I Will Teach You To Be Rich - 7. “My parents keep expecting us to pay for them”

Episode Date: August 31, 2021

Barry is a first-generation Pakistani immigrant. His wife, Maria, is also Pakistani and was born and raised in the United States. Cultural expectations are making it difficult to get aligned on their ...joint finances. Barry has grown up living under a set of unwritten cultural rules whereby the son is expected to take care of his parents financially. They’re paying for family dinners and charity donations right now, but Barry strongly suspects his parents are anticipating moving in with them after they retire.  Maria has been biting her lip so far. She wants financial freedom, but knows she cannot change Barry. He must acknowledge – and possibly reprogram – the dialog around money between him and his family.  Some of this episode will sound confusing if you’re listening to it from a Western perspective, but these cultural scripts that Barry grew up with are very real. (Imagine if I told you that it “might not make financial sense to purchase a house” – that rattles the Western cultural code many people grew up with, which is why they get so angry when I point it out!).  It’s unsettling and uncomfortable to challenge. I know because I’ve been in the same situation as Barry, juggling different expectations from Indian parents. Barry needs to move from “convincing” his parents to fully owning his financial decisions and vocalizing that with love and firm boundaries. Listen to our conversation to hear what that looks like for them and how they plan to compromise between their financial goals and family expectations. Connect with Ramit Website Instagram Twitter Facebook YouTube Linkedin Produced by Crate Media.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It's not that I'm opposed to donating to this charity, it's that we were signed up to donate to this charity without being asked. I was very confused by it. It felt like it was being pulled out of our own pockets and it wasn't appreciated as like a gesture that we were making. Imagine that you're married and you and your partner working on your finances, planning out your rich life, and suddenly you get a phone call from your parents and they say, we need you to send over $3,000. You say, what?
Starting point is 00:00:41 For what? So, you know, we have this donation we need to make or this home repair we need to do. Go ahead and send the money over. And you send it. And then two months later, you get another phone call and another. And you don't know how much it's going to be. And you don't know when that call is coming. But you know that you're expected to help your parents out. In today's episode, we're going to talk to Barry and Maria, who are struggling with how to handle money around Barry's parents, who have these sort of expectations.
Starting point is 00:01:11 Now, before we start, it's important for me to say that culture affects money. For example, in Indian culture, many parents strongly encourage their kids to become doctors or engineers. They also spend huge amounts on their daughter's weddings. Many parents strongly encourage their kids to become doctors or engineers. They also spend huge amounts on their daughter's weddings. If you grew up in America without understanding the cultural reasons for these beliefs, you might think they're ridiculous. You might even go on Reddit and leave some tone-deaf comment about how you should just
Starting point is 00:01:40 choose to do whatever you want, which is in and of itself an individualistic Western centric view. Culture affects money. So today, when I speak with Barry and Maria, a Pakistani couple in their 20s, I wanna show you how culture can result in some unexpected and often tricky financial situations. Now Barry and Maria are married and have a household income of $275,000.
Starting point is 00:02:08 Barry is a first-generation immigrant. He was born in Pakistan, now lives in the US, whereas Maria was born and raised in America. And even though they're both Pakistani, his parents' expectations are very different than hers. They expect him to pay for lots of things often on short notice. Again, what if you got a call from your parents?
Starting point is 00:02:31 Every few months, but you wouldn't know when, and they asked you to write them a check for $1,000, or maybe $3,000. What would you do? How would your partner react? And what would you start to feel as this happened over and over and over again? A few months ago, Mary's mom's birthday was coming around
Starting point is 00:02:53 and so we were discussing what to get her and very siblings wanted to do a joint gift, typically, Mary and his brother because very siblings are younger and don't work. to a joint gift, typically Barry and his brother, because Barry's siblings are younger and don't work, the two brothers will split the cost of the gift. Let's say the gift was $200, they would cover it completely and do it on behalf of the whole siblings.
Starting point is 00:03:17 But this time around, Barry's brother suggested that since Barry and I both work, we should split the gift in thirds. Each of us, because the three of us are earning, will contribute equally instead of just the two brothers. It wasn't really about the cost of the gift, the actual monetary piece of the gift. It was more so just on principle
Starting point is 00:03:39 that I didn't agree with the idea that since we're married and we have two incomes, we're not like one unit of the family. Like the way I viewed it was that there are four siblings and I am one of the siblings' wife. So my share is my husband's share. We ended up going with the three-way split because it was just not worth fighting it.
