How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett - Special Series! Stop Trying to ‘Approach’—Do THIS to Meet & Attract Women IRL the Right Way (Part 1 of 4)

Episode Date: February 12, 2025

You’re tired of the apps, and you’d love to confidently talk to women at bars, cafes, stores or your gym. But hesitation and overthinking stop you. With Valentine’s Day here, it’s time to brea...k free and start meeting women in real life. Dating coach Connell Barrett presents a special 4-part series to teach you how to meet women IRL the right way—not with weird “approach tactics” but with authentic confidence. In Part 1, Connell reveals the 5 mental blocks keeping you stuck and shares the 5 breakthroughs that will help you meet and flirt with wonderful women—anywhere, anytime.Episode Highlights:4:25: Why ‘Approaching’ Feels So Hard and Scary13:37: Mental Block #1: ‘I’m Not Enough’ and Why This is Total B.S.16:34: Mental Block #2: ‘She Doesn’t Want Me to Bother Her’ and What Women Really Think17:18: Mental Block #3: ‘I Might Creep Her Out’ and How This Kills Your Confidence19:45: Mental Block #4: ‘I Don’t Know What to Say’ and the Simple Move to Fix This21:16: Mental Block #5: ‘What If I Get Rejected?’ and the Win-Lose Mindset That Hurts You25:33: Breakthrough #1: ‘I Am Enough’ and the Truth About Attraction31:45: Breakthrough #2: ‘She Wants Me to Talk to Her’—What Women Truly Want38:37: Breakthrough #3: ‘Talking to Women Is Attractive’ and the ‘Aha!’ Shift You Need50:12: Breakthrough #4: ‘I Don’t Need the Perfect Line’—How to Know What to Say1:02:02: Breakthrough #5: ‘I Cannot Lose’—the Win-Win Mindset that Makes You ConfidentListen now and start confidently meeting women in real life!FOR A FREE STRATEGY CALL WITH CONNELL TO LEARN HOW TO HAVE GREAT FIRST DATES: GET FREE ACCESS TO “THE FLIRTY 30,” CHARMING QUESTIONS TO ASK WOMEN ON DATES, ON THE APPS, AND WHEN YOU APPROACH: A FREE COPY OF CONNELL’S NO. 1 AMAZON BESTSELLING BOOK, “DATING SUCKS BUT YOU DON’T”? EMAIL CONNELL AND WRITE “FREE BOOK” IN THE SUBJECT LINE AND YOU’LL GET IT

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Good looks are like jacuzzis. They're nice to have, but they're way overrated. Welcome back to the How to Get a Girlfriend podcast. I am your host, dating coach, Connell Barrett. I'm here to help you flirt with confidence, get more dates, and get a great girlfriend in your life, and do it by being authentic, genuine, real. No sketchy, manipulative, pickup artist nonsense needed.
Starting point is 00:00:33 This is about being what I call radically authentic. And in this episode, I'm going to reveal for you the five biggest mental blocks that are stopping you from meeting incredible women out in the real world. You know, when you see that intriguing stylish woman at the bar or that gorgeous girl in your yoga class or you're shopping and you see that incredible woman walk by you in Whole Foods, I'm going to give you the five mental blocks that are stopping you from meeting these women or some of them. And also in this episode, I'm gonna give you five game-changing breakthroughs that will make it so much easier for you
Starting point is 00:01:09 to start conversations, to flirt authentically and organically with women, and attract the kinds of dates and women you want, and get a great girlfriend. Because let's be honest, you would love to meet some wonderful women in real life, if you could, but something always stops you you you probably freeze up You want to go talk to women but you freeze up or you overthink it or maybe you wait for that perfect moment
Starting point is 00:01:33 But by the time you decide to act she's gone the moments past and the opportunity is gone as well and The thing about this is is the problem isn't you. The real problem is how you're thinking about meeting women and quote-unquote approaching them. It's a mindset issue. Right now you're trying to quote-unquote approach and attract women, probably. You're thinking of it that way. You're thinking I'm going to approach and she will either accept it or reject it. And that creates pressure and it kills confidence and it gets you in your head. The truth is women don't want to feel approached by a guy who's like running game or saying something
Starting point is 00:02:16 he read on the internet or parroting lines he heard from some so-called dating expert. Women want to feel like a fun flirtyirty, natural conversation just happened, like in the movies. And today's episode is about me helping you stop, quote unquote, trying to approach women, which is very stressful and hard to do, and just break the ice in authentic, natural, organic ways, just like in the movies, so that you can have these real life romantic, natural moments and meet women that way. And let's be real, if you're like most guys, you're tired of the apps.
Starting point is 00:02:56 You know, you're pretty much burnt out on apps, or at least you'd love to take a break from them. You know, the endless swiping, the dead end conversations conversations the ghosting There is a better way there really is or I should say an alternative way and that's why this week I am kicking off a special four-part series here for Valentine's week Valentine's Day is this Friday and In honor of that I want to help you get back to meeting women in real life Do it confidently, authentically, organically, in a way that works. And to not feel like you have to be stuck on the dating
Starting point is 00:03:31 apps. And by the way, I'm a fan of dating apps. I met my girlfriend Jess on a dating app. That said, my previous three relationships before I met her, the three previous girlfriends I had throughout the previous decade, I met all of them through in real life conversations. Whether you want to call that approaching or just meeting them in real world situations, I'm a big fan of this. I think that right now in our society, this is the very best time to be able to go out and meet women in real life because women are just as burnt out on the dating apps as you are.
Starting point is 00:04:10 They're dying for a cool guy to come up and chat with them. And actually this week, Valentine's week, love is on women's minds. Right now women are out there everywhere thinking about love, thinking about finding the right guy, hoping a great guy is going to come up and talk to her in a charming, confident, real way. And that guy could be you. I'll tell you this, women never go to their girlfriends and say, hey, guess what? This guy matched up with me on Tinder. He's the 800th guy to try to match with me on Tinder. Women don't do that, but here's what women do. They go home and tell their girlfriends,
Starting point is 00:04:50 hey, guess what? This really charming, nice, gentlemanly guy just started talking to me at the ice cream section of Whole Foods in the frozen food area. Yeah, I was just looking at ice cream. We start talking about ice cream. The next thing I know, I'm giving him my phone number and we're going out tomorrow night.
Starting point is 00:05:08 Women love those meet cute moments in real life. And that's what I wanna teach you in this episode is how to be able to do that in a way that doesn't feel like approaching. It feels genuine and real and authentic and like it just happened. But you're able to make it happen using the tips and the techniques
Starting point is 00:05:26 I'm about to give you. So I'd love for you to stick around this entire week because today's episode is the first in a four-part series of how you can confidently meet women in real life. And think of today's episode as the first of four crucial puzzle pieces that you're gonna need to put into place to become what I call a 1% man. What is a 1% man? A 1% man is a man who can confidently start and hold conversations with attractive women and do it anywhere without the crutch of cheesy pickup lines or without the crutch of alcohol and also without hesitation.
Starting point is 00:06:11 That's my definition of a 1% man. In other words, I would say at most 5% of single men walk up to women in real life and try to flirt with them at most, probably not even that many, but at most 5% in the Tinder online dating era that we're now in. And I would say of those 5%, most of those guys are either using alcohol as liquid courage at night, or they're using sketchy, planned, rehearsed, robotic pickup lines, scripted material
Starting point is 00:06:43 that so-called dating experts give them. The number of men who can walk up to a woman and just be genuine and flirty and confident, less than 1%, less than 1% of men. And I call that a 1% man. And I spent years approaching literally thousands of women making me a 1% man. And in these next four episodes, I wanna help you become a 1% man by Valentine's Day. Are you up for it?
Starting point is 00:07:13 Are you ready? Let's do it. Let's make this Valentine's Day your last one without an incredible woman in your life. Because by the end of this week and the end of this four part series about meeting women in real life, you're going to have everything that you need to be done with approach anxiety,
Starting point is 00:07:30 to be able to spark real connections, to know exactly what to say and how to say it when you meet a woman, whether it's at a bar or your gym or a coffee shop or a bookstore, and this is going to open up a whole new world for you. You can always return to the apps. There's nothing wrong with getting some good leads, some good options on the dating apps, but I don't want you to feel like you have to be, you know, quarantined and only be swiping for love.
