It’s Wednesday My Dudes - Ep. 39: Nut Schmear with Dylan

Episode Date: November 3, 2021

With half the boyos out this week we have our good friend Dyl Pickles on the show to help discuss what peanut butter would be named if it wasnt peanut butter, what five liquids would you want to be ab...le to dispense out of your finger tips, and then our dream food courts. Rate us 5 stars and leave a review on Apple Podcasts! Links here to follow on Social Media! and Find Other Places to Listen!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 guys last week we did little debbie drafting ranking all that uh turns out little debbie actually is a rapper it was tagged on our post from my buddy from back home and i was like oh crap okay well someone beat us to it i did not listen to her music though i'm assuming it's gonna be garbage i feel like every every little blank name has been taken at this point unless you get really creative. What about like a little erectile dysfunction? I think that's still out there. Yeah, I mean, hey.
Starting point is 00:00:33 Maybe that's you. It's been me my whole life. Big yikes. Big yikes, guy. Early onset ED. Is that a thing? Little onset ED.. Early onset ED. Is that a thing? Little onset ED. Infantile ED.
Starting point is 00:00:51 How is it four seconds and you're bringing up infant erectile dysfunction? Dude, it's a big problem in this country that we really need to focus on. Penn State does a thon for it. We should not bring up Penn State. No. We're going to move on. All right.
Starting point is 00:01:04 So, all right. Speaking of Lil Debbie, I've never had any Lil Debbie snacks. Never. I don't believe that at all. I swear. In honor of you being on the podcast and a certain holiday that just passed, guess who has just a bowl of candy next to him? Nice. a certain holiday that just passed guess who has just a bowl of candy next to him because nice
Starting point is 00:01:25 the only time the all i remember going back to your house whether it was canning or just visiting or post i guess i would do it post like on the way home my dad would pick me up from your place bowls of candy out the wazoo just everywhere everywhere all the sugary cereals yeah why is that bowl only Reese's does that mean you ate everything else and left the Reese's or you only grab yourself Reese's because one of those is the right answer one of them is the very well I wonder which one's which uh no it is because I specifically went for Kit Kat but I didn't want to have I didn't have like water with me. So I only had Kit Kats and Reese's in there.
Starting point is 00:02:07 So a little background. Okay. All right. That's about it. And I, I've been going alternating, but so I guess kind of your second option, because I have two bags of Kit Kats,
Starting point is 00:02:19 which you're going to say that's a mistake. And one bag of Reese's. But so like, I want to make the Reese's last a little bit longer. So while I eat through the Kit Kats, I'm like for every two Kit Kats I have one Reese's so you know all right like that works life's about balance I don't know fair I like to balance my chocolate with other chocolate it's a balanced diet Dylan how have you not had a little Debbie I don't you have for lunch i i don't honestly i
Starting point is 00:02:45 don't know like every day was like turkey sandwich like a gogurt and then like i don't know like like a reese's or something no i really didn't eat like super healthy or anything it was just like little debbie i don't know i guess my mom my mom didn't buy it i don't know bro i mean to be fair my mom didn't buy it either but i did the old like tradesies at lunch someday god i don't know, bro. I mean, to be fair, my mom didn't buy it either, but I did the old tradesies at lunch someday. God, I don't even know what I traded. I don't know what idiot is making that trade, but I figured my way out and had some of those snacks. I was always jealous of the kids who had the Lunchables.
Starting point is 00:03:19 My mom would never buy me them. Yeah, same. Your mom sucked. Honestly, I guess she was trying to keep me healthy, I guess. But good for at the same time, I was getting Reese's. I don't know. But like Lunchables in the grand scheme of things, they're not that bad. It's kind of like cardboard with pizza sauce on top.
Starting point is 00:03:39 That's better than than candy, I think. Yeah, I guess you want a little protein in the diet for a growing child. But hey, there's a cardboard and pepperoni sauce and all that pepperoni. than candy, I think. Yeah, I guess you want a little protein in the diet for a growing child, but hey. There's a little sauce. Cardboard and fake sauce. Oh, that pepperoni. That pepperoni's gross. Dylan, I'm going to fight you. Were you going to say it's gross or it's good?
Starting point is 00:03:57 Good. Oh, yeah, no, it is. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, okay. I thought you said it was bad. No, I was always jealous. Everyone was making their little pizzas, and i'm like turkey sandwich like great how did you guys have uh were you on the go-gurt train oh so much yeah so much on the go-gurt train tricks yogurt is
Starting point is 00:04:18 great too though yes the blue and pink yes the blue and pink not not not not the pink and green or whatever it was pink and green was good yellow and pink because it was banana banana yeah that's not get brian doesn't like bananas yeah no one likes bananas but blue and pink everyone has just been brainwashed by big banana blue and pink was the way to go though by far yeah exactly do you so this is gonna i feel like the answer is like the cereal came first but do you know for a fact that it was the cereal the egg has to have but like does a part of your brain think was it because i actually think it'll be the yogurt really first because cereal is always based on something else that's a really good point cookie crisp based on cookie see puffs
Starting point is 00:05:04 corn flakes based on corn i just i don't i was gonna say like rice krispies based on rice frosted mini wheats based on wheat what are lucky charms based on uh the irish irish people and rainbows for cereal yeah go back as long as you can remember i don't know i still feel like trick cereal came first feel like that i don't know we'll leave that up to our research department all right yeah we've been growing dylan i don't know if you if you heard we actually oh he no he's part he's the legal team yeah i yeah i don't know what goes on with hr though but yeah nobody does really nobody follows hr rules come on hr is just like an empty closet in the side of my apartment where you also used to do the podcast too well for like two days it's too hot in there i feel
Starting point is 00:06:08 like i saw i feel like i saw outfits in there 24 7 you just stuck in your little closet just why'd you do the podcast in your closet soundproofing oh it's supposed to sound better it didn't really matter people do it i don't know i tried it out it's too hot can't can't do it quit school you guys look fancy with your with your microphones you look like cory looks like he's about to record like the hottest track of the year except here i got you that's going on way too long do you know i was expecting some lyrics but all right yeah because yeah i'm a big singer i don't know if that was like the beat to rap to or something but cory you are a big singer do i need to remind you
Starting point is 00:06:55 you know what though i've actually been working i just interrupted myself that felt weird i've actually just been working on my album too though and i was thinking about it i was thinking i was thinking about you know should i drop it on the weekend should i should i wait until monday at the start of the work week when people are going to listen or should i start it on a on a wednesday it is wed, my dudes. Welcome back to another episode of It's Wednesday, My Dudes. Episode 39. Rooks is out.
Starting point is 00:07:33 Burr's mouth on some pizza. He's in the ER. Zach's out. Emergency sperm bank issues, so he's figuring that out. But we got Corey. Hello, people. And I'm Brian. And we got a guest.
