It Could Happen Here - 2022 Predictions!

Episode Date: January 6, 2022

The gang makes our predictions for 2022 and goes on a tangent about Matrix Resurrections! Learn more about your ad-choices at https://www.iheartpodcastnetwork.comSee for information.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 You should probably keep your lights on for Nocturnal Tales from the Shadowbride. Join me, Danny Trejo, and step into the flames of fright. An anthology podcast of modern-day horror stories inspired by the most terrifying legends and lore of Latin America. Listen to Nocturnal on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. This is gonna be shit. This is gonna suck.
Starting point is 00:00:37 This is gonna be trash. Because no one knows what's gonna happen. I have not actually come up with a prediction yet. No. I have one. I have one that I came up with before the show.
Starting point is 00:00:49 Have we opened it? I don't know. We've already started. Okay. We were supposed to. This is it could happen here, everybody. Podcast, things falling apart, how to maybe make them fall apart less. Sophie pitched the great idea of why don't we do an episode
Starting point is 00:01:05 that is our predictions for the new year. It's really not my idea when people ask for it so many times. This was Sophie's idea. She's been talking about this for a long time. Sophie's idea alone, it sprang fully formed from the side of her head like Athena from Zeus's skull.
Starting point is 00:01:22 And we all agreed it was a good idea for an episode. I loved that reference. I did not come up with a prediction. Did you, no, no, spent zero minute time thinking about it. Not a second, not even a moment.
Starting point is 00:01:31 I absolutely love the Athena Zeus reference. That's how I tell people I got Anderson. Yeah. Well, my prediction for the year is that I'm going to keep making references to Athena whenever I do something that pisses Sophie off so that she's less angry. I do.
Starting point is 00:01:43 Well, it will absolutely work. Yeah. that's my prediction for 2022 uh uh okay okay okay wait before we go into the to the uh to the big bigger thing i want everybody to give one word prediction for how you would describe this coming year. 2022, one word prediction. Boring. NFT. NFT. I was just going to say fucked. But with a PH,
Starting point is 00:02:21 because it's going to be hot too. I don't think it's going to be that, too. I don't think it's going to be that fucked, actually. I was going to say mediocre. Yeah, I'm foreseeing a lot of blandness and mediocre-ness. A lot of blandness. Here's a prediction I'll make. I think that one of the things that we were seeing last year, especially in the streets with the far right being so much more active than the left in a lot of places and in a lot of ways, is 2020
Starting point is 00:02:54 really tired a lot of people on the left out, a lot of organizers, a lot of street level people, not just like, oh, I'm tired, but like I was injured. I'm fighting charges. My funds were depleted. I had to – I couldn't keep going out because I have a family and I had to deal with that sort of shit. And I think – I don't think that energy is back yet, but it always ebbs and flows and it does on both sides because at the end of the day, whether you're a fascist or a progressive,
Starting point is 00:03:24 people have X amount of energy. And I think we are – I believe we are kind of at the beginning process of folks on the left starting to recover some of that energy. And I think that that is a process we're going to see building throughout the year. I agree with that. Yeah, yeah. And it will be a multi-year process and i'm kind of hoping 2024 folks are ready to throw down again but but we'll see like where that goes i do think we might have like a few days of people throwing down in the streets for some reason
Starting point is 00:03:59 like something bad may happen i like obviously always possible. Late summer, I can definitely see like a few days in July or August where it's like, oh, is the thing starting again? And it goes on for a bit and then it kind of peters out. I definitely see that being a decent possibility. Because yeah, I think there will be more energy for that this year
Starting point is 00:04:19 and more mental ability to do that this year than 2021. Yeah. But overall, I don't see anything super eventful, and I hope that this doesn't jinx anything and then we get... No, I mean, my big eventful prediction is that, and I will explain what this is based on in a bit, I think we are going to see a significant-sized urban metropolitan area be rendered
Starting point is 00:04:46 uninhabitable either permanently or for a significant period of time in the United States due to climate change. And part of what this is based on is the December wildfires that just destroyed a significant chunk of Boulder, Colorado, right? Not talking about like New York City gets swallowed by the waves, but like a place where there's a couple hundred thousand people living. They're not able to be for either ever or an extended period of time because a climate based disaster hits. Maybe it'll be a heat dome type thing. Maybe it'll be like a wet bulb event. Maybe it'll be fires.
