It’s Wednesday My Dudes - Ep. 14: Jake Paul, Harvey Dent, and 0 Days Since Last Talking About Poop

Episode Date: April 21, 2021

The boyos are all over the place this week, they get into Zaks ice cream takes, Kia Sorrentos vs Teslas, Zak apparently loves getting compliments, Falcon and Winter Soldier gets mediocre with bad stun...t doubles, Ruxx goes on a ravioli tangent, Bryan hates on Lasagna with a passion, Zak gets heckled by yet another company, and they talk about the farce that is Triller events, specifically Jake Paul versus Ben Askren. Timestamps: 0:00:00 - 0:04:52 - Intro and Zak Ice Cream Takes 0:04:52 - 0:10:34 - Amanda Voicemail / Kia Sorenttos / Words of Afirmation 0:10:34 - 0:36:55 - Falcon and Winter Soldier Ep. 5 0:36:54 - 0:44:09 - Ruxx Ravioli Rant / Lasagna Talk 0:44:09 - 1:09:23 - Zak Flight Stories / Tipping 1:09:23 - 1:36:26  - Jake Paul v Ben Askren Follow us on Twitter @IWMD_Pod

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Starting point is 00:00:00 It is Wednesday, my dudes. Welcome back to another episode of It's Wednesday, my dudes. Got a small lineup this week. Corey's out, busy getting his beard re-dyed orange. You know what you gotta do every week. So, we got Preston. Sup? Got Big Daddy Zaddy.
Starting point is 00:00:21 That's right, Golden Crispy from Florida, boys. Don't look that tan, to be honest. The viewers will see. The viewers will see I'm very tan. And I'm here. So we're going to be talking about Falcon and Winter Soldier. We got a voicemail. Zach's going to hate on all of our ice cream picks from last week.
Starting point is 00:00:39 Zach got bullied by another company. So he's going to rant about that. And then we're going to talk about the farce that is paul versus ben askren because it was complete nonsense so zach hit us with your ice cream picks from last week what did we do wrong what did we do right so overall i thought it was actually pretty okay uh the one thing i will say is the strawberry shortcake or eclair whatever it was called severely underrated that is a goat uh ice cream treat uh i will fully admit it is fake strawberry or fake whatever it is not real anything but whatever like the crack cocaine they put on the outside of that stuff is delicious the breading it's it's delicious i also don't have as much of a concern about the packaging
Starting point is 00:01:24 as denise did i think she just i don't know as much of a concern about the packaging as Denise did. I think she just, I don't know if she eats the packaging. It's just like, man, this packaging stinks. It's not tasty at all. But I don't usually eat the packaging. So the only other real big complaint I have is there was no lemon chill on there. The lemon chill is the goat ice cream. What is a lemon chill specifically?
Starting point is 00:01:43 It's basically like a frozen lemonade it comes in like a container and you eat it with the wooden spoon oh yeah it's an italian ice yeah yeah yeah so that was the only one that was kind of a little disappointed was on the list i understand we can't rank all of them but i mean just in general i wasn't a big ice cream truck guy um so what's your go-to ice cream then like in just in general like i probably go with like a like a chocolate chip cookie dough from like a nice briars or an ed's chocolate chip cookie yeah but like the chocolate chip cookie sandwich thing is just that but like slightly different for him i i agree with all the comments on that i again an s tier on that one i will say i've never had a choco taco before though what yeah never had a choco taco is that like not a midwest thing
Starting point is 00:02:32 i get i think well i mean i've seen them before i'm just i just kind of get i don't know if i always think it's like spicy when i'm gonna buy it because tacos can be spicy sometimes spicy so the whitest thing i've ever heard in my life is referring to ice cream as possibly being spicy amen you don't know you have to be careful you got to be careful so oh my gosh overall uh overall i thought it was a good good good tier list by you guys um all right happy to be happy to be a viewer on that one nice i'm surprised you didn't absolutely hate on us on more than just the strawberry being a little bit too low. I knew that one was going to be bad because I knew going into that, Denise just hates everything strawberry.
Starting point is 00:03:11 So I figured she was going to like just bash that one out of like the gate. So kind of could see that one coming. I think she mentioned the last thing I'll say is that the wooden spoons, I think she said the wooden spoons are good, or the wooden spoons are terrible. They are objectively trash. Like, just put a nice little plastic spoon in there. Like, what are we doing? Like, biodegradable for the earth? Like, I'm...
Starting point is 00:03:30 Yeah, man. Just like, it serves no... It's like a paddle. It's like, if I need to canoe up a river, I'll use that. No, wooden spoon does suck, because, like, if you... If you...
Starting point is 00:03:41 It's not... So you get ice cream on one side, and then the bottom side of it's, like, dry, and if you put your tongue on it, it'll, like, stick to it, and it's just, like, it's not so you get ice cream on one side and then the bottom side of it's like dry and if you put your tongue on it it'll like stick to it and it's just like it's weird and gross and like yeah just make it plastic and they're good to go well and then from what i like what i remember is like if it's one of the wooden spoon ones like when we refer to a wooden spoon it's not actually a spoon right yeah no okay it's just like it's just flat right okay yeah yeah that shit leads to just problems like it just makes life harder like just indent that motherfucker a little bit man come on splinters some of them have a little indent but all right to all the viewers out there
Starting point is 00:04:17 if i sound a little less energetic than usual i had a long weekend i went to deep creek to celebrate my buddy's birthday shout out dirty dan you're vaccinated a lot of yeah started getting vaccinated last week which is lit but a lot of debauchery a lot of long days so the energy levels on me right now are like at a 10 probably like a three so i'm gonna try my best for the viewers but your boy's hurting a little bit it'll be asmr real low-key podcast just whisper into their ears they wish all right so we got a voicemail this one not from the worst state in the world of new jersey but pretty bad state too of Texas. So here we go. Okay. I'm driving to give you this feedback. So I better not crash and die. Um, so many thoughts
Starting point is 00:05:13 after the episode, first of all, a put a warning out there. I'm six months pregnant. Y'all you can't be ranking 15 types of ice cream and expect me to make it 97 minutes without needing to eat at least seven of them so um shout out to the pod for making me stop at the local grocery store also preston i just want to say you probably wouldn't have been so beefy and worried about making weight if you wouldn't have eaten five peanut butter sandwiches on white bread every day like no wonder why you couldn't indulge in a choco taco um and burn the comment about eating a fudgesicle making it look like you were just eating someone's butthole had me crying i crashed my car so i will be sending you um a bill for the repairs thank you for that thank you amanda you guys hated my poop joke and she loved it so i feel
Starting point is 00:06:05 vindicated so well it was just as someone who i know doesn't eat but just being like oh yeah you eat but you're gonna get poop all over your face like that's not how this works man like i know it's the joke man it's like just hanging out on the outside, man. You dig deep enough and you find some. Oh, God. Dang it. I think that's three in a row or four in a row where we brought up poop at some point. Erase the whiteboard. Zero pods.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Zero dudes. Screw the whiteboard off. But hey, Amanda, i appreciate your feedback um i was i was a lazy child whose mom was just making and to be to clear it up when i was making weight with burn i was like middle school and elementary school i was not eating five peanut butter sandwiches a day i was only eating like two but i was indulging in like hello oreos sodas like it was bad but i appreciate the feedback amanda love you um she'd like literally snapchatted me right before she sent that to of her like in the grocery store be like what ice cream should i get and she had like four in her cart so she literally did listen to the podcast
Starting point is 00:07:26 and stop at the store to pick up ice cream because of it. So I thought that's funny. Gotta love it. Too good. So yeah, just like her call, in the description of every episode, there's a link. You can click on it and send anything you want to us.
Starting point is 00:07:38 Just insult Rooks. That would be fun. We need someone to actually do that. So call and leave us a message. We'll put it in the episode. I found out. Oh, sorry. out my uh when i was in florida on vacation we did like the family like the love language quiz or whatever found out mine is words of affirmation so feel free to toss some compliments to your boy in the uh the thing it would improve my quality of life greatly well is it how you like receive love or how you give love no it's how i receive love how
Starting point is 00:08:08 he wants to receive it okay okay i never know if that's like which way it is i think there's like tests isn't there like tests for both of them like which like you like to receive and then how you like would give i don't know man yeah so i'm a big uh words of affirmation guy and i had i was like they like give you the percentages for each category i had zero percent for getting gifts so i'm just like gifts can't buy my love i i just buy everything i want anyway that's what it's like being an adult with money you just buy it anyway yeah fair like, if someone surprised you with like a new car, like, be nice. Yeah, like a nice Kia Sorento. Yeah, it'd be all right.
Starting point is 00:08:53 Lots of cargo room. Yeah. Seven seats. Blake Griffin jumping over it. It's so random, but just speaking of like cars and like money type aspects i'm in a group chat with like six people and my buddy texted a group chat and goes you guys do you uh does anybody in this chat like teslas and everyone was like yeah we like like who the fuck doesn't like teslas like nice looking cars environmentally friendly like and he's like oh i'm just like i think i'm gonna
Starting point is 00:09:25 get one but like i just wanted to see if people like that it's like bro stop trying to come in here and flex your fucking tesla like everyone likes teslas you could have just gotten the tesla and taken a picture with it but you needed a tech group about it like shut up it's the most tesla thing to announce that you're gonna give get one to everyone before getting it. It was definitely a big Tesla move on his part. Big Tesla move. I hate that because I love those cars. And like I've liked that brand before.