Starting point is 00:07:49 Ladies and gentlemen, we've got one of our sober brothers we got soccer moses himself a flatmate of mine for four years through college as the brits would say we got dill pickles on the mic today dylan oh what's up i'm so excited to be on it's been too long we've tried to get through everybody it has so we got i mean we got people lining up like you don't even want to see my front door people are lined up i'm sure i'm sure this is the this is the new hit podcast virtually they're lined up outside my front door yeah okay uh top three podcasts joe rogan ours and then denise everyone knows that's the list it ends there and not and not in that order we know it goes denise okay i was gonna say don't put joe rogan over denise or you guys for that matter he's controversial people love him i guess i thought you said she's controversial and i was
Starting point is 00:08:51 like she is she's talking all positive about life and things like that you can't get that we like to break people down emotionally on a wednesday not even emotionally verbally and then on thursday she'll pick you back up exactly it's the old military style we're taking you to boot camp you're coming out with some ptsd then she's the therapist you go to afterwards is i mean i guess yeah that that works it's kind of upsetting how it works and there it is there's that verbal abuse you've been looking for today the american military industrial complex for you all right so let's get into it yeah i was gonna say i totally lost on what you guys were doing but all right i'm still here i think you've
Starting point is 00:09:33 listened to a couple episodes but i have we go through our week tell a couple dumb stories give it a rating out of whatever scale you want got it am i up first no no you should have time first okay okay yeah yeah that would just be corey starts out how was your week uh my week is was good started off not good and then and then it ended and then it ended well so last week uh i'll start on Wednesday, obviously. It's Wednesday, my dudes. And so last week, I was supposed to go out for two years. Claire and I have been dating. We were going to go out to the first restaurant that we went out to.
Starting point is 00:10:18 It's like such, such good food. So I was looking forward to that all day. I got stuck on a work call that lasts from 4 o'clock until 11 p.m don't worry we didn't fix the issue so so the next morning we had to get up and do it all over again anyway so we had to cancel that so that was a huge bummer but thursday you know my sister came in town shout out karina uh had a lazy thursday watched some thursday night football and then friday we made our way to columbus for a certain event this weekend that which you you gotta say you got free tickets too so it makes the weekend simon's heart um our our one friend works for a non-profit simon's heart will post we should post something
Starting point is 00:11:07 about simon's heart um uh online so take a look there but we uh we won tickets technically our our uncle won tickets and he lives in nashville so he can't go so we're like hell yeah we'll go watch penn state get whooped on by ohio state uh i have thoughts about the game but i'm gonna work my way to there so okay we got in friday night hotels comped but as we go to check in the hotel it's a crazy night in columbus 21 pilots are there who's from columbus right brian yeah originally so they're playing as i found out multiple nights there and the biggest game of the years happening for college football. And so the hotels are all booked.
Starting point is 00:11:51 This guy in front of us goes to check in the people at the front desk are like, yeah, um, your card was declined. So we had to give up your room. So you don't have a room here. And he was like,
Starting point is 00:12:01 what? Like he already, he booked, you know, it's like you, how you book like months ahead, but they don't charge your card until like two days before the day of because it's like then they're holding it for 24 hours. That's why you can like cancel so far ahead of time.
Starting point is 00:12:17 So I guess his card got like declined. And so instead of him getting a notice about it where he probably could have put a second card on, they like gave the room away. So he's there trying to check in and they're like we don't have a room for you and i was like this sucks for this guy um not my problem now just of note sucks um did you make sure to say that to him when you're in line you're like hey man that sucks but like can i go ahead of you i'll say you a problem. That man handled it pretty well. It's not like I'm one to throw a fit, but he was just like,
Starting point is 00:12:50 are you kidding? That was the worst reaction that he had, and then it was like they're on phones calling other hotels, which God knows he probably didn't even get a reservation. Big yikes on Columbus, Ohio's part there. I'm going to blame the whole entire city.
Starting point is 00:13:07 Quiet night, Columbus. You know, you're getting in, you're having drinks. It was all nice. Saturday, woke up, had a bougie brunch, which was super nice. Wish I knew the name of the place. I'm just along for the ride 90% of the time. So, you know, I'm following the girls and they picked the place. Awesome place.
Starting point is 00:13:24 Great way to start the day. You don't know what you're gonna get we're in penn state and columbus so i'm walking around thinking this is gonna be this is gonna be interesting because i've done a bunch of away games and i've gotten a lot of uh a lot of interesting call outs and uh negative energy thrown my way and it was great uh none of that happened not to say that happened and it was great none of that happened uh got a lot of like thanks for coming here and like hanging out and just midwest hospitality yeah i mean like it's also it's also like why would they care about us we lost to illinois like we're garbage that's true they were probably just surprised that you came all the way there after that I think so but they were just like they were nice and then they were also happy because Michigan lost and they're so everybody was in a good mood pretty much which
Starting point is 00:14:13 was great uh we were like bar crawling a little bit uh shout out Kevin and Allison met to uh met a Penn State couple in their 30s just hung out at the bar with them they left their kids at home love it great parents uh they were super cool ran into them at they don't really tailgate at Ohio State they do like they like bar hop but there is this thing that they do in place of tailgating which is like I guess like state fair-ish they like rope off a whole like parking lot area and they have a bunch of food trucks and drink trucks and they have live music which is pretty cool i'd rather tailgate but it's a nice little substitute uh watched the penn state game that was a very different experience when you just watch the game knowing you're gonna lose and like positive things happen you're like how are they gonna how are you how they're gonna mess
Starting point is 00:15:02 this up but how are they gonna do it oh my god it to, how they're going to mess this up, but how are they going to do it? Oh my God. It was incredible. It was a fun game. Cause we were just belittling our own team. It was fantastic. It's way less stressful when you have zero hopes for anything. It was incredible. I mean, like we, we were like winning for a good majority of the game, I feel like. And like, we, it was funny. We, we scored touchdowns and every time we scored, we were surrounded by Ohio state fans. And the one lady behind us was like no you guys can like cheer if you want it's okay we won't care we're like it's fine we just know we're gonna give the points it's not even worth us yelling and she was like all right like that's super negative it was nice that they made it a game like you could have gone there and gotten like completely blown out but like yeah at least in like the third quarter you were
Starting point is 00:15:46 like all right is this possible maybe i just i it i'm torn i don't know if i would rather them just get blown out and have zero hope probably not but like going into it that's what i was thinking because now if you're traveling there like at least give you a half a football to enjoy no it's three hours tickets were free that's true i don't know i'm on dylan's side if i 100 agree if i paid what would have been probably like 800 minimum but anyway uh we lost shocker don't bother to watch the tape anybody nothing good happened in there uh drove home sunday uh sunday was also halloween and i did nothing of the sort for it but trying to be a good citizen and i say trying i went to go out to get halloween candy didn't realize there's like designated times
Starting point is 00:16:42 to go trick-or-treating for kids so like i'm driving back i know i guess like i just never planned it so like makes sense but i don't know my designated time was five o'clock so i'm like pulling into my driveway at like maybe 5 10 and there's there's a family like walking like they clearly had passed my house and I had like bags of candy. They were the only people I saw and they didn't even like I like gave them two pieces of candy pretty much because like it's like here. Nobody else showed up. So now I'm you're stuffing your face. Yeah, it's it's been bad.
Starting point is 00:17:22 Sounds like you did that on purpose. I like the strategy. I didn't. I mean, even if I did, what am I going to do? If I give them each a full bag, I would still have one full bag left. Perfect. One for them, one for you. And then lastly, I ordered Uber Eats, and my Uber Eats driver's car broke down.
