It’s Wednesday My Dudes - Ep. 33: Ruxx Meets Ocean City Brave Heart

Episode Date: September 22, 2021

Ruxx meets Braveheart mixed with Mr. Beast, Zak eats Italian food at an Indian wedding, and Bryan cuts a kids head open. Its been a wild week for the boyos as we get into whats happened in the past 7 ...days, how Zak is a heathen for freezing his candy, and how Ruxx may or may not take naps on the toilet. Rate us 5 stars and leave a review on Apple Podcasts! Links here to follow on Social Media! and Find Other Places to Listen!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 All right. McGriddle or McMuffin? I saw this on Twitter. I saw. So there's a correct answer that you're going to like and that we're not going to agree with. Depends on how I want my next two hours being. You know, if I want to eat breakfast and then just not think about the breakfast I ate, you know, and I just digest it normally, then a McMuffin. If I want to be on the toilet for 20 minutes plus then I'm gonna throw a sausage
Starting point is 00:00:27 egg and cheese McGriddle down my gullet what about the McGriddle makes you poop yourself I have no I have no idea so burn you remember how I used to always study and um in Pollock when we were at Penn State yeah so like yeah if I like when I would do my all nighters, right, there's a McDonald's that like you just go down the stairs through South and then you're at the downtown McDonald's. So yeah, I would cram all night for the viewers. Your boy was not the brightest and he thought he could cram last minute 400 level math exams. So yeah, naturally, I was in college for six years. But graduated. math exams so yeah naturally i was in college for six years um but graduated yeah but so when i was um like done with my night of studying and the sun was finally coming up it's like you know what
Starting point is 00:01:14 i'm gonna reward myself i'm gonna go to mickey d's i'm gonna eat a nice i'm gonna eat a nice mcgriddle or two you know get the vibes picked back up before my test every time after i would eat let's say 20 minutes after i'm getting like the meat sweats i feel just awful and i go to the bathroom and i'm just like why did i make this decision why did i do this to myself i have a test in an hour and it's just 30 minutes of cram time that's gone i'm gonna say that's because you stayed up all night and probably had caffeine and other drugs in your system and then you were nervous for the test more than just the like syrup part of the mcgriddle versus the mcmuffin i mean i would i would agree with that to an extent but even like even when i would take out if Adderall, oh no, I'm not pooping. Ever.
Starting point is 00:02:06 It's just... That is... It's just not happening. Anytime I took Adderall, pooping is the last thing on my mind. And... I don't know. When I studied, I really wasn't a big snacker. I would have
Starting point is 00:02:22 maybe a Dr. Pepper here and there, but I wasn't eating a big snacker like i would have i would have a maybe a dr pepper here and there but i wasn't like eating a lot or anything like that i don't know and i was also mainlining adderall uh the answer is is this is a mcmuffin i don't know what it is with the mcgriddle oh but i think it's the fact it's somehow saltier than a McMuffin, even though, like, I don't know, somehow the sweetness of the pancake makes it salt. It's a weird concept, but I have a cotton mouth after I eat a McGriddle. It's like a weird sensation, and I have no idea why. But, yeah, the correct answer is sausage egg McMuffin with cheese, two of them. And then you get the dollar just sausage McMuffin cheese with no egg if you're feeling frisky uh and then a large orange juice but yeah
Starting point is 00:03:10 I'm uh I don't I've never understood like the whole pancakes I like pancakes on the side yeah you order pancakes for the table you eat them separately when you start mixing syrup with your eggs and yours it just is gross and so i need my not like when you have like a breakfast for dinner or just breakfast i don't know i'm saying breakfast dinner and you have like pancakes on the plate and eggs and sausage they all mix anyways or are you someone who like a separate plate for each thing no no you can mix the eggs and the sausage and the potatoes those are a normal thing that's called a skillet and those are delicious that's a separate menu item you know what they don't put on like normal breakfast menus? They don't put,
Starting point is 00:03:46 hey, here's the pancake surprise and let's mix everything in with it. Yeah, no, I don't like McGriddles as much as a McMuffin because it's odd. You don't need to force it all together. Just take out the syrup part. It's a McMuffin. It's great as it is.
Starting point is 00:03:59 You don't need to add in that extra part. I mean, while you're at it, throw in an orange slice. Get the orange juice in the sandwich as well. You gotta have whole breakfast like i don't know it's strange i'm on your side but twitter everyone was on the mcgriddle side i think it's 50 50 now last time i checked it's like 50 50 the mcgriddle taste in my opinion tastes better like i so i am i like a sweet and salty here and there so i kind of enjoy the contrasting flavor. Like I'm a big...
Starting point is 00:04:29 Have you ever had like a breakfast burger that's on French toast or something like that? Life-changing. Actually life-changing. What's your drink? Like what are you getting with the McGriddle? Are you getting like a coffee? Water.
Starting point is 00:04:42 Oh, okay. So that's a difference. I'm getting like a fat orange juice, which is so sweetcdonald's i don't know what they put in there but if i get if i get an orange juice and a mcgriddle insta diabetes i'm just yeah it's gonna be bad like that's the thing it's like i'm i'm on the side of the mcgriddle even with the consequences but it just depends on how my day is going you know it depends on what i have planned for the next couple hours you torture your body all the time i have never seen anyone other than me get the little one dollar breakfast burrito so good so underrated no one ever gets them they're delicious can we all agree though that i was like we all agree though that
Starting point is 00:05:23 sausage is the superior breakfast sandwich meat? Like the ham or the bacon? People who get bacon on it from McDonald's are psychos. The ham is like a weird second place, but only just because it's bacon so bad from McDonald's. Actually, it's called a pork roll. Get your terminology correct. What a gross term could you imagine imagine being proud of correcting it to pork roll like what are two gross words to put together we're about to get so much hate from all the jersey people yeah i sausage on like fast food stuff makes more sense
Starting point is 00:06:02 because you can do it right bacon's really good but it has to actually be crispy and at fast food places it's not going to be and when it's on a sandwich you take one bite it pulls the whole strip out ruins it you don't get a good like bacon every bite kind of thing also where does mcdonald's get off on having biscuits as a viable vessel to as a sandwich at least their biscuits stink they crumble immediately and some people swear by the mcdonald's biscuit sandwich it is awful i like the biscuit too man you're just so crumbly i'm taking i'm taking shots right now from all directions because i would say too like i do agree that i think sauce is like if i'm if i'm consistently getting breakfast sandwiches sausage egg and cheese far superior if i am hung over bacon egg and cheese times, sausage, egg and cheese, far superior. If I am hung over bacon,
Starting point is 00:06:46 egg and cheese times 10,000 bacon, egg and cheese is a lifesaver, but I, I really enjoy the, I'm so just, I feel like I'm getting targeted right now, man. I feel attacked.
