If I Were You - Testing Testing: Vocabulary

Episode Date: September 17, 2021

On this week's Bonus Thursday "Testing Testing," we discover how Jake would have done on his SAT's if he took them again today. See omny.fm/listener for privacy information....

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is a hit gum original You got to be kidding me with that we're back of all the days to be back on a Thursday We choose a Thursday to be back on a Thursday Thursday. No less. It's insane. Yeah I'm not gonna say whether recording in the same room or on a zoom I want the people to figure you'll have to find out for themselves Whether it sounds like we're in the same room that means I'm a good editor and if You think we are in the same room and we are it means that it's noticeably how bad the editing is in the other episodes Let's see. Let's see you edit around this. I'm gonna get up. Okay. This is good. Okay. I'll do some soundscaping
Starting point is 00:00:43 Oh, I talking to your mic. Yeah, they won't know the difference between the two. Well, they not. No Yeah, but they'll hear me kind of walking back to mine. That's right So if I was able to pull that off in post some kind of crazy Foley insane to have the Audacity to sort of Foley clogs on a carpet We foleyed this episode, that's right with Dave Foley All right, I figured I would give you a quiz That's more up your alley than mine. The Helix sleep quiz. No, that one is just sort of your preferences on whether you sleep on your side
Starting point is 00:01:25 I aced that. Yeah, this one's more about knowledge that extends beyond whether or not you snore sometimes. Okay. Mm-hmm Okay, do you remember what you got on your SATs? Vagley I think it was it was either in the 12s. I think it was 12 Something which is above average for sure of average, but not great And then do you remember what you got on your math V English? Yes. I remember I think I got like a 660 in verbal Wow, okay Some fun something in the fives 550. Yeah, the fact that you can't back into what you did on the math means you didn't get very good Actually, I really struggle with numbers and I wish you would fortunately. This is an SAT vocab test that I found
Starting point is 00:02:12 Yes, so I said, you know what? I'll spare Jake the algebra. Why put him through that again Uh-huh. Let's give him some words that he knows or doesn't. Yeah. Okay. Cool I I feel like if I could do the SAT verbal again now, I would do better Interesting I would do worse because there were so many words that I just didn't know that I was like Memorizing because it's like here's a list of 500 words that often come up on the SATs Yeah, and the words I don't really know for example the first word which I didn't know is
Starting point is 00:02:50 Define a circum you look circum locution. Whoa circum locution Circum locution. Yeah, it's to evade. Okay. It's unaware It's to delete material that is forbidden or Uproar interesting Very interesting. I remember the tips of like breaking downwards. Remember that like oh this it's the Latin root That means one thing so it you can help figure it out. No, I don't remember that. I'm sure I learned it I had an SAT. I took an SAT prep course. Yes, exactly
Starting point is 00:03:24 And they're like circum means this so like if you see that word and there's a definition that has that I didn't retain a lot because it was right around the time that I got my driver's license And I had a crush on someone in the class. I see so that's sort of everything went away Yeah, that ate up a lot of time. Does the word even sound familiar to you? Circum locution. Yeah. No, okay Yeah, it didn't really ring true to me either But just to give you a hit circum means like to go around that's right. Yeah, it's like circum navigate something Yes, so circum locution locution. Do you know what locution would be the root? That's I think that's a part that I didn't know Yeah, look what does locution mean? I think it means like with talking words. Mmm. Oh, yes, you're a very loquacious speaker
Starting point is 00:04:09 Yeah, I think so So with that in mind, do you want to say to evade unaware to delete material that is forbidden test or uproar? Yes, I thought all right wait, so give it to me again. Sorry. It's just I thought you would I thought you were giving me an example Like for example, here's a word. I didn't know yeah means these things and you just said four things because they all kind of sounded You're getting mad at me and I accept a sort of like I'll let's eliminate uproar and we read. I'm not mad. I'm stressed I don't test well. It's 7 30 a.m. On a Saturday So I'm sorry if I'm not feeling sharp right now and I want to do well in front of Sam I have to get into fucking Connecticut state and it sounds like I was trying to impress my dad
Starting point is 00:04:47 Who's name is Sam, but that was also the name of the girl that I had a crush on I see that was for the person I was concerned with on the day to evade To so it said again to evade Unaware or to delete material that is forbidden circumlocution Evade unaware and delete material that's forbidden. I Guess evade let's go evade Correct nice
Starting point is 00:05:19 Savage it Very good. The new word is to cajole Cajole that means to like rally people to your cause. Okay, so do you want to say to push into something to delete? material that is forbidden Hellbent Shit to talk into Hillary rotten clinton's emails for example or unintentional Push into Whoa, it gave me a red honk. What? Yeah, could you wait? What was it?
