If I Were You - 142: Fake Sex (w/Ben Schwartz!)

Episode Date: March 23, 2015

Comedian/Actor/Friend Ben Schwartz joins us to discuss on screen romance.This episode is brought to you by Bombas.com, RetailMeNot, and DollarShaveClub.com!See omny.fm/listener for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 She wants to be in the middle She wants to be in the middle of us You must be in quite a pickle I'll bring you to email A little question to If I were you, sure way gmail.com, Jake and Ami Will help you with whatever's going wrong
Starting point is 00:00:25 She wants to be in the middle She wants to be in the middle of us So I'm in your problem Simple and cute Till I'm in the podcast Listenin' now Steven Mills Two, she wants to be in the middle song
Starting point is 00:00:47 Back to back episode Very fortuitous Very, very, thank you to, yeah Alex Sexton was the last weeks And Steven Mills was this one It's a catchy tune, I guess Here comes Jake taking another piss Here he comes
Starting point is 00:01:02 Ladies and gentlemen Ladies and gentlemen, you know him You love him, denim on top and denim on bottom A song devised by Brian Husky from the UCB My socks are denim, my shoes are denim Here we go, baby They don't call him the denim bandit Because you don't, oh god
Starting point is 00:01:16 Someone to the phone, to the door You gonna get it, Jake? We can keep rollin' Alright, let's keep rollin', Jake's gonna get the door Alright, let's just get started This is If I Were You The only advice podcast on the internet Hosted by Ben, I'm Amir, I'm Josh
Starting point is 00:01:30 Well, not hosted by me, you said hosted by Ben Oh, we're gonna leave the microphones here Why didn't it take over? It's sort of a baton passing Oh, I would change the show totally then I'd change the whole format Everybody's in it, you guys would never be allowed on it You would just talk about drumming
Starting point is 00:01:45 Yeah, can you put a cap on that? Look how close you are to hitting it over I'm not that close to it Are you crazy? You're playin' with the devil You're playin' with... Fire? Yeah, playin' with fire
Starting point is 00:01:55 Ben was on our last episode It ran a little long, so we're gonna make it a two-parter Two-parter Giant Harmony That would be three-part harmony, but it's fine I wanted to do it I wanna be in the middle
Starting point is 00:02:11 Okay, I got a couple questions for you guys Oh, yeah, sure Wait, let me ask a question That'll set us off on a journey An impressive journey We need a guy's name By the way, we're supposed to write today Three of us are supposed to write today
Starting point is 00:02:23 Because we're doing this for two hours of change There's no way we're gonna write today And the guy's name is... It's a guy? It's a guy You know him You love him Michael
Starting point is 00:02:35 Booblies Any relation? To who? To Donovan Booblies Ready? Quick question, if you don't mind Sure How big is your TV at home?
Starting point is 00:02:47 Thought you were gonna say penis Nice Do you guys talk about penis size and everything? What was the article recently that like announced the average male dick size? What is it? It's actually a little less than five and a half Really?
Starting point is 00:03:00 In America I think between five and a half and six or something No, I think five and a half is the like universal or is the world average and in America it's actually a little less than five and a half Why do Americans have smaller penises in the world? Hold on, let me ask Siri Go, do it, see what she says
Starting point is 00:03:14 Oh, she says go fuck yourself That's the first question, dude Come on, stop wasting time Sure Hey, guys I saw a cut to the chase My girlfriend and I are leaving for college soon and I love this girl
Starting point is 00:03:25 and I can't see myself without her She's an actor, which is awesome Then we had the discussion about her being in a role where she will have to kiss somebody else I'm the only guy she's ever done anything with and this makes me even more against her being in that role What bothers me more is that kissing her is something that I only see myself doing
Starting point is 00:03:43 It's that small intimate thing that is special to me and I feel like a shitty boyfriend every time I think like this but I don't think it should be something I have to share What bothers me more is just that she doesn't seem to care about kissing another guy and then I'm the bad guy but am I really that bad if I just don't want her to kiss somebody else
Starting point is 00:04:03 or make out with strangers on stage in front of a bunch of other strangers when she doesn't even do that with me in front of people I want to be able to just nip this in the bud and be a better boyfriend but I think I find it hard to... Nip it in the bud? Is that true? That's the phrase? Yeah
Starting point is 00:04:19 Nip it in the bud I feel like you nip it in the bud before it blooms Oh wow, I've been saying that wrong the whole time I just want to nip this in the bud and be a better boyfriend but I find it hard to watch my girlfriend make out with some dude then be expected to clap afterwards
Starting point is 00:04:34 Obviously, I'm an extremely jealous boyfriend so that definitely adds to the issue as well but still, what do I do? Help, please This guy went off the rails as he was writing this email He got angry and angry Amir read it like that as well That was my decision So what's the deal with this guy?
Starting point is 00:04:52 You acted in a way that led us to interpret this exact same way What's the deal with this guy? I mean, what does he have to do? Should he be upset that his girlfriend is making out with a boy? This is how Ben's going to host the episode in a while I've never seen you do an impression That's not part of your comedy thing I can do an impression of the woodchuck in Full House
Starting point is 00:05:17 Yeah, let's hear it Ready? Wow, how does that come out of your mouth? It's also Smeagol from Lord of the Rings Guilty little hobbits Little hobbits That's so bizarre What else can I do? I used to be able to do a couple
Starting point is 00:05:35 Not very well I've been on a cartoon for like three years Randy Cunningham I do the great Randy Cunningham, 9th Grand Ninja Whoever watches Yeah, 100 episodes, two seasons Jesus Christ Isn't that crazy?
