If I Were You - 259: Secret Diary (w/Geoffrey James!)

Episode Date: February 20, 2017

Friend and resident dumbass Geoffrey James joins us to discuss sibling revelry, velcro wallets, and grilled cheese sandwiches.See omny.fm/listener for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Swiping your way through the world today takes everything you've got You've matched a total smoke show when you think you've got a shot Wouldn't you like to just be told If I were you the show takin' a mirror will change your name They'll be laughing at your shame You wanna see if you can seize that cheese with a pitch to help your game You better hope that nobody knows your name You wanna hear what they have to say Could be suicide or a freeway At the end of this, you'll be glad that they changed your name Cheers. What? Cheers indeed. Did you know that was the Cheers theme song? That was the Cheers theme song. The original one. Unchanged. I was gonna say nice original. But let's hear the parody.
Starting point is 00:01:15 The Cheers show ended, I guess, 20 years before you were born. Wow. Jeffery James in the house. That's the third voice you hear. Good day. How's it going? I didn't ask if you wanted headphones. Did you want headphones to listen to? I'd rather not hear my own voice. Okay, that's good. You definitely won't see your own voice. Strike one for the dumbass. The dumbass lives. Hey, I thought you wouldn't be doing this one in character. I actually don't wait. When did Cheers end? I'll guess 93. And when were you born? 97. Wow. Cheers sitcom. Let's see here. Have you ever seen Cheers? Norm. That means no. Yeah. Of course. 93 is correct. Nailed it. So another point for me. Jeff, this is your first time on our podcast. This is my first
Starting point is 00:02:10 time on a podcast. Is that true? That's absolutely true. I messed around with my buddies back home, but we never actually... That was just like hooking up. No mics. We only shot video. There was no audio involved. Oh wait, real quick, I should say that that theme song was written by Davy and Josh. Piano and vocals by Davy. Editing by Josh. So it seems like it was just by Davy. What did Josh do? What the fuck did Josh do? Edit a song. Last time I checked, you don't edit songs. You play them. Anyway, regardless. It's actually irregardless. What's that? Irregardless. Okay. Actually, I believe that's incorrect. It's actually correct. We all turn it around. Regardless and irregardless mean the same thing? Yeah. Irregardless is objectively not in Miriam Webster's.
Starting point is 00:03:03 Oh, you read that fake dictionary? I vehemently disagree. Irregardless. Now I have to look that up. Yeah, you do. Is irregardless a word? Jeff did take his SATs two years ago, so he should be more on top of his shit than us. Is irregardless a word? From Yahoo Answers, it is a word. Well, I'm done looking. Well, shit. I have to go back to school. Fuck. Jeff is a head gum coworker. Head gum. Employee. Employee number four. Yeah, you, Jeff's in charge of shooting, writing, and editing the originals that we make. And let me tell you, it's a real hoot. A little bit of a holler, but more of a holler. Just wait till I ask you a question. First 13 or so episodes were called Jeffrey the Dumbass about you being really stupid.
Starting point is 00:04:02 Since then, we've made a few other videos. Titled off days. Branded off days. There's something that everybody knows, but all the writing and editing is done by me, so Jeff is just sort of in them. So yeah, people don't know that. I started off as a vagrant on just kind of in the parking lot, and you kind of picked me up and said, hey, we need another body. You've got the look. We shaved you, head to toe, of course. You are blanched or otherwise. You're whitewashed. And I think we're about like 18, 19 episodes deep at this point, more or less. That we've released or that we've produced. Yeah, we've made. Made. I think we're nearing 20. Holy shit. Yeah. What a wild route it's been, but you can watch them on our YouTube
Starting point is 00:04:47 channel at Head Gum and our Facebook channel, Head Gum. People clamoring for Jeffrey to be on our podcast, we finally give the people what they want. We figure this could be... We delayed as long as we could. Yeah. And at a certain point, you just run out of people in your life that you can ask. I feel bad asking my actual friends. Yeah. And I do appreciate it. Plus, you can... We've already touched upon this before, but you've provided a different angle on life. You are 19. 19 years old. You're a teenager. Yeah, right, for now. Although you're more... Of course, for now. You're always your age for now. Yeah. You don't have to say for now. You're just currently aged your age. Gotta, gotta, gotta. Do you feel like a teenager? Because I look at you and I don't see a
Starting point is 00:05:30 teenager. I... People don't think you're 19, right? Yeah. I mean, I feel like... Have you ever had a problem with your fake ID? No. I usually... I mean, first of all, with that, this is my first advice to all the tweensmen out there. Okay. It's just about how you care yourself. You know what I mean? Like, it's about confidence. I know people who look older than me and who get denied. Well, I guess it's easy to be confident when you are a full-bodied man in a 19-year-old's body. Able-bodied. Yeah. Like, when I was 19, I was like 121 pounds and I didn't look like you. So, I couldn't be, like, very confident walking into a bar. Yeah. I feel like I've never really felt my age. I actually, like, I graduated high school year early. Oh, really? I'm graduating college early
Starting point is 00:06:11 and all that kind of thing. I've always had older friends. And, like, my oldest friend is 54 years old. Jesus. My buddy Ivan. Is it your dad? 39 years young. Yeah. And, you know, I have a lot of friends in my 30s. And do you have any friends your age? Oh, no. Absolutely not. I wouldn't hang out with anybody that immature. That's how I like to frame it, but it is the other way around. Yeah, it is weird that I'm, it doesn't feel like I'm 15 years older than you. Yeah. I feel like I'm 30 and you're 26 or something. That's, I mean, that's a theme of my life, sure. But you're constantly hanging out with people that are older than you? Yeah. Yeah. Do you feel like you're 15 years old? What's your age range on Tinder? 45 to 60.
