Is It Just Me? - #179: Grinch Jizz

Episode Date: December 10, 2023

In this episode: Coombs had a Karen moment (01:13) Churi went to animal hospital (12:00) Ridiculous drunk purchases (18:00) Inventing Christmas Cocktails (22:08) Our “Secret Segment” ADDebrief (35...:15)   Join our Facebook group 'Endurant Idiots' Hit us up: @coupleofmitchesSee for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Is It Just Me? Hosted by a couple of Mitches. Hello you. Hello you. Go! Brace yourself for the rude shocks of young adulthood. Yeah, no one says the word turn as an adult. You know how kids would be like, can I have a turn?
Starting point is 00:00:17 You don't say that shit as an adult. Can I have a turn in your car? I want a turn. No! It's my turn. Now is Mitch Julie and Mitchell Coombs. Hello you. Hello you. Hello you. We're at Mitchell's house again. You sound really excited about that. I am. It's because I just feel like your real friend when I'm here. Well, you're welcome at any time. No, I know.
Starting point is 00:00:45 But when we do it in the studio, the podcast in the studio, it feels like we're working. That's true, actually. We're in here. You make a cuppa. I have a soda stream. I piss in your toilet. I've got me feet up. Your feet are up on different cushions.
Starting point is 00:00:55 Isabella just did a shit. I know. I'm sorry about that. Although, I can't smell anything. It might have been a number one. Did she scratch like that for a number one? Yeah. She buries it in the kitty litter.
Starting point is 00:01:04 They're very polite like that. Oh, God. I could not live with a cat. I really could. Why? She's no trouble. A cat or a pussy. I could not live with either.
Starting point is 00:01:10 Two things I don't want in my life, cat or pussy. How'd you go getting a park today, by the way? Oh. Because it's a bit of a nightmare parking in my apartment building. Well, to be honest, I had a really sweet lady who I didn't have my ID on me, didn't realise I was going to be drinking alcohol here, and she said, you have to go back to your car and get your ID. Because how yours works, you've got to park in the five-minute visitor,
Starting point is 00:01:30 walk in, get a parking permit, then they open the boom gates like you're entering Universal Studios. It's a bit of a nightmare, and I had a Karen moment at them recently, the receptionists at my building, because as you said, if you're staying here for like 24 hours or less, like overnight or just popping in for the afternoon, you have to sign in and get a pass. But if someone's staying more than 24 hours, like Sean's staying for the weekend, I have to send an email in advance asking for a short-term pass or whatever.
Starting point is 00:01:58 With all due respect, what the fuck is this place? I know. Like, you pay rent to live here. You're paying to live here. You shouldn't have to do that. Pricekeeper Jen is here, of course. Do you have this shit in your service-meriton suite? I don't live in service-meriton suites in Warsaw.
Starting point is 00:02:12 No, she moved, remember? Non-service. But you did retain Jeeves in this economy that was very nice of you. He lives in as a butler now. Anyway, my Karen moment. Yeah. It's always been the way that I have to send an email if I want Sean to stay for a few days. And I just copy and paste the same email from my phone notes.
Starting point is 00:02:29 It's easy. And then one week they clapped back and said, oh, sorry, Mitchell, you haven't given us at least 48 hours notice. And we'll approve it this time. But next time, if you don't give us 48 hours notice, Sean will have to park on the street. Sean will be forced to be destitute and homeless. So I just cracked it because they've been painful for a long time. Like Sean will get phone calls from the security guards that work here over the weekend and they're just abusive for no reason.
Starting point is 00:03:01 They'll call him and be like, mate, what are you still doing here? When are we getting that pass back? Really? Like give him such a hard time. And so I just cracked it because they're trying to make it too hard for him to come visit me. Oh, that would be so good to watch. Was it face to face? Yeah, I went down there. In that little office that we all go into? Yeah. And who did you see? What did you say? I waltzed down there and I said, we need to have a chat about the parking situation. It's not been a rule that I need to give 48 hours notice for him to come and
Starting point is 00:03:25 arrive the whole time i've been here it's been a year and why is this rule coming in now yeah and they were like oh i'm so sorry i'm so sorry and they said so do you and sean just not plan your weekend until last minute and i was like not every time but it would be nice to have the fucking option and none of your fucking business how we plan our week. Exactly. That's what I said. I said, I'm not just going to remove any spontaneity from my fucking relationship just for the sake of your admin.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Also, late notice isn't anything before 48 hours. Yeah, exactly. That's true. I should have the option to say to my boyfriend, oh, do you want to come over tonight? Yes. I should be able to do that. Or anyone. And so I had a crack at her.
Starting point is 00:04:04 I said, so no, I won't be giving you 48 hours notice. And she goes, oh, the thing is that sometimes the car parks fill up really quick. So if you get in too late, I might not have one free for you. And I was like, if that happens, I'll wear it, darling. If that happens, that's fair. But here's how it's going to work. Oh, my God. I don't care if I email you at 4.59 on a Friday.
Starting point is 00:04:24 You're about to shut the office. If I give you that late notice and there's a spot free, you're going to give it to him. That's how it's going to work. And also, under no fucking circumstance are the security guards to call him ever again, ever. And then she says, oh, well, can you at least give us an ETA of when he's going to arrive?
Starting point is 00:04:43 And I said, no, that's none of your business. You're going to allocate him a spot and he has the freedom to pick up the pass whenever he wants. Wow. Do we have a fucking understanding? And so it was good. We sorted it. That is so Karen.
Starting point is 00:04:55 Have you seen that lady on TikTok that does, she pretends to be a Karen and she goes through, that's exactly who you sound like. Yeah. Well, sometimes a Karen moment is necessary. No, I completely agree. I just think that like the security guards in this building must be so bored because nothing happens. They must be that bored. I got a phone call the other day being like, oh, you just parked a little bit close to the person next to you.
Starting point is 00:05:14 So it might be hard for them to get in and out of their car. Could you just next time try and park a little bit further? And I was like, fuck, if that's the biggest issue of their day, that's the only thing they have to do. They must be so bored. My worry is though, Mitchell, if that's the biggest issue of their day, that's the only thing they have to do. They must be so bored. My worry is though, Mitchell, that it's targeted to you. Now, they say bad things come in threes. You've already had the gay manly bashing attempted. You've already had the drink spiking incident and the glasses going missing.
Starting point is 00:05:39 My fear and deep worry for you as a dear friend is that this is your third piece of hate crime. Are they targeting you? I very nearly played that card. You should have. I was going to be like, is it because we're gay? Is that it? I bet you let all the fucking straight couples stay and have a car park.
Starting point is 00:05:55 No worries. I wish you said that. I wish. Do you call John and Nancy in room 12B and give them the same shit? It crossed my mind, but I didn't go there. I don't think. No, I don't think it is targeted. No.
Starting point is 00:06:05 Because they give me a hard time too. Even today I had to walk back to my car, get my ID, come back, and then. Yeah, why the fuck do they need all that information? But she didn't take anything from it. She looked at it and went, thank you, Mitchell. And she said, what's your name? I said, Mitchell. She said, who are you visiting?
