How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett - Tired of Being Ignored on Dating Apps? Steal My 10 Best Flirty Openers: #1 Works 81% of the Time!
Episode Date: February 9, 2025Sick of sending openers that women ignore? Not sure what to write on Hinge, Tinder, or Bumble? In this episode, dating coach Connell Barrett shares his top 10 best flirty online-dating openers—teste...d and proven to get responses. You’ll get copy-and-paste openers for every type of woman to get them writing you back and going on dates with you. Plus, Connell reveals his no. 1 opener that works on ANY woman … and gets him replies 81% of the time!You’re about to learn:05:30: Connell’s Lowest Online-Dating Moment06:45: His Comeback: 3 Great First Dates in 3 Nights—All from the Apps!09:30: Flirty Opener #10: What to Write… when Her Bio is Empty12:52: Flirty Opener #9: …when She Has Lots of Selfies14:31: Flirty Opener #8: …when She’s into Partying and Socializing16:25: Flirty Opener #7: …when She Has a Dog in Her Photos19:09: Flirty Opener #6: … when She Has Bold, Flirty Pics (Bikini shots, Cleavage)23:30: Flirty Opener #5: …when Her Bio is Witty or Sarcastic30:01: Flirty Opener #4: …when She’s Really into Travel33:40: Flirty Opener #3: …when She’s an Artsy, Creative Type37:00: Flirty Opener #2: …when She’s Highly Career-driven40:03: Flirty Opener #1: The Best Opener that Works On Any Woman 81% of the TimeListen now and use these flirty openers to get women writing you back… and get dates!FOR A FREE STRATEGY CALL WITH CONNELL TO LEARN HOW TO HAVE GREAT FIRST DATES: GET FREE ACCESS TO “THE FLIRTY 30,” CHARMING QUESTIONS TO ASK WOMEN ON DATES, ON THE APPS, AND WHEN YOU APPROACH: A FREE COPY OF CONNELL’S NO. 1 AMAZON BESTSELLING BOOK, “DATING SUCKS BUT YOU DON’T”? EMAIL CONNELL AND WRITE “FREE BOOK” IN THE SUBJECT LINE AND YOU’LL GET IT
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Of course she ghosted me.
Her desperate guy alarm was going off.
Welcome back to How To Get A Girlfriend.
I'm your host, dating coach, Connell Barrett.
I'm here to help you flirt with confidence, get dates with some wonderful women, and choose a wonderful girlfriend
from some really wonderful options.
And do it all by being authentic.
No sketchy pickup artist moves needed.
This is about dating with integrity
and what I call radical authenticity.
And let me ask you a question.
Have you ever sent an opener on a dating app
and gotten no response?
I'm sure you have, every guy has.
If you've ever sent hey and got no response
or you've ever just didn't know what to write to a woman
and she went quiet, maybe you sent her a cold open
and she didn't respond or even more frustrating,
you got a match, you finally got a good match
on Tinder, on Bumble, on Hinge,
you sent an opener and she went quiet.
Well, let's fix that today.
I wanna help you make sure that you get lots of women
writing you back on the dating apps
so you can get some dates and get a great girlfriend.
So I'm gonna count down my top 10 best fun flirty openers
that I and my clients use.
And these aren't just random 10 random fun flirty openers. I'm actually gonna give you different openers that I and my clients use. And these aren't just random, 10 random fun flirty openers.
I'm actually gonna give you different openers
for different kinds of women you see on the dating apps.
For example, when you see that profile
and she doesn't really write anything,
she's just got photos but she says nothing.
What do you say to her for your opener?
When she's got five selfies and three bathroom selfies, what the heck do
you write to her to get her writing you back? So I'm gonna help walk you through
the most common types of women you see on dating apps, give you the best 10
flirty openers to use. And stick around until the very end. You're definitely
gonna want to your number one because number one is the opener that is the single best performing opener I've ever come up with.
It gets me a response 81% of the time.
I actually tested it.
I'm a big data and research guy.
I tried this 100 times on 100 women who I matched with on Tinder, Hinge and Bumble and
81 out of 100 times the opener that I'm gonna share with you at number one got me a response and
I've seen similar results with my clients So stick around because if you're tired of a lack of matches you want to start getting some women
Matching with you and writing you back. Here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna fix that right now and
Before we get into the top 10 list. I just wanna tell you a really quick story
because I know what it feels like
to be struggling on the dating apps.
My heart breaks for guys who struggle to get matches,
who rarely get matches, or who get matches
but don't get women writing you back.
I know how hard it is to write good openers
because I used to struggle with this myself.
So way, way back before I began working on my dating life, when I was really lonely and
struggling with dating, I had no dating options and I was on the dating apps and I was on
the apps and by the way, I live in New York City.
I was on the apps and I had one good dating lead and it wasn't even in New York City she lived in San Francisco
her name is Veronica so I was I was on online dating platforms but I really
only had one attractive woman who was interested in me so here's a story for
you that kind of dating scarcity that lack of options can create problems.
And if you've ever gotten way too into one girl, then it's because you have a scarcity
of options on the apps.
And I was way too into Veronica.
What I mean is I got way too excited about her.
I thought she might be the one.
And I actually, I'm so embarrassed to admit that, I'm not embarrassed, but it's hard to talk about this
sometimes, I actually flew to San Francisco
without telling her to surprise her.
