High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Curse of Strahd #18 | The Mad Mage

Episode Date: September 8, 2020

A rare moment of rest as the party decide what to do next. Support the High Rollers and get early access to podcast episodes (and more) on our Patreon: www.patreon.com/HighRollers Thanks to @jackgt...music for the Aerois/Curse of Strahd mash-up intro! Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pickaxe. Rogers. McCrispy fans, there is a new jaw-dropping McCrispy at McDonald's. It's called the Firecracker McCrispy. It has the crispy, juicy, tender chicken you love, topped with crispy jalapenos and a super tasty sweet and spicy sauce. You'll wish this spectacle of flavor never ended. Try the new Firecracker McCrispy today at participating McDonald's restaurants. Last time on Curse of Strahd, much has happened since our party arrived in Barovia. The vampire lord Strahd has hounded them at every turn
Starting point is 00:01:20 in pursuit of his obsession with Irena, also called Tatiana. In Vallaki, they fought terrible foes who cost them their first life, and in seeing her resurrected, doomed another. Madame Ava's fortune reading was cut short by Strahd's assassin, leaving much of their future uncertain. Chasing after the one lead they had, the party have arrived at Argenvostholt in search of a weapon to use against Strahd.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Secrets of ages past and deals have been revealed, but at the cost of another life. But now, in the broken chapel of the Morning Lord, sunlight shines for the first time in centuries, taking the form of a slender blade held in the hands of Irina Kolyana, the reincarnation of Tatiana. And that is where we are going to begin today, my friends. We are going to begin today, my friends. The Chapel of the Mourning Lord is really not much more than a ruin at this point.
Starting point is 00:02:36 A few broken windows, a few remaining pieces of stained glass. But the ruined, rubble-strewned chapel suddenly becomes a sanctum of light as this blade being held by Irina, just a simple hilt now burns with this blade of light coming from it. She holds it up for a moment before closing her eyes and the blade
Starting point is 00:03:00 vanishes back into the hilt and the room goes slightly darker it is not evening it is approaching morning uh or it is morning i believe actually uh and yeah you guys find yourselves in this chapel irena just holds out the the sword hilt you know not keeping it close to her chest almost holding it out as if ready for it to be taken uh as she looks around at the party kind of stunned by this big reveal assuming that it was just a mundane broken sword
Starting point is 00:03:48 I'm sure it had sentimental value but now shows that it's actually very potent and the fact that it's sunlight, big deal so he's just kind of in a state of shock at the moment and all those anime noises
Starting point is 00:04:03 okay Nani? shock at the moment just like and all those anime noises okay you can see kind of looming behind irena slash tatiana is is mark um still not quite looking in xeros's direction, but his eyes have widened at the sight of this blade. But yeah. So. Are we?
Starting point is 00:04:38 This is just after this is after Zeki has done the thing. Yes, this was after welleki has done the thing yes this was after well Rose is the only one who saw what happened as you had made your escape from the tower
Starting point is 00:04:54 the very earth had begun shaking trying to threaten to bring Argenvost Holt down and in the process Zeki had fallen through the tower and landed down here in the chapel, seemingly knocking herself unconscious. But as Rose, you approached her, you heard her kind of rasp out the word no. And then the shaking had stopped and she has risen to consciousness, still badly injured. She's still bleeding and you can still see she's injured.
Starting point is 00:05:24 But yeah yeah you were the only one here who saw slash heard it even xeros who was above didn't so i recall us running to the aid of ziki before or after irena showing us this uh yeah that was before so it was after ziki ziki is alive like she's got hit points you'd all gathered around and yeah and Irina showed you the sword what it was capable of this is far more
Starting point is 00:05:55 than I could have anticipated the sunlight this could be our chance it would damage him yes this sword will be This could be our chance. It would damage him. Yes. This sword will be a very powerful weapon against Strahd, but
Starting point is 00:06:11 it is one that not everyone can use. This sword is... It possesses not a life, but a mind of its own. My brother knew... Not my brother.
Starting point is 00:06:29 My beloved Sergei knew it. He felt it. Perhaps even a piece of him is within it now. Those of you who have... And her eyes flicker towards Zeros. Zeros, those of you who have touched darkness, this weapon will not work for you. It will not bring forth its blade of light.
Starting point is 00:06:53 It must be wielded by someone who has justice in their hearts, someone who has light, who believes in avenging what Strahd has done but someone who is uncorrupted and someone who knows how to use it. This is no ordinary
Starting point is 00:07:16 weapon. It may look like a common sword but because it is made of light it is extremely light. Someone who is used to handling very delicate weaponry would be better suited to something like this. Someone who knows how to use it mixed with agility rather than just brute strength would be best suited to it.
Starting point is 00:07:42 You're looking for finesse. Yes, finesse would be an suited to it. You're looking for finesse. Yes. Finesse would be an apt word. But, if you wield this weapon, Strahd will not hold back. Every time that you have fought him up till now, he has not brought his full power to bear. When he sees this blade, he will come for you with everything that he has
Starting point is 00:08:08 I'm sure of it but without this weapon exactly what happened when Shadow attacked him with her spell he sensed the potential threat that she had and even against Shadow,
Starting point is 00:08:26 I do not believe Strahd revealed his full strength either. Strahd is not just a master. He is a powerful warrior, but he has mastered magics, old magics. And I don't think that we've seen his full strength just yet. So any more allies, weapons, tricks that we can create, well, they will be useful to us. I think it's going to be you or I, Jesper.
Starting point is 00:09:16 Not dogs, buddy. Uncorrupted. Yeah, definitely uncorrupted. I mean, I'd have have it but lady over there keeps giving me the eye every time I reach for it look side eyeing Tatiana
Starting point is 00:09:36 I will not judge one who wishes I mean you took it when we first found it dog's body but well if you wish to take it, I will not stop you. Yeah, I don't think it's my kind of weapon. I don't think it will work for me. I don't think the light show will happen for me.
Starting point is 00:10:02 And, yeah, as much as I'd like to have a go at the old strides, I don't know. Everyone's looking at me. Stop looking at me. Well, I have been trained by the Vistani to use this, and I get out my rapier. This is how I've fought. I've adopted my
Starting point is 00:10:29 college of swords. I've done my training. I know how to use it. It's just it's the symbol that's behind it which is it's a big undertaking. And I'm looking back at the reading of the Taroka deck that drew us here in the first place
Starting point is 00:10:51 seeing if there's any answers there the four of stars the abjura is there anything that links either of us to it or is it just a light on the place where it was hidden
Starting point is 00:11:06 maybe you should try and see if you can read the rest of the cards we've tried before but is it worth another shot Jasper Jasper says yes Jasper has to find his cards sure yeah you can try to by all means um i mean before you even get the cards out yes but you know that there is a you have to be in a certain to really truly read the cards anybody could draw a card but that isn't the same thing as determining fate
Starting point is 00:11:45 uh there is a mystical element to this preparation i think the last time was i needed to almost get the the essence and soul of madame ava back somehow reach out to her in some way that was that was the feeling you had that you needed something that could help broach that gap between uh this world and madam ava's soul you know this is and the whole time you are but a mere apprentice you still need that mentor's touch to really bring out your abilities um which means perhaps either finding a person that can speak to that soul or finding a way to connect it or perhaps finding a piece of Madame Ava's past that will
Starting point is 00:12:33 unlock some mystery okay how about this the sword belongs to none of us it is a symbol as the reading has shown us, we need these weapons. And whoever wields it now does not necessarily need to wield it the whole time. It will go to whoever needs it the most.