Starting point is 00:08:01 You should be able to feel free and confident to walk up to women anywhere. As one of my very first coaches said to me, he once said, Connell, unless you can walk up to a woman, be yourself and chat comfortably and confidently, you got work to do. And that really hit me hard in the moment. And I'll say the same thing to you until you can walk up to a really attractive woman, be yourself, be authentic, and give yourself a chance at romance and sparks, and just hold a nice conversation,
Starting point is 00:08:30 there's work to be done as a man. So let's start doing that work right now. So today in part one, I'm gonna help you break through from the five biggest mental blocks that are holding you back I'll go through those right now and I'm also gonna give you these five powerful breakthroughs So and it all starts right now. So here we go and I'm gonna begin with the story. I was at a Starbucks back in the 2000s on a sunny Sunday afternoon and
Starting point is 00:09:04 I'm sitting in Starbucks and I'm doing my thing, I'm reading, I'm doing a little bit of work. And I see this woman who is absolutely my type at the time, gorgeous brunette. She was seated by herself and she looked exactly like my dream girl at the time. I had a huge crush on Katie Holmes. Katie Holmes is from my hometown, Toledo, Ohio. And at the time, Katie Holmes was my crush. This was before Tom Cruise maybe had, you know,
Starting point is 00:09:33 fully indoctrinated her. But I saw this gorgeous brunette, seated by herself. She was wearing a denim mini skirt, long tan thin legs. And she was just totally my type. denim miniskirt, long tan thin legs. And she was just totally my type. And I wanted to talk to her so badly. And I tried to, or I should say I tried to try, but I was in conflict.
Starting point is 00:09:56 It's almost like there was an angel on one shoulder rooting me on, and there was a devil on the other side standing on my other shoulder talking me out of it. So it's like on one side there was the angel saying, oh what a babe she's your type go chat her up Connell. And the devil on the other side was saying no she might think you're creepy and the angel said no creepy you're not creepy you're a catch wouldn't you love to date a girl like that? And the devil said, but if she rejects you, it will hurt. Girls like that only date outgoing guys, not shy nerds like you. And what if people see you get shot down?
Starting point is 00:10:40 And the angel said, oh, don't listen to him. Just walk right over there. Be yourself and say something. And then it was as if the angel was impaled by a pitchfork by the devil. And essentially the devil won out. What happened was I was having this internal, this internal battle and I walked over to her table where she was seated and I walked around her table sort of like a frightened shark and I kept circling trying to think, oh, maybe I'll say this, maybe I'll do that. Oh, but what if I get rejected? How will she respond?
Starting point is 00:11:21 And I got so nervous, I kept circling her table. And then I just went back and sat down at my table in my seat and I did nothing. And then she walked, she got up, she walked up, she finished her iced coffee and walked out into the Manhattan afternoon. And I remember vividly thinking, well, there's another beautiful girl who's not going to date me, who I'll never even meet. Why am I so frozen? Why can't I talk to women like that?
Starting point is 00:11:53 And actually, it was that experience that essentially was the last straw for me to then say I'm going to go get a coach, I'm going to go get some help. And that actually led me to my first coach who helped me immeasurably. So for me, that moment was an important moment. And maybe that's relatable to you. You know, have you, if you've ever seen a really beautiful woman you wanted to talk to, and you had that, you felt like you had a foot on the gas and a foot on the brakes, I know exactly how that feels because that's what happened to me that day.
Starting point is 00:12:25 She was about the 5,000th girl, beautiful girl I'd seen in New York City and never approached a single one of them. Why did that happen to me and why does it happen to you? Well, here's the cause. The reason is not that I'm a coward don't know, I'm a coward. It's not that. It's not that you're a coward. It's not that you are not good enough as a person.
Starting point is 00:12:53 It's not that you're just not that guy, okay? The problem is that you have up to five blocks, mental blocks that are getting in the way. These five giant speed bumps are there, up to five of them. And if you have any of these five mental blocks, it's gonna be really tough for you to go chat up a beautiful woman. If you have all five, like I had,
Starting point is 00:13:19 it's gonna be pretty much impossible. That's why I never approached a single woman my entire life until I was 38 years old. It's the very first chapter of my book is me talking about that. And this was basically the last straw moment where I said, it's time for me to get some help here. So what I want to do is save you several thousand dollars. If I can. I don't want you to have to hire somebody for thousands of dollars. I wanna help you remove these blocks right now. So here are the five mental blocks that get in the way.
Starting point is 00:13:49 These are the five blocks that essentially stop you from talking to beautiful women. And let's go through them one by one. First I'll go through each block, explain what it is and how it hurts you, and then we're gonna go through in a few minutes and smash through every one, Okay here we go. Mental block number one is thinking that you're not enough. Thinking that you are just not in her league. You tell
Starting point is 00:14:15 yourself well I can't go talk to her. I'm not tall enough. I'm not rich enough. I'm not good-looking enough. I'm not charismatic enough. I just not. I'm not rich enough, I'm not good looking enough, I'm not charismatic enough, I'm just not in her league. And feeling not enough is probably the single most powerful block, mental block of all, because this is existential. This is about your very identity as a man and your worth and your attractiveness to women. And so I saw that Starbucks girl, that sunny Sunday afternoon and the double zeros,
Starting point is 00:14:51 and basically I could just feel that feeling inside that said, she's out of your league, she's gorgeous, she's Katie Holmes, beautiful. Why the hell would she wanna be with a skinny nerdy ginger like you? Nice guy, Connell, you're a nice guy, but you're, you know, you're like a five. Five or a six at best. She's a ten. And basically, because I felt like she was out of my league, I felt I am not
Starting point is 00:15:17 enough for her. That made it virtually impossible to go over and talk to her. The very first night I actually did go out and approach women, a similar internal event happened. I had to approach women because I had paid a coach a lot of money to basically make me do it, but the very first night I ever went out to approach women before I even talked to one girl, I hid in the bathroom, or I should say I didn't hide in the bathroom, I went into the restroom at this club, and I had a panic attack.
Starting point is 00:15:48 I had these dry heaves, and I thought it was just quote unquote butterflies, but it was way more than butterflies. I was vomiting up stomach acid. I was shaking. I had a full on panic attack in a men's room stall at the plunge rooftop bar in the meatpacking district of Manhattan. And I didn't know it was a panic attack.
Starting point is 00:16:12 I just thought I was nervous, but it was panic attack. And I now realize, oh, what was happening was that core mental block, that poisonous, toxic story of you're not enough was about to find I was about to find out if that was true that's what I was telling myself I was about to find out whether or not I was enough for women and that made it almost impossible to approach women and when I finally had to do it I had a panic attack so okay that's block mental block number. Mental block number two is you think that women don't want you to quote bother them. You assume that women don't want a guy to just walk over them and talk to them.
Starting point is 00:16:53 That'd be bothering them. That would be creepy or intrusive or some kind of a bother. So that's the second block that you might be dealing with. And again, let me go back to Starbucks Girl. I remember thinking she's on her phone, she's enjoying her iced coffee, she's just chilling on a Sunday afternoon. Does she really want me coming over and barging in on her and bothering her and hitting on her?
Starting point is 00:17:19 So that's the second block that gets in the way. The third mental block that gets you in your head and makes it really difficult to go talk to women is the third block is you think that you are going to be doing something creepy by talking to her. You think that your actions are creepy or that you will come off like a creep. So that means you fear that, hey, approaching,
Starting point is 00:17:44 hitting on a girl, going to talk to her, it's weird. It's unnatural. It makes women uncomfortable. Even using the word approach, which I don't love that word. I use it often because it's easy to coach that way. Everybody knows what approaching means. But as you notice, the title of this episode is stop approaching women. I'll talk about that in a little bit, why that what that means. But basically, even the word itself puts might put you in the mind of, well, it's approaching. So if it doesn't go well, that could come off as creepy because it might be weird or unnatural or socially frowned upon and socially creepy to go up and shoot my shot with that woman.