Starting point is 00:06:52 Yeah, no, it is, it's, I think it's like 20 to 80. So it is older. Or 20 to 50, whatever the high end is. Yeah, I mean, I guess it, you know, you're the high end. You are kind of an old soul. And, like, even the words you use, it feel like a little antiquated. Yeah, earlier in the day. Yeah, you call the sandwich you ate divine. Divine, yeah. You speak like an old widower in Boca Raton. I think Jake once called me a 40 year old divorcee. Yeah. And advised me to start wearing a wedding band. I do think you should wear a wedding band. And when somebody asks about your wife, you just sort of look longingly at your ring and say, she's not with us. My buddy, my housemate, and I actually have this running bit that we're like,
Starting point is 00:07:35 we're going to get married and then divorced within the same week so that every time she comes to something that I'm at, I'm like, oh, my ex-wife's coming. Great. Yeah, that's cool. Meryl should be here. Oh, Christ. Here she is on a giant octopus. You're not going to get custody, Cheryl. You're going to get alimony. I'm not going to give you a fucking beer. Here, here's half my heart and both of my nuts. That's what you want. Start cutting them off. Butter knife. Happy now, Meryl. Jeff, you've heard the show before, correct? Yeah. Yeah. So you understand the rules, but just in case anybody listening out there doesn't, this is their first episode, perhaps, this is an advice show. People will email us if
Starting point is 00:08:20 I re-show at gmail.com. Questions, confused about whatever in their life. Jake and I, wise beyond our years ourselves, do our best to advise them out of their situations. Sometimes it's just us. Sometimes we have a friend, Jeff James, in the house for this episode. This is actually good because Jeff does have his shit together more than any other teenager that I know. Yeah, I would say more than most humans, I know. So most of our listeners would want to aspire to be Jeffrey James. So now for three or four or five questions, they can. Yeah. Here's a good one. There's a real email from a real guy. We just need a fake guy's name to preserve his anonymity. D, you got one for us, Jeff. Gaunt. What's that? Gaunt. G-A-U-D.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Gaunt. G-A-U-T. Gaunt. G-A-U-D. Jaunt. Sorry, he keeps saying different letters. I'm trying to catch up. I thought it was Jaunt. Jaunt is too jovial for this man. I can only assume he is. So then in frame and spirit. You're a linguistic illusionist. I don't remember what you said anymore. Hoptical illusion. I don't know what that is. That is, I Googled yesterday, beer puns. Oh, because you're naming the beer that you're brewing. Yeah, yeah. Hoptical illusion is pretty good. Well, I didn't come up with it, so I don't feel like I could use it, but that is a beer pun. All right, I'll come up with one while you're reading this. Well, that means you're not going to pay attention. I am going to pay
Starting point is 00:09:51 attention. I can fucking multitask. Let's come up with one now before I read the first one. For instance, I already came up with, that boy's got hops. That's actually really good. Brown guys can hop. That's good. What's another beer word other than hops that we can sort of use? Malt. Oh, yeah, malt. Oh, you know what a really good beer name is? It would be called hopscotch. That's pretty good. Because it gives you some whiskey notes and a nice hoppy... Like that IPA scotch from Glenfiddic that I gifted to Marty. Yeah, exactly. Exactly right. Hopscotch. What about hopscotch? Hopscotch. Hopscotch. Hopscotch is pretty good. Malteser. You know, like the candy. Yeah, that's nice too.
Starting point is 00:10:40 Oh, there's that one taken. It's taken, man. By the candy. I can see that. All right, ready? John gontgott writes, hey guys, for the past four years I've kept a diary. Basically just recording stuff that I've done throughout my daily life that I feel I might want to remember one day. I know it seems weird to some people, like my girlfriend, but I'm just kind of sentimental and meticulous. I think it runs in my family because my dad and sister keep diaries too. I handwrite them all in calligraphy. Then I scan them and type them up. That way I have both a photographic and text record of them. I know I'm truly a bitch and a nerd. Recently I discovered that I had old-scanned diary entries from 2013 that I hadn't typed up yet. So for the past few days
Starting point is 00:11:25 I've been spending hours typing them up when my girlfriend and I, who live together, are chilling or doing our own thing. This is where the trouble started. Today I was typing up one of them and my girlfriend saw that my ex-girlfriend was mentioned in the old diary entry. She's mentioned in a lot of them because we were dating at the time. She got angry and kept accusing me of thinking about my girlfriend like she thinks I'm reading these old diary entries fantasizing about my ex. I was miserable with her. She was super controlling and just in general treated me like garbage. I kept reassuring her that I really have no feelings for a girl I dated in 2013, but she won't listen and keeps telling me to fuck off anytime I get near her. Also,
Starting point is 00:12:06 she mentioned that too many of my diary entries from that year are about her. So I'm wondering if she's secretly reading them. She said that she caught a glance when one of the pages fell out of a binder, but now I'm starting to wonder if the real reason the pages fell out was because she'd been reading my diary even though I specifically asked her not to. And even though I told her one of the controlling things I didn't like about my ex-girlfriend was that she would always read my diary, then get mad at me about the thoughts I had, like that some friend of a friend was cute or whatever. You guys once said that cheating is up to the person being cheated on to define. So does my girlfriend have a case for saying that me typing up these old entries
Starting point is 00:12:47 is kind of unfaithful? Should I just do me or am I a baddie? Love, jagot. Oh my god. First of all, you're not a baddie because that's that's not what that means. That's like if that's like a really attractive woman. Oh, that's what I see. Yeah, I didn't know that. I feel like if you if this is how you behave with a diary and this girl hasn't broken up with you, then you should do whatever you can to lock it down. Oh, because you think diaries are so lame that this girl diaries aren't lame, but writing them in calligraphy, scanning them and then transcribing them. That's that's a lot of time for some real bullshit. That's a lot of effort. That's I can just imagine this guy like 50 shades of gray style, like being like,
Starting point is 00:13:33 let me show you something and then taking him her into this room full of binders saying, this is the transcript of my life, honey. It's way less hot than being domed. You're being emotionally domed. That's why this is a perfect case for my new app, which is a microchip that you put in the back of your throat surgically that logs and captures every word you say electronically. So it's not really an app as much as it's a microchip in your throat. Yeah, it's wearable tech of sorts. And then you could be like, you can use the app to search. Have I ever said see saw battlefield? And it'll be like, according to the archives, you've never said those two words together. Okay, that's just now when you search for them.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Yeah. Have I ever said fell by the waist side? Is it waist side or waist side? It's waist side. I think it's waist side, but I don't know. You don't need the app to know whether it's way or waist. I need the app to know the weather. Amir said it. What purpose? How is your life going to change if you know whether or not he says waist or waist side? Any little bit of knowledge. Touche. Touche. Well, Touche is the name of the app. I don't want this argument to fall by the waist side. Very good. So bad. You could just make this an app on a phone because you have your phone most of the time.
Starting point is 00:15:02 Yeah, but I don't think... Do you really need it to be inside your throat? I think so because then it would capture whispers. It would capture things that happen in the shower. Also, if the tech is inside you, it's not wearable tech. It's scarable as heck. For the low, low price of invasive surgery, elective or otherwise. For the low, low, low, low price of invasive surgery. It could be part of a Lasik thing. So they'll laser it open and then put it there. Put her there. Put her there like someone's hand. But it really is just a high risk surgery.
Starting point is 00:15:38 Do you feel like this is the diary that he's keeping? Is a big enough waste of time that if he has forgotten to transcribe a sizeable chunk, he should just not do it? Yeah, my question was, how old is he? He's, let's say 23, a complete guess. And what is he doing where he has enough time to transcribe everything? I'm not trying to make like now it's just an obsessive slash part time job. He's got some kind of weird compulsion. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:07 But I mean, my real problem with it is like, it's way too much time. You're writing in calligraphy, photographing and transcribing. Yeah. Just do one thing. He's also taking aerial photos of him writing in calligraphy so he can make sweet little montages about certain days in his life. Dearest Edna, I write to you every night. I mean, yeah.
Starting point is 00:16:28 Cross dissolve too. I think of you fondly. Cross dissolve too, forever yours. I guess like you... Jobbed. He probably thinks of this as like, oh, this is like sleek, it's meticulous, it's archived, it's like, it's a great system. Yeah. But he's spending so much time, like if he needed to go back and reference
Starting point is 00:16:48 something that he said or wrote, it would probably be more beneficial to have him just like flip through the pages than to, you know, have spent hours and hours transcribing is what I'm trying to say. My really low effort version of this is like taking photos of things that I think are interesting or like looked cool. But even then I put it on my computer and I never go back and look. Sure. So like, I don't know what the heck, those are like just photos that are like actually fun
Starting point is 00:17:15 to look at. I don't know what he's doing with these tomes of binders filled with paragraphs about things that happened to him that day. He's just, I mean, this isn't even his question. So yeah. So we're picking on it for keeping a diary. But not for keeping a diary, for doing it this hard. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:31 And in volumes, I just think it's a little hubristic to be like, let me chronicle this for the, for posterity. Future historians will want to know how I dealt with my acts. Yeah. Especially in calligraphy. Yeah. What does he have to do with a fucking quill? He's spending so much time on this.
