How to Get a Girlfriend with Connell Barrett - Your biggest dating problems… solved!

Episode Date: June 23, 2023

Do you struggle with texting women? (Check.) Does approaching seem scarier than a haunted house? (Check.) Do your dates go nowhere, leading to the dreaded “friend zone”? (Check please!) Help is on... the way. This week, dating coach Connell Barrett helps you solve some of your toughest dating problems by opening up the Dating Transformation mailbag. Listen to Connell answer your questins, so you can send flirty messages, approach with steely confidence, make sparks fly on first dates... and attract your dream girlfriend!Quotes"Personalized openers spark interest and engagement by offering jokes, compliments, or fun questions that resonate with your match." - Connell Barrett"Mastering the art of text flirting involves playfully and respectfully expressing romantic interest to a woman, all while maintaining clear boundaries."- Connell Barrett"Unleash your true self and watch your confidence skyrocket, attracting an amazing girlfriend effortlessly."- Connell BarrettFeatured in the episodeConnelll BarrettFounder and Executive Coach of Dating TransformationWebsite: https://datingtransformation.comInstagram: A FREE STRATEGY CALL WITH CONNELL, TO LEARN HOW TO ATTRACT YOUR DREAM RELATIONSHIP: CONNELL’S NO. 1 BESTSELLING GUIDE FOR MEN, “DATING SUCKS BUT YOU DON’T,” YOUR PRATICAL GUIDE ON HOW TO GET A GIRLFRIEND BY BEING RADICALLY Introduction06:44 Texting Tips for Success: Cleverness, Clarity, and Emojis11:25 The Art of Playful Teasing and Surface-level Jokes13:56 Leveraging Cheeky Humor and Confidence in Your Photos17:25 Amplify Your Presence with Audio: Conquering Fear in Dating19:12 Unlocking Self-Assurance in Audio Messages21:29 Transforming Rejection into Opportunity23:46 Navigating Rejection on the Path to Love26:35 Escaping the Friend Zone: Ways to Make Your Intentions Clear29:35 The Link Between Body Language and Personal Confidence32:03 Using Physical Expressiveness to Ignite Attraction33:58 Building Intimacy through Gentle Touch35:12 Creating Playful and Comfortable Moments on Dates37:06 Outro

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Okay, I'm not saying I'm old, but I used to send Tinder openers using a quill pen and an inkwell. Welcome to the Dating Transformation Podcast. Here's your host, dating coach, Conal Barrett. All right, welcome back to the Dating Transformation Podcast. Happy Friday. I am your host, Conal Barrett. I'm a dating coach for men. I help guys gain confidence, learn to flirt, and get a great girlfriend, all by being radically authentic. That's about really leaning into who you are, showing women that real, awesome, core, true you, and not using any creepy pickup artist stuff. And for the first time ever on the Dating Transformation Podcast, I'm psyched because we are going to do a little thing I'm now calling
Starting point is 00:00:53 Ask the Dating Coach. Basically, it's a mailbag. I get so many questions from so many guys every week asking for dating help about online dating of matches approach anxiety um how to get more dates how to gain confidence it's just there's an endless flow of questions so what i'm going to do is every couple every few weeks i'm going to do ask the dating coach and essentially it's a mail bag of a bunch of random but universal questions and problems that guys have so let's get into it I'm gonna start taking questions right now and here is the first one first question comes from oh it's right here in New York City comes from Harold 35 year old gent here in New York City and Harold asks hey Connell the problem
Starting point is 00:01:42 I'm facing is that I'll get a woman's number from Tinder or Bumble, but then she goes quiet and loses interest as we text. And it's very frustrating to have a good match go nowhere. How do you flirt better over text? Thank you, Harold. Great question, man. man and i do feel you harold because it can really sting to finally get a match with a cool attractive woman and then get her phone number so now you're closer than ever to that first date only to have her go quiet it's like so close but yet so far so to help you to help you basically stop getting ghosted and start getting more dates, here's a little bit of,
Starting point is 00:02:30 here's some quick thoughts. First, we want to define what flirting is. What is flirting? What does that even mean? And my definition of flirting is playfully, charmingly conveying your romantic interest to a woman in a very light, clear manner and not being vulgar not being r-rated or g or x-rated and this is really great news i think because these days you can text uh in a lot of different ways what i mean is different platforms whether you're on your phone or on a dating app you can use your words obviously you can write out the text you You can, you do voice messages. You can obviously send photos. You can use emojis. There's just, there are more tools today more than ever to text your way to romance. So that's all great news. And the thing is, so many men try to flirt, but they make a mistake they they either fawn so they fawn over the woman like oh my god you're so beautiful you're so hot you're so amazing and if you fawn over a woman too much
