If I Were You - Testing Testing: Game of Thrones/Kobe!

Episode Date: August 26, 2021

Back with another test (or two) about some of our favorite things...See omny.fm/listener for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a HitGum original. All right, we are back on a Thursday of all days. Holy crap, it has to be the seventh episode of testing, testing. Yeah, about two tests per episode, sometimes one. I'll say this is what our fifteenth quiz we've given one another. It's getting quizzical in here, you better believe. Nice, nice. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:00:30 I feel smarter for it. Well, we'll see. We will see, because I have two tests, two tests for you today. One that you're going to suck at. Okay. And it's actually not even fair for me to give it to you. It's Mandarin for dummies. Not far off, not far off.
Starting point is 00:00:47 Okay. Okay. And then another test that I expect you to ace. Wow, basketball trivia for smarties. So I will give you your first quiz, which is titled. Drumroll please. You win or you die. The hardest Game of Thrones quiz ever.
Starting point is 00:01:06 Okay. So this is a trivia about a show I've not seen. It's not trivia. Okay. It's not trivia. The test. Because trivia is trivial. And this one is important.
Starting point is 00:01:20 And this is about the iron throne. Okay. So yeah, if you want to rule the seven kingdoms, you better buckle up, pow, suit up, and let's fucking go. You want to rule Westeros? You think you're fit to be the king? Who ended up being the king at the end of it? Who, like, is on the throne or whatever?
Starting point is 00:01:38 At the end of the day, it was Bran. The sort of the guy in the wheelchair, the wiener. Yeah. Yeah. The wiener. Yeah. You know, not because he's in a wheelchair, just because he's a wiener separately from that.
Starting point is 00:01:51 Yeah. But in addition to that, he's in a wheelchair, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. He was a boring choice for the king. I'll say that. Okay.
Starting point is 00:02:00 Number one. What is the Iron Bank's representative played by Mark Gattis called? So this is, of course, the representative for the Iron Bank, who talks to Cersei about giving gold for the troops. Cersei could go north to fight the star. I said this is Game of Thrones trivia. And you said, no. And then the first quiz.
Starting point is 00:02:23 It is. Not. How is that not? It's not trivia. Because it's not trivial. The Iron Bank, you need gold if you want to rule Westeros. War costs money. And the Lannisters, their coppers are empty, but they do pay their debts.
Starting point is 00:02:37 But maybe the Iron Bank isn't really trusting them so much anymore. Yeah. So who came to talk to Cersei? Was it Cora and Halfhand? Was it Zorro Zonedaxon? Was it Howard from the Halifax? Was it Taicho Nistoris? I mean, it's got to be Taicho, right?
Starting point is 00:02:54 Like, it doesn't make sense for it to be the other ones, I think. So like, Taicho, I think, was the one who ended up talking to them about the thing. I really applaud the hell out of you. You must have heard the name and known that he was from Braavos, because it's a very Braavosi name. And yes, the Iron Bank is located in Braavos. And yes, Taicho Nistoris is correct. But let's see if you can get Number Vos.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Sorry, I got that one right, and you were just sort of like disappointed in me. It's like, wow, good work. I thought I was proud of you. I said you deduced, because you must have known that his name was Braavosi. Who was responsible for the creation of the Night King? The Lord of Light, the Children of the Forest, the Drowned God, or the First Men? The Light Made the Night. Give me the Light Men.
Starting point is 00:03:52 I'm sorry to tell you, it was, of course, the Children of the Forest, the first inhabitants of Westeros before the First Men. They had magic ways, they made the Night King. I believe it was to protect them, but it ended up going south. Going the wrong way. Going south of the North Wall. In the TV show, what was Hodor called before he got his tragic door-holding nickname? Door-holding nickname?
Starting point is 00:04:18 He had a nickname for the fact that he holds a door, and its name is Hodor? Yeah, I mean, it's one of... I feel like it's kind of a polarizing thing in Game of Thrones, because I thought it was corny, and everyone else seemed to think it was amazing. Hodor holds a door. Yeah, he always said Hodor, and it's kind of a shortened thing for the... He's like, I don't know, it's like vaguely time-traveling, like he knew in the future he was going to lose his mind holding the door against the army of the undead.
Starting point is 00:04:50 So yeah, you kind of see why he always knew that his name was Hodor. Yeah. Anyhow, was his first name Willis Horus Murus or Gladys? I hope it's not Gladys. Just named after a lady named Gladys, an old woman. What was the second one? Horus. No, that's too close to Hodor.