Starting point is 00:07:01 No, man, it's, it's, it's McMuffin one,cgriddle two then biscuit three and i can't i can't judge the breakfast burrito because i've never had it so i don't want to unfairly judge it's it's okay i i used to i used to get a decent amount like way back when it's a good bang for your buck it's only a dollar they're like not super tiny so you could get like eight of them
Starting point is 00:07:25 and it's like a lot of food and they're just super cheesy which is great they're not in my alley give you some free salsa they're not super tiny but like you can eat eight of them in one sitting it's a little contradicting it's like a crave case it's like the mcdonald's crave case i mean you could compare it to like a taco from taco bell they're not tiny but you can you can eat 12 of them that's there's a taco 12 pack for a reason talk about the most underwhelming thing in the world your business is called taco bell and your normal tacos are the shittiest thing on your menu nah man step your game up step your disagree is this gonna be the fast food episode we're just only gonna beef on fast food i guess so soft do the soft shell taco 12 pack actually carry pretty well the next day if you
Starting point is 00:08:18 leave them in the fridge then you eat them the next morning not terrible i've done that yeah microwave that lettuce. You gotta eat them cold. You gotta raw dog them. No. You sound like a sociopath right now. Should we just move on? I will say shout out McDonald's hash browns though. A universally loved
Starting point is 00:08:37 breakfast item. Best hash brown in the game. That's fair. I get it. Now we're on the same page. Exactly. But I'm gonna go uh tomorrow before work and go to the drive-thru and say hi sally miss lady working the mcdonald's drive-thru uh i'd like my usual of two sausage egg mcpuffins a large orange juice and two hash browns because it is wed, my dudes. Welcome back to another episode of It's Wednesday, My Dudes, episode 33.
Starting point is 00:09:13 Apparently, we're only talking about fast food. We're missing Corey again. He does not have the plague, but is just being a little Bob Builder, renovating the bathroom. A little busy with Mr. Hefe this week, but we got Rooks. What's good? We gots. What's good? We got Zach. Brett, what's up? And I'm Brian.
Starting point is 00:09:34 We got a little grab bag episode. Just going to kind of wing it. Got a topic each. Going to talk some NFL stuff and see where we go. But first, Rooks, how was your weekend? It was a very good time. So me and the fam went out to Ocean City, Maryland. It was really strange going to Ocean City not really in season. But it was bike week.
Starting point is 00:10:00 So all these fuckers with handlebar mustaches and Harley Davidsons were just killing it all weekend and just crowding every bar you could go to. Okay. I thought you meant like actual bikes. Not Lance Armstrong. Based on your parents, how much they bike? I was thinking bicycle. That's fair assumption. Which is way worse than arguably equal terrible groups of people, bikers and motorcyclers, arguably both terrible groups of people.
Starting point is 00:10:30 Way more bulges on Bicycle Week. Yeah, but people who ride bicycles, terrible. I'm sorry if any of you are just awful, awful people. My parents, if you're listening, I'm sorry, but it's just facts. But anyway, it was motorcycle week at Ocean City. So it was just a bunch of interesting, interesting, interesting people out and about. Friday, got in, felt nice and chill. We were just hanging out.
Starting point is 00:11:00 We had this little condo on the beach that was really nice. And then we went Saturdayurday i'm not kidding between me and my brother i think we drank probably 40 something drinks throughout the day like combined we drank so much first off miller light we had a case of miller light easily down that case we we had more than one case but I'm pretty sure we finished at least a case of Miller Lite throughout the day. I had watching Penn State play. Shout out. We are getting the Dubskis. I probably had 10 drinks during that game.
Starting point is 00:11:36 I was hammered by the time we left. And then we got home later. I had more drinks. Regardless, a lot of alcohol was consumed, but Saturday, beach day, got super sunburned in one specific spot. You tip for everybody. Never put on sunscreen after drinking because you're going to miss a spot.
Starting point is 00:11:56 You're absolutely going to miss a spot. You're not going to be as precise. And I have just this, it looks like someone has a rubber band and it's just flicking me up and down my rib cage on my right side like it's so gross but it's like beet red still super irritating but um hanging out at the beach for a while then we went over to the tiki bar okay this is gonna be like this is gonna be my big story the weekend and this is just insane we go to this we go to this little tiki bar it's like in the back of a hotel and it's on the beach
Starting point is 00:12:31 it's there's there's um there's a bunch up and down the coast that you just walk up you get like a drink some food you go back to your spot on the beach we go to this tiki bar this guy's walking around with stacks in his hand i'm talking like his hand is fully stretched to the max and he has just bills on bills on bills in his hand and everyone's what is going on what's the deal we asked the bartenders the bartender noticed said oh yeah he randomly came up and gave us ten thousand dollars and i was just confused this guy's walking around and first off big creepy pervert energy like big creepy fat guy um definitely definitely divorced or going through a divorce he's walking around he's telling girls like oh if you're not wearing a bra or panties here's some money and it's like first off man you're girls like, oh, if you're not wearing a bra or panties, here's some money.
Starting point is 00:13:25 And it's like, first off, man, you're disgusting to look at. Second off, you're disgusting when you open your mouth. But people keep joking. And this one girl, so we're talking to this biker couple who he gave both of them $400 for something random. I forgot what they said that he gave. Why didn't you befriend this guy? Why didn't you just go up there and be like, hey, man. He's a creepy pervert.
Starting point is 00:13:50 I don't want to talk to this guy. He's creeping on girls, not on you. You could at least get some money off of him. Yeah, but he's an asshole. But so he's walking around and like we were talking about this biker couple. And this one biker has the typical biker bandana but across it it just says fuckface so me and fuckface were talking about this shit and fuckface is like um fuckface his wife took her bra off under her shirt and then fuckface wore it on his head and then the dude paid them
Starting point is 00:14:20 like 500 or something like that for that and then he's just walking around with stacks and stacks of cash there's this guy playing he goes up there's a staircase above us that leads to the hotel this guy's playing guitar just jamming out he takes a lot of cash and throws it at the guy who's singing and so everyone at the bar is freaking out and they run over and start grabbing money off the floor and he throws another stack like right by where the guitar guy is playing. These two probably 80-year-old women reach down, grab them, and pocket them with the most finesse I've ever seen in my life. Those ladies have definitely not been that nimble since they were like 20. They were just on the cash.
Starting point is 00:15:06 What's up? What denomination of bills? 20s? Hundreds? Ones? 50 cents? It started at 20s. I saw fives at one point, and then it went back to 20s.