Starting point is 00:06:19 I said, Mitchell. She said, no, what's your name? I said, we have the same name. Just relax. Write them down and move on. Couple of mitches, babe. Get amongst it. You know the problem, though?
Starting point is 00:06:29 Someone, I walked out and some old woman was limping by and she goes, hello, Gertrude. And she goes, hello, young love. She actually seemed nice. And the sense of community here does seem like it's skewed more towards the appreciation of the older clientele. Like I said, I'm living the dream. I've always wanted to live in a retirement village and now i'm doing it basically and now you're here too remember when we called a retirement village to get quotes yeah no we wanted to find out the minimum age and i have to be fucking 55 yeah i was like oh i can't wait my grandparents for some reason like they're losing the plot and they are so offended every
Starting point is 00:07:02 time anyone suggests the idea of living in a retirement home or nursing home or something where they can be cared for rather than living on the farm. And I keep saying to mum, I would just do it in a heartbeat. It sounds like a dream. Maybe not a nursing home. That's a bit different to a retirement village. No, you don't want to live in a nursing home. My nan, who's 93, is in a nursing home.
Starting point is 00:07:22 And it's so funny. So my nan sold her house. This happened today. Funny it's so funny. So my nan sold her house. This happened today. Funny you bring it up. Sold her big house because she has dementia and we had to get her into a care facility. And the dementia has gotten worse because she sold her house. So they put that money and bought her like the biggest apartment in the retirement home. However, everyone in the retirement home wants it.
Starting point is 00:07:41 There's a wait list for Nan's room. Oh, my God. Is she in it now? She's in it now. It's got a balcony. It's got two bedrooms. wait list for Nan's room. Oh, my God. Wait, is she in it now? She's in it now. It's got a balcony. It's got two bedrooms. It's got a guest room. It is the biggest and the best in that whole retirement village.
Starting point is 00:07:51 So she owns it. You bought it. Yep. You own it. You buy it. Oh, my God. The thing is, they're all waiting for her to die because everyone wants it. But if you – I hope that someone in your family inherits it because I fucking want
Starting point is 00:08:02 that place. Can someone over 55 live there? Just hold it until I'm 55. Actually, the aged care system in this country needs to be – it needs reworking because when Nen passes away, they own the property. The money goes to them. They take it.
Starting point is 00:08:20 What? Yep, and when Nen dies, that money gets sent back to mum and dad and the family and they don't make any money on, but they just get the exact same amount back and the room gets given to someone else. It's like a holding fee. It's fucked. It's unethical. Yeah, I don't understand.
Starting point is 00:08:33 That doesn't make sense. Anyway, mum and dad go there and they go, hi, Michelle and Mark, just letting you know that there's been three more names added to Claire's room. Did they tell you? Yeah, they're fully aware. What? Because the nature of a retirement village is that, you know, you're not going to move on after it.
Starting point is 00:08:47 That's sort of the end of the game. You're retiring. So they know that she will pass away there and people are waiting. It's so grim. So Nan is like, oh, I've made lots of friends this week. I'm like, Nan, they want you for your fucking room. And they all give her chocolates and roses because Nan could gift the room because she has it.
Starting point is 00:09:05 She can choose who comes next. Really? Yeah, she's like the queen of the fucking prison. What is it called? Top dog. Top dog. I love that. Yeah, but the poor thing's riddled with dementia and is forgetful.
Starting point is 00:09:15 She forgets who she's loaned it to. So mum and dad turn up. All these people have been promised? Yeah, they have. They're like, oh, just so you know, Claire promised us the room. We're like, no. Oh, that's them lying. Yeah, that's exactly right.
Starting point is 00:09:24 Do you know what's fucking random? My parents' farm, there's a second, Claire promised us the room. We're like, no. Oh, that's them lying. Yeah, that's exactly right. Do you know what's fucking random? My parents' farm, there's a second, we call it the old house. It was like the original house that people lived on fucking ages ago. It must be nice. It's abandoned and it's haunted. We call it the second house. No, no, no. It's not functional.
Starting point is 00:09:38 It's abandoned. It's got fucking dead sheep in there. Like, it's old and abandoned. But it's got really, really nice timber. Yeah. And occasionally dad gets phone calls from absolute randoms being like, G'day Coombsy, your uncle Clem before we passed, God rest his soul, he promised me I could, you know, rip down the house and use that timber.
Starting point is 00:09:56 And Ian's like, see you later, cockhead. I don't know why people want this timber in the old house. Yeah. And you know what I love? Everyone always speaks as if they were best friends with the dead. Yeah. Always. Because the dead's not there to say, no, I actually hated that bitch.
Starting point is 00:10:07 I don't even know who that person is. Yeah. You know what? I've just had an idea. Yes? I'm going to create a list of people that I fucking have never promised anything to. Everyone wants – I've got a lot of tech. I've got a lot of gadgets.
Starting point is 00:10:18 I'm going to be like, no, I did not promise Jenna my MacBook Pro. Yes, you did. Because knowing, you know, Mitch will be like, well, Mitch promised me all his audio equipment. No, I didn't. Yeah, put it in your will. Yes, you did. Because knowing, you know, Mitch will be like, well, Mitch promised me all his audio equipment. No, I didn't. Yeah, put it in your will. No, they certainly cannot. People I did not promise anything to. You can actually, Mitchell, on the record, have all my audio equipment.
Starting point is 00:10:33 Thank you. Can I have your MacBook? You know what? Yes. Thank you. It's new. It's M1. Oh, amazing.
Starting point is 00:10:37 So take it. It's all yours. Cool. Yeah. Damn it. I would have liked the MacBook, actually. Well, you guys can play it. No, I have the MacBook.
Starting point is 00:10:43 Would you speak at my wedding? My wedding? Yes. Fucking hell. I'm furthest from. I think I'm closer to MacBook. Would you speak at my wedding? My wedding? Yes. Fucking hell, I'm furthest from. I think I'm closer to my funeral than I am at my wedding. Would you speak at my funeral, Mitchell? Oh, if I was asked to, sure. I'm dead.
Starting point is 00:10:55 I've given numerous eulogies, so I'm pretty good at them. Have you? Yes. Oh, but you mean like, because you did Anne Boylan's. Anne Boleyn. Anne Boleyn. Oh, God, sorry. And then who else?
Starting point is 00:11:07 Madame Tussauds. Yes, Madame Tussauds. Anyway, if it's your first time listening. We're at Mitchell's house. That's the moral of the story. If it's your first time listening, we start every show with an Is It Just Me? Something we've noticed we hate or appreciate. Mitch doesn't know mine.
Starting point is 00:11:23 I don't know Mitch's. I'm going to be preparing something a little special for my itcham. Itcham? Itcham. I thought you said itcham. Well, I'm a bit itcham, actually. I'm covered in mozzie bites. Oh, itcham.
Starting point is 00:11:35 Fuck me. It's always just a little bit more chaotic when we're at home, isn't it? I'm a wedding celebrant. Oh, go itcham. I just witnessed a fucking hit and run. Snitch them. Yeah, of course. No, no, you're so right about that one.