Starting point is 00:17:50 Why not spend this time fostering healthy communication with his girlfriend? Like, not right now. I'm writing about my ex who I hated. No, I'm just transcribing what I had written about the ex who I hated. So specifically, does this girlfriend have a case to be jealous? Maybe she's annoyed at the diary and manifesting it as annoyed at the girlfriend because she can't be like, I hate your diary. I also think it's more justifiable to like let him be into it if it's, if he's writing
Starting point is 00:18:20 about her or at least other things. So I don't know, I think she has a case. Whoa. You think she could be jealous? That might be the hot take. She could be jealous. I mean, I don't think, I think jealousy is born out of communication issues, but I think that... Well said.
Starting point is 00:18:36 So maybe, maybe it depends on how he had this conversation with her because he says that he told her all these bad things about his ex, but and one of, and like has expressed to her in point, like in black and white that it really bothered him when she read his diary and vice versa with her, with the current girlfriend. She should respect that, but he also shouldn't be chronicling his day-to-day life in binders. So I think that's my conclusion. We'll call it a wash right now. Y'all are even.
Starting point is 00:19:02 You're crazy. She's crazy. You deserve each other. Yeah, it's just too much time to be transcribing the diaries. You're fixating on the time. I know. I know. It's a huge thing though.
Starting point is 00:19:13 I can't quit. I wish I knew how to quit you. It's just, it's just too much. You have to choose. Is it like cathartic for him to write the diary? It must be some weird compulsion. He must like to do it slash feel like he needs to do it. Because it's been so long at this point.
Starting point is 00:19:29 But like I, I, I maybe whatever. Fine. I think that the girl definitely read this diary. Yeah. Yeah. She read the diary. Nobody likes to like read about your ex. So she's upset.
Starting point is 00:19:41 Yeah. I don't think this girl has a case to be mad at you about writing for about your ex girlfriend. I think that's kind of mean. I don't think so either. But like also what you, what you're digging your heels in on right now, or like your right to write about your ex or your right to transcribe the calligraphy from three years ago. So just like drop it and do it in secret on your own time somewhere.
Starting point is 00:20:05 Also, I, I'm looking to get some custom invitations made. So if you can send me some handwriting examples of this calligraphy, I'd love to take a look. What sort of felt tip pen are you using the tasteful thickness of it all? Is it serif, sans serif? What kind of flourishes are you adding? Tasteful thickness of it all. What's the invitation for?
Starting point is 00:20:26 Oh, I'm getting divorced. What a slap in the face. And I want you to be there for it. I'm inviting everyone who's at the wedding. They deserve to see how the story ends. To my lawyer's up. All right. Here's another question from another guy.
Starting point is 00:20:45 Do you have his name? From a guy? Mm-hmm. How old is he? You know, he didn't say. The subject is sex noises. I'm going to say Top Clef.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Jean? Yeah, Top Clef. Why Clef's brother Top Clef? It's, I was thinking more of like a food networks branching out into music. Oh, I see. So Top Chef. Yeah. As a music.
Starting point is 00:21:10 That's a cool idea. Top Clef might be a cool. Let's sew a name for this email more my pitch. On what? For this music show. Top Chef doing music. It's still hosted by. Why Clef?
Starting point is 00:21:27 Sure. What about Girl Fieri as a Halloween costume? Gal Fieri? He's been the whole night just eating. So for Halloween, I went to Denny's and I got 30 moons over my hand. He dressed up as Gal Fieri. What did your buddies say? Who?
Starting point is 00:21:48 So you went alone to Denny's? I have no friends. For I am Gal Fieri. All right. Top Clef writes, My brother and I currently live at home with our parents because our jobs don't pay either of us enough to move out on our own. It's a two bedroom apartment with a loft.
Starting point is 00:22:04 Before we moved into the apartment, my brother said that he wanted the loft to be his room and that I can have the second bedroom. The loft overlooks the living room and has no walls or doors. Recently, my brother started bringing home his girlfriend over to spend nights and things have been getting a little uncomfortable. There have been several occasions when I have been woken up in the middle of the night by loud moans and groans of them having sex. My father usually sleeps on the couch.
Starting point is 00:22:27 Don't get it. Oh what? The couch, which is directly below their loft. And neither he nor my mother are heavy sleepers. I can only imagine what they've heard. Honestly, I don't care what my brother and this girl do in their private time, except this is not really private. I don't know why having my father sleep below in the living room isn't enough of a deterrent for him.
Starting point is 00:22:46 It would be for me. For them to be loud enough for me to hear them through a closed door is not only annoying and disruptive, but also shows a complete lack of respect for anyone in the apartment. So what should I do? Thanks, Topcliff. Dude's fucking jealous. He wants to fuck his brother. It's clear.
Starting point is 00:23:10 I mean, he wants to hook up. This guy's going through the loft life, brother. This is like two parents, it's a family living like the Rosenbergs used to in New York, which is three, three, just like four guys living, Dave's sleeping in a closet, somebody else sleeping in the loft, all of them fucking paper thin. Everybody, everyone's door in that apartment was a sliding closet door. So they brought ladies home and it's just like, I live in this pen. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:23:39 We have to fuck here. In this pile. Yeah, except instead of Hank being in the room, it's this person's dad. Father. Yeah. So this guy who's living this hashtag loft life has probably convinced himself that his dad's asleep so that he can put that in the back of his mind enough to get off, even though he probably knows that people can hear.
Starting point is 00:24:02 I was with the guy, I was with like the brother for a spell. Because I'm like, you know, you're the brother. Because you, you know, I thought it was two guys living like two brothers, their parents playing, paying for helping. Yeah. But with the whole family, first of all, no son of mine is going to get the loft over me. I'm only on the couch if my wife to be is pissed. Daddy's getting the loft, brother.
Starting point is 00:24:24 If I'm in the doghouse for having another beer with the boys. Exactly, you're right. Instead of coming home again on a, oh shit, I forgot, it was our anniversary. Christ, Cheryl, it's 19, it's not a big one. I'm sleeping on the couch. I'm hearing my boy fucking give it to this girl. There's a chance the dad likes it, right? Yeah, none of us are parents, so we don't know the type of feeling we would have
Starting point is 00:24:48 if our son was having sex and we could hear it. Are we a little bit proud? Yeah, this is, this is what, yes, all women is railing, people like that, being like, all right. Yeah, my boy, if he's railing somebody out, good for him. Well, they're having, But nobody better touch my fucking daughter. I didn't even mention daughter, I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about a boy.
Starting point is 00:25:11 Have you ever heard your brother had sex? I don't think I've heard him have sex, but maybe I, oh wait, yeah, I guess I have, yeah. So when you were fucking him, he was being loud? That's actually, that's totally enough out of your head. It was the same joke, man, I'm just fucking around, do you guess? That's not funny, it's actually. Sexual harassment. That I'm doing it or what?
