It’s Wednesday My Dudes - Ep. 1: Matt James is Handsome Squidward
Episode Date: January 20, 2021***WARNING*** Ruxxs audio sucks in this episode and you hear him breathe alot, its fixed in ep 3 and on. ***WARNING*** The Dudes talk through how boring Matt James is, the drama with Sarah and Victori...a on Week 3 of the Bachelor, the four NFL divisional championship games, and Cody pitches Ruxx is new hat business which Cory is going to fund once he wins the lotto. Timestamps: 0:00:00 - 0:30:00 - Bachelor 0:30:00 - 1:06:00 - NFL 1:06:00 - Codys Hat Business Follow us on Twitter @IWMD_Pod
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It is Wednesday, my dudes. up for it we're talking bachelor talking football talking whatever any of us ends up bringing up
because who knows burns love life world's a crazy place oh brooks do you know the latest on my love
life i do not oh i don't want to have that podcast hey hey well we'll talk we'll talk about it later
we'll talk about it and then next week next week we'll bring it back out and then we'll we'll let
the fans hear yeah a little teaser a little teaser for next week, we'll bring it back out, and then we'll let the fans hear.
Yeah, a little teaser for next week. I'm going to come back.
First off, Matt James looks like handsome Squidward.
Thank you.
If you don't agree with me, you're the worst.
I'm glad you brought this up as a point.
It's the strong cheeks, the ears a little bit big to medium size
forehead and long face you tell me i'm wrong face i don't think you're wrong but i do i think also
think matt james is one of the most like boring people that's ever been on this show but does
that make him the most qualified bachelor from like a normal person because honestly i think
if the more boring it is the more actually like he's just like doing it the way a normal person
should do it but it's not i don't think the show is actually about his life love life it's about
all the girls drama there's nothing to do with his actual love life well and that's that's what
this so this season i'm a bachelor vet you know i've
been in the game for a while i've i've paid my dues i've been here um a lot of typically there's
like two ways the season goes either the main person is an idiot and they can't make decisions
and that's like the drama is like they keep all these people around and they can't make the right
call left and right yeah shout out dale and claire they lasted a long time um r.i.p but or it goes the main person is like normal and then
they're like oh that's not good enough tv so we're gonna focus on all these crazy people that
we brought together to live in a house for a month or two so yeah that's what this season is yes
but even just like pilot pete everyone hated but he at least had like personality
he had a weenie personality but pilot p at least there's one of the worst bachelors i've ever
watched on this show he told he's fine he just like was horny he was that's all he was super
horny the whole time but the biggest issue every conversation he had with a girl was just like
wow you're just like
so amazing the way you're handling this process it's just like it's like inspiring to me and i was
like peter relax like you can't say this teacher with like the stars that he's just being like you
know a gold star for you which is at the end of the day like it's just disingenuous like no he's
not trying to get to know them at all he's just like i'm gonna keep feeding them what they want
to hear but that i think it also reflects like real world.
This dude's a pilot, good looking dude.
I don't think when he talks to girls, he says anything like of value.
I think he probably just says, I'm a pilot.
What are you doing?
I mean, taking a girl up on a plane as a date is like the biggest power move.
Like that's the thing.
It's game over.
Like an easiest thorn. Yeah. You don't need game but i digress but no he's boring as hell and
he's just he's like screen he doesn't get screen time the girls have way more screen time than he
does and he's like well and i know it's early on it'll change as it goes. But so do you like Dale then, I guess is my question.
Would you say?
Yeah, Dale.
Mr. Worldwide.
Not once.
See, I don't know.
Because my thing when I watch the show is like with, with, like, Pilot Pete. Like, he was a dingus.
Like, he just did not do it well at all, in my opinion, where it's, like, you get the same shit that you get every year with The Bachelor or Bachelorette.
It's going to be, like, people stealing time, people getting mad at stealing time.
And then the guy is either going to sit there and be an idiot and be like, oh, I don't believe what this girl is saying.
I don't believe what this girl's saying i don't believe what that girl's saying and you're feeding in to all the nonsense whereas like you just feel like
logical to go through and like ask all the other girls their opinion on one girl and like actually
like get down to the problem rather than be like yeah like you have a good point to every single
person that they're talking to yeah oh it's kind of not handle well i don't know they just like they seem so blindsided when
there's drama and they should expect it and it should be expected they've watched the show they
know just go talk to them and figure it out it takes two seconds but yeah well there's a there's
a lot of things being talked about that like i, I think if we go into the episode, these are really good things to, like, reflect about, like, what happened in the episode.
There's a lot happened this week, man. A lot. A lot of things happened.
And a lot of things happened that happened every single year, like Corey said. But there's just a lot to dive into.
Not every year does someone, like, almost fully pass out though yeah oh my god like eat a sandwich
though claire called that though we were watching me and cory watching with claire and she's like
this girl looks like she can pass out and then like she starts like hyperventilating and like
runs away she's like yep got it caught it that i like in like like some of the girls started
hating on her for that i didn't even hate sarah at that point at that point i was like yeah get this girl some food like she has a lot going on yada yada like
she needs those uncrustables yeah exactly get this girl some freaking lunchables get her some
like kids charcuterie and let's get this thing moving but like she'll sarah man she just she
just took a turn for the worse this week but but I will say, and I think Rooks made a point earlier, when she left, or maybe it was Brian, when she left, I think it validated at least the BS that we had to go through this week.
Because if you're going to say all that shit and then stay there, then that's a problem with yourself.
I have a massive issue with how she left
this week but i feel like she definitely redeemed herself when she left because like everybody was
going after her like i am gonna say absolutely not so yes okay and i agree with burnt when burn brought this up in the group chat i agree
all the other girls like ganged up on her yes 100 and the thing that sucked about it was it was the
girls that like were like oh i haven't gotten time yet if you haven't gotten time at this point
it's your fault it's not sarah's fault it's your fault is this three or four weeks this is the
third episode three if you haven't if you haven't talked to him yet, that's your fault. Like, her
crying and getting five minutes isn't
going to, like, determine whether or not you're getting a rose.
All those girls aren't getting roses.
she talks to Katie,
she keeps laying home the point, like,
oh, like, family, family, family,
yes, my family, yes, yes,
my family, I need to go home.
Which, if it is as dire as she said she probably
shouldn't have came on the show in the first place it's a lot to take in it's a lot to handle
you probably shouldn't have came on the show in the first place but the caveat to that i feel like
we don't know the process like like if they went through it and said like last minute like hey do
you want to be on it she might just randomly say say, she said to Katie, she said, it could be days.
It could be weeks.
If that's the case,
you do not go on the show.
I don't care if they call you last minute
and say, we're going to give you money.
If it stays your weeks,
you do not go on the show.
Going back to your FaceTime point though,
all these girls don't get FaceTime,
but the girls who do,
AKA Victoria,
she's only there for production.
There's no way that there production there's no way oh that
there's no way that he is keeping her around we will dive we will dive in here i i want to i want
to talk about sarah i want to talk about sarah first and then we can move into victoria i think
this week they're a little tied together but i think i think the only thing i asked is victoria
we're gonna get in the dress from last week god God, she needs new clothes. I don't know.
It's like an American girl doll.
She needs a shopping spree.
There's a lot. There's the Napoleon Dynamite
puffy. She's dressed like Little Bo Peep,
dude. Too much.
