Is It Just Me? - #232: Woo-Woo with Jules Rangiheuea

Episode Date: September 3, 2024

TikTok's "Recovering Party Girl" Jules Rangiheuea chats to us about her sobriety journey. Check her out on TikTok & Insta: @julesrangi   Also in this episode: Slagging off bakers (05:37) Is the w...ord ‘lunchtime’ cute as fuck? (07:24) What happened to ‘out of bounds’? (10:54) Julia Rangiheuea talks sobriety (14:52) Are weddings kinda cringe? (33:39) Is clubbing kinda dead? (41:33) Our “Secret Segment” ADDebrief (51:23)   Check out our merch shop! 🛍️   Join our Facebook group 'Endurant Idiots' Hit us up: @coupleofmitches Send us a text: 0422 948 202See for privacy information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This is Is It Just Me? Hosted by a couple of Mitches. Hello you! Hello you! Brace yourself for the rude shocks of young adulthood. Do you want to know a crazy fact that I had a bio scan done at my gym this week? When? Um, last week.
Starting point is 00:00:18 No, when did I ask? No, when did I ask? Yeah, I know! Now here's Mitch Turi and Mitchell Coombs. Hello, you. Hello, you. How are you? Oh, I'm good.
Starting point is 00:00:30 Have you seen that you've gone viral in a way? Me? Mm-hmm. I've gone viral. Yep. I try hard. Well, you ran your mouth on this podcast. Me?
Starting point is 00:00:41 We put it on TikTok and a lot of people have used that audio. Yeah. And they're kind of clapping back at you. Oh, I know exactly what you're talking about. Oh, you've seen her? Is this the airline video?
Starting point is 00:00:51 It is the airline video. Yes, yes, yes. Prizekeeper Jen is here. Hello. Of course. Speaking of viral. Yes. You got tested.
Starting point is 00:00:59 It's all gone. It's gone. Good. And it was so funny because in that video you and Jen were slagging off the flight attendants. I'll play it actually. Oh, you was tongue in cheek. I felt good watching it because I was video, you and Jenna were slagging off the flight attendants. I'll play it actually.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Oh, you was tongue-in-cheek. I felt good watching it because I was like, I didn't say anything bad about them. So what's happened is they've taken this audio of you slagging off flight attendants and they've actually – it makes more sense if I just play it first actually. Remember this moment? Do flight attendants need to stop lying on Instagram in Paris
Starting point is 00:01:24 for the weekend? No, you're not, bitch. You're on a casual shift. But I feel like they're either at the beach or they're partying. Or it's a photo of the turbine of the jet with the stairs going up and they're like back at it. I'm like, you're working. You just clocked in.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Oh, right. You think that they're acting more luxurious than their life really is. Totally. You get them on Instagram. Morning, Sanrio. I'm like, what the fuck? I was at dinner with you last night. And then the next day they've got a picture of them and their grandma.
Starting point is 00:01:50 Always with a grandma. So that was it. And now so many people have used that audio and just posted videos of them as flight attendants living the glamorous life that actually comes with that job. I've seen it. To be like, fuck you, dude. We actually do have a sick job. Yeah, they've got millions of views on their videos.
Starting point is 00:02:06 I'm a viral audio. They're all just showing off being like, we actually do get to enjoy the world. You know, there was this one flight attendant that I went on a date with and it didn't work and it was like, it's just, we don't have the right vibe. Is he the one that wanted to like fly you to LA with him or something? Yeah. Oh, that one. Yeah, he's like, let me take you to LA.
Starting point is 00:02:22 I'll put you on standby. I can think of nothing worse than waiting to maybe get on a flight. Yeah. And then we went on one date. It didn't work. And then I checked the other day and he's unfollowed me. And then he messaged me once drunk and was like, that video is so rude. So rude.
Starting point is 00:02:37 Oh, my God. I pissed him off. And apparently another friend who's a flight attendant who thought it was funny said it was sent around the group chat. I love that. I know. Like anger? Yeah. Like, who does this guy think he is? A flight attendant who thought it was funny said it was sent around the group chat. I love that. I know. Anger? Yeah, like who does this guy think he is?
Starting point is 00:02:48 A flight attendant messaged me, who I know, and goes, rude. See, I was not embroiled in this scandal at all, which is just such a good feeling for once. I kind of love it. I love the scandal. What industry should I come for next? Miners. Oh, they're always mining. By the way, did you see that video on our TikTok
Starting point is 00:03:06 that blew up? The one of us arguing about Cure? The fake one. How many syllables are in it? And Mitchell, can I just say, we're fucking geniuses because we orchestrated that whole thing. It was fake. Only our listeners know that that wasn't a sincere argument. That got me in an argument with Stephen. Why? Because Stephen commented on it. I saw that.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Because he's a speech pathologist. He's like, technically it's two syllables because of the vowels. Because he knows, right? He studies language. But you do realize that you also agreed that it was two syllables before we recorded the video. Yes. No, I know. But then Stephen's like, I commented on that reel, by the way.
Starting point is 00:03:35 Mitchell Coombs is right. And I was like, oh, no, babe. It's a joke. It's actually like, if you're a real idiot, you'd know. And so then he deleted his comment. And he was like, no, I don't. Because he wanted to be in on the joke. But I liked his explanation.
Starting point is 00:03:46 It made sense. That's what I said. I said, you're a beautiful, gorgeous boy and you're a genius. Leave it. He's about one of the only people that agreed that it's two syllables, cure. Yeah, well, he's actually studied. So I believe he's... I take his word for it.
Starting point is 00:03:58 But we did a poll and everyone said that you were right, even though that wasn't your sincere opinion. I actually think... It was so funny. I think it went viral in America where the vowels are different to Australia. Yeah, they say cure. Cure. Yeah, correct. They also say mirror instead of mirror.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I'm going to Instagram to TikTok now. How many views is it at? Let's have a look. I don't know. Sorry. What's on your phone? You can't. What kind of maniac has their phone speaker turned up all the way?
Starting point is 00:04:19 I don't. I don't. Oh, my God. 170K. Nice. It was 130 last time I checked. That's crazy. That's going viral. Our Kath and,000. Nice. It was $130,000 last time I checked. That's crazy. That's going viral.
Starting point is 00:04:27 Our Kath and Kim's going viral. We've had a great month. What profession do you want to slag off now? We can go viral again. You know what? Fucking nurses. Let me tell you something. Don't even start.
Starting point is 00:04:36 It's a joke, guys. It's a joke. Aged care workers. Yeah. You know who's pissed me off? Early child care workers. Disability workers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:04:46 Oh. Stay at home, mum. Oh, don't get me started. Heart surgeons. No. No. I feel like that's kind of niche. There wouldn't be enough out there to get outraged.
Starting point is 00:04:56 There's not. Remember we had that neurologist that listened to us? Oh, is that going to set them off that I just said that? No, it's a niche. It means it's a hard profession to get into. It's a specialty, yeah. Should we just do what we did again and fake it? So the people listening to this show get it.
Starting point is 00:05:07 Isn't that what I said? Yeah, yeah. But I mean, actually, we have a full on, like, we act. It can't be any of the things we just floated, like nurses. I've got an idea. We make it niche to something that is not at all going to get us in trouble. Do you know what I've had enough of? Astronauts.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Totally, totally, yeah. Or a baker's cast. Yeah. Or let go for bakers. And then we get all the man. Should we just try? And then we get the baker audience. Totally, let's try it.
Starting point is 00:05:34 Let's just try it. No, I'm not. Is it just me, Mitchell, or do bakers need to get off their high horse? Don't get me started on baking. Busy day in the kitchen. What rolling dough? Finish a long shift with flour on their nose. Oh, I know you've just dusted it on there for props.
Starting point is 00:05:52 I've cooked cakes. Betty Crocker, it's not that hard. Oh, just piped for hours. So did I. It's all being in a loving relationship. Finger bun. What about this finger, hun? That was good.
Starting point is 00:06:09 That was good. This finger, hun. I feel awful if you're a baker. I'm so sorry. Okay, I'll post that. I'm not in it. I'm not in it. By the way, he gave us the middle finger.
Starting point is 00:06:26 I'm sure you could have figured that out. It's a visual gag. You'll see it on TikTok very shortly. To preface, if any bakers see that, then come here. He's a big fan of your work. He doesn't mean it. Look at me. I love bakers.
Starting point is 00:06:34 Get Mitch's errors to emerge. You'll see. I'm a big baker fan, especially in my previous years. And finger buns are delicious. I love a finger bun with some butter too. All right. Well, welcome to Is It Just Me? Every week we start the same. We slag off an industry worker. Mitch has an idjim. I love a finger bun with some butter too. All right. Welcome to Is It Just Me? Every week we start the same.
Starting point is 00:06:45 We slag off an industry worker. Mitch has an idjim. I have an idjim. We don't know each other's. That's how it works. Jules Rangihayuea is joining us in a little bit, but we will kick off with our idjims first. That's Recovering Party Girl on TikTok.
