It’s Wednesday My Dudes - Ep. 41: Pumpkin Bread is the Taysom Hill of Thanksgiving Foods (Thanksgiving Draft)

Episode Date: November 18, 2021

Thanksgiving is coming up and we wanted to figure out who could draft the best combo of food and thanksgiving experiences/traditions. Consensus seemed to be to draft all the bread and soggy food and t...hen crap on all the picks that Bryan went for. Rate us 5 stars and leave a review on Apple Podcasts!  Links here to follow on Social Media! and Find Other Places to Listen!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I played Halo yesterday. Not that we want to start with Halo. It was so much fun. You played Halo yesterday. Actually, only I did. Corey and Rooks have not yet. I haven't downloaded it. I'm so shit at Halo.
Starting point is 00:00:10 I am so shit at Halo. It's embarrassing. As someone who's great at shooter video games, I don't know what it is, but Halo just does not compute with me. Halo's a big nostalgic game for me. You know, those games you play and it just takes you back to 8th grade or 7th grade.
Starting point is 00:00:27 I remember Halo 2. We had a basketball tournament when I was in 8th grade down in Peoria, Illinois and someone brought their Xbox to the hotel and in between games we were just playing Halo. I was like, I don't need to play the basketball games. Let's just play Halo. Let's play
Starting point is 00:00:42 Griffball. The first time i played halo 2 was at a bar mitzvah which wasn't really a bar mitzvah it was kind of just a party but it was like do you remember there's a kid on our our rec team rooks whose name was also brian i'm pretty sure and his dad was the coach do you remember him describe footballcribe him. For football. And like, he's Jewish. Short. Or maybe he's not, because it was also maybe not a bar mitzvah. It was a bar mitzvah. It just wasn't like a New Jersey bar mitzvah where it's like a big bash. It was just kind of like, we all hung out.
Starting point is 00:01:15 So it was a birthday party. Yeah, but he was 13 and he was Jewish, so it was a bar mitzvah. He was out of chicken cheese. He was out of chicken cheese. I don't know. It was a lot of football kids. Sounds like Rooks got did just wanted to bring up a party that rooks didn't go to i'm so sick well i have a super i have a super uh soft spot for bar mitzvahs because the one bar mitzvah i was invited to shout out my boy
Starting point is 00:01:40 jake jake had a bar mitzvah it was the talk of the school for the next two months so much happened as bar mitzvah so many first kisses there were some booty grabs like all of this crazy shit happened your boy was deathly sick like i was super super sick and i couldn't go and i had like i had like the flu or something i was. I had to grab his own booty. I know. I had to grab my tiny little Korean booty. It was not fun. The booty stranger. I'm pretty acquainted with my booty.
Starting point is 00:02:17 He sat on both of his hands. Isn't that a... Oh, no. That's sitting on your heel. Never mind. Sitting on your heel nevermind sitting on your heel that's a I've heard that as a code for a female masturbating is to sit on your heel
Starting point is 00:02:35 yeah yeah yeah right females in the field no no no speaking of squatting on your heels you guys use a squatty potty no i've heard i've heard good things it does it does make a difference but like for your boy where it's just i'm gonna i'm like i'm delivering natural i'm delivering birth you know what i mean like i just we're gonna we're gonna cross we're gonna cross the bridge one way or another you know
Starting point is 00:03:08 rooks needs that c-section poop like he's already holding his knees like with his two arms up like this he's already oh yeah he's got his heels on the bowl huge huge proprietor of i grip the bathtub like the bathtub will be next to me and i'll have a full death grip on the bathtub it's my god it's just like a hand imprint on the bathtub at every apartment he leaves he's special he's special order one with his hands molded into the sides his own grip i'm not fucking four dude i'm not out here just denting bathtubs and shit like I don't have strength like that
Starting point is 00:03:46 but yeah no check it hey if you're ever struggling check it out the squatty potty or the toilet gripper 3000 dealer's choice that sounds like such an it's always sunny invention like remember like that they would go out and be like oh we just make
Starting point is 00:04:04 grips for the side of the toilet and kitten mittens the ass pounder 3000 like milk oh well i mean the ass unloader 3000 but like i just think it doesn't nah it doesn't work it's more it's more like a are you is this something from the show are you naming what i was talking about we're naming what you're talking about okay because what i'm talking about like like there's no because like the deliver like unloader you know this isn't saying a ups service dropping a load this is this is like it's just like a little it's like a little handle on the side you know panic handle or something like that like i like that rooks has his pointer finger and thumb on the toilet or on the tub seat and his pinky out he's just
Starting point is 00:05:02 gently gripping the side and that's all he really needs to help. We had you wrong. I'm sorry. I'm a classy broad. What can I say? Ejecto sito cuz. That's okay. Trademark it now. Lock it up. See you on Shark Tank. Do we have to give Paul Walker's estate any money for that?