I'd seen too many movies, I'd seen too many movies
where the male character does a big grand romantic gesture.
So Veronica, because Veronica was my one dating app lead,
I'm in New York, she's in San Francisco.
I say, hey, I'm gonna go surprise her.
So I buy a ticket, I fly to SF,
I rent out a hotel suite, I go to her home,
she's not there, I go to her home,
I leave a dozen roses and a box containing
Victoria's Secret lingerie as a gift for her on her
doorstep and I'm thinking oh my god she's gonna be so swept off her feet
Connell's here from New York City he's gonna she's gonna text me and say oh my
god I got your flowers where are you and she's gonna come to the hotel suite
we're gonna meet for the first time in person because we'd only done some phone dates
and some texting.
So I leave the flowers, I leave the Victoria's Secret lingerie, and I go back to my hotel
room and I'm waiting for her to text.
Just waiting and waiting and waiting.
And I never heard from her.
She ghosted me.
I messaged her many times that weekend,
she never responded.
And I was crushed at the time.
At the time I was really angry.
I thought, oh, women are so cruel.
How could she do this to me?
She's such a tease.
But of course, of course she ghosted me.
How desperate, how needy did I seem, flying all the way across the country
to meet the one woman who seemed to like me from online dating. And of course she ghosted me.
Her desperate guy alarm was going off. And the lesson for me was, oh, you know what if I had had good options if I had some good
Multiple matches and a few couple dates a week here in New York City. I never would have gotten on a plane
I never would have gone to SF. I wouldn't have gotten so into her. I really wasn't into her
It was just an infatuation that came from place of loneliness and the lack of dating options and
that came from a place of loneliness and the lack of dating options.
And that's what dating scarcity can do.
It can make you feel lonely.
It can make you get way too into a woman way too soon.
So if you don't have very many good dating leads,
or if you are thinking,
well, there's that one girl four states away,
maybe I'll go see her.
I want you to find three, five, ten wonderful dating options in your
zip code. And that's what we're going to work on today. So let me tell you one more quick
story as a show you what's possible. Fast forward about a year, year and a half later
from my Veronica disaster. By then I had gotten competent, maybe a better than average on the dating apps
and platforms.
And I remember there was one week,
Thursday I had a date,
Wednesday night, Thursday night and Friday night
with three different women,
three different first dates,
all from dating profiles,
all because I'd gotten good at sending openers,
at having a good profile.
And I remember I had three different first dates.
I made out with all three women
on each of these first dates, three nights in a row.
And I remember walking home after that third date
on, must have been Friday night,
really cute girl, nice connection, we kissed,
and it was my third first date make out in three nights.
And I walked home sort of half buzzed from beer and also from just what's possible.
And I remember thinking, yeah, this is what I wanted.
I wanted options.
I wanted to know that girls liked me and I wanted to know that I could get some dates.
And that's what the dating apps can do for you if you do it right. So the dating apps are a wonderful source of options and dates. I met my girlfriend Jess
on a dating app. So let's get to it. I want to help you have three amazing first dates in three
nights with three different women if you want to. The way we need to do that is we need to get really
good at openers, at sending fun, flirty openers.
So here, let me count these down.
Now, I'm about to give you 10 copy and paste openers.
These are openers you can use pretty much with any woman
who fall into any of these categories
I'm about to go through.
And the number one opener at the bottom of this list,
or I should say the number one at the top of the list,
the best one, you can use that with literally any woman.
It's going to work really well.
All that said, keep in mind that the best openers I've found are going to be personalized.
You actually call out something about her profile and use a personalized specific to
her opener.
Those are going to work best.
I'll do a whole separate episode about how to create the perfect personalized openers. But these copy and
paste openers, what I like about them is that they're, they seem personalized. They
feel really personalized to her, to most women. And so, so yeah, again I'm more
into a personalized approach than copy and paste. I'm all about authenticity.
I'm all about finding something that speaks
to the authentic her and sharing your authentic self.
All that said, I just want you to get matches.
I just want you to get, or I should say,
I just want you to get responses.
I want you to stop getting ghosted, start getting dates.
So these are the 10 best flirty openers
that you can use on any dating app and let's get to it
flirty opener number 10
Number 10. This is what to use when she barely writes anything in her bio
so you match with her but her bio is literally just an emoji here or
You know, she writes nothing nothing. She just has her photos.
So instead of overthinking it and not knowing, instead of saying, writing something like
hey how are you?
How is your week going?
Don't do that.
Don't do cliched openers like that.
Use this.
This works really well.
And by the way, as I go through these openers, pretty much for all of them, use her first
Okay, that helps these copy and paste openers come off as more personalized. So always use her first name in that first message.
Remember, everybody's favorite word in the English language is their first name.
So for this one, number 10, when she barely writes anything on her bio, here's your opener.
All right, name.
Let's say Katie.
I'm gonna go with Katie.
Katie is my practice, is my one size fits all name
for this episode.
All right, Katie, so your bio tells me nothing.
So I have to assume that you're either a spy,
a wizard, or just really bad at typing.
Which one is it?
Thinking emoji.
Okay, rewind if you need to hear that again. Notice what I did there and you're going to notice some recurring patterns here.
It's playful, right?
I'm not asking her a logical informational question.
That's what you want to avoid logical informational factual questions or openers.