Starting point is 00:05:19 Obviously, always possible hurricane tornado. Obviously always possible hurricane tornado. You know, we saw enough just in the last couple of months in terms of those like record hurricanes that killed like 100 people in the south or the fires sweeping Boulder right now. And again, fucking December. But I do think there's a pretty good chance we see something like that this year. I think my big one is that, I mean, OK, so the obvious freebie is that we're going to cross a million COVID deaths, or like the official count, we've had more than one already.
Starting point is 00:05:52 Hell yeah, baby, USA! The official count, we'll hit it. That's the freebie. The not freebie is that, like... Yeah, that's not even a prediction. Yeah, that's not even a prediction. That's cool. I think it's going to be warm in the summertime.
Starting point is 00:06:03 Yeah, you know, warm in the summertime is probably like a bigger gamble at this point. Or very, very warm in the summertime. Yeah. But I think the real thing is that there is never going to be a lockdown in the US. Never. Oh, God, no. The president of the United States could die and there would be no lockdown.
Starting point is 00:06:24 And I think this is you know and i think this this is a result of i i don't know i i wonder what you do this my thesis for what was going on 2020 was that like i i actually think the like the like liberate wisconsin stuff i think that actually worked like those the number in 2020 there were all those giant like like a bunch of people showed up with guns to capitals absolutely it worked yeah yeah it worked and it was like but but they they did they did terrorism usually works it's a very effective way to get things done well but i think there's an important lesson here though which is that like so the state will never like very very rarely will the state ever, like, directly, like, they won't immediately back down, right?
Starting point is 00:07:07 What they'll do is, like, they'll make an enormous show about how they didn't grant any concessions, and then they will grant concessions. Like, you know, this is the thing with the riots, right? It's like, okay, people are talking about, like, why do we not, there's not going to be any more stimulus checks, right? And the reason there's not going to be any more stimulus checks is because nobody's rioting. And, you know, like. Yeah, see what kind of stimulus checks you get if a couple of targets get redacted yeah like you know if if you burn down another police station we will get more stimulus checks it's just that you have to you know there has to be another police station burned down
Starting point is 00:07:33 right but like this is and this is the this is the you know the the right was extremely effective at this right in a way that people just don't really talk about which is that it is now politically impossible in the u.s like no no one no one will ever do another lockdown because people will show up with guns and they don't want to deal with that and they've decided that just just kill just kill them like you know we've already killed the entire population of seattle like they're dead like we'll just keep killing more people and more people and it's just never i think people often are going i think people on the left attack the um biden's covid response for a lot of the wrong things. Like the thing that I would go after him for is like, yeah, we didn't – he didn't just say here's a bunch of money.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Don't go to work. We're not going back to school. Like stay at home. Here's a pile of cash, which might have worked. It was worth a shot. It was worth a shot. But past that, a lot of this was beyond – by the time he came into office, the armed militant cultural movement against the idea of COVID precautions was so advanced that like what do you – what more could have been realistically done other than trying to give people enough money again to actually stay home, which again is the thing I think it's most fair to attack him on. Well, OK. I mean I'd say this like shit's beyond biden in a lot of cases i don't like okay it was like well what could have been done i don't know like if you're looking from
Starting point is 00:08:54 the perspective of the state they could actually have deployed the intelligence services against them instead of doing like one dumb entrapment plot right like well sure but that's that's also that starts before biden and by again by the time he's in office it's like you know but like like yeah i call their bluff right have a bunch of people show up to the capitol and then it's like okay here's the fbi like like that that that's a thing that like if you're a liberal statist you could do and they just don't want to because like partially they don't want the conflict and partially because it would actually it would look like it would look really bad for them heading into the midterms it would look so
