It’s Wednesday My Dudes - Ep. 31: The Chicago River Incident

Episode Date: September 8, 2021

Zack enlightens us as to the infamous Dave Mathews Band Chicago river incident, we get into the bullying that happens on YikYak and Formspring, Bryan watches shows backwards, and we talk about how our... friend Hickey doesn't understand probability. Rate us 5 stars and leave a review on Apple Podcasts! Links here to follow on Social Media! and find other places to listen!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So Dave Matthews Band was here. This must have been like 2010 or something like that. We could fact check this later. Jamie, fact check this. They were, they played a show and they had a tour, like their tour bus, and they stopped their tour bus along the Chicago, or along the Chicago River for whatever reason. And then they, the tour bus or whoever operates it,
Starting point is 00:00:23 unloaded the fecal tub or whatever into the Chicago River onto some unsuspecting people who were going through the architecture tour. Yeah, so the DMV dropped a deuce on some unsuspecting people. Can you imagine just in Chicago? You're going on this tour you know checking all i got a sweet picture at the bean wow chicago sunshine state man it's beautiful you're just out on the river having a time and then you just get piles of shit and piss dumped on you from the heavens you know how bad that would ruin your fucking day that would ruin your day that's why they call it Sin City man
Starting point is 00:01:06 that's true look they turned the river green for St. Patrick's Day they turned the river brown for when Dave Matthews Band comes to town it has it's own Wikipedia page what's it like the event of
Starting point is 00:01:22 dumping on Chicago it's the Dave Matthews Band Chicago River incident. And I was, and it was earlier, so it was 2004. And do you want to guess the amount of pounds of human waste dumped? Want to play a little Price is Right game? Brian, play the song. Why do they know that? How long was the tour?
Starting point is 00:01:44 Two tons, Bob. I'm going to go. Was that your guess? I'm going to go 100 pounds. 100 pounds for Rooks. Corey? Man, that's a big group of people. Like Dave Matthews' band, there's, I mean, they got a saxophone.
Starting point is 00:02:00 They got trumpets. They got a lot. I'm going to go. Dave? David. I'll say say one 130 130 pounds brian one one one dollar bob one pound uh cory wins but only because uh he was the the highest because it was 800 pounds oh my god what first off was this like 10 years worth of touring who the fuck drives their bus fucking bruce banner how is he picking up that whole fucking thing i mean he didn't dump it out himself there's probably like a port
Starting point is 00:02:41 yeah but so is it just like a thing where you just hold on hold on yeah it's like a valve you can like open even know it's a 800 pounds yeah that's what that's a really good question rooks i'm actually how do we have that gauge the people under just hold on nobody move we need to weigh ourselves after this like what what did that come to be they weighed the river afterwards here we go that Here's the official court filing, how it describes it. This is according to the Wikipedia page. The liquid waste was brownish yellow in color and had a foul offensive odor. The liquid human waste went into passengers' eyes, mouths, hair, and onto clothing and personal belongings, many of which were soaked.
Starting point is 00:03:19 Some of the passengers suffered nausea and vomiting as a result of exposure to the human waste. I fucking bet. Bro, how much money did they get for suing them? Because I would love to sue them. Let's play it again. Let's play it again. Brian, you go first this time. Wait, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. Can we get a little bit of detail?
Starting point is 00:03:35 How many people were, like, part of the settlement? That's one big thing. Roughly two-thirds of the 120 passengers aboard the tour boat were soaked. So I'm going to guess, let's say for the safety of it, let's just say all 120 somehow got money. Okay. Are we giving total per person? For defamation?
Starting point is 00:03:55 Defication? Alright. I'm going to just do it easy. 120 million. One mil each. Simple as that. I'm going to go less. I'm going to say I'm going to say like 5 million. One mil each. Simple as that. I'm going to go less. I'm going to say I'm going to say like 5 million. No, it's so much
Starting point is 00:04:14 higher than that. 5 million to 1, Corey. I don't know. I have no fucking idea. I'm going to say 60 million. I'll say 500k each. You guys. It's only $300,000. What? They each got like 20K?
Starting point is 00:04:32 Eat my dick, Burn. I won. I would be so pissed. I don't care. I'm mad for the people. People were just crazy back then. I would not dunk myself in a tub of complete human human waste for 20k it's not worth it do you know how much therapy i would require after having piles and piles of human shit dumped on me and
Starting point is 00:04:54 there's no easy cleanup like do you know how much i would need to talk to somebody about that like i was just having a normal i was having a normal day and someone dumped fecal matter and piss all over me it's also not like like they know it was dave matthews right like they know they have money that's the other thing it's not like mayday parade came down and dumped that it's like it's dave matthews like they they got a shit ton of money don't hate on mayday parade come on now i would argue that they're smaller than dave matthews i didn't say they weren't smaller i'm just saying don't hate on them i wasnade. Come on now. I would argue that they're smaller than Dave Matthews. I didn't say they weren't smaller. I'm just saying. Don't hate on them. I wasn't hating.
Starting point is 00:05:28 Do you think anyone sold their feces-soaked clothes on eBay afterwards? No. Because I think that's not bad at all. No. I think you get more than $20,000 for a shirt covered in Dave Matthews turds. I hate that we... Do you think there's that many people trying to buy that? Oh, yeah. Dave Matthews fansds. I hate that. We think there's that many people trying to buy that. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:05:45 Dave Matthews van fans are crazy. We had such a nice week last week, and I know I've already cussed already. But man, just the topic choice to kick this week off. It's just. I don't know what to say. Zach just had to release it on all of us. It was a lot built up. Yeah, I was on the boat.
Starting point is 00:06:04 I was on the tour and zach was dave matthews man bus driver the best part of this uh whole case is the one of the last sentences in the in this wikipedia article it said the dave matthews band additionally agreed to keep a log of when and where its buses emptied their septic tanks so they have like a septic tank journal. Fool me once. And twice on Sunday. I was going to say, what day of the week did they drop their feces on everybody? I think it was Sunday, but it would have been a better day to drop their feces on them. It is Wednesday, my dude.
Starting point is 00:06:51 I am continually impressed with that intro. the verbiage was so bad in that transition sounded so good in my head we don't get paid enough for these fantastic intros it is episode 31 of it's wednesday my dudes we got a good episode all four of us are here we got cory it me your boy. We got Rooks. Hello. And we got Zach. Go Hoosiers. Ugh.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Ew. Zero and one. Big oof. Did you guys see? Yik Yak's back. What? Is it actually? Yeah.
Starting point is 00:07:24 I have it on my phone. Yikes. This is on the docket to talk about for like three weeks. We got so sidetracked two weeks ago. Yeah, there was definitely going to be no Yik Yak talk two weeks ago. I'll tell you that much. That's awesome, though. I miss that app. I only did terrible things on that app, but I loved it.