Women aren't on dating apps to swap facts with men.
They're on dating apps to feel the feels, to flirt, to play.
All right?
So notice how this is not logical.
It's fun.
It's light and playful.
And also notice how I'm giving her, you're giving her a multiple choice.
You're making it easy to answer. You're not saying, oh, I see your bio tells me, tells me nothing
of you. Write me 50 words so I know more about you. That's not going to get an answer because
you're making her work too hard. Women don't want to work hard. They, or nobody does actually.
It's not about women. It's just people don't want to put a lot of effort into their responses.
They just want to laugh and smile and play.
So I'll repeat this one.
I'm not going to repeat every one
because you can just go back and listen.
Hit rewind and go back to it.
But I'll say it again just because this is the first one,
number 10.
This is for when she has barely anything on her bio.
Hey, all right, Katie.
So your bio tells me nothing. So I have to assume you're either a spy,
a wizard, or just really bad at typing. Which is it? Thinking emoji. And it's a multiple choice
question, so you're making it easy for her to answer. She gets to choose, spy, wizard,
or bad at typing. The bad at typing is a little bit of a tease.
You're wondering if she's bad at typing,
but it's a very light tease.
So it's light, playful little tease,
and it's a multiple choice, and it's playful,
and it's easy to answer.
And the thinking emoji at the end
just adds a sense of even more lightness to it.
So use this one when she barely writes anything on
her bio. Flirty opener number nine. This is for selfie girl. When she's got multiple selfies,
lots of mirror selfies, maybe there's bathroom selfies, maybe multiple bathroom selfies.
I've seen women with multiple toilets in the back of their photos in the mirror.
So when you see a selfie girl, you know, she's all about aesthetics and looking good.
So instead of stating the obvious, like, hey, you're pretty or hey, great photo.
You want to engage her in a way that's fun and different.
So here's your opener for a selfie girl.
Hey, Katie, let's be real.
Did this selfie make the cut on the first try?
Or is there a deleted camera roll that we'll never speak of?
And again, you can throw in a thinking emoji
for any question you ask.
So yeah, very simple, right?
It's playful.
It is talking about the selfie. So it is very simple, right? It's playful, it is talking about the selfie,
so it is somewhat personalized to her. It's gonna feel personalized to her, and
you can use this with any woman who has multiple selfies. So again, hey Katie,
let's be real. Did this selfie make the cut on the first try? Or is there a
deleted camera roll we never speak of? And again, you're asking her a question,
but questions aren't bad.
Questions are good as long as they're playful and light
and really easy to answer.
We're giving her a binary option this time.
Instead of multiple choice, it's binary,
so it's easy to answer.
So it's playful and easy to answer, and it's about her.
And that makes it very likely that she's going to reply.
So yeah, that's number nine.
Number eight, this is for party girl, social girl.
You know, she's got drinks in her hand,
she's got a lot of group shots, she's on a rooftop bar,
she's at a festival with her friends.
Here's what not to write.
Most guys would write, hey, looks like
you know how to have fun.
It's okay, but it's not really giving her anything
that she wants to engage with.
Okay, here's what to write for party social girl.
Hey there, Katie.
So be honest, are you actually this popular
or did you hire all these people
to act like your friends, parentheses, I won't tell.
And then whatever emoji you wanna use there. I like winky emo parentheses, I won't tell. And then whatever emoji you want to use there.
I like winky emojis, by the way.
I like the upside down emoji.
There's something light and playful about the upside down emoji and I like the thinking
So I'll do that.
I'll say this one again.
So be honest, Katie, are you actually this popular or did you hire all those people to
act like your friends? I won't
tell. Again, very simple question but a good question. A bad question is how's
your day? How are you? What'd you do this weekend? What are you up to this weekend?
Those are bad questions. Good questions are what I just shared with you so don't
be afraid of questions. Be afraid of boring logical questions. Use light, fun, playful questions.
Again this gives her a binary choice. It's about her and it's also a tease. You're teasing,
you're doing a little, you're pulling her pigtail a little bit suggesting that she had
to hire her friends because think about that. What's the subtext there? The subtext is she
doesn't have actual friends and that speaks to a lot of women.
Most guys don't have the balls to tease a girl.
Or they over learn the whole teasing thing
and they come off as assholes and doing it too harshly.
This is that perfect balance.
Okay, number seven, my seven favorite,
flirtiest, fun opener.
This is for a girl who has a dog in her profile.
Lots of women have puppies and dogs.
You're gonna come across so many of these.
And by the way, having a woman with a dog in her profile,
oh, that's great.
Definitely use the doggy.
Girls love their dogs.
What you don't wanna do is is just say, hey cute dog or
hey what kind of dog is that? That's better than how's your day but hey what
kind of dog is that? It's a bit obvious and it's factual. It's not playful. Now it
is about something she cares about, her dog, but we can do better than cute dog
or what kind of dog do you have.
So let's make it fun instead.
I like this one.
Hey, Katie, I hope you like your men like your doggos.
Loyal, fun, and ready to give you unlimited tummy scratches.
Parentheses within reason.
Let me say it again.
I'll give it back to you just so you heard that oh
Sorry, I think I okay. I think I misspoke there. Let me let me repeat that one. I hope hey Katie
I hope you like your men like your doggos
loyal fun and
Ready to receive unlimited tummy scratches
Again, I hope you like your men like your dog goes loyal fun and ready to receive unlimited tummy scratches. Again, I hope you like your men like your dog was.