Starting point is 00:11:50 My ex, my partner, I'm really not vibing him. I'll ditch him. Anyway, my itch him, I'm doing something a little special. Do you want to kick things off? Yeah, let's go. Let's jump in. Is it just me or? Did you also have a moment that made you think, you know what?
Starting point is 00:12:09 It is time to shake things up in my life. I guess so, yes. Why? What was your moment? I'm more specifically talking about weight loss. And I remember, you know, I've lost 40 kilos. We've spoken about it on the show. Have you?
Starting point is 00:12:22 Shut up. But I got a call this week and it reminded me the inciting incident that made me go, I'm going to lose weight. I got a call from an MRI clinic and they called me because I have a brain condition, Chiari malformation. I've got to get 12 monthly MRIs. And they call me and they go, hi, Mitch, just checking that, you know, you're due for your 12 monthly MRI and we've booked you in for the safari room.
Starting point is 00:12:45 Safari room? The safari room for the MRI. And I remember've booked you in for the safari room. Safari room? The safari room for the MRI. And I remember thinking, oh, my God, that's right. I go, thank you so much for calling. I don't need to come to your clinic anymore. Thank you. And they said, oh, okay, no worries. And they hung up.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Why not? I never told anyone this because I was embarrassed, like genuinely embarrassed. But this is the first time I'm saying this. This was the moment that I thought to myself, I need to make some changes. I'm a bigger boy and it's affecting my life. But wait, I'm not following. What's that got to do with the MRI?
Starting point is 00:13:13 Why don't you need those anymore? Oh, no, I need to get MRIs. Yeah, I still need my MRIs. But I cancelled the safari room clinic because about 12 months ago, I was the biggest I ever was. I was almost 160 kilos. And I'm six foot three, big tall boy. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:13:30 And my GP goes, we need to get you a monthly MRI, your 12-monthly MRI, go and book it in. Yeah. So I call my local place and they go, hi, Mitch, can we just get all your details? And they go, what's your weight? I tell them my weight. And they go, unfortunately, Mitch, the MRI machine caps out at 135. Oh, my God. You're over the weight limit, but we'll connect you to this place that does it. I said, oh, the MRI machine caps out at 135.
Starting point is 00:13:46 Oh, my God. You're over the weight limit, but we'll connect you to this place that does it. I said, oh, no worries. That's fine. A bit embarrassing, but I'll go to a bigger MRI machine. That seems like a bit of a flaw in the system. Yeah. The place they gave me to get an MRI was an animal hospital.
Starting point is 00:14:02 Oh, no. Are you serious? Did they bring you up in one of those giant elevators they use for elephants in the circus? Yeah, and fucking Volkswagen cars to get them into the showroom. It was an animal hospital. Was it actually? I swear to God. Really?
Starting point is 00:14:20 And so was that the moment that you were like, Jesus, I've got to do something about this? That was the moment that I thought, Christ on a bike if i'm going to the same gp as a local fucking elephant there is something wrong and i went and had my mri in this in the safari room which is where the mri elephants giraffes rhinoceri rhinoceri and mitch fucking jury i had to be mri normally an mri machine is a donut. This thing was like the rings of Saturn. It was giant fucking gigantic. And they were so nice and they knew that like big people come. And I quite literally, I got the MRI and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:14:55 I'm never going to tell anyone. And that's why I decided to lose weight. Wow. So that's why you said, I no longer need you. I'm with you now. I follow it. Correct. But it was awful.
Starting point is 00:15:04 Like I was in the waiting room. So you can go to a normal one now. I can go to a normal one, yes. I can. Luckily me. And I'm not laughing at anyone that needs the bigger one because that was me. I don't think that that should be a thing. No.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Well, I completely agree. 135 isn't even for someone who's my height. Exactly. Like even now I'm 110 and it's still a bigger weight. Anyway, it's one of the most embarrassing feelings. I mean, if you carry shame around your size, which I did, maybe I'm speaking from my experience. But when we went to Hawaii earlier in the year for my mum's 60th,
Starting point is 00:15:36 we booked in around the Jurassic World tour, the Jurassic World tour of like the mountains, and we booked little go-karts, mopeds. And we get there and like, hello, everybody, tour the Jurassic World tour of like the mountains and we booked a little go go karts mopeds yeah and um we get there and like hello everybody welcome to uh the Waikiki Jurassic World test we need to uh wear you all before you get on and we had to weigh ourselves on scales and I jumped on and he goes sorry buddy you can't you can't ride but then that was the awkward conversation with my family they're like well if Mitch can't do it we're not gonna do it had they already paid yeah already
Starting point is 00:16:03 paid already paid but then it's also then you're the person that's robbing everyone of this experience. Yeah, it's just icky. So sad. Really sad. Didn't that happen at Harry Potter World or something as well? Yes, it did. I went to go on Hagrid's Escape. Oh.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Sorry, I shouldn't laugh. I don't think that that should be a thing. No. Like, build your fucking roller coasters or whatever better. It's in America as well. I wasn't that big. By American standards. By by american standards i'm a twig i couldn't get into hagrid's world but the thing is it was on one of it was the new and improved hagrid's world and it's um it was on like a travelator so you walk in you stand on the travelator and you get
Starting point is 00:16:38 in as it moves you've got about 45 seconds to get in so i'm standing there this little elf comes up in character and he's like welcome hagrid needs your help time to get in wizard So I'm standing there, this little elf comes up in character and he's like, welcome, Hagrid needs your help. Time to get in, wizard. And I go, thank you so much, let me get in. And I'm like, trying to get in I'm trying to get the broomstick on my waist. And he goes, oh, wizard, you've had one too many butterbeers. And I was like, no, I actually, we're getting to the end of the conveyor belt. He goes, breathe in for me, wizard. So I try to get to the end of the conveyor belt. He goes, breathe in for me, wizard. So I try to get in and then I can't go down.
Starting point is 00:17:09 He goes, all right, mate, take a left and walk out this door. You're going to get an emergency exit. Like drops his character. Off you go, Porky. What about Hagrid's massive? Hagrid's a fucking porker. Yeah, that's so true. He's a literal giant. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:18 He's no fucking Slim Dusty himself. What the fuck? That's so true. Hagrid's a literal giant. Yes. Anyway, the best part is you're in like this gorgeous Hagrid's house and then there's the emergency escape, which is like his bookcase, his bookshelf, and you like open the door and then behind it
Starting point is 00:17:35 is just like a, you know, it's just an emergency escape. So like the illusion was completely ruined. God. I was very sad. Anyway, that was just the moment for me. I completely forgot about it. I blocked it out, I think. And then when she called this week, I was very sad. Anyway, that was just the moment for me. I completely forgot about it. I blocked it out, I think. And then when she called this week, I was like, wow,
Starting point is 00:17:49 I've come such a long way. That's amazing. But I'll never forget the giraffe that I met in the waiting room. She was so nice and I hope she's been fixed. Is it just me? You can follow the show online. Just search Couple of Mitches. If you don't, you're a dickhead.
