It’s Wednesday My Dudes - Ep. 35: Rock Bottom Right to the Jaw, Doing the Lords Work

Episode Date: October 6, 2021

Half of the boyos are out this week so leaves just Bryan and Ruxx to rap about Bachelor in Paradise, Cremation?, and then the newest greatest TV shows that are out lately. Rate us 5 stars and leave ...a review on Apple Podcasts! Links here to follow on Social Media! and Find Other Places to Listen!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 so did you know rooks a human body can produce enough carbon upon cremation to make 200 pencils so you could be the souvenir at your own funeral that's a fun fact hey man i gotta keep the uh the energy going with my kind of fun depressing facts your fun facts are no it's not fun, depressing facts. It's just depressing. Oh, yeah. That's kind of fun. Yeah, when I'm dead, I can give everybody a nice fucking number two, man. Great.
Starting point is 00:00:33 That sounds just awesome. That's so nice. And not number two. I said that. Don't say you want to give them a number two. Number two pencil. I'm not shitting in my casket, all right? Well, at that point he cares like you know can't get any worse right i feel like if you went to a funeral and
Starting point is 00:00:53 you walked up in the casket literally smelled like turds it would be a bad funeral like i don't think you just wave that off like well he's dead i feel like you're still like they should have taken care of that also let's just clear this up is there ever a good funeral like that's well we talked about funerals a couple episodes i know i wasn't hitler's funeral good funeral stalin's funeral good funeral there there's some good funerals out there depends just how bad of a guy you are oh god but so zach's funeral gonna be a great funeral for sure oh yeah people will be celebrating uh waitresses at bars will show up and throw some rice in the air and that's a wedding thing you know that one waitress specifically will be there she's been definitely keeping tabs on him
Starting point is 00:01:40 ever since he asked for her uh her info just she has zach's face cut out on a wall like on a dartboard throws darts at him every night so though if you're not gonna be cremated into a pencil what would you be cremated into because it would be kind of sick to be like if you have your whole family cremated from like generations and you have like all of them in a type of object i don't know what would be the coolest what are like i don't know how any of this works like what are my options besides i think you have i think it's just in a number two pencil what are my choices i don't know exactly i think they just sprinkle your like ashes into random crap oh okay so literally anything okay um yeah i don't think the whole object's made out of ashes that's what i say that would be
Starting point is 00:02:30 just the pencil i don't the pencil i don't really one i wouldn't want to do a pencil eventually the pencil's gonna run out you know eventually that pencil's gonna be gone that's life it's a good metaphor i guess that's true you know i'd say um you know sprinkle me in a nice brita filter like those things last forever you know just digest me take me into your body let me let me feel the veins flowing you know let me let me hydrate you a little bit you want to feel some veins yeah man i want to i just want to get into your body now i'm just but hey like you know filters those things last forever like you never have to replace them ever seriously it's true it's a fact it says it uh on the box you never replace your brita filters
Starting point is 00:03:18 and yeah i would i would just vibe in the brita filter, you know? Be just surfing your blood waves with osmosis Jones, dude. We would be vibing out. In this situation, are you just in the water or are you the filter itself filtering out all the bad stuff? So you know how the filter is, right? So it has like the little black beads in it that filters the water. Yeah, yeah. Instead of the black beads, it's like the little black beads in it that filters the water yeah yeah i instead of the black beads you are the beads it's gonna be all my ashes and that's gonna filter out it's definitely not gonna get gross or anything it's gonna make purified fantastic water
Starting point is 00:03:56 i'm gonna be drinking rook's water left and right i'm gonna listen to this tomorrow i'm gonna listen to this tomorrow and she'll be like what the fuck am i talking about what am i saying right now good we'll put this in your will don't worry we'll remember um cremate me into a knife and then like murder whoever like killed me that's not a bad idea right what if you died revenge what if you died on natural causes kill nature stab the earth so you know it's a big big asking for whoever's gonna have your ashes in this night hey man can you just like kill nature like just like the whole idea of it can you just get rid of it look in my will there's gonna be a clause that if i die by natural causes turn me into a knife send that to nick cage tell him to kill nature he'll figure it out there's one thing if there's one person
Starting point is 00:04:52 that could do it nicholas cage man nicholas cage is good at stealing shit he's not good at killing stuff you could kill things i feel like he had to kill he could only kill things when he's ghostwriter what a movie what an absolute banger of a movie ghostwriter is holy fuck what have you seen it lately um not lately but i remember a few years back it was like on tv and i put it on and watched 30 minutes of it and i remember you when i was younger i loved it i, it was on TV, and I put it on and watched 30 minutes of it. And I remember when I was younger, I loved it. I thought it was so good. I was like, this guy, he drives a motorcycle, and he has this fire chain, and his skull's on fire.
Starting point is 00:05:36 And then I watched Nick Cage's performance in it, and man, holy, that guy should have won an Oscar. It has Eva Mendes in it too? Sheesh. That was like, Eva Mendes was like Younger Rooks' crush. Like that was his number one. Until Transformers, Megan Fox got in the picture, like that was number one.
