How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett - How to Make Bold Moves without Being Creepy: A Top Coach for Women Tells All! (with Evan Marc Katz)

Episode Date: February 27, 2025

You know you should make moves with women—say the flirtatious thing, go for the kiss. But what if you come off as creepy? So you hold back… and nothing happens. You feel stuck, right? Renowned coach for women Evan Marc Katz is here to get you unstuck! Having coached thousands of single women, Evan knows exactly what they want. And today, he’ll tell you how to make the right moves to attract the ideal woman for you.You’re About to Learn:02:15: What Women Really Want: Evan Breaks It Down04:35: How Introverts Can Better Connect with Women08:12: Feeling Shy on a Date? Try This!15:58: How to Build Authentic Trust with a Woman You Just Met16:15: How to Unlock Your “Masculine Edge” and Make Moves—Without Being Creepy27:55: The Right Way to Text Women (So They Actually Respond)33:02: Forget Money and Looks: These Are the 3 Things Women Look For43:35: The Mindset Shift You Need to Finally Succeed on the Apps52:11: Evan’s Most Important Advice for Attracting Your Future GirlfriendHit play now and start making all the right dating moves.LEARN HOW EVAN HELPS SMART, SUCCESSFUL WOMEN FIND A GREAT GUY: TO EVAN’S “LOVE U” PODCAST: EVAN ON INSTAGRAM @‌realevanmarckatzFOR A FREE STRATEGY CALL WITH CONNELL TO LEARN HOW TO HAVE GREAT FIRST DATES: GET FREE ACCESS TO “THE FLIRTY 30,” CHARMING QUESTIONS TO ASK WOMEN ON DATES, ON THE APPS, AND WHEN YOU APPROACH: A FREE COPY OF CONNELL’S NO. 1 AMAZON BESTSELLING BOOK, “DATING SUCKS BUT YOU DON’T”? EMAIL CONNELL AND WRITE “FREE BOOK” IN THE SUBJECT LINE AND YOU’LL GET IT

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I just feel like everybody's over complicating this. Authentic people could put themselves out there and it doesn't mean you're weak or needy or desperate. You can be really confident and still say, I like you, I wanna see you again. ["Dating Coach Connell Barrett's Theme Song"] Welcome back to the How to Get a Girlfriend podcast. I am your host, Dating Coach Connell Barrett. I am here to help you learn to flirt, Welcome back to the How to Get a Girlfriend podcast.
Starting point is 00:00:25 I am your host, dating coach, Connell Barrett. I am here to help you learn to flirt, gain confidence, and get an amazing girlfriend, all by being authentic. No pickup artist moves needed. And today I've got a very special guest who is pretty much the OG dating coach. He has spent 20 plus years as a dating coach coaching women on how to find a great man. And so who better to help you understand what women really want than a man who coaches women. Evan Mark Katz is my guest. He's the original dating coach going way back to 2003.
Starting point is 00:00:58 He sold over 13,000 women find love. He's also got a really good podcast called the love you podcast. That's the letter you which has racked up over three million downloads. And you've seen him in places like the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Today Show. And yeah, he knows women very well because he coaches women. And you can find out more about Evan Mark Katz at his website, Evan, thank you so much for being here. Come on.
Starting point is 00:01:24 Thank you so much for having me. This on Oh, thank you so much for having me This is a delight and a surprise and I think we're gonna have a lot of fun today I know I feel like we're mirror opposites in a good way. It's like Superman and then bizarro Superman. I Don't know if I'm the bizarre one Area I am the bizarre one It's it's all good And again, I love that you're leading with that. But the truth is, we're probably we're probably quite similar.
Starting point is 00:01:48 Let's find out. Let's find out. And one of the things that you help women with is you talk about helping women attract a quote, high value, commitment ready man. And I help my guys try to become that guy. Basically, I want I want my clients to have women see them as hey, here's boyfriend material Here's a high-value guy. Maybe give us an insight into into what what women think They want in a man. What are they looking for? How can my guys be what women want while still being themselves? Yeah, I mean It's a it's a pretty tricky thing because fundamentally you don't want someone to have
Starting point is 00:02:25 to change their personality to find love, right? That's not the answer. So there's contradictory advice. Just be yourself, which, you know, be your authentic self. If your authentic self isn't working, then there's probably something to learn, but you shouldn't have to go through a personality ectomy to find love. So I think it's, in most dating coaching, it's both. Uh, people can change within a certain capacity, but you know, the, the, the
Starting point is 00:02:52 pickup artists kind of guys who wear pimp hats and use pickup lines and stuff. You could play that role, but it's not really you. You can't keep that up for the rest of your life. So at some point you have to kind of find the point in the Venn diagram where there's what women want, there's who you are, there's a small overlap and all you need is one. So I think that's sort of the key is you don't have to sort of contort yourself to be who you think women want you to be as much as be the best, most confident, most evolved version of yourself and some woman will be thrilled to have met you.
Starting point is 00:03:26 Yeah, as opposed to trying to retcon yourself to be what you think she wants. I would think it'd be really difficult, and as a coach for women, I say the same thing. If you are a sweet girl next door, we're not gonna turn you into a seductress. If you're an introvert, I'm not gonna turn you into an extrovert. We have to work with, we're not going to turn you into a seductress. If you're an introvert, I'm not going to turn you into an extrovert.
Starting point is 00:03:46 We have to work with what we're given. And so there is a lid for every pot. Some pots have more lids than others. That is true. But at the core, there are 50 million married couples. Do you think everybody had to pretend to be someone else to find love? I don't think so. Right. A lot of my guys struggle with, and I wonder if women struggle with this. I'm
Starting point is 00:04:08 actually dying to ask you this. So maybe the most universal problem I hear from men is some variation of, I don't know what to talk about, or I don't know what to say or how to say it in a way that works with women, whether it's a dating app opener, or it's what do you talk about on a date without quote running out of things to say? Do women struggle with these things and if so how do you handle that with them? That's a great question and I'm already enjoying this as much as I enjoy a lot of my other interviews because these are these are genuinely different questions and I get forces me to think a little bit more. I think we're really coming to an introversion, extroversion
Starting point is 00:04:46 thing. Dating is set up for extroversion. Extroverts thrive because their default is to talk. As a card carrying extrovert, it never occurred to me that I would run out of things to say. There's literally never more to talk about than at the very beginning when you know nothing about each other. Yeah When I was with my wife I remember we were having our first our second kid and we were on our we're in Tahiti and we were We were not working. We were not dealing with the kids So we're just away and it was you know, five six seven years into the relationship I was like, oh we ran out of stuff to talk about
Starting point is 00:05:23 Because everything had already been said. There's literally never more than when you're talking to a stranger. So people like, I don't know if I should say too much on text, you have 30, 40, 50 years of history. I just- I might run out of content. I don't see how we actually run out of stuff to say.
Starting point is 00:05:48 But I think some people are more temperamentally suited to it. And then there are people who are more interested in the world. And if you're interested in the world, you're going to be more interesting to talk to. I had an introvert, back in the day, I mentioned it before we got online. I used to coach men for the first five years of my career. I was just a unisex dating coach. My first online dating program was a unisex program. I had a guy who had this very question, which was a new one for me.