Starting point is 00:04:02 If you wanna call it that,, even though not fighting, moving forward when things are more expensive, not like a birthday gift, which is a smaller expense when we move into the future and things are more expensive, like how do we distribute responsibilities for his family financially? Is it like how will that work in our relationship? Barry, how do you see this gift situation
Starting point is 00:04:26 what happened from your perspective? It's definitely a difficult position to be in. Maria's perspective, they see where she's coming from and we also actually surveyed some of our more traditional friends that come from similar backgrounds and some of them resonated with Maria's perspective on this as well. But on the flip side on my brother's perspective, I had a tough time, I figured out how to come up with a logical reason why we shouldn't go three ways.
Starting point is 00:04:59 Everything just came across as being maybe stingy, maybe making up rules that are not grounded in, again, logic. So it was definitely a bit of an awkward situation to be placed in. And as Maria had mentioned, we ended up going with the three-way split just because the cost wasn't so high that it really mattered. And also because we just didn't want to cause need further issues like we just wanted to get
Starting point is 00:05:25 past it. But the fundamental issue is still there and it's something that we'll probably have to deal with in the future as well. So this is just sweeping it under the rug and it may play out in the future in more significant terms. Okay, if this were just a one-off gift question, we could solve it. But you can hear from their voices that there's something much deeper here, a sense of expectation, a sense of some cultural beliefs here. And rather than jump right to solutions, I want to make sure that I understand exactly what's going on.
Starting point is 00:05:59 I want to dig a little deeper here. Denners, I'm happy to pay for them. There's been certain moments though in the past where it's been very embarrassing for me where there were situations like Maria's parents came to visit my parents on the East Coast and we were having dinner out and my dad got the check and then he handed it over to me.
Starting point is 00:06:20 And I don't know his perspective, he may have just been proud that his son's able to cover the bill, but I definitely did not look great in front of Maria's parents who would, I think that's a very odd thing to do. I think the actually the first time this came up between us was around a request for charity donation. It's always tough, and it makes you feel like an awful person. It's not that I'm opposed to donating to this charity. We were signed up to donate to this charity without being asked of that, just being assumed that we will donate. It's a very tough conversation
Starting point is 00:06:59 and at that time that we didn't really address properly because it's hard to not look like just a bad person when you're disputing something like that and the fact that we do well financially, obviously plays into that because there's an assumption that we can afford certain things, which I'm not denying. It leaves us in a very uncomfortable position. Frankly speaking, that was the most contentious of all of them was a donation piece. It's increasingly complicated by the fact that there was a lot of peer pressure involved in it as well. So my dad was raising some money for a certain project
Starting point is 00:07:37 and back in the village that I was born in. My cousins and my brother had all pitched in. He convinced them all to pitch in. And it wasn't a small amount that he was asking for for my family. And I think it was like 2000, if I'm mistaken. Yeah, for us at the time, that was seemed like quite a bit. When it's out of the bloop and it feels like
Starting point is 00:07:57 you're being forced to get it right. It feels something that we had decided upon as different. The cousins and brother had paid up, would have made it look very bad if we didn't pay up. And so we were cornered in that sort of a different. The cousins and brother had paid up, would have made it look very bad if we didn't pay up. And so we were cornered in that sort of a situation. And that caused a lot of issues because it was very unexpected for Maria.
Starting point is 00:08:12 And I still, to this day, I don't know if I know of any way that I could have gotten out of that. This was the first time, even between friends who come from like more traditional brains that I had seen. Just like an expectation that was so no discussion around it. And so for me that was very tough to see. It was early in our marriage and we are joint in our finances. Like we everything is together.
Starting point is 00:08:38 And so for me, very early on it was just a very big, I was very confused by it. Yeah, I think both of us were happy to do, but on our own terms and the fact that it felt like it was being pulled out of our own pockets and it wasn't appreciated as like a gesture that we were making. And the resentment actually did come out. I mean, I had a kind of an angry conversation afterwards
Starting point is 00:08:59 after we had made the donation, which isn't the ideal outcome of this. Mary, have you ever said no to your parents? Yes, when it comes to things like marriage proposals from other daughters and other families and stuff, which is like a very common part of our culture growing up, things like that where there's an expectation that, yeah, it's fine, you're not always going to say yes to something like that, but I think when it comes to monetary asks, it's much harder.