Starting point is 00:05:22 Oh. Next question. That's an honest question. He's dead. I don't know. He said the line. Does he own that or is this universal?
Starting point is 00:05:30 I don't think he owns that. Paul Walker didn't say that. No. No, Tyrese says it. Yeah, it's Tyrese. Oh, no. Okay, but Paul Walker also says like,
Starting point is 00:05:41 like he says like a normal line. Yeah. Forget about it, Kuh. Kuh. What? He can get away with it.
Starting point is 00:05:53 Yo, Fast and Furious is a great series. Do you see that? You see Vin Diesel's post to The Rock begging him to come back to the series? They don't need him. No.
Starting point is 00:06:00 Because they have a beef. So Vin Diesel. I thought they squashed the beef. No. The Rock still doesn't like Vin Diesel. No, he doesn't like Tyrese Gibson, I think. And then Vin Diesel's trying to get him back because he knows The Rock helps make those movies a ton of money. So let me pose this question.
Starting point is 00:06:16 And you guys haven't seen this post yet that he posted? No. I heard about it. I didn't see what he said. So if you were trying to get The Rock to come back on a movie, like you were starting an apology letter to The Rock, let's say you wronged The Rock in a certain way. Would you start out the letter with, hey, little brother?
Starting point is 00:06:33 Ooh. Unless it's like an inside joke. I don't know. Yeah, but The Rock's not little to anybody. Yeah, but maybe they made that joke on set and he's trying to pander to them. Be like, remember the good times? Ha ha.
Starting point is 00:06:52 And then keep going. I wouldn't do it, but if it's an inside joke, sure, go for it. He could have chose a lot of worse things because he'd be like, hey, skinny penis, come back to this movie. I mean, that man's got to be girthy penis. I do not want to see The Rock's schlong.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Dwayne The Rock's Johnson? Dwayne The Rock's Johnson Johnson Johnson? Why'd you say that? Does his dick have a dick now? I would be surprised. I would not be surprised. The amount of roids that dude has on, his hormones are all over the place. No, The Rock's dick probably has like, I mean, like I could see The Rock's dick having like
Starting point is 00:07:28 delts and like biceps, but like not another dick on it. He has his own workout plan for his Johnson. The Rock's dick has anchor arms. Exactly. That makes sense to me. Thursday legs, Friday chest. What day do you think he's working out his pee pee? It is Wednesday my dudes Welcome back to another episode of It's Wednesday My Dudes
Starting point is 00:07:56 Episode 41 Sorry for the late post Blame technology and roommates And not having laptops and all that But we're posting this one late. It's going to be a good one, though. Thanksgiving food draft. Long requested.
Starting point is 00:08:10 Everyone wanted this one for sure. So, got to get that one out there. We got all four of us, though. We got Corey. We back. This is the first time in a long time we've had all four of us, right? Yeah. Excluding yesterday's technical difficulties.
Starting point is 00:08:24 Fair. I'm excited. you should be we got rugs the boy is back after my uh little hiatus i i will take slight responsibility for us um being delayed on this my apologies um but great to be here hyped to get into it missed all my sloppy joes and sloppy janes and we got sack what's up i don't have anything else all right uh before the draft though usual how's our week going tell us a story keep it quick though it's gonna be a long draft so give us some highlights cory what you got yeah so we're gonna try to keep it quick uh so this past weekend we went to west virginia uh we just country roads
Starting point is 00:09:13 yeah take us home take me home man died in a plane crash yeah with like three other uh yeah artists right yeah is it that plane crash? I know. The Bunny Holly plane crash? Or the guy who sang La Bamba, Richie Valens or whatever. Is it not all the same one? No, I think they were different ones. But anyway, go ahead, Corey.