Starting point is 00:18:29 And this happens for lots of reasons. It might just be a feeling and a story inside your mind. I think a lot of people, I think we've been conditioned now in 2025. Here we are more than 15, 16, I think 17 years or so since Tinder launched, basically changed dating forever. And I think society is society now we've been conditioned to think that dating happens online now on apps and doing something like this in real life is socially unacceptable. So that's the third block that's holding you back. You think you might creep her out. And I remember that feeling too. Look, I'm a nice guy. I'm a nice boy from Ohio.
Starting point is 00:19:12 Denny and Greta Barrett raised their youngest son, Connell, to be nice, to not bother people, to not be a creep, to be a nice boy from the Midwest. I remember on some level that afternoon at Starbucks thinking or at least feeling on some level, oh, nice guys don't walk up and creep women out. I'll be creeping on her. I'm not a cat caller. I'm not that guy who bothers women, creeps on women. That's the third block. Mental block number four that is getting in the way or could be getting in the way
Starting point is 00:19:47 probably is for you is that you think You know, well you tell yourself you don't know what to say You basically say I don't know what to say or you might say I have the perfect I don't have the perfect thing to say so that's block number four block number four is feeling that you don't know what to say or That you have to say the perfect thing to say. So that's block number four. Block number four is feeling that you don't know what to say or that you have to say the perfect thing. So you might think, well, oh my God, that woman is beautiful. She's gorgeous. She's in my gym.
Starting point is 00:20:15 I love her. She looks so adorable in the yoga outfit or that stunning woman at the bar you see. But what do I say? What line's going gonna work with her? What's clever enough? What's witty enough? What's good game? And yeah, that really shoves you in your head
Starting point is 00:20:33 and sends you down a spiral level. How about this line? How about that line? How about this line? Again, back to Starbucks Girl. I remember circling her table like that scared little shark, like jaws in reverse, except I was afraid she was going to bite me, or I was afraid the situation was going to bite me.
Starting point is 00:20:54 I remember circling her table thinking, okay, should I use that cocky funny line that that guru mentioned on YouTube? Should I say something funny? Guru's mentioned on YouTube should I Should I say something try say something funny should I crack a joke? Should I ask her what kind of coffee she's drinking? I was trying to think of the perfect thing to say and my mental block in that moment was I don't know what to say I Don't have the right thing to say so that's mental block number four and
Starting point is 00:21:24 Mental block number five and we're gonna fix all these blocks in like two minutes. So stick around mental block number five is You see Going up to a woman quote-unquote approaching you see walking up to her and talking to her you see it as a win-lose Basically, you feel what if I get rejected? win-lose. Basically you feel, what if I get rejected? You have a win-lose paradigm when it comes to talking to an attractive woman. Basically the paradigm is, and by the way, the majority of men make this mistake. This win-lose paradigm is, okay, if I go over her to talk to her and she's attracted and into me, that's a win. That's a success if not, I failed and
Starting point is 00:22:09 that's a failure and I got rejected and I screwed up and What happens is this binary model? Turns a given interaction into a really high-stakes coin toss It's like an existential high stakes coin toss. Heads you win, tails you suck. Validation versus rejection. And this amps up the fear factor so much and it makes you feel like your very self worth
Starting point is 00:22:34 might be on the line. Your very value as a man. And again, this is why I circled this woman's table, thinking, well, what's gonna work? What's gonna turn this into a win and not a loss? This is why a little bit later on in my journey, I'm in the bathroom stall before I actually finally approach a woman
Starting point is 00:22:55 for the first time I'm having a panic attack because the loss story, the win loss story, the loss would be, oh, well, Connell's about to find out if he is as worthless to attractive women as he fears. And so I'm puking in the bathroom stall, scared to death of rejection. So block number five is seeing the very act of approaching of talking to a woman, flirting with a woman, you're meeting in real life, seeing that is win-lose.
Starting point is 00:23:27 And basically the way that comes out in your mind is what if I get rejected? Your mind basically goes on a what if. What if I get rejected? And what will that mean? And your mind comes up with a disempowering, poisonous meaning for it. Oh, it'll mean I'm not enough. It'll mean I'm too short.
Starting point is 00:23:44 It'll mean I'm too fat. It'll mean I'm not rich enough. It'll mean I'm not enough. It'll mean I'm too short. It'll mean I'm too fat. It'll mean I'm not rich enough. It'll mean I'm not cool enough. It'll mean girls just don't like me, at least not women like that. It'll mean something really painful. And then our brains do something called catastrophizing. Well, if it means, if women like that don't want me to go up and talk to them, then that must mean I can't date a woman like that.
Starting point is 00:24:04 And that must mean I can't date a woman like that, and that must mean I'll be alone, and that must mean I'll have to marry an inflatable woman or move to Myanmar and become a monk. Basically, it means loneliness or settling. Makes sense? Think about this. These mental blocks that most men have, I believe, most single men, this mental block number five,
Starting point is 00:24:29 win-loss, it can turn that interaction, that quote approach, into heads, heads, I'm a god, or heads, I get love. No, sorry, not I'm a god. Heads, yes, I get love. I'm worth something. Tails, I am worthless and I'll have to be alone or I'll have to settle for somebody I'm not that into. So this mindset turns the simple 10 second process
Starting point is 00:24:59 of walking up and saying hello to another person, it turns it into a moment of existential judgment on your worth as a man. It's like, no wonder I was puking in the bathroom. No wonder you feel frozen. No wonder. By the way, this is all very common. There's nothing wrong with you.
Starting point is 00:25:17 There was nothing wrong with me. Quite the opposite. You're an amazing guy. You're a great guy. You have so much to offer women. It's just that you and definitely me back then, we had these mental blocks that were getting in the way. It's kind of like having an old outdated software.
Starting point is 00:25:35 It's like I was running Windows 97. What I needed was the best new operating system. Okay. So those are the five biggest mental blocks. Now, what do you say we take a fucking sledgehammer to these babies and just destroy them right now? For good, forever. Are you up for it?
Starting point is 00:25:56 Let's go, let's do it. Let's talk about the five breakthroughs. Let's smash through each of these blocks right now. I'm gonna show you the truth, I'm gonna show you the wisdom, I'm going to show you the wisdom. I'm going to show you some practical actions that are going to first weaken, if not destroy these blocks and smash them into pieces and create some brand new
Starting point is 00:26:16 and improved breakthrough beliefs and feelings that are going to make it so much easier for you to confidently walk up to women and feel amazing, feel confident in yourself, know what to say and do, and get some great dating results. So let's do it. Here we go. Here are the five breakthroughs.
Starting point is 00:26:35 Here's breakthrough number one. Breakthrough number one, remember the old one was, you're not enough. You're not what women want. Here's the breakthrough though. Breakthrough number one is, you are not enough, you're not what women want. Here's the breakthrough though. Breakthrough number one is you are already enough. You are worthy of love, you are worthy of a wonderful girlfriend,
Starting point is 00:26:54 and you have so much going for you. You might not realize it, but you do. To quote a line from Swingers, Vince Vaughn says it to John Favreau's character, you are so money man, you don't even know it. So yeah, you are already enough. Look, bottom line is the truth is women are not looking for perfection. They're not looking for Hollywood star or a multimillionaire. Most of them aren't. They just want a good, solid, authentic man whose life is together, who can bring romance
Starting point is 00:27:28 and connection to her, eventually bring love to her, and who has his life together and can make her part of his quality good life and who can fit into her quality good life. So yeah, being able to attract a great girlfriend or for that matter just being able to walk up to a woman and make something good happen and flirt and get a phone number, you don't have to be great looking. You don't have to have six pack abs. Good looks are like Jacuzzis. They're nice to have, but they're way overrated.
Starting point is 00:28:02 You don't need to look like Brad Pitt to walk up to a beautiful woman, have some success. You can look like Brad Garrett and still make it happen. No, no offense, Brad. So I want you to really lean into this and buy into this. What women want is a guy who can bring value to her life, help her romantically thrive and survive. That does not mean he has to be a millionaire, great looking, six foot three. Those are nice bonuses like Jacuzzi's, but they're not required.