Starting point is 00:09:52 It was like really big. And so I've always wanted one. But now it is like the douchebag car to get. So I'm like, eh. That's like someone saying. I want one eventually. It's like someone saying like, hey, do you guys like a million dollars in cash? It like yeah it's like all right cool i'm gonna get a million i'll be to inherit a million dollars wanted to check with you guys first so i want to see if everyone else would
Starting point is 00:10:12 be like cool with receiving this yeah just random tangent god give give it a week and then send in that group message be like guys do you think kia sorrentos are cool just to get their reaction oh i thought there will be much different answers for that one i'll tell you that now but all right so rooks you just watched the episode of falcon winter soldier 20 minutes ago right yes i did i i so far i am very good at watching what we're supposed to watch very, very recently to this podcast. Dude, right off the bat,
Starting point is 00:10:52 Lamar's dead. You guys were kind of like, he's big dead. It was me. I'm the main culprit here. I was like, oh, maybe he fucking survived. No. No shot. Fucking cat. the main culprit here i was like oh maybe he fucking survived no no shot
Starting point is 00:11:05 fucking cat shit i had captain dweebs talking to his family like he's dead i know yeah um they really made sure you saw that i was just trying to be a little out there you know just trying to get some takes going i mean do you think he could come back like i it's weird to them for them to like introduce him as like sort of a bigger character in this and then like just kind of kill him off right away yeah have you ever seen that
Starting point is 00:11:34 Twitter account that's like freezing cold takes and it's like all these super old like someone talking shit about like the Chiefs taking Patrick Mahomes as early as they did and shit it's gonna be me fucking quoted on there like oh I think he's as they did shit it's gonna be me fucking quoted on there like oh i think he's still alive man like someone's gonna throw that shit on twitter i'll be sick yeah i think it's tough to come back from a broken neck yeah yeah probably
Starting point is 00:11:58 when the sound effects department makes sure that you hear the like noise when he hits into a pillar like yeah i think they're trying to tell us something yeah i just feel like there's so many characters that side characters that they can introduce in these that they can't keep everybody otherwise it's just gonna the cast is gonna be 800 people by the end of this like they have to kill some people throughout the the series to one make them mean something and two just a sheer like you can't have everybody in everything so yeah no i fully agree i mean they and two just a sheer like you can't have everybody in everything so yeah no i fully agree i mean they've killed off a bunch of big names but like to keep them from having the like plot armor on every single character it has to be like you can't
Starting point is 00:12:37 know that everyone's gonna make it out alive every single time so some side characters are gonna kick the bucket i think it's like to like um to another point they're really trying to hammer home that like like captain america thinks he's doing what's right and oh yeah i killed the guy that killed your son and blah blah i think it's like it emphasizes even more that he's like in the wrong if lamar stays dead like it makes it even yeah he's even more of a captain's now yeah but it's definitely a big plot point to like progress his character forward or backwards whatever direction you really want to say i will say again we're a big anti-murder podcast so i
Starting point is 00:13:16 don't want to make this sound like pro-murder but i mean if i'm if i'm some friends i i'd be lying if i didn't say i want him i wouldn't want my friends avenging my death the way uh the way john walker did like i if i you know like in the middle of the square dude yeah just to get somebody again no murder but i want that same energy though like i want them to be like yeah yo i'm fighting up for my boy or you know he's dead but i'm you know still fighting for him so same energy, minus the murder. Alright. So if someone murders you, we'll rap battle them with the same amount of energy as John Walker
Starting point is 00:13:50 to capcate that guy. That's all I'm asking. I'll have a crazy, crazy... I'll have a tweet that goes to the same level of his actions. There you go. Actually, no. It would have to be a Facebook status because I would need more characters
Starting point is 00:14:05 alright I think I thought this episode was like decent on the podcast last week I think Corey said oh this is like the episode that like all the actors are talking about and they think that like this was their favorite
Starting point is 00:14:23 I'm gonna come out now and this might end up being another freezing cold take i don't know but it was not my favorite of what we've seen so far um and it was a lot of like because i think next week's the last week right there's only six yeah we have that confirmed yet i think we've asked that every week and we still don't like you've asked that every week i've confirmed it i think i keep fucking forgetting but um but um but i was like what your brain is working god fuck guys i'm having a meltdown on on the air right now sorry viewers i'll say you're saying that the fifth episode the cast was saying it was like the best one and then you don't think it actually is it was like a lot of like
Starting point is 00:15:07 I think it's a lot of build into this like sixth episode like we're getting like where everyone's role or what everyone's role is gonna be in the sixth episode and like for the most part the characters are like almost fully like shown right now but
Starting point is 00:15:23 it was an alright episode man we got so much time on the fucking boat we had so much fucking time this episode i was gonna bring it down bubblegum your favorite if i had if i had more energy right now i'd be ranting and raving but right now it's just disappointment like i'm just sad about it the episode really did have like a full 25 minutes of like that b plot and like i get it because you have to show him like working with the shield and like learning how to use it and whatever but it was just like bucky hitting on his sister for no reason and just like them like pitter-pattering around town like i i don't know it was it was too long for sure yeah i thought the beginning so i thought the beginning and like the end were really i thought the opening fight scene was sick um where they like ripped the
Starting point is 00:16:10 shield off and broke his arm like that was that was so tough yeah um then the part where he goes back to visit isaiah bradley i thought was good again reinforcing the stuff they talked about earlier but i agree that it just felt so rushed them on the boat it was like hey remember this boat we talked about in episode one that we thought was going to be super hard and impossible to fix and you know maintain our way of life and then all of a sudden it's fixed in 25 minutes it's just like i just wish it was spread out more either in the previous episodes or they made this an eight episode thing and could build on it a little more same thing with like the shield thing okay i get it again it's a superhero movie so i can jump to the belief that okay we see him throw the shield around a couple times and then he's really good with it i can make that logical leap
Starting point is 00:16:53 but i just wish it was a little more spread out instead of you know 25 minutes in the episode and then at the end though god brought me right back when he opened up the the case i'm like what's in the box and i know it's in the box but i'm like what's in the box um so yeah i think like the book ends for me and then we're we're you know front and back it was good and then just the middle i was just like okay i get what they're doing but it's not it doesn't jive with the rest of them yeah yeah it definitely needed to be like if you had that 25 minutes but split up over two or three episodes it'd be perfect but it's kind of hard for them to like be in like wherever serbia fighting people and then like oh flashback he's like in louisiana on the boat just like chilling for a minute so it was hard to like
Starting point is 00:17:36 you can't really space that out throughout the season um but at least they did set it up plot wise they're like yeah we have no more leads so we just have to wait like all right cool b plot what was the thing that fucking uh this is torres or joaquin whatever his gay lover torres made an appearance man what the fuck what did he say he was like sometimes there's nothing to do until there's something to do or some shit like yeah it's like shut the fuck up man like that doesn't help any even if that is the true situation right now like shut the fuck up um oh i have two i have two notes about the fucking i guess captain america training sequence that sam was completing i have a couple notes too but so i'll go first off there's still no fucking physics we have no explanation yeah of how this fucking thing works.
Starting point is 00:18:26 This shit's whipping behind him. So if it's whipping behind him, like, what's causing it to do that? Is it how it's bouncing off of shit? And then if it's how it's bouncing off of shit, he throws that shit at, like, a post on one of the docks, and that shit comes right back to him. That thing would go straight through that shit. Like, on the dock, that thing is probably fucking, like, 100 years old. That thing would go straight through that shit like on the dock that thing is probably fucking like a hundred years old that thing would go straight fucking through he had like these
Starting point is 00:18:48 thick ass trees with like padding all over it that were like bouncing that shit you can't throw that at a dock post and tell me that that's the same like you can't um yeah we still we still don't have physics i i think we're past it at this point. I don't think we're ever going to get like, it's a little too late. What I'm pissed about. So I watched Endgame and I watched Ultron this week. And in Ultron, it shows Captain America with like magnets on his arm, on his suit.
Starting point is 00:19:17 And they make a point to show those magnets, like pull the shield back. And that's how it bounces back to him and connects. And then like they show Falcon doing it. He's like in a t-shirt like you obviously don't have any of that you just kind of ignored it and you're just saying yeah it's magic all right cool well that's the thing like if even even is like kind of half-assed i think this would be if even if it was like the fucking like for like yeah it has to call to the right person type thing, I would be like, okay, at least you fucking said it.
Starting point is 00:19:47 Give me something. We got nothing. And then my second write with it, dude, the stunt double was so obvious. There's three times where he flips, and I'm like, he's literally doing a double McTwist
Starting point is 00:20:02 1080, and I can literally see this guy's face for a quarter of a second and i know it's not fucking anthony mackie like i know he's not he lands and faces camera for like a couple frames and then then it changes it's like just cut that shorter man like you're better than this you're literally marvel you're better than this shit like come on man i'm glad i'm glad i'm not the only one that noticed that, because, like, it would be, like, when I saw it, I was like,
Starting point is 00:20:27 I think I'm being real, like, CinemaSins, like, nitpicky about this. But, like, no. He looks so, like, the guy's face was completely different. Like, ugh. It was bad. Bro, when they ripped off the shield
Starting point is 00:20:40 off of John Walker's arm, did his yell seem a little ridiculous to you guys, or was it just me? It was, like, really high-pitched and, pitched and like just strange i don't know man i was just i never got my arm i never i've never got my arm broken off like that so i'm not here to judge how another man's gonna scream when his arm basically did broken dislocated you're captain america you'd be like oh i don't think i mean i don't think yeah we've established he's captain dweeb man he doesn't have it's fair just steam rogers it and be like
Starting point is 00:21:10 like and man up he's gonna scream like a little bitch but ridiculous um yeah that opening fight scene was so fucking cool when it's like i wish there was more of like sam being successful against super soldiers you know what i mean like we had like the last episode when lamar dies he gets like one little like wing thrust kick i don't even know what the fuck to call it and then we get like him getting the shit kicked out of him like in the beginning episodes but like it's still like i'm still like if he doesn't take it like how the fuck this because we know he's gonna fight super soldiers like how the fuck does he take these fuckers on dude
Starting point is 00:21:53 and he doesn't have his wings anymore that's like kind of how the episode kind of ends as he like walks away without them and call you now or call it now torres is flying in next episode with the goddamn links he's falcon now and i'm like he i mean as i said before he does the job perfect he's gonna show up he's gonna shoot his little little rockets and then he's gonna get thrown out of the fucking like main fight and we're not gonna see him again i hope he just flies in immediately misses everything and just hits into a wall and then just like falls down and just like that's the extent of it dude you're falcon like you you got the job man you like you don't have
Starting point is 00:22:28 to keep selling it you got the job i want his uh superhero name to be the red rocket i think that'd be no i hate you so much i literally can you imagine my god. Oh, that would be that would not, that'd be, as I say that would be a PR nightmare. We can get Kristen on the case. She can handle it. Yeah, she can handle that for sure, dude. She can handle
Starting point is 00:22:58 fucking changing I'm just like thinking of the whole dynamic of this changing one person who wasn't Avengers like character or not like the superhero itself like Falcon and turning it into a fucking another name for a penis like and for adult like a animal penis too like I don't know what PR team could get out of that. It would be great. All the memes, man. Like, that's a PR dream. You're trending on Twitter every episode. Every time.
Starting point is 00:23:32 It's not, though. Good press is... Any press is good press, right? Oh, God. What am I thinking? Is there any... Oh, dude. GSP is back.
