HR BESTIES - HR Besties: Ageism with Special Guest and Meeting Crasher Maureen Wiley Clough
Episode Date: March 19, 2025Today’s agenda: Introducing Maureen Wiley Clough, host of the It Gets Late Early podcast Drunk interview Cringe corporate speak: culture fit Hot topic: ageism in the workplace Most people ar...e ageist... it's the only "ism" that can affect everyone What sparked Maureen's podcast and focus on ageism? HR professionals should feel empowered to discuss ageism in an organization, such as being included in DEIB discussions More years can mean more experience and enhanced job performance (...duh!) Colorado's Job Application Fairness Act Age discrimination from job recruiters and hiring managers. What can members of HR do to point out these biases? Intergenerational mentorship can be very beneficial to an organization (and can go both ways) Questions/Comments Your To-Do List: Grab merch, submit Questions & Comments, and make sure that you’re the first to know about our In-Person Meetings (events!) at Follow your Besties across the socials and check out our resumes here: Maureen Wiley Clough is a speaker, content creator, brand partner, and podcaster on topics of ageism, the value of the intergenerational workforce, midlife careers and midlife empowerment. She has worked with AARP as a brand partner and now seeks other organizations that want to partner with her to spread the important message about the value of people across all ages at the workplace and beyond. Follow her on LinkedIn, Instagram, and TikTok, and learn more about her podcast It Gets Late Early at Subscribe to the HR Besties Newsletter - We look forward to seeing you in our next meeting - don’t worry, we’ll have a hard stop! Yours in Business + Bullsh*t, Leigh, Jamie & Ashley Follow Bestie Leigh! Follow Bestie Ashley! Follow Bestie Jamie! Humorous Resources: Instagram • YouTube • Threads • Facebook • X Millennial Misery: Instagram • Threads • Facebook • X Horrendous HR: Instagram • Threads • Facebook Tune in to “HR Besties,” a business, work and management podcast hosted by Leigh Elena Henderson (HRManifesto), Ashley Herd (ManagerMethod) and Jamie Jackson (Humorous_Resources), where we navigate the labyrinth of corporate culture, from cringe corporate speak to toxic leadership. Whether you’re in Human Resources or not, corporate or small business, we offer sneak peeks into surviving work, hiring strategies, and making the employee experience better for all. Tune in for real talk on employee engagement, green flags in the workplace, and how to turn red flags into real change. Don't miss our chats about leadership, career coaching, and takes from work travel and watercooler gossip. Get new episodes every Wednesday, follow us on socials for the latest updates, and join us at our virtual happy hours to share your HR stories. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
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Hello besties. Guess what? We have a meeting crasher with us today.
Not again.
I know. Another colleague from down the hall wants to crash our recurring meeting here.
Welcome Maureen Wiley-Clough, who is the podcaster extraordinaire and advocate on ageism all
across the socials, host of It Gets Late Early.
Welcome, Maureen.
Thank you for having me.
And I think I might be the only person who's had the distinction of having had all three
of the HR besties on my podcast.
So I am so pumped to be here. Wow. Look at you. You're earning those corporate badges there.
Thanks for having us on your show. We have just been itching to return the favor and have you
in our meeting. Because you've decided to join us though, you are on the hook today for the cringe speak, the hot goss, and then of course the
hot topic today will be all things ageism at work.
Maureen, don't let Lee scare you.
She's always itching for other reasons, state school reasons, but we're itching to have
you on as well.
I'm stoked to be here.
This is going to be so fun.
It's going to be so fun. It's going to be so fun.
Yes. So Maureen, why don't you kick us off with just a little light water cooler talk,
little hot goss. What's going on? I'm going to tell on myself here and I'm
going to bring us back to an earlier period that I know probably wasn't any of our favorites.
Do you remember the year 2020? Do you remember what
that was like?
Barrett- Blacked it out.
Yeah, yeah. That's going to come up later in this story. We were trying to get by during
COVID. We were doing anything it took, which included, in some cases, heavily drinking,
I would say.
Lots of ISIS.
Yep, yep. At lots of places. We were also in jobs. We were working throughout COVID,
right? And I was fortunate enough to be able to hold mine through the pandemic and had remote
work and all of that. And we had some forced fun around the holidays, right? Where we were just
like, Hey, everybody, let's get the team together. Let's have a remote happy hour. Do you remember
those remote happy hours? Yeah. Oh God. Yeah. Yeah. I'm kind of cringing just remembering it. But so I am an excellent corporate employee
and I came, I brought my best self. I showed up. I really, I kind of overdid it. I had
a great time at the corporate happy hour as one should, right? I'm a team player. And
after this whole hour long, two hour long session concluded, which by the way, I'm like,
how did we even do that?
