It’s Wednesday My Dudes - 118: ???idk???

Episode Date: September 6, 2023

Bryans out this week, and the boyos didnt tell him what the episode is about..... so.... here we go?Rate us 5 stars on Spotify! and leave a review and rate on Apple Podcasts!Links here to follow on so...cial media! and find other places to listen!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And here we go. I just wanted to jump in and talk about my week. You know what, Rooks? You've been out for like a month. Yeah, I guess. So are we just going straight weekend right now? Are we just going to fly into it? I think straight weekend.
Starting point is 00:00:18 Fuck the intro. Hit the music. It's Wednesday. Okay, cool. Well, fuck, should we intro no no i like that no fuck it we're going off the rails brooks zach cory um so yeah yeah so i've been on a little uh hiatus there the end of my summer was fucking ridiculous um i had something going on every weekend in except for one weekend i think in july and then i had something the first week of august and then i started coaching so things have just been absolutely bananas um but i guess uh i mean
Starting point is 00:01:00 oh and i've moved too yeah that's i guess that's also a thing. But it's just been fucking hectic as hell. Oh, moving sucks. Moving sucks so much, dick. Especially the worst shit ever is when like, so we luckily, we both had overlaps in our leases for this place. So we like could slowly move stuff out, which was great. We could take our time like getting shit here. But the problem is our other place, like me and my roommates old place neither of us cleaned ever so once we
Starting point is 00:01:31 got all this shit out of there it was like fucking like we should have been wearing like the biohazard like suits and shit that place was fucking disgusting and not like oh there was like feces on the floor and shit like but it was just the dust and all the shit. Little pockets you got to scrub down. It's just not a good time. But, you know, moved. I'm coaching now. July, just did a whole bunch of fucking bullshit.
Starting point is 00:02:00 I literally don't remember the last time I was on here, so I don't know how far back I have to go. I don't think I talked about my San Diego trip. I don't feel like you haven't talked about your coaching at all. So what's your record? Right now we're 0-1. We just lost our first game. We played a really good team.
Starting point is 00:02:18 But we're going to rebound this week. I can feel it. I can feel it in my loins. Did you do dogs and leaders? Imagine having a fat L on your jersey like walking around like this loser uh no i don't wait what are you saying dogs and leaders what does that mean you haven't seen like colorado uh was a dion he like instead of captains or i guess like in place of team captains on their like jersey they
Starting point is 00:02:46 have a d if they're a dog and they have an l if they're a leader um no we did not we did not stitch onto jerseys um we don't you need more dogs we don't put anything uh on the jerseys dude one fucking thing that's terrible is we don't like we don't have like we're fucking public high school we don't people that do fucking like helmet fucking public high school. We don't have people that do fucking, like, helmet shit for us. And we have ram horns on our helmet. Dude, putting those fucking things on literally is the worst fucking thing in the world. Like, oh, my God. We don't have the equipment for it or anything.
Starting point is 00:03:17 We're using scissors. I'm just jamming a fucking scissor into the side of a fucking helmet. Other person has, like, a box cutter, and they're just, like, fucking slicing that slicing that bitch up like it's hostile or some shit like it was it was awful um but you know we're all in one game this week we're gonna bounce back it's great lovely um the boys are gonna be buzzing and yeah i mean i i went to san diego that was sick for my boy nita's bachelor party that long ago i think i don't think i talked about that on here. I really don't. I don't think I talked about it either. Yeah, shout out Nites.
Starting point is 00:03:49 It was a blast. It was like a joint bachelor-bachelorette thing, which, you know, we all have our thoughts on that. I didn't mind it because the only thing that was good is that we knew most of the girls, so it's kind of like a big friend group thing. But yeah, it was a fucking party, man. Got after it Thursday pretty much the entire fucking day.
Starting point is 00:04:15 We went to this fucking bar, dude. You could go up and there's this chick who's at this wheel, right? It looks like a big shot wheel or whatever. This chick's up there. She's spinning the wheel. And it like kind of like this little mini stage dudes are going up there and like you pay like like five or twenty dollars or something and she like picks a shot or something but each one of the shots has like a spanking or other shit with it and our fucking the bride went up there and was like she didn't see the other people go up and so she gives her a shot and then like pushes like the chick up on the stage pushes the bride
Starting point is 00:04:54 against like this railing and just fucking like paddles her ass fucking like six times and she was like what the fuck was that it was ridiculous um but you know we just got after it we pretty much just got after the whole time uh kind of padres game friday which was really cool um and then oh the last day we went on a boat which was a fucking banger and then we went to this club and i was like passing out also Also, I didn't know this on a plane. Okay. So Sunday morning, I wake up fucking terrible. My flight's at like eight and we got up at like five 30 or six.