Starting point is 00:09:27 I don't think I've said no to those. I agree. Barry has been very generous and has never said no to any request in the time that I've known him. If you're listening, it's tempting to just say, what's the problem? Just tell them no. But it's not that simple. For people who grew up here in America, that's like me telling you that buying a house
Starting point is 00:09:55 might actually not be a very good investment. You know why people get so mad when I point that out? Because they've been raised with that belief for generations. Now it's almost religion to them. Here in this conversation with Barry and Maria, we have deep cultural expectations that might seem illogical or even ridiculous to you. But the fact is they're real. They exist. Now, we can have a bunch of redditors sitting here with their half-stale, safeway bagels,
Starting point is 00:10:24 dripping out of their mouth, posting on reddit. That's so dumb. Just tell them no. But culture matters. It matters to you, even though you may not be aware of some of the deep cultural beliefs that you exist in that you grew up with, and it certainly matters to bury. In Pakistani culture, the parent-child dynamic is totally different than what most people grew up with here.
Starting point is 00:10:49 I get this because Indian culture shares some of those same expectations, especially for the oldest son. This sense of obligation that Maria and Barry are talking about is really common. It's in movies, it's on billboards, it is real. So let's practice something I call the D to C principle from disparagement to curiosity. Instead of saying that's ridiculous, let's get curious. There's a very different dynamic when it comes to how we are
Starting point is 00:11:20 expected to treat our parents and family as a married couple. Marie and I come from similar sort of cultural backgrounds, but the way we were raised was very different. Our parents are immigrants, that's the similarity there, but from there, there's really not much else, commonality. Marie as parents are white collar professionals. CTO, doctor, CTO, dad, doctor mom. My parents, Luke Haller worker, my dad was,
Starting point is 00:11:45 my mom was a housewife, grew up my entire childhood. And so I grew up in a underserved household that we barely made ends meet. My parents still aren't doing well. And the imminent sort of threat here that could potentially bring up this fundamental disagreement that we had around the split may play out in how we deal with how we're meant to treat our parents and potentially take
Starting point is 00:12:07 care of our parents moving forward. Maria's parents are very different in the sense that they have always been incredibly hands-off. They don't like the idea of their children spending on them at all. Like, they cover everything. My parents are different. When I started interning, there was like a NASA based nearby and it was a great internship to land in high school, but I really didn't save much money from it because it would be going from my bank account to my parents. Sometimes without even me knowing. And over time, that stopped like the whole taking money from my bank account stop as if it became more independent. But the expectation was always that the child is meant to give back to their parents for providing for them as they were being raised up.
Starting point is 00:12:49 And I have a feeling this is gonna be something we're gonna have to deal with in the future. And so yeah, it's definitely something that weighs on my mind. And we're hoping to get on the same page about how to deal with it. It's easy if you're raised here to say, what do you mean send money to your parents?
Starting point is 00:13:05 That doesn't make any sense. They made their decisions. Now they have to live with it, but for people who were raised in Pakistan or my parents being from India, yeah, there's a whole different cultural conception that is not written anywhere on paper, but we all just get it.
Starting point is 00:13:23 There we get it. The challenge, of course, is that you both live in the states and you both are coming to the table with different backgrounds. Even though your parents are both from the same country, totally different perspectives. I completely understand the obligation and expectations. So I think in that sense, we do have the understanding because we both grew up in that culture. I think where Barry was mentioning, my parents have never had any expectation
Starting point is 00:13:55 of their children providing for them. I think a lot of that comes because from this cultural expectation of sons versus daughters in like Pakistani culture. I'm not saying this why I believe this is traditionally what is believed is that daughters will get married and then go to their in-laws and they're not expected to provide for their parents
Starting point is 00:14:17 because they get married and go to their in-laws whereas sons of the family often are expected to take care of their parents. And so my dad, that the same, I grew up with both my grandparents living with us for that exact reason, because my dad was the son of the only son of the family. And so they lived with us, they grew up with us. And so I'm very familiar with the expectation. It was just not something that I had to deal with growing up because we were only daughters
Starting point is 00:14:46 and because my parents has very alluded to our financial well-off where they don't need that kind of support. It's one thing to be generous with parents or in-laws and I'm hearing from both of you that you're both comfortable giving money. That doesn't seem to be the issue. It's not that it's a affordability issue for you. You're both doing very well in your mid-20s. Your household income is around $275,000, which is great. But of course, the ambiguity of it is uncomfortable. Because it could be a $25 dinner or it could be a $250,000 house.