Starting point is 00:12:59 That makes sense. For now, I don't mind taking it. Rose, I'm sure you don't mind taking it either. I have been using a sword this whole time. It will be an easy swap for me. I prefer using my bow anyway. It would just be useful to maybe look for an upgrade for that, since it doesn't seem to be doing too much damage to things around here
Starting point is 00:13:25 many of Srad's creatures are resistant to steel and wood magic is their ultimate undoing finding magic relics here in Barovir is not easy but
Starting point is 00:13:41 there are a few perhaps there is the abbot of Krezik I don't know much about him but powerful magic I know that and then there is a wizard the people spoke of him
Starting point is 00:13:58 Irina when I was Irina heard stories of a mad wizard that lived in the mountains perhaps somebody like that could have it when I was a arena, heard stories of a mad wizard that lived in the mountains. Perhaps somebody like that could have it. And then there is an old tower not too far from here as well. Perhaps I think that once belonged to a wizard of some kind. Maybe something was lost there.
Starting point is 00:14:18 But still, it is better if I do not carry this weapon. We all know that Strahd seeks me out. That he would take me if he could. I do not want him to get his hands on this weapon ever again. And she holds it out to you, Jesper. Yeah, I'll take it.
Starting point is 00:14:38 Okay. You may add to your inventory the sun sword. Woo! Damn. Nice. And as you take it, you feel this kind of presence within the hilt, this kind of bubbling emotion. There is a sense of
Starting point is 00:15:05 trepidation but also as your own feelings and your own emotions your hatred of Strahd begins to kind of mingle in with the blades you feel this sense of approval and not quite happiness but satisfaction
Starting point is 00:15:21 I think me and this sword will get along just fine happiness but satisfaction. I think me and this sword will get along just fine. You just have to promise me one thing and that is that you will hit him with it hard for shadow. Yes, if there's anything of a rotten heart left that will be the first thing I aim for
Starting point is 00:15:45 I don't think there is much there but a good place to aim nonetheless well now that this business has been settled I think it best you consider your next options you've convinced myself and Ismark to remain with you
Starting point is 00:16:02 though we are still somewhat wary of what has transpired. She looks towards Zeros. But I'm afraid that from here my old memories and Irina's new memories they don't provide any clear
Starting point is 00:16:20 answers. Ismark? I have nothing left. Take me wherever you go. I'm sure Strahd will follow. When he does, I will help you fight him and kill him. And then you can leave this place
Starting point is 00:16:36 and he looks towards Zeros and be gone forever. The bromance! It ain't over yet yet it's not over yet it's not over yet so yeah what's everyone else doing so you know while we've got this moment you know Jesper's now holding this
Starting point is 00:16:56 sword and Jesper you can tell that as a you can summon the blade of light as the bonus action basically whatever the magic item says nice yeah what's everyone else doing what's the plan summon the blade of light as the bonus action basically whatever the magic item says nice yeah what's everyone else doing what's the plan I think figuring out the next step right
Starting point is 00:17:12 Sun Sword was the goal for a long old time and now we've got it that and the tome of Strahd which kind of revealed some of Strahd's history so Mad Wizard's a thing which kind of revealed some of Strahd's history. So, Mad Wizard's a thing. I know he was on the list.
Starting point is 00:17:31 He was. So that could be a good one. And also Strahd's soul, try and find that, but that ain't going to be easy. Wow. Unless we just go to a place and hope. Sure. I guess wherever we go,
Starting point is 00:17:52 we want to be going away from what's this place? Castle Ravenloft. Of the lucky. The one that we... Yeah, the one that we really... Really messed up in. That place. I mean, you know, did you mess up or, you know, was it just, it was pretty bad to begin with.
Starting point is 00:18:12 It was pretty bad. I mean, it could have gone a lot better. It could have gone a lot better. Dog's body's like. Do you want a trip to that time? Should I stroll in and find out where the horses are? Hello, good job On the wagon
Starting point is 00:18:29 What any horses? Called Nelly and Furtado They're dead Oh, I forgot about Nelly and Furtado They might still be alive Best horses Good horses, they'll keep those They're probably like some kind of weird zombie horses now.
Starting point is 00:18:47 Who knows? What's going on with Zeke? What's how Zeke feeling about everything? What's on Zeke's mind? She's kind of, I think she's feeling a bit twisted up inside, like seeing the sunlight sword and feeling that,
Starting point is 00:19:04 I guess that positive radiance that would that she felt when she touched the hilt like feeling that radiant energy i think she'd be kind of she'd be kind of wishing maybe things hadn't gone the way they did in a little way okay a little little regret but i think uh but part of but i think she remembers that strength that she had when she fell there was a lot of it there was a lot of a brief moment when that earthquake was threatening to bring down argan vosthol and you thought of you know the the story of this place the dragon that you'd learned about the idea of the beacon like i think ziki that seemed to for when i was listening to you that seemed to be something that ziki really
Starting point is 00:19:50 kind of set in on and the fact that knowing that that could be destroyed and then that sort of very primal earthy rage but it was dark like you felt that power come from the mists and for that brief moment yeah whatever strad was doing you had the power to say no this is not your land and you stopped it you don't know if you could you don't know how to call up that power again but it's there somewhere in you yeah you could try and find somebody to teach you them i mean this is the place where there might be somewhere here in barovia where you could learn more about this power, but you don't know it as is. Awesome.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Yeah, cool. Zeros? Dog's body? Is there anything Dog's body might know from being a man of the town? You know, he's been around Barovia a little bit. He's been around for a bit, yeah. Yeah, I mean, what do you want to know about? I guess
Starting point is 00:20:49 he was kind of living rough and wild for a bit. Yeah, would he know of anything? He's heard the party mention things like this wizard and I guess, would he know of any other things that could help against Strahd?
Starting point is 00:21:06 Yeah, I mean, you've heard of the Abbot and Krezik. You know that there are some problems around Krezik, especially in the woods, that there are servants of Strahd there. But, you know, as any good warrior knows, if you were to eliminate Strahd's powerful servants, that does diminish him of his forces. If this is to be a battle, then removing powerful enemies is a good thing. Perhaps hunting some things in the woods could be a good idea.
Starting point is 00:21:38 The abbot, you know that there is this kind of fanatical cult around Krezic and the abbot, but you've never really encountered them. You've always kind of kept away and avoided them. They seem to be enemies of Strahd. They're very zealot against Strahd. They will hunt down, you know, Vistani that they think are in service with him. They will hunt down wolves and bats and creatures of Strahd's,
Starting point is 00:22:00 and you've heard them refer to this being the Abbot. From the sounds of it, very powerful, very magical, has considerable abilities. But yeah, you don't really know much more than that. Definitely an enemy of Strahd's, though. The mad wizard, I think you have, again, only really heard stories. But maybe late at night, whenever you went near Lake Zarevich, on the distant shores, you could see weird lights
Starting point is 00:22:31 and a man shouting, angrily shouting nonsense. But then it would fade, vanish, almost like a ghost story. You would just hear these random ravings and then they would go. Could have just been a trick of the mind. It could have been one of Strahd's illusions or just Barovia being Barovia. Something that a dog's body identifies with, just a man shouting at night.