Starting point is 00:05:34 I feel fucking horrendous. I feel so fucking bad. And we get to the airport. I puke three times before we get to the gate. And then we're finally gearing up to go on the plane. And I'm like, holy shit. God bless. Puke on puke on the plane once okay whatever puke on the plane twice okay whatever the second time i go to puke on the plane it's when like the seat belt light is on because we were like experiencing turbulence and i walked over in this late the one of the
Starting point is 00:05:58 stewardess in the back is like you need to be sitting down the seat belt light is on and i was like i know like i wouldn't be back here if it wasn't like a made up rule. I was like, dude, why do you think I'm back? You just want me to fucking own the seatbelt lights on. I'm going to fucking throw up all over myself. Like,
Starting point is 00:06:12 no dude. So I was like, Oh my God, I'm so sorry. And then I walked in and immediately like purposely very loud was like, well, like, just like,
Starting point is 00:06:20 please lady, like, please know that I'm not just being an asshole. Yeah. But so the end of the flight and this lady being an asshole yeah yeah but so the end of the flight and this lady already fucking hates my guts but the end of the flight we're like in taxi or whatever where it's like driving us around and i was like we had a really rough landing and i was like oh my god i'm gonna throw up all over the place so i was like okay cool i'll just take my
Starting point is 00:06:39 back to the bathroom like fuck it whenever everyone's getting off the plane i'll be good to go i get back there and the fucking lady is like we are an active taxi right now what are you doing like go to your seat and i was like i looked at her straight in her face i was like i have to throw up and she's like i don't care go back to your seat like this is gonna we're gonna like have to call the captain i was like what are you gonna do turn us around and fly us back bitch like we're already here and she's like no like you need to be in your seat. And I was like, okay, fine, fuck it, whatever. And I was like, I just got to go put... I literally had my head in my hands and I had my backpack open.
Starting point is 00:07:12 I had nothing valuable in my backpack. I was like, I'm just going to puke in my backpack, fuck it. But I go back to my seat and as I'm walking back, over the goddamn loudspeaker, the fucking stewardess in the front is like, excuse me, if you are standing right now we are an active taxi and we need you to be seated we can call the police and i was like dude like i'm not even like causing a scene or anything i was like i'm just walking back like
Starting point is 00:07:37 look at my face right now i'm like so pale and just like sweaty and i was like this is the worst and i had three other friends on the flight and they were like dude that was fucking hilarious they were like you looked so fucking miserable but did you well that's like the freaking um you see the plane got like there was a plane this weekend or last week where it had to land because of somebody having diarrhea on the flight that shit's crying man i know it have been worse. I think that was international too. I think that was like – wasn't it like Georgia? It was like Atlanta, Georgia to Barcelona or some shit.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Yeah. Yeah, they had to land in the water. Imagine you're halfway over the Atlantic and that happens. You just got to power through that. That's one of those things where I know it's bad for everybody else, but I hope in that moment I would have a sense of pity for the person who just pooped their pants because no one wants to be in that situation. I can plug my nose. They should have a parachute just in case that happens for international flights where they can just be – you know what?
Starting point is 00:08:39 Fuck it. Domestic flights too. Where if you have that accident, do it is it do you give it to them before they have the accident or it's like because at that point the damage is done like i don't now i'm questioning what would make more sense i feel like if it's an emergency like that you give them a give them a parachute and see how bad how big of an uh emergency it actually is they're just see if they're willing to jump out of an active plane you literally just have you have them like uh what's the show here in the boat
Starting point is 00:09:10 you have them parasailing just behind the plane and just shitting and pissing and then they're like they give you a thumbs up you reel them in they just crank you out there dude half the plane stuff is probably made up anyway like the turn your cell phones off thing the seatbelt light so i i just just put it in the ticket waiver if i don't have my seatbelt on the seatbelt lights on i'm at risk of hitting my head on the top thing if we hit a little turbulence it's like who is it affecting i just don't like hypothetically like what if i did what if i had like food poisoning or some shit and i like had to shit. You're just going to have me shit all over the fucking plane with people next to me?
Starting point is 00:09:48 I would. Yeah. Instead, I walk back there to the bathroom. No one gives a shit. It doesn't affect one person. Except for the stewardess in the back, obviously, because she was about to have a fucking heart attack. Jesus Christ, man. That was my flight back.
Starting point is 00:10:04 Do you think maybe every seat on a plane should though that was my flight back do you think maybe every seat on a plane should just have like a toilet option like you think you just like press a button and then it's like like a little like fucking like suction hole comes out or something not suction hole never mind that's not what i meant no i'm definitely in. That's not what I meant. That's called first class, my boy. More like first ass. Do you see they're trying to rearrange the I don't know if this is like they are doing this on flights or they're
Starting point is 00:10:36 experimenting with I don't know, feng shui of planes. Is that a thing? Where they're like setting you can sit. They're like setting the seating. Yeah, I saw that. Nope. The're like setting like you can sit they're like setting the seating yeah i saw that nope the first row is like underneath the other one where i'm staring into the grundle of the person above me no thank you and and then the people above you have a toilet that's gonna suck you off too wow wait so it's wait hold on what is this it's like a double decker like are
Starting point is 00:11:00 we talking that's that's the word bunk seats i couldn't think of it yeah it's like but like your face is kind of like where the ass of the other person is. What? So we're fitting puzzle pieces? Like my head is in the crevice of the seat above me? Yes, absolutely. You don't think people are just going to like... There's weird people on this planet.
Starting point is 00:11:19 You don't think one person is going to be weird about that? I mean, I think people are already weird on planes. Fucking put them in there however you want. I don't give a shit. Let's roll the dice. It's like the worst place to be stuck with people. That's what we should talk about.