How did we even have a happy hour remotely?
I don't even understand.
How do we talk about things?
There were like 15 of us.
That doesn't even make sense to me conceptually now, but good on them for trying to have fun.
But at the conclusion of it, I got a ding on my phone
and it was a meeting alert.
And I was like, oh, oh my gosh,
I have an interview in 10 minutes,
an interview for a job that I was excited about.
And I was like, I'm at this moment
where I can do one of two things.
I can cancel at the absolute 11th hour and look like a jackass and totally unprofessional,
or I can try and get through this interview.
Are you drunk interviewed?
I drunk interviewed.
I love this already.
Oh my God.
Oh my gosh.
I've never heard of that.
Tell us everything.
I think I saw this case scenario on a Facebook
group of HR that's like, I think this person drunk interviewed Maureen. It was you. Yeah.
So I was like, yeah, I'm going to go for it. I think I'm fine. I didn't do anything embarrassing.
Because you were drunk. So of course you're like, I'm going to do this.
I'm ready for this. If I don't say so myself, I'm a really good interviewee. So I was like,
okay, I've got this. So I did the interview and apparently it went, well, do I remember
much of it? Nope. But they called me back, you guys. I got the let's move you forward.
So that was telling on myself. But yeah, it was one of the least professional moments of
my life that was accidental entirely. But yeah, somehow I pulled it off. So I'm Irish,
my name's Maureen. So maybe that's the thing. Yeah. So that's, I'm telling on myself. I'm
telling on myself. That's my hot goss. Like I'm not advocating that we all do that.
Nor am I. But I could see how a little liquid courage could go a long way. Especially if you
have interview
anxiety. I'm just saying, I'm not saying everyone go out there and drink before an interview. I am
not, but I can see how you could have pulled that off. You know what I mean? Like-
I wouldn't recommend it though.
Don't do it.
Not ideal. Not ideal. It worked out well for me in that case, but you know, hey,
it could have gone super south.
Lee, I could see you pulling that off. Lee, I could see you pulling that off.
Jamie, I could see you pulling that off.
I could not pull that off.
I would be crazy.
I would be over explaining.
If you smell something on my breath, we're on a Zoom.
Oh, yeah.
Like wine stain lips.
That's amazing.
And you don't remember anything about the interview? I'm so curious. Very little. Like wine stain lips. That's amazing.
And you don't remember anything about the interview?
I'm so curious.
Very little.
Very, very little.
Oh, wow.
So you were really...
And I thought I was fine.
And then later I was like, what happened?
Well, you know, I will say when the ladies and I have gotten together to record the podcast, sometimes like over a weekend,
and I drink. And I feel like I am much better of a podcaster when I've been drinking.
We'll do an alpha beta test and try it out and see if we'll do a poll on our story.
Do you think we're drunk? Did we take a Viagummy before this?
Before this. Shout out our podcast sponsor. Thank you. But I can see that.
Again, can't advocate for it. Nope. Now, quick call out. Maureen, you texted me
last night in anticipation of today, and you asked me, are we doing this sober or do I start
drinking at 8 a.m.? And I was like, Oh girl, it is a work day girl.
I mean, it is like 1030 in the morning. Like my time, like I ain't drinking. Are you? It's
so funny. Are we drinking? Are we doing it? I did ask that. Yes, you did. I mean, it would
be so fun one day to have this just be our job. I guess I kind of, I like working though,
I will be honest with you.
I met someone recently, and they had a friend of a friend.
And she asked, what do you do?
Is this what you do?
Make videos pretending to talk to a boss
and talk to people in the HR space.
And I was like, no, no, I run my own business.
She was like, oh, that sounds like a lot of work.
And I'm like, it is.
Entrepreneurial life.
Or worker peace. It would be great to have.
What would you all pick a Bloody Mary or a mimosa? What's your pick between the
two? Neither. Do I have another option or no? Well, between the two, the mimosa,
cause I don't like sour or I like sweet.
I'm going Bloody Mary, but I'm going Bloody Maria with you.
Oh shit girl. I'm saying Bloody Mary. Jamie,
I would do a mimosa too if I had to choose.
I like a bourbon Mary.
I tried that once on assembly.
I didn't have, well, I was going, it's going to sound awful.