Starting point is 00:15:16 But so. Okay. It's like a Juicy J song. Tens. 20. But so he throws a stack, and these oldies ladies pick it up and he did not like that because it was for the singer and he's obviously wasted he comes downstairs though and is yelling at these old ladies like that's not for you what are you doing it's like fuck like you just threw a stack
Starting point is 00:15:42 of money on the floor i don't think there's really rules here you know i don't think there's yeah you threw the money on the floor my guy but the old lady's pocketed he's like yelling at them some random old dude from the bar comes up and starts defending their honor and they're like nose to nose screaming at each other and we're our table has a perfect view we're sitting there just what the fuck is going on we came here to get some uh like little beach appetizers and one one cocktail and this is the shit we're witnessing what is happening and so shithead uh guy with the money he goes upstairs we don't see him we're like okay finally this whole shit show is over like we can just get the fuck out of here we're paying our we're paying our tab he comes back
Starting point is 00:16:30 downstairs he's shirtless now which first off he's huge he's so fat and he had an audi belly button it was gross it was so disgusting like it was so gross and if you have it do you think if you get an audi bed like i know that's like not you can't control that i think like when you're born obviously like it's just like it just happens but if i have an out if i had an audi belly button i would get that made in any years so quick like i feel like you kind of have to i feel like there's just like a bad stigma not to say that it's right not to say that that's right about the stigma about audi audi belly button people but they're just a little undesirable what's the stigma other than people don't just looks weird like it's just not i don't know okay
Starting point is 00:17:13 i mean i say get it pierced that's gonna stick out at least like bedazzle it it's not if anything it's it's like a it's like a safety hazard it could get caught on something like if it's an audi and it gets pierced does it look like a nipple piercing? Does it look like a third nipple piercing? You just do the same things. Also, you have zero room to hide stuff. That's true. As someone with a deep belly button, that's very true.
Starting point is 00:17:37 But anyway, I don't have no problem with Audi belly buttons. I'm just being an asshole to this guy because he was a creepy pervert. So he comes downstairs. not only is he shirtless now he has braveheart paint on his face you know the movie braveheart he has to get the paint from i don't fucking that was money great question great fucking question this guy after going head to head with some dude defending two 80-year-old women, probably went back up to his hotel room, revved himself up, painted his face. He's sitting there in his hotel room painting his fucking face.
Starting point is 00:18:15 Dressed looking like the ultimate warrior. Exactly. Coming out. But he comes down and just has more money. He's shirtless and he has face paint now. What is going on? Where's he hiding all this money now what is going on all this money is he had all this money that's the thing we don't we were really confused because
Starting point is 00:18:30 we started tallying up the amount he had given to people we had talked to and it was significantly over thirty thousand dollars and he just like you can't take that money out of a bank right like you can't you can't they won't allow you to take that much out isn't that like right is that a thing you can't from atm you can't you can take whatever you want well regardless a limit i think regardless he that means he had to have like done all of this in preparation for him regardless this guy came back down his fucking brave heart and is waving money around again and then we were like okay we need to get the fuck out of here like this is just this is just too much we need to go and we left and then yeah that's like why would
Starting point is 00:19:16 you leave oh i'm staying no it started to record it just started getting old we had been there for two hours and this guy and then he started saying creepy shit to my mom too and we were like okay well and then my dad my dad's drunk too my dad's like go get some fucking money man yeah but that was like he's giving people thousands of dollars right now like i don't care um damn i'm burying my dad live on the air it feels bad um but yeah so that was that was our day that we left there we were just talking about it for the rest of the day that's all we talked about for the rest of our day was just that whole experience um of course but then went watched penn state get the dub skis that was lovely um puked at 2 in the morning. Just fully let it all loose. Let it fly.
Starting point is 00:20:08 And then Sunday, you know, booze a little on the beach. Watched a beautiful Cardinals victory as well. And then came back Monday and hated my life. Because I had work I had to do. And did not enjoy my life. But it was a good weekend overall. I would give it... I would give it
Starting point is 00:20:31 two rich old women. Because now they're rich. Alright, Zach. You gotta beat that. That was lengthy. I apologize. But it was a lot. Not gonna be able to. So Friday, picked up my parents from the aeropuerta
Starting point is 00:20:49 because they were coming in for a wedding on Saturday. So Saturday morning, decided to wake up, get a nice little brunch action, had some breakfast tacos, which were delicious. And then we went to Wrigleyville to watch the IU versus versus cincinnati game uh for the first half it was great um and so we were we walked back at halftime to go back to my apartment to start getting ready for the wedding the problem was we walked through um
Starting point is 00:21:18 this place uh on south port street in chicago they were having a taco festival and so they were having a bunch of uh stands and stuff so my mom kept going in and out of stores i'm like mom we need to get back home in the game i can't watch it on my phone and we made it back and by the time we made it back it was just kind of a kind of a minor shit show um so yeah it didn't it didn't end well it was kind of just like a painful game uh indiana lost obviously so we're back on the horse uh next week but anyway so we go to the wedding i am looking delicious um i uh i got i got this uh this uh um for our fellow tall kings out there just like built individuals i feel like we're all pretty like built it's pretty tough to buy like dress shirts off the rack you would agree right yeah oh it's border for me it's borderline impossible especially because i have broad ass shoulders a thick neck and i'm not that
Starting point is 00:22:10 tall so all my dress shirts look ridiculous yeah and dude she know okay so i went to this place called um my friends recommended it called state and liberty and apparently we started in michigan out of the university of michigan some guy like a bunch of hockey players or whatever also couldn't find dress shirts for them. There's no free ads, but we want to sponsor the pod. Let us know. Um,
Starting point is 00:22:30 yeah, close. They, uh, so they, I, uh, went to their store,
Starting point is 00:22:34 uh, and got like a nice shirt and it fit like a glove. The material was like dry fit almost, but like a nice dry fit. Um, so we're that. Okay, go ahead.
Starting point is 00:22:44 No, it was like, like I know saying dry fit makes it sound like it's like a cheap like tech gear shirt from tj maxx um but no it was like a nicer dry fit type of material that because i was like dancing and stuff all night i didn't feel sweaty or we didn't feel like i was swimming in my own uh precipitation perspiration perspiration perspiration perspiration there you go i was close close um so yeah i went to this uh went to this wedding i'm looking good i brought some capri suns because you always gotta keep that thang on you um and uh so we went to the wedding it was at this nice like indian belly dancing place wait what hold on we we're not just gonna
Starting point is 00:23:23 bypass that what why did you bring capri Suns to someone's wedding? I'm not questioning it. So two reasons. One, they're good. And the groom, who is my cousin, loves Capri Suns. So I thought it was like a nice wedding gift. But I anticipated us sharing the Capri Suns. But when he came up to him, my mom was like, here, Zach got you some Capri Suns. And I'm like, no, mom, I got to dust for us to share because I'm going to be thirsty during this thing. But luckily, I found them at the end of the night, and I got my fair share. Pacific Cooler, by the way, the best flavor. It goes Pacific Cooler, Fruit Punch, Wild Cherry, Orange, Lemonade, Grape, and then anything else at the bottom. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:04 You kind of just nailed that list i'm with you now oh my god right yeah you're welcome you're welcome uh anyway about eight vodka sodas deep and by the way these cocksuckers at the uh alhambra and the west loop when i had gray goose for my first two vodka sodas and then apparently like once the clock struck 10 p.m they're like nah you get well vodka and and so the hangover started basically immediately after i started drinking that stuff um uh so did you mix it with capri sun no but i chased it kind of like i was like a like a like a okay um what they call that like they kind of bring you back to you like to center it's like smelling salts basically like capri sun version of smelling salts like it centered me out a little bit um all right so yeah we had
Starting point is 00:24:49 a nice time with the way the food was a little weird though yeah it was fine uh the food was a little weird we had like salad with italian dressing pasta and then some like mediterranean spicy indian beef curry it was just a weird mixture of food choices. I mean, Italian is Mediterranean. Yeah, but it was an Indian restaurant, though. It was like an Indian belly dancing vibe, so it was a little weird. It was an international wedding, okay? We were trying to represent a lot of different cultures here.
