sounds good to me. Excellent! And she claps her hands and then goes to leave.
Starting point is 01:16:43 Is Moonstar looking at the bike this whole time? No, a hundred percent. They're in the other bit of the ship. I'll just go to that bit of the ship. I'm just standing there. I'm just like... It moves people.
Starting point is 01:17:00 It's got wheels. I really am not the person. Nova! Nova! Why is everyone not talking about this? I'm not expecting you to provide me with any sort of technical specifications. Oh, thank god! It moves things. Makes things go forward.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Did we tell you that we put Lucius on it? He was a big block stone. I'm gonna go now, bye. Me and Sentry go in. Well, I think that went well. Great job. Well done there, Master Quill, if I do say so myself. Wonderful.
Starting point is 01:17:34 Nice job, Master. Lucius walks in. What did you get up to? I've got the place to ourselves, by the way, so that we can all catch up and chat to each other. Oh, lovely! Perfect. Let's try and get this bike into the place.
Starting point is 01:17:53 That place. The place, you know? The place. Is that the plan? Secret basement. I'll hand Nova back her scarf that Thalia gave me. I'm not really 100% sure what happened between you two, but Thalia said she's sorry.
Starting point is 01:18:09 I'll leave it up to you two, I suppose. I don't want a medal. Oh, she... I'm not meddling. So it's got two wheels. It goes forward. Nama! She gave you my scarf. Okay, that's fine.
Starting point is 01:18:32 That's... That's... That's... That's... That's brain. Ow. And there's a pop. And Nova goes invisible. Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:18:46 Okay. You can come talk. I don't know where you've gone but you can always come talk to me. My door is always open on the airship or anywhere else that we ever end up in the galaxy. I'm always here for you, Nova.
Starting point is 01:19:10 I'm just going to let you know, okay? Thanks, Settri. I don't really know what to do with this, but being invisible helps. I don't understand what I feel. What brain hurt. Ow. Ow. Wonderful time to take a break.
Starting point is 01:19:32 With an invisible sentry looking around the room trying to give advice to an invisible, embarrassed Nova. I think that that's a great time to take a break. Agreed. We'll come back. Run away from her problems. We'll assume you guys get the bike. There's not going to be any complications getting the bike
Starting point is 01:19:53 to the Lucius basement, really. You guys take that back. Shall we move the armor out as well? So it is 15 Magitek crystals, the suit of Valkyrian armor, full plate, grav armor, heavy, is what I wrote down, and Magitek crystals, the suit of Valkyrian armor, full plate, grav armor, heavy is what I wrote down, and Magitek bike, which I underlined.
Starting point is 01:20:10 We have, no, it's 14 Magitek crystals because we used one to power the bike itself. We used one, yeah. So, some people write that down. I knew, I knew. But I'm just checking.

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