High Rollers DnD - High Rollers: Curse of Strahd #34 | Dogsbody's Revenge

Episode Date: May 28, 2021

Dogsbody meets some old friends... but Dogsbody's old friends don't seem to like us very much! Support the High Rollers and get early access to podcast episodes (and more) on our Patreon: www.patreo...n.com/HighRollers Thanks to @jackgtmusic for the Aerois/Curse of Strahd mash-up intro! Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Learn more about your ad choices. Visit podcastchoices.com/adchoices

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Pickaxe. Must be legal drinking age. Please drink responsibly. Carlsberg Canada Inc. Waterloo, Ontario. Whether you're practicing your morning breath work, waiting for your favorite artist to come on stage, or running errands at the perfect pace, Liquid IV Powder helps you turn ordinary water into extraordinary hydration so you can live a more extraordinary life. Live more with Liquid IV Hydration Multiplier. Available in refreshing lemon-lime, passion fruit, and strawberry flavors. Buy a stick in-store at Costco, Walmart, Amazon, and other Canadian retailers. Last time on Curse of Strahd, our party have battled and struggled through Barovia,
Starting point is 00:01:20 losing companions along the way. Now, they search for a woman named Vasilika on behalf of the mysterious abbot of Krezik. The girl was supposedly kidnapped by a young man who escaped with her into the woods. Tracking her down, the party have come to realize that not all is as it seems with Vasilika or her escape. Her path has led them to a den of werewolves, the ones who had originally infected dog's body with their curse and beat him and abused him before his escape fighting through the den the party have come to the top of the cliffs where a circular ring of stones houses the chained bloody basilica as well as a number of werewolves and their leader Kirill who stands ready and I believe that
Starting point is 00:02:06 there had been some last words exchanged from Dog's body in particular along the lines of kill them all and so we will begin by rolling initiative lovely lovely lovely neat
Starting point is 00:02:21 immense look of regret what I actually said was you're a poopy face no no i believe kill them all was very specifically and very loudly proclaimed to everybody um we do have a map up on uh roll 20 as well where i've purchased the module using all the official maps and stuff. All your money bags. I am very successful to the point where I can buy a D&D module on a platform. You can zoom in there, Chris Trotty, as it will all be taking place in that little top bit there. And yeah, so let's grab some initiatives from everybody.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Starting with Rose Vanandi 15 15 I need to roll initiative for Miss Irina aka Batiana 19 for Irina dog's body
Starting point is 00:03:20 15 15 Vermeier this is Remea i need to put them in 21 21 excellent tom maya uh big 13 big 13 and then finally alvarski 12 big 12 on that initiative. Big 12. So to set everything up, you have this, you are kind of on the edge of a cliff, basically. There is a large plateau with this stone circle, or these loose stones that form almost like a small basin,
Starting point is 00:04:01 like a divot in the cliff face, at the bottom of which is probably only about five feet down at the bottom of which with a kind of manacle around her leg and staked into the earth is this girl who appears to be wearing like a torn and shredded wedding dress but it is
Starting point is 00:04:18 drenched in blood, it's like completely splattered, almost stained, nearly pure red, it's shredded and torn and she is looking around with wild eyes and just rage uh just screaming and yelling and pulling on the chain around them you have uh a number of other creatures you can see that there are four humanoids all very hairy uh men and women with sort of spears and long swords um in rough leather armor but they you have seen
Starting point is 00:04:46 individuals like this before you know that these guys are probably werewolves um leading them is a particularly large man he looks probably about the same size if not a bit bigger than dog's body big bulging muscles long mangy hair uh kind of arrayed down his back um with a kind of very uh nasty looking long sword it has like chips and cracks in it that give it this like almost serrated edge um and he's got that in one hand and then there are two large dire wolves uh accompanying them as well this this wide group uh kind of arranged before you all looking on the cliff face the cliff face uh when you see the kind of dotted jagged line um that indicates a like a physical drop down uh on the map so it does actually kind of like plummet down you know in a fairly steep cliff face um down towards the
Starting point is 00:05:38 forest below but to kick everything off reemire, your insects, your little buzzing friends kind of alert you to the danger, even as Dog's Body is kind of beginning to speak the words and your reactions kick in and you can go first. I will make it clear, with Dog's Body's words, the werewolves all just grin,
Starting point is 00:05:59 a murderous grin. They are very much in a place of they are going to probably try and fight and kill you hawk the way oh cool okay i would like to um make two attacks against uh one of the dire wolves the one over on the right hand side i think right hand side yeah Yeah. Yep. Okay. As a note as well, Tom Meyer is currently wild shaped into a large wolf as well, I think. Hell yeah, I am.
Starting point is 00:06:33 14 plus. 5 to hit. 19 to hit for the first one. 19 against the dire wolf is going to be a hit. Awesome. And then I'll use my gathered swarm and give myself an extra D6 so it's 2d6 plus you
Starting point is 00:06:49 wow so that's uh running five damage for the first one five points of damage as the bolt kind of streaks forward all these insects swarming around it to start infesting the wound and eating away at flesh. Can I mark that as my favoured foe as well for that one? Yes, you can, absolutely. I'll put a little token on it so you know. And I shall do my second attack. 15 to hit.
Starting point is 00:07:19 15 to hit, just barely hit. So the first bolt connects and the second bolt does manage to hit it. They do kind of dodge the side. You all right there, Chris Trott? What just happened? He attempted a sneeze and nothing happened. Sounds a bit better. That's 10 damage for that one.
Starting point is 00:07:40 10 points of damage. So the two bolts do thud into the direwolf side and unimpeded. There's no magical resistance here but the wolf kind of like howls and barks and yelps in pain but it spins around and it locks eyes with you uh and does seem ready to attack back uh do you have any movement or other actions you would like to do i think i'll just move a little bit over this way just to give the eyes more room no space to move around. Okay, sure. You begin spreading out.
Starting point is 00:08:10 The werewolves are very quick to respond. Sensing this threat, they are going to leap into some of the most immediate threats. One charges towards the large form of the wolven mushroom wolf that it can see. One is going to charge Rem reemire sensing that uh you know seeing that you've just fired off against one of these wolves uh the last one before it fully runs in it is going to pass into the center and on instructions from its leader the last one uh it reaches in and with a kind of um some sort of tool it breaks the chain it kind of like snaps off the lock of the chain holding
Starting point is 00:08:46 vasilika uh and then will attempt to rush forward vasilika will make a opportunity attack against it uh and you see that she just kind of lashes out with one of her fists um and this is gonna be just one here uh which sadly does not quite connect she kind of lashes out but the werewolf manages to kind of sprint past um making its way uh towards dog's body uh so all of these are now going to make attacks uh they get two attacks each uh so we'll do the ones against uh tom meyer first um so this going to be probably attacking with the... And the other thing is that they would have basically, just before the initiative started,
Starting point is 00:09:32 I think they would have started shifting as well. So in fact, they're not going to make attacks. They're going to use their action to shift into their hybrid form. So they'd all been in these sort of humanoid forms before, but as they rush forward, you see their arms begin to distend and twist and snap you hear bones break their hair grows as they become these hybrid wolf humanoid shapes and they all just rush forward to engage you but they don't get to make any attacks this round as that is an action to shape change uh do do do do uh so we go to irena uh irena is going to use her action to um
Starting point is 00:10:09 she's probably not going to be able to get too much away with that so she will use her bardic inspiration she begins to kind of sing a dull uh sort of not lullaby but a sort of uh old barovian battle sort of song like an old marching song and she will give a bardic inspiration die to dog's body which is a d6 dog's body um add it to an attack roll saving throw or ability check um and then in fact as a bonus action uh effect actually i think yeah a bardic inspiration is a bonus action. So she'll do that next turn instead she will Hmm most of her spells are things that she does as a thing. She does have thunder wave so she will move forwards
Starting point is 00:11:00 510 She will move up next to just behind Rheem, and she's going to cast Thunderwave on the werewolf that just charged towards her. So werewolf has to make a constitution saving throw. Oh. And it succeeds, but Irina will do half damage. Don't launch that boy. Oh, for a whopping one point of damage uh wow hell yeah conjures this uh blast of thunderous wave like this song blast of song but the werewolf stands firm uh against it i have a lot of npcs to go uh dog's body you will be the first player to go after Ismark and then Esmeralda, followed by Rose.
Starting point is 00:11:45 So just queue up what you want to do. Is Mark the lesser or is he the greater? We'll find out. He will charge up next to Tommeyer, and he's going to make some swings against this werewolf next to him. The weapon attack is going to be with his silvered flail and then he has a hand axe uh so his first attack is a miss uh the silver flail uh misses the first attack second attack is a miss and then he attacks with his hand which does hit however it is not silvered
Starting point is 00:12:22 so it will only do uh three points of damage sadly he normally hits natural 20s every time he normally does but not today so his flail is swinging in the air but this werewolf is dodging it kind of sensing the silver you hear it kind of snarling as the silver whips around it unable to fully land a blow uh esmeralda will yeah she's gonna leap in uh 5 10 15 20 uh not able to get further without provoking opportunity attack she's gonna lay into the one uh fighting against dog's body uh this is gonna be with her hand axe and then her silvered short sword. So her first attack is going to hit.