Starting point is 00:07:43 At Penn State, first off first don't admit that well no like i'm gonna like it's not i'm gonna tell you what i did it's funny but i think it's funny but so first off don't be the person on yik yak that says on a college campus yo where to party at like don't you know there's everyone's partying you know you can find something yourself do not post that on an anonymous website but so anytime someone would say oh where's the party at i would reply and i would i would look up a random address and like frat land like i would just close my eyes and pick a street address on frat land and i would give them the number and like house like street address everything and i would post it like dude come through like bring the boys like we got tons
Starting point is 00:08:30 of alcohol don't even worry about it we don't charge at the door like i'll see you in 20 the amount of times where they'd walk up and or i'd assume they'd go there because they would reply with just yo i can't get in or, it doesn't look like anyone's here. It's like, come on, man. You really just like some stranger just told you an address and you're going to go to it. What about stranger danger, man? Where do we lose that? Freshmen are desperate.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Freshmen are desperate. You ever like those videos of all the freshmen walking around campus just magically hoping a party is going to appear and they're going to walk in? They're definitely willing to take advice from a random stranger that posts an address on Yik Yak. The thing is, that person taking that advice is definitely a Quimbo-type human being. I could 1,000% see him doing that. We'll have some Quimbo stories at some point. I don't want to have them on the podcast
Starting point is 00:09:26 but I mean calling him out oh my god asshole I would say that to Quimbo's face Quimbo I kind of love you you know what you did yes
Starting point is 00:09:40 you're on a list forever that much is for sure I loved i did love yik yak and just like being like saying just stupid things to people um but i will say when i mean i don't know if you guys remember but there's a point on yik yak where it was just bomb threat central at penn state and every person was just oh there's a mysterious package outside of willard everybody get out and it was just oh it happened eight or nine times like in a three month span it was just come on man you're ruining my fun here like this is not okay this is not chill not good yeah when you download it there's a big disclaimer it's like hey let's like try to not do
Starting point is 00:10:21 this again and be like normal like you can't do this, this, and this. You can't do that, though. Just bully people. You can't do that. You can't be like, yeah, we're going to give you this Twitter feed that's completely anonymous, but don't be irresponsible at all. It's like, I never really used Yik Yak, but Form Spring, that's the one in high school that I remember. And it was basically just like,
Starting point is 00:10:46 why don't we open up cyberbullying for everybody anonymously? Because that'll be great. I would argue FormSpring is way more dangerous. Because it's like, the questions are anonymous, but the person answering and who you're asking the questions to, you know
Starting point is 00:11:02 who it is. So people are mean as hell on Forum Spring. Forum Spring was like, it was like, I kind of remember, and I'm like from what you guys are saying, but it's like, so one person's profile,
Starting point is 00:11:16 they, people anonymously send in questions and then they answer it and it's like kind of like a Twitter feed where you like, you see their answers to the questions and shit. Oh my gosh, I totally forgot about that.
Starting point is 00:11:25 That was significantly worse than Yik Yak. If you never went through middle school with Form Spring, you were not bullied as much as our generation was. It's so bad. It's tough.
Starting point is 00:11:40 It only lasted like a year at our school. And only like very interesting people had it. Everyone knew what was going to happen. Is Form Spring still like around? Can you actually go on it? Because if so, we need a Form Spring for the podcast. Anonymous questions, that would be fantastic.
Starting point is 00:12:02 I mean, that's a quick way to get a lot of people's feedback pretty pretty hey pretty fast i don't think it's gonna be very positive people can ask us anonymous questions whenever they'd like right burn oh you actually can uh in the description of every episode there's a link you can send in a question put in a fake name we won't know who you are yeah you can say anonymous stuff to us so you can say anonymous stuff to us and we will put it on the podcast like might need to do that little like fbi interrogation voice filter on it so we don't know who you are but like figure it out be like this is uh this is mind goblin calling in big time to me jim prime time exactly according to the verge in an article from march 15 2013 forum spring shut down on march 31st of that year so it lasts until 2013 did they say that
Starting point is 00:12:57 it was because of cyber bullying like we all assume because oh absolutely it was i don't know why it wouldn't have it's not like hosting that's gonna take a lot of overhead just you have a website and people post on it right yeah what's like basically what a horrendous medium is this basically like ask jeeves but you know who jeeves is yeah it's like i can post on your you have a profile zach i can post on your like quote wall or whatever you want to call it and be like why are you a piece of shit why do you keep pooping on people over chicago's overpasses and you would have no idea who it is and you'd be like wow how many people
Starting point is 00:13:36 actually know that i do that every friday at 4 p.m i'd be like how'd you find out i got i joined the dave matthews band and then everybody else can comment not anonymous anonymously right so you would know like on that thread rooks being like yeah you're a piece of shit you'd be like well now i know rooks thinks i'm a piece of shit i don't remember follow-up comments i just remember there's the answer question no questions i just remember it being our favorite being it was it was not a place to be hey if you guys coming back we could bring back form spring just for a year get our money and then get out i'm in i'm gonna bring back we're bringing back old medium i want to bring back voxer whereas you could turn your phones into walkie-talkies and send messages back and forth. You guys never use that? Oh, I use that.
Starting point is 00:14:26 It was, I mean, it was like, it was, okay, yeah, we're going to send messages, but like we can also text or we can just call on the phone. So it's, I don't know why I'm here. I don't know why I need this. You know what I mean? Counterpoint, walkie-talkies though.
Starting point is 00:14:44 Let's just get walkie-talkies. Yeah, that. Yeah. Yeah. Let's do that. But do we want to do an episode of the podcast through walkie-talkies only? Over. I say over, Ryan.
Starting point is 00:14:56 Over. Wait. Is the sentence over? Oh, man. Over. That's terrifying. That was terrifying. Is the sentence over over over
Starting point is 00:15:07 over what uh i hate it i hate it i hate that that was actually a thing i don't even remember it but i'm glad i don't because that sounds like such a freaking waste of time like you want an app for like iphones and stuff yeah it was literally just an app and you would and you would just it's basically equivalent of sending voice messages back and forth the only problem was i mean it was fun because it sounded like walkie talkies but the only downside was you got if you like if you like skipped a conversation like if you didn't follow up immediately with a response it could get so jumbled that when you played it all back you had no idea what was going on oh it was a very worse yeah it was a very shitty app i remember the first smartphone i got was when like that app was like popping off and a lot of people were using it
Starting point is 00:15:58 and so i have a smartphone that i'm super excited to have, and everyone's just sending these fucking voice messages to each other. And I'm just, why am I here? I can literally text you. I can call you whenever you want. Like, I don't want to send voice messages back and forth. Like, I don't understand the purpose. Call me whenever you want, Rooks. Hey.
Starting point is 00:16:24 Call me, beep me, if you want to reach me good call back Zach go ahead Brian oh just because I house everyone's week oh shit yeah we didn't do that yeah yeah yeah alright so Zach how's your week
Starting point is 00:16:39 my week was good was it yeah well Sunday and Monday were fine. What did I do? Oh, Friday was just kind of, I knew I had a bunch of stuff planned out for the weekend. Took a little R&R time, went to the driving range downtown.
Starting point is 00:16:58 Very nice. Just a casual hour by myself hitting some range balls. Very nice. It had a beautiful view of the skyline shout out diversity golfing range please sponsor the pod um even though i'd be only unable to use the uh course but that's okay um it's fine saturday uh woke up because it was a glorious day at the start of the day it was glorious it started college football uh i won't uh take away the penn state wisconsin uh comments but love that Big Ten football was back, baby.
Starting point is 00:17:25 People who complain that it was 0-0 at halftime have a stick up their butts because it was the best. Like Big Ten football hits different, especially when the lights are on. Not when the lights are on. When the sun is out. And if it's 0-0 at night, it's a little different. You're kind of bummed. But when you're kind of just waking up and it's 0-0,
Starting point is 00:17:43 you're still kind of lubed up from the pregame. It it just is just like oh man football's back i just needed it to be a little colder it was a little too hot in chicago um for college football you mentioned uh lube and sticks up your butt in the same paragraph so uh true and both were in the correct context both were in the correct context uh so yeah then then something happened between the hours of two thirty and five thirty that we won't talk about. And then I came back home, watched the Georgia Clemson game and went to bed. And Sunday and Monday consisted of me going to two Cubs games back to back, not to brag, putting the team on my back. You went to two? Oh, yeah. Back back to back both in the
Starting point is 00:18:26 bleachers did not get a sunburn my eyeballs did not swell up i have dominated the sun take that you big ball of gas um so so successfully beat the sun was just deleting bud lights in the bleachers um i saw cody shout out cody r.i.IP and Peace from the pod. He's not dead. But he was there on Sunday. And one of his buddies did a shoe beer. So that was fun. We got a little. It's called a shoeie.