Starting point is 00:25:37 And we do have to take it. You're the boss, baby. We all crack open a beer. I guess, but like, that's not bother, I've never been in a position where I was like, hey, I know that you're waking up mom and dad. Also, dad is sleeping out underneath your room. I think it depends on if it's the older or younger brother. I think if it's the younger brother, you would say if it's an older brother,
Starting point is 00:26:03 it's kind of a weirder position. Well, the whole thing is weird. The whole thing is fucked. It's a frat house. People are fucking in the loft. Dad's sleeping on the sofa? I guess I would say no, no girlfriends in the loft when it's, my parents are there. Yeah, are the parents visiting or do they all live there?
Starting point is 00:26:20 They all live there. We'll wonk a style. Bad. Grandparents there too. Alternating feet, head to toe in a bed. Glass elevator, all inclusive. And every time they step out of the house, they kind of summer salt on to the ground and stand back up.
Starting point is 00:26:37 Is that not a little fucked up that Charlie's grandpa only got out of bed when Charlie got a golden ticket? Yeah, yeah. He's earned it. He could fucking walk the entire time. He wasn't bedridden. Yeah, for my graduation, you weren't that excited, grandpa Joe. You said you were too sick to walk.
Starting point is 00:26:52 I'm so old and frail. Oh, I got this ticket. You could take care of you in this fucking bed for years. And now I've got an opportunity to go meet Willy Wonka. Willy Wonka, he said. Jump out of bed. So let me get my britches. Sorry, grandpa Joe, you're a little opportunistic and manipulative, aren't you?
Starting point is 00:27:07 I'm starting to think you like candy more than you like me. Here, my boy. Quiet, Charlie. Out of my way, I want a candy bar. He's got a golden ticket. Grandpa Joseph, I've got a golden ticket. Well, it's actually... And I haven't even decided who I want to take yet.
Starting point is 00:27:22 There's four grandparents in here. I'm going to turn into a large blueberry. No, you're not. I'm going to bring grandma. Wait, fuck. Oh, I'm so sick. This might be our last day together. This kid's got two options.
Starting point is 00:27:39 Uno, I think he trades rooms. Of course. He's like, hey, you know what? You should take the room with the door because you have a girlfriend, you deserve privacy, and everybody can hear you fucking her. So do that. You got the loft you deserve. The other one is...
Starting point is 00:27:56 Oh, God. Ouch. To the X degree. Last night got the loft, but tonight I bounced back. Nice. The other one, he can move out. Yeah, but he can't financially afford it. I think if you're not in a financial position
Starting point is 00:28:15 to live on your own, move out of your parents' place, you don't earn the right to fuck in an open loft. To be in a sexual position. Yeah, if you're making six figures, you can fuck in front of anyone. If you're making six figures, you can fuck on your mom, on the couch while your dad's sleeping there. Yeah, exactly right. And it can be your mom that you're fucking...
Starting point is 00:28:32 He'll be watching his Roku TV and you're just fucking... What is that? It's the sound of sex. There's a little dick coming out of your mouth and you do that. Oh, that's the sound of aliens. This is the sound of sex? Do it again? It is kinda...
Starting point is 00:28:51 Oh, it's kinda slow though. Slower, so go a little slower. That's a fucking... This is foul. It's a flush metronome. Have you ever had sex with a parental unit nearby? No. Plusy.
Starting point is 00:29:03 Yes. You have? It was a disaster. What... Describe it in grave detail. Oh, no. Oh, the detail should be graver still, young Jeffrey. Graver and graver until we're completely submerged in the grave.
Starting point is 00:29:17 You don't have to tell us. Yeah, never mind, man. Legally. That voice, um... In fact, it was illegal of you to ask. I had sex with my girlfriend's parents in the room. In the room? In the room.
Starting point is 00:29:28 They were in the room where it happened. The room where it happened. The room where it happened. The dad's putting on a fucking musical outside. I wanna be in the room. Why do you assume you're the only ones in the room? Where... was it a hotel? It was a motel.
Starting point is 00:29:48 Oh, really? A Holiday Inn. It was... A Holiday Inn Express. No, it was in my studio apartment. We hosted you and your girlfriend fucking in your studio apartment. Your parents are in the studio. Her parents.
Starting point is 00:30:06 I wouldn't dare. Even weirder. Even weirder that you invited her parents to be accepted. Oh, yeah. I mean, that's more affordable than I thought. I did also get a blowjob once in a hotel room that I was sharing with my mother. By my girlfriend. Not my mom.
Starting point is 00:30:23 That was the gist. No further questions. You want... Your mom's gonna hear that. She probably knows. Now. She was wide awake. Yeah, it was 2 p.m.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Everyone was watching. It was hot when you're young. You do a lot of fucking rain man. Sorry, I feel like I'm being put on blast. I'm just being vulnerable in front of y'all. And Jeffrey's fucking said he's done this. And he's grilling me just as hard as you are. Mr. I Never Got Late.
Starting point is 00:30:55 You wouldn't have if you had the opportunity. Oh, I wouldn't. I would not have sex in front of my parents if I had the... It wasn't in front of them. That's not what happened, he said. They were out cold and it wasn't my parents. It was her parents. He said you got a blowjob with your mother.
Starting point is 00:31:08 That's not fucking... It was within the same least space. It wasn't in front of them. I'm not trying to justify it. It wasn't a goddamn sex show. Well, you don't know which way they were facing. It could have been in front of them. Exqueef?
Starting point is 00:31:22 Did you orgasm? Exqueef me? Did you orgasm? In which situation? The blowjob. Yes. If you must know. And that's the last question I'll answer on the subject.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Of course, I'm mostly done. Absolutely of jorts. Did we answer this guy's question? I don't know if Jeffrey had sex with his parents in the room. No, absolutely not. You just saw the blast that I was put on and you're changing your team. Yeah, absolutely. I'm seeing a different tune.
Starting point is 00:31:51 I guess what's the closest you've been to your parents is a question anybody can answer. Yeah, and I don't want to. His question was have you heard a sibling have sex? And then the other one was what do I tell his brother? To get away from this shabazz napier. Actually, his only question is what should I do? How about we just answer what would you do if I were you? All right.
Starting point is 00:32:14 I'm close enough to my brother where I could say, hey, we can all hear you. I can hear you fucking in my room, which means dad can right below you, which means probably mom can because it's a very small apartment. Right. You're right. I would probably not tell my brothers, but maybe tell my parents. Asshole.
Starting point is 00:32:29 You fucking narc. You would narc your brother. You ass. I would assume my father can hear. It should come from him. No. Okay. Disagree.
Starting point is 00:32:37 What I would, I would fucking call a house meeting. Right at the time. Let's, I would make it a fun game. Let's play who can hear. A Chinese fire drill for the ages. Marcus, I can only assume is his brother's name. You get the couch tomorrow. I fucking move into the loft and daddio gets the room.
Starting point is 00:32:58 Can we agree on that? And your girlfriend still gets the loft. Marcus. That's right. You'll be sleeping with mother. The funds. Hey, you hit a jukebox. It just breaks.
Starting point is 00:33:09 It really hurt your hand. It's shards of glass. Oh, fuck. The wrong song starts playing. Come in your eye. Fly me to the pooms. Nice. Let's take a break.