Starting point is 00:13:11 That's going to be eight points of damage. Oh. And then second one. Yeah, three attacks, two of the thing. And then that is just going to hit uh this guy so that's going to be nine points of damage one two swift blows with a hand axe and then she thrusts the silvered short sword forward for another hit as well these are all magical and silvered uh for 10 points of damage so with three attacks she tears into this werewolf in front of her and you can see that like her rage there is definitely
Starting point is 00:13:51 a kind of very driven vengeance here as she just leaps in thrusts and slashes uh away carving it up in front of dog's body uh and then we go to dog's body themselves. I would like to reach into my pocket and get out my battle conkers, which definitely exist. Fuck's sake. They're real. I'm telling you they're real. And then I'm going to use them
Starting point is 00:14:19 to cast Crimson Rite upon myself. So I will crackle with lightning. And then... I'm actually going to try something slightly different. I'm going to reach into my other pocket and pull out... Because Dog's Body does have pockets. It just doesn't have a top.
Starting point is 00:14:40 My pipes of haunting. And I will play a haunting tune that will hopefully scare the living bejesus out of anything that's within 30 feet of me which is I think everything but the netted werewolf that's a direwolf yeah
Starting point is 00:14:58 the two there's two direwolves that it can't reach the other one might actually yeah so please can you make me a wisdom saving throw There's two dire wolves that it can't reach. The other one might, actually, yeah. The other one it can, yeah. So please can you make me a wisdom saving throw of a DC 15? And if they fail, they're scared. You found potentially the leader of the pack that converted you into this form that you aren't happy with, and you fight a long time, skulking in the woods and stuff just
Starting point is 00:15:26 trying to find out who you are and you whip out some pipes whips out some pipes i want to show him how i've learned what's the dc by the way i'm pretty sure both of the both of the dire wolves have failed um 15 15 okay oh yeah i want to show him my mad skills that i've learned my mad music skills you know he was very against the song of death so you blow so we hear this kind of haunting haunting tune carry on the wind uh this old you know song and and there's almost like the shadows around the cliffs and in the area seem to stretch and warp with the music. All but the werewolf fighting you, funnily enough,
Starting point is 00:16:12 Dog's Body, the leader of the pack and Vasilika, everything definitely seems to look around and become haunted by this strange emanation coming from it and they are all frightened they cannot move closer to dog's body and they have disadvantage on attack rolls
Starting point is 00:16:33 unless it does a separate thing yeah so um oh and i as a note i can choose to not have anyone everyone who's my friend it doesn't affect any of you. It's any hostile creatures. Yeah, it just says that they're frightened and they can make saving throws at the end of all their turns. End of each turn. Yeah. Otherwise, it's bog-standard frightened for a minute. Yeah, so bog-standard frightened is they can't move any closer to you
Starting point is 00:17:00 and they have disadvantage on attack rolls whilst they can see you basically um yeah do they try and run away from me or is that uh no that's a different thing that's uh like turn on dead and stuff like that does that but frightened they just can't move closer to you um is the difference so that's that might yeah yeah cool all right uh that's your action yeah dog's body yeah my action and my bonus action and i'm gonna stick where i am okay rose um so I think I need to step in a little bit over here can
Starting point is 00:17:49 I please take a couple of shots at the pack leader that's in front of dog's body please that's not the pack leader the one that charged directly is attacking dog's body it's just a normal werewolf
Starting point is 00:18:04 the pack leader is still just stood at directly is attacking Dog's body. It's just a normal werewolf. The pack leader is still just stood at the edge of the ring of stone, arms folded. He hasn't transformed. Uh, he's just kind of watching and waiting. Well, the werewolf in front of Dog's body, I will take a couple of shots at him. Watching, waiting. Can I Slayers pray that as well?
Starting point is 00:18:25 And I will use two plus one arrows on these ones so that they're magical. Okay. Plus. Sure. I thought that was a... 19 to hit. 19 all hit? Yep.
Starting point is 00:18:47 And second one is going to be a natural 20. Whoa! Nice. All right, roll that separately because that will be big damages. So first attack hits and does damage and then second attack is crit.
Starting point is 00:19:00 First attack is 8 damage on the first attack. The crit is going to be 30 40 50 60 70 18 19 damage on the crit with the arrow so these two arrows the second one embeds in the werewolf's eye and you'd hear this like i wrote a seven on my d8 that was seven on my d8 which was pretty good um and also yeah go on slayers slayers pray uh yes you can add that once can't you three damage yours plus this werewolf is nearly finished you can see that blood is pouring out their eye socket the arrow nearly wretched into their brain their movements are all jerky and twitchy uh heavily heavily
Starting point is 00:19:51 wounded by these two magical arrows one of which is now sticking out of its eye um and you can just see it's just howling in rage uh anything else rose i think i'm good for now i think i've bonus actioned moved a little bit done my action all right at the end of your turn the pack leader is going to use a legendary action seeing that you just hear like ah you're going to be a problem aren't you and he will charge forward during this kind of serrated blade uh he rushes forward and will basically rush up to Dog's body with locking eyes on Rose, but there is this wall of individuals before he can reach Rose,
Starting point is 00:20:34 and he gets to make a free longsword attack against Dog's body. Does not provoke opportunity attacks. Oh, no. Oh, my apologies. They move up to their speed without prov provoke opportunity attacks um oh no oh my apologies uh they move up to their speed without provoking opportunity attacks and it can make one uh long sword attack against each creature it moves past so let me just see here this is far better than i was uh far far more than i was hoping oh yes excellent so that will be an attack against Irina, Dog's Body,
Starting point is 00:21:08 Esmeralda, Tommaya, and then Rose. And Alvaski. Look at Alvaski there as well. Oh, thanks. So, long sword attack. Let's do this. I'll do the NPCs first
Starting point is 00:21:21 against Esmeralda. That is a 22. That's going to be a hit. This is being used in two hands for 13 points damage to Esmeralda. See how kind of real this longsword, this serrated longsword rakes against her. We'll do it against Irena.
Starting point is 00:21:44 Ooh, that might miss. it just misses irena manages to parry it with her rapier just barely uh deflecting the blow away uh then we have dog's body oh of course i get the natural one against dog's body you managed to kind of like block it as well as he rushes past uh stopping from hitting you with the blow. Then we have, let's do Tommeyer. Okay. 15. Oh, yeah, that hits.
Starting point is 00:22:16 Hits my wolfy body. 17 points of damage as the monster rakes through. Okay. Then we'll do, we'll do Roselast. Then we'll do Alvaski. It's a natural 20. Poor Chris Trot. I feel like he just gets the brunt
Starting point is 00:22:36 of my nonsense. Using my crit rules, this is 2d10 plus 4, so that's going to be 20 plus this uh 36 points of damage no 34 points of damage i'll ask you is down this thing tears into our vasky's neck and just shreds his neck blood sprays everywhere as our vasky just slumps to the ground um it's gonna be another one of those fights where chris trot is out and then a natural one against rose i feel it balances out guys i
Starting point is 00:23:12 feel balanced out all right two net ones one that 20 for the sake of uh imagination when the blood spurts out his neck can it actually be more congealed oh yeah that's true actually it doesn't spur out there's this terrible jagged wound that should have sprayed blood but instead just this almost black like it's so congealed and thick just
Starting point is 00:23:38 sludge begins to pour out like blackberry jam it's all jelly scabby that was at the end of Rose's turn begins to pour out. Yeah, I like that. It's all jelly. Scabby. That was at the end of Rose's turn. That's not right. That's an imagery.
Starting point is 00:23:53 That's not right. It's chunky. The two direwolves on their turn, that was at the end of Rose's turn, the two direwolves physically cannot move closer. They just kind of whimper and begin backpedaling away from dog's body. They can't move closer. It doesn't mean they have to move away. They will just kind of circle around, I think.
Starting point is 00:24:14 So this one has to stay within 30 feet. So it will kind of just shuffle to the side. This one does the same thing, just kind of shuffling around uh grouping up yes keeping their distance to the edge clearly terrified uh tom mayer then followed by alvasky um yeah uh well i'm a direwolf uh so i'm going to bite uh the leader of the bunch. You know him well. When I bite him, he has to make a strength saving throw. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:51 I hit with a... Oh, does 13 hit? 13 does not hit. The man just sticks his arm up and just bats your muzzle away. Balls. He makes a strength saving throw anyway i think um
Starting point is 00:25:08 yeah it looks like uh check because i'm are you sure it's not on when you hit if the target is a creature that's all it says hit 10 2d6 piercing damage if the target is a creature it must succeed yeah if it's on if it's after the word hit it means
Starting point is 00:25:24 when you hit with it, it does it. In that case, that's my... It's the same as the dire wolf on mine. In that case, that's my entire turn. Yeah. Cool. Although I do, I could actually, I've got Poisoner.
Starting point is 00:25:40 I will apply Poison as a bonus action to Dog's body. Can you apply it to another creature? Yeah, we've done this before, haven't you? Yeah. So, like, the wolf tries to bite the leader, and then it turns Dog's body. What weapon is Dog's body using?
Starting point is 00:25:59 What have you put the Crimson Rite on? My axe. So it grabs the axe's blade in its mouth and just all this poison from this mushroom wolf drips out and soaks the blade in it uh releasing it to you yep it's all that's going on at the end of tom meyer's turn the pack leader is going to take another legendary action uh to make another long sword attack and another legendary action to make another longsword attack. And it's going to make this longsword attack against
Starting point is 00:26:29 Tom Meyer. It sees you dripping poison everywhere. It doesn't like that. I can't even see what that was. I have rolled three natural ones as this guy, as an FYI. I don't want to hear any complaints about my dice rolls. Alright.