Starting point is 00:15:30 And that is that's uncomfortable. And what are the rules of this engagement? What are the rules of engagement? This is a really important question for your money. When you're starting out with your money, you face a million different decisions. Should I open a Roth IRA? Are these 401K options good? Can I afford this car? And over time, you do not want to be thinking about these types of questions.
Starting point is 00:15:56 When you get really advanced with your money, you want to develop a few simple rules that allow you to easily make decisions on the thousands and thousands of financial choices you face every year. If you want to see mine, you can Google, REMEATS 10 Money Rules and see the ones that I created for myself. When I'm asking for their rules of engagement, it's even more complicated because it involves
Starting point is 00:16:22 their culture. And with culture, there are very strong rules, but they're never actually written out, yet somehow you're expected to follow them. Let me give you a simple example. Think about the unwritten rules on social media. Do you know what they are? For example, you're allowed to share a picture at the beach, but you're not allowed to tag the hotel if it's really expensive. That's too gutty. You can post a new car if it's a mid-price car,
Starting point is 00:16:52 or if it's a Tesla, but if you post a picture of your BMW, that's a little too much. You're a show off. Think of all the other invisible rules around social media. Now think about Pakistani culture. You're responsible for your family's finances if you're the son, which family?
Starting point is 00:17:12 How much? For how long? Well, that's never really said. It's never really written down, but it's still a real belief. It exists in movies, in past down stories, and in little phrases you've heard your entire life. What I'm asking here is to clarify the rules. Because once we can see them, then we can start to decide if we actually want to follow them. I was the first person I found to go to college and graduate. And their expectations for what their life might look like,
Starting point is 00:17:47 look as extremely different. My cousins very much have this blueprint, maybe graduate from high school, and then from there they work in blue collar jobs. They might paint bridges here in New York City, and they have their parents live with them, and then they have this very large family home where they are taking care,
Starting point is 00:18:04 not only their immediate family, but also their their parents and they live happily ever after. And for Maria and I, the life we envision is very different. We're much more focused on building our relationship together, having that sort of level of autonomy. We fortunately have the freedom of being much more ambitious and what we want to pursue in life. And so that's where the conflict comes in is that I see in our community growing up, I've seen how negatively it's been talked upon when somebody doesn't take care of their parents.
Starting point is 00:18:35 It's something that is very bad mark to have. It's being a bad son or being somebody that's sort of it selfish. I don't want to be in a position where I'm considered to be somebody that's a renegade. It's just me and Maria and I've abandoned my previous family and my parents. I hear these cultural issues and they're real. I get it.
Starting point is 00:19:00 You can't just dismiss them and say, let's dumb, let's just not do that. My question to you is how seriously do you take these cultural issues? Some people will come and say, look, they're actually, I don't want to be known as a renegade, and that is top of mind for me.