Starting point is 00:03:36 too soon then that lowers your status in her eyes and then she'll lose that interest because nobody wants to date beneath them right or another mistake you might make in your attempts to flirt is you might come across as just friendly or or boringly relying on cliches where you say hey i'm so glad we met hey how are you how's your day that's not even flirting that's just that's just blather that's nothing um so those are ineffective strategies so here's some quick do's and don'ts of flirting over text here's how you do it and here's how you don't do it um so do do make your interest clear you want your crush to know that you're flirting with her and not to confuse it with mere friendliness.
Starting point is 00:04:28 So if she doesn't know you're flirting, then it won't be effective. You want to be clear first and foremost. So it's the difference between writing, I can't stop thinking about you, instead of, I was just thinking about you. The latter is very close. The latter is very close. The syntax is very similar.
Starting point is 00:04:47 But you can say to a woman, I was just thinking about you. And I could say that to my dad or my sister or my friend. But if I said to a woman, I can't stop thinking about you, that's clearly flirtatious. Now, clarity is more important than cleverness. Cleverness is a nice bonus. I'm gonna read your mind. Ready? I'll bet that you would love to confidently approach women, get great matches on the dating apps, flirt with charm, and attract your dream girlfriend.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Right? But fear keeps you from approaching. You're not sure how to flirt. You struggle on the apps. And desirable women just don't seem into you. Well, I have great news. Dating coach Conal Barrett can help. He's guided thousands of men like you to more confidence and helped them attract their dream girlfriends.
Starting point is 00:05:46 So book a free strategy call today to see if Connell's coaching is right for you. On your call, Connell or a team member will give you personalized advice to help you have more confidence, more dates, and more fun. Oh, and you'll be dating women as your best self, a charming gentleman. That's because Connell does not teach creepy pickup artist tricks. He unlocks your most confident self, so you can make authentic romantic connections. Your next steps? Book your free call today at forward slash contact and grab a time that works for you. Then you'll be on your way to more
Starting point is 00:06:26 confidence, better results, and attracting bright, beautiful women. Oh, so you know, soon Connell will stop taking on new clients. So book a call today while you still can. Go to forward slash contact and transform your love life. Bye. Cleverness, witty, funniness, that's all important. And I work on that a lot with my clients and my texting and helping them text. But clarity comes first. So when in doubt, just say to somebody something like this, you know, like, by the way, I'm really liking you right now. Or I'm so glad we matched. You seem really cool. Or here's a good thing to text. Quote, hey, you know what's really attractive about you? The way you
Starting point is 00:07:13 dot, dot, dot, and then tell them what's attractive. So make your interest clear. It's not thirsty or needy to make your interest clear as long as you do it in a light way and as long as you don't overdo it. So don't worry about being thirsty or needy as long as you're just putting it out there. Hey, I'm really liking you. I'm really digging you. I'm so glad we matched. And then that gives her the green light to then say to you, hopefully I'm liking you, too. So she'll reciprocate if she's if she's having a good experience with you. Next tip. Here's a don't don't use boring openers. Most women are so tired of hearing, hey, hi, how's your day as an opener so lazy the best openers are personalized and they
Starting point is 00:08:07 give your potential match or your match they give her something right a joke a compliment a fun question that she wants to answer about something that's interesting to her so beware of boring So instead of how's your day, lean toward how did you name your dog? Or what is your dog's name in that photo? She's going to be way more interested in her dog if she's got a photo of her and her little pooch than she is with you being the 12th guy to say, how's your day? Or let's say she's a wine expert. You might say, hey, Jessica, if that is your name. Hey, Jessica, since you're the wine expert, tell if you talk about something that she cares about. You will be boring if you ask her how her day is, or if you say, how was your weekend? How was your week? Do not be boring. So yeah, cliches and boredom kill chemistry. So keep things light, keep things personalized to help you make the sparks fly. Here the next don't don't get sexual too sexual too soon when