Loyal, fun, and ready to receive unlimited tummy scratches.
And you can even add parentheses,
within reason of course, if you want to.
Now what you're doing is you're using some humor.
And you're putting yourself in the doggy position,
so to speak.
And you're basically using her cute dog as a way to flirt with her and comparing yourself
to the way she might treat you.
It might be similar to how she treats her pooch.
Now if she responds well and things escalate, a couple messages later you can actually stick
with this path and you can actually flirt a little bit more suggestively.
If she responds, oh yeah, well, I love having a man who's like my dog.
I'm very much into my dogs.
I want a faithful man.
And you could be like, okay, great.
Well, I'm your man.
Wait, by the way, I assume your dog gets unlimited bed privileges and face licks.
Would I get bed privileges and face licks?
So you can escalate things.
I wouldn't use that one to start.
That's a little intense to start for some women, but you could certainly keep the dog
line of flirting going. You struggle with dating, right? Sure, you have a good job and cool friends, but you
just aren't sure how to flirt, the apps don't work for you, and sometimes women put you
in the friend zone. It's frustrating. Hey, I struggled with dating too. As an introvert
and a total nerd, I didn't just live in the friend zone. I owned real estate there, but I escaped
Using the dating philosophy of radical authenticity, which I've used to help thousands of men in 17 countries find love
it's what I wrote about in my best-selling book dating sucks, but you don't and
Radical authenticity is why psychology today called me the best dating coach in America
And now I want to personally help you attract your dream girlfriend.
So go to and book a free call with me.
On our call, I'll tell you how my one-on-one coaching will help you find your dream girlfriend
and you'll be doing it by flirting with confidence and authenticity.
No creepy pickup tricks needed.
So go to, book a free call today and let my personalized coaching
help you get a great girlfriend.
Okay, flirty opener number six.
This is when she's wearing a bikini or showing off her great body, her great physique.
Maybe she's wearing something low cut,
showing some cleavage, bikini, just looking hot.
Basically a woman who's really saying,
hey, look how hot I am.
Now you might be wondering what the heck do I do
with girls like that.
What you don't wanna be is just another thirsty guy
saying you're hot, oh my God, you're gorgeous,
oh my God, you look amazing.
At the same time, I don't want to ignore how beautiful she is
because she put time and thought into these photos.
She wants us to see that great bikini body,
that sexy curves in that cocktail dress.
So you don't want to ignore it,
but you also don't want to fawn over her
and come off as thirsty.
So here's my favorite opener to use
for this kind of woman.
Here we go.
Okay, Katie, that photo of you,
and then here's where you do insert one specific thing.
So let's say it's a bikini photo.
Hey, Katie, or sorry, let me start again.
Okay, Katie, that photo of you on the beach
totally melted my iPhone.
Fire emoji.
So, you owe me $1,200 for a new phone, dot, dot, dot.
Should we do Venmo or PayPal?
Thinking emoji.
Let me restate that one.
Okay, Katie, that photo of you on the beach or whatever
the photo is, that photo of you on the beach totally melted my iPhone. Fire emoji. So you
owe me $1,200 for a new phone. Should we do Venmo or PayPal? And then if you want, I would
actually add a laughing emoji after the Venmo or PayPal question. Because obviously here's what we're doing here.
You're basically letting her know she's hot and looks good, but you're not fawning over
her and saying, you look hot.
You're telling her she looks sexy in a creative way, that she melted your phone.
And then you're pretending that she literally melted your phone and that she owes you $1,200 Venmo or PayPal.
So you're putting the pressure back on her
to decide jokingly, playfully,
how she's gonna pay you back.
Now here's one caveat about this one, okay?
Make sure that this is totally crystal clear to her
that this is a joke.
Do not leave any doubt that you are kidding and joking.
So the way I do that is I have the laughing emoji.
The laughing emoji should do that job because here's the thing, I had one client who matched
with a woman where English is her second language and she didn't understand the nuance of the
joke, she's a Latina.
Latina, Latina.
And she was like, wait, what?
Are you asking me for money?
She misunderstood because of the language barrier.
So be careful with this one.
Make sure that she's English is her first language or that she totally will understand
the joke.
We just don't want to, I don't want a woman to flag you on a hinge saying this guy's trying
to get me to give him money.
We don't want, you never want your joke to be mistaken.
But assuming you can give it that clarity, this is a really good opener because you're
letting her know she's hot, but you're not fawning over her.
You're actually turning into something playful and putting it back on her as to Venmo or PayPal.
So I've had really good responses to this myself.
A lot of women say things to me like, oh, well, that's a lot.
I don't do Venmo or PayPal, so how about drinks instead?
How about I pay you back with drinks?
Or if she doesn't, if she just laughs and goes, ha ha, very funny, then you could say,
okay, fine, Venmo or PayPal might not be
the right thing for you.
How about we do this over a glass of wine instead?
You can make it up to me that way.
So notice you're showing her that she's sexy and attractive,
but you're not doing it in a fawning way where you're putting her on a pedestal. You're having fun. You're letting her know she's sexy and attractive, but you're not doing it in a fawning way
where you're putting her on a pedestal.