Starting point is 00:23:43 Yeah. I didn't expect that. I'm hyped. two episodes for a boy oh well his name is george in it too like she i think she called him i think she called him george and i was like wait what the fuck but it's not his real name it's not his real name because i think his real name has an s at the end right it's george's saint pierre or some shit he pronounces it george though i don't know if like S in French is silent. I'm pretty sure he has an S in his fucking name. There's an S at the end, for sure. It's George's St. Pierre,
Starting point is 00:24:10 but I don't think he actually pronounces it. I don't think they'll say it. We got GSP, and then we got JLD, too. Julie Dreyfus was in there. Guys. Guys. I was in such a bad fucking mood. To the viewers. Do you do you guys like seinfeld by the way
Starting point is 00:24:28 are you guys do you guys watching i was gonna say right now i fucking hate i hate i hate seinfeld too it's so bad it's terrible it's it's fucking terrible um jerry seinfeld might be the worst comedian ever that man gets up and he just says something in like a like a question voice he's like he's just like he's like what's up with he's like what's up with bees they they drink honey where's what else do they drink and then everyone laughs i'm just like there was no joke there like there was no joke dude i've made this point so many times like the fact that he's a successful stand-up comedian in the show and we see some of his sets and they're just like these sets are bombing at like coffee shops dude
Starting point is 00:25:14 like no one's laughing at these sets ever like they're so bad what's the deal super soldiers dude the second the second she walked in, you could throw blue hair on her. I know who she is. I'm not happy that a fucking Seinfeld character made it here. I know a lot of people like her for, what's the show? Veep, too.
Starting point is 00:25:38 Which I haven't seen, but I know she pops off in that. I'm always going to think about her from Seinfeld. Fuck that. I like Seinfeld. I hate that you both hate it. I'm not like in love with it. I just think it's okay. Like I think they're just weird. I don't think they're that
Starting point is 00:25:55 funny. I just think they're strange enough that it's like entertaining. Like what's the deal with jumbo shrimp? How could it be jumbo and shrimp? That's a super side note joke. Shut up, Jerry. In our apartment in college, especially sophomore year, I know we mentioned his name 10,000 times on this podcast,
Starting point is 00:26:15 but Ryan Hickey, Worldwide Sports Radio Network, and our other roommate, Teddy, they'd have it on and it'd be noon and they'd be dying laughing. Just like Hickey doing a scream laugh and everything. just like they'd have it on and they'd be new and they'd be like dying laughing just like like hickey doing a scream laugh and everything it's like bro i don't think anyone on this planet has ever laughed at that like i don't think my parents have laughed this hard at seinfeld and like this is way up their alley like oh it used to just be on all the time i'd be in such a bad mood anytime it was great.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Hickey laughing at anything makes it twice as funny. So at least you have that going for you. It's true. But yeah, her, like her stepping in, I thought her character seemed really cool, but it was just like,
Starting point is 00:26:58 she's taking over who she is, but like, she seems like such a like badass, like, and like, I'm hoping either we continue to get her and like other stuff or like we find out, like she's been like kind of behind the scenes doing a lot of stuff right now for this like show,
Starting point is 00:27:14 but like her character just seems so cool that I was like, why haven't we seen more of this person? Yeah. I don't know if she's in the comics or something. I feel like Zach's going to tell us. Yep. He's nodding. I could go for it. No, I, yeah, she is. She was originally, I don't know if she's in the comics or something. I feel like Zach's going to tell us. Yep, he's nodding. Okay, go for it.
Starting point is 00:27:26 No, yeah, she is. She was originally, I think, actually part of S.H.I.E.L.D. Then her comic book character is like Madame Hydra. So then she shifted over to Hydra. Oh, that's who she is. So I think she's going to be a part of the... Kind of the... Spoilers. spoilers yeah kind of like
Starting point is 00:27:46 kind of like the anti-heroes like i was mentioning another podcast about like the group of the thunderbolt zemo goes to the raft like i think that's where she's probably going to go and and i bet you like john walker has probably become part of like is going to be with zemo the girl from black widow and it's going to be like Zemo, the girl from Black Widow, and it's going to be like Red Hulk is like another one. But yeah, I think she's going to be in future stuff. So yeah, she's definitely like a character that just being like, hey, it's like the Leonardo DiCaprio meme
Starting point is 00:28:14 for the people who read the comics, like pointing at the screen, like, hey, look, it's that character. But yeah, I doubt maybe like a teaser for the next episode, but I think it's just more to say like, you know to promote something down down the line with that they got going on she was also supposed to be in she is going to be in black widow too so like blackwood was supposed to come out before this
Starting point is 00:28:35 so we would have been introduced to her character already in black widow and then we would have more of a pop or a surprise when watching this to be like oh okay it's the same character so it's gonna be like a reverse thing type of thing okay yeah dude pandemic kind of screwed up their whole schedule honestly because it was like uh wandavision was supposed to come out director and doctor strange too so it's gonna actually make sense so these are a little bit out of order so that kind of sucks but yeah zemo got taken away by the wakandans and they're like because bucky owed him a favor or whatever so that makes sense he goes to the raft for him madam hydra will go recruit him as well break him out then they'll have their little like anti-hero team yeah um but i like it at one point someone said let's even the
Starting point is 00:29:23 odds and i died laughing. It was great. If you've never seen the other guys, there's a great quote where they scream, let's even the odds, and so we say that all the time. Specifically when we play trail. We say it fucking constantly.
Starting point is 00:29:36 And with little purpose, and a lot of times when we say it, it means we're doing something stupid. It's a great motto before you run in somewhere like blindly and just go and die in a video game not in real life but like you know that too there was an end credit scene and like it was all over twitter it was like hey make sure
Starting point is 00:29:58 to like stay and watch the end credit scene blah blah it was stupid yeah it was dumb it's just John Walker building a shield. But it's going to be made out of steel. You're going to throw the real one at it once and it's going to burst into pieces. And then also, how's that shit going to come back to him?
Starting point is 00:30:16 Dude, if it... If that thing bounces around too, I'm over it. Is he going to have the magnets? What are we doing here? Just a rope tied to it and just like reels it back in every time he has one of those like claws those like uh t-rex claws and just has to like reach over and grab it and pull it back to him oh it's gonna be so dumb but it's all setting up for the final episode to be like one big battle though kind of like wandavision i feel like it's gonna be like really action-packed so it's gonna be kind of cool also i could care less about the flag smashers they stink what a dumb villain like it's gonna be
Starting point is 00:30:53 it's gonna be falcon it's gonna be like falcon in the winter soldier versus the flag smashers and gsp which i'm very i'm excited to see gsp bouncing around again and then it's gonna be the and i don't think zemo's coming back or anything like that. Or maybe the Power Broker's coming in at one point. But other than that, it's going to be Winter Soldier and new Captain American Falcon.
Starting point is 00:31:16 I'll be interested to see if John Walker even makes an appearance as an antagonist or if they just set him up for the next property he's in in the future. I wouldn't be surprised if they just set him up for the next property he's in in the future i wouldn't be surprised if they just kind of set him up for the next movie and then they just leave the fight to falcon well captain america falcon winter soldier and then the flag smashers who that would make more sense because like otherwise the flag smashers have barely been like a plot point
Starting point is 00:31:41 it's just been captain america America versus Falcon the entire time. But I think they're going to have him come back and fight them. I think in the preview there's a tease to that. I don't know if I'm remembering that wrong or not, but I had one other thing to say.
Starting point is 00:32:00 I agree with that. I'm like the Flag Smashers. I like that they introduced Carly early as this, like, deep character, and that there's, like, layers to this shit. Like, I like that. Levels to these battles?
Starting point is 00:32:15 Yeah, well, and it's... I'm always intrigued by storylines not being, like, especially in the sense of good and evil, not being black and white, because it's more real. Shit that um but like so they're showing like this depth so carly like obviously like like she kills like captain america's dude and then captain america gets pissed and then she's like why does everyone like hate us like it's like no bitch like you fucking killed his mans he killed your mans like and she's like, no, bitch. Like you fucking killed his mans.
Starting point is 00:32:45 He killed your mans. And she's like, I don't understand how I keep losing people. It's like, bro, you're killing other people too. Like, so it's like, and I hate, it just, it makes her character arc less interesting to me because it's like, she's doing, I know this kind of part of it is, she's she's becoming like what she fucking hates type shit but like like make it more interesting like you had a really good start in the beginning with her like showing that there's a lot of depth and like i'm assuming that next episode we're gonna get like more depth with her and we're gonna get more of her obviously because there was like two minutes over this episode but i just i wanted there to be a little more depth to her like throughout and we just
Starting point is 00:33:31 didn't get it i think it's hard in six episodes to sort of have two villains because it's her and it's john walker at the same time and like you could make both of them like an a villain like they needed one or the other to be really far in the background and i don't think they've done that too well yeah i i wish i just don't think she's persuasive enough as an actress or just her performance isn't like i don't buy that people would just start following her because she's this leader um i would almost prefer it if sharon carter was in carly's like position and like you could have spun the story into like oh she was you know excommunicated and that was always on the run in the u.s and then then then the blip happened and she wasn't allowed back in
Starting point is 00:34:17 and she and kind of build a story off that because at least we have background on her and and she's like connections that she could actually pull right off and i think you would believe like i would believe her story a little more like understanding her motives and why she was doing that um my guess is probably carly's gonna either die or something's gonna happen and that's probably why they want to put sharon carter in there to because they probably want to keep her around for longer but some of these people have to die at some point so who do you guys see the power brokers i feel like they've talked about it a ton and then like i maybe it's a tease for more like you said for they haven't is it sharon i don't think it showed her for one scene no man i don't know zach you
Starting point is 00:34:55 said you thought it was her a couple episodes ago though i think zach said that it was like a fan theory yeah i don't think it's her now just based because what was it i think it's something we have someone we haven't met yet like i think it's like a just a brand new character um i don't think it's someone we've met because like the way the timeline would have worked is she would have had to like rise up in power within like a year and like i don't know it just seems it seems like unrealistic maybe it is but i i don't think it's i don't think it's her okay i they just showed her like one scene talking on the phone saying something in this episode and then like nothing else i have no idea what that's supposed to lead to i mean i think she's definitely like working for the power broker or aligned to whoever that is
Starting point is 00:35:37 somehow i don't think she is the power broker okay so still on the wrong side of it i have no fucking idea what power broker is man y'all got of it i have no fucking idea of how broker is man y'all got me marvel i have no fucking clue dude i was trying to think if there's like any other celebrities that were supposed to be attached this season that i'm like forgetting but i don't i can't remember off the top of my head anything like that but one last thing i wanted to say was the director or a writer or some somebody at marvel was saying for this loki and wandavision they're saying which ones they're expecting to have more than one season they're
Starting point is 00:36:09 like wandavision that's kind of a one-off thing we don't think they're gonna do that again but they're saying for this series that they're kind of expecting it to have a season two at some point so there might actually be afterwards them like coming back to this storyline with sam as actual captain america so maybe they fight zemo and all his buddies with like the evil captain america or carly again so i don't know who that villain ends up being but they're gonna try to continue it at some point which would be interesting that's good i want i want more of sam as captain america i i enjoy yeah i think he's a great actor i think he's a great actor. I think he's really fucking good.