Starting point is 00:06:58 You may have seen her videos. They've gone very viral. Chatting all things sobriety. But she's not preachy. She's very honest about it. She will say things like, God, Saturday's a boring now, you know, now that I'm sober. Yeah. Well, she'll say things like, fuck on Miss Bottomless Brunch.
Starting point is 00:07:11 Like she's very honest about the whole journey. She's been sober for nearly two years and we'll chat to her in a bit. But first, yeah. Idjim's first, Idjim's first. That's the rule. Um, do you want to go Mitch first? Do you want to go first? Sure, I can go first.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Okay. Mine's dumb as fuck, by the way. Bradley, let's go. Is it just me or? Is the word lunchtime kind of cute? Yeah, but we don't use it as adults really, do we? Oh, yes, we do. But lunchtime?
Starting point is 00:07:37 Like 10 News, their midday bulletin just rebranded to 10 News lunchtime. Oh, that's cute. And I'm like, it's just kind of sweet. Like you just think, God, human beings are adorable having their lunch. In their little lunchbox. Yeah. It's time for lunch. It's lunchtime.
Starting point is 00:07:53 But people use lunchtime in full seriousness. I heard the other day this horrible story on the news. It was like a random man in a park has poured a hot beverage over a small child. I saw that. That was actually horrible. Unprovoked attack. It happened around lunchtime. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:08 And I was like, well, that just makes it sound less serious. Makes it sound a bit silly. You can't use lunchtime in an official capacity. I wonder at what point in our lives we stop adding time to things. Because if I were to leave this show right now and go, I'm going to go have a nap, you'd be like, okay. But if I said, Mitch, Jenna, I've got to go have a nap time, you'd think I'm a fool. I mean, honestly, my hot stone yin yoga classes I go to,
Starting point is 00:08:30 that's basically nap time. Where did you start? Since when have you done yin yang hot stone massage? It's the best. It's basically like nap time at preschool, but they put hot stones on your back and you do relaxing poses and you just hold it for ages. Really?
Starting point is 00:08:45 It's not vigorous. It's not exercise. Not one calorie's burnt. You just lay there and they put hot rocks on you. Yeah, that's it. Shout Pilates. Scout. Scout?
Starting point is 00:08:52 Yes. Wow, they do it all there? Yeah. It's incredible. Sorry, just a complete sidebar. I'm impressed by your activities. You should give it a go. Hot stone yoga.
Starting point is 00:09:01 It's literally nap time. You stand on the stones? No. Where are the stones? No. Where are the stones? Where did you get that information? I was quite clear. No, I was- He said put it on the back.
Starting point is 00:09:10 But how can you nap standing on a stone? Good point. Are you a horse? No, I'm more me. Oh, so you're on your back. Well, it depends. There's different poses. Go down my dog and whatnot.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Yeah. Salute to the sun. But it's just like nap time. Got it. Does anyone say dinner time anymore? Yeah, yeah. Kids, dinner time. You know what?
Starting point is 00:09:31 We should add time to things. Hey, honey. Oh, sexy time. I sometimes say that. Do you say sexy? No, I don't. Really? Sexy time?
Starting point is 00:09:39 No. Would you? I don't think so. Pound time. That's more like it. I'll never say those words. What could you add time to? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:09:50 It's pod time. Maybe that's what we start calling the show. Pod time, guys. I mean, typically speaking, we do record the episodes about lunchtime. We do. Is that true? Yeah. I just like lunchtime.
Starting point is 00:10:00 That's it, really. It is cute. And it also kind of makes it more novel when you're eating lunch. But it's also open to interpretation. It's not lunchtime. That's it, really. It is cute. And it also kind of makes it more novel when you're eating lunch. But it's also open to interpretation. It's not very specific. What if you're a shift worker, a baker, and you're kind of jet lagged because you've been up since the crack of dawn? Your lunchtime might be 10.30am.
Starting point is 00:10:14 True. That's very... My dinner time is, yeah, very random during the night show. It's very hard. Yeah. When's your lunchtime? It could be 4pm. True.
Starting point is 00:10:20 True. Lunchtime comes from within. It's personal. It does. So when did this hot liquid over the toddler happen? Hard to say. Yeah. Lunchtime comes from within. It's personal. It does. So when did this hot liquid over the toddler happen? Hard to say. Yeah. Lunchtime, I guess.
Starting point is 00:10:29 Well, I guess that was whenever people could have been eating. After breakfast but before dinner. That's what lunchtime is. Yeah, but who's lunchtime? That's a good point. Well said. Thank you. Anyway, I'm done with that personally.
Starting point is 00:10:41 Do you ever visit just me? I do, but mine actually is on a similar vein. Very similar. Really? Yeah, roll it, Bradley. You'll find out. Is it just me or? Do you think we need to bring back out of bounds?
Starting point is 00:10:57 Oh, that's good. It's one of those things that you only ever see in primary schools. Remember when you're on the quadrangle or you're on the silver seats and the school rooms were out of bounds. Yes, certain spots were out of bounds at all times. Sometimes it was, oh, well, that was out of bounds during recess. Yes. You can go at lunch.
Starting point is 00:11:15 But let me tell you, how hard did you respect out of bounds? Oh, you would never question it. You would never. It was an imaginary line. You would not cross out of bounds. You develop critical thinking as an adult and go, how the fuck can they tell me where to stand i know but the thing is i was on a walk yesterday hot girl walk and i walked past this private school and i had this big sign that said out of bounds and all these kids were just walking around it and i thought that's magical we need to bring
Starting point is 00:11:36 terminologies like that into adult life like imagine if you were driving and instead of you know the dumb writing they've got on the concrete, it's like T2 lane, T3 clearway. Just write out of bounds, mate. And I would not. Out of bounds from three. Out of bounds from lunchtime. Maybe not. That's a bit confusing.
Starting point is 00:11:55 What about, you know, in the workplace? Touching co-workers. Out of bounds. Odd. No, it's simple. That's not the same thing. It would be like, you know how it says authorised personnel only in like the
Starting point is 00:12:07 switchboard room or something. Out of bounds to you povo fuckheads. Mitchell, that's exactly it. We need to bring out of bounds spirit into our everyday life. America could use it for their gun control. Out of bounds. Guns. Fire safety door. Do not obstruct. What could that be? Out of bounds.
Starting point is 00:12:24 This floor space in front of the door, out of bounds. Out of bounds. You know what else we could bring out? No hat, no play, no school today. We all listen to that. That's so true. So you could bring that into teaching kids or adults about men about same sex and wearing condoms. No dom, no play, no fuck today.
Starting point is 00:12:42 And all the men are going, no, I'm with it. It still does rhyme, you're right. Weight watchers could take it on. No play. No fuck today. And all the men are going, no, I'm with it. It still does rhyme. You're right. Weight watchers could take it on. No fat. No play. No. No.
Starting point is 00:12:53 I don't have it. You can't say no food today, my God. Oh, no, that's bad health eating habits. Although no fat, no play, that's just mean. Yeah. No fat today. That's rude. I feel awful. Well, it depends. Okay, maybe it's just an. Yeah. No fat today. That's rude. I feel awful.
Starting point is 00:13:06 Well, it depends. Okay, maybe it's just an out of bounds thing. Yeah. I just think we really could use it. Out of bounds. It's fantastic. I can't remember what my school rules were, but they were like fucking five. We had like five pillars that we had to live by.
Starting point is 00:13:20 Oh, the houses? No, the rules. Don't either of you go to a Catholic school? Yes. No. the houses? No, the rules. Don't either of you go to a Catholic school? Yes. No. You did? Yeah. I remember being fucking freaked out when I did a tour of the school
Starting point is 00:13:31 before we decided, yeah, we're going to move our kids here because I swapped halfway through in year four. What, from a public to a Catholic? And they took us around during one of the classes and I was like, this is terrifying. The principal goes, oh, everyone, this is Mitchell and Mark. Say good afternoon. And they said, good afternoon, Mitchell and Mark,
Starting point is 00:13:51 and may God bless you. And I said, what? They have a second verse at Catholic schools? What the fuck? Where did the and may God bless you bit come from? That's indoctrination. Yeah, that's a bit cultish. Did yours not do that?
Starting point is 00:14:02 Ours did not do that. Oh, my God, for every teacher. Give me a teacher name. Mrs. Smith. Good morning, Mrs. Smith, and may God bless you. No, we never had that. First of all, the rhythm is completely off. Right?
Starting point is 00:14:12 It depends on the syllables. Doesn't make sense. Good morning, Mrs. Smith, and may God bless you. It works better with like, good morning, Mr. Churi, and may God bless you. Oh, wow. Yeah, it was fucking weird. And I actually, because. Churi. May God bless you. Oh, wow. Yeah, it was fucking weird. And I actually, because there was 30 students chanting it at me, I didn't catch what they said.
