I Will Teach You To Be Rich - 18. "He's the man & he should pay. We can't go on like this any more"

Episode Date: November 16, 2021

Monique expects Pablo to pay for her “as the man” in the relationship. Pablo wants “fairness” in a partner. Last week, I dug into their money psychology. Right at the end of last week’s conv...ersation -- when both were feeling good -- they started discussing an upcoming trip to Mexico City. Suddenly, everything fell apart. All their positive feelings and new skills got thrown to the side, and they went right back to their old habits. That’s why I had to add a part two to our conversation. That’s today’s episode. When they’re discussing the trip, Monique already has her argument ready before Pablo finishes a sentence. Pablo’s fists are clenched. He wants to be the laid-back, confident guy Monique fell in love with, but his views on money have changed. You’ll hear him describe “Antonio,” his scarcity-minded alter ego. This conversation surprised me in so many ways. Listen in. Connect with Ramit Website Instagram Twitter Facebook YouTube Linkedin If you and your partner have a money issue and you want my help, I occasionally select a couple to work with, free of charge. Apply for my help here. Produced by Crate Media.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm just a bit blindsided that like you bought a thousand dollar ticket for me. It's just like a weird feeling to have you buy something for me but then turn around and be like okay since I bought this I'm going to make you pay for all the food and all the housing. So it's like you're not inviting me. You're making me pay you back in a different way. And that seems transactional and cold. Welcome back to I Will Teach It Be Rich.
Starting point is 00:00:32 I'm Ramiz Sayti, and this is part two of my conversation with Pablo and Monique. Now last week we met them both, and just as we were starting to come to a resolution, we opened up a whole new can of worms. That's why I had to turn this episode into two parts. I wanna reintroduce you to this couple, just to refresh your memory on who they are. Monique is 23 years old, she makes $33,000 a year, and she describes her financial beliefs as traditional.
Starting point is 00:01:11 I always just thought of having like that fairy tale love of like going out and having everything paid for like the guy pays for everything. The guy opens the door. The guy pulls the chair out. The guy waits to kiss you at the end of the day. I did expect him to pick up the bill when we sat there for like half an hour. Pablo doesn't see money the same way at all. He's 33 years old. He makes $103,000 or about three times as much as Monique. And when he talks about money in their relationship, he uses words like taken of and fair. I was like, I'm not going to pay for her. I have a drop of her suit. She should pay for it. There have been many instances where we've wanted to break up and we have broken up for days because of the incompatibilities and tensions,
Starting point is 00:01:52 but our attraction and willingness to try to fight for each other and be with each other has always brought us back. I thought I was in my right to think he could do more since he is older, more money, more experience. In the last episode, we went deep on Pablo and Monique's money beliefs, how they were raised, how they think about money, their money psychology. And towards the end, they both started to develop a newfound respect for each other. They started to really empathize with how the other person was feeling and why they were behaving the way they were around money.
Starting point is 00:02:28 But then something happened and that was a specific trip that they're both planning to take to Mexico City. What you'll discover is that it's all fun and games. It's nice and everybody sings fun and games. It's nice and everybody sings kumbaya about how they feel about money until a specific situation comes up. And then often people revert right back to how they used to behave around money. So here we are. Pablo wants to surprise Monique with a formula one experience in Mexico City. And because he paid for the tickets, he's going to ask her to pay for the accommodations and food. She thinks this is unfair. Let's listen.
Starting point is 00:03:11 I don't think it should be 50-50. I would be more comfortable at being proportional to our incomes. If in the future one day you make more than him, do you pay more proportionately? him? Do you pay more proportionally? I would be more comfortable paying like 50-50. I feel like once again the commitment to partnership is not there. I just don't think that's fair. That actually does raise a question of like, is this ever gonna work out where we both feel happy and content with our finances and our relationship? If it's not, then I think I must find a better suited partner for me. My parents are friends from back in the day.
Starting point is 00:03:58 My dad's an architect and he helped renovate Monique's restaurants. Her mom was like, I have a daughter. We should introduce our kids to each other. And so then I had just come back from living abroad that day. My mom is very social, so she always has me meeting her kids, her friends' kids, because they were all like minded.
Starting point is 00:04:21 So when she heard about Pablo, she's like, oh, he loves to travel. He did this. My daughter loves to travel as well. And she does music as well. They should meet. So it was more of like a friendly thing, not like a setup. Set up.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Set up. But I knew nothing about him. I knew he was older. And I like stalked his Facebook. And I was like, ew. Like, I saw like horrible pictures of him. So I was just like, ew, like, I don't know who this guy is.