Starting point is 00:05:52 What were the options to delete material that is forbidden to push into something? Yeah to talk into something Oh talk into something. I didn't hear that one because I'm doing this fucking Hillary thing. Oh fuck me. Yeah, that's obvious Push it. I was using that like metaphorically Hurwitz, please sit down. Mr. Proctor. I Beg you to see my side of things First of all, you didn't even sign up for the the time wasn't actually up. I can go back and fucking fill in another bubble That's not how the SAT you don't find out as you go along. No. Yeah, this is just a quiz No, it's just a sample. It's just a quiz to you
Starting point is 00:06:27 But I have a perfect fucking verbal score 660 Doesn't get better than that and did I mention my reading comp was poor Do appreciate Okay Unceasing no to expose the falseness of no to lessen in value. Yes nailed it Ameliorate Yes, you know that means yeah So to improve is one of the options. Okay to make like new again. Mm-hmm to send or thrust with great vigor
Starting point is 00:07:00 To rebuke or remonstrate at length Um So what are the first two to improve? Okay, and to make like new again. I guess Improve yeah, it's weird because both of them sort of sound like you're making yeah But I'm not trying not to take things like metaphorically like I did with push into nailed it nice, but I digress Yes, the next word is digress very good uproar. Yes to talk into something. That's right to pacify right Straight from a desired topic. I think it's that one final answer last That's correct on my SATs
Starting point is 00:07:37 I filled out every bubble because I figured they would just scan for their bubble that was like correct That's smart, and I got a perfect score. That's interesting. I went to Berkeley. Yeah, and then I got there I'm like, okay, what a risk time to sort of go that actually does you deserve to get into college The scantrons in college were different and I failed out right yeah, I said every yeah You deserve to get into college for being that smart But then you deserve to be kicked out for kind of relying on that that actually kind of did happen to me in high school I'll fess up now since hopefully the statute of limitations is over but in ninth grade our teacher would Use like for the tests every chapter would just use the teachers edition test
Starting point is 00:08:18 So like somebody like just got a teacher's edition of the book like this is every test in every answer I'm like, all right great. I'll just read it memorize the answers and literally like Put it down and get a few wrong on purpose to throw it off. Yeah smart But literally cheating textbook definition of cheating but got an A in like world history Wow, but everyone who got an A in that maybe it was us. Oh, no, it was world history Everyone who got an A in that class got bumped up to AP US. Oh, you got punished for it Then I took AP history and like that was really dense really hard. There was no teachers thing It was like essays or you had to actually what you get that year. I think I got like a b-minus one of my worst grades
Starting point is 00:08:58 So, yeah, can my high school take away my diploma for fessing up to cheating. Yes, okay Berate and they're here. No way. That's right. Milken Jewish Academy principal Rubel. Holy shit. How'd you know? I was here. I thought you retired 21 years ago To berate, okay to replace no to rebuke To soothe no and to play side-by-side. Oh, okay. I thought it was gonna be so I guess it's rebuke It's rebuke. That's correct. Okay a grand eyes Okay to make big mm-hmm wise mm-hmm
Starting point is 00:09:38 Unceasing mm-hmm, and finally to make like new again To make big a grand eyes. That's right self a grand eyes thing. That's right. That's why I knew it Destitute poor and you're poor for asking me that question utterly impoverished. Mm-hmm Didn't even need the other choices. Yes. Here's another circum. Yes circumvent Circumvent. Yes to restrict. No to overthrow To entrap no and to praise fuck these all sound like no's read them again to restrict mm-hmm to overthrow Mm-hmm to entrap slash surround. Oh And then slash surround you say