Starting point is 00:14:30 So on my first day when I didn't roll, I was like, what's the second verse? I haven't learnt it. Do you guys know the Lord's Prayer? Of course. Yeah. I could not tell it to you. Really?
Starting point is 00:14:38 Great. Don't. I'm not practising, so it's fine. Right. Don't want to hear it anyway. Is it just me? The rude shocks of young adulthood. Okay, it's guest time.
Starting point is 00:14:54 Yeah. Guest or guest? Guest. I thought, what am I guessing? I hate quizzes. I'm not smart enough for a quiz too late in the day. Well, our guest is here in the room. Julesy's here.
Starting point is 00:15:02 But before you even speak, do not speak until I get your name right. Your mouth is open. Close it. Thank you. I want to get the name right. You know this is important to me. Of course it is, yeah. Please welcome our next guest, Jules Rangihayawaya.
Starting point is 00:15:14 Wow. How did it go? Did I do it? No, not good. But you know what? It was the vibe. I was feeling it. What did I do wrong?
Starting point is 00:15:23 Rangihayawaya. Oh, I just wasn't distinct enough with the vowel. Jules Rangihayawaya. I will say. I slurred it because I was feeling it. What did I do wrong? Rangi Heyuweya. Oh, I just wasn't distinct enough with the vowel. Jules Rangi Heyuweya. I will say because I was nervous. Even when I say it on TikTok, I get dragged by my own community. So at the moment, we can just, whatever you feel like my last name is, we'll just run with that. Because clearly I even say it wrong.
Starting point is 00:15:38 I think it's a beautiful name. I love it. I'm actually going, and this is far out. I'm already getting woo-woo and spiritual, which we will. I love this. I'm actually going back. There is far out. I'm already getting woo-woo and spiritual, which we will. I love this. I'm actually going back. There is a lot of power in a name. So I was Jules Rangy. I was Jules Rangy Hewe. I'm going back to Julia. Julia Rangy Hewe. And I'm actually seeing a
Starting point is 00:15:53 psychic about it on Wednesday because she really says you should go back to your birth name because it has the most power for your life's future. Wow. So where did you change it from Julia legally? It was always Julia. Yeah, right. Always Julia. And then it was J-U-L-Z in Perth when I was at my peak addiction. Isn't that funny? And then it was J-U-L-E-S when I came to Sydney because everyone was a bit more cooler here and
Starting point is 00:16:16 now it's going back to Julia. I like that. We need to give some context. Julia. It's also so royal and regal. Julia. People can get you on TikTok. What's your handle on TikTok? Recovering Party Girl. Wow. So what is the story of your TikTok journey? Because your videos go viral. Mitch first introduced me to you. I had like a sober period.
Starting point is 00:16:34 I think Mitch is like, you need to follow this chick. I was sober for like a year. Didn't come from any addiction or anything like that. But for me, it was great for my mental health and whatever. But you, what is your journey and what was the journey to TikTok and being here on the show now? Yeah, so look, on paper, I was an alcoholic, but I hate telling people that because straight away when I say that, they think of me as other. And I could never be like that, right? Like that's the person in the street drinking out of the brown bag.
Starting point is 00:16:59 But for me, it was been drinking once or twice a week, drinking every night. And when I say drinking every night, it's like, I don't know, two or three glasses. But yeah, definitely that binge drinking Friday. Can you define bender? Bender, we start at Bottomless Branch, then we'll go to kick-ons at like 4pm, which that in itself is a bit sad, right? And then you go to the club and from the club, it's another kick-ons. And then, yeah, it's basically stay awake until about 8pm the next day.
Starting point is 00:17:23 The next day? Wow. I couldn't do that, even with substances. My body wouldn't let me do it. I was so hectic. Like, I'm the one who was doing cartwheels around. Like, I never wanted the bender to end. Like, I'm doing egg and spoon races, cartwheels.
Starting point is 00:17:37 Egg and spoon? How did you get with that when you were off your face? Oh, so funny. They need to do, like, an Olympics just for people who are fucked up. Wait, wait, wait. Is that like a drug term or are you talking actual up. Wait, wait, wait. I would watch that. Is that like a drug term or are you talking actual egg and spoon? No, actual egg and spoon because, you know, it's 5am.
Starting point is 00:17:49 People are starting to be like, oh, maybe I should go home. And you're like, what can I do? I've got money. What can I do? I have eggs. I've got spoons. So, yeah. Drinking almost every night.
Starting point is 00:17:59 Not that I was drinking to excess every night, but, you know, like the classic Australian home, like having a few wines at dinner. I was at a dead end job. Me and my partner were fighting every time we drank. And like I'm talking like screaming matches down Oxford Street, like so embarrassing. Dead end job, bad relationship. I was in a share house where we had like mold and everything. And I was thinking, what can I change in my life?
Starting point is 00:18:23 Like, what is the most obvious toxic thing? and I changed the job and I changed everything else and I still was like had the worst luck I was hung over I was sleepwalking throughout my whole life you know when like we know hangovers right so imagine being hung over three to four times a week like your life's just not going to go anywhere yeah so I woke up one day and I thought, I want to give myself one year to try and chase after my dreams, just to try and give like the media thing a crack. I'm just going to try. And if it doesn't work out, I'll go back to just being like a nine to five admin, which no, no shame, right?
Starting point is 00:19:00 No shame. But I just thought, I just want to give myself the best chance in life. And that for me was no substances, no alcohol. So you set out from the get-go a year of no drink one year is that not a big goal wouldn't you be like oh i'll start with a week funny enough i actually had to tell my friends because they were the ones that were shocked because i was the bender queen right like i was the best time ever so i actually told them them, oh, I'm just going to do Dry January. And even then they were shocked. So I thought, oh, fuck.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I don't know if I can tell them. Month of no grog for Jules, yeah. That was crazy. I knew in my heart of hearts I would do one year. And all of the sober creators who I followed at the time, bless them, they were always middle-aged and they were like, oh, I've been sober for 10 years and this is how you can do it. And I was like, great. We all did drugs in the 60s, I'm sure like i don't want to learn from that like where
Starting point is 00:19:47 are the girls who are at totties at 2 p.m and want to get railed in a sundress you know like those are my people in this room by the way like where are just city girls who just don't want to drink but it just seemed to be these extreme creators that were like just get out there get into nature wow and i was like whoa um so i just picked up the phone and I said, I've created my whole life around drinking. My whole personality is based off the person who I am when I'm drinking and follow my journey. And they watched me detox. They watched me cry after therapy. Like they've been through it all with me. So it's interesting that you told your friends you were doing it because haven't you since said on TikTok, don't tell anyone if you're going to quit drinking.
Starting point is 00:20:26 Just don't. Don't. I think if you are known as like the good time girl. And I think when I say that, you all think of like one person, right? Where you're like, oh, they're always a fucking loose time. You're like, oh, God, is she going to be there? That's going to be a big night. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:39 Exactly. We all have that one person and we all go to that person for our big night. So when we're at our big night and if i'm that big person to you and i say oh i don't think i'm gonna drink tonight what do you do you go oh come on it's my what do you mean it's you exactly and um often in your early days of sobriety you don't have that confidence and you don't have that conviction to be like i'm not drinking yeah so you you fall into it so you pretend you're drunk? What's the advice? No, I have to have something in my hand.
Starting point is 00:21:09 I mean, I wouldn't say go to the vapes or cigs or something. You were Coke Zero, girl. Coke Zero? Oh, my God. That was my biggest hack. I would just down the Coke Zero with a bit of lime. Just have something in my hand. So I would still go out. To be fair, I did hibernate for the first six months.
Starting point is 00:21:22 I was going to say it would be tricky to hang out with people when they're drinking and not be so tempted. Yeah, to be tempted. And I'm such a yes and a woo girl. So like I would be scared if I broke my arm. I might get blown into the pub. And that's not my fault. Yeah, the Romans at the moment.
Starting point is 00:21:37 Wow. So are you currently sober? Yeah. Still? 604 days. Wow. I thought that was well established. No, no.
Starting point is 00:21:43 She said sober for a year. I didn't know if that was a thing you were doing, then you were winning back onto it. So as the year ended last year, you guys will understand, right? So I used to be in podcasting, have always tried my hand at it, always had really bad luck. The moment I went sober, inspired unemployed reach out. Like two broke chicks reach out. Pedestrian wanted me to do their Married at First Sight podcast.