Starting point is 00:04:44 Like gross, whatever. And then you saw him and what happened when you saw him did you still say you? No, I was like Yeah, I like to fall down like right away How do your parents feel once they you know once you told them that you were interested in him and he was 10 years older To be honest, they weren't worried they weren't sketched out or anything because he came from a good family. He's a good background, a solid family, and he was very respectful, way more respectful than the guys in my age anyway.
Starting point is 00:05:13 So they were really comfortable. You know, I'm surprised. Walking into this call, I had seen both of their ages, and I suspected that there might be some sort of power imbalance here. He's 10 years older, she's not. Yet it turns out that their parents introduced them. And so you can see me trying to pull on this thread here and realizing that it's actually not the issue whatsoever.
Starting point is 00:05:42 Now just as a reminder, Pablo earns just over $100,000. He also has a quarter of a million dollars invested, by the way. Monique only earns about $33,000, but she expects her income to go up over time. I'm sharing these numbers with you. It's important because it informs because it informs how they view this 50-50 split that Pablo proposes. I just don't think it is 50-50. I don't think it should be 50-50. I would be more comfortable at being proportional to our incomes.
Starting point is 00:06:16 And if in the future one day you make more than him, do you pay more proportionally? I would be more comfortable paying like 50-50. I thought it was very interesting. Monique's reaction once heard she makes three times as much as I do. And so the reaction? What was the reaction? Her reaction was, no, the guy should still pay. Or she was stumped by that scenario, which is...
Starting point is 00:06:47 Ask her about that. Yeah, which is concerning because, like, say, for example, well, there has been times where I've been out of a job just, like, be in the US to be with you, but I'm still expected to carry on as if nothing's a matter. And like I've seen it in my parents' relationship where my father has lost his job, there's a power shift where my mom sees my dad, met us romantically as she usually does. Kind of like a burden. And I experienced that in the past as I explained my first relationship where I wasn't making anything and the girlfriend had to take care of me. And she said, I didn't, to quote, I no longer see you as my partner. I see you as a child that I have to take care of.
Starting point is 00:07:35 And so that worries me with Monique. I mean, yeah, like obviously wouldn't love that situation, but of course I would do it. Obviously, if I'm making more than you are like, you lose your job or something, I'm not going to make a k-wold. I'm divorcing you or anything, you know. This is something I notice in couples a lot. You will hear people starting to spin out about what might happen in the future. The most common example is a woman asking her partner, hey, what happens if we get pregnant and I decide
Starting point is 00:08:07 that I want to stop working temporarily or perhaps even permanently? What are you going to do then? Are you going to leave me and it just starts to spin? Here we can hear Pablo starting to do exactly the same thing, saying, hey, what if one day I lose my job, that's happened and then what are you going to do? Are you going to support me? Are you going to look down on me? In my experience, most people try to combat this by telling their partner, stop spinning.
Starting point is 00:08:32 What are you worried about? Don't worry. That is never effective. So please just stop doing that. A much better approach is to say, tell me what that would mean to you. If I were to not be able to work, how would you react? And then be honest about what that would make you feel. I'm concerned that you might stop respecting me. I'm concerned that we might not have enough money to live
Starting point is 00:08:56 the type of lifestyle we want. That kind of honesty opens up a much more authentic conversation. It can also serve to change some of the ways that you behave around money. For example, if you're concerned that you might not have enough money if one of you loses their job or one of you stays home with a new child, well, suddenly that gives both of you a reason to save more aggressively, to invest more aggressively. And so these kinds of conversations can easily be changed from spinning and negativity to vulnerability and authenticity. That's what I would encourage.
Starting point is 00:09:35 I'm trying to see if there's compatibility here between the two of you. And I can't be the one to decide only the two of you can't. I mean, I think it would be compatible because obviously if he takes me out, I would obviously be very appreciative of that. I just feel like it would just push forward like some positive loving energy rather than like 50, 50 each time. I definitely agree. My only worry is from the real life examples that we've had where like you do want to take me out or you do want to bite me to something and
Starting point is 00:10:11 It's not equal in terms of like I'll pay for the $180 dinner, but you can get like the $30 ice cream Thank you. Yeah, you pulled up your your end of the bargain of that you pay for one thing and I pay for another thing. It's not equivalent in the economic impact of both. In your heart, the sentiment is the same, but logically and objectively, it's not. However, again, I am very willing to accept your efforts, even a small, but I do see them changing and I do appreciate it. And understand that you do wanna be taken out.
Starting point is 00:10:50 Obviously, we're both pretty big romantic. And so I do like taking her out. I do love the fact that when she dresses up, she feels like a queen of the world and stuff like that. So I do wanna make her feel confident. I appreciate that. I appreciate you talking about how Monique wants to feel. What if nothing changes? What happens in five years?