Starting point is 00:25:21 So, yeah, it was funny because I told my mom before then i was like my buddy's playing in wrigleyville his band's playing at a bar i want to go see him uh he doesn't go on till 10 plays till one my mom was like no you got to stay at the wedding you got to stay at the wedding and my mom proceeded to get hammered and then she she tired she like got all tuckered out and it was about like 10 30 and she's like yeah you can go see your friends i'm like all right great uh so then went to wrigley proceeded then to follow up my eight vodka sodas with another vodka soda i think like two red bull vodkas and a tequila shot watched my buddy played he killed it went great then we went to an after party at um at another one of my friend's house, drank more vodka Red Bulls,
Starting point is 00:26:06 and I proceeded to have basically heart palpitations. I could feel my heart just like going crazy. Didn't get to bed probably till about 4, 4.30 a.m. And then I had to meet my parents back in the West Loop, which is about like a 30-minute Uber, 25, 30-minute Uber ride for breakfast at like 8 or nine in the morning and i was so i was still drunk when i woke up and i i left my car down there in the west loop
Starting point is 00:26:33 because we drove down there the day before and i had to tell my dad i'm like hey you gotta drive back to my apartment there's no way i can i can drive but i was like oh and the thing was too i think feel like i'm rambling a little bit but it's all good information i ordered the most psychopathic hangover meal it was like i i ordered what i thought was like biscuits and gravy with like a side of eggs it came in like a bowl and it just was like covered in sausage gravy and it just i took one bite and i'm like not saying it chief i am not finishing this at all. I did order a chocolate milk, though. I asked the lady.
Starting point is 00:27:09 I was like, hey, can I get a chocolate milk? And she just looked at me and was like, I think we can make that work. I'm like, great, thank you. You went off menu to get a chocolate milk? Oh, yeah, buddy. Oh, yeah. I go off menu all the time for the chocolate milk. I just hope I wanted her to bring you like
Starting point is 00:27:25 a full carton of it sometimes i dude i ordered it at a really fancy brunch place in miami one time and they brought it out in like an ice cream shake glass with whipped cream and like a straw and cherry i'm just like all right i get the fanciest chocolate milk i've ever had um but yeah so parents brought me off at home i I then proceeded to order an extra large pizza and eat that throughout the day, finish it off with some Sour Patch Kids out of the freezer, and it was good. Bears won, although I kind of slept through most of the game
Starting point is 00:27:52 because I was so hungover and I needed a rest because I had gotten maybe three hours of sleep. So I had it on the background, but it was a pretty uneventful game. We got the dub, though. So if I had to rate it, I'm going to give it three three fully sucked capri suns you know we can see the straw on the back there's nothing left i'm gonna give it that man gross how can you be relatable how can you be drinking a capri sun sounds so gross
Starting point is 00:28:23 well that's how you drink it you suck it so you see the straw no i know i know what you're talking about i know i know but just referring to it in that way it's just oh it makes me uncomfy bry guy how was your weekend uh it was good it was cool it was kind of i was all over the place so thursday i'm in an i am soccer league my team's not great team we played way too good the one kid on the team too was in my other league said hi to him in the parking lot he looked at me kept walking awesome stuff apparently he does not like me it was weird it was awkward um but it was like the very first like corner they kick it in i go
Starting point is 00:29:06 for a header completely missed but just headbutt the hell out of this kid i land look at him he seems fine we both run off but then like three seconds later people behind me are like making a bunch of commotion i turn around blood everywhere just like all over the place he's like holding his hand under his face like to try to catch it all and like goes to the sideline wait why is he trying to catch the blood just let it fall down the grass so we're on an indoor turf field and if blood gets on the grass they cancel the game so you have to like catch it but so good for him but also i went to the silence like that was definitely me because like the side of my head hurt real bad but like i was fine it's called evolution it's called evolution yeah survival
Starting point is 00:29:44 of the fittest well We lost 7-1, so, like, I like to think I got my own licking on that one. But that was great. So, weird, though. Just, like, murdered somebody for no reason.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Then on Friday, I saw Rise Against and The U's, which was the first concert I'd been to in, like, two years. Oh, yeah? How was that? It was very strange. So...
Starting point is 00:30:03 Is that a Jesus band? No. Who? No. No,. So. Is that a Jesus band? No. Who? No. No. No. Rise Against. Rise Against has a lot of.
Starting point is 00:30:08 They have like a lot of. They have like songs about refugees and other political topics. Oh, okay. Got you. You're thinking Under Oath. Under Oath is like Christian. Or Creed. And they're like Screamo.
Starting point is 00:30:19 Or Creed. I would go see Creed. Anyways. The lead singer in between songs recited two soliloquies from shakespeare just like with guitar in the background for some reason he was really into it it was super strange didn't know they were into that but all right and then there's a mosh pit going on saw this one like pretty like big girl because she could like hold her own in a mosh pit but she had a mouthpiece in like a mouth guard like football like she was way too prepared
Starting point is 00:30:47 was it the full one was the full terrell davis one no it wasn't like the binky with the spinner on it and shit got the fucking icebox in the crowd dude jesus how prepared for like a mosh pit are you or how many have you been in that ended badly they're like yeah concert got my uh my id wristband to get some beer uh mouthpiece check all right cool we're good to go super strange so uh mosh pits they're not fun not chill at all it was like a festival sort of that started at like noon but i got there for like the last two bands so people were like 10 beers deep by the time i got there and it was like 300 pound dudes and that one girl in a big circle so they were not like enjoying the music they were just there to hit people so
Starting point is 00:31:33 it hurt a little bit well did you did you headbutt anybody and make them bleed and have to leave or anything or no there's a few elbows i got hit a lot i couldn't usually mosh pits are fun for me because i'm usually one of the bigger people there because like most of the bands i go to are like a mix of like dudes and chicks fuck no this one it's like just just dudes so like it's not well all dudes in one one chick wearing a mouthpiece she was a whole that is terrifying that is absolutely terrifying a sight to see but that was friday saturday went to the penn state game like we talked about um i was walking to the tailgate and i heard someone behind me go hey look at that snake i look up ahead there's a dude with
Starting point is 00:32:17 like a 10 foot like boa constrictor just on his neck just like walking down like short ledge just like hanging out snake bro it's like no yeah i agree strange snake never met a person who had a pet snake that was normal so that was a weird way to start the day got to the tailgate it was like noon or one when i got there cory's like 10 beers deep he's gonna tell his side of the story but i walk up and he's like Brian I'm like oh I'm not ready to match this energy right now it's so early for me and he was just all over the place in a good way though it's a way out had to happen um but it was a good time tailgated the whole day went up to the game a lot of Auburn fans I hate how they dress every one of them you know like the dude the dad button-down where it's, like, short-sleeve? Yeah, we talked about this.