Starting point is 00:18:07 Right, coming up in our Wednesday episode, which is episode 180. Yes. You have brought in your virtual reality goggles for me. Yes, I have. Oh, my God. I was wondering what those were. I hope you've got sanitiser because I actually think I can see some dried cum. Yeah, you promised to show me VR gay porn.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Well, I promised to show you VR porn. There are no promises that gay porn exists because when I first got them... Oh, I thought you said you found some. Oh, actually, you're right. I was searching in A to D brief, you're right. Yeah, yeah. Sorry, what's that?
Starting point is 00:18:37 I was searching... I've never heard of A to D brief. No, you're right. I was searching at some point in time. Oh, okay. I'm freaking out. That makes sense. And also, I've got another ridiculous mission for Roving Reporter, Oscar.
Starting point is 00:18:47 There is beef in my neighbourhood Facebook group. Yeah. Oscar's going to do a deep expose for us. Can I just say before Oscar joins us that what I've taken from this today is that you need to move. Like you've got the terrible people at the front of the house. You've got this drama that we're used to hearing about. Honestly, they're not that terrible, the people that deal with the visitor parking, because
Starting point is 00:19:06 I don't have to deal with visitor parking. I just have to deal with my guests bitching. Yeah, true. Although, I've never had a problem. I've been okay. Yeah, it's just a lot of fucking red tape. Hit or miss. Well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:19:15 I'd just say move back in with your parents. Oh, yeah, great. You want to send me off to Bougainvillea, do you? And also, you tell your dad, he promised me some hardwood floors from the side house before Uncle Jim passed. He promised me them. Let your dad know. Hey, by the way, do you remember last week I was talking about embarrassing slash iconic drunk purchases? Oh, yes, you were.
Starting point is 00:19:35 And we asked people to send in some examples of ridiculous shit they've bought when they've been drunk. Oh, did we get some good ones? Oh, we did get some good ones. So, Kelly said, I subscribe to Proactive. I've never had acne in my life. I love that so much. She was just worried that it would happen. You know what?
Starting point is 00:19:51 I want to have it in the kitchen drawer just in case one day I get acne. The fact that Proactive comes to mind. I know. That's funny. Okay, Proactive. I was a Proactive kid. We've spoken about this. So are you, Mia.
Starting point is 00:19:59 Oh, you definitely were. The smell of me, Jenna. No, if you haven't seen. What a bitch. No, there's a photo out there of when you were younger, a school photo, and you said that you used to use Proactiv. Oh, yes. And it bleached your fringe.
Starting point is 00:20:14 Because you know how it bleached the fuck out of everything you touched, Proactiv? Yeah, yeah. Because I had a fringe and I would use it on my forehead. It literally bleached my hair. I had this blonde fringe. Oh, you would have looked like Anna, that lesbian chef that does all the desserts. She's got like pink hair but a blonde fringe.
Starting point is 00:20:30 Yeah. Anna Pover or whatever her name is. Polly Vu. Yeah, Polly Vu. Anna Pover. Is that what you said? Well, her show's been cancelled, so at the moment, yes. Okay, can I just say, on the proactive train, I can still smell step number one, the blue
Starting point is 00:20:44 one. Oh, no, it was two, the big blue one. Oh, the green one. Yeah, turquoise. Yeah, the liquid. Oh, that smell. And you put it on the face pad and you, oh, God, it just would shred my skin.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Also, ZomZom, here's another example. ZomZom bought one of those tambourines that you attach to a drum kit. I don't even have a drum kit. That's great. That's a drum kit. I don't even have a drum kit. That's great. That's a good one. So good. Did you see the one that was posted to our Facebook group, Enduring Idiots?
Starting point is 00:21:11 Did you see this? Oh, my God, yes. Who was that again? It was Brett. Brett Hevers. He said, following on from the drunk purchaser segment, mine would hands down have to be my Gladys Berejiklian cardboard cutout.
Starting point is 00:21:23 I forgot I bought her until she arrived during the COVID era and I still have her protecting my office. Oh, my God, it really is. Who the fuck is selling cardboard cutouts of our former state premier? No, during COVID, these would have been like, you know when the royals come to town and the $2 shops make cardboard cutouts of them? Right.
Starting point is 00:21:41 I feel like whoever is mass producing these would be like, she's the woman of the moment because she did the daily press conferences. Yeah, yeah. It's life size. It's actually life size. It's terrible. Okay, that one wins, I think.
Starting point is 00:21:51 That wins. Brett. It was Brett. Yeah, no, that wins, Brett. Fuck, that's so funny. Beautiful words, Brett. Love you. Yeah, well said, Brett.
Starting point is 00:21:57 Beautiful words. Are you ready for my Is It Just Me? Yes, I'm ready. Born ready. Speaking of drunk. Oh. Let's go. Is it just me or? Do you feel like a bevy uh yeah i could like an alcoholic one yes so remember we were talking a couple of weeks ago
Starting point is 00:22:15 about the conundrum i made lime milkshakes on the podcast and they only had a minimum order of four liters and i've still got the freaking syrup in my house. And we were saying we should make some sort of cocktail using the syrup. Yes. Today's the day. What do you mean? Well, we're here, there's the syrup, I've got Baileys. Should I just fucking chuck them together and see how it goes? Wait, wait, wait.
Starting point is 00:22:36 Is this a Christmas themed cocktail? Sure. Yeah, it's green. I think we said we were going to, because I also have the Blue Heaven milkshake syrup. Oh, yeah. And I think we said we were going to, because I also have the Blue Heaven milkshake syrup. Oh, yeah. And I think we said we were going to call that Christmas Blues, which is like the post-Christmas weird wig out. Correct.
Starting point is 00:22:52 That four-day period or five-day period after Christmas Day. Well, you don't know what day it is. Yeah, Christmas Blues. That's fair. So, what will it be? You know what? Do you have like Prosecco? Some Prosecco with some of that syrup would be delicious.
Starting point is 00:23:02 Do you know what? I actually do have something Prosecco adjacent because your father fucking sent me the yellow tail sparkling cocktails. Oh, my God. A, shout out to Mark Turi. Love him. B, they are delicious. Which one did you say I should put in that? Because it's like Bellini flavor or something.
Starting point is 00:23:17 No, there's peach Bellini, which would be better with the blue of the lime. The mimosa is just mimosa. Lime and peach together, are you sure? Yeah, maybe. Well, the mimosa is orange and bubbles. You can do lime orange. I already finished that one. Was it good?
Starting point is 00:23:29 I've only got the peach one. Oh, it was gorgeous. I've only got the peach one left, but I've got Baileys. So what would I do with the milkshake thing? Do I just put straight Baileys and the milkshake syrup and that's it? No. Do I need to add something else? That would be way too sweet.
Starting point is 00:23:42 I guess that would be a shot. If we're going to do Baileys and then the syrup, that's a shot. You can't make a cocktail out of that. That's true. Do you have cream? No. I don't think. I've got fucking yogurt.