Starting point is 00:09:27 you're texting early on keep it early on keep your text messages g-rated or at most PG getting too sexual too soon can just come across as vulgar a little too sexy time a little too a little too nice. So think charm, not smarm. Do playfully tease your crush. How do we do that? Well, text that playfully tease her can help amplify the sparks. So think of that smitten schoolboy who's pulling the pigtails of the girl he
Starting point is 00:10:06 likes. It's a way that we show women we find them attractive, cute, interesting to us. And it's just a natural way that many women like being flirted with, which is by teasing. Now, by the way, don't literally pull her pigtails okay not literally so the secret to teasing here is a secret to teasing tease her about small light topics that she would not get upset about if you were saying it seriously so in other words words you can tease her about behaviors foods movies um i was on a date once and this woman sort of snorted when she laughed and i teased her about that i also thought it was really cute but but so think like think like her tastes favorite tv favorite movies, the way she, certain little idiosyncrasies. I was on a date once with a woman who we went to a sushi place and she dropped a very expensive
Starting point is 00:11:15 piece of sushi, like a $15 single piece of sushi. She dropped it on the ground. She didn't know how to use chopsticks. And so I teased her throughout the dinner about you know dropping food and how expensive she was as a date and excuse me and then like the next day I was texting her saying hey Jen are you trying to eat cereal cereal right now or do you keep dropping the spoon and she loved it so think think teasing light surface level things so for example you might she might you might say hey what's your favorite movie and she says pirates of the caribbean and you might say what your favorite movie is pirates
Starting point is 00:11:58 of the caribbean i was really liking you until you said that. You're really blowing it with me. And then winky or laughing emoji. We always want to make the jokes clear that they're jokes. So yeah, never tease about potential sore spots. Things like weight, looks, pets. No, no, no, no, no. That'll backfire. My client once teased a date about her dog's appearance comparing her dog to a rat and that killed the vibe because that's her dog is like her little baby she takes that very seriously so that killed the vibe so yeah keep the teasing about light surface level things that's the core secret to teasing okay next for next for texting tips, do use photos. You know the cliche, right?
Starting point is 00:12:49 A picture's worth a thousand words. Well, the right flirty picture is worth a thousand texts. Think about that. If a picture's worth a thousand words, the right picture is worth a thousand texts. So sending a good photo is going to make a big impact. Now, what should you send? It's very personalized.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Depends on you, depends on her. But think of it through the lens of a cool or funny snapshot from your life. Maybe you're texting with a woman about tattoos. She's got tattoos. You've got tattoos. Take a selfie about tattoos. She's got tattoos. You got tattoos. Take a selfie of your cool bicep tattoo, right? Or maybe you're, maybe you're out having cocktails with friends and you're at a cool lounge, a cool venue. And you take a picture of you holding your martini glass and you say, Hey, with with the photo you send her the photo saying hey
Starting point is 00:13:45 look at me uh mine i bet my night is kissing is kicking your nights but um i dated a woman a way while back and um she used to send me self i remember once she sent me a selfie and it was a really cute photo of her looking great. And it said, here I am looking like a snack. And I could not get her out of my mind the whole night. So send photos of you. If you're looking like a snack, you could send a photo of you looking like a snack. A little bit of that cheeky, confident humor. You know, you dressed to the nines on Friday night.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Send her a picture saying, hey, check me out. I'm looking like a snack. That's a great way to use photos. So use photos in your texting. Next, don't. The next don't is don't forget to use emojis. Don't forget to use emojis. It's really easy to have miscommunications over text,
Starting point is 00:14:46 especially when you're trying to crack jokes or be funny. And the first rule of comedy or funny or flirty texting is just clarity, being understood. And emojis can come to the rescue and just make sure it's clear what you're saying. So the right emoji can make an otherwise just friendly message feel very flirty. And the right emoji can also add the right light playful tone to make sure you underscore that flirty text message.