I was going on a wine tour, like a North Georgia wine tour, the Napa Valley of the Southeast.
And I didn't have any vodka, so I made a bourbon Mary and I've been from Kentucky.
It is quite good, I will say, I think.
What would you have, Lee, though? What's your go-to morning drink? Mouthwash?
Morning drink? Oh God, mouthwash. Like my old boss. It's got to be a morning drink.
If it's morning time, your time, you go to brunch, what would you prefer to order?
Some cocktail that they have. Like something special, you know? Like something Instagrammable because
it's brunch time. Like something I can't make myself with the ingredients. Something high
falutin. You know what I mean?
No screwdrivers.
But if I was just out at the bar, I do vodka. Vodka water with lime. Vodka straight, double
I know. State school.
I'm like, I'll take a white cloth.
A white cloth. A white cloth.
A white cloth and a vial.
Well, this took a turn here.
So moving on.
Let's stick with our agenda, people.
We got people to see and things to do.
Almost said people to do and things to do. I almost said people to do and
things to see, but anyway, that too. So next on our agenda, cringe corporate speak per
usual, but brought to us by the guest colleague, Crasher from down the hall. Maureen, what
cringe corporate speak do you bring to the table for us today?
So many to choose from. I wholly applaud
you for this effort to eradicate this from the corporate world. So thank you for your service.
One that I cannot stand is culture fit. The concept of culture fit, it needs to go away.
Because what it means is people like us. And with that, you can sweep
out so many people, right? Because you just have that confirmation bias of we want, you know, the
guy I'm going to grab a beer with, right? That's getting back to our alcohol discussion, which was
unintended, driving us in a different direction. But like, that is what happens. And so you end up
looking for the same type of person.
And I don't think it's necessarily malicious in nature.
I don't think people set out to do this.
But when you have that as the standard by which you're hiring, people fit into a mold
or they don't.
And so when you get someone who's, for example, older or younger or a different race or gender
or whatever from what is sort of like the basis of the
company, that invites all sorts of unintentional bias and discrimination.
So I think it should be culture add, full stop.
Love it.
Culture add, not culture fit.
You know, they use executive presence the same way.
Yeah, we talked about that one.
It is very similar, very similar.
You know, I had a leader say that culture fit term before. Well, I just don't know if
they fit in here. I don't know if it's the right fit or fit, culture fit, right? All that. And I
was like, why? Oh, it's like, oh, they have to say why, right? I mean, just gently pushing back,
asking the questions. Well, why not? Let them explain themselves because sometimes they do check that unconscious bias. You know what I mean? They're like, oh, well,
well, okay, well, you know, they kind of work through it. Like it's interesting. Like you
said, it's not the majority of times it's not malicious. It's an unconscious bias like
hires like, right? It's comfortable, it's familiar.
But just pushing back a little bit just by a why can really help.
Have you all heard this?
A simple why, you're right.
Do you all hear this?
Yes, definitely have.
And some of the most toxic places I've worked too.
Yeah, yeah.
I would say that's the hallmark of all the toxic places where I've been is the culture fit concept, for sure.
At the time, I didn't necessarily think anything of it. It was only as I got older and started thinking more about,
what does this really mean? Then I realized, looking back in my career, I saw this happen.
At the time, I didn't know what the problem was. I was like, why aren't we going with this guy?
He has the exact experience we need. We need someone to guide the way.
He was older.
What did our organization do?
We picked the younger guy because he was the guy who you wanted to get a beer with.
That was actually what was going on.
No one figured it out.
Now belatedly, I'm like, ah, that was it.
I think you see culture fit even more than executive presence, because I do think it
speaks to that. As much as we just joked about drinking and things like that, when you're
in the workplace, I do think that's one of the top areas you see it, especially when
it's a really unhealthy culture where it's super, like the work hard, play hard. But
play hard means excessive drinking, sacrificing, giving up.
So, it's when people do have family obligations outside of work, or people are older, or someone
somehow mentions that they're not a drinker.
People say, what if they're culture-fed?
Are they going to feel uncomfortable coming to our happy hours?
People should feel comfortable and safe at work.
I do think that's one that's a real hot topic at work. It's probably
a good topic for a whole other episode, to be honest with you.
Yes. Oh gosh, I know I have so many comments. Let's write that down because I want to go
on a tangent and hear about, well, this one time I was told...
Let me look at my doodle notebook where I'm writing all my drawings and I'll add some
actually real meeting notes in here.
