If I Were You - Bonus Episode: J&A on Twinnovation

Episode Date: December 10, 2015

Our appearance on the "Twinnovation" Podcast!Hosted by Dave & Jeff Rosenberg, and Mike Karnell, "Twinnovation" is another show on the HeadGum network.If you've never heard their show, this is a good f...irst episode. New episodes every Friday on HeadGum.com!See omny.fm/listener for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a headgum podcast. What up? What up? What up? Welcome to a special, I want to say bonus, but it's not even an episode of our show. Yeah, welcome to a different show. Yeah, we thought it would be fun for on a Thursday, this Thursday. Today, you're listening to it, you know what day of the week it is, to post our episode of Twinnovation. Yeah, we went and visited the nation.
Starting point is 00:00:26 Yeah, we went on another podcast on the headgum network, hosted by Dave Rosenberg, Jeff Rosenberg, and Mike Carnell. Yeah, actually, you know what? Shout out to Dave and Jeff. It is, as we're recording this, it is their birthday. Wow, December 9th is their birthday. So this is kind of like a birthday gift to them. Right. We went on their show.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Their podcast is basically them three coming up with business ideas, I would say. I use that term extremely loosely. Right, because one of Dave's business idea was inventing a new... Well, last week, it was hot girls farting in jars. Right, for example, that's a business idea. So it's not a great business idea, but it is an idea that he came up with, and he has a podcast, so he's allowed to talk about it. So one of these weeks, a couple weeks ago, we were their first guests, I think.
Starting point is 00:01:14 Oh, that's true. Yeah, we went on their show, pitched our own business ideas, and we thought, you know what, our fans would like this. Yeah. We only had one episode this week, so we're like, you know, let's give them a little bonus content. Not necessarily an episode of If I Were You, but a fun listen to Twinnovation. Just for y'all, just because we like the show, we thought you'd like the show.
Starting point is 00:01:34 And yeah, if you do like the show, you can check it out at headgum.com. You can listen to the other 20 or so episodes that don't have us. But this will give you a good taste, a good sample, a good portion of what Twinnovation is all about. And we have a feeling, if you like our show, you'll like Twinnovation. Yeah. So that further ado, let's get started, and then Jake and I will be back as per usual on Monday with an all-new episode of Our Podcast If I Were You.
Starting point is 00:01:59 Enjoy. Things got real? Yeah, sure. Why not? What up? What up? What up? It's your boy, baby bear, Mike Carnell.
Starting point is 00:02:23 Welcome to the Twinnovation podcast. The podcast for our schemes, dreams, misdemeans, hustles, griffs, cons, crimes, special day today. Guys, we can, we can feel your energy. Say hi to the crowd. Yeah, talk to the crowd. All right. I kind of screwed up the introduction.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Aw, man. Our founders of Head Gum, Jake and Amir, are here recording a little episode with us. And of course, always on my left, David Rosenberg. Howdy. Sitting next to him, sharing a microphone. Jeff Rosenberg. Hey. Woof.
Starting point is 00:02:59 Love it. Guys, how we doing? I'm good. I'm such a fan of this podcast. I'm very excited. You're visiting. We had a little fun. You guys had a live show?
Starting point is 00:03:07 Yeah. We all did a live show. We had a bunch of apps backstage. We got wasted. Yeah, dude. Dave was part of the live show. Dave was part of the live show. They came up on stage.
Starting point is 00:03:17 You, uh, he poured whiskey on himself. Yeah. Pretty much before I said anything. I'd like the Twinnovation Nation to know that, uh, Jake wanted me to reveal the secret clam. He did. That I won't be revealing for the hundredth episode of Twinnovation and I would not do it.
Starting point is 00:03:31 I would never betray you. I had a bit of a show and you said, I'll do the, I'll do the, hey, I got to that show and found out what was going on. I grabbed Jake by his goddamn collar. I threw him up against the wall and I said, hundred episodes. You did text me before you're like, you're like, no way. Dave's revealing the clam recipe. It's for episode 100.
Starting point is 00:03:47 It's not his recipe. And I just took it. It's grandma Anderson's recipe. I may have missed your recipes, but like I was such a big deal to you guys. And I was just like, okay, sure. Yeah, I'll do something else. We had a whole meeting about how are you, what we were going to say to you at the show to know that you just didn't care.
Starting point is 00:04:05 I know I care a lot about the recipe. I just respect that you guys want to wait. And we respect that. I'm here. How are you doing, Doug? Doing great, dude. Really excited to be here. I think I'm going to have the best idea not only in today, but in Twin Evasion history,
Starting point is 00:04:16 which is pretty neat. How many months have you spent thinking this up? Commented on your own. Yeah. Like you wish we all said it. You're going to say it when I'm done with it, but I would say I've been thinking about this idea off and on for the better part of two decades. Oh my God.
Starting point is 00:04:32 Wow. Yeah. Well, this is the first step. I have an advantage. Yes. It's like, you know, your baby, this is the one that you've been thinking considering. Definitely the first eight weeks for my strongest. And from here on out, it's just like going to be different kinds of gloves or things
Starting point is 00:04:45 that you can wear. Gloves or food. I don't know. Your first couple ideas were just sandwiches. I would say that. They got worse. That was the peak, my man. That would have been a great invention in like 1604.
Starting point is 00:04:58 I know all of my stuff. I'm like, somebody tried this in 1950. And now his ways are just to eat sandwiches. Yeah. How far from sandwiches can you possibly get? Not too far. I don't like to venture out. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:11 Edible wear is next on the list, probably. Yeah. Yeah. Well, edible underwear sandwiches. That's pretty good. Dave makes it unisex. Yeah. Cock me.
Starting point is 00:05:20 A full one. No meat. Yes. I am no. Well, guys, it's your first time on the podcast, but you guys know the deal. We open each episode with a little airing of grievances that we like to call the. We. I got a beef with a mirror.
Starting point is 00:05:35 He took a Snapchat before we started and didn't even ask me to get into it. He didn't even try to even try to angle the camera. You go to a mere blooms on Snapchat. You'll just does it? Does it delete? I could delete it. The problem is we were all four of us are on a couch and you're not. I would have come over.
Starting point is 00:05:50 We were. I was leaning forward. Jeff was leaning forward. If you had gone this way, I think we could have got Mike, not Dave. I think he made a choice. No, I had nobody told me you guys are taking the photo. Snapchat is a vertical photo. You can only make a choice.
Starting point is 00:06:03 And the dude that invented the old flex, you're not cutting out. You have so many stains on your shirt. It's part of my idea, folks. The old flex was just like it was a bow flex with an iPad attached that you could watch porn on it during. It was an exercise regime that would bring you to climax. I thought I thought that invention should have had like a suction thing that would like would suck you off as you were like. I thought it was going to be a flesh light on your grass. You go down.
Starting point is 00:06:33 Or like a rowing machine with a flesh light at the front. Yeah. So you're fucking it while you're doing your exercise. Well, this is not. Listen, our beef of the week is in with Dave's old invention. So it was with the mere Snapchat fucking me over. But I don't say I'm not even on Snapchat. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:06:50 Anybody else got a beef? I'll give one beef out there with those. I have something in this room. I got one beef. Yeah. All right. So my beef. I first of all, I love you guys.
Starting point is 00:07:00 My beef is my beef is actually with all three of you to varying degrees. What the fuck are you trying to pull? This is on our podcast. You are not even obligated to say anything. I am. I'm in town just for this weekend. And last night, last night, you didn't come out at all. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Well, we party the night before. I know. I know. But we're partying tonight. Yeah. We're partying tonight. And but you didn't come out at all. Cause you didn't even like, you didn't even get my hopes up.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Make him the most. No. Cause Mike, you didn't show up. I am who I am. I am who I am. I had the boss to not even come. Yeah. I mean, I wish you texted me to be like, I'm going to stay in.
Starting point is 00:07:37 But I heard it from Dave. It was fine. I will admit fault in that. I texted my next. My next beef is with which one, which one of you guys thinks thinks I'm more mad at Dave? You got to be more. I'm more mad. I'm less mad at Dave because Dave Dave.
Starting point is 00:07:53 I have a different problem. I mean, Dave wanted to stay out, but you couldn't. You went home. You, you were like, yeah, I always want to stay out. I was dragged home. And we ain't leaving till six in the morning or until Anna tells us we have to. Before hanging out with you, Dave was hanging out with us and made Anna just watch us play video games for 45 minutes.
Starting point is 00:08:12 So I don't blame her that she wants to leave. Yeah. But yeah, Jeff, you, you left the bar. We were at to go back, hang out with your other friends that you see all the time. Yeah. That's kind of, that is mad fucked up. Because we had a bar to go hang out with Hank. No, the night was dying down.
Starting point is 00:08:28 It was not dying down. Enid's wasn't that much fun. So it's all about fun. It's all fun. No family is what we're saying. It's all fun. No family for Jeff. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 00:08:37 You take a swipe at the king. You better go for the, for the haymaker, man, because there was a fight that went on later and I could have been part of that. That went on at like six in the morning. You still could have been on that. You still could. You, you, yeah, whatever, dude. Wait.
Starting point is 00:08:50 What time did Jeff leave? Oh, he didn't say goodbye. He Irish goodbye. But there was Irish goodbye and there were fucking four of us. You can Irish goodbye. Like a big part. Like I was talking to you got knocked out in the bathroom. If you're just go, he did.
Starting point is 00:09:04 Oh, he did. Oh my God. What's that? And then sprint out. Marty was. I was like, yeah, I'd left. No, Marty stayed. Me and Marty got pizza at the very end of the night.
Starting point is 00:09:14 Wait. So I'm here. Build first. Yeah. Post. Post Dave. Post Dave. He has once one person leaves.
Starting point is 00:09:22 It's fair. You should like me more than Mike, right? What did I do, dude? Yeah. Mike, Mike technically left first by not arriving at all. Right. Yeah. It wasn't the time that everybody left.
Starting point is 00:09:31 It was how they did it. I never put any airs on. But I'm hanging out with you, but I'm hanging out with you tonight and we won't see them as much. I put the most time in and I'm getting the most heat. Like that seems. You also. But you had the worst reason for leaving because you wanted to go see Hank and
Starting point is 00:09:45 Miles. Hank. I love those guys. I would leave me to go see Miles. Don't drag Miles into this. I like Miles a lot too. This is between you and Jack. So my idea is a hat.
Starting point is 00:09:54 It's a hat. It's a hat. Yeah. All right. So we'll stop. Well, you know, we're all old friends. Sometimes you got to get it out. No, it feels good to get stuff off your chest.
Starting point is 00:10:03 It really does. You know what I'd rather get on my chest is a hot load of Dave Rosenberg's ideas. Guys, this is a podcast for schemes. Very good choice of words, actually. Very good choice of words. This is a podcast for hustles and ideas. Are we your first guests? You are our first guest.
Starting point is 00:10:16 So how does the order of things work? So we're going to pitch our three. We'll all critique each idea. Got it. Then when we come back from the ads, the nation will not be heard from this episode. Silence. Because we have two distinguished members of the nation.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Got it. A part of the inner council. I am. I'm part of the nation for sure. You're definitely part of it. You're both definitely part of the nation. High council. High council.
Starting point is 00:10:37 The high council was afraid of it. He's on the board. So we'll be hearing from the high council. And he wore the Huff is a snitch shirt. He did. Jake did wear the Huff is a snitch shirt. I tried to surprise you guys. It was pretty fun.