Starting point is 00:06:19 It turns out his interests were really out of step with what most women were interested in. He was a unique guy. He was a sensitive guy. He was a Russian immigrant. He was interested in poetry and he could identify all the trees on a nature walk and he volunteered as a suicide hotline. He was a very unique individual, but he wasn't really well suited for conversation.
Starting point is 00:06:44 At the time, I remember telling him, read Entertainment Weekly, read Esquire Magazine, and read the New York Times. If you just know what's going on and you have a life of your own, because there's your life and then there's the world outside of you, the intersection of those things is going to provide plenty of fodder, and when you say, what do I talk about, ask her about herself. She would love to talk about herself.
Starting point is 00:07:12 It's our favorite subject. Everyone's favorite subject within reason is themself. Right, so if you're genuinely curious, and actually I think that's a flaw that most men have even more than women, they're actually not curious about women. They wanna get a girlfriend, but they're not really that curious about what they have
Starting point is 00:07:26 to say. So get curious. It helps if you are organically curious, but if you have fake curiosity, maybe it'll surprise you. And then if we want to go a little bit deeper beyond talking about stuff, because a lot of the things we're talking about, Connell, are stuff. Connelly Reilly Yeah. David Kramer The best things?
Starting point is 00:07:47 Friends, family, relationships, hopes, dreams, fears. That's where actual real intimacy comes from, and that's why you're going to have a better date than someone who's talking about what they're streaming or their latest workout or their latest travel plans. So there's the surface level and then there's the next level and both of them are, it's good to be fluent in both. Would you suggest a, you're typically introverted, more shy guy, a guy who's not naturally extroverted,
Starting point is 00:08:17 like you, and I'm a card carrying introvert. I've worked on myself, I've had to come out of that shell and in a lot of ways and I certainly bring out a more extroverted side here on a podcast or when I'm coaching, but naturally I'm actually pretty introverted. So for that guy, would you say on a date, first date with a woman, he's a bit shy, he's not quite sure the art of curiosity, start off with something a bit more surface level, topical, and then get into more deeper, curious questions
Starting point is 00:08:46 about her as the date goes on? Would that be a good strategy? Could be. I want to ask you a question, if I might. Please. And there's nothing snarky about it. This is a lack of understanding because I've never had to have a script or a template for a conversation. So I'm not diminishing the fact that people who don't feel comfortable with this need that.
Starting point is 00:09:11 That's what we're here for. I would ask a challenging question. Every other conversation you've had in your entire life, did you need a script for it? Absolutely not. Anytime you ever talk to someone in the grocery store, the doctor's office, or at a party, how do you know the host? Wow, this is a cool 80s mix they're having. Have you tried the punch? I mean, like, we don't really need that many prompts to memorize, because then we get all in our head and we make dating far too big a deal. And so yes, you're a dating coach,
Starting point is 00:09:42 yes, I'm a dating coach, but a big thing that I would tell my women who are also inexperienced, insecure, shy, is think of it like you're sitting next to a stranger on an airplane. And the guy in 22B is sitting next to you, and you're not worrying about whether the guy in 22B likes you or whether he's your future husband. He's just the guy sitting next to you when you say, business or pleasure, oh, you're going to visit your family?
Starting point is 00:10:05 That's great. Are you close to your parents? All right. Oh, what's that book you're reading? It's just contextual. You're really just picking up on the elements and good conversations to sort of darts and weaves and we pass it back and forth like we're doing right now. I don't know if you have a script, but I certainly don't.
Starting point is 00:10:23 No, you nailed it. You said something that I have said to many clients in a slightly different way but very similar. I said, why are you asking me what to say to her when you don't do that with your best friend, your workout buddy, your boss, your sister? Why are you planning and scripting everything with her? And I think the answer to that is something, it's different from guy to guy, but it's some variation of,
Starting point is 00:10:47 well, I wanna make sure it's good enough. I wanna make sure that I'm interesting, I'm saying the right things. And that's coming from, no, that's coming from a place of fear and insecurity. So that's the difference between confident and insecure, introvert and extrovert is like paper thin. Because if you ask most introverts, right,
Starting point is 00:11:08 oh, I'm really funny around my best friends, my family. Oh my God, like, I'm totally. So we have this mental construct that somehow dating is different and we have to bring a different persona when actually the best you is the one you are around your best friends. Bring him or her out to the date and treat that person like someone who's familiar instead
Starting point is 00:11:30 of something new, scary, foreign and your comfort level will make someone else comfortable. If you are uncomfortable with conversation with strangers, that's going to show too. It's going to impact how you show up on the first date. So how do we bring the comfort side that you have in other places to a first date and get out of our head a little bit? I love the word curious that you said a few minutes ago. Get curious about her. Find out about her, what makes her tick for lack of a better term. Can you talk a little bit more about from women who you coach who come back and say, oh my God, our date was great.
Starting point is 00:12:04 We're from women who you coach who come back and say oh my god our date was great He was so interested in me What are some of the ways that you have seen your women just be lit up by a guy who shows that? curiosity or interest Listen I it The biggest complaint women have of men on dates is that they show a complete and utter lack of curiosity most guys either are veered towards some form of narcissism, which is talking about all the things that fascinate them and not being curious about her, or because they're insecure brag about themselves. Hey, I got 90 minutes to tell you, did I mention that I went to an Ivy League
Starting point is 00:12:41 school? Did I mention that I'm a black diamond skier? Did I mention that I've got, that I speak two languages? Guys just try to drop all this stuff to impress them, which is invariably unimpressive, because they're trying so very hard, right? Because they're treating it like it's an audition. So I tell women, my central metaphor to women, and we could flip this around,
Starting point is 00:13:02 you're the CEO of your love life, men are interns applying for a job. The problem is your clients think they're interns and if I were coaching them, you're the CEO and she's applying for a job. So if she's the intern and she has to impress you, you could be very curious about the intern, right? Because there's no pressure. You already have the job. She's here because she thinks you're cute. We already know that. You're already in. So now that you have the job, be really curious about the person who's interviewing for the job. And that could take on any number of forms. It could be surfacey, like what do you do for your work? Are you passionate about it? But it's the next level questions. It's the one that shows that you're listening to the answer that really makes for good conversation.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Because most conversation is not Q&A. So, and this is how texting often works. It's this very, very dry one line Q&A. It's not how dinnertime conversation works. It's so, you know, how do you enjoy your work as a corporate attorney? Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Doesn't sound like you're that passionate about that.
Starting point is 00:14:09 Yeah, no, it's sort of golden handcuffs. It's just what I do. I've been doing it for a long time. Well, if you could do anything else, what would it be? It's funny, I always kind of want to quit my job and become a yoga instructor. I don't have the courage to do it. Now we're off to the races.