Starting point is 00:05:59 Man, Megan Fox back in the day, I was listening to this other podcast about movies and they talked about the movie Jennifer's Body. Have you seen that one? Yeah, insane, insane film. Girlfriend at the time loved that movie, and we've watched it like 20 times. The one movie I did not mind watching, because one, kind of actually good, and then two, Megan Fox is just very attractive. That was back before she was crazy and also
Starting point is 00:06:25 plastic surgery and Hollywood got to her. Yeah, I mean, I don't think she's that ridiculous. If you see a photo of her Transformers versus now, it's just noticeable. It's not horrible. In Transformers, wasn't she also younger too? Oh, for sure. It's definitely part of that
Starting point is 00:06:42 but you can kind of tell. As Hollywood does to people you know yeah gets to the best of us rooks is gonna have some uh giant plump lips in 10 years oh hell yeah when we make it my lips are gonna be huge um i might even throw some throw some d's on this bitch i might get titties um you know we're just gonna we're just gonna fucking go for it you know we might just go full hollywood i don't think there's any classic surgery i would ever like actually get and that's not me like shitting on anybody that does get it because you know everybody has their their stuff they're trying to fix and stuff but like i just don't think there's any procedure i would ever want to do maybe making my dick smaller you know because it's just it's a hassle sometimes but other than that it's a lot of weight to carry on i know i got you trip over
Starting point is 00:07:37 it every once in a while i got back problems you know what i mean i'm just i'm out here just dead lifting the entire day every time i stand up. Got hip dysplasia. Just hips are out of whack. No, yeah, I don't know what, like, plastic surgery. There's so many weird ones, though, that, like, you just wouldn't think to do. Like, people, like, change their, like, ear lobes and stuff. It's like, why are you staring at that on your body that often? I know everyone has a thing, like you said, but that's the thing man everyone's got their own like shit they're
Starting point is 00:08:09 freaked out about and so have you seen the dudes that get um i forgot what it is but they get stuff in their biceps that make their arms just abnormally huge it's like well go ahead it's the like synthol like injections right is that what you're talking about yeah are you talking about like okay because there's other things where you get like dermal implants where they should get like metal balls under their skin so it like sticks out that freaks me out that would actually be yeah those ones are so freaking strange i was thinking though the one i guess it's not i don't know what i call it plastic surgery my ribs bend in and they did mention it to me when i was like
Starting point is 00:08:50 10 they're like we could fix this but we have to break all your ribs to fix it i was like what 10 year old's gonna be like yeah go do that like kid don't give me the option i'm cool with that your ribs is it's like hammer to my chest in the middle is that is like that why you have the little the little chest bowl yeah yeah yeah so my little like sternum for the viewers bright guy his sternum caves in like buried deep and he has a little bowl that uh he can eat cereal out of proven may or may not have done that once because everyone has mentioned it many many times um but my dad and brothers both bend out and so my bend in and i guess it's like the same gene that does it so kind of like interesting family what the fuck i'd rather bend out than in though i feel
Starting point is 00:09:37 like out you don't notice you just look like barrel chested well yeah and out like yeah i make the pecs look bigger i don't know it's just freaking me out thinking about because i'm just thinking about i'm more just stuck in my head on the idea of them just breaking every single one of your ribs to fix them i'm just picturing a doctor just one by one with like a hammer or something just like all right honestly like they literally have to like either saw it oh they definitely have to just saw it there's no way they actually just yeah i figured that would be like one side i grabbed the other wishbone it and just pull it apart i got the bigger half
Starting point is 00:10:14 oh but yeah dude so that's never gonna happen That'll be the one plastic surgery thing I do. Just no recovery for that. A lot worse than Botox. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. Yeah. I feel like that would be like an actual process. Like, you know. Yeah. You get you get it done on Sunday. You know, Monday, you're not feeling good. Tuesday, you're probably not feeling good. But then. It is Wednesday, my dudes. Welcome back to another episode of It's Wednesday, My Dudes. It's episode 35. Zach's not here. Has a good excuse.
Starting point is 00:10:57 He's at work. That's fine. But Corey's not here. Apparently, he has other friends. Inexcusable. That's not allowed. He's out of the group. Never coming back we got me i'm brian and we got rooks how you doing what's up we got we got the little we're running duos right now dude duos in fortnite man we're killing this it's gonna be
Starting point is 00:11:18 intimate oh yeah it's gonna be a little sensual between us i hope you guys can't feel the sexual tension through your headset because man it's just it is piped up in this discord right now it is piped up you could cut it with a knife made out of my ashes damn it i hate that that got me fuck fuck rooks how was your week what happened give me a crazy story um nothing i don't think anything too crazy friday friday um didn't do much saturday saturday saturday went out too much saturday we saturday i did a lot went to um one of my like a friend of a friend of mine is about to move so we all went and um had a day with him and drank an arlington we went to this place we show up and we're playing pool it's like four of us or like six of us there's a group next to us it's all these chicks dude it's
Starting point is 00:12:26 a fucking battlefield over there these chicks have been to nom and back on like five tours these girls are banged up it is like i think it was like three o'clock or no it was like i think it was like two these girls yeah there's one within 30 seconds of us being there, this girl turns and just smacks a glass off the bar, or off her, like, table. And all her friends are like, what the fuck, Stephanie? And they're just freaking out. And then another girl, I've never, and I was going to put this, I was going to, like, put this on Snapchat or TikTok,
Starting point is 00:13:03 but I felt bad about it because this girl was just sitting there housing mozzarella sticks. And like, hey, nothing wrong with that. Great snack, great drunk food to consume right there. But she was sitting there by herself. All her friends were at the bar talking to people and not at the table. She was sitting there eating mozzarella sticks for probably 20 minutes i don't think she took a breath i don't think she blinked i don't think she rotated her neck at all she was in the fucking zone just housing mozzarella sticks it was that's a kristin compitella move exactly it was a fucking sight to see we were just like i was looking at her just
Starting point is 00:13:46 in shock and awe because man it was and they looked like the greatest mozzarella sticks that have ever been eaten because she was enjoying them so much so you know maybe she's the real winner here but that group was an absolute nightmare and then they they brought like they brought i think four or five dudes in and the four or five dudes were just i've never seen a hornier bunch of people in my life i watched this guy he was talking to a girl she's sitting on it like a bar stool he's talking to her i watched him put his hands in between her legs spread and just like put his hands down there. And, you know, hey, sexual people, y'all be sexual. But like keep that shit out of the table that also has mozzarella sticks on it, please.
Starting point is 00:14:37 Because, you know, people eat there. Yeah. These dudes came in just so detrimentally horny and i felt bad for them um oh also another sign that this group of girls were just wasted we walked in and these two girls are hugging one of them is borderline in tears and she's telling her friend about how some dude at the bar called her an undesirable which first off what a piece of shit that guy is like what why would you ever say that to another human in the first place that was just uncalled for i don't care who it is just a terrible thing to say to another person but she was in tears and her friend is just okay sweetie you got
Starting point is 00:15:20 this you know it's it's two o'clock it's's time to bounce back and rally. And I was like, y'all are having these talks at two o'clock. Come on. Let's we need we need we need essential water. We need maybe some Pedialyte. We need a nap, you know, take the heels off. Just relax for a little bit. How early do the bars open in D.C. that they're at 2 p.m. They're already needing to rally well
Starting point is 00:15:46 there's um versus it was i know it was one of the girls birthdays one of the girls was wearing a birthday sash so brunch dc brunch for sure starts probably 10 10 certain places and you can just house house yeah i forgot brunch unlimited mimosas is where it starts so they were they were definitely getting after it early and yeah we just caught them at the wrong time but had a great time you know played a ton of pool um had some had some good times with uh our boy craig who's about to dip um but then after that made sure to get home watch penn state play shout out the boys we don't have zach here this week you think that was someone scared to show up you think this guy called in sick for no reason hell no this guy knew exactly what this
Starting point is 00:16:40 podcast was gonna be but since he's not here we'll save it um the boys got a nice 24 zero dub made me horny um and then had some had some people over went out uh went out to the bars some usual cool spots and you know just had a had a grand old time i hit some of the meanest dance moves i think i've ever hit i don't know i, I hit that perfect level to where I was vibing, but I wasn't a mess. So I was vibing and doing my shit, but I wasn't stumbling, bumping into people or going too crazy with it.
Starting point is 00:17:16 It was, it was just composed enough. My buddy Milky Mark even gave me the, gave me the thumbs up and was like, yo, the you're kind of crushing it right now like he was he was feeling it you know how milky was mark at this point because that will change he was not that milky yet for the viewers um okay my friend mark we we call him
Starting point is 00:17:39 milky um one time we were just drinking we were were talking and drinking. And we were like, Mark, when you get drunk, man, you just get kind of milky. And I don't remember. I know I didn't say it, but someone said it. And after that, it just stuck. And now he is Milky Mark. Everyone calls him milk. It's a mess. It's been like eight or ten years.