Starting point is 00:18:54 Come on. Get it right. Okay. For the uninformed viewers, I just want to describe what it was. So, yeah. So did a shoeie. What else did we do? do ordered some pizza then ordered wings um yeah and then the back-to-back cubs games took a lot out of me it was more of the thing where you're like sore from the sun but my eyeballs were fine so i really didn't care
Starting point is 00:19:16 um so yeah so overall my labor day was good um I'll give it three Frankie Schwindel bombs out of four because he powered us to victory both games as I was there. So shout out to Frankie Schwindel, the 29-year-old rookie for the Cubs, who looks like a creative player in the show. Does he have just like random like accessories? His ears are – he just got massive ears he somehow looks 60 and 15 at the same time it is unbelievable there's a subreddit called 13 or 30 and it's all people that look like their children but also like in a retirement home at
Starting point is 00:19:59 the same time and it's great is it like uh the instagram page siblings are dating because that's a favorite follow of mine too. I always get it wrong. Just always guess the opposite of what you think. That's the best way to do it. But then you like reverse, double reverse yourself out of the correct answer. But yeah. Frank Schwindel also was just like bumming around Wrigleyville
Starting point is 00:20:19 after he was just winning Cubs games. He was just chilling at Sluggers and Vines and people were buying him beers. So man of the people, shout out Frank Schwindel. Nice. So yeah, but go Hoosiers. We're going to beat Idaho next week. Fuck the potatoes.
Starting point is 00:20:33 How would those potatoes like to be prepared? Unplug. Boo. That's what we're going to do. We're going to unplug the potatoes. That's going to be the slogan. All right. Brooks, how was it?
Starting point is 00:20:47 It was pretty solid. Friday night, saw Shang-Chi. Absolute slapper. Shang-Chi. Absolutely recommend it. It's fantastic. But then Saturday, boys played nittany lions ran it up at uh wisco which was great it was a great uh great little w so that that was nice you know wasn't expecting too much but hey we were
Starting point is 00:21:18 ready to go um got some drinking done there after the game i was like okay i slammed some food a little tired boy i need a little nappy poo woke up um pre-gamed a little bit we all went out had a good time saturday night saturday night was kind of litty sunday woke up not feeling my best but hey drinking had to be done okay so long weekend you know i honestly i felt so washed because it was a long weekend and sunday i woke up and was just i don't want to do this like i was just rihanna like i don't want to do this anymore um but but then momentum started picking back up i ate some some food. We got the mindset back together. Another pregame. Went out.
Starting point is 00:22:09 Awesome place, Soft House. The DJ at Soft House. The DJs lately, man, I don't know if they're just super excited or if they're just desperate to make it. The DJs in D.C. right now are bussing. They are throwing down every night. We were daydreaming at this place. And it's busy, but it's not packed house or anything.
Starting point is 00:22:31 And this DJ is just throwing fire and fire and fire. And it was a great mix of the pop and the housey stuff. It was great. So, Soft House was dope. Then we came back. had food and your boy put on shorts i put on shorts i was not going back out i was not gonna do it i was wolfing down tacos i was telling everybody i'm not going back out i am super content right now i had a great time today i'm ready to just vibe out and And then ate the food, felt refreshed.
Starting point is 00:23:05 And then the music, the music being played at the pregame was going crazy. Everybody was getting into it. And I put my fucking jeans back on. And I put my fucking Yeezys back on. Should have burritoed into a blanket, my friend. I put the Yeezys back on and then we were back. Zach, you have a question? Yeah, what's the
Starting point is 00:23:26 because I fully agree with that you can only go out in jeans at night. What's the temperature that it would have to be for you to wear shorts to go out at night? Like you're forced to go out. An option is not to stay in. How hot would it have to be for you to be like, I'm wearing shorts out tonight to a bar?
Starting point is 00:23:42 65 degrees. I don't know, man man that's maybe like it has if it's like if it's piped up summertime like 90s and also to the i have worn shorts out at night but that's when i've been if you go out like during the day and then the day just keeps riding out and you stay yeah obviously i don't like i don't know nighttime i'm pretty much on like jeans are bust like i don't i'm gonna be sweaty and i'm just gonna have to deal with it but i'm gonna be rocking jeans for sure okay it had to be like 100 degrees but like that's the thing when is it ever gonna go short it's never gonna be 100 at nighttime time i never know vegas yeah a volcano yeah that's true okay but yeah so um but yeah so then we went
Starting point is 00:24:32 back out went to this place and it was pretty it was pretty sweet um had a good time shouldn't have drank as much but but, you know, we got after it and then stayed up a little and woke up the next morning and just wanted to cry and jump off the balcony because, man, my head on Monday was ringing. My head was ringing worse than Burns' head was in that football video, man. My head was in bad shape. What? Bro, my head was in bad shape but bro my head hasn't stopped a little toddler pea brain bouncing around in there but yeah overall decent weekend
Starting point is 00:25:12 sorry i feel like i was rambling there a little bit but i will rank it two beautiful tailgating timberlands because that's what your boy was rocking during the penn state game and we got a dub baby the tims are undefeated so they're so fucking gross they're so gross there's just all these little stains and shit on them and i was like like i definitely peed on these shoes before someone has definitely bled on these shoes before like these things are things are just gross, man. But they're full of rich history. Has to be some vomit. Oh, vomit. Oh, vomit.
Starting point is 00:25:49 Lock that up. That's easy. That was probably the first stain I had on them was fucking vomit. But two beautiful Tims, and we out here. We are, baby. Corey, how was the weekend? Well, B-Guy and I got to spend it together we hightailed it to madison sconson friday after work got in a little late so really not much just a 10-hour car ride and then woke up went straight to the bars at eight or nine o'clock
Starting point is 00:26:28 didn't realize the game started at 11 because you know central time so that got me that did get me but thank god cody was there because i was like he was like yo we gotta go i was like dude it's 10 o'clock the game's at noon what is wrong with you he was like it's it's in an hour we gotta go we're 30 minutes away meanwhile there's like two more pitchers coming i was like all right we gotta go uh game started out uh i don't even want to say not great i guess like just it was horribly it was a game i mean like you wouldn't be able to tell by the score but big time football baby hey it's the first game of season i'm not gonna complain also if those who have been listening to the podcast i'm okay with clifford playing poorly
Starting point is 00:27:17 for half of a game there's something riding on it there's a certain flashback to a past episode do we need to remind the people? There's a certain bet. To refresh your memory. I'll put it on air right now. Corey, if Sean Clifford wins the Heisman, I'll suck your dick. I hate that soundbite. Hey-o. So...
Starting point is 00:27:38 Dude, I'm not... I think I texted this to the group. And I can't really speak because my guy Michael, the Big Phoenix, did not have an exactly stellar game. He wasn't slinging the schlong around. He was not slinging the schlong around. So this is tough for me to come back from. But in that first half, and Graham Mertz, too, you could probably say the same thing.