Starting point is 00:05:49 How many times have you guys been on the show? Zero, you're going to have us She wants to be in the middle We knock on the trailer wall and door and you just never let us in It's hilarious that you think voiceovers have trailers So let's talk about this Sure But before I cast you a question
Starting point is 00:06:05 Sure No Dating an actress who has to kiss another guy This is the problem And it's going to be a problem forever, unfortunately, if you date an actress She is going to have roles, especially if she's a female That she's going to have to kiss the opposite sex And it is very weird
Starting point is 00:06:24 And I have gone through that weirdness And I don't, there's no other profession Outside of pornography, I guess But is there any other profession that you And by the kissing is the lowest of it I've had scenes where you have to have sex with women And you're naked with them and stuff like that Well, my dad's a tax lawyer and he's constantly
Starting point is 00:06:43 Where he's had to have sex or hook up with a secretary That's not true That's not true And your dad listens to this, now he feels terrible And that hung out with your whole family a couple of weeks ago Yeah, he really wanted to But I mean like Ben's saying it's not acting It's the only profession where you have to kiss somebody
Starting point is 00:06:58 My dad had to Wait, prove me wrong, children, prove me wrong, Seymour Skinner Yeah Prove me wrong Prove me wrong, children Prove me wrong Prove me wrong and tell me, is there another profession? That forces you to kiss somebody
Starting point is 00:07:10 Acting A lip doctor No A real profession Oh, CPR A lifeguard That's good That's good, that's mouth to mouth I guess, you're right
Starting point is 00:07:21 That'd be funny Doctors see each other naked, doctors see patients naked Yeah But imagine if you got pissed at your husband The lifeguard for saving a life Like you were making out with that chick It was incredible I saw the life come back into her eyes
Starting point is 00:07:35 Yeah, that's how hard you were kissing her You were Frenching her I like the other version of this is this I've been waiting five years for that woman to choke on something So I could kiss her That's the saddest thing would be if the lady didn't make it Yeah Oh, so you
Starting point is 00:07:51 She's dead Not yet, she's not You kissed her to death Oh, yeah, baby You cheated on me with a corpse Oh, baby But I kissed a corpse so hard it came back to life I like when you're a hero but so creepy, sir
Starting point is 00:08:06 My favorite part of this email is that he explains to us why it bothers him As if we didn't know What bothers me is that kissing her is something that I only see myself doing It's a special little thing that I have You think you invented kissing? Is that what you think you did? Don't tell anybody else Because other people just start doing it
Starting point is 00:08:22 She's starting to bring this smash lip thing that we do And turning it into a national phenomenon He's also making her profession It starts to be like she's going to get roles where she has to kiss people And then he goes on to just sort of demean the entire idea of acting Like she's going to kiss a stranger on stage in front of a bunch of other strangers And I have to clap afterwards The clap afterwards is hilarious
Starting point is 00:08:44 Like it's a good thing Like I'm proud of her Oh, you mean she booked a role she's excited about A lot of people show up to her show and then people clap afterwards That does sound really nice Yeah, but at the same time she had to press her face Also you're a freshman in college so you guys are definitely going to break up If she's the only girl you've ever kissed
Starting point is 00:09:03 Don't worry about it Of course, just yeah Wish her godspeed on her journey and break up now Ben, what's the farthest you've gone with a chick? Off camera One time I did Smash Mouth What's that? Where you take both your lips and you push them together and you go
Starting point is 00:09:29 With the guy from Smash Mouth Yeah, you have to make out the guy from Smash Mouth What's the most intense sexual thing you've done on camera? I've done sex scenes I've done making out Sex? How does that work? You're wearing underwear and so is she? Well, it matters
Starting point is 00:09:43 It matters what type of production you're on If you're on a show that's on something like she My first sex scene ever, the woman who was gorgeous Had something in her rider She couldn't show her ass or vagina So they couldn't show My ass and vagina is right there So they couldn't show my
Starting point is 00:10:04 Your vagina? My vagina is right there Oh my god My ass and vagina is in the same space So I was able to She was wearing see-through She was wearing like skin color panties And I just wore like tidy whiteies
Starting point is 00:10:18 And rolled them up so like whatever But in house a lot But she was topless? She was wearing a see-through bra I don't think she let anybody look at her breasts here But that was us going through the motions of sex And showing like my chest and other things But I've been naked
Starting point is 00:10:32 Fully naked? No And showtime For showtime I think they can show my ass They have it I don't know But they make you wear this terrible thing
Starting point is 00:10:41 And it's called a modesty sock I think And what it is It's like a little pouch You know like when you're younger And you have marbles Yeah But you know you put your penis in it too
Starting point is 00:10:50 You have to scrunch all your business together And then you So it's like you put it all in there And you tie it up like marbles? And tie up the top Oh So it can't So it can't whatever
Starting point is 00:11:01 Oh It's no fun Oh It is no fun So you couldn't even get hard if you wanted to No you can get hard I'll break through the sack You can break through the sack
Starting point is 00:11:09 Have you ever gotten hard, didn't you? Absolutely No By the way I've been so nervous about it Because I've been Very fortunate we're such lovely nice women Are there
Starting point is 00:11:18 Who are also gorgeous You know what I mean So it's like Have you ever had to grind against a topless woman? Yes She was on top of me You're in this pouch And she
Starting point is 00:11:28 No That I was wearing my pants still Oh But she's grinding on you The only time I wore that pouch Was when there's a scene where I was naked In the back of a car So you had to look
Starting point is 00:11:36 I was totally naked All the other ones In like the beginning So this year I have a couple sex scenes But it's mostly the very beginning of it Right before we started So it's before it's like Whatever