She's a queen.
Little Bo Peep's cute.
I know it's a cartoon, but at least
it looks half-baked.
Yeah, we are. I get it. Some people out there are going to looks half-made. Yeah, we're all in the little boat. Yeah, we are. I get it.
Some people out there are going to think Victoria is cute.
Anyway, besides the point.
But as I was saying about Sarah leaving,
Sarah kept talking the whole time to Katie,
and it's like, oh, it's my family.
I got to go.
This is a lot for me.
I'm not made for this, blah, blah, blah.
And then, and I called this.
I called this halfway through the episode.
You can ask everybody I watched with.
I was like, Sarah's going to go, and she's going to tell Matt that all the girls are forcing her out, no matter what happened.
Sarah goes to Matt after saying, oh, it's my family, it's my family, it's my family.
She goes to Matt and literally opens with, all the girls are pushing me out.
Like, I've been getting attacked.
It's been malicious.
Like, terrible.
You're not a good person.
I don't care.
You're not a good person. I don't care. You're not a good person.
Yeah, I mean, the family thing was, like, the first point.
You just have to lead with that.
But the girls getting up on him made it so much more of a big deal than it needed to be.
Like, she could have just been, like, crying in a room.
And, like, if you just ignore her, she just leaves.
And it's not a plot point at all.
And you all don't look like this.
But you all teamed up on her and started yelling at her for the amount of like it's just every and this happens every year too especially
in in bachelor when there's like the female contestants is it's always the ones that don't
have time are just like ready to jump on anybody like if they didn't like if there's an enemy
they're all just like you're the worst get out yeah it's it's brutal i feel like that's just
their 15 seconds trying to shine through though it's like they make it through week one so they're
like how am i still here he's attracted to her or she's attracted to him and then they aren't in and
they know they're not in the show at all so they're just like yeah i'm gonna start some shit
and then it just like oh yeah for sure and going to start some shit. And then it just blows off. Oh, yeah, for sure. And they're like, wow, I'm a main character now.
I don't know.
I feel like the main two who were piling on
when Sarah finally did come down from her bedroom
have gotten a lot of FaceTime with Matt, though.
Because I think it was Victoria and Kit.
And I feel like they both had plenty of FaceTime.
Oh, Kit's the worst.
Yeah, Kit's...
21-year-old, born and raised in New York.
She rolled up in a Bentley on the first day.
Zoo York.
She has a YouTube channel where she's like,
I'm going to take you around New York and show you what I eat in a day.
It's like...
Hey, people need that, man.
People need it.
You've done some research.
Yeah, she has a YouTube channel where she does like,
a day in the life in New York. And it's like god you're like a 21 year old child you grew up in like manhattan like it's not
interesting to anybody i digress yeah not good but sarah left we're good we're over it but victoria
still wait i have one more i have one more point about Sarah.
I'll take a poll.
We all agree she's coming back, right?
That's what everyone I was watching with thinks that's going to be the case.
A hundred percent. Is that a rumor?
A hundred percent she's coming back.
I am praying to God that she does not.
I am praying.
Whether you want it or you don't want it.
I'm going to die and come back and
be like oh he's dead now so i can be here like you said it was days and weeks so either it's over
and you're back and you're a terrible person or it's still going on and you were lying beforehand
i don't know i don't know like they just randomly brought hannah b back like two seasons ago for
like shits and giggles two episodes in i, I think, just for the drama, because it is The Bachelor.
They're going to bring her back with, like, even just to be like, hey, like, remember?
She was a person when he finally has her, like, last two.
And he's like, oh, shit.
Like, yeah, your name's, like, Chloe.
And she's like, no, it's Sarah.
And she's like, yeah, yeah.
Like, it's going to happen.
Well, when they showed the promo when they
showed the promo for next week which we can talk about the promo later but when they showed the
girl getting out of the car i was like she's back already it's been like a day also also also that
would be so dumb she got in the car the van drove around the block and then she showed my last
reason why i don't like sarah is there are pictures of her
last march walking around with g easy walking around with just hanging out like g easy right
next to her like arm with or whatever but it seems like someone keeps floating around the
spotlight you know trying to be where the cameras are that's all i'm gonna say yeah
that's all they are gonna say. Yeah.
That's all they are, though. But I did see that there's rumors that she had, like, a boyfriend or something, but, like...
Good riddance.
She had had, at one point, a boyfriend.
Now it's time.
It's time for the Jost now. It's time
for the queen.
Queen V, baby.
Dude, you're the worst.
Cringiest. She was, like kind of bearable this week because she
was kind of funny yeah but she was still a dick to sarah like did she did she handle everything
the correct way no kate yeah absolutely nothing yes sarah said that like she's gonna she's like
going through a lot like family wise and and she's going to go home.
And then Victoria just going, like, yes.
Definitely not a good way to handle.
Definitely not being a good person, not being a good friend.
When she fainted, too, all the girls were checking to see if she's okay.
Except for Victoria.
They panned to her, and she's smirking in the corner.
Yeah, she don't care.
And, like, but
Victoria this week
was, like, and this is how
all the girls in the house were, too.
The enemy of my enemy
is a friend.
We, everyone hated Sarah.
I hated Sarah. Victoria
was getting after it
and getting into Sarah. I enjoyed it. I was a after it and getting into Sarah.
I enjoyed it.
I was a fan of it.
And she was looking out for the girls.
Who had the one-on-ones?
Serena P had the one-on-one.
She was going, like, that was right after Matt went and checked on Sarah.
And Victoria is like, no, it's serena's time like like she's on the one-on-one she's looking out for the girls
but like that's so dumb though because it was like 30 seconds of and she has the rest of the
day like the 30 seconds is gonna matter she it's a good point but in context i just it really wasn't
i think killed the vibe.
Also, Victoria's always weird about the vibes, which I appreciate.
But her character arc right now is very enticing to me.
Well, yeah, that's why everybody's watching, because you get the train wrecks on the show.
Who's like, yeah, this guy's looking for love quote unquote but uh i'm here for this nonsense and i can't turn away because she is a lot and i'll bring
it up again her dress last week that was that was a ploy that's what that was for there's no way you
look at me and you tell me that she was like, yes, this is it.
She just needs someone to just change her clothes for her.
Have someone get her sweatshirt and sweatpants for every date.
Let's cover up the goods, man.
Dude, she already looks run down.
She has bags under her eyes.
I don't know if you noticed this, but she had a sty under one of her eyes.
I was like, oh, that couldn't be more unfortunate.
You're on national television.
That's pain.
It just bothers me that they save her for the last rose.
You notice they're keeping her because she's around for the drama.
But there's other girls who could actually actually come between like a relationship decision.
It's definitely never a relationship decision.
Dildo girl is my favorite.
But –
Which also can we – like I don't understand – like great story for her to show up night one dildo in hand.
And she is not even top three on my list of people that I have above and below about right now.
She's the best.
She is the best person in the house.
And it's not even close.
I don't know her name.
I don't want to know her name.
I know it as Dildo Girl, and that's her name.
I think it is Katie, too.
No, no.
Talk about Katie, though.
Me and Corey agree.
She looks just like the one chick from SNL.
If you guys don't know,
it's hard to see her right now.
I think it depends on the angle.
It's the teeth.
It's the teeth.