Starting point is 00:33:23 Sad on the inside. We'll thank a few sponsors. And we'll be back with a few more Q's and A's with Jeezen James. Your name is Jeezen now. Yeah. And I'm James. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. Thank you, BetterHelp.
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Starting point is 00:36:18 We have returned. We have returned. Jeff, have you ever been to Australia? Yeah. Really? I've been to Sydney. Really? In the Melbourne.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Oh, yeah. Been to, who was that? I was going to go like, Roy? Oh, no. Yes. I regret doing Maya. And my sister's long time boyfriend is actually from Australia. Wow.
Starting point is 00:36:39 In Adonis. Really? Yeah, I think I've told you about it. You did. Yeah, he said he was in Adonis. Yeah, Oxford graduate, Rhodes scholar. Jesus. Sir Jack Fuller.
Starting point is 00:36:49 Sir? Soon to be Sir. He's knighted? He's knighted in my eyes. A Greek god. And eyes in my night. He once cycled from Sydney to Melbourne. You know how many miles that is?
Starting point is 00:36:59 No. Neither do I, but it's very similar to San Francisco. We couldn't drive it. I remember that. Because they do kilometers. Exactly right. That's probably like 400 miles, right? Of course.
Starting point is 00:37:08 And he was like on a fucking whim too. He's like, he like woke up one day and he's like, yeah. Let's fucking drive. But yeah, oh god damn it. Can I see a picture of him? Oh, absolutely. He's hot. He's, oh my god.
Starting point is 00:37:18 My sister and him are a fucking power couple. And then you see me, my sister works for Penn America. She's like worked with Hassan Minaj, brought him over and like and fucking. Do you think they had a Minaj? That's the fourth time you've brought this shit. Fourth? Of course. While you look that up, I should say that I brought it up because we're
Starting point is 00:37:42 Jake and Eric going to Australia. We're doing shows in Melbourne and Sydney with Streeter on March 16th and March 18th. Tickets still available on, if I reshow. I might do that fucking biking thing. The one where you bike from one to the other. If we have to be Melbourne. Because Melbourne is the 16th. And then Sydney's the Saturday.
Starting point is 00:37:57 We have two days. We have Sydney's on Saturday. I don't think you can bike 200 miles in two days. So I could fucking whip it on a whim. Whip it good. Whip it real good. It's a divo style. You just get hit by a bus in Sydney.
Starting point is 00:38:11 That would mean I made it. I get hit by a bus on Sunday after the show. Unrelated. Peak physical condition. All right, we got a picture yet or not yet? I absolutely, oh god. I can't choose. It's so hot.
Starting point is 00:38:26 We're also in Austin, Texas. Have you ever been to Austin, Texas? I've been, I've never been to Austin actually. I've been to San Antonio and that's it. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. San Antonio. I had a film in the San Antonio Film Festival.
Starting point is 00:38:37 How? When? I was, it was, this is, I'm sorry. This guy kind of looks like me. What do you see? You asked me. He frankly does. I'd like to, I can't see.
Starting point is 00:38:47 It's too far away. It's just fun to me to hear that my, my, my sister's your son of a bitch. I'm handing the phone to you. You won't even lean forward. Your hand is so frail. They both work in New York, right? My, he works at BCG makes, well, I'm not going to say how he makes, but you know.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Six figures. Yeah, you know, so, so you know, you compare those fucking power couples and then you're looking at me and I'm like, yeah, I'm trying to be funny and shit, you know. We pay you around $200,000 a year. Yeah, but that's like not the six figures that he makes. Yeah, he makes close to seven. Yeah, he's a sharp dude. I just, yeah, he does kind of look like Jake.
Starting point is 00:39:23 He does. I'm sorry. This is, this is the, this is the power couple. And I mean, I, I graduated Oxford, but I wasn't a Rhodes Scholar. That's pretty tough. You, so you graduated Oxford? I went to Oxford. Yeah, I graduated from Oxford.
Starting point is 00:39:34 You graduate, you have a degree from Oxford. A degree? That's what graduated me. Right. No, I graduated from Oxford. I graduated from Oxford. Like, you're like missing a word, but it didn't. I graduated Oxford.
Starting point is 00:39:45 It's like I'm above that shit. Like I graduated the idea of going there. Yeah, that's. Yeah, I'm a wordsmith. I graduated Oxford. You're talking. I graduated that way of thinking. Do you know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:39:58 You're talking the opposite of circles around us, because we know exactly what's happening. It's a roadblock. You're very much so stagnant and we've kind of cornered you. Yeah, I'm puddled. You've talked yourself into a corner. You've puddled me. Indiana Jones style, just face melt.
Starting point is 00:40:12 Only you don't make it under that dropping door. You've been crushed by the weight of logic. You imagine if in Raiders, he the bolder bested him. I do like the idea of him, like, sliding under the thing, reaching his hand back for the hat. Yeah, that's just fucking right. Got stuck. No!
Starting point is 00:40:30 The hat wasn't that important. I could have just bought a new hat. Why did it have to be hats? Why did it have to be hats? Why did it have to be hats? We're going to Austin as well. South by Saturday. Saturday.
Starting point is 00:40:45 It's not only our show, but a bunch of other head gum shows. So if you're in Austin or you're out in Australia, take it still available. Don't delay. Just buy them now. Today! Then you can get it over with. What's that?
Starting point is 00:40:55 That's an alternative way of sex noises. Oh, will you do that, or I'll do that. Yeah, and then you do the squish. And then I'll do the guy's noise. Gah, gah, gah, goo, goo, goo, oops! All right. It was an accident the whole time. Holy shit.
Starting point is 00:41:18 Or whatever, or the on-purpose way too. You think there's an accident way and an on-purpose way? Yeah, you can fall into or just do it for reals. How many times in your life have you fallen into love? Oh, God. Not love. Falling into love is always an accident, folks. Wow.
Starting point is 00:41:38 Can you explain what that means? Say more about that. I'm really curious. I actually wrote my thesis on this. This is what? Hm? Wasn't it Oxford? What is that?
Starting point is 00:41:46 It was at Oxford. I wrote my thesis at Oxford on this on love. On Oxford Road. On the human condition. Okay. I don't want to hear more. Let's answer another question. This one's called Velcro Wallet.
Starting point is 00:42:00 Oh, no. Do you have a Velcro Wallet? Excuse you. Absolutely I don't have a Velcro Wallet. I had a by-fold, then Jake upgraded me with the fucking card thing. Oh, you have that little just-a-card thing now. I upgraded you? Oh.
Starting point is 00:42:16 It's a billfold of sorts. Oh, that's very, very tasteful. Shinola brand. Of course. Quite nice. Who's your American guy? Shinola. Let's see if I can take a bite out of this.
Starting point is 00:42:28 Yeah. It's sweet. Yeah, I got through it. See that? Cards in my mouth. Your gums are bleeding. Uh-huh. You better believe it.
Starting point is 00:42:37 You thought it was fruit leather. What is this card that you just gave me? Buy nine sandwiches, get 50% off your 10. That's my punch card from the sandwich you got earlier. That is a fucking bad deal. And out there, then. Is it worth 50% off the 10th? That's like-
Starting point is 00:42:51 Give it to me for free. On a $10 sandwich. Give it to me, babe. What did you buy this? I don't know, last fall? Good shit. It was definitely an autumnal purchase. I can't quite pin it down to the year.