Starting point is 00:22:10 I hosted Beyond the Valley. Like, like what all these opportunities came your way is that where you're coming with the woo-woo stuff you're like it's meant to be it's meant to be everything aligns once you go sober everything that you were supposed to have starts aligning it is crazy so now at the end of to answer your question mitch at the end of, to answer your question, Mitch, at the end of the year, I thought, why the fuck would I jeopardize this good luck just so I can be lit again? And like now I don't even really see the positives. Obviously I miss that drunken camaraderie and that passport of acceptance that alcohol gives you, but it is so not worth how good my life's gone. Well, like you said before, I think the person you are when you're drinking is actually not the real version of yourself. And if you're stuck in a state like that 24-7 and you're in a relationship like that, that is toxic, you would have such a
Starting point is 00:22:51 warped sense of self and identity. So you're really falling in love with this new version of yourself. Truly. And that's why it's also so hard to give up alcohol, right? Because a lot of the time, all the qualities that I was celebrated for was when I was lit. So it was like being the crazy woo girl and like, oh my God, you're so outgoing. And I remember even with an ex-partner who like cemented this for me, I remember coming home. It was only like a year before I went sober. So I must have kind of been a little sober curious.
Starting point is 00:23:16 I didn't tell anyone. And I came home and just had a huge night out. I was sitting on his bed and I said, I don't think I can do this anymore. I don't think drinking's for me. I think I just made a fool of myself again. I don't think drinking's for me. I think I just made a fool of myself again. I don't think drinking's for me and I really want some help. And this guy goes, whoa, the vibes are so low in here.
Starting point is 00:23:35 Let's just get up. They were the low vibes. So what he was saying is, no, no, no, like that's not for you. You're Jules the Woo Girl. And that just kept me bendering for another year. Do you still have all your Woo Girl friends around or has being sober changed that? Nah, you lose all your friends. Really?
Starting point is 00:23:49 I'm such a sober advocate. But your best friends remain. And you actually, one of my biggest regrets is how I treated them throughout those 15 years of being addicted because I was a really shitty friend. Your best friends remain and fuck, they are rock solid. Like, oh, I owe my life to those girls. But all your friends, or even people you think are your close friends, nah, you'll never see them again.
Starting point is 00:24:12 See, this is what I enjoy about your sobriety journey, because some people can be a bit preachy, you know. They're like, oh, my God, it's the best gift you can give yourself. But you also talk about, like, you'll admit, my life's a little bit boring now. You'll say that there's bad things that come with it. But overwhelmingly, an advocate, of course. Of course.
Starting point is 00:24:29 But yeah, the monotony I was not prepared for. The every day. And I realize I'm such a serious person. Yes, I love to joke, but I'm not a silly, goofy gal. And I think I loved that about my drunken self. So like Mitch was saying before, when you're discovering who you are again, sometimes you don't even really like that person. It's crazy.
Starting point is 00:24:49 I also remember at one point you mentioned like three things that I'm not ashamed to admit about being sober. One of them was I was actually hotter when I was a drunken bitch. What do you mean? What do you mean? I was crazy hot, guys. Well, because I was bendering like at least twice a week, so that's not eating for two days. Do you know what I what I looked like if I was bendering three times a week?
Starting point is 00:25:07 Oh, my God. I looked like a broomstick. I would be awful. I put up a TikTok of my old photos when I was in peak bender and everyone was like, dot, dot, dot, maybe you should go back. Oh, no. Okay, funny, funny, funny. I was just like, I had this like little thotty body.
Starting point is 00:25:22 And because you're running around nightclubs, I was wearing bikinis in the club. I was just crazy stunning. You just don't know it at the time. But wait, if we had to be shallow for a sec, surely you've noticed vain things about being sober, like skin or hair or something. Your liver doesn't want to fall out your asshole. That's a good sign.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Liver, kidneys, amazing. The mental clarity is crazy. But I need to warn people because this is something that i was shocked with you gain weight because you are now addicted to sugar so it's a swap of it's a swap of addiction yeah because instead of having your wines every night or your champagnes at 2 p.m on a saturday you're like eating so so much my skin actually broke out. So, and yeah, you cry a lot. So you're fat, you've got acne and you cry a lot. So just get prepared for that.
Starting point is 00:26:09 Is it like specifically sugar? Because I remember, I feel like it might just be another vice that you need if you're not drinking. Because I did dry July once and I was like, look at me go, I'm not drinking. But I feel like I was craving some other guilty pleasure. So I took up smoking during dry July. And I'm like, I'm a picture of hell. This is back at uni when I was drinking all the time.
Starting point is 00:26:30 Yeah. I had like a goon bag under my bed, you know. Yeah, got it. And so. But Jules, don't you. But at this point I was like, I'm doing dry July. But let's take up smoking. How fucking ironic.
Starting point is 00:26:39 But I reckon there's something in that. Like you need another vice. There's something in that. And you're off your sugar apparently. Mine's sugar. that like you need another vice there's something in that and and you're sugar apparently mine's sugar and we'll touch on the woo-woo but i'm currently in like a four-week hypnotism um like i'm trying to get hypnotized to see because i said i'm always chasing a high whether that be sugar or drugs or alcohol i need that dopamine barry's boot camp so you're being you're being hypnotized
Starting point is 00:26:59 yeah have you had it yet yeah so i've had my initial call it's for um well that was for an hour and then she sends you a tailored 30-minute hypnotism. Her name's Rachel Crether. She's based in Sydney. A 30-minute hypnotism. And I have to listen to that every day, which I do. Oh, that's easy. And then she checks in every, like twice a week.
Starting point is 00:27:16 I've been hypnotized. For what? For terrific trauma. My whole family are like weight loss. Weight and being overweight is just like so scary for the cheery family. It's bizarre. My whole family are like weight loss. Weight and being overweight is just like so scary for the cheery family. It's bizarre. My whole family, I was on the lemon detox diet at six. I was farting paprika and lemon juice at primary school.
Starting point is 00:27:32 Mom had me on Weight Watchers. It's just the family dynamic. So my dad took all my family to be hypnotized to lose weight, to be skinny, which isn't even fucking possible. It didn't work. It was the heaviest I've ever been after it. Yeah, yeah. But it just didn't work for me. But, yeah, look after yourself with the hypnotism because I didn't work. It was the heaviest I've ever been after it. But it just didn't work for me.
Starting point is 00:27:46 But yeah, look after yourself with the hypnotism because I don't know. It didn't work for me. I don't like it. I feel like this sounds more sensible. It's not like a one-stop shop. It's a commitment by the sounds of it. I'm so with you and I've actually just done a video about that saying I now realise that I'm a binge eater because
Starting point is 00:28:02 when she was doing the hypnotism, she was asking me all of these questions and I got 10 out of 10 for binge eating and emotional eating. So there's something there that I'm clearly chasing. Was it always like that or is that maybe replaced the alcohol thing? I'm with Mitch where I come from a family. I'm Polynesian who grew up in Perth. So that's like puberty blues.
Starting point is 00:28:18 So clearly I stuck out like a sore thumb, right? And really overweight. I was five foot 10 and like 90 kilos in year eight. And I realized that my quick acceptance of me was drinking. All the cool kids were doing it. I could do it. So I think there is some like trauma with me too linked with that. Do you think just there is though people have a predisposition,
Starting point is 00:28:36 whether it be chemically or genetically with addiction? Because for me, getting rid of alcohol, I mean, luckily, I didn't struggle. I found it easy. I didn't like love it beforehand i would go out and i would drink a lot and i'm six foot three i was 160 kilos i needed a lot of alcohol to get drunk even bit going out with me like i'd have to i'd sober up in half an hour like oh yeah yeah i really needed to keep drinking so i needed a lot but i found it very easy to cut but i feel like i've got friends and family members who have struggled with this
Starting point is 00:29:03 the addiction gene i think it's real right which is why i'm like fuck me how has it nearly been two years for you like surely in the early days of quitting you had to like every time there was a drink on offer give yourself a pep talk like not today not today babes yeah so if we were sitting in this situation now if i'm talking to you i'm thinking don't look at her drink don't I'm thinking, don't look at her drink. Don't look at her drink. Don't look at her drink. And then I'm thinking, how fast is that person? It consumes your whole, whole thoughts. Even to this day?
Starting point is 00:29:31 No. Now, the further you get away from your last drink, it just becomes a less event. Wow. Crazy. And then you document this on TikTok. You still post on your TikToks. Yeah. So now I don't do as much daily updates because like I just said, the further you are away from it, the less it's like a non, I really don't think about it
Starting point is 00:29:47 anymore, which is such a blessing. And I feel like, yeah, I've come so far and I'm so grateful and proud. But now people, a lot of people ask me questions. There's so many people struggling out there. So many lonely people too, that are struggling with it. So I'm also answer questions or like three reasons, three reasons why I quit drinking or three reasons that you should look out for. I'm definitely not a therapist. It's just someone who has been through the ringer. I actually want to ask a question about one of your TikToks, speaking of therapy. I saw one recently where you were saying like, oh, I don't like the sit down, talk it out sort of therapy. You said, I'm a bit woo woo. And I was like, oh, you've got my attention because I've done a lot of sit-down talky-talky therapy
Starting point is 00:30:27 and I don't know if I necessarily connect with it. I'm not even listening to what she's saying and I'm like, I'm paying for her advice. My mind wanders. I'm the exact same. When you say woo-woo style of therapy, what are we talking about? Oh, guys. So this is the thing.