Starting point is 00:14:22 And again, I just did that in 10 seconds. And something real too, from that character you were playing. It's a personal follow-up question to do it. Now we're off to the races. And again, I just did that in 10 seconds. And something real too, from that character you were playing. It's a follow-up question to the question. There's a book sitting on my shelf. I haven't read it yet, but it sounds like it's something that's up your alley. It's the David Brooks book, How to Know a Person. Okay. Right, David Brooks from the New York Times. I think there's an art to this and we think it should just come naturally. and it's a thing that
Starting point is 00:14:46 is practiced and practiced and practiced to the point where it becomes you and I think that's probably fits squarely within your advice. Well said. You struggle with dating, right? Sure, you have a good job and cool friends, but you just aren't sure how to flirt, the apps don't work for you, and sometimes women put you in the friend zone. It's frustrating. Hey, I struggled with dating too. As an introvert and a total nerd, I didn't just live in the friend zone, I owned real estate there. But I escaped. Using the dating philosophy of radical authenticity, which I've used to help thousands of men in 17 countries find love. It's what I wrote about in my best-selling book Dating Sucks But You Don't and Radical Authenticity is Why Psychology Today called me the best dating coach in America and now I want
Starting point is 00:15:38 to personally help you attract your dream girlfriend. So go to and book a free call with me. On our call, I'll tell you how my one-on-one coaching will help you find your dream girlfriend and you'll be doing it by flirting with confidence and authenticity. No creepy pickup tricks needed. So go to, book a free call today and let my personalized coaching help you get a great girlfriend. You reminded me of a first date I had once many years ago with a woman who became a good friend but we dated for a while.
Starting point is 00:16:15 We became sort of Jerry and Elaine from Seinfeld. Dated for a while and then became good friends. But on our first date, I was feeling pretty tired, shy, and I didn't really have a lot of extroverted energy, but I was still really present with her. And I just said, you know what my goal tonight is? I just want to find out about her. I'm going to ask questions. I'm going to try to find out what makes her really interesting.
Starting point is 00:16:37 And she did about 80% of the talking. And I was fine with that because I was asking questions. Plus, at the time, I was a journalist, so I'm pretty good at asking questions of somebody if I really am focused in. Anyway, the date ends. I'm thinking, eh, it went fine, but you know, I didn't really offer much. She sends me a text message before I get home.
Starting point is 00:16:56 You're the most interesting person I've met in so long. And I didn't really say that much about me. And to your point, I feel like that old saw, right? If you want to be interesting, be interested. To me, that was a really good lesson. And oh, wow, if you just show genuine curiosity, to use your phrase, gosh, that can go so far with a woman. All right. There's that. And that's the baseline of building trust, comfort, intimacy. And then there's the thing that I think a lot of your guys want to know the most which is what's gonna give me
Starting point is 00:17:27 The masculine edge sexual energy and that's that's that's a different. That's a different dial Right, so it's a both hand. It's not an either or because you can do the thing We're talking about and have a really pleasant date and easily and easily friendzone yourself Yep. Oh, yeah big time, right? So it's not that this is you know bad advice as in date and easily friends on yourself. Right? Yep, oh yeah, big time. Right, so it's not that this is bad advice, it's that it's a piece of the advice. Right.
Starting point is 00:17:51 It's not the whole thing, but for people who initially just struggle with conversation, the more we normalize dating, it's just another person. You could be talking to an old man or a six-year-old boy. Like, how do you talk to people? It does not require that much strategy. I promise. I agree.
Starting point is 00:18:09 I agree. I love that phrase. You just said masculine edge, that dial, the masculine edge dial. And can I ask you about from speaking on behalf of thousands of women who you've helped and also being a former coach for men as well. What do women want, generally speaking, in terms of that masculine edge? How much is too much? A lot of guys come to me and say, well, I can't flirt with her.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I can't say anything. I'll be a creep. I don't wanna get in trouble. I don't wanna say something wrong. Any thoughts on the right way and the wrong way to dial up the masculine edge in a way that women like This is definitely different conversation I've had in many years where I get to talk as as like a single guy rather than a You know married this 16 years married dating coach for women. So I
Starting point is 00:19:01 Was single from 25 to 35. I went out on 300 dates. It's part of my credibility. I was original adopter of online dating and it was better to me than real life. I was never going to be the cutest guy in a room, but I was really good at reading people's profiles and writing funny things. And so I succeeded at online dating. I found My Mill You, wrote a book about it, but I was just running through people. I didn't really know what a good partner looked like, which is a different kind of journey. It's different than how to get a girlfriend
Starting point is 00:19:35 and how to have confidence and how to get laid. It's one step at a time. So while I was dating prolifically, I kind of like reverse engineered things, as any coach does. You kind of reverse engineer what works and then you try to put it into words to make it make sense. So, what I've kind of figured out is that women, whether you use the same terminology or not, but I bet you'd agree in concept, the nice guy story is women want assholes.
Starting point is 00:20:06 They're just attracted to jerks and I'm not a jerk. I'm never going to be a jerk. I don't want to nag a woman or make her feel bad. So there's that story which has a half truth. Women want guys with confidence. So I call them, it's the nice guy with balls. They really do want to be treated well. They really do want you to pick up the check.
Starting point is 00:20:26 They really want you to be sensitive to their needs and listen to them and validate them. They don't want to be treated like shit, right? But they want you to have enough confidence in yourself that you can make a plan, make a dinner reservation, make a move at the end of the night. Pick up the check, no questions asked. There's this very basic behavior.
Starting point is 00:20:46 It's a guy with a plan, right? So jerks who do that will get women in spite of the fact that they're jerks. They don't get them because they're jerks. They get them in spite of the fact that they're jerks because they exhibit confidence, right? And all we're talking about is confidence. I don't know what to say.
Starting point is 00:21:06 I need to come up with a plan. I don't know if it's gonna be interesting enough. We're living in our fears and our limiting beliefs and our insecurities. Yep. So if we can just kind of flip that model and be like, you already have, like Wizard of Oz, you already have everything it takes
Starting point is 00:21:21 to get a woman interested in. All you need is to believe that she's attracted to you, she wants to kiss you at the end of the night, she wants to sleep with you, she wants to be your boyfriend. And it's literally the same advice I give insecure women. Assume the answer is yes. Yes he likes you, yes he wants to kiss you, yes he wants to fuck you, yes he wants to marry you.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Assume the answer is yes and work backwards from there and the guys who assume the answers Yes, don't spend too much time at the end of the night worrying about what did I say or do I have permission to make a move? They put themselves in the position to do so so that most of the time the answer is yes And every once in a while you go make and again, I did the same thing But sometimes you make a move and she's like, whoa while you go make and again I did the same thing but sometimes you make a move and she's like whoa whoa but most of the time the answer was yes all because I assumed the answer was yes and that made her feel more confident in me so confidence breeds more confidence if you believe in your own product you could sell your product if you don't believe in your own product no one's gonna buy it right
Starting point is 00:22:19 right you should really be a dating coach you You're really good at this. Thank you. I will wait for that. Please don't move into my space. You just stay coaching women, okay? You just stay. Do you know who David Wygent is? Absolutely. So David Wygent and I were like the first guys.
Starting point is 00:22:40 So it was David D'Angelo. Oh yeah. Evan Pagan writing the original books. And then David Wygent and I were the first guys doing this 20 plus years ago. And once a year, he and I would have lunch together and sort of compare notes and how we were doing. And I discovered that 80% of my clients were women. And he discovered that he did better in the male
Starting point is 00:23:06 space he wasn't particularly sensitive guys so he did better with women with men and and we had the same tech team we have the same like marketing people sending out our emails and building our websites and he's like okay truce I take men you take women we divide and conquer so nice not that I can't coach men It's that I I had a handshake deal in 2009 or 10 to Seed the male space to David Wygant when there were no dating coaches, but us
Starting point is 00:23:40 Yeah, so David D'Angelo that he helped me or his content helped me back in the day Because you might you remember his thing was cocky funny. There's what works. There's just a million different ways of saying it. I'm good friends with, I guess we'll call him Tripp. I know his real name. I'm really good friends with him. His real name and he does work like you. Does it in high integrity.