Starting point is 00:09:24 they're bad and and also i think this is less the – the FBI is kind of much more centrist in terms of their politics as an agency. But when you talk about a lot of federal and state – Yeah. When you talk about most federal and state, I don't know that they can rely on them. They don't know that they can rely on them. Even the FBI is like, yeah, they're using the Proud Boys as informants against anarchists. Yeah, so they're using the Proud Boys as informants like on against anarchists. Like, yeah. So, yeah, like they're not like –
Starting point is 00:09:49 I have an appreciation. What I will say is I have an appreciation for the fact that by the time Biden was in office, it may have been an unsolvable problem, which doesn't let him off the hook for things that were objectively bad decisions like not doing shit for stimulus. him off the hook for things that were objectively bad decisions, like not doing shit for stimulus, like pushing to open the schools, like, you know, a number of other things that he's done. But also, like, if he had done all of the right things, we still might be at exactly this death toll because there are cultural issues here that were very advanced by the time he took office. And I do think, like, it's whatever. I'm not saying this to let Biden off the hook
Starting point is 00:10:25 or support the Democratic Party. I'm saying this because people need to have an accurate conception of the problem, and the problem is so much deeper than what a technocrat could have handled by making smart policy. At break. Yay.
Starting point is 00:10:41 At break. Yay. A break. Welcome. I'm Danny Trejo. Won't you join me at the fire and dare enter. Nocturnal Tales from the Shadows presented by iHeart and Sonora. An anthology of modern day horror stories inspired by the legends of
Starting point is 00:11:07 Latin America. From ghastly encounters with shapeshifters to bone-chilling brushes with supernatural creatures. I know you. Take a trip and experience the horrors that have haunted Latin America since the beginning of time.
Starting point is 00:11:31 Listen to Nocturnal Tales from the Shadows as part of My Cultura podcast network. Available on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. And we're back. From the middle of space. Actual prediction, Republicans will win the Senate. Yeah. Which seems pretty, like, I think there's a decent chance democrats can keep the house um but i'm pretty sure senate's gonna go back to the republicans i mean they are damn near
Starting point is 00:12:11 in control of the senate as it is yeah but they're yeah but i i do believe that's gonna happen um and let's see other which yeah that does not seem that's not that far-fetched of a thing and i don't know there'll be some other kind of tech fuckery the the the space between elon musk peter teal silicon valley there's gonna be i think there's gonna be some worsening development of like tech like technocratic stuff, possibly with the mask of trying to fix climate change or something. But I think there'll be a decent growth of tech power and possibly their cooperation with the state
Starting point is 00:12:56 or the state giving more explicit funding and permission to tech power to do terraforming or like some geoengineering like there's there's going to be something related to that sphere that is a it's going to get a lot more visible than it currently is my big tech prediction is that there is going to be a crime against humanity at some point this year like on a massive scale not like just a mass shooting but like a state-level crime against humanity and we're going to find out that for the last like eight months facebook had been paying the perpetrators a significant amount of money as a result of like like a state level crime against humanity. And we're going to find out that for the last like eight months,
Starting point is 00:13:28 Facebook had been paying the perpetrators a significant amount of money as a result of like some ill thought out ad program that they had. Yeah. Like we're going to, we're going to leap to Facebook actively funding an ethnic cleansing because some, somebody thought up some sort of affiliate program that was not well conceived. That's my fun tech industry prediction.
Starting point is 00:13:47 My fun tech industry prediction is that Jeff Bezos will increasingly become the most cringiest man in the world. Yeah, it is very funny that the picture he posted him on New Year's, he's just wearing a Dan Flash's shirt. He's absolutely wearing a Dan Flash's shirt. He's absolutely wearing a Dan Flash's shirt and that's incredibly funny. Robert, Robert, that shirt cost him $3,000. Because the pattern is so complicated. It's very complicated. Look at how much the lines crisscross.