Starting point is 00:36:46 They need to give him some screen time. Yo. You know what's one... This is so fucking random. My brain is all over the place right now. You know what's one random fucking thing I hate? Bro, like fancy ravioli dishes. Where you get like three ravioli? Yeah, you like three ravioli yeah where it's fucking like yeah
Starting point is 00:37:07 like on my insta timeline and i don't know if this girl listens to our pod if she does i'm sorry it looks delicious but it's like it's like five pieces of ravioli it's like who the fuck is filling up on this shit man like there better be fucking dessert there better be a side salad to start maybe some breadsticks some unlimited breadsticks yeah like bro because i can't these family i went to i forgot where it was there's some place like on the edge in the edge dc um that was like a really nice italian place and it had this like crab type ravioli that i was like a really nice Italian place. And it had this like crab type ravioli. And I was like, oh, that's my shit. Like that sounds fucking awesome.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Bro, I think there were six pieces in it. No, it was like $30. I was like, I'm going to fucking murder someone in this place. Like, are you kidding me? You can't get ravioli at fancy places. It's never a lot of food at all. It's the fucking worst. Ravioli or tortellini.
Starting point is 00:38:04 I've noticed too. Tortellini are even smaller. And you get like six or seven. Well, it's stupid ravioli or tortellini i've noticed too tortellini's are even smaller and you get like you like six or seven and it's just yeah i mean it's like many pastas it's the same thing just kind of kind of a different form right like yeah it's just yeah a little donut rather than a little hot pocket you know what i'm saying sorry it's so random i'm saying sorry bro it's so random i'm sorry but i just know going off of uh going off of ravioli i had a uh for sunday dinner uh i had from costco a ravioli lasagna which was delicious oh it's just lasagna again anything different to any of our viewers if you ever want to make um our host bry guy here super happy just fucking talk about lasagna send him lasagna do anything related to lasagna and he's gonna be one half camper got literally wow what you're three years ago cory has for some reason
Starting point is 00:39:02 had in his phone on my birthday, like, send Brian lasagna. And he's like, I don't remember why. I don't know if he liked it or hated it, but I did it. And I was out in California and he was in PA. And so he, like, door dashed me some lasagna. It was like, hey, man, there's going to be something at your door in, like, 15 minutes. I was like, all right. And I show up and this dude just, like, he has two big things of lasagna because there's, like, a minimum on what you have to order. So he, like, hands me this food. I'm like, dude, I could smell it. I was like, I know what this is dude just like he has two big things lasagna because there's like a minimum on what you have to order so like hands me this food i'm like dude i could smell i was like i know
Starting point is 00:39:28 what this is like why did he order me this and i open it it's as long as like dude i hate you he's like hey happy birthday and so i literally threw it out i didn't eat it i literally threw it out yeah do you hate i can't do you hate like cake that's just like dessert lasagna. You do a layered cake. Okay, so you just hate layers. No, it's the ratio. The ratio. Lasagna is like... Lasagna, let's be real here. When you eat it, it's just a fucking mess, dude.
Starting point is 00:39:56 Yes, that's true. You cannot eat cohesive bites of lasagna unless the noodles are undercooked and crunchy. That's the only way that it like sticks to like stays together and you can fork no so when i was a kid our parents had a lot of friends apparently i don't know we went to a lot of like dinner parties and the food they would always make is lasagna because apparently everyone likes it and you can't
Starting point is 00:40:18 screw it up except no one likes it and you always screw it up so because they always try to do some like weird recipe and it's like instead of just doing, hey, let's make four cheese lasagna with beef in it. They'd be like, oh, let's do like zucchini lasagna or like lasagna with broccoli in it or like lasagna with some weird spice that I don't know how to actually use. So it just tastes strange. So they always make lasagna and it's never good. So I've just been scarred ever since I was a kid. So like now and the ratio is just so bad. Cause like when you have like spaghetti or something,
Starting point is 00:40:47 you can like control the amount of sauce you want on it. You can put a little bit cheese on top of you want same with like ravioli. There's like, it's packaged, you know what you're getting every single time. But lasagna, it's like a lot of noodles, the same amount of cheese as noodles.
Starting point is 00:40:59 And then the same amount of sauce as cheese and noodles. It's like, that's not how it's supposed to be. The ratio is off. It's pronounced. Go off sis. it's pronounced paschetti as well paschetti sauce i like that i don't like my lasagna i just like before our um before our football games in high school we used to like get like food like we had like a club that would get food catered for us and stuff so we could we'd have a meal before the game and like 50 of the time was from this italian place that did lasagna and just eating something so heavy um a few hours before a football game was rarely
Starting point is 00:41:37 ever a good decision so i just like it would be like the third quarter and i'd be tasting lasagna through my like sweat because it's like it's like i can't do this i'm sweating olive oil over here like it's just bad oh you're sweating olive oil it's because all that peanut butter and jelly as well you haven't choco's tacos before practice you got some food issues man gotta not eat before practice bro i didn't i didn't eat before football practice for like two three years straight because i there's like one summer we had two a days and i puked every day for like two weeks straight right after we started running i was like yeah i just can't eat food anymore it's just horrible we do like stadiums in our football stadium at my high
Starting point is 00:42:22 school it's like on one side of the field, there's like four seats. And on the other side, like the home field, there's like, it's like 40 stairs up. Like it's huge. Oh yeah. So like,
Starting point is 00:42:31 yeah, it's dope. But like when you have to do stadiums on, it sucks. And we did like one lap stadiums. Then I get back to the top and like, I got to puke. So I just like lean over the edge.
Starting point is 00:42:40 We're like three stories up and I puke and just like, it takes like 15 seconds to hit the ground. I was like, that's pretty cool. But man, I got gotta rethink before what i eat before practice i can't just can't eat before like exercising at all it just never works out big puke boy over here bro if i drank i would puke so much i was gonna say you want to talk about big puke boy talk about this fucking weekend dude literally he puked multiple times sunday morning before we left we got in the car i had to pull over like three times on the side of the highway and puke we get we parked our car at our friend's
Starting point is 00:43:16 place they're in like an apartment complex we get in their parking lot and i'm like oh my god what just happened and then like i have to puke again. Bro, there's this little Asian kid riding a bike next to me, and I just puke in front of him. He's like, uh, mom? And his mom comes over, and she's like, oh my god, get away. And I'm sitting there just puking my guts out in the middle of this fucking parking lot. I am the puke boy-o, dude.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Turning old. All right, enough puke talk. I guess that hits our quota for the poop. Yeah. We gotta re-wipe it off. We were drawing the one for next week and we just fucking scrubbed that off already. We're just like, oh, fuck it.
Starting point is 00:44:01 So, Zach, heard you had a rude encounter with another business this weekend yeah and we can parlay this into talking about just airports airplane you know flight travel flapping your arms to get from one place to another so last weekend i went to uh went down a vacation family vacation down in florida brought uh brought my golf clubs with plan to go golfing so took an uber to the airport it was pretty early in the morning dropped off at midway chicago's best airport fuck o'hare um so we got dropped off and normally i'm just yeah o'hare stinks uh normally i just walk in and you just
Starting point is 00:44:44 check i had two bags to check in in a backpack so normally i would just walk in check my bags at the you know the self-service ticket whatever put the tags on your bag drop them off and you're good to go walked up to the valet uh like apparently it's like a valet the outdoor thing i thought this was just an extension of the outside thing i didn't know it was technically a valet service so i walk up there and i walk up there i'm waiting in line like oh it's just right here i'll just i'll just check them out outside so i can just go in and be fine or whatever so i'm walking in and i know it's like the little signs on that says like oh like gratuities appreciated i'm like oh oh man i like i got zero cash So like, this is, we're in a tough spot already. So, um, so I walk up to the guy and he's like laying it on thick. I think he somehow knows I don't have
Starting point is 00:45:30 cash to tip with him or he, I look, I look dumb and I look dumb enough to where he's like, I got to let this kid know he's got to tip me. Otherwise I'm not getting any money. So he's like selling, he's like, yeah, like I'm, I'm your guy here. You know, I'm just out here in this cold weather. It's like 45 degrees. It's not that cold. He's like, I'm on the cold weather, you know, putting these bags away, trying to give you good service. He's like, do you need your boarding pass? I'm like, no, I got on my phone. He's like, I'll print it for you anyway. I'm like, well, I just said I had on my phone, but I guess bag and whatever. And he puts the tags on, puts it behind, gives me the tickets. And I'm like, thanks. Or like, I'm like, I'm like, oh, perfect. Thanks. And I start walking away without tipping.
Starting point is 00:46:13 I don't have any cash on me. And I hear him say, I don't turn around and say, perfect. He's like, you owe me some money. And I just kept walking and ignoring him. And like, just like blindly. And I'm like, I'm not just keep going, just keep going, keep going. And I kid you not, I sat in waiting for my flight, thinking that this man like opened up my golf bag, took a massive dump inside of it, zipped it back up and just sent it
Starting point is 00:46:36 on its way. I was so nervous. I was losing golf clubs. He was breaking them. I was not going to arrive with any of my clothes. Luckily, it turned out fine all my stuff came back fine but i was just so rattled that it was so early in the morning i'm like oh man i just i did something terribly wrong and looking back on it wasn't that bad and i just was
Starting point is 00:46:56 felt like i got bullied still like the southwest valley claim guy hella passive aggressive by him like as you're walking away like thanks for the tip like i don't think i've ever tipped the people out front like that and i feel bad about it but also like they're doing the same job that people are doing inside it's just like 10 feet different so i don't know why i need to tip them but not the people behind the desk inside well i, it, I think it depends. Like for me, it depends on like the airport. Like I went to, um, I was also in Florida in the last, I think it was in December. Um, and the last, we're on a golf trip. We have three holes left.