You're having fun.
You're letting her know she's sexy while playing with her.
That is the secret formula here.
Okay, flirty opener number five.
This is for when you see a profile
where she has a really funny or sarcastic bio.
She's just funny, she's witty,
she's got puns or jokes, you know, she's got some real something clever that just makes you laugh. And these are
my, this is actually my type of woman. My favorite type of woman is this. My
girlfriend Jess had a very funny sarcastic bio. Very silly and playful. So when you see that you might be tempted to just say
hey I like your profile you're funny I like girls with humor. Now that's
not terrible but it's not it's a five out of ten because you're not playing
with her you're not hitting the tennis ball back. It's like you want
to hit the ball back to her. You don't want to tell her that you like her swing. And if you just
compliment her on her wits and sarcasm, basically, let's call this banter. If you just compliment her
on her funny banter, but you don't play with her, it's like being on a tennis court and saying,
hey, I like your tennis swing,
but what I want you to do is grab a racket
and hit the ball back to her,
because that is what's gonna get her responding to you.
She wants to play with you.
So here's a way to do it.
I actually two ways here.
I have two here.
This is a bonus, a bonus one.
I like this opener.
I call this the fake investigator opener.
I just made that up.
Let's call it the sarcasm investigator opener.
So here's what you write to her.
Let's say she's snarky or sarcastic.
Let's say it's that.
There's a lot of sarcastic women online who are frankly they're my type.
You could write her, hey, Katie, I regret to inform you that your bio has been flagged
by the Department of Sarcasm Control.
You're facing two charges, excessive wit and dangerous levels of dry humor.
How do you plead?
That is awesome.
You're basically letting her know that you have a similar sense of humor and you are
meeting her on her flirting wavelength.
This women are smart, witty, bantery women are just aching for this kind of fun, playful
This is basically a role play.
I call this a role play.
I don't, not my term.
It's a role play where you are playing the role
in this case of a sarcasm investigator. So I love this one. I also have another one that
I just have been recently doing that's working great. It's called the time traveler opener.
Here's the time traveler opener. I'm reading, I'm reading this to you literally right off
my phone. I'll change the name though, of course, for obvious reasons.
So this is, again, you see a woman who's got that funny
wit coming off on her profile.
Hey, Katie, I'm writing you from five years in the future
where we're married and madly in love,
but we just had a big fight.
Can I ask you an important question?
Our future love depends on it.
And you want to put like a robot emoji at the end.
So this one is a bit more high concept, right? It's creating a comedic premise, a role. I'll read this one again. Hey, Katie, I'm writing you from five years in the future where we're married and madly in love.
But... We just had a big fight
Can I ask you an important question our future love depends on it?
So this is an opener that's setting up a second message so she will match with you or she'll respond
It'll be something like lol. Yeah
Hey future Connell sure what's your question? It'll like that that's all you're looking for just looking for some some kind of response.
And then essentially and then this is this this episode is just about openers but i'll give you the next thing to write here.
Okay so she writes back.
Okay, so she writes back. Yeah, what is it? What is it future husband or future lover?
So we want her to buy into the role, right? Well, basically we want her to do a fun little play play acting with you
You say well our fight was about our first date
You said we went to a fancy cocktail lounge
For our first date, but I said we went to a fun dive bar.
Which was it?
Lounge or dive bar?
Now here's what this woman actually wrote me back
on this is a hinge. Oh babe, I'm so sorry we had a fight.
You were right.
We went to a dive bar and we had the time of our lives.
Okay now she is fully buying in to this fun little role play no other guys are doing this by the way your openers are gonna go to such an elite place if you do these openers especially the role play with a witty woman.
So i write back basically, okay, thanks for settling the issue.
I knew I could count on you.
And then what you want to do is basically say, well, I guess we should go ahead and meet up and redo that first date over again for
the good of our future relationship.
What night is good for you?
So you're basically segueing right into asking her out after you do the little time traveler
role play.
So there's a two for one for you.
Try the sarcasm investigator opener,
and then the time traveler one is great.
Oh, by the way, I will, if I remember,
I think I'll remember, I'll put a link into my Instagram.
In the show notes, on my Instagram,
I have lots of screenshots,
so you can see what the openers actually look like
when I send them.
It's good to see how I punctuate. It's good to see how I punctuate.
It's good to have the right punctuation.
I don't mean just grammatically,
I just mean how to use emojis.
So if you wanna see lots of these openers,
the actual screenshots, you'll see them on my Instagram.
So I'll put that in the show notes.
My Instagram is at Dating Transformation.
Don't fast forward, This is not an ad.
It's a free thing that's going to help you flirt with confidence because I'll bet that
you struggle with what to say to women and how to flirt, right?
Well, let's fix that.
I'm going to give you what I call the flirty 30.
These are 30 flirty questions to ask women on the
apps or on dates or when you approach so that you can confidently connect with cool sexy
women starting today. It's time to stop running out of things to say and start asking them
flirty questions that are going to make them want to date you. So to get your copy of the
flirty 30, it's totally free. Just go to slash flirty 30 and that's F-L-I-R-T-Y three zero.
slash flirty 30. You're about to start confidently flirting with women, going on dates, and soon
getting a great girlfriend. Go get your flirty 30.
Okay, let's go with flirty opener number four.