Starting point is 00:17:43 So I had to go, not had to. I mean to i mean she was like hey i have your food my car is broken down on the side of the road if you want it like five minutes away if you want to come pick it up or like i don't know and i was like it's sunday i'm not doing anything else i feel bad for this woman because god knows that's probably like i don't know if it's her only job primary job but like big yikes uh so i picked up my food did you like help her out i asked her and she was like i have a tow truck coming i was like all right and it wasn't the battery because her car was running like so i don't know what like her car the battery was on like the music and stuff was on but her car was like not running you know okay okay like
Starting point is 00:18:25 mechanically so so the car wasn't running but it was she just turned like the key half a turn and the battery was on correct yeah yeah it was not running so you delivered your own uber eats is the moral of the story pretty much i uh work part-time the perks are great um what'd you tip her 20 because i did it prior fair fair fair fair oh yeah that sucks so like but also she needs it so it's fine yeah i mean it was whatever uh but yeah that was just fascinating interesting um i am gonna rate my weekend one trick-or-treater out of three bags of candy it's a bad ratio or yeah it's exactly and i'm gonna leave that up for the viewers brian how's your weekend thanks for asking cory so got invited to a halloween party very last minute didn't have a costume went to parties on friday night went to the halloween store on
Starting point is 00:19:25 thursday night caught there i knew there wasn't gonna be a lot because like it's a day before the weekend there was literally a line like wrapped around the store just to get in because like covid you can't like fill up the store too much so that was a lot get in there there's pretty much only uh fortnight costumes and then like a werewolf but then i found from stranger things the scoops ahoy steve costume nice so i bought that but they only had a medium oh boy and an extra large i was gonna say it looked a little small thank you um i i knew uh so but the extra large the pants were like a size like 42. And there's not like a belt on them or anything.
Starting point is 00:20:09 And the length is the exact same. So they just, one, wouldn't stay up at all. And then the medium, I was like, okay, the pants will at least fit. It's going to be tight, but I won't look insane. So it was very tight though. So, and also since it's like two years after the last stranger things season came out not a lot of people knew who i was so i ended up just being like a sexy gay sailor more than steve from stranger things but you know it worked out it
Starting point is 00:20:38 was fine um party was cool it was like a party full of introverts though so it was like a very different vibe than any party i've been to we were like sitting at a table for most of it just like hanging out and talking it was chill but it was just like very much like different all right all these people did really well in college got it they all studied for every test it's very evident um that's funny but so left the party got in bed at like 3 30 woke up to an alarm at seven o'clock i was like what and i looked at my phone i was like go walk cory's dog i was like oh cool okay glad i set that alarm for myself got up drove to cory's house didn't get to the door but like got like a street away realized i
Starting point is 00:21:25 didn't grab the key sick drove back home grabbed the key should have just broken in also might i just say great dog sitter because i would not be setting 7 a.m alarms for my own dog i forgot that like i had plans and i wasn't gonna be able to like sleep in, but it worked out. Drove home, got the key, drove back, tried the key. It was the wrong key. Drove home, got the right key, drove back to Corey's place for the third time, walked the dog, drove home, got back to bed. I was like, all right, I got four hours of sleep. I'm going to sleep another like four or five.
Starting point is 00:22:01 I'll wake up at like noon. I'll have to walk the dog at like four or five later that day all right go to bed wake up at 3 30 p.m and i'm like oh crap i have to walk the dog again get up go to cory's house walk the dog and drive home again so in the span of like the one hour i've been awake in the past like 18 hours i I've driven to Corey's house four times and walked his dog twice. And then slept for the other 17 hours. So that was nonsense. Get back at like 4.30. I've been awake for an hour of this day already.
Starting point is 00:22:36 UFC's on. It's sick. It's in Abu Dhabi. So it's in the middle of the day. Hasbulla is there. In the audience. Dylan, do you know who Hasbulla is? I do and I saw
Starting point is 00:22:46 A picture or video Of him after the fight or before The fight just like holding him up like a little baby Yeah it's great So if you don't know Hasbulla is this kid From like Russia or the Middle East I don't know Some area over there like Chechnya Or something like that and he has
Starting point is 00:23:01 Perfect pronunciation Those are right Nobody check it or something like that. And he has some disease that... Yeah, those are right. Those are right. There's a couple... Nobody check it. Nobody check it. And then... But he has some disease,
Starting point is 00:23:10 so he, like, stops growing after he was, like, literally, like, four years old. So he looks like a toddler, but he's, like, 35. So he's just, like, all over Instagram because him and Khabib, who was, like, a really big UFC fighter,
Starting point is 00:23:22 were, like, buddies for a minute. Anyways, he's insane. He's hilarious. All over Instagram. Actually got the fly out for the UFC fights. Was awesome. You saw dudes like bleeding in the cage and then the background just see a little child's face like in a chair. A 35 year old child.
Starting point is 00:23:38 He's 18. Isn't he? No, he's like 30. Is he really? I swear to God, I looked it up this weekend because i thought the same thing because he has a brother and there's photos of him and his brother when his brother was young and now his brother's like 18 and like carries him around every time i try to look this man up it shows me soccer players that is not him h-a-s-b-u-l-l-a hasbulla it really should be the first was wasiat is that his first name
Starting point is 00:24:09 i don't think he has a first name i think he just is like prince i feel like if you just man is not hasbulla yeah that's not hasbulla it's the first one that comes up all right i'll look i'm gonna type it into google and it's gonna be the first thing that comes up for me because age i've been uh looking him up too much every every night before bed first image for me that's his bula yeah that is that is definitely his he's a little russian hat on all the time too it's great um but so still i've been awake for like an hour on Saturday go to a Walk the Moon concert
Starting point is 00:24:50 at like 7 it was dope all decked out for like Halloween and stuff but at the concert same Saturday night that Corey was at the Penn State game so I was like in the middle of a crowd like watching the game on my phone and then like we got down by a lot so I like took it off but then we like came back so I started putting it back on like in the middle of a crowd like watching the game on my phone and then like we got down by a lot so i like took it off but then we like came back so i started putting it back on like in the
Starting point is 00:25:07 middle of songs it was entertaining uh concert was sick everyone goes to walk the moon they're always great um and yeah so what are you gonna say cory you're getting real close to the mic i think he's just licking the mic okay all right we'll ignore his stroke that he's having right now i'll rate the weekend uh four last minute halloween costumes out of infinite uh the people who invited me to the party who were like planning it didn't have costumes one of them went as a nerd because they planned they didn't have anything and i just pictured you walking in in like a tight sailor outfit and everyone else just like in normal clothes that's what i was like i look ridiculous who invited this gay sailor
Starting point is 00:25:49 this is what i wear out we uh we got into the topic of you guys dylan won't know but cory do you know the bar hot mass no so it's like an underground game oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it like opens at 3 a.m and runs to like 6 a.m and they're like guys have you heard of this and like lauren was trying to go to it i was like one i would love to go just for like experience it but two would not get the attention i would want to get right now because i want to know is this actually wrong because what i've heard is there's minimal outfits and you said people are hanging out at a table i feel like you just went over to dinner at somebody's place it was a good like kickback
Starting point is 00:26:32 yeah yeah okay all right was there music playing yeah okay but okay so you showed up there's music playing they're like guys this playlist has six songs on it. We've listened to it through like 10 times already. We're like, sick. Awesome. They're in love with this song. Spooky, spooky skeletons or whatever it is. So cool. Got it.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Halloween. Lips of an Angel by Hinder. Not Halloween. Killer song. Not Halloween. Great song. Not what I thought you were going to say. Not what I think of when I think Halloween.