Starting point is 00:18:03 Oh, yeah. Like he's been Milky Mark for for a long time i don't know how but you know milky mark is milky mark and that is that is for damn sure um and then yeah oh fantastic but yeah and then we stayed out stayed out the bars you know just did just did the usual came back home slept watched tons of football Sunday, and was just on and off sleeping the entire day. Watched the Cardinals. Dude, the only undefeated team in the NFL right now handle the Rams.
Starting point is 00:18:34 I'm surprised, honestly. You think you're surprised? I'm surprised. They look great, though. I did not pick them in my pick-em league. They looked so good. Shout-out to Ryan Hickey, hickey worldwide sports radio network this morning um he was slandering the cardinals with literally no backup he was just saying i don't know i just think they're pretenders and
Starting point is 00:18:57 that's all he said so shout out to slander god for just trying to um skip bayless's way into some clicks congratulations you got me um but yeah overall pretty pretty pretty solid weekend um i would give it i'm gonna give it you know what i'm gonna give it i'm gonna give it one desirable person you know one desirable you know hey because yeah we don't call positive vibes we don't call people undesirable okay don't say that to anybody ever that's so mean no matter what they do to you don't ever say that to another human please but it's too like sophisticated of an insult to like use just be like you're ugly and that would be so much nicer of an insult. That's the thing. It's a very real thing to say to somebody
Starting point is 00:19:48 not, oh, I don't find you physically attractive, but to say you're undesirable. Nobody wants you. Nobody will ever want you. It's a lot. That hurts deep down inside. It's a very packed statement.
Starting point is 00:20:03 I was giving those girls a hard time because they were a little wasty pants but i did feel for that girl because that's never going to be fun to hear ever but it is what it is i didn't that one's gonna sting i hope she's drunk enough to not remember that because that one sticks with you yeah for a while for her sake i hope not goodness but what about you how was the weekend uh the week started off with a zero to eight loss in soccer so you know part of the course nice we uh we have let up like 25 goals over four games and the team we were playing was the only other team that had let up double digit goals over the season and they still beat us 0-8 oh my god they were good i don't know what else they
Starting point is 00:20:55 like what other teams they were playing that like wrecked them but you're playing for um the team and kicking us kicking and screaming before the italians start playing for them that's that's your team honestly though it's it's fun but like usually in the pittsburgh it's psl pittsburgh sports league they have like an easy medium and hard league and since covid like not a lot of people played and like money issues probably they only have one so all the good teams still are playing and then we're a team that should be in like the easy league so we're getting destroyed it's not good there's apparently one other team that has not won a game as well though but we play them like the last week so that's hopefully we finish the season strong that's a world cup right there man that's that's the final honestly well i found out every team makes playoffs which i don't want that to happen.
Starting point is 00:21:45 Apparently, everyone on my team, though, is going to a Steelers game that Thursday, and they're like, we're probably just going to tailgate and not come to the game for playoffs. Perfect. Even though we make it, probably won't show up, which, that's good. Save us the embarrassment. Hey, so you're saying there's a chance, man. No, I'm not saying there's no chance. No chance.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Our team is not good, and I can say that because I'm one of the worst players. Also, this week, our two players who were actually good just weren't there. So it was like all the mediocre people, and we knew it. We got in a circle. We're like, all right, so we're not good. Our players that actually know how to play soccer aren't here. Let's just try to play defensive. They let up three goals in the first
Starting point is 00:22:28 five minutes. I love picturing you guys having a pregame huddle before this game and you guys all looking at each other and someone's going, yeah, we're not good. That's how the pregame speech starts off. It's just, yeah, we're bad.
Starting point is 00:22:43 We're bad at soccer. Hey, as long as we can acknowledge it, one's gonna have a bad time it'll be all right that's fair but i saw a guy at the gym today uh had an ipad with him for some reason that one confused me that's not i don't like was it a treadmill or like just out? No. No, like lifting weights. Had his phone next to the bench, but then a full iPad as well. I get tracking stuff on your phone or Twitter, but you're taking notes for class right now? It was strange, man. The gym today was full of bros. There's a group of 10 guys that apparently all loved each other five of them are on one side five are on the other and they're like yelling across the gym
Starting point is 00:23:29 at each other things it was the worst i don't understand people just like where do you work out go in there muscle beach jesus christ honestly uh so the gym was weird. Been playing a lot of Diablo all week, so been pretty antisocial, but like crushing it. And then I started and finished the show Squid Game. Have you heard about it? Yes, I've just seen it. I've seen it all over TikTok and I have no fucking idea
Starting point is 00:23:57 what it's about. Yeah, so there's a ton of hype beginning of this week. I think it only came out like a week or two ago. And I was like, I don't know what this is. this is some Korean show because it's like in Korean and I usually don't like watching subtitle shows just because like I don't want to pay attention and read everything but there's an English dub which like it's okay it's not great but it gets you through it if you hate subtitles um the summary of the show though it's a nine episode south korean survival drama where hundreds of cash strap players accept a strange invitation to gather on a remote island and compete in a series of deadly children's games
Starting point is 00:24:33 for a chance of a big cash prize so it's great because they literally play like red rover pretty much but like a deadly version of red river and it's it does not hold back watch the first episode and you'll be hooked it's so well done just like beginning to end if you can if you don't mind subtitles watch the subtitle version because like obviously there's no like translation problems and you can actually see them act because the dubbed version like the voices don't they match up good with like the words like syncing to what they're saying but the voice of the person speaking english doesn't match like what the person looks like in korean yeah so it's like a big beefy voice
Starting point is 00:25:17 but like a little tiny guy and it's like okay this takes you out of it a little bit. But man, go watch it. It's great. Cannot recommend it enough. But yeah, this weekend was chill. I'm going out of town this Thursday, though. So I had to save the energy. Flying out to San Diego. Going to hang out with Big Mike.
Starting point is 00:25:40 You're hanging out with Hot Mike? I don't want to call him Hot Mike. Dirty Mike and the boys? Dirty Mike and the boys. There it is. That's better. Nice. Yeah, man.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Going to try to surf, which is going to end badly. But, like, I've snowboarded a couple times. Well, yeah, no. I was going to say you are not cordy enough, but then you do snowboard. I have seen you snowboard, and you're pretty good, so I'll give you a little bit of faith. I'm not horrendous. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:11 I fully expect to fall on my face a lot, but you're in the water, so it hurts a little bit less than ice or concrete if you're skateboarding, so it's going to be dope. Super excited for that this week though i rate it green light out of red light nice watch the show that makes total sense perfect watch the show you'll get it but all right we have skipped talking about bachelor in paradise i know for zach and cory's sake for the past like 10 weeks yeah because
Starting point is 00:26:46 they have not tuned in at all so if you have not watched bachelor in paradise this season i apologize we're gonna spoiler alert dive into this season spoilers as well so rooks you're a veteran of the show because you've seen a bunch of seasons. I've never actually watched Bachelor in Paradise until this season. I don't like it that much. I like the regular. I figured you wouldn't like it that much just because it's all of the shittiest people. It's all of the most annoying people. And they're, it's less serious.