Starting point is 00:27:57 That looked like the battle of the two worst quarterbacks ever to play football in any era of time. Knock on wood. I didn't watch any of the Indiana game, but it was bad. You're going to throw Michael P. It was probably the three worst quarterback performances in the history of time ever. How many yards at half did Indiana have? Oh, I like it.
Starting point is 00:28:18 Oh, over. Do you think it was over 50? Under 50. If I had to bet, I'd probably say it was under 50. Okay. We had negative nine rushing yards and 50 passing yards call that a half baby good rushing it penn state football is back and it is better than ever we're fucking back baby
Starting point is 00:28:37 but so yeah so you could all watch the game It was a great game by the end of it. By the end of it, it was great. It's not worth it. I'll tell you, we don't have a good track record going to away games, so I will take a win however it comes, especially to shut up some fans that we saw going into the game. So, yeah, I'll take that any day of the week. Then, you know, bar crawled because we got a dub.
Starting point is 00:29:05 We're in a new city, so we're bouncing around. Had a good time. Nice just like day drinking. Nobody was like, I feel like, I feel like, Rooks, you kind of mentioned it.
Starting point is 00:29:15 I don't know. A little bit more mature drinking. I feel like I hit my stride a little bit where it's like, what, Brian? You might have been mature. The group we were with wasn't though. Oh, no. But that's exactly what Irian you might have been mature the group we're with wasn't though oh no but that's exactly what i want yeah yeah that's like everyone else around you be ridiculous if i can have a
Starting point is 00:29:31 bender of a day if i can have a bender of a day and then like like you time it out perfectly put this on the like washed up segment by the way but but you can time it out perfectly where it's like you're coming down right before you go to sleep, and then the next morning you wake up, maybe you had a Pedialyte, shout out Pedialyte again, you wake up ready to go, you just want a big brunch, and then you have a Sunday.
Starting point is 00:29:55 But that was great. Also, I don't think we mentioned this to Rooks, we, so we were bouncing between bars, and one of our friends we did know was there, Ryan Hickey. Shout out. Ryan Hickey, Worldwide Sports Radio Network. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:30:14 So we knew he was there, but we didn't send a message because it's going to be difficult to find people. If it happens, it happens. So we're bouncing around bar to bar and we go to go like the next bar cody was at and we didn't know till later and we're walking out and like drunk me likes to talk to everybody especially if i'm in another like city and i see you wearing blue and white after a penn state win i'm gonna say something so we're like walking out of the bar and i see this guy with his head down like next to the jukebox or something he was like picking something up i was like hey man go state he looks up and it's just hickey's face
Starting point is 00:30:49 right in my face and i was like hickey right he was like what he was he was very confused and then i looked to my left and i see teddy like freaking out because he saw brian it was great he's like ah his brother was there tomm. It was great. He's like, his brother was there, Tommy. It was great. It was just a great reunion. It's so funny. Fantastic. It was fantastic. They were so bewildered. But also we were on the way out the bar so like dad's
Starting point is 00:31:15 like, we're going over here. They're like, we're not. They're like, alright, see you later. And we left. Yeah, it wasn't a really long reunion, but it was great. And then Sunday I saw the campus had good food we also saw shang shi uh everything you said rooks completely agree and then uh drove back uh all day monday so i will give my weekend i'm torn i will give my weekend a uh first in 10 penn state guys never go to wisconsin game yeah they have the worst chance it's disgusting they have they
Starting point is 00:31:57 have one and all it is is when they get a first down the announcer goes first and now first and ten wisconsin and the crowd goes first and ten wisconsin. And the crowd goes, first and ten, Wisconsin. They don't cheer it. They just say it. That's it? It sounds like you're in Spanish class, and they're like, adonde. And then everyone's like, adonde. It seems like there's somebody who implanted something in their brain,
Starting point is 00:32:22 and they flipped the switch, and they've just taken control it's like that's how like bland it it's so weird it's the creepiest thing it's it's weird i don't i don't remember that from the thumbs down remember that from well i guess i'm thinking back to when we went to the big 10 championship in indianapolis like would they have not done it because there's no announcer no it's all triggered by? No, it's all triggered by the announcer. Yeah, it's all triggered by the announcer. It's like Penn State when they have the Nittany Lion growl after a first down, but nobody responds about it. It's just a Nittany Lion growl.
Starting point is 00:32:55 It's not like everybody in the stands also doing it. I mean, I wish. That would be pretty sweet. I'd rather do that than just say first down. Also, I want it on record. Jump around. Cool would be pretty sweet. I'd rather do that than just say first down. Also, I want it on record. Jump around. Cool. Overhyped.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Overhyped. Yes. It is. I like it. The coolest thing about it, the stadium shakes. Like you could feel we were on the second level. We could feel the floor moving. That was cool.
Starting point is 00:33:20 But like. Scary. I thought it was cool. But there were like. I don't know. It didn't feel like it was like going crazy like it wasn't that loud it was just a bunch of people jumping like yeah so there's not like noise they play the song at regular volume and everyone jumps and i had higher hopes that's it that's all i say zach i i will also say because we did do do the IU trip like three years ago, I think I would rank IU above Wisconsin. Let's go, baby.
Starting point is 00:33:54 That's when we were bad, though. So that's when we were, we just really cared about the tailgate and the game was just kind of eh. Yeah. But everyone's usually pretty friendly there. That's what I like. Yeah, you've got to rank it on friendliness, food, tailgating, stadium, overall campus. And of those, Wisconsin still liked, but IU is dope. Would go again. Go Hoosiers.
Starting point is 00:34:17 What's your ranking, Corey? It was a first in 10 Penn State in a zombie-like tone. Got it. Sorry. It was a first in 10 Penn State in a zombie-like tone. Got it. Sorry. How was my week? I was about to ask. Just say ditto.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Yeah, I did everything Corey did, so there's not much else to say. Except I started watching Yes Man on Thursday, the Jim Carrey movie. Finished on the car ride home. So the premise, you should all know, he just says say yes to everything because of whatever. But at one point, there's a scene I don't remember. He goes to, like, help his elderly neighbor, like, put up a shelf or something. And she's like, oh, how do I pay you back? He's like, it's fine.
Starting point is 00:35:02 And then she, like, goes to her wallet. She doesn't have money. And then she, like, looks at him and is like, how do I repay you? And he's like, it's fine. And then she goes to her wallet. She doesn't have money. And then she like looks at him and is like, how do I repay you? And he's like, and he can't say no. So she like takes him to the bedroom and like takes out her dentures and like goes down on him. Why is that in a Jim Carrey movie? There's an 80 year old lady just like,
Starting point is 00:35:16 yeah, yeah. I was like, this is happening. I thought he was going to say no. It is going to like kind of break the little thing for a minute and like just move on. And it was gonna be funny.
Starting point is 00:35:24 Like, huh. That'd be weird if she like went down on this dude but no happened and then later the dude from that 70s show is also like his buddy in it he like picks up that old lady at the bar he's like hey uh do you need help with any shelves and she's like looks at him and then they just like walk out at the front door that's's wild. She's out here giving that frictionless goose neck, baby. Goose neck. That's interesting.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Oh, my God. But I said frictionless, though, because dentures. But other than that. Yeah, gums. Very gummy. Exactly. They still have the denture cement, though, in there. So it might have a little something sticking.
Starting point is 00:36:05 What are the gummy bear bears? I was going to say Hasbro. Haribo. Haribo. Thank you. Yeah. What about them? It's gummy.
Starting point is 00:36:16 Haribo game. Oh. Okay. Good one. My ranking for the weekend is 100-plus jumped on Badgers because I don't know exactly the size of their roster, but Penn State jumped on. You guys got Auburn next week, right?