Starting point is 00:28:33 I don't have a six pack. I have a two liter. I'm patting it right now. I'm okay looking. I'm probably maybe a seven, certainly not a 10. So anyway, use me as an example if you would. Okay, here is a practical tip.
Starting point is 00:28:55 I want you to write down five things about you that make you an incredible catch for a great girl. Right now, do it right now. Do it right now. Pause this podcast and write down five things about you and make them specific that make you a fantastic catch, at least in theory. And don't overthink this, underthink it. Make these specific, but they can be small.
Starting point is 00:29:21 I'm intelligent, could be one of them. I have a college education, I'm financially stable, I have a regular paycheck, that's attractive to women. I have a big heart, I'm a good son. You might write, I play a musical instrument. I'm funny, I have a good sense of humor, or I'm fun, maybe you're not even funny, I'm fun, I know how to have a good time.
Starting point is 00:29:42 I'm deeply intelligent, I'm well educated. I'm kind. Kindness is such an underrated thing that women are dying for from a man, but they also want a man who believes in himself, who can blend that confidence with kindness. And if your confidence is low right now, that's what you and I are working on, but also lean into the fact that you're kind. So yeah, write down five things that are specific reasons that if you look at them you think, hey, you know what? On paper, that's a pretty attractive guy.
Starting point is 00:30:15 And this tip can really help your mindset and your psychology because in any given moment your lack of confidence will come with women. Your lack of confidence with women will come from focusing on what you think you lack. I'm too short. My abs are not good enough. I'm not a millionaire. Instead, we want to shift that focus, put that spotlight of your focus on what we know you offer.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Hey, I'm intelligent. I'm well-educated. I make a solid living. I'm a dog dad. I'm a single dad. I'm a dog dad. I'm a single dad. I'm a great dad. I'm intelligent. Whatever it is. And giving your brain specific reasons will help feed that sense of confidence. Okay? So write out five things and that will help you start to get in touch with your enoughness. Because if you take nothing away from this episode,
Starting point is 00:31:06 if you stop listening in 10 seconds, which I hope you don't, but if you stop listening, if you take nothing else away from this episode, take away the urgency and importance of you being in touch with your worth, your value to women, your significance as a man. It has to be there.
Starting point is 00:31:23 It doesn't have to be there, but it sure does help for you to be able to go up to women and chat and talk to them and be yourself. If you're in touch with your worth, then you become almost rejection-proof. Your confidence becomes bulletproof. And every woman is attracted to a confident man. No high quality, incredible woman wants to be with a man who thinks like he's just not enough for her or for women in general. So you've got to transform that belief. You struggle with dating, right?
Starting point is 00:32:00 Sure, you have a good job and cool friends, but you just aren't sure how to flirt, the apps don't work for you, and sometimes women put you in the friend zone. Sure, you have a good job and cool friends, but you just aren't sure how to flirt, the apps don't work for you, and sometimes women put you in the friend zone. It's frustrating. Hey, I struggled with dating too. As an introvert and a total nerd, I didn't just live in the friend zone, I owned real estate there.
Starting point is 00:32:17 But I escaped. Using the dating philosophy of radical authenticity, which I've used to help thousands of men in 17 countries find love. It's what I wrote about in my best-selling book, Dating Sucks But You Don't, and radical authenticity is why psychology today called me the best dating coach in America. And now I want to personally help you attract your dream girlfriend. So go to and book a free call with me. On our call, I'll tell you how my one-on-one coaching will help you find your dream girlfriend and you'll
Starting point is 00:32:50 be doing it by flirting with confidence and authenticity. No creepy pickup tricks needed. So go to, book a free call today and let my personalized coaching help you get a great girlfriend. Okay, breakthrough number two is the concept of that that women absolutely want you to come talk to them. Absolutely. So the old belief, I'm sorry, the old block that we talked about is, oh women don't want me to bother them, okay? But what I want you to do is buy into this idea of a new breakthrough number two, which is women want you to talk to them. She wants me to talk to her. That's the mindset I want you to start to have when you see that woman out in the world. She wants me to talk to her. The truth is, most women would love to meet a great guy, naturally, who just comes up
Starting point is 00:33:50 and chats with her, as long as it's not forced, as long as it's not awkward, and as long as he's essentially comfortable in himself. Here's a quick story. Early on, after I'd started to go out and meet women and finally start approaching girls. It's pretty early in my journey doing this and I'm getting my sea legs. So I'm starting to do it but I'm still working on my confidence. I'm at Whole Foods and I'm in the cereal aisle and I see this really attractive woman
Starting point is 00:34:22 in the cereal aisle and I noticed that she's holding the last box of cereal that's just one of my favorite cereals. I believe it was honey bunches of oats or some kind of like oat based cereal. And I said, I think my opening line was, oh hey, I see you have a very good taste in cereal. That was all I said, is I see you have very good taste in cereal. And she looked at me and smiled and she said, yeah, I do. I love the cereal. And we talked about how we both like that cereal and we chatted about each other for
Starting point is 00:35:01 literally, it was only three or four minutes. It wasn't very long. And then I got her phone number. I said, hey, can I get your number? It'd be nice to take you out sometime and get to know you better. She said, sure. And I was just so appreciative that it went well. So anyway, she said something to me that blew my mind.
Starting point is 00:35:17 She at the end of, at the end of this conversation, we exchanged numbers and we had a date a few nights later. But as we said goodbye in the cereal aisle at Whole Foods, I said something to the effect of, hey by the way thank you for being so polite or no thank you for being so nice. She could she could tell that I was nervous about talking to her and then she said something to me that blew my mind. She said this to me obviously but it's like she was talking to all men.
Starting point is 00:35:47 It's like she was talking to you. Here's what she said. She said, you know, you can just come up and talk to us. We like it. She said it with a smile. She was encouraging. She basically said, yeah, you can just come up and talk to us, ladies.
Starting point is 00:36:02 We actually like it. And that just felt so good to hear. And the big lesson I took away from that was that I want you to think about the idea that, oh, well, women don't want me to talk to them. Women don't like men to come up and talk to them. I'm bothering them. Well, it depends on the guy.
Starting point is 00:36:23 Do women like Ashley from Whole Foods, does she want every guy coming up to her and quote unquote approaching and hitting on her? Hell no, especially if he's not a guy who's got his life together. But does she want a confident gentleman, a nice guy who's got real, his life together, who's got a lot of things to offer her. Does she want a guy like that coming up to her? Hell yeah she does. I know because she told me and because she went out with me and many other women have. So the truth is the breakthrough I want you to have is that women want you to come and
Starting point is 00:37:01 talk to you. They actually want you to. Okay. So here's a practical tip. They actually want you to. Okay? So, here's a practical tip. Think of it this way. Here's my practical tip for you. Don't hit on women. Don't even quote unquote approach women.
Starting point is 00:37:16 What I mean is don't make her feel like you're putting on moves. Okay? Instead, I want you to think about breaking the ice with women in a disarming, indirect way. So think disarming and indirect. And what do I mean by indirect? I mean, at least in the daytime, when you talk to a woman in the grocery store, if you walk up to a woman in the cereal aisle and say, hey, you are gorgeous. I had to meet you.
Starting point is 00:37:46 I had to meet the beautiful hot woman who likes the same cereal as me. That can work. Don't get me wrong, but it's very polarizing and it's very hit or miss. You're either going to get a real big thumbs up, which is amazing, but you can also get a really big thumbs down probably most of the time you will because that can come off as too intense too sexual too soon. What I want you to do here's your practical tip to really start to feel how much women want you to come talk to them is use indirect icebreakers.