Starting point is 00:11:36 Worst place to be stuck with people. I feel like plane is high. Plane is fucking way up there, man. Elevator's got to be one. But like, elevator's typically fairly quick, right? Elevator's got to be one. But like elevator's typically like fairly quick, right? Like elevator, I don't ever... Well, not if it's stuck.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Have you ever actually been like in an elevator that like stopped working? But is it like stuck for the duration of what it's an average typical use case of particular place you're stuck in? So like to Rufus point, an elevator, I'm in there for 15 seconds. A plane
Starting point is 00:12:08 could be anywhere from 50 minutes to 5 hours. Well, you could be stuck in the plane. That's what I mean. Taxiing, and then they're just like, oh no, we're going to sit here for 2 hours. So give me a time limit. Give me like, you're stuck for X amount of time. So we'll say
Starting point is 00:12:22 I'll say three hours okay then underwater is the obvious answer oh gee that's fucking he's talking like an inconvenient place not a life or death place zach's just gonna say i'm being underwater is it um like i had something not so chill happening recently um washing machine for sure dude oh dude saw bro that's why you've been gone for the month um spin cycle yo that's ass bro i think being i think being in any fucking line like for most things is terrible like having to just sit there like what am i thinking of it's something recently actually getting checked out for an std yeah i mean that's not great oh dude wait being stuck waiting for a
Starting point is 00:13:17 drink at the bar or like to get a bartender's attention is the fucking worst and like a packed bar it's fucking terrible how do you i feel like a fucking five year old in that moment where it's like it's i feel like it's i my best analogy is like when you're a kid and you're trying to get your parents attention and you're just helpless when they're in a conversation like you just feel like an asshole and like i feel like a four-year-old when i'm at the bar and it's like it's just busy and i but i've been there for like 40 minutes and then like they've already made their rounds like twice but somehow i got skipped well it's usually because i'm short but like i'll get skipped feel like a fucking five-year-old i hate it no yeah that's never just when they pass over you
Starting point is 00:14:03 and the the word like top five worst shit ever is when you're standing there and there's a group of like semi-attractive girls next to you and the bartender is a dude. Like you're never getting a fucking drink. You are getting skipped over 100 times out of 100. That guy is looking at you just like, hey, buddy, get fucked. And he – I get skipped every fucking time. And I'm not a short king. You're just a regular king. Is that because you think girls tend to order more
Starting point is 00:14:29 expensive alcohol than guys? No, I think it's because a bartender's trying to be like, what's up, babe? What do you want to drink? I don't think so. I absolutely think so. I don't think so. Dude, come on.
Starting point is 00:14:44 You don't think so? i don't think so dude come on you don't think so you don't think like you don't think like 50 of the allure for a lot of these bartenders is like i get to talk to chicks all the time like what their definition of talking to chicks be like what's your order no like they're sitting there but there's a percentage yeah like this percentage for everything but like i don't think it's that like in a busy bar, you're there to make money. You're not there to like... The whole thing is, you're there to make money, but the door is always going to
Starting point is 00:15:12 be open for you. It's always going to be open. You don't have any... There's no pick-up bullshit. You literally always can have a conversation. I guess. Unless you're ugly. Sorry, Corey.
Starting point is 00:15:27 Are you hot or ugly? You could be a garbage truck driver and they'd be slanging that thing while picking up trash to a nice newly divorcee. The smell. You haven't thought about the smell. That's Rooks' point.
Starting point is 00:15:43 If you're the bartender, they have to talk to you. Are we saying if you're ugly or if the person's ugly, that's ordering the drink? You're ugly. I got lost. Yeah, self-awareness. We're all good. We're all... That's why I couldn't imagine.
Starting point is 00:15:54 None of us are ugly, so I couldn't imagine that was us. Hell yeah. Have you seen Burns' hair recently? Jesus. Blast. He looks a little verklempt. He looks a little verklempt. Or unkempt. It just... What the fuck? He just needs a little trim.umped he looks a little over clumped or just he just needs he just needs a little trim big words over clumps is that an actual word i
Starting point is 00:16:12 don't know if it is he i think uh brian looks like the guy who's trying to get on a makeover show so he looks like he's just trying to make himself look as terrible as possible so then he's got long hair and a beard but it makes it look like he doesn't shower i'm not saying he doesn't shower but it just makes it look like he doesn't shower sexy he's trying to make himself look as terrible as possible it's crazy it's so fucking funny it's wild it took took a pandemic to get Brian to not shave. I remember asking him to grow a beard for years and years and years. Because he was like, he would just click.
Starting point is 00:16:52 Didn't you shave like every day? Which I think is just like a wild. Yeah, he shaved a lot. That's so much time out of the day, I feel like, to shave. Well, Zach, you don't have any peach fuzz. What's going on over there? You shave every day. Once a week.
Starting point is 00:17:05 Oh, once a week. That's not that much. I can do that. Yep. Anyway, so where's places to get trapped with people? A conversation. Conversationing. Play the music, Brian.
Starting point is 00:17:20 Oh shit, was that just the intro? Fuck. What's if I up around your back? Was that all in one weekend though? The San Diego shit in that, yes, was one weekend, but that was not my recent weekends. God damn. But hey, okay, well, hello there. Everyone, welcome back.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Thank you from my nightmare. To episode fucking 15,000. I don't know what fucking episode this is. Episode 118. Episode 118. My weekend rating is a lock because Zachy locks over here. IU plus 17 and a half. Let's fucking go.
Starting point is 00:17:57 The bet for this week is Ole Miss Tulane over 61 and a half, listeners. If you want to make paycheck bets only, let's fucking make some money. If only Indiana had an offense, that would have been actually like a winnable game tell you man i so i will say shout out zach uh uh brian later on hit the shout out music okay shout out thanks man i so i want to i'm gonna get in my weekend rooks rate your weekend we're going all over the place. I'm ranking it with an emoji just as me pressing space in my iPhone because I didn't do shit. Nothing happened. I'm literally just pressing
Starting point is 00:18:34 the space bar because I didn't do fucking shit. I relaxed. I watched Penn State win. Dubs. You get them. So transition. I was talking. Zach, shout shout out thank you for the uh that's i'm gonna just say transit i'm just gonna transition by saying transition so transition zach thanks for the uh recommendation about your iu lock on saturday so i drove to penn
Starting point is 00:18:59 state to watch uh watch us get the dub the alligator Alligator. Zach, I did tell everybody that I met that day. Okay, everybody around me in the stands, I said, he's the Alligator. So you're welcome. Thank you. But I was driving to Penn State, so to kill time, and to hang out with my friend on the phone. I called Zach and figured we'd talk about our betting for the day. And so I did have originally, which was a horrendous bet.