Starting point is 00:36:31 Or no, you have a break. No, no, no. We have Ball State. Oh, that's right. Shout out David Letterman. The University of Balls. We got them this weekend. The Fighting David Lettermans?
Starting point is 00:36:41 Yeah, that's where he went to school. Did you guys ignore what Rook said? Balls University or something? He said University of Balls. Come on. That's pretty funny. Thank you. God.
Starting point is 00:36:56 Nice. Underappreciated. I mean. Shout out. Couldn't let that go unnoticed. Definitely needed that one. All right. So we have a caller this week you guys ready yes hi guys it's denise i have big thoughts about your decom draft so here it goes first i want to say the fact that cadet cadet cadet kelly was only an honorable mention you should all be ashamed of yourselves and i cannot even believe some of the movies that were drafted
Starting point is 00:37:24 above her like that alley cats bowling movie. I've never heard of that in my life. And I've seen like every single DECOM and that's just, I've never heard of that. And the fact that cadet Kelly wasn't drafted and that was drafted is insane. I also want to agree with Zach that high school musical too, is a superior movie. There is nothing better than Zach efron dancing around on that
Starting point is 00:37:45 golf course truly nothing better um and third of all the fact that all three xenons were not drafted i mean guys those are cinematic masterpieces you really really really had to do better research on this one uh i would i picked up xenon i would just like to say you haven't seen every decom movie if you haven't seen alley cat strike ya bish so don't come at me saying i've seen them all apparently not that's all i gotta say and i also also blame Brian because I was about to have a steal with Cadet Kelly as the last pick of the whole entire draft. But because you broke it, ruined. Because I brought it up. You could still draft it.
Starting point is 00:38:33 I didn't say I didn't draft it ahead of you. I don't like it, though. Then it's not original. It's not a Disney Channel original pick. You can't do it. You're the worst. Also, yeah, you did pick Xenon. I think she meant that all through.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Yeah, she was getting on our soapbox about Xenon. Xenon spell with an X or a Z? Pick the best one. Z. Dwight didn't pick it. Got to spell with a soft X. Xylophone. I don't think people who watch Disney Channel know how to pronounce it.
Starting point is 00:39:05 Or xenophobic. Zeusophone? Xenonphobic. Actually, I don't know if xenophobic. It's like my name, you know. X-E-N-O-P-H-O-B-I-C. Big brain boy. It's with an X, right?
Starting point is 00:39:26 It is. Yeah. Okay. Spelling bee next week. The Pede helped me. But hey, thanks for your call, Denise. Appreciate it. Thanks, Denise.
Starting point is 00:39:39 Appreciate it. Yeah, call in. We got to get more questions for the Famales in the fields. Yeah, the IWMD reporters. call in we gotta get more questions for the uh from alice in the uh fields yeah the uh iwmd reporters we've seen more reporters so uh send your application uh we need more boots on the ground we're really strict what are we what's all the job what are the job sites monster indeed indeed um we're on all of them. Shout out Indeed. Indeed's gotten me every job I've ever had. Glass door?
Starting point is 00:40:11 Is that just like help? Yeah, okay. No, there's jobs. Yeah. All right, cool. Yeah, so interns. We can find some like freshmen and just have them go like talk to random people on the campus
Starting point is 00:40:24 and ask them questions. If we get interns, we're going to need an HR department staff. Well, if they're unpaid, can they have an HR department? Nope, still matters. Still matters. Definitely still matters. What the fuck? Probably matters more, if I'm being honest.
Starting point is 00:40:42 Brian's like, if they're unpaidpaid can we treat them however we like but that because they're not employed they're just like kind of helping us aren't you still like you can't call them interns then yeah yeah then that would be that would be volunteers right well i mean if you would like to apply to our unturned position it's a 10-week program where uh you will shadow each one of us. It's like the knockoff Alice in Wonderland movie. It's like it's your unbirthday. It's like welcome to your unturned ship.
Starting point is 00:41:13 We will require – Is it unbirthday when you die? We will require two years of experience in outer space technology as well, at least eight years of high level mathematics, master's degree, everything like we'll, we'll list it all out on indeed for you guys. I'm also going to put, um,
Starting point is 00:41:34 classifieds in the newspaper, you know, just, just in case some of you guys are old school. Okay. So we have an 80 year old who wants to apply. You must be able to lift 20 pounds for an extended amount of time. Just got to put that in there just in case.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Willing to fall into a tank of sorts. It's on every application. Every desk job I've had is like, you have to be able to stand and sit for long periods of time. So you have to not die in the middle of work. Got it. Cool. Think I could do that i'll try but if i can't i'm dead so it doesn't matter yeah just skip my paycheck this week i couldn't figure it out you're both sitting and standing that's not what we asked for. I don't know. We need a little more life out of you.
Starting point is 00:42:25 Come on, man. Yeah, so Unturned's sending an application. We need a portfolio. Rank of the Disney Channel movies. I'm requesting a cover letter as well and letters of recommendation. But our cover letters, it's one letter. So pick the right one. Pick the right font as well.
Starting point is 00:42:46 There is a right answer. Comic Sans. I was going to say, if it's not Comic Sans, we're not fucking opening this shit, okay? What about Papyrus? Wingdings only. Wingdings. Palmetica? Wingdings only.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Oh, man. Come on. This is what people listen to the show for. All the font talk. I said, you guys ever write a paper and then convert it all to wingdings and then try to understand what it was saying? Absolutely. No. Why don't you just do word by word?
Starting point is 00:43:18 Well, because I like to see all the wingdings. Yeah, I like like. No, I read the first half. I've never tried to read wingdings no i'm with zach on this the amount of times when we first learned how to first off type essays and stuff like that but then also figuring out how to change the font that i think pretty sure there's a time in elementary school where i just printed out five copies of whatever paper i was doing with different fonts and like three of
Starting point is 00:43:45 them were the different versions of wingdings like i loved doing that at the end of my essay and just like seeing seeing the finished product you're a special child you know i didn't say i didn't say you're an aerial bold kind of kid. I didn't say I was the brightest boy, okay? Taco Choco boy. Thick boy. All right, can we get off fonts from Microsoft Word? I don't know. I was going to say it's riveting content, baby. What, you have more pop culture over there?
Starting point is 00:44:21 Hit us. Yeah, yeah, some popcorn culture. All right, so boys. All right, Zach, you have to read the news now. Oh, Yeah, yeah, some popcorn culture. All right, so boys. Zach, you have to read the news now. Oh, yeah, Zach, you're up. It's popcorn culture. Oh, man. Okay, here we go.
Starting point is 00:44:34 I've got so much to talk about in the news. It is the best. Did you know? I got you. I'll popcorn it. Guys, September 8th. This week. This.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Tomorrow. Tomorrow. Wednesday. When this comes out. The Circle. Season 3. For real? Wait, what?
Starting point is 00:44:59 Oh, let's go. Let's go. Yeah. Dude, they dropped the trailer like three days before it comes out. They did not give us any time. They pumped that out quick then because didn't they just come out with a second in the spring? I mean, they're all quarantined. It's not like Kobe.
Starting point is 00:45:14 And people love that shit too, man. It's popular. I love the circle. I'm hyped. Yeah. The trailer shows a bunch of other random. Every week, they throw in some weird twist that's kind of different. So they showed a bunch of other random every week they throw in some weird twist that's kind of different. So they showed a bunch
Starting point is 00:45:28 of those too. So like keep the season fresh. Get some new people in there. Hopefully it's more like season one than season two. I like season two. I still really like season two. I know. I just like season one more. Did you watch what the hell was that freaking creature of love show?