Starting point is 00:11:45 It's like You like You like You like You like You like You like You like
Starting point is 00:11:53 You like You like Whatever you're comfortable with Whatever you feel like I will do As I want to make you as comfortable as possible Make you feel like
Starting point is 00:12:01 This isn't a big thing So if you want to just No tongue 100% No touching Anything you wish Would be totally fine It's not not your decision to make
Starting point is 00:12:09 No it kind of I've been on the show We've been on the show for so long that If the director's like Yeah but you need to be I was like You know we'll sell it Just if it makes her uncomfortable
Starting point is 00:12:17 It's crazy If it makes her uncomfortable There's no reason to make her feel Then choose another job sweet hot That's what you say every time She says Actually no tongue So
Starting point is 00:12:25 You're fired You bite into an onion But there are actresses that are like Let's do it Like we would be Let's do it Like we would be doing That's the art
Starting point is 00:12:34 And I agree And by the way that For the most part I believe is The correct way of doing it Does it ever Do you ever feel connected or aroused Or Yes you do
Starting point is 00:12:43 There are sometimes where you 100% It's by the way It's the same with when you kiss A woman in real life There's sometimes where you like Feel connected And like oh my god
Starting point is 00:12:51 This girl is amazing at this Is a great connection To the crew around I've never had sex scenes I've never even had tongue kissing scenes But like when I've had like Smooch stuff Or like fake make out
Starting point is 00:12:59 Oh wait I did I did have a sex scene once You had a fake out make out I had a fake sex scene Did you kiss the person Yeah But it was like It was so
Starting point is 00:13:07 I don't know I felt nothing There wasn't like Not even a Yeah but that's what you do When you're actually cheating On your girlfriend So that's not like a good indication
Starting point is 00:13:15 What about you Ben What do you feel like When you're kissing someone In your relationship I will say this is If you've ever dated an actress before It's weird It's a weird feeling
Starting point is 00:13:24 That let's say You care about someone You kiss them And you're like Oh this week sometime You have a sex scene with somebody Or you have a That girl has a
Starting point is 00:13:32 Make out scene with someone It's weird It is very weird It's something that this guy It's hard to get over But he's obviously He runs a little bit jealous Regardless
Starting point is 00:13:43 But it's a tough thing I don't know how to Explain it Because also like It's so weird Because then you can watch it Also and you can watch that person Make out
Starting point is 00:13:51 All those scenes that I'm making out With those girls are on television Or whatever But you're an actor too So like you have to It seems like you have to be I understand it totally Yes yes yes
Starting point is 00:13:59 If you're like a random Like a student or a plumber And then you have to see Your wife or girlfriend Make out with another guy This guy's also already Really really jealous Think about it
Starting point is 00:14:07 He's seething And his girlfriend Doesn't have a role Where she has to kiss them And by the way it may be There's so many different Types of kisses It could just be like
Starting point is 00:14:15 A little peck And it means nothing But if it's like There are scenes that we've done Where it's like You're all over me I'm making out with her And throwing her on a bed
Starting point is 00:14:23 Stuff like that That's a totally different kissing Scene than I'll see you later I'll see you later Kiss and leave Right and say goodbye But it's a very weird thing
Starting point is 00:14:31 Because also You want to try your best To be in the moment Like I learned from improv And then I never really Went through action school I never went through action school But for improv
Starting point is 00:14:39 You want to be in the moment You want to say yes and You want to make something With someone else Always in a scene You want to like The one we the three of us Fuck or the one the three of us
Starting point is 00:14:47 Right We play with each other We play with each other's dicks Yeah we play with each other's dicks Any time we write And then any time Jake comes We're like That's a good joke
Starting point is 00:14:55 The idea stick The idea stick Something's really funny Only and so Jake only comes in There's own jokes by the way So sad But there is this weird moment
Starting point is 00:15:03 When you're like Making out with someone And then If you're single by the way It's gonna If you're single There's like No you don't feel
Starting point is 00:15:11 As bad at all You just don't feel as bad at all But when you're If let's say You're going out with someone And you're making out with someone You just don't You just don't feel so weird
Starting point is 00:15:19 You know what I mean Does it feel weird to see Or to be in that Like are you feeling more weird When you're making out When you see your girlfriend Making out Do I
Starting point is 00:15:28 What's worse for you The weirdest thing to see Oh my god If watching a girl Watching a lady Or something like that Yeah of course This scene
Starting point is 00:15:36 I don't know when this comes out The worst thing I could imagine Is being the guy Having a girl be upset Going making out And then coming home And then that first conversation How was
Starting point is 00:15:46 How was set to How was the scene It was good It was a fine day But think about sex scenes When the girl I've had scenes where girls Are totally naked in front of me
Starting point is 00:15:55 Totally naked And wearing like a tiny There's a little triangle They put over their pubic region That's the only thing They have covering themselves And what do they do A modesty triangle
Starting point is 00:16:03 I forget what it's called It's called something I forget what it's called I have an amazing story I wonder if I can tell it Oh my god You can't do that And then I
Starting point is 00:16:13 Alright there's a sex scene And we're in Vegas So by the way Some of these make out I don't know if anybody Watches House of Lies on the show But the last episode Or I guess it'll be a couple
Starting point is 00:16:22 Of episodes by the time this airs There's a girl that I have A bunch of make out scenes with She has a boyfriend in real life She's so sweet Such a great actress Her name is Valerie Curry And she was great in these scenes