Starting point is 00:47:40 My, my buddy's running up to a hole. They don't have these like sprinklers marked. And so it's like a little indent in the grass and he's like running up to a hole they don't have these like sprinklers marked and so it's like a little indent in the grass and he's like running up a hill he gets to the top and just like rolls his ankle and like thought he like he like thought he broke his ankle like it was so bad oh no his his foot was disgusting um but so he's like in the next morning we have our flight like the next morning we have to go and we're in orlando and orlando's i don't know if you guys have ever been to orlando's airport it's fucking massive it's huge like they have a sea world store and we kept like joking like oh there's a sea world in here like this place is huge um sea world if you're listening fuck you um anyway but yeah yeah seriously um but so we like we so we get we had a rental car the walk from rental car
Starting point is 00:48:29 to like where we would check our bags and stuff was like it was like 10 it was like 5 to 10 minutes and we don't have like getting out we don't have any like push carts and stuff but there's people helping you johnny my buddy johnny's just like no i'm fine like he's all like prideful he's like no i'm good i'm good i can carry he has a roller he has a duffel bag and he has his golf clubs like and he's like on one foot and he had he bought crutches and was like trying to use those two i was like dude like i have cash i'm just gonna weigh one of these guys down like this is gonna be terrible and he's like no it's fine it's fine the second he says it's fine like his bag falls over and he almost like trips and falls and he's like holding himself over his crutches and I was
Starting point is 00:49:15 like sir can we have some help please and this guy gives us like a push cart and he's like helping us out he's like trying to small talk me i'm like hung over and i'm tired dude like relax like you'll i'm gonna pay you but like it was like five minutes but if we hadn't had that service like we it's potential we could have been late for our flight like the lines were once we got to our um like where we were checking in and everything like the lines were fucking huge like we were in line for like 2030 minutes. There were so many fucking people there. If it had dragged, and we weren't necessarily
Starting point is 00:49:51 early for a flight either. I tipped him like $20. I was just like, dude, appreciate it. He looked at my buddy with the crutches and was just staring at him because he expected something from him. I didn't give him shit. So I didn't give him shit.
Starting point is 00:50:07 My buddy didn't give him anything. He got a tip from you, whatever. Yeah. I mean, yeah, I tipped him. So it was like, it wasn't a biggie, but I think it depends if it's, if it's just like, oh, we'll take your bags from like,
Starting point is 00:50:22 like I'm, the airport I go to is BWI where it's like, there's like people outside. You take 20 steps inside and then you're at like places where you can check your bags. That's the same thing as Midway, yeah.
Starting point is 00:50:35 Yeah, if it's from there to there, no, I'm not paying you any fucking, like I'm sorry, like I'm not paying you any fucking money. Like I'm not. And like, I sound like a piece of shit, but, like, I... Well, literally, the only...
Starting point is 00:50:48 You're going to hassle me about carrying my bags 10 feet, like... The only extra thing they do is they literally put the sticker on. And that's the only... Around, like, your handle of your bag. And then they unnecessarily print your boarding pass for you when I ask them not to do that because I do not want to deal with the extra piece of paper. You should have yelled that back at him when he started out yelling about tips yeah i mean my thing was just i mean i i could have pulled like the covet excuse be like we're not supposed to exchange cash because of covet or i've been like yo what's that memo like i'll
Starting point is 00:51:17 send you this smooth like three like how much is an appropriate amount like i saw like old ass people behind me guy pulling out like two dollar like two one dollar bills i'm like okay so that's you're gonna yell at me over two dollars like three five dollars for a bag like what are we doing here well then i also i think it's situational to like like i like i've seen like families that have like hella bags and shit and they're just like kids running around shit if it's stuff like that like even if it's at 10 feet okay like i could i could throw you some cash but it was just my like hungover ass walking in the airport with a duffel and a golf bag like if you did like force your force my bags onto your card i guess, I'm not paying you for it.
Starting point is 00:52:05 Yeah. Yeah. The things outside though, like, I think it's a San Diego airport. It just has a conveyor belt. It's literally the exact same thing. So they're not doing anything different than the inside people.
Starting point is 00:52:17 They're just like out in the weather, which Chicago, that's tougher. San Diego, it's easier to be outside than inside. So like, i should tip the people inside and not the people outside honestly what are your uh what yeah it's not my minor bullying story so what are your other like airport or flight pet peeves or bugaboos oh dude this is
Starting point is 00:52:39 the first time this ever happened to me but i think it was on the flight back from like portland this is a year ago now because we're in the flight back from like portland this is a year ago now because we're in the pandemic but in like february me and cody went to portland for the weekend just like for gonna run around the town and do whatever and on the way home i think i was on southwest or spirit or alaska either way not a like high budget airline but i was on like the very last row in the aisle seat and then the dude who's in the middle seat in the very back row was honestly pushing 350 pounds and like we're in a budget airline and those seats are tiny and he literally covered up half of my seat and like i get back there and i was like uh that's my seat and he's like all right and I was like that's my seat he's like art and
Starting point is 00:53:25 I'm like dude I'm gonna be sitting on half your leg so I like sit down like half my leg in and kind of like slide in a little bit and I'm all up on this dude like I've never touched a person more in a flight than this guy and I felt so bad cuz like I didn't say I like what do I say like well is it gonna be a long flight what you say to him yeah you have, you have to just deal with it. Yeah. He opened two rows up and one over. And I was like, just please be open.
Starting point is 00:53:56 Please be open. Stay open. Stay open. Stay open. Stay open. And they closed the door. And I got up to move. And then they're like, oh, we have more people to be let on.
Starting point is 00:54:03 I was like, sat back down again. And they did that two or three times. And I finally got to to move and then they're like oh we have more people to be let on I was like sat back down again and they did that like two or three times and I finally got to get up and like move seats and I was like we was like a flight from Portland back to Pittsburgh so it was gonna be like five hours yeah sitting like on top of this guy which I feel bad for him because I feel like it would be awkward if I was taking up someone else's seat too and just like it was awkward for me like it's a horrible situation all the way around and like it was just weird it was never want to deal with that again so yeah rooks you got any weird flight stories um yeah well like the last i was so dude i was so pissed i flew to charlotte um last year and it's it's our plane our flight only had um it was a pretty small plane so each each row only had two seats on each side so I'm I have a seat like um by myself I am chilling
Starting point is 00:54:58 I'm I am in a great mood I'm like like, this is going to be a great flight. It's only... So I flew from Charlotte to here, which is a 45-minute flight. 45-minute... Well, the problem is when I go visit my buddy in Charlotte, I mean, it's Deep Creek. I'm going to feel terrible after it. It's like a five-hour drive, I think. I'd rather just sit in the airport like a vegetable for an hour and
Starting point is 00:55:27 then just get on a 45 minute flight um yeah but so we're on this flight it's two it's two seats um two seats aside and i have an open seat and this lady comes with her kid and she's like oh and they sit like two rows behind me and she's like the um that was it stewardess is that what she comes up and she's yeah flight attendants like oh hey actually like she wants to sit with her son and they have split seats do you mind like bumping back and sitting like and i had to sit with somebody else and i was like no all right the answer is no it's like i was like fine like it's not a big deal i go and sit 10 minutes into the flight i hear this is so cool and i turn around and the little kid and his mom are in two separate rows and they both have window seats and i was like you little bitch i was like are you kidding me dude i got bamboozled
Starting point is 00:56:23 i was so sick i was so i mean great it's only 45 minute flights or who actually fucking cares but just the fact that you oh yeah like i really need to i want to sit with my son and then you guys are just jumping around he has a fucking playground to himself in his own row like fuck off man i and it's like sitting with your son, you pay to have those seats. Like if it's like, if you're like with your boyfriend or wife or whatever the hell, and like,
Starting point is 00:56:51 you're like, Oh, we're split up and we can ask, try to sit together. Cool. But like if you're a parent and you didn't buy a seat for your kid next to you, that's on you,
Starting point is 00:56:58 that's just bad parenting or like leave that kid by himself and just let it like the situation escalate and then get in trouble for it. What's your guys' typical outfit? I mean, Burn, I know the answer to this. What's your typical outfit when you're going to the airport? You can't be wearing shorts on the plane, brother. You're too much leg-to-leg contact potential. You got to wear jeans or sweats.
Starting point is 00:57:28 My outfit is joggers, long socks, gym shoes, and probably a hoodie or actually probably more like a long-sleeve shirt and then either a hat or my big Beats headphones so no one fucking talks to me. If I'm flying alone. That's so much sleeves and layers. It's way too hot on planes. You gotta go shorts because you
Starting point is 00:57:54 need shorts. I'm in window seat. I just always run warm anyways. I'm in a window seat so I can just lean to the left. I'm not touching anybody's legs. Yeah. Because I need to sleep on the side so much better. And then hoodie. Cause you can take it off and use as a pillow if you need to.
Starting point is 00:58:11 So easy. And then neck pillow that I don't actually use as a neck pillow. I just use as a literal pillow on the wall because I'm in the window seat and the walls like janky as hell. And then you, yeah, that's it. I'm very short on already i'm i'm the in between of you both i don't i don't prefer wearing shorts but like burn i also do run super hot especially your boy's a little hungover on the flight i'm gonna i'm gonna need to be a little breezy i'm
Starting point is 00:58:40 gonna need some some air going up and into the Gucci. You know what I'm saying? But, but no, I like, the main reason I ask is like, I cannot stand when people are dressed up at the airport. It just, it bugs the shit out of me. And some people like you're flying for business, you're flying to an event and you're showing up and going straight to it or something like that. I got you.
Starting point is 00:59:03 But if, if you're going you're flying somewhere you're gonna stop at your hotel airbnb friend's place whatever even if you have five minutes to change like you can change but don't show up in the airport like i can't stand it yeah i just i don't know why it irks me so bad. But people that dress up at the airport, I just, I don't know who you're trying to impress. It's just uncomfy, man. You're going to be, like, stuck in a metal tube with, like, 100 people. And, like, it's going to be, like, slightly too hot or too cold. Like, I don't want to be wearing, like, three shirts and a tie.
Starting point is 00:59:41 Like, it's just not. It just, I don't. It never got me. And, like, well well and then it also like so the airport bar right love the airport bar one of my favorite things is being like especially at certain airports the only certain bars will be open and so like sometimes it's like a nicer little place and then i'm in like sweats it's a real like i feel good i feel i'm happy you know what i'm saying i'm just oh this is a nice place i'm on a flight soon i'm wearing
Starting point is 01:00:12 fucking joggers deal with it wait when there's people in that that are dressed like they're supposed to be at this place did you plan on this did you know that this was in the agenda no i was i agree but i will say i'd be lying if i say i wasn't trying to be you know drippy casual like i'm i'm pulling up my best joggers that make that make my my butt look good i'm pulling up the nice white sneakers probably you know a nice long sleeve because the sexual tension between you and anyone relatively in your age at the airport is off the charts you know you're you get seated first. You see them walking on the airplane. You're like, I know you saw, you know, I know we were looking at each other.