Starting point is 00:26:45 I'm assuming that it And a natural 20. I'm assuming that it's a natural one. It misses. So yeah, you managed to like ducks under it. Alvasky, death saving throw, please. It was 17. Span or one. It's a 17.. Oh. It's a 17.
Starting point is 00:27:05 One success. One success. Then the leader goes. Again. Awesome. Yeah, well, legendary actions aren't on its turn. It's on his turn. I should have made that attack because you don't have
Starting point is 00:27:21 all your hit points, do you, Tom? No. I should have made that attack with advantage. Yeah have all your hit points do you tom no i should make that attack yeah do it go ahead doesn't matter yeah i'm going to that's a 24 to him letting you yeah that'll do it lovely i'll let you have that one i just want you to be aware oh 14 points of damage all right yeah i'm just playing the game properly just want you to remember that. Yeah, no, you're doing great, Tom. You're doing absolutely brilliant. I love it. He's then going to make
Starting point is 00:27:50 two more attacks on his turn. One against you, Tom Meyer. So, with advantage. If I get the crit. So, 25, that'll hit. Followed by 12 more points of damage.
Starting point is 00:28:08 Okay, that's me out of wolf form. Does that carry through to my regular health as well? Any leftover will carry through to your normal health, yes. Cool, okay, cool. And then his second attack, Rose or dog's body, have either of you taken any damage? Are you not at maximum hit points?
Starting point is 00:28:28 Nope, I'm full. You're full? I took some from Crimson Rite myself. He would smell blood. Oh yes, you did. So Dog's Body is going to attack you with advantage. Oh sorry, that was the wrong attack. I'll use the same attack roll,
Starting point is 00:28:42 but I'll just roll it on the right weapon. So 17 was the highest Dog's Body. That'll hit yes that's gonna be 11 points of damage rakes down your back with this uh two-handed long sword blade yes i will suss out who is the strongest and add you to our pack. Suss. Meanwhile, in the middle of this stone circle, the chain now loose, Vasilika kind of looks around in a wild-eyed stare,
Starting point is 00:29:15 just kind of taking everything in. Let's see how many enemies are within 30 feet of Vasilika. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. of silica one two three four five six seven eight nine ten that's a d10 i think like the ones like closest to her uh can someone riannon roll a d10 for me can you roll a d10 for me please i shall starting we go clockwise eight vertical infinix one two three four five six seven eight oh dear irena you see vasilika just in this kind of fury you can see her eyes uh just wild and bloodshot her dress and you can see that there are wounds covering her body. You can see like her flesh has been cut in like, you know, claw marks and bite marks, very clearly injured.
Starting point is 00:30:12 And she rushes towards, just need to make sure I've got her at the right hit points here from her previous battles. She rushes towards Irena, standing between the werewolf and Maya, and just lashes out at poor Irena, just like, just fury of fists
Starting point is 00:30:34 flying towards her. The first attack, Irena manages to kind of throw herself up against the wall as this little dainty fist smashes into the cliffside and huge chunks of rock come tumbling free as she punches the rock face with immense force uh the second attack coming in uh irene rolls to the floor two giant fist marks in the cliff face as Irina does manage to just about avoid all of these attacks. Rimaia.
Starting point is 00:31:09 Hello. Okay. I am going to bonus action cast Hail of Thorns. And then I'm going to take two crossbow shots at the child. Okay. Okay. Sure. Does Hail of Thorns, is that every creature around it, or?
Starting point is 00:31:33 Every creature within five feet. Oh, wait, no, because that will hit, no, yeah, because if I hit her, that will hit the next one. You, Irina, and the werewolf next to them. It's based on the target. Yes. So the target is next to you currently.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Right. Okay. I won't do that then. I'll just shoot her like three times. Just normally. So you didn't use your bonus action. Yeah, I won't do that. I'll scratch her.
Starting point is 00:32:05 Point blank shots. Bam, bam. You've got crossbow expert, so you're all good. What was that, sorry? That was nine. I'm guessing no for the nine. Nine still hits Vasilika, actually. You can see that she is so wild in her attack. She's not wearing armor. It's literally just you're shooting into her
Starting point is 00:32:26 flesh uh when you do so okay uh eight damage on the first one uh okay these weapons aren't magical are they your weapon it's just a normal hand crossbow okay so the bolt does sink in but there's obviously some unnatural resistance there cool okay then i'll go for the other one uh eight uh eight does not hit no the first one did manage to kind of catch her in the chest but the eight gets deflected or you know just the crossbow jams or some other reason for it to miss. Okie dokie. And then I will go again. I can't do math. Nine again. Nine? Nine will hit.
Starting point is 00:33:18 Cool. For this one, can I use my gathered swarm? So she'll need to make a strength save throw for this one. Okay. And if she, so she'll need to make a Strength save throw for this one. Okay. And if she fails, she'll be pushed 15 feet horizontally in any direction.
Starting point is 00:33:32 18 on the saving throw. Okay. I'll just do the standard damage instead. Whoops, I rolled a 1. That should be a 1d6. I'll do that again. 4 damage for that one. So that is two points of damage
Starting point is 00:33:48 as the resistance cuts it in half. And she's unmoved. The crossbow belt, the swarm, pushes against her and she just kind of grunts. And she's this very sort of pretty, you know, blonde-haired, doll-like frame which she just bats like her arm and dozens of insects go flying
Starting point is 00:34:04 and pushed out of her way uh as these incredibly strong blows just knock aside the insects okay i gotta make a bunch of saving throws oh it's at the end of their turn so uh quite a few of the werewolves they're already in combat they can't move closer to dog's body but they can attack people around them um but they will do so at disadvantage i'm going to do those guys first uh so reemire and tom meyer these are both attacks coming to you but they will all have a disadvantage um they are now shifted they are going to use their bite, one bite and one claw attack. So Tom Meyer, it tries to bite you with disadvantage.
Starting point is 00:34:50 So that natural one's going to be that one. And then it tries to claw you with disadvantage. So 18 is my lowest there. Yep, that'll do it. So that's going to be seven points of damage, as even in its panicked frenzy, seeing Dog's Body in this haunting music, it does manage to kind of land a slash across you,
Starting point is 00:35:12 kind of tearing off parts of your fungal form. Rheemeyer, this is the bite, so that's probably going to miss. Yeah, that misses, with a six on the disadvantage, and then it's that misses uh with a six on the disadvantage and then it's claws to make sure i've got the disadvantage in here so that's only going to be an 11 i'm going to guess that's a miss as well yeah it's a miss yeah so again it's it's so panicked you
Starting point is 00:35:38 can easily kind of read its movements and avoid them uh the one fighting dog's body with the arrow in its eye uh is just in a final desperate attack uh going to launch itself into dog's body with its few remaining hit points left this one is not uh disadvantaged uh this is not frightened um dog's body that is going to be A 14 on the bite. That's a miss. Miss. And then a 18 on the claws. That's a hit. So this is just like an absolute frenzied six points of damage as it's just like screaming, I'll kill, kill on death.
Starting point is 00:36:20 Just kind of screaming nonsense at you as it desperately tries to claw at you um um just super quickly uh the the wolves that have been frightened they can make a saving throw against that at the end of their turns thank you very much i will do that now wisdom saving throw yes so yeah wisdom saving throw dc 15 dc 15 all right uh fails and fails so both of those fail uh still frightened by the the haunting music uh irena on her turn sensing uh seeing alvaski uh go down uh will cast a second level healing word um nice that's a bonus action that's nine points uh of health back to our vest and then she will make a rapier attack uh against the to the injured uh werewolf that
Starting point is 00:37:16 is currently got the arrow out of its eye hoping to try and take it down which i'm pretty sure she's going to. 19 to hit and 7 points of damage. With that, she kind of skewers it as it kind of slashes at Dog's body. Irina looms up behind it, slams the rapier down. Even with its kind of natural resistance, the rapier pierces its heart and the creature dies. Hey, fungal infestation, baby! I want to turn that into a zombie! What does that do?
Starting point is 00:37:47 What? What does it say, Tom? Read the ability. If a beast or a humanoid that is small or medium dies within 10 feet of me, I can use my reaction to reanimate it as a zombie under my control with 1 HP! Hell yeah! 1 HP. Alright.
Starting point is 00:38:04 What a pointless idea. Did I get you a zombie? Hey, that's great. hell yeah 1 HP what a zombie it's great it's got 1 HP and it goes after me there you go I got a boy I will put this
Starting point is 00:38:19 under your care Maya so you can move it around and do what you want with it hell yeah that's his name I'm going to change his name that will get confusing under your care, Maya. So you can move it around and do what you want with it. Hell yeah. Bodo. That's his name. I'm going to change its name. That will get confusing. Zombie werewolf. There you go. Cool. So what's this look like? So as
Starting point is 00:38:37 Irena kills it, its body slumps to the ground. Is this just like loads of vines crawl out from you and go in its body and all this kind of gross shit? Yeah, in its ears, up its nose, all the way into its eyes, completely coating its face
Starting point is 00:38:54 and then it stands up, detaching itself from the ground and is now the Maya with me and Maya and all the other Mayas out there too. This one goes out to all the Mayas out there. Okay.