Starting point is 00:27:03 That group of friends, they'll request it at every bar. They just don't love it. I respect it, but also I heard that song about 10 times that night. I can't tell you the other four songs because they were just off the wall random. None of them made sense. So a couple hours in, someone was like, we need to turn this off. A couple hours? We're distracted. We're playing Pong and Kings and kings i don't know that's tight yeah so it was a solid weekend though dylan how's your week
Starting point is 00:27:34 all right so um so friday after work headed back to the jersey shore to the future to the future in-laws house um it was alissa's and and her sister's birthday on uh saturday so do they have the same birthday they are twins oh she's a yeah they don't look anything alike though so you may hold on did you know she had a twin thank you okay you've probably seen it you've probably seen a picture of her it doesn't with her sister as shocking to me but so like i'm sure i heard it i don't think i remembered it you know i just said no i i didn't even know she had a sister to be honest but okay cool twins that makes sense same birthday right so big birthday celebrations so friday night uh got there had some nice uh chicken stir fry made in a wok um oh on the way home finished listening to it's wednesday my dudes great podcast you guys you guys should check it
Starting point is 00:28:39 out you guys you guys should really check it out um yeah Way to plug it on your podcast. After listening to this, go listen to that. And then after dinner, everybody was watching. I think Dateline was on. And Classic Me was sitting there with my laptop watching the Nets game. So a Classic Me move. Hold on. Is Dateline the thing from SNL where bill hater is like the murderer guy and he's like oh yeah he just sat there he just laid there floating sure continue so anyway
Starting point is 00:29:16 so so saturday um was their birthday we went down to cape may for the day um it was lucky got really nice weather um and it wasn't crazy crowded like it is in the summer so it was nice to be there uh we went we went to the cape may winery fantastic water uh just about to say well well hold on after that we went to a distillery also fantastic water rank i'm tearless oh by by far the winery but you know the distillery like it it held its own that that's fair yeah respect distillery was great because there were so many dogs and it was awesome and they were all playing with each other anyway um i just hate the term playing with each other that's what dogs do they play with each other no i know it's just yeah by itself they were just running around they weren't doing what
Starting point is 00:30:12 you're picturing in your head everyone was playing with each other you know it's classic i mean i'm sure they were sniffing some some areas yeah what that's what dogs do i mean something the phrase dogs gotta eat look it was a distillery so some people were sniffing some places like anyway is that how to go next i'm not sure but i will get you in the name um then we went down to like the downtown shops area and um girls went shopping we went into some candy stores. Saltwater. Jersey Shore Saltwater Taffy.
Starting point is 00:30:49 All good stuff. Did you get any fudge? I didn't get fudge, but there is a huge fudge place there that smells delicious when you walk in. A fudge farm? It's basically a fudge farm. What do you want to say, Brian? there's a joke about fudge in there
Starting point is 00:31:08 keep going don't i'm gonna try to not so then uh we went and got we went to this place called peace pie and they do like ice cream cookie sandwiches oh and yeah it was so good we got what'd you get it was cinnamon cinnamon bun so it was a cinnamon cinnamon cookie with brown sugar ice cream with vanilla mousse and then their whole like thing is that they put like pie filling type thing in the lord have mercy i'm about to bust yeah oh i'm so proud of you for all of those choices they put like this pie filling in and it was like this cinnamon apple pie filling with it it was it was so good it was so good uh all right i'm gonna have to drive to new jersey just to do this corey you're not coming with me there's a few of them but i think i think cape may is like where it started it's it's just so freaking good um
Starting point is 00:32:06 and then after that we hit up uh dinner it was really good um then headed back home and watched the penn state game that we no longer need to talk about because we already talked about it uh sunday uh chilled in the morning drove back and sat on my couch and watched seven hours of commercial free football naturally there it is and then um we ate so crappy the entire weekend that we were like hey what's one more so we ordered a penny vodka pizza and your car breakdown uber eats nope we were good ordered it online got there real quick came with free garlic knots it was good it was a good night of eating and um yeah then uh oh i started a new show with alssa called Made on Netflix. Is that good?
Starting point is 00:33:05 I've heard good things. I've heard good things. I've heard nothing. You've heard nothing? Looks like you're about to say no to the is that good. Oh, yeah. Dylan, is it good? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:33:15 It's really. We only watched one episode, but it was really good. So plan on plan on continuing watching. No, it's no. No, it's no. It's good. No, it's good. Yeah. No. yeah no yeah no but yeah yeah no got it no yeah so yeah um then after that i watched the nets game that's got a nice w are they good this year because based on the roster i feel like they should be good but
Starting point is 00:33:41 based on knowing them and knowing you i also know they should be bad so well where they decide to go this year any sports team i touch turns to garbage so um but they're all right so far they should be good but why don't you just touch your competitors then in like a in a platonic way if i be if i switched fandom to the other new york teams or whatever they they would win i'm sure it's just the curse that i bring to my teams okay well maybe you gotta take one for the team just like renounce it go ohio state right yeah you know oh watch now they're gonna win the national championship. I don't think it's OH. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:34:29 Oh, IO. I got you. Oh, IO. Thank you. There it is. I didn't know it was a call and response we were doing. Wow. You guys really aren't fans of Ohio.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Really not selling this. No, I am a huge fan. I just decided today, like right this moment. Yeah. National champions either. Easily. Yeah. Yeah. No one else in the big 10 is going to overtake them at all with blue colors never not a chance never speaking of blue colors we need black and pink uniforms we need to we need to just do it we just we just need to they did it for the basketball team horrible transition but yeah i agree i mean no i just i got it going yeah just on my mind you're not gonna mention the color blue let's not talk about
Starting point is 00:35:11 the color i thought you were gonna bring up uh monday night game a certain game that was on espn another classic whatever i touched turns to garbage it was pretty good i honestly giants well the giants had every chance to win and they didn't and as somebody who dylan you'll be proud of me bet the giants he is also sad oh well wait did you bet that you didn't bet the spread nope because i'm an idiot ah because if you bet the spread you would have won i know the spread was like it's just not as fun to me because i'm like it's not it's not then you gotta do then you gotta do like mental math too you know what looks better than minus 110 plus 350 very fair can't argue with that not as likely to happen but more fun exactly all right how do you rate your week slash weekend slash like six months
Starting point is 00:36:01 because we haven't talked to you in a while it is well i'm going with the weekend because i had already thought about this one amazing ice cream sandwich out of one she dude died ah attaboy all right so we talked about little Debbie earlier. Little Deborah, put some respect. We have a call in from a rival podcast that you guys might know. Hi, boys. It's everyone's favorite niece Denise, and I have some very hot takes on last week's episode. So I thought I would just share them with you. It's a loaded call in.
Starting point is 00:36:41 So buckle up, especially you, Brian. First of all, Brian, just how dare you? How dare you drag Sandra Bullock, America's sweetheart? Have you seen The Heat? Kind of saw that one coming. That is a cinematic masterpiece. And you're just wrong in your opinion on her. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:36:58 Second of all, how the tables have turned, boys. If my ears heard correctly, it seems like you had some packaging and paper problems with some of the snacks. And Brian, maybe if you didn't dissect Swiss rolls like you were practicing to be a plastic surgeon, you might not have that problem. Or, just a suggestion, you can eat the paper. I also hear it's a very viable option. I'm not speaking from experience. That's just word on the street I'm not speaking from experience, that's just word on the street. Finally, and most importantly in my opinion, the blatant disrespect for the oatmeal cream pie. I have never in my life been so triggered by someone's opinion.
Starting point is 00:37:38 They're great, everyone loves to shit on them, but they're the number one best-selling Little Debbie snack, so I think that speaks for itself. Zach, thank you for providing them with the representation they deserve. They really would have had a rough go last week, if it weren't for you. And I'll end this on a positive note. Props to you boys for avoiding basically all the sexual innuendos that could have came along with Little Debbie and the cream pies. You're maturing right in front of my eyes and it's so beautiful to watch brian do better one fight me um two we mentioned cream pie jokes a lot you just didn't go past the line yeah we went there's a joke there we'll continue welcome to the episode episode. It's your boy. Big Debbie.