Starting point is 00:15:19 So when in doubt, use the winky face emoji. I like that one i also like the heart eyes emoji or the very underrated upside down smiling emoji right and another general rule about emojis is avoid using more than two emojis per message just so you don't come across as overly emojified you know one or two every couple messages plenty you don't want to use overly emojified. You know, one or two every couple messages is plenty. You don't want to use like 20 emojis every time you message because you'll come across sounding like a 13-year-old girl. Not the vibe you're going for.
Starting point is 00:16:01 Rejection, ghosting, loneliness, lack of dates and lack of confidence. For many men, dating just sucks. But it doesn't have to. There's a simple yet powerful way to gain instant confidence and attract a great girlfriend. Be radically authentic. It's all laid out in the number one Amazon bestselling book. Dating sucks, But You Don't. Your step-by-step guide to attracting wonderful women and doing it with total authenticity.
Starting point is 00:16:32 Author and dating coach Conal Barrett has had and fixed all the dating problems that you struggle with. He's also helped thousands of men gain confidence and find love. He's put his best tips and strategies into dating sucks but you don't, so that you can. Confidently approach women and get dates. Become magnetic and attractive, even if you're not tall or great looking. Always know what to say to make sparks fly. Get lots of great matches and dates on the dating apps and attract your dream woman. You can find Dating Sucks But You Don't on Amazon or wherever books are sold in paperback, Kindle, and audiobook. Get Dating Sucks But You Don't today to transform your confidence and find your dream girl okay next do with online dating texting
Starting point is 00:17:29 or texting in general when you've just met a girl is do use audio messages don't settle for only text messages use your use your phone or your apps audio feature to send vocal notes there are very few things sexier to your crush than hearing her hearing your voice that can really dial up romantic tension so use your voice unless you have a terrible voice unless you sound like Danny DeVito with with kovat then I want you to use your voice because a woman who likes who you are and likes your voice is just going to like you even more. Okay. So a couple of tips about using your, your voice. First, keep the audio notes short, absolutely less than 60 seconds, maybe even 30 seconds is a good
Starting point is 00:18:22 limit. You don't want to sound like you're rambling. So this is a less is more approach. So also try to sound as natural and as relaxed as possible when you send an audio message to a woman. Now, if you're on an iPhone and you're already texting on your iPhones, the good news is you can press that audio feature. And if you don't like the way you sound,
Starting point is 00:18:44 you don't have to send it. So you can practice to make sure you sound nice and loose and confident. But if you're going to send a message on there, there are some apps to let you send audios, but it doesn't give you the option of not sending it if you don't like it. Basically, you go live. So if that happens, or I mean, if that's the kind of app you're on, don't worry about it. You can still use it. To help you loosen up before you send an audio message, what you can do is just go on your phone and send a test audio message to yourself or to a friend, either way, about anything, just to get your voice and your your vibe nice and relaxed so you sound
Starting point is 00:19:27 confident you sound conversational um and then once you feel like okay yeah that that's me sounding at my best confident and loose then you just mirror that tone when you're sending her the audio message to your crush to the girl you're interested in so that is going to help you a lot so yeah sending a voice note really projects a lot of self-confidence yeah that's another good thing about it is sending your voice note sends women a message that says hey this guy's not afraid to let me hear him talking and bottom line is just as you I'll bet you like the right kind of woman's voice right maybe you like a gravelly voice maybe you like a feminine voice maybe you like a specific accent guess what women are the same they like
Starting point is 00:20:20 your voice if they like your kind of voice. So let her know what it is. Okay, next question in the mailbag. Ask the dating coach mailbag. It comes from Gary. Gary is 44 years old. He's writing from Yonkers, New York. And Gary says, hey, Connell, help me out. This happens all the time.