Starting point is 00:05:14 Although, Hodor is very close to hold doors, so I guess anything is in play. Yeah. What are the non-Horus, non-Gladys ones? Willis and Murus. Let's go, Murus. I like Murus. I don't think Murus is a very, like, Northern name, and it is Willis. Ooh, I narrowed it down to two, and I chose the wrong one. It's pretty close, pretty good.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Who was the leader of the Golden Company sellswords when Danny Rhe ransacked King's Landing? Whatcha talking about, Hodor? Would that be like a good Game of Thrones sort of inside joke, because his real name is Willis? Yeah, that would be kind of cool. That would be a good title for our Game of Thrones talk back. Alright, what was the next one? Who was the leader of the Golden Company sellswords when Danny ransacked King's Landing? Wes Borland, Harry Strickland, Kiefer Sutherland, or Robert Westland.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Alright, it cannot be Kiefer Sutherland. There's no way. He exists in both universes. Wes Borland, isn't that the name of the guitarist or bassist from Luke Biscuit? I think it is Wes Borland. So then that narrows it down to two. What are the two non-names that I've heard of? Harry Strickland and Robert Westland. Robert just feels like a non-name in Game of Thrones. Like, hey, I'm Rob.
Starting point is 00:06:38 Well, actually, I will tell you that the King in the beginning of the... where the TV show picks up is named Robert. Robert Baratheon. Give me Harry Strickland for the wickland. That's kind of a co-pro there, but yeah, that's correct. Danny's Dragons. Sorry, like, another one that was right, and you were like, that's kind of a co-pro, but yeah, correct. I gave you that one. You narrated it down to two and I basically told you that Robert was wrong. You said Robert's...
Starting point is 00:07:09 Congratulations, you knew Wes Borland was in Limp Bizkit. Yeah, yes, congratulations. Number five. Number five. Danny's Dragons are or were called Drogon, Viserion, and I assume you need a... I assume you need the multiple choice. Of course. I don't remember the name of the dragons. I've seen, like, Dougal, Vhagar, Rhaegal, and Balerion.
Starting point is 00:07:41 I kind of like the last one. Well, that is a dragon's name, but it is not Danny's dragon's name. That was the dragon of her father or grandfather. No, great. The original Aegon Targaryen conquered Westeros on the back of Balerion, the Black Dread. I believe the correct dragon's name was Rhaegal, named after her brother who was murdered by Kel Drogo, Rhaegon Targaryen. Okay.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Number six. Ewan Rayon. Ewan Rayon, who is not a character, that's actually the name of someone who played a character called Ramsay Bolton, was almost cast as which character? The options are Jon Snow, Gendry, Podrick Payne, or Rob Stark. Jon Snow. I don't know this one, because this is more of a behind-the-scenes video.
Starting point is 00:08:38 Production. Yeah, wow. Correct. Jon Snow. That's right. That's correct. Really good stuff. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:08:46 Because you seem to want that out of boy every single time. I'm like four of seven here for a show I've seen six episodes of. That's kind of impressive. Anyway, continue. So it's funny because there actually are 80 questions. This is the hardest game it throws. So my joke amount was very close. Okay.
Starting point is 00:09:08 Yeah, no. We'll just go for it until I say it's over. Okay. Who said, I don't plan on knitting by the fire while men fight for me? That is Liana Mormont, Sansa Stark, Sir Brienne of Tarth, or Olenna Tyrell. I remember in the first season, there's a little girl who learns how to fight. That is, yeah, that's Arya Stark. And that was not one of the options.
Starting point is 00:09:42 That was not one of the options. But another option was the Stark, right? Yeah. Sansa? Sansa Stark. Is that the one that marries King Joffrey? Yes. She was kind of like a brat where she's like, I just want to marry the king.
Starting point is 00:09:57 Like she doesn't seem to be like a warrior at heart. Yeah. Well, I mean, you got to finish the series, and she absolutely is. She's a savage. But in the first season, you're right. She was the kind of person that was going to sit by the fire while men fought for her. So what were the other options? Liana Mormont.
Starting point is 00:10:17 Liana. Sir Brienne of Tarth, or Olenna Tyrell. I don't know the other three. So I'm going to say Brienne of Tarth, because that sounds vaguely familiar. It's close. It's actually Liana Mormont, who is one of the best characters of the show. Who's this grizzled chap? That's just a photo one, so let's not.
Starting point is 00:10:39 Yeah. Thank you. But it is, Sir Barristan Selmy. I'll give you one right answer. Yes. All right. Which body part did Kit Harrington say was in severe pain when filming the dragon writing scenes in season eight?