I know, literally. Exactly. I will say,
Maureen, that that cringe corporate speak of yours is a perfect segue to the hot topic of today's
meeting. And that is all things ageism, age discrimination at work, right? Just everything
in that realm, which you've become quite the voice for across the social. So we appreciate your hard work
and advocacy in this space. Thank you so much. So kick us off. Any stats you want to share?
Anything to get us kicked off to turn this topic inside out?
Well, I think first of all, it's important to note this is such a widespread problem in society that one out of every two of us, a full 50% of the world population is ageist, according
to the World Health Organization.
One in two.
I think half those people are lying because I think we all are just a little bit ageist.
And it's not even our fault.
We've been fed these messages in society since the moment of our birth, essentially, that
getting older is bad.
For women in particular, it's the worst thing you can do. Think of the whole anti-aging beauty
industrial complex and how much damn money we spend trying to look younger. It's been
inculcated in our society and we have marginalized people who've gotten
older for the fact that they've been breathing longer than we have, which is just like so
ludicrous and like aging is the whole damn point of life.
And so we have a really strong undercurrent that we have to fight and like move upstream
against and people don't even know it's wrong.
Like casual ageism throughout society, like jokes abound all over the place, social media, in the workplace, everywhere.
People have their own internalized ageism that we have to all work through first. It all really
starts with us, and it's going to be an uphill climb. I know myself, I've struggled with it.
climb. And I know myself, I've struggled with it. But this all, like all of this came to the surface for me when I was 37 years old at this tech startup. And this guy called
me a dino because I didn't know how to put a GIF in Slack. And I was like, what, who
are you calling? What? Are you kidding? And then I looked around, I was like, holy shit,
he's kind of right. You're like, I am a stegosaur.
I like a T-Rex better personally.
But like, I looked around and I was like, oh my God, I am one of the oldest people here.
How the hell is that possible?
Like my CEO was younger.
And I looked around and I was like the only older people or people around my age were in
like senior director, VP, C-suite position.
It was wild.
So it really, it really woke me up that, oh gosh,
like actually this is happening and has been happening
even at bigger companies that were like market leaders
that I've worked for.
And I saw it happening and I just like shoved it aside
and didn't think about it, but like aging out
of corporate and in tech especially,
it's a thing.
And it's just right there under the surface and no one was talking about it.
I'm like, this is literally the only ism that gets all of us.
And it gets people.
That is so true.
It's everybody is going to face this, even white guys.
If you're lucky.
If you're lucky.
If you're lucky. And for women, what I've learned over the course of doing this show
and becoming a total nerd and researching all of this is that women get it a lot earlier. And
actually young women in a recent McKinsey and Lean In report that was done in 2024 on Women at Work,
younger women actually reported ageism at more alarming rates than older women,
which blew my mind. And so the concept that you can be ageist against a young person is really an
important one. And I know we touched on that in the episodes that you guys did on my show, right?
Like people can be discarded and marginalized and not taken seriously because they're quote,
too young for a job. People have that stereotype
about young people too. It really, truly does get all of us. The intersectionality with race or gender
or any sort of marginalized group status, it makes it infinitely worse. You have an exponentially
harder time. It's not something we can just ignore simply because it happens to all of us. It happens to certain people worse. And it does get everyone. So let's all get on board and
fight it because we've got to get these stereotypes out of our minds. They're wrong. They've been
proven false. And the whole damn point is getting older. We're living. Why do we do
So I feel super passionately about talking about it because it's just like literally
92% of organizations pulled by PWC don't include age as something as a point of focus when
they think about their employee population.
92% failure rate, guys.
So like we've got to work on this.
And these biases have like very widespread implications beyond just the actual employee.
They hurt the organization.
I could go on forever.
Like there are so many reasons
we need to talk about this. So thank you for- Talking about it.
... doing it. I know, right? I mean, I love the collective
ism line. That's so true. It's a communal ism. It's something, again, if you're privileged
Again, if you're privileged to live a long life that unfortunately you may experience, is that what spurred you creating the podcast?
How did the podcast, it gets late early come to be?
It was that realization that this hits everyone and yet no one's talking about it.
I was like, that is sheer lunacy to me that there isn't someone out there talking about
the impact on the workplace.
And I went into it as more of a guide.
I certainly wasn't an expert or anything when I started
because I didn't know anything.
And I wanted to carve out a place for us
to have this discussion because it does touch everybody.