Starting point is 00:20:43 I see that incredible woman who I'd love to approach, and I just can't go break the ice with her. Drives me crazy. How do I get over my fear of rejection? How do I approach with confidence? Okay, Gary, here's what you want to do. You want to apply something I write about in my book, which is the universal rejection rule. You want to tattoo this on your face for whatever body part you prefer here's my universal rejection rule and I want you to think about it as a firewall that protects your mental software from indulging in the fear of rejection excuse me it what this does is this helps keep you confident and helps you to approach.
Starting point is 00:21:26 So before I share it, a quick note. The goal here is not to totally eradicate feeling rejected. You're human. You're allowed to be bummed out if a girl isn't into you or if your approach gets shot down. It's okay. We're not trying to be perfect here, but you do want to minimize the pain or the anticipated pain that creates the anxiety. And you want to refocus to get that confidence nice and high so you can take a lot of great action. So here it is, my universal rejection rule. As written about in my book, dating sucks, but you you don't and i go deep into the book but here's the the gist of it here's the rule quote i want you to write this down quote i'll only feel rejected if i indulge in the illusion that a woman who i barely know can reject me instead instead of remembering that there are a million more girls and I have more to give, end quote.
Starting point is 00:22:29 Now this rule totally rules. It calls bullshit on the illusion that a woman you barely know or don't know at all can even reject you. She can't reject you. She doesn't know you. And the phrase instead of remembering shifts your mind to the abundance of dating options that are out there for you if you choose to see them and look for them so the reason why dating is so painful for so many men especially approaching is because of rejection they see rejection as the pandora's box of painful emotions. You just open up that box and all kinds of pain. I'm not good enough.
Starting point is 00:23:10 Women hate me. Women don't like me. All of these painful things can come out of that box. What this rule does is it locks the box. This rule, if you say it and repeat it and make it a mantra, it reminds you that you have endless options and so much to give, and that any one woman who quote unquote rejects you, she doesn't really matter.
Starting point is 00:23:33 And she's not even really rejecting you. She just might not be available. She might not be your type, or she might be rejecting your technique. She's not saying that you are not good enough for me. Okay? So for example, I have a client named Jeff, She's not saying that you are not good enough for me. Okay. So for example, I have a client named Jeff and Jeff used to battle some really bad approach
Starting point is 00:23:49 anxiety. And when he started to apply this mantra, he went out on the town and he approached more than 20 women in one weekend. That was the mission I gave him as his in-person coach. So I take guys out here in New York City and we go out and approach women together. And we went out, he approached 20 women. And yes, he got rejected several times, but his new rule helped him to brush those rejections off. Also out of all those approaches, he also got several phone numbers. I think can get four phone numbers that weekend and then
Starting point is 00:24:27 that'll go ended going up on three days ended going out on three dates and he also made out with a totally cute girl on the dance floor i know because i was there watching it happen so what about you would you do that would you go out for a weekend? If you knew you were going to approach 20 women and get four phone numbers, three dates, and one makeout, all with really cute girls, would you be able to accept the quote unquote rejection you got from 16 women? I'll bet you could if you got three dates out of it. And what if you didn't even see it as rejection? What if you just saw it as, eh, I'm out here doing my thing. Some girls like me, some girls are into it, some girls aren't, and it's all good. And anyway, that's the kind
Starting point is 00:25:17 of freedom and confidence and looseness that this universal rejection rule can help you to unleash. Now, you're not going to be instantly confident all the time. That only comes with reps and reps and reps. But yeah, use this new rule because what it does is it creates an opening. It gives you a burst of belief and helps you say, oh yeah, okay, there's nothing really at stake here I can go out and start meeting some women there's no such thing as rejection so let me read the rejection rule one more time and I'll move to the next question
Starting point is 00:25:53 here it is again the universal rejection rule quote I will only feel rejection if I indulge in the bullshit illusion that a woman I barely know can reject me. And instead, I remember that there's a million more girls and I have more to give. Now take that rule, take that mindset out on the town this weekend, and you're going to see some really great things happen. Okay, we have time for one more question in the mailbag. This comes from Tommy. Tommy is 29 and he's writing to us from Boulder City, Colorado.