Starting point is 00:11:14 I fear that I would be continuing how I am right now, which is like passively accepting something that I am not pleased with just for the sake of keeping the relationship afloat. What would happen? Increased bitterness and increased resentment where anything could trigger a bigger fight of like if another $10 suit comes around then a bigger fight of like what life sacrifice my whole life for this and like, you can't even buy your own suit. And like, just a bigger snowball fights.
Starting point is 00:11:55 Do you think you still be together? Logically, no, emotionally, yes. Which has been a lot of pulls and tensions in our relationships, sorry in our relationship, there have been many instances where we've wanted to break up and we have broken up for days or whatever because of the incompatibilities and tensions, but our attraction and willingness to try to fight for each other and be with each other has always brought us back. fight for each other and be with each other has always brought us back. I would just love for him to keep vocalizing his thoughts and feelings. Before in the relationship, he was never really vocal and he just like held it in and I was
Starting point is 00:12:34 just feeling like, okay, why isn't he reaching for the bill? Like, that's really weird, but he would never say anything. So I just thought like, he was cheap or something. I am 33, five years, I'm 38. When it will be 27, 28. So let's just say that she has time, whereas like I feel like I'm getting older if I want to start a family, there does come that pressure of trying to find a more ideal partner with my philosophies. And so if nothing changes in five years, then that actually does raise a question of like, is this ever gonna work out where we both feel happy
Starting point is 00:13:12 and content with our finances and our relationship? If it's not, then I think I must find a better suited partner for me, given my age and my life goals. It's the first time I think I've heard either of you mention that the stakes here are actually pretty high. You could live with awkward soup situations for the rest of your life. But Pablo, if you do want a family and you have a vision of a certain age where you're
Starting point is 00:13:43 having a family, well then you have your vision of a certain age where you're having a family, well then you have your own timetable. Yeah, I mean, I completely agree, but I think the problem that you're talking about was because you were never vocal about how unhappy you were or your finances. So I could never, so when you're saying like, I put my foot down and you'd never said anything,
Starting point is 00:14:04 well, it's because I didn and you'd never said anything, well, it's because I didn't know you never said anything. So it's like, how could I, you know, I like to think I'm a pretty considerate empathetic person. So like, obviously, if you would tell me your struggles or issues or thoughts, I would obviously take them consideration and like work on them with you. But like, since you never were vocal about them, how could I accommodate you? And so, obviously, now I think we're financially kind of on the same track, and we're kind of more comfortable,
Starting point is 00:14:37 and that's only because of four years of fighting, because you could never really say what you wanted to say. Yeah, I agree. Do you want him to put his foot down? I mean, sure, yeah, like I want him to tell me what he thinks, how he feels, because like, it's not all about me. And I felt like he thought that it was all about me because I am very vocal. Like the second I'm upset or the second I'm whatever I tell him. And so the second I was upset about something or whatever, like he was just like, okay, okay, like whatever makes you happy, great.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Are you a people pleaser Pablo? Yes. I do sacrifice a lot of my wants and needs just to keep the peace and to keep things going. And what happens when you do that? There's a lot of repression on my end and a lot of bitterness and resentment towards the situation in my life. Suddenly things are starting to make a lot more sense. It's not simply that Monique has a view of money that is incompatible with Pablo. It's also that Pablo is a people pleaser, and he hasn't been honest about what he's feeling. This resentment he's feeling, the one that we can all hear,
Starting point is 00:16:01 dripping off of his voice, is something that he hasn't effectively communicated to Monique. Does it ever get resolved with him or does it just simmer forever? It's simmer forever. So is this the first situation in which you've spoken up for what you want? As Monique has said, she's very empathetic and understanding. If I had told her like, look, the reason why I can't pay for your soup is because I haven't worked in a year. And she'd be like, oh, you're right. Let me pay you for it right now. And you actually let me take care of you and we can get in my house every single day of
Starting point is 00:16:38 the week, and you don't have to worry about anything. That's what she would have done. But instead of Monique. Yes, of course. Absolutely. But instead I was like, who does she think she is? I'm not gonna pay for her. I have a drop of her suit.
Starting point is 00:16:53 She should pay for it. Right. How would you describe that view, Pablo? Very selfish and partial to my own... very myopic, to be honest. If you had to describe what that feels like on your body, how would you describe it? Boiling blood. Mm hmm. Like very tight fisted, um, just like clenching jaw, like the bill comes and like,
Starting point is 00:17:25 and just like clenching jaw, like the bill comes and like, okay, well here I go, let me pay for it. If you had to name that, what would you name it? Your name is Pablo, who's this person? Antonio. There we go. And how do you feel about Antonio? I don't like him. He's around a lot.