Starting point is 00:10:45 Yeah, it was great. I mean, Huff texted me like an hour ago saying he got 10 new Instagram friend requests on Friday. Yeah, I love it. People are just, I, we're, I got a little scheme that I won't talk about on air because if Huff listens to this, he'll blow it. But I'll say it. I'm going to have one of us unlock his Instagram.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I think we should also, we shall. I'll send an alert on Twitter. Like his Instagram is unlocked right now. Go, go, go, go, go. Even if he is on high alert, it's going to be great. But it's just a grab handle on the underside of the shirt. That's what I'm saying. That's my pitch this week.
Starting point is 00:11:15 I'm all right. So let's get, we were, let's get into the ideas. So we'll hear from our distinguished guest after the ads. Got it. Dave did whisper in your ear. This idea is going to make you shit yourself. He did. Is it a laxative?
Starting point is 00:11:26 Let's, let's hear it. It's actually the opposite of it. All right, folks. Jeff, give me a little room to breathe. Dave and Jeff are sharing a mic. They're pretty close. Let me pose a question to you. My dream come true.
Starting point is 00:11:41 What's the worst part about taking a shit? I mean, we were actually just talking about this outside. There's always poop. There's always poop around the hole. You don't care how much to wipe. I mean, I use baby wipes every time. You just, it's just poop. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:56 Wiping. Yeah. Cleaning up. Jeff. I would say you sit on the toilet too long and your, your legs getting numb. Oh yeah. And then you can't like when you're trying to stand up. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I used to squatty potty now. So that doesn't happen. That is true. But some of my other friends here, right? That's right, folks. Just having a dirty and sore asshole. Dave again. Reading off his phone.
Starting point is 00:12:18 I love it. Say sore. That's right. Having a dirty and sore asshole. Just as sore. No matter when your asshole hurts. Everybody's asshole hurts, evidently. No matter how good you think your toilet paper is.
Starting point is 00:12:34 I think I speak for everyone when I say the blood comes before the shit goes. You do not. Let me elaborate. For generations, the Rosenberg dynasty has inherited a bloody awful genetic trait known medically only as sore heiny hole. I know what y'all are thinking. Why not just buy a fresh little newborn infant from the old countries and then just nip tuck yourself a new butthole for a very premium price?
Starting point is 00:12:56 Well folks, unfortunately there's a lot of people in this PC world of ours that would consider this type of surgery to be at worst inhumane and at best a great step forward in stem cell research development. And ultimately application. And they're not wrong. But simply said, the world and specifically the third world are not ready to hand over their fresh pretty little untainted assholes just so I can continue supporting Papa John's and eating their delicious, yet poopy tampering hot patented garlic sauce.
Starting point is 00:13:25 And don't even get me started with baby wipes which kind of course wreak deep havoc on the American plumbing system. And the Twin Innovation Nation, since day one has never quit the fight toward preserving and maintaining an environmentally sustainable plumbing economy. That's why today folks, on this very special Jake and Amir episode of Twin Innovation, I'm taking a page out of the book of our friends across the Great Lake and introducing the first in a long line of door to door sales of Dave's Bidets or Bidavids, which I will be calling Bidavids for the rest of this product, bitch.
Starting point is 00:14:02 What the Bidavid will do is easily and practically clean and maintain your little brown eye and turn it into a pink guy. Or I guess I'm not even a quarter way third. Or I guess still a brown eye if that's already the color of your skin. But just a cleaner, smoother brown eye. Furthermore, the Bidavid will cross socioeconomic... You're going to call it Bidavid for the rest of the page. Furthermore, the Bidavid will cross socioeconomic lines when in early 2017 we begin introducing
Starting point is 00:14:30 the Bidavid to go, which will be a second and third world application of the Bidavid. This will allow poor people... It's the second world. Yeah. Mexico? They're second worlds. What's second world? Like Canada.
Starting point is 00:14:42 This will allow poor people with no access to toilets, toilet paper, and clean water, whom have by and large dealt with what many consider to be the number four cause of death worldwide diarrhea to maintain a healthy beehull. The Bidavid to go works twofold. Bidavid or Bidavid? You said you're going to only go with Bidavid. You've not used Bidavid once. Not only does it have the ability to turn dirty water into clean, drinkable water, but also
Starting point is 00:15:08 holds the secret sauce and its ability to turn that clean water back into dirty water once you squeeze that good juice up into your ass. So let me lay out that for all you visually minded people, because it's truly a beautiful cycle of inhibition, survival, and hygiene. Dirty water gets a second life from the proprietary Bidavid to go filtration system. Once that dirty water is clean, you spray it up in your asshole with the Bidavid to go proprietary no splash back guarantee, which is activated only after a mailing rebate is received within 15 days of product purchase.
Starting point is 00:15:44 Once that clean water becomes dirty again with due to juice, you can catch the excess runoff poop water with the Bidavid proprietary funnel system, which will of course be immediately pushed back into the original filtration system to be cleaned again for either drinking water or asshole cleaning water. No questions will be taken at this point in time, but don't let that deter you from not only being a customer and an investor, but a man or woman or a transgendered person with the squeaky clean little poop shoot downtown. Okay, we're definitely going to ask questions because you spoke for eight minutes straight.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Holy shit. Yeah. So is it to demonstrate? Can I can I use the Bidavid and then you can demonstrate how clean the water is by drinking that asshole? I'm talking third world countries here. What is that? I'm confused about what you're selling.
Starting point is 00:16:35 It's a bidet and a separate filtration system. The door to door Bidavid, which will bidet or bidet because you need to choose the American version and the Bidavid to go will be the one that we use for second and third world countries. I will say this is your best name you've ever come up with. I think that's the only reason why this idea exists because it sounds like Bidavid. You came up with the name. Yeah, definitely.
Starting point is 00:16:57 Definitely working backwards here. I mean, I had like the idea of the asshole surgery more than anything else. This whole thing is predicated on the fact that like you think the world's not ready to you to like go through several baby assholes. Yeah, should we start from the beginning that you do want to have a baby asshole? No different than stem cell research. Can you back up this Rosenberg dynasty disease? Yeah, we all have.
Starting point is 00:17:22 The soreness is in fact a fact. I do remember living with Dave that he would sometimes need to take a bath to soak his asshole. It's the only proper way to clean it. I probably use the poop aspect of the restroom four or five, six times a day. Really? I mean, you take six shits a day. That's way too many.
Starting point is 00:17:43 I've never been with a guy that is way too many. Jeff often thinks he's about to shit his pants. Like every time he poops, it's an emergency too. Why is that? Because that's not normal. They get it from their father. He's a weak asshole little bitch. I mean, it can't be like entirely inherited because you guys just have all you also have
Starting point is 00:18:01 bad diets. You said like it came down from a long line of a lot of clam dip. I think it's nature and nurture. They had weak assholes to begin with, and then their father just feeds them Costco food. Well, it's not even a week. Assholes loosened up their ass. It's like a small and small large intestine because it seems like the food just goes right through you very quickly.
Starting point is 00:18:17 Right. Yeah. Yeah. You're it's processed very well. If that's what you're saying. Yeah, it's really torn down. How often do you shit, Dave? Three times a day, four times a day.
Starting point is 00:18:27 It's not crazy for. I mean, I pretend to poop at work four times a day. I mean, I'm pinching off little stuff. They're not. They're not huge loads. Instead of eating three big meals, you're supposed to have six to seven smaller. Yeah, but the opposite. No, it's very much in line with it.
Starting point is 00:18:42 It's a health benefits. Very European. Yeah, yeah. This is all very European. Maintaining your body. What's the weirdest part of Europe? The bidets. David, how much?
Starting point is 00:18:54 Well, for the US version of it, which is a door to door that I'll be doing. And what's the second world? Like what countries are the second world? You mentioned Canada. You don't understand that like the after you shit, then the water sprays back up your it's like a two in one bidet. Yes, yes. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:11 So you're a toilet. It's also a bidet. Yes. Why do you? And you could also drink the water once it goes through the filtration process. That's not true. You could though.
Starting point is 00:19:19 Water is actually a. It's not an infinite resource. Had an arm that you could extend and use the fresh water inside to clean your asshole, but there's no changing the water chemically in after you shit into it. I don't think there is. You can filtration system. What does that mean? Filtration system like a Brita.
Starting point is 00:19:36 So do you imagine like I never mind. I'm on board. So can you take a shit into a Brita just as a proof of concept? Yes, I'll be posting pictures on Twitter when this episode is gone, but I don't think he's not here today, but I don't think you'll mind us borrowing the Brita. Yeah, at the very least the filter. That sweet charcoal filter is the technology there. Yeah, you can like you.
Starting point is 00:19:56 They have like the technology there. Put muddied like toxic. Yeah, and you can drink it, but I think that's like lake water. That's not like so far removed from drinking and it's not someone like taking a shit. Fisher now Fisher pooping in the lake water. You know, there's poop in. Yeah, but you're just going to fill this whole thing with shit. But isn't like the diarrhea that's killing people is because they don't have access
Starting point is 00:20:17 to dissentation. But it is like it's poop related. Yeah, but you need to get them fresh water. Like that's the problem. No, because they have. I think you have two separate businesses here and I do. What's going on? I do. The first business.
Starting point is 00:20:30 I said that also you have to make any money giving like bidets to third world countries. Yeah, you will. That's government money. And we've talked about government money on this podcast before. We're talking about government money. Wait, are you talking about contracts? Are you saying that is this a separate tub or is it a toilet bowl connector? The American version is a toilet bowl connector.
Starting point is 00:20:48 Got it. The version is the bedave, by the way. Yeah, and in Canada, David's Europe's but David to go. Oh, but David to go. And then and then in Canada and Africa, which I never said Africa. I said second and third one. Okay, but I don't think all of Africa is third world. Your race is second.
Starting point is 00:21:06 What do you think Canada is closer to third world nations than America? Yes, I would say Canada is almost more. If not, let's not make it about Canada. Okay, so let's say we are going. You made it about nations. It's not connected to a toilet bowl because obviously a lot of these US version is right and the non US version is what is a filtration system similar to a Brita with a pump attached to it.
Starting point is 00:21:30 Where is this sit in the toilet? It goes in your ass. Don't make me go in your asshole. But where's the water drink? Yeah, where's the water in the third world country? It's like it's like one of those fancy like three layered bongs. One of your friends would have had and cut like, you know, there's just a lot of different filtration.
Starting point is 00:21:46 So you have to wear this and put the your asshole. Is it a funnel system? What if you have lived in third world countries? No one in this room has been a third world country. I've watched a ton of documentaries on Netflix. It's not that they don't have plumbing in general. Like you could fix the problem if you just gave them toilets that flush. They don't need also to have their asshole sprayed.
Starting point is 00:22:08 Like you're taking a very personal weird problem. I'm just saying like you you're over solving that problem. Yeah, I think let's just keep it to the day. That's why that version wasn't going to come till early 2017, which I mentioned in the pitch. That's really soon a year. It's a year. Yeah, it's a year. And I think what is the bedavid that you're selling door to door? Why is it door to door too?
Starting point is 00:22:30 Why are you not like doing it online? I'm doing a lot of different stuff. I can't tell the whole marketing plan in a pitch. It was long enough. Yeah, that's the time to tell me the whole marketing plan. Yeah, I was telling the product. Now I'm talking about the marketing plan. I wasn't able to cover in the pitch part of it's going to be door to door.