Starting point is 00:26:31 Tommy writes, Hey, Connell, starting to get some really good dates. Awesome. Awesome, Tommy. With all the Tinder tips in your book, but I'm still hearing, hey, I'm not feeling it too often after first dates. It's getting frustrating. How can I get out of the friend zone on first dates? Tommy in Boulder City. OK, got it, Tommy.
Starting point is 00:26:52 Yeah. Thank you for the question. And yeah, I know the friend zone all too well. I didn't just live in the friend zone. I owned real estate. I I was like the Mr. Burns of the friend zone. I owned real estate. I was like the Mr. Burns of the friend zone. I owned the town. And so yeah, in my book, by the way, in my book, I share probably 100 tips about escaping the friend zone. Here are five of my favorites. Here are five fast ways to get out of the friend zone here we go number one show clear interest if you're interested in a woman make it clear and it can be as simple as saying to her let's go on a second date rather
Starting point is 00:27:36 than making it a mystery so don't hide your feelings on a date tell her and show her that she's cool and sexy and that you're into her because women love a confident man who can show interest all right number one show clear interest tip number two talk the talk the way you use your voice conveys your confidence level so cultivate a rich resonant vocal tonality. Record conversations with a friend or just listen to your voice. Record your voice as you're talking and listen for things like flaws like uptalking. You know, uptalking, when statements you make sound like a question.
Starting point is 00:28:26 You know, look for things like ums and uhs to get in the way. When speaking to women on a date or even in any environment that's basically possibly romantic, what you want to do with your vocal tonality is make sure that you are being heard and that you have a nice, strong, crisp, clear tonality. So a little quick little fix for that is to imagine her. Imagine there's another person directly behind her and talk loudly enough so that the woman or the person behind her can hear you. In other words, you want both of them to hear you. This will help you project your voice since there's a good chance that your voice shuts down a little bit when you're speaking to a woman who you find attractive. And this is a common unconscious reaction that happens when we feel insecure. That voice softens a little bit.
Starting point is 00:29:18 So talk to the girl behind the girl. Hope that makes sense. Okay, tip number three for getting out of the friend zone, use confident body language on dates. Stand tall, widen your stance a little bit, take up space. When you stand, imagine that your spine is a steel rod. Powerful body language, the thing about it is not only does it send a really powerful message to a woman that basically says you're confident. Also the way you use your physiology boosts your emotional state. So you can even try it right now. Stand up, stand up right now and punch your shoulders, touch your ankles together, slouch your shoulders, put your feet together,
Starting point is 00:30:07 take a small passive body physiology. That feels really shitty, doesn't it? Feel how low and small that feels. Now stand nice and tall, like your spine is steel, push your shoulders back, widen your stance, manspread, and hold this pose for 15 seconds. And notice how much differently you feel just by the way you use your physiology. So if you want instant confidence, both in what you feel and what she feels coming from you, then use confident body language.