Starting point is 00:19:20 And I'm actually willing to spend more money if that's what it takes. Totally respect that answer. On the other hand, we have people who say, no, it's not okay anymore, and I've changed my view, living here, et cetera. Where would you say you fall on that? Yeah, that's a really good question. I would say I'm growing more towards the string away from the ideologies that, this sort
Starting point is 00:19:43 of dog mind, and then some of the ideologies that were ingrained in me growing up. The situation in my mind up plays out is in just a few years, my parents are going to want to move away from their current home because all of their children are going to have left and left within just a few months. And I think at that point, are gonna have left and nest within just a few months. And I think at that point, once they downsize, once they move somewhere more social, they're gonna lose their sort of income stream right now. They are on a farm very lonely,
Starting point is 00:20:16 but it's their sort of sole income stream currently. So they're gonna wanna move into a community. I highly doubt my dad's gonna wanna work at that point. It'll be close to his 60s. And the sort of scenario that plays out from there is I think there may be a bit of pressure for us to take my parents in months out of time. And maybe they have a small place, but they would expect to spend primarily their time at their children's homes and me being one of the two sons, spending a lot of
Starting point is 00:20:53 time at our home. We would have kids at that point in the next three or four years. And so I can imagine the dynamic being very messy. You just lose that sort of level of freedom that you might have. It's just a couple. And so I imagine that that would cause quite a bit of a strain in our relationship. It's maybe you find some ways to create that separation, worst case scenario, you buy him a place nearby so that there's like a separation of space. And do you think you could do that very? I think I could, but I know there's gonna be some battles that I would need to have to fight. It would be a unconventional thing to do
Starting point is 00:21:29 in my sort of broader family and how they've dealt with the situations. With that being said, I don't think many of them have had the amount of disposable income that maybe we might in a few years. And so that changes the situation a bit, but I do know that there's going to have to be some convincing and some sort of justification that might need to happen from my end. I think
Starting point is 00:21:54 personally, one of my weaknesses is that I can be a people pleaser sometimes. We know the first question I asked you, Barry, I asked you, what is your perspective? And did you catch what your answer was? You said, well, there's two ways to look at it. And here's Maria's perspective. And you gave me her perspective before yours. Yeah. And then the next thing was, have you ever told them no?
Starting point is 00:22:21 A lot of words, but ultimately the answer is no. Yeah. So going from where you are today to being able to potentially tell them what would love to have you close by, come visit a lot, even stay over sometimes, but here's a separate place for you. That is a really hard thing. That's like someone starting to go for a five minute walk every day versus climbing Mount Everest.
Starting point is 00:22:49 If you were to tell your parents they can't live with you. Yeah. Today, how do you think they would take it? I think they would probably think that I'm betraying them in some sort of way. Yeah, I agree. Every parent, especially every mom grows up saying, you know, you're going to take care of us,
Starting point is 00:23:08 especially to the sons. And that's a real cultural issue. It's real, even though, again, it's never written anywhere. You'll never find it in a book or a spreadsheet, but it is still real. We could spend the next three hours talking about all these cultural issues, but without a vision, we're going to get lost in the weeds. So I'm going to zoom out, and I want to establish what a rich life looks like for Barry and Maria.
Starting point is 00:23:38 Then, we'll take their issues and make them fit into their rich life vision. There are a couple things that drive me insane. One, when I post a picture eating Mexican food in LA and 7,500 people help me tell me that their favorite hot sauce is topatillo. And second, is getting spam calls or spam texts on my phone. I mean how many times a day do you get a call from some unknown number or better yet a text from xf354z telling you that there's a problem with your electric bill? I'm busy. I want to focus on my day. I do not want to deal with spam phone calls.
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Starting point is 00:26:48 Stop throwing your money away, cancel your unwanted subscriptions, and manage your expenses the easy way by going to rocketmoney.com slash remit. That's rocketmoney.com slash R-A-M-I-T. and we're able to live with just our like smaller family, but we're close enough to both my parents and his parents, that we can see them on the weekends, and we can spend quality time with them, but just be able to live with them. And we can see them on the weekends, and we can see them on the weekends,
Starting point is 00:27:20 and we can see them on the weekends, and we can see them on the weekends, and we can see them on the weekends and we can spend all the time with them, but just be able to have our own space when we go home. I think we're pretty much aligned on that. I think I'm totally happy to live that sort of life. My ideal scenario is where we can dictate
Starting point is 00:27:40 what generosity looks like towards both of our parents or siblings and any other people or charities in our life. I think that's for me, the biggest thing I value is just financial freedom. And that doesn't mean that it doesn't come with generosity or caring for family. That's of value that we both deeply share. It's just having the optionality and not having the generosity come from expectation. Mm-hmm.
Starting point is 00:28:11 I still do think it's going to be a bit of an issue convincing them. It's interesting that I've heard you use the word convincing twice. This is a common thing I hear with Indian guys, Pakistani guys, guys from Eastern cultures. And like I said, growing up, I had a cultural script that I was expected to follow as well. Go to college, become an engineer, or a doctor, marry someone of my same culture, possibly religion, and take care of parents.