Starting point is 00:10:52 Oh, his ass or his grundle, because he was like trying to ride the dragon and he's like all my taint slash pelvic hips are all fucked up from it. So that is one of the options. It is his right testicle. The other ones are right shoulder, right knee and right arm. Yeah, give me his balls. His balls. That's correct.
Starting point is 00:11:12 That's correct. That's great testicle. Which UK drama had Hannah Murray, who played Gilly, and Joe Dempsey, who played Gendry, appear in Together Before Game of Thrones? Okay. So this isn't a Game of Thrones quiz anymore. This is just fucking. I'm DB Trivia.
Starting point is 00:11:30 Okay. I'm not doing that. There's a question about whose bushy beard is this. We know that it's actually Robert Baratheon. Of course. Beautiful braid. I can tell you guys that is Cersei Lannister. Yep.
Starting point is 00:11:43 Yep. Yep. Okay. Here we go. Which of these characters is dead? Jack in Hygar, Nymeria, the Dire Wolf, Hot Pie, or Edison Tollet? Dire Wolf. You know, there were, I believe there are six Dire Wolves or five.
Starting point is 00:12:00 It's one for each of the Stark children. And they are not all dead. Do you want to cast your bet that Nymeria is dead? Yes, I do. Okay. Well, that's Arya's and she's not. Edison Tollet is the one that died. He took the black.
Starting point is 00:12:19 He, I believe he died in, hmm, he lived maybe right up until the end when he died against the Night King. All right. What is the name of the giant dragon slaying crossbow that failed to protect King's landing? Millipede, the, you're making me very crossbow, scorpion, or mantis. Millipede, you're making me cross, like you're making me crossbow feels like a really weird joke to call. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:53 This is the name of a weapon. Yeah, but keep in mind this is the same writers that came up with Hodor. That's true. And the last one is just sort of like a fantasy sounding thing. What was it? Mantis. Yeah. I'll go Mantis.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Okay. I don't know this answer. Oh. Oh, but it was scorpion. That's what I would have guessed by the by. Fuck. All right. I'm just going to scroll through and see if I can find fun ones.
Starting point is 00:13:21 Okay. I mean, they're all fun to me. Yeah. What was the Red Keeps chief mouser called Sir Pounce, Master Pau, Lady Claws, first of her name, Breaker of Mice, Protector of the Realm, or the Bastard. Mouser, that's I think what they called cats. So there was a cat in the castle that killed mice and they named that cat Sir Pounce, Master Pau, Lady Claws, or the Bastard.
Starting point is 00:13:50 I hope it's Lady Claws. That's kind of a cool name. I believe it's Sir Pounce and it is Sir Pounce. Which Sir Pounce? Sir Pounce. Which relative did Euron Greyjoy murder to take the salt throne of the Iron Islands? What is dead may never die, but rise again harder and stronger. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:12 I don't know. I haven't, I haven't seen the show. So I'm not really. Euron Greyjoy murdered to take the salt throne. Did he murder his brother, his uncle, his nephew, or his cousin? Uh, cousin doesn't feel like a big deal. Brother might be too big of a deal. So what were the other ones?
Starting point is 00:14:32 His uncle. It's pretty good. His nephew. Nephew seems kind of fucked up. I'll go uncle. I think it's uncle. It's his brother. Wow.
Starting point is 00:14:42 Wow. Yeah. I guess they fucking go there. They go there. What's the name? I mean, in the first episode, a brother and a sister are just sort of fucking each other. So I guess anything is possible. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Totally. Yeah. Except for you're making me very crossbow. That would be a bridge too far. That would be hacky. It would be tacky. It would be tacky. It would be deaf and dumb.
Starting point is 00:15:03 What is the name of Arya's sword? Ice, pointy, fang, or needle? Oh, I might have seen this, right? Because this is when she's sort of getting, that guy who's like training her gives her a sword. You should know this. And yet I don't remember. What is it?
Starting point is 00:15:22 Ice, needle? Ice, pointy, fang, or needle? Pointy. There's no way. This is your sword. It's called pointy. When she gets the sword from Jon Snow, he says, do you know how this works? And she says, stick them with the pointy end.
Starting point is 00:15:39 Oh, I see. I think it harkens back to that. Yeah. But I don't think it's called pointy. Good. Because it's not. Let's eliminate pointy. So that makes it needle, ice, or fang.
Starting point is 00:15:51 I wish any of these sounded familiar. Why don't you try to use some, there you go. That's correct. Because the context is that she's not going to admit. Needle doesn't sound right. So maybe let's go. Fang could be kind of cool, actually. Needle.