Starting point is 00:30:38 Once you become sober, you have so much time on your hands and you have a lot more money. So I estimated that I would have probably spent about, I said, 140K on alcohol in my lifetime. Oh my God. Just alcohol. So imagine the party favors. I reckon it'd be like 250K.
Starting point is 00:30:55 Easy, easy. That's insane. And that's before the taxis and everything. I actually can't because I don't want to give myself insomnia. Yeah. So this thing happens where you become so spiritual when you go sober because you really want to figure out like who am i out of boredom or i guess out of boredom and more so like who am i why am i the way that i am so i've done like womb healing kundalini hypnotism in a child i will follow people yeah with blind faith have you done reiki of course did you like reiki
Starting point is 00:31:22 i love reiki yeah i did break you i liked it yeah yeah definitely a little woo woo yeah i'll try i'm so open to woo woo like have you done any woo woo in terms of therapy not really i've done reiki and again i thought this is a load of shit it's someone's hands near me but i was like i really felt that your healing warmth that actually worked thanks for that my neck was sore before but i'm great now fuck the fizzy i'm off oh my god wow well we should get mitchell into maybe we should do Your healing warmth. That actually worked. Thanks for that. My neck was sore before, but I'm great now. Fuck the physio off. Oh, my God. Wow. Or we should get Mitchell into it.
Starting point is 00:31:48 Maybe we should do something on the show. We should do like a, I don't know. What's the most woo-woo thing? I want to do woo-woo as well. To do. What's a good gateway into woo-woo? Yeah. Oh, probably like a tarot pull.
Starting point is 00:31:59 Someone does tarot for you. Right. As in like a legit one other than just my friends doing it because they think they're good at tarot. No, no, no. Get a legit one. Yeah. Or, okay. If we want to talk really baby. I want someone who fucking commits to the bit. Right. As in like a legit one other than just my friends doing it because they think they're good at tarot. No, no, no. Get a legit one. Yeah. Or, okay, if we want to talk really baby.
Starting point is 00:32:08 I want someone who fucking commits to the bit. Yeah, yeah. They've got beads on the walls. Total crystal ball. I want them to have a scarf around their head, like full next level. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Or if we want to commit to the bit, we can do like angel cards, Mitch. We can do.
Starting point is 00:32:19 What's an angel card? Can you do these readings? Like an angel card? Yeah. Oh, you just have to have a deck because whatever card you get was always, is meant for you. So you just pull it and instead of like, tarot is very much like, you're going to die, bitch. Whereas
Starting point is 00:32:31 angel cards are like, you know, maybe take precaution. They're really lovely. I see. Oh, wow. And I bet you're not using those angel cards to chop anything up these days, are you? No. Yeah, those days are gone. Long gone. But you can still get railed at toddies. Don't worry.
Starting point is 00:32:46 You don't have to be drunk to get railed in a sundress. Believe me. Is it just me? You should follow these idiots online. Search couple of Mitches. Jules Rangihayua is here. Julia, I should say. Yep, recovering party girl on TikTok as well.
Starting point is 00:33:02 Don't dead name her. Yes, apologies. Julia is very in right now. Charlie XCX. You're so Julia. I know. And I'm obsessed with Julia. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:33:10 The ultimate. Julia Fox. She's so great. I'm obsessed as well. Well, you're a guest on the show, so we need to do with you what we do with every guest, and that is to have an is it just you of your own, something you have noticed, something you hate or appreciate. I've come prepared.
Starting point is 00:33:22 I've got two. Oh, two. Perfect. Let's just do both. Yeah, yeah. Let's do it. Let's do it. You can do whatever you want. Remember when Fadan came with like 27. I've got two. Oh, two. Perfect. Let's just do bye here. Yeah, sure. Let's do it. Do whatever you want. Remember when Fadan came with like 27?
Starting point is 00:33:28 We were like, rapid fire, bitch. Let's do it. One was just like, is it just me or do you love my Jimmy Choo shoes? We're like, Fadan, that's not. Don't. No. I need validation. Okay.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Bradley, go for Jules. Let's go. Is it just me or? Are weddings cringey? Oh, do you hate love, Jules? Look, she puts down the bottle and all of a sudden she's a critic of love. I'm such a hater. I just find them so cringe.
Starting point is 00:33:56 The whole house deposit to pay off a wedding, I think it's so flashy. I agree with that. I think it's so cringe. The first dance being a flash mob when these people wouldn't even say boo in real life. Like, come on. I feel like they are so off brand from the couple. And if I see one more TikTok being like five things me and my husband are doing that no one else is doing and it's the most basic shit in the world. Hang on.
Starting point is 00:34:19 Woo woo perspective. Why is that in your feed? Is that a sign? Is that a sign? perspective. Why is that in your feed? Is that a sign? Is that a sign? No, my partner's not allowed to propose to me until he's 30 because I don't think you make good life decisions in your 20s.
Starting point is 00:34:30 How old is your partner? 26. How old are you? 30. Oh, hot. Yeah. We met at Pufdorf actually. No way! I love that. The start of every great straight love story. No, I would argue that that is the perfect way to meet a good straight man, do it at Pooftoff.
Starting point is 00:34:47 Yeah, he's such, like, little feminist, pro everything. Oh, I love that. Oh, I love that. And we went sober to get, like, yeah, we've been through everything. Stop, that's adorable. So that, to me, is more of an end game. Like, the person who we gave up our addictions to be together, that, to me, means more than marriage.
Starting point is 00:35:03 It's beautiful. Ever will. Was it hard to get him over the line with the let's go sober or was he on board fully? He would have had to be because my self-worth was becoming so high that if he didn't shape up, he'd ship out. Oh, okay. Wow. Yeah, I'm with you on the wedding.
Starting point is 00:35:16 Sometimes I'm at a wedding and I'm like, this is too much. But also, like I said before, you've got to commit to the bit. If you're having a wedding, just make it cringe. Do all the cringy shit. Do you think? You're going to be so cringe. You're going to be the ones that come down in a balloon and land in the middle. It's going to cost a house deposit.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Jules, Mitch will do it on the set of McLeod's Daughters. You know how Mitch will ride off into the sunset in one of those cars that has the can to say just married, but it'll fall off a cliff and then Sean will have to pull him out and then there'll be all the cast of Saddle Club and Bridie Carter will be the MC. Wait, I didn't even post check. Is anyone married? No. Is anyone engaged?
Starting point is 00:35:52 No. We're in our 20s, John. We don't make decisions like that. I'm in your 20s. Actually, Jenna isn't. Sorry to rub it in. How dare you ask if we're in our 20s? Jenna isn't.
Starting point is 00:35:59 Okay, well, you look like a spring chicken. She's also had like 17 husbands, so it's a different story. Have you? Yeah. In past lives. Oh, in past lives. She's a had like 17 husbands, so it's a different story. Have you? Yeah. In past lives. She's a perpetual soul. Speaking of woo-woo, Jenna invented it. She was at the Salem Witch Trials. Jules is so woo-woo that you're like, oh, okay. I'm connecting with you
Starting point is 00:36:15 on an astral plane. What's a pulse check? Pulse check, like a room? I didn't read the room. Mitch and I are in relationships, but not married. Mitch will get there first. Why? Well, because mine's new, newer than Mitch's.
Starting point is 00:36:30 Mitch has just moved in with his partner. But sometimes, are you older? Yes. Yeah, because I feel like people who get in relationships older, like they're the ones that just go, oh, married. I know, but my new partner's 22 and I'm 28. Wow. So then you go.
Starting point is 00:36:42 Where'd you guys meet? We met on an app. Which app? Rhymes with Rinder. Okay, okay, okay. But we were going to get dinner, get frozen yogurt. I was newly single and I'm like, I don't know if I want to hook up. I'll just get Grindr and, you know, I'll see if anyone wants to go on dates
Starting point is 00:36:56 through Grindr. I'm like, do you want to get frozen yogurt? This sounds so fake. It's real. I'm like listening to this. I'm like, no. It's real. He knows that Stephen's mother listens to it.
Starting point is 00:37:03 No, but it's a true story. A hundred percent true story. No, it's actually true. I was like, wow, compared Stephen's mother listens to it. It's a true story. No, it's actually true. I was like, wow, compared to the usual filth that happens on Grindr, I can't believe you got such a wholesome date out of it. It's true. What's his star sign? Star sign is cancer. Oh, I love a cancer man. He's gorgeous, beautiful. Really tough on the outside, but so soft on the inside. So soft, very caring.
Starting point is 00:37:20 I'm a Libra. Oh, so very diplomatic. You're always like, what's fair is fair. They are quite boring, though. Are you boring? They're quite like... I'd say so. I'm very... No, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:37:30 I wouldn't say I'm boring. Well, no one else is agreeing, so I'm going to just think it out. I wouldn't say you're boring. I don't say boring. I definitely am like an introvert that has an extrovert job, so I kind of have to be an extrovert, but I very much like being alone and having my own space. It's because he has to recover from being the class clown all day. Totally.