Profile on facing from
You're not far off.
It depends on the angle, but it reminds her
of us so much, and it freaked us
out. We're like, Who does she look like?
That one girl in SNL.
Are you going to tell the listeners her name?
Yeah, true.
The SNL girl.
Vanessa Byer.
I didn't remember her name, so I had to look it up too.
Vanessa Byer. i will because i didn't remember her name so i had to like look it up too so i wasn't sorry vanessa byron um but yeah no redemption arc for being just weird to being actual likable i mean
at the end of the day and i hated rooks's opinion off of week one to be honest with
being front runner but if at the end of the like if in two more weeks from now she is and it seems like she's making
that path to being like completely normal like haha i'm funny sense of humor i'm cool like she's
probably gonna be my favorite too in a couple weeks when it gets to that point so like i get
it but at the first like at the jump when're saying, how'd you meet your mom?
Do you leave that story in or out?
Oh, you fucking tell your kid that. A hundred percent.
So when you're a five-year-old kid.
You censor it a little.
You say, like, oh, like, I met your mom through our special friend who now hangs out.
We hang out with all the time.
Yeah, I felt really gross saying that but yeah chris harrison the special friend
she's she's the best it takes it takes a certain type of person to show up night one on national
television with a vibrator but like she's like it shows that she's just like goofy and like
just as like i think that's who she actually is like i don't think she's like playing this shit up i think she's just like a goofy like chill person yeah as only seeing that though it
was odd but yeah as she like rose it's like okay it gets a little bit more normal and not just kind
of she's my she's 110 my favorite i don't think i don't think she's going to win. It's very rare that the, like, bro, like, cool, like, chick wins.
Yeah, they never do.
That's my favorite.
So, let's say, who's everyone's favorite so far?
I have the list of everyone pulled up, and they have crossed out everyone who's left, which is, like, half of them already.
Give, like, your favorite, and then who you think is going to win.
Half of these other ones.
Well, I need the list in front of me again brian can you scroll down i'll do mine i know my
favorite but i don't have that many uh solid reasons abigail yeah i like abigail she's good
abigail is great i said i said rachel i like she seemed I go for normal She did have a little spell of being like
She hasn't gotten that much screen time to know she's the worst
She did have a little scene
Where she was like
Trying to gain a little attention
Matt is Kawhi Leonard
There's no personality
Anytime a girl tells a joke he's like
It's this really boring laugh
Matt gave the most
boring intro speech to bachelor and then did a prayer and rachel walks away and is crying her
eyes out like you're the worst well there are other girls no no no because they would have
highlighted that she is the only one that they interviewed was like i was just really touched by it they would have filmed every single girl that was crying during that second there is and like granted these always could be
these always could be a little iffy someone on tiktok posted their first her first conversation
with matt she talks about like race and like oh i acknowledge it blah blah blah but like love is love supposedly rachel back in
high school you so bullied people well okay all right all right you can't bring in the suspicions
right now you're bringing all the rumors that you've been this is not this no you can't do that
no you told me this earlier though i forgot who it was and it sucks that's her because yes i
seem like he likes her i agree because i didn't realize that that was who he was talking about from well can you explain
yeah rooks please explain your theory this episode from this episode alone and like her
first conversation with matt i don't like her for two reasons first conversation she had with matt
and like these these people are the worst on the show because they don't know what they
signed up for she goes oh yeah i take like a long time to like open up to somebody you're on the
bachelor you're gonna be annoying it's just it's just a guarantee you're gonna be annoying you're
gonna complain later on the show blah blah second this week and i agree with bern this week showed
that matt likes her because they sat down and talked about nothing.
They talked.
They literally they sat down her like first off her like sex story that they were all doing.
Hers was awful.
She was like giggling during it.
It was terrible.
Literally, my dick flipped inside out.
It was awful.
And she they sit down after that.
They don't talk about anything. Matt kisses her then she gets like the the rose for the date he obviously likes her but i think there's i think there's
nothing there with her like i think she's just like she hasn't talked about anything like bro
first date brie told matt everything like and like granted yes you could be like oh that
took a while and like that's not real
this fucking show ain't real that's
not what the show is you have to let
these people know who the fuck you are like
off rip Abigail told them all
about like her being deaf
and stuff like that like it's like these people
are like the people that I think are front runners are having
conversations and Rachel every
time they sit down doesn't talk about anything.
But Matt's just like, damn, she's kind of bad, though.
To be fair, it's hard to avoid the gap point.
But also, I will back up your point with there were dildos brought on stage.
I get it.
If you're going to be yourself, be yourself day one.
I get it.
I agree.
I'm upset at myself for the Rachelachel comments but i'm gonna be honest
a lot of people like her she's my front runner right now because i have i agree with your points
but i feel like she's still one of the more normal ones granted i'm measuring with Victoria as my ruler,
which is not helpful.
I'm scrolling through right now.
Who's your frontrunner?
It's very...
I have mine.
Go, Cody.
I think my frontrunner right now is Kayla.
Going back to the first episode.
They had... She picked them up in their truck
and they did like the tailgate picnic okay leave it for a truck for cody to be hooked
okay that's no i'm just they're they're both they're they're both from north carolina they
have like very similar interests i feel like she's one of the ones that came at sarah for not having
enough time which makes me think and a lot of people do this.
You see the same thing every year.
These people who are like,
we're in the same city.
I think I'm just going to ride that.
And then they don't talk to them.
And they're like,
but like we live in the same city.
And they're like,
I don't know anything about you.
Kayla was complaining on this whole episode of our not having time with
Like she said,
she didn't talk to him at all on their group date.
I want to believe it, but I just don't think it's going to happen.
I get Cody's point, though.
She had a really hot start, and I think it was a really, really good first impression.
But she got to continue it.
I feel like if you have a hot start like the guy i mean it might be
to her detriment but i feel like he's gonna go like not seek it out as soon as possible because
that's kind of what claire did with dale and just the season ended in like a week so a bit like you
don't want that to happen so he's gonna like go around with bachelors especially bachelor a lot
of times first impression rose ends up being like either the winner or like runner up
so like yeah like it's like really like it's bit it's very abigail i think has a really i think
right now i'd probably say abigail's my i don't she's cool yeah she's good no yeah
but i stopped this last episode i liked her i like her a lot
i have a a weird hot take freaking the date he went on with serena p was so boring and so dry
and they were talking about charcuterie boards and she's like you've never had a charcuterie board oh it's meat and cheese
and I usually put this on it so boring
hey hey hey
somebody introduced me to charcuterie boards
I didn't know what it was I'm just saying
no charcuterie boards are so boring
it is perfect for it though
he was just taking
cheese and just randomly placing
it around it's like bro you might as well just
held 10 in your hand and just drop them down on the like fucking plate like what are you doing man
this reminds me though and brian you need to say it because it's what you noticed
his weird thing that he does oh oh dude oh yeah he he called himself out on Twitter last night too, which I hated.
I know.
That's annoying.
Don't call yourself out.
It's terrifying.
Just stop doing it.
It's weird.
Why do you want to stare at their nose and one closed eye?
It's very serial killer-esque.
What else do you get from that? Maybe that's what he's into.
What are you saying, Cody?
Maybe that's what he's into.