And I felt really strongly as someone who had just hit 40
and was kind of having
a moment guys, like turning 40 is like a moment, especially I would say in a woman's life because
of all those awful shitty ageist messages we've been fed our whole lives.
And so I was kind of at this crush was like, what am I doing with my life?
Is this it?
Like, and I realized I had never felt like more confident or happier or anything in my
And I was like, wait, we've all been fed this bullshit lie that it's over at 40.
And that's just not freaking true.
And I want to make sure that people know that that's not the case.
So it was part, I want to explore this fully and part, I want to show that we all have
a next second act and a new path.
And it's not too late, right?
So it was both of those things.
And I've just, I mean, it's been like, for sure the most wonderful thing that I've ever
Like I've been so thrilled with the response and the ability to meet such incredible people,
grow my network and community.
I just have made great friends.
Hello, like you three, like it's just been amazing. So it was all
those things. But yeah, I just, I really, I mean, we're talking or at least up until recently,
we've been talking and giving a platform to the concept of inclusion and diversity. And I was
like, this is the missing puzzle piece that hasn't been injected into the conversation. And I want to
do that. So help in some small way, hopefully. Jamie, I'm curious because you're still in the thick of the HR corporate girl
world. But how do you, do you talk about it proactively? I mean, I know a lot of
times we see it by people who are older and applying for jobs and will say, I'm
applying, I see ageism, how do you combat it? But do you address it internally
proactively with your managers as HR?
I think you have to.
And I think you have to bring it to the forefront as a part of DEIB.
I think it needs to be included.
I'm also in a startup.
I've done startups because of course I like the mess.
But you do see that.
Yes, I am. But you do see that. Yes, I am.
But you do see that a lot.
So a lot of the leadership is younger and I'm now one of the older people and I'm...
Happens real quick.
And it's like, God, am I a cultural fit?
But I'm the personality hire, so it works out.
But yeah, I mean, it's like constantly viewing it and making sure that you're hiring the best person regardless
of age, gender, race, religion, you know what I mean?
And I think, like you mentioned earlier, like hires like, and then you just get stuck in
this wheel of the same people.
And there aren't the best business outcomes from having a homogenous group.
That has been proven.
We know this.
People will say, oh, but older employees, they cost more because of their salary.
Well, they're also-
Yeah, they have experience.
They have it.
I think Flippian said, but you know who's doing something about this that I like?
The state of Colorado.
We've talked about them in our episode on salary transparency because Colorado was the leader in this and as a state, so those not in the US, the US has this whole
You can have federal laws that apply to the whole US.
It's really hard to get those anything done in Congress or in the government agencies.
States and cities often in the US have different laws.
I think you'll really continue to see that, especially with a new presidential administration. Colorado has been a leader. They were the ones that required salary transparency
and job postings. What you saw in that, I remember, I mentioned this when I first started
seeing it, it would say, applicants in Colorado, for national roles. I wasn't at a law firm
in that point in time, so I was like, what the heck is this? I probably said something other than heck. But employers, don't just provide it for Colorado.
It's so silly that people often have this attitude of, what do we have to do? Well,
now Colorado, in July of 2024, now they have a law there that you cannot require applicants
to put their, really anything that identifies their age from their date of birth, but also things like
the year they graduated. If they graduated in a degree, high school, college, advanced degree,
you can't require those that can't be held against them if they don't.
What you see now, you'll start to see this pop up. If you're listening to this, Google Colorado
age, whatever, and you'll see some of these job postings that yet again say,
Colorado applicants, you don't have to put this shit in. It won't be held against you.
Which, again, the enforcement mechanisms are hard. But my recommendation is every employer,
every employer, put that language in. And don't put the language that reads like it came straight
from the like, begrudgingly like, no, of course, I guess we'll put this in there.
You read the world's womp-womp job description, but that is one way.
It takes not just having language in the job description, but having this proactive training.
I think, Jayme, your point is having this.
That is an option that may not occur to people.
Colorado is doing some very innovative things that don't take a lot of effort.
It shouldn't be required, yet here we are.
Look at that language in employers.
Think about whether you can add that to your job postings and then also have that internal
training to your teams about not asking questions about it.
What does that mean to not hold it against somebody?
Or, someone shows up and you're like, I would have thought this person was 27.
They look about 95.
That training is necessary and required. But that's one thing. If you haven't seen that
and you're listening, go Google the variety of words and you'll see that.
Colorado's crushing it. I actually interviewed on my podcast someone who was behind that whole push
to get the Job Application Fairness Act on the docket really in the
state of Colorado. And I'm like, dude, until it's national, let's everyone move to Colorado.