Starting point is 00:16:08 I already put in the answer. All right. Good. There's another thing from season one. So it's another thing you should know. Who was Ned Stark's predecessor as Robert Baratheon's hand? You remember, Hand of the King, that guy died. They make the trip to King's Landing and Robert asks Ned to become the Hand of the King.
Starting point is 00:16:29 That's why they go to King's Landing. And who is Ned replacing? The names are Jamie Lannister, Jon Aaron, Tywin Lannister, and Sir Jorah Mormont. Jorah Mormont sounds familiar because of Jon Marant. But I think he's not a character that dies early on. Tywin Lannister is Peter Dinklage, right? No, that's Tyrion. And what did you say?
Starting point is 00:16:57 Tyron? Tywin. Tywin and Tyrion? Okay. So that one's back in. And then the first one was who? Jamie Lannister. No.
Starting point is 00:17:07 No. He didn't die. That's the good looking guy. Yeah. So what was the second one? Jon Aaron. Maybe him because I don't remember that name at all. Good.
Starting point is 00:17:18 That's correct. That's who died. Yeah. That's right. Okay. Hey, I'm Jon Aaron. How did that guy die? Jon Aaron, I believe he was murdered.
Starting point is 00:17:33 I think Cersei had a murder. He was killed because he knew the secret that Jamie and Cersei were fucking and that Robert Dinklage and his children were actually inbred little freaks. And yeah, so he was going to tell, then he was killed. Damn, Cersei? Yeah. Nice. Oh, Cersei?
Starting point is 00:17:57 Nice. Very nice. Cersei? I didn't know that. Nice. I got it. Are you being Cersei? Cersei?
Starting point is 00:18:06 I'm being very... Yes. And let's see if you can get the Lannis Anster. The Anister. The Anister. The Jennifer Anister. All right, I'm trying to find something from season one that you'll know. Okay.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Oh, there we go. What were the first words King Robert said to Ned Stark in episode one of season one? Of course. So the first episode. Yes. The first words King Robert said are, you've got fat. You've not changed. You've not changed.
Starting point is 00:18:37 You look old. Your hair looks terrible. You look old. Or you got fat. Let's go. I believe. Oh, God. Is it one of those two?
Starting point is 00:18:50 I don't think so. Oh, really? I was going to guess you got fat. What is the actual answer? You've got fat is, I think there's a small chance that it could be, but I believe that he says, you've not changed. And then Ned responds, you've got fat. I see.
Starting point is 00:19:08 So, no, never mind. It's, it is, you've got fat. That's the first thinking. Wow. I got it right and you got it wrong. That's crazy. Call me Bran, because I just ate you like granola. You know what?
Starting point is 00:19:24 Let's, that's actually perfect. That's a perfect place to end it. Well, Cersei. Cersei. Let's take our break. We will come back. I will give you the quiz that you're going to fucking own. Finally, something I know shit about, although I did do pretty good for not having watched
Starting point is 00:19:42 91% of that show. Definitely. Thank you to Helix Sleep for sponsoring this episode of our show. Hell yes. Thank you for making the sleep test, the sleep exam and letting me ace it and become the doctor of the mattress. Yes, sir. Yeah, so Helix makes a really great mattress line and you take a little sleep quiz to see
Starting point is 00:20:09 what mattress is right for you. Mm-hmm. Yeah, right. Jake's been bragging about completing this two minute, honestly, like Buzzfeed light quiz. I don't, I don't. How do you sleep for the better part of a decade? Excuse me.
Starting point is 00:20:24 I do not, I do not brag. I don't brag about completing it. I brag about acing it. Because you got the mattress and it was great or? Yeah, I got the perfect mattress. Thank God. Thank God I took that test. That's right.
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Starting point is 00:22:23 All right, we're back. I fucking aced that absolute Game of Thrones trivia. And by the way, you've got fat. You have not changed. Let's see if you can struggle through this one. This is a, how much do you know about the legacy of Kobe Bryant? Kobe Bean Bryant. Wow.
Starting point is 00:22:48 Did you know that yesterday was Mamba Day? No, I didn't. So this is quite apropos. So the 23rd of August, this is birthday, the 24th, 824 is quote unquote Mamba Day in Los Angeles because those were his two Jersey numbers. So I have Kobe on the brain, RIP, Rest in Paradise. Let's see how much I know about my favorite basketball player of all time, 20 year Laker veteran Kobe Bean Bryant.
Starting point is 00:23:12 Okay. That's right. Put on that Mamba mentality. That's right. I think that some of these are going to be very easy because even I know them. All right. Do you know the name of the superstar who came to join Kobe in Los Angeles during his rookie season?