Starting point is 00:39:10 It's also the Maya. Hum, hum, hum, hum, hum. Doesn't like that. Do I take some actions here do I do some legendary actions I want to say yes uh is Mark's got a silver weaponed out as
Starting point is 00:39:38 does uh Esmeralda yeah so the wolf pack leader hmm Esmeralda. Yeah, so the Wolfpack leader... I thought he crashed then. I don't know, I'm just thinking. Yeah, it's going to do the same thing it did before. The Wolfpack leader is going to use the Mauling Pounce ability,
Starting point is 00:40:01 which allows him to move up to his speed. He doesn't provoke opportunity attacks, and everybody he moves against or moves past he gets a free free attack against so rose alvasky irena dog's body uh oh actually he would have to he could move past uh oh no because you actually the zombie's not an allied creature anymore so he won't be able to move past them that's really interesting he's currently blocked in by all of y'all not useless oh actually no
Starting point is 00:40:32 I forgot Tom Meyer is no longer a large direwolf he is just a normal man oh yeah he will go sort of one two so yeah Rose, Alvarski, Tom Meyer Irina, Dog's Body, Esmeralda, Ismark. Attacks against Jarl. Just, like, runs through, swinging the sword,
Starting point is 00:40:56 kind of these, you know, swift wolf-like pounces and movements slashing against each of you as he goes. This is Kirill, the vampire leader. So, Alvarski. Did a 20 mark. So, I'm using the D&D Beyond game log, and it's another 20. It's a natural 20. No way.
Starting point is 00:41:21 I'm not even joking. You can look at it. You can look at the game log. It's another natural 20. I've got this 9 HP mark. What's your max hit points, Alvasky? 67. I can't outright kill you then, so
Starting point is 00:41:35 you're just going to go down again. Okay. 20 damage plus 1434 points of damage. Ripping his curdled black buried neck.
Starting point is 00:41:52 And then just knocks over again. I was going to say, if you want to say something, because otherwise you're not going to get to do a lot until he has no chance to say anything. This should have happened in like 6 seconds. Is it like maybe some more of the stitching comes off with a second hit like you can hear some tearing this one's like in the chest like yeah you hear like some ripping and tearing is like part of the
Starting point is 00:42:16 chest is like ripped away yeah um revealing like the torso and you can see more of these stitches uh there as well uh so kind of like in a backhand he strikes at alvarski uh rose that is going to be a 17 to hit rose yeah so this is going to be now because you were at max so i didn't get advantage i should have had advantage against you on that so 14 damage so you've taken damage um Irena is at max, so he's going to make a normal attack against her. She didn't get hit. That's a 20. She's going to take damage now. 14 points to Irena.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Good God. So many things to manage. Right, now against... So Rose... So against Dog's Body. Dog's Body has taken damage, so this is with advantage. So that's a 24 to hit Dog's Body.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Oof, that's a big damage roll. That's 20 points of damage. You can see that he's just tearing through in these rapid movements, barely able to kind of land a hit on him as he dances past you. Tom Meyer, you have taken damage, yes? I have, yeah.
Starting point is 00:43:28 Okay, then this is with advantage. That's going to be 26. That's going to be a hit. Yep, that'll do. Only 7 points of damage, though. Very low damage. Shouldn't laugh at him. Esmeralda has taken damage, I believe.
Starting point is 00:43:50 Yes, she has. So this is with advantage. It's almost like he can smell the blood from the wounds. It's driving him into a frenzy. I don't bleed. Well, you have blood-like sap, which is enough. 18 points of damage to esmeralda she kind of grunts as the long sword tears into her um then finally uh against uh who's that is mark uh is mark also at max i don't think he's taken any damage uh in this so this is a normal
Starting point is 00:44:22 attack uh and that might that's a miss. Ismark kind of blocks the blow with his flail and his axe like you won't take me monster. Yeah, he's warmed up now. And that was at the end of Irena's go. So he rushes through trying to like strike
Starting point is 00:44:40 all of these enemies. Trying to get these attacks. And then Ismark is like you want to fight me beasts when he starts attacking the uh the leader uh having been challenged uh so the ac so is mark uh swings his flail around the first attack is a miss is marks the letter proving his name. The second attack is a miss. The third attack is a miss. A clash of steel as Ismark cannot land a blow.
Starting point is 00:45:13 I don't know what's... He's too strong! He's just unable to get a full blow in. At the end of Ismark's go, the wolf leader will make a second long sword attack against his mark trying to wound him that is gonna hit this time this is the last of his off 19 points of damage that's the last of his legendary actions
Starting point is 00:45:35 though 19 points of damage to his mark Esmeralda on her turn, sensing that this individual is a greater fighter than perhaps she had expected, will... That's an action. She doesn't want to take any more big hits like that. She doesn't really have any buff spells. She is going to cast Greater Invisibility on herself. on herself uh so you watch as uh esmeralda vanishes from sight um and then she's going to try and use that in in to get her advantage on her attack rolls uh against them but it's a full turn unfortunately dog's body hello um hello maya when you poisoned my weapon what does that do uh insta kills it's like an instakill poison.
Starting point is 00:46:25 It's insane. It's so good. Honestly, it's a broken ability. I don't know why it's in the game. They have to make a saving throw, constitution saving throw, or they take an extra 2d8 damage.
Starting point is 00:46:41 Okay, cool. So I'm going to use my bonus action to cast Blood Curse of the Marked on Kiril, so that means I can roll another d6 of damage on him, and then I'm going to attack with my axe um so this could be a lot of damage uh and you know what i'm going to use the d6 that um the inspiration that um arena gave me as well uh because that's on attack rolls right yeah okay. So, oh, I rolled quite high. I rolled a 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 to hit. Waste of a dice. Might hit.
Starting point is 00:47:37 I rolled, oh, I rolled a nine on my greataxe. Nine, 10, 11, 12, 13. I rolled five on the Crimson Rite damage, and I rolled a 3 on the extra Hema Craft dice, so... To 21. 6. 21 points of damage. Yeah, and then, what's it?
Starting point is 00:48:02 Constitution saving throw? Yeah, he makes a constitution dc 14 25 okay nothing happens then and uh it's no longer poison burning so the burning poison like the axe splatters down it digs into his flesh and when you pull the axe free you can see the the poison is kind of sizzling the flesh, but that wound is already beginning to heal. You can see that it's already beginning to sort of like mend back together.
Starting point is 00:48:33 Okay. Well, I have a second attack, so let's go in again. Sure. 19! Oh, so close. 19 plus 6 is a 25 to hit And then Just stop rolling
Starting point is 00:48:51 Oh, 10 10 So 10 Where is 10? 11, 12, 13, 14 Plus 4, plus 3 Which is Is that 21 again?
Starting point is 00:49:06 21 again. So the axe bites deep into these wounds, cutting out these large gashes, the lightning and the power from the blade striking through. And you hear Kiro just like Ah! You're stronger than I remember!
Starting point is 00:49:22 Perhaps we should not have let you get away so easily. I'm just saying nothing. I have no energy for it. I am just pure hatred at this point. I'm not here for this. I'm emanating from every pore.
Starting point is 00:49:40 Rose. Hola. I am going to Rose hola I am going to I'm gonna heal Elveski nice I'm gonna give him a a first level
Starting point is 00:49:58 cure wound sorry it's not much but you get up it'll do so that is a three, four, five, five hit points. You're welcome. There we go. So that's my action. I'm probably just going to move.
Starting point is 00:50:24 I'm probably going to move a little bit. I kind of want to... I don't want to be in a line for that stupid attack again. But I do want to say to Vasilika, I want to say, Vasilika, we're not here to hurt you. We're here with Dwyer to help you. The wolves are the enemy, not us.
Starting point is 00:50:48 Please, let us help you. And just hope that... Sure. That did something. That's me. Maybe. We'll see. All right.
Starting point is 00:51:03 In that case, after Rose, it would be the direwolves still feared i need to make a new saving throws for them because i didn't make them last time um but yeah they just continue to kind of huddle away wary of dog's body in this this awful music um because of dog's dog's body's positioning i don't think that they can they can't get to anywhere to attack anybody, so they're just kind of prowling and sort of circling around, wary of everything, trying to stay their distance. But I will make new wisdom saving throws for them. DC 15. First one is a fail.
Starting point is 00:51:37 The second one is a fail. So they're still continuing to keep their distance backed away with this haunting music. Do you have to keep playing it, Kim, or is it just like you play it once and then the effect is ongoing? Play it once. But I like to think that in terms of RP,
Starting point is 00:51:53 it's just like this anger and hatred is just radiating from the dog's body. It's like emanating from him. Yeah, I love it. Very cool. I thought you were going to say you're angrily tooting this pan flute. I'm angrily tooting, and they are staying away because it is disgusting.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Screaming into the fire. That is that. Tom Meyer, you're up. Followed by Halvazki, who will actually get a turn. On my turn, I want to level three healing Halvazki. So 3d8 plus 4 for you. Holy crap. 17 healing.
Starting point is 00:52:50 There you go. Do something with that. And that is pretty much my turn. I am all reactions, very few bonus actions. My turn. My turn. My turn.
Starting point is 00:53:03 Alvarski. Oh my god. alvasky is just gonna enjoy life for a turn um yeah just sit there and be like i'm alive oh wait zombie um my zombo can move i'm gonna get him to shuffle over and attack the leader. Okay.
Starting point is 00:53:28 So he's just got zombie stats, right? He hasn't got the stats of the thing. Zombie stats. Nope. Here we go. Get ready. 20 to hit. Seven damage.