Starting point is 00:19:25 I don't know what I was thinking. I had the over in the IU game. Notice I said IU game. And Zach was like, no, no, no, that's not it. And then I placed IU to cover the first half, locked it up, and then I went five for five this weekend, and then last night won on Duke Moneyline because I'm smart as shit. Oh, my God.
Starting point is 00:19:47 So we went about 1,000. Let's go. I would just like to say a big fuck you to Dabo Sweeney. Clemson's fucking pretenders. Get fucked. You lost to a basketball school. Sorry, continue. Kaki's eats shit.
Starting point is 00:20:02 And then, so then backtracking now. Started my week. Claire and I went out to, do you guys have Putt Shack near you? Like it's like a. We have stuff similar. Yeah, it's like some like random like bullshit like bar putt. Yeah. It's not mini golf.
Starting point is 00:20:20 It's like their own spin on it. What is not mini golf, but it's putt-putt? It's mini golf, but you want a high score. So they have like a hole that you can get it in that gives you extra points on the way to getting a hole in one. And it's like – this is what I'm saying. It's like hard to – it's just like you want more points. That makes no sense at all. Anyway, it's just – but there's a bar there too
Starting point is 00:20:46 so like okay cool that's it that is sick where i can wait in line and not get my drinks ordered nice actually did happen um but your boy they keep the like top scores of the day there's like four like courses and you only play like nine holes and they keep the top score on the day for like each one your boy got it it at 930 at night. It was fucking sick. So my name was on the leaderboard. And then we couldn't get any drinks because it was like a fucking Chuck E. Cheese and that bitch. So we were just like sitting at the bar and the bartender was just like, I don't know what he was doing.
Starting point is 00:21:19 He was running around in circles. We were done with our golf. We're, I don't know, I feel like it was just not great service. So we ran across to the bar, across the street, drank a lot, had a nice little date night. It was awesome. And, yeah, Penn State on Saturday. Oh, I don't remember the name of our athletic director,
Starting point is 00:21:37 but he came around the tailgate fields, and my mom or dad called him over or something, and they were chatting, and my mom got a picture with the Rose Bowl ring so she was uh blinged up and then nobody told me though that he was there so i was just in the rb and they're like oh yeah so and so just came by and we all got pictures with the rose bowl ring i was like hey guys thanks for letting me know that's fucking sick appreciate it so yeah so love the fam they're fucking sick. Let me see. Let me see. Let me see. Let me see.
Starting point is 00:22:05 And then Sunday, I was a fucking slug. Your boy was a trash human being because I stayed in the RV that night. And then Karina wants to get home at like six in the morning. So we're all up at six in the morning. And I drove back to pay. I got home at like 11. And like Claire was like, oh, I'm going to like this Greek food festival. I was like,
Starting point is 00:22:26 I enjoy yourself. Like breathe. Like I'm focusing a lot on my breathing right now and trying to have my eyes closed. So good luck. Uh, but it looked like a lot of fun. And then,
Starting point is 00:22:37 uh, yesterday I do yesterday, we did some housework and then we went to like a family party, but then I got roped in to, uh, did some housework and then we went to like a family party but then i got roped in to uh helping move out two couches and a heavy ass fucking dresser from like the 1980s and it was wasn't as bad as i thought it would be because moving shit out of an apartment it's like you could just like throw it like it doesn't fucking matter as long as you're not like putting holes through the wall but your boy was sweaty uh
Starting point is 00:23:09 so i labored on labor day ha but i nailed it also went three you know in cornhole though big hole guy that's the biggest of the holes of the guys uh so yeah i'm gonna what would i rate it i'm gonna rate it a emoji of a slug getting an emoji of a slug and there's got to be emoji of a couch is there a slug emoji there's gotta be right you can't just say it's gonna be a this emoji if there's not a fucking emoji okay there you go snail go. Snail. That works. Sloth. Can I do a sloth? Do they have a Penn State Rose Bowl ring on there? Do they?
Starting point is 00:23:51 I'm just going to pick all of my items. Perfect. Yeah. Zaddy Daddy. How was the weekend? Oh, that was my weekend. It was a I'm going to give myself a lock. And it was the watching IU plus 17 and a half. Oh, that was good.
Starting point is 00:24:05 It was college football. Got to be home in Chicago. This weekend, shout out to the fellows. We got a group of 12 of us going to a bar. Going to make a little brunch for the boys before we head out. A little brunchy bagels. Going to go out at 11 a.m. And just watch college football all day.
Starting point is 00:24:19 Get the bets loaded. Get paid on Friday. So that's going to be sick. Going to load up the DraftKings account and bet responsibly slash irresponsibly. And then Sunday, you're going to watch the bears just take a steamy dump down. Jordan loves throat, hopefully.