He likes the closed eyes. he likes the open he likes
to close eyes he likes the ears i don't know just wants to stare at your pores big ears guy
big he's checking for hygiene that's a handsome squidward oh another person that i like to go
like late in the show who's i think is gonna be a dark horse is lauren every time him and lauren
have a conversation it seems like it seems like there's something there and i think i think like
she's one of the ones that like we're not gonna like there's something there and i think i think like she's one
of the ones that like we're not gonna like see as much screen time with but i think she's gonna go
deep yeah she's too smart for him i agree with that but i don't think i don't think she knows
that true that mj's in a lot of the previews too though yeah like it's strange because I feel like she hasn't gotten
FaceTime with him but she's another one where I think she's just
like she has something to say about everything but I don't think
she talks to Matt
she has something to weigh in
every time it's the big ones
that said it this episode it was
it was Anna her and
Kit but like Kit was yelling oh and Serena C It was Anna, her, and Kit.
But like.
Kit was yelling.
Oh, and Serena C.
Serena C had like 15 like quotes this episode.
And I have not seen her talk to Matt yet.
Like not once.
Driving me bonkers.
Well, they all suck.
Any thoughts that the new girls might actually make it far i feel like going
in late like is a horrible start and you're gonna get kicked out that next week on the rose ceremony
anyways but yeah i think it's it's it's like so on tasha season when they brought in the new dudes
it really just like shook things up a little and i think they're just trying to like get us it's at the detriment to the other contestants not at the advantage of the new exactly it's it's
they it's they're mainly just to piss off and rile up the people that are already there
um and then like yeah like like you said they're at a disadvantage like it's i don't know i think it's it's just to bother people they're already three
weeks behind it's yeah it's strange do we know how many people come in i think i think this is
it was four so i'm assuming yeah that's probably like right around there but
there's only like 15 to 20 left anyway so that's a decent amount of what didn't they have a bigger
cut than normal the first week i don't i actually i have no clue i thought i remember them saying
something about them getting rid of a lot of people up front i might be wrong though
the first episode the first episode is always like kind of a blur to me because it's just so
many people and it's just like i don't know who any of you are.
It felt like a lot, but that doesn't mean a lot.
It felt like a lot, but that goes nowhere.
Yeah, it always seems like a lot, because it just takes like 30 minutes for everyone to get out of a limo and do their little intro and everything like that.
General thoughts of this past weekend's games boys general thoughts
let me uh i'll kick us off for the uh football talk yeah yeah game by game
this was a boring i thought they're boring as hell for sure just get that out of the way
playoffs have been just like garbage but bucks saints is the first one i've written down probably
the best game out of the four of them honestly it would i mean it was pegged to be though like
actually having two good offenses go against each other actually put up points having a legend and
brady and breeze going against each other like it was slated to be really good. I don't think it was an insane back-and-forth battle.
It wasn't super high-scoring,
and there wasn't that many crazy plays or anything,
but compared to the garbage games that happened before it,
this was definitely the most eventful.
Breeze is done, man.
The Saints' offense is so dull right now.
Besides the reverse pass to James
Winston, where he threw the touchdown.
The Saints offense is so boring.
Drew Breeze only threw it to 134.
His picks
were bad.
All three of them were bad
So you think he's retiring then and you think i think he should retire what's the i don't know if he will drew breeze is the type like going out on a game like that just doesn't seem like
drew breeze but i mean i don't know like Jameis got LASIK.
Maybe that's the game changer, and you leave him in there,
but I don't know what to do with that team.
Because Sean Payton loves Taysom Hill, too,
so I don't think Taysom Hill is going anywhere,
which just makes it all weird.
He's definitely retiring.
They showed a clip of him running out the tunnel to leave the game,
and he stops for half a second and turns around and walks back and then like continues to run
again it's like that's your moment that's the moment where you look back one last time and
then retire and then after the game he like sat down with brady on the field and like i know and
brady disrespected him man he threw a touchdown to his kid that's the last touchdown he's gonna
see at that field it was brady wasn't even him brady's gonna still be playing his kid's gonna be a receiver he's gonna actually
in his face oh i yeah i i thought it was i thought it was a good game but i thought it
really showed how like kind of kind of done breezes man oh like the picks were bad his
he just he has a noodle arm now man he he cannot throw the ball
like effectively downfield that ball yeah it's just he's i think it's time for him to hang up
the cleats once you get i don't know if that's his style so fast so so who's i mean who's going
to be the backup is james stainis staying? Are they picking somebody else?
Taysom Hill?
I mean, Taysom's not going to be a starting quarterback.
I think they go next year,
try to figure out with who they have between the two of them,
and it's going to go poorly, but they're going to try.
And then they're going to probably, okay, what?
Either have a high draft pick,
or maybe there's more options at quarterback from there on?
I think Jameis is as good as you're going to get.
I don't know who from other teams you could get that would –
Maybe – I mean, Mariota looked really good on the Raiders that one game he played.
I don't know.
I mean, I'm not saying Jamie's... He's not...
He could be. I say you give him the year next
year and then you have Hill as the backup
if it goes freaking sideways
as hell.
Yeah, I feel like they get the whole offseason
to just have a little quarterback battle and
maybe Jameis is just still really stupid,
and Peyton doesn't like him as a quarterback.
But he can throw, but he can sling it.
That was before he got LASIK, you know?
Now he got LASIK.
He stepped in, and he threw one touchdown.
I don't know, man.
I don't know. I was But. I don't know.
I was about to say maybe with Michael Thomas it'll change,
and then I forgot he was on the Bucs where he had Evans and Godwin.
Hey, don't forget about Scottie Mara now, though.
He had a nice catch at the end of that game.
Sorry, Scottie.
Stop it.
He has Camara, though, and I don't think he ever had a good running back on the Bucs.
They had random guys who could catch passes, but not a reliable check down you could throw to every single time.
The Bucs' defense has evolved into something awesome.
When he was there, they had people coming in their own.
Shaq Barrett had his good year.
Levante David had been there forever.
David Devin White started coming to him his own,
but like,
I think this year really like push that defense,
like to being like really good.
But I like them being like,
Decent is never going to work with like a 30 INT quarterback.
And then,
but yeah,
so I would be curious.
Yeah. I'd be curious to see how he is with the Saints. You're going to have a bad time.
A little bit. He has good weapons.
He has a good defense.
I'd just be curious to see it.
Yeah, it would be fun to watch.
I mean, he just slings the ball, so he's just always
entertaining. And he has some good facial
expressions, so there's always going to be a couple good memes.
That's what we're here for. That's what we're here for absolutely i just want to see
him run down the field squinting after he throws an interception even though he still has lacing
but shout out to hickey he called it in like the first quarter after like the first
um interception breeze through he was like you need to put breeze on the bench or they're not
gonna win this game and then he threw two more picks and i was like i don't think you can bench there's
no way from that game you can bench him just because he's like it's his team but it probably
would be the right call to bench him like god he just looked so bad i don't know i'm like i'm
yeah and that's the thing i agree like saints saints legend i don't think you can like put him on the bench and possibly his last game like i agree yeah you can't yeah like as that coach
and like could the pain the coach payton's been with him like his entire career like he probably
knew it's his last game too like there's no way when you said that I thought you were saying
it was Peyton's last year
a little bit late
they're gonna be
I don't know
Ryan Hickey show
New York radio
I don't know where the hell it is
worldwide sports radio network
there we go that's the boy right there there you go there it is Worldwide Sports Radio Network.