Starting point is 00:22:56 The other one is there is a ruined tower not far from Argonvost Hall that I think you would have tried to get into at one point yeah but there is some sort of um ward on the door uh that prevents anybody from getting inside um this old tower um that could be it looks quite secure it looks like nobody else has gotten into it because of this these these wards um and that's in near lake baratok which is about sort of north uh west of where you guys currently are that's like a good tower it could be um that's probably the closest um the mountains um the where you've heard the rumors of the Mad Wizard
Starting point is 00:23:45 is on the far side of Lake Zarovich, which you would need to go back to Vallaki to reach. Krezik is beyond, is maybe like another sort of like day or like few hours journey past this tower that you've heard about or you've seen. Yeah. Otherwise, the only things you probably yeah i think that's pretty much the extent of dog's body's knowledge
Starting point is 00:24:10 cool um tom do you want to think about what's zero's up to and then i will interject uh hot barovian goss i I can't go back to Valaki. Hot Barovian goss. Because I did some bad shit in Valaki, is why. But if we went, do we have to go through Valaki to get to the other side of that lake?
Starting point is 00:24:38 You don't have to, but it would first of all, it would dramatically increase the amount of time, because you'd be travelling through woods. And as has been told to you, I believe Jesper has said this, and you've also experienced it, the woods of Barovia, they're not just normal woods. Moving through the woods here is dangerous
Starting point is 00:24:58 because that is where many of Strahd's servants live. Sort of sunlight. would yeah yeah you definitely could try and fight them off um but you know things like resting um is dangerous in the woods they are not safe so it's possible but it's just higher higher chance or higher likelihood likelihood of you encountering bad stuff. It is easier to travel by road to this tower or Krezik than to try and get to those mountains. Yeah. Towers always go well, don't they?
Starting point is 00:25:43 Yeah, we've been to it. People who are called a mad wizard, that'll always go well don't they oh yeah we've been people who recall the mad wizard that'll always go well right well i mean the mad wizard it's a 50 50 chance of of fun times and by fun times i mean like i think it's more like 90 10 bad times to good but we survived 75% of those bad times so what could go wrong that's not great we're not on a great list we've only had 3 player deaths
Starting point is 00:26:14 I'll let dog's body go you have something to say dog's body you're itching very itchy, yes. Just, you all seem a bit lost. And I let Dog's Body be your local Barovian tour guide. I think I heard a few whispers.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Sorry, very nervous. Not used to people actually listening to what I have to say. Nearby, so up first on the local fauna and flora, there is a tower. I tried to get into it. Could have done with some indoor, you know, shelter. It was quite dark and stormy. But there's a tower, but I couldn't get in because there's a weird symbol on the door. Very burny uh it's near lake baratok um there's uh i think i mentioned it before um there's a lovely chap
Starting point is 00:27:16 around here uh goes by the title mad wizard um and uh he's by another lake lovely lake lovely little thing quite big body of water good fishing it called Lake Zarovich and he's got a tower and he does this lovely thing where he comes out at night and shouts a lot and there's like lots of lights and that's quite fun to watch especially when I'm just you know need some entertainment quite boring otherwise um but yeah very pretty lights and he shouts sometimes i shout with him and then he goes away and uh i sometimes wonder if that was all in my head but i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure he's there because there's another tower like saravich um i mean if you're feeling super feisty, there's also a town called Krezik.
Starting point is 00:28:07 It's full of religious folks. They don't like me very much. I smell a bit. They threw rocks at me last time. But yeah, there's this guy called the Abbot there. He doesn't like Strahd. Yeah, very anti-Strahd. But also anti-dog's body. so i don't really know how i feel
Starting point is 00:28:27 about that uh that's up uh in krezik it's called um but also uh you know i've met you guys you don't know me i don't know you there is a little you know problemo uh in the kind of woods northeast of Krezik. You know, some of the kind of beasties that kind of work for Strahd. You might want to help old dog's body, you know, have a word. Servants of Strahd, you know, if you want to weaken Strahd, take out his servants. What benefit does it have to you, specifically? A little bit of vengeance, maybe? Right.
Starting point is 00:29:13 Thus concludes Dogspotty's tour of Barovia. Thank you. Tips welcome. Very useful guidance. I think we should go to the mad wizard. He'll be
Starting point is 00:29:30 happy to see us. He owes us his life. So this is the wizard that Dog's Body has heard in the mountains north of Vallaki. Lake Zorovich. Or is this the tower?
Starting point is 00:29:47 My reasoning for the mad wizard screaming into the night is it's a potential lead to get us information on how I can reach out to the soul of Madam Ava as Irina
Starting point is 00:30:03 suggested I do so that we can get more information on more relics more guidance how to defeat Strahd and someone that is arcane and seemingly knows
Starting point is 00:30:20 that sort of thing could be of use to us. That's the only thing I have from all the suggestions. Maybe Krezik has the same. The abbot maybe knows how to speak with those that have passed on or souls that have not found a vassal. But that's my idea. What about yours
Starting point is 00:30:45 they also have rocks rocks mine's very similar if there's a wizard I perhaps would like some guidance as well this power I have now I would like to
Starting point is 00:31:03 learn to control it better if this is what I have now, I would like to learn to control it better. If this is what I have now to fight Strahd with, then I need to do better with it. Power? The, uh, the mists. The, uh, they gave me these different powers. You've seen some of them that I've used before. They're not this... It's unusual.
Starting point is 00:31:30 It's a different feeling to what I'm used to. Before my magic came from radiance, from somewhere good. But this power's different. It's... I don't know. I get angry. I get, I feel feelings that I, that feel foreign to me.
Starting point is 00:31:56 And, but I just, I need to learn more about it. It's powerful. Very powerful. Very powerful. Dangerous. Well, I haven't hurt anyone that I care about, hopefully. She stopped the shaking. What?
Starting point is 00:32:22 Just as I got down here she stopped the shaking the earthquake it was Zeki's power I don't know how but are you sure? it's extremely powerful it has to be it wasn't a coincidence Zeki said no when the shaking stopped
Starting point is 00:32:39 she controlled it that is some power. You see, as Rose explains this, Irina's expression grows quite dark. If she could stop the shaking, that means that you have... The dark powers who once gave Strahd his immortality. The ones that convinced him to drink Sergei's blood.
Starting point is 00:33:17 To be given immortality. They gave him the power over this land. To shape it. to destroy it. And you have some similar power, Ziki. She kind of looks in Ziki's direction. I could feel Strahd right when I was in the mists, as I was laying at the bottom of that tower. I felt his pull, trying to pull the tower down.