Starting point is 00:38:32 I will say I completely agree with the cream pie. I like those cookies. They are polarizing. And I agree that it is skewed in most people do not like them because most people do not like oatmeal because if you don't like oatmeal you're not gonna like that but if you like it is delicious and i like it no it's too much um two uh packaging problems that was on rooks not me he was annoyed because chocolate was getting onto the packaging he didn't say he was eating packaging though so like that's a denise problem she's the one who says she eats the paper we're just saying our food got on the paper and we
Starting point is 00:39:09 didn't eat the paper because that's what normal people do and then three sandra bullock the movie heat is notoriously really bad you could have picked any one of her other movies to like give her a little bit of defense on being a good actress and he chose the worst one i also i want to point this out because i said this to brian last week i was not on the pod one of the reasons that he probably thought uh what was it uh bird box bird box was a passable sandra bullock movie was because her face is covered for half of the movie and his point was that he didn't like her face. Huge problem with her face. Yeah. Wait.
Starting point is 00:39:48 Oh, no, not me. Not me. Oh, I'm so excited. Oh, no. She is a human being and I have no issue with her face. You don't have an issue with a single human being's face on this planet. I don't think so. Not that not that is like not that i'm very passionate about you need to have more passion in your life can't say i'm passionate about that
Starting point is 00:40:11 but you keep being passionate about sandra bullock's face oh i will that won't die i'm taking that one to the grave it's gonna be in my tombstone be like here lies brian he hated sandra bullock face that's it fair yeah let's specify that i'm sure she's a great person but her face just if you die before me i'm gonna convince your family or whoever you're leaving up to like the burial of your body or whatever you're doing to your tombstone i'm gonna have sandra bullock eating a lasagna etched on your tombstone oh brother this guy stinks i'm kicking you off the podcast this is an interview for a permanent spot we need to find out what you're passionate about so okay get a little hot seat um we've kind of veered off from like starting out with normal questions to going to weird ones to
Starting point is 00:41:13 just yeah just straight to weird questions yeah um fair enough you're used to it you know it yeah i've got six cory you got a couple right i I have three. I gotta check the board of what Zach has sent, because we did have some from Zach. Oh, yeah. I was gonna throw some of those in there. Okay, okay, okay. I'll go... I can go in with an easy one, if you don't have any non-ridiculous
Starting point is 00:41:38 ones. Oh, yeah. Give me like a little softball. Alright, softball. Hold on, hold on. No, no, no, no, no. Oh, yeah. Dylan Rothstein, are you ready? Oh, I am. Dylan. Yes. What is your favorite Jewish cuisine?
Starting point is 00:42:01 For $1 million. You have no lifelines left matzo ball soup that is correct yes shout out zach for giving us that question it's a great question easy answer though no no no oh wait this question oh wait that wasn't Zach's? Never mind. Return the shout out, Zach you suck. Dylan, for $1. If peanut butter wasn't called peanut butter, what would you call it? Peanut paste? Wrong.
Starting point is 00:42:44 Peanut putty. Peanut putty. I'm changing my answer. I like that. peanut putty peanut putty i'm changing my answer i like that peanut putty on the spot that's a good answer we'll accept it but we were looking for nut schmear dylan that's better you have a wedding coming up. I do. And this is truly a hot seat question, because I assume your fiancée will be listening. Oh, she will. She already knows, so this isn't really a hot seat question. If you could give a percentage of the planning of a wedding that you have helped with, what percentage would that be?
Starting point is 00:43:25 20%. What percentage would that be? 20% Just trying to tee up a fight for later for you guys. No, no fight. I think I think 20% is a solid amount She frankly she'd probably want me to do zero. Well, we have Alyssa on the phone here with us Next time we'll get Alyssa alright this one's from Zach Dylan how often do you go into the store lids and describe your experience
Starting point is 00:43:58 um okay I have not been in a lid since college probably oh um and my experience was i honestly don't even know what to say i walked in the store i don't even think i ever bought a hat there not believable but okay it's i just used this i just used to steal cory's hats oh it's actually rebuttal but no that that that checks out that checks out that's a tough question to answer dylan was actually looking for the cover to pots every time he went into the store
Starting point is 00:44:43 so left disappointed i bought a couple they always burned that's you're the one laughing my guy oh i like that one dylan i heard it i heard it thank you all right if you could pick up an athlete from an airport in new york city and u Uber them to I don't know wherever you would go without your car breaking down, what athlete would it be? And why? Huh.
Starting point is 00:45:18 Well, I've done this once before, as you know. Of course. With Chris Stops, Mr. 7'3 in the little Kia Sportage. So you're going to go back with the 7-footer in the Kia Sportage? No, I think I'm going to go a little bit shorter
Starting point is 00:45:39 just because he's... Kevin Hart. Just because I need... I've always wanted to meet him. LeBron James. We were looking for Reggie Evans. Ah. Well. I'm a big Space Jam 2 fan, though.
Starting point is 00:45:56 Ew. Ew. Hey, Mr. James, you're my favorite actor. You know there are some kids out there that are like that. Yeah. Okay. Dylan. This one comes from Rooks from a while ago.
Starting point is 00:46:16 He doesn't know he's sending it in, but he sent it in. You can have drinks shoot out of your fingers. One on each finger. Like a vending machine. Or drink machine like that. What five drinks Do you choose do I not get ten? Is it only one hand one hand one hand one hand? All right You got to be smart about this I Think about this I think I'm gonna start with coke classic no vanilla coke take that back Oh careful careful now no oh I guess two people don't like vanilla coke here I'm just saying locking in these answers all right I'm gonna lock in vanilla coke for one okay number two
Starting point is 00:47:06 glacier freeze gatorade the light the light blue okay yeah i'm only familiar with the shades of the blue thank you yeah light light blue that's light blue um not a cool blue guy got it gonna go back to a classic one that was my favorite as a child minute made berry punch oh off the top ropes we didn't see that one coming now neither did i kind of just berry punch in a little nice little nostalgia punch in the face right there i got two more left two more uh when we've asked this before people went off script and did not do drinks but just did liquids if that helps that does not that might hurt yeah that's gonna hurt explain after the test is over no looking at other people's papers thank you okay heads down thumbs up you know what
Starting point is 00:48:06 if i'm if i'm feeling a little chilly how about a nice hot chocolate oh does it hurt coming out though no it feels fine right now um and then i got one more i gotta do i gotta. I gotta think on this one. Choose wisely. I'll give you a hint. Not a hint. An example. Rooks chose contact solution.
Starting point is 00:48:35 Oh, so he's thinking useful. Okay. He's going utility over drinking. You think Rooks, you don't think useful skill-sets with liquid out of your fingers I Like that. I like the utility route though. That's that's clever You go like WD 40. I was No squeaky doors, I was literally about to say is that is that a superpower why? Is that a superpower like I'm just walking down the street and somebody's car is like...
Starting point is 00:49:06 They open the door and it's squeaking. I'm just like, hey I got you. It's slippery, man. It's Captain Lube. World's worst superhero. Or best. Depending on who you ask. People love them around slip and slides tell you what all right uh damn i'm at a loss for a fifth one well we're gonna have to chop
Starting point is 00:49:35 off your fifth finger i'm sorry do i just go practical like should i just do some water? I mean, you drink it. You do. I'm touching all the categories. Soda, juice, got a hot drink. Shield, wiper, fluid. Never have to buy again? Or do I have to, like, drink it to refill? It's something you don't... Oh, wait, I got a good one.