Starting point is 01:00:48 You're going to make the move and sit next to me. And then they don't. You're like, ah, I missed the opportunity and never see them again. And then you just repeat the cycle on your return flight home. It's just, you know. So I like to look, you know, I'm not looking like a slobber guy. But, you know, I like to stay a little drippy, a little drippy casual. I'm currently wearing a shirt that I used to wear in middle school.
Starting point is 01:01:09 It's a North Carolina basketball t-shirt. There's like 70 holes in this shirt. Like, there's a lot of holes. I'm not saying I wear this to the airport, but I'm wearing sweats. Like, I'm looking a little cozy. Two things I will say in terms of pet peeves on a flight. One, if you're just talking to anybody on the flight, even if you're flying with your friends, like shut up, put your headphones on and watch a movie. I don't need to hear you talking.
Starting point is 01:01:39 I don't want to hear you talking. And the airport, you know, you're flying this big metal tube in the sky. No one, you know, no one wants to hear you talking and the airport you know you're flying this big metal tube in the sky no one you know no one wants to hear you talk the other thing is when the seat belt sign goes off and people just immediately rush up we haven't learned in years of similar civilization back to the primates about how to effectively get off an airplane and people think once the seat belt sign goes off let me just crowd the middle of the aisle this will this will obviously work out and it's it's order of operations people if you get up and you if you're in the sitting in the back of the flight and you get up immediately you don't all of a sudden get
Starting point is 01:02:11 to leave the plane first because you stood up first your ass still has to wait for everyone to get off in front of you so just sit back relax and be miserable for the 10 15 minutes it takes to deboard like the rest of us bro Bro, I hate people who are like, you see you're like the next two rows in front of you are the ones getting up. So you're like going to be getting up in like 30 seconds and they have nothing ready. And then like aisle opens up,
Starting point is 01:02:37 you're the next one up to stand up and they're like, oh, okay. And then they start gathering their crap and spend like a minute and a half, like opening bags and like picking up things. Like, dude, no, I have like my bag in in my lap all my headphones and things strapped on top of me as soon as i can get up one step to the right and sprinting straight forward like just get out of the plane as fast as you can could not agree more inefficient uh what i'm gonna say the other
Starting point is 01:03:00 thing um when you're walking out of the airport um oh no so two things one nothing more embarrassing than hitting your head on the top of the of the like luggage over came when you're trying to get in the window seat nothing more embarrassing than that and then oh it happens to me all the time like you just like misjudge it and you just whack your head against the thing that happens to me all the time and i'm what three inches taller than i am yeah yeah big head man i can't keep track of this thing all the time and then then the other thing too is like when you're walking out off the airport um out of um you know off of the whatever the the gate that connects you to like the main terminal or whatever and you walk out into the main part of the the airport
Starting point is 01:03:42 when everyone's waiting i kind of feel kind of swaggy walking out of there and just be like everyone's looking at you they're kind of like judging you as you walk in be like oh like is it like what's this guy got going on like what are his vibes coming off the airport and then i just try to be like have like the conor mcgregor walk walking off of there be like yeah that's right i know what i'm doing no bro when me c Corey, Cody, and Jake, and the friend Alex, we went to Peru like a year and a half ago now. The average height of like a male in Peru is like 5'3". And like the average height of like females is like 5'0". Yeah. Like just the people there are that short.
Starting point is 01:04:19 So when we got off our flight and we got to that area where people are like waiting, there's like a sort of a crowd crowd for some reason and we got all out and we're all like every single one of us on that except for cory sorry sure king was like six foot or taller and so we get out there and we're like we're like a foot and a half taller than everyone in this crowd and we're like they must think we're like usa basketball team or something because we have towering over every single person there it was super weird it was the only time i walked out when there was like a crowd waiting for whoever they're actually waiting for in that airport it was so strange but it helped because we were white and like six foot tall so everyone knew we were tourists and knew that like okay they're gonna be idiots and not actually know how to communicate with anybody so you could see us
Starting point is 01:05:05 coming from he's gonna come up and go hola como estas like i thought we're pretty good at spanish we didn't try very hard which i think is is good what i learned you go up you say hello you don't say hola because you say hello they understand that you're gonna speak english and if they speak spanish back to you that's when you're like okay we gotta meet in the middle ground somewhere but if they say hi back you're like okay they can speak english we're good we can move on because if you try to speak spanish they'll speak spanish back to you and you're like do you speak english after like a sentence and they're like yeah and you're like okay cool let's just do that instead like stop making me try to and look like a total embarrassment to
Starting point is 01:05:51 are you guys are you guys everyone in the states i was i was on a hot streak of never using an airplane bathroom until recently and i had i used it once and it was right after we landed actually coming from croatia to phil Philadelphia and right after it was just took so long to get off and I was and it was like an eight hour flight and I was just I'm like no this is it and I just got up and we weren't moving I'm like I gotta do it and so we weren't even in the air we were landed and I used the the airport bathroom but I used the airplane bathroom I feel like you bragged about that on the way to Croatia you're like yeah man never use the bathroom never gonna do it yeah so that's hilarious you
Starting point is 01:06:25 reason on the way back I mean international flight you kind of have to man it's like eight hours like what are you about to do just to go take a piss like literally just gonna be uncomfortable for five hours like I I'm pretty shameless man
Starting point is 01:06:41 I'll I'm just gonna go use it if I'm not feeling comfortable on the flight I'm going like I'm'm just gonna go use it if I'm not feeling comfortable on the flight I'm going I'm gonna just take care of it too many ginger ales I will say ginger ale hits different on an airplane it's like the one drink that hits different well no hey pro tip
Starting point is 01:06:58 for anyone that's drinking at the bar beforehand don't drink beer because then then you'll have to like pee more because you'll be like drink you know what i'm saying like you can you'll have less liquid with like liquor compared to beer if you're drinking like the same amount you know what i'm saying you'll have to pee less big brain you can also bring on the little mini bottles onto a flight another plastic bag yeah i think you can yeah yeah you can it's like a one liter or one quart plastic bag of the little bottles as many
Starting point is 01:07:36 as you can fit fuck you can bring one when i was in um yeah i think it was when i was in um dullest last dullest there's like a full bottle shop and i was like dude can you buy this like a bottle and take it on the plane like that'd be fucking sick like bottle service like have your own little party in your row like that'd be like have you you and your buddy is holding up sparklers and just like fist pump like raising the roof yeah i was gonna say flight attendants come down the aisle with like your name and lights like fist pump like raising the roof yeah flight attendants come down the aisle with like your name and lights like i was asking my buddy i was like no like you have to buy it like you buy it and then you have to put it in like a carry-on and i was like what's the
Starting point is 01:08:14 fucking point of buying it what's the point of buying it yeah and like it's super upcharged too like the fuck the fifths and stuff were like triple the price it's like who's doing this why usually it's like they're tax-free that's how they usually try to like spin it but that's like i'm pretty i mean maybe i was wrong maybe i just quick glanced and then the second my buddy said that i was like oh fuck this i don't want these but i'm pretty sure the ones in dallas were like super expensive but dulles also has like dulles has like super high-end brands just like stores like i think they have like a dior store in there it's like yeah why why yeah yeah a lot of airports do it's it makes no sense i don't know who's buying that just like yeah i'm gonna get on flight but real quick, let me get a shot. That's what I'm missing from this flight. What the fuck?
Starting point is 01:09:08 That was my airplane story. Shout out to the guy at Midway at the Southwest Valley Check Terminal. Sorry for not tipping you, bud. Thanks for not pooping in my bag. I watched the Jake Paul Ben Askren fight did you guys watch it? the funniest thing I saw was that Ben Askren
Starting point is 01:09:33 built like a bag of milk man that's a great line got a soft body yeah I saw the I heard about all the terrible music performances at the beginning and then I and then I saw
Starting point is 01:09:49 the first round knockout of Ben Affleck with my dad out there like he had this typical dad gut where it's you know like no pecs big gut but like nice legs like I don't think everyone's dad has like good legs probably from mowing the lawn so much but they just have a massive amount of beer bellies.
Starting point is 01:10:06 Yeah, man. All right. So when I looked up when the fight was, it was like, yeah, the fight's on at 9. And I was like, ugh. So I turned it on at 9. It wasn't on at 9. The undercard starts at 9. It was so late.
Starting point is 01:10:22 Yep. So the undercard starts at 9. While I was watching the undercard, I looked it up again. They're like, oh yeah, the main card starts at like 10.30. It's like, cool. Or the fight starts at 10.30. Cool. All right, 10.30.
Starting point is 01:10:33 Comes around. Main card starts at 10.30. Great. So the fight's at the very end. Obviously comes down like midnight or 1. I have notes for the whole thing because I turn it on at 9 and I'm an idiot and I just left it on. I'll run it through real quick because it's complete nonsense dude it's not quick because it's so many things happen turn it on at nine it was right before it was like 8 55 it was just pete davidson and snoop just talking and literally
Starting point is 01:10:55 just smoking weed together just like in a room just like chatting up made no sense to me turns out they're the two like announcers for the fight then at nine o'clock it switches over to be like the actual event but then it's just snoop again smoking steve urkel comes out yeah starts promoting his new brand so like he's in full character purple urkel i don't know i heard someone talking about that i was like wait what that's awesome it's so smart but so ridiculous that he came out in full character again to like promote this. And like, that's the very beginning of this event. So I was going crazy. Then Diplo shows up for some reason and like just starts talking to Pete Davidson, the black keys start performing.
Starting point is 01:11:34 Cause like, you know, that's like intro for a boxing match. For some reason, Mario Lopez comes out. He's the third announcer for the fight. Then there's one actual first fight, but it's this dude named Raycon. Who's like a reggaeton artist, like in South America, he's the third announcer for the fight then there's one actual first fight but it's this dude named raycon who's like a reggaeton artist like in south america he's like the biggest deal who like got in some beef with some like amateur boxer at a club because they both try to talk to a girl and they're like yeah we should sell this in the ring so they fought raycon landed zero punches it went three rounds he got knocked out oh ridiculous so after that ended there was another musical thing it was next but before that they were talking to her thank you so weedy i said i said i shouldn't emphasize it enough but like they're like talking to her beforehand
Starting point is 01:12:18 they're like hey how do you like your pizza well i put hot cheetos on it and that was her like twitter that was her interview though i I was just like, bro. No, whatever. This is so gross. Someone tweeted, bro, if Saweetie gave you a golden shower, you'd come out looking like Harvey Dent. And I was like, bro, chill out. Why would you ever say such a thing? But it's because of like her saying shit like that.