Starting point is 00:24:32 So I'm more forward looking with my weekend. So, so yeah, bear down, baby. It's going to, my moji is a little bear. Wow.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Wow. Is that what a bear sounds like? I think so. I thought it was close um it was good but yeah all right do we have i say we do it we do i'm ready i'm actually i love my list i kind of want to do it now okay hold on are you guys i looks me me, Corey. Okay. Fuck yeah. Alright, so we had the splendid idea. We're going to do a draft,
Starting point is 00:25:12 but we're not going to tell you what the draft is. It's up to you guys to figure that out on your own. A little whodunit, if you will, here. But yeah, we're going to say draft picks,'re gonna say our reasoning and then you know feel free to leave in the comments what you think we got going on over
Starting point is 00:25:31 here um well you said i'm first yes okay so the my first pick absolute song of the summer for your boy one of the like it was i heard One of the, like, it was, I heard it for the first time in San Diego and it changed all of my summer. Even the months before San Diego changed the whole thing. I've listened to it way too many fucking times. I've said it, I've sang it too many times. It is the song Throat Baby. And it's an absolute fantastic song.
Starting point is 00:26:07 The best line... One of the hardest lines. It features DaBaby and City Girls. I literally forget the name of the person who sings the song. It's not great. Dua Lipa with DaBaby or not? No. It's just DaBaby.
Starting point is 00:26:23 Trash. But the whole... Obviously, the song being called throat baby is all about um oral um sexual acts if you if you will um but the best line of the song is literally in the one of the coolest lines i've ever heard is by the second girl on City Girls. The second verse, she goes, Dick it hard every time I walk. Suck him dead. Bring out the white chalk.
Starting point is 00:26:53 That's a fucking bar and a half. And I will stand by that until the day I die. That is an absolute heater. But that's my first pick is Throat Baby. Jesus Christ, buddy. Coming in hot. Great pick. All right.
Starting point is 00:27:11 My first pick, I was out shopping. I got my sister actually for her birthday. I got her a record player. And it's really nice because – Great gift. Great gift because then you can just supplement it with records and you don't have to think about what you get for subsequent birthdays but it got me thinking that um like what's the next version of that and so i'm going to draft compact discs with my first one
Starting point is 00:27:33 so nice nice good pick i'm gonna draft uh i'm gonna draft those i feel like we're gonna come around to those uh did you have to walk when growing up to play absolutely absolutely of course my sister had it, actually. Yeah. Dude, the best was like, there are certain CDs or whatever that I can sing. The best of Toby Keith, Greatest Hits, Volume 2, I can sing Song 1 through Song 12, because that's what my dad had in his car. And then I can also sing every Sugar Land CD, because that that was our cleaning the house music that my mom made for us so uh so yeah i'm gonna go with compact discs um or cds is my number one pick a little uh tangent about walkmans here you know what they need to
Starting point is 00:28:16 bring back did you ever have the headphones where like the part that connected the phones was like behind you and like no it was like behind your head and like yeah yeah oh and they were like cool guys 3000 oh dude those things were fucking slappers oh my god we need to bring this back anyway sorry bars all right i'm going to draft right oh i got the i got the come around you have the reach around the reach around yeah so with my first pick i'm gonna go with bingo uh we used to play it all the time at uh at my like aunts uncles grandparents whatever we would uh but we like lost all the pieces like over the course of a few years so what we ended up doing was we would get like the mini marshmallows like my great-grandmother was like oh it's fine like because somebody was just like stealing pieces over there so she just got like these mini marshmallows that we ended up just keeping for years and years and they ended up just being
Starting point is 00:29:13 the pieces that we use for bingo so we just like stale marshmallows it was the weirdest fucking thing but that's where the love began bingo uh from childhood but then also bingo bingo on a cruise ship slaps hard that's like the best time for bingo is cruise ship bingo that sounds like some old person shit i've never played with the markers you don't like winning 300 i've never played with the markers and i or like the big the big the big uh stamps yeah neither have i actually one time when i went went away this is like two years ago i went away and so clear clear like use my car or something for the weekend and i came back and there was like one of those like ink blotter things for bingo in just in like the the like middle console
Starting point is 00:30:00 of my car and i was like the fuck is this like it didn't say bingo on it it was just like this item and i was like what is this and she was like oh it's a bingo blotter i was like don't look at me as if that's a normal thing to just have in the car after i've been away for the week you need it she's like i went to i went to a fundraiser i was like none of this helps me like i wouldn't have any idea it was ridiculous um okay so on the reach around uh coming back around reaching i'm going class rings did you guys ever have class rings yeah no i wanted it you did no i wanted to have some sort of dignity in high school oh fuck you bitch damn well did okay so rooks did you have one with like your and stuff? Because you played for the school?
Starting point is 00:30:45 I don't remember if I had my football shit on it. I don't think so. Maybe I did, actually. I don't know. I don't believe you. But it would have been cool. I haven't looked at it in 10 years. I feel like that's the only reason to have one.