Starting point is 00:10:24 And that so it's that one. It's entrap slash surround. It's correct Wow, that's really not what I thought circumvent meant. I thought it was like you could circumvent the rules Yeah, I guess that's getting around the rules right go around right thing. Okay? botch Huh? botch what you call me botch To make ineffective or invalid to make new again Removing hard words
Starting point is 00:10:55 unaware To restrict with chain or to ruin botch is ruined last last one. Yeah, I know a lot of these words. I hear someone that I might not know don't D a unt scare to send or thrust with great vigor. No To Very thin or waisted away. Mm-hmm. No, that's gaunt trying to trip me up useless Mm-hmm, and lastly to discourage or intimidate
Starting point is 00:11:27 That is the one to daunt. I know when something is daunting, but I've never said he daunted me. Yeah, I will daunt you Yeah, do I don't you sire? Absolutely daunted Blatant That one's pretty easy. Yeah, too easy to praise to pacify Offensively stated or to make big or to increase. I guess offensively stated That's correct assuage For a long time I pronounced this as a wash
Starting point is 00:12:01 Because it kind of said Assuage sounds like what it is to like reassure. I thought it was to put a sausage in your ass Instead of a sausage, it's an ass is that is that an option? I know it's not I know it wouldn't be right, but I want to know if they put that in there to throw a student off It's not on here to sooth is on here though. That's to send her to us by doing what? Great vigor and thrusting with what to restrict with chain or shackle or lastly To stick a sausage in your ass. I didn't read that one D Or totally offensively stated. Let's go with sooth to soothe a swan. That's correct
Starting point is 00:12:46 Oh, this one's easy to censor Come on. Yeah to delete material that is forbidden. Nice very thin Ridicule or to rub hard a What to rub a hard this test is hot? Yes Deviate Mm-hmm. Maybe this SAT is easier than we thought. Yeah, it's a lesson in value to expose Unlucky or to turn aside from the established ways
Starting point is 00:13:13 D turn aside from the established ways I would have a hundred percent if it wasn't for that fucking push into something first talk into something that's right I obviously knew what it was. Yeah, like anyone that listening would be like Jake's gotten a perfect score a Vow Huh, that's the word a vow correct To ruin. No to kick out. No to state. Mm-hmm or willful damage See to state to be true A vow. Yes, that is correct
Starting point is 00:13:44 Here's an interesting one. I have now I have a perfect score there's only four quite a Words left on this quiz. All right, this one's kind of interesting. Yeah, Brooke Br. Oh, okay. Oh like Brooke a deal Utterly impoverished. No to put up with Unfriendly or a villain Hmm, I wouldn't know this one Brooke brook, it'd be weird to name your kid Brooke if the answer is unfriendly or a villain
Starting point is 00:14:16 Yeah, wait, so all right, so it's not impoverished. What's the one after that to put up with hmm or tolerate? I Brook him. Yeah, I think it's that one Do you brook with him? Yeah, I feel like I've heard that like we they brook a deal or they brook something I Should say it's spelled B. Oh RKE uzx So it's not a word Okay, so you're going with to put up with what's the one after that
Starting point is 00:14:47 Unfriendly because you have a perfect score on the line I hate for you to guess wrong at this juncture. No, I'm gonna go put up with Correct Good news the next one's a normal word instead of a word you've never heard of condone. Oh, yeah, allow Very thin. No unceasing. Mm-hmm to approve. Yes. Okay Deride Utterly impoverished no to surround mm-hmm to gather mm-hmm or to ridicule that one D. Correct and oh 95% what the fuck you know, I have a hundred percent, you know, I have a hundred percent you did the rotten
Starting point is 00:15:29 You really did the rotten. I missed one of the fucking clues. All right, let's go Let's take a break and come back with some harder words finally kick it up a notch Thank you to Helix sleep for sponsoring this episode of our show. Hell, yes Thank you for making the sleep test the sleep exam and letting me ace it and Become the doctor of the mattress. Yes, sir Yeah, so Helix makes a really great mattress line and you take a little sleep quiz to see what mattress is right for you Mm-hmm. Yeah, right. Jake's been bragging about completing this two minute