Starting point is 01:12:44 That's why Quavo, that's why her and Qu saying shit like that that's why quavo that's why her and quavo was like i ain't i ain't dealing with that oh god but sorry sorry to interrupt but man that's just that's so much ridiculous bro she's the worst performer i've ever seen though literally zero percent effort to try to like lip sync she poured like eight songs and, like, just didn't even, like, she would, like, say the, like, first word of the, like, line and then just, like, dance and, like, stare at the camera with her mouth not moving very obviously. Like, okay, this is stupid. So the dude who was doing my stream, whoever it was, just put some music on over it. And it was, like, this really long intro.
Starting point is 01:13:23 I was like, what's this song? And it was like this really long intro i was like what's this song he literally put rasputin on over the music and i was vibing out it was great it was a really long intro where it's like i was like what i know this and he played the entire song because she performed for like 30 minutes and then that song ended he put on sandstorm by darude for like the rest of it and i was just dying it was great but then after that e40 performed ice cube performed snoop dogg performed like there's been an hour and a half of music at this point in one fight between a music guy who got into a argument at a club when's the last time e40 like came out with a song chase the money chase the money i don't know
Starting point is 01:14:07 what that is you know i can do it the whole thing for you chase the money featuring drake it might sound like a boomer but the last e40 song off the top of my head would tell me where to go like that's the last one and that was like i don't even know what that was e40 has the best like he has the best ad libs he's just like it's like just like e40 it's like, I don't even know what that was. E-40 has the best, like, he has the best ad-libs. He's just like, ooh. It's just like E-40. It's just like, he's just so fat. It's a hoody.
Starting point is 01:14:31 Yeah, like, but anyway. I think Snoop has, like, money in Triller. That's, like, the promotion doing this, and I think that's why. Because Snoop has performed at every Triller event that I've seen so far. So it makes sense. All right, so after the hour and a half of musical performances and the one music guy boxing for some reason, there's a slap box fight. Great. I've seen these online. They're kind of sick, but this one was like set up like they're slapping
Starting point is 01:14:56 each other. It went three rounds. The first two slaps, like I could hit harder than both of them. And then the third one, the guy gets knocked out and they're like, Oh, but like, if you see them online, they're like legit hits. And like like they were not actually swinging hard so this fight we're going to talk about how the last fight's fixed this fight was also fixed and it was really stupid so after that you know we have to go back to their bread and butter and get a musical artist out here so doja cat comes out again my stream here about like 30 seconds in their first song they start putting the black eyed peas over top of their first song they start putting on the black eyed peas over top of her
Starting point is 01:15:26 for some reason so I listen to the black eyed peas for like 20 minutes so after two hours now we're on to our second boxing match which is Frank Mir fought
Starting point is 01:15:37 Rooks really? why did Frank Mir fight? heavyweight he had 70 pounds on the guy he was fighting 70 pound weight was it boxing? it was boxing Why did Frank Muir fight? He had 70 pounds on the guy he was fighting. 70 pound weight.
Starting point is 01:15:47 Was it boxing? It was boxing. Why the fuck is Frank Muir boxing anybody? Frank Muir's never knocked anyone out stand-up in the history of his whole career. He might be the worst stand-up in heavyweight. He can at least swing because he has like 265 pounds
Starting point is 01:16:05 behind him. I remember any heavyweight fighter that wins off of heel hooks, you're not a heavyweight fighter. He's the Ben Askren of the heavyweight division. So it's just ridiculous that he was also boxing today. He lost
Starting point is 01:16:21 needless to say. He had a couple good shots. It actually seemed like a legit boxing match though, so like, good. That might have been the best part of the entire night. Did he fight like an actual boxer? Yeah, dude. And was the actual boxer, like, how old is Frank Mir now, like 97? The boxer was like 97 as well.
Starting point is 01:16:38 So, it was fair. But, so, they brought out another guy for the commentary team, this time Oscar De La Hoya, but dude, he was high as a kite. Well, Snoop but so they brought out another guy for the commentary team this time oscar de la joya but dude he was high as a kite well snoop was like passing around read the entire time and like mario lopez was like yeah i can't really do that because like he has a job but everyone else was pete davidson was like they just pass around a joint it was great yeah but so the guy frank muris fighting his nickname was the uss whatever because he was like a sailor. Oscar De La Jolla kept going, the USSR!
Starting point is 01:17:05 Let's go, baby! Which like, and Mario Lopez was like, yeah, the Soviet Union fell a couple years ago, man. It's not that. And, dude, it sounded like I don't know if you remember this much. When we watched Pacquiao vs. Mayweather, you were like drunk out of your mind, screaming
Starting point is 01:17:21 the entire time. Oh yeah, I was so angry. Oscar De la jolla sounded like you at that fight because he did not shut up he said ussr a hundred times it was i'm glad i didn't watch then oh god it was so bad so after that fight ends the uh d'amelio sisters from tiktok come out to present the winner of that fight with a belt because apparently there's some championship from fighting frank mear who's never fought in a boxing match in his life so they were there for some reason that shit literally just sounds like a fever it sounds like it sounds like an event in
Starting point is 01:17:56 like a shitty movie that they tried to like like in like a really shitty movie where they're like oh we got all these features and it's like yeah and like the only person we could get that's actually like respected mma is frank mir but we're gonna throw him in the ring and then we'll have the d'amelio sisters come out because we booked them for this shit too but they only get one scene so all they're gonna do is present the belt it's like it's a mad lab it's a mad lab it's like all right name a celebrity okay d'amelio sisters all right let's go to action boxing it's like, okay. I can't follow this shit. Like, I don't know what's happening.
Starting point is 01:18:30 So, now we're two and a half hours in. What's up next? Another musical performance. Major Lazer comes out. Major Lazer, they're pretty good. Oh, hell yeah. They're dope. Fuck yeah.
Starting point is 01:18:40 They're the best one of the night for sure, but it's because they aren't, like, lip syncing or anything like that, and they're not trying to, like, dance. You didn't, like um doja cat performing the blackhead piece i like the black the words didn't really match up her uh lyrics but then there was one legitimate fight but three rounds into it the dude just swings gets a massive body shot square into his like sternum it's super high up the dude goes all my nuts and falls over they show the replay it's nowhere close to his nuts the dude gets stretchered out and the fight ends because of the like supposed nut shot love it that's like the wwe stuff this this these fights this whole event wwe dude and like no but like the wwe wouldn't be like
Starting point is 01:19:22 it wouldn't be as all over the place. It would be so much better. There's a better storyline. This is like at your church's basement. You rented it out, and it's like you and your buddies rented a ring, and you're coming out. It's like the Always Sunny episode where they're the birds or whatever. I'm the trash man. I throw trash all over the ring type of thing.
Starting point is 01:19:49 It's literally, I'm looking at it as when I grew up and I was playing with toys, like huge wrestling fan, I had a little ring with all these toys. My storylines were just whatever was going on in my third or fourth grade mind. Yeah, and then this is happening. Oh yeah, and this happened. Oh yeah, and this guy's going to say he got hit in the balls balls but he's getting taken out on stretcher even though he didn't get hit in the balls like it's just like it's just a mess like you said a fever dream okay so that was
Starting point is 01:20:13 our third fight but we've had four musical performances so what do we need now a fifth musical performance bieber comes out his is fine bieber performed i i don't hate on bieber that much i don't like him as a human i think he sucks but his music it's fine overplayed junior year of college and senior year of college hey bite your tongue um no it's very obvious though that they were like these fights are gonna suck so we need to book like like any festival that headline with like major laser doja cat and bieber would be like us like that would be like a hell of a day at any festival so they were like we're booking a show for this shit because these fights are going to be secondary i just hate that they call it the undercard and the main card the undercard was a slap boxing fight and then like the dude who got into
Starting point is 01:21:08 a fight in a club that's not an undercard for like an event so we're three and a half hours in we've seen six musical performances a slap boxing fight a do get hit in the nuts and a reggaeton artist land zero punches now we're on to the main fight, which is not any better than anything else. It's Jake Paul versus Ben Askren. If anyone doesn't know, Ben Askren was in the UFC in Bellator and was like champ in Bellator. Or maybe it was one.
Starting point is 01:21:36 Either way, not in the UFC though. He was not a champ in the UFC. Not in the UFC. I know, he was not a champ. He was at the end of his run in the UFC. But, dude takes punches to the face all the time there's videos of him just getting leveled
Starting point is 01:21:49 and like getting up and being completely fine and he fights Jake Paul and gets one punch to the face and he gets knocked out apparently I was saying before that was a hard punch bro that was a hard punch but he's not dude I can send you a clip.
Starting point is 01:22:05 There's a dude, Robbie Lawler, who is the hardest hitting welterweight in the UFC and will go to war. There's multiple fights where he's literally covered head to toe in blood. And that guy fought Ben Askren and landed 20 punches straight to his head when he was on the ground.
Starting point is 01:22:20 And Ben Askren won the fight at the end because he just took the shots and got up and then submitted him later. He has a chin. He can get hit and one shot from Jake Paul levels him. Nah. I just like we were like a lot of people
Starting point is 01:22:35 I was with this weekend were talking about the fight and were like oh I hope Jake Paul loses. I was just sitting there like he's not going to lose. Just in the content in the context of this fight like we said with the frank muir shit ben askren's a wrestler like ben askren doesn't punch anybody so putting him in a fight where he can only punch somebody against someone who only punches people the odds are not very good for ben astrin yeah and but to your point
Starting point is 01:23:09 talking about like him getting hit so much i mean there's like there's like wear and tear you know what i mean like there's sure eventually he's gonna keep getting hit but like after watching it and then seeing ben astrin after the fight, I would say he took a dive. Ben Askren looked super happy after the fight ended. Dude, it's like two seconds after he's walking out of the ring, he's with his wife, smiling ear to ear. Yeah, he's just cheesing. Without a mark on his face.