Starting point is 00:33:51 Whatever power stopped it was against him and helped me stop him. Zeros, you said that Strahd is trying to escape, you said. To take over realms outside of Barovia. Then perhaps the ones who once gave him his power, the dark powers of Baroviaia the creatures of the mists the servants of Mother Night perhaps
Starting point is 00:34:29 they if he is trying to escape the prison that they have created for him then it seems that they have found someone new to bequeath their power to she looks at Ziki not the same as Strahd's to bequeath their power to. She looks at Zeke.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Not the same as Strahd's, but dark power nonetheless. Regardless, having knowledge of this power I think is a good call for us all to have a good understanding as to its extent and what it is capable of. If that is what you truly wish, Jesper,
Starting point is 00:35:15 there is only one place to learn of the dark powers, to learn of their gifts, and perhaps a place that you, too, can speak with the spirit of Madame Ava. But it is a dangerous place, one forbidden to many of us who have grown up in Barovia. I know only of it through a scattering of my old memories of stories that we were told, that my previous reincarnations have been told about it is called the amber temple it was built by wizards long long ago and in it there are vaults vaults that contain the vestiges of the dark powers themselves.
Starting point is 00:36:07 The beings that gave Strahd his power. The ones that have now made Ziki their new vessel. If you truly wish to learn of your powers, dragon, that is where you will find the answers and that place alone. But they have many dark gifts. Speaking with the dead, that would be... well, it falls within what they are capable of. Thank you. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Do you know where this temple is located? It is... I have vague memories. The temple was built into the Balinok Mountains a long, long time ago. This was before Strahd. This is just knowledge that I barely remember from childhood stories told to us. I'm trying to remember, but it is difficult. I think that perhaps finding somebody who has a greater knowledge of history would be more beneficial to us if we wish to seek out such a place. That was where the war was, right?
Starting point is 00:37:35 The Balinok Mountains? There was a war. Part of it, yes. Part of it, yes. It came from that place, Thrad, and the others, the war was fought all around. Barovia is a valley. This place teemed with life, but the war
Starting point is 00:37:52 was fought deep into the mountains, and then it came here, to Barovia. We need someone with historical knowledge. Somebody who has more than me perhaps or there would be records of the amber temple
Starting point is 00:38:16 but you will not like where they are stored Ravenloft the library of Ravenloft would have information like this okay we are not ready for that no we can't go walking up
Starting point is 00:38:36 to his doorstep Irina says nothing she says no level to meet these requirements it's not true at all not true at all but we will die
Starting point is 00:38:54 just so you know maybe I'm actually trying to look up on the map where the Amber Temple is because even I'm struggling to find it I'll be honest even the DM can't find it this is the problem when it's not your
Starting point is 00:39:09 own stuff so well as it isn't so well as it isn't even the dungeon master does not know where it can be found chat roleplay Roleplay amongst yourselves Have fun, I specifically request it
Starting point is 00:39:29 What flaming symbol On this door in the tower Okay, I found it I don't know It was lots of triangles Spiky, ow It was dark, it was a dark and stormy night. You know, like,
Starting point is 00:39:46 Aurovia has a lot of those. And I was very wet trying to get in. I just know that I reached out, got a little buzz, and I just decided to go and curl up in the woods instead. Did it look anything like that?
Starting point is 00:39:58 And I'll point to Tatiana. Her chest specifically. Oh. No, it didn't. R chest specifically. Oh. No, it didn't. Rude. Rude. It looked like those. Don't point at a lady's chest like that. That's very ungentlemanly.
Starting point is 00:40:17 But no, it did not look like this. It was kind of strange. It was almost like a clock dog's body It had like positions of Some sort of strange stick figures Making strange positions
Starting point is 00:40:33 It looked like a clock The emblem on the door You know like A device That tells What is that thing the passing of a day Time Looked like that that tells... What is that thing? The passing of a day? Time?
Starting point is 00:40:48 Look like that. Like a clock. A clock! Yes! Very educated. Okay. Yes. I don't know what time is. What is time? Here, who knows? It's dark all the time anyway to be honest it's morning because as tatiana was showing you the sword um light began to stream through
Starting point is 00:41:16 the actual day there's not really sunlight here but there is a noticeable time when it is not nighttime there's this kind of dusky grey light. Like a very overcast day. Blocked out by clouds. Where to? The mad wizard? The tower? Krezik? The mad wizard
Starting point is 00:41:44 doesn't know it yet yet but we saved his life we have something on him at least how did we save his life the blade of nessus had five targets madameva was one of them the mad wizard was another oh
Starting point is 00:42:00 enemies of strad he is a powerful enemy i like the sound of that Oh. Enemies of Strahd. He is a powerful enemy. I like the sound of that. That's a good sign. Yeah. Jesper, I think if you're going to find any information about Madame Ava, that might be
Starting point is 00:42:18 a really good shout. And I think that the information she gave us so far it took us a while but we do have a sword of sunlight that can be very powerful against strad if if they can give us anything else if if ava can give us anything then i think it's worth pursuing very well then does body do you know the way from here uh
Starting point is 00:42:49 yeah north and follow the sound of screaming and lights at night north is at least a very good uh beginning point right just gonna point in any direction i'm gonna point in a direction that isn't north and claim it's north hopefully as we move in that direction you'll recall some landmarks i hope
Starting point is 00:43:17 yeah me too yeah one of those landmarks is uhaki. So that's an easy way to find it. Yeah, so... I'm going to bring my team from that way, so not that. There's this town we're going to have to go through, a really creepy place. It's called Vallaki. No. No.
Starting point is 00:43:36 And they make pies there. No. No, cakes, cakes. They have cakes there. No. Three nice ladies, three kind of old and ugly but nice ladies make cakes there yeah i don't know if you've been to velaki before um creepy toy maker and yeah not we're not welcoming velaki oh no
Starting point is 00:43:59 no oh No. I killed some holy bones. Oh. Well. It's tragic. It was just a very awkward silence as Xeros announces that. You guys, you've really... How long have you been here?
Starting point is 00:44:24 Because it sounds like you've had the wildest adventure in the very short time that you've been here. Crazy. You could say that. You could really say that. Yeah. Anything else you want to tell old dog's body that you've been up to? Just, just, I don't know. Just, you know.
Starting point is 00:44:44 The cakes in that town are likely grind up children's bones. Come again? There were hags in that town that made cakes out of children's bones. You've
Starting point is 00:45:02 eaten the cake, haven't you? Excuse me. One minute. Yes, esteemed you've eaten the cake haven't you excuse me one minute esteemed friends dog's body is just going to go behind a tree and there's a sound of profuse vomiting and you step out the only tree is really in the graveyard
Starting point is 00:45:19 where you fought Strahan so you have to go out into the graveyard next to a little tombstone yeah just throw up profusely cool you fought Strahan, so you have to go out into the graveyard next to a little tombstone. Yeah, just throw up. Yeah. Profusely. Sure. Cool. Well, I'm going to assume that after Dog's body is finished retching, you
Starting point is 00:45:34 begin travelling north in the search for this mad wizard, it seems. Mad wizard? Mad wizard, it seems. Leaving Argenvoss home. I mean, do you want to take a long rest or do you want to take a short rest?