How about when she has a travel photo
or lots of travel photos?
You know, lots of women are into travel.
You'll see one or multiple travel photos.
You know, she's standing on the beach in Bali
or she, you know, holding a coconut.
Now here's what not to write.
Don't just write, hey, looks like you like to travel.
Where was that photo taken?
Again, that can get you a response,
but it's pretty logical, it's pretty boring.
And we want to make it a bit more engaging.
So here's an opener, actually two variations of the same opener.
Here's what you can write.
Hey, Katie, you've been collecting passport stamps like Pokemon cards.
I respect that.
I'm heading to country, fill in country, next.
Where are you plotting your next adventure?
Okay, I'll read that one again.
Let's go with Australia.
I'll say I'm going to Australia.
Hey, Katie, I see you've been collecting passport stamps
like Pokemon cards.
I respect that.
I'm heading to Australia next.
Where are you plotting your next adventure?
Now you can absolutely change some
of the words here. You don't need to have it sound exactly like me. In fact, it should
sound authentically like you. You don't want your openers to sound like Connell Barrett,
dating coach, wrote them for you. So feel free to tweak any of these to make them sound
more like you.
Okay. But yeah, why does that work? A little of cleverness you're comparing her passport to Pokemon cards, which is cute and clever and
You're also saying where you're going next in my case, Australia
Now I'm not actually going to Australia. I just wrote that as a hypothetical here
But all you have to do is pick a place that you would like to go to
It's okay to tell a white lie. Where do you where white lie. Where do you want to be heading next? That's
fine. You can use that. And then you're asking her where are you plotting your next adventure.
Another way to basically frame this or write this, basically the same thing would be, hey
Katie, I see you're a fellow travel addict. My next trip is Australia.
I'm going to attempt surfing in Sydney
and probably wipe out spectacularly.
Where are you dying to jet off to next?
Do you hear all the emotion in that?
The specificity?
The emotion?
That's what women get magnetized to.
I'll read the last one again.
Hey, Katie, I see you're a fellow travel addict.
My next trip is Australia.
I'm going to attempt surfing in Sydney and probably wipe out spectacularly.
Where are you dying to jet off to next?
So in just, how many words is that?
That's like literally 30 words.
It's about as long as you want your opener to be.
In just 30 words, I have let her know I have a cool lifestyle that involves traveling to
Australia and surfing.
I'm letting her know that we have something in common.
She's a fellow travel addict and I'm asking her an emotionally charged question.
Where are you dying to jet off to next?
Not where was your, where did you go last?
It's like, where are you dying to go to next?
So there's just so much emotion just emanating from this.
So that's what to do with a time traveler, time traveler with a travel a girl who likes to travel. Alright, flirty opener
number three. This is for this this is for the girl when she has a kind of an
artsy or creative vibe. You know, think artsy types. She's at a museum, she's
reading books, she's at a concert i like a classical concert like a classy.
Kind of you know cocktails and classical music type of setting.
If you come across an artsy creative type of woman you're gonna want an opener that works for her.
So you can go with this one this works really well.
Hey name, you seem like the artsy creative type. Okay, would you rather paint the next Mona Lisa, write the next great novel, or be the next American Idol?
It's a would you rather question through but there's three
instead of two. Would you rather is usually have two this has three. I'll say
it again because this is really this is a good stuff here if I may say. Hey hey
Katie you seem like the artsy creative type. Okay would you rather paint the
next Mona Lisa, write the next great novel or be the next American Idol. You're talking to her in a language
she's into, artsy fartsy creativity. And you're also giving her a nice three
options here. Instead of saying what do you enjoy most about painting, that's
okay, but you're making it easy for her to answer this question by saying would you rather do a B or C basically?
Mona Lisa novel or
Singing on you know becoming a music star on American Idol
No matter what kind of creative type she is
It's very likely that one of these three things is gonna hit her pleasure center because you're basically saying would you rather be a great painter?
a great novelist or a rock star
Every woman's gonna fall into one of those categories.
So this is a really good one.
I get, actually, I was expecting most women would respond to the American Idol thing,
the music thing.
I get a lot of women responding to the novel saying, oh, I'd love to write a book.
And if she says, if she's like, oh, I want to write a book, then you can play
with that and keep the conversation going and say, Oh, cool. Um, what would your novel
be called? Or you could give her a funny name for her novel, right? Uh, you could say, um,
yeah, what are you going to call it? That the Katie Chronicles, Confessions of Katie, women love talking about themselves
in a fun, silly way like that.
Or if she says, I wanna be the next American Idol,
you can say, cool, what's your stage name gonna be?
MC Katie, Katie Hammer, Snoop Katie Kate.
Or if she says, I wanna paint the next Mona Lisa,
then you could say, all right, well,
if you ever want to do a painting of a nude model,
just let me know.
So these openers aren't just ways to get a response.
They're ways to open up a whole door
into light, fun, playful flirting and messaging.
And that is what's going to get you those dates
and matches and all kinds of good stuff.
Okay, we're wrapping up here, almost done.
Two left.
Number two, when you match with a career-driven woman,
a boss lady, you know the type.
She's in her business suit, she's ambitious,
she talks about her business.
Yeah, career girl basically.
A woman who leans into that career vibe
on a dating profile.
Here's what you don't wanna do.
You don't want to make her feel like
she's on a LinkedIn interview.