Starting point is 00:49:59 You like light blue Gatorade. It can be close to that. I got a good one. The prices are skyrocketing. I'm going to get a little gasoline coming out of the finger. Never pay for gas again. Fire action. You could use as a weapon too.
Starting point is 00:50:13 You could be an arsonist. I was gonna throw Windex out there. Just a little... Yeah. I'd rather never pay for gas than clean stuff.rian so so there you go windex than gas these days there you go shout out to rooks for helping me think utility there it is corey yeah if you could take i'm gonna ask the question then and
Starting point is 00:50:40 tailor in what uh zach's comment to it was if you could take one sesame street character on a date who would it be and he is wondering why is it snuffleupagus who i'm not even sure that is a sesame street character i'm not sure either it is oh it is okay well we'll accept we'll also accept muppets and... Any furry children's creatures. Anyone who might attend the furry convention at Pittsburgh. If Kermit died, if they show up as funeral, they're allowed. I'm going to stay on Sesame Street because that's where it started. And...
Starting point is 00:51:22 I'm not going to go Elmo. a little too ticklish for my liking I'm gonna go I'm gonna go Big Bird because oh I kind of just want to know how big Big Bird is Dylan just loves junk in the trunk man. Yeah, you you know. And you know what I'm talking about. Break out that WD-40 finger. Okay. I was expecting you to do Cookie Monster, so this is awkward now.
Starting point is 00:51:57 Oh, well. I don't know. I just... Big Bird came to mind. I went with my gut. All right. I just... Big Bird came to mind. I went with my gut. Alright. And if I said Cookie Monster, what would you have said?
Starting point is 00:52:13 Cookie, cookie, cookie. Oh, stop it, Kevin. Dylan. Yes. On an average day, how many pigeons do you think you could reasonably carry? Dylan. Yes. On an average day, how many pigeons do you think you could reasonably carry? At once? No further questions.
Starting point is 00:52:39 Average day for the pigeons and not for you, though. Okay, so on an average day, how many pigeons could i carry reasonably carry reasonably carry well i guess it depends if they're aggressive pigeons are they gonna fly away or are they gonna let me carry them because if they're not gonna let me carry them it's going to be a struggle and based on my experience with pigeons which isn't a lot um i would say that they probably wouldn't like to be carried because considering they can just fly so why do they need me so i'm gonna say over a full course of a day let's say i took off work because this is important. I'm going to say that I could probably catch, you know, catch them off guard and maybe grab five of them and be able to carry them. I don't know how long I'd be able to carry them, but I'm going to go with five.
Starting point is 00:53:41 You are working slow. You took a whole day off work and you got five. It's on the board. We'll know for the future. I just can't imagine being able to catch the pigeons that easily. The correct answer was you take a day off, you take Big Bird out on a date since he knows birds and a twofer. Yeah, he can attract them for me. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Corey, do you have any further questions? Brian, I am out of questions. Dylan. Yes. There's one question left. Is it the classic? It is the classic. Okay.
Starting point is 00:54:21 Have you been preparing for this? I did think about it today yes okay well no notes i don't have any notes good it's all in my head because we would have to we would expel you so dylan you find yourself in an arena there's no one there but soon there will be waves waves Dylan of ten-year-olds ten ten-year-olds at a time once they are all dead another wave of ten ten year olds will come through how many waves of ten ten-year-olds may I may I ask one question I'll give you okay I'll allow two questions cuz we have heard a lot of questions on this topic.
Starting point is 00:55:06 Two questions and one inquiry. When I kill number 10 in wave one, how long until number one of wave two is in my face? Immediately. Immediately. So like kill and they just spawn right there. Teleport. Teleport. Okay. That makes it way more difficult. You can't there and teleport, teleport. Okay.
Starting point is 00:55:26 That makes it way more difficult. You can't even like get your bearings. Can't see them coming. Can't plan. They're hiding in the ground, hiding in the trees. You don't even know where they're coming. If they were like behind the gate on flashbacks,
Starting point is 00:55:39 if they were like behind a gate and they were let free after I killed the 10th of the first wave, I would think a few more, but I'm going to go with eight waves. Strong answer. Not even using the second question. What are the one and only inquiry? He's saving those for
Starting point is 00:55:56 after the seventh wave. Then he'll ask for further clarification. Is that how it works? Was that my own inquiry that was taken away now? It's fine. All right, good job. Yeah, congratulations.
Starting point is 00:56:11 Now everybody knows the inner workings of Dylan. How much money did I win? You lost a lot of money for charity, so, sorry. And you've won
Starting point is 00:56:21 one date with Big Bird. He's outside your door honestly nice prize i'm happy with yeah uh i used to have a noise that went yay but i don't have it right now so oh i'm impressed uh you handled that gracefully thank sir Brooks is going to be very mad at you for saying you could handle that many 10 year olds I know But I stand by it I feel like I'm battling for my life here We're talking about all this adrenaline
Starting point is 00:56:55 I could handle One good kick to the head You could kill a 10 year old Just think of how many 10 year olds you kill on a regular day Yeah like Well I'm not going to I plead the fifth Anyway continue a 10 year old i mean just think of how many 10 year olds you kill on a regular day like yeah like well i'm not gonna uh i plead the fifth anyway continue objection so we've talked about denise too much on this podcast but i'm gonna mention it one more time listen to the episode last week she ended to get her to know her guest. We're talking about food courts.
Starting point is 00:57:25 Okay. So I'm going to pose the question to the panel here. You're going to make your ideal food court. You get choice of five restaurants to put in there. What five are you choosing? And I want to say her guest was very not creative because she chose five things that are just always in every single food court. So. Okay, that's what I was going to ask. Are we choosing classic food court places or five of our, like, this is what we want there?
Starting point is 00:57:58 I don't know. I feel like literally every food court has the exact same five places. Yeah, it does. We got some freedom. Like Zach would give us experiences in our Chinese food draft. I'm going to say there were no, just anywhere with food. There were no rules that day.
Starting point is 00:58:15 And I honestly going back to that, if I was on that pod, I would have had a waitress to draft because I wrote her name down because she was so great. One first time we went to the chinese place in princeton you're drafting a specific person yeah remember do you not remember bern was gonna draft a waiter lissa oh she knows you were talking about drafting a waiter i think it's different when we talk about a person that's real oh yeah i'd bet in general oh well no i i heard someone mentioned like kevin i don't know i picked a name
Starting point is 00:58:57 yeah no but i'm saying you were gonna draft a waiter hypothetically, but I could actually draft a waitress. Alright, so for my Chinese food draft, I'm going to draft General Tsao's and an Instagram model and a million dollars and also a yacht. And then also rice for the side. Is that how this works,
Starting point is 00:59:19 Dylan? Her name was Nikki. Her name was Nikki. Last name Mina? Nope, I don't know what her last name was,ki her name was nikki last name not nope i don't know what her last name was but if i go to this restaurant uh that's who i asked for is my waitress all right we're gonna not talk food court why do you have the name of a waitress written down from a restaurant you've been to one time he's because exactly because she was super nice to us and she told us like hey ask for me next time write it down i got you honestly we as somebody who's gone to restaurants with dylan and who is facebook
Starting point is 00:59:52 friends with a waiter of a restaurant that we went to because of going out to a restaurant with dylan i get it yeah still friends you guys shut out too much dan emis if you're out there it's amos right something like that something like that yeah there it is dan anus got it yeah he was quitting his job so he just gave us a bunch of free stuff he did what a guy probably shouldn't put that out there but all right we got i mean he's not there anymore yeah i don't think the corner room is coming after him. So I'm at a loss with this question because I feel like I feel like by saying so it's like you're making your own food court of any restaurant food you've ever wanted or like I'm going to expand it to that because like she picked like Annie Ann's and like
Starting point is 01:00:42 Sbarro and a Chinese food restaurant and like one other and i was like all right yeah that those are all in every single food court that's not an ideal food court that just is food courts so so we're basically saying like five five five food places in a mall okay and it's cafeteria style oh oh it's. It's a food court. You're not sitting down. When the rules have expanded. We're making the rules as we go. It's fine.