Starting point is 00:16:35 You know what I mean But she's amazing Because at the same time Her boyfriend was on set sometimes On set And he was never for them Oh there was a kissing scene He was on set for
Starting point is 00:16:43 Oh no no no I don't know if we kissed But like he was an actor also So he knew it was going on And stuff like that She's like a pro and amazing She was great at it There are some people
Starting point is 00:16:52 That are a little bit more awkward About it There are some people that are not as Or like I remember I did a short film once And it was just She had never done a kissing scene before And I made her as comfortable as possible
Starting point is 00:17:03 And everything And it was just very It was just very weird Because you can tell how nervous she is And when someone's kissing They're nervous you can feel it Right And so you try to
Starting point is 00:17:11 I only feel that I've never kissed a girl Who's at ease Really? She's always like Give me a situation where you're kissing someone So like I'm on the end of a date And it's going
Starting point is 00:17:19 Alright As far as I'm concerned It's going great And she's probably not feeling it And then at the end of the night She's upset because I split the bill A lot of times she's upset She's upset
Starting point is 00:17:27 Yeah it's not mad or anything She's upset So what do you usually say Do you say the while it's on the car Do you say What's your line Why don't we get this out of the way now Because I feel like
Starting point is 00:17:35 I don't want to have the first kiss later Do you say that for real And then she I can feel the hair on her back stand She's so disgusted by that Right This is like this She almost
Starting point is 00:17:45 She's like pushing her shoulder blades together In the back Like that so much Like a cat Or someone spilled hot water down her back It's like Have you ever done that Have you ever
Starting point is 00:17:55 By the way that line is extraordinary Have you ever used that line Because my question is What happens if the girl Doesn't want to make out with you Like I want to see how this date goes Oh you're talking about Actually using that line
Starting point is 00:18:03 In real life Oh that's actually the line from Annie Hall It worked in Annie Hall Oh right What do you have He picks up He's like Let's look at this over with that
Starting point is 00:18:11 Yes I remember that No definitely not Because you're a terrible person Because I think it's a terrible person thing to do To say let's kiss now Before you know me What happens if I don't like you
Starting point is 00:18:21 Yeah it would be so crazy Alright this is my crazy story We're in Vegas There's a scene where There's a scene where I'm having sex with This is a scene obviously I'm having sex with someone
Starting point is 00:18:29 Cheedles John Cheedles the star of our show John Cheedles having sex with someone And another actor is having sex with someone In the same room And the move The camera move is I wonder if I've ever said this
Starting point is 00:18:37 Before I'm sure it's fine The camera move is from Cheedle to the other person And then you wipe across the room And it's to me Is it a special effect Or are you guys actually
Starting point is 00:18:47 Fake doing it in the same Cheedles completely naked With the modesty shotgun So you can see his ass And everything in the shot also The other guy totally Naked with the modesty shotgun And they're having sex with
Starting point is 00:18:57 These two gorgeous women by the way And I'm having sex With a beautiful woman as well But I'm totally clothed The joke was I was having sex with her Totally clothed So I go up to the floor
Starting point is 00:19:07 And I say the same thing I've said it with any person And I was like Tell me what you're comfortable with I don't want to make you uncomfortable And she laughs And she goes She goes
Starting point is 00:19:15 Baby listen to me I'm a soft core porn actress You could do whatever you want Oh my god And I'm like And she's like Are you nervous now And I'm like
Starting point is 00:19:24 No no no I'm gonna be fine I'm gonna be fine What is soft core Versus regular porn Soft core means There's no penetration But they simulate everything
Starting point is 00:19:32 So there's no actual penis and vagina But it's like It looks like there is They're on top of each other And all that stuff What's the point of that Because you can't show penetration Skin to max
Starting point is 00:19:40 Remember all those things Where kids I don't know if it still exists Now there's so much porn I wonder if it does But so So I was like I was like
Starting point is 00:19:48 Okay Very nice woman She's I thought that's what you said Okay very nice Very nice woman All right Very nice
Starting point is 00:19:56 Yes And it was A Swedish girl It was a Swedish woman She was the Swedish woman No no no Cheeto had this Swedish woman That kind of
Starting point is 00:20:04 Didn't speak total English I had this beautiful A black woman And then there was I forgot what An Asian woman was We had like It was like
Starting point is 00:20:12 All different ethnicities It was the UN It was great It was the UN Of soft corpornal fucking everything We were in Vegas In a place that had windows See through windows
Starting point is 00:20:20 And we were to have The two people had sex On them against the windows So essentially If you were looking in that day You would have looked like Don Cheeto In this other person
Starting point is 00:20:28 We're fucking these two girls Because the cameras are behind them Yeah So the camera move is this I wonder if this is too graphic Jake I know your family listens to this It's all right
Starting point is 00:20:36 Mama turn down the podcast Love you bitch Hey did you give Did you give the Simpsons script That I gave it to your family Yes Did you? I gave it to my father
Starting point is 00:20:44 I thought I texted you I did I did give you one right You gave me one to give to my dad And I gave it to him I texted you and I said He loved it All right good
Starting point is 00:20:52 That makes me happy He does love it All right good I'm happy that I could talk about Your father right in the middle Of the sex story Hi daddy Hello daddy
Starting point is 00:21:00 I love your money father So the move is Cheeto This other guy And then me And I'm having sex And the whole idea is She's on her back
Starting point is 00:21:08 And then that's why this is graphic I apologize But if you watch the episode It's in there And when the camera comes to me I'm to flip her So her head is over the top of the chair And I'm to have sex with her from behind