Starting point is 00:31:04 It's just if you're on a team and that way it has your number on it. Because it's like that's the only reason to have one is just if you're on a team and that way it has your number on it. Cause it's like a Letterman jacket to me. I never had, we didn't, I'm going to draft. Did you guys have Letterman jackets at your school? We didn't have that shit.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Yeah, we didn't. I think. Cause I saw, I don't know unless it was like a random, like, I don't even know if it was the, it might've just been,
Starting point is 00:31:24 dude, I was was is it just for football no you gotta be no because i like we have wrestlers would wear it that's one of the i feel like in high school yeah we did have wrestlers in high school you're not self-aware of a lot of things at that age that was one of the things i'm proud to say i was very self-aware of like i don't need this like everyone walking around with them like you look like an absolute tool bag like even high school nobody let him in jackets yeah no one had that shit at my school yeah we we had uh because your boy was sick and played uh jv lacrosse lax bro dab dab and uh we had uh we had rain jackets which were pretty see that's functional like well you could wear that hoodie you could wear that now I still have it now
Starting point is 00:32:05 exactly yeah and I wear it because I want people to know I'm a lax bro nice thread the way you thread thread in the pole
Starting point is 00:32:13 isn't that what they call it yeah sure sure they can call it that you're up okay cool on your retry
Starting point is 00:32:22 yeah for my second pick I'm going to draft the Bank of America. So I've normally been a Chase guy, and I do all my banking with Chase. And recently through my work card is through Bank of America, and I really have been enjoying their interface online. And it's very easy. It's accepted a lot of places. It was accepted down in Panama, which I didn't know,
Starting point is 00:32:44 because you think Bank of America only accepted in the Americas, but I guess Central America. Yeah's accepted a lot of places. It was accepted down in Panama, which I didn't know because you think Bank of America only accepted in the Americas. But I guess Central America. Yeah, that's Bank of Panama. Yeah, but I guess maybe Central America kind of covers you there. So maybe it works in Central and South Americas. So yeah, I'm excited to keep expanding my credit card horizons. I'm typically a one credit card guy. Apparently, that's bad for your credit.
Starting point is 00:33:04 You need multiple, I guess. I don't know. They tell me different things. Multiple lines of credit. Yeah. But you could do that in different forms other than a credit card. I guess. What's your credit score? I think it's pretty good. And then after that, what's your social security debt? I mean, I pay all my bills on time and I don't like, I pay it in full. So I feel like it's got to be pretty good. But does it affect what you buy with your credit card that affects your credit score i'd like to think so i'd like to think somebody is sitting at the bank and they're just seeing all the reba shirts that you're buying and they're like not
Starting point is 00:33:34 minus one they got a minus one yeah yeah there's an algorithm and it says it says's subtracts by Reba shirts. But yeah. So yeah, I'm going to draft Bank of America with my second overall pick. So do you guys prefer banking establishment or are you guys PNC people? No, I'm a Capital One person. Oh, okay. Citizens Bank and Chase Bank. Capital One's bigger, like over here.
Starting point is 00:34:03 Is this a club or a Chase Bank? Shout out to the big Jeff, man um oh shit is it my pick fuck um i'm gonna go with um something that's really just been like you don't you don't it's like the unsung hero you don't know how important it is until you have it um a good old dolly man like loading shit up on the dolly is just absolutely fucking goaded like i'm not gonna lie i thought you were doing a mr worldwide bit for a second no not not dolly c-o-l-l-y um not to be confused with Mr. Worldwide. But literally fucking like just moving and stuff. Like if I didn't have that thing, we would have been fucked. Like we had a sectional couch here that was like two pieces.
Starting point is 00:34:55 If we don't have that thing, it's miserable to carry that shit up here and maneuver it. But like you throw that bitch on a dolly, you're just walking. It's like I'm walking fucking Indy, dude. Like it's probably the same amount'm walking fucking Indy, dude. It's probably the same amount of pull as Indy would have taken to get up here if she was fighting it. You know what I'm saying? It's an unbelievable invention. 10 out of 10.
Starting point is 00:35:21 And then the next thing I'm going to draft, which is just like – I mean, this is a given. I can't believe this is still on the board here. A nice little beer on the beach. There's's few there's few things that hit on a beer it can kind of depend I typically I prefer something light that we can just kind of just down throughout the day and not really have too many too many consequences I used to take fucking when I was younger I used to take IPAs on the beach I have like gross I have like I of them, and I'd be like, I'm fucking shit-faced right now. I've been here for two hours. Why are IPAs so furry?
Starting point is 00:35:53 I don't know. What? Okay, that's not the right word. When you taste them, they taste furry. That's not the right word. You're saying they taste like peach fuzz? Like peach fuzz furry? Yeah, they just taste like yeah it just
Starting point is 00:36:06 tastes like when you drink it like a carpet's grown on the inside of your throat i don't i i don't get that sensation the milky bubbles yeah yeah the hops it's got to be the hops i heard they added more hops to it um no i used but i used to drink like heavier on the beach, and I would be hammered in like two hours. I was like, that's not fun. And I like having just like a nice, continuous like Miller Lite Bud Light buzz just like throughout my fucking day. You know what I mean?
Starting point is 00:36:33 No free ads. Yeah, sorry. Beep those out, Burn. And then, yeah, I think beers on the beach, man. They're just, it's just unmatched. Like there's a few. You know what's fucking dumb? Is Corona is possibly the best beer to beers on the beach, man, it's just unmatched. You know what's fucking dumb? Is Corona is
Starting point is 00:36:47 possibly the best beer to have on the beach, but you can't bring glass on the beach. They have cans. The goaded bottle. I know they have cans, but they always have the commercials with them having glass, and that's just not safe. You can't. I mean, we have... False advertisement. In Ocean City, Maryland,
Starting point is 00:37:04 there's not really rules. When I took Denise, Denise was like, you can drink on the beach. Don't you guys have to have a tag or something to be on the beach? In Ocean City, Jersey? Yeah. That's so fucking dumb. Why can't you just walk out to the fucking beach,
Starting point is 00:37:20 have a Beveregino, and just piss in the water? What the fuck? Yeah. it's like having uh it's like not being allowed to stand up while you're taxiing it on an airplane yeah exactly it's not bothering anybody it's causing no fucking issues yeah just ignore the diarrhea that's what i'm saying anyway um but yeah i just i just think a little beer on the beach guy, it's just necessary. A beer guy. Oh, yeah. I forgot who's next.