Starting point is 00:22:46 Because I have a good personality and people will buy stuff for me. I'm a good salesman at my heart. The beginning of your pitch is talking about how you wish you could slice off baby's assholes. That's fair. When I stand behind it and I've always stood behind it. And that's the lead to my door to door pitch. I go door to door and I also am doing stuff. Every door that opens is that silent eight minutes we spend.
Starting point is 00:23:06 No, I'm showing proof of concept when I'm doing the door to door stuff. Stuff that they wouldn't believe. I'm shaking a shit in a Brita drinking it. The Brita is not a part of the American version. How do you do that? Like if that's the yeah. How much to just watch you put shit into a bread and try to drink the water. I'll invest in you shitting in a Brita. Luckily you shit six to twelve times a day so you can sell a lot.
Starting point is 00:23:25 You can do that's a whole lot. Yeah. All right. Well, who's the American version will be forty nine ninety nine. Uh-huh. And that's a lot of what you're just making up a number. What makes you think I'm just making up a number? Where'd you get forty nine ninety nine forty nine ninety nine has a lot to do with how much it costs to make the product. Eight dollars to make the project. Where did you get the eight dollars from?
Starting point is 00:23:48 How do you think it costs eight dollars? Don't dig too deep. That's wholesale prices. It looks confusing. You're questioning it. I'm not confused at all. I'm answering all your questions in a timely and respectable manner. Let's do it.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Honestly, Amir, you're the one prodding here. Eight dollars has a lot to do with the plastics and the molds being built. David, don't give away your manufacturers. You don't have to answer these questions. He's trying to get on your market share. I'm just trying to understand the product before I endorse it because I you say forty nine ninety nine and I want to know how you got to forty nine ninety nine is the price that you pay for not having to bleed out of your
Starting point is 00:24:18 asshole every couple days. Okay. And how much does the product cost to make? I said eight dollars. So eight dollars. You're making forty two dollars. You hear those margins. Those are beautiful.
Starting point is 00:24:27 It's a great margins. You can't get good margins like that in the toilet industry anymore. No, especially not in Canada. We're going to put it to a. I'm not done yet. The overseas version is actually going to be sold for free because cool. That's a government contract that I get and they'll pay me to supply these. How much are you planning on them paying you?
Starting point is 00:24:50 The government contract will run anywhere from two billion dollars to three billion dollars and that's a B folks. That's a what? That's a B not million. I'll start. I'll start this process off. I think it's time to put this to a vote. You're untrustworthy.
Starting point is 00:25:05 You disgust me. All fair. You seem you seem evil. There's evil in you and I don't believe in any of the numbers you've said. I don't believe in your margins and I don't believe in these government contracts that you're counting on. I'm not as a customer because I have a history of healthy assholes and I'm not as an investor because I don't trust you.
Starting point is 00:25:22 All fair. Jeff is in as an investor and a customer and I support everything you're doing here. Dave, you're helping people and you're solving a problem that a lot of people don't know about and it's movement in the right direction and straight out of Twin Innovation Labs. Diarrhea is the main cause of death around the world. All right, Jake. I just don't. Your problem solves diarrhea.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Yeah, your problem solves the clean up after diarrhea. Still fair. Okay. I'm in as a customer. Really? Yeah, sure. You want David in your home? I think I would.
Starting point is 00:25:58 Yeah, I purchased one just to see what was what to see if I could drink the water that I should. But I don't. I definitely think that results in more people dying of dysentery. It's a fun gag gift. Sure. I would buy one for Mike for his. Oh, you know what?
Starting point is 00:26:13 I just realized the genius part of this plan. The product is made in a way that creates the need for the product because you're going to be drinking shitwater. You're going to get more diarrhea and that's just going to force you to use them. Very smart. You've seen through me. I'm back in as an investor. I'm back in now.
Starting point is 00:26:29 I'm also an as an investor. Let's kill the entire world. Yeah. You've seen through me. You've gone right through me. It's like that. That girl in the six senses. It's like feeding her a pine saw.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Yeah. So I'm out as a customer because I think it would give you diarrhea. I'm in as an investor because it seems like there's money to be made at the very least trying to help. It looks like you're caring about sort of like Tom's shoes, except if Tom's shoes killed people. Yeah, exactly. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:57 It actually does hurt a lot of small business owners in the third world country. So I guess you could say it's slowly killing them like a virus. Yeah. Like Giardia or dysentery. Yeah. Which is what this product causes. So you're in as an investor, not a customer. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:27:10 But now that I'm thinking about it, I'm just investing into a disease. We could call it beddysentery. Oh, that's pretty good. And the world has been struck with beddysentery. There's a manhunt now for David Rosenberg. I'm also in as an investor because I want to see Dave go door to door trying to drink his own shit water. Can I just not invest but just follow you to each door and watch this process?
Starting point is 00:27:31 I'll invest in like a documentary about this. I'll just drink chips and eat it out of like in my car while I watch you take a shit on people's. I'm in as a guy that eats chips. Yeah. You want to come on the chip trip? Yeah. Should we just get chips right now?
Starting point is 00:27:43 I'm done with that. I would love some chips during the ad break. Oh, that's a nice idea. All right, Dave. So once Amir kind of, you know, stripped the veneer away and I saw the business for what it was. I think everybody kind of came around and everybody loved it. It's time to hear from the other Rosenberg.
Starting point is 00:27:57 Hey guys. Jeff here. Jeffery Rosenberg. I was going to try and lighten the mood a little bit. You've been on a laptop. It seems like you've been doing a little research. I actually made a PowerPoint presentation. Look at this.
Starting point is 00:28:07 Holy shit. For Dave, if you did not let Jake see it. Why? Oh, because of the... I'm presenting here. Oh, sure. I see. No, I want to see.
Starting point is 00:28:17 This is Jeff's pitch for Twinnovation. Wow. You guys made a PowerPoint? You always almost cry before you pitch. You're going to have to actually not the space bar. Dave, we're going to use the right arrow. Oh, dude. Okay.
Starting point is 00:28:29 I'll invest. I'll invest right now. Okay. What's the worst part about ordering food with a large group of people? Well, sometimes... Splitting up the check. It's just that people want different things. Like last night, I wanted Thai food.
Starting point is 00:28:40 You wanted pizza and it was a whole thing. Michael, precisely. A lot of people have different tastes. You want different cuisines, you know? Sure. What's your favorite food? Let's go around the table. I'll say sushi.
Starting point is 00:28:51 I like sushi. I like pasta. I like linguine with clam sauce, a white clam sauce. We could order from the same spot. And I like sushi with linguine sauce. I'm a Piscetti man myself. It seems like this problem doesn't exist. Okay.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Well, I wasn't listening. You guys said Italian food. Some sort of noodle. Anything new. As a Japanese, yeah. You had so much control. You could have just said Mexican. I wasn't paying attention to you guys.
Starting point is 00:29:13 I'm a Mediterranean man. I like a good kebab. I can go for hummus. Oh, yeah, me too. Let's get that. This is easy. PowerPoint over. Have you guys ever done a friend's giving?
Starting point is 00:29:24 Yeah. Yeah. A Pollock. Yeah, Pollock, where everybody brings food. I've done Thanksgiving with friends. Do you enjoy it? I love it. And everyone brings their own.
Starting point is 00:29:33 Crock-Pot, you make your dishes at the spot. I've made beef stew. I made beef stew last New Year's. Remember? Yeah, it was really nice. And Jeff made that pulled pork or the pulled chicken. Yeah. How was stew year's beef?
Starting point is 00:29:44 A little dry. May I present taste makers, guys? A highly curated potluck dinner parties. Seamless for dinner parties, if you will. Okay. All right. So hear me out here. I'm listening.
Starting point is 00:29:58 Well, wait, how does it help people with diary in Canada? Well, I'm sure you'll get to that. That's slide 17. Brunching is a relic of the past. People are doing dinner parties, bottomless brunches, whack, and no one wants to go to a shit restaurant to pay $35 for sour rotten eggs. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Eggs and watered down, bloodied Mary's. You want to spend an intimate evening with your friends, but not have to worry about the problems of cooking and cleaning and cuisines, you know, different cuisines. So this app provides you with a list of the most delicious foods from restaurants in your area. We curate it, you know, so say your zip code is 11211. It's mine.
Starting point is 00:30:46 Okay. I'm going to text out. I'm listening. We talked to the Italian restaurants. We find the best spaghetti and meatballs. Okay. Spaghetti, dude. Fine.
Starting point is 00:30:56 Go. And then we're finding we're talking to all the Italian restaurants. We're having a bidding war between them for to be featured on our app, you know, because there are exclusive. What's the name of the end? Taste makers. Gotcha. They're one of the taste makers.
Starting point is 00:31:13 No, we're the taste makers. We choose to taste. They're the makers. You curate cuisine from different local restaurants. This is an app. It's a lifestyle brand, really. But it's an app. I like that.
Starting point is 00:31:25 I like that tasting. It's not a tasting menu. It's a potluck. Yeah. It's a potluck. It's like a buffet. It's a buffet with the best dishes from each restaurant that I choose. I think that's fine.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Can I ask a question? Or do you, how many slides do you have left? Three, four. Okay. I'll let you finish your slides and then we'll ask. No, you can't ask a question. We'll ask slides. Say any questions.
Starting point is 00:31:43 Yes. All right. And also, I can see the top and you wrote our responses that said, we're listening, Jeff. Tell us more, Jeff. Yeah. I just wanted to confirm that. I'll ask the question.
Starting point is 00:31:56 I'm curious about the question. I think that this is a good idea and it's a fun thing that people would do. I wonder if it'll be too hard to coordinate between the restaurants. And if you order like almost like a prefix, like different prefix menus from all of the restaurants included, where you like, you know, okay, if you want like a Pacific feel, and then it's like, we have Hawaii and Japanese and stuff like that. And you like, you curate it more rather than them like picking their own thing. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:32:24 I mean, that's, that's something we can talk about. That's, that's, that's also like curating. You're saying for the, for a single restaurant instead of multiple spots. You're like, you know, we, you talk to all of them and you pull like one thing from here, one thing from there, one thing. Yeah. That's what it is. So you're saying like package it a little differently instead of letting people go down
Starting point is 00:32:41 or less. It might be fun to like build your own or have one that we've prepared for. Right. Yeah. We have like the pre-style. Like if you want to do like the Thanksgiving one, we'll find those spots, you know, themed themed ones. And we actually also will have a Spotify playlist for the party.
Starting point is 00:32:55 Oh, that's fun. Guys. What do we think about it? Are there more slides? I just didn't know. No, I mean, there are. I just like I need feedback now. So that's great to click the next app should be called feedback.
Starting point is 00:33:09 Oh, not a good idea. What about feed bag? I think we deliver, you know, it makes sense to me because think about it's kind of like close to what uber fresh does, right? We're like uber fresh. What's uber fresh? You guys don't have uber fresh? Is it only we have California?