Starting point is 00:21:18 Okay And she goes beforehand And she's totally naked off the bat And she didn't want to wear the little piece That covers Cause she's like everybody's seen me And I was like I was like
Starting point is 00:21:27 Oh I was totally closed So it didn't matter for me And I was supposed to just like Pretend to have sex with her And when you're pretending to have sex With someone And you're wearing that little pouch Or like you're wearing all your underwear
Starting point is 00:21:35 It's really hard It's really scary and hard Because it's like Oh it's gonna be so hard to not get excited But when you're fully clothed It's a little bit easier For a hundred different reasons So the first take
Starting point is 00:21:47 She's like You can do anything you want Don't worry I have another story But I won't say And so it goes They go We're gonna do the first one
Starting point is 00:21:56 So you guys don't have to pretend To have sex with it So it's cheeto That camera move is cheeto The hilarious scene Is at the end of the party And all of a sudden We're just all having sex
Starting point is 00:22:04 Cheeto The other guy I see the camera coming And in the meantime I'm kind of in the background And she is acting like Hercules is fucking her She's like
Starting point is 00:22:15 And so like I had to catch up My ferociousness and my sex To meet the levels of What she was throwing out there It was so funny And then the camera was on us And so I flipped her over
Starting point is 00:22:27 And she was such a pro with it Like the move was so sexy and cool And then I'm having sex with her from behind And she's so gorgeous This beautiful black woman In front of me And I take her hair And I pull her hair
Starting point is 00:22:38 As sometimes men do When they're having sex With women from behind And she's wearing a weave And the weave goes And I pull it off her head You pulled her hair off So her hair was to the
Starting point is 00:22:51 Left side of her hair And she did not break And she was acting Like Thor himself And fucking her with his hammer And she was like And her hair was Barely hanging on
Starting point is 00:23:01 And she's trying to fix Her hair while having sex And they finish the little scene They go cut And she cracks up She laughs I was like Oh my god, she's going to kill me
Starting point is 00:23:11 She laughs up She's like Oh, I should have said You could do anything but touch my hair And I was like I am I apologize I was so Jewish in that moment
Starting point is 00:23:19 I was like I am so sorry I am so sorry Oh, gosh I really apologize Did they keep that take as a joke? It exists somewhere But they did not use that take
Starting point is 00:23:27 Wait, did that episode come out? Season two When we were in Vegas Right And literally it happens Where they changed it to I'm having sex with the guys I'm having sex next to me
Starting point is 00:23:36 And we high five Which is so stupid But by the way, can I say There's a scene If anybody ever sees that episode I don't remember what episode it's in The scene right after that The three of us were all hung over
Starting point is 00:23:44 Me, Cheeto, and this guy We're doing business with Are all hung over eating brunch And it's an awesome scene I remember Cheeto and I being like That was a good one, man Yeah And anytime Cheeto even hints
Starting point is 00:23:55 That was better than shitty Like he's like Hey, that was good I was like Oh, baby We were in Hotel Rwanda too Hotel for dogs Rwanda edition
Starting point is 00:24:04 He was in Hotel for dogs As well, by the way Oh, really? Two hotel movies? Yeah, two hotel movies When they ask you to do stuff That's like so cringe-worthy Like high-fiving while having sex
Starting point is 00:24:13 Yeah Do you ever like Yeah, I'll say, yeah You know what, I don't think that'll happen But this, we're both hammered And it was me And my character was a real douchebag At the time
Starting point is 00:24:21 And it was literally The other guy's last name was Dusken So they were called the douchebag twins And so like it was perfect My character would do it for his character Right Because he wants it so bad
Starting point is 00:24:31 He wants that high-five so bad And I'm trying to get his business Yeah That, of course, yeah Same reason why we would all have sex In the same room There's no reason We want to close the deal
Starting point is 00:24:39 Yeah So that's why we all did it Yeah That's why you closed the deal Oh But that is my That's the funniest sex story I've got That's good
Starting point is 00:24:47 So What about the funniest real sex story? Sure, okay So me, Cheetal, are having sex In the same room in Vegas No one else is in there No one else is in there We're both jerking off
Starting point is 00:24:55 To different types of porn Him, Softcore Him, Softcore I'm jerking off to his Captain Planet videos I'm funnier than that I'm funnier than that There's always fun By the way
Starting point is 00:25:04 Oh, there's a great There's a great beginning of a sex scene This year between me and Valerie Carrey Which is so sweet and lovely And like I feel like kind of encompasses What like sex scenes Or what's like fun If you like the person's sex
Starting point is 00:25:16 Can be like or start Or stuff like that And we're like laughing And having fun And it's kind of cute and sexy And Do you ever laugh while you're having sex? For real?
Starting point is 00:25:24 La You'll play Not like Laap At the beginning when you're like kissing someone Or like stuff like that Right before those actual penetrations Yeah
Starting point is 00:25:32 Yeah When I'm having sex Well like Jake Everybody knows when you have sex You sing the Lion King theme At the beginning, right? La The pain
Starting point is 00:25:41 Yeah To my pain Yeah Right in your Right in your That's good That's good Oh
Starting point is 00:25:49 Oh, try it Try it Try it, ready? Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
Starting point is 00:25:57 Yeah Yeah Yeah Very close All right All right Let's get a commercial Yeah, it's actually a good timing
Starting point is 00:26:05 Let's actually do a commercial We'll be right back with Ben Schwartz Got the worst comment Are you can't do it? I've counted Like four waters since I got here Nope Nope
Starting point is 00:26:13 This show is sponsored By BetterHelp Thank you, BetterHelp If you're finding yourself In a difficult, anxious, stressful situation Talking to a professional licensed therapist Is the best way to navigate yourself Out of that difficult place
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Starting point is 00:28:57 We're back And you The microphone It's a very sexual one We did a very sexual show Uh, I just realized You probably didn't give this guy advice We just talked about our...