Hey, Catherine, looks like you've done
quite well for yourself.
Where do you wanna be in five years?
How long have you been doing your business?
How is your business going? Understandable if a guy does that, but not the best strategy.
Instead, you want to, again, engage with her in a way that's playful and flirtatious, or
at least fun. By the way, fun and flirty to me is synonymous. If you're having fun with
a woman on a dating app, that's flirting in my book. So you want to, you still want to talk about her career, but you want to
do it in a light, fun way. Here's what I like to do. The pop quiz. It's the pop quiz for
the career girl. Let's call this the career queen pop quiz. I love a pop quiz. Women love
quizzes. Every women's magazine in the world and every BuzzFeed
page is just filled with like quizzes, quizzes, quizzes and women really like them. So you
give her a pop quiz. Here's your opener. Pop quiz, career queen, exclamation point. What's
the best part of being a boss? Or you could say what's the best part of being a boss?
Or you could say what's the best part of filling her job basically.
So here's how it goes.
Pop quiz career queen.
What's the best part of being a boss or being xyz career?
A, running the show and making shit happen.
B, outworking everybody while looking effortlessly cool.
C, pretending to answer emails while online shopping.
And then you could finish it with,
circle the right answer, pencils down, winky face.
So keep it light.
So again, pop quiz, career queen,
what's the best part of your job?
A, running the show and making shit happen.
B, outworking everybody and looking effortlessly cool
or stylish, if you like stylish better.
C, pretending to answer emails while online shopping.
So again, you're talking to her and you're meeting her
in a topic she cares about, being a boss,
being a career woman, but you're engaging
in an emotional way, in a playful way.
And because it's a quiz, it's easy to answer.
You probably noticed how so many of these openers are giving really simple binary or
three options to answer.
And a woman who doesn't answer this, I don't know, she's probably not somebody you want to date.
So this is a great one.
I love the career boss opener.
Okay, let's get down to it.
Drum roll please.
The number one best opener that works for me and my clients
81% of the time.
By the way, what I mean by that is, when I match with a woman and I send an opener 81
or so out of times out of 100, I get a response.
Now for cold openers where you're just randomly messaging a woman who you've not matched with,
that's the percentage will be lower, but it's still gonna be very serviceable. Like 30, 35% of cold openers
that I've talked about here today,
that's a really good percentage.
You could absolutely send out 10 of those a day,
get three matches and have a date by tomorrow.
So anyway, I just wanted to clarify
where the 81% comes from.
Okay, my number one best opener that's worked the best for me and my clients, and this is
for any woman, if she doesn't fall into any of these categories, if you just don't know
what to write, if you are just absolutely like, I don't know what the hell, I don't
have any time to think about this, here's what you write.
I'll use a recent one.
This is Brittany from Tinder but you
just slot in the name. Here it is I've tested this a zillion times. Hey
Brittany dot dot dot wow exclamation point. You know what I noticed about you?
Something surprisingly charming parentheses no not what you think, lol.
Any guesses?
Winky, or sorry, happy face thinking emoji.
Let me read it one more time and then go to my Instagram.
You can actually see what this looks like because I know we're on a podcast.
You're not looking at this.
Hey Brittany, wow, you know what I noticed about you?
Something surprisingly charming. No, not what you think, lol. Wow, you know what I noticed about you? Something surprisingly charming.
No, not what you think, LOL.
Any guesses?
Here's what Brittany wrote back.
Hey, haha, I don't know.
What did you notice?
I'm so curious.
That's Brittany.
Here's a woman named Nat.
Hey, Natty.
Wow, you know what I noticed about you?
Something surprisingly charming.
No, not what you think, LOL.
Any guesses?
Hi, no idea.
Please tell me, I really wanna know.
I have like dozens more.
So why does this work?
This is clickbait.
I mean, this is just clickbait.
Clickbait is something that you're basically saying
you notice something special about her and you're making yourself, you are the key that unlocks this hidden insight about
her and that's what makes women want to know more.
Now by the way, she's also going to look at your profile.
She's going to say, who is this guy?
Who is this guy who Who is this guy who? Knows notices something about me. So you do want to make sure your profile overall is as good as possible
Any any opener is really only gonna be as good as the overall quality of the profile
But assuming you have solid good photos and a pretty good bio then this is gonna work like money for you
So basically, yeah, I'll say it one more time and then I'll give you some variations on it. Hey, name. Wow. You know what I notice about you? Something surprisingly
charming. Parentheses, no, not what you think. LOL. Any guesses? And I always end with a
happy face and a thinking emoji. This is not really, the reason why this works at such a high percentage is it's not
Sexual it's not even romantic your it's it's
It's moving toward
flirty and romantic. It's more
You notice something special about her. That's different
So it takes away any woman who does any woman who doesn't like a sexual come on, she'll be fine with this.
Also, I think the magic, here are the three magic words here that make it work.
Something surprisingly charming.
Who doesn't want to know what's charming about them?
And who doesn't want to know what's surprisingly charming?
Something they haven't heard before, something fresh.
So this opener is a really powerful piece of clickbait that makes a woman go, what?
Tell me.
Basically you're making yourself the answer to the question, what's special about me?
And everybody wants to know the answer to that question.
Now you might be saying, what the heck do I write next?
Well, that's a whole separate episode about following up.