Starting point is 00:17:46 He really is around around 90% of the time. And he really takes over a lot of the situations and Mike True Self, which I guess is Pablo, like it was repressing itself. Tell us more about Antonio. How does he think? I want to say that the world is out to get him, but he has extreme resentment towards everyone in the world. He doesn't feel a victim, but he just feels like angry towards anyone. And
Starting point is 00:18:16 every very insecure and lacks confidence. Why does Antonio lack confidence? Because he doesn't, especially now that I feel it more in the US, I feel the lack of monetary power has definitely decreased my confidence. And I think part of the reason why Monique fell in love with me is I had just come from living all over the world. That was super, not cocky or confident, but just like, sure of myself. And like, oh yeah, let me tell you about all the places that I live, all the things that I've done, blah, blah, blah. Which is, I know it's what Monique wants and fell in love with versus like the insecure
Starting point is 00:18:53 guy who looks at her weirdly because she doesn't pull out her credit card. And more importantly, who do you want more of? Pablo or Antonio? Pablo, absolutely. So I love that you've given him a name, Antonio. It's a great name. What happens in your body when you switch from Pablo to Antonio?
Starting point is 00:19:18 Can you spot it? The best way I can describe it is like this uneasy feeling, the stomach. I wouldn't say it's like heartburn, but just like, I would say the stomach acid is just gurgling and boiling. Something's not sitting right. And then where does the feeling go? Probably to my mouth and I probably do clench. I do feel like that I can't really speak because I'm so angry probably to my throat as well. So now that you
Starting point is 00:19:59 know all about Antonio, what do you wanna do with that information? Who is the person who got the jobs all around the world, had the high income? Was that Pablo or Antonio? I don't think Antonio existed back then. That's right. Pablo ruled back then, didn't he? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:20:23 And who rules today? Antonio. Nine years ago. Nine years ago, time. What do you want to do with that? How do I focus all the energy to suppressing, or not only suppressing, but eliminating Antonio? And he can't eliminate Antonio.
Starting point is 00:20:43 OK, and then suppressing, then. And suppressing doesn't work. You've been doing it your whole life. Does it work? No, it does not. Oh, sometimes we have to accept the bad parts of us. I have bad parts of me. I tried to stop them. Now I say, okay, what I want to do instead is just to increase the better parts of me.
Starting point is 00:21:08 Okay. Yeah, of course, I want to keep an eye on being judgmental. Yeah, I'll try to minimize it, but I can spend my whole life minimizing my bad. And where do I end up? Just angry at myself. I hate it. Instead, what if I try to spend more time focusing on improving the good? What would that look like for you? That would look like enjoying the company for a beautiful girl and making her feel special, enjoying talking to friends and meeting new people and going to travel places and stuff like that. It's funny you didn't mention anything about spreadsheets $10, $50, equal $50, 50,
Starting point is 00:21:50 50 in any of that. You're right. Okay. Monique, who do you like better? Pablo. Why? Why? It's just more fun, more likable, more romantic. Tell him. Like, I just don't like when I... Start again. Tell him what you do like. Tell him why you like Pablo.
Starting point is 00:22:26 Okay, okay. I love when you're just like super confident and you know what you want and you know where you wanna take me and you're just like super sure of yourself and I just like see your personality shine and you're like funny and you have like only stories to share. And you're just like a really good time to be with. And like I really like admire that. I believe that you've already been a powerful Pablo before.
Starting point is 00:22:52 Yeah. You already know exactly what that feels like. Feels great. It feels amazing. Just a matter of just finding your way back there and making Pablo even bigger. So many amazing things just happened in that last bit. First off, Pablo realizing that he has almost this jekyll and hide perspective
Starting point is 00:23:16 to his views on money. And then I loved getting him to name it. It's a very, very powerful concept, naming, naming those voices, those little gremlins on your shoulder who are whispering. And oftentimes we have a little negative gremlin, negative Nancy, or in this case, Antonio, and that person might tell you, you can't do it,
Starting point is 00:23:36 you're not worthy, save all your money. Don't get too big for your bridges. And then you have somebody positive on your other shoulder saying, you know what? You're worth it. You can afford it. You for your bridges. And then you have somebody positive on your other shoulder saying, you know what, you're worth it. You can afford it. You know your numbers. Money isn't just about ROI. We can do things because we enjoy them, et cetera. I love getting people out of their head. And I love hearing how Pablo truly internalized it. He knows exactly the difference between Pablo and Antonio. Then you heard Monique starting to compliment Pablo.
Starting point is 00:24:13 By the way, did you notice how redirected her back? She was very intellectual about it. Pablo's better, it's better when I said, tell him, tell him. Because when you are discussing money with your partner, you can never say enough nice things. A lot of times we feel we need to be efficient. Efficiency is overrated.
