Is She Ok? - The Intro Episode

Episode Date: November 8, 2024

Get to know your hosts Sophie & Chans, as we embark on this new & exciting journey together! We’re here to unpack life’s ups, downs, and all the in-betweens, having the conversations ev...ery woman’s thinking about but rarely says out loud. Every week, we’ll chat about topics that really matter, aiming to answer the question we all ask ourselves… Is she OK? Follow us on instagram @sophiegoorwich & @csahni

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Hi everyone and welcome to the Is She Okay podcast. I'm Chans and I'm Sophie and we are here to unpack life's ups and downs and all the in-betweens and having the conversations every woman is thinking about but rarely says out loud. And every week we will chat about topics that really matter, aiming to answer that all elusive question is she okay hi Sophie hi let's have a catch up um how are you how are things going so this I mean I think speaking on behalf of both of us um we obviously planned this in to record our first episode today. Very excited. And it couldn't have gone any worse for either of us. So I am putting a positive spin on it. I'm toxic positivity myself.
Starting point is 00:00:59 The universe is testing me and that's fine. I had a couple of really big things going on this week um and I said on Monday on my Instagram like really super exciting busy week ahead um all I need is like everything to go like plain sailing so of course by Thursday I was at the dentist for an emergency dental appointment for an affected wisdom tooth um theniday realized i was coming down with the flu um and yeah it's just been like the gym like it's just been you're being tested yeah um but i so it's funny because it happens to clients sometimes um like they commit to a big goal and then like they get ill or something happens and I'm like
Starting point is 00:01:45 it's genuinely it's like the universe is like testing like how much you actually want this so we've made it we're here um so how are you are you okay uh am I okay I have also had a bit of a shitter um baby is challenging to say the least i have a lovely kid he's very sweet uh but he's just got really bad silent reflux which basically means it's a shit show trying to feed him and every feed is a battle and as a mother all you want to be able to do is feed your kids and bond and do all of that kind of stuff so yes i feel you on the being tested front but we've made it we're here we are put some earrings on today oh they have not gone unnoticed i've washed my hair like
Starting point is 00:02:35 like we made it slow but we're hitting that bar and that's all that matters exactly as long as you don't see what's going on underneath the camera you're right some sort of bar is being hit i mean pajama bottoms and slippers on my end so yeah exactly um so um basically this episode for everyone listening thank you for tuning in um it's essentially just an introduction so you can get to know us and get to know kind of like the the theme of what we're going to be talking about in hopefully kind of weeks months and who knows years to come um however just as a bit of a disclaimer um parents are you my parents um I love my parents yeah like okay both our parents we love you um we appreciate the support however if by some um
Starting point is 00:03:30 new age miracle you have found your way on spotify um let's just stop now this podcast is but it is not for you um so yeah love you love the support um but we're uninviting you from this world so that's that's the disclaimer for this um right moving forward um i'm saying um i am a personal trainer who specializes in women's health. So think menopause, PCOS, both of which we will be delving into in later episodes. I have PCOS and I'm now approaching menopause and I'm just really passionate about helping women live better lives and use exercise as a catalyst for that um I am currently defying um some if not most of society's norms um by being happy while navigating the world um as a childless 38 year old woman um who can't find a man for love nor money um basically rich auntie vibes to baby baby Cyrus um without having the bank account to match but that's okay for now
Starting point is 00:04:48 i mean we'll get that um hi everyone i'm chans i'm a 38 year old food fanatic um unfortunately i don't share sophie's love of exercise um but I do share Sophie's passion about women's health because Sophie's got PTOS and I actually have endometriosis so we have a lot of shared interests all the problems all the fun all the fun problems um I actually spent my entire life saying that I wasn't going to have a kid uh and was vehemently against it and then five months ago casually had a baby boy um which has been both incredible but the hardest thing I've ever done in my life I'm very open and honest about that so I'm sure at some point we might we might absolutely not subject um I think the best way to describe me is kind of think crunchy mum with like severe undertones of Lorelei Gilmore from the Gilmore Girls.
Starting point is 00:05:49 But yeah, we've had such a long standing friendship and it's really exciting that we're doing this together. Yeah. So the podcast itself, I guess, just to touch on that, it's essentially inspired um by our friendship um and I do just want to take a second to um mention the the third wheel um she's not a third wheel she's a very integral part of the wheel um Soraya yeah um she is far too cool to um want to get involved in this maybe she'll come on as a um as a guest if we can um drag her into it um but yeah just about kind of like there's something so special about a female friendship um and especially with you guys like there's just no judgment there's no pretense um I know I can show up as my most authentic self and just have those conversations that I think there's still quite a lot of um stigma around or kind of like just being really vulnerable and
Starting point is 00:06:52 open and honest and saying things that actually you might not say in kind of a public forum um yeah so I just think it's really kind of important for women to be able to have those conversations and have that safe space and yeah I'm just really excited to be doing this and have a platform where we can have those kind of truly unfiltered chats um and then with a little bit of health and fitness um sprinkled in um and who knows you might even make a gym girl out of you yet chance it could happen I mean where the things have happened it's interesting you say all of this because I was I saw a friend yesterday and she was saying you know especially when you become a parent you just need low maintenance friendships because