Starting point is 00:38:25 So think spontaneous and specific observation. So back to Ashley at Whole Foods. What I did is I noticed, here's how I broke the ice with her. I noticed that she was holding a box of cereal that was the kind of cereal I liked. And I simply observed that and I called it out and I said, oh hey, I see you have very good taste in cereal and
Starting point is 00:38:46 That instantly got me into a conversation with her and that took away the feeling that I was quote unquote Approaching her it felt more to her like a natural conversation just happened Make sense. So yeah, I guess I'm saying if you want to be, you want to use organic openers in an organic whole foods. But yeah, you want your openers to feel really natural and not like you're quote approaching or putting on moves. And so the best way to do that is indirect and spontaneous. If it's spontaneous, it won't feel planned because it wasn't and if it's indirect she won't feel like you're quote hitting
Starting point is 00:39:28 on her and don't get me wrong there's gonna be ways to flirt and I'll get to that later this week in terms of how to put some romantic energy on the table and what I did with Ashley but just for the sake of the open The first words you say keep it indirect keep it spontaneous and a great way to do it is with an observation Something you notice and just call that out Okay, here is breakthrough number three breakthrough number three is Talking to women in real life is attractive to them Talking to women in real life is attractive to them. Talking to women in real life actually can make women attracted to you, the very act of it.
Starting point is 00:40:10 So again, the original block, let me go back to the block I mentioned. The original block I mentioned was, block number three is you think you might creep her out, but the truth is, and the breakthrough is, actually not only is breaking the ice with a woman not creepy, talking to them actually is attractive to them. Women want you to talk to them.
Starting point is 00:40:33 At least they would prefer you do it and fully commit to it rather than not do it at all. So the breakthrough number three is talking to women in real life is attractive. It's not creepy. Because the mental block is telling you that, oh, talking to women is creepy. No, it's not. You know what's creepy to women? Hesitation. Timidity.
Starting point is 00:40:58 Walking on eggshells around a woman. That's creepy as fuck. Women really don't like that, but they love when a man just really commits to the interaction, to the icebreaker, to what I call... Notice I'm trying to avoid using the word approach because I don't really like that word. I like open, opening a conversation, or icebreaker, or delivering an opener. That's the language I'll be using for this episode anyway. So women don't want to be approached so much as they want to have a man come up and open. Open a conversation, open a possibility, break
Starting point is 00:41:36 the ice. And what's actually creepy is when you want to do it but you don't and you stare at her and you hover around her. Like, let's go back to Starbucks girl. I would imagine that she could sense I was trying to talk to her, but I couldn't. She probably could sense that. And I know this because other women who I finally did talk to after five minutes
Starting point is 00:42:02 of procrastinating told me, oh yeah, I could feel you hovering. It was a little weird. So the hesitation and the timidity is actually way creepier to women than just walking up and talking to her. Talking to women in real life is attractive. Here's a quick story. I'm on a rooftop bar.
Starting point is 00:42:20 I'm about three or four months into my approaching journey where I'm out there working with different coaches. I'm learning how to talk to women. I'm getting three or four months into my approaching journey where I'm out there working with different coaches. I'm learning how to talk to women. I'm getting lots of reps. I'm in a rooftop bar and I'm with my then good friend, Taylor. Taylor was my wingman for first year or so of me working on this. And Taylor and I are giving each other missions to do.
Starting point is 00:42:42 He had to go talk to every girl I pointed to. I had to talk to every woman he pointed me to. It was just a deal we made with each other. He signals to a seat with a really cute girl with short brown hair, a really pretty blonde, her very pretty blonde friend, both very stylish, very attractive, stylish stylish people and sitting with them as a big muscular guy in a in a t-shirt Big arms you look like kind of had a Vin Diesel vibe bald hugely muscular and Taylor says go over there
Starting point is 00:43:18 Go over there and talk to them He actually said go go sit down with them because they're the three of them were seated on this rooftop bar. And then there was a four seat that was empty. So he said, go over there, take that seat, shoot your shot. I was so nervous. So I walk over I'm so scared. I'm thinking, Oh man, I'm barging in on them. It's, it's so weird and creepy to talk to people, especially when they're having their own little conversation. I'll be bothering them. The guys, he's one of their boyfriends probably.
Starting point is 00:43:52 He's gonna wanna kick my butt. But I made a commitment to Taylor. I had to do whatever he said. So I go over, I sit down. And my opener's not even very good. I just sat down and said, hey guys, what's up? You look friendly. I wanted to come say hi.
Starting point is 00:44:07 That's all I said. So I sit down, but here's what I did. I committed as best I could. Basically, I went all the way. I didn't tip toe. I grabbed a seat. I sat there like I belonged there, even though I was faking it.
Starting point is 00:44:23 So I sit down, hey guys, what's up? I'm Connell. You guys seem friendly. How's your night? That's my opener. The cute brunette, the short brown hair, think young Winona Ryder. She leans forward from across the table. Her eyes get really big and she said, oh my god you just came right over here and sat down and started talking to us. Do you know what you are? And in my mind, in that pause, I'm thinking, um, I'm a creepy weirdo who's about to get his ass kicked by your boyfriend. That's what I'm thinking. by your boyfriend? That's what I'm thinking.
Starting point is 00:45:03 I held my, kept my cool. I said, no, I don't know, what am I? She said, you're normal. You just came right over here and talked to us like a normal person, thank you. And then she pointed to a different table. She said, see that guy over there? She pointed to another guy, ironically another ginger, kind of had a look like me, a lot,
Starting point is 00:45:30 like a skinny ginger dude. She said, see that guy over there? He's been staring at us all night and it's creeping us out. And she just basically said, thank you for coming over and being normal and unhesitatingly saying hi to us. By the way, the dude, he was friendly, he was not intimidated or he wasn't antagonistic. He wasn't even dating either of them.
Starting point is 00:45:51 He was just a friend. So this giant hulk of a man who I thought was, he looked like a bottle of muscle milk made corporeal, just this massive mound of Vin Diesel-like muscle. He was cool and chill. He was like, hey, what's up, man? And he wasn't even with either of them romantically. So all this bullshit in my head was, I'm creepy,
Starting point is 00:46:11 he's gonna punch me, they're gonna think I'm a weirdo. All of it was nonsense. And that was such a powerful moment for me. So here's a practical tip to help you have that kind of experience. Here's what made that work. It wasn't anything I said. All I said was, hey, what's up? You look friendly. How's your night? Very bland generic words. What made it work was I fully committed to it. I fully committed. I walked over. I sat
Starting point is 00:46:41 down like I belonged there. I looked them right in the eyes. I smiled a confident smile. I was not feeling confident, but I was faking it till I was making it, I guess. And that's what made it work. And so here's your practical tip, is I want you to fully commit to your opener. Whoever she is, whatever you say, fully commit to it. What
Starting point is 00:47:05 do I mean by that? Well think of it like three points of a triangle here. There's three things you want to do to commit. You need to commit with your eyes. Good eye contact, okay? Look her in the eyes when you break the ice. You need to commit with your voice, the second tip of the triangle. Your voice has to be, or at least sound, resonance in that context. She needs to hear you as if you believe in what you're saying. And the third piece of the triangle here of a committed open is body language. here of a committed open is body language. You have to stand, if you're standing, you gotta stand tall, take up some space,
Starting point is 00:47:50 man spread a little bit, shoulders back. So think eye contact, good vocal tonality, and good body language. So here's basically how I walked up, what I said to them that night, 15, 16, whatever it was years ago. I walked over, I sat down like I knew them already and said, hey guys, what's up? I'm Connell.
Starting point is 00:48:13 You look like you're friendly. How's your night going? Pretty normal, pretty confident sounding, right? Here's what you don't want to do. Hey, excuse me? Hi. Oh, over here. Hi, I'm over here. Yeah. Hi. I don't want to do. Hey, excuse me. Hi over here. Hi, I'm over here. Yeah. Hi, is it I don't want to bother you I don't really I'm sorry. I don't want to bother you. But is it okay if I sit here for for one second?
Starting point is 00:48:33 Please can it is or am I bothering you? That's not I'm exaggerating a little bit, but that's not far off from what some men do when they want to go talk to a girl is they let their vocal tonality become very hushed and soft and timid and I understand where it's coming from it's coming from a really understandable place but that that mental block is making it happen and you need to break through that and just make sure you look her in the eye, use your voice and use your body language and just make sure you commit to that open.