Starting point is 00:27:20 So when they have the serious moments of, oh, I think I'm falling for it. It's like, wait a second. You guys have been talking for eight days now. It's I'm a little skeptical, which is longer than on The Bachelor or Bachelorette, though. So I'll give them that. Yeah, for some people. Yeah, that's fair.
Starting point is 00:27:39 But yeah, we haven't we haven't gotten back to this. This is our origin. You know, this is what the party the the pilots started with so i figured while it was just us two the two boys that actually watched the show um we're gonna we're gonna just go through a few um i like saying maybe like superlatives for this season right currently the finale is on while we're airing this. So we're going to miss the ending. I'll watch that later. Yeah, well, maybe we'll touch on that another time. But up until the latest episode, the episode that's not the finale is where we're going to be making our judgments from.
Starting point is 00:28:17 Yes. But yeah, so I would just let's just kick it off. Let's let's start happy. OK, let's let's go favorite. OK okay let's let's go favorite couple who's your favorite couple that was on the show and i that might be a hard question for you because you probably hate all of them well i know i like the ones that are actually coupled up i kind of like the only couple that's a couple that i dislike is abigail and noah because they're just dumb and like they have no drama so they have no screen time but they still have the most problems out of any of the couples
Starting point is 00:28:52 which makes no sense because all you're stuck on an island you have nothing else to do other than talk to each other and you have communication problems stupid um joe and serena though we'll dive into i have a superlative for for probably them that will dive into it i like joe and serena the age gap in like distance is strange i don't know how it's gonna actually work and then my boy with all the muscles i'm forgetting his name riley the dude with the giant biceps biggest arms that ever existed that dude literally has fucking anchor arms from spongebob man he has fucking anchor arms i don't i was they never showed he was on bachelorette and apparently he wore sleeves the whole time or like very baggy sleeves because they did not show it ever he looks just like from the neck up looks so nerdy but like neck to like the bottom of his
Starting point is 00:29:47 elbow just insane it's it's obnoxious but disgusting he's awesome who's your favorite um i think i mean up until this episode i probably would have said abigail and noah and then they just shit the bed and drop the ball um they we'll get into it um i might as well just do that that one next um but i was i do agree serena and joe are great um i always thought i always thought grocery store was super cheesy grocery store joe was super cheesy but he's just a normal dude which on this show it's easy to be is a high bar well on this show you think someone being a normal person is oh they're definitely playing this up and stuff i don't think he's playing this up anymore like he's been like this forever and he's just this genuine he's old he's over it he's just trying to like find someone who's not crazy exactly and then more power to him i didn't like serena at all during her season i
Starting point is 00:30:52 think we we did cover that um during that season on this podcast if you want to go back and listen when we had shitty audio um go ahead and go back but only the first three episodes episode four on your good um but serena i didn't really like very much and then her and joe being so solid and just being it's a very they have real talks and a lot of their things and they have yeah um with i loved i loved joe talking about kendall i loved it yes because it was he said i'm still here for you i'm still interested i just want you to know that this can possibly get weird for you because we're at the place where me and my ex i think they were engaged i could be wrong um but where me and i think so i think he's correct as people saying they were never engaged
Starting point is 00:31:45 oh okay so my ex-girlfriend and me where we fell in love and blossomed our relationship you know i i think that's a completely fair thing to say um that's such a bad situation and they handled it super like oh yeah like flying what's going on she's like okay flying colors whereas other people are just like a fly will land on them they're like yeah we need to break up yeah okay well well and okay but yeah i think i think that's my favorite couple for sure um but let's okay we might as well this superlative i was i specifically was gonna say for noah and abigail um most confusing couple i i've never been more confused because like you said they don't have drama like that so there's not that much screen time for them and then she noah tells her that he's falling in
Starting point is 00:32:42 love with her and she says the next day oh i just glossed over that and i wasn't listening i was like okay then you obviously don't care that much my only thing and it just happens every time is like she is like partially deaf so you have to give her the tiniest benefit but he was also like an inch away from her face and like she said she heard it so like yeah that's my only caveat okay and if that's what happened that's what happened but it was just that happened and then the next day if i was him the next day i would have been questioning everything i would have been yeah i told her i was falling in love with her. She didn't say a word at all. So, yeah, I don't know.
Starting point is 00:33:27 Nothing. I don't know what we're going to do. And then and then at the prom thing, they're wigging out and she's she's saying she's blindsided, which I kind of understand. But they both it was just their whole dynamic. The whole show was so weird. It was so strange because one episode it was. It was when she. He was like he thought that she wasn't opening up to him enough and stuff like that. And she says over and over again, oh, I have trouble opening up to people and I really hold back and all this other stuff that you cannot do on this show if you want to progress your relationship. And then that happens.
Starting point is 00:34:10 And then you would think after that, OK, well, let's talk about our feelings and figure this all out. And then two episodes later, it's just not happening. And he's like, yeah, I think we have communication problems, which isn't motherfucker. Pick one. Literally pick one. Okay. Decide whether you're going to be a community of couple or not, but don't just throw us for this goddamn loop for five weeks.