Starting point is 00:45:44 Whatever the freaking thing. Did any of you watch it? I just like season one more. Did you watch, what the hell was that freaking creature of love show? Whatever the freaking. Sexy Beast. I did not watch it. Did any of you watch it? I saw like a clip of it and I was like, yeah, that's enough for me. I watched one episode and hated it. But because, so one, I think they're in like Britain. So I can't understand half of what they say because they also have a mask on.
Starting point is 00:46:02 You sound like you're from down under. But then also like muffle yourself at the same time wait super strange cory down under is australian you asshole you're not getting away with that also true hello governor there we go fixed it yeah yeah wrong switch turned um so how it works there's three dudes in masks and one chick in a mask as well oh yeah their first quote-unquote date yeah have you seen i've been here i've been listening the first quote-unquote date they just like sit at a bar and talk yeah no i've seen i've seen several of the episodes i've only watched the first one so you have to fill me in on how the other ones go because the first one's odd but then they like get rid of one person off of like 15 minutes of
Starting point is 00:46:49 conversation all right that's fine whatever and then the next two they go on like a full day date one of them they went to like the like carnival which seemed like cool the other one they went to like a spa so they're like they just like sat there got a massage for 10 minutes and left you watch the gopher one the guy who was dressed as like a gopher or like a chipmunk one of them was like a squirrel one of them was a devil and one of them was like a stone statue oh okay okay so you watch okay i got you yeah episode one bro he was dressed as a he was dressed as a stone hey hey hold on to be fair brian usually starts at episode 10 or the last episode of the season have you he's done it multiple times he's like i don't know how
Starting point is 00:47:33 he's done it but like he goes to start an episode of something and for some reason it's swapped on his like on his screen so he's what it was the right? I'll get into it after this. Let me finish Sexy Beast and I'll tell that story. It kind of ruined season one of the boys for me, but kind of made it better. But so the first dude she gets rid of, great looking dude. Hot.
Starting point is 00:47:58 I could say that. Very hot dude. He was super hot. I remember him. He was English? Yeah. Australian? They're all British.
Starting point is 00:48:05 See, could have been Australian. You don't know. But so, super hot. You're either thinking, all right, she got rid of the best one, or they're all just hot and the show's pointless anyways. Gets rid of another guy. She chooses her final dude. She doesn't see him yet, but she sees the second place guy.
Starting point is 00:48:21 Nerd. He's wearing a sweater vest, has glasses on. Nerd. She's like, all like all right cool got rid of the worst one then they have like the third guy they walk down like a red carpet thing and they like both have like masks off whatever what first of all girl's pretty attractive cool guy though the guy is just like definitely way more average than her and has like super long hair and like they like go and hug and then like make out like way too hard for like 30 minutes and like the guy's super into it and i feel like the girl wasn't as into it but like she like does a little confessional at the end
Starting point is 00:48:56 it's like yeah he's so attractive but like i don't want to see she she's lying and seen uh she's definitely regretting it. But so it was really awkward. And then like, I can't understand him. And the show was like 23 minutes long. So it was kind of like too quick to like give me some drama. I want there to be like a decision to be made and people to like break down in tears because someone was like, you know, it's too quick. But back to course it reminds i
Starting point is 00:49:27 was saying it reminded me of like the old mtv shows like next room raiders parental control it was it had that type of vibe which by the way those are the best those things are so great currently number one on imdb of uh all tv shows i think next next parental control one and two up there. Dude, both of those shows would not fly. Oh, no, absolutely. There's a lot of – The things that people – A lot of them are making kind of a –
Starting point is 00:49:51 Like, people are – Commentary YouTubers and stuff, they're all, like, starting to resurface, and people are going through episodes. These episodes would not fly at all. They're great. They were awful back then. then like we know that they were all like awful people like that was part of the bit it was like these are horrendous human beings and then maybe there's a normal person that nobody ever picked because that's not why the show is
Starting point is 00:50:18 there like oh yeah it was great definitely need to rank all like the 2000s MTV shows at some point. Oh, my God. That's a good one. So, The Boys. The Cheerless. Yeah. Yeah. Easy.
Starting point is 00:50:34 The Boys is on Amazon Prime. Yeah. Yes. Which I don't have. So, I found it on the internet. Don't get at. Don't arrest me. I didn't have Prime.
Starting point is 00:50:45 Don't you have Prime? No. Is it your family? I'm not trying to. He's not buying condoms in bulk, Zach. Doesn't your family have Prime? I love. My mom does, but I don't share it.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Why not? That's what moms are for. Pringos. You know, got to hide all those weird purchases. Pringos. Yeah, I don't have Prime. Zach is baffled. I think we should actually stay on this
Starting point is 00:51:05 topic for a really long time because i'm i'm on zach's side right here i don't have prime you share your netflix with your sister she shares her netflix with me i just my point still stands your mom would share her amazon prime with you probably but like you know she'd keep it. I don't want to infringe. She's going to have her space. I'll have my space. She probably doesn't even use it.
Starting point is 00:51:30 She probably doesn't even know she has Amazon Prime video. Yeah, that's probably true. She's a big Weather Channel lady, and then a little bit of Fox News. She watches the Weather Channel? We're working on it. Weather Channel? Oh, that's what you're mad about? News. She watches the Weather Channel? We're working on it. Weather Channel? Oh, that's what you're mad about?
Starting point is 00:51:48 Yeah, she watches the Weather Channel. Well, like... I just... What do you get out of that? They see the weather, and it's the end. Like... Yeah, like more than when she actually needs to know the weather? Or like...
Starting point is 00:52:01 No, it's like on most of the day. What? You gotta stay up to date. the fuck are you joking are you serious um you know you can know the weather in like montana weather coming why and the weather that comes in a month is going to be different in a month it's not going to be the same that's why that's why they hook you in it's always changing exactly you never know what's going to happen like maybe it's sunny maybe it's raining just maybe it's sunny again there's not i wind on a daily basis i i open up
Starting point is 00:52:37 my weather channel app i peek at it once for two minutes and that's all i need of the weather report for the day i don't i don't sit here and search different states that i'm not gonna be in on the weather channel and just check in on them and see how they're doing this is bothersome to me you know i'm on your side i'm not defending it it's not entertaining i don't know what she gets from it it's definitely like her old lady thing that she does it's like the people that will go outside and just like stare at the grass like yeah she probably cut it man i like i wonder what are the weird things that we're gonna be like into when we're old like like was watching the weather like i can't imagine i'm gonna hit a point where i would be like
Starting point is 00:53:25 god i can't wait to watch the weather all day today like saturday morning you wake up like it's college football season but it's like the weather all day it's like i mean she when it's hurricane season hurricane that's true amy is excited i was about to say like shark week maybe but that's not weather that's animals like that's a little bit better harry potter marathon definitely turns off shark harry potter marathon yeah don't know whether marathon yeah i don't i i don't even have jokes for this i'm just baffled like i don't even know what to say um i don't know i've tried to get her onto TV shows. She started watching Marvel stuff, actually.
Starting point is 00:54:07 She's like, wow, these are, like, good. I was like, uh-huh, yeah, that's why everyone in the world watches them. She's like, yeah, I should have given them a second chance. More entertaining than the Weather Channel. Who would have thought? I guess. So, the boys. Watch on Amazon Prime.
Starting point is 00:54:25 But I don't have it. So, the website I watch them Amazon Prime. But I don't have it. So the website I watch them on, though, if you click on a show, it'll play the most recent one instead of, like, the first one, which in my mind, you'd play the first one. Hold on. So we don't get sued. You allegedly watch them online. Allegedly. No, my friend that I know watched them online. This isn't me.