Starting point is 00:14:16 I just don't like you insisting that it's not as much money despite its complicatedness. That photo was my version of a holiday card. I sent it to everyone I know. Yeah, I think we're going to see a lot more unions this year. Yeah, that does seem to be a positive trend that we're seeing
Starting point is 00:14:39 is a lot more unionization and some significant successes for organized labor. And a lot more general acceptance of some significant successes for and a lot more like like general acceptance of the concept of a union other prediction related to tech industry stuff i think one of the billionaire space ships things is going to have a disastrous launch uh so positive prediction of spaceship's going to blow up with people inside it as it tries to take off. That's my positive prediction, that it could take some people with it. Sorry to the workers who are going to be probably harmed at that,
Starting point is 00:15:13 but it could take so much people out, so it's going to be funny. That's a possibility. Also, there's going to be a disastrous effect around Austin. That's where a lot of the spaceship stuff is getting set up. No, no, no. That's just where the offices are. It's like Boca Chica. It's like on the coast of Texas.
Starting point is 00:15:36 Oh, got it. It's not close enough to her Austin. Some piece of a spaceship is going to fly through someone's house. No one's going to care about it. It's probably going to kill a family or something. No one's going to care about it. It's probably going to kill a family or something. No one's going to care. Nothing's going to happen. Yeah, it'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:15:49 Those are more of my tech industry predictions related to spaceship stuff. Yeah. Yeah, I also think on a more... I don't know how the current civil war in Myanmar is going to shake out, but I think there's a chance that it becomes the first place where there is a successful or at least partially successful revolutionary
Starting point is 00:16:15 movement that is, to a significant extent, armed via 3D printed weaponry. We've already seen a lot of that deployed by the rebels in Myanmar. I'm interested in watching that because it's kind of the first time we've seen that technology used on a meaningful scale by people that aren't like organized crime. And yeah, I think it's still too early to tell like how much of an actual, like whether or not it's just kind of a distraction from the more meaningful aspects of the struggle or in the more meaningful like kind of deployments of weaponry and other tools in the struggle or whether or not it will actually play a significant role in the armed struggle. But it's very much worth watching if you're somebody who pays attention to insurgent movements and what is increasingly possible as a result of new technology. I have another really bad prediction. J.K. Rowling is going to release a book on gender. Oh, God.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Or she'll fund a YouTube channel. Yeah, something. I think there's a decent chance she has been writing a book about gender, and she's going to release it in 2022. I think that is an actual serious prediction. Just go away. And a whole bunch of liberal moms are going to buy it for each other, and they're going to read it, and it's going to be bad.
Starting point is 00:17:41 And that is my horrible prediction. She could be so beloved if she had limited her comments after publishing Harry Potter to just repeatedly telling people that wizards are constantly shitting their pants. If she just didn't use Twitter after anything at all and she could have been a different person.
Starting point is 00:18:01 It's the Dave Chappelle thing. Just stay off. We all would have loved you forever. You could have just gone off and counted your money and left us alone. Yeah. Go be rich somewhere. It's fine to be done. It's fine to be done being famous and influential.
Starting point is 00:18:16 You did great. You did great. You never needed to come back. Ever. She did. I'm not sure if she did great. She did. She did. She did. Look, again sure if she did great. She did. She did.
Starting point is 00:18:26 Look, again, this is all colored. If she had never come back into the public eye, all it would have been is like, you remember that lady who got like 12-year-olds to read 700-page books that one time? Like people would not be as critical of the actual content of the Harry Potter books if she just hadn't kept coming back and saying shit. Anyway, so that's my fair prediction. And then like didn't stop and then did not stop and then was told bad, really, really bad and then kept doing it and kept doing it and kept doing it and kept doing it. You know what people should be? Look, if you're listening to this and you're a millionaire who is hugely popular for some cultural reason in the late 90s and early 2000s, think about Bill Watterson.