Starting point is 00:07:35 those are the ones that will you know not hate you for being absent or not being as present as you once were or you know being different as you said low maintenance friendships are the one thing that are going to get you through for the rest of your life from this point on and that's whether you're a parent or actually even if you're not a parent I think I mean one thing I excel at it's being a low maintenance friend and you know that's what it is so it means you can have a chunk of time where you don't necessarily see or speak to each other but then when you together, we get into the conversations that you're talking about and you don't feel awkward about it. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:08:10 That's why I love you. That's why I love you. So just to kind of round up this episode, we thought it would be fun to do a quick round of this or that. So we don't know what the other person has written um and I'm slightly nervous like mine are quite tame but I know Charles would love to know that yeah I do you know what I need to preface this because if this if this is me 10 years ago I literally would have been like fat dick or short dick or like you know I thought that's what you were gonna come with this is how I know how much I've aged.
Starting point is 00:08:47 Because literally, I was writing these questions, and I was genuinely like, oh, I'd love to know the answers to these. But I think they're really boring ones. OK, so maybe after this, maybe in a couple of weeks' time, we do the 20-year-old version of this or that. Maybe that's what, yeah, that's what we might need to do. We might have to go back in time. Do you want to go first okay are you ready so this is like quick fire so i'm just gonna say them yeah and just for like so just so you guys know we don't know what the other person has written um so yeah yeah let's go so breakfast or lunch breakfast have you had any quicker than that
Starting point is 00:09:26 okay ready flat or heels flats give or receive give hot or cold hot on top or on bottom? Could mean anything, so I do. On top. I can tell you're the gym girl. Tattoos or piercings? Piercings. Oh,
Starting point is 00:09:57 well, right, on me, piercings, on a guy, tattoo. Yeah. Good clarification. Sushi or steak?
Starting point is 00:10:10 Sushi. Travel or home travel sun or moon oh that's such a hard one for me sun day or night day and bonus question. Is it the length or the girth that's important? This is funny because Charles Lane... I just added that now. I've been saying it for so long that I wouldn't know the answer anymore. I don't know why the answer answers on a postcard. I'm going to go with that. Correct answer. Thank you. I think. Anyone who's listening, feel free to tell us if you disagree.
Starting point is 00:11:03 Drop a message in the comments let us know because clearly we don't anymore thanks okay no that was good I can handle that okay are you ready yeah texting or calls
Starting point is 00:11:19 calls psycho sleep or sex beach liked or respected oh a good question liked um books or movies movies rich or famous rich giving or receiving oh my gosh you have the same question uh receiving uh where are that piercings or tattoos same again oh my god we both looked at the same bloody website didn't we um i don't have any tattoos but i would say tattoos okay um your 20s or 30s oh god i'd say my 30s love that window or aisle seat
Starting point is 00:12:21 window seat great personality or great in the bedroom Window or aisle seat? Window seat. Great personality or great in the bedroom? Great personality. Okay. We've done it. Which, if you ask me in my 20s, I may have answered differently, actually, to a lot of those. So, yeah.
Starting point is 00:12:39 There's a growth there. I love that for us. What are you doing this weekend? Have you got any plans? This weekend, I will probably spend the entire weekend attempting to feed my child. But I'm very lucky I have a village. My parents are here. So it just gives me and my husband a little bit of downtime.
Starting point is 00:13:03 Yeah, that literally will be all I do all weekend and maybe attempting to try and get some sleep so nothing fun but Sophie what are you doing this weekend more importantly um so I am recovering from the flu um but more excitingly um tomorrow I'm actually hosting a menopause workshop um and I'm super excited about it and I'm sure we'll talk about it more in the next episode I don't want to give away all the secrets beforehand um but yeah it's essentially just a talk for women going over kind of the menopausal transition um and hoping that they leave feeling really empowered um and with a bit more knowledge about kind of the things that they can control um there is so much we can do through exercise and lifestyle to kind of take
Starting point is 00:13:54 control of the situation um and do things to help what can be a really hard period of a woman's life so yeah really looking forward to it um um it'll be amazing you know I have to say with that if you had mentioned the word menopause I know 10 years ago I think everyone would have just been like oh yeah a few hot flushes and that's it the narrative and the conversation around it now has just completely opened my eyes yeah actually how much comes along with menopause and how much it changes a woman so it's such an important conversation yeah it is and like there was I was watching or reading something the other day and it was basically talking about how in many ways it's kind of almost a recent phenomenon
Starting point is 00:14:35 in the yeah if you think back to kind of like the 1900s like life expectancy like people weren't reaching menopause so it's not something we were let alone having conversation around it um so yeah and obviously it's great that we are talking about it more however on the flip side with things like social media and everything like that there's also a lot of misinformation um that can almost make it even more overwhelming so it's just really important to kind of know separate fact from kind of fiction and all the rest of it so yeah I'm really looking forward I'm just hoping that everyone leaves feeling a bit more positive um I love getting older um so I'm yeah I think it would just it will be good I'm hoping it will be really good
Starting point is 00:15:19 um so we will be back with the next episode soon um but in the meantime you can find me on instagram at sophie gorwich um and if you're a woman and health and fitness um is your vibe definitely go check it out in fact if you're a woman and health and fitness isn't your vibe um go and check it out amazing and you can find me at c sani c s a h n i um i mean i would if i were you i'd just follow sophie because my instagram is basically just photos of my kid and food and maybe my dog um but yeah i'm just gonna say thank you to everyone for listening. And please go ahead and leave the Is She OK podcast some lovely comments and a five-star review on Spotify or wherever you get your podcasts. And we look forward to catching up with you next time. Thanks, everyone. Bye.

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