Starting point is 00:16:12 Honestly, like Buzzfeed light quiz. I don't know how you sleep for the better part of it. I do not I do not brag I don't brag about completing it. I brag about acing it Because you got the mattress and it was great or yeah, I got the perfect mattress. Thank God. Thank God I took that test. That's right And if you want the perfect mattress you can go to helix sleep comm slash if I were you for 20% off all Mattress orders and two free pillows amazing free pillows. Come on. Yes This is their best offer yet and no it won't last long with Helix the better sleep starts now now So regardless of how you sleep whether you like it soft medium or firm Helix is
Starting point is 00:16:48 20 unique mattresses just ready to go Based on how you fill up that sleep preference and they'll send you the best one and if you go to helix sleep comm slash if I were you That's 20% off amazing. Thank you. Helix sleep well And we're back Mm-hmm. All right. I hoping that was like an intro too and that the words will get pretty insane starting now Okay, let's do it 20 more questions 20 more words You have a 19 or 20 depending on whether you want to give yourself leniency for that
Starting point is 00:17:21 I have a 20 my score is perfect Fucking listeners know the word is fidelity. Oh Loyalty yes, okay correct the word is germane Germain I remembered this one was either on my SAT or on a practice SAT because I remember there was a quarterback Name Joe germane. I'm like, oh, this is how I'll remember what this word meant. Oh, no, or I didn't know something about the word germane
Starting point is 00:17:49 Yeah, is Reminiscent to my actual high school days see if you remember, but I don't remember. Oh Perception after something happens relevant regret We're not serious ooh So it's relevant or not serious. I
Starting point is 00:18:09 Think those are the two options for me. I think I know what it is now now that I said it It triggered something in me. I feel like that's germane. Like, you know, you that's what you can hear. That's your main That's a German main think of it that way. Oh fuck. I don't know. This is this is a shot in the dark Let's go not serious. I think it's relevant It's relevant There goes my 660 No, man, you're still like it's seven I did at this point Actually, remember in verb when I was doing practice SATs
Starting point is 00:18:47 You can get some wrong and verbal and still get an 800 really because that's how little people get it all correct Wow, if you got one or two wrong, we'll still give you the 800 That's awesome, but in math if you get one or two wrong, it's over. There's too many people getting every single one, right? Jesus flagrant is The word yeah, we obviously know this one means we need to go to the next one Native possible out in the open or puzzle see Out of the open That's correct. And the germane one is relevant. It is germane to this conversation
Starting point is 00:19:21 Flippant hmm Yeah, that that one's like not serious. That's the glib. That's right. Yeah, it's not serious one of the options Yeah, I was that that was correct Lax As in I'm being lax about this test. I actually care a lot not strict. Yeah, that's correct impromptu Okay, it's funny which SAT words we use during the course of a day Yeah, like some of them are all with the time I say impromptu and then some of them germane
Starting point is 00:19:53 I just haven't heard in 20 years, right? Yeah, no, it's like you just got a hope to get lucky or some of them are definitely in our vocab in the spur of the moment outward appearance quiet or reserved number one a on the spur of the moment that's correct moment guys Nice outward appearance of the dress picky regretful Perception after something happens
Starting point is 00:20:23 Hey outward appearance that was not even me thinking I was just saying a for a really long time the answer is B I really know is outward appearance glut Forget everything you know about gut. This is glut glut overwhelming outdated Overfilled or occurring at irregular intervals Let's go over filled because I feel like glutton is correct. All right good. Oh, here's an interesting one insurgent Insurgent an insurgent. Is it practical? Mm-hmm mysterious? Mm-hmm persistent or rebellious Rebellious just like the insurgency. Yes, and now we know yes, exactly. That's why it's called you were there