There we go.
That's the boy right there.
There you go.
There it is.
All right.
For better hot takes.
All right, let's move on to the most exciting game this weekend by far. The Bills and the Ravens, baby.
It's bad.
What a boring, boring football game that was.
Three to three at halftime.
Going into this game, I thought it was going to be a shootout.
I was talking to somebody and they were like, oh, it was cold outside.
I was like, the Bills play in the cold half the year.
The Ravens play in the cold all the time.
These two offenses are insanely explosive and you're
gonna talk about how it's cold outside that's why there's a scoring like just to end with
an injury too is just like annoying as somebody who bet the over i think it's 50 and a half yeah
i was pretty upset about it well yeah and then yeah lamar goes down it's just like that's wait so all right i have a i have a
question do you think like regular season that his his career is going to be comparable to vick
because vick wasn't the most successful in playoffs but he was clearly talented do you
think he's going to get to that point where it's literally like going to be the same thing it's like you know i like i mean i think he's like incredibly good i'm not saying
that he's not good i'm not saying vick's not good but i'm just saying like if it keeps happening
you know when you people start saying there's a pattern when you can make this comparison too
just because like i mean vick doesn't have a super bowl like they didn't have like deep
playoff runs and stuff like that so yeah you can he played for
the birds too it's shocking he didn't get a super bowl i mean those comparisons have already started
not even just with the playoff run stuff just because he's a black quarterback that can run
like that's immediately what everyone just has to go to so i would but i would take it further
like generational quarterback with the same exact like style of play in the manner that
they're doing it where it's just like transcendent like it's ridiculous what they're doing yeah but
i think i mean go ahead burn i was gonna say he he he passed the like the hurdle that rg3 had
initially of like when you come in as like a weird unique quarterback that can actually run or has a new scheme you do really well for one year next year everyone has tape they
figure out you suck yeah and they started out rough this year but they figured it out by the
end they made playoffs they won a playoff game so i this year gave me confidence that he's actually
gonna be okay moving forward i don't know if he's gonna light it up like you're saying like
if we're gonna compare him to vick and not do well in the playoffs but i think he's past the rg3
hurdle and he's going to be there for a little longer than him yeah there's different tiers that
you have to get past and i think in order to be a running quarterback you need to go more the russell
wilson route like not a pure runner anymore but he to be. And then he kind of turned his game into a more pass first look for sure.
But I,
cause running quarterbacks,
they just,
they always get figured out over time.
And I think the reason he has been successful is because he has been passing
I mean a little bit,
I mean,
I'm passing good though.
I know a lot of these games.
It looks like he,
it looks like he, he goes to pass first
rather than run immediately like he always did in the past.
It's like, they just need to get him a receiver that can actually go.
I was going to say, I think...
Make 10 seconds of time in the pocket.
I think what can transcend Lamar's career
and make this Ravens offense solid,
if they got any receiver receipt like Marquis I like
Marquis Brown I think he's good he cannot he cannot be your number one receiver like he cannot
be your number one receiver I think like they need they need someone that can consistently
catch the ball and they don't have that and so that's when I think it makes that's when I think
it makes the um lamar like option
run scheme type stuff like that easier to stop is because you can kind of sell out on that and
if you cut hollywood brown off deep and maybe just like mark someone on andrews
he has no one else to throw to like he has literally nowhere else to go with
and i think andrews is really andrews is great um i just think they they need
somebody else that like can consistently catch because lamar looks like two ways and then like
he'll have like he had what two touchdowns at des bryant he had like willie sneed who would drop
every other like throw or i don't know i don't think willie sneed's that bad but like he can't
willie sneed if willie sneed your number two, you're having some problems.
I mean, they did throw a shot in the dark at Dez Bryant.
They tried.
They tried something, at least.
But, like, Dez Bryant compared to, like, a top...
Like, when's the last time Dez Bryant had a good season?
I want to say, like, 2016, 2017, something like that.
It's been a long time.
But I think, yeah, I think Lamar can – I think Lamar has more like talent than Vic.
I think Lamar has a better mindset too with it,
and I think he can – he makes better decisions.
Because like Vic, you have to look at it better.
Like Vic was the first person to come on the scene and be like,
this quarterback can literally outrun every one of your players i was gonna say he does have the advantage of seeing people do it before
yeah to know what he should or should not do whether or not he chooses to make the correct
decisions there especially especially the time vick was playing like the athleticism of everybody
else on the field like was so much less like and that's not that's not
to say vick wasn't like an athletic freak or that he wasn't like awesome or anything because like
he was unbelievable but like i think lamar has a way better skill set as a quarterback
yeah fair yeah yeah and i mean the reason vick had so many seasons like cut short or
like messed up or anything like that.
Yeah, he had injuries too.
He had a broken rib every single season.
So Lamar has seen that happen so many times.
He gets out of bounds.
Yeah, he doesn't get out of bounds.
Young quarterbacks have actually been doing really well,
do a really good job of actually just avoiding hits.
Except for Josh Allen.
Josh Allen and Justin Herbert too. Justin Herbert lowered his shoulder like multiple times this year. actually just avoiding hits which like except for josh allen josh josh allen and justin herbert too
justin herbert lowered his shoulder like multiple times this year i was like you six foot five
motherfucker like slide to the ground dude yo herbie's a rookie he gets one year that he gets
to figure it out josh allen's just thick so like he's got herbiebie's fully loaded. Oh, my God. I hate you. I hate you.
I had to do it.
Somebody had to say it.
Nobody was saying it.
All right, let's move on.
Also, wait.
Also, last point, though.
Lamar should be worried, because Trace is right behind him.
That's true.
Throw it on a dime.
People call him the white Lamar Jackson.
I don't think anybody has ever called him the white Lamar Jackson. I don't think anybody has ever called him
the white Lamar Jackson.
Lamar Jackson does.
That is a perfect time
to transition. We are going
to the
Packers and the Rams.
Dude, to be honest, I didn't watch this game.
I did not watch this game i didn't watch it either
i just kind of was gonna start at one point it's like to be to be completely honest um
i was golfing so i didn't watch this game either all right we're keeping this short we'll keep
this one short Rodgers is like
God Rodgers has like
I think he has like 3 or 4 years left
Where he can like
Ball out
Keep on double checking with that discount
Did you guys see who his top receiver was
I'm looking now
Alan Lazard
Devontae Adams still had nine catches.
Devontae Adams had nine catches on Ramsey Shadow,
which shows how freaking good that man is.
Devontae Adams was the best receiver for fantasy football
for points per game ever.
He's unbelievable.
Of any recorded history.
He was just brilliant. And wasn't he out for the first four weeks? He missed four or five unbelievable. And he recorded history.
He missed like four or five weeks.
Really hurt my fantasy team. So there's points per game, not like total points.
But, no. Packers are sick.
Who do they play next week, then?
Do they play Buffalo?
No, they have Tampa.
The Bucs.
They play the Bucs.
If there's ever going to be a game that goes to the over,
I hope it's that one.
It's going to be a shootout.
I don't know.
I better believe I'm not going to bet on it.
Is it in Green Bay?
I think it is, right?
It's in Green Bay.
I think it's going to be a pretty easy win for the Packers, honestly.
I don't know, man.