Starting point is 00:37:48 I love to be the center of attention, but then also I love to not. I really love to blend in. I hate posting to social media. It really annoys me, and I really don't love doing all that side of things. That's why radio and podcasting is great for me because I can just sit. I know I can be like Dance Monkey, and then I can leave. But Cancer and Libra are traditionally not meant to work. No, they're not, which I'm surprised at.
Starting point is 00:38:08 But I love, yeah, I just think Cancer Man. Have you ever had bad experiences with star signs? I don't think so. Which one? Every person that I've dated or like had a potential thing with has been a gay male Pisces. Oh, my God. That's so emotional.
Starting point is 00:38:22 Yeah. So emotional. I love how you know all the traits off the top of your head. I could meet you. You're a Leo. Yeah. Oh, so you like centre of attention? No.
Starting point is 00:38:31 Yes. No. What do you mean yes? Yes. No, not at all. I would have like a panic attack if I had to speak in front of the class at school. Yeah, but now you do. Yeah, that's very different, but it's not like my natural element.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Yeah. I have to psych myself up before I do a comedy show. Whenever someone thinks of you, they're like, oh, does he like being the centre of attention? And I'm like. Why? Jenna knows me well, thank you. I'm like, no, he really doesn't.
Starting point is 00:38:56 No. He doesn't like it. Maybe it's just the persona. Well, it's just you can do it. I more mean it's something that you're not afraid of doing. Oh, yeah, after a bit of trial and error, yes. I'm still afraid of it to a degree. What's Sean?
Starting point is 00:39:08 Star sign wise? It's one of the ones beginning with fucking S. He's Sagittarius. I think so. When's his birthday? It's 21st of November. So Sag? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:18 Is that Sag? I think it is. I don't want to get it wrong either. Yeah, because Scorpio's the end of October. Yeah. Okay, yeah. So Sag. Sag like to work hard, but then they party hard.
Starting point is 00:39:28 So they're very like clock on, clock off. He does, doesn't he? No. You said Sean's going out more often now. Oh, well, actually, now that I started taking like melatonin for sleep and it's really just made every night an early night. So it's with swapped roles. Is it really addictive?
Starting point is 00:39:42 But it's like good. It like regulates your bedtime. It's natural. It's 10.30. Now's like good. It like regulates your bedtime. It's natural. It's 10.30, now I'm tired, now I'm going to bed. It used to be Sean going home early and me being like, no, I'm going to kick on, but now I'm the one being like, I'm falling asleep, standing up, have fun. Wait, so Sagittarius and Leo, are they meant to work?
Starting point is 00:39:58 I actually don't know about that pairing. You had a lot to say about my relationship and now all of a sudden Mitch is in the dream couple. Also, I'm just waiting to get dragged from like an actual astrologer. I just am obsessed with you. Get AstroTouch on the phone. I've got a theory. Maybe you can do this for Mitch and I because you're queen of woo-woo.
Starting point is 00:40:14 I think looking at a photo of a couple, I can tell if it's going to work. I don't know why. Really? Yeah, energy-wise. Do you believe in black cat Labrador, that pairing? So apparently the man has to be Labrador energy and the woman has to be black cat, basically meaning that the man loves the woman a little bit more than the woman loves the man for it to fully, fully work.
Starting point is 00:40:35 Wow. So it's like exactly why, apparently that's why they think that Hailey Bieber and Justin will never actually work because that is exactly black cat and Labrador energy. Wow. Have you had terrible relationships in the past? Like real rough? Do you know what? I have never really liked straight men.
Starting point is 00:40:52 Like I was raised only with boys in a real masculine household. Like I said, Polynesian household, only with brothers. So I just never saw the appeal for men. You know, I never needed that male validation because I was always going home to so many men. So I didn't have my first boyfriend until I was about 21. And that lasted for about two and a half years. That was terrible just because my self-worth was in the drain.
Starting point is 00:41:11 And then I just kind of rooted around and lived my best hot girl summer for many years. Many summers. Yeah. I love that. All right. You've got a second. Is it just me? Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Shit. Sorry. Bradley, don't clock off just yet, darling. Here we go. Is it just me? Oh, yeah, shit, sorry. Bradley, don't clock off just yet, darling. Here we go. Is it just me? Is clubbing dead? Oh, a controversial opinion. I think no, it's about to come back.
Starting point is 00:41:40 Really? Okay, let's take into, obviously from all the sobriety chat, the run clubs, like there's a rise in run clubs, the cost of living. Is this, is it the end? But you don't think so. Why not, Mitch? Well, okay, I don't think so purely because I think it's different culturally. There's different subcultures.
Starting point is 00:41:56 I think for gays and for queers, it's so back. I think Brat Summer, I think the gays are ready to go back out and party. I mean, I don't party. I hate clubbing. I hate partying. I'm starting to head that way myself too. And it's sad to admit because I used to be like, yeah, let's go out. That'll be fun. See, I'm speaking not personally.
Starting point is 00:42:12 Personally, I love to go out, have a nice orange wine, a very fancy dinner. I'd rather spend $200 on a gorgeous meal with mood lighting with my partner and then just sit there and get a little tipsy or have some food with my partner. That's all I want. But I kind of agree with you, Jules, because like it was never a discussion between my friends and I. We never said let's make a pact to go to clubs less. It just kind of happened.
Starting point is 00:42:33 We used to do it most weekends and now it's like every couple of months. Why do you say it, Jules? Well, statistically it is. I think it's clubs in Australia are down by 25 or 35%. Please don't quote me on that. I think that with the younger generation and COVID, I feel like they never kind of got that chance. And I think with the rise of social media,
Starting point is 00:42:50 people are too scared to get fucking lit and shit-faced like we used to. Because they've heard your horror stories on TikTok, no doubt. I used to just like fall down, wear my Jeffrey Campbell platforms after I've ordered the maxi taxi, you know, be drinking Cooler Bar all day, fall down the nightclub stairs, vomit all over myself. And I just didn't give a fuck.
Starting point is 00:43:07 And you'd end up at a church. Because there was no social media. And I feel like with the younger generation, first of all, I feel like they skipped their awkward stage. Why are all the kids so hot and they can dance so well? It's crazy to me. I just feel like maybe, yeah, straight clubbing is RIP dead. Wow. I reckon gay clubbing might be heading that way too, but we'll see. Who knows?
Starting point is 00:43:31 Why don't we all put $100 on it and then we'll come back in a year and we'll see. Maybe I'm just aging out of it because I feel too old for it. And also my melatonin knocks me out of 1030. No one even goes to a club at 1030. They wait until 1130. I know. I aged out of it. And then when.30. They wait until 11.30. I know. I aged out of it. And then when I went back, I was like, oh, I actually like it. When I'm there and I'm in the mindset. And I don't even really drink, to be honest, when I'm out.
Starting point is 00:43:54 So it's not the alcohol. He's actually got moderation down, Pat. It's so fucking annoying. I wish I could be more like him. What's moderation? As in you can have one or two and still drive home. Oh, yeah. I drive everywhere. Really?
Starting point is 00:44:03 So addiction doesn't run in your family, I'm guessing? Yeah, yeah. That could never be me. But alcohol, I could love it or leave it. My dad runs a liquor company. Like, it's in the family. Wow. He's got access to so much free booze and I'm like,
Starting point is 00:44:14 that would be so dangerous for me. In fact, Jules, that money you were talking about, a nice house deposit that came my way. Thank you. My family really benefited. We were devastated when you went sober. Now, one more thing we need from you. I feel like you might actually be the perfect person to contribute
Starting point is 00:44:28 to this list, don't you think, Mitch? Oh, my God, yes. We've got a running list that every single guest of ours has contributed to. It's called The List of Things Better Than Drugs and Dick. Correct. Drugs and dick. Oh, my two favourite voices.
Starting point is 00:44:42 We're discouraging our younger listeners from getting obsessed with either partying boys. There's more. Little things in life you can appreciate. Well, I feel like that could just be called like my 20s. Drugs and Dicks. Honestly. Overdosed on both.
Starting point is 00:44:53 That's actually your autobiography. I was going to say, you can have the name. Write a book. Okay. Do you want some examples? Yes, please. That might make it easier for you. So we've written things like, oh, the crunch of an autumn leaf when you walk over it.
Starting point is 00:45:06 Shit like that. Oh, guys, I used to do a lot of cocaine. This is not me. Sorry, we're so boring. I hope you're not going to be broad and say sobriety. Jack Vigin did say sobriety. 5am starts, Gratitude Journal. No, I'm not PR chain.
Starting point is 00:45:19 So I'll put it to speed, bro. Okay, Abby Chatfield said, getting the beginnings of an ingrown toenail cut out is better than drugs and drugs. Fuck yeah. Just something oddly satisfying. Okay, I've got two once again. And we've touched on it a lot, but this is the high that I'm constantly chasing is psychic readings. Really? Oh my God, it is better than sex, drugs, chocolate.