Starting point is 00:43:05 All right, Velcro Wallet. Oh, what's this guy's name? This guy's name is Clarence. All right. It's how you say it, not how you spell it. Spell it V-I-T. Clarence. That's pronounced Clarence, but I spell it like it.
Starting point is 00:43:25 It is very- You gotta say it like Jimmy Stewart from, uh, fucking, um- You can't say it like Jimmy Stewart. Clarence. You're not another movie. Yeah, no, it's a wonderful life. I said it first. Perfect.
Starting point is 00:43:37 I'm not usually the type of person that cares too much about what people think about me. Judging by the subject of your email, we don't think so. You've already emailed in, so you do very much. But a recent predicament has really stopped me in my tracks, and I was wondering what your thoughts on this situation would be. I have this wallet that I've had since I was 14, which fastens with Velcro. I've really never thought too much about it. It's always just been my wallet.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Recently, though, one of my friends was making fun of someone for having a Velcro wallet, and I imagined, and I mentioned that I had one. All of my friends proceeded to make fun of it, and apparently this is something that a whole, the whole world agrees is weird slash childish. But up till this point, I just wasn't even aware of this perception. Like I said, I've never thought about it. It's just practical, and I've never saw any reason to buy a new one. So my question is, should I buy a new wallet to avoid mockery,
Starting point is 00:44:28 or would the true loser thing be to do something just because people made fun of me? It's not like they go out, uh, they go on about it all day, but whenever I pull out one, let's pull it out on a night, they'll laugh at me. However, my fear is that if I buy a new one, they'll think it's even funnier than I did, because they laughed, they did so just because they laughed at me. If that makes any sense to you, uh, yeah. Dealer's choice. That makes a lot of sense to me.
Starting point is 00:44:53 This is something I've experienced in this office. Yeah. The KeySmart. The KeySmart. So I bought online a, a, a key organizer called the KeySmart. This is insane. This is a free advertisement for a fucking KeySmart. Kind of, because I'm going to come out against it.
Starting point is 00:45:09 Yeah, we're the story goes. So just so you guys know, we're not getting paid under the table. That's right. So it's basically with this little wrench key organizer. So I have five keys instead of dangling about. I put them in this KeySmart. It treats, it puts them into like this harmonica sized metal holder. My, I, I bring it out, I bring it to the office instantly.
Starting point is 00:45:29 Everyone's making fun of me. First of all, I did not make fun of you. Okay, Marty and Whitney. Yeah. Made fun of me. Yes. They thought it was stupid. They thought I was dumb for buying it, who buy stuff off Facebook advertisements.
Starting point is 00:45:41 They thought it looked silly. They thought it wasn't practical. Why don't I just get one of those key, what's it called, the carabiner things? It's like, yeah, I think everyone has one. Yeah, that thing. But I don't like that thing. That thing jingles and you have to fasten it to your belt. I'd rather just have a key chain of sorts that I can shove in my pocket when necessary.
Starting point is 00:46:02 I like that it fastens to my belt because I don't lose them. And I frankly like a jingle because I know they're there. Also, the way, the way I do it is you clip it and then you like slide it into your back pocket. So you get the best of both, best of both girls. So you sit down, where does it go? Is it still in your pocket or do you take it out? Even best part, first of all, it's in your pocket. Second of all, you can kind of slide it.
Starting point is 00:46:22 So you're at like, it's not actually under you. It's to the side of you. Yeah, it's, it's, there's not really a jingle on this, except when you take it out, when you're walking around. With this one, we are sponsored by, it's Apple. I mean, I love these things. Is it Apple-less? It is Apple-less.
Starting point is 00:46:37 I got mine for over on third. So, but now I'm in the situation where if I didn't have the KeySmart anymore, suddenly I'm opened up to even more mockery. Apple-less indeed. Because you changed your attitude based on us mocking you. It's kind of like this weird emotional chess where it's like, we'll make fun of you if you get it. We'll make fun of you even more if you change it.
Starting point is 00:46:57 I know what you did. You doubled down. You made the background of your phone at KeySmart. That's what I did. I said, I held so firmly my pride that I made the back of my phone at KeySmart. I was thinking about getting everyone KeySmart's for gifts. I think you changed your phone number to 188 KeySmart. Which is too many told.
Starting point is 00:47:18 Not even legal. So I'm getting calls a day. I'm a sales rep. If you take away like the, you know, the tug of war, like you're gonna make fun of me. No, I'm gonna make fun of me. Like that type of thing. Do you like the KeySmart? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:33 I mean, I like the KeySmart even with the tug of war. That's why I got the KeySmart. I think it changed my life for the better. Like I had a ton of keys, thick and otherwise. And the KeySmart is the only thing that's with me thick and thin. Because I have five keys and when I put them in my pocket, they always like, they wouldn't fit snugly. Yeah, before you had loose keys in whichever pocket you'd use.
Starting point is 00:47:55 Yeah, one in my shirt pocket, two in my shoes. This thing kept it organized, kept it flat and makes it so that I can carry it conveniently. And best of all, it's three times as heavy as the keys. Well, it's not that heavy. And it's easy to find because it's green. I also think, I mean, do you have it on you right now? No, I left it on myself. There's a bit of a difference because the KeySmart is a solution to a problem.
Starting point is 00:48:18 And it basically acts as the same as what we have, Jake. But it isn't, like the Velcro wallet, everyone has a wallet. They all serve the same purpose. Yeah. And it is like, you know, unless it's like Givenchy or some shite. Where it's like a G-Bong shake. God bless you. Like, I think it is like, it is looked upon as like kind of childish, kind of youthful.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Right. But then can't you, can't it that this guy's had it since he was 14? That should be reason enough to upgrade. Yeah. And I think that it would be more of a personal development, a step in his in-growth, than it would be cowardice. Right. But I can see his fear of like, oh my God, you changed your wallet because we made fun of you.
Starting point is 00:48:58 Then that opens up more making fun of. That being said, if he divorces that line of thinking, if he was going to get a new wallet anyway, although it would be kind of a fun fuck you to get a new Velcro wallet. Oh, yeah. The Velcro was like, kind of like coming on John, yeah. But present it like, hey guys, got a new wallet. And then they all start laughing like, yeah. Check it out.
Starting point is 00:49:19 Two strips. I don't like that. Double security. You could get a Velcro, like I think like Herschel makes smaller, slicker, hipper Velcro wallet. Yeah. You could still get a Velcro wallet. Remember when your brother got that clutch, the mill clutch?
Starting point is 00:49:34 Oh man, I made fun of him so much for that. Does he, does he, I can't even wear it, but does he hold it? He never, not anymore. A folio of sorts. He did, I mean, it was, that was the craziest. And I made fun of him so much. I was like, you have a purse. Like, and it's not even a convenient one.
Starting point is 00:49:51 Yeah. With a strap, you have a wallet that doesn't fit in your pocket. You have a clutch. I was like, it's the dumbest thing in the world. All of the things that you don't want to drop, now you have to hold outside of your pants. But it is fun. Like, why do we even make, like, why are you so angry about your brother getting this clutch? I guess it's because I respect him in most regards.