I think the Bucs are kind of scrappy, man.
I don't know.
The weather, though. I think I diducs are kind of scrappy, man. I don't know. The weather, though.
I think I did see something on Twitter.
I think the weather is definitely going to...
Brady's been in the cold.
Dude, Brady's old, though.
His bones are aching.
He's got arthritis.
Brady's been in the cold with the rest of his team.
Most of them have been in Tampa the whole time.
Their big players have been in Tampa the whole time they've been in the hey brady to godwin at least three times in the end zone this
weekend that's all i'm saying godwin nobody on it he's been around the cold he knows i'm pretty
sure brady said his blood's thinner now i like the cold affects him a little bit more i remember
that quote yeah he's superhuman when it's fine it doesn't matter also he's playing mental games
that's straight up he set that in motion knowing this was gonna happen it's fine he knows what he's
doing he's playing chess it's tom brady and the nfc championship game like you can't you can't
count him out we've never seen it before there's no there's no precedent we've never seen it before
yeah we've never seen it before there's nothing to compare it to a conference championship game a thousand times i just i'm just worried he doesn't have
enough experience that's good point fun fact i don't want brady to win though like i saw something
about it was like number of nfc conference championships for tom brady versus the number
of nfc championships for the dallas cow number of NFC Championships for the Dallas Cowboys
in like the last 20 years.
And it was one apiece.
One of my favorite stats.
That's bad.
But that would be a good game.
I realized now that he's on the Bucs,
I don't hate Brady.
I hate Belichick.
Belichick, he's just a douche.
He's just a dick.
He just seems like a horrible human.
At least Brady's just kind of a goober and kind of good.
Belichick's part of the Sith, dude.
He's got that hurry.
He is the Sith.
I just wish Brady would go in for a handshake after a loss at least once.
Hey, he's a competitor, man.
Do you think if he loses
that game this week,
he still walks out to the field with
Breeze, but then just beats his kid in the
head with a patch?
Oh, that would be perfect.
Back to the head.
See, it wouldn't even matter because it wouldn't have been
Breeze's last game. Brady would have been on the bus
halfway home.
And the last game of this past
week was the Chiefs
and the Browns.
I honestly thought this was going to be a close game.
It ended up being closer than
I thought because
I just got hurt.
Such a weird play too.
It was... I watched it like 50 times and
i was like i mean i guess his neck did get like tweaked a little but it's just like
didn't they say wasn't it something else besides a concussion or in addition to
has to be like a was like a vertebrae thing or something it was like i don't know the tweet i
saw was he twisted his neck weird so it like pinched a nerve.
And that's what they're saying.
That's what they're saying gave him
the like concussion like symptoms.
But there's like rumors and like
speculation that people are just saying
they're saying that instead of calling it a concussion.
Even this man could literally have like a
brain hemorrhage.
There's no way the NFL doesn't
like force him to play like he is
going to play this week like it but like if you're gonna call it a nerve issue you don't put him in
the concussion protocol like you just try to avoid it but he's in the concussion no one's ever gotten
a pinched nerve and look like patrick mahomes looked like after he got hit. That man looked like he was in La La Land, dude.
Yeah, he was like, where the fuck am I?
But, yeah, that's scary to see.
I didn't see the replay of him standing up
until way later.
I had only saw the hit.
I didn't realize he really stumbled over himself.
Did he even stand up, though?
Did he even stand up? Barely. were so spaced. Did he even stand up?
What stand up?
Yeah, it was bad.
Yeah, I wanted...
The Steelers would have lost by 100.
The Steelers would have lost by 100.
You would have gotten wrecked too.
Hey, Mahomes' fiancee though,
already tweeting out anything is possible for this
weekend so wow the support amongst the team you'll have to see it wait his fiance tweeted
out like fiance or fiance i uh double check that cody it's fiance i apologize
um i saw him tweet that right after the game like in support of Henny
but I didn't realize it's happening now
if he doesn't play that's just so sad for the NFL though
like that's just such a
I'm telling you now
there is no way Patrick Mahomes
poster boy of the NFL right now
does not play this weekend
there's no shot
Goodell will literally
like there's no way
i don't know though do you risk that he gets a further injury and then he's like a freaking
vegetable and then you can't play him for the rest of the next five years the nfl is like
he's young they're hurt they're hurting so bad like money wise and stuff there's no way this guy
doesn't play yeah i don't know i feel like down to the wire though you're gonna get the teams that
watch your team plus a little extra i don't know like i wasn't watching necessarily the nfc or afc
championships unless my team or i had nothing else to do was in it like i don't know how many
extra viewers are they gonna get because patty mahomes is in or not if if versus maybe way
any plays zero people watch that game like if chad hen Henney plays, like, it's just Chiefs and...
It's just Chiefs and...
What if you like an underdog story?
Bro, no one cares about Chad Henney.
No one's ever cared about Chad Henney
when he got in the NFL.
Hey, he's a true Michigan man.
But if he does play,
if Patrick Mahomes does play,
that does create more buzz
and more people do want to watch it. That's just... just facts i will say i will say we're not going to find out if he's
playing they're not going to say anything before the game but but just think of the super bowl
brady if you think if you think henny plays that's a that's a michigan man super bowl right
there and they beat the bills you're outills, you're out of your mind.
I was going to say, so you don't think there's any chance the Chiefs can win against the Bills?
No, no shot.
Dude, the Ravens put up three points.
And the Bills only put up 13.
I think you'd get 14 points to Chad Henny.
All you've got to do is get Tyreek Hale the ball
and just give him space.
There's no way.
I think it'll be close if he plays.
Stat correction was 17 points.
Sorry, 17 points.
70 to 3, I'm sorry.
So you gotta get 18 points.
Alright, I said it was gonna be close.
I didn't say he was gonna win.
Wow, really?
Those four points really doubled you back?
No, I'm just – I reiterated.
I didn't say he was going to win.
Let's go round table.
Who is your –
Who do you think?
Who do you want?
Who do you think?
Hold on. I'm going Packers just the Packers?
they're not going to play against anybody?
I thought we were saying winners
I think yeah he's saying
give the matchup and give who you think is going to win
well it depends if Mahomes plays this weekend
it's going to be Packers Chiefs but
I've got the Packers
okay Corey plays this weekend it's going to be packers chiefs but i've got the packers okay cory
i'm gonna base it on zero stats because why would i uh and i will say i'm gonna say packers bills
and i don't know why but i just want the bills to win because i think the city of buffalo would be on fire and i think that's hilarious and
as previously mentioned i like underdog stories and i like people that don't continuously win
i'm sorry but i i think i'd rather have the bucks beat the packers and the bucks win the super bowl
than the packers win it because i've seen the packers I've seen the Chiefs God knows I haven't seen the
Bucs but I've seen Brady win it and I've seen uh uh Gronkowski win it I don't there's not no part
of me that really is rooting for them you don't want Godwin to get one I do want Godwin to get
one Donovan Smith some Penn Staters on the team but I like I'll root for Bucs over Packers and Bills over Chiefs, but I think it's going to be Packers, Bills,
and I'm going to go Bills.
I just want the Bills for no stats, but I just want the Bills.
Josh Allen said if he wins the Super Bowl,
he's going to jump through multiple Flamie points.
That would be a sight to see.
I agree.
It would be awesome.
I changed my pick to the Bills.