Starting point is 01:01:12 So does it have to be something I can get quick? I don't know. We'll figure it out. Alright. We're going to go round one. One each. Save ourselves some time. I'm going gonna be basic but i'll eat at this place literally every time i walk by it and it
Starting point is 01:01:32 is mall related so like we'll start out i swear to god brian i swear to god go do it 80 a.m baby i'm getting pretzel every time what were you gonna what were you gonna think i not how i just you're you're sure you're so upset about maybe not so upset i'm exaggerating but you're upset about the guests pick last week this is my one basic one that's yeah but we should we should all have a basic one the basic one is gonna be your first one off the list like i said i was gonna start off easy come on you heard listen to the preamble i just think it's hilarious that you use that as an example of how you didn't like it and then you my example was the grouping because it was all four are the ones so okay all right well then i'm going next oh okay
Starting point is 01:02:26 cory draft one go ahead i'm going panda express oh okay oh my god right off the bat he hates it because again all right dylan pick sparrow so we get all no no no from the example i gave not to pick off the board no no no i'm not going sparrow also we hate to borrow shout out never talk to us again zach we have your back don't make fun of our boy did they talk to us to begin with yeah they responded on twitter oh that's right that's right that's right i'm going with the classic uh japanese i think it's called soruku i don't know i don't know what it is. The Japanese place that always hands out the free samples. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is it always the same one?
Starting point is 01:03:11 I don't know, but it's like gross, greasy hibachi food. It's a bust. Filled up in this carton that just makes you feel like you're gonna die after but it is so good hey we love that feeling here so i'm taking that i'm to start to start who doesn't want to die i want to die and walk into traffic am i right cory out of context all right i'm going similar but i'm only gonna draft uh the person that stands out with the free samples from the chinese food restaurant i don't want the whole thing i just want her in a corner just with a table of free food is her name nikki no it's kim uh oh kim it's it's
Starting point is 01:03:57 danis uh from uh the corner room his name wasn't dan danis now it is all right we're flying i'm going noodles and company oh that's a good one our mall has it so don't tell me i can't do it let me fly all right i am gonna go the dessert route And I think this may be in some places, in some malls. Yeah. Food courts, but I'm going to go with it. Wait, wait, wait. Did we? Sorry. Get yours, but I think we bypassed Brian's pick. Sorry, Brian.
Starting point is 01:04:36 No, we didn't. Aren't you supposed to get two to serpentine back? It's fine. We're not actually drafting. We can double up on picks. We're just building our malls, starting with the food court we're playing the sims mall edition yeah jinx you owe me uh french fry got it okay all right dylan you're up i'm going with a dip and dots i don't like it man this is not good all right for you gotta go there's one at the jersey shore in point pleasant it has like there's a waitress named nikki she'll hook you up
Starting point is 01:05:13 they have like a million flavors not just like the standard that you would get at like a baseball game okay something that's so yeah that's better i'm going with the dessert place but a bit a big dip and dots okay are the dots bigger or the the restaurant's bigger you know what dots let's make the dots a little bit bigger you just get one giant dot wouldn't that just be a scoop of ice cream but but it's perfectly okay perfectly round no no not even one giant one i want yours to be just a dip and dots where it's perfectly round. No, no, no. Not even one giant one. I want yours to be just a dip in dots where it's only slightly bigger. Like not really noticeably bigger, but like you just have it. You're like, this is a little different.
Starting point is 01:05:54 We just put a little sawdust in each dot. Yeah. Make it a little bit bigger. You never know. It's like enough that everybody's wondering, but nobody is saying anything about it. Curiously enough to say it. Yeah. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:06:06 The perfect ratio. Above the restaurant. Okay. It says Dippin' Dots, but in like a two point font, it says slightly bigger Dippin' Dots. It would be perfect. My third pick. This is not in malls, but my food courts can be popping. Fogo de Chão or Texas de Brazil.
Starting point is 01:06:23 They walk around with meat on sticks so there's all those tables you kind of sit out at food courts anyways so like let the people come to you they don't even need a storefront right now i got annie ann's on the storefront a lady in the corner with meat on a plate and then dudes with meat on like swords it's gonna be a vibe it's gonna be great meat on swords he he says. All right. I'm going to go Dairy Queen, but because Dylan can get Dippin' Dots that are slightly bigger that people kind of want to talk about but won't. I'm going to get Dairy Queen, but they're still forced to flip it over, but every single time it's slightly falling out and they got to flip it back.
Starting point is 01:07:04 How does that help your food experience got to flip it back or. How does that help your food experience? Oh, it does it. I don't I'm not thinking that this is a success. It doesn't seem like we're trying to make this successful. So I'm just going to dive right into it. Either everybody's getting free ice cream or it's like they're going to figure out a way around it. But they're just going to hold plates underneath. They're going to be dumping ice cream out left and right.
Starting point is 01:07:24 Corey just picked melted ice cream as his choice got it slightly melted ice cream okay dylan you covered your basis on uh i think you got breakfast lunch and dessert no no no i don't have breakfast on there but now you got me thinking can we get like a little ihop express going on there a little in nash international don't not even express yeah i'm court yeah yeah why not let's get it let's get an ihop in there we got an ihop we got japanese and then we got you know dipping dots for dessert i'm gonna take ihop okay oh question thanks for putting that one on the platter for me is it an ihop slash dipping and dots like a kfc
Starting point is 01:08:05 slash taco bow so you can get dip and dots on your pancakes no because i'm running a business so you got to go and buy dip and dots and put them on your own i'm not coming to your food court i don't know i think you want to check out those slightly larger dip and dots i want some balls in my mouth and i want to be like this feels a little bit different than normal that's it that's a clip you need to clip that one i did that on purpose so my fourth pick i got my meat on sticks i got meat on a plate and I got my pretzels. Oh, I might have to follow and get dessert. I'm going Cold Stone, but there's not people working it. You have to do it yourself.
Starting point is 01:08:52 There's just a giant slab of like cold countertop and like dirty handles. And you can just kind of like roll ice cream around on it. It's like a Cold Stone buffet. It's yes, but it's like a children's museum where like everything's covered in germs and like you probably don't want to touch it but like but it's cold stone so you're gonna eat it yeah exactly what flavor cory no i was gonna say it adds to the flavor you don't want to stick with uh mine and dylan's i don't even know if dylan's is an inconvenience mine is definitely an inconvenience where it's like not as cold stone so the ice cream is melting big into ice cream melting today apparently
Starting point is 01:09:30 apparently everyone at my mall has to make it themselves so they're already kind of annoyed love it but you get unlimited toppings so i i'll take that i feel like this is unique um but i also feel like it can be heavily vetoed by both of you. We'll see where these rules are drawn. We're talking about combos a second ago. I'm going to go an upscale melting pot Subway combo where you have the pot on your table at the cafe, but you can go pick out your meats at subway and then you can cook them it's so this is that's so worse i was i was well i was trying to do like
Starting point is 01:10:13 subway you know what i'm not vetoing you can have that but that's but that's where it's it's upscale or maybe you just i was just trying to throw a little combo in there because i feel like if i said melting pot you'd be like that's a sit down restaurant you can't do that so I tried to just put put the pots on like a Zumba's or Roomba's or whatever Zumba's and you'll be fine put the pots on a bunch of
Starting point is 01:10:36 middle aged dancing women perfect just do cheese from melting pot with Subway that makes more sense because you get the bread from subway yeah but i don't want to double back on what i said so i'm gonna stick with what i said and just accept it cory's double frying like salami i'm gonna be sitting there with like baloney on a stick well i feel like i've got a winning team yeah actually wait i think i still get one more we got one yeah we're at four i'm pretty sure so it's not looking good for me i don't
Starting point is 01:11:17 think i can beat sticking subway into a melting pot but i said upscale i will have you what who's been to an upscale subway i'm not saying it exists we don't got dipping dots with slightly larger dipping dots that you do at my mom oh that uh okay i kind of want to throw some pizza in there. Sbarro off the table because we got a few. And this is not upscale. I'm going to go low scale. I want this to be even worse than normal. Cece's pizza. Love it.