Starting point is 00:19:13 Bill Watterson, 1995, ends the most popular comic strip in the history of comics and spends the rest of his life in fucking Iowa painting landscapes and never talks to anybody with a platform again. And everybody loves Bill Watterson. Not a single person has a criticism of Bill Watterson. Just do that. Just do what he did. Just go paint landscapes in Iowa and don't talk to journalists or get on Twitter. It's fine. Does Bill Watterson believe regressive things about gender?
Starting point is 00:19:44 Nobody knows because he doesn't say anything. I think another prediction that is actually decently possible, I think we will get more and more cities and or states to decriminalize hard drugs in certain possession amounts. I think there's a number of bills going around California and a lot of other states, and I believe that'll start to become more and more common, which will be great. It would be nice if they get legalized, but get what you can for now. Yeah. Speaking of drugs, here's CBD oil.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Sponsored by heroin. By Big Drug. Here we go. Have fun. Stay safe. Welcome. I'm Danny Thrill. Won't you join me at the fire and dare enter?
Starting point is 00:20:43 Nocturnal Tales from the Shadows., presented by iHeart and Sonorum. An anthology of modern day horror stories inspired by the legends of Latin America. From ghastly encounters with shapeshifters... to bone-chilling brushes with supernatural creatures. I know you. Take a trip and experience the horrors that have haunted Latin America since the beginning of time.
Starting point is 00:21:19 Listen to Nocturnal Tales from the Shadows as part of My Cultura podcast network, available on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts. We're back, and I just want to let everybody know that if everything gets legalized, we will be sponsored by methamphetamine so fucking quickly it will make your head spin. I will never turn down a drug sponsor. Except for like superfoods. We don't do superfoods. We don't do brain pills. No. But heroin?
Starting point is 00:21:58 I would advertise the shit out of heroin. We don't do the— I'm already ready to advertise heroin. We don't do the hair loss drugs. We don't do the— loss drugs. We don't do the... But heroin? Hey, is life depressing and difficult? Don't do it.
Starting point is 00:22:11 You know it'll make life easier. I take it back. Heroin. I hated that I helped that bit. Chris, you were saying something before break. My one serious prediction is I don't think we've... I think we're going gonna get one more big like latin american uprising and it will not be in argentina i have been eating shit for three goddamn years predicting it's gonna be argentina because it's like oh they're getting an imf bail
Starting point is 00:22:35 out like oh it's never argentina it won't be argentina it will be somewhere else but someone is someone is going to spend like two months doing a bunch of stuff that's extremely cool outside of argentina i i kind of think um i don't know i'll be interested to see what happens in brazil because um it's hard to get a sense for the exact numbers but yeah there's potential there there is potential there with what's happened in bolivia and what's happened in chile there's there's momentum in it is exciting broad area there's some exciting i wasn't like i mean like the osis there's shoot there's like enormous protest in brazil like all the time oh yeah sure yeah there's like massive it just hasn't sort of like like it hasn't turned into like everyone fighting the cops and like yeah and i may i don't know if it will because like
Starting point is 00:23:22 i don't know i mean this is this is this is my vibes based interpretation of it but it feels like the the workers party has enough of a handle on the protest that they're not going to sort of like explode because the PT just wants to win its election and get out of Bolsonaro. get out of bolsonaro but well yeah and i mean the the possibility of any kind of like actual revolutionary insurrection or anything relies heavily on like that path not working for people yeah like they're not that they're not being that kind of safety well i mean i say this if they arrest lula again like yeah i i don't think bolsonaro like i think there will be bolsonaro will die in his own shit like yeah that might happen even if his party stays in power I mean that's true he's actively dying as we record this episode
Starting point is 00:24:09 which is very funny I got as a result of one of our ad campaigns several aura picture frames this year and right now we're loading one up that's just pictures of sick Bolsonaro to keep in my living room so anytime I walk past