Starting point is 00:49:08 Just like LeBron commits when he drives to the basket, right? Just like, I don't know, Tiger Woods in his prime, fully committed to that swing, that full driver swing. He wasn't decelerating, he was fully committing. You want to fully commit when you walk up to a woman. Whatever you're going to say, whatever you're going to do, make sure your eyes, your voice and your body language are all fully committed. One last quick story to underline this breakthrough number three point is I remember a different
Starting point is 00:49:43 girl at Whole Foods. I've done a lot of talking to women at Whole Foods. I met a woman named Lisa at Whole Foods a few years ago, many years ago actually. My opener was actually really funny. It was kind of clever. I thought it was around wintertime. It was really cold. She looked incredible.
Starting point is 00:50:03 She was wearing a white, stylish winter coat with fringe on top. She just looked like the cover of a magazine. And I walked up to her in the frozen food section of Whole Foods and I said, hey, I just saw you and you look like the cover of the J. Crew winter catalog. I had to come meet the cover model or something like that. And it went great. The conversation went great, got her number. Two or three nights later, we're on our first date.
Starting point is 00:50:33 And on our date, I said, hey, what was it you liked about me when I met you? And I was fishing for a compliment to be candid. I was trying to hear, I was hoping she would say, oh my God, what you said was so witty, so funny. She couldn't even remember what I said. She said, on our date, she said, oh, I just liked that you stood nice and tall
Starting point is 00:50:52 and you looked me right in the eye. That's what I liked. And I said, yeah, okay, I'll give this guy a shot. And she didn't even remember my witty funny opener. So I just will never forget that. You look me in the eye, you stood tall, and you look me right in the eye. So that is how you're gonna have your breakthrough
Starting point is 00:51:11 is you're going to apply this concept of full commitment. Eye contact, voice, body language, it just sends all the right signals to tell a woman, this guy is somebody I'm gonna pay attention to. He's a man of real worth and value to the world and to hopefully to her. Okay breakthrough number four is that you don't need to say the perfect thing. You need to say the authentic thing. You don't have to say the perfect thing. You just have to
Starting point is 00:51:44 say the authentic thing, the real thing. Again the mental block is I don't have to say the perfect thing. You just have to say the authentic thing, the real thing. Again, the mental block is I don't know what to say or I don't have the perfect thing to say. But here's the breakthrough you want is you don't need the perfect thing. You just need to say something authentic and commit to it. Don't fast forward. This is not an ad. It's a free thing that's going to help you flirt with confidence.
Starting point is 00:52:10 Because I'll bet that you struggle with what to say to women and how to flirt, right? Well, let's fix that. I'm going to give you what I call the flirty 30. These are 30 flirty questions to ask women on the apps or on dates or when you approach so that you can confidently connect with cool sexy women starting today. It's time to stop running out of things to say and start asking them flirty questions that are going to make them want to date you. So to get your copy of the Flirty 30 it's totally free just go to slash flirty 30 and that's FL I R T Y
Starting point is 00:52:48 3-0 dating slash flirty 30 you're about to start Confidently flirting with women going on dates and soon getting a great girlfriend. Go get your flirty 30 So basically what you need to do here is lower the bar for how good you think your opening line has to be. This might be one of the biggest myths in dating or maybe that let me rephrase that one of the biggest blocks that I hear from more men than maybe than any other block is hey Connolly, I would I would approach girls I would go meet women, but I just don't know what to say. And the truth is, it's not really about what you say,
Starting point is 00:53:31 it's that you just need to say something authentic and that you commit to it. And that gives you a really good chance of a good response. So there's a big myth that you have to say something perfect. Think the last example with Lisa, the one I just mentioned. She actually didn't remember my perfect opener. She remembered my overall vibe and my body language. So breakthrough number four is you don't need to say something perfect.
Starting point is 00:53:54 Just say the authentic thing. So lower the bar. So your tip here is I want you to lower the bar for how good you think that opening line has to be. Here's a way to put this into practice. When in doubt, when you see a woman you wanna talk to, go up to her and say the honest thing, the honest, genuine thing,
Starting point is 00:54:16 as long as it is G-rated. Keep it G-rated. Don't be vulgar, of course. But there's something really powerful about being vulnerable, authentic, and just leaning into literally what you're thinking. So the practical tip is when in doubt, say the honest thing. Or one of the little catchphrases I give my clients is, whatever I'm thinking and feeling is what I'm saying and doing.
Starting point is 00:54:43 So literally seeing a woman and just speaking your thoughts. So here's a quick story my client's Client a client named. I'm gonna oh actually I he was on my podcast last week. You might have heard this episode There was a coaching session. I did so I'll retell the story my client Jason. So I do in-person coaching In-field in-person coaching. I call it the wingman weekend where I go out with guys here in New York City and I help them approach women, help them talk to girls. I'm literally side by side, shoulder to shoulder with them, helping them to talk to women. And so I'm doing a in-person weekend with Jason a while back.
Starting point is 00:55:21 And his big sticking point was, I don't know what to say. I can't approach a pretty girl because I just don't know what to say. And I said well, then let's just say exactly what you're thinking. And I gave him an intentionally bad opening line. I made him walk up to women and he had to start by saying, hi, I'm Jason and I don't know what to say to you. I thought he was gonna have to do it like five times before he might get a good response. But literally the first girl, he walked up to two young women, probably mid-20s, he's late 20s, mid-20s, really cute, both just looking good for their Friday night. And he walks up and says, hey, I'm Jason. I just saw you. I don't know what to say.
Starting point is 00:56:05 And she said, what, huh? And she barely even heard it. What she saw was his relaxed confidence. What she saw was when I gave him permission to say just an honest, simple, lower bar thing, he relaxed, he stood taller. just an honest, simple, lower bar thing, he relaxed, he stood taller, he stopped getting so tense, and he just walked up and said, hey, what's up?
Starting point is 00:56:31 Hey, I'm Jason, I just saw you, but I don't know what to say to you. She's like, huh, what? And then less than five minutes later, they were making out, they were making out. And guess what? She did not remember anything he said to her, at least not the opening line
Starting point is 00:56:46 But that didn't matter because you don't need to say the perfect thing you just need to say the authentic thing and Sometimes the authentic thing is something a little bit more bold. So with Jason I had him say something that was Super like not good game because I wanted him to realize your game what you say barely matters at all but sometimes you can say something that is super true and really real and that can feel really refreshing liberating and and well yeah I guess it can feel refreshing too and so different client different night where I'm out helping Barry so So Barry, love Barry, Barry is a client of Indian heritage. Used to think that he's just not enough because he's Indian.
Starting point is 00:57:35 Women don't like me. Cute girls, especially cute white girls don't want to date nerdy Barry. That was basically his I'm not enough story. So we were, we had been working on that. And fast forward to a night out where we're doing in person coaching. I'm with Barry. By the way, Barry is I can't make this up. I promise.
Starting point is 00:57:55 Barry is chubby. Don't get me wrong. He's got like he's got like a nice kind of handsome face, but he's like a chubby handsome face. He kind of has a Jonah member like young younger Jonah Hill when Jonah Hill was chubby. He has like a jointubby handsome face. He kind of has a Jonah. Remember like young, younger Jonah Hill when Jonah Hill was chubby. He has like a young Jonah Hill body. So Barry, mid twenties, Indian, American raised, but Indian heritage has a engineering job, has a software engineering job. So, and he's probably 30, 40 pounds overweight. So there is nothing about him
Starting point is 00:58:30 that says I'm a society 10 out of 10. He's Indian, chunky, nerdy engineer. Cute face, but other than that, you know, say, don't talk to hot girls, why would you bother? Anyway, so Barry's my client. We're out at this place called Gem. It's a bar in New York City. Lots of young women in their 20s are there, his crowd, his audience. And so Barry, it's our first night where I'm helping him talk to women.
Starting point is 00:59:03 And he's really nervous. He's really in his head, he's not taking much action yet. And I said, okay, let me do one for you. I said, look around the room. And he's thinking, basically he was in his head because he didn't know what to say. What's the perfect thing, what's the right thing to say?