Starting point is 00:23:25 Shaq. So you don't need, let's see if you can do this all. That's correct. Yeah. 1996. Let's see if you can do this without any fucking, you know, multiple choice. Wow. Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:39 All right. Hard mode. Expert edition. Yeah. Identify the nickname Kobe went by throughout his NBA career. We already know that we were just saying it. Yeah. That one's the Black Mamba, which he actually gave to himself because he modeled his game
Starting point is 00:23:51 after a poisonous snake. That's fucking awesome. There you go. Maybe we also know this one, what number did Kobe wear for the first half of his career? Yeah. It was eight at first and then he changed it to 24, 10 years in. Why eight? And why 24?
Starting point is 00:24:06 24, I guess, is some sort of secret. People kind of think it's like dedicated to, you know, working 24, seven, eight. I don't know. Maybe his dad word or something. I'm not sure why he chose eight. Interesting. Who was the head coach of the Lakers during all five of Kobe's championship runs? Phil Jackson.
Starting point is 00:24:25 Correct. Yeah. It was Del Harris at first, then they fired him because he wasn't getting to the finals. Broad and Phil Jackson and his first three seasons won a championship at the Lakers. Phil Jackson ended up leaving in 05, Rudy Tomjanovich comes in, doesn't last very long, a rotating cast and crew. Phil Jackson decides, you know what, let's come back, comes back and wins two more titles with Kobe.
Starting point is 00:24:51 Number 10 and 11, Phil Jackson, number four and five for Kobe Bryant. Wow. That really actually, that kind of staying power reminds me of the Starks in the north. Next question. Okay, sure. This one's too easy, which NBA team drafted Kobe? I mean, he's stayed on the Lakers the entire time. Yes, but he was drafted by the Charlotte Hornets at 13.
Starting point is 00:25:14 The Lakers traded Vladdy Divaatz for him on draft night. Whoa. And I thought that was too easy. That's right. Good. It was too easy, but not for the reasons you thought. Next question, bitch. And actually, I prefer you not to editorialize, just the facts.
Starting point is 00:25:35 So you would excel. So you would excel. So don't do good and then fucking kick me, you know, like don't, all right. A star dating all the way back to high school, where did Kobe Bryant go to play college basketball? He did not play college basketball. Though he was considering playing for Duke under Coach K, he went straight to the pros. That is correct. Kobe put on his on a show in his last NBA game by scoring how many points to end his
Starting point is 00:26:06 career on a high note? 60 against the Jazz happened just four or five years ago. Yeah. We watched it together. I remember that. We watching that bar? Yes. The bar in West Hollywood.
Starting point is 00:26:16 The parlor, I think Kobe sits in second place for most points scored in a game with 81. Which team did he rack up those points against the Raptors? Correct. Wow. Are you familiar with the All-Star the Lakers paired with Kobe in 2007 to help him win another championship? I am. His name is Pao Gasol.
Starting point is 00:26:37 We traded his brother, Mark Gasol, Javaris Crittenton, and two first round picks for him. Wow. Yeah. Imagine that getting traded for your brother. And then Mark Gasol ended up kicking butt for the Grizzlies and the Lakers signed Mark Gasol last year. Full circle. It's wild.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Including his first title in 2000, how many championships did Kobe win in a row playing besides Shaq? They won three in a row. Then they had a falling out. The Lakers ended up trading Shaq to Miami for Bryan Grant, Lamar Odom, and Koran Butler. Two of those three left shortly thereafter and the Lakers added Pao Gasol in 2007 to the Lamar Odom-Kobe Bryant combo and we won two more after that. On December 14th, 2014, who did Kobe Bryant pass on the all-time leading scorer list?
Starting point is 00:27:29 Michael Jordan. Jesus. That one was hard. For who? Next question. I really thank you not to editorialize. That one isn't hard and that one's not a trick question because if you know your shit, you get it right.
Starting point is 00:27:43 All right. It's not. Actually, let's go back to the game of trust. I'm just administering the quiz. You don't have to be mean to me. What did I do? I found the quiz. Are you familiar with the team Kobe defeated in the NBA finals to win his first championship?
Starting point is 00:27:58 What do you think, man? I imagine you are. You think I'm familiar with the Indiana Pacers in 2000? Maybe you want me to go to the next year, the Sixers in 01. He beat the Nets in 03, he beat the fucking Magic in 09, and then finally the Celtics in 2010. Are you familiar with the player who Kobe shared the All-Star game MVP with in 2009? Damn.
Starting point is 00:28:25 I don't really do All-Star stuff. Thankfully, I know it's Shaquille O'Neal. That's right. They ended up giving up together and winning the MVP together in 2009. Kobe ended up saying, keep the trophy because he wanted to give it to Shaquille O'Neal's son. So yeah, I am familiar. And actually, I really, really, really want editorializing.