Starting point is 00:21:10 You stormed the capital How fucked up is that? On January 6th, I saw you I was on CNN and I could have sworn to see the camera swung around you pretended like you were a reporter But you did have a MAGA hat on I Was dressing up as an OAN and newscaster All right, here's one. I don't know. Mm-hmm. You're gonna have to buckle in. Let's do it leconic leconic
Starting point is 00:21:41 I've heard that word before right so is it reserved? Mm-hmm. Is it peculiarity of temperament? Hmm. Is it overly submissive? Mm-hmm, or is it persistent? I think it's It's either a or C. It's reserved or overly sub I think it's overly submissive overly submissive, I think so It's reserved oh I can get it down to those two though. Okay. Hell now. I'm zeroing in on the 660 indigenous Yeah, I know this one native. Yes, of course
Starting point is 00:22:23 Here's a tough one euphonious euphonious EU PHONI This is one you can maybe Deconstruct and sort of figure out the roots. Yeah euphonious Pleasant sounding. Mm-hmm. That's the one. Yeah, that's correct
Starting point is 00:22:44 The phone is make it's that that's the noise anything for you. Oh, yeah. Yeah It's good that you can sort of figure it out. Yeah, I can sort of figure all of them out Not when it's like Brooke. I actually did for your honor. I didn't get leconic. I didn't get Germain. Yeah, Germain in congruous It's like inconsistent. They don't add up so practical. No wait a minute. Mm-hmm loyalty. No, no, we're not fitting together perfection This is interesting Gad about
Starting point is 00:23:18 Gad about like a Josh Gad who goes about yeah, like a Gad about town Yeah, a puzzle or a mystery on the spur of the moment. No relevant Or one who flits about to social activities. That's gotta be about is in there. Yeah. Yeah And that's what Gatsby is from idiosyncrasy. Mm-hmm ornate. No mysterious peculiarity of temperament Harbinger ooh That's like an omen something that's that's hinting at something to come so predictor. Yes
Starting point is 00:23:58 That's correct Interesting. Here's a weird one garbled garbled. Yeah, that's like muffled. That's right mumbled or mixed up. Yes, I Say garbled sometimes Maudlin Maudlin That's kind of like Charlie Chaplin style theater That's correct Maudlin out in the open
Starting point is 00:24:26 possible opposing forces or overly sentimental ooh Maudlin That is like a theater term. Isn't it Maudlin? I thought it was maybe it is and I just don't know So it's tell me out in the open. I'm afraid I can't repeat the choices This were a test I'd be looking at the words over and over again. Of course you can repeat them up the open
Starting point is 00:24:53 possible opposing forces or overly sentimental That's really I would narrowing it down to I Mean, I think that it's I think it's just because my gut has been like that. It's some kind of like performative thing I it feels like it's out in the open or overly sentimental, but then also opposing like Maudlin Does kind of sound like opposing forces to you can phone a friend if necessary Who would I call anybody in your phone?
Starting point is 00:25:28 I Could call my mom Would she know she would but I think she might be teaching her English class. Yes, that she was teaching advanced After-school English class right now for gifted writers. Wow. Yeah, that sounds So she's kind of cool actually for this and she's teaching right around now. She What time is it? Yeah, she's she teaches from two to six call the school
Starting point is 00:25:56 Call the school and say something terrible. Yeah, I don't know what model it means Happened in my upbringing. What about your dad? He Probably would I guess he would know cuz they're just both really smart. Yeah, it seems like crossword puzzle adjacent and he'd be good at that Yeah, so Give me the choices one more time out in the open. No possible opposing forces and overly sentimental I I'm just gonna go with Not my gut and do something dumb and say opposing forces
Starting point is 00:26:32 Incorrect it's overly sentimental. That was the gut. Oh Yes, and I took great joy in that I know yes, I wanted to see you fail Yes, I know you got 90% on that which I guess out of 20 is what? 18 18 or 20 really like I'm more wrong than that. Yeah, okay pretty good. We got one last one I'm gonna try to find a hard-ass one for you. All right We'll take a break and come back and try to answer these next SAT vocab word Question test quizzes for you. Whoo starting then. Yeah