Starting point is 00:45:52 Oh, I have no spell slots. And I have 8 HP. Sounds like you would like a long rest, Siki. Guess it makes sense. Siki would like a long rest, please. Okay. Let's say it's about 8 AM. So you can begin the process like a long rest blizz okay let's say it's about sort of 8 a.m um so you can begin the process of a long rest here in the chapel i'm assuming son of a bitch yes
Starting point is 00:46:13 let's barricade the doors yeah you can get the pews there's like broken pews and things like that you could go back to the mausoleum where you had your rest before strata tax you could go back in there um hey guys uh the mausoleum looks really good got lots of solid walls i've slept in there before it's pretty tight yeah let's go sleep in there real safe it's not it's not it's not tight just enough for a mist to come in Just enough for a mist to come in. Strahd never strikes twice. Draft Excluder. Along the bottom.
Starting point is 00:46:50 Problem solved. Well, if you take a rest in the chapel, it's not hard to use the pews to try and form some basic barricades and things like that. And yeah, you begin the process of spending eight hours in the morning trying to get what little sleep you can find what rest you can um as you do i'm just trying to think here would anybody have any visitations from anything just trying to think what he's got his usual ritual of
Starting point is 00:47:28 just screaming just rocking backward and forth just occasional thing i think it would be very disconcerting um well i think ziki when you sleep ziki you begin to dream and you know what is happening when you see the quaint little country village that you've been enjoying as part of a dream painting by the river, painting a beautiful little pastoral scene on your canvas with your paints. And everything almost seems back to normal. And then you know what is happening when the mist rolls in and the sky turns dark and black and purple and the shadows elongate and the mist rises. And you notice looking at the canvas that you've been painting on that has become warped and twisted the river flows an oily black the trees no longer have
Starting point is 00:48:38 their leaves and stood on the banks of the river, painted onto the canvas, a little, simple replication of the figures that you've seen in the mist. And in a kind of awkward, clumsy way, they begin to move, their paint bubbling and boiling as it moves across the across the canvas itself child the voice kind of rasps out you have tasted some of the power of the land. You can feel his grip weakening. You must
Starting point is 00:49:34 embrace your calling. I'm scared. What if I hurt someone there is no fear pain is temporary pain is
Starting point is 00:49:57 fleeting but Strahd's misery will last forever if he escapes, he will be an immortal blight upon the world. We can give you more, but you must come to learn the secrets. Find Mount Gakis. At its base, you will find our temple and our guardian.
Starting point is 00:50:43 And they will know you now Gekis okay okay remember you did this to save him if Strahd gets free, he will die.
Starting point is 00:51:15 Okay. Mount Gagis. Yes. Okay. Good child. Sweet child. Barovia will be yours to make better. To make better.
Starting point is 00:51:39 To make, to, okay. To make better. Okay. And then the dream begins to fade and pass away. And you guys finish a long rest. Cool. Enjoy. Found that page in the old manual then, eh?
Starting point is 00:51:58 I did. Found the map? I did. I found the point on the map. Thank you. Are we all prepared? Blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:52:22 The other thing I was going to say is, Tom, I don't know if you're just keeping it keeping in your back pocket but do you remember what you learned about uh who you can speak to uh if need be as well okay keeping that in the back pocket yeah we call dm we call we call dm okay okay okay cool uh yeah you guys will wake up um it is probably about four o'clock in the afternoon KKKKK KKKKK Cool You guys will wake up It is probably about 4 o'clock in the afternoon The sun is setting already You've spent most of the day
Starting point is 00:52:54 Resting We need to get going everybody Yes Get your rations in order Your travelling gear Lighten the load if you can I don't know how far we're going dog's body do have a rough estimate
Starting point is 00:53:11 um the day depends are we gonna go through Vlaki or around Vlaki ideally not around then more than a day around around well Dilly not. Around. Then more than a day. Around. Around. Around.
Starting point is 00:53:28 Well, I'm just going to bring something up. So Ismark will kind of cough. Well, if you want to head to the northern shore of Lake Zarovich, but if we can't go through Vallaki,
Starting point is 00:53:44 which I understand why not, then, well, we could go along the river bank that we used to get to Argenvostold, climb down. It should be easier than the climb up. Or we can make our way along the road back into the woods. There's a bridge that leads towards Vlaki, but if we head north from there, follow along the western banks, but most of that is through the woods. The woods encircle Lake Zarovich. They'll slow us down. It'll take us maybe four, an hour or two.
Starting point is 00:54:19 I'd say two, three hours to reach the bridge and then to get to the northern shore of Lake Zarevich two, four, perhaps half a day another, or perhaps eight hours something like that moving through the woods it will slow us down
Starting point is 00:54:39 be prepared I don't know what will haunt us in the woods now do you want to follow the river out of Argonvost, or shall we head out onto the road? If we're moving through the forest, Rose, it's a favored terrain. That's right. So I can lead us through,
Starting point is 00:54:59 and we can move stealthily at a normal pace. I believe that's only you, but I think... No, that's well alone. No, but we can... The group doesn't get slowed down by difficult terrain. It doesn't slow your group to travel. So you reckon you can cut that time in half? Yeah, so you reckon you can cut that time in half?
Starting point is 00:55:17 But yeah, but yeah, is Mark's point like, do you want to head out onto the main road or go the way we came in down the hillside? It'll be easier to go along the road. Might take us an extra hour or so. It's safer and we won't get lost then, maybe.
Starting point is 00:55:39 I can't promise it's not safer, but... I have the Sun Sword to light our way if we need it. Alright, well let's head out the main doors then. Rose, if you come with me, you and I can sort of lead the trail. Everyone else can
Starting point is 00:55:58 come behind. Irina, stay close with me and Rose. Okay. There is a part of me that's like, maybe we should go to the north of Vallaki and just steal one of their boats
Starting point is 00:56:12 and go right across the river, across the lake. Yeah, you could absolutely do that. You could absolutely do that. They've got a port. It's a port town. It's got like a, it'll have like a little dock,
Starting point is 00:56:24 so it'll have like fishing boats and stuff that you could sail across the river that's a quicker way across if you ask me yeah do you know how to swim that's a quicker way to die well that's this is all tom hazel out of character so far i'm if if is if xeros says something in character, then the NPCs can possibly weigh in. But until then, this is all just conjecture. I'm thinking of bad things I could do. Bad ideas. Bad ideas go in the Tom voice. I like the bad ideas, to be honest.
Starting point is 00:56:56 But until they're with the Xeros voice, they're not real ideas. So, yeah. Ismark and Rose begins leading everybody out onto the road um it is still late afternoon early evening but the sun is there where there is still daylight of a sight of a sort it's not actual sunlight um but yeah you guys make your way along the road um and there is no real threat of danger it takes you maybe sort of two hours to follow the road back to the bridge of vallaki you can see up ahead as you begin approaching the bridge that there are several
Starting point is 00:57:32 clockwork soldiers that you had seen in vallaki and at least one vallaki guard who are stood at the bridge as if keeping watch they have not spotted you yet i'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt um that they are not expecting anybody immediately. So my question is, how do you all want to proceed? There is a cutaway. You could start heading up another path. But if you try and cross the bridge, you will have to deal with these sentries.