That is rad. So you're totally right. Colorado is on the forefront.
Yeah. It's like better than California now with employee rights.
But I like what they're doing because often it's like things that don't, they don't call
someone. It's just, it's like just transparency. It's stuff that you should not be legally
required to give. I do think it's cool. And some of the
other things Colorado has done as a state, I do think are very cool and great ideas.
So it's like common sense. And there's so many applications though, that have that voluntary
data that you can provide. And you know, I'm always a little skittish with that. I'm like,
is this really going to be like unidentifiable? Like, are they really keeping this separate
from my application?
Maybe you guys can tell me.
But I'm always a little suspect of that.
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I also find it really funny when I see,
and this happens routinely, I'll look at these job applications
and look at these companies and be like, oh, cool.
They want me to say when I was born,
and then I'll go to their LinkedIn,
and it's very clear that they don't have anyone over 40
at the company.
I'm like, why are you setting yourself up for people
to think that you're discriminated?
Why would you even include, if you're going to discriminate,
why would you include this in if you're going to discriminate,
why would you include this in your list of things to fill out?
Like it just, what is going on?
But I think, you know, applicants who are worried
about ageism, you know, it's going to happen.
Like you are going to be discriminated against.
Like there's just no way around that because people,
people are ageist.
Like I'm working on my own ageism, right?
We've all been growing up with this stuff, right?
But there are some things you can do and you need to have the mindset of like,
you're going to control what you can control.
And one of those things you can control is proactively seeking out companies
that seem to actually give a damn about people across all generations.
And those are the ones you should target.
If you see someone at a, if you see a company that's doing this,
like maybe don't apply there, right?
Because you're unlikely to get that job.
Is that fair?
Absolutely not.
It's bullshit.
But it's life.
And so move on to a company that actually gives a damn about it.
Everybody is my advice, right?
But they're just, I think there does need it.
Jamie, I'm so glad, and obviously all of you, you get this, right?
And you understand that your organizations, you would want to bring this conversation
We're all getting older. let's do this, right? But there is a systemic issue in not only just
hiring managers, but also frankly in recruiters, which is fascinating to me because I thought
the recruiters would be more kind of up to speed on not being discriminatory.
But there was a survey that came out recently, it was published in the Times in the UK, and it said that up to around 50% of recruiters thought that 57% was, quote, too old to hire
someone for a job.
That's recruiters.
And that was shocking to me because that would be the group that I thought would be more
well-versed on this being like not a thing to do.
And then I saw another survey, and granted these were different surveys, but another survey was done with hiring managers. And 42% of hiring managers had a,
they admitted to a bias against someone based on age and they went in both directions. Like you
could be too young or too old. But I was shocked that the hiring managers weren't more biased
because they wouldn't necessarily have been given all of the tools that you would think
would be existent in in an HR team function.
So can you talk to me a little bit about that?
I was just shocked by that.
I think it's probably because hiring managers on average are going to be older themselves.
You know what I mean?
So that's the correlation, in my opinion.
It's not causation, but I would think that a lot of leaders in
an organization or managers are more mid-career, late-career.
Maybe they're not as biased on age because they themselves are a little older.
Again, I don't have the research.
I just pulled that out my ass right now.
You know what I mean?
That's just what my gut tells me based on my experience in corporate. I am not the Oracle. That's for a day, I'm sure.
Yeah. I thought that was interesting. That does make sense. They were also saying that they were
biased against younger candidates too. But again, those are the only ones that said,
I am biased. They raised their hand and actually admitted it. So it's probably higher.
But yeah, I found that really interesting.
That doesn't surprise me either because I've had a lot of leaders or hiring managers relay
that they don't want to manage or lead their kids. Right? So you have people entering the
workforce that are their children's ages. And I'm just like, okay. Like technically you wouldn't be, but you know.
So it is, like you said, it does go both ways, you know, on that discrimination, young and
And it sucks that women get hit harder on both ends there.
But then there's also things where managers don't know what to do with their employees
who are older.
I mean, one is your people that'll say, I think this person's going to retire.
Can I ask them when they're going to retire?
Asking people personal information like that is not the good idea that I understand you
think it is.
You're like, I'm trying to plan, and I totally hear that.
But thinking of the perspective of someone who's older in the workplace, who already
is thinking that, and someone asks them, are you going to retire?
And so I'll say, or, but also on the flip side of people that are doing like performance
reviews and they'll have someone they're like, the person told me like this is gonna be my
last job.