Starting point is 00:29:07 Oh, okay I told them to break up with this girl No, that's a terrible advice No, it's not She's a bad boyfriend No, this is what you gotta do You gotta... You have to learn that it's a part of her job
Starting point is 00:29:17 Unfortunately And it's something you're gonna have to deal with Also, you have to... You have to understand that You might be a little bit jealous But it's a jealousy that comes from something That makes sense It's not a jealousy like
Starting point is 00:29:26 Oh my god, who is she out with tonight? It's literally... My girlfriend's gonna kiss A very attractive guy probably Tonight So I understand that it's rude and something It is going to be to you She is nervous about it as well
Starting point is 00:29:37 She's more nervous about it than you are, dude It's her first time kissing someone On camera or on stage Be as supportive as you can You could be like Hey, you know what? This makes me feel uncomfortable But I'm supportive of you
Starting point is 00:29:47 Please, whatever If you'd like her and you dig her She'll... You gotta hope and cross your fingers That it's fine The other thing is You're so young You're 21 years old
Starting point is 00:29:57 And... 18 You're 18? Freshman college Oh wow So... Break up No, not break up
Starting point is 00:30:05 But you'll see how strong You'll see how strong it is But... It is something you can't make Or feel bad for Don't make her feel ashamed She's just as nervous as you are Let her do her thing
Starting point is 00:30:15 And be supportive If it's a live show I would show up to the live show And support her If it's on whatever... You gotta kick that dude's ass afterwards Green, giant You know, you find the guy's girlfriend
Starting point is 00:30:28 Her stage partner Give me a Jake and a Jake, Jake, Jake What'd I get? Oh God, Jake Your rhythm Sorry Try it again, ready? Yep
Starting point is 00:30:38 Give me a Jake, Jake And Jake, Jake, Jake Was that right? See, the problem is I don't know What I'm wrong You don't know what to start Give me a Jake, Jake And Jake, Jake, Jake
Starting point is 00:30:47 I want a Jake, Jake And a Jake, Jake, Jake Oh, you had it You lost it Cool How can you play guitar Where you can't do that That makes no sense
Starting point is 00:30:55 Well, guitar doesn't... Guitar's just like steady all the time It's like... No, it's not I don't know I don't know how I know How to play guitar He's great at guitar
Starting point is 00:31:04 Ladies, mamacities Have you ever given your phone number out on this podcast? No No, it's sort of like a cool hip-hop thing to do, though Really, you give out your own
Starting point is 00:31:19 phone number on this song Big Sean does it on his album Somebody else did it No, he does not Yeah Gives his actual phone numbers No way it's his real phone Yeah, somebody else did it before him
Starting point is 00:31:27 I can't remember who it was And he said what? Call me? Yeah Yeah That's right Big Sean's line is like You think I'm not...
Starting point is 00:31:36 You say you can't get in touch with me Or like whatever And then he just says his number Oh I called it It's a 555? No, it's... I mean, I think...
Starting point is 00:31:45 I don't know if it was his... I think it was his real number Hey, how do you ask questions, by the way, on the podcast? What do you mean, how do I ask questions? No, like how do you get people to ask questions? Oh, people can email
Starting point is 00:31:53 if I were your show at gmail.com Speaking of, let's answer another question All right, we got time for one last one What? I just don't give it the point of the show is Of course you do You just... You just...
Starting point is 00:32:03 That was the point of the show You just gave this guy bad advice I gave him good advice I think you should break up Why? Because you're so young? Yeah What happens if that's a girl you love?
Starting point is 00:32:12 You're the tiebreaker You could stick it out I mean, if the jealousy is indeed too much for you to handle then You don't have to make her feel bad Oh, yeah, see how it feels Go through it once Yeah, go through it once
Starting point is 00:32:22 I might get better at it By the way, she's not every scene She's not gonna be kissing her Yeah, yeah, it's not as big of a deal as she's making out to be It does suck, though I hear you when I feel through All right, one last question
Starting point is 00:32:32 One last time One last time We need a male name Yeah, yeah Male name I know about this, about Jake and Amir But they love to dance Yeah
Starting point is 00:32:44 Did you talk about it on the podcast? I guess we talk about going out dancing They go out dancing And it is something... It is a joy that I forgot that I had until Amir and Jake and Amir had pushed me to go out dancing a couple of times And we had a blast
Starting point is 00:32:56 Yeah Dancing's fun And then we've gone out many times since The only bad part is that it kind of ruins regular bars And it's like, oh, what am I doing here if there's not music being played? Well, to be fair, we don't go to club
Starting point is 00:33:05 I guess one time we went to club I would never go to a techno club No, not like EDM No, I mean, by the way, more power too And I saw a documentary on it and loved the community around it But I love hip-hop and R&B I would love to...
Starting point is 00:33:17 Those type of places There's not enough hip-hop bars There's literally a couple of them It's crazy to me I know Samantha Ronson does a show on Fairfax every now and then And I was like, we gotta go to that It's people dancing to the best
Starting point is 00:33:27 She's so good But why are there not more hip-hop and R&B in Los Angeles? I don't know But Jake found one that's every Saturday night Oh, maybe we do that Starts this Saturday Really?
Starting point is 00:33:38 Yeah My friend's writing is this weekend I'm also going away this week I'm gonna get back I'm so sorry Like that video All right Ready?