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Starting point is 00:28:48 Which I am not because I don't care about this test because I know I have a good vocabulary and I don't need a Test to tell me that well if you weren't so obtuse Maybe you'd get a hundred percent on these next 20 words starting with obtuse words obtuse Blunt or stupid hmm blooming of flowers my last name a Chronological misplacing of persons or event or beginning One a blunt or stupid. Yes, that's correct. Are you obtuse miz and throat? Oh Okay, I kind of know what this is a disbeliever or a doubter. Hmm. Yeah that anger or fury a
Starting point is 00:29:36 Long angry or violent speech or a person who hates mankind. Oh, oh, it's that one. Yeah Yeah, D. Wow, I could have just fucking given you disbeliever. Yeah, I knew it was like a hater. Yeah I'm actually I Have to fucking give me the first one. Oh, you don't I would have read all the answers that one No, no, I did you said that one. Yeah, I didn't like and it's correct this believer No, you're right. It was person who doesn't like society. Yeah. Wow. These are very similar pariah. Mm-hmm an outcast right Keep going here. You're good to go. Oh I love
Starting point is 00:30:19 I get double points if I take the risk I get one of the other ones from 90 back Sure, I mean, it's all fake. So I'll give you one of the other ones from 90 back If I right now Enter an outcast is the correct answer without you reading the next three. Yeah That's correct Sench Cententious Cententious
Starting point is 00:30:46 Senches s e n t e n t i u s Cententious cententious Don't know this one beggar careful brief Or a branch of a tree I Guess it would be it sounds like careful because it's like sensitive and cautious. Yeah, like contentious is close But not quite. Yeah, I thought it was gonna be something with sentience. Yeah, which is like what? Yeah
Starting point is 00:31:15 Yeah, I'll think the thing careful or cautious Wrong it's brief or concise Since sent consentious sententious Brief it's like a sentence. It's like relating to a brief brief sounds brief cententious is not cententious. Yeah. No fuck Recalcitrant that's a classic vocab word that we never used but I had to learn like that's one that I Have heard so many times and I still don't really know what it means. Yeah, I can do with multiple choice recalcitrant anger chaos
Starting point is 00:31:54 beginning or stubborn I Think stubborn things up to you. It is nice Magnamious. Oh Magnanimous magnanimous. I Love that word because I think I'm magnanimous belief contrary to the norm. No big-hearted. Yeah And give me back give you back sententious It's correct I get it back nonchalant. That's a classic. Yeah loud outcry carefree an object of magical power or belief
Starting point is 00:32:30 To be carefree. Yeah, correct Wrath wrath anger or fury a wrath wrath. Yes, D Ray Hey Hey, it was option B. I read it first. I'm so sorry Oh, here's another a tentious pretentious. Mmm a chronological misplacing of a person arrogant a Hint of subtle or about to happen Arrogant it's correct Reprehensible ooh a person who hates mankind
Starting point is 00:33:09 artistic Blameable or a loud outcry Whoa, I don't reprehensible. Mm-hmm a loud outcry blamable Artistic or a person who hates mankind. I Would find a person who can't wait mankind reprehensible. Yeah, but it's not that It's a loud outcry or a great expression of discontent. Oh Yes, sorry, that's one. Oh a loud outcry Semi-colon great expression of discontent. Yeah blamable. I see or artistic the expression of discontent that one
Starting point is 00:33:50 It's blamable what? Somebody's reprehensible. I guess they're blamable interesting. I really thought of it and disgusting or something like that person's reprehensible Yeah, wow, that's That shit'll check your I see you post-mating a burrito focus on the check your burrito Recrimination Another word that looks familiar, but I don't know what it means. Yeah, is it accidental? Is it accusing in return? Is it arousing fear or is it a professional soldier hired by a foreign country?