Starting point is 00:53:37 Oh, my God. Seven points of damage now. Yep. Seven points of damage. That's what happens. There you go. Zombie. I think that the the the kirill the leader is not expecting this like he hasn't like seen this so this like thing
Starting point is 00:53:52 pulls itself up from the ground stumbles forward a few feet and just slams its claws into his back and he's just like ah watch and turns around uh angrily but yeah, the zombie stumbles forward. Then it's Alvarski's turn. Seeing this, I will just huskily say thanks to the mire in front of me as I nip past. And what I think I will do, which one looks the worst for wear out of these two here? One is feared, right? Out of the two werewolves, yeah, there's one that's frightened.
Starting point is 00:54:31 I mean, the normal werewolf is frightened, and, I mean, you've seen... You've battled these things before. The pack leader is definitely tougher. Like, the pack leader is shaking... Is shrugging off these wounds, and, in fact, you can see the wounds beginning to heal as they were. Very well.
Starting point is 00:54:48 In which case, I will attack the leader with my first strike, with my magical hands, no less. Mm-hmm. That is a 26 to hit. That hits. With my enchanted hands. that is a 26 to hit that hits with my enchanted hands that is a 8 so just to be aware you're moving up to the guy
Starting point is 00:55:13 that's killed you twice yes you're next to the man that's killed you twice ok good I'm basically doesn't think in that way so how much damage that's 8 for the first one I get a second strike and i'm gonna spend a
Starting point is 00:55:27 key point to do two of them so okay sure that is a 20 to hit the second one and then we got nine points look at this another nine pummeling solid pump two blows land 23 it's a hit and I'm punching a lot eight I am punching a lot I'm gonna punch you a lot yeah you rain blows down upon this pack leader bam bam bam he takes them all just you know thudding against his chest and just kind of cricks his neck that's quite the mistake you abomination and just kind of looks back at you i'd say no one of the abbot's little toys i see i'll break you like i broke the girl i'm just standing in my monk-like fighting stance with curdled blood pouring out of my neck and stomach. Okay.
Starting point is 00:56:30 You watch, those of you who are within five feet of this pack leader, watch as, yeah, parts of his wounds begin to heal. These strikes just begin knitting back together again. Sick. Let's see here. Yeah, he's just going to make two more attacks. And I think that these ones...
Starting point is 00:56:49 Let's have a look here. Ismark. He's going to channel both of these into Ismark for now. So with advantage. That's a hit. Uh-oh. 13 more points of damage to Ismark Ismark taking these blows as solidly
Starting point is 00:57:11 as he can but they're beginning to wear him down second long sword attack against Ismark that's another hit 11 more points Ismark looking desperately injured now. Still standing, but yeah, heavily, heavily injured.
Starting point is 00:57:31 Still alive. You can just see this pack leader whaling down on Ismark, desperately trying to take him, knock him unconscious. Very focused in his attacks on Ismark. Our Vasilika... Let's roll a dice here katie as you were the one that reached out and spoke to basilica i would like you to roll a d6 for me please i rolled two two basilica does seem to sort of kind of come to her senses in a sense um and begins to kind of
Starting point is 00:58:08 look around looking in your direction kind of blinking uncertainly in your direction and just sort of goes limp uh doesn't fight anybody uh just seems to almost come out of a stupor and is is looking around nervously just sayingyer, Dwyer, Dwyer. Just saying the word Dwyer over and over again. Seemingly stunned in her actions. That is the end of Vasilika's game. It's going to be a whole turn. She just seems to be snapped out of it.
Starting point is 00:58:39 The Maya, Rhi. Okey-dokey. I would like to bonus action cast Zephyr Strike on myself. Or I go super speed now. Look at me run. And I'm going to go... Does that stop opportunity attacks as well? I can't remember.
Starting point is 00:58:56 Yep. So I'm going to move over here to this boy. Towards the pack leader. I'm going to do three here to this boy. Towards the pack leader. I'm going to do three attacks on him, two with my crossbow, and then I'm going to do and I'm going to use the hilt of the bow to then
Starting point is 00:59:11 pop him on the head. Sure. A little bonk. A little bonks. That's a 24 for the first one. Ah, that hits. Nice. That's four damage. And again.
Starting point is 00:59:27 Four damage. It's going to be halved. Second one is 19 to hit. That hits. Six damage. Six damage. Rhi, as a point, because casting Zephyr's Strike was was a bonus action so you don't get that
Starting point is 00:59:47 third attack right or is it does the zephyr strike give you one uh hang on let me read oh yeah it's a bonus action isn't it yeah so yeah so bonus action to cast a spell you move up make the two attacks but then i mean you can but then, I mean, you can still, the spell's like extra damage, you can still spend another time or whatever, but yeah. This turn, no bonus action. Just do the two attacks. Okay, so you two strikes, you zip past all of these enemies, and yeah,
Starting point is 01:00:16 get two attacks against them. I move back next to Irina. Okay, so you kind of zip in, and then the flies kind of carrying you, the bugs flying you overhead to return back to your original position. So you went close range to shoot with a crossbow just so you could run away again?
Starting point is 01:00:32 Yeah. Okay. At the end of your turn, Remyer, Kirill's going to make a regular longsword attack. No, he's not. Kirill, as a legendary legendary action he's going to use all three of his legendary actions to immediately shift into hybrid form you watch as like his body
Starting point is 01:00:54 begins to snap and twist rapidly his jaws become this enormous gaping mouth um as he changes shape uh into a large so in, he increases in his size. He's going to kind of shove the zombie back a little bit as he kind of grows in size. A long sword still in his hands, but now in this kind of shifted wolf form. And then he chomps down on Ismark. It does have advantage as well.
Starting point is 01:01:26 Just to see if... Oh, dear. That's a natural 20. So this is going to be... Oh, my God. 16 plus... I keep rolling natural ones with this guy. I did. I rolled three natural ones and I've got three natural 20s.
Starting point is 01:01:42 It's evened out. What do you want? That's just maths. That's just maths thomas it's just math yeah when he results on that okay i need to track quite a lot of ones and 29 just math so uh oh god what was that what's 14 minus 29? 15, right? What? What? Yeah, minus 15. 29 minus 14. Yeah, 29 minus 14 is 15, isn't it? Yeah. Somebody remember 15?
Starting point is 01:02:15 Yes. 24. Oh, could this be outright death at this point? Yeah, maybe. 24. 30. 39 41 41 plus 15 56 oh my god is mark has 58 hit points i just I just dropped him to minus 56. Jesus! The achievement was like this close to failure. You see Kirill just picks him up and just bites into his torso. Blood spurts out of Ismark's chest.
Starting point is 01:02:58 His armor crumples and buckles. He just fades from consciousness. I have to make a constitution saving throw for Ismark for no particular reason. Oh, yeah. And then he just throws his body to the ground completely unconscious, like just... Okay. Okay.
Starting point is 01:03:16 Oh, spaghetti. That was his legendary action, and now he's in this hybrid form. The two werewolves, still frightened, one's going to attack Alvasky because it can't move the other one is going to attack reemire uh it has disadvantage on these attacks so uh alvasky with disadvantage my lowest here is going to be a 13 i think nope it's going to be a nine so that misses and then it tries to claw you and that's going to be an eight so both of these attacks just too frightened of dog's body uh this this werewolf is unable to land a blow and then re-mire
Starting point is 01:03:52 my lowest here is going to be a 20 which i think is going to hit you it bites into you so that's going to be nine points of damage and can you make a constitution saving throw please and that's a 12 12 okay nice to know uh and then it's going to try and claw you uh with disadvantage i think that yeah that 10 is going to miss anyway so yeah the claws miss you but it does manage to bite down and sink its teeth into you and then at the end of their turn they get to make a wisdom saving throw with no modifier. One finally passes. We'll say that's the one fighting Alvarski.
Starting point is 01:04:29 And then the second one passes. So the fear effect has faded from both of the werewolves now. Seeing their leader kind of become this great hulking form and basically kill, as far as they're concerned, kill Ismark, this warrior. They are spurned on to battle at the end of their turn. Irena is just like, Ismark! And sees him go down.
Starting point is 01:04:55 And she will use one of her healing spells because she knows that Alvarski has been healed up. She hasn't got a lot of spells left. um alvarski has been healed up she hasn't got a lot of spells left uh yeah so she will uh use a second level healer her last second level healing word on ismark uh for nine points of health and then as her action she's going to use her... What is this? Mantle of Inspiration as a bonus action. So she is going to grant five temporary hit points to Ismark, Alvaski, Dog's Body, and Esmeralda.
Starting point is 01:05:39 You can also... Each creature can immediately use its reaction to move up to its speed without provoking opportunity attacks. So if any of you want to move without provoking opportunity attacks, you may do. As Irena just kind of lets forth this bursting aria and light and song kind of fills the air and it spurns you to this movement.
Starting point is 01:05:58 You say there was 10 HP as well? Five temporary hit points, yes. Five. I'm just going to give this as normal health to the npcs because i'll track it the same way i assume it would still provoke attack of opportunity if i use that reaction now no that's what i said it doesn't provide opportunity attacks if you use the reaction absolutely going to move nice okay back behind dog's body there we go uh i think is mark would also use this opportunity 5 10 15 20 25 he'll like come up near his sister just trying to get away from this this giant man who just
Starting point is 01:06:37 nearly ripped him in half or nearly bit him in half he's just like ah still holding his side he just manages to kind of pull himself away um uh is mark on his turn uh is just going to uh kind of look at his wounds and kind of take i think he'll take the dodge action like he nearly got bit in half he's just going to try and defense go defensive for a turn uh esmerala who is technically invisible and and nobody knows where she is it's going to move around to the side and then you just see a bolt of lightning crackle out from the side of the bandit leather the pack leader and into the now unfrightened werewolf they both need to make uh dexterity saving throws.