Starting point is 00:24:24 I can look at Jair Bolsonaro hacking up a lung or having shit sucked out of his nose from a tube um i will say oh by my one more like very fast prediction about this is that kissinger is going to live he's not going to die oh damn it chris god damn next year i don't know you fuck you i allowed myself to hope for one for about i allowed myself to hope for about eight hours, and I think he's going to live. Sad. Maybe I'll be wrong. I don't know. It would have been pretty cool if Betty White's last action had been some sort of anti-Kissinger
Starting point is 00:24:56 jihad. Take out Kissinger? Yeah, she becomes the most loved American in human history, goes out, just jumping out of an airplane. Yeah, she parachutes most loved American in human history, like goes out just like jumping out of an airplane. Yeah, she parachutes into Kissinger's house with a flinting knife. I'm going to say in Colorado, Oregon or Washington, we're going to get our first safe drug injection site opened. I think there's a pretty good shot of that, yeah. They've been very successful inside
Starting point is 00:25:28 different parts of Canada, specifically Vancouver, specifically Vancouver, BC, and I believe one of those three states is going to get the first one. I hope it's all of them. If you want to support some of those people up in Canada, go to HeroinMart and buy a shoot dope, fuck the cops hoodie. Yeah, but
Starting point is 00:25:43 safe drug injection and ingestion sites have been very good at preventing deaths in Vancouver, BC, and there's just a good idea in general, and I'll be excited at the prospect. They're an incredibly good idea, and they also, if you're trying to, again,
Starting point is 00:26:00 talk about this to conservatives in your life, they're cheaper than just letting people be addicted to drugs on your life, they're cheaper than just letting people be addicted to drugs on the street because people don't steal stuff when they're heroines-free. Also, they won't have ridiculous medical bills that get paid by the state. And they're more likely to seek treatment, even if you don't mandate that, especially if you don't mandate that, because as a rule, people don't like having problematic addictions to drugs and if they
Starting point is 00:26:25 can deal with their immediate needs uh and also know that there's help available they will often choose to get help so and i think i have i've one more actual prediction is that a new matrix video game will be announced and that is that is all of my predictions oh we should probably talk about matrix 4 briefly that's what the people want garrison it is it is what. And that is all of my predictions. Oh, we should probably talk about Matrix 4 briefly. That's what the people want, Garrison. It is. It is what the people want. And for the record,
Starting point is 00:26:50 this is going to be controversial because some people have no taste, but we both think it fucking ruled. It is possibly the best Matrix film. It was really fun. It's very good. If you think about it for any amount of time, it gets very good in the way
Starting point is 00:27:05 it addresses um the system's power to incorporate revolt as a part of the system which was already teased inside me as a monetized aesthetic yeah reloaded but yeah like the matrix using the weapon that wants to find you against you and the matrix weaponizing all of your ideas against you, um, is very good. Um, I know Lana put a lot of thought into this, particularly around who she is, how she's developed and how her work has been turned against her and what she believes, um,
Starting point is 00:27:36 both by like the people and also like corporately in terms of like achieving the correct amount of meta that it's not useless drivel while still actually being aware of what it is um i think was done well i know there's there's some people in like the post-modern thing who think it don't who think it doesn't go meta enough and i think that's nonsense because if you go any if you point out that pointing out that pointing out revolting against the system is part of the system then you've lost everybody like no one cares because you can add on those layers endlessly and it's just drivel um so i think they got the correct amount of meta well then a band not not abandoning that idea but moving it on being like you know you know it's more important than being meta
Starting point is 00:28:18 is making friends and finding human connections because going through the world like this isolated like thomas anderson is when he's in the matrix as, as, as a, as a game designer, a big part of that problem is that he's very isolated. And the whole point is like, no,
Starting point is 00:28:32 you need to find friends, find connections, get like, like be, have people around you to build a network of, of, and they actually start like, like loving other people is really one of the only ways out of this looping cycle and layering of Matrixes that we always live in.