But the first best option is you actually find something
from her profile that you find surprisingly charming,
if you can.
But if you can't, I've had good luck with this next line.
Again, when in doubt, be authentic. When in doubt, speak your true thoughts. I've had good luck with this next line.
Again, when in doubt, be authentic. When in doubt, speak your true thoughts.
When in doubt, keep it real.
It could just be like, oh my God,
you know what's surprisingly charming about you?
You just have an energy that's so likable
and warm and positive.
You could say something like that.
I like to say things like so many women here on hinge or on tinder are just taking
You know
Mirror duck face photos, but you are actually being your real self and that is so charming
That is the coolest thing of all
So it can be as simple as that. It doesn't have to be
the most amazing
insightful answer.
Here's what I wrote to Natalie that she really liked.
She's like, I have no idea, please tell me.
And I wrote, I'll tell you,
but don't let it go to your head.
It's the way you seem both super sweet
and also very confident.
Like in the pool photo,
there's a swimming pool photo of her.
That's hard to pull off.
And then I add, so who's the real Natalie?
Sweet or confident?
So I'm pushing things forward to get her to write me another message.
And she writes back, how well, it depends on my mood.
Sometimes I'm feeling really sweet, other times I'm feeling super confident.
And now we've got a nice light banter and we can take it from there and
move it toward a date. Some variations of this, this clickbait kind of approach,
variations that I've tried. They don't have quite, this one doesn't have quite as
high of a 81% but it has a very powerful response with women who like it. Basically, you substitute,
instead of saying surprisingly charming,
you say surprisingly sexy.
That's bolder.
That's bolder.
And some women might not respond to that
because mentioning the word sex or sexy in the opener
could be too much for some women,
but other women who are super confident
and frankly a bit more in touch with their sexual side
and wanna feel sexy, they'll be fine with it.
So the way you would write that is,
hey, Katie, you know what I notice about you?
Something surprisingly sexy.
No, not what you think.
Cause she's gonna think, oh, it's my body.
It's my TNA.
And you're actually gonna give her something more internal.
But anyway, you would just, instead of surprisingly charming, you would literally just change one
word, make it surprisingly sexy.
The percentage of responses will go down, but the investment, the women who are like,
wanna know, they're gonna be extra, extra excited to get the answer.
And now you're talking about how sexy she is.
So you are in a very man to woman romantic sexy place.
And that's a great place to be on the dating apps.
It's way better than how's your day?
How's it going?
What are you up to?
And this will help you get more responses, more dates, and eventually having two or three
good dating options.
Women you're seeing or women you're going on dates with so that you can choose a wonderful
girlfriend from some great options.
Okay, that was today's episode.
Speaking of choosing a great girlfriend from some great options, there's something I say
here earlier in the episode in the commercial
But I'll just mention it real quick here at the end
If for any guy for you if you're interested in this if you are if you think you need dating help
If you're looking for some dating coaching help and think one-on-one coaching can help you or you are you're interested in it
Anybody listening to this podcast including you
All you got to do is go to dating transformation comm and you can book a free call
Where you and I would get on a call for free and I would essentially share with you how I coach and figure out
Exactly how to improve your online dating success get you more matches
Get you better at flirting,
help you approach women, and help you get three or four wonderful women in your life.
And then choose a great girlfriend from some nice options.
So if dating coaching is something that you're curious about and you're like, oh, how does
it work?
What kind of results?
What would I do?
You can go to and
you can just click the book call button and then you'll speak to somebody from my team
but then you'll speak to me and we'll do a free consultation.
Anyway, just throwing that out there if that appeals to you.
Otherwise, thank you so much for listening.
I know dating sucks sometimes.
I know it can be frustrating.
There's no dating problem that you've had, that you have, that I haven't had myself and fixed.
I've had them all.
Lack of matches, lack of dates, loneliness,
not knowing what to say,
settling, because I couldn't get somebody better,
so I settled for a girl I wasn't that into.
I got married when I didn't want to.
Approach anxiety, man, I've had every problem there is.
And I'm here to help you fix any dating problem you have.
So I hope you got something good out of this.
Go out there tonight.
By the way, this episode is dropping,
it's either dropping on a Sunday or
Monday. I forget which but Sundays and Mondays are great nights to be on the dating apps.
Valentine's Day is fast approaching and you're not going to have a girlfriend by Valentine's Day
probably. But man, you could start getting some dates. you can start getting some matches, some responses. Use these
10 dating app openers, at least use some of them and stick around because later this week we've got
I've got some really good stuff coming up. We're going to get off of the dating apps and we're
going to go out and meet women in real life. I'm going to help you approach. I'm going to help you
know what to say so you can have those moments in coffee shops
or in bars or at the grocery store where you just kind of catch eyes with a woman and help
you know how to turn that into a conversation and a fun flirty conversation and a date.
Because man, there's nothing like meeting women in real life.
As much as I love the dating apps, dating apps help me so much.
And it's how I met my girlfriend Jess.
At the same time
I just love helping men have the freedom and confidence to meet women anywhere
So anyway, that'll be the rest of this week's episodes coming up a special
Multi-part series about meeting women in real life stick around for that and don't forget your dream girlfriend
She is out there and she is gonna love you she just has to meet the real authentic you. So go out there take action Carpe Datum. Seize the date. Till next time.