Starting point is 01:07:31 I think that is a success on a 14. It is just a success. And then the regular werewolf is going to be also a success. They take half damage, but this is still going to be 8d6. Can someone roll 8d6 for me? Because I can't do custom dice from the monster pages. Who's doing it? Do 8d6 for me, please, Thomas.
Starting point is 01:07:59 Boom, 24. So 12 points. The lightning bolt kind of crackles out, slamming into the pack leader. Because it's greater invisibility, Esmeralda does not appear herself. The blow is just kind of smack. The lightning bolt just cracks into the wall
Starting point is 01:08:16 and you see the werewolf kind of like snarling, looking around. Dog's body. Hmm. Hmm. Am I going to transform no I'm going to keep going like this for reasons you've got to fight them as a man if you become a beast you're just like them
Starting point is 01:08:38 yeah exactly I'm better than them yeah I rolled a 15 plus Exactly. I'm better than them. Yeah. I rolled a 15 plus 6. 15. Which is 21 to hit. Hits.
Starting point is 01:08:58 And then 6. Oh, my God. I keep losing my place. 6 plus 4 is ten five nine nineteen points of damage with all my crimson right and um blood mark curse mark curse mark 18 points of damage curse mark axe bites deep into into kiril's flesh now you can actually see blood is starting to pour out of his body you know these wounds are starting to take their toll his blood is starting to pour out of his body. These wounds are starting to take their toll. His movements are starting to look sluggish.
Starting point is 01:09:37 Second attack is a 16 plus 6, so 22 to hit. Hits. And same again. Oh, 9. 9 plus 4 is 13 plus four plus uh two so four five six nine 19 again points of damage 14 yeah yeah um cool and it's just just to check the the curse of the thing is on every attack it's not once per turn it's on every attack yeah yeah it's only like similar abilities have it on once per turn okay nice yeah and in that case these two blows dig into its flesh and you can see carving heavy chunks now turns its eyes now on dog's body fully um kind of sensing this strength, this challenge. Anything else, Dog's Body?
Starting point is 01:10:25 Oh, sorry. It says you mark a creature that you can see within 30 feet until the end of your turn whenever you... Oh, shit. So, no, it isn't. You mark a creature that you see within 30 feet until the end of your turn. Whenever you deal right damage to the target, you roll an additional Hema Craft of Die,
Starting point is 01:10:44 and then you can choose oh so does that sound like it's just the one the one time i did it until it sounds like it let me let me have a quick look let me have a quick look because blood hunter is not a class i know super duper well um yeah the wording is a bit where is? Yeah, it's also, yeah, it's just, I think this is just a case of it being a bit of a funky class. So, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam. Attacks on this weapon deal an additional D4 of the list. The crimson right is every attack.
Starting point is 01:11:19 So every attack you deal an additional D4 of damage. Can only hold a single die at one time. This is the blood curse of marking. as a bonus action you can mark a creature you can see within 30 feet of you until the end of your turn whenever you deal right damage to the target you roll additional uh hemo craft to die um until the end of your turn yeah that that suggests to me that it was only a one turn thing so it was only one turn of of the blood curse damage so uh i'll just give him back some hit points and then we'll just call it even five points yeah i wrote it down so uh five points yeah cool cool all right so uh so yeah just the
Starting point is 01:11:57 just the crimson right damage now um so you see you Dr. Potty carving into this creature and it turns around in rage. Rose. Oh, well. So I'm going to bonus action cast Zephyr Strike on myself. The power of Zephyr Strike has been discovered. The power. I'm going to nip out, avoiding opportunity attacks
Starting point is 01:12:26 bring out the sun sword and hit him with it twice sure and my slayer's prey when the other one died can shift onto him because the other one's
Starting point is 01:12:40 passed on passed on I rolled a 19 so close 19 plus 7 to hit though on that one so I assume that would be a 19 plus 7 or 6 and the second attack will be a 19 to hit both hit okay can I if I'm using the 19 to hit. Both hit. Okay. Can I...
Starting point is 01:13:06 If I'm using the Sun Sword two-handed, is it a D10? I believe it's just a long sword, so yeah. If you use it two-handed, it would be a D10 damage. I just wanted to double-check. I think so. So, that will be... 8 radiant damage
Starting point is 01:13:25 on nope no no yes eight radiant damage on the first one and uh nine radiant damage on the second one plus uh two points of damage from slayer's prey and then
Starting point is 01:13:41 okay i will zip away. Get back. So these two radiant blasts, like this blazing sort of light carves into it. You hear this like, oh, howl, just echo. The wounds are still healing. The radiant damage, the magic damage,
Starting point is 01:13:59 it's still healing these wounds from it as you strike. Oh, never mind. It says before the spell ends, I could give myself advantage on a weapon attack. I've done it. The spell's still active. I still think it's like a minute of concentration, I think. It is. It's just that once you get that advantage,
Starting point is 01:14:22 that advantage is gone, so... So I haven't... Can I roll again, see if I get a 20? Well, no, you would have had to have declared it before you roll. So just save it for next round. You can just do it again next round and then expend it for the advantage. Well, it's like...
Starting point is 01:14:38 Because the Zephyr Strike continues on. Yeah, it just... It could have done more. Could have done. Could have done. It's less lesson for next time lesson for next time no
Starting point is 01:14:47 the two direwolves cannot get any closer because of dog's body's fear so all they do is make saving throws they have been completely out of this fight
Starting point is 01:14:57 nope and yes one of them is no longer feared. Its kind of eyes return to snarling things, sensing its pack in danger. The wolf, at the end of its turn, is ready to fight.
Starting point is 01:15:15 The mire. Tom, specifically. Oh, cool. Hey, it's me. I'm back. I would like to use an action. I want to poison spray the little nerd, the leader. I have to move a little bit closer to do that. He makes a constitution save, please.
Starting point is 01:15:40 Constitution save? Can't be that high. He gets a 20. constitution save can't be that high he gets a 20 he's a tanky direwolf now yeah I know
Starting point is 01:15:52 pretty much all of my stuff is constitution based I'm all poison and goo he is all poison and goo and sure I'll use my halo of Spores reaction when I get into the space and just do a D6 of... Wait, hang on.
Starting point is 01:16:12 Oh, it makes a constitution save! 16. Oh. All these spores and poison. You can see this hybrid is matted and covered in dirt and filth. Seems to have no effect. Yeah, that's me. That's my entire actual turn.
Starting point is 01:16:37 Alvasky. Alvasky is going to be a bit more conservative this round. And staying behind Dog's body is going to arc his arms upwards, throwing two radiant sun bolts in place of... Dragon Ball Z style. I love it. So that is 26 to hit. That's it? That's one. And that is eight points of radiant damage.
Starting point is 01:17:05 Yeah, slams into him. You hear like fur and muscle sizzle as the radiant energy strikes. 17 for the second one. 17 hits. Oh, wow. And that's another eight points of radiant damage. Another eight points of radiant damage. Bam, these two blows.
Starting point is 01:17:22 You can see Kirill this this giant wolf form bleeding heavily bruised broken is yeah definitely in a rough spot uh as they are as they are fighting perfect nice i i forgot about my zim zam as well by the way bt dubs so my turn might not have been entirely pointless because i roll a plus three to hit your turn's over tom hey no hey i played by the rules earlier. I didn't let Katie go back on the Zephyr strike. I didn't let Katie go back on the Zephyr strike. I didn't have another creature to control
Starting point is 01:17:52 in fairness. Yeah. Yeah, Mark. Hey, Mark. It's a different initiative. Who's you controlling, Mark? How many NPCs am I controlling? Oh, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine. Well, look, I'm taking the zombie's turn,
Starting point is 01:18:09 whether you like it or not. He hits with a 14, does it hit? Well, the zombie took its turn. It doesn't hit anyway, so it doesn't hurt. I know, it doesn't. The zombie's like, eh. It doesn't do anything. I know.
Starting point is 01:18:19 But the principle, Thomas, the principle. After the zombie goes and Alvasky's multiple attacks, Kirill is going to turn and it turns their rage onto Dog's body. Zombie. And is going to attack multiple times. It's going to try and bite you, Dog's body, and then try and claw you. It has advantage on all of these attacks.
Starting point is 01:18:43 Here we go. It's not going to be good. 25. Yeah, that'll hit. Wow. So that is going to be... So 15 points of piercing damage and then 15 points of necrotic damage.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Do you have resistance to necrotic? I have resistance to necrotic. So that would be 7 necrotic I have resistance to necrotic so that would be 7 necrotic then so 15 piercing 7 necrotic and it's going to try and claw you with the second attack
Starting point is 01:19:15 with advantage because of the blood frenzy 21 to hit that'll hit 14 points of damage and I need a strength saving throw from you please strength oh i'm good at these um do i still have the bard thing from um arena or was that if you didn't spend it if you spent it already then it's gone if you've spent it then it's gone yeah so you don't have natural 20 plus 4 24 you are not knocked prone you see this giant form
Starting point is 01:19:48 like bites into you feel like this surging burning in your neck and then it tries to like swipe at your legs it claws you tries to pull your feet from under you but you manage to stand firm kind of keeping yourself to your feet as he just lets out a rage. Rage for Shatter. Also, you see its wounds do heal up a little as well. After Kirill goes, Vasilika, Katie, roll another d6 for me, please. Four. A four.