Starting point is 00:33:27 I don't know. Uber fresh. We'll partner with restaurants and they'll just bring like one or two dishes from those places. Like for that day. So you say like, oh, I want this, but they only provide one meal from that place. And I think it's like a benefit to the restaurant to be like, hey, use our, use our spaghetti and meatballs and for another restaurant to be like, hey, use this to know and then drivers
Starting point is 00:33:49 drive around. I think the only thing that's tough is that's tough is maybe timing out, but that's all that's all logistics that will iron out, you know, sure. Those are buying questions. And don't forget like the real moneymaker is the it's so the logo is because it's called pacemaker. It's the, the trademark logo, which strangely enough, it's in trade. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:14 Yeah. It's TMTM. Nice. And it keeps getting smaller. Yeah. So there's a bunch into an infinity. I'm always thinking about infinities. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:22 You're always thinking about diarrhea. Let Jeff talk for me. And you're also not, you guys are like underestimating the, the cash we can make through the bidding words. You know, you pick the, the 10 Chinese food spaces and like, like they want their general sales on it because we're going to be moving so much product that we can, we get like dollar or barrel general sales, you know, cause they want, they want, they want to move the, you know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:34:47 It's kind of like the group on bricks. Just like barrels full of raw calamari. Yeah. Well, in a group on that's what people did. They, they made their products almost operating group on meets seamless meets Uber. I love that. How does that not sell? I like it.
Starting point is 00:35:01 So I'm in as an investor and as a customer, I'm not even done, dude on a second way to make money. Alcohol and wine sponsorships, so you pair it with the wine. Yeah. You pair it with the wine, but you have, you have a little vineyard, you know, up in, up in New York state, you know, the cat skills, likes out now they don't know because they don't have you go into a wine store. They have, you know, someone there pouring little glasses, but maybe you should actually
Starting point is 00:35:28 pair it with the food. But if there was like a local bar that could get in on this and was like, we'll also pair a cocktail and tell us how many people have won't give you like all the ingredients to make your own cocktails. Like an extra page on seamless when you're checking out, like if I bought, if I bought spaghetti and then it's like, check out, it's like, Hey, this local wine store recommends this wine pairing. Do you want us to pick it up too?
Starting point is 00:35:49 That's a really good idea. Yeah. Yeah. I'm definitely intrigued. I'm down. How much is the app? Yeah. It's free, bro.
Starting point is 00:35:59 You make the money off the restaurant. Yeah. Cause seamless is free. Right. Money off the restaurant. We make the money off the alcohol. What's the commission that how much money do you take and how much money does the restaurant take?
Starting point is 00:36:09 The restaurant 50 50. Let's call it easy. Why? Why are they taking any money? Don't you pay for the food? Are they taking any money? You already said 50 50. All of them are listening right now.
Starting point is 00:36:20 We're in. We get half the profits too. Why wouldn't they take money? You just pay for the food. We're kind of price gouging them a little bit. Like they're. Why would Jeff take money? What does postmates do?
Starting point is 00:36:30 Like they, I'm providing the service. But they're cooking the food and using all the ingredients. So seamless makes money off of. Yeah. We're ordering food. Yeah. There's like a. There's a service fee.
Starting point is 00:36:40 Like a delivery. So you just charge a service fee. Right. Yeah. So it's not 50 50. That's not a service fee. You keep 100% of the service fee. Correct.
Starting point is 00:36:48 But they get, but they get paid for the food. Maybe. Cause my third idea is stealing food from restaurants. Then texting my friend and saying who wants it. All right. Let's go a little, let's go around the bend. Huh? Unless you got anything else cooked up.
Starting point is 00:37:01 No, that's about it. I mean, there's a couple more pieces to it. I saw it just as, fuck you, Jake. Why don't you want the idea? The one thing that I'm a little bit worried about is why would I use you guys instead of just ordering from three different restaurants? Well, you're paying a tip and text and you're not getting the food at the same time. No, and it's so much, it's so much effort.
Starting point is 00:37:18 Like if Mike wants sushi, if I want pasta, if Jeff wants Mediterranean, it's not like Jeff wants hummus and chickpeas and I want spaghetti meatballs and you want tuna. We would love tuna. Well, yeah. I mean, that is probably what will end up getting, but you have to go to three different restaurants pages. You have to look at the entire menu. You have to check out at three different times.
Starting point is 00:37:35 It doesn't have a streamline. So what's the ordering process? Let's say all of us want dinner. We go to a taste maker app and then one person goes to taste maker and you can filter like seamless by cuisine, but you know, we only, we only serve Italian, Japanese Mediterranean and then what? And then it pops up with, you know, I mean, it's with the one big or the two to three like most popular dishes.
Starting point is 00:37:57 So it's most popular combos, most popular combos. I'm seamless right now. You can check like Indian tie. Like you can check the cuisines that you're interested in. Yeah. But we're all like, you can do that in this app. Like, okay, hey, somebody here wants Indian. Someone wants Thai.
Starting point is 00:38:09 Someone wants Italian. And then the next page just recommends three dishes from three restaurants. But it's also, it's also like, it's also the signature dishes like I call this one the Mike and it's like a whole thing. This is perfect for Sunday when you're hung over and like you can't eat till the pot and all of a sudden you're like potluck starving. Yeah. Potluck.
Starting point is 00:38:24 But it's also, it's also like the signature dish in the sense that like they're only like they're making like one to two dishes. Like that's like, that's what the restaurant has to do really well. Yeah. We're not offering like fucking 50 things. Seamless can be overwhelming. That's what you're saying. That's exactly why this is, it's perfect.
Starting point is 00:38:41 The illusion of choice. So Amir, are you in as a customer and investor? I'd like to use it as a customer first before I invest just because I'd like to see what the product is like. Count me in without allowing him on the app. Well, seriously, I'm definitely not for the beta version. Yeah. At the very least, the second round of investment, you know, like collect your
Starting point is 00:38:59 money from your little angel investors now. And then when you need the big bucks, you come crawling to daddy so I can kick you in the chin and write you a four million dollar check. And you know what? Keep the change, keep the service fee, keep the hummus, and I'll take the sushi for free. And actually I'll drink some diarrhea water. A fucking hot, tall glass of David's McDavid taco water. Hey, who Jacob?
Starting point is 00:39:24 How are you feeling? I'm in. I'm in both customer, investor, I love it David. I'm also in as a customer, investor, and most importantly, a friend to all of you. Great. I'm in as a customer and investor. I love it. I'm in out as a friend.
Starting point is 00:39:37 Hey, I don't want to be cool. I cool with you guys anymore. Thanks great job, Jeff. PowerPoint, two for two folks. I invest. You invested in Dave's. Yeah. But I would I don't want to clump these two ideas together as equally successful.
Starting point is 00:39:52 One's good and one's there's nothing clumpy about the David. I'll tell you that everything's clumpy about it guys liquid. Let me ask you something. How many privately owned drones are there in the United States? Sixty one thousand four hundred and fifty way more than a million. Would you say a million David privately owned privately owned like consumer grade privately owned drones? I'll Jeff is going to say twenty seven thousand and I'm going to say seven
Starting point is 00:40:23 hundred fifty thousand. Never mind one dollar one million on the nose. And now it's hard. Yeah. One million. What the fuck yeah. Now it's hard to know there's a lot of like weird statistics. But basically drones are one of the fastest growing markets for consumer electronics that there are that there is going out there.
Starting point is 00:40:40 OK. You got DJI. You got all these drone companies. What do you get when you're like your friend's boyfriend? You don't know him but you're like I bet he would like a drone. I got one for free. I'll just give him the drone. People love drones. You know what else is cool?
Starting point is 00:40:53 Sending people messages in the sky. Skywriters. How fun. Like everyone takes photos of messages in the sky when there's one out there. What I'm proposing is a new kind of drone that is a personal skywriter where you can write messages in the sky. A skywriting drone. And I call it easy writer. It's a pretty cool drone.
Starting point is 00:41:15 Yeah. Basically that's my idea is that all the drones are cameras nowadays. Everyone's worried about how do I put a GoPro and how to do this. I think a skywriter would be pretty fucking fun. You've got to do both. It's an attachment. Yeah. I mean, I think I can sell this to DJI as like here's my technology. I have this almost like an NO2.
Starting point is 00:41:34 Yeah, that's whatever they write in the sky with. And I have many ones that are rechargeable at station brick and mortar locations that we'll put around where you can charge them at a radio check and charge them at a best buy again refilled. And it's just a drone. That's a skywriter. Why not call it easy writer, writer, skywriter on skywriter, write your own story.
Starting point is 00:41:53 Oh, right. Your own. I'm asking on behalf of the nation here, a select few of us believe in chem trails. Do you know? Oh, yeah, there's a chemtrails attachment. You can also just like, you know, age and orange people to you can put a whole bunch of stuff. Oh, that's what you can use this for. There's a warfare.
Starting point is 00:42:10 It's hackable. I'll say that. It's hackable. May palm. Oh, yeah, it's hackable. Interesting. Is it trackable? That's not our fault. It's hackable, not trackable. My man. Stackable. Like if you want to buy two or three. Yeah, the cash is stackable that I'll be selling once these are.
Starting point is 00:42:22 Yes, dude. Woo. Price is around $250. You know, it's it's an attachment or is it a drone itself? It's its own drone. And I'd be happy to have a control. So you like knew what to do. Yeah, there's a proprietary control that has a release.
Starting point is 00:42:36 Yeah, I also like what is the and also that you can actually control it with your phone because who the fuck wants a your own drone phone, your own drone phone, so you control it with your phone so a you can like pre spell out words. I'm alone when I say I'd like to own my own drone. Yeah, if you're alone in owning the drone phone, I will can have a loan drone phone my son could you loan me a couple of bones so I could buy my own drone from all on you a bone phone to get a drone. We're out.
Starting point is 00:43:03 All right, that's all the time we got for the episode. Guys, you can pre program words in there in its message. That's my favorite. You know how hard it would be to actually spell the letters out. So basically your phone, you are the pilot. You're both the pilot. Does it smell it out like the old school pilot? You're a writer.
Starting point is 00:43:18 You're a different kind of give you a different kind of personal. Yeah. Can I give you a picture of the commercial? Yeah, it's a guy and he writes in the sky to a lovely lady. I love you or another guy. I think it's fine that a guy would write that to a guy. You're making fucking puke, dude. Oh, so so he writes.
Starting point is 00:43:36 I love you. And then will you fuck? Yeah, that's hot. Tell me more. He writes, will you marry me? And there's there's, you know, you can and she responds with no. And also she has her own drone. I thought that's what it was getting to what she responds with her own drone.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Oh, that's really that it was the entire time I was getting there. I also think it'd be fun. Let's open up that commercial because a lot of people were like, we're too we're too connected to our phones nowadays. Yeah, that's an a lot of you see a lot of shows. Yeah, people just like with their hands down and date. Yeah, you think this couple is unhappy with their headphones. So you think they're playing a game on their phone,
Starting point is 00:44:09 but then you look up to the sky and he's writing, baby, I love you. Oh, that's good. I think there should still be a camera attached to it so you could film the reaction from people. Oh, yeah, you can. I mean, basically, you can use your rear facing phone while the while the app is. Is it is it the type of skywriting where this the plane is doing the shapes of the letters or is it the new kind where it's like dots?
Starting point is 00:44:28 It's almost like a printer. No, no, no, I don't like that. Dots would make more sense. So I we're not we don't do dots. We do it the old fashioned way. The plane writes a letter doesn't the play. How far does like the plane need to travel for it to make the letters readable from the sky?
Starting point is 00:44:42 Like how how much does that's a fair question? Well, what happens? It depends on how high the drone. We have a special chemical with our with our spray that actually makes the letters. And so it's thicker. It's a bright white. It's that it doesn't dissipate as quickly either.
Starting point is 00:44:55 So you don't have to never goes away. It's not erasable. Skywriting. It's called I'm creating cloud. But I want to disguise Mr. Bird with style, create darkness, infinite darkness almost. Yeah, that's my idea. If it's possible, I'm in.