Starting point is 00:28:49 I'm not editorializing. Of course. After posting a 17 and 25 record to start the 2012 to 2013 season, Bryant went on terror to help the Lakers make the NBA playoffs, but he suffered which devastating injury right before the playoffs began? That was him rupturing his Achilles against the Warriors. He needed a move against Clay Thompson. They ended up making the playoffs by getting swept by the Spurs.
Starting point is 00:29:16 Select the team that Kobe Bryant defeated in the 2009 NBA Finals to finally take home a trophy without Shaq. I already went over this, so I'm sure you know it too. The Heat or Lando Magic. He never played the Heat in the Finals, of course. I know. I just knew it was a Florida thing. OK.
Starting point is 00:29:35 How many spies did the Spider Varys have running around King's Landing? That one's also part of the Kobe quiz. He was a huge Game of Thrones fan. Can you identify the honor Kobe received in 2008, the only time he earned it in his career? That would be the NBA MVP trophy. That's right. He only won it one year.
Starting point is 00:29:57 After leaving the NBA, what accomplishment did Kobe achieve outside the field of basketball? He won an Oscar, if you can believe it. He was well on his way to winning an MVP got. That's an NBA MVP, an Emmy, a Grammy, an Oscar, and a Tony. Tony? Yes. He's very talented. I don't know if he was going to get a Tony.
Starting point is 00:30:18 He was going to get the MVP got. He was. Under which head coach did Kobe become more of a facilitator? This one's sort of an opinion question, but I guess I'll say Phil Jackson again, more of a facilitator. Phil Jackson is actually not an option. Mike D'Antoni later on in his career? That is an option.
Starting point is 00:30:38 All right. Let's go Mike D'Antoni. Sure. Correct. Correct. I resent the subjectivity of that question, but ultimately you had to ask it. You were hoping it tripped me up. It did for a second.
Starting point is 00:30:53 And then we move on. It's an hoping anything. Which body, with his body breaking down, when did Kobe finally retire from the NBA? 2016? It's correct. It's correct. It could have gone either way. A perennial All-Star when he got going.
Starting point is 00:31:10 When did Kobe make his first All-Star game? It was the 97-98 season. Correct. Kobe was already earning honors and awards during his rookie season. What did he accomplish in his first season in the league? Slam dunk title. Correct. Do you know where Kobe won an Olympic gold medal in 2008 with the US men's national
Starting point is 00:31:37 basketball team? China. Beijing? Let's go Beijing. Yeah. 2012 was London. 2008 was Beijing. During his second NBA title, it took Kobe and the Lakers how many games to defeat the
Starting point is 00:31:51 76ers in 2001? Five. Game one they lost at home. It was the Iverson stepping over Tai Lu. The Lakers ended up winning game two in LA and then three in a row in Philadelphia. And I really, really, really think you should stop fucking muttering shit under your breath. I'm not. What do you think this is?
Starting point is 00:32:16 It's a podcast. We're supposed to chat with each other. Yeah, for sure. I honestly thought we forgot, like, yeah, I forgot we were recording. What was the total number of 50-plus point games, Kobe Notch, during the 2006-2007 season? Wow. Holy shit. This is one I might actually not know.
Starting point is 00:32:37 50-point games. 50-point games. How many did he Notch? I can give you the multiple choice. Give me the multiple choice. Four, six, eight, or ten. What season? 2005, six?
Starting point is 00:32:53 No, six, seven. It's probably either eight or ten. Do you know the answer? Yeah, I know the answer. Oh, no, I just think I know the answer. I think I have a guess. I haven't clicked it yet. I'll say ten, just because it's like, he did have a lot, but I don't know specifically
Starting point is 00:33:19 how much it was. And you were right, ten. And that was not what my guess was going to be, so good stuff. Yeah, that was the year Shaq left, and he's like, I'm just going to score a shit ton. And he went on some sort of insane streak, but I don't remember the exact details. That's awesome. When did Kobe first wear number 24 after changing from his previous number? Uh, was it 2006, seven?
Starting point is 00:33:46 Maybe that year, maybe 2007, eight. 2006, seven is the latest option they give. So I'll go with that one. Oh, wait, correct. Oh, OK, great. That was the year before that. What year did Kobe play in his last NBA playoff game? Oh, wow, that's interesting.