Starting point is 00:33:49 Oh, guy's name Sure This guy is brought to you by Energizer Batteries And his name is... He's brought your own sponsor His name is Lawrence
Starting point is 00:34:04 That's L-A-R-R-E-N-C-E Lawrence Odala Gools Oh, is he Jewish? No, he's Irish We had a guy named Lawrence in one of our videos Yeah
Starting point is 00:34:16 Gools Isn't a ghoul like a ghost? Yes Why doesn't nobody say ghouls anymore? I say ghoul Do you? I will say ghoul every day What's my favorite line you do
Starting point is 00:34:24 in Jake and Amir? What's that? From the Pirates of the Caribbean trailer Do it Do it From the trailer Wait, you best start believing Yeah, do it
Starting point is 00:34:33 Do you want me to do the Jake and Amir line or the other line? Jake and Amir line Opinions are like assholes, Jake You are one Yeah, if it wasn't worth it Asshole
Starting point is 00:34:47 That's like asking someone to do an impression of me like that That's not good All right Lawrence writes I met him in a lake down in Diego by way of repubbles
Starting point is 00:34:57 all the time like a giant carbonated soda I changed your rhythm S-O-D-A-S-O-O-D-A Now speed it up I saw the little run sitting there on a log He asked me his name
Starting point is 00:35:10 and in the recipe voice he said iota I-I-A-I-O-IOTA Was that all right That's great Thanks, guys Hey guys Hey, guys
Starting point is 00:35:25 Broke Up with a girlfriend of three years a couple months ago I've been curious about joining Tinder, importante and etc for a while but was worried about running into the X on there How long should I wait
Starting point is 00:35:36 before getting these apps? Have you ever run across an X on Tinder Larence His last name. Oh dollar ghoul I'm not on those so you guys have to answer it, but I can I can give you general sweeps Are you guys both on tinder? Yeah, are you gonna talk about it on the podcast? Yeah, are you on tinder? But didn't you make a poster of his tinder profile? I did kind of so funny
Starting point is 00:36:03 By the way, you may not know but Jake is very funny You probably don't know from the short films because he's so bad And he's so unfunny and funny and all the jacob the compliment you probably don't know because like his performance is lackluster And his writing is poor, but he's actually He's really but he's only jit five out of ten Like the things he says or does but just like the mistakes he made Yeah, look at him. He's so dumb. Yeah, Matt Besser once said that a Great straight man is one of the hardest things in the universe to find you have to be so good and so funny to pull it off
Starting point is 00:36:36 The only thing harder than that is to be like the funny silly wacky guy That's the cake people want to laugh at that without Jake you make no sense. That's right. Fuck that Do you realize when I do shorts? It's harder for you for you and me to both be crazy at the same time Yeah, it's just too much. Well, what about also when we had Thomas and you and me and Jake. It was a fucking Melana being crazy. Yeah, I Will say one of my favorite things when I watch Jake in here And I've seen quite a few is when Jake breaks because he gives you what you he gives you the character And then he breaks it by going like when he tries to be too fratty or too cool. Yeah, I
Starting point is 00:37:13 Go nuts for that character of Jake There was one where like there's a man the binds where I have Amanda binds his phone number and he like turns it I was like, you didn't tell me you had an in with Binds She's all that there's three versions of the dead. There's that Jake. There's the Jake where Um Like oh what we just did well in the episode then episode one of the two part of the bad Impressions what he's trying to do when he's trying to do the bad man when he's doing those impressions But they're gonna be deleted scenes. Yeah, we should do that
Starting point is 00:37:42 We have outtakes but man he was making a slap just cuz he commits so he wants some people to think he's cool It's so funny. The second there's a shred of doubt that someone doesn't think he's cool He puts on he tries harder than a mere choice Did I do damn my favorite analysis it's really really funny I think there's different shades of what Jake is and I think the real one is probably the most crazy one But it was it was oh god, it's crazy. We're not gonna do it again. We're never gonna do Jake and me again Mm-hmm. Isn't that sad? Have you talked about on the podcast? I feel nothing. No, you feel well You always feel nothing. Jake has emotions. What do you think Jake? I'm really sad. That was sad. Remember our last day
Starting point is 00:38:23 That was sad. Yeah, I think when we were like we're in when we're writing it felt like I don't know our heads were down We're just working on it and then at the end of that long day when they're like that's a wrap on Ben It was like There was a there was a great chance we would never see each other again It wasn't like that, but I mean it was like thinking it was sad Well, I wrote the end of that thing so it would feel like sad remember that. Yeah, one of you guys were like Why are you doing this? Oh when you hug me? Yeah, I thought or like being like hey This was so fun like I wanted it to be genuine, right? Yeah, that was a real moment that we like snuck into the video
Starting point is 00:38:57 Yeah, I did that by the way at the end of Parks and Rec. I did that as well. No, did you guys watch the finale Parks and Rec? Yeah, did you did? The end of it one of the lines was Hey Leslie and she turns around I go I've always loved you and I did it as sincere as possible I wanted it to be like for the first time you see what he really thinks and what is like why he's been trying so hard this whole time Yeah, he really loves Leslie like he's in love with her and if you watch it It's like I almost cry and some of the takes wow
Starting point is 00:39:24 It's like I try to make it like genuine and also I think it makes it so Funny that it's that whatever and also they did the funniest edit where after it when she goes I know I get up and like I get up like yeah Whatever and they and they black out to commercial right after it's it made me laugh so hard but one of the things we're shooting that Jake and Amir because I was also a week of like I like When it aired is like the end of parks and the end of you guys and those are all the things that I get to like be the silliest version Myself and have the most fun You guys without me knowing
Starting point is 00:39:56 Because they're very they're very nice and they show me edits each edit and I get to give notes on rough cuts I don't know if you do that with other guys But no very very nice you and then because we write it together We kind of do the whole process together and we go back and they're very very good at editing But they added that montage. I had no idea there was a montage in the final one of our old outtakes And I mean I knew something was special With the copy because Amir never emails me more than a mirror like hey Here's a new cut tell me what you think but then he like texted me an email me one more time like hey you check it out
Starting point is 00:40:26 I was like I'm working. I think you'll find a special treat in this one. I got a motion I got I got close to a teary-eyed when I watch it. It was because it was like oh my god We've been doing it for this long. Yeah, and it was all that was yeah That was what made me emotional really going back and pulling those really old clips. It's like holy shit. So crazy And the best part they were from the outtakes or from like the fight was like from us being us Yeah, and laughing for real that was us being us and laughing for real and then you doing your fake seal laugh and me not being able to Control those so I remember the first time I did it you guys were nervous for some you were nervous the first two times I could tell you guys were nervous to like play. Yeah, cuz we never we never stuff with a real