Starting point is 00:54:46 And so you, like, click on season one. You're like, like yeah let's start at season one let's watch episode one and you just let it play because it will pull up that episode you don't have to like click season one and then the episode you should click season one and it automatically starts playing so the finale of season one of the boys starts playing and a lot happens a lot of people die there's a lot of callbacks stuff and i'm just like all, maybe I'll figure out episode two. Maybe they just explain it and they're just really trying to hit it out the gates hard. And look, the finale, great episode. So it really hooked me.
Starting point is 00:55:13 I was like, this show's great. A lot happening. If this many people die every episode, it's going to be good. Episode two, very different. Lots of different characters. All of them in very different places. I'm thinking maybe it's just a flashback now and they'll eventually catch up but like all the like most of the people that died are still alive now and i'm like confused because like i watched the episode
Starting point is 00:55:33 that was like a couple days later i watched another one i was like maybe it's a different blonde lady and then it's like episode three they're talking about someone who died and they're like all sad about it but it's not someone who i've seen die it's like someone who died in episode one that i didn't watch so i make it i did episode 10 2 through 7 then i was like oh yeah that's what i did so then i watched episode one and then i did eight nine and then ten man it makes a lot more sense when you're watching a full season of a show backwards before realizing it it's incredible that's fantastic well in like so in the end it shows like all these people are bad guys and then in the beginning you don't know that spoilers all these all these people are so mean and evil every That's not a spoiler. And no one understands it.
Starting point is 00:56:26 So I was in the dark for a bit. Also, I talked about that to so many people at work and no one told me like, hey, that was the finale. So like I blame everyone else. That's not just on me. You guys got to look out for me a little bit more than that. I'm sure they were equally confused. Yeah, they were probably.
Starting point is 00:56:41 I'm sure you were saying everything you were saying and they were like yeah man like it's a crazy show you're probably like dude burns burn smokes i didn't know that he sounds like he was high as shit talking about the finale of the boys he did not understand anything that was happening this kid is slow uh i also uh did not tell you this but i did that with another show really sad about it there's a show called party down i think or something like that it's about people who are like in a catering business and it was like two seasons but it's like a cult classic now because it's like half the cast from parks and rec is in it and it's like got canceled it was like super early in the career so i was like i'll watch it
Starting point is 00:57:28 whatever and i watched the episode and it ends with like one of the characters like moving away and them breaking up i'm like man weird way to start episode one again went back and looked it was the finale and i was like well i'm not gonna watch it i know how it ends so i watched the finale episode of it and nothing else. Hey, that's what happened to me with Breaking Bad, Joe. That was on purpose, man. He hasn't seen episode two slash the penultimate episode. So for people who don't know, Rooks has seen one episode of Breaking Bad
Starting point is 00:58:05 and it's the finale and nothing else when we were living together in college and they that was happening live I was making dinner or something and I was just watching this go down and it was super tense in our apartment
Starting point is 00:58:21 everyone's watching this I was like oh is this like the finale or something? And everyone's like, yes. Like, shut the fuck up, Brooks. I'm making dinner. Just observe. Don't even look at me. I'm just making dinner, observing.
Starting point is 00:58:33 And I was like, I'm going to sit down and see what the show is all about. And I ended up watching the whole episode. And I was like, I don't know if I'm going to watch the rest of it, though. But that was pretty good. And so I've only seen the finale of Breaking bad and i haven't seen anything else i hate you so much because it's one i could like consistently the highest rated tv shows ever and it would be a good watch i rewatched it like three months ago because i was like had nothing else to do i was like it's all on netflix it's easy six seasons or so i'm gonna i-watch it every now and then it's pretty good
Starting point is 00:59:08 i'm a dumb ass hey i'm surprised it's just me and you cory zach you've never done that no no i'm confused if i'm confused as shit i like will look up what like what is going on or i'll look to see like what episode i'm on just in case especially now after i heard your like story i was like hell no hell no am i making it through seven episodes of a show backwards i don't watch it back do you guys have you guys ever watched um like hulu like in the app on your phone i was having now that you're talking about this i i just finished love island oh man what a great fucking show um but i just finished love island and there's on so on hulu there's 60 something episodes because they have all these
Starting point is 00:59:59 little unseen bits and all these random things like spread out through the season and there were probably five separate times that i like i don't know what it was in the hulu app but it just skipped over the episode i was trying to watch and played the next one and they all start with a recap so multiple episodes end on a couple getting eliminated and then i'm watching i'm like trying to skip the unseen bits bullshit and i go to and i accident maybe i just accidentally click it and i'm like trying to skip the unseen bits bullshit and i go to and i accident maybe i just accidentally click it and i'm just an idiot i mean that's very possible but it'll be previously and i'm trying to make sure that because after it happened once i was like i need to make sure and watch the preview and they sometimes they just like go straight into it's like oh yeah this
Starting point is 01:00:39 couple was eliminated and that's the beginning of the previous episode. It's like, what the fuck, man? Like, give any kind of, any warning that this shit is gonna be coming right now. Like, it was so bad. I did it at least four times throughout the entirety of the 62 or whatever episodes. So many episodes. So I'm not alone. I'm just saying.
Starting point is 01:01:02 It happens. 50% of people. It just happened to me. So I'm there with you. Just because Rooks does it doesn't mean that you're also right. No, I'm right. 50% of all people. It's like Russian roulette.
Starting point is 01:01:14 As Ryan Hickey of World Wide Sports Radio would say. Man. It's my favorite. It's my favorite. Zach, have you ever heard this story? About Russian roulette? Yes. No, no.
Starting point is 01:01:28 So Ryan Hickey, Worldwide Sports Radio Network, used to live with us. And we got into a conversation about the odds of Russian roulette. If you don't know what Russian roulette is, there's a gun with six chambers in it, and there's a bullet in one of them. So, let's just... There is one bullet in the six chambers.
Starting point is 01:01:55 Ryan Hickey, Worldwide Sports Radio Network, argued that it's a 50-50 chance of dying when you play Russian roulette because either you die or you don't die. There's two options.
Starting point is 01:02:11 I don't hate that logic, actually. It's binary. It's 50%. You shut your face. Oh, my goodness. So if you look at it from an individual bullet perspective, like individual, it's yes, you're right. You die or you don't. But if you look at it from an individual bullet perspective like individual it's yes you're right it's you die or you don't but if you look at it from a whole gun perspective no i'm with
Starting point is 01:02:30 you ryan i don't know if i've ever met you that's your mouth no that's so so the ongoing joke is if that's your logic anything is 50 50 because either yes it happens or no it doesn't so why don't you go ahead why don't you go ahead and play the lottery because you got a 50 50 shot exactly it's gonna happen or it doesn't i don't have a 50 50 shot odds so like to build off that so me and my old roommate we would we would have these competitions or he started them having in his work and i try to get on them as well where you try to say the most business corporate things you can in a meeting but they're like also kind of ridiculous
Starting point is 01:03:05 um in a meeting and one of them was just like yeah man this forecast is kind of 50 50 it's either gonna happen or it's not and you try to say that in like a meeting with your bosses and they'd be like what you're like yeah just it's gonna happen or it's not and they'd be like can i talk to you after this call because that's not i'm trying to think of... You're an employee here? I'm trying to think of some other ones. Fuck.