Starting point is 00:24:35 When you are complimenting someone, you can take one minute, two minutes, five minutes, ten minutes, and it never gets old. Finally, there's something very conceptually powerful about the idea of going back. We all know the idea of going back home. In this case, I evoke that same concept for Pablo. He's already been powerful Pablo. So it's not like he has to invent a new identity. No, all he has to do is go back home. Pablo's already inside of him, just waiting to be welcomed, waiting to be unveiled to the world again.
Starting point is 00:25:17 I get a lot of questions from people who have used my book. They've automated their finances, they've set their investments up. They go, all right, I did the basics. What's next? And when you've made a lot of money, you'll notice that there's not a lot of advice specifically for you.
Starting point is 00:25:37 The blog posts that are typically focused around people who are just starting off or even people in debt do not really apply to you anymore. And it can also be embarrassing to ask. You can't really post about certain topics when you have money because your friends don't know how much you make. And nobody really wants to hear about, how do I take cooler vacations?
Starting point is 00:25:57 Or what do you all do for tax optimization? Because the first response is, oh, rich people problems. I don't like that phrase, because rich people problems are problems nonetheless. How are you supposed to find someone you trust, whether it's an accountant or a travel advisor? The usual advice that you find on Google doesn't really apply at a certain level. So if you've made a big jump in income or net worth, and you wish you had a community of people who just get it.
Starting point is 00:26:25 I want to introduce you to today's sponsor, Long Angle. The Long Angle community is composed of high net worth individuals with diverse backgrounds in technology, finance, medicine, real estate, law, manufacturing, sports, media, and more. I'm a member of this community. There are so many interesting members of the community and the majority of them are first generation Wealth they're young highly successful individuals and they join the community to share knowledge and learn from each other to get confidential unbiased support knowledge sharing and networking and You can do it online through their digital platform as well as face-to-face connections at their long-angle in-person events.
Starting point is 00:27:07 Now members also have access to unique private market opportunities. And as I mentioned, I'm a member of long-angle. I like it because it's vetted. Everyone on there has a certain amount of net worth, and therefore they are asking relevant questions of the community. You're not going to get people on there giving the same old advice like, hey, here's how you save money on celery. That's not the purpose of this community. Some of the topics that I've loved are multi-generational family trips or questions like, we want to travel for six months with our children. What do you all do for school? How do you make travel more seamless for
Starting point is 00:27:39 children? I've seen topics I loved about concierge doctors. Topics that no one is really talking about publicly. And on their online community, there are groups for all different topics like education for kids, events, even philanthropy, and how to become more thoughtful about giving. There are literally thousands of conversations going on right now at long angle, and I love it because it's a super high quality group group and people are even starting to meet in person. Now, in order to join, members must show proof of at least $2.2 million in investable assets, liquid or illiquid, and a community organizer will hold a brief zoom call with every potential member to make sure it's a fit. Go to longangle.com to learn more. That's longangleangle.com.
Starting point is 00:28:36 Recently on the show, you heard me speak to Jennifer and Andrew. They were struggling to pay off their credit card debt, and they had a bunch of subscriptions that they didn't even know about. Look, if you love having all these subscriptions and you can afford it, I'm all for it. But a lot of times when people actually see all the subscriptions they've signed up for months or years ago, they realize they need to make a change because they could redirect where that money is going much more towards their rich life. If you are wondering where all your money is going, I want you to check out this episode's sponsor, RocketMoney. RocketMoney, formerly known as TrueBill, is a personal finance app that finds and cancels
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Starting point is 00:30:06 to rocket money dot com slash remit. That's rocket money dot com slash r a m i t. There is there is an upcoming trip. We're going to Mexico City, and it actually, it's time perfectly because we're going to, I bought tickets to go see the Formula One. I obviously have a big fan, and Monique is getting into it. She's not really a big fan. And then she has her award show in Mexico City. So the tickets to be frank, there were $2,000,
Starting point is 00:30:44 or like $1,000 each. I would say it would be completely fair that I covered the tickets and then she would pay for housing and food in Mexico, which would make it equivalent or probably even less. It would probably be like, I spent two grand, she spent one grand. First of all, I had no idea those tickets were, so it's two grand per person or how much? No, a thousand dollars per person. Okay, you went ahead and bought the tickets without me knowing about it
Starting point is 00:31:11 and without knowing the price and you're already expecting me to pay for all of the housing and all the food, which I had no idea about. Are you both feeling right now? I am feeling a bit frustrated where I feel like once again, the commitment to partnership is not there.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Well, I just feel confused that he bought something without even talking to me about it and X is expecting me to pay all the stuff without even telling me about it. It frustrates me that I don't see the spirit of like, oh, definitely. Thank you for getting that experience. I want to have the best time ever. There's not that initiative of, oh, you did this? All right, well, let me do this.