Starting point is 00:30:46 That'll increase your testosterone. It reduces cortisol, the stress hormone. It does all kinds of great things for you. Most importantly is it makes you look and feel more confident. OK, tip number four for smashing out of the friend zone is look her right in the eyes on that date. Look her right in the eyes i um i once dated a marketing director a woman who we'll call olivia and after we've been seeing each other for a while i asked
Starting point is 00:31:16 her what she liked about me what what it was about me on our first meeting that made her into me and i was basically fishing for a compliment i was hoping she i was thinking and hoping she was going to say oh some funny smooth witty line but the truth is women rarely remember your words when they first meet you and what she said to me was oh it's so easy what i liked about you she said you look me right in the eye. And that made you seem so confident. So yeah, look her right in the eye. That is something every single man can do. And it's a sign of confidence and worthiness to women. And the fifth and final way to make sure you smash out of that friend zone on dates is to be physically expressive. Physical expressiveness is a simple, powerful way to create
Starting point is 00:32:07 a fun, flirty vibe that keeps you out of that dreaded friend zone. So you can high five, you can hold her hand when they're moments, right? Touch her arm, touch her thigh. Again, you want to build up to some of these whisper in her ear brushing hair out of her eyes uh you can do a thumb wrestling contest you can inspect her jewelry you can grab take her hand and say oh hey what's the story behind this jade bracelet what's up with this cool ring where'd you get that what's the story there while taking her hand and And what we want to do on a date, at least a little bit, is to put some physical expressiveness, very G-rated, very gentlemanly. Do not grab her ass early.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Do not just put your hand on her thigh without any reason. Keep it light, G-rated, short and sweet. And what you're doing is you're physically expressing yourself in a way that sends really good messages about your comfort and confidence. But remember, we're also humans. We touch, especially on dates. And for some women not all but for many many women physical touch is one of the main ways that they flirt and experience connection and romance so you want to be physically expressive in a way that builds up and if she's liking it if she reciprocates back you can keep doing it if she's liking it, if she reciprocates back, you can keep doing it. If she doesn't, you want to read that and pull back, take a step back. Maybe she doesn't want physical contact at first. Maybe she needs to take her time.
Starting point is 00:33:54 That's also fine. So definitely what you want to make sure you read the room. Do not I repeat, do not just execute physical escalation pickup artist moves like some kind of judo guy until she gets so excited that's not how people work but you do want to be physically expressive and read her watch her see if she likes it see if she touches back and essentially it's how we work you're communicating so i i like to think of physical expression this way here's how to be here's what not to do the creepy way to be physically expressive is to just touch her without any reason or purpose like you just put her you put your hand on her thigh without any reason to do so and you haven't touched her at all
Starting point is 00:34:46 that is creepy as don't do that uh but here's what you can do you know she she walks in for that first date you give her a hug nice gentlemanly g-rated hug 10 15 minutes in you're chatting you're getting comfortable with each other you uh high five she turns out she loves cold play just like you do what you love cold play no way high five and you high five maybe 20 minutes later hey i have a secret to tell you you lean in whisper in her ear maybe you throw your arm over her shoulder when you lean in. You have a reason for the touch, in other words. Maybe you tease her about something. Like, what? You like the Michigan Wolverines?
Starting point is 00:35:33 You need to go now. And you lightly, gently push her away, pretending that you're upset. But of course, it's a joke. So yeah, begin with small touches and taps on her arm or upper elbow. This gets her comfortable with you. And just see if she likes it or not. If she clearly doesn't like it or you're just not sure, then stop. If she does like it and she's expressing some physical things back toward you, keep going. So yeah, think of physical expression.
Starting point is 00:36:01 It's kind of like a stairway to intimacy with women if you have chemistry with them and yeah it's women hate here's here's my last point on this women hate a handsy octopus armed creep but in general they like a man who's comfortable with his physical expressiveness while also being aware of how she's responding. So be that guy. Don't be the octopus armed creep, but also don't be the guy who never touches her because that's friend's own city. Be that guy who's physically expressive and then building a mutual win-win, clearly consenting, mutual physical fun. And who knows where the night may lead. All right, that will wrap it up for today's podcast.
Starting point is 00:36:52 Happy Friday. Have an amazing weekend going out on dates, going out to approach, going out on the apps. And just remember, women already like you. They just have to meet the real authentic you. I'll see you next time. Thank you for listening to the Dating Transformation podcast. For lots of free tips, videos, and other goodies, go to See you next time.
Starting point is 00:37:19 Produced by Heartcast Media.

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