Starting point is 00:57:59 How many have we seen? Probably two clockwork soldiers and just one guard for now. These clockwork soldiers are just one guard for now um these clockwork soldiers are taller than most average um folk maybe sort of like six and a half seven feet tall very thin gangly limbs and all these clockwork components that drive their arms and legs um very narrow pointed faces um blades for hands. They look vicious. Blade hands. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:58:28 Shook. Shook, shook, shook, shook, shook, shook. We should skirt along. We could use this board again. Compel them with the Church of the Ruby Rod. Force them to let us through, just like I did last time. a church of the ruby rod. Forced them to let us through, just like I did last time. That was before they realized and started
Starting point is 00:58:51 chasing us down. We should stay out of trouble. I think they know our faces well. We're a recognizable bunch of people. There's another trail. It's not quite a full road but it leads somewhat north we could follow that, try and cut through the woods
Starting point is 00:59:12 it's an older trail though I say we try that I can hunt in the woods as much as I can lead us through we can stay on the road for now and yeah maybe Ismark begins leading you that way I need somebody, I don't care who
Starting point is 00:59:32 to roll a d20 for me Rhiannon no it's Ori It's Ori. No. It's Ori. I love it. What have you done?
Starting point is 00:59:52 Roll a d20 for me, Rhi. Roll a 17. There you go. 17. It's fine. As you travel down this old road, it's that same eerie sense. There are woods on either side thick old
Starting point is 01:00:08 ancient woods there's no animal sounds just the wind rustling through the boughs scattering a few leaves but not even the chitter of small animals or the call of birds
Starting point is 01:00:23 just your presence you don't seem to encounter anything as you turn off the road is mark and rose suddenly take the lead and now you are traveling by through the thick woodland you can hear the lapping of waves in the distance from the large lake as the sun dips the lake begins to take on the kind of presence of a huge shadow as if some giant gargantuan thing is floating through the sky and casting
Starting point is 01:00:56 its shadow down onto the earth itself Rhiannon can you roll another d20 for me please okay okay okay the sixth it's been about two hours now can you roll another d20 for me please you arrive at a small not quite a small stream a river that runs from the the mountains to the north the slopes becoming steeper now the river ahead there's no bridge. You'll have to either ford it or cross it that leads down into the thick dark of Lake Zarovich.
Starting point is 01:01:48 By now, night has fallen overhead. You can hear the braying, the howling of wolves far, far in the distance. You can hear the skittering of things out here in the woods. And I also require, let's see, Irina will need to make a swimming throw, and I think that's just it for now. Okay.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Oh, good. That's, you don't notice anything. I'm not going to make you guys roll. Crossing a river isn't particularly hard. It's not super fast moving. There's no rapids or anything like that. But you are cold and wet as you cross it. And you begin kind of making your way through these deep, thick woods on the northern shore.
Starting point is 01:02:41 Keeping an ear out for screaming. Can you roll another d20 for me, please, Rui? You're about here. That's half of three. Oh, nice. Okay. 16. That's not good.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Can you roll a d12 and a d8 for me please no crash well there's the d8 okay amazing
Starting point is 01:03:16 come to me okay you have physical dice don't you Rhi yeah it'll be pretty much the same with me I know what I'm like yeah I know it doesn't matter
Starting point is 01:03:37 as you are making your way through these woods you come across it rose in his mark you smell it before you see it on making your way through these woods you come across Rose and Ismark, you smell it before you see it putrid decay, rot
Starting point is 01:03:53 all begins to kind of it's not me come from somewhere nearby carrion Rose, you can identify the smell of a dead wolf quite well based on your history and your past and as you emerge you can see propped up against a tree there is a particularly large dire wolf ravaged by blasts of flame of frost its fur singed in many places, and it's been hacked at and torn at by, well, who knows what, really.
Starting point is 01:04:33 Its blood trail kind of being clearly dragged from the water's edge to here. You notice its claws and teeth have all been removed. Oh, that's messed up. Would I know what might remove stuff like that? Given that I knew what hags were before, would I know what kind of creature might have caused that i mean the wounds something with magic something with powerful spells um you know it's conjured lightning it's conjured whatever's been conjured lightning and fire have used to wound it what would take its teeth and
Starting point is 01:05:19 fangs no idea collector a hunter maybe no creature uh unless maybe for you know crafting something weapons something like that maybe uh as you are stood around it the rest of you as you kind of follow uh in kind you see as mark and rose looking at this wolf body and then you glance as you hear the scuffing of hooves briefly from the woods nearby. And as you look, you see an elk standing on a rocky spur about 60 feet away. Its coat is pitch black and its eyes crackle with blue power. As it stands there for a brief moment, you kind of look and wonder if it's a dream or an illusion, when suddenly it takes on the form of a man
Starting point is 01:06:13 in tattered black, dark black robes, his hair and beard are long and streaked with grey, and his eyes crackle with that same power. You think my magic has grown weak damn you and i'm gonna need everyone to roll initiative what what would question would dog's body recognize this uh fine gentleman as a fellow howler of the moon shouter of profanities and the lights i'm not quite sure what you're actually asking me is are you asking if he's somebody you know no as the mad wizard i mean you've never met the mad wizard.
Starting point is 01:07:05 You've heard screaming and seen a weird... No, you've seen like a figure moving around on a distant shore. You've never seen him, seen him. Does his shouting at us sound familiar to you? Sounds pretty mad. I mean, I'll tell you that much. He sounds pretty bonkers from the sounds of it. But yeah, I mean, you don't.
Starting point is 01:07:26 Give me those initiatives. Give me those initiatives. Zeke? Four. Four total. Lovely. Jesper? 19.
Starting point is 01:07:36 18. Rose Van Enby? 19. 19. Zeros? 12. Irina, I will have to roll. Boo, boo, boo, boo, boo.
Starting point is 01:07:51 13. Dog's body. 17. 17. Stop. Well, Rose, being the seasoned tracker in Things You Are, it's no wonder that you are not fully taken by surprise by this figure's appearance.
Starting point is 01:08:07 What do you do? Are we in sort of the... We're in the forest, right? So there's trees around us. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're in a kind of like thick, nestled together group of trees. I mean, you are, it's on the slope of a mountain. So there are rocks protruding here and there.
Starting point is 01:08:27 You can hear the sounds of the lake to the south, but a fair distance away still. But yeah, there's plenty of like trees for cover and things like that around. Or to hide amongst. I will hop behind a tree and just sort of, I want to just stick out from the side a bit and say, whoa, whoa, we don't know who you are.
Starting point is 01:08:49 Please. And just see what he does, but prepare to draw an arrow if I need to. But you've not drawn a weapon so far. No, not yet. Okay, cool. Alright.
Starting point is 01:09:03 Jesper. I'll follow suit. my hands up we mean no harm that's it you just get kind of offer this kind of peaceful moment yes okay don't body same yeah and I just kind of pop behind another tree be like peace friend peace friend yeah you guys all kind of take these passive kind of like whoa whoa we don't mean any harm um and you just see this these mad eyes dart around he's just like, I know your tricks, Spastrod. You will not trick me with these illusions. And then he looks around. You! And he, towards
Starting point is 01:09:51 Zeros, he just raises his hands and a bolt of lightning streaks out from his palms. Zeros, make a dexterity saving throw. Motherfucker. What a prick. Eleven. To be fair, you do look the most threatening, probably, out of everyone. That's exactly why I picked him.