I'm rooting for the Bills, but I think the Chiefs win,
even if it's Chad Henney playing, I think, for some reason.
That's a weird take, but whatever.
I don't think it's bad.
I don't think it's bad.
I think Bucs-PAC's going to be really high scoring,
but like we said, with the weather, the PAC's going to win.
If it really does snow day of,
there's no way Pack doesn't
win by 20 on them.
Godwin, 200 yards.
Pack Chiefs in the
Super Bowl.
I think you've got to get Aaron Rodgers another one.
I don't know
if the Chiefs could pull it out.
So I'm saying Packers.
Corey, for your Penn State pride too
a Penn Stater is guaranteed to win the Super Bowl this year
I think every team has one
heck yeah baby
we are
we were
alright I'm gonna
yeah cause I think
the snow is a big deal in the bucks packers
game i think if it snows hard the packers like this is what this is what they live like this is
this is their environment you know exactly this is where we play football but um
i think i'm gonna go packers I think Rodgers looks unbelievable right now.
Packers D is coming around.
I think they just have too many weapons.
The thing is, I'm a huge, huge, huge believer in playoff experience.
No one on the Bucs besides Brady has deep playoff experience.
Him and Gronk.
No one else has deep playoff experience. No and Gronk no one else has deep playoff and
no one on that team has ever been this far so I but leadership under Brady it does like I'm sure
everyone in check you look at the Packers Packers have so many players that have been on this team
and been in the playoffs multiple times now i just i'm i don't
know it's it's one that's always one of my things like i think playoff experience and stuff like
that is a huge huge deal all right so what i'm hearing is everybody packers except for me
way to go boys i'm saying hey we're all rooting for the bills i'm going
i didn't say my afc. I'm going Packers-Bills. I didn't say my AFC game. I'm going Packers-Bills.
I like the Bills a lot.
They had a slow week last week, but I think they're going to come out this week
and just punch the Chiefs in the mouth.
Patrick Mahomes is going to come out in the field cross-eyed.
He's not going to know where he is.
He's going to just be juiced up out of his mind.
I think the Bills are going to do it.
You actually think they would beat mahomes i think i think i think about home i think
mahomes plays which i'm assuming he is i think like it's going to be very hard to beat but i
think after having a slow week last week i don't think there's any way that the bills get contained
like that again true yeah i don't think they have two bad weeks in a row.
They have to figure out something.
The team is way too good to do that.
And it might have just been game planning
weird for the Ravens and
the matchup was just unique that it actually
stumped them.
Alright Eagles fans.
Who's your head coach going to be?
You guys sound really excited.
Next week.
They had Josh McDaniels as the number one pick right now is what it seems like.
But the two other ones that I've heard the last two days,
Deuce Daly, who's your art partner right now,
which would be pretty cool inside hire the players
already like him there's a couple people like posting on instagram and stuff like showing
support for him already but then kellen moore the oc for the cowboys was interviewed today or
yesterday as well is that is that former tight end kellen moore quarterback i thought
he's a quarterback i thought what he was a qv for like the cowboys i thought he was former tight end Kellen Moore? He's a quarterback, I thought. He's a quarterback, I thought.
He was a QB for the Cowboys.
I thought he was a tight end.
Who am I thinking?
What team are you thinking?
So, Corey.
McDaniels, Kellen Moore, or Deuce Daly?
Sorry, I'm thinking of Kellen Winslow.
I'm wildly unqualified.
Everything's highly speculative.
We don't know anything i don't know anything about the running back coach all i know is the fact that
we've not had a very consistent running back over the last like five years
i sanders but they don't i mean maybe it's an offensive coordinator decision they're not playing him as much as they probably should have like the games that they win he has big games the
games that they lose and struggle in he's not getting used which I get it's play calling it's
like if you're struggling to run the ball why keep running the ball I get that but like I don't look
at the Eagles and I say man what a running back heavy team I don't ever at the Eagles and I say, man, what a running back heavy team. I don't ever think that ever.
So it's tough for that just because I don't know much about him
and that's all I know.
I don't know.
I just don't know.
I just would like to see more than 10 catches by receivers from the Eagles.
I just – that's all.
That's all I want.
We're going to have two head coaches in the next three
weeks mcdaniel's signs on right before mcdaniel's hitting the floor yep just like he did with the
cults gone immediately do you remember that kind of he was gonna be the colts head coach a few
years ago and then backed off like right before he was going to sign officially and went back to belichick why like yeah why would you turn down a head coach like so that's that's weird but the only
negatives i mean i would love i would love deuce daly just because you know i remember deuce daly
is a running back he's a i mean the players love him like you said i think he's been a good coach
for the running backs like we haven't had a steady guy, but everybody who's gone out there has had at least some production.
It's not like we're just throwing people out there, even if it's the backups of the backups.
You've had so many random running backs that they've all done well and then gone any other places and do nothing.
So you're doing something right, and having the running backs coach as your head coach would definitely put more emphasis on
actually using miles sanders as a feature it might take some of the pressure off of
the worry for me though is all of the head coaches have been strictly offensive guys
and schwartz already opted out for next year and i have no idea what's going to happen on
the defensive side of the ball whoever comes in is going to have to have a good defensive hire
because otherwise it's going to be a shot season again.
There was one defensive coordinator you guys were interviewing,
and I was trying to find him today to write his name down,
and I couldn't find him.
So apparently that didn't go anywhere because there would be a news article about it.
But, yeah, Corey was saying that too.
He was like, I want a defensive coordinator as our head coach
because that's where you guys kind of struggle
a lot like your offense is like weird but that's injuries and just like doesn't even need to be a
defensive head coach though it just needs like i don't know what former head coaches are available
but it might be a good thing just to like get a full coordination squad together for the defense. Like, I just don't know how it's going to work with you.
The Eagles have had so, like, it's, I feel bad because, like,
on the Eagles D, your front four the last couple years has been, like,
nasty with, like, Fletcher Cox and Brandon Graham and stuff.
Like, you've had some dirty people on that D line.
But then, like, I can't even, I can't name, besides, what is it, Maddox?
I can't name any of your other, like, DBs.
And this...
Well, that's good.
Well, you end up with, like, third-string DBs back there.
They moved Jalen Mills to safety after he was out for who knows how long.
You guys have 100 holes to fill.
Craven LeBlanc.
What a guy.
Not 100.
Honestly, the drafts are just getting better and better
because you can barely make a wrong choice
because they need to come almost everywhere.
But they'll still pick a defensive end
first round.
They're still going to pick a wide receiver
whose main highlights are punt returns
and shit like that.
If you don't pick...
Instead of being able to catch.
Instead of being able to receive the ball.
If you don't pick literally the Heisman
winner this year, if he's on the board,
everyone in your organization needs to be fired.
He's so good.
Vontae Smith is un-bullied.
Oh, I wish.
I wish.
I don't think he's going to fall.
What do the Eagles have, sixth?
They have sixth.
It's either, what is it?
Is it Lamar Chase or him?
And there's somebody drafting ahead of the Eagles.
I'm going to get it wrong.
I'm going to look it up before I get it wrong.
But there's one team.
I think it was like the Bengals are ahead.
They probably shouldn't, but they might.
They don't need it.
But with A.J. Green, it's like, you know,
he's getting older just to facilitate.