I don't want to move up.
We can have the conversation about my development goals and all of this bullshit, but like I'm
not interested in that.
And that is true.
And I say to people, a way to phrase that in performance conversations or coaching conversations is, what matters to you? What are you looking
for? As people get closer to retire and have told you, this is my plan, I want to begin
being supportive, people sometimes change their minds on those dates. But thinking of
those opportunities, how employees, how you can flip it and have them train on things,
there's a lot of using that expertise is one of the best ways to show people, especially
at that age, that they're valued.
Sometimes it's like to just do a talk on things you've learned in your career.
No matter what the person's role is, they don't have to have a chief title.
Just an experienced employee, the things you've learned.
People love those sessions because it can be super practical.
They do.
There's a new study that came out just like yesterday.
It was referenced in Harvard Business Review.
And it was about AI and ageism impacting the implementation
of AI in organizations.
And as you can imagine, there's a huge bias and a preference
for roles that include AI work for youth, like under 35.
It was like a massive disparity between that and people
who are over 50.
And so what's happening is you have these experienced professionals who have that sort of crystallized knowledge, with under 35, it was a massive disparity between that and people who were over 50.
What's happening is you have these experienced professionals who have that crystallized knowledge,
who know what to do, who have that industry expertise, the context, all of that stuff,
who aren't being given the opportunity to use these AI tools and help the whole organization.
It's just creating these silos and these disparities in usage, which are actually going
to have really widespread implications.
And so, what's so important is, Ashley, you so brilliantly just suggested getting an older
employee, which by the way, you also suggested on your episode, which I love.
Give these older employees the platform to showcase their expertise and their experience,
give career advice, et cetera.
Do the same thing with the power super users of AI.
Right now, most people are self-taught AI users.
It's not like a skills-based program embedded in a corporate entity.
That's where it will go and needs to go, I think, if we want the optimal outcomes.
But there are super users of AI who are over 40 in most organizations.
It's a smaller percentage because there's just not as much adoption yet. But give those people the chance to show everybody what they're doing with it,
because they've been around the block and they're experienced, and that can help the other less
experienced employees level up. There's such a need for intergenerational mentorship.
Mentorship doesn't just go from the old person, the elder, like the wisdom passing down to the younger generation. My mentor is a 28 year old Gen Z dude. I adore
him. He teaches me so much. Like it's crazy. And so it can go both ways, but there's just like so
much richness and so much value that can be derived by just getting us to freaking talk to one another.
Like there's another study that came out that said like 50% of people in Gen Z hadn't talked to someone over 50 in a year or so. It was a LinkedIn
study, I can't remember the exact. It was insane. It was such a wide disparity. People
just aren't communicating. Part of that is the tools that they use might be different.
Maybe someone's a Slack person, another person likes email or the phone. But we just aren't
being smart about this, and we're literally losing money because of it. Like companies only give
a damn about the bottom line and increasing shareholder value. So like, for God's sake,
like care about this. Like this really freaking matters.
Ooh, that's a hard stop today.
So just FYI, like most days.
And so questions and comments.
Let's transition to questions and comments.
I got one for you guys.
As a people, I really, I need to understand.
I need to understand this because there must be something I'm missing.
So business is business, layoffs happen, shit happens. It's corporate. This is how it goes. But I, for the life of me, cannot
understand the decision to publicly label departing impacted laid off slash fired employees
as quote, low performers, which has been done at Meta and other companies of late. Why?
Why would a company do that? Why not just say we had
a reduction in force? Why not just say we had a restructuring? Literally anything else.
Why? Can you please help me get it? To target blame and justify the term.
Jeez, it's just so... But there's probably a legal answer, Ashley, right?
No, no, no. The legal... No. The lawyers, I guarantee you, the lawyers don't like that.
HR did not approve it. The comms team shit themselves.
People that say that, including someone that has gone through a self-proclaimed glow-up
or self-believed glow-up, is that they care more about their shareholders than the human beings that work for them.
That's it.
That's it.
That's it.
That's why I'm glad people have spoken up, that have shown their performance reviews
and they're like, no, no, I was not a low performer.
And you are going to see a lot of wild comms and headlines out of organizations that are
still founder led.
And that's a great example.
Like Mark wrote that.
You know what I mean?
Mark also said young people are just smarter.
So now over 40, I wonder if he's going to reframe that perspective.
And that is tough.
That's a tough place to work.
It is for me because they really don't have a lot of checks and balances.