Starting point is 00:34:34 And like I said, you literally just stuck on an Island. It's not like you're busy with work and you didn't make time for each other or like things have gotten in the way or plans came up. It's like, they're there you're there you just decided to stare at the sunset instead for eight days yeah makes no sense i i don't know it was just weird shit love it i agree with the superlative i don't have a different couple
Starting point is 00:35:01 other than ed and anybody that's confusing i don't like that guy wait he's so which was that again oh yeah well i the doofus it's just i hated him on fucking tasia season so much i thought he was the biggest simpy simpy boy i hated him so much um i think i talked shit about he's also from pitt much um i think i talked shit about he's also from bettsburg i think i talked shit about him on this podcast too which is great um but he i like that he was nice to mckenna and was gonna take her on the date but he's just he gained a point in that in my book for that he's just so goofy though when it's so obvious they ran out of date ideas they just had them rollerblade around the resort i was like come on producers try harder but they were probably the past three
Starting point is 00:35:53 seasons rock bottom one they were just they probably just thought no one gives a shit about this couple which again why are you sending a girl in when there's three day or five days or whatever left why do that yeah that's why like i was watching the show for the first time it makes no sense because i like set everyone up just to fail and like cry and like i get that's tv and drama and stuff but like you can get good drama in tv and have it be like from something happening and not just being like we put this girl in a really bad situation where all the guys had to turn her down watch her cry and it's like oh that's not that nice we could do better than that because it's literally like eight weeks in there's one single dude and it's like okay what that's not like an opportunity to go on this show to really find anybody that's just showing someone a photo of somebody like this one and you're like no i'm like all right never mind then don't go on the show hi it's it's an absolute mess
Starting point is 00:36:53 um so now let's move to worst couple or least favorite couple dude i didn't like who's kenny's girl mari mari is a psychopath she's like she's she's coming back i but i don't like she's i just sort of recap i just think she's a little bit of a mess but i think at the end of the day she met well with him to recap they were dating on the show or whatever and then she's like i just want to let you know that i'm open to going on dates with other guys that show up on the show yeah and he was like okay then i'm also open to doing dates with other girls and then she's like no and he's like that's what this means like if you're gonna go on other dates i'll go on other dates she's like no that's not what i mean you're not understanding me right it's like that's what she said like word for word
Starting point is 00:37:48 so then he went on a date and she was pissed and then they like broke up and then she came back and was like oh yeah i was wrong i was like okay at least you figured it out that you're wrong and like the misunderstanding but just in the first place her trying to like play with it like that yeah it's strange to me. Yeah. I, I hated her then, but she eventually, she eventually came back for me and I, and I didn't like her very much from her season. And I thought she,
Starting point is 00:38:13 I thought she came back a little bit, a little bit on the up and up towards the end. Runner up though. Everyone loves Thomas and whatever Becca, but I'm fine with Becca. I've never seen anything else there. So I know whatever, Becca. Becca, oh gosh. But I'm fine with Becca. I've never seen anything else there, so I know nothing about Becca. I just don't like Thomas.
Starting point is 00:38:37 And like, he's trying, maybe he's cool, but he's been a dick to too many people to be like, yeah, this guy is fine. Yeah. Like maybe you're all right and you're good in your relationship, but you're a douchebag to every other guy that you've met on the show. Yeah. but you're a douchebag to every other guy that you've met on the show yeah thomas i just at this point i don't know how anyone buys into his shtick but he's six five or whatever and i don't bring it up yeah he's he's six six by the way like i don't know if you guys heard on this first episode but becca's great and it makes me sad that she's with him i hope like i hope they don't last the worst um but they're not they're not my least favorite couple absolute so absolute least favorite couple brennan and piper oh my fucking god i've never well okay i've never been watching bachelor in paradise and been so bothered by
Starting point is 00:39:22 the way two people talk to each other oh my gosh just them constantly talking about followers and all this bullshit i was so heated i was so fucking heated and i wasn't even thinking about them because they're gone already he spent all this time saying i'm with natasha i'm with natasha and then i felt so because he gaslit the fuck out of natasha after it yeah that's not what i said you're being crazy like this is why i don't i don't want to be with you it's like dickhead you're you're being a piece of shit you're the reason why she's losing her mind right now it's because you're telling her one thing and then doing another oh just if you the definition of gaslighting from Katie's season with Greg, not as accurate.
Starting point is 00:40:12 More of what Bryden did here. More gaslighting than what Greg did. Greg was just a dick. This was more manipulative. Yeah, for sure. Yeah, Greg was just a whining little bitch. But then I knew piper fucking sucked and i hope that this was going to be her redemption for me but man oh why do you think she sucked she was the worst on matt season when heather came in and heather came in and she was
Starting point is 00:40:39 bullying the shit out of her and was being just so rude and whiny and then when matt eliminated her she didn't say bye she pouted and stomped into the car and slammed the door and shit like grow the fuck up sweetheart um yeah but yeah i that couple man i just oh just listening to them talk and piper at one point says towards the end she goes oh i told you we shouldn't have came here bitch don't act like you did not want to be here at all you fucking idiot i mean if he's the one with all the followers her follower counts like a fifth of what his was well and there's going down a lot there's all these people that say that her shit is fake followers all these people are there's all these theories that hers are bots and shit which is hilarious it's just
Starting point is 00:41:31 so all over reddit people are calling it out i love based on like how she gets it consistently versus like normally it's way more yeah inconsistent based on when you're on a tv show or not so fucking sick i hate it though it's yeah they there's one rule there's one rule in the show it's like just don't date somebody beforehand like well and they came on they're like oh i didn't know there's rules it's like yeah there's only one thing just was the worst the most annoying part was them over and over again going oh so you guys are all the experts on paradise sorry we didn't know that blah blah blah bitch get in the fucking escalate and get the fuck out of mexico
Starting point is 00:42:11 just please get the fuck out of here oh so happy they decided to leave so fucking happy that was that was great um it didn't happen i think it's very unanimous they're the worst couple so oh for sure it's a problem for sure um let's go let's go biggest um biggest redemption so someone you hated before and then after the show you're you're kind of kind of happy with oh uh box guy james box guy so dude he in katie's season this guy james was just hiding in a box when he came out of like the limo and was like you'll have to unwrap me later and so you didn't see him for like the whole first episode at the very end she like unwraps him whatever opens the top he's there and then he like doesn't have any screen time for the next like 10 weeks and he gets eliminated so much later after like never talking to katie pretty much so like felt bad but like i don't
Starting point is 00:43:11 know he he seems he looks douchey he doesn't act like it from what you see on the show at least and so on the show now still just getting screwed over by every girl so like you feel bad for him but he's had more screen time apparently just the best buds with every guy there so like he seems cool he grew on me yeah he what's your redemption he definitely was up there in the running for me i definitely enjoyed him um but my my best redemption goes to my man carl dude no no he's still solo so i hated him i hated him i thought he was so ridiculous on um katie's season but man seeing him on the beach i was he had some some some of his little scenes when he's getting into it. It's a bold, bold move in 2021. Giving somebody a Pandora bracelet as a present.
Starting point is 00:44:15 That is a bold move because Pandora bracelets have not been a gift for years. My guy, you are so late to this train. But yeah, he just all of his answers to him doing Kung Fu on the beach. I could watch that for fucking hours. And then him getting an argument with anybody during all of this. Yes, he was still annoying to see him in the midst of all the drama. I hate his voice but it's just i love the way he talks and he's just so dumb he's just so fucking dumb and
Starting point is 00:44:53 it's i i didn't like on um on katie season i thought he was putting on this big performance after paradise i think this is just how he is which makes me actually fuck with him because i think he's just no this shithead that's super goofy and just super um super not self-aware i but i hate those kind of people so much because they're just so much personality you're like you know you're being very strange and it's not in like a good way and they just don't like there's one quote he's doing karate on the beach and the one guy goes oh my god it's jason bourne and i died because i love that quote there's like a tiktok of erin or vine and just kills me every time oh Oh, I love that guy. Carl does not deserve redemption.
Starting point is 00:45:45 We need to next superlative. Let's go. And then let's do the opposite. So, biggest downfall. Oh, honestly, Aaron. Because, like... Really? You liked Aaron a lot before.