Starting point is 00:09:38 My musician plane crash history is really lacking here. Sorry, boys. But it was like a camping weekend cabin weekend i don't say camping we were in like a dope ass cabin um just drinking lots of drinking games um so we got there friday night we just had like a fire hung in um one of the things we had to do was we had to play well okay so we're drinking for the weekend so we're gonna want to play drinking games so we're playing flip cop and stuff and then you kind of go through the gauntlet of drinking games we wanted to play kings really bad so we had to play kings with uno um very
Starting point is 00:10:15 very innovative i'll say uh we started making up rules too as we went so we did that and it was like we got to a point where it was like draw for everybody no draw for was you pick four people to drink makes sense yeah draw two two people um a lot of fun i just love like the schmantics of drinking on the weekend in a cabin and like that's like all you have to do so you're just creating games and like people are in pretty creative headspace for it so there's a lot of fun um it's a yearly trip so we'll do it again next year uh what else did i so that was a full weekend but also penn state's awful at football i feel the need to say that join the club buddy and uh brian this is this is for you i had uh i had a quiet sunday we uh we got back and all
Starting point is 00:11:09 well hung over but we like to spend our sundays making some dinner and we had lasagna on sunday why why did you have to tell me that? Because I wanted to ruin your week. But on that note, keeping it short and sweet and to the point, I'm going to rate my weekend. One draw for all four of us drinks. Nice. You need to next year when you go back for get cards again and bring Uno. I think I might just bring Uno on purpose.
Starting point is 00:11:44 Maybe I'll customize the cards. I bring you know i think i might just like bring uno on purpose maybe i like cause like customize the cards i don't know i like it rooks what'd you get into um it wasn't uh it was a pretty good weekend went to ended up going to some um this place called claren and ballroom it was bombin it was a very concert no it was it's like a it's just like a clubby type place um is it a discotheca it was not a discotheca but um it was really good time things got a little hazy you know speaking of flip cup your boy champ showed up we played flip cup during the pregame first time playing forever oh my god my team was popping off we 4v4'd swept them in the first played them two more times they're like uh can we play beer pongs yeah get the fuck off my table um but overall saturday was good time your typical stuff uh and then sunday fun day came into play
Starting point is 00:12:40 i went to see the washington football team play the uh tampa bay buccaneers um got to tailgate oh my god it was my first tailgate of the year your boy was buzzing i was so happy and excited to be there just cloud nine just being in the lots holding a budweiser you know watching watching people toss the pigskin there's nothing like it um went into the game uh of course you know me being the nice guy i was we had four of us i was like okay i'll sit at one end of the four of us this guy the second he gets to his seat is just leaning like i'm talking leaning on me and he's like he's like sober like he's not wasted or anything like his i can tell this guy's fine he's just he's like a big guy or is he just
Starting point is 00:13:25 now leaning he's just a little dickhead who's like wants to touch me or something i don't know but he's leaning who doesn't he he's leaning against me like the whole game i was losing my shit like he was so annoying the fan if you're ever a fan at a sporting event and you're cheering your cheer that you're saying like for football hypothetically if your offense is on the field and your big cheer is offense offense like you don't know what's going on like just shut the fuck up like you don't know what's happening every time he was a bucking years fan every time the ball like it would go to defense defense and like no one's getting it on this chant with him either it's like oh my god get this fucking guy away from me but what was beautiful
Starting point is 00:14:11 was the football team actually pulled it off and beat the buccaneers which was great it was so nice i mean it was not nice sorry dirty dan dirty dan was a little sick because tom brady stan but the just being able to be hyped up with the asshole next to me was it was it was chef's kiss it was unbelievable um and then yeah came back um and just hated my life and then woke up monday and extra hated my life because i had a sunday fun day but um overall pretty solid weekend lots um i'm gonna give it i'm gonna give it one finished crotch bottle in the stadium okay we snuck a crotch bottle in crushed it carried us through the end of the game it was lovely i love it nice uh zach what'd you get into uh i went to iu