Starting point is 00:23:52 I've got almond milk. That's pretty much it. No. Oh, my God, no. Cocktails with Bailey's, and then we'll see if we can tweak it. Let me Google. Well, we're going to have to get Roving Reporter Oscar, who was waiting in the green room, to run down to the bottle
Starting point is 00:24:03 because I don't have anything. No, no, no. If they're going to ask us to add other shit to the cocktail. A Bailey's martini. What do they want? Come on. Vodka, Bailey's, and your favourite milk shaken together. We could do that.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Oh, fuck me. I don't have any body. Shit. Would you have tequila? Not tequila. No, I don't. I literally don't have anything. Oscar?
Starting point is 00:24:24 Oscar? Chalkhead. Oscar. Come here. We have a task. So I'm going to make some sort of cocktail using Baileys and milkshake flavoring, but I don't have vodka. If I give you the card for the kitty, can you pop down?
Starting point is 00:24:40 I can't get a bit of vodka. Yeah, that's all I need. Oh, all right. All right. Hang on. How are you? Yeah, great. Can you get some choccy?
Starting point is 00:24:47 Do you have any chocolate? No, I don't. Sorry. All I've got is protein bars. Yeah. My mummy's going to get the shopping. Now, you kids don't break anything. We won't.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Good girls. We'll put the mints out to defrost on the sink. And then we'll forget. And then when mum gets home, you know, when mum comes home, you hear the car in the garage, you go, fuck, I didn't defrost the chicken breast. I don't think she ever trusted me with that shit. I think mum knew that I just would forget.
Starting point is 00:25:11 You'd be hopeless. Yeah. I was undiagnosed ADHD. Of course. I'd always forget. And then as soon as she came in, I'd rush to do it and she'd be like, why didn't you do it? And I would say, yeah, I did.
Starting point is 00:25:20 I was watching Rollercoaster TV. No, no, I did take it out like two hours ago and it's still like this. Yeah, sure. Okay, well, I may as well grab the stuff before he comes up with the vodka. Yeah. What was it? Just Bailey's vodka and a bit of flavouring? Bailey's vodka and a bit of your milk and then we'll add the flavour, yeah. Okay, alright. We could just do shots. We could just do
Starting point is 00:25:37 Nah, fuck that. Let's go all out. Do we need the milk though? Oh, Jenna just wants straight up liquor. Fuck me. It's just a couple. You have to do three. So I reckon three shots of bailey's one shot of lime i'll just fucking free pour it measure with your heart as jenna says yeah true all right i'm gonna go get the stuff i need from the kitchen you guys turn amongst yourselves okay okay wow i'm excited i'm really excited it's gonna it's gonna be interesting also a good juice for this lime syrup because it has sat in mitchell's kitchen yes since oh my God.
Starting point is 00:26:06 It's been two years. Oh, yeah. I was going to say one, maybe. Yeah, you know what? I'd say two because it was on my desk for a year and then Mitchell's had it in his kitchen for the other year. Mitchell, that is disgusting. What is? It looks like fake blood.
Starting point is 00:26:19 It's blue and green. How is that fake blood? Also, it's expired. What? No. No. Fuck you, Sirius. Is that fake blood? Also, it's expired. What? No. No. Fuck you, Sirius. Is that a thing?
Starting point is 00:26:29 Oh, barely, Jenna. When did it expire? 23rd of September. That's fine. And it says best before, not used by. We'll fucking risk it. Best before is different to used by. Best before just says the quality will drop.
Starting point is 00:26:40 Used by means you'll die. I'll give it a sniff. It's basically untouched. It'll be fine. It's sugar. Jenna, pass the lime. I'll do a taste test. No, that smells fine. I just smelled the blue sniff. It's basically untouched. It's sugar. Jenna, pass the lime. I'll do a taste test. No, that smells fine. I just smelled the blue heaven.
Starting point is 00:26:47 It's fine. Oh my god, look at this. I hope you guys are fucking thirsty. I've got four ladies to get through. I want to get rid of it. Bailey's vanilla ice cream and mint essence, but it's green, but we could do Bailey's vanilla ice cream and lime and then shake it up. Shit, should I ask him to get ice cream?
Starting point is 00:27:03 Should we call him? Yes. Wait, should I put it through the desk? Yep. He popped the shake it up. Shit, should I ask him to get ice cream? Yeah, he needs ice cream. Should we call him? Yeah, we need ice cream. Yes. Okay, wait, should I put it through the desk? Yeah. He popped the fader up. But I have a... But I have a... Come on, clown.
Starting point is 00:27:20 Fuck a duck. Imagine if he didn't take his phone with him. He didn't take his phone. Oh, my God. I bet it's in my... The person you are calling is not available. We don't need it. We'll just make do with what we've got.
Starting point is 00:27:33 No, we definitely need ice cream. I'll just send him back down there because, like, that is essentially a milkshake. Yeah, it is. Milk and flavouring and ice cream. Oh, fuck, hang on, he's back. Is he? Oh, he's back. Oh, that was quick.
Starting point is 00:27:44 Oh, maybe it's because he was in the lift. We were trying to call you. We need ice cream. Oh, fuck, hang on, he's back. Is he? Oh, he's back. Oh, that was quick. Oh, maybe it's because he was in the lift. We were trying to call you. We need ice cream. Oh, shit. I'm in the lift. Where's your phone? In my arse. That was very quick.
Starting point is 00:27:52 That was very quick. So now I don't feel guilty. Please get us ice cream and some chocolate. Just like sprinkles or like a flake. Okay, chocolate. Careful, you'll be back in the animal hospital. That's a funny joke. You'll get it when you listen back to the episode, Oscar.
Starting point is 00:28:04 What are you still doing here? Go get ice cream. Yeah, ice cream and flakes. Don't worry, you'll get a cocktail out of it. Yeah. Right, well, I'm going to have to fucking bust out the Nutribullet if we're doing ice cream. I'm committing.
Starting point is 00:28:15 Let's just hit pause, honestly. I should have been better organised, but we'll hit pause. We'll be back with some fucking boozy milkshakes in a tick. All right, see you soon, idiots. Rightio, Oscar is walking back in the door. He's returned. We've got the ice cream. Can you grab me a spoon, love?
Starting point is 00:28:27 Yeah, babe. Thanks. All right. Let's get started, okay? Let's start. All right. So, Mitch, how are you going to do this? I'm just free pouring.
Starting point is 00:28:34 Okay. Oh, God. That's plenty, Mitch. That's a lot. Nah. I'm going to make us all in one go. Yeah. Do a bit more.
Starting point is 00:28:41 Do a bit more. Fuck. I never realised. Bailey's smells really potent. That's a lot of Bailey's. It smells like bit more. Do a bit more. Fuck, I never realised Baileys smells really potent. That's a lot of Baileys. It smells like rocket fuel. One third Baileys and then I reckon you need
Starting point is 00:28:48 a good four scoops of ice cream. Yeah, okay. That looks correct to me. I'm going to open the vodka. Do you want to pop some lime in? Yeah. And I think from last time
Starting point is 00:28:56 when I made the lime milkshakes, we realised that it actually takes a surprising amount of flavouring. So feel free to really, really lime that bitch up. Okay, alright. Oscar, we need help thinking of flavouring. So feel free to really, really lime that bitch up. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:29:05 Oscar, we need help thinking of a name. Christmas and lime included. Christmas and lime included. What, for the cocktail? Yeah, the Blue Heaven one we're going to call Christmas Blues. But then I don't know what to do with lime. All right. I've added a substantial amount of lime.