Starting point is 00:59:23 And I said, look around the room, who's the hottest girl here to you? And he points over to a young woman, early 20s, probably tight jeans, white top, blonde hair, just a total cutie, like absolute adorably cute hot girl at a bar. And he said, oh, her. And I said, okay. And I'm whispering to him okay what's what's the deepest most honest thing that you could tell her if you had
Starting point is 00:59:50 to tell her something he said um if I could say say anything to her I would tell her that um she's a total ten I would tell her that I'm nervous but I think she's a ten and I said okay and I was gonna have'm nervous, but I think she's a 10. And I said, okay. And I was gonna have him do it, but I could tell he wouldn't. So anyway, I tap her on the shoulder. I say, hey, excuse me.
Starting point is 01:00:15 That's my friend over there. He wanted me to tell you that you're a total, he's actually pretty nervous, but he said you're a total 10. And she looked at me and then she looked over at Barry and she realized everything that was happening was a hundred percent genuine. There was no game, there was no like this wasn't some funky move we were doing. It was happening organically in the moment. So
Starting point is 01:00:39 she looks at the both of us and she looks over at Barry and she blushes and smiles and she puts her hand on her kind of like her clutching her chest as if to say, what? I'm a 10? Oh my God, that is so sweet. She's not saying it to me. She's saying it to Barry, even though I was speaking for him. I guess this was my Cyrano de Bergerac moment. So she basically looks at Barry and said, oh my God, really?
Starting point is 01:01:08 You're so sweet. Now Barry has some confidence because she's looking at him with her, you know, in a blushy, like she's a human heart eye emoji. Barry, I was the one who approached her, but Barry had turned her into a human heart eye emoji. And the two of them start talking. Three or four minutes later, they disappear together
Starting point is 01:01:31 to like a quiet booth in the bar on an instant date. And I'm the world's proudest, happiest coach when I have those moments. So think about this. Barry, the chubby Indian software engineer who's 30-40 pounds overweight, he is on an instant date with the total dime of the bar. Way quote unquote out of his league. But is he really out of his league or is he an amazing, amazing, smart,
Starting point is 01:02:06 intelligent, great guy? Of course he is. So and all he did was he applied breakthrough number four. He didn't say the perfect thing. He well, technically I said it, but it was his it was from coming from Barry. He said the authentic thing. He said the authentic thing. He said the honest thing. So Here's your so here's your
Starting point is 01:02:28 Practical tip that I want you to do The next night you're out or the next day you're out when you see an attractive woman. I want you to make a shift and I want you to think of a the next time you see a really attractive woman, notice your mind trying to come up with a perfect line. Instead of asking yourself, what is the perfect thing to say, ask yourself, what is an honest and G rated thing I could say to break the ice with her? And then say that.
Starting point is 01:03:02 Okay? Now, why does this work? Well, or why did it work with Barry? Or why does this work? Well, why did it work with Barry? Or why does it work in general? Think of it this way. When you're trying to say the perfect approach line, you're accidentally making the situation about your agenda. You're making it about what you want. I want her number. I want a date. I want validation, I want sex. Those are all understandable things to want, but it makes you feel like a taker to her. But when you shift to authentically sharing of yourself and you're giving her an honest compliment,
Starting point is 01:03:40 a true genuine compliment or just a true moment of sharing something authentic, you go from being a taker to a giver. You become a contributor that feels so much better to you because instead of worrying about what you're going to get for your ego gratification, you're focused more on how you can make her smile, how you can share something genuine and real to hopefully make her day or night better. And when a man of value like you or Barry or Jason, when you give to women, they love it. And that lifts you above all these other guys who are just trying to take and you become a giver and women love men who give and they want to give back and they give back in wonderful ways.
Starting point is 01:04:23 Okay, last one. Let's finish strong. Breakthrough number five. Breakthrough number five is this. Your mindset should be when you look at an approach or look at a context of walking up to that woman, your breakthrough mindset is I literally cannot lose You literally cannot lose. Because every woman I talk to, either it's a win if I get a result, or I grow as a man, even if she doesn't want to date me. Let me say that again.
Starting point is 01:05:00 You literally cannot lose. I want you to look at every approach as a win-win. Think of it this way. I can't lose. I want you to look at every approach as a win-win think of it this way I can't lose every approach is either win or learn Okay, it's either a party or ponder it's either celebrate or contemplate that
Starting point is 01:05:19 changes Talking to a woman in real life from a win-loss paradigm Talking to a woman in real life from a win-loss paradigm to a win-win paradigm and this really changes the game. Again the sticking point here, the block is what if I, you know, the win-loss mindset of oh man if she likes me great but if she doesn't then I guess I suck and we need to rewire that. We need to turn walking up to a woman, approaching any woman, talking to any woman as a guaranteed win.
Starting point is 01:05:52 Because either you get a phone number or a date or a great, fun, sexy interaction, and that can change your life. Or you'll get a lesson. You'll have something that you'll learn from it and use for the next girl you talk to. Or you might get an insight. Or you might just have a real fun crazy story to tell your friends about that girl you talked to and then it was going well. But then her little friend came over and and cock-blocked you and it all blew up. You might be able to laugh about it. The bottom line is we want to stop looking at talking to women as a win-lose.
Starting point is 01:06:31 We've got to see it as a win-win because this is what turns approaching into something that has that where there's no fear anymore. Okay, you literally cannot lose. So the reason why I no longer have any approach anxiety, in large part, it's because, well, first of all, I know that I'm enough, but also I literally see every single interaction I have with a woman as a success. Every woman I talk to or every woman my client talks to when I'm going out to coach, that's just one approach closer to a breakthrough.
Starting point is 01:07:04 Or it's one lesson that we can use to have a better, successful conversation with the next woman. Or maybe every single girl you talk to, think of it this way, every single woman you talk to, it gives you momentum, gives you social momentum, and makes it easier to talk to the next woman and the one after that and the one after that.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Does that make sense? Because my view is this. I want you to think of talking to a beautiful woman out in the real world like this. Either you get a result, you win that way, or you get to put, even if you don't get a result, you get to put another brick in the wall in the cathedral of your character. I really believe in that. Every time you approach a woman, you either win because you get a result
Starting point is 01:07:59 or even if you don't, you put another brick in the wall of the cathedral of your character as a man. And that is a powerful way to change this whole mindset and make talking to beautiful women something that you want to do. And the more you want to do it, the more you will do it, the more you do it, the better you get, the better you get. That's when the results really start to kick in so your practical tip for this fifth and final breakthrough is
Starting point is 01:08:30 Go out today Or tomorrow do it within the next 24 hours ideally today go out today And I want you to find go up to the most stunningly beautiful woman who you see that day and I want you to give her a specific, authentic, G-rated compliment. So I want it to be specific, I want it to be genuine, and I want it to be G-rated. Meaning I don't want it to be about her body. And I really don't want it to be about her body. And I really don't want it to be about her physical appearance, even though she might
Starting point is 01:09:06 be physically beautiful to you. So I'd love for you to find a beautiful woman, a woman you would love to talk to and give her a specific compliment such as, hey, excuse me, miss, I just want to say you have fantastic style. I love those boots you're wearing. That's a really cool coat or You might notice a woman has a really great tattoo. I love noticing tattoos or pieces of jewelry a woman has on Hey, excuse me. That's a really cool bracelet. That's awesome. Is that Jade boom?
Starting point is 01:09:45 You just gave a specific authentic G rated compliment to a really attractive woman. And so that is your tip. Let's call this a mission actually, a tip slash mission. Go out in the next 24 hours and find a beautiful woman and give a specific authentic G rated compliment to her. This will probably scare you and that's okay. Because here's what I want for you. I want you to not just be a man who's listening to this podcast, but not taking action. If you're not taking action, then nothing amazing is going to happen.
Starting point is 01:10:14 However, the right 30-second interaction with a gorgeous woman completely changed the game for you. I can't wait for you to have an approach, you deliver an opener and have it not get you a phone number and a result, but it still goes well or you still feel good about it. I remember I approached a gorgeous woman at a farmer's market here in New York City at Union Square. And I walked up, I was feeling really confident.