Starting point is 01:10:16 23 points of lightning damage, Zeros, as you are blasted in the chest by this bolt of lightning. And you just hear, Yes, yes, my power is still strong straw you see you have not broken me yet not yet never he just begins cackling um he casts a spell he will begin uh running into the woods um just of manically, kind of almost skipping and dancing as he does so. Just kind of like, ah, ah, ah, ah,
Starting point is 01:10:49 as he reaches for cover, dashing behind a loose clump of trees and rocks. Ismark will pull his weapons out, seeing as this spell has happened, and put himself in front of Irina and sort of begin ushering her back like, back, back Irina come on
Starting point is 01:11:05 let's get behind cover until they can figure out what to do with him and he's pushing Irina away as he does so Irina will look in Zeros' direction and then be like yeah just one thing before we take cover brother and she will raise her hand up
Starting point is 01:11:23 and she will cast Bless on Rose, Jesper, and Dog's Body. Aye. Nice. Nice. Everyone hates me. Not everyone. Dog's Body doesn't hate you.
Starting point is 01:11:39 Zeke doesn't hate you. Yeah. Dog's Body erasure. Well, Xeros, luckily, it's your turn. How far away is he? Oh, he's within... Like, if you want to move up to him, he's within 30 feet.
Starting point is 01:11:52 He's not moving too far away from you. I'm going to say, stand down or fight me, and compel duel on him. Okay. So he can't... He has to make a saving throw, a wisdom save, and if he attempts to run away from it,
Starting point is 01:12:08 he also has to make another wisdom saving throw. Interesting. Interesting. He's caught me. Mental chains. That's what I'm calling it. How high is his wisdom? Doesn't seem that wise to me.
Starting point is 01:12:26 Zap and one will kill him. kill him still got an element of sanity left I'm just trying to decide whether this is something I mean he is he knows magic pretty fucking well he knows what you're trying to do he'll counter spell it so he just like as you begin channeling this power of Asmodeus to kind of throw out these mental chains
Starting point is 01:12:42 his eyes seem to snap almost for a moment in clarity and you just watch the chains break. These mental like chains in your mind, they just shatter. Your pathetic little magic is nothing. I see you for what you are, devil
Starting point is 01:12:57 worshipper. Never! Ah! I mean, that was a bonus action. I like this dude. That was a bonus action that was a bonus action so in that case I want to run up and try and grapple the nerd okay yeah
Starting point is 01:13:10 you just run towards him sure and yeah I'll try and pin him down grapple him push him against a tree punch him a couple times
Starting point is 01:13:20 maybe kick him in the balls fucking lightning bolt me sure so strength check from you Punch him a couple times, maybe kick him in the balls. Fucking lightning for me. Sure. So strength check from you. Strength check. 17. That was a strength save, not a strength save. Oh, you're right.
Starting point is 01:13:36 This is just d20 plus. There we go. With a kind of madman strength, as you try and grip onto him, he just throws you off of him almost like body throwing you uh into a tree as he like presses you up it's just like see i still have my strength as well as my magic your minions are no match for me you vampire bastard um i'm gonna cast armor of agathys on myself at level 1 give myself 5 temp hit points
Starting point is 01:14:08 and I'll just say Xero stop I don't think he can be reasoned with just just leave him yeah he kind of is too busy cackling at throwing zeros off of him to really respond um but yeah you can't start my bag of this rose i'm going to uh shout to him please we know madam ava we are not your enemy
Starting point is 01:14:41 madam ava madam ava ava, I don't know these names. I don't know any names. I don't know who you are. You've been sent to kill me, like all of them. We're not with Strahd. We would never be with Strahd. Jasper, show him a sword. Okay.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Anything else, Rose? Anything on your turn, like action-wise? No, I'm still just going to keep a bit ducked behind, but just shout out to him. Okay. Jasper. I'll run out to make myself as visible as possible to this mad wizard. Focus on the sword
Starting point is 01:15:17 and just concentrate on show your true power, sword. And use my bonus action to invoke it this blade of sunlight erupts from it and you see the man like temporarily blind he's like ah the light so bright and he kind of like clutches his eyes as if he's not seen bright light for some
Starting point is 01:15:40 time as it just bathes Jesper in this radiant glow from this sword as you hold it out. Anything else? I'm going to see if this works from a roleplay perspective rather than its intended effects.
Starting point is 01:16:01 I'm going to use a third level motivational speech, which would address allies, staff, or innocent bystanders to exhort and inspire them to greatness, which would give them an advantage on wisdom saving throws and give them five temp HP. So I'm hoping to give him a bit of a clear mind to listen to us. Hmm. Hmm. of a clear mind to listen to us what do you say what's in the speech like what are the actual
Starting point is 01:16:33 like what you don't have to like give the speech but like what kind of things does it talk about like what kind of things are you saying i'm saying i have been a Vistani here my whole life my enemy has always been Strahd the cards that have been dealt from the Taroka reading have brought these people around me to our destiny to fight Strahd and we need you right now
Starting point is 01:16:59 that sort of thing okay when you finish he kind of looks in your direction and there is a moment where he doesn't look like he gains any more clarity but there's almost like he's more confused um not being attacked um by several of you uh but he glances down at xeros he glances at you vistani vistana vistana vistani no no. Your enemy isn't Strahd. The Vistani have served Strahd. They brought me here.
Starting point is 01:17:32 Did they bring me here, or did I come here? I came here for a reason, but why? I can't remember. He took it from me. He took my memory. No, no. You bring innocent people here. You've brought adventurers from my world. You've brought them here to be his playthings. You are no, you are no friend.
Starting point is 01:17:50 You are an enemy. You are an enemy. Dogs body. Um, I am going to come out from my hiding place with my hands up. Uh, no weapons. I'm just gonna to be like, listen, you crazy old bastard. If there's anyone here who hates Strahd, it's me.
Starting point is 01:18:14 I was brought here like you, and he killed all my friends. He killed my brothers and sisters in arms, and he left me cursed here. You need to stop now. We're on your side. Words, words, so many words. But I've had things. I've had them speak words to me before. Words speak to me before.
Starting point is 01:18:32 I need time, time to think. He looks up. He looks around all of you. Time. Yes, time. Time is what I need. Time I shall have. He brings his hands up in front of all of you he brings them to like a pyramid in front of his his eye like his his forehead uh and then he closes time stop and he seems to vanish
Starting point is 01:18:56 a few seconds pass. And then, in all of a sudden, Zeros, you kind of stand up. You are trapped in like a cube of force. You're like, it's around you. You cannot move. There's like a cube of force completely surrounding you. The man has now become four men. There are four versions of him stood there.
Starting point is 01:19:25 You can see that he is covered in like a magical armor, like a suit of armor has come around him. And he is holding out a hand. He's placed himself behind all of you and has a hand up that is kind of in your direction. You will speak now. What are you doing here?
Starting point is 01:19:47 What is that weapon you wield? If you speak false, I shall freeze you all into the earth. I'll hold the sword up as if I can't. Diminish it! Diminish it! Diminish it.
Starting point is 01:20:05 I'll retract it. Fine. Fine. We are seeking relics to defeat Strahd. This is the Sun Sword. Originally, Sergais, the brother of Strahd. Sergais. It is one of the many things that can be used to defeat Strahd
Starting point is 01:20:25 we are seeking knowledge which is why we have come to seek a powerful wizard for more information you speak clever words I have known ones like you clever
Starting point is 01:20:44 speakers with silver tongues. You, Archer, who are you? Why are you here? My name is Rose. I'm here because your land, this land needs help, needs to be freed. I've already lost my travel companion here, and I mean no ill will to you.