Starting point is 00:46:02 I gave him some credit. Like, he was, like, neutral to neutral to like slightly positive because like he kind of got screwed over he called someone out for like doing some bs on katie season it's like cool and he seemed like chill with the guys whatever so no negatives there and then on this season happened again and then it happened again and it happened again like three different times and like i think he is getting screwed over and like not all that's his fault but like he is not cool with most of the guys in the show like he just like picks fights all the time and so like he just got too much like ego to be to be chill
Starting point is 00:46:38 i would not want to like hang out with him because like i feel like you'd like start a fight in a bar i'm like i just don't want to deal you want to hear something exhausting like try spending a night with aaron at at any crowded bar with someone that he might be somewhat interested in that sounds just exhausting that he's just he's big macho man but he has to be one of the most insecure guys that's been on this show like he is so insecure and he does he does get fucked over a little bit which i will i will get to his credit it would stress me out too because he keeps getting he kept getting in situations where one girl was into him and then she would leave for somebody else so like i i do understand from that aspect but this season combined with katie's i just think he's a touch insecure but he don't happen the best of us you
Starting point is 00:47:33 can't go on that show and not have that come out of you when he okay so for me he wasn't high enough up for me to give him the downfall mine's fucking ivan man oh my gosh i forgot about it i've been leaving taisha season i was so happy with him i was i hope this guy finds love i hope this guy kills it the only thing though is he left in such a weird fashion that it like i was confused because they only show great things and he seemed awesome and then they had their overnight and she's like yeah he's gotta go and it's like so there's something that he does not on camera that she's not cool about supposedly it was his like religious views yeah but like that could be a scapegoat for like maybe he's just like a dick off camera or something which maybe i mean i wouldn't say that before but now after this
Starting point is 00:48:27 fucking season of paradise maybe but that's the thing is leaving taisha's i was so high on ivan i thought he was so dope he was such a nice guy they had such good conversation he just seemed like a real chill dude and then he does this skeeving shit with chelsea and he's an asshole to aaron and he gets on his face and it's yo what you gonna do about it bro keep that same energy bitch you're lying to everybody and then chelsea sells him out and i was so mad he didn't even get to get what like what was coming because he got kicked off the show for visiting the other bitch i don't know what sorry not other bitch other chick like he was visiting the other chick like i don't remember better like well because she the chick didn't do anything you
Starting point is 00:49:10 know yeah you know yeah it's a good thing um yeah and i think it was what's her it was uh alexa from peters or something like that but he went to visit her and i kicked off the show i wanted to see the aftermath of him getting sold out and everybody being pissed at him, and I didn't get that, which made me upset. But yeah, that guy fucking stinks, man. He was so good in Tayshia's, and then he just went down the path of the dark side and just, man, he's a Sith Lord now.
Starting point is 00:49:41 That guy is dark side asshole. Master Skywalker. It's too many of Skywalker. It just sucks. On Paradise leading up to that, he was alright. He didn't have anything until the very end. Just go out on a good note. Make people like you.
Starting point is 00:49:59 It was not ideal. He was definitely my biggest disappointment. Big biggest letdown. I get that. I get that one. And then, let's go. I was going to say favorite host, but I think we can both agree that it's Lil Jon.
Starting point is 00:50:20 Come on! Who do you like more than Lil Jon? I was going to say Wells for a second oh i guess just because i've never i've never seen a paradise so wells is cool because like oh yeah well i just like he he's new to me so having him on there even just like the bartender he's like he's the cool friend on the side that just gives them advice who like yeah seems pretty normal so he's cool yeah no little john little john's the best little john's the best um then i could say let's do let's do one more let's do there's only there's really only superlative there's only two in my opinion there's two
Starting point is 00:50:59 people there's two different sets that you can choose for this so best bromance okay oh i'm trying i feel like all the bromances have gotten broken up and everyone keeps leaving because like they keep bringing in people who are buds and then like the two dudes are like what are they the flash bros or the whatever not splash bros whatever uh uh they both came in the middle season together one was like tristan or something and the other dude who got sent home i forget their names help me out help me out i don't know who i generally i don't know who you're talking about give me a second i'll find it while you're looking i say the only the only two that really contend for this first is have to be aaron and james aaron and james are practically holding hands at every
Starting point is 00:51:53 second of this speech or of them being on the show chelsea even says i want to talk to aaron today but all he's been doing is hanging out with james on the beach like they are inseparable but i'm gonna change it up and i'm gonna say my favorite bromance is actually riley and ivan this man riley yeah this man went so ride or die for ivan without even asking anybody else what's going on riley comes down to ivan's aid on the beach just the biceps start talking those things are what you're gonna do little bitch this man aaron was a deer in the headlights terrified because riley's veiny ass fucking steroid arms are just staring at him like what the fuck you gonna do this man had no he had no story from anybody other than ivan and then the the reason why i picked
Starting point is 00:52:54 them and i'm considering this a true bromance is because after ivan leaves there's a little confessional with riley in it and he's like yeah he's almost in tears and he says something like um he was like we were supposed to be better than that man and he just let me down oh my gosh this is so emotional for like somebody yeah you're just broing out with on the beach dude relax i forgot he really came down ready to swing yeah he came down off of just ivan telling him what was or just i think he was just overhearing what was happening and just came down and was what did you what are you saying like okay well she pulled him then then fuck off like it was so much but i'm saying i'm choosing them mainly for the confession or the little
Starting point is 00:53:45 interview thing he's almost in tears we should have been better than that man like relax i remember the name of the two bro they're the smoke bros i don't remember the name of the other guy but the one's chris he dated jessenia and then the other dude's name is like tristan or something i don't know chris kicked off chris stinks too chris is the one that was with chris stinks oh what's the one girl's name alana alana yeah alana one of those oh my gosh they yeah talk about the worst um some of the worst people to be on a bachelor tv screen is those two when they're trying to kiss and she keeps going no get the right angle for the like she was like get the right angle for the camera or something it's like you're mic'd up bitch like you're mic'd
Starting point is 00:54:30 up they everyone can hear you you don't think they're gonna put that on the show they're absolutely gonna put that on the show no one cares about you too she had some crazy eyes too they're bugging me out i'll see that i just thought she was crazy bro she looks so similar and this might this is just my opinion she looks so similar to maureen ponderosa from it's always sunny she's just giving me crazy vibes yeah the whole time it was freaking me out oh i see that so much now it was terrifying that's all i could see when she's gonna come back for a third season turn into a cat cat eyes oh i don't like it but yeah bromance wise i'll go with your first one i forgot about the confessional but freaking they're just they're hugging so much and just like on the day bed just
Starting point is 00:55:20 like it's a little bit too much for me i'm fine with it this is like i i would be not not up my alley i'm not gonna cuddle that much with my boys you cut a little bit but i'll wait till the next time i see you bra guy just wait okay well all right but hey that i love cory and zach between but hey i have one superlative uh-uh don't wrap it up go ahead favorite quote from the season i have little notes for myself yeah if you don't have it that's fine i can edit your mind um aaron is talking about thomas he has some beef he says if i rock bottom him right to his jaw that'll be the lord's work what an absolute ridiculous thing to say about another human not in a wwe promo WWE promo. Like, what? Right? That's unreal.