Starting point is 01:10:48 I walked up, I actually gave her a direct compliment about her looks, which I just told you not to do. But that's the way I was feeling that day. And I walked over and I said, she looked like a young Susan Sarandon, just to paint a picture in your mind. Young Susan Sarandon. I walked up and I said, hey, you are absolutely gorgeous. looked like a young Susan Sarandon, just to paint a picture in your mind. Young Susan Sarandon. I walked up and I said,
Starting point is 01:11:05 hey, you are absolutely gorgeous. I wanted to come meet you. And her face lit up, and then she held up her left hand, showed me a big sparkly engagement ring or wedding ring. So no result, right? Is that a failure? Well, no. First of all, she felt so complimented that I boldly came up and said that to her. And she showed me
Starting point is 01:11:34 the ring basically. She basically said, sorry, I'm flattered, but look at this. And then she paused. And then we chatted for like a minute and then she said hmm which of my friends should I set you up with and then she went into her phone and she started trying to find girlfriends of hers to connect me to so that's an example of either you win or you learn or in this case either you win or you get a wingwoman all of a sudden I had this gorgeous woman becoming my wing woman. And bottom line is I want you to experience quote unquote rejection or at least have a not get a number, not get a date.
Starting point is 01:12:18 Because once you can look at that in a way and feel good about it, then you're going to have a really, that's gonna change things for you. So the practical tip for this fifth breakthrough is go out, give a beautiful woman a specific authentic G rated compliment and no matter how it goes, whether she loves talking to you or whether she just says, okay, fine, thanks and then walks away, I want you to find something good about it, find something specific to tell yourself, what was good about that?
Starting point is 01:12:48 Was my opener good? Can I feel good that I... Maybe just the fact that you walked up to a woman you find so attractive is going to feel amazing to you. And that's what I want for you. I want you to start feeling great about meeting women out in real life. Okay. So let me finish up. I want to tell one final story about the moment I knew I was what I call a 1% man. So again, what's a 1% man?
Starting point is 01:13:16 A 1% man is a guy who can do all these things we've been talking about. A 1% man can authentically all these things we've been talking about. A 1% man can authentically talk to a beautiful woman out in the real world without weird pickup lines and without alcohol. Okay? So let me fast forward to… So I told you that Starbucks story, right? About… It was about 12, 14 months later. I'm at the same coffee shop, the same Starbucks on 29th and Park Avenue in New York City, Manhattan. And I'm at the same coffee shop where I had the failure with Katie Holmes as lookalike. And it's a Sunday afternoon, another Sunday afternoon, doing some work from the magazine I worked for at the time.
Starting point is 01:14:01 And sitting at the table, a table near me, is a beautiful glossy haired brunette. Another beautiful brunette, something about that Starbucks. And I remember by then I'd been taking a lot of action, putting a lot of effort into my dating life, working with coaches, I've been doing a lot of meeting women out in the world and so I had had a lot of these shifts happen. I didn't realize it at the time, but I had a lot of these shifts. And I remember I looked over there and I was
Starting point is 01:14:35 excited to talk to her. I was actually looking forward to it. So I look over and I notice something about her. I'm thinking I'm looking for something to notice, something unusual. That's a great way to break the ice with a woman is notice something that's unusual. And I noticed that she was writing on her laptop and she had a book, a screenplay writing book. I forget the name of it, but it said something like, you know, screenplay 101 or something like that. And so I just noticed that. And my icebreaker was simply, oh, hey, how's your screenplay going? Very simple, right?
Starting point is 01:15:10 I think I might have said, hey, excuse me, miss. I just, I might have said, hey, I see, I just noticed your screenplay book. How is your screenplay going? Is that what you're writing here today? And we started talking. Her name is Sienna. Sienna is just absolutely sweet, very, very attractive, obviously. Turns out she's not a writer, but she's working on this.
Starting point is 01:15:36 She's working really hard on writing projects in her spare time. And at the time I was a journalist, a full-time journalist and a writer at a magazine. So we talked about writing a lot and I ended up getting her phone number and we set up a date for later that week. And so I remember as I was preparing for this episode I was thinking about that Sienna interaction and I was comparing it to the previous one at that same Starbucks and so many things had changed in that 12, 14 months or so.
Starting point is 01:16:14 I felt so much more worthy of a woman like that. So I knew I was enough. That first block was gone. Okay. I remember thinking, being excited to break the ice with her. Instead of feeling like, oh, I'm bothering her, I said to myself, oh, what would be a fun way to break the ice with her?
Starting point is 01:16:35 Something that she might enjoy. And she did enjoy it. And then I didn't even have a thought about, am I creepy? Because hey, what's more normal than talking to somebody who's next to you at a coffee shop or talking to the woman next to you at the gym who's on the machine next to you? Right? So these three or four or five blocks had essentially dissolved. I knew that I didn't have to say something perfect. I said something that was good enough and something that was genuine. I was genuinely interested in her being a screenwriter because I'm a writer as well.
Starting point is 01:17:12 So the block number four had gone. And on some level, I didn't have this down on paper yet. I didn't have this concept of win-lose versus win-win. But basically, I told myself every girl I talked to to win no matter what happens. Because hey, we might have a great chat. Maybe we'll be into each other. And even if not, at least I took a shot at romance, right? And that win-win mentality made it really easy for me to break the ice with Sienna.
Starting point is 01:17:40 So Sienna and I have a first date. It goes well. Fast forward, I don't know, 10 or 12 dates later, she just very openly, vulnerably comes out and just says, hey, you know what? I'm really loving what's happening with us. Would you like to be my boyfriend? It was an amazing moment.
Starting point is 01:18:01 It was the first time in my life a woman ever said that to me. And I was just so blown away. This incredible, beautiful, smart writer, beautiful brunette, glossy hair, stylish. I broke the ice with her in the same, literally the same coffee shop that I'd had that big failure with the other girl, the Katie Holmes lookalike. And wow, what an amazing turnaround for me.
Starting point is 01:18:33 And I guess I'd become what I now call a 1% man, a guy who can break the ice with any woman comfortably, and when there's a nice natural chemistry, good things can happen. And I want the same for you so Thank you very much for listening go out there. Please you might need to rewind some of this episode We took we covered a lot and I do get that but I really want you to
Starting point is 01:18:59 Break down those blocks that hold you back and have these breakthroughs that are going to help you have those great real world interactions with women. So I can't wait for you to actually have those kinds of breakthroughs because the bottom line is you and I are cut from the same cloth. You and I are very similar. The reason why you're listening to this podcast, especially if you're still listening this far into the episode, into a pretty in-depth episode, is because I think you probably see some of yourself in some of the same problems that I've talked about you have, and maybe you see a little bit of yourself in me. And that is super, super common. So I hope this has helped you. Okay that ends episode number one of this four
Starting point is 01:19:50 week series. Okay so now that you have everything that you need to break through these mental blocks that are holding you back, now you might be thinking or you maybe have already been thinking okay what do I actually do when I see a woman I want to meet and I decide to go talk to her? What do I talk about? What do I say? What do I not say? How do I escalate things so it doesn't fizzle out?
Starting point is 01:20:14 How do I get phone numbers? Let's get into that. We're going to talk about that in the next episode. We're going to go into that in the next episode. I'm going to share with you what I call the five master steps of flirting with, talking with women when you talk to them, when you meet them, when you break that ice, so that you can have fun,
Starting point is 01:20:36 flirty, connected, genuine, authentic interactions with them. So I'm gonna take you through these five master steps of what to say, how to say it, so you can get phone numbers and dates from these women you'll be meeting now that you've had these five breakthroughs. So you're going to get a very simple, repeatable system to help you start conversations, keep the conversation flowing, create some sparks, and soon get some pretty wonderful women in your life and sooner or later a great
Starting point is 01:21:05 girlfriend. So don't miss the next episode, episode number two and I'll end with this. Please don't forget your dream girlfriend, she is out there and she's gonna love you. She just has to meet the real authentic you. So Carpe Datum. Seize the date. Until next time.

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