Inside Conan: An Important Hollywood Podcast - Mike and Jessie Get Historical

Episode Date: July 22, 2022

Mike and Jessie are back with a special announcement from Team Coco! Earlier this year, Conan’s wife Liza joined Inside Conan for one of the most popular episodes to date. Now Liza has her own, Significant Others, and Mike and Jessie have a sneak peek!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hey, everyone. Mike and Jesse here, and we've got an exciting announcement for you Inside Conan listeners from Team Cocoa Podcasts. That is correct. A few months ago, we had Conan's wonderful wife, Liza Powell O'Brien, on Inside Conan to chat about how she and Conan first met. Well, it turned out to be one of our most popular episodes. For good reason. Yes. And so now we're very excited to announce that Liza has a new podcast of her own called Significant Others. And we wanted to give Inside Conan listeners a peek at the trailer. So without further ado, here's Significant Others. Technically a listen. A sneak listen.
Starting point is 00:00:37 History is full of great individuals. But if we look beyond the spotlight, who else might we see? Who fed the great individual and cleaned for them and gave them a sounding board for their great ideas? In other words, who did the person who made history depend on? Often it's impossible to find out, but once in a while we get lucky and the story was not only recorded, it's really good. And almost always, it sheds light not just on the past, but the present as well. My name is Liza Powell O'Brien, and I'm a writer, a reader, and the wife of a man who has been making headlines since long before I met him. Now, here he is, Conan O'Brien! But he's the first to admit he doesn't do it all on his own.
Starting point is 00:01:35 Of course, I don't do it alone. I wish I did. Which is what my new podcast from Team Coco is all about. It's called Significant Others, and each episode tells a story you might not know about a person you probably do. Like Vera Nabokov, without whom the world might never have known the book Lolita. Or Kasturba Gandhi, who introduced her husband to the kind of passive resistance that helped him liberate his country from British rule. Some insanely talented Team Coco friends like Nick Offerman, Mega Malali, and Jamila Jamil are joining forces to bring these stories to life. And a series of fantastic guests will help me think out loud about how stories like these from the past are relevant to the present. Starting July 20th, wherever you get
Starting point is 00:02:22 your podcasts, join us to learn more about all kinds of significant others. Because no one lives in a vacuum, not even geniuses. I can't wait to hear more. And a little bird told me that you have a small cameo in the Mary Lincoln episode. Is that right, Sweeney? Yes. Are you playing Abraham Lincoln? No, that would be too typecasting. I went out for the part of Mary Lincoln, which I thought I had a lock on.
Starting point is 00:02:54 Oh, yeah. You have those cheekbones. Yes. And I love petticoats. So head on over to hear the first episode of Significant Others, which just came out. It's a fascinating story about the Countess, Sophia Tolstoy, who happened to be married to Leo Tolstoy. Oh, convenient. Yes. I don't know when he had time to get married. New episodes drop every Wednesday with bonus episodes following the next day. Listen and subscribe to Significant Others
Starting point is 00:03:20 wherever you get your podcasts. I'm going to do it right now. Do it.

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