Starting point is 00:31:57 It's like, you did this. I will let me just pay for a little bit because a gentleman should pay for everything. That's fine, but I did not expect for a formula to be $1,000. Like, I had no idea that I was gonna have to pay for a lot. But you're not paying for it. Okay, you're paying for it, but now you're expecting me
Starting point is 00:32:18 to pay for all of the housing and all the food. I thought for me a one ticket's really 300 bucks. Those were sold out, so we had to get this expensive once pause right here. Who's speaking? Is it Antonio or Pablo? Antonio. Actually, no, to be honest, I think Pablo is speaking because he wants a fair relationship and is standing up for himself. I'm not concerned about the monetary value. I'm concerned about the fact that we are not sharing an experience together equally.
Starting point is 00:32:57 What if the tickets had cost $10,000. Then I would say that's excessive and I would not expect her to pay $10,000 or equivalent to $10,000. I think she's saying that $2,000 is excessive for her. Do you hear that? I do hear that. I'm just a bit blindsided because I did not know how much the tickets were. And so again, I just wasn't expecting to spend that much for this trip. I wanted to be fair in your terms and Pablo's terms in B50-50. Yeah, I'm just a bit blindsided that like,
Starting point is 00:33:35 you bought a thousand dollar ticket for me. So now you're putting on the weight of all the housing and all the food, which I don't know if that's excessive or not, I'm just shocked. I'm very thankful for you being thoughtful and buying the ticket and wanting to share that experience with me. I'm very excited.
Starting point is 00:33:55 And once I learn more about it, I'm sure I'll be even more excited, but it's just a weird feeling to have you buy something for me me but then turn around and be like, okay, since I bought this, I'm going to make you pay for all the food and all the housing. So it's like you're not inviting me. You're making me pay you back in a different way. And that seems transactional and cold. Okay. I definitely understand the way you see that, the way that you put it, I definitely understand how you could think that I'm like giving you a small loan that you have to pay back. Yeah, that's because then it's like, I'm not, then you're not treating me and then you're not
Starting point is 00:34:39 inviting me. Then it's like, I'd rather just pay the 500 for the ticket or no I'd rather pay that even though I don't that's a lot of money I don't want to pay that but like I would rather just pay the thousand dollars for the ticket and then us go proportionally Monika, how does it feel to hear? What Pablo just said to you? I already forgot what you said what did he say? Why did you forget what he said, by the way?
Starting point is 00:35:08 Because I think I was like ready to respond. Yeah, yeah, you're saving up your response to jump right in. Yeah, but he said something really important. Pablo, what'd you say? I said, I definitely, first of all, thank you for explaining how you feel. I definitely do understand now that you explain it how you may feel that way. And given that situation, I definitely
Starting point is 00:35:31 do understand how you may think that me buying you a ticket and making you pay for the whole trip is equivalent of giving you like a small loan that you have to repay back. OK, yes, I remember. Yeah, no, that makes perfect sense. Thank you. I just don't think that's fair. How does it feel to hear him say that? It feels good to be recognized.
Starting point is 00:35:56 When was the last time that he said something like that? He'll say it when we fight and a couple days later, we'll come to our senses and be respectful and we'll be, you know, empathetic, curtsy teller. So it's not, it's often that he, you know, I've got much better at it. I must admit. Yes. Coach, me to get much better at it. Great. And what do you think he would like to hear
Starting point is 00:36:25 after he says something like that? He would want me to express how I feel of like to thank him for being thoughtful and for wanting to be equal. I think he wants to know you're acknowledging him for being candid. Absolutely. Do you think your response acknowledged him? No. No.
Starting point is 00:36:47 You steamrolled right into the thing you wanted to say. In fact, you had it probably written out where you're ready to go. So he's doing exactly what you said you wanted to see, which is what communicate, right? Open up. But when he does it, what happens? I did not respond gracefully. I just did not recognize his efforts. So the two of you both, you today have articulated what a good 10 out of 10 relationship would look like, what these conversations would look like. But you notice that when you actually have them, you revert right back to your old habits. So this is why you have a very challenging road ahead.
Starting point is 00:37:36 You have to change from the inside out and the outside in. And even when one of you does it, the other one may not notice it. Yeah. But in truth, the only way that you get where you both want to go is if you both are putting a ton of work into it. And the truth is, it's not going to happen every time, right? You two are not going to be dancing in unison. One is going to be a little bit better than the other. It's certain things and you're going to have to help the other one along. But what I just heard right now was some interesting stuff. I heard some good communication. I heard some level of acknowledgement, maybe not from both sides.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Those are things that you will be facing as you go forward. This is where we run to the issue of who puts their foot down and who relents. And the majority of the time it foot down and who relents. And the majority of time, it's me because as we've seen, she would like to have her way. And so the way that I see it is that I do what she wants me to do, which is being pathetic, acknowledge her, understand her, and try to wrap my brain around, even though I don't agree with it philosophically. I see it and I'm like, fine, let's do this.