You know, they don't have a lot of people being honest with them
and giving them that feedback. They're't have a lot of people being honest with them and giving
them that feedback. They're running the show ads, all the things.
Because it ain't safe to do so, right?
Nope. Hell no.
Group think like, yes men, male men.
Emphasis on male.
Any other questions or comments? I had a quick comment. I would like ageism to affect our government because I'm really sick of old white men making
decisions about my body.
So if they could just age them out, that'd be cool.
I love that. it really is when you look at, especially like some people in politics, you're like,
I'm sorry, what?
It's amazing.
There's not more protections.
I mean, in the U.S., there are protections in layoffs for older people in that.
If you were over 40, that's why you'll see this like age disclosure document, what they
call like addendum A or exhibit A. And it lists like the group and who was considered for layoff, who wasn't
with their titles and numbers.
That's why that is a federal law that does require that.
Many people get it wrong and don't do it properly.
But I was going to say, I've heard so many stories of that being fudged or like not provided
at all, but yes.
I mean, that's why I'm always like plaintiffs, employment attorneys know to like look for
that right away. And they're like, tell me more about this document.
Not a question for me, but a quick comment.
Maureen, you were talking about how age discrimination goes really both ways, right?
I mean, you get it when you're older, you get it when you're younger.
And I just wanted to share that when I reflect on my career, the times that I believe I was
discriminated against due to age, it was when I reflect on my career, the times that I believe I was discriminated against
due to age, it was when I was younger.
Being a Hispanic female and having become an executive, like in my 20s, early, I mean,
boy, did I stand out in the boardrooms.
I was the only one that looked like me.
Many times I was asked,
how old are you? How old are you, bitch? I mean, it took me all I had, all I had to, I mean,
you know what I mean? God, I wish you had said that. Oh my God. How the fuck old are you,
mother fucker? I mean, oh my gosh.
Then I would start jobs and I'd be leading teams and the team would ask me, how old are
And things like that because I'd be the youngest leading the team.
But yeah, so those are when I reflect, it's like, well, early, I don't think I've hit
the age one yet that I can perceive myself.
I'm sure I have, but I haven't felt it the way I did when I was younger, people being
blatant about it.
Don't worry, it's going to get us on both ends.
It's coming.
It's coming in hot.
It's coming in hot.
We're going to be invisible soon.
That's the other thing I'm told to look forward to is like...
Exactly. Cannot wait.
Good times for everybody.
Ashley, round us out. What you got?
I'll round out to give advice that I got from my Aunt Norma. That's really my husband's
Aunt Norma, but it's really now my Aunt Norma, which she told me in my 20s, which was to
have friendships across different generations. And it didn't mean as much to me then as it
does now. And I realized how thankful I am to have friendships, including at work with people of different
generations, some that are still very close. One of the ways you can do that, especially
if you're remote, is being friends as well with your neighbors. Talking to neighbors,
especially if you're in an apartment complex or wherever you see, sometimes those older
employees, I now am extremely close friends with my next-door neighbors,
Jan and Jeff. We chat constantly, text. He's going to be very excited.
Would you ever mention me on the podcast? Jeff, you haven't done anything scandalous yet!
He used to be the team dentist for the Atlanta Braves. he's retired. But anyway, is those friendships across different generations?
And so finding those, I do think people have a lot more in common than you'd think. And
you can learn life lessons older and younger. So that's a piece of advice that stuck with
Excellent advice.
I've always had those. Love it. Oh, wonderful. Well, Maureen, I think we have all learned something, which is rare. I'm
an old dog, new tricks. What the hell? Especially from a meeting crasher. Normally the meeting
crasher comes in and you're like, yeah, move on. No, Val, you were a culture ad today,
Maureen. You were a culture ad. Oh, culture ad. There we go. Culture ad. Let's make it take off, right?
Oh, Maureen, keep speaking out on ageism. We appreciate you.
Absolutely. Thank you so much for having me. This was awesome.
People want to learn more, they can absolutely go follow me on LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok,
the like, and certainly go to the pod at As of last year,
AARP reached out to me and sponsored a live event with me. So now I am looking to work
with more brands who actually want to talk about age at the workplace and talk through
how to make intergenerational collaboration work better for all of us. So yeah, any brands
that are interested in having this conversation, either as a workshop or a speech,
I'm all ears. We could also do some really fun content together. So yeah, looking forward to
all that's to come. Very excited and thanks again, guys, for having me. This was awesome.
Bye besties.
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