Starting point is 00:29:19 I reckon even a bit more. No, that was a lot, Mitchell. Darl, do you want a spoon to stir for the coagulation? You don't need to stir it. I'm about to put it in a, that was a lot, Mitchell. Do you want a spoon too? Yeah, I'll just give it a stir. For the coagulation. You don't need to stir it. I'm about to put it in a blender. It's turned into jelly. Oh, my God. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:29:31 It has. It actually has. It actually has. It's fine. I'll blend it for God's sake. Give it. I've got a name. Santa's come.
Starting point is 00:29:40 Shrek's holiday Christmas. Oh, it is giving Shrek. I like the Shrek angle. Okay, the vodka's going in. Yep, nice. Oh, shit. That's delightful. Oh, it is giving Shrek. I like the Shrek angle. Okay, the vodka's going in. Yep, nice. Oh, shit, that's delightful. Oh, yeah, mummy's hungry. That's actually really nice.
Starting point is 00:29:52 Do we have any nutmeg, like cinnamon or anything? Oh, for fuck's sake. We're in the kitchen. I am not going on a third trip. It's hot as balls out there. No, and nor should you. Okay, I think you can skip the almond milk. Nah, that's what the recipe said.
Starting point is 00:30:03 That's plenty. Oh, can you fucking, the backseat cocktail making over here. Mitchell, this looks fucking awful. This looks horrific. I'd like to see you do a better job. Maybe you should do the Blue Heaven one. True, true, sorry. Now the ice cream.
Starting point is 00:30:17 Oh, yeah, that consistency. Extra on the ice cream, Mitch. Come on. Oh, yeah. I'm going to basically fill the rest with ice cream. It's as high as it'll go. This looks like a spider that you'd get at the canteen. Oh, it is giving spider, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:30:30 Yeah, I was just thinking that. Oh, that is good ice cream. So Santa's come, everyone. Let's give you the... How? Mitchell, you should have seen what we saw. Oh, my God. Why don't we just call it the Christmas Grinch or something?
Starting point is 00:30:40 Or the Grinch come. Oh, the Grinch is his... Because it doesn't make sense for it to be Santa's cum because he's red. She's an onshore. If his cum is red, Mrs. Claus is riding a little too hard on us. Yeah, I was going to say. I think it should be Grinch jizz. Grinch jizz is good.
Starting point is 00:30:54 Grinch jizz. Yeah, I like that. This Christmas, pour a nice glass of cold, creamy, curdled Grinch jizz. Fuck up with the curdles. I swear to God it's going to be fine once I blend it. Mitchell, Jenna has gone mute and I'm worried that she's been scarred by it. Okay, we ready? Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:31:09 I'm going to film for a second. Wait there. Wait. Speak for yourself. That's a neutral bullet ready to go. Yeah, we're ready. Oh. Wow.
Starting point is 00:31:19 Look at that. You're right. You're right. The curdles are gone. I reckon it might need more ice cream. I think it will. I think it will, yeah. Oh, my God. It smells really strong. I reckon it might need more ice cream. I think it will. I think it will, yeah. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:31:25 It smells really strong. I think I put too much grog. Do we need more ice cream? Yeah. Yeah. Oh, that's good. Look at that fat scoop. That's a good scoop.
Starting point is 00:31:34 Yep. There we go. In you get, bitch. Grinch is jizz. No, just Grinch jizz. I like that. Sorry, Grinch jizz. Here we go.
Starting point is 00:31:42 Here we go. Well, this is riveting, isn't it? Yeah, this has lightened it up too. The Grinch Jizz, everyone, is about 200 mils of Bullard creamy ice cream, three hefty shots of lime syrup. I don't think that we should even bother with the Christmas blues one because we're going to be drunk. It smells really strong.
Starting point is 00:32:02 Yeah. I think this is more than enough. All right, Jenna, I'm going to pour. You've got the cups ready. Here we go. That's plenty, Mitchell. Pass that down the line. Can you chuck me a flake, Mitch? Oh, yep. Here you go. Here's your
Starting point is 00:32:15 garnish. You were looking at it with a really puzzled look on your face, Mitch. You were looking at it like this. I reckon I'll just finger it on top. It looks like it should be mint. Thanks, Jenna. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:32:29 A bit of the cocktail was running down the side of the cup, so I licked it and it's fucking strong. Let me crumb you, Jenna. Are you listening to me at all? No. I said like five things and you just flat out haven't responded. I heard it. Thanks.
Starting point is 00:32:41 You're welcome. And he's the one with headphones on. You'd think he would hear. I know. All right, we've all got welcome. And he's the one with headphones on. You'd think he would hear. I know. All right, we've all got one each. Here's the moment. All right, Mitchell, Grish, Jizz. Cheers.
Starting point is 00:32:51 Merry Christmas, everyone. Merry Christmas, everyone. And a happy new year. All right, let's go. Cheers. All right, here we go. Ho, ho, ho. Ho, ho, ho.
Starting point is 00:33:07 She's very potent But she's lovely This is exactly what I think the Grinch cheese would taste like You know what? The first sip was a bit of a rude shock But now I'm used to it It's good Speak for yourself Oh no, I'm on board, Shook
Starting point is 00:33:21 Yeah, that's nice I'm on board, that's nice Wow We've invented a cocktail today. Oh, my God. It's so nice. Lime milkshake flavouring, bitter ice cream, maybe less Baileys and vodka than I've put.
Starting point is 00:33:33 Jenna's not coping. It's actually not bad. The consistency, however, it's really thick to swallow, isn't it? Yeah. I've heard that before. Yeah. The Grinch has heard that before, I bet. Of course, hasn't he?
Starting point is 00:33:46 Yeah. Anyway, cheers to that. We better get out of here. Thanks for coming to my tutorial. No worries. Thank you, Mitchell. That was a lovely Christmas surprise. That was very much a surprise.
Starting point is 00:33:56 That was a lot of vodka, right? I think the Baileys is the problem. Yeah, I just got a big thing of Baileys go down my throat. Yeah, there's like a before, middle and aftertaste situation. I'm like, oh yeah, that's the Baileys. We've all had a bit of the Grinch. Right, well thanks for listening, idiots. We'll be back on Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:34:11 Yeah, we will. Today's one of those days where we attempt to record both episodes in one session. So it sounds like we might be a bit tipsy by the time we get to Wednesday. Wednesday's episode sounds like it's going to be fun. Don't forget VR porn, everyone. I forgot about that. And Oscar, don't you get too tiddly because you're doing your investigative journalism out in the street.
Starting point is 00:34:28 No, that's right. Thank you for listening. We'll see you guys soon. Five-star reviews on Apple Podcast and Spotify if you can. We'd love that. Make sure you hit the follow button, please, and the notification bell on Spotify so that they'll let you know when a new episode comes out. Cheers, everyone.
Starting point is 00:34:40 Make a Grinch jizz this Christmas and think of us. Cheers, idiots. Love ya. Cheers. See you. Cheers. See you on Wednesday. Is it just me? A podcast by a couple of mitches. Make sure you've hit follow on your podcast app. Welcome to AD Debrief.