Starting point is 00:45:11 I mean, it is possible. It's completely possible. Is it? Absolutely. Have you searched to see if it actually exists? No, I never do because if I do that for my ideas, half of them will be done. I write like your idea of sandwiches.
Starting point is 00:45:22 Yeah, you have to Google mini sandwiches. Yeah, I have to just, you know, what are people writing other than like proposals? What if I was just like racial slurs and stuff? Yeah, what if I wrote fuck you? Yeah, that's cool. I was thinking more like the application of Jeff says, say I have a midterm and I need, you know, yeah, cheating.
Starting point is 00:45:39 That's actually a really good idea there. Huh? It's funny. Your mind goes right because every teacher will be like, you can't tell what class is for it. If it's just multiple choice, you can do like succeeding, succeeding. Yeah. Oh, oh, in the in the sky, you can just do like multiple choices
Starting point is 00:45:53 or in case of like, maybe there's no, don't go there. Yeah, go there. What I was going to say is some sort of crisis and, you know, we needed to instead of SOS. Yeah, an SOS type of thing. Yeah, sauce. I'll go there. They're selling sauce.
Starting point is 00:46:12 Hey, the guys are selling good sauce over there. Let's go over. Guys, can I count you? How do you guys feel? Can I count you in for stuff? Yeah, I'm in for one sky. Two hundred and fifty bucks. Skyrider.
Starting point is 00:46:22 Oh, I forgot. Yeah, the price. And our ultimate goal is to sell to DJI is the biggest drone manufacturer in the world. Do you buy the cloud separately? That's what I know. But you can refill the clouds at Best Buy. How much is that?
Starting point is 00:46:33 All that. It's standard and no to refill. Yeah, I say like 20, 20 bucks will get you enough gas for a lot of chemical. But like Best Buy is going to make gas. Wouldn't it be like a proprietary tanks that will put by the entrance? You don't even have to interact. Is that where you buy drones right now?
Starting point is 00:46:51 Yeah. OK. Yeah, it's all electronic. So we'll have a refill station similar to like a propane tank, Phillip, not way down the drone. Can I ask that? Does that CO2 NO2? Whatever it's actually lighter than air. It's actually lighter than air.
Starting point is 00:47:03 So it's actually lighter. Interesting. It's such a specific question from a guy who's selling diarrhea in that door. Can I put up the chemicals now? Yeah, that's what you're worried about. What's that good for the environment? That's fair. I want people to drink their own shit, but I'm kind of worried
Starting point is 00:47:18 about the trails that it's going to leave. I mean, these things are made in such a way that where the balance is perfect and I'm worried about the shifting in the way you use more, you use less. Are your socks pizza? Yes. And he's not even saying pizza is designed. You're wearing two slices of pepperoni pie. The sauce is so hot, it burned off your leg hair. You'll never grow it back, man.
Starting point is 00:47:42 David, are you in? Oh, yeah. Great. Jeffrey. Yeah, I'm in. Great. Guess who's getting a couple of sky riders for Christmas? Who? Me. Yeah. I have to try. I have to test these out before they hit the market. Yeah, deaf down.
Starting point is 00:47:56 Sounds awesome. All right, great. That was three solid. Was that a perfect game almost? Technically, even though David's idea was poison, but yeah, but once I found out, David went third, it would definitely be a no. OK, he cheated. Yeah, he cheated.
Starting point is 00:48:09 No means yes in my book. Yes, I am no. All right. Well, we're going to play a few ads. We're going to do little ads and we're going to come back and hear from the High Council of Head Gum, Jake and Amir. Can't wait. All right. Get an Oprah money.
Starting point is 00:48:20 Get and get an Oprah money. No, let this song play. Oh, sorry. All right. And hit it. All right, we're back. What Amir is going to do it? Oh, yeah. All right. And whenever you're ready, what up?
Starting point is 00:48:39 What up? What up? It's your boy, Baby Bloom, Mike Carnell. Yes. All right. Nailed it. I'm obsolete. No, no, no, I don't matter. You can go from now. Anyone can do it. Yeah, well, that's a joke. I didn't say that I should move back home, leave the city.
Starting point is 00:48:57 And now you still have a job. It's a nice idea, though. Your parents would appreciate that. You can ride your Skyrider all the way back home. Just grab it. I just fly my Skyrider to my parents. I don't say come pick me up. Are there drones that can pick up a human?
Starting point is 00:49:09 No, cool. I mean, those are just planes. Sorry, this is my pitch. All right. Well, guys, we normally hear from the Twin Evasion Nation in the back half of the episode. But of course, the High Council. Technically, we are the Twin Evasion Nation.
Starting point is 00:49:23 You are. You have High Council members in the room with you this time. Yeah, but you're more distinguished than some of our other fans, no fence family members. But these are the guys that make it possible. We're all one nation. We want to hear you out. We want to hear you out and want to hear what you have to say.
Starting point is 00:49:38 Who wants to go first? What's your idea, man? Who wants to go first? What's your idea? I'll go. I'll go. You first. All right. Amir Bloomfield going first. You volunteered like that wasn't the best time.
Starting point is 00:49:46 I'll go first. Oh, you want to? OK, I'll go. I'll close out the show. I want to close out the show. Who has the better idea? Who do you think I have a better idea? Oh, Amir, you said it was you've been working on it for 20 years. Yeah, my idea is really good.
Starting point is 00:49:57 Amir, you said it's going to be great to undo this. All right, let's hear it. What's the worst part about sleeping? Having to wake up. Jesus, that was depressed. I was fucking never mind. Jake can go first. I think sometimes it gets too hot.
Starting point is 00:50:17 OK, I got something worse than that. David, I don't like when my ball sack touches my thighs. OK, that's that's like I sleep walking. This happens, you know, I mean, probably is happening now because you don't wear underwear. Well, you don't wear underwear. I'm saying it wakes me up. I don't wear underwear.
Starting point is 00:50:33 Well, what else wakes you up in the middle of the night? Breathing improperly. OK, sleep apnea. Sure. Apnea nightmares. I know the answer. So just now don't let us guess nightmares. No, not nightmares. When you fall asleep to like an action adventure movie
Starting point is 00:50:48 and it gets to the climax and it's really like like big, big guns, heavy blasts. Do you guys ever wake up in the middle of the night to urinate? No. No. Do you guys ever wake up and it's really early and you have to pee? Rarely. I don't have to pee. I don't have the sensation to have to pee until I wait. I've woken up and like, oh, now I have to pee,
Starting point is 00:51:07 but I've never been woken up to. OK, we're more poopers than pisses. Yeah, it's a lot of if you're talking poop, then sure, I've gotten. Oftentimes I'll wake up at seven a.m. Before I want to wake up with your invention. Well, let's get to there. OK, sure. I'll wake up early and I'm like, oh, I don't want to wake up,
Starting point is 00:51:22 but I have to pee. So I'll get up at seven or seven thirty and that action wakes me up beyond to the point where I can go back to sleep. I can't go. I have trouble going back to sleep as well. Yeah, going back to sleep is hard. What if you didn't have to get out of bed to pee? What if there was a little slot door in the mattress that you can just open up, roll over and urinate
Starting point is 00:51:44 while you're still in bed? Whoa, so there's a hole. There's a hole. That's right, folks. In the mattress, maybe shape like a flesh light so that it feels good and locks your penis in so it makes sure it goes into one thing. Exactly right. So there's friendly, but go on.
Starting point is 00:52:01 It's a and then the the the hole slides to a compartment completely sound and smell proof. Why does it need to be sound proof? Because you don't want to be for your lover. Exactly right. Very nice piece of shit. Why does it have to be sound proof? Leave the room. Why do you have to be sound?
Starting point is 00:52:17 You know me as an investor. Which you are sound proof. Then in the morning, you slide it out from under your bed. It's like a bedpan and you dump it out when you're ready to wake up. You don't have to wake up to go to the bathroom to pee. You can do it from the comfort of your own bed. Sometimes I consider pissing myself just to avoid that. And I was like, wait a minute, there's got to be a better way.
Starting point is 00:52:36 You're peeing right now. Absolutely. And it's a mattress that's, you know, like a Casper or a Lisa. Why not? Why not like a water bed, though? You know, just keep you just fill it with the pee. Yeah, I don't want. I don't want to. So it's sort of that.
Starting point is 00:52:51 That's a lot of people. Yeah, it's a lot. What's the what's the name of the product so far? What I have is bed wetter. That's just the name for the guy who's doing the wall in the product. Right. A bed wet or a wet bed. So something with shoot or bed or pan, pan bed, a bed, a bed, pan, bed, pan. That pan is a thing.
Starting point is 00:53:10 Pan flavoring. Pan's labyrinth is not bad. Actually, what about bed better? Oh, better. Don't be a bed wetter. Decide to bed better. Oh, with a web better. So it's a it's a mattress slash toilet system that lets you sell mattresses.
Starting point is 00:53:26 The toilet mattress. Yeah, it's a toilet mattress. That's great. So you don't have to get a tank. Great question. You have to like the idea just because he 15 gallons. So you don't have to empty it every day. So but when you do have to empty it, you're carrying 15 gallons of piss.
Starting point is 00:53:42 To hell yeah. And then scrubbing the piss. Just I think that I think a gown. It's fan proof and smell proof, but you have to ask your significant other to help you carry it to the bathroom. It's not that big. I was just joking. Let's say it's the side like it's like a it's a two liter bottle.
Starting point is 00:53:57 Let's say enough to use a single use. Why do you pee two liters of pee every time? No, at most, like you won't pee more than that. True. Can you use it for shit? Great question. I guess if the opening was a little wider and you could pair it up with a nice day because you'd have to wipe.
Starting point is 00:54:15 You can't wiping wakes you up. I was going to use your sheets because it seems more like a drunken thing than anything else. So like pissing and puking, you know, oh, instead of having to put your puking bed better. Yeah, I guess the tube would be roughly the size of four dicks. So you can probably fix your mouth. Use it at the same time like if me and Jeff were sharing a bed or something.
Starting point is 00:54:37 Oh, that's good. Yeah, you're shitting. You're puking. I don't know the genetic or not genetic, but the physiological makeup that would allow girls to use it. But I'm sure we can figure something out. Some type of pipe or tube, I think. Yeah, a pipe or a tube.
Starting point is 00:54:51 Well, I think for girls, you have to have a funnel attached. Yeah, funnel. Yeah, funnel it. Like, you know, you've never been to the dentist and you spit up into that. Yeah. So does it suck your pee down? That's different than a funnel. That's that's a funnel. That was a really good sound effect. Yeah, you guys aren't wearing microphones, but it was exactly what it sounds like.
Starting point is 00:55:08 So is it sucking the pee down? It's also that you get sucked off your body. No, no, no, for the for the dick. The dick one is just normal hole, but it's like it's a flesh light. So I was just I was just suggesting maybe because if it's a little if you're soft, a little soft and tight, maybe that is the hole in your bed. Actually, I'm thinking about it. This could work for semen.
Starting point is 00:55:29 Let's say it's a flesh light that you fuck your mattress. The semen goes into the receptacle. Now I'm in smell proof sound proof. If your lovers you're probably saving money on tissue socks, whatever that you're coming to a real fight. If you're sleeping next to your girlfriend and masturbating with a flesh light, but she doesn't have to know you're just fucking grinding up on a bed. That's the whole as ride soundproof, baby.