Starting point is 01:03:29 Or another one is like, let's take this... Let's put this in the parking lot. Let's take this and put this in the parking lot. It's like when you want to take an idea. Take this offline? Yeah, let's just... I'm going to give you five minutes of your day back. That sounds like you're trying to fight.
Starting point is 01:03:46 Let's take this email conversation to the fucking parking lot. Oh, man. Oh, passive-aggressive emails? Those are fun. The last thing for Ryan Hickey to really drive it home, the math class he was in freshman year, probability. Oh, yeah. It was college probability.
Starting point is 01:04:10 College level probability, which probability. He did not do well. Did not do well in that class. I'm going to tell you that right now. There's no way he could. I mean, to be fair, he had a 50-50 shot at doing well. It's a 50-50 chance of him getting an a man every test he has all every question one half one half
Starting point is 01:04:34 but he writes them in different he writes them in different like one's like one half. One's 50%. One's 0.5. He writes out one half on a level. Four eighths. Three sixths. Teacher just feels fucking bad for him. Just like, yeah, just let him go. Oh my God, that's so funny. I wonder if the minimum grade you're allowed in the class is 50% anyways. Did you guys have that in high school?
Starting point is 01:05:04 What, like an F? So in our high school, my school system was horrible. The minimum grade you could get on some things was a 50%. That's sick. Are you serious? So they'll just give you a 50%. That's dumb. Like on projects, but your grade could be hypothetically like
Starting point is 01:05:19 a 20? No, it's a 50. 50 was a zero. So I could take a test test fill out none of the answers and get a 50 yeah so i'm gonna assume that's where ryan he got this from you just put fit you put one half on every answer on his test got 50 back it was like i was right it's either 50 or it's not i that's that's wild though i didn't I didn't know that that was a thing. Man, I got... Now I know why you watch
Starting point is 01:05:50 fucking seasons from episode 10 because you had dumbass tests like that. It's all making sense now. We also had a 7 point... We had a 7 point scale. So A was 93 to 100. B was 93 to 86. C was 86 to 79 oh dude nothing guy dude nothing made me feel better because i wasn't you know i wasn't great at sports in high school um nothing
Starting point is 01:06:15 made me feel better than absolutely dunking on the class during a test and they'd be like oh zach what'd you get i got an a plus ho what'd you get 71 like well sucks to be dumb dude when we did the sats in school we got all our grades back this one kid came up to me and told me his like sat score and it was literally like less than half mine he's like oh what'd you good i was like i did pretty good and i just like walked away because i could not tell him my score don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer it was no dude like so there's three portions and it's 800 each or 700 each i think eight i know that's some east coast shit we 800 rings a bell to me but i think act in the midwest it's 24 i think it's 2400 total okay so it's 800 each so like a 600 or higher is like good ish i think he got like a 1200
Starting point is 01:07:08 like on the way and i was like okay okay dude i got in trouble nice man i got in trouble one time because we had like a minor bullying scandal in eighth grade where kids were like bullying me uh like physically but then they claimed then they claimed when i like them about it, they claimed that I was bullying them mentally because I was just beating them. They were like, oh, you're too smart. It makes you feel inferior. I'm like, sorry, you're dumb. Fucking losers. Did they have a form spring?
Starting point is 01:07:36 They didn't have a form spring. They just would be like, Zach, you stink. And I'd be like, well, you're dumb. Then they'd be like, then we'd just get a stalemate. We'd get brought to the principal's office and be zach why don't you like these people like because they're making fun of me and the kids would be like why don't you like zach and they literally were like because his smartness makes us feel inferior i'm like well then just then you're just dumb i can't help that is this like a subtle brag by you also you said it was a physical bullying and then you changed it to where they were just making fun of you did they put you in a locker you can tell us uh no locker
Starting point is 01:08:09 but i had to get some i feel like when playing soccer they kick my shins a little more than the other kids so that kind of hurt a little bit the real long con bullying just slowly give you compartment syndrome into your shin i was gonna say i feel like we didn't have like physical bullies it was like people would be like i'm gonna fight you and like they it was a mutual agreeing of there is a fight happening like there was no like i don't know i feel like there wasn't like anyone in lockers swirlies classic you know 1980s bullying. I could... You have too much respect for that shit. All the nonsense at the middle school I went to, I could talk about for days, man.
Starting point is 01:08:50 I mean, like, there wasn't your typical bullying stuff, but there was just so much ridiculous shit that happened in my school that I don't want to go on it now because we are deep into this one and I won't shut the fuck up, but there's so much nonsense that happened. We have that as a teaser for next week.
Starting point is 01:09:08 Talk middle school bullying. I do like drafting or tier listing. I lost it. MTV shows. Old MTV dating shows. That'd be fun. That might be what's on the docket. That's a joke. That might be what's on the docket. All right.
Starting point is 01:09:25 That's a joke. A little True Life. A little True Life. True Life isn't a dating show. Are we going to keep it to dating shows? No, but like. We're just doing all MTV. All MTV.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Oh, my goodness. We're going to be here for days. True Life, you wake up at like 4 a.m. and it's like True Life, I do heroin. And you're like, oh. Yeah, True Life was some real shit, man. Dude, True Life. you wake up at like 4 a.m and it's like true life i do heroin and you're like oh dude the true life i mean we can talk about this later but it was like true life i want to be a bodybuilder and they would take like a nerd and they'd be like all right you have two months to prepare for a bodybuilding competition in like your hometown it's like this kid's ways like
Starting point is 01:09:59 a buck there was another show there was another show. That's made. Made was good too. I like made. True Life is like I got AIDS. True Life I have AIDS. True Life is tough. Yeah, there's some brutal shit on True Life. We can save
Starting point is 01:10:21 that for another pod. Next week I want to do since we're in college football season i want to pick like the ranked like ranked on ranked games and see how uh how many who who comes out the winner at the end of the college football season of how many they got right so like we don't want to pick them like week to week every week sure that's so many picks but it's no of the ranked games so this week it's ohio state and oregon so are you saying are you saying between 12 and 25 all top 25 ranked teams together two ranked teams together is what i'm saying so it's's Iowa, Iowa State, and Oregon, Ohio State. We can discuss this later. Those are only two games
Starting point is 01:11:08 this week. We can discuss this later. Do this off air. No, let's do it right now. Do it quick. Brian, go ahead. It's two games. I'll start. I'm taking Penn State to win. All right, Zach, you're up. Brian, you're no fun. What a nerd. Corey, I'll go. I'm picking Iowa because I have to hope that Iowa just runs the table after
Starting point is 01:11:24 just taking a dump on Indiana's chest. So I can't not pick Iowa. So go Hawkeyes. And then Ohio State. I want to go Iowa State for the opposite reason because I want Iowa to be buns and make you look like poopy-doo. And I'll take Oregon because I don't want Ohio State to win. I'm going to take Iowa and Ohio State. I'm going to just
Starting point is 01:11:48 leave it at that. I'm going to take the wash tie on both games. Burn coming in hot. Tune in next week. We are either going to be ranking MTV shows from the early 2000s or... Oh, that's fair.
Starting point is 01:12:03 Alright. Denise, vote on this's fair. Yeah. All right. Denise, vote on this poll and decide what we're going to do next. Denise and Denise's family. We're either going to tier list MTV dating shows or we're going to have Rooks talk about middle school bullying stories. Also. Greatest five stars. We love you. One last thing.
Starting point is 01:12:20 I got a wedding invite. I got a wedding invite in the mail today. I got a plus one for a wedding in late October. I need to respond by October 2nd. If you'd like to come to the wedding in Chicago with me, let me know. She! Job applications, send them to iwmd underscore pod at Bye.

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