Starting point is 00:34:08 Because they made the playoffs, but like you said, he got injured and didn't in 2013-14. Is it 2013? Let's see. It's 2012. And with that. And with that. No, yeah, of course, 2012. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:34:30 I said, it was the, yeah, 20 fucking 13. So I don't know my guy. Frankly, I don't have that closely. I don't have the Mamba mentality in me. Thank you to Aura Frames for sponsoring this headgum podcast. You know, Aura Frames is sponsoring not just this episode, but the entire headgum network, Jake. Wow.
Starting point is 00:34:57 That's correct. I mean, this might be the Goat Father's Day gift. I think it actually is. Yeah. Not just Father's Day, but if for any not so tech-savvy family member that you need a gift for soon, these digital photo frames might be the best of all time. Yeah. For me personally, these things are perfect.
Starting point is 00:35:18 I'll tell you why. As you know, I am expecting my first child. We got one for Jill's parents. Oh, wow. We got one for Jill's grandma. Holy smokes. We got one for my parents. So there are three of these bad boys in our family right now, but they're great.
Starting point is 00:35:36 Really easy way to stay in touch with your family. You can upload as many photos as you want directly into my parents' kitchen. It's really nice. Oh, that's cool. So you take a photo of anything, perhaps a baby, and then it goes to their digital photo frame. Yeah. This is actually how we told Jill's grandma she was pregnant.
Starting point is 00:35:54 We got her the Aura frame. We plugged it in. Jill's grandma was pregnant? Really nice asshole. This was actually a really sweet moment for me and my wife, and you're trying to make a joke of it. I was just being goofy a little bit like, this is how I told my grandma she was pregnant. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Yeah. Kind of like she misheard it or something like that, or the way you said it was kind of like, could go either way. By the way, Jill's grandma is pregnant. Oh my God. Jill's grandma is 90 and pregnant. It's pretty cool. And you told me with a digital photo frame?
Starting point is 00:36:26 Holy smokes. And we let her know with an Aura. Yeah. Thank you. The Aura announcement. So you can instantly frame photos from any device anywhere and invite the whole family in on the fun through the Aura app. Add me to your Aura app.
Starting point is 00:36:41 I'd love to upload just a picture of me at a pool or something. That could be funny. Yeah. Like your banana or your dog alongside pictures of my daughter. Yeah. Yeah. Exactly. You deserve that.
Starting point is 00:36:53 You can even preload photos and add a personal video message that will display as soon as your dad or anybody connects to the frame. Yeah. It's a great gift. A really, really iconic gift. And right now you can save on the perfect Father's Day gift and visit Aura Frames. That's A-U-R-A Frames dot com. And our listeners can use code HEADGUM to get up to $30 off plus free shipping on the
Starting point is 00:37:15 best selling frames. There it is. Oh wow. This is timely. The deal ends on June 18th. So don't wait. Terms and conditions apply. That's Aura Frames A-U-R-A Frames dot com.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Okay. Go get your parents something. All right. And use the code HEADGUM for $30 off plus free shipping. Right on. Thank you Aura. And now back to the HEADGUM podcast you were listening to. This show is sponsored by BetterHelp.
Starting point is 00:37:39 Thank you BetterHelp. If you're finding yourself in a difficult, anxious, stressful situation talking to a professional licensed therapist is the best way to navigate yourself out of that difficult place. And it's not necessarily easy to find a therapist, especially one in your area, but BetterHelp makes that all easy because it's online therapy designed to be convenient, flexible and suitable to your schedule. You just fill out a brief questionnaire and get matched with a licensed therapist and you can switch therapists at any time for no additional charge.
Starting point is 00:38:11 It's incredibly helpful. Therapy has helped millions of people over thousands of years. So give therapy a try. It can give you the tools to find a more balanced life. I've tried therapy. It's been very helpful. So you can find that balance better with BetterHelp. All you got to do is go to betterhelp.com slash if I were you.
Starting point is 00:38:31 You do that today. You can get 10% off your first month. So the prices are already affordable because you're not paying rent for a building somewhere that you have to drive to and wait in a waiting room. This is done entirely online, but you're still getting professional licensed help and it's extra affordable. That's betterhelp.com slash if I were you. Check them out.
Starting point is 00:38:54 BetterHelp. Okay. I'll let you redeem yourself one more time before we go. Okay. Kobe put up how many points when he won the NBA All-Star Game MVP in 2011 by helping the Western Conference defeat the Eastern Conference? Wow. I do not remember that.
Starting point is 00:39:12 Is it? I'll give you the numbers. Okay. 28, 32, 37, or 44? Again, it's probably one of the high two. I'll go 37. 37 is correct. They get a little harder now, actually.