Starting point is 00:55:49 I feel like it has to be like kind of like a vacuum seal kind of like compressed air to really like suck it out of you. Here's a question for you. What's the worst part about masturbation? We're going to cut the last 15 minutes. So how much how much are they going for? I guess roughly the cost of a mattress because nine hundred. Yeah, it's like five hundred, six hundred bucks.
Starting point is 00:56:09 Yeah, five hundred, six hundred. Can you make this an attachment for my existing mattress? Say I don't need the mattress, but I love the product. Can I still enjoy it? It's tough with spring mattresses because once you like I have a memory slice a hole. Yeah, with a memory phone, it's a phone. It's easy. You just slice out a cylinder of it and it doesn't really compromise the
Starting point is 00:56:24 integrity of the mattress, but I think we can. I think there's a lot of money to be made in mattresses. There's a lot of new companies that are making mattresses on the cheap and undercutting the competition. Mattresses are kind of a racket. I don't know if you guys ever purchased a mattress recently. This is a Lisa at Baked into. Yeah, Lisa.
Starting point is 00:56:40 It's the same thing. It's a mattress that you get delivered to your house, but you can't quite fuck it. And then or shit or piss or puke about fuck it by our mattresses. That's the that's the tagline. If I needed a new mattress, I would say, I mean, I let off with I don't have to get woken up to pee. I think it's a good idea, though, for the for the generics out there, too.
Starting point is 00:57:06 I think there's a whole market. I think it's a it's a it's more prevalent than you think the fact that you have to wake up to pee. I don't do it in the middle of the night, but at the end of the night, I think your key demo is like chronically, clinically depressed people who don't want to leave their bed. So like who don't wake up? Yeah, yeah. Yeah, they want to feel atrophy.
Starting point is 00:57:24 This is, you know, for for the real slugs in the world. It's kind of like a bedpan that's baked into your mattress so you don't even have to stand up, because once you stand up, you're sort of awake. Once you stand up, you wake up. Don't be a bed wetter. Bed better with fuck a bed. Davey, how are you feeling? I don't like the idea at all.
Starting point is 00:57:44 I think it's crass. Even worked your idea of. Oh, sorry, I didn't finish it. You drink the diarrhea. Are you in on that? Your piece of shit? You live in Canada, so you have to eat diarrhea. That's your that's your idea.
Starting point is 00:58:00 Yeah, but I walked in for the second half of this podcast and Dave's ideas. Canadians eat their own diarrhea essentially something like that. All right, so it's too crass. First of all, you're the biggest endorsement I can have for my products is the fact that you're not into it. That's going on the box. Well, my idea took a solid three hours of thinking before this podcast started. You said this idea of yours is over two decades in the making, and it's basically
Starting point is 00:58:27 to sleep on a piss bed. No, it's not. You're not you're not sleeping on your all. It's all underneath and you're still sleeping above the piss. Sure, you're sleeping above piss, but I guess you're always sleeping above something. There's pipes under your floor in your body. What?
Starting point is 00:58:47 That being said, I also don't like it. Yeah, you're out. Yeah, I'm out as a customer, but I actually am in side as an investor. Okay, he wants to be in the bed. Well, you wake up in the middle of the night to pee. Yeah, but I still I don't want to like carry the pee with me in the morning to the bathroom once a day. I don't want to clean out like a pan of what if it's kind of like what if it's
Starting point is 00:59:10 like, you know, have a oil, you put it out and you put it back in. But what if it's a bigger tank and, you know, like you own a household, you have to get, you know, go straight to plumbing straight into the plumbing or, you know, a guy comes every three months. There's a plumbing back of a bunch of shit. Shoots up through your mattress, the hose from the street. And it's just like people know we gotta, we gotta back up. There's a bunch of shit coming in.
Starting point is 00:59:33 A real toilet attached to a mattress is more appealing, but like, I think you just need to make your bathroom a little less like jarring, you know, take the fluorescent lighting out. That'd be a pretty tough to try a night light. What do you mean? I'm not like, you don't have to turn on the light, you know, you could still pee in the dark. So I'm saying getting up wakes me up.
Starting point is 00:59:50 Yeah. Once I'm out of bed, I have a real tough time. I could always fall back, but like rolling over to piss in like a tube isn't going to wake you up. No, because I'm already face down on the bed. I just have to shift until I line myself up. Like I'm refueling a jet midair. There's also like drops your drip afterwards.
Starting point is 01:00:05 You like, once you start peeing, you can go to bed. You're sleeping through that. It'll dry itself out. If anything, it's more like slowly training yourself to start wetting the bed. Yeah. Because what if you're in a bed that doesn't have it? Suddenly you start recommending it.
Starting point is 01:00:20 That's why it should be in hotels. It should be in motels. That's really disgusting because you're sleeping in a bunch of like other people's. You're not sleeping in the pee. I mean, am I not explaining this correctly? No, I get it, but I think it might be troublesome if you're like wasted.
Starting point is 01:00:34 You go back to a girl's apartment thinking you're in your apartment and you just pissed. Yeah, I guess that is a problem. If you're drunk and you pee in another person's bed. I guess you can make that a problem right now. Hey, you can get really drunk and pee in another person's bed. This is insane. We're all invested in drinking diarrhea.
Starting point is 01:00:51 I came in with a great idea and you're fucking picking holes in it because it's training you to live a better life. I'm sorry. It's training me to piss my bed. I'm going to embarrass myself. You feel like peeing in a toilet is nice because you flush it and it's gone and you don't have to carry it across the room. You shouldn't flush your pee if we're in a drought.
Starting point is 01:01:07 We're letting you out right now. We're in New York, buddy. We're just drinking our shit water. I don't even have to. I'm drinking my own shit. David's idea was to drink shit water and that was fine. That's not fair. I wasn't drinking the bed.
Starting point is 01:01:20 I was telling things that would help people drink their own shit. Corrective. Yes. My idea was going to revolutionize the way third world countries take care of this guy wants us to be our best. I mean, on the name of the day, but David changes the world piss. Peer bed is a good is a good slogan. Hey, it's taken.
Starting point is 01:01:41 It's making that a positive, doable attribute. That's true. What about in it like the UK advertising? We could just piss off. Oh, that's good. Piss off. Sorry. I have to start who's in and who's out.
Starting point is 01:01:53 I was in until you yelled at us. No, you weren't. No, I'm out. Wait, no customer, no investor, though. Do you think there's a market for this type of mattress? I think there's a market for it. I'd happy to be an investor because I think if we attack the octogenarian market and sort of that,
Starting point is 01:02:10 if we go heavy on them and we do grassroots campaign for young people, I mean. Octogenarians have nurses to carry out their pee. They're not going to do this. Not everyone has that kind of money. And now they don't have to, my friend. The nurses still empty at the bed. Those nurses are super expensive.
Starting point is 01:02:23 Yeah, you don't know shit. You're talking $100,000 a year when you're above 80 in terms of care, in home care. And now the bed better is helping us cut those costs out of our parents' lives. And quite frankly, we have to look out for them. But sometimes it's hard to afford. And I'm happy to be an investor in the bed
Starting point is 01:02:40 better and attack that market. I'd like to ask one more question. Is that part of the bed slightly uncomfortable? That was actually my next question. No, it's not. How does it open? Is there an open hole all the time or do I pull back some of the mattress stuff?
Starting point is 01:02:53 You can either have a lever that opens it or I can carry it. At that point, you have to be awake. You're wide awake pulling a lever, scooting your body over into a hole. As long as I'm not in the air. I'm probably making up thinking about how you have to carry the bottle of pee down into the air. You don't do that until you're fully awake.
Starting point is 01:03:10 There are holes in here and I'm out. There's holes in the mattress, sure. What if there's a filtration system in the mattress, which turns the piss into drinkable water? So when you wake up, you have a nice. Nobody's drinking shit. You have a nice, tall glass of water. You're a salad, you're drinking the shit.
Starting point is 01:03:24 You ever seen Waterworld? You can dilute, you know, you can change the piss. Kevin Costa can do it. Costa can do it. I don't think you drink that, but that water that's filtered the piss water can water the plants in the room. Well, that's pretty good.
Starting point is 01:03:35 You can drink piss water. You cannot drink piss water. You can drink filtered piss water. Also, second question. If there's... Your pitch is to drink the water. Yes or no. Drink the piss out of the bed pan.
Starting point is 01:03:46 I wouldn't recommend drinking the piss water. I cannot believe I'm answering these questions. Is it his and your two? You're a room full of fools. I'm pitching you guys a mattress that you don't have to get out of bed to pee and you're asking me if you can drink to your own urine. You asked us at the top if this is a problem we had.
Starting point is 01:04:00 We said no. And now you're telling me there's a lever I have to pull or what am I pulling foam out of the way? No, no, you're not pulling foam out of the way. There's a hole in your mattress. How do I get to the hole? There's just a hole. And you pierce it with your stick.
Starting point is 01:04:12 So you don't have a fitted mattress sheet? You have a fitted mattress. So there's like a slit. I didn't even think about the sheet. A slit. Oh, what about the sheet? There's a set. Now I have a hole.
Starting point is 01:04:21 Now I have to buy you separate sheets. No, you don't have to buy separate sheets. You only need one sheet. It's all the same mattress. Do you buy different mattresses for different sheets in your house? No, you have one sheet, one mattress, one slit. You're beating it.
Starting point is 01:04:31 Fuck you guys. I don't want to be here anymore. This is insane. I'm just saying, are there pre-cut holes in the sheets? Now you got to slit it where the hole is. Well, I don't want to do that. Why not? Because I paid good money for the sheets.
Starting point is 01:04:44 The sheet goes on your bed. That's what the sheet's for. But now there's a hole in it. It doesn't matter. That's only a piss. It compromises the threat count. I don't want a piss. You don't have to piss.
Starting point is 01:04:55 But now I have to because the hole's there. I paid all this money for it. You should really be able to line it up with where your junk is actually. So that hole will be in a different place. What if a girl sleeps over and then you have to pee? You just pee with her there? If you're, I mean, it's like, I have a night guard.
Starting point is 01:05:12 Do I wear it on the first date? No, but maybe if I'm comfortable enough, someday I'll pee the hole. I'm out. I'm out hard on both. Jeff, this is pretty in. I'm in as an investor. Holy shit, finally.
Starting point is 01:05:28 I think it's a brilliant idea. Someone has the balls to stand up for the brilliant. You guys are like the people that I'm going door to door song on the first television. You're like, can you drink your own pee out of it? No, you can't drink your own pee. You watch it. Hey, it's this sort of attitude.
Starting point is 01:05:43 You're very aggressive to the investors. And I know how to say you're out. Yeah, I'm out. Okay, Jeff's in. I'm in as an investor and a customer. Those are normal sheets. You cut your own. I'm going to get into the sheet game to do the old.
Starting point is 01:05:56 Yeah, the product I, you know, we can package together. That's a good sheet plus mattress market. Instead of we have the sheets with the slits in them, but it also has, you know, fleshlight technology. So it feels comfortable, feels welcoming. Maybe there's even a heating apparatus involved with it. Just make you feel a little more hell. I'll dock my dick in there before I fall asleep.
Starting point is 01:06:16 That way I don't have to do any wiggling around. I'm in. I'm in as an investor and a fucker. All right, that leaves. So you're out. David's out. David's out. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:29 No, let's get to know. Let's do it. David. Multiple occasions has pissed the bed. Yeah. You already treat every mattress like it's got a bed better in it. It's in the car.