Starting point is 00:38:47 So then that's where it goes to the original point of like, I can see it, I can see it, I can see it, I can see it. So even if I make my point across, then it becomes a little bit hopeless because like, well, I'm just going to say my part, but I know at the end of the day, I'm going to end up conceding. So YouTube both have gone back to your corners of the ring. You know, you're certainly explaining your way
Starting point is 00:39:12 and you're talking and then you're looking up and saying, does he agree with me yet? And then nope, keep explaining. And then you know, you're doing your thing. Is she seeing it my way? Oh, nope, gonna keep doing what I'm doing. Does this work? No.
Starting point is 00:39:29 And it's not only this issue, it happens with a lot, if not all issues. Oh, you don't say, I'm so shocked. Of course, it happens when you're talking about a big trip that hasn't even happened yet. And it happens when you've got about a big trip that hasn't even happened yet, and it happens when you've got a dinner in front of you and the server just put the bill down. It happens at every level. What do you think the problem is? Two people wanting to get their way and not finding a good conflict resolution. No, no real compromise. There's no conflict resolution. No real compromise.
Starting point is 00:40:06 There's no joy actually. No. When you look back on your discussion about Mexico City, what was the emotion you would use to describe it? It could all resummon in bitterness. And yet you insisted it was Pablo talking. Not Antonio. It's true on that for a minute.
Starting point is 00:40:31 Yeah. This is Mexico City. It's a great city. It's got the best food. You're going to Formula One, you know all the places to go, the bars, all that stuff. And yet it feels as an observer that you've taken a towel and just Wrong it dry and there's nothing left and the greatest irony is you haven't even gotten on the plane yet
Starting point is 00:40:55 Yeah Before I go into this next section, I really want to pause and I want you to really internalize what I'm about to do When you think about money, what are the words that come to mind for you? I've asked this question many times. The answers are very, very common, not enough. Save, save, save. It's very, very often scarcity-based. Deep down a lot of you hate money. You hate it. When you think of money,
Starting point is 00:41:29 it reminds you of not having enough. When you think about money with your partner, you fight. When you think about money for yourself, you think about not having enough. And yet paradoxically, many of us are addicted to the idea of money. You hate it. If you hate money, it'll be very hard to be successful with it. And if you hate money, there will be no joy in your conversations with your partner. That is what typifies all of the conversation that we've heard between Pablo and Monique this
Starting point is 00:42:06 episode and last. No joy. Very little love. Just aggressively budding heads. Going to each other's respective corners, saying, I'm right, you're wrong. Why don't you see it like me? I think money can be a big source of joy. I think it can be a source of jokes.
Starting point is 00:42:28 I think it'd be a source of adventure. I think it'd be a source of opportunity. This is why you hear me on every episode showing people how to joke about money and how to say, what's your rich life? Get into the vivid details for me. If you hate money, if you constantly have negative conversations about it, it's going to be very difficult for you to work
Starting point is 00:42:52 towards your rich life. So watch what I do here to flip this entire dynamic and bring some joy to the conversation about money. Watch this. What if for just three minutes we lived in a totally different world and this conversation is going to be joyful. I want you to just roleplay with me. Okay. the facts are the same. You've got the tickets, you make the same amount of money, but this time, what are you going to choose to do? Okay, so I actually already got those dinner reservations already, like two months ago, at Puyo, which is one of the world renowned restaurants, and I already have the schedule laid out of all the meals that we should have, all fancy restaurants as well as all the street tacos and every thogh. So I'm actually super excited for you to try every single restaurant
Starting point is 00:43:53 that I've savored over the years and I have every meal plan and not only that since I lived in so many different colonies or areas of that city like I know where museums I know where to go for a walk along the park. So like in terms of entertainment and stuff to do, you really don't have to worry because literally the schedule is gonna be so jam-packed with fun activities. Like you will literally have the best time of your life.
Starting point is 00:44:17 Well, it is so thoughtful. Like, obviously can't wait to go and experience that with you and have you show me around like a place that is so near and dear to your heart and like have you show me the best of the best and like just being so excited to show me and share that with me. At the same time, we'll be able to get a little bit of exercise and walking and culture and so you can take amazing pictures for your Instagram and for everything. So, and you'll be able to meet my family as well.
Starting point is 00:44:48 And the best part about it is that we'll finally be able to take a trip alone, no pressure from the parents, no, nothing to worry about, finally. Okay, okay, okay. You've done a great job selling. I get it. I'm about to go to Mexico City myself. Are we gonna talk about anything else here? Or are we done? Is there any financial component to this conversation?