Starting point is 00:50:13 And then he like, he made this one horrific misstep that I needed to, I needed to correct so I could continue to be proud of him. Or is it like when he, is it like this weird thing where it's like, if he changes, then I'll feel like I helped him out in some way. Yeah. I mean, I guess that there's a little bit of that. I think it was, I was more tied to my pride of being like, my brother's a cool guy. And then I saw him do something that was uncool.
Starting point is 00:50:37 Like this needs to be corrected quickly. Yeah. Does this ever happen to you? Make fun of group mentality or either, on either side? My housemates, and this would be great to get your guys' opinion on this on the record. My housemates made fun of me for, I live with like seven people in this house, because I'm, go to USC, fight on. University of South Carolina, you should say.
Starting point is 00:51:02 Yeah, go Gamecocks, maybe. No, but I had like, I mean, I like to cook every now and then. And so, and I like one of the things I like to make are like really gourmet grilled cheeses, right? We're talking four cheese blend. We're looking at Gouda Parmesan. Yeah, actually I'll never, I've never done Parmesan, but Gouda Gruyere. Second cheese, you're already live.
Starting point is 00:51:20 Sharp cheddar and provolone mix. You know Gouda, and a Gouda with Parmesan is a nice kick. Yeah. Real nice kick. Very nutty, very smoky. You should toss in that Parmesan, yeah. Maybe I will. All right, good stuff.
Starting point is 00:51:30 And so like, I like to have softened butter. So I have like, I would just put it out on a plate. And so like, it was just butter out in the open, which I feel like is a pretty normal thing in Italian kitchens and such. Not that I'm Italian. They fucking, they fucking razzed me. These ass. They chided my ass.
Starting point is 00:51:46 They chastised me and castrated me. And baptized me. They fucking splashed me with holy water and it sizzled. The baptism by fire. And I was just like, this is a normal thing. I grew, I always grew up with a butter tray. So I got, and I, they were just like, then get a butter tray. And I fucking got a butter tray.
Starting point is 00:52:04 I, I, I've absolutely caved. What were they make fun of you for? You just had the butter out on a plate. Yeah, I mean, because I didn't, I'm not going to buy a butter tray. And unless they fucking make fun of me, which they did. Well, if it's such an eyesore for you guys, then I'll get a butter tray. So they're like, why did you leave butter out on a plate? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:21 And I'm like, and then I'm like, because that's a normal thing to do, because you need soft butter, otherwise you have to put it in the microwave. And they're like, yeah, just put it in the microwave. Like, no, because then it melts. And then the rest of it's still hard as ice. I'm like, what are you talking about? Put it in the microwave. I mean, they're right to get a butter tray.
Starting point is 00:52:34 Yeah. To tell you to get a butter tray. I mean, aesthetically, to be sure. For sure. Yeah. But then once you got the butter tray where they're like, see, this is what you should do. No, they were like, it's still insane.
Starting point is 00:52:41 You have soft butter out. I'm like, what? I can't win with you guys. I mean, I guess the question really is like, how much, don't you want your friends approval for stuff? Like you do value their opinion. Yeah. But then sometimes it can get to the point where they,
Starting point is 00:52:57 like sometimes it's true, like with your brother and his clutch, I can see that it's kind of objectively one way or another. Right. Then there's some stuff where it's like, what if you fundamentally disagree? Like the key smart. The key smart for an example, I prefer it. Or like the thing in my car to mount my phone. Oh, the eye clever.
Starting point is 00:53:17 Yeah. I mean, the theme here is that Marty makes fun of you for literally everything you do. Right. But sometimes I kind of agree with it subconsciously. And sometimes I'm like, that's, I think you're wrong and I'm right. Yeah. I think in the end, and this is, it was part of it was that it's in a shared kitchen space. So that's why I wanted to get it.
Starting point is 00:53:32 And it just, it does look better. So I wouldn't have gotten it if I didn't. Jeff, this was five questions ago. The butter thing. You haven't let, you haven't let it go. Where are you putting the butter on? Yeah, margarine. On the cheese.
Starting point is 00:53:44 In the grilled cheese sandwich or on top. Have you ever made a grilled cheese? You butter the pan. You butter the bread. And the bread. You butter the pan? You butter the bread. I butter the bread.
Starting point is 00:53:51 I pour a little bit of olive oil into the thing and that creates a little bit of a disconnect between the bread and allows the cheese and heat to melt the cheese while toasting. Do you do a little, do you do a little garlic and salt and pepper in the olive oil as it's heating up? Very good. Go fuck yourself. I love, garlic makes everything better. And you leave, you leave the garlic press? Excuse me, I'm talking to you.
Starting point is 00:54:13 Would you have a garlic press? Yes. Skipped it to me by my lovely mother. Do you leave the butter out throughout the day or just during the meal? Oh, I mean, it depends. I mean, it's just, if you get a new stick of butter, you put half of it on the butter tray. And then you just leave that butter tray out in the open? Of course.
Starting point is 00:54:26 So all day, all night, the butter's outside. Outside, exactly right. That is interesting. I've never seen that. You know what I might have done in your situation is just buy soft butter. Just move out. Because you can buy the top of butter that's already soft. Yeah, I also might be a good idea, but I like the natural shit.
Starting point is 00:54:41 Yeah, yeah, I'm with you. I mean, your whole kitchen's a butter tray. Everything's good, butter tray. Let's call the episode there. This was a lot of fun. It was, yeah, it was mostly fun. Yeah, joke. Oh wait, I just got it.
Starting point is 00:55:00 Oh, look at the butter tray. All right. Now I just got it and I hate it. I didn't get it until now. So you're absolutely just diverting. So for this, because I feel like we didn't quite answer this, but I think that you always combine a skepticism of like, my friends are just razzing me, but also with like, your knowledge of, do I deserve it a little bit?
Starting point is 00:55:25 And this guy, I think he does recognize like, hey, I do need a new wallet. They're making fun of me because I need a new wallet. Maybe I should just get a new wallet. When you came to me and you're like, your bifold's too thick, I was like, first of all, I was like, really? And I was actually, this is maybe a learning point. Because it was like, it is pretty thick and you showed me your little thing that's like thin as ice.
Starting point is 00:55:44 And I'm like, you know, I just bone thin and bones are thin as ice. My bone structure is very frail. And I was like, that could be nice. And then I came across it when I was browsing in Silver Lake with my buddy Tucker. My classic Tucker. And yeah, shout out, Tucker. Tucker was actually hit by an ambulance. How ironic is that?
Starting point is 00:56:08 His name is Tucker Klick. And we used to, my friends came up with the name, Fucker Klick. Nice. In very portes. Very much so. They workshopped it for a calendar year. For a calendar beer.
Starting point is 00:56:22 Nice. Growing up, you just had butter out? Yeah, my mother always had butter out for toast and whatnot. It seems like with dairy, you have to refrigerate it. Okay. Is that not the case? I mean, you don't leave it out. I mean, the butter maybe lasts a few days.
Starting point is 00:56:36 That's why you only do half the stick. You're working your way through that butter, basically. Oh, yeah. Like you're in a country kitchen, you're cooking with it a lot. Yeah, in a single family home in Cleveland, Ohio. Now on these gourmet grilled cheese, is it just the cheeses or do you ever put tomato in there? Do you ever put some bacon in there?
Starting point is 00:56:54 Let me tell you what I have done. French onion soup grilled cheese. So that's our time. But thank you so much for coming on. Now let me ask you about this, and I think it's a really interesting opportunity. Of course. Avocado.