Starting point is 01:06:39 What do you think? What do you think guy who thinks we should drink diarrhea? Do you think this is a good idea? I don't think it's a good idea. All right. So you agree with diarrhea, man. I think my idea sort of covers the whole peepee poopy industry. And we don't need any competition.
Starting point is 01:06:53 Yeah. You guess you're right. Dave's phone case is the top of a movie. Yeah. Yeah. He doesn't have a phone record. So do you agree with half Mofi, man? That's the real question. Or do you agree with a guy with some sense of sensibility?
Starting point is 01:07:04 I want Dave to start selling bottom half some movies. What is the point of it? It doesn't charge it access a case. But no, it doesn't. Because the most important bottom of your phone is also cracked. Well, it's been jeopardized. The integrity of the attack. David, OK, you pitched a horrible product that doesn't make any sense.
Starting point is 01:07:21 And we're out. Well, you and Jeff, you know, fuck your bed. All you know, it's in deep. Jeff's the only one who's in. I think there's a market. I think there's money to be made. I may not believe in the product, but I believe in the pricing. So your investor thinks it's a bad idea.
Starting point is 01:07:34 I don't know. He thinks it's a good idea. I think it's a good idea. And I think you're you're actually a really sweet man. And thank you for all the opportunities that you've afforded us. Oh, wow. Having said that, I think our ad rate is a little low. And the percentage numbers are kind of skewed in your favor.
Starting point is 01:07:49 It is 90 10 us. All right. All right. Jake's out. Dave's out. Jeff said, Mike's pissed and out. Mike's pissed and in. All right, Jake Hurwitz. All right, guys, this is your time to shine.
Starting point is 01:08:03 Oh, how about don't get pissed off. Get pissed in. You're you you lost before open up your mouth and take some piss. I think this this one's really going to change. This one's it's a high class idea. OK, so let's try to everybody get there. What's the worst part about flying? And on a plane.
Starting point is 01:08:21 Yeah, having to leave your loved ones in your body is that's great. There's nothing bad about it. All right, on a plane. I think there's not enough room crying baby crying baby. OK, delays. And did you not hear mine having to leave loved ones behind? Sure. What if they're flying with you?
Starting point is 01:08:39 They wouldn't be. Not where I go. Oh, you got to go to the bathroom room and delays. Yeah, that's where you can't piss from your seat. That is my idea is a fleshlight where you fuck your seat. So this is the idea. It's Uber meets FedEx meets. The future meets seamless.
Starting point is 01:09:00 Meet the Rosenbergs. Meet the parents. Beat your meat. No meat. Thank you. It's I I press a button on an app. Somebody comes is your app. Yeah, they take my carry on and they ship it to where I'm going.
Starting point is 01:09:15 So I don't have to fly with the bag. I just show up and my bag's there. Is that service cheaper than checking a bag? Yes. To ship a bag. It's going to be more expensive. Already shipping. It's going to be more expensive.
Starting point is 01:09:28 What was the answer to the question? It'll be more expensive. What was the answer to the worst part about falling? Oh, that I mean that it's stressful. And one of the reasons that it's stressful is because of all that the shit you go through to bring a big bag. I carry on. That's what I'm saying.
Starting point is 01:09:41 Carry on bag. Always carry on. Yeah, that's exactly. You have to bring a bag through the airport. You have to wait in front of your gate. You have to try to fight to be the first person on the plane. So the overhead doesn't others. So you would do with your backpack even.
Starting point is 01:09:52 No, your backpack you probably bring because you want stuff like snacks. Yeah, you got to be. It's your ever been the first person on a plane. It's really carry on. So but is so is your package on the flight or it's on like a different like like I thought about both of them. I think freight flight. There's I think there's one version where it's like you partner with FedEx
Starting point is 01:10:09 or UPS and you do like overnight shipping for your bag. But then you don't have your stuff that they are a lot of the flight only for hours waiting for you at your hotel. They're faster than you because you have a career. Bring you have a courier. You're about to leave your house and then your bag night before I shit my back. Yeah, night before you pack up before you pack up night before. There you go.
Starting point is 01:10:30 You like leave one thing. It's almost more effort. This is not more effort. It's not more effort. You have to pack a morning that you fly. Yes, trash bags. I just bring a trash bag on the plane. I carry on Dave.
Starting point is 01:10:41 You know, that's what I'm. This idea is for you for carrying on. I know in my stuff you need to stop that you're carrying on. Don't you want your it's going to be there? It's got a risk. Don't you want it on the flight? Don't you want your sorry? Let's let's start again.
Starting point is 01:10:55 He has a different idea. Do your other idea. That's what I carry on. I actually do have a scheme. We're going to give you the first ever chance to back out. No. Are you backing out amazing welcome to the shark tank, my friend. Munch, munch, munch, my blood in the water, boys.
Starting point is 01:11:09 We go. You've been for the nip. It's not all the ideas are going to be. I got questions for y'all then tell me why you like. Why do you like carrying on your bag? I feel like it's easy. It has wheels. It's not a nuisance and I always make sure I'm on the plane early to get a good
Starting point is 01:11:20 so you have so you have to line up early to I love it. I'm very competitive. I'm very competitive and it speaks and then you also have to wait for everybody on the plane to take out their bag from them. I'm going to have to wait anyway. And then you have to deal it across the entire airport, toss it in the back of a cab and then bring it up and fly to stairs to your place. I don't have to do that anymore.
Starting point is 01:11:38 Pick me up, take the bags in, into the car and out of the car. What guys pick you up? Either way, aren't I going to have to carry my suitcase? How much would it cost to ship a suitcase overnight? That sounds insane. A $40 suitcase. Wouldn't it be hundreds of dollars? No.
Starting point is 01:11:50 Well, this is why you partner with airlines. You partner with hotels to drive down the cost. I would say it's. You're going to buy into the airlines. 50 and a hundred dollars. Bag fee. And then you think they're going to partner. We're not even going to pick up your fucking calls.
Starting point is 01:12:02 What are you talking about? Pick up your luggage. That's how they make money. They make money off of like people. Yeah, you think you're just going to dip into their fucking profits and they're going to make the money. No, they got really tight margins, very tight margins in the airline. People checking bag, people going carry on is what loses the money.
Starting point is 01:12:21 Checking bags costs money. Wait, I have a question for Dave's idea. The, the, the beday of actually it's growing on me. After hearing that even shittier idea, I feel like this is a, this is a punkter. So not, not how you picture did go, huh? Yeah, it's not that easy. At least I had Jeff, I just don't see how you're going to ship these bags at a cheaper cost than it is.
Starting point is 01:12:43 It's not cheaper. It's more expensive and you have to do it the night before. And you have to do it the night before. It's a luxury service. You don't have to fly with the bag. Yeah, what if they picked up your bag and you're like, fuck, I forgot to put my suit in there. I don't have a way to get the suit.
Starting point is 01:12:57 That's a problem. Wait, what do you mean? I'm going to a wedding. I packed my suitcase. It's a specific problem, Mike. I don't think that's fair to attack Jake that way. Thank you, Dave. It's a luxury item.
Starting point is 01:13:05 If you live a luxurious life like Jake does, then you do it. It's not for fucking poor little bitches like you. It's not for, it's not for you, you guys. I want to know how much the service is. It's for CEOs and presidents. It is for people flying first class, but don't feel like flying with the bag. You're high class problems. You know what your problem is?
Starting point is 01:13:21 You don't take the bus anymore. You want to wet your bed. Yeah, that's a lot of money for people to have money. I mean, how much is the service, bud? A thousand dollars a month. Why can't you feed it? What if I'm just like, no, I think it's a rare flight to it's a model and you pay my head.
Starting point is 01:13:37 It's an upsell service, like the same way you upgrade to first class for another hundred bucks or something. You say, hey, or how about you don't want to? You don't have to fly with the bag. We'll come pick it up for you. Do they unpack my bag and they unpack your bag, hang up your clothes and blow you if you want to. For now, you're speaking my language, but are you talking about checked bags
Starting point is 01:13:54 too or just carry on both either one? So yours don't have to deal with the bag anymore. It's a career. What do you do? What are you doing by the way? It already exists in Japan. Oh, so not an original thought. Well, Jesus Christ, what you want to write into America to partner SPG in Delta, you know what else?
Starting point is 01:14:09 You know what else exists in Japan? Bukake. You can team up with eleven Japanese businessmen and jerk off into a story. I don't want to make that made a pretty decent amount of money. So I'll invest in that. Then you have a jerk off on your face. Do my address, bro. Dave, Jeff, does it seem like these guys weren't ready for the heat of the
Starting point is 01:14:26 tank, huh? Yeah, they thought they could stroll in here and if you thought you could just stroll in here and pitch anything you fucking wanted. I've been scaling since I was. I can't even remember 12. I think if it's a luxury service, I can already ship a bag. By the way, you go to FedEx and ship a bag. Well, that costs hundreds of dollars.
Starting point is 01:14:41 They want to pack your bag and hang it up and iron your shirts for you. Oh, that's what you want them to do. I unpack your bag and I'm trying to get one person on my side. So yeah, whatever Mike wants, the product. It's a thousand dollars. No, it's a hundred dollars. I think you should charge off. I think you should be charging for distance, like depending on where you're going.
Starting point is 01:15:00 Yeah, what if it's an international flight? What if you leave the following? We're not ready to go international. Yeah, I don't think it's the same. It's mostly it's mostly like LA to New York. It's it's like that. So just to clarify, it's totally like convenience. So you don't have to carry a bag.
Starting point is 01:15:13 You don't have to carry on a bag. OK, you can fly a lot quicker if you don't have to wheel a bag. If you don't have to, you know what? This might be nice for people who have connecting flights, too, because that's actually when I get the most nervous. Not go through an airport with a bag. Is what do you do with the cheese sandwich? You're trying to sneak on the flight.
Starting point is 01:15:27 That goes in your backpack, but you don't have to say which on a flight. You're talking about, you know, a small roller in a city. Yeah, OK, a roller, a personal item. So then the main benefit is that you don't have to wait for luggage like at the like when everybody else is lining up like zone one, zone four. Like you can just chill and read a magazine. You have to be there or you can leave. You could just go right go to go to your destination.
Starting point is 01:15:50 Do you charge by way? Why are you hanging out? But because during boarding time, it's shipping costs. You have to charge by weight, but yeah. Well, I mean, first of all, you could theoretically have somebody a courier just bring the flight and check the bag into the airplane because that only costs twenty five dollars to check a bag. How about you? So like there's a world where you use that.
Starting point is 01:16:08 But then there's also a world where like the same way you. I mean, these guys better be unpacking my goddamn bag and hanging out my goddamn shirts. You want to go open your bag. I would imagine I would want to imagine you the top notch dollars that you are, you hire trustworthy people that I can trust with my bag. What about some sort of system where you connect with, you know, say you're going to Portland, you connect with someone who has a similar
Starting point is 01:16:29 bill to you, similar financial circumstances, and you just get a package of their stuff trade closets. Yeah, which is something like that. So like you don't have to take anything. You walk out with what you're wearing and then like their closet is open to you. Yeah. So the clothes are Airbnb for closets. Yeah, it's like trunk club for Airbnb.
Starting point is 01:16:48 Yeah, it's like Uber meets subway. Meets trunk club meets seamless. I also have a scheme really quick. OK, we haven't even ended this idea. How about you? I mean, everybody's obviously in. Well, no, I wasn't in all the way. I mean, we'll go around the table. I want to go last. Amir, how do you feel about this?