Starting point is 00:41:08 Comedy makes me nervous. No, you're so comfortable. No, I'm terrible think about the last one We did where you were doing those fucking Best part was it's like Jake and Dave did that No, I did that Dan and I did that and the call back to that Which you guys do one of them notes on hours when everybody goes norm Jake goes He doesn't even say Dan he goes Like look at my mouth, you know, I'm saying norm
Starting point is 00:41:36 To for me to just like play with a real-life Ben. I've never ever done that before. Oh, yeah, someone's a crazy car I was I was a streamer in that first episode and also that car remember that one that we did where you did the Cartman and Yeah, that was the origin of like my of the bad. Oh, right impressions. It was like me doing Batman And that made me laugh so respect my authority It made me laugh Carmen so And then you're and then you had like some Beetlejuice or some weird like oh, no, you were like Christian Bailey Oh, yeah, you're gonna love mine. You're like Batman. Yeah, and then I'm like a Batman's over here, too
Starting point is 00:42:12 Wait, there was something that I guess you just watch the video Can't wait, but Jake is incredibly funny. I'm here. It gets a lot of credit and Jake is incredibly funny I am really funny everybody. I hope your dad and your mom are listening. No, I hope my mom's listening and we are gonna continue to collaborate I don't know how oh, we know we're gonna start to write stuff for fun See if let's see if anybody wants to buy it, but for fun and cash I mean, we'll see you about the cash, but regardless. It'll be fun. No one won't be fun unless we're rich, baby Yeah, this is the problem. I'm rich That's the last part of that. Do you know the whole line? Yeah, what go do it? I'm rich, Jay
Starting point is 00:42:47 This is where I get it dude. I'm rich Jay Hey, I'm rich Jay. You know 45 minutes ish. Let's talk to this guy really quickly on the phone. Yeah Oh, wait. He asked a question. Yeah, he's like, can I join Tinder or do I have to wait a little bit? Oh, yeah Oh, are you on Tinder? Yeah, and it doesn't matter if you see your ex. You just swipe her left It's okay or like the fact that you see her ex means that she's on it, too Yeah, she can't get mad at you. Also, if you swipe her left, she there's a good chance if you see her first If you swipe her left, there's a good chance that you won't just show up in her cue Isn't it also fine to start like do you give yourself like a oh, I just broke up
Starting point is 00:43:20 I better take a week off as from I guess well, I wouldn't go on Tinder immediately after but he said he was months, right? Yeah, yeah, that's 100% fine. No, I wouldn't by the way I'm also the nature of I wouldn't date anybody for a little bit if someone meant something to you right out of respect I would take a little bit of time. I don't think Jake is the same way I was not trying to date anybody and I just wanted something that wasn't serious. I would immediately go to Tinder That's where you get that stuff. Do you mean you would even try not to bone a girl? Yeah, but I'm a weirdo and that stuff I'm like, you know what if I cared about someone because I've because I felt like if I went out with a girl and I
Starting point is 00:43:52 Actually loved her I really cared about her and then I found out three days after we broke up She had sex with a guy like oh, that's just that's terrible. It just makes me feel disgusting So you wouldn't do that to why I waited live wait a little bit. Yeah, mm-hmm. That's very thoughtful of you I usually like to wait to at least like three or four weeks before we break up This episode is so much better the first one The first one was so boring and this one is so much better, right because we talked about sex instead of drums There's only one thing that can make it better. I'm gonna get it up. I'll keep going. Thank you Ben for that
Starting point is 00:44:29 It yeah, we gave we gave it by we're here for about an hour We we if you have your own questions your own theme song submissions Send them on down to if I were you show at gmail.com Ben do you have anything you want to plug? I do by the way, am I allowed to plug something or no? You can say whatever you want for real. Yeah, okay. There's something that means a lot to me. I'd like to plug Okay Oh, yeah, I would like to What wait when is this coming out sometime in the next couple weeks March? Oh house Eliza would be wrapping up guys
Starting point is 00:45:09 Give house Eliza shot this year. I don't also these the writers gave me these amazing arcs and I have these beautiful dramatic beats It's really I should watch this season. My brother says he loves it now. It's so this season is I mean that all the seasons are great But this season there I mean we just the characters are set people know who they are now We get to really play like I have a father though the craziest thing that's ever happened in any TV show I've ever done happens in the next three weeks. Whoa. Yeah by far the craziest storyline And also there's like those sex scenes we talked about how you get to see like sparks with people and like we try to play it out There's more than two people involved in this thing and it's it's fun
Starting point is 00:45:47 But um, I get these really great words that these writers wrote me and that's an example about my character What's an example of one of the great my poopy smells like to toot? You can you say that? Yeah, but there's one great one But there there is a it's a really good season give it a shot on showtime 10 p.m. Sundays and you go in showtime anytime you can watch every single episode watch the house allies improv special I did it's on there on demand. Oh, yeah, go to reject the jokes calm Follow me on Twitter reject the jokes and that's it dang you want to do an outro song because you said you were gonna Do one after Jake did it?
Starting point is 00:46:21 I'm gonna give the guitar to Amir. I Can't play more than four seconds at a time lawyers will be on our ass Do you know how to play guitar? Kind of oh my god, this is amazing. Oh, yeah part from from the Weezer song You play Weezer song. Let's make them different the world has turned You know that just the high part from Buddy Holly, which That's cool
Starting point is 00:46:57 That's cool regular song She's a J girl crazy about denim and Amir girl likes colorful socks, too She's a free girl touching Jake and me Have a threesome But be safe too because Thank you guys if I were your show, thank you for having me. I'll never see you again. All right. Goodbye forever
Starting point is 00:47:49 Hey everybody, I don't know if you've heard but your favorite website the chive.com now has words and it's coming the form of our shiny new Podcast right over a podcast one. So join us. I'm John Rezeg. This is Bob Philip Hi Every Thursday for a mix of chive culture celebrity interviews and offbeat current events You never know who's gonna drop by the studio and you certainly never know what we're going to say to them So it's the chive podcast. It's total ear candy. There's no snark involved in this and you can download it now at podcast one dot com That's podcast one dot com

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