Starting point is 00:57:07 Not inside, because I know it's not good hot. You slice it up real nice, put it on the top. Have I ever told you about my breakfast sandwiches? No. Brioche bun, toasted. Crushed avocado with sprinkled on chopped onions, right? Chopped onions. What about red pepper flakes?
Starting point is 00:57:24 Excuse you. Excuse you for having a good idea. Go on. Two eggs over easy. Smoked hickory smoked bacon, sriracha. That's where you get your little red pepper. Sriracha. Sriracha.
Starting point is 00:57:37 Frank sriracha. Hot me to the pan, let me sink it. Now that's over easy eggs. That's maybe a little underdone for my taste. Well, I do both sides. So it's a Friday. It's a Friday. With a runny yolk.
Starting point is 00:57:53 Of course. So you take that first bite and just oozy. Oozy, yeah. Hangover killer to be sure. Egg slut-esque, would you say? It's, don't think it's all those ingredients. The thing about egg slut is that it's not, like, it's not revolution.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Egg slut is the name of a restaurant. And it's not revolutionary. You know, I changed the game. What did you change that egg slut didn't have? Can I come over? I don't even care about the egg sandwich. I just want to prowl around with you and fucker Clay. Coming this fall, a new podcast.
Starting point is 00:58:22 Jake, Jeff, and fucker. All right, we actually are at a time. Wouldn't you know we went the full hour this time? That's going to happen. We had fun. Time flies. We're about to go climbing, right, Jeff? Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:58:35 Get some V4s in. That's what's up, baby. And then drink a V8. What's that now? Never mind. I'm just going to have a hot tomato juice. I leave it out in a butter tray. Open it up.
Starting point is 00:58:47 It comes out like we're shining. I water down Campbell's tomato soup. And it's a drink for me. Lukewarm room temp at most. If you have your own questions, your own theme songs, submissions, the email for everything is at firewishow at gmail.com. Jeff, thanks for coming on the show. Do you have anything to plug?
Starting point is 00:59:05 I don't know. Yeah, I mean, thanks for having me, first of all. Yeah, just new head gum videos every Thursday. Heck yeah. If you go to USC or in the USC area, I do improv every Friday at ground zero, 10.30. That's a really offensive name for a venue. Wouldn't you say?
Starting point is 00:59:19 I was appalled when I did a song. Because I named it. I did look at it. The name came before the tragedy. But that doesn't excuse it. Change it. Yeah. Change it at that point.
Starting point is 00:59:33 So if you're in the area, just improv and yeah. Oh, and I have a sketch on Funny or Die. The waterproof phone. Oh, there you have it. And we have a sketch in the Cleveland Film Festival. Oh, yeah. Yeah, this is insane. Lindsay.
Starting point is 00:59:49 Oh, actually, we're not supposed to announce it till March 3rd. Oh, never mind. All right. Well, we'll leave it at that. What was I going to ask? Oh, yeah. Has anybody on campus ever been like,
Starting point is 01:00:01 hey, you're Jeffrey the dumbass? That's awesome, dude. Yeah. I actually, oh, shout out. I think his name is Dominique. I'm just going to shout out like the three people who've done it. I was back home in Cleveland, and this guy came up to me at a burger place
Starting point is 01:00:11 and like it was the first time, and that was pretty cool. Thanks for watching Dominique. He said, Amir, you're his favorite. He said, wow, really nice. Yeah, thanks, Dominique. And then he said Jeff was number two, and I think that's that rounds out my top five. Well, Dominique's a fucking girl's name, bro.
Starting point is 01:00:29 Sorry, Dominique. He's 270 pounds, six foot four. Makes a lot of sense. And he's coming after me. He's actually WWF superstar. Duh, just my dumb luck. And then, yeah, like some people come up on campus and class once.
Starting point is 01:00:44 Really? You're a professor? Whoa, whoa, whoa. Just David Weber. Professor. History class. Yeah. Let's take a break right now, because that's awesome, dude.
Starting point is 01:00:54 If you have your own questions and theme songs, like I said before, email addresses. If I were you, show at gmail.com. We'll be back soon. Opening theme song was written by Davey, this closing one. It's pretty great, but it's kind of long, so I kept it towards the end. It's Kevin making a really nice long rap for us.
Starting point is 01:01:07 So thanks, Kevin. Thanks, Davey. Thanks, Jake. Thanks, Jeffrey. James in the house. What's your Twitter handle? It's at don'tplaynodjames, spelled exactly as you wouldn't think. Instagram is imjeffreyjames, and then jeffreyjames.com
Starting point is 01:01:23 wastaken.com. Dot net. Good sight. Good man. Good feats. Good eats. Have yourself a grilled cheese, and listen to this. Later, guys.
Starting point is 01:01:34 We should do a grilled cheese off here at the office. Oh, for sure. I would fucking smoke that. Yeah. Dude. With smoked hams. My favorite grilled cheese. White bread, a microwave, strange cheese wrapped.
Starting point is 01:01:51 All right, let's go. Make your shit yourself, call them laxative. You attracted them, call them magnitude. You want the one from them, call them odin. I'll make the cosmos, and we get going. Suck the diet, tickle, test the cause. Loki, are you playing hammock? Call them Thor, feel a spark.
Starting point is 01:02:07 Call them Zeus, make you wet. Call them Poseidon, cousin your bed. They'll be residing. Oh, they call the shots. I'll be your bully. You let my rhymes call me a poet. They will make your motor run. Call them an oil change, because they're going down.
Starting point is 01:02:21 Call them a stock exchange. Oh, going up. Call them an elevator. They'll be big like the Birch Galifa. So mean to them, I say. See you later, alligator. Motherfucking fighting those fucking men. They're making hoes.
Starting point is 01:02:32 Oh, they can bank, taking names. Call them the yellow page. This shit is hot. Call me Inferno. This shit's the realest. This shit's antibiotic, son. Ooh, keep you healthy. Shit's staying symbiotic, shit's embellished.
Starting point is 01:02:45 Call it hyperbolic, you'll be first. Dear Jake and Amir, I got a quandary of fear. A quagmire on wheels, and I'm tired. Excuse the pun, but a damn good rhyme. Whoa, here's the time. Gotta introduce these smooth moth. Fuckers, there's Jake Proclaim. But fuck a dirty in the mouth I am pink.
Starting point is 01:03:00 Kick you in the mouth of the fucking roller, rank. I couldn't find a rhyme for pink that well, so I hope you're a good roller skater. I guess, Jake. Oh, shit, gotta get it back in a minute. Next, there's Amir back to the car. You gotta let him steer. Don't hand him a beer.
Starting point is 01:03:17 Running this podcast, not down to the ground, but up overcast. So famously spit on neo-nazis. Yahtzee, lots of a touch. Can we get lunch? Please add straight pay for a brunch. We could become good friends. Kevin G and A.
Starting point is 01:03:30 Three badass dudes running LA. Get back to me soon so I can save up money. Your podcast is sweet, like motherfucking honey. Sorry, God, I've tried for a little bit, but here comes the whistle. Whoop, there's a train starting this podcast with a fucking bang. Mom, I'm not trying.
Starting point is 01:03:48 Mom, I'm not. I'm not trying. I'm not. That was a hit gum podcast.

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