Starting point is 00:33:09 And then they tuck it in. Didn't we talk about this last time? Like, you wearing, like, polos to the... Well, I got to see it in person. And I was talking more of, like, the Greek life at school where they actually wear blazers and different things like that. But Burns is talking more about the dad, like, fishing-looking like fishing looking shirt right kind of literally every one of them had it and it's like it was like freshly ironed and like starched so it's like very square on them the entire time too i hate it
Starting point is 00:33:36 i am so brian fashion guru over here looking like spongebob auburn spongebob they were the tiger pants honestly they look like spongebob we were in line waiting to get in and like there's some drunk penn state guys behind us like hey man untuck that shirt what are you doing untuck it untuck it and they like convinced like four like auburn dudes to untuck their shirts it was lame auburn fans not bad though not one like heckle from them so like they're cool but yeah so that was the whole weekend. Penn State got the win. 3-0, baby. We're at 6 right now? IU versus Penn State got moved
Starting point is 00:34:12 to 7.30pm on Saturday. We're going to have so many night games this year. We're going to get so many ranked teams. I'll rate my weekend 4 elbows to the face because there's a lot of violence this weekend nice nice yeah so week two of the nfl happened this weekend i think we got some wins bird
Starting point is 00:34:34 no we did fucking gang baby cardinals okay kyler murray as i said for deandre hopkins last year i want to kiss you on the mouth baby god damn he's so good he's making small like small little interception errors here and there but he's throwing four to five touchdowns i can't complain you know what i mean defensively we looked atrocious compared to week one if your team's getting torn up by kurt Cousins, you're not in the best spot. Kirk Cousins kind of bent us over and spanked us a little bit. It was not good. But, hey.
Starting point is 00:35:13 Kirk Cousins got no neck. His shoulder pads are way too big for him. But, hey, we got a delicate performance. He needed to pull the Vince Papali and Invincible where he goes in the locker room. He's like, you can't wear them. Those are quarterback pads. He's like, is it really going to matter? But he needs the quarterback pads.
Starting point is 00:35:31 He's wearing 90s linebacker pads. I feel like he has a quarterback jersey at least. I know he has the loose sleeves. He has the loose NARBI sleeves. Maybe he just has a short neck and it's not the pads. That's possible. But cards, we got to gotta win it was off some nonsense the Vikings come down
Starting point is 00:35:51 they got a field goal to win we're only up by one point they fucking miss it clown heads Cardinals are 2-0 let's go baby also two fantasy wins Aaron Jones I want to kiss you on the mouth don't care bro steelers not looking good so many people are hurt we had four people four starters on defense
Starting point is 00:36:16 hurt for this game and now big ben has a pec injury for some reason i don't know why he's at the gym benching 400 pounds but he hurt a pec i don. It's on his non-throwing arm, though, so, like, I don't know why it matters, but apparently he's, like, probable for next week, but, like, it's not looking good. Did you know he's, like, that guy in the gym who's kind of fat now but can still put up a lot of weight, and he's just trying to be like, all right, guys, and he just bounces it and gets one. He's like, all right, I bench 350. Have you seen shack
Starting point is 00:36:45 bench like at any point in your life on youtube for some reason uh no i'm not a search shack bench is not in my algorithm him him and uh charles barkley had like a bench off for some reason and like there's no way either of them still work out because like they look horrible but he put up 315 for like 15 reps like i mean yeah i'll talk i'll talk trash to shack he's not gonna talk to me who cares you have to think about yeah he is a listener and we will tag him in this episode and we will set up a boxing match uh through a trailer uh in the coming months oh i'll box shack i'll box shack for like ten thousand dollars you'll die but yeah you have to think about just one percent of paper eat he checks what shacks seven feet tall right yeah shack has pipes and he's seven feet tall so like
Starting point is 00:37:32 his he's gotta have some fucking strength behind it like he's a big ass dude yeah yeah and if he weighs like 375 and he's benching 315 for 15 like it's less than his body weight for reps so like but he's got long as a tall king you got longer arms so you got more distance to travel so it's harder all the short kings out there can just go up a you know a little bit and you call it a rep it's like all right but walk a mile in my shoes how's the bears this weekend uh i mean they were good they were fine defense showed up this time which is great offense i mean it was i mean offense still kind of sucked we only had like 200 yards total offense fields actually play though yeah he played the second half because andy dalton i think
Starting point is 00:38:17 got a um got a bone bruise so yeah he played the second half he was okay i mean he had a bad a terrible interception a couple dropped passes from our wide receivers so which would have made it his day look better but um i mean andy dalton looked great like the first drive in the first like couple quarters he looked fine but i mean the bears have a history and they had it happen last year they just lose to the good teams and win against the bad teams and so until they actually beat me they lost to the good teams and win against the bad teams. And so until they actually beat me, they lost to the Rams and beat the bangles. So the trend is continuing. We play, that's kind of how it works for the Browns next week.
Starting point is 00:38:50 So if we win there, like I'll start to build some sort of confidence or hope. But until then, I'm not, I'm not holding out hope. I'm just waiting for Justin Fields to start. It sounds like he'll probably start this week. So that'll be nice.
Starting point is 00:39:05 But yeah, I that'll be nice. That's good. Yeah, I'm just looking forward. I'm just counting down the days to go to Vegas and hopefully see my big, beautiful boy play. Honestly, give him a full game, and he'll show up. I feel like putting him in halfway through, it's hard for them to set up the plays they actually need to set up with him. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:39:21 If you run read option the whole game, you'll actually have some burst plays. If you put them in for two plays it's not going to do anything yeah i mean it's not easy it can't be it's not easy to come in cold and say hey man i think they brought him in for like a fourth and one sneak and he didn't get it which i was like kind of mad but i'm also i mean like that's a tough play to come into be like hey man when you put your head right in the center's ass and try to and try to get into this yard it's like like, all right, cool. Kind of wear it as a hat. Yeah, right. Exactly. So I don't know.
Starting point is 00:39:48 We'll see. I'm just having footballs back. The weather's turning a little bit. It's getting 65. It's almost chili season. You guys going to make any chili? You guys going to slang some chili? That is not in my list of activities for when the weather gets like this.