Starting point is 00:39:28 All right. Let's keep going. Let's see what happens. Specific points scored in an All-Star Game level of obscurity. Okay. In his 20-year career, how many all-defensive teams did Kobe make? 11? No.
Starting point is 00:39:42 11's. Okay. 11's not an option. There are 8, 10, 12, and 14. 8, 10, 12, or 14? I'll go 12 then. It seems reasonable. Correct.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Which former legend from the Lakers did Kobe pass in 2010 to become the all-time leading scorer for the franchise? He passed a Laker legend, oh, to become the leading scorer for the Lakers? Yeah. In what year? 2010. Tell me if you want the options. The options will be like Elgin, Baylor, Jerry West, Wilt Chamberlain, and Kareem or something.
Starting point is 00:40:24 Very close. There's one other one that's not Kareem, not Jerry West, Elgin, Baylor, or sorry, Wilt Chamberlain. You got the other three. What was the other one? Magic? That's right. Magic.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Magic was on the Lakers for a while, but he was more of an assist guy. I think it might have been Jerry West. I'll say Jerry West. That's correct. These are getting harder. I like it. Yeah. In the 2005-2006 NBA season, Kobe averaged 35.4 points per game to take home his first
Starting point is 00:40:57 scoring title. Who did he beat out for scoring that title? Wow. Okay, that's a great question. Who was number two in scoring in 2005-2006? Yeah. Interesting. Is Iverson one of those options?
Starting point is 00:41:16 Not that I'm saying Iverson is the answer, but is that one of the options? Iverson is one of the options. Okay. It's one of the three. Is LeBron one of the options? LeBron's another one. Is Vince Carter one of the options? No.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Dwayne Wade one of the options? Yes. I've probably named number two, three, and four, and I just can't remember who finished second. 2005. Let's go LeBron. I'm sure he averaged over 30 by his third or fourth year. Okay.
Starting point is 00:41:49 So you don't want to guess Paul Pierce? I do not. I would never guess a Celtic. I'm hoping it's not him. And it is LeBron. Correct. How many games did Bryant play in the 2013 to 2014 seasons when fans still elected him to the All-Star game?
Starting point is 00:42:06 31. 31 is not available. There's six, 15, 23, and 30. Let's go 30, but it might be that 20 number. Six games. Wow. That's awesome. That's awesome.
Starting point is 00:42:21 That's awesome. That was my biggest club yet. What year did Kobe win his second NBA scoring title? I guess the year after 2005, 2006. Not an option. The first available one is 2007. There's also eight, nine, and 10. Let's go 2007.
Starting point is 00:42:41 Correct. But now I'm really just guessing here. All right, great. Educated guesses. All right. So two more. Okay. When did Kobe win his first of four NBA All-Star game MVPs?
Starting point is 00:42:54 Was it 1999, 2000, 2001, or 2002? Yeah. This one I don't know either. This might have been when he was booed in Philadelphia for winning the All-Star MVP in 2001, is my guess. 2002. Fuck. Kobe scored a series high 38 points in which game of the 2010 NBA Finals?
Starting point is 00:43:24 Game, I was going to say game seven, but I don't think it was. I think everybody was struggling game seven. But why would they say it if it's just game six? God. Are the options game four, five, six, and seven? There are two, four, five, and seven. Fuck it. Give me game seven.
Starting point is 00:43:46 Let's go for it. It's game five. Fuck. Makes sense. Makes a whole lot of sense. How many questions are on this quiz? There are... Oh, wait.
Starting point is 00:43:56 Actually, I thought there was a lot more. This is... We're on the last question. The literal last question. We did it. Yeah. How many years did it take Kobe to become a full-time starter for the Lakers? One, two, three, or four?
Starting point is 00:44:13 I'll say two. Three. Interesting. All-Star, but not a starter. Good on him. Third season. Yeah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:44:23 I think... I mean, I learned a lot, so I can only imagine how much you learned. I knew most of that. All-Star game stuff, too. The draft thing was... And I think everyone listening heard me get a little tripped up, so that one I can't deny. All the other ones I basically aced knew. I wasn't sure if it was Paul Pierce or LeBron James, the second leading scorer in 2005-06,
Starting point is 00:44:50 but then I did remember that Paul Pierce was battling an MCL injury in the early part of that season, so I should have known. And yeah, Anderson was the third leading scorer, obviously. And... Twins! That's not the episode. All right, sweet. Finally, a quiz I can excel at.
Starting point is 00:45:17 Oh, it feels good. That's right. Okay. Thanks for administering. Thanks for listening. I'm sure we'll be back soon enough. I'll see you next week with another classic episode of Testing, Testing. Is this thing good?
Starting point is 00:45:30 Nice.

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