Starting point is 00:45:41 I will go in and just feel so confused and lost and be emo and they'll just be like you're gonna be a star and just hold your hand and like that stays with me longer than any line did but are you like going to the same one you're a returning customer because they can be hitting me and as soon as they add me on Instagram I never go to them again funny enough I went to one at the start of this year and she's Maldi too. And she told me all about my ancestors and it was so good. And then I went to one recently because I was feeling a bit like, what the fuck am I doing with my life?
Starting point is 00:46:12 And she said almost word for word what the other one did. So I thought, okay, we're on the right track. And that to me just gives me this high that lasts almost for like a year. That's crazy. Jules, I went to my first psychic and he's one of the best psychics in the world. I was in Scotland and he worked for Scotland Yard, worked for missing children. Like, it didn't work for the missing kids. Obviously, we didn't get paid because we're missing.
Starting point is 00:46:34 He worked for families and for the police. Anyway, I was at dinner with him. He was a neighbor of my friend that I was visiting. And he's like, I need to read you. I need to read you. Come back tomorrow at 11 o'clock. I need to read you. This accent.
Starting point is 00:46:44 Can we just. Thank you so much. Thank you. Come back tomorrow at 11 o'clock. I need to read you. This accent. Can we just – Thank you so much. Thank you. And I went, oh, my God. So I went back the next day, 11 a.m. He read me for an hour and a half. And 80% of what he said, there's been truth to it. It was incredible.
Starting point is 00:46:56 It might not even be true yet. So when I was 19 years of age living in Perth, I got on the phone to a psychic and she said, you need to move to Sydney. It will be the best thing you ever do in your life. And I had about $1,000 to my name. I didn't have any job and I had accommodation for two weeks and it was the best thing. She was so right and she kept saying, you'll live in a suburb with R.
Starting point is 00:47:17 R, R. And I'm looking and I'm like, Randwick? Because I had no idea. I live in Redfern now. And it's my favourite. So it came true six years later and now I feel like I will live and die in Redfern. Great.
Starting point is 00:47:30 I love Redfern. Redfern's gorgeous. I love it, right? Yeah, it's beautiful. It's a bit like hood but bougie like me. It's like perfect. I love that. Yeah, you go two streets the wrong direction and you go,
Starting point is 00:47:38 I'm going to turn around. Yeah, I used to be Redfern Waterloo and now I'm Redfern Surrey Hills and you bet your ass I tell everyone. I tell everyone. That's the Paris end of Redfern. Yes and now I'm Redfern Surrey Hills and you bet your ass I tell everyone. I tell everyone. That's the Paris end of Redfern. Yes. Yeah. Oh, bougie.
Starting point is 00:47:48 Oh, my God. Great addition to drugs and dick. There's one more, isn't there? There's one more. This is just a quick one. I was at the hairdresser last night. Better than sex and drugs and dick. Drugs and dick, yeah.
Starting point is 00:47:58 Getting all my vices confused. The head massage you get at the basin at the hair salon. Yes, yes, yes. I always feel like I'm cheating because I'm like, I would pay for this service every day if I could. Nothing more, like, infuriating than when it's a week. Massage. It's always a young trainee coming out of TAFE. I'm like, babe, you squeeze my head like you're making juice.
Starting point is 00:48:18 Like, you go to town on that scalp. Or if they only do it for, like, 20 seconds. I'm like, no. I'm like, no. Keep going. You guys, I wonder if it's different with long hair because I've got very short hair. So I wonder if I feel it more. Is it still nice with long hair? You probably would feel it more.
Starting point is 00:48:32 Yeah. Because I've got really thick hair. Yeah. It starts to get a bit lost towards the back there. Yeah. Even like those claw things, the metal things that you can just use as a head massage. Yeah. But obviously someone else has to do it.
Starting point is 00:48:43 It's not the same if you're doing it to yourself. Yeah. If you saw someone every day and we hired them to come over and give us a head massager. But obviously someone else has to do it. It's not the same if you're doing it to yourself. If you saw someone every day and we hired them to come over and give us a head massage, do you guys think it's cheating? No. No, but it's self-care. Surely. It's self-care.
Starting point is 00:48:54 You need to get a partner that'll do it for you. Depends what hair they're massaging, I suppose. Oh, my goodness. Wow. Oh, Jules. I'm so sorry to take this to the gutter. No, you're right. Although I don't think I'd want a pubic massage.
Starting point is 00:49:09 Oh, no, us girls would. Pubic massage? Isn't that like ovaries? What's in that area? Ovaries? Ovaries is inside of us, darling. That's what I mean. But if you're pushing down, that's going to...
Starting point is 00:49:19 No, no. Pubic hair is on our vagina near our clit. Jules, I'm very gay. Near the clit. No, but you've been with girls. Have you ever seen or touched a vagina? I have. No, I have.
Starting point is 00:49:27 Have you had sex with a girl? Yes. Did you not enjoy it? It wasn't my favourite. No, I didn't go back for any more. Okay. Did you see her ovaries? I know they're internal.
Starting point is 00:49:37 I'm more men. If you massage the pubic area, what's underneath that, it would not be uncomfortable. Nah, my eyes would be rolling to the back of my head. Really? Someone's beside me. Even the top, yeah, it's close to the. Nah, my eyes would be rolling to the back of my head. Really? Someone's beside me. Even the top, yeah. It's close to the clip.
Starting point is 00:49:47 I must be having a... Can you... I'm going to give you a pen, Jules. I feel sorry for this girl who you had sex with. So do I. So do I. But if we're talking like a Bermuda Triangle... Yeah, even up here, it's quite too close.
Starting point is 00:49:59 That's what I'm talking about at the top. I'm not talking about like right beneath the... Before the opening. I mean like right at the top. Under the belly button. I don't know if pubic hair goes that far up. How far do you think it goes? I watch a lot of 80s films.
Starting point is 00:50:10 The bush is in. Wow, I'm glad I brought all that up. Do you feel like you're walking away with any clarity about that? I think you're more confused than ever. I've got a pretty shocking mental image of what my experience was like and now it's even worse. Thanks, guys. Jules on TikTok, recovering party girl, thank you so much for being here.
Starting point is 00:50:27 Thank you for having me. This is so flash. I've loved it. Yeah, you've been a hoot. Yeah, we love you. I loved it. There might be some idiots of ours considering doing Ox Sober after that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Oh. What's Ox Sober? I'm going to monetise on that. What's Ox Sober? It's like the poor cousin of dry July. Yeah. It's a thing, just not as much of a thing. What's Ox Sober?
Starting point is 00:50:44 Yeah, but Ox. October. October, but sober instead of dry July. Yeah. It's a thing, just not as much of a thing. What's October? Yeah, but ox. October. October, but sober instead of a T. It's like our mug Vemba. It's a stretch, but it works. I was going to say. I like it. It works.
Starting point is 00:50:53 I just needed to understand. Ox sober. Okay, ox sober. All right, well, I'm down. Jules, thank you so much for being on the show. Thank you. We should go. That's us done.
Starting point is 00:51:00 Yep. We'll catch you back next week. Thanks for listening. See you, everyone. Bye. Is it just me? A podcast by a couple of mitches. Make sure you've hit follow on your podcast app.
Starting point is 00:51:22 Welcome to AD Debrief, our secret segment on the end. Yeah. We pretend the show's over and then we keep talking shit for a little bit. I'm just putting on some paw paw, don't mind me. I loved Jules. Me too. She's so cute. What a hoot.
Starting point is 00:51:33 I could listen to her for hours. Well, she mentioned something on TikTok the other day. She might be starting a podcast. Oh, I hope she does. So you probably could. Oh, maybe. Yeah. She's very talented.
Starting point is 00:51:41 I also find it so strange when she says things like, oh, I used to be fun, but now I'm sober and boring. I'm like, bitch, you are still so fun. You're right. She's so vivacious, full of life. A lot of it's also mental. What'd you call me? No, no, no, no.
Starting point is 00:51:55 I more mean like it's a mental game more than anything, right? That's where addiction comes from. Yeah. Very cool story. By the way, that's been a long time coming because I messaged her in January. Oh, wow. Before we even brought the podcast back for the year. And I said, I feel like you'd be a ripper guest.
Starting point is 00:52:09 Would you want to do it? She's like, yeah, that sounds great. And then you made the promise on the record, oh, Fadan will be our first guest of the year. And remember how that was fucking, that took longer than we would like to lock in. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, I know. And then I locked her in and then she was like, oh, fuck,
Starting point is 00:52:23 I can't actually do that day. I was like, no worries. Then I accidentally double booked her the same day as Art Simone. And I was like, actually, I know. And then I locked her in and then she was like, oh, fuck, I can't actually do that day. I was like, no worries. Then I accidentally double booked her the same day as Aunt Simone. And I was like, actually, I hate to do this. I know we've been talking since January, but how about – Next week. Yeah, yeah. That's fine.