Starting point is 00:35:16 This is our secret segment on the int. I'm liking it. I like it too. Yeah. Can you pass the type of ice cream to Jenna? Because I want to put some lime on a bit of ice cream and try it. That sounds great. Do you know what I mean? I've got to say the lime milkshake flavouring,
Starting point is 00:35:29 I remember this from last time, it's not that limey. I've had lime milkshakes that are more distinct. I was going to pour it on but I don't want to ruin it. Yeah, you're going to ruin my good tub of bulla. Do you want to try the blue one as well or not? Yeah, for ADD brief of course. Do you want to try the blue one as well or not? Yeah, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:45 Yeah, for ADD brief, of course. Yeah. I really like that. You're right. The aftertaste is creamy, delicious. Thank you, Ben. Yeah. At first, you get that rocket fuel because of all the alcohol,
Starting point is 00:35:56 but then it just sort of settles, you know? All right. Well, while you do all that, I'm going to have my Kit Kat. Here, Oscar, can you give this a rinse, though? God, it's so good having a fourth pair of hands. It's amazing. Our runner. I'm cleansing my palate with some vanilla.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Now my palate is neutral. Good decision. I'm going to pour a shot of the green on it. Here we go. Lime ice cream. That can't be bad. Oh, my God. I just had a flashback.
Starting point is 00:36:23 What? Chinese restaurant ice cream. Did you ever get it as a kid? I think ours did deep fried ice cream. Oh, the dessert at our local Chinese restaurant was vanilla ice cream with different syrups. Can you talk into your mic? It's just a little rule. Where's the Blue Haven?
Starting point is 00:36:39 The what? Blue Heaven. Tell me where it is while I'm still up. Can I have it? Oh, it's behind you. Oh, it's over here. Oh, yeah, that's good. Oh, did you bring the cup back?
Starting point is 00:36:47 No. I want to make the blue one, idiot. Just wants his Kit Kat. He just sat down to try and unwrap it again. Sorry, no, it's fine. I'm still on payroll. I'm on the clock. Shit, but Jenna.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Mitch, we're doing a podcast. Why aren't you talking into the mic? Jenna just poured a metric shit ton of blue flavouring in. Okay. You ass. you're talking into the mic jenna just poured a metric shit ton of blue flavoring it in okay so when we do the uh the blue one i think maybe someone else should take charge i don't know if i can be trusted with my paws all right so mitch i'm gonna am i competing with you now sure all right the blue one is going to be called christmas blues are we sold on that because like it's that's nothing compared to grinch cheese do you mind if i go to your kitchen and rummage through your pantry quickly sure i do have cinnamon which you asked
Starting point is 00:37:30 about before great i'm gonna get some cinnamon what was that show where they like run into the pantry and they had like 30 seconds okay well can you take oscar's mic can you take oscar's mic because you can roam around with it oscar come sit in mitch's chair are you sure yes we're you're swapping mike oh all right i just don't want to overshadow would you like which just happens everywhere you go i know we'll swap well done oh can i have my bloody kit kat now yes yeah can i tell can i tell a quick story yes so oscar came to um the tiktok awards i did yeah and um not long before like during the day i got a message from one of the people that works at tiktok and they started a group chat with a bunch of different
Starting point is 00:38:12 creators they said we need you to take part in the very side of the show where you enter the room to a particular song and i was like sweet can do what staff member told you that uh that was not hayden if that's what you're getting at um anyway so basically it was us at the start of the show entering the room um and it came to like 20 minutes till showtime and none of us had been told a thing so all right hay and i went backstage to be like can we get some clarification what are we doing when do we walk in like what's the go and this was Hayden Mitchell. I'm listening intently. He told us what we had to do.
Starting point is 00:38:50 It was like some trend where you run, I don't know. So we had to fucking run into the awards ceremony as part of the show. And All Right Hay, bless his heart, had a bit of a freak out. Was like, I'm wearing heels. I can't run. This is too stressful. I can't. To be honest, not much notice from the team at TikTok. They run a terrible ship.
Starting point is 00:39:06 No, none at all. I think it was a last minute idea. And because All Right Hay and I were the ones backstage asking, what's the go? They were also stressed and frazzled that they said, can you just pass that on to every other creator? So there I was wrangling everyone being like, all right, form a line, please, you know, telling everyone what the go is.
Starting point is 00:39:24 But All Right Hay had a freak out being like, I can't do this. It's too stressful. It's too last minute. So Hayden turns to Oscar and goes, all right, well, you'll have to do it. You're the team leader. Oscar's team was running in from the left of the stage. I was running in from the right. Also, you hadn't seen this person since the breakup, right?
Starting point is 00:39:40 No, not at all. This is the first interaction since the breakup. No, I've had heaps of interactions. Oh, but Oscar as well. No, I haven't. No, no. But just because Oscarcar was there he's not a creator he doesn't post tiktok he ended up in the show i genuinely said to them when they started telling me that i was going to be running and leading i went are you sure i'm not a creator like i'm not but you were just there right place
Starting point is 00:40:00 right time and i was like that's the most oscar ever. He's not a creator. He is. And yet he's ended up in the show. And also, I was in heels too and I still ran. I ended up running with the Drag Race girls holding Ivory Glaze's hand for D-Life while we were going through. Mitch, can I just ask a simple question? What the fuck are you doing? What's going on? You've put all sorts of shit in this cocktail. No, I haven't.
Starting point is 00:40:21 Oh my god, what? I found peanut butter. I need a prenup. Why, for the love of fuck, did you put shit in this cocktail. No, I don't. Oh, my God. What? I found peanut. Peanut butter. I need a prenup. Why, for the love of fuck, did you put that in a cocktail? I found peanut butter and I found some cinnamon. Don't worry. Just keep telling your story.
Starting point is 00:40:33 It's done. Oh. Oh, Mitch, that jam. Our listener, Will, gave that to me at my Bogan Gate show. It's cherry jam. Yeah, it's cherry jam. I reckon that could go well. And it's fucking lovely, that jam. He bought me a gift basket at the Bougainvillea show.
Starting point is 00:40:46 It's so adorable. That's so nice. You got yourself some new spoons. Thank you, we love you listening. What did you say? The new spoons. I've always had those. Is he okay?
Starting point is 00:40:52 Yeah. He's always had them, bub. Well, that jammed, haven't we? Isn't it? Anyway, what are you doing with this cocktail? It's taking an awfully long time. This is going to be called the Christmas Jamboree. Why?
Starting point is 00:41:04 What's that got to do with Blue Heaven? Actually, I've just had a look at the jam up close. This is going to be called Mrs. Claus is on the rack. Christmas blobs. Christmas blobs. Okay, here we go. I'm adding some blue. Yep.