Starting point is 00:40:03 When the weather gets like this? Apple cobbler. Number one on the list's i just like wearing fucking hoodies man i love crew next bro throw a hoodie on oh no it's crew next season greater than greater than put out a poll brian after this episode crew next or hoodies okay i'll throw that out there but i'm gonna have to say me and rooks had a red hoodie gang in fifth grade. Red hoodie gang, dude. I had a Dragon Ball Z one, Goku on the front. We literally had like 15 friends that would only wear red hoodies.
Starting point is 00:40:36 Yeah, that's, whatever. We were in fifth grade, you know. You can't say red hoodie gang and then not make the jump to the Bloods. Well, whatever. I'm sheltered. That's not what I was thinking. We were in Montgomery County, Maryland, where it's very affluent. We're close to D.C., but we're not near enough that it was thought about.
Starting point is 00:41:06 But anyways, hoodie season, absolutely. It's crew neck season, bro. Hoodies are nice. Don't get me wrong. I feel like crew necks, I can just dress up a little more. Dress up or down. It has more style options.
Starting point is 00:41:18 I don't have to do these though. Are you talking wearing hoodie sweaters out or just in general? Because I'm more just, if I have to go anywhere, being able to put on a nice little hoodie and have that oh yeah nice buzz all up and down the body you know what i mean like it just it just feels nice it's cozy dude nothing's better than uh putting the hood over your head and then just pulling the strings when you're hung over and you just can you just like i'm not moving you just have the little hole to see out your eyes and to breathe and i'm convinced my favorite attire or like um like thing to go out
Starting point is 00:41:55 in shorts and a sweatshirt like the ultimate it's like it's like the ultimate just like bro outfit but it's still an undefeated outfit it's because yeah that's brunch sunday morning it's super comfy yeah yeah yeah i can't wait for it because like in the summer you have the ac on but it's like your place is at like 70 something in the winter turn it down a little bit get it like 67 for a hoodie the entire like six months of my next like life it's so nice it's gonna be good yeah it's gonna be good yeah it's gonna be like 60 this weekend for the penn state game though i'm excited i'm going finally i'm going to the cubs game tomorrow on wednesday when this pod
Starting point is 00:42:36 drops and it's gonna be like 65 degrees and i'm so excited just to be able to wear jeans and a hoodie to be put a hoodie a hoodie underneath the baseball jersey another undefeated look as well i can't wear you have to wear you have to wear it to a game though like when people well that can't just be a fit like no no no you can't be the guy like i was at the gym today if you're wearing licensed professional football like league apparel to the gym you are what are you doing guys rocking bull like chicago bull shorts and jordans and he was hitting the cable flies like it was going out of style my buddy hey like just get a normal pair of champions like i don't need to see your you know your charlotte hornets
Starting point is 00:43:14 tank as your you know your larry johnson charlotte hornets tank as you're as you're repping out some dumbbell press some 25s on the on. Like, just chill, bro. And I think it's like the best fit in the world. They get the fit. And don't get me wrong. Going to the gym, Brian, I feel like you're not like this. But to me, half part about going to the gym is like you got to get the fit. Like I got to get my fit off because if you look good, you lift good, you feel good. And but the people who just, I just can't get behind wearing, you know, a decked out,
Starting point is 00:43:43 like I'm about to check in for the, you know, about to check in for the bulls. Like, you know, hey, let me like check in and shooting guard. I got the rip off the warmup jacket and about to run in. They're just, they're just literally, don't judge. They're trying to get their pump on for their day long. They're headed to do. They're going to Lambda Chi that same day. It's going to be popping.
Starting point is 00:44:04 Tridel's going to be there. It's going to be sweetai that same day it's gonna be popping tridel it's gonna be there it's gonna be sweet they gotta have a little blow too tridel's got actually bringing the drugs in bro i was gonna say that's such a college thing to wear like jerseys and stuff at the gym oh yeah people used to always do that well especially at white at white. At white, it was either letters or a jersey or something of some kind. It was ridiculous. You saw no sleeves in that entire building. Oh, yeah. Never.
Starting point is 00:44:33 There wasn't one sleeve in that building. Exactly. Exactly. The only sleeves you saw were cut off and then put back on their head as like bandanas or whatever you'd call that the only time oh i think the only time i'll buy like i'll never buy like a sleeveless tank top or a anything like that i'll just wait till my t-shirts get old enough and then i'll cut them off and then i'll wear them for another like five or six times and be like all right this is this is good a serious question are there tank tops that are not sleeveless you know those girl shirts that have like just the shoulders cut out but have sleeves yeah
Starting point is 00:45:14 there you go there you go you're talking about this oh okay that's where i just wanted to clarify you know you said sleeveless tank tops and my mind was just turning you know i just cut the sleeves off i cut the sleeves off but then i put the sleeves back on and then like and just leave the portion of the uh so i just have warmth when i'm lifting on my arms i keep keep them keep them warm the tips of your shoulders just get really hot all the time exactly really need to air those back i actually whatever whatever muscle group i'm working on I leave that one exposed in the gym. So like leg day, no pants.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Chest day, I cut out the pec section, the nipple section. Just your tits are out. Ab day, belly shirt. That makes more sense though. The chest day one would be insane. I don't think you could get away with it how many times though, Burn
Starting point is 00:46:08 how many times at White Alone did we see someone who cut their sleeves way too tight and it's just a line of shirt down the middle of their chest, what are you wearing my guy what is that they wear like a stringer it's literally a reverse stringer
Starting point is 00:46:24 it's the back of a stringer on the front enough to cover their reverse stringer it's the back of a stringer on the front and the back like what is that oh what is that yeah i can picture it now yeah it's it's like the borat swimsuit but like flipped around and then it's inverse invert like the inverted version it makes makes no sense at all i don't yeah that's strange i'm a i'm a big white t-shirt from walmart and gym shorts kind of guy which is fine hey let your uh let your food fight fly brother yeah it works don't have to think about it no one really cares white will always match with whatever pair of shorts i pull out of the closet uh but i just i i can't wear white to the gym number one i'm just way too sweaty and like it
Starting point is 00:47:05 just the shirt just gets gross over time you know that do you remember i'm doing so many penn state throwbacks here but do you remember the white building shirts me and you got pretty much the first week of freshman year yes that shirt by the end of college was the grossest thing i've ever looked at that shit was tan like the whole shirt was tan it was so disgusting dude that's because those bars at penn state gyms though were like they're good some of them are old though in like the rusty bars you do anything where it touches a white shirt it just turns it orange so like you get some character on it after a while but yeah all my old pen free white penn state shirts are like very much yellow but that's also just me not knowing how to do laundry for
Starting point is 00:47:50 white stuff and not like putting separating whites and colors and like using bleach at all so i don't know yeah you're fine but yeah a bag of like eight white teas from walmart's like seven dollars so i still love that's your wardrobe like you're gonna make some you're gonna make some lady very happy one day that all you need for either you make her very happy or she'd be very pissed off that all you wear all you wear is white t-shirts from walmart but like they could buy me clothes i'll wear i just don't care to do it myself you know it's gonna just be that conversation oh you're wearing it you like it and you're gonna just straightforward burn is gonna be i mean it's a shirt i needed to wear a shirt today
Starting point is 00:48:32 she's gonna be like what you said you loved it men's men's stuff is so boring like all guys who wears like a button-down or a t-shirt like that's kind of those are options like there's not much in between so if you're not trying to flex on everybody and wear crazy stuff with logos and shit on i mean like to be fair my wardrobe is pretty much all just plain tees i have a few button downs with a few little goofy ass designs on them but yeah i that's fair but god your your white t wardrobe is just it's just it's the best dude work from home now too and we're talking about fall season can't wait to just work in a hoodie and sweats for the next forever of my life gonna be great so happy about it might fall asleep like during work because i'm so comfy but like we'll work around
Starting point is 00:49:25 it happens i hope my employers aren't listening but it happens i i've never fallen asleep at work it's very boring but okay i've hit the head i've hit the head bob a couple times you hit the head bob at the head bob but is it fall to sleep though no no that's like a that's different okay so i mean i would assume none of my employers listen to this but they do i'm sorry we're not in the office anymore so this doesn't happen but when i was in the office your boy would take potty naps all the time i would go just sit on the toilet and put my hands on my knees and just put my head down. I'd sleep for, I think my longest one was like an hour and 15 minutes. Like sometimes I'd be just knocking out. Yeah, I have to sell it.