Starting point is 00:28:42 You know the script, it's pretty much the same script you were raised with. And, you know, I broke a lot of that script. I changed my major. I'm definitely not a doctor and engineer, and I'm married outside of my culture and on and on and on. The ability to do that happened starting back in high school when I started making unconventional decisions. And I think that's generally pretty rare with a lot of my friends who I grew up with. Most of them actually did go on to become doctors or engineers or Intek, but it was little decision by little decision. So that by the time I decided I wanted to get married to my wife, convincing was not the question.
Starting point is 00:29:32 I was not gonna convince anybody. I was simply telling them, this is what I'm doing. I'd love for you to meet this person who I really, really like. And so what I would like to do is to paint a vision for you where you're not convincing your parents, but rather telling them with love what you can do. Remember, you're being generous. It sounds like
Starting point is 00:29:55 you would be open to buying them a house or renting them a house. Financially, you're being very generous regardless of culture. uh... you financially you're being very generous regardless of culture but there's a psychological approach to this that is completely different when you go in convincing it's almost like you're down on your knees begging if you were not allowed to convince what would you go and say
Starting point is 00:30:23 play it out for me role play it out for me. Roll, play it out for me. I would say to my parents, I would say, look, the life that they've dreamed of having a community of like-minded folks, people that they would appreciate spending time with having a beautiful home, living in a place with beautiful weather, living close to their children. We can make that happen. It's something that's absolutely like we can take care of them. We can move them out to a community where they would find that, but find those friendships and find that sort of purpose and meaning.
Starting point is 00:30:54 But Barry, Beta, I plan to live with you. Hey, that's the tough point. I think, uh, why don't you ask Maria for some advice? Maria, I need a hot line here. I think it's interesting for me that you mentioned that the not rebellion, but the independent decision making started for you in high school too. I think that's, I would say, my independent decision making started in college when I also dropped pre-med and decided to pursue business and did all these other things. And I think because of that,
Starting point is 00:31:26 my parents ended up trusting my decision, making more and more over time. And we're fine when I ended up saying that I wanted to marry Barry, even though he wasn't from my community. The advice I would give to Barry is not actually this is wife, but a third party, because I think one of the fears I have
Starting point is 00:31:44 about giving too much advice in this scenario is that his parents might think that this perspective comes from me, not from him. So that's something I'm very cautious of. And back to the earlier discussion we were having about the three way split, right? A lot of why I just felt silent is not that I was silenced,
Starting point is 00:32:06 but because I just didn't want to be the daughter-in-law that came in and changed things. And that's just everyone's a worse nightmare. And so I am very cautious of being a silent advisor and not being like the vocal in these scenarios because I do think it's for Barry to have that discussion and for it not to come from his wife. What Maria just said is quite masterful. Did you catch it? It took me years and years to learn and I'm a little jealous that Maria just offhandedly and intuitively seems to understand it.
Starting point is 00:32:38 Her big insight is this, she can't make Barry change. He has to own this one on his own. Not sure, she can support him. More like a lot of people, she could hypothetically get mad and force him to say something to his parents, but that wouldn't last. And she knows it. Real lasting change has to come from within. I'll also note that Maria is very sensitive to
Starting point is 00:33:04 Barry's parents thinking that she changed him. When in reality, he has to own it so that he can speak confidently to his parents. Maria is playing three-dimensional chess here. I am in awe. We want to raise our kids in a place that has good weather with good schools and in a community where they're going to feel our kids in a place that has good weather, with good schools and in a community where they're going to feel very supported on a day-to-day basis. And so we think that's going to be best facilitated
Starting point is 00:33:33 in Los Angeles. And we would love for you to come and live by us as well so that our children can grow up with their grandparents nearby. Los Angeles, I don't think so. We are set here. we have our friends here. I know we need you to stay here. Mom, dad, you have no choice.
Starting point is 00:33:52 Whoa, zero to 60, okay. Okay, okay, wait, keep going. I like your approach. Maybe dial it back just slightly. Yeah, I wanted to have come at them that hard, but I think I would say we're set on this life that we wanna create for ourselves. And ultimately, we're gonna make these sacrifices
Starting point is 00:34:10 for our kids. It's something we're already in agreement with on. And I think. Okay, that's fine, but fine. I can come to Los Angeles. So where are we gonna live? Are we gonna have the top floor or the entire bottom floor? So I think it's going to be best if we buy you an apartment nearby and I think it's
Starting point is 00:34:33 going to be best for everyone. You're going to have your own space to live your own lives. You're going to have your own own space to do whatever you want and our lives are your kids and our kids. We don't have a life outside of that. And you'll be able to see the kids whenever you want. We'll make sure we find a place that's within walking distance. We would love our kids to see you on a regular basis and to grow up with their grandparents nearby.