Starting point is 00:37:49 I think it's my turn. I think it's Zach. I got the reach around, and you've got the other reach around, Brooks. That's right. Zach's sandwich boy. I'm stuck in the middle. I'm the worst part of this human centipede. I would say my next pick, I'm going to go.
Starting point is 00:38:03 You guys remember Phineas and Ferb, the show? Yes. I'm going to draft their sister, Candice. Yeah, Ashley Tisdale. Yeah, Ashley Tisdale. I think she embodies perfectly. Can we draft people? Have we ever drafted people?
Starting point is 00:38:18 Yeah, we drafted people. Like just people in general? That would be another crazy draft if we just had people. That would be wild. Just making a team but like not actually say what it's for yeah it's just a team no yeah i think she's an underrated disney character i think she embodies perfectly what a sister would be like um she is a good anti-hero isn't she kind of a bitch yeah but like that's kind of what all sisters are but at the end of the day she saves them from like their shenanigans and is always an asset so i feel like she didn't get the shine she
Starting point is 00:38:43 deserves um with like like perry gets the perry steals the show right you know perry's the michael They're shenanigans and is always an asset. So I feel like she's going to get the shine she deserves. Perry steals the show, right? Perry's the Michael Jordan of that. He's a platypus. We get it. But I feel like Candice is kind of like the Horace Grant or the Tony Kukoc of those Bulls teams. She's coming off the bench, getting some assists, and she's well-rounding the show. They probably
Starting point is 00:39:06 don't win the championship without her, and she deserves that shine. I'm going with Candice from Phineas and Ferb. I like it. Nice sixth woman off the bench. Every team's got to have one. Every great team has one, actually.
Starting point is 00:39:21 That's what they say. That's a good pick. I'm kind of pissed you took that one um all right so i'm gonna go with my third i'm gonna have to go with complaining you ever have like a just a shit day and you're just like every day you finally like get yeah pour one out for every day of zach's life pour one of those beers on the beaches out uh no just like when you're like i don't know like you have a shit day at work and you finally like talk to your buddy or like somebody who you can actually just be like so this fucking idiot today and you just go through it usually it's usually it's you guys that i'm talking to so you get to hear about all my complaints so that's i would not draft hearing
Starting point is 00:39:59 about other people's complaints i'm drafting complaining though the act of complaining that works clear um but it's like you get you just like vent for like 30 minutes and then it's just like out lots of people do it it's one of my favorite things i agree complain i like repeating the same thing over and over again but in a slightly different tone and it makes me feel so much better which is like i mean it's therapy oh Oh, yeah, no, 100%. 100%. It's great when you're so frustrated. Okay, reach around. After complaining, I've got to go the milkman.
Starting point is 00:40:34 Zach, have you ever had a milkman? No. There was a milkman who delivered, I think it was like four or five houses down. It was an Oberweiss milkman, and I'm very jealous that that family had a milkman. I guess I'm my own milkman now, technically. Yeah. Are they still in business, like the milkmen of America? Are they still –
Starting point is 00:40:55 I don't know. I don't think Oberweiss does it anymore. Yeah. They should bring them back is all I'm saying. I mean, people need jobs and correct you know what i would also argue people need milk what do they also need thank you got a lot of fragile snowflake children out there better right jesus yeah yeah we don't have enough two percenters out there yeah we got a lot of we got a lot. Yeah, we got a lot of skim. We got a lot of skim. Lots of skim.
Starting point is 00:41:26 Lots of almond. Yeah. And you know what? Actually, you know what? Let's go this round, Zach. Let's not alienate people. This is just more milk that can be delivered by the milkman. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:38 And women. And women. True. You know what? Bring them back. Let's make it inclusive. You know what? Maybe I was too hard.
Starting point is 00:41:42 Maybe it was the fact that there's like milk deserts out there where it's just not the fact that they don't want the milk they just can't get the milk so i don't want to take my i take my fragile human like comment away about those about those specific children what in the fuck or i looked out of my phone for two seconds i am so fucking lost what are we talking about you're saying you're against milk people brooks i'm so fucking lost no i'm just saying i don't know what's happening that's all he's part of the anti-milk agenda and i don't like it zach yeah that's all i know i know these are people that are tearing uh that are that are he's in watch typical washington dc resident you know politics
Starting point is 00:42:19 politician anti-milk lobbyist up there being funded. Stop the steal. He's the one who got rid of it. He's the one who got rid of it. We saw you on January 6th, Rooks. I saw you. What? Jesus Christ. No, no, no. I don't know if I can be on Zach's team.
Starting point is 00:42:35 I don't know if I can be on Zach's team anymore. Zach, please pick something. Let's get off this topic. So we're getting into spooky season, right? And you guys know I'm not the biggest, spookiest guy. I do love Halloween. Are you trying to say spoopy? Yeah, spoopy.
Starting point is 00:42:51 There you go. I think Halloween Town, the movies are overrated. I don't like scary. I'm a big flincher, so I flinch too much. There's ghouls and stuff. But I am going to draft my favorite Halloween character. I'm going to go with the goblin i love goblins they said well goblins and trolls the same thing what about ghouls yeah but just okay so generally you're talking not a specific goblin just the the
Starting point is 00:43:17 goblin archetype yeah what's the uh it's like the uh it's like the species or the um genus so it sounds like you're trying to alienate a whole group of people is that what i'm hearing well no i'm calling them out selectively to give them their shine because i feel like the goblins do a lot of the dirty work in that fake movie in that dumb movie lord of the rings don't they do some stuff or is is that Harry Potter? Relax. Yeah, that's Harry Potter. Okay. They're the money people?