Starting point is 00:24:07 I think there's a lot of people who need help. The internet is a very vast space. As long as you're doing it from a place of kindness and not cynicism, I'm always glad to promote it. I think a lot of the male space is kind of toxic. At least it was. And so I kind of disassociated with the pick-up artist world. And I ensconced myself in the women's space where it was just a little less picky.
Starting point is 00:24:43 Yeah, I know that area well. In fact, David D'Angelo, the name he used at the time, his thing, as you know, was being cocky funny. And if anything, I think that helped me back in the day because that's actually genuinely who I am. Maybe not cocky, but I'm a smartass. I'm snarky. I was voted Mr. Smartass in my college dorm awards or something like that.
Starting point is 00:25:05 I loved Letterman back in the day, just a snarky Midwestern smartass. But I think what can happen is you get there's so much advice out there that a guy reads a piece of advice, be alpha male, be a bad boy, or be cocky funny back in the day, or whatever is making the rounds now. And what I found is that, well, one size does not fit all with what works. And if you're doing something that's completely in authentic and incongruent to who you are, then you're just going to come across as like unrelatable to a woman. I guess the question I'm asking, oh, sorry, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:25:37 No, it's okay. I didn't mean to cut you off. There's the performative Andrew Tate like alpha male. But remember, it short-sighted. A, that guy's awful. He might get women, but he's awful. B, the kind of person that would want to be with someone like that isn't really someone you want.
Starting point is 00:25:59 I mean, she might be hot, that might be her only property, but she's hot and has really, really low self-esteem. And you don't want a woman with really low self-esteem. A woman with low self-esteem is a really challenging partner. So people often think one step ahead. If I say the cocky, neg thing that I learned how to do to show my alphaness, to show I don't need her. If I wait three days to call her, you only get insecure women. So one of the things I, you know, the concept of the three day rule is so ridiculous and I'm sure it's still being taught.
Starting point is 00:26:38 I'm so important, I'm so busy, I haven't even thought about you for three days, where think about it this way. You have a date with someone on a Friday night, and I know this is a tangent and you didn't ask for it. You have a date on a Friday night. The date goes incredibly. You text her the next day, had so much fun, what are you doing this week?
Starting point is 00:26:56 She's like, oh my God, he texted me. I'm so happy. She responds immediately. You have a date on Friday night. She wasn't attracted to you. She was kind of bored. Attraction was a four out of 10. You text her the next day,
Starting point is 00:27:07 who is this needy stalker who won't leave me alone? Right. But the follow-up action, the text the next day, is the same action. What determines is how she felt about you the night before. So a guy being authentic and consistent works. You don't have to play games. You don't have to be busy. If you like her and you demonstrate that you like her, a healthy woman will be
Starting point is 00:27:30 like, this is great. An unhealthy woman will want a guy who's more distant. So which one do you want? So glad you said that. I always wondered what makes the women who go for the quote mysterious guy, what makes that happen inside of them? Because a lot of men hear, there's a million different pieces of advice out there, as you know, but occasionally I hear from men who say, hey, Connell, should I play it cool?
Starting point is 00:27:57 Should I make her chase me or withdraw a little bit? In other words, should I be distant? And what I'm hearing you say is if you're being distant, you're attracting the wrong kind of woman anyway. Games beget games. When I coach women, I say the same thing, right? Like games beget more games. I was going to say something about someone I'm coaching who's notable. I'm not going to mention it, but there's someone that I'm coaching and her thing was I've got my ex-boyfriend, he kind of wants me back
Starting point is 00:28:26 and she likes to have power over him and I was like, the best thing you could do is just cut him off and say, hey, we had a nice relationship, it's not working out, we gave it a shot, best of luck, please leave me alone, don't text me, I need to heal. Clean break. She likes having power over him. And so what I see of these dynamics were there's a power dynamic. Texting is always a power dynamic. Who's waited the longest to text has the power.
Starting point is 00:28:51 And so if that's the relationship you want where there's a power dynamic, by all means, participate in it. But I like when women are like, so when should I return his text? I was like, you read the text? Return the text. About now. Like, reverse it. If you text him, would you want him to wait eight hours to text you back? No, you want him to read it. So like, I just
Starting point is 00:29:11 feel like everybody's overcomplicating this. Authentic people could put themselves out there and it doesn't mean you're weak or needy or desperate. You can be really confident and still say, I like you, I wanna see you again. Yeah. Not like a, it's like, I think everybody's just so in their head about strategizing. If you're strategizing, you're kind of already losing. Yeah, I have a client.
Starting point is 00:29:36 I won't name him, I love him. He's actually doing great. And I'll do whatever works with a guy, as long as he's being genuine, as long as he's treating women well, I'll say, whatever works, bro. But he's just like, I gave him a drill. I said, I want you to go out next week. And I want you to, he was so, he had so many different, he had 17 steps for every
Starting point is 00:29:53 night out, all these different judo approaching moves, neg, not neg, but T's here this, and I said, Hey dude, I'll call him Martin, not his name. Hey Martin, here's what I want you to do. Go out Friday night. I want you to let go of everything except I just want you to be really present and listen and then let the thing arise in the moment to do and He Couldn't do it. I mean he didn't he decided I should say he decided not to
Starting point is 00:30:19 He gave me a field report about his night out and he said yeah I went out there and I tried it for 10 minutes It didn't work and then I followed the 47 there and I tried it for 10 minutes, it didn't work. And then I followed the 47 steps that I've been working on. Like, okay. And if strategy is the thing that gets you out there taking action and putting some romantic risks on the table and taking some swings at love, hey, more power to you.
Starting point is 00:30:39 But I do like the less is more mindset. I think it's dance steps, right? If you don't know how to dance, you need an instructor to give you some dance steps because you don't really hear the less is more mindset. I think it's dance steps, right? If you don't know how to dance, you need an instructor to give you some dance steps because you don't really hear the beat in your head. Yeah. If that gets you on the dance floor and dancing,
Starting point is 00:30:51 and then you get some more comfort with it so you can kind of move yourself for a recipe that you follow and then you can kind of go off recipe. I don't morally object to any guy who's turning to a male dating coach and looking for some steps and guidance because he doesn't trust himself. You can't live life by a book. It's impossible. I'm in an advice-giving business. I've written real books and real bookstores. You can't live your life by a book because real interaction, when you're building a life
Starting point is 00:31:25 with someone, if that's what you want, if you want to get married and have kids like I do, you can't keep on referring to a bunch of steps. That has a really short half-life. And so when that mask comes off and the real you comes out and you sold around the steps you. So it's kind of, it's what we started the conversation at. Like we want to start at the authentic core of who you are and if you're a little awkward or a little Asperger's-y or just a sweet nice guy who doesn't want to make women uncomfortable, there's a place for you in the world.