Starting point is 01:20:24 Vasilika kind of looks around, and you can see her now like her injuries like she's touching her wounds and like shivering and shaking and just clutches her ears and sits down rocking backwards and forth just like the habit the habit pain death so much death and she's just like looking at her hands stained stained red, you know, the porcelain white flesh just completely soaked in gore and red. And yeah, doesn't take any aggressive actions against you or the enemy.
Starting point is 01:20:56 At the end of Vasilika's go, Kirill is going to make a legendary action to make a claw attack against Dog's body. That is going to be my highest is a 17 to hit. That will hit. This is going to be 12
Starting point is 01:21:16 points of damage. I'm down. So he manages to like tear through Dog's body and now is looking around in a wild frenzy as Dog dog's body falls tom meyer wait it's me again uh sorry re-meyer having two characters with the same name is really confusing okay know. I know it is. I'm going to whoosh on over to Doge Boldy.
Starting point is 01:21:50 I'm going to do a Cure Wounds on him. D8 plus two healing. So with the Zephyr Strike, is it the whole time it's active you don't provoke opportunity attacks or is it just that first turn? I think it's the whole time it's active for that minute. Until the spell ends, your movement doesn't provoke
Starting point is 01:22:06 opportunity attacks. That's so good. That's unbelievably good. That has to be like a level 6 spell, right? No, level 1, Thomas. It's merely level 1. A bonus action. It's ridiculous. It's so
Starting point is 01:22:22 good. It's so good. Cool. Well, you zip on over. I rolled again, and I rolled a nat one, so you get four points of healing, I think, from me. Four hit points back for dog body. I think it's three. You get three hold healing points from me. Wow.
Starting point is 01:22:40 I'm going to zip on back. Is that your turn, Rimo? That's my turn. That's my turn. At the end of your turn, Kirill's going to take a legendary action and hit Dog's body. He does not want Dog's body up.
Starting point is 01:22:56 Dog's body, that's a natural 20. Natural 20. So this is going to be 12 plus 9. 21 points of damage back down you go back down you go please i can't i can't physically do enough damage to kill you outright but uh yeah just you read the maya comes over you feel this you kind of gasp with breath you look up he just looks down no stabs his claws into your stomach. Pulls them out. You fall unconscious again. The werewolves now go.
Starting point is 01:23:30 They are going to leap into action. Dog's body is down. One of them, now that they are not frightened, Alvasky, one's going to jump onto you. The other one is going to continue its assault against Riemeyer. No longer disadvantaged. So this is normal attacks. Tries to bite you, Alvarski.
Starting point is 01:23:50 That's a 15 to hit. Does that hit? On the money. On the money. That's going to be 10 points of piercing damage. All right. The claws is 23. That's going to hit.
Starting point is 01:24:03 That's going to be 8 points of slashing damage slash slices you across the belly like sensing they can see that the battle is on this hinged moment they can see Kirill is heavily injured they can see that several of you are heavily injured and they are desperate to try
Starting point is 01:24:19 and finish this fight 17 to hit 6 points of piercing damage this fight. Rimaia. Yo. 17 to hit. Eh-heh. Eh-heh. Six points of piercing damage, and then tries to claw you. That's only an 11 to hit, so I'm going to assume that misses. So, bites in again,
Starting point is 01:24:35 but you've managed to kind of throw it off and pull yourself away before its claws manage to sink too deep into you. Uh, do-do-do-do-do. Uh, Irena on her turn. Jesus,esus um she's so low on spells she used a bunch of first level ones before as well um what's this situation she can't even necessarily get too close to dog's body either
Starting point is 01:25:03 Situation she can't even necessarily get too close to dog's body either Damn she will Yeah bonus action she will bardic inspiration on Rose Rose so she kind of sings out you feel this kind of music filling the air you get up d6 bonus dice and then she is going to step up next to Dog's body and make a rapier attack against the big lad. 16 just hits.
Starting point is 01:25:37 She kind of thrusts forward. 10 points of damage. You see Kirill kind of like, grunt as the blade slides in, ripping their flesh. Ismark has been healed. He is going to move up and try and help Remy. He's going to make three attacks against this
Starting point is 01:26:00 because he failed completely against the other guy. And he's honestly a little bit scared after what happened. So he's going to make three attacks against this werewolf. It's a miss. It's an 11. He hits! The second attack hits with a flail.
Starting point is 01:26:18 Four, five points of damage. Woo! Go Ismark and then his hand axe also hits but this one is going to take some reduced damage for four points of damage
Starting point is 01:26:33 so he begins kind of cleaving into this other werewolf Esmeralda who is currently invisible will move around and I think she's going to call out as she's fighting, magic isn't affecting this one.
Starting point is 01:26:51 I think it needs a silvered weapon to stop it healing. And then she's going to try and plunge her weapons into this creature's back. She has advantage because she is currently invisible. That's a natural 20. Oh. So that's going to be six plus.
Starting point is 01:27:06 This is on her hand axe. Six plus nine is 15 points. So from invisibility, greater invisibility, so she doesn't appear. You just see this flash and blood sort of spurts out everywhere. Second attack. She does her silvered short sword, yes, but she's attacking with her magical hand axe first uh she hits with her second attack as well and then the silvered short sword
Starting point is 01:27:33 silvered short sword silver silver short sword master wine also hits uh she strikes and you can hear the the silver as it pierces into the pack leader's flesh. There's like a sizzling, like a burning sensation. Just this arches its back. Silver kind of like reaches around, stretching to try and reach at whatever has been attacking it in the back. After Esmeralda's turn, it's going to use a legendary action to swipe at whoever is behind it, which is going to be Esmeralda's turn it's going to use a legendary action to swipe at whoever is
Starting point is 01:28:06 behind it which is going to be Esmeralda it's going to have disadvantage because it can't see her but she doesn't have a hit point so it's actually fully it's just going to be a flat out hit he does hit for 8 points of damage
Starting point is 01:28:22 to Esmeralda and she has to make a strength saving throw hit for eight points of damage to Esmeralda. And she has to make a strength saving throw. Which she fails, so you hear like a kind of thump as you hear a body land on the floor. Dog's body. Death saving throw.
Starting point is 01:28:43 I'm just chilling. It's cool. Remind me of a death save it's plus con right it's just a d20 there's no plus to it it's just d20 plus nothing yep that's a 7 that's a failure 1 check mark
Starting point is 01:29:01 Rose um hearing That's a failure. One checkmark. Rose? Hearing Esmeralda's shout, I'm going to shoot with silver arrows to shitface McGee. Okay. Please. Nice. Go for it. You can see that this pack leader is covered with wounds.
Starting point is 01:29:22 You can see that they're sluggish, they're movements. That blow that Esmerelda just dealt has heavily weakened them. He got 19 with advantage. So close! So close. Anyway. And I'm assuming your plus is, yeah, it's going to hit.
Starting point is 01:29:40 It's, yeah, 19 plus 7. And then my second attack will be a unnatural 19, so 19 total. Okay, hits. Just roll damage on the first attack. I'm pretty sure this first attack is probably going to kill him. Oh, really? Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:30:00 Well, it also does an extra D8. So, ooh, I rolled a 7 on my d8 so 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 so I did because I did a d8 of force damage and then my slayer's prey is 3
Starting point is 01:30:22 you loose the arrow from your kind of like position back near the stairs. It whisks past Alvasky and one of these werewolves who are currently fighting, kind of like passing between the two of them. And it thuds right into the creature's rib cage. And the arrow pierces in like the silvered arrow tip burning its way through.
Starting point is 01:30:42 You see it kind of fully enter its body and then he just kind of clutches at his side. And he just begins to burn away as it collapses to the ground, writhing in pain until eventually the burning spreads over its body, leaving behind this desiccated husk of a corpse as it dies. Ew. Oh my god.
Starting point is 01:31:07 Can you use the other attack on the other dude? You can, yes. This is why I always roll attack, then damage, then roll attack, and then damage, because you never know when you might kill something, so... 19 on the attack, which is
Starting point is 01:31:24 8 damage. 8 points of damage to the one nearest Alvarski or the one fighting Rimaia? Nearest Alvarski. Okay. 8 points of damage. Those, when they
Starting point is 01:31:40 see the two elves kind of look and see this pack leader fall, they just let out this howl it's mournful and angry all kind of mixed in together the two direwolves still frightened one of them still frightened the other one was
Starting point is 01:31:56 but now seeing their alpha they just flee they just begin running along the side of the cliff and they keep running they are not going to stick around. The two werewolves, however, look like they are not going to run. The two werewolves do look like they are going to either try and avenge or, yeah, just do what they can.
Starting point is 01:32:16 Tom Meyer. Little nerds. I'm going to try... What's the constitution on a werewolf? Probably pretty low, am I right? Poison spray. On the one right next to Albaski. Constitution save again.
Starting point is 01:32:33 40. Hell yeah! 2d12. 18 damage. Poison damage, yeah. Poison damage, but because I'm a poisoner, I ignore resistance. It doesn't have resistance anyway.
Starting point is 01:32:47 So this kind of cloud of spore-like fungus just kind of coats in its mouth. Its eyes begin streaming and go red. And it dies, right? Nope. Oh. That's me. Okay.