Starting point is 01:17:05 I'm definitely out. Wait, what's the name of the service? Oh, it's called carry off. Oh, thank you. Very nice drink. It feels good to win their approval. Amir, you wouldn't know what that felt like. What are you talking about? Jeff is in.
Starting point is 01:17:18 I wasn't. He was in. I wasn't. So, Amir, you're out all the way. It's the smartest one. You're out all the way. I am out. It is a personal vendetta because he was out on my idea. I'd like to create a little competition. That's not how we sell mattresses.
Starting point is 01:17:30 Jake will sell. I don't know. Japanese people taking your luggage from you a night before. Don't make it race. Yeah, that's why we're not in business with you because you're taking this personal. He said it exists in Japan, right? Business is business.
Starting point is 01:17:41 And you're paying for someone to Uber to your house. Take it back to a FedEx and then also ship it across the country. I know you're a new fit. You don't take it to FedEx when you ship yourself, right? No. Well, what do you mean ship it? You're like this guy's actually getting on a flight and flying it across the country. He's on your flight.
Starting point is 01:17:56 Ship it yourself. He's selling your luggage. He's running it. Your luggage. He's sitting next to him. He has your luggage handcuffed to his arm. Your luggage and like a cooler with like a kidney in it. Yeah, on the black market.
Starting point is 01:18:09 I would say it's too cost prohibitive. The cost of shipping your bag is not worth not just interesting and fair. Cost twenty five dollars to ship a bag. I have a lot of logistical concerns with it that I don't want to go too deep into. I mean, you don't know the airline industry. That's been established.
Starting point is 01:18:25 But I think you can show up to the airport with your bag and then the person that you hire is there and then they get it to your hotel destination. Like you can bring the bag to the airport. I don't think you need to have someone coming to your place the night before. Let me finish. I don't think you need to have someone
Starting point is 01:18:39 come into your home the night before to ship it out. You can bring the bag to the airport. You're not going to get the bag there on time if you don't do it the night before. You could curbside check your bag and you don't have to worry about picking it up. You just say like, imagine not waiting for your bag at a carousel or imagine not taking your bag
Starting point is 01:18:52 out of the overhead. Like you could just grab a backpack and get off the plane and go to your hotel and your stuff's there. How does he take it from the airport and get it to your destination quicker than you get there? Because you have to do it a day before. But he's Dave saying you don't have to do that and you do that.
Starting point is 01:19:08 There's holes in it. No, I'm out. I'm out. It doesn't have to be earlier than you. It could be at the same time as you or it could be slightly after. I mean, I could wait an hour. Slightly after.
Starting point is 01:19:18 Wow, the truth comes out. Hey, how'd you like to get to your hotel and you're like, hey, your clothes aren't right there yet. I'm not going to wait for my goddamn bag at the, it better be unpacked and folded and ironed and hung up. Fine, it will be. How are they going to get into your room before you get there?
Starting point is 01:19:32 You already said you were out. Let him work through it. They check in for me. I just don't want him to waste his money. Michael, you can only invest in so many companies, my friend. Part of this service is that they check in for me to my room. They check in for you to your room. And I give them, they know when I'm coming
Starting point is 01:19:43 and they know what I want from room service and at the orders put in. Eggs Benedict sitting on the bed for you. Yeah, I want it. And then they pop a hole into the hotel mattress so you can take a piss in it in the middle of the night. Jeffrey, how you feeling? Mining companies.
Starting point is 01:19:56 Jeff is in for closet buddies. I think that's a really good idea. Oh, that's a really good idea. Closet sharing economy. That's good. After Jake's idea, I honestly don't really get it. The numbers don't really work out for me. Sure. It makes sense if you don't understand the idea.
Starting point is 01:20:13 I don't understand the idea. I think I did a pretty good job of explaining it. But if you didn't understand it, I spent the longest time with you last night and I still get the most beef. It's how the two people that are out have vendettas. Welcome to the business world. Welcome to the tank.
Starting point is 01:20:27 Are we calling this a tank? You're going to cross people and they're going to be mad at you. I'm out as an investor, out as a customer and undecided about being a friend. Well, you decided last night when you let the bar to go hang out with Hank, didn't you? Hank's really catching some heat. I love Hank.
Starting point is 01:20:43 I don't. So, Jeff, you're out, but you're in for closet buddies. I'm in for closet buddies. Closeted, closeted buddies. I'm in for a new idea. Closet buddies sounds like a very gay app that you understand. It's two guys. You find somebody that looks like you in Portland
Starting point is 01:20:59 and you go and hook up with them and nobody has to know. As long as it happens in a closet, you respect their fashion sense. You know, they're clean, helpful, caring individuals and closeted buddies. I'm out. I don't. You said you were in. You said it before, didn't you?
Starting point is 01:21:14 Can I finish my explanation? This is insane. I'm out because of the attitude that you're exhibiting. Exhibiting. You're mad at me. That makes sense. I'm out as an investor, as a customer. I'd do it if long as my clothes get hung up
Starting point is 01:21:31 and my clothes get ironed and my other stuff gets folded. How much would you pay for that service to not have to? To not have to ship my bag. I mean, that's the thing is unless it's 50 bucks, sure, it's 50 now. It'll never be. That's coming. And that's why I'm not an investor, but I'll be a customer.
Starting point is 01:21:47 If it's 50 bucks, I think you should have it. You won't have wanted to own a piece of that company. No, because I don't think there's any way you're making money. And I'd like to just take advantage of the service. I think Delta. All right, but yes, sure. I respect it. Namaste.
Starting point is 01:21:59 Namaste. Thank you for your time. Well, now let's hear it from David. David, how realistic is this company? This coming from a guy who thinks drinking shit is okay. Do you think that this service is realistic? More or less realistic than drinking diarrhea. A lot of people would say that one of the most renewable
Starting point is 01:22:13 sort of resources in the world is shit and human feces. There's always going to be more of it. The industry is never going to die itself propelling the body unlike the airline industry. You know what I mean? I mean, of course, a couple of people don't like to travel. A couple of planes go down in the wrong place as all of a sudden the airline industry is out for a month or a year or 10 years.
Starting point is 01:22:30 And then what's the company going to do then? It doesn't scale. People are shitting four or five times a day. No, they're not. See how it doesn't matter what you say. It's just how you say it. Oh, I like that. I'm in for this.
Starting point is 01:22:40 What are you describing? Digging diarrhea instead of traveling? Yeah, the fall of the airline industry. I forget. Well, everybody. Wait, David didn't say he was in and was out. I've been out for 10 or 15 years actually. He's out.
Starting point is 01:22:50 Wow. Has everyone? I'm the only customer. And I'm out as an investor. Nobody else. Because you're hurt. Is this the first time four people have said no to an idea? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:23:00 Well, we've never had that many people. That's true. This is the most. I'm really shocked. So technically, this is the worst idea in terms of innovation. Technically, this is the worst idea. It seems like a luxury thing. Like Dave and I, you know, we're not big travelers.
Starting point is 01:23:12 We maybe once every two years. I preface the pitch, but I say it wasn't for you. Tri-state area or bust. Jersey, Connecticut, New York. We're greyhound kids. I mean, it's a customer. But yeah, you know, I don't think you're going to make money. I don't think the Marges are there.
Starting point is 01:23:26 Thanks, man. I think it's a good thought. And I do think there's money to be made in sort of a luxury item for high end Japanese businessmen, as you described them. You think there is money, but you said there wasn't money. I don't think it's enough for me to put my own up as collateral. I would like to be a customer, see how the business runs,
Starting point is 01:23:42 maybe in a year or two. Come back to me and I might have something for you. Thanks. By the way, by then it'll be a $2 billion corporation. You can't afford to invest. You want your money now or nothing. This guy pissed himself. What's the deal?
Starting point is 01:23:53 If I've said on one episode, I've said on 10 episodes. Everyone forgets we're actually still in a recession. OK, I mean, we're not talking about inflation. We're talking about hyper stagflation. Do you understand what I'm saying? We'll Barrow's fault. This is Berlin 1937 all over again. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 01:24:07 I was thinking late 36. I love that. Early 37 is actually more accurate. Well, guys, those are all the pitches for for this week. Jake pissed down in flames. Amir got real upset. I got a little not compared to Jake's. My idea is a fucking home run.
Starting point is 01:24:23 Dave's the most forward thinking of the bunch. I'd say the best idea of the night mine. Yeah, I respect that. I appreciate that and and I want the whole to innovation nation to know that I am the smartest, most scalable person on this set. This is the guy you want to pick up and celebrate. Yeah, love him.
Starting point is 01:24:40 Would you say to innovation is the second nation or a third nation? It's the only nation. Jeff, you had a great idea. I loved it. I mean, I think I'm the only sensible person in this crowd and I agree because you're the only one with a mind to actually invest in my company.
Starting point is 01:24:56 All right. Well, we end every episode with a little plug for what we're doing this weekend because you guys already did your show here. You got nothing else to I'm walking around with a fucking chainsaw, slicing up holes and mattresses and concepts as far as the eye can see. You'll all be you'll all be shitting in your beds by Christmas.
Starting point is 01:25:14 He's got a couple of bags that he has to take to Phoenix overnight and make sure they get there on time. I just run the business, dude, partner with Delta. It's going to be fine. Well, we're all going to go out tonight. We're all going to have some fun. Cool. As long as Jeff doesn't buy us.
Starting point is 01:25:28 Oh, Jeff's already gone. All right. Well, we'll we'll hang out. We'll have a good weekend. Yeah, I can't wait. Maybe you guys will get rid of this weird attitude because you failed. You know what happens?
Starting point is 01:25:39 There's so much there's so much testosterone in this room. It was only a matter of time before shit got like it's like a powder keg. And you know what? That's shit you can drink. That's a shit you can drink. All right. Well, this is baby bear Mike Carnell signing off.
Starting point is 01:25:52 Davey Jeff say goodbye. Good. Bye. Our high council's Jake and Amir say goodbye. Our first ever guest. Great job guys. Thank you for having us. Honored.
Starting point is 01:26:02 Honored to be part of this. Sorry you got chewed up in the tank. That is has to be copyright. Sorry you got a little chewed up in the tank, dude. It's another show about inventions. Yeah, but we can say the tank. Sure. Well, it's looking like the bear trap.
Starting point is 01:26:15 You know, you're welcome in the trap, dude. You got caught on a trap. Smelled a little honey, got a little careless, got caught in the trap. I got. Yeah, I like honey. Yeah. So I'm the bear. You're the bear.
Starting point is 01:26:25 Oh, yeah, but you're like no, you're still the bear. I think I got trapped. I'm the honey. The trap is Jeff and you're the thing. What did you call your asshole a honey hole? No, I never called it a honey hole. What did you call it earlier? I had a lot of different names.
Starting point is 01:26:39 It was a honey hole. It was not a honey hole. If you heard that, then you heard me wrong. All right, we're going to sign off. Amir is going to go cut a hole into our producer next bed and take a big piss. Hey, Nick, do you wake up in the middle of the night to pee? Don't do it. It's over.
Starting point is 01:26:52 I'm just saying. All right, this is Baby Bear telling you to stay scheming. And stay dreaming. Walking out the door, probably they're fake, not to show fur, make some more pearls. Now we're no proof. Shorten the name with two dudes for innovation. I owe you.
Starting point is 01:27:11 Over, over money, getting hit and over money, over, over money, getting hit and over money, getting hit and over money, getting hit and over money, getting hit and over money, over money.

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