Starting point is 00:32:05 It's really just shifting like 10% instead of going 100%. That's my opinion anyway. I agree. Totally. Take off the mask as much as you can. A couple of things I wanted to ask you that I haven't gotten to yet. Yeah, we're good. What are some of the qualities that your women, who you coach, insist on in a man, a partner? What are a few of the qualities you're looking for?
Starting point is 00:32:33 Because my guys might want to know what women are looking for. Sure. I mean, some of the stuff, like the number one thing that people, let's see, there's what they look for and then there's what they need and it's not always the same thing. What they look for is the stuff made of cliche. Height, money, education. You can't fake your way through height, money, education.
Starting point is 00:33:03 Those things are valued the way youth and beauty is valued by men So, you know it is what it is. You make the most of what you got with the things that can't be faked the Umbrella under which everything falls and we've mentioned it a couple times as confidence women are not gold diggers. They are confidence diggers Right. Why are why do they go to rich guys? Because they have the confidence of a rich guy. It's not just because of the money, because a lot of my clients, they have money. It's that the guy, because he has money, comes across as more confident.
Starting point is 00:33:39 Confidence is everything. Confidence determines how you handle texts, how you handle dating multiple women, how you handle sex, how you handle communication. Confidence is the thread throughout everything. So if I were to give one piece of advice to my women, the women who turn to me, make a little Jesus bracelet, WWJD, what would a confident woman do? That's the answer to every question. What would a confident woman do? That's the answer to every question. What would a confident woman do? Not the insecure you who had a father who left and a mother who criticized her and a husband who cheated on her. What would a confident woman do in this situation? And that
Starting point is 00:34:17 answers almost every question that you and I give answers to. We're working backwards from what a confident person would do. So that's the killer app is confidence. Within that, what women look for that they don't know that they're looking for is a guy who can make them feel safe, heard, and understood. And most guys, it's never even occurred to them that that's what they needed to do with a woman is to make her feel safe, heard and understood. Right. Probably even the ickiest pickup artists figured that piece out. But that's the thing that could get a guy laid is if you make someone feel safe.
Starting point is 00:34:55 Now, hopefully you're a good guy and you treat that, take that responsibility seriously. But Neil Strauss figured out safe, heard and understood in different language once upon a time. Right. Neil Strauss figured out safe heard and understood in different language once upon a time Right conversely what women don't know that men men want is to be accepted appreciated and admired Every guy has that deep-seated need and he doesn't even know that He just thinks he wants, you know a young thin blonde with with you know, a good sense of humor and big boobs But nope, you need someone who accepts you as you are, appreciates the efforts you make for her, and admires what you do. Holds you up in high esteem.
Starting point is 00:35:35 And so men choose women who don't make them feel accepted, appreciated, and admired. They choose women who they think are attractive and then put up with all the bullshit, all the criticism, all the guessing games, all the histrionics. Why? She's hot. Right. Well, they're getting the admiration perhaps, but from the external source of their guy friend saying, whoa, dude, your girl is so hot. That's useless. Right. But they're meeting their need at a low level as opposed to the actual core need that they need met from her for appreciation low level as opposed to the actual core need that they need met from her for appreciation.
Starting point is 00:36:08 But now we see the parallel. And again, I wrote a long blog post about this many years ago. Gosh, I can't remember the title. I'm not going to remember the blog, but I wrote about it a long time ago. I came up with this paradigm that helped women shift their view. I'm just going to reverse it for you today. We've got this story of the guy who thinks that women want jerks. He's a nice guy and he thinks that women want jerks.
Starting point is 00:36:42 That's his observation. There's evidence of it everywhere. Then he learns, oh no, no, no. thinks that women want jerks. That's his observation. There's evidence of it everywhere. And then he learns, oh no, no, no, women don't want jerks. They actually want men who treat them well. Thoughtful, sensitive, chivalrous, listening to their needs, going the extra mile, right? They go out with those guys because the nice guy lacks the confidence and the masculine energy.
Starting point is 00:37:05 And so the flip side for women is... I'm losing my thread, sorry. I haven't said this piece in a long time. But if we say that nice guys fail with women because they don't have that masculine confidence edge, smart strong success to women fail with men because they don't make men feel accepted, appreciated and admired. They think they should just get by, I'm hot, I'm smart, I make good money, right? And they don't provide, right?
Starting point is 00:37:34 They're just relying on their resume. So men put up with hot and crazy and women, right? Like men put up with hot and crazy, women put up with alpha male douchebags, right? But nobody likes it. You put up with it because the guy gets hot and the woman gets confident, right? But they're missing the important stuff. Safe, heard and understood, accepted, appreciated and admired. And if we chose our partners based on those feelings, not the external, as a coach, I tell women, of course you're attracted to what you're attracted to, and rich is better than poor, and lean is better than fat, and all the things you're attracted to, that's
Starting point is 00:38:15 fine. But if he can't make you feel safe, heard, and understood, he's useless to you. And I would say the same thing to your guys. If she can't make you feel accepted, appreciated, and admired, I do not care if it's the best blowjob you ever had. Well, that goes back to the CEO analogy you made, where you need to be, in a sense, interviewing for the right person to, quote, hire as your partner, and making sure that those three things are at the top of her resume.
Starting point is 00:38:42 But nobody does that. And you can't do it on a dating app. Those three things are at the top of her resume. But nobody does that. And you can't do it on a dating app. Those characteristics don't appear on a dating app. Only the shallow stuff appears on the dating app. So it rewards more of that. It's 5% of people competing for 5% of people and everybody else getting scraps.
Starting point is 00:38:59 So the system that we've created doesn't really reward the vast majority of people. It's harder than it was 20 years ago when I was just doing it on and JDate. It's gotten harder because we don't even have the written profiles or the longer emails anymore. So the thing that would allow a decent person to shine conversationally has been taken away. And so it is genuinely the most challenging time to date. Even though there are more options than ever, it is a most challenging time to date. Even though there are more options than ever, it is a genuinely challenging time to date
Starting point is 00:39:29 if you are not in the top 5% of men looks-wise. Don't fast forward. This is not an ad. It's a free thing that's gonna help you flirt with confidence because I'll bet that you struggle with what to say to women and how to flirt, right? Well, let's fix that. I'm going to give you what I call the flirty 30. These are 30 flirty questions to ask women on the apps or on dates or when you approach
Starting point is 00:39:58 so that you can confidently connect with cool, sexy women starting today. It's time to stop running out of things to say and start asking them flirty questions That are gonna make them want to date you so to get your copy of the flirty 30. It's totally free Just go to dating transformation comm slash flirty 30 and that's FL I R T Y 3 0 dating transformation comm slash flirty30. You're about to start confidently flirting with women, going on dates, and soon getting a great girlfriend. Go get your flirty30.
Starting point is 00:40:36 You're so right about how shorter the conversations are now, the interactions, it's all so much more shallow and surface level on the apps and the interactions before you meet up in person. I started dating around the time, a couple years after you became a dating coach, but I actively began working on my dating life in 2005. That's when I said, I've got problems and I need to start working on this. So it was in 05, 06, 07. And even back then, basically before Tinder, you would send five long or I would anyway five long
Starting point is 00:41:07 emails back and forth before you you know unmatched comms You know desktop site I still recommend it by the way, but go on no I was just gonna say it was like I look at it now 20 years ago And I may as well have been sending messages dipping my quill pen into my inkwell, you know, these long emails and she and they would write me back long back and forth. And that was a lot of effort, more effort than now.