Starting point is 00:50:12 You know what I mean? I can't just sit there. I can't sit there with my pants touching the toilet seat. I have to sell it. But the only problem is. Flush every couple of minutes. Well, the toilet automatically flushes if you're on it for too long so oh yeah it's scary it wakes you up yeah it woke me up multiple times when i'm taking my
Starting point is 00:50:32 potty naps but yeah no i've it's just like the snooze alarm for you every like nine minutes you gotta press just to make sure i don't hit my uh rem cycle too hard you know it keeps me keeps me in that active sleep state. But yeah, no. I've taken a few little nappy poos at work. Sometimes it's just necessary, man. I just... How is it comfortable to sit and then just fold all the way over?
Starting point is 00:50:59 For someone my size, it's completely not. But some days, I was just so tired. I was just like, fuck it. I don't have a choice. I'm going to do this. Especially there was a lot of times, Monday a lot of times, especially then when I would go out Friday and Saturday. By the time Monday comes, I'm still hungover.
Starting point is 00:51:20 I'm still exhausted. So I just go into the bathroom curl up you know pass the fuck out and then I wake up I feel like I can send an email or two after that you know not I'm not gonna be productive that day but I'm gonna I'm gonna will myself to a few emails here and there I'm gonna dabble
Starting point is 00:51:38 in my inbox that's too much but yeah it could be worse i was i was in a training how could it be worse i was in a training this is so much worse i was in a training a month ago over zoom it's me and one other person listening to um this lady train us on very specific tasks that are somewhat somewhat difficult and detailed yeah we're on zoom i'm i'm pretty sure this is when i got back from ocean city a few months ago so i was like dying but i was just laying on my bed with my zoom on and i didn't have my camera on they didn't say we had to so i didn't turn it on but i was responding actively and making sure they knew that i was
Starting point is 00:52:22 awake the other person who's being trained had her camera off and she did the nod off i'd say at least 30 times throughout this two-hour training her eyes were shutting and she was like falling back in her chair and you would see her chair tilt back and she would like jolt up and freak out i was like just wait like turn your camera off why is your camera on if you're falling asleep, you fucking clown? I love it. When I had driver's ed, you had to do it with someone else in the backseat and then you'd switch. Whoa, whoa, whoa. What did you do in driver's ed?
Starting point is 00:52:56 Sorry. You had to do it with someone in the backseat and then switch? The person that was also in the car while I was doing driver's ed would fall asleep every time it was my turn it would snore and we aren't allowed to have music or the radio on because it's driver's ed so like it was like an hour and a half of just listening to a girl snore in the backseat nah that's okay every morning that's okay the car is the most comfortable place to sleep in
Starting point is 00:53:20 facts i don't i don't blame her because it was before school fine got it but like let me put on some music to drown out this chick in the back just going it was too much all right zach we have some beef so let's set all those pods over yeah let's beef it up bro who's got the beef where's the beef wait are you guys gonna open up? So, Burn, this is gonna be the co-main event with your fight against Shaq and the Triller event in a month? Oh, it's a debate as the co-main event, and then it's a physical
Starting point is 00:53:53 fight as the main event. It's kind of like chess boxing. Got it. Yep. Okay. So, the beef. You sent me a Snapchat over the weekend. Yes. Pulling out some of my favorite candy. Sour Patch Kids. Yes. Except you pulled them out of the freezer. Yes. Pulling out some of my favorite candy. Sour Patch Kids. Yes. Except you pulled them out of the freezer. Yes. Explain
Starting point is 00:54:10 yourself. What's the fucking deal with that? Alright, what's the deal? I know them deal with a couple Neanderthals here, and I have a sophisticated palate. So Mama Kirshner brought... My mom loves bringing me candy or any type of sweets when she visits and she just
Starting point is 00:54:26 packs them in her suitcase so she probably naturally brought me sour patch kids that were fourth of july branded obviously it's still good because that shit doesn't go bad um but anyway i'm like all right putting these puppies right in the freezer so for one it actually uh is a portion control thing because if it's just regular sourour Patch Kids, you can house those. Like, you're putting those things by the, like, you're packing it in, like, dip, and you're just chewing it. You're chewing it.
Starting point is 00:54:50 You're doing it the handfuls of the time, and that bag is going quick. And they're frozen. It takes a little bit longer to chew. They're rock hard. You got to suck on them for a little bit. You suck the sour off. Yeah, that's horrible.