Starting point is 01:23:36 He is so happy. And like, they had the, he got paid half a million dollars for this fight. And that's, I don't know if he got any money from the sales of the pay-per-view or anything like that but his last fight in the UFC he only got paid $267,000 so he got paid double to fight Jake Paul
Starting point is 01:23:55 versus UFC like yeah you're gonna take a dive he's not like a guy with a big ego so he would do it well and the thing is too like in comparison to the fight where he's he won half the money he doesn't have to camp like he doesn't have to cut weight he doesn't have to do all these like crazy prep he literally is okay i'll show up and i'll talk because ben askren also is a really great talker too so he's like okay i'll promote the
Starting point is 01:24:22 fight a little bit i'll show jake paul we'll get there i'll get hit and drop my ass on the mat 500 500 g's just right there i don't think he took a dive and here's why because he because i mean i've never been in a boxing ring before and again i know like ufc you can take punches to the face like whatever but those like the boxing gloves are weighted, right? So I know there's like a weight limit you have. They're not weighted. There's a weight limit. So there's only a certain amount of padding in it.
Starting point is 01:24:53 And they're like 16 ounces or something like that. So it's like a pound. I would argue that. I mean, that was I mean, I don't like Jake Paul. I think he's just I think it like what he did is like, it's smart. Like I'm not going to hate on him for making money and promoting it. But like the guy isn't a schlubby there. Like he's an athlete.
Starting point is 01:25:12 And I think he caught, he caught Ben Askren in the chin. I don't think Ben Askren was, I think if you listen to like all the stuff he said beforehand, he was, he wasn't really promoting the fight. He's like, and he kind of just told everyone what he's going to do. He's like, listen, I'm if, if Jake's gonna do he's like listen i'm if if jake's good he's gonna probably knock me out if he's not good like i'll probably win turns out jake wasn't terrible and therefore knocked him out and like like i agree that he didn't train obviously he's obviously didn't train or do
Starting point is 01:25:37 anything for this fight like so i don't think he took a dive i just don't think he took it seriously and he was just gonna go in with that with the the with the stance of maybe my UFC training will help me carry through this somehow and I'll somehow magically become a decent boxer and be able to beat him up but I like that obviously didn't work out and he got knocked out I don't think he took a dive necessarily I just don't think he trained for hard for this fight zero chance he trained at all he put out a couple training videos like it was definitely as a joke because he would like hit the bag with like two punches like very slow but bro did you see the stoppage of it though because in boxing you have a 10 count if you hit the mat unless you're literally stiff unconscious they count to 10 you can get up he got hit fell over the ref called it
Starting point is 01:26:22 ben astron stood up immediately and said, I'm ready to go. And the ref went, nah, it's over. Dude, this is the same. Dude, you just went through the list of people slapboxing and getting hit in the sternum when they said they got hit in the leg and calling the fight in Doja Cat. I'm not going to take the ref of this very seriously to be like, I'm going to do an official takeout. Maybe he didn't take a dive. He just got hit. But they paid that ref to just say, hey, call it as soon as you can. that's not a dive though that's not a dive then okay dive or fixed i don't
Starting point is 01:26:49 either way it's rigged is how i'm a dive is like you can clear like he got punched in the face bro like i like i don't care what you say that man got punched in the face and like went to the mat so that's not a dive in my a dive would be like him would be like the guy who got hit in the hitting the sternum and said he hit in the ball i think that's a dive but he still got hit i'm saying ben askren was like hey i'll go in there if you hit me hard i'll just hit the mat no i don't think so no i don't think so no i don't think so because if ben if ben why would ben askren do that if ben askren wins he's gonna he makes more money so like why would he why would he put there wasn't there wasn't like a it's just straight money it's not like in the ufc you're like actually trying to win this is like a one-off event it's not like they're fighting
Starting point is 01:27:33 for a belt but even so then why why would he then say like okay if i've already locked my money up why would i risk you know looking like an idiot in front of people like that's why i think he just didn't care he's like i'll go in i made my money what happens happens i'm not gonna take a dive that's how i see it i think they talked about the fight beforehand we're like hey this is how it's gonna be set up because they are like hey we're gonna pay you a hell of a lot of money take a dive or at least like i'm gonna win the fight so there's a video of jake paul like four or five years ago and they're asking him about boxing. He's like, yeah, man, that whole sport's rigged.
Starting point is 01:28:06 It's definitely like fixed. They just like pay for the winner. And so that video has been going around this week too. So this kid knew that this is rigged from the beginning and is coming out. And the entire event, like I said, like you guys said, giant fever dream, completely just all over the place the ref
Starting point is 01:28:25 didn't say ben askren's name right when they're announcing him one the ref didn't give him a 10 count he could have got up and continued fighting too he was smiling when he was walking out with his wife he got hit once the dude gets hit in the face all the time he just made 250k i would be smiling too he made 500 500k I'd be smiling even more. He can get hit in the face once and he knows he's going to be fine. That's why he's saying he's going to go in there, swim a couple of times, get knocked out, quotation marks, and then just call it.
Starting point is 01:28:55 Well, and like a lot, especially so soon after getting knocked out, if you really do get knocked out, a lot of times there's a lot of medical attention. And you know maybe there could it could be they booked they booked too many performing artists they couldn't book any emt nobody i'm saying bro that's what i'm saying like i i think his reaction after i i i'm a little sketched out by it because he is like, how many, like how long after was he,
Starting point is 01:29:29 would you say he was like with his wife? Like immediately after, like he got knocked down, stood up, said he's fine. They called the fight, they raised their hands and then they walked out and that was it. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:38 Like, like maybe they're just don't know how this stuff works, but like, I think that's a little sketchy, but I can also, I like, I'm kind of on the fence. like maybe they're just don't know how this stuff works but like i think that's a little sketchy but i can also i like i'm kind of on the fence because now i'm thinking well maybe like maybe he just like zach saying like maybe it was just oh he didn't take it seriously he got hit once and then but i i see both sides that's what that's what i'm trying to say is i see both sides. That's what I'm trying to say. I see both sides. So I'm trying to look up.
Starting point is 01:30:05 Jake Paul fought someone else before he fought Robinson. That's legitimate because he was out cold. But he fought someone before that. When KSI fought Logan Paul, Jake Paul... He didn't fight anyone legit there.
Starting point is 01:30:21 He fought KSI's little brother too. Who literally, if you've ever seen i i used to be super into like ksi's brother and all that kind of stuff before they got like more into like this level of stardom i guess but deji is he's such he's such a weenie boy he's super weenie boy the second they got in the ring it was very apparent what was gonna happen it was it was it was that clip of the two women boxers like the one that has mom on her trunks and doesn't leave her corner it just keeps her dukes up and the other one comes and knocks her out in like eight seconds like it was the same thing so
Starting point is 01:31:05 wait you knocked him out like immediately I'm on Wikipedia trying to see like it says TKO but it says round five out of six but I feel like it wasn't I don't think it wasn't immediate it was like from what I remember Deji looked like he didn't know what he was doing it was just kind of running around the
Starting point is 01:31:21 ring like so this random YouTube kid who also probably didn't train you like ben askren could take more beatings from jake paul granted it was a year or two or a couple years ago so maybe he wasn't training as much but ben askren's taken punches in the face for like 20 years and he had a couple years off so it's not like he just got knocked out and it's like suspect to another one again that i'm just i mean that's there's just too many things against it man that's kind of also not how like the brain works though yeah it's not how punches to the face work brian like i get 20 years to the head oh i take a few years off and now my brain's chilling like that's not how it works if you get knocked out the next fight
Starting point is 01:32:05 your brain's still gonna be like bruised you're definitely more at risk at having problems i'm saying i thought it was if i get knocked down i get up again you ain't never gonna get down sorry i couldn't help myself you kill i don't i think that i think the myth of you being like yeah i can the myth of you like yeah i could eat punches like that doesn't necessarily like so do you think like an old-ass boxer could like if i punched like ben astin's not like a young dude like like as a doughy doughy dad who's like just like sitting around and not working out like i don't i'm not i don't find it hard to believe that a young 22 year old-old Jake Paul who's been working out and training how to become a boxer catches him in the chin and he gets knocked out.
Starting point is 01:32:50 Again, maybe it's not a lights out, going board stiff, but I don't find it that hard to believe. I don't believe that it's a legit event in one way or another. I don't know if it's the ref or it's him or they agree to him take a fall or if he's just like trying to promote it and being WWE in one of those ways. It's fixed or rigged or however you want to say it is my opinion.
Starting point is 01:33:17 I forgot. I was going to say something because now oh no. Okay, what I was going to say now but like to what Zach's saying in reference to Burn saying people have a chin that is kind of a thing like there are guys that can take more punches than other guys like there's been so many dudes in boxing and the ufc this guy's got a great chin he's got a great chin they talk about it because if you look at the number of
Starting point is 01:33:44 times this guy gets hit every fight it's higher than other people but they don't get knocked out agreed but i still think a one-off punch could could do it like like i mean i think i'm playing down the middle okay i'm i see both sides of this i didn't expect ben askren to like knock him out but the way it went down, if you're going to want people to believe it, give him a round or two, and then at least let the ref follow the real rules of the fight and give him a 10 count.
Starting point is 01:34:15 But that's not Ben Askren's fault. No, yeah, yeah. The ref went... But that's fine. I'm not saying it's Ben's fault or anything. I'm just saying triller events suspect never watching yes yes that i will agree with you said oh yeah i wasn't expecting ben askren knock around everything you see one shot of ben askren pre-fight you know that man's not
Starting point is 01:34:37 knocking anyone out that man is oh yeah just soft body but i overall from what like I'm glad I didn't we were gonna put it on and then someone looked it up and it was the same situation where it's like oh this is the undercard we'll check back later and then we all just got too fucked up and I forgot about it but um
Starting point is 01:34:59 I'm very glad that I didn't view this it sounds like such a fucking mess. It's ridiculous. If the musical performances were good, it'd be entertaining, but they weren't. If the announcers were funny,
Starting point is 01:35:16 it'd be good, but Pete Davidson was the only one who was entertaining because the whole time he was like, yeah, I don't know what I'm doing over here, but they're fighting. Where everyone else is just like screaming. Snoop had money on Jake Paul to win in the first round by knockout. Also suspect. And he was yelling that before the fight.
Starting point is 01:35:36 I don't like that. Yeah. I don't like that. And he like owns part of Triller and is the announcer and performs at every event. I really don't like that. It's WWE is all I'm saying. Don't disrespect WWE like that. Do not disrespect
Starting point is 01:35:54 WWE like that. It's NXT? Is that the other one? No, what's the other one? No. It's still WWE. It's like TNA. You're thinking of TNA. There it is. Yeah. It's definitely Tna that's that's more accurate so kids don't watch trailer events because there's some nonsense uh tip your bag guy at the airport yeah secure your bag and tip the bad guy and we're out

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