Starting point is 00:34:55 First of all, how'd you feel saying that? I felt good. I think there's like a tip over the point where I finally just embraced it. So I felt good saying that in terms of actual rhetoric that I use, I think potentially it could be better. I think it was quite amazing that you were able to articulate all those things. Coming from having never said no to being able to even articulate that is absolutely astonishing.
Starting point is 00:35:23 Many of the people I've talked to who were raised in this culture, they can't even conceive of how they would say no. That's how deep it is. This is a hard conversation. Your parents are going to be flooded with emotion hearing this because they have a vision of their life. You are in their mind destroying their vision of their life. No amount of words is gonna take away from that. Would you be prepared for them to be unhappy with you? It would hurt, for sure. Yeah, it would hurt, but I think I would be able to do it.
Starting point is 00:36:00 Okay. What do you think you need to do in order to go from where you are today to being able to have that. What do you think you need to do in order to go from where you are today to being able to have that level of conversation? I think like you said earlier, winning those small moments and winning is the wrong word, but making it known in those smaller circumstances that we're not going to concede for certain things when they're at the risk or at the cost of the life that we want to have together unless it's something that's trivial. You mean example, what is something where you have conceded in the past, but that you would
Starting point is 00:36:38 not concede on in the future? I think there's three ways to flip potentially. May I have been a bit of a concession that we made? You made, not Maria, you made it. Yeah, I guess. I think that could have been handled more, I could have put my foot down there. What would you have done? Just played out to me, say what you would have said to your brother. Look, this is, I understand where you're coming from,
Starting point is 00:37:09 but this isn't how we handle things when it comes to splitting expenses with a couple. Maria and myself, where a single entity in this regard and we're gonna do a 50-50 split. Actually, I take that back. I would say Maria is an independent party here. She can contribute whatever she wants, but this specific gift split is going to be between you and I. So it's going to be a two-way split. Wow. That's a big move. I love that. You took responsibility
Starting point is 00:37:39 for yourself, and it was about your decision, not Maria. She actually has nothing to do with this whatsoever. This is your parents, your family, and you stepped up and said, this is me, and I'm making this decision. Couple of other things I wanna share that my wife and I do. These may or may not be helpful, these are fairly tactical. We set up some rules, some money rules.
Starting point is 00:38:05 And one of the things I hear with the two of you telling me how this feels is it feels very reactive. Like at any given time someone can be like, give me $10,000 or give me $100 and that doesn't feel good. So we take things into our control. I want to create the rules of my life. I don't want anyone else to create rules for my life every time. We get a charity request from somebody. We've already budgeted out how much we want to give to charity in a year. So guess what happens if somebody says,
Starting point is 00:38:40 hey, can you give us $10,000? Let's just pretend we've already exhausted our charity donation for the year. What would we say to them? Sorry, Tanto, this year we exhausted our budget. Yeah, it's just simple. And it's not you. Oh, Barry, so stingy, it's our plan. Thank you, sir. Great idea. My question, though, is how do you build a moat around that system that prevents people from questioning it?
Starting point is 00:39:08 Why do you donate only 10% per year? Why not 12%? Because that would take you to the amount that we need. What do you think the answer is? I don't think you need to justify it, but also on the flip side, I don't know how you can just shut the conversation down. Maxi, not sure. I would approach it as this is the amount that we can donate to charity,
Starting point is 00:39:30 because we are saving other percentages for kids in the future, or for education, or whatever purposes. And just leave it at that. We feel happy with the amount that we donate. We think it's generous, and we choose our charities carefully. Okay, that was good, but you just totally screwed yourself.
Starting point is 00:39:51 You gave way too many details. And if I am a skilled guilt-tripper, I'm gonna pull on every single one of those threads until you are crying on the floor. Kids, oh, so you're having kids? Oh, you're not having kids? Why not? Two years from now, who knows what's going to happen?
Starting point is 00:40:07 You need an answer like a politician. Why are you doing this? To keep America safe. OK? That's it. And by the way, I hate that answer from politicians. But what is the theory behind it? How can you argue with that?