Starting point is 00:41:36 But maybe a little side benefit of that is I at least I got a more of a sense of who that woman is and maybe she got a sense for who I am. Whereas now it's, you know, it's three quick little text messages, hey, you wanna meet up, let's get drinks. But I have no idea if she is that woman who can help me feel appreciated. She has no idea if I'm the kind of man who has that real core confidence.
Starting point is 00:41:57 So you're right, I'm just trying to underscore that you're so right. It's okay, I'm glad you shared that. And I've put a lot of thought into this. When I created that unisex dating program, it was called Finding the One Online, I came up with an idea and I literally did a TED talk about it. You can Google Evan Mark Katz, No More Bad Dates. It's about the very thing we're talking about right now.
Starting point is 00:42:19 It was when dating apps were rising and I made up a thing. It's not a real thing. You don't have to adhere to it. Back in the day, was called 222. Couple emails back and forth on Match, couple emails back and forth on Gmail, couple phone calls, and then a date. Now again, I don't expect you to adhere to this on dating apps.
Starting point is 00:42:38 It's a principle. Don't worry about the... Right? It's like... We don't want to follow a script it's an idea it's a paradigm shift right but it's it's the same thing that works with pickup artists right if you ever read a pickup artist book you meet someone in real life you make some conversation hey let's step outside and grab a drink you isolate right make a connection let's move yeah and so then you move you talk for an hour back in the day you get you get her number at the end of the night on a napkin, you call the next day. People liked that because it was organic. You can tap someone in a, you know, hey, in a bar, hey, I see you're wearing red.
Starting point is 00:43:15 I love red. Here's my number. That's what people do online. Right. Yeah, you've got a dog. I got a dog. Let's take our dogs for a walk. Here's my number.
Starting point is 00:43:23 You would never do something like this. So to be successful at online dating, you have to treat it more like real life. You have to zig where everybody else is zagging. You have to actually slow down. I call it deliberate dating. If every other guy is like, you're hot, here's my number, let's meet. I'm the one guy who actually reads her profile and writes a paragraph, even if it's a text, says something funny, interesting, offers an opinion or an observation. Now I'm having meaningful email like texting conversation. Every other guy is like, what's up?
Starting point is 00:43:59 How's your day? Yeah. Right. You up? All that kind of stuff. There's one guy who just differentiates himself from everybody else. And in a couple days of building trust, rapport, excitement, anticipation at the next thing that I'm going to say, I can be like, hey, you seem really cool.
Starting point is 00:44:15 Want to do a FaceTime conversation tonight. And she's going to be like, uh-huh. Because every guy is trying to go as quickly as possible to meet, see if there's chemistry, spend as little money as possible. I want to get to know you. So instead of going on blind dates with total strangers for coffee and no one's ever made out at the end of coffee, I'll remind you, I would spend a couple of days building trust and rapport, getting to know someone on text, do a FaceTime conversation. This is your coffee date. No one has to get dressed up, drive anywhere.
Starting point is 00:44:50 If this conversation, which could be 20 minutes, but ends up lasting for an hour and a half, right? Great. If it's 20 minutes, we both realize we don't want to meet each other in person. No harm, no foul. It goes an hour and a half. What kind of date do you think I'm gonna have at the end of that? I can ask you out for Saturday night. I can pick you up. I can drive you home. I could be invited inside.
Starting point is 00:45:12 Just by spending a week going from texts that are longer and more informative, a FaceTime conversation, which is your real first date. Now your first date feels like a second date. And you've built up trust and comfort and excitement and anticipation and it's real dating. And nobody does this. Well said.
Starting point is 00:45:35 I got to follow up on something. You talked about zigging and zagging, giving women something they're not used to in a positive way on the dating apps. What are some examples of ways that men can zag on the dating apps, whether it's their photos or the way they send their openers or their prompts? What ways can men zag on the apps? I have an idea that I coined and it's hard to describe. I call it the opinion opener.
Starting point is 00:46:03 That was actually named by Eben Pagan who created W Dating and David D'Angelo. David D. He helped me with that name, because he's good at that kind of stuff. But basically, most people when they read people's very minimalistic profiles, it's hard to write something good because they don't give you anything to work with. Yeah. Right? It's hard for women, it's hard for men to make good conversation. There's a skill, there's an art to it.
Starting point is 00:46:27 But if you could pull up one detail from their profile, any detail, right? We want to avoid doing what everybody else does. We're talking about zagging, right? So, asking a question, a flat question, is zigging. It's not zagging. I see you're a lawyer. What kind of law do you practice? I see there's a picture of you in Spain.
Starting point is 00:46:51 That's my favorite vacation spot. It's flat. Yeah. There's no personality. Because when you're asking a question, what are you? You're a journalist. Your personality isn't in it. And that's what most people do.
Starting point is 00:47:04 They ask really, really flat questions because they don't know what else to do. In real life, what do we do? We offer opinions. Opinions show personality. Everybody's afraid to do this, but it is the most powerful thing you could possibly do. If you're talking about cocky and funny, that's an opinion. A question can't be cocky and funny. Got it?
Starting point is 00:47:29 Like on the surface, right? Oh, you grew up in Boston, how about them Red Sox? That's nothing. Right. Right? Oh, you grew up in, you say you're a Red Sox fan. I hope you guys are over your inferiority complex. You know you're pretty much the New York Yankees, right?
Starting point is 00:47:46 Nice, yeah. Very, very different tone. And you add a little smiley face emoji. You're basically starting a conversation about the Red Sox. It's not about you or the person or what you have in common, which is all kind of awkward and ingratiating. You don't want to be awkward and ingratiating where it's this Q&A that leads nowhere.
Starting point is 00:48:09 Everybody knows what it looks like. It's one line back and forth. You ask a question, she gives an answer or vice versa. Why isn't the person saying anything? It's just questions and answers, opinions and observations. And if you could have an opinion or an observation that is funny interesting or memorable Now the conversation takes a whole turn and I could do this shit all day You can give me a thing I can give you an opinion. It's like a party trick. I wish I were better at social media
Starting point is 00:48:38 I would do this on Instagram every day. Give me a thing to talk about. I Will come up with something that is interesting, right? That's an opinion. And if you have the capacity to comb through their profile, and it's not what you have in common, it's not what you like the most, it's the thing that's the easiest for you to riff on, right? Oh, he grew up with three sisters, right? If you grew up with three sisters, I'm grabbing that, I'm offering like that had to be brutal during the teenage years.
Starting point is 00:49:08 I hope you were the baby of the family. You didn't understand what was going on. Whatever the hell it is, we're just grabbing onto something and starting a conversation about the thing. And that is how people talk in real life. When you ask a woman a genuine, an opinion question that... It's not a question, it's a comment.
Starting point is 00:49:29 Sorry, a comment. When you, when you, I wanna make sure I understand the tip, can you give me an example? Another one, please. How about, here, I'll do one that I did once upon a time with my mom. My mom, my father had passed away. My mom was single.