Starting point is 00:28:52 It's a wonderful film. I like it a lot. I could talk about it for hours, but I will not. We could do a whole podcast that's just talking about why we enjoyed Matrix 4. But it's pretty fun. And my only, the only thing I'll add to that is a lot of people, fools is what I call them, are angry at the fact that it ended with the Brass Against cover of Rage Against the Machine. It was so good. It was so good.
Starting point is 00:29:16 It was so good. And the cover of that song opens it exact. So the lead singer of Brass Against became briefly famous mid-late last year. During – while playing that exact song on stage, she urinated into a fan's mouth. And the song that – the cover that ends The Matrix starts at exactly the moment where she peed in that guy's mouth during the live show. And I am certain that Lana Wachowski was planning to to use the original rage against the machine version of that song and then that news dropped and was like well let's get these brass against people i i want i want the piss song what one of the things that's my theory um is uh reflecting on the analyst as a character and how he relates to kind of the meatspace argument
Starting point is 00:30:08 and how digital systems and algorithms and social media operates. If you listen to him talk, and within the whole context of the film, I think there's actually some more insightful points than what you might originally suspect around social media and digitalness versus realness, which is always a factor in Matrix films.
Starting point is 00:30:35 But the way they handle it in this film, I think, is a lot more mature than all the topics they handle in their previous films. And I mean, there's just so many really good single lines that offer really good, like, oh, wow, that's just so many like really good like single lines that offer like really good like oh wow like that's just like a very good point and then they just move past them so like so effortlessly like you could focus on any one of those really good lines and they just offer up so many at at at at many points and I like that they turned the Merovingian into Ted Kaczynski
Starting point is 00:31:02 it's just fun like at the end of the day, it's just actually really fun, and it doesn't feel exactly like the other movies in the series, which is what I want. I don't like reboots. I wasn't a fan of the Star Wars reboot because it was like, I've seen this movie.
Starting point is 00:31:19 I like that a lot of the action in this movie, right up until kind of the end, feels perfunctory, and like until kind of the end, feels perfunctory. And like Lana kind of saying, like, I don't care about this part anymore. Like, I've done the guys fighting agents in bullet time. You know, at the end, there's some more loving action set pieces. But like from the beginning, it's very much, it's much more really fun commentary on how hollywood works and how the video game industry works there's a fucking mass effect joke in there there's a joke about like the 1999 or 2000 matrix video game that happened
Starting point is 00:31:55 before garrison was born it's so fun it's it's just a lot of fun as a movie. It's rad. Well, any other final predictions before we wrap up this extremely well thought through episode that we poured our hearts and minds into? We really did.
Starting point is 00:32:17 Dr. Oz is going to go down in flames. Oh, I hope so. Oh, man. I really have no idea what to expect from him. I have no idea. I'm not making any prediction on that because I, too, I hope so. Oh, man. Man, I really have no idea what to expect from him. I have no idea. I'm not making any prediction on that because I, too, I have no idea.
Starting point is 00:32:29 I have no idea. The only thing that I'll say is that one way or the other, it's going to be a bellwether. If it goes great for him and he wins easily, we're going to see a lot more. A lot of Oz. Dr. Phil is absolutely rolling into Congress if that works for Oz. absolutely rolling into Congress if that works for Oz. And other people who are kind of occupy similar cultural spaces will do the same thing. And then we'll have congressional inquiries about whether or not this simple
Starting point is 00:32:55 trick will burn belly fat. It's going to be really good. It's like, like if that's what happens, like the thing, the thing Trump's going to be remembered for like like, is being, like, well, the thing Reagan's going to be remembered for is being just, like, 50 years ahead of his time before we're literally all entirely ruled by just reality TV stars. Mm-hmm. Whose wives are great at giving head.