Starting point is 00:45:10 So I would like to have a discussion about the how we're going to we're going to fund the trip. I would like to to be fair and I want to discuss with you what fair means to you and your ideal world what is fair means. So we we're gonna go to some fancy restaurants, we're gonna go to some museums. We're gonna spend a little bit of money, but I promise you, it's gonna be worth it. So how would you like to cover this trip? Yeah, so since you make 103, I'm not really getting asked,
Starting point is 00:45:39 and I make about 33-ish. That number could go up, me picking up shifts, I haven't been working because I was, you know, traveling. So I'm definitely happy to bring that number up and have more money for the trip and contribute more to the trip. I'm definitely happy to do that because I want to have a really good time and not be restricted or negative. So if you could just give me like a Roth estimate about what it costs. We are looking at a trip that's going to be around $4,000. So why don't we do this? One, I pay for two-thirds of the trip and you can pay for it with
Starting point is 00:46:14 third of the trip. And if it ever comes out that we go to an extra restaurant which is fancier, we get a reservation to a better restaurant, I'll take you because it's your first time in Mexico City. So you don't have to worry about that. All you have to worry about is your proportional share of it. I love it. I think that's perfectly fair and I really appreciate that. You did a great job on that Pablo. Spending a lot of time talking about why. You know why I want to pick up the formula, one tickets because you've never seen something like this. And I would love to experience it with you together. So I want to get those tickets because it's really meaningful for me
Starting point is 00:46:59 that we get to do this together for the first time. Yeah. I want to spend more time on that than I wanna spend on the numbers. Okay, I wanna get that feeling right. And then of course, when we get into the numbers, I don't wanna avoid them. These are real concerns, real numbers,
Starting point is 00:47:16 they're opportunities for us to work together. I wanna simplify it, right? I've done the work behind the scenes. And Monique, you should also have done the work behind the scenes for yourself. You should know how much you can afford. Right? You put yourself in the passive seat of waiting for him to come for the numbers. But really, he's not the one who can't afford this. Is he? The financial concern is more of a burden for you.
Starting point is 00:47:45 So how can you ask that question, but in a way that makes you feel confident and powerful and not weak? Like how much can I contribute to this? That's amazing. Because that puts just this little skin in the game. And it shows your willingness that you want to not take advantage of me, but be part of the trip. And I've always wanted to be part of it.
Starting point is 00:48:10 I just wanted it to feel fair and feel exciting. How do you feel Pablo? It's good because at the end of the day, I just want to have fun. And I want her to have fun and enjoy our first trip together at the end. It's not important because like $3,000 out of $100,000 is not that much versus the experience that we might have. Wow. What a journey.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Let me just recap what I learned in this two-part conversation with Pablo and Monique. Monique believed that the man should pay. She said he should pay because he's a gentleman. She also said he should pay because he's older because he makes more money because he's pursuing me. He should be investing in me. Pablo saw money totally differently. He felt taken advantage of. He said we should pay 50-50, even though he made three times as much as Monique. Both of their attitudes stemmed from past experiences, the ways that they were raised, how much money they'd made in the past, and also assumptions that they were making about each other.
Starting point is 00:49:20 You know, you rarely hear people being this honest about their money beliefs. Rarely. That's why this podcast is called the I Will Teach We Rich podcast. Real stories about love and money from behind closed doors. But these are real beliefs, and it's not just Monique who believes it, it's not just Pablo. I know many people who believe this. I know lots of people who have the same beliefs. You might too. I believe that part of a rich life is being honest with yourself.
Starting point is 00:49:53 What do you really believe about money? And then being honest with the people around you. What are your expectations of money in your relationship? Have you ever articulated them? expectations of money in your relationship. Have you ever articulated them? Hopefully, this set of episodes has allowed you to really question what you believe and why you believe it. As for Pablo and Monique, I wish them the best. They have some challenging times ahead because they have a lot of identities to rewrite. But I want to thank them for being so candid to rewrite, but I want to thank them for being so candid with me and with each other. Thanks for listening to I Will Teach You To Be Rich. Thanks for listening to I Will Teach You To Be Rich. I'm Rameet Saytee.
Starting point is 00:50:39 Please follow the show on Apple, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Head over to iwt.com slash podcast to find our entire back catalog of episodes and links to all the places you can listen. Here's what you'll find next week on the I Will Teach to be Rich Podcast. With each year, my frustration keeps mounting because I feel like I'm not being heard. This is not a joint decision to continue this startup indefinitely. He made some jokes about me being his
Starting point is 00:51:13 retirement plan and I have a bad feeling that it's happening. I think that her attitude in general is negative at times. Does she have a right to be negative about money? Yeah, she does.

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