Starting point is 00:49:46 She was looking for dating advice. And so we went onto a dating site and she found a guy and looks through his profile and she's like, Oh, he's got a son in Los Angeles. I said, okay, mom, what are you not going to do? You have a son in Los Angeles? I have a son in Los Angeles. I miss him so much. I wish I got to see him more often.
Starting point is 00:50:06 That would be the most obvious thing to do. It's not bad, it's not wrong. It's flat. It's obvious. So I said, he's got a kid in LA, you got a kid in LA, it means you both know LA. Now take that, write on a post-it note. What are 10 things that you observe about LA?
Starting point is 00:50:27 We're just talking about the subject. What's your opinion or observation about Los Angeles? Is it about the liberals? Is it about the surfers and the beaches? Is it about the weather? Is it about the traffic? What's the thing when you think of LA that you think of? She goes, it's the traffic? What's the thing, when you think of LA, that you think of?
Starting point is 00:50:48 She goes, it's the valet parking. It is out of control. Like you go there, and so I said, there's your thing. Yeah. And then now it's not just a one-liner, it's a paragraph. Because if you're a comedian, I used to write comedy before I did this. If you're a comedian, you have to set up the joke. Otherwise it's like a one-line knock-knock joke.
Starting point is 00:51:06 So it starts, hey, Alan, right? Saw you had a son in LA. I do too. That's not the point of the email. It's the setup for the joke. I got to tell you, I don't think I'm ever going to visit him again because last time I went, it was like $20 valet parking if you wanted to go to the grocery store.
Starting point is 00:51:24 With the amount of money I spent on valet parking, I could take a dinner cruise off the coast of Fort Lauderdale. Right? Leave it. Now he has to respond to her joke about the expense of LA valet parking. And no one's trying to ask boring questions and no one's trying to move it forward and talk about when they're gonna get together. He just has to comment on the price of valet parking in LA
Starting point is 00:51:50 and now we've got banter. Yep. And you create it and then the other person reacts to the banter and again, I could do this all day. So I didn't know you were a comedy writer. I've taken a lot of improv comedy. It's my old predating coach life. I was in Project Greenlight with Matt Damon and Ben Affleck in 2000.
Starting point is 00:52:08 I finished third out of 7,500 screenplays, and Matt Damon gave me his email address and was like, dude, I'm going to work for you one day. And I never fucking heard from the guy again. And it was just like finishing second in the Miss America contest. Nothing happened. But my 20s was screenwriting, and then I became a dating coach at 31. Okay.
Starting point is 00:52:31 I'm not surprised about the screenwriting history and your use of humor. So the idea is you look at something on the person's profile and you make some associations with it that can lead to an observation or an opinion that you're giving them getting them direct reacting to Something that breaks them out of the pattern of what they're used to it's and it's anything Yes, it is a pattern in it's a pattern interrupt but it's the kind of thing that we do in real life if you're at we're gonna use this earlier, but if you're at a party and You don't really know anybody and they're playing some 70s disco mix, you start talking about the 70s disco mix.
Starting point is 00:53:10 You either make fun of the fact that they're playing 70s disco music or they're like, hey, they don't make music like this anymore. This is pretty great. Now you're just talking about disco music. It's not a pick-up line. Right? Because the pick-up line, what's presumed ined in any pickup line is if you go up to any woman all she knows is you want to sleep with her.
Starting point is 00:53:30 She doesn't know anything. That's the one thing she knows when you go up to her is you want to sleep with me, I know you want to sleep with me, you know I know you want to sleep with me, and you have to figure out a way to hide it. So a guy who's good at it is not talking about that. He's talking about anything else in the world. Two more questions and then we can part ways and this has gone great. I'm so glad.
Starting point is 00:53:53 I'm thinking of things I haven't done. I haven't talked about guys in such a long time. I'm a little rusty but no, you're great. This is great. I want to take your course. I'll give it, you're great. This is great. I want to take your course I'll give it to you for free. You used to work on screenplays you said Okay, so you know the movie freaky friday, right?
Starting point is 00:54:21 Cool if you and I as as bizarro dating coaches if we switched bodies freaky friday I'm coaching women you're coaching men. What is the first thing you would tell my guys, even if it's brutal? It wouldn't be brutal. Find a woman who's happy and sane. That's not brutal. It's just true. If she's unhappy or, and sane is the wrong word, but if she's unhappy or if she's unreasonable, she's very easily triggered, circumstances beyond your control, you can't have a discussion with her and resolve conflict in a peaceful way.
Starting point is 00:55:01 There's no point in hanging on, doesn't matter what a connection you have, how much you have in common, how hot she is. She has to have a baseline level of happiness and has to be basically reasonable. And it takes a lot of experience because I don't know about you, but my 20s was I was feeling really lonely. I would go out with anybody who was semi-intelligent, semi-attractive. We'd get together. Anybody who was interested in me became my girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:55:27 And then I had these girlfriends and it was this crazy rollercoaster ride always. And the person I married is just the happiest, sanest person I know. And I've gone out with people who were impressive in every category, taller, cuter, thinner, smarter, da-da-da-da-da. There was, it was just, and here's the other thing on top of happy and saying find a relationship that's easy Yeah Easy easy easy if your relationship is difficult. It is not worth having there's no point Life is a long time. It's you have to be metaphorically in a car with someone
Starting point is 00:56:04 driving cross-country without a radio. Are you gonna wanna throttle this person after a few hours or are you gonna make them cross-country? Yeah. So finding someone who it's just easy and you pretty much basically dig each other and 90% of stuff you agree on, the 10% is kinda negotiable
Starting point is 00:56:22 versus these high conflict, high attraction relationships where 50% of the time they're fighting and it's silent treatments and they're talking past each other. I mean, that's a move that people do in their 20s and people who don't have any confidence that they can do better do. And so I really want to give all of your guys the confidence that if your relationship is difficult, leave it. Yeah. My advice for your ladies, first thing that comes to my mind, and I'm not an expert at
Starting point is 00:56:55 coaching women at all, that's why I don't do it, but I would tell women, you know what we love as men? We love when you give us some kind of green light that you like us or that we can flirt with you whether it's you know a compliment to give us the green light to then keep talking to you if if if it's an approach situation or a smile and just give us a give us a give us an off-green yellow to green light and so many men I can see how their confidence unlocks and awakens when they get some kind of
Starting point is 00:57:27 clearer signal than some women give. And that just can really help two people just really open up. So that would be what I'd say. I agree wholeheartedly. My Love You course is a 26 week course. Each week is broken into a different topic. And there's one on meeting men in real life,
Starting point is 00:57:44 there's one on flirting, there's one on online dating and there's one on meeting men in real life. There's one on flirting There's one on online dating. There's one on first dates These are all separate categories and the thing you said is absolutely in there In fact, if I had to do another TED talk This is one thing that I've always been really really excited about is how easy it is for a woman to be a good good date A guy has to memorize a hundred things. Yeah, right woman to be a good date. A guy has to memorize 100 things. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Right? Call in advance. Make a plan a week in advance. Don't call at the last minute. And this is, by the way, this is all great advice. Call a week in advance. Keep in touch during the week before the date so she's not wondering if you're gonna ghost her.