Starting point is 00:54:59 No, it's good. You suck the sour off. You ever suck the sour off, Brian? What do you got against sucking the sour off? You and sucking today, man. what's up with uh what's your favorite adjective you're doing a lot with your mouth um but no they're way better um they last longer i think they taste a little better too uh i don't know what it is i think i think that the sour somehow crystallizes a little more kind of gets embedded in the uh in the little guy or girl sour patch kids or gender neutral bean uh whatever the uh sour patch kid or is um is that the next like branded version of it there's boy and girl versions of sour patch sour patch binding
Starting point is 00:55:36 sour patch genitalia yeah there you go gross that's gross um but yeah i think there's very few candies that wouldn't taste good post freezer placement most can't like okay one you said it's portion control you don't do any portion control you talked about eating a gel like a full pizza and like i ate it throughout the day it was like all three meals settle down every food thing you talk about on this podcast is about eating exorbitant amounts of things all at once so calling you out on that that's a lot you're just trying to come up with something that's fine but we'll get back to it second cold makes them unshueable you're like oh yeah it like hardens them up just a bit no one wants hard candy that's supposed to be soft if you give me a jolly rancher i know it's a jolly rancher it's supposed to be hard candy but you
Starting point is 00:56:24 give me a sour patch kid i bite into it and break a tooth because you kept it in the freezer for a week, I'm going to be pissed. Counterpoint, I would argue that any hard candy that they've made a soft version for is better. Is better. But I'd argue that any soft candy is equally as good or better post-freezer. Like they take Lifesavers and make Lifesaver gummies delicious. Now you take those Lifesaver gummies, put them the freezer haven't tried that yet might have to give it a world all right so let's take this hard candy make it soft with them put in the freezer make it hard again it's gonna be better yeah i just i'm i originally i was gonna say this is the
Starting point is 00:56:57 dumbest shit i've ever heard but now i'm just i'm honestly a little curious, but I just think I do agree with burn though, where if I get a soft chew candy, I want the soft chew of it. I enjoy the soft chew. I don't want it. So I mean, it doesn't, when you, when you eat it, so you have a sour patch, right? You chuck it in there. You suck on it. You suck it in there.
Starting point is 00:57:23 You just fucking suck that thing and then so it it starts it doesn't start out like the same level of hard i guess as a hard jolly rancher no no no it still has some give to imagine like a gummy bear that's been in ice cream like when you add gummy bears to frozen yogurt it's that kind of yeah they're horrible no i'm just saying gummy bears are so bad once you add them to ice frozen yogurt, it's that kind of horrible. No, I'm just saying. I'm just talking about the consistency. Gummy bears in general are a man gummy candy, but just like the consistency. So it's honestly kind of a cool,
Starting point is 00:57:53 like science experiment. You put it in, as you were mentioning, you put it in, you suck. And then it gets warm from your saliva and the second force. And then it gets, and it gets soft enough to where you can then bite it and it tastes good.
Starting point is 00:58:08 It's a full range of flavors. I get sour, cold, then kind of warm, then chewy, and then I swallow. Print the shirts. First off, yeah, just everything Zach just said, write that all out on a shirt. Yeah, it's like their new slogan, and then sour then sweet. I would just like to say there's no way the candy gets warm. There's just no way from the freezer into your mouth and you chew it, it gets warm.
Starting point is 00:58:36 Well, the friction, the kinetic energy as you're chewing and sucking. You got a fucking conventional oven in your mouth, my guy? I took physics took physics yeah physics it's the kinetic was it passive and what's the opposite of kinetic passive and kinetic energy i think uh sucking energy potential sucking potential like a vacuum a nice dyson vacuum but yeah no i mean they're good they're good i try it with a watermelon one that's good and honestly the ones my mom got are the as i I mentioned before, the Fourth of July flavor. It's lemon, blueberry, and just red.
Starting point is 00:59:10 Cherry, I'm assuming. Fruit punch, cherry, red. Delicious. Underrated combo of Sour Patch Kids. So yeah. I mean, it's great. It's great. Give it a try.
Starting point is 00:59:20 Splurge next time. Get the watermelon ones too. Throw those puppies in there. Ooh, baby. No. to try splurge next time get the watermelon ones too throw those puppies in there oh baby no can we just agree right now that the watermelon sour patch is just the biggest waste of money why would you buy a whole thing of like a fruity candy that's all one flavor historically all all candies like that whether you buy where it's a fruity candy and they're all the same flavor, those typically are ass, dude. Twizzlers, ass.
Starting point is 00:59:49 I don't know what else, but I bet if you give me another one, ass. Chocolate Twizzlers are delicious. You guys ever had chocolate Twizzlers? Ew, that sounds even worse. Oh, no. You guys are missing out. Every kind of Twizzler sounds so bad. They're so good.
Starting point is 01:00:03 Do you put those in the freezer? No. You should No they're too big Soft stuff hard stuff Those would probably rip your teeth out How small is your freezer? No no I mean they're too big Could you imagine what an idiot I'd look like
Starting point is 01:00:16 A Twizzler you want to flop around And you want to see the flexibility Could you imagine what an idiot I'd look like If I pull out a Twizzler from the freezer It doesn't move I can crack it over my leg Like Bo Jackson with a baseball bat. It's going to be Dewey Cox rock hard, baby.
Starting point is 01:00:28 Also, Twizzlers are not even the best type of licorice. It goes... Sorry, it's a Twizzler Pull & Peels. Hmm. Sad. I fucked up. It's the Pull & Peels. You look like old lady candy.
Starting point is 01:00:39 It's the Pull & Peels, number one Twizzler. Chocolate Twizzlers. Okay. And then Red Vines. And then regular Cherry Twizzlers are all the way at the bottom. Oh, Twizzler Bites, the little bites. Also up there. I'd put him at number four guy.
Starting point is 01:00:51 Actually, no, number three guy in front of Red Vines. Yeah, I hate this entire list. I avoid all that. All that shit sucks because it's all one flavor. You get no variety. It's all one flavor. Sour Patch Kids, all you get is is sour then your tongue can't taste anything true but they're all they're all slightly different when they're sweet a little bit it's better than only fucking sour watermelon for an hour and a half and you know what makes that a sweet taste last longer is
Starting point is 01:01:22 putting those babies in the freezer and you can you you can suck on them for a longer amount of time. I was waiting for him to say suck on them. I was waiting for him to fucking say that again. All right. Sometimes you just got to suck on some... And it'll all be better. Oh, mm-mm. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:01:39 Okay, we're going to bypass that. I need to censor that with the little dolphin, because that's not... Sour Patch Kids. I meant S censor that with the little dolphin because that's not... Sour Patch Kids. I meant Sour Patch Kids. It was context of that conversation. We'll edit that out in post. Yeah, let me write down the time
Starting point is 01:01:54 because this is disgusting. Braga, you said you have some TV topics you're trying to touch on. We're at an hour if you want to just call it. Yeah. Well, well. Leave this in, though. This is a great conversation.
Starting point is 01:02:15 Folks, we're going to talk about TV conversations next week. It's going to be great. A little background, a little podcast magic you just listened to. It was quite exciting. We hope you enjoyed this episode. If you want, you can leave us voicemails and tell us how you like to suck on some Sour Patch Kids. Brian, how do they do that?
Starting point is 01:02:32 Yeah, there's a link in the description of every episode. You can leave us a voice message I'll put in the episode. Don't talk about Sour Patch Kids. We can't end this on that note, man. Oh my gosh. Play us out, Brian. What note do you want to end on, Rooks? Have your soapbox.
Starting point is 01:02:50 I don't know, man. I'm going to give life advice. Hey, Carpe Diem. Okay, now end it.

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