Starting point is 00:41:20 This is the Christmas blues. I actually genuinely, I don't know about you, Jenna, I can't remember what it tastes like, the Blue Heaven flavoring. I just remember it not being good, but I don't know how it tastes. I don't think I've ever had it. Is it true, Jenna, that, because obviously we had four liters of syrup to get rid of after we did that one segment. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:37 And then I said, you give them away as prizes and you try, but no one wanted it. No one wanted it. Everyone kept saying, no, no, I'd rather a different prize. I even put it in Injuring Idiots asking who wanted it. No one wanted it. Everyone kept saying, no, no, I'd rather a different price. I even put it in Injuring Idiots asking who wanted it. It was crickets. For fuck's sake, people. Take these off my hands. Crickets.
Starting point is 00:41:50 I've got so much space in my tiny kitchen. All right. I'm ready. You haven't put any booze in. No, I have. Bailey's. Oh, you did? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Oh, you need the body as well. You reckon? Oh, not as much as I put, but yes. Triple cut Australian vodka. Yeah, just put like a nip. Three shots of vodka. Oh, a little bit more than that. Yeah, like one each. There you go. Also, you haven't seen it,
Starting point is 00:42:10 but I have added cranberries. Just relax, everyone. Alright, this is the Mrs. Claus. So hang on. Before we even hit go, can you please summarise what for the love of fuck is in here? Alright, so in the Christmas blues or the Mrs. Claus on her rags or the Mrs. Claus her rags or the Mrs Claus' blobby
Starting point is 00:42:25 or Rudolph's brain tumour, it is vanilla ice cream, a splash of vodka, a good amount of Baileys, some cherry preserve from a ninja and idiot, Will. Yes. Peanut butter protein version, so this will get your macros up for the day.
Starting point is 00:42:42 Some cinnamon and cranberries, whole cranberries. For the Christmas twist. And did you add the almond milk or no? A little dash to loosen it all up. Here we go. Are you ready? Here we go.
Starting point is 00:42:55 Merry Christmas. Oh, my God. Okay. Oh, God, some of it's stuck. That peanut butter is not moving. It's got pieces in it. Wait, we need more glasses. Oh, shit.
Starting point is 00:43:08 We can just use these, can't we? We better go. No. Yeah. Oh, because you would hate to have a bizarre mixture of flavours in this drink, wouldn't you? Shut up. Should we just put... It needs more blue.
Starting point is 00:43:17 Pass. It needs more blue. Oh. It needs way more blue. Oscar, do you want to get glasses or are you in the middle of your magnet? I'd love to, sure. I honestly like good luck. There aren't many clean cups in my kitchen um i know oh god he added way more blue
Starting point is 00:43:29 flavoring to um the christmas blues which is currently not at all blue oh and more ice cream oh that's a bit more blue yeah that's what we want it's still pastel blue make no mistake but she's blue what the fuck are the bits in there? Is it the cranberries? They're the cranberries. Oh, my God. The peanut butter's still stuck. I would be truly, truly surprised if anyone's still listening to this shit.
Starting point is 00:43:59 Oh, God. Well, Oscars found a season two Idjim mug Yep A season one Idjim mug Yep And a season three Idjim mug Nice That was all that was left
Starting point is 00:44:13 Okay, those cranberry chunks aren't getting any smaller We're just going to have to Nah, let's go We're just going to have pulp in it I'll serve you up I'll serve you up Okay I was going to say, do you want your chair back?
Starting point is 00:44:22 I mean, I can technically do it Eventually Alright, no, I'll do the reveal. This is my cocktail. I'll just enjoy it for now. Serve it up, please. Oh, that text still looks so off. Oh my god, Mitch. What have you done?
Starting point is 00:44:38 It's really like gluggy. It's grey. It's actually grey. That's not possible. Oh my god, you know what? It's grey. It's grey. It's actually grey. That's not possible. Oh, my God. You know what it is?
Starting point is 00:44:49 What? It's that colour on the white and gold or black and blue dress. It's that colour. It's like a really, really pale, weird coloured blue. All right, hold on. Oh, no. Well, because there's all sorts of random shit in there, you may as well just call it like the Christmas bonbon cocktail.
Starting point is 00:45:04 Yeah. It's a surprise, you know? You've ruined Christmas. Blue bonbon. There you go. All right. Who wants this one? Mitchell, that's yours. Cheers, everyone.
Starting point is 00:45:12 This is the, what is it, Mitchell? The Christmas bauble? I said it could be the blue bonbon. Yeah, cheers. You just don't know what's in it, do you? You don't know. Here we go, everyone. Make sure you swallow hard and chew.
Starting point is 00:45:21 Oh, no. This is going to repeat on me. I'm really scared. All right, here we go. We're tasting it. The texture is so off. Oh, Mitchell, the peanut butter really overpowers everything. What have you done?
Starting point is 00:45:36 I'm not going to be able to finish that. No, I can't. I feel sick. That is vile. I'll give it one more. I'll give it one more. I love it. You do not.
Starting point is 00:45:48 You surely can't. Jenna, take a sip. I think you're fibbing. I'm really fibbing. No, you didn't even try it. You can say that to me. Take another sip in front of my eyes. Mitchell, why do I have a burn in the back of my throat?
Starting point is 00:46:00 The peanut butter is really. Yeah, the peanut butter. How many fucking scoops of my good protein butter did you use? Jenna can't even form a word. Mitch, Mitch, if it didn't... Jenna's dying. This is the end of Jenna. Do you want me to get you some water?
Starting point is 00:46:15 We've killed her in this life. What have you done? If it didn't have that much peanut butter, it would have been absolutely fine. But I've ruined it with the peanut butter, haven't I? Absolutely. I can't taste even a drop of Will's jam. No. Will's underage.
Starting point is 00:46:31 Careful. No. Oh, don't be foul. Not everyone's mind goes to that when it comes to people underage. That's just you. You're trying so hard to drink it. I don't get the cinnamon. Fuck that.
Starting point is 00:46:43 We're going to have to post this in the Endurant Idiots Facebook group. And Mitch, you're going to have to write the recipe, whatever it is. Mitch, I'm moving the mug as if I'm in an earthquake. Can you talk into a microphone? Talk into a microphone. What did you say? I just shot a video. I'll post it in Endurant Idiots.
Starting point is 00:46:57 I'm like moving, Mitch. It's not spillable. It's not because it's like concrete. Okay, so Mitch did say he wanted this to be a competition. Who won? Fucking not this. Hold on. I've added some almond milk in it.
Starting point is 00:47:10 This is just like fucking three wise men snot. This is what this should be called. That's it. If anyone wants to give our cocktails a go, please tag us in your photos. I want to see everyone down in that Grinch jizz. We'll post the recipes step by step in the Enduring Idiots Facebook page. All right. Should we wrap this shit up?
Starting point is 00:47:29 I say we end this. Thanks for listening, everyone. We hope this podcast made you feel at least 2% better today. That's all. Just 2%. So we do. Where were you? So we do.
Starting point is 00:47:39 Sorry. I internalised a burp, but I was too scared. You should have. I let him rip. Let it out. We'll see you guys next week. We love you. You should have. I let him rip. Let it out. We'll see you guys next week. We love you. Thanks for listening.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Catch you on Wednesday. See ya. Is it just me? A podcast by a couple of mitches. Make sure you've hit follow on your podcast app.

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