Starting point is 01:11:57 Love where your head's at. Make it a bad experience. Yes. Like I want the pizza just not exist. I want you to go up and it's just always empty. You could, although this might not fit with it being a bad experience, you could have gone chemical pizza on that one. Oh, okay.
Starting point is 01:12:16 Corey, use your veto. Help me out. I invoke my one veto that everybody gets during a draft, if that's what this is. I commit bankruptcy so all right my pizza will be the chemical pizza from walmart in state college pa if you look on the back all right back up a little bit flip that i didn't have a job didn't have a job for a while but we're still going up for penn state games at rooks's place uh thanks for letting us sleep on
Starting point is 01:12:43 your floor but i'd start to buy food for the weekend we go to walmart i'll get pizza it's a dollar it's looks like the pizza from like elementary school that's like square tastes pretty decent uh but if you look on the back the entire back page of it is ingredients and none of them make any sense not one of them says cheese or like dough or uh pizza sauce it's all just like something with numbers at the end of it uh so we dubbed it chemical pizza because there's literally over 100 ingredients in it that's going in my mall i think you should make the pepperonis slightly bigger they just liquefied that and that's now the covid vaccine mean, I feel like pizza most of the time. It doesn't seem like a vaccine
Starting point is 01:13:28 to me, I'll say it. If it protects me against pizza, I don't want it. It's got enough chemicals and stuff in it. But I want pizza to infect me. I don't want to be prevented from having pizza.
Starting point is 01:13:43 You know? I feel you. Yeah, I'm not getting the pizza vaccine. I'm anti-pizza vaccine. You heard it here first. Gordon will not get the pizza vaccine. Dylan, round out your draft. Is this the final pick?
Starting point is 01:14:01 This is final. Final pick? All right. This is such a heavy turn in a weird way don't worry i got it for a million dollars i've only had this once and it was amazing so my ball is going to be on the East Coast, and I'm going to bring it over. I'm going to have an In-N-Out burger. No, I like the pick.
Starting point is 01:14:33 In-N-Out's pretty good. I've never had a food court before. Neither have I. And it's not on the East Coast, so bring it on over. All right, I've got one left. That also gets you milkshakes, too. True.
Starting point is 01:14:50 Big fan. You know, we started off hot with Panda Express and Noodles and Company. And cold. And then we took a dark, dark turn, and I'm not turning back. We went to Dairy Queen that's got melted ice cream, took a ride on Melting Pot Subway Combo, and I think we've reached our destination at the gumball machine next to the stand
Starting point is 01:15:17 that sells and fixes watches. Is there also watches in those little round plastic things in the gumball machine that you could also possibly get like it's all gumballs and like one rolex yeah no no it's it's it's just catty cornered to the guy that's selling and fixes fixing watches the food item is gumballs and i guess i'll throw the one where you can get prizes too yeah like the little sticky hands like that yeah yeah okay yeah actually that's a great addition to a food court when you show up to my food court there's it's an order of events right you go first obviously you're going to start with gum before you eat who doesn't and while you're
Starting point is 01:16:03 there you're going to get the sticky hand and guess what you're going to be using to eat all of your meals a plate the sticky hand you're gonna have to flap that thing down pick up your bologna from subway bring it on over cook it up on the melting pot but hey if you're going in that order it's so bad you're gonna love that panda express at the end do you have to turn do the dairy queen workers have to turn over the blizzard with the sticky hand oh yes yes i really like that okay okay so like nothing sticky hand is a very important part of your mall. And gets more sticky if you're trying to use that to eat the ice cream that's clearly melted. Because that was a stipulation on me invoking the Dairy Queen and bringing them into my establishment. Everyone's covered in sticky ice cream, holding sticky hands and chewing gum.
Starting point is 01:17:00 New York's hottest club is. Sticky hands. Wilmer Valderrama is making your food. Sticky Hands everywhere. Your ice cream will melt. It was like green slime. Well, I don't know about you guys,
Starting point is 01:17:16 but I feel pretty confident. I think your mall is going to succeed. Maybe third behind us, but maybe succeed. Maybe succeed, but like not succeed that's gonna succeed that's for sure uh dylan you picked your fifth right did i pick my fifth what do i got i got the japanese place i got a dip in dots i got what else do i got i got in and out yeah i don't think you have five no there was a way i i forgot
Starting point is 01:17:47 i have something else something breakfast related i hop no yeah oh i'm sorry i'm sorry so no so no i do i do have one more one more to add okay round it out i think we got a ball machine you don't have any waiters at your food court yet just putting it out there that's why you have the sticky hands so you can sit from your table and reach it all smack it on the back of the waiter's head people are just dragging food around
Starting point is 01:18:17 and so I know I don't have a subway but I'm going to need somebody to work at these places. So I'm going to take my favorite subway worker
Starting point is 01:18:36 of all time. I'm going to draft Rooks. He's off the board. Who would have thought? Rooks is running the show. It is his place. Rooks is Mr. Irrelevant. Fitting. He's not going to be mad about that at all. I'm taking him to be the leader of my food
Starting point is 01:18:56 court. I believe in him. There's no subway, so we're going to get on that. He'll be happy about that. He's going to hate his life trying to run four restaurants at the same time, though. But he's going to be good at it. He's got the charisma. Rooks does have the charisma.
Starting point is 01:19:15 We're just trying to give him some content to fly back to this week. Exactly. Got to motivate him to come back screaming. Honestly, in episode 40 40 i want to hear his plans i want to i want to hear his business plan running my food court and i want to hear how he's going to compete against mine so you didn't hire rooks you just sent him a job interview and he has to give you the plan before you actually let him run it now that we're talking about it yes okay yeah all right rooks be ready you have to have a 45 part plan uh 25 pages half spaced and i need i need some ideas we already
Starting point is 01:19:55 have the slightly enlarged dip and dots i need some banging ideas from him slightly enlarged rooks slightly larger pancakes i don't know why that got me so good rooks just like an inch wider just slightly just like hits into every door frame he goes through man what's going on yeah proportionally yeah uh okay love it thank you guys for uh indulging me on picking those out uh so much better than denise's podcast just want to say that uh go rate her negative one stars rate us five stars leave us a review uh call in there's a link in the description of every episode you can call in tell us what your five is going to be in a food court let me know why you're funding my ideas Call in. There's a link in the description of every episode. You can call in. Tell us what your five is going to be in a food court. Let me know why you're funding my ideas.
Starting point is 01:20:52 Tell Corey why you're going to give him some money. Thank you for coming on that episode, Dylan. Thank you guys for having me. Until next time. Bye.

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