Starting point is 01:33:05 We go to Alvarski then. Oh. That's me. Okay. That's, uh, we go to Alvarski then. Right. Um, yeah, I'm gonna attack the one to my right. Um. Fucking zombie. Ten. Ten doesn't hit, does it? Ten will not hit.
Starting point is 01:33:25 Second on I'm Strike. Now this one, I'm going to make a stunning strike. So that's a DC or con save. Let's do damage first. You've hit because that was a 24 to hit. Seven. Seven points of damage. Strong thud into the thing.
Starting point is 01:33:46 And now it's a con save of what? I believe it's not very high. It's 11, I think. Yeah. I got a 14. Well, it doesn't stun you then, does it? It doesn't stun me then. So, two attacks.
Starting point is 01:34:02 First one, like, it kind of shrugs off this pressure point or whatever you're trying to strike. It doesn't quite have a full effect. Or maybe it's like a flash of light, but it manages to kind of augs off this pressure point or whatever you're trying to strike it doesn't quite have a full effect or maybe it's like a flash of light but it manages to kind of avert its eyes I will do another unarmed strike again as a bonus action bonus action
Starting point is 01:34:17 bugger me half what I think you and Ismark have really let the team down this fight, Alvarski Man, the dice rolls have been bananas Manages to kind of
Starting point is 01:34:38 dart to the side Manages to dart to the side Rhiannon, roll a d6 for me, please Yay That's a one that's a one uh yeah vasilika just looks seeing the pack leader go down she kind of tilts her head uh he's dead he's dead good just sort of like looks around nervously, but no offensive action. She's not going berserk. Remyer, top of the round. Hello. I'm gonna
Starting point is 01:35:12 whale on this. I'm gonna whale on this boy. Sounds good. Nat 20! I did it! Oh, you did it! I'm gonna max any dice. Don't forget, if you use your gross insect dice,
Starting point is 01:35:30 that's maxed as well. Awesome. So can I use Zephyr Strike and my gross insect? If you still have the Zephyr Strike, then yes, you can. First natural 20 you've rolled this entire campaign. I wouldn't put it past this entire game. Yeah, I mean, Zeke's luck, it definitely, Zeke didn't get natural 20.
Starting point is 01:35:54 So it'll be two D6 and a D8. So 12, eight, that's 20 damage without like maxed and then roll the dice again and then add modifiers. 2d6, 1d8, plus 2, 7, 9, 10, 12. Plus 20, so 32. Oh, my God. 32 points of damage. The insects bring like,
Starting point is 01:36:27 what is it? Is it like a short sword or like a, what weapon is it as you're bringing down? Is this the crossbow? It's the hand crossbow. So it's just like
Starting point is 01:36:34 a point blank shot. The bolt embeds into the creature's skull. Doesn't kill it, but the insects then just swarm in like into the gap and like start eating the eye.
Starting point is 01:36:43 Ah! Ah! Ah! Like the scene in The Mummy where the guy gets covered in beetles and it's, like, into the gap and, like, start eating the eye. Ah! Ah! Ah! Like the scene in The Mummy where the guy gets covered in beetles and it's just like, ah! That was your first attack. Yep. First scene.
Starting point is 01:36:55 Oh, that was close! 18. That's a hit. Nice. Cool. So I'll do a d6. Three for the second one three points of damage so the second one floods in but already the insects are the ones causing the real damage on this uh is that your end of your turn a bonus action hit again okay
Starting point is 01:37:20 10 it's not enough this time this time the werewolf man maybe in its kind of panic of being eaten alive by bugs it throws itself to the side as the bolt sails past as these three bolts launch past the werewolves next up in one turn
Starting point is 01:37:40 they're just gonna go basically Alvaskian you're just gonna continue being there they're just going to go... Basically, Alvaski and Maya, you're just going to continue being... They're just in a desperate frenzy now. They've got nothing to lose. Their wolf pack leader is dead, and they're both near death and in pain. It's just like a trapped animal. Alvaski, bite.
Starting point is 01:37:59 It's only a seven. Claw is a 17. Yep. That's going to be 8 points of slashing damage as it manages to catch you with a slash. And then Remire. It's a natural 1 on the bite.
Starting point is 01:38:16 It's a nope. And an 18 on the claws. That is... 6 points of damage as the claws kind of catch you along the belly. Can I cast Hellish Rebuke as a reaction you certainly can what's the dc uh so that is a dex 10 i got an eight yes 2d 10 fire damage so we'll remember this from the days of Juto. It's actually 3d10 because you cast it at second level as a tiefling. So it's 3d10 fire damage. What?
Starting point is 01:38:50 It says in here it's first level as my infernal legacy. That's probably because D&D Beyond, but if you go in the tiefling racial traits, tieflings cast it at second level, which is 3d10. It's a thing we used to do with juto all the time so i knew it well yeah awesome more fire fire damage okay so that as it bite as it claws into you i mean how does this work with the mire because it is fire damage we have to consider it as fire damage so what is this like is this like fire beetles or like glow bugs or something?
Starting point is 01:39:27 Yeah, like, you know, those bugs that like spray acid? Fire and... Yeah, so they like cool up all over it and start... The werewolf runs around on fire for a brief moment and then falls to the ground dead from the flames. Collapsing. for a brief moment and then falls to the ground dead from the flames collapsing good job werewolves all dead I arena goes next dog's body you're still down yes yeah I'm dribbling a little bit that's fine I Rena will make a medicine check to try and stabilize you at least.
Starting point is 01:40:08 She's out of spell slots. That's only a four. She's like, I can't bind his wounds quick enough for the blood. And she's like trying to wrap you up and sort of trying to help you. But unfortunately, to no effect. Ismark will leave that in his more capable sister's hand
Starting point is 01:40:25 and tries to redeem himself by trying to attack the one fighting Alvarski. Three attacks. Here we go. Can he do it? Ismark the lesser. First one's a hit. Four. Four points of damage because it is halved because he's currently...
Starting point is 01:40:42 Oh, no, it's a silvered weapon. So he does full damage. The second attack from Ismark with his silvered flail is a miss he has his hand axed his hand axe is a hit hey for three points of damage which is one point higher than two which is what hit points it had he brings the hand axe down into its skull and the body collapses and then it becomes another zombie to fight the one zombie that's left that is under your control unless you want to fight the zombie fight with that we've got the ring do it
Starting point is 01:41:27 the only thing we actually know we can't jump out of initiative because dog's body is still on the ground guess who has healing hands dog's body Esmeralda has no way of helping so she simply runs after the
Starting point is 01:41:46 wolves are running away and she is going to also range on firebolt yeah she cast fireball on them stressed to burn the wolves alive she hits it does enough damage probably dog's body death saving throw she's just chasing after launching fire of the escaping wolves die let's hope I don't roll a natural one. Oh, man. Can you imagine? I rolled an eight. An eight.
Starting point is 01:42:13 So you're still a failure. Rose. One away. Got any heals left? I will go up and level two cure wounds dog's body. Bam. Easy. And with that, as Rose places her hands, the healing energy washes over Dog's body. Bam. Easy. And with that, as Rose places her hands,
Starting point is 01:42:26 the healing energy washes over Dog's body. Dog's body you kind of come to, but you can sense that there's no immediate danger. There's no immediate threat. Everybody seems to have kind of taken a moment of, you know, pause. You can see the bodies all around you. The werewolves.
Starting point is 01:42:42 Kiril. Everyone lays dead. The other two are standing. And you feel, with Kirill's death, that burning, bestial rage in your blood, it's not there. The lycanthropy's still there, but that desire, that constant nagging at the back of your mind
Starting point is 01:43:05 to hunt, to kill, to cause pain that you kind of have always had to fight against is no longer there. It's the leader, the originator of this curse seems to have fallen. Is everyone... Is everyone safe? fallen is everyone is everyone safe Rose
Starting point is 01:43:33 yeah fine barely barely touched really I think he was too focused on you probably what ended up taking him out me who killed him
Starting point is 01:43:48 good good and with that we will end Cursed Rod for this week it's time to end cool big old fight
Starting point is 01:44:04 big scary fight yeah you did it once again proving slowly raising an army now do those zombies ever stop or are those just now permanently there I checked and dreamed they last for an hour
Starting point is 01:44:21 you've still got two zombies for an hour I was just gonna isaac and just run around the land raising an army that would be amazing i mean for an hour you've at least got two two helpers that can help do stuff i guess um they're gonna carry your ring but yeah uh very very tough fight kind of does prove once again that dnd's combat tracker is a bit nonsense although is mark and dog's Body both came pretty close. That was, you know, one more round for Dog's Body could have been bad news. And then old Ismark nearly went out to massive damage.
Starting point is 01:44:57 Could have been one of you if you didn't have an army of NPCs around you. I was really hoping that Kim didn't roll a nat 1 because I was like, if I kill him on this turn, it's a risk because I could have gone in and healed, but I was like, oh, but if you take him out... I'm going to kill him. Yeah. If you'd left him, by the way...
Starting point is 01:45:16 Yeah. I was just going to say, if you'd done that and I had rolled a nat 1 right then, i kind of think there's sort of like a poetic justice right the i don't know a tragic monster slayer gets the kill and the yeah dog's body gets poetry away he just yeah thanks y'all thanks y'all that's it from us we will be back on sunday with eros which is our big main campaign if you don't watch it you definitely should as described earlier it is squeaky bum time in a row as very big things are happening and terrible twists and situations
Starting point is 01:45:52 are occurring so definitely come on yeah yeah yeah until then thanks again and we'll see you next time bye everybody see you later. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

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