Starting point is 00:33:22 Yeah. Should I, did anyone, did everyone already forget the nancy reagan throat goat discourse everyone was so exhausted that yeah if you didn't catch this it's a very well-known secret and has been for like 50 years that back before they got married and probably after Nancy was famous for giving the best blow jobs in Hollywood. As, as, as Garrison tosses the cat every single episode. So I disdain this discourse now.
Starting point is 00:33:58 Yeah. 2022. It's a year. We're in it. Okay. it okay my last prediction is I actually do think this year is going to suck slightly less 2021 did yeah mediocre now I this is probably the big one I'm going to eat shit on but like hopefully
Starting point is 00:34:14 something good is going to happen hopefully you're right about it so yeah I'm hoping um no yeah I think that there's a decent chance that we're that it's better um I it, at least in some ways. The climate stuff, as it nearly always will for the foreseeable future, will keep getting worse. But I think there's actually a chance that COVID will get better, not because of any policy decision, but because Omicron, literally 90% of human beings in the world get it and those that survive COVID stops passing
Starting point is 00:34:46 on as much, which is kind of, vaguely speaking, what happened with, you know, the influenza and other epidemics. I will be probably foolish in making one more prediction that is like around the fall, we will not see spikes as big as we saw this last
Starting point is 00:35:02 year. I do think there will probably still be some but i do think the numbers are going to be generally trending down um yeah after omicron hits its peak just because how many people will get infected how many antibodies plus vaccines will be circulating um and how many people have already been who who don't take the vaccine have will already have like died off like yeah it's i i we're not saying that to be like flippant or to be like no but it's like i just that's what's happening the world is that you have yeah it's the world that we live in i hate it um but i i i do hope and i i do hope and
Starting point is 00:35:38 some slightly predict that we'll have less less spiking numbers around this next fall and winter as we did this current, you know, fall winter season. I wouldn't mind ending on a note of appreciation for the fucking booster. Cause we got it. You and I both garrison as did most of our friends and had just a shitload of COVID flying around us this whole season. It was everywhere.
Starting point is 00:36:02 I love my booster. A lot of infections and we were fine. Fine. That's great. One of my friends got COVID and her mom, who they live in the same house, has not gotten COVID because they're wearing masks and they got the booster.
Starting point is 00:36:17 For all my friends that did get COVID, that were boosted, the booster, the vaccine did its job. You're not in the hospital. Double test positive on a rapid test and then test negative on a PCR probably because
Starting point is 00:36:34 by the time he got to the PCR like the next day his viral load was just so fucking low. Get that third vax. The vaccine works. Who could have predicted? Who could have predicted that the things that are literally the entire basis of our modern concept of the value of human life um continue to be very effective all right well that that does it for us um
Starting point is 00:36:59 on on unplug go spend time, touch grass touch your mirror trying to go through it try to go through your mirror what's real and what's not see if maybe you were the digital messiah and you have been trapped in a simulation where you work at a food lion
Starting point is 00:37:20 and you can break free of it but not fly anymore because now your girlfriend He does fly with Trinity at the end. He does fly with Trinity, sure. Just as we all can only fly with Carrie-Anne Moss.
Starting point is 00:37:36 Well, with Carrie-Anne Moss. Specifically, who has gotten so much hotter as they've aged. All right, well, that's the episode. That's where we end. It Could Happen Here is a production of Cool Zone Media. For more podcasts from Cool Zone Media, visit our website,, or check us out on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
Starting point is 00:38:00 You can find sources for It Could Happen Here updated monthly at slash sources. Thanks for listening. You should probably keep your lights on for Nocturnal Tales from the Shadow. Join me, Danny Trails, and step into the flames of right. An anthology podcast of modern day horror stories inspired by the most terrifying legends and lore of Latin America. Listen to Nocturnal on the iHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.

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