Starting point is 00:56:28 Oh, that's such a good quote. Like, I hope he like, workshopped that with some people. Like, alright, I'm gonna go confessional.
Starting point is 00:56:34 I'll say this. It's gonna be good. Oh my gosh, that's so funny. It was so good. That was back when I liked Aaron, cause like,
Starting point is 00:56:40 he was just like, funny and mad about people. But then he kind of just, off the deep end. But yeah, had to get that one out there before we wrap it up. I apologize. Continue. I would say probably one of my
Starting point is 00:56:54 favorite quotes was and man, this sounds diabolical now that I'm saying it, but not a huge fan of Tammy, literally at all. Always have disliked her. Really disliked her this season. Just when she, when Thomas leaves her on her birthday and she's crying in the talking head and she's like,
Starting point is 00:57:18 oh, but it's my birthday or something like that. And she's just super pouty. It's the most five-year-old thing i've ever seen in my life and just seeing seeing someone get a taste of their own medicine it's just oh it's especially someone that i that was do not appreciate as a person oh my goodness it was great it was so it was so deserved not deserved that might not be the right word it was the karma because you know one deserves to be screwed over like that but for her to do that and then like two days later
Starting point is 00:57:48 exact same thing happened to her like oh what do you it's about to happen that is poetry my friend that was oh that was fantastic but hey so good that that uh that wraps up bachelor in paradise you know we didn't we didn't touch on
Starting point is 00:58:04 it too much but when we did like yeah we it was it was pretty decent it wasn't bad i'm glad you got to we got to uh pop your bachelor in paradise cherry bry guy don't don't say that um it happened once probably won't watch it ever again uh it's just like i don't like i don't know it's the only like the first three weeks of bachelor and bachelorette where it's just like sort of the drama for some reason and people hate each other for no reason and like there's some weird back home drama that's all to talk about it's just that for a whole season yeah it's that part of bachelor and bachelorette is not what i like i like the first week and then like the last like four everything in the middle is just some nonsense so not for me if i want
Starting point is 00:58:52 my nonsense drama i'm gonna go watch double shot at love with dj polity and vinny on mtv because it's ridiculous this is like so middle ground It's not picking a side whether it's real or just straight for the drama. You know what I mean? That's fair. That's all I got. It was real. All right. You got some grab baggies?
Starting point is 00:59:19 We'll wrap it up with some TV stuff. There's some recent shows and movies and things i need your your thoughts and opinions on first off there's the hard knocks announcement did you hear about the so they're they set up an announcement for hard knocks everyone's like oh hbo is going to cancel it because the ratings are down blah blah blah no turns out that's not what it is they're doubling down they're having an in-season version of hard knocks this year with the indianapolis colts yeah which like that's kind of sick because hard knocks is awesome but it is it only highlights like the no-name players that like might get cut because it makes for a good storyline but when you have it in the middle
Starting point is 01:00:01 of the season you actually see like how all the players are going around how they're actually hurt or not, or how they're game planning for stuff. It's pretty sweet. And the Colts aren't good this year, so they have some drama swirling around them. Yeah. I do think that's interesting. I will say part of the reason I don't watch Hard Knocks in training camp is just because after watching it for eight plus years in a row it's a lot of the same things like like you said it's the same they try to get the same little story lines because i mean this is real life you can't you can't just create story lines you know so
Starting point is 01:00:38 a lot of the same things happen but i think it would be cool to get um a look at kind of more of the the in-season stuff and kind of what that's all about that's interesting it being the colts makes it a little bit less interesting for me but if we can get um quentin nelson on the screen for as much as humanly possible then i will absolutely watch it is he a character yeah he's he's like the best left guard in the league and every time he runs down the field or not every time but they have him mic'd up at times where he's pulling and he's just going and like screaming in his high-pitched voice and then he lights up an
Starting point is 01:01:17 nfl defensive end and pancakes them like it's unbelievable love it cool didn't know that Yeah, it being the Colts, I'm less interested in it, but it's still like, it would be cool to see them panicking in the middle of the season because they're like 0-5 or something. I don't know when that's coming out. Just slandering Hickey's team, man. Goodness gracious. Dude, Colts are not good this year.
Starting point is 01:01:42 I have some of their players on my fantasy team, so I know they're not gonna work out they Wentz is not a good quarterback they have literally no receivers they have two good running or three have some running backs but they have three like yeah I don't know they're they're all over the place I know the defense is pretty good but like yeah i don't know not the best all right tv news number two have you seen the show on discovery naked and afraid of love i know but i've watched uh cody co did a video of it on yeah that's what i was going about oh my gosh what an insane concept and then i hate that the people are weird that like and you have to be weird to sign up for a show like that right
Starting point is 01:02:31 but there's there's one dude when he gets introduced to his girl it's the first time they're talking he's a boner come on man like calm yourself down how are you making like in a jungle with like mosquitoes all around you and you're still have a like i had i don't like that is the premise though naked naked afraid usually just go in the woods with two people and you try to survive but now they're like trying to fall in love with each other i don't it seems just problematic just the people being so weird makes me less enticed to watch it if it was and I know typically the people on Naked and Afraid
Starting point is 01:03:13 are kind of strange but these people are just fucking weird and yeah Cody kept highlighting that one guy and it was just so what a fucking weirdo they're like laying down in bed together at night and he's just saying strange things over and over again like dude if you're not on this island in international waters like this is assault like this is actually a yeah uh-huh and not even the fact that you're naked you're just saying weird things stop being such a weirdo
Starting point is 01:03:47 oh yeah i don't like it like the premise of if you had a big group and you're all naked and afraid and try and fall okay that video definitely exists somewhere where are you finding that like jungle porn i don't i don't know easy dude you just literally search jungle orgy lock it up it's gonna be it's probably based off naked and afraid in the first place boom all right cool we'll post it to twitter um but when it's just like two people it it's very like sexual salty vibes because it's just like that seems like forced and i don't know how that's like well i think i think they do um do they do any matchmaking for the two or anything like that do it based on what the clips i've seen and say like say hi and then they build a house because like it's i you know i mean what a fucking insane concept
Starting point is 01:04:47 how is that a 2021 show is like my like that's a like late night late 90s show on mtv or vh1 that makes sense that with parental control back to back oh my god that that kind of that vibes that right now don't know how it got a green lit oh my gosh speaking of cody co and ridiculous shows from the early 2000s there was a show that i don't i don't remember what it's called it's on his channel i'm gonna i'm gonna try to look for half a second um this show was american idol however the singers are really bad so the whole point is the judges they're trying to find the worst singer in america and the judges when really bad people sing they have to act like they're loving it and sending them to the next round and stuff like that and and i won't i won't go too much into detail because like it's it's one of the most um
Starting point is 01:05:48 what is the name of it i can't that's so problematic as well of just like let's just make these people think they're great yeah but like as soon as they see the show they're gonna know that like they're just gaslit for like weeks the level they go for these people first off they make the judges like so um some of the judge i know what the only judge i remember from the show is do you remember do you know this obviously in the song as we go on we Vitamin C. She's one of the judges. But the judges have to prepare to give fake answers to these people. So they have the judges practice their acting and stuff. One of the judges is just a big, creepy pervert.