Starting point is 00:40:23 Give me an answer like that. Because this is what works for our family right now. Take the right now out of it. This is what works for our family. When Barry and Maria begin changing their responses to his family, it's going to be very uncomfortable. People do not react well when you change the dynamics of a relationship. And you notice if you've ever lost weight, or you've gotten a new job, or you've got paid a lot more, or if you've ever set down boundaries with your family.
Starting point is 00:41:05 You know what I'm talking about. People do not like changing the dynamics of a relationship, and they'll use any technique they can, even unconsciously, to get you back in a box that feels comfortable. This can mean guilt tripping, anger, gossip, whatever they can pull to use to get you back in that box. Your job is not to plead with them or try to convince them. Your job is to anticipate these techniques, acknowledge them by saying something like, I can see this upsets you and then pivot right back to your key message.
Starting point is 00:41:44 This is what works for our family. No. This is somebody else, and that's exactly right. You're not here to justify. You'll notice that you will have these interesting verbal ticks. You will say things like, we can talk about it later. No, we can't. Oh, if things change, we can talk about it later. No, we can't.
Starting point is 00:42:07 Oh, if things change, we can always re-look at it. No, this is my decision. These are verbal ticks that allow you to get out of it, but they actually do you no favors. Once you get really confident with yourself, you're already confident at work with the amount of money you earn, you must be good at your job. But having these discussions is totally different. It's like putting on training wheels for the first time. I will tell you that there is a light at the end of the tunnel because as I started to make these decisions more and more, first I got more
Starting point is 00:42:41 confident in my own decision making. In this culture, the world wants you to obey, but the minute you do, they don't respect you. However, when you chart your own path, they respect you. And that takes years to get to, but I have total confidence that you can get there. That's very powerful. Thank you very much. You think you could do it? Yeah, I think I can do it. And honestly, it's encouraging hearing this too,
Starting point is 00:43:17 because I think of it as a marathon, like you said, and working my way up to it, becoming better at these sorts of things would honestly put me in a much better headspace It's gonna be really difficult. It's funny. The hardest conversations you're ever gonna have are gonna be about $10 here or $20 there. Why? Because you are fundamentally redefining the relationship. I really love this conversation with Barry and Maria because from the listener's perspective, it was really obvious what was going on. These cultural scripts are deep and they're red flags to us.
Starting point is 00:43:57 But if you turn that around and you look in the mirror and say, what invisible scripts did I grow up with? What are the cultural beliefs that I grew up with? Then it gets a lot harder, doesn't it? It's easy to critique somebody else, much harder to get intellectually curious about ourselves. Now, you may have heard me say, a rich life is lived outside the spreadsheet.
Starting point is 00:44:22 And usually when I talk about that, I'm referring to the fact that once you get your automation set up and you use my book and all that investing is going, turn the page, think about what is meaningful to you. Do you want to travel or eat at nice restaurants, whatever the case may be? But you can also see that principle applying here. Barry did not need to fiddle around with his investments or earn $10,000 more. That was not going to change it. He actually had to get outside of the spreadsheet and have some very difficult conversations that redefine his relationship. It's easy to fiddle around with
Starting point is 00:45:00 numbers and go into Microsoft Excel. But oftentimes that will not change anything. Living outside the spreadsheet means for better or for worse, for positive things like travel, but also for challenging opportunities like redefining your relationship with the people around you. I wanna give one last shout out to Maria on this conversation. Maria was an example, in my opinion, of a great supportive partner. And I also want to commend Barry.
Starting point is 00:45:32 Barry realized that in a relationship, you know, it's often the case that we may want to defer something or talk about something together with our partner. What Barry realized was that this one is on him. He's got to take the lead on this, and he has to redefine his relationship. That's why I enjoyed this episode, and I'm looking forward to seeing you next time. Here's what you'll find next week
Starting point is 00:45:56 on the I Will Teach to Be Rich podcast. I don't care about the numbers if I want to visit my family, or if it's Andreas Mother's birthday. I know that we have the money and it's priceless to visit our family. It frustrates me a lot because it given the current circumstances that we are in. The only one of the two of us that is able to pay for these kind of things is myself. So it's challenging when the discussion ends on emotional things.
Starting point is 00:46:26 It's difficult to respond, for example. You don't want the best for our child and it is not true. you

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