But, yeah, they can lock it in. The Bengals are not picking up on this alignment. know he's getting older just to facilitate but yeah they're going also yeah
joe burrow played this well getting hit 45 times a game they're out of their minds oh the dolphins
the dolphins so that's the one where i've seen people say but with that included and this is
you know early mock drafts i've seen analysts more having
chase going before smith which i'm not an analyst but i'm happy about that as an eagles fan if
that's the case and i don't know when they make those maybe that was like two months ago i also
kind of hate my draft i looked at a mock draft the other day they were like they had like three
first round draft pick trades i was like, you can just predict that, right?
You just know that these three teams are making trades.
Shut the fuck up.
Shut your mouth.
I don't know how they actually...
They roll a dice and pick one team to trade.
That insider info.
So dumb.
You don't have access to it.
They're never right.
But yeah, no.
You guys need to have a good draft,
and they can help a ton we need
oh lineman we need we need anything like honestly literally yeah don't even look at it don't even
look at it all right cody you need to fill rooks in on our uh retirement plan that we were talking about earlier today.
Alright, Rooks, you ready for this?
We got big moves. This is like half the day this morning.
Now we're into Cody's Corner with retirement planning.
Oh, I have another thing I want to talk about too, but that can be
the next episode. I don't care.
start setting aside some money
once we retire.
Wait, Cody, how much money exactly?
Please tell the listeners.
65 to 75 grand.
You have...
No, the breakdown, you biggest.
You have 40 years.
All right, $25 a paycheck.
That's all you need.
For the next 40 years.
Brian did the calculation.
I'll do, yeah.
For the next 40 years.
Did the calculation.
And what do you get with that money set aside?
First of all, just sign on the dotted line
without knowing, and we're good.
That's what I'm putting 65K aside for?
I can tell he's in.
Dude, it's so worth it.
I can tell he's in.
Come on.
It's only 120 days.
It's barely, like, it's not even half a year like this
but you can go to so many cities so many countries it hits every continent
where else are you gonna go in the rest whoa hold on hold on i got him i got him i got him
no drinks though no drink can't do it it's a cruise so yeah no drinks it goes like all the
way east coast of the of North America, down South America.
San Francisco to San Francisco.
You start in San Francisco.
You down the west coast, down all of South America, up halfway, over to Africa, up that coast, into Europe.
I don't know where it goes from there.
And then back?
No, no.
I think it went to Hawaii first, and then French Polynesia, and then you hit South America.
It doesn't matter the order. It's going everywhere. It's going everywhere. 120 days. It's going everywhere. That sounds like fucking hell. I think it went to Hawaii first and then like French Polynesia. And then you hit South America.
Doesn't matter the order.
It's going everywhere.
120 days.
It's going everywhere.
That sounds like fucking hell.
That sounds terrible.
All right.
Rooks, picture anywhere you want to go most in the world.
Close your eyes.
Close your eyes.
Picture it.
We're hitting it because it's 120 days and it's going everywhere.
You don't even have to think.
Don't bring any of the girls.
Let's go.
Come on.
I fucking hate you.
But, Corey, tell them how we're paying for it, though. We don't have to put the money away because there's a...
Oh, boy, boy.
Do we have the point for you uh we just went in on a little little uh group of money investment we call the uh mega millions powerball and uh don't worry well
actually you know what maybe we're a little bit because i did close the door on initial investment
in my investments i mean money i'm pouring into and not getting anything out of because we have if i win
800 what was it 50 million it's up to 80 650 million and we're splitting it between around
like 865 what is it 865 mil around like thank you we're splitting it between around like 15 people actually i can get the email out i won't now for uh time purposes but i will take home uh 50 million dollars post tax yep so with that money
uh i have set aside my plans uh first thing you weren't part of the g chat today as we all know
on this podcast i will be part of the gchat um but like i don't use gchats
has been come to light we know um i will be paying for brian and cody and my own uh home of our choosing uh and then i imagine that goes anywhere in the world
and then i am obviously obviously with my next bit of money that i'm gonna do investing in
cody's hat that is yet to lift off the ground and has been going on for three years now
we have 12 blank hats in my attic.
Eventually they'll have some kind of design on them.
That time is to be determined.
But once Corey hits it, easy.
I can quit my job and spend all day designing
these hats.
Hello, Sharps. I'd like to invest $200,000
in your hat company.
This is the worst pitch.
I'm investing
$200,000 in Cody's Hat Company for 5% of profits throughout the longevity of the company's career.
I mean, I accepted it immediately because Corey valued my company at $4 million.
It is worth like $50 if that.
And the only reservations I have about the investment is that the owner does not even realize what he's doing.
What are your margins?
Let me write this down.
Oh, I already have this.
This is all written down.
A hat up front.
He's got a business plan.
$10 per hat.
Selling it for $20 or to $25 to start
depending on the intricacy of what's going on.
But once we get our embroidery machines in-house,
we're thinking five dollars a
hat and maybe even if we become a better how about thirty dollars a hat to sell so how about
fifteen dollars a hat we're looking at 75 cents a hat let me see one 75 cents a hat there's one on
his head you show up i don't want to go get them in the attic. And you want me to invest without showing me your product?
No, no, no.
Hold on, Barbara.
Hold on, Barbara.
Here's the thing, though.
He is building up interest.
Can we get a pause?
I will go grab a hat right now.
Go up.
All right.
I'll be back.
I'm just pulling one out.
I have 12.
So this is our base hat right here.
Can we get more light?
he said the embroidery
tools in-house.
he's building up the man.
My producer is the same that
produces the other big brands.
Are you in stores?
Advertisements into this production.
Smart. That's smart other big brands. Are you in stores? Advertisements into this production. But yeah.
That's smart.
No, that's smart.
Not yet.
Everybody knows.
He can make his own. Rick and Mortar is out.
Rick and Mortar has been out for years.
It's all about that omni channel.
You have nothing to show for your sales.
You have great margins that haven't been experienced yet.
Why is this? Why is this?
Why is this?
You're way in over your head.
In my hypothetical
hypothetical hypothetical
world of me having
50 million dollars and you set
foot into this studio
and you have nothing to show for it
I've got hypothetical
$50 million to spend.
All I'm saying is I'm wearing one of these hats
right now and it's very comfortable.
There's nothing on it.
Put a little patch on that.
Supreme has a logo.
They have a logo.
Do you even have it?
You're going to want it. Cody has a logo. It's going to be like Supreme, Rooks. They have a logo. He's going to slap on the table. You're going to want it.
Do you even have a logo?
Cody has a logo.
Cody Hovely has a logo.
Do you want to plug that?
He has a logo.
I mean, my logo.
Cody Hovely underscore photography on Instagram.
No free advertising.
Boom, like that.
50 million followers.
We're two pictures deep currently. So yeah following is huge wow hop on while you can that train is moving
all right well that's incredible we're gonna have to have more uh shark tank items i'll have
an update next week on uh where i stand at this point i imagine i'll be
talking with state federal government uh maybe it's probably too early to be talking about the
sound of that financial advisors but we'll see will you be uh providing us stimulus paychecks
for covid who is us all of our listeners because that point, that's 50 million right there.
I don't know if I can swing that.
The United States.
Oh, I thought you were saying my company.
I was going to say your offer.
Cody, no one cares about your blank hats.
All right.
To play us out.
To play us out.