Starting point is 01:06:37 The first... I think the person that wins the show, she's performing in the audition, and he says to her something. And this is on television. He goes something like, oh, yeah, I was really distracted. I couldn't really hear your voice because I was just staring at your breasts. You can't say that to people, man. And again, it's the same thing that I said from Back to Paradise you're mic'd up you're on a camera
Starting point is 01:07:08 like why would you say this they said you have to act like you they said that you have to act like you like it not that you want to like be like I don't even know what to say it was so gross but yeah I forgot the name I don't know the name of the show I don't want to listen to the video and get um like have like audio over the mic but
Starting point is 01:07:30 yeah it's called the act like the video on cody goes channels the actual worst show ever made it's the length they go for the dude they have them go to professional professional stylists and stuff and get wardrobe and have them look at super nice houses in la and stuff like why you don't need to go to this level you don't need to do this oh yeah like doing a fake auditions one thing it's kind of a prank but like going to that level of extreme is like these people are gonna have problems down the line yeah you're gonna like actually cause the mental like anguish it's problems it was the most it's a fascinating watching it on a channel and he's really funny obviously but man it yeah the entire concept and idea of the show is the most fucked up thing i've ever heard in my it's the most fucked up thing i've ever heard in my life like it is so so brutal tv wise
Starting point is 01:08:26 yeah yeah yikes okay well ready for tv news number three yeah so freshman year of college we're in our dorm we're watching tv probably fx movie comes on paranormal activity we get the whole floor to sit down and watch it rooks has to drink a little bit because like scary movie not his thing but we watched the whole thing but that was that was when i was so bad with scary like now i enjoy scary movies and i get a good kick out of them um well especially when i've been drinking but at that time i was sober and i was terrified i i did not like scary movies yeah so every time i got jump scared during paranormal activity which is a very heavily jump scare based movie i would drink so i was by the end of that movie i was cross-eyed it was i don't like i did not remember how it ended too
Starting point is 01:09:26 much but man i was fucking terrified but go ahead sorry it was great though because the more jump scares you got the more you jumped because the director you got but great movie watch it all in a group i've seen all like there's like seven of them there's a new one coming out it's not coming out to theaters though it's on paranormal not paranormal paramount paramount plus thank you could not get that out paramount plus though so no idea what like the story is because i think they tried to wrap up the whole like cult witch thing yeah the last ones what was the last one the last one the um the ghost dimension seven yeah it was the ghost dimension it was like the little kid in the family right and they had like the special camera that could see it and stuff yeah was it like there's like a two level house and there's like people
Starting point is 01:10:17 in the basement under them that were like i don't know which is i can't keep track of all they put a camera through an air vent and they like lowered like that sounds or you're i think you're thinking of marked ones i think yeah that was that was the beginning of marked ones because they have that little camera and they drop it down and then it's the it's the naked lady getting like painted the devil symbols and stuff painted on her by the other chick and there's like all these ridiculous lines being said um yo maybe i haven't seen the ghost dimension one though ghost dimension was pretty it was there's so many ghost dimension was it was it's ghost dimensions the first time you see the like the spirit that's been in oh really i guess all of
Starting point is 01:11:03 them i'm pretty sure if i remember correctly i haven't seen that one in ages but i love the series too it's it's one of the series a lot of people hate on it and they're just oh it's like so boring and there's all these tiny little like which is all the door moved and stuff but to be fair the first two yeah they were like we found something here and we're gonna just hammer this home um but yeah if you pay attention to the actual story and everything happening and how it all connects marked ones and then paranormal activity three where it's a throwback to like the 80s or 70s or whatever those are both terrifying because there's all these callbacks and there's all these
Starting point is 01:11:43 like crossover from the other movies it is terrifying and it is so i love i don't care i will die on that hill i love those movies they're great they're definitely like intro to horror movies and they're like watch them with a group of people watch it by yourself i'm sure it's boring because it's like okay it's something moved but when you're with a group and you're like not sort of paying attention and then someone's like the door moved you're like y'all get back into it yeah it's great fully recommended i think it's two and four are the best ones if i'm remembering correctly i think one that there's like the original it's like more boring i know four was great and i think two was the throwback one you're talking about you're off by one movie i know so okay one yeah one's the original two is when the sister gets involved and it's kind of
Starting point is 01:12:33 it's like two is okay but two is the one where they just kind of stick with the formula three is the throwback four is the one um four is the one where they adopt the kid who's related to the original family. And then they have the one dude from... What was Keke Palmer's show? You're asking the wrong person. Keke Palmer had a show on Nickelodeon way back in the day. The white dude from it is in that one. And then fifth one i think is marked ones and then i think i think the fifth one's marked ones and then true jackson vp yes the white dude from that one is in i think
Starting point is 01:13:18 four um okay but yeah like two two and four kind of and i think three and five are like the awesome ones like people didn't like mark ones marked one has callbacks to i think almost every movie i think it has callbacks to all of them and it is just fantastic i mean it's a lot to ask to say okay watch eight of these in a row yeah really get the plot through line of everything. Hey, I completely get you don't want to sit through all of these jump scare movies and pay attention to the story at the same time.
Starting point is 01:13:53 I completely understand that. I'm just more, I'm supporting something that, you know, I love and enjoy, you know? No, they're great. So I knew you were into it. Had to let you know the news. Because, dude, I hadn't heard anything about that at all.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Because if it's coming out on Paramount+, obviously it's not being promoted too much. Because who the hell is Paramount+. But, gotta give it a shout out. Paranoctivity. Halloween's around the corner. Perfect spoopy movie to be watching. It's gonna be great. But spoopy movie to be watching. It's going to be great. But that wraps up my TV news.
Starting point is 01:14:30 I feel like we're caught up on TV and movies and stuff. Hell yeah. But hey. But hey. That wraps up another episode. It's Wednesday, my dudes. Thank you guys for tuning in. We love all of you.
Starting point is 01:14:45 Bryguy, if people got something to say, what do they do? Description of every episode, there's a link. You can send us a message. We'll put it in the episode. Rate us five stars on Apple Podcasts. It takes two seconds. Just click the five stars.
Starting point is 01:14:57 You don't have to do anything. If you want to do something, write us a review. Write a word or two. Supposedly, it helps this show be found by people. Who knows? But yeah. Until next time love you see you

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