Starting point is 00:52:32 So we had two guests in a row. Yeah. No. Yeah, Aunt Simone. She was the week before. Yeah. Oh. But that would be a week.
Starting point is 00:52:40 Huh? If it's still like two weeks, like within a week, right? No, within two weeks. Two weeks. If it's been two weeks, that means it's been two weeks. Has it really like two weeks, like within a week. No, within two weeks. If it's been two weeks, that means it's been two weeks. Has it really been two weeks? Yeah. Because last week we did the fucking sea moss. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:52:53 I don't remember that. You brought it in. I brought that in? I was on that episode? Yeah. See, do you think it was the sea moss that gave me the allergic reaction? Because dogs, cats definitely make me sniffly. That's why whenever I see Isabella and Karen.
Starting point is 00:53:08 I've always stocked up on the Zyrtec because I've got so many friends in the same boat. Yeah, but dogs I've been okay with. But, oh, my God, this allergic reaction, which I said I'll put on Enduring Idiots, was bad. But haven't you looked after that dog before? Yeah, it can't be the dog. I've never house sat because I slept in Brit's bed and it was full of dog hair. I thought she told you not to. She did house sat because I slept in Brit's bed and it was full of dog hair. I thought she told you not to. She did, but I still slept in Brit's bed.
Starting point is 00:53:27 No, I slept in, here's this. I slept in the spare bed, which was just a mattress, koala mattress. And I came in to didgy. I had a shocking brain day. Remember I said? It's because I had a terrible night's sleep. Sleep for me with sleep apnea, with Chiari, if I don't sleep well, I'm ruined. Yeah, okay.
Starting point is 00:53:43 So I was in a bad mood because I didn't sleep well. So I text Brit after the podcast and I was like, I need to sleep in your bed. She said, okay. So I did. And you reckon that's where the dog hair came from? Well, it has to because the next morning I woke up. Your house sat there before. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:53:58 And was the dog just not home? Yeah. I said, I don't want a dog sit. So she paid someone to dog sit. Not you making diva demands. Your house sitting comes with T's and C's. You negotiate. I will sit the house but I refuse to sit the dog.
Starting point is 00:54:12 After my break up, I think she was like, poor bar set up needs to get out of the house. She thought she was doing me a favour. Britt was being a good friend. Now I did soft launch Britt and Laura on this show. I asked them and they're both keen to come on this show. Oh good. So we need to get them on. I think they'd be great guests. We've been waiting two years. Yeah, I was going to say, I asked them, and they're both keen to come on this show. Oh, good. So we need to get them on. I think they'd be great guests.
Starting point is 00:54:27 We've been waiting two years. Yeah, I was going to say, I remember suggesting when you first started doing the Pick Up together, I was like, oh, we should get them on as a cross-promote. You know, we can tell our idiots to go check out your Pick Up podcast. So the ball's very much in your court. Yeah, no, well, can I tell you something? We've got a review.
Starting point is 00:54:43 The Life Uncut listeners are listening. Hi, Lifers. That's what we call them. Hi, Lifers. Hi, Lifers. This is our most recent review on a couple of Mitches. We often give shout-outs, but this one's quite cute. This is from Chris Wow.
Starting point is 00:54:54 She says, I have listened to 112 episodes in a month. Shit. Love it. I can't do maths off the top of my head, but one episode is an hour on average. What would that be in a month? That's a lot of fucking episodes. That would have to be three a day. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:55:08 It would have to be. I'm just going to blindly believe you because I can't figure that out. That's crazy. Started from the beginning after hearing Cheery on Life Uncut. Cheeral, she says, funny. Nice. This podcast has taken precedence. That's huge.
Starting point is 00:55:21 We've been Life Uncut. We should apologize for sealing their listeners. And over any podcast series I was ever listening to. Thank you for getting me through my daily life with a toddler and a teenager whilst living in rural Queensland. Every morning with my coffee feels like I'm catching up with three old friends. So many laughs. Great moments so far, which brings me to my something better than drugs and dick.
Starting point is 00:55:38 She's a guest on the show. Amazing. I've got the list on me. Hang on. I'll add something else. Well, she says better than drugs and dick, being a late starter to Is It Just Me and having heaps of episodes to binge, definitely better than them two things. Oh, it's better than drugs and dick.
Starting point is 00:55:52 Yeah, I knew what she meant. What was the name? Christy Wow. Or Christy Cow. Cow? Sorry, Jenna, am I reading that right? Wow and cow couldn't be more different. Christy Cow, but both with Ks.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Christy cow. Yeah. Cow with a K as well. I didn't mean to insult her. By the way, I just had a thought. You know how she wrote churl? Yeah. Because Katy Perry fumbled her line a few when she said Mitch churl.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Yeah. That whole AI voice thing, you could have that sorted out. You could fix it. True. No, well, I'm thinking I'm going to get an interview with Katy. I'm going back and forth with the label because she's coming for the AFL Grand Final. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:56:28 And we're trying to line up an interview. So I'm going to – I even think I'll play it to her. It's not often that I get jealous of when you interview people, but I'm like, oh, that would kill me. I love Katie. Oh, well, you could ask a fan question. No, why don't you bring her on the podcast? No, I just don't think that would – No, but I'd rather Rachel Capani.
Starting point is 00:56:44 Yeah, now, I see you're Katie Perry and I raise you, Rachel Carpani, who, by the way, ghosted me again. Like I said, I was going to text her and try and take the PR out. No, nothing. So did she launch the yogurt company after McLeod's daughters? Huh? Or Rachel Chabani? Oh, I've got one, but it's a stretch.
Starting point is 00:57:03 Give it a go. Do it. No, that's her in the purple dinosaur suit driving a car. Rachel Carbani. Ah. Carbani. Yes. See, you have to really think about it.
Starting point is 00:57:13 Yeah. I'm going to the pub for a Rachel chicken carpami. Yeah, good, good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. What's her name? Carbani. Carpani. Carpani.
Starting point is 00:57:22 Carpani. So I just changed one letter. Yeah. Your face. Your thinking. Capani, yeah. So I just changed one letter. Yeah. Your face. Your thinking face. I got none. My brain wants to say Rachel Cabanossi. That's it.
Starting point is 00:57:32 It's a cheap shot. Yeah, why don't you just get it really confidently wrong? That's what I do all the time. I don't want to do any more mispronunciations. I thought you meant I don't want to do any more talking. That's fine. We've reached our quota. No, let's all go to our phones and the last photo is what we have to talk about.
Starting point is 00:57:47 Ready? Okay. Oh, yep. Two beef patties that I cooked at 9.42 last night. I was starving and I just wanted some mince. So I cooked mince and ate it like I'm some sort of carnivore diet Joe Rogan loving fool. Jenna? Mine is the...
Starting point is 00:58:06 Read it. Read what it says on the screen. Hello, I'm a... You can say it. It's fine. Hello, I'm Amanda Keller. Is that it? That's a video, not a photo.
Starting point is 00:58:16 No, it's a screenshot. It's a screenshot of Amanda Keller. The lighting looks good there. Is that the natural light from the window? Yeah. Mine is a photo of the zone number downstairs so that I could pay for my parking, which by the way expires in about 10 minutes. All right.
Starting point is 00:58:28 So we better wrap. Yeah. That actually works quite well. We better get out of here, everyone. We hope this podcast made you feel at least 2% better today. That's all. So we do. So we do.
Starting point is 00:58:39 So we do. Don't forget the merch is available. And I would say politely, fucking buy it. Just do it. It'll make you feel better. Yeah. Yeah. I would say politely, fucking buy it. Just do it. It'll make you feel better. Yeah. Yeah. And the Mona Jenner.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Yes, there's cosy lives, but also you've got to treat yourselves. Yeah, that's true. There's the Mona Jenner. There is itching coffee mugs. Perfect for the daily company. They are actually great, the travel mugs. You know how sometimes they're tiny? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:58:58 You know, this one's a big motherfucker. It's tall. Good. Good. Oh, and this episode might... Nope. Go on. What is that? I was going to say, this episode might come out on Father're tall. Good. Oh, and this episode might... Nope. Go on. What is it?
Starting point is 00:59:06 I was going to say, this episode might come out on Father's Day. Wrong. Shut up. I'm stressed. Shut up. It might come out on Boxing Day. Who knows? No, well, it won't.
Starting point is 00:59:17 But you might listen in the future on Boxing Day, like Christy Cowell. Happy Father's Day. Happy Father's Day. I'm sure if in a bunch of years you are listening to this on Father's Day, I want you to just message us. That's so funny. All right, we'll see you all next week. Thanks for listening and go follow Recovering Party Girl on TikTok.
Starting point is 00:59:32 That's Jules Ringo Howell. Please do. All right, see you guys. Bye, bye. Bye. Is it just me? A podcast by a couple of Mitches. Make sure you've hit follow on your podcast app.

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