Starting point is 00:34:29 I think it's accusing in return accusing it like to re-crime so much like you're accusing me Like I didn't do it. You did it. Yeah. Yeah, that's correct That's right. Talisman Talisman an object with magical power Yes Walking it in final answer and give me reprehensible back if I don't hear the other three. It was good Pandemonium Chaos there it is nailed it nailed it
Starting point is 00:35:01 Pugnacious. Oh, I like that word. That's a good one blunt argumentative Accusing or an agent that softened skin. Those are all kind of this except for the last one It's kind of the same blunt accusing and what was that argument? It's argumentative. That's the one I think it lines with the most We kind of already used the other ones Placid oh Yeah, this is the part of the SATs where you start going back to the other ones because you're like this one actually nails it
Starting point is 00:35:33 And you're like, I think I guessed this for an earlier one All right, go ahead. Placid Placid alluring. Mm-hmm able to be formed by pressure. Mm-hmm. Peaceful. Mm-hmm or accidental peaceful. It's correct Juggernaut cool brief. Mm-hmm outgoing person a massive Forcer object that crushes all in its path Yeah, I've seen X for a pause. I know who's juggernaut is That's correct. So synced. Oh Succinct means sensacious. No, consensus. That's right. So consent brief or concise. Yeah, it's correct nuance bitter calm
Starting point is 00:36:18 Artistic or a subtle variation D That's correct prodigy a Person who lives in solitude an outgoing person visually pleasing or an exceptionally talented child Correct virtuoso a Master in the art of something a person who hates mankind
Starting point is 00:36:41 blessed or holy or one who frequents a place One who frequents a place. Okay, here we go. No, I was wrong. No, I was obviously reacting to that Yeah, no a it's where that prodigy and virtuoso are back-to-back like that. Yeah, and then there's recluse That's one who doesn't frequent a place or that frequents a place, but it's inside a person who lives in solitude. Yes. Okay, that's correct Mercenary that's that elite soldier one that we already heard. That's correct now It's getting easy. This is like the end of the crossword that everything's pretty much. Yeah You filled it all into place and then you know it all malleable movable
Starting point is 00:37:25 Able to be formed by pressure there it is. That's correct I'm hoping we get one tough one towards the end. There's only three words left. Wow mendicant mendicant that one's Not even a little familiar. That one's not even familiar to me. Yeah, mendicant. Do you does that one look familiar to you? Yeah, cuz actually I mendicant nice beggar alluring but harmful a Cluster of leaves. Hmm or able to be formed by pressure. So it's not the last two a
Starting point is 00:37:58 learning or beggar and it's mendicant. I Don't even know it's like two totally different words alluring, but harmful. I should say yeah, that's such an interesting I Guess I feel like I'm gonna guess that one because that's a it seems like a rare occurrence Right, I wouldn't be a beggar is just like I feel like yeah, there'd be like lots of words for a beggar You're saying alluring, but harmful. Yeah Final answer. Yeah No, it's beggar a beggar is a mendicant I didn't even know that
Starting point is 00:38:40 Pithy As in it's a pithy you can't say longer No way You have a list now rousing fear brief or concise big hearted or an outcast hmm Interesting pithy I always thought pithy was like you're being it's almost like petty or snide say them again Pithy an outcast big hearted brief or concise or arousing fear. I guess arousing fear Final answer
Starting point is 00:39:22 Arousing fear. Yeah, not concise Interesting incorrect, it's concise I hate to be pithy and lastly An easy one tirade hmm beginning Belief or contrary to norm long angry or violent speech That's correct You got 86 on that one. That was rough
Starting point is 00:39:53 That was a tough one. There's yeah a few a few weirdos in there It does feel like I did about as good here as I did on my SATs Yeah, and the reason is because just like on my SATs. I haven't studied and I just relied on my bravado and my Recall and my power of deduction, so it wasn't perfect. Well, fortunately, you didn't end up as a mendicant That's right, and you made something of yourself despite the standardized aptitude test magnanimous of you Thank you, and thank you for such a pity test It was a pity you didn't do better, but so it goes it was quite germane
Starting point is 00:40:31 All right, thank you for listening to this bonus Thursday episode. We'll be back on Monday, of course with a classic if I were you Still making videos at our patreon patreon.com J8 check it out. Yeah, there's never been more content and that sentence is true all the time because we're only adding Yeah, we'll never take away things that is correct Although now that I think about it might be kind of tight to like sort of selectively remove shit Hmm. Yeah, it's sort of the troll the supporters. Yeah in a way. It makes it seem more scarce Yeah, or pithy you have to create demand. Yes So I will eliminate one video an hour every hour on the hour until our demands are met
Starting point is 00:41:12 Four million dollars in NFTs delivered to my open-sea wallet. Here's the hash code OX oh one to be 792 I hope not. All right. Thanks for listening everyone. We'll be back next week. Bye. Peace That was a hit gum original

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