Starting point is 00:43:50 Yeah. Okay. So they're fiscally responsible. They are. Yeah. So I feel like they're good. They're not... Maybe they're just a little...
Starting point is 00:44:00 They probably got made fun of a lot. They're probably like a Grinch situation, right? Where they're not... They weren't born bad, but they got made fun of for their big ears and their smell and then they turn bad and i feel like i mean also too it doesn't have to be it doesn't have to be your star player too like this is what your fourth pick anyway so it's like again you're just you're filling out the squad correct probably a point guard like i'm thinking like uh like a jj barea or like a jose calderon we're just trying to you
Starting point is 00:44:25 know get a service book maybe make one all-star game like get hot one year but then we're gonna you know pass it to candace and those two those two fucking those two never sniffed an all-star game buddy i bet i yeah i'm also i went those two never you know what the fuck you're talking to somebody who does not is are we even talking about are we talking about basketball we have yes yes those are best yes i have no idea yeah so um so yeah shout out goblins oh is it is it my reach around now correct yeah um my first pick and this is just like a classic event that like you know whenever you see it it's just always it always leads to giggles it's always gonna hit
Starting point is 00:45:13 and that's um watching one of the boys throw up it's always it's one of my favorite fucking things on this planet it's just seeing one of the homies. It's just, you see the, the, the look in their eye and then they just take those two steps and hunch over. And then you just know it's fucking over. It's the best. It's one of my favorite things on this fucking planet. Um,
Starting point is 00:45:38 really just, it just always, especially if you get like videos, pictures, like not to like show everybody, but for you to have, you know, so you can always have that memory. We don't fucking out our boys. You know what I'm saying?
Starting point is 00:45:49 We don't fucking post that shit everywhere. You can blackmail them though if you need to. I mean, yeah, you have the, you have it in the chamber if you need, but like. That's what matters. It's mainly for you to be like, oh man, like, oh, I'm bored. I'm just like scrolling. It's like, let's change up my feed a little.
Starting point is 00:46:05 And you go to your pictures. And then it's like, oh, yeah, I forgot about that. Amazing. That's going to be my fourth pick. And then my fifth pick, you know, just really just rounding the whole draft, you know, like just to like it's feel good vibes. You know, it's just generally it's just going to be friendship, you know, being with your people. That's going to be my last pick. Um,
Starting point is 00:46:26 really just rounds out. Like if you look at my draft picks ahead of this, like really just brings everything together. Um, I mean, it's obvious. Yeah. Just brings it,
Starting point is 00:46:35 brings it around town, gets the reach around going. Um, I'm going to go just be with your people, friendship, you know, spending time connecting with people that you haven't seen in a while. it's just you know it's important stuff you know it's the glue yeah yeah it's the glue that keeps it all together keeps it all going yeah it's that i agree it's
Starting point is 00:46:54 that white sticky stuff that keeps it all that's that's what i'm trying to say thank you cory's the man of words on this podcast but that's my last pick it's just friendship i love that i love that all right my turn last pick yep um so i'm trying to i've been doing a lot more reading lately i try to get some of more cultured i enjoyed history and uh social studies thank you i appreciate that snaps for zach snaps for that i'm not snapping for that i love you but and so so i've like been um i've been listening to audiobook about like um whoa okay well that's not reading or you're listening to audio no i've been it's both it's it's reading for the ears i take my steps it's ear reading i'm rescinding my snaps and you know
Starting point is 00:47:39 what your credit just went down by one point minus one so like with that it's like uh been learning about like really cool like uh interesting like meditations and things like that of like different african cultures and um one of them is uh is uh is uh is uh sukan d's and uh i'm i'm really uh it's it's been really good's really, uh, you get really in touch with your inner self, uh, when you kind of, uh, you know, just find your inner peace. Um, and yeah, no, it's been really great. I'm excited to learn about other kinds of cultures, meditation ways. It's been very, uh, stressful summer. I've been traveling a lot. So, um, the Sukandis has really helped me, uh, help me, uh, help me center myself. So.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Yeah. And when you travel to, where was the, uh, origin of, uh, of that meditation? Oh, uh, like specifically in Africa or just as Africa good enough. No, I want specifically. Oh, maybe they have bank of Africa out there that you can use. exactly um yeah so uh sudan like sukundis in sudan i think it's primarily where it's practiced but it's a it's a plains it's like a it's like a safari savannah plains thing yeah keep going down this just keep listing words related to africa's landscape brother like grasslands uh lions uh fucking gullies you know yeah yeah so core are we gonna recap our draft now or do we redo at the end well i i have one more pick and i'd like to play the outro music as well and we just close it off because i think it really rounds my my draft over here uh and I think it's
Starting point is 00:49:25 appropriate for this week. I'm drafting Jimmy Buffett, Hawaiian man himself, wasting away in Margaritaville. You know? Yeah. I don't think we have to say much more about it. I mean, my draft was all Deez Nuts jokes. I don't know if you guys got that. It was C. Deez, Goblin, Bank
Starting point is 00:49:42 of America or BOFA, Sukandese and then... You're not supposed to say it, man. What the fuck? Leave that out. God damn it! We're staying away from the land of Margarita.
Starting point is 00:50:00 Margarita. See you, bitches! see you bitches Thank you. Bye.

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