Starting point is 00:58:18 Right? Confirm the date the day before. Right? Choose a place that's near her home so she doesn't have to go too far out of her comfort zone. Don't go to some chain restaurant. Choose a place that's kind of interesting, right? It's dinner, right? You're not trying to cheap out on it. It's a real date. Ask her questions. Listen to her answers. Don't go on about your ex and how much you hate dating, right? Pick up the check. End of the night, no questions asked, normal place you can go
Starting point is 00:58:45 to right after that, right? Walking distance to go to the next bar after dinner because you've already thought about it. Drive her home, walk her to her door, right? You do those things, right? It demonstrates to the woman what she wants to hear. He's thoughtful, he's generous, he's confident, he's chivalrous, demonstrates all these things in action. But that's like a list of 15 things to memorize. It's not brain surgery, but that's a guy who he could be a dick and he can memorize that and he's going to get laid. Because if you do those things, she's going to feel I'm in good hands.
Starting point is 00:59:21 Fantastic. A very, very competent man does that. For a woman to be a good date, and this is the reason I'm saying this, it's so much easier. As we think of men's agenda, men have two agendas. If you're a cocky guy, your agenda is to get some action. If you're an insecure guy, it's to procure a second date. Maybe impress someone enough to get a second chance at that.
Starting point is 00:59:43 So most people are somewhere between those two things on the spectrum. So a woman's job is to hit both sides of the spectrum. So when I give advice to women on how to be a great date, number one, for the insecure guy, give him the green light, let him know he's doing a good job, look him in the eye, touch him on the hand, touch him on the knee, grab him by the arm while you're walking on the street. Tiny things like that will give him the confidence
Starting point is 01:00:09 to be the best version of himself, right? And for the guy who wants to get laid, let him know that one day if he plays his cards right, he has a chance to get him laid. Right, right. Not tonight, but don't act like it's icky if he shows physical interest in you, because that's pretty normal.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Yeah. So you boost this guy's confidence, you give this guy hope but slow him down, and it's a science. Like it's like it just works. It works on just about everybody. Fantastic. Yeah, it was on our between our second and third date, my now girlfriend Jess sent me a picture, very Grated picture from her bedroom.
Starting point is 01:00:45 She had just moved into a new apartment and she was showing me her empty windows without any drapes or curtains. She sent me a picture that said, �Gee, I wish I knew a tall handsome ginger who would come over and help me put these curtains up.� I knew things were going in a good place with the two of us But I didn't know for sure how well and that just made me feel so good to know. Hey, she's liking me She wants me to ask her out again. She wants me to put up her curtains if you know what I mean, maybe And I really like if I could add one thing to that and yeah, I agree but what I see a lot these days and and I'm gonna
Starting point is 01:01:21 And again, I agree. But what I see a lot these days, and I'm gonna not blame the guys, because there's not blame is a useless emotion, but like you really wanna know what women want, they want you to take control. So you're waiting for a signal, she's waiting for you to just make a goddamn plan. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Right, so that's the problem. Most women's criticism of modern day men is that they're very, very passive. You know, you could call me sometime. You know, you could ask me out too. She's like, oh fucking just make a plan, make a move. I've gone out with this guy seven times. He hasn't even tried to kiss me yet.
Starting point is 01:01:57 Jesus. So like, if she's there, she wants to be there. All you have to do is the day after the date, that was fun, you, me, Saturday night, dress sexy, I'll pick you up at nine. Like it's really easy to do. It's so simple. It's so simple.
Starting point is 01:02:14 So guys are like waiting for like a signal. I'm saying you don't need a signal. And if you can get past that, cause remember if you follow up and she doesn't respond to you, she already didn't like you, her mind's made up she doesn't respond to you, she already didn't like you. Her mind's made up anyway.
Starting point is 01:02:27 If she likes you, she's going to say yes. She's going to say yes to the date the day after. She's going to say yes when you make a first move. Acting only reveals what she's already thinking. It doesn't change her mind. So there's not a downside to action, and that is what they want. I really appreciate it, and I do tell, I shared, I tell women to show interest for the nice guy,
Starting point is 01:02:49 the inexperienced guy, the insecure guy, it unlocks that. Yeah. We don't need to have that unlocked, it's the introvert, extrovert thing. Like you gotta bring that. Yeah. You have two people waiting for the other person to make the move, to make the call.
Starting point is 01:03:06 How about you just take that responsibility on as a guy? Right. Do it. I'm a big fan of tennis. I love playing tennis. I'm very mediocre, but I love playing. And I tell my clients, do not play a balls in your court game here. You serve the ball.
Starting point is 01:03:22 You make the plan. You ask her out. You lead the dance to switch metaphors. She volleys it right back and forth. That's what I tell women. No games. He texts you, text him back. He calls you, call him back.
Starting point is 01:03:31 He says, I can't wait to see you. I can't wait to see you. I call it mirroring. If he makes an effort, you reward it. You do not initiate with him because a guy who's worth his salt knows that's his job. People still like some of these old school gender roles. Whether we care to acknowledge it or not, women still want you to call and plan and pay.
Starting point is 01:03:53 So fucking do it. If you just wait, the right woman will do that for me. We're going to meet halfway. Okay, you're going to lose a lot of women that way. Yeah. Well said. Final words, Evan, you have one more chance to tell the single men who are trying to find love one piece of advice. What would you like to leave them on? We talked about a lot today. I'm kind of rolling through my mental Rolodex of things I usually say.
Starting point is 01:04:29 I've said a bunch of my good relationships are easy. Find a woman who makes you feel accepted, appreciated and admired. Come up with a plan, take control. The answer is yes. She does like you. That's why she's there right but leave leave me out what do you what do you want from me I I'm always just saying lead the dance dating is a dance it always has been and it's the man's
Starting point is 01:04:57 job to lead it's her job to say yes I'll dance with you or no thank you either way it's fine that's right yeah well said Evan thank you, either way it's fine. That's right. Yeah. Well said. Evan, thank you so much for being here. For the person listening to this, maybe the sister of the man listening to this, who might be looking you up, what's the best way for people to find you and reach out with you if they want to? Sure, my name's Evan Marcats.
Starting point is 01:05:19 I'm a dating coach for smart, successful women who have everything but the guy. I've got a podcast called the Love You Podcast. I'm real Evan Marquette's on TikTok and Instagram and YouTube. I'm everywhere. But if you're serious about this, if you're a woman who really is tired of being alone and wasting time on the wrong guys and can't seem to find a guy who you're attracted to respects you treats you right the whole thing because online dating is a bit of a chore. Go to forward slash girlfriend which is a link I made just for today's podcast forward slash girlfriend and I will give you a quiz. Are you wasting time on the wrong men?
Starting point is 01:06:05 I predict the answer is yes. Okay, listener, this is your call to action. I would like you to send this episode to, or send your sister or female friend or mom or whomever, whatever woman you know in your life who could use a little bit of dating help, I want you to send her to forward slash girlfriend. Thank you so much, Evan.
Starting point is 01:06:30 This was fantastic, man. Thank you for coming on. Thank you. This was a really fun conversation for me too. You did a great job. Thank you for listening. There's only 8 million podcasts out there and you listen to mine. I really appreciate that.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Don't forget, girls already like you and your future girlfriend is already gonna be into you, but she's gonna have to meet the real authentic you. So be authentic, go out there and take action. Carpe datum, seize the date. Until next time. ["Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy"]

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