Starting point is 01:21:09 We are looking for allies, and they're very hard to come by here in Barovia. If you would like, I can cast a spell that proves to you that we are true. Yes, do it. I know the spell.
Starting point is 01:21:26 Cast it upon yourselves, but not on me. Okay. I'll cast Zone of Truth. I will know if you do not cast it. Well, yeah. I mean, it's up to you guys. You could all choose to succeed
Starting point is 01:21:43 or save against it or fail. It's up to you. Yeah, I mean, I'll fail it willingly. I'd like to try and resist. Okay, Xeros, make a saving throw. Does the cube affect him in any way? Charisma saving throw. It doesn't help him.
Starting point is 01:22:03 20? It succeeds. But you know that Xeroth has passed. You know that Xeroth has resisted the effects. I'll tell him that. I'll say one of my companions has failed but the rest are with him.
Starting point is 01:22:19 The dragonborn. Yes. He serves as Modius. I can sense it. That weapon he carries has the He serves as Modius. I can sense it. That weapon he carries, it has the mark of his Modius. That's correct, but... Why do you travel with him? Why do you travel with such an evil creature?
Starting point is 01:22:35 He wasn't this way when we arrived. What the fuck? As Modius. As Modius. It's true. Well, you weren't. He wasn't like this when we met him. I said he. It's true. You weren't. It wasn't like this when we met him. I said he wasn't.
Starting point is 01:22:48 You weren't being controlled by Asmodeus. Yeah. What? I have. But Asmodeus should not have power here. This realm should be separated from the nine hells. Why? Why can I not remember i know
Starting point is 01:23:05 these things but i cannot remember why i know them what of the other dragonborn i do not but the mist i do not but i've seen the mists, and they've given me power. Mists, mists, yes, the mists. Do not go out into the mists, I've tried. They block teleportation, they choke the life from you. A magic, oh, ancient and powerful. There is no escaping the mists, there is no escaping this place. Even my magic is not enough.
Starting point is 01:23:48 Very well, I have decided, I have decided that you are not illusions, and that if you are... If you are allies of Strahd, then you are clever ones, and that I must keep an eye on you. You must not be allowed to roam free. You will come with me to my mansion. You will come with me to my mansion, where I will think, and I will try and remember. But he... That is very much appreciated. He will remain. He will remain in my prison.
Starting point is 01:24:16 No, we... I'd like to see you try. For fuck's sake. He looks in your direction. Okay, he looks in your direction. He looks in your direction. Do it. I know he can, it's a thing. Let me have a look.
Starting point is 01:24:38 He did time stop. I know he did. He did cast time stop. I know he's so incapable I just Xeros would just be a dick Yeah Got a little temper this boy
Starting point is 01:24:53 He looks in your direction Xeros Go on Ziki You see the mage look in Xeros' direction And he begins moving his fingers To cast a spell What do you do? Can I move? Yeah,
Starting point is 01:25:10 you can move, yeah. He's not holding you prisoner. It's just that he had a cone perfectly placed on all of you and was ready to blast it at you. But you can rush in front of your brother if you want to yeah can i do that you can't reach him there is as you go to approach zeros like you physically hit like this
Starting point is 01:25:32 wall as if there was an invisible wall there but you can stand in front of him yeah you just hear you see the wizard just like touch Touch him. I never said I would touch him, Dragonborn. And then he grips his fist. Let us see if you enjoy visiting your master, Dragonborn. Make a saving throw. Charisma. Zeros.
Starting point is 01:25:57 I mean, I'm visiting my monster, right? You're getting banished. Make a charisma saving throw, dude. Yep. Sure. What about 9 saving throw, dude. Yep. Sure. What about nat 20? Well done! So, how do you want to resist this spell? Is this just like pure will? Do you like plant a sword in the ground?
Starting point is 01:26:18 Or like, how does this look from Xeros? I mean, dude, I told him to try and now he's casting a spell. Smell? I just want to smile at him and be like... Yeah, and I think that you can sense that this is incredibly powerful magic that's about
Starting point is 01:26:38 to hit you, and then you just feel... You just feel as if Asmodeus is stood there with a hand on your shoulder you are not going anywhere he whispers in your ear and you just watch kind of like the the chains that you tried to summon against him this spell that he throws at you just shatters uh around around you um and you feel the wall of force drop as well, from around you as well. He just looks, holding his eyes,
Starting point is 01:27:08 his arm lowers. Perhaps, perhaps, if you are truly an enemy of Strahd, perhaps you are strong enough, stronger than I was. Come, come to my mansion.
Starting point is 01:27:28 And he begins leaning away. He begins walking away. Clutch. Fucking imprison this bitch! He's like, any possible ally? Nah, I don't think so. You could have been permanently ban so. You could have been
Starting point is 01:27:45 permanently banished. It would have been permanent, but it would have been for a while. And I would have been like, oh, Xeros, it's not a good time. But yeah, I think that is a pretty epic point to end the episode on. I know it's a bit early, but
Starting point is 01:28:04 I like leaving on epic moments. So, yeah, it was a bit of a shut things up there. And you guys have now met the Mad Mage. Who could it be? Mad Mage. Zim-Zam-Zimba-Zoo-Zoo. He is not Zim-Zam-Zimbalim. He is not.
Starting point is 01:28:21 He is not. I will tell you this now. I don't want anybody in chat thinking it. He may have a similar voice. That is because I have one mad wizard voice. Yeah, but it's not. That would be too cheerful for Barovia. No way.
Starting point is 01:28:36 Just a mad wizard. I like to think that Zeros resisted that by sheer force of just ego. Just pure ego. It was. It was pure ego. Oh, yeah. It was. It was 100%. Yeah. Just absolute, yeah.
Starting point is 01:28:49 And a little help from his friend. I have the power of God and anime on my side. He really does. Really does. It was basically Jojo's bizarre adventure moment of stopping time, and then Zeros is like no but thank you friends for playing the game I hope it was a fun one we've got a new
Starting point is 01:29:10 we've got a new goal you guys have come to meet the mad mage and hopefully convince him and help him and then after that I mean Zeke knows where the amber temple tower amber thing is the amber temple tower amber thing is pretty much the temple
Starting point is 01:29:26 I love do you know what I'm going to say this one of my favourite things is whenever I mention anything in this campaign I immediately look at Chris Trott
Starting point is 01:29:34 and I love seeing Chris Trott's reactions like oh there's a cool tower and Chris Trott's like ooh he's like little face like ooh I want to go to the tower
Starting point is 01:29:44 I'm done with this one and then I'll say things like ah yes here's where the Amber Temple is and Chris Trott makes a very worried looking face and I'm just like hmm never got that far did we no we didn't we definitely didn't there was a lot of things we didn't
Starting point is 01:30:01 get to do when we played but yeah well that's it from us take care we love you we'll see you next time goodbye everybody there's a lot of things we didn't get to do when we played um nope oh yeah yeah yep cool all right well that's it from us take care we love you we'll see you next time goodbye everybody Thank you.

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