Starting point is 00:15:06 then went down to bloomington so did the whole thing saw cover band on friday tail uh tailgated or went to the bars all day saturday but i wanted what i want to talk about is how bad my hangover drive was on the back holy bananas was i shaking the worst anxiety i've ever felt it was raining too so i just wanted to fall right asleep um i had to put i put on like a sad person playlist just to kind of like fit the mood probably not the best decision big sad boy not at all big sad boy taylor swift or the red album came out listen to that baby all the way through that was uh that was a time great by the way i love my girl shout out uh taylor i know she listens to the pod um but yeah it was terrible i haven't had anxiety like that in the worst like where my hands are shaking on the wheel and i just i'm just like
Starting point is 00:15:55 i'm doing like you know clutching it violently and i have two other people in the car so they're trying to talk to me like he's like i'm like i'm just shut up i'm like just shut up just shut up right now we got four hours to go and i am not happy sounds like you could have starred in one of her music videos the rain i was the drive the shaken dude there was a there was a couple times i looked at the window and just pondered and as i was singing i'm like i am i am the guy in the music video right now driving away in the rain i was gonna ask how far is the like the total drive for you from you to iu it's uh it's it's four hours it's about three hours to indy and then another hour from indy to bloomington got you oh four four hours when you're hung over though it's
Starting point is 00:16:37 just enough to be a pain in the ass like four hours is miserable we'll continue there weren't enough sugar-free arnold palmers to get me through my trip. I was deleting those like you wouldn't believe, and it was still bad. But, yeah, I got home on Sunday, tried to catch up on football. You know, like when you come home in the middle of a football Sunday, you feel like you've missed so much. I came in the middle of the afternoon games, and I'm just like, what's the point of, like, I just missed everything. It's like coming in halfway through a games, and I'm just like, what's the point of, like, I just missed everything.
Starting point is 00:17:05 It's like coming in halfway through a movie, and you're just like, ah, I don't know if I have the, I got to catch up, I got to watch highlights. This is Zach's personal bye week. Exactly, yeah. So the Bears weren't playing, though, so it actually worked out. But, yeah, so I'll give my week, I mean, it was fun. Nothing too crazy happened. Uh, I will give my weekend five Jake Gyllenhaal scarves left at Taylor Swift's old apartment.
Starting point is 00:17:34 All right. Okay. That's a reference to us to all too well. The ladies will get it on. So yeah, it was on Twitter. I don't need to know more than what I do. Is the song though?
Starting point is 00:17:52 Nope. Don't watch the video. Nope't care no okay nope i got tons of them i'm all right so brian that sounds like someone who definitely needs to listen to the album don't deny it buddy taylor swift just like gives me bad vibes i feel like she like rode horses in high school and everyone hated her but like ended up being popular because she got rich off music, but like really rich off music. She's a good singer and a songwriter who got rich off of it. Yeah. You act like she's like, yeah,
Starting point is 00:18:13 she got rich off music. Like it's, it's like easy to do. Well, no, I didn't say that. I just said, I think she probably sucks in person and I'll stick by that.
Starting point is 00:18:22 Hard disagree. Hard disagree. Hard disagree. I would love to date Taylor Swift and then either have her dump her and then have her write a whole album about me. It would be dope to have a whole album about you. As somebody who doesn't know Zach, please educate me. Why do people not like Jake Gyllenhaal besides the scarf and not showing up to her birthday or something? Because he's a snake, bro. Maggie Gyllenhaal besides the scarf and not showing up to her birthday or something? Because he's a snake, bro. Maggie Gyllenhaal.
Starting point is 00:18:46 He's a snake. Didn't they only date for three months like 10 years ago, though? Yeah, but he was just kind of a jerk. She was like 18, 19, I think at the time, 19 or 20 at the time. Isn't it 21? Isn't the whole thing? Yeah, because she says when you turn 21, you're supposed to do something. So, yeah, it was right around that time. And I think it was just initially, I don't know. like her yeah because like she says like when you turn 21 you're supposed to do something so yeah
Starting point is 00:19:05 it was like right around that time and i think it was just initially i don't know he just didn't put a lot of effort into it we don't we just don't stand jake joe great mysterio not a great lover so hey one of the one of these days we'll we'll come on the pod and we'll do a full um full maggie gyllenhaal no no not no i don't want to talk about matt don't even bring that name up um we'll have we'll have zach and burn duke it out and you guys should make like powerpoint presentations on oh that'd be great we should do that when we get together for as part of the um at the holiday party we should do the powerpoint party you know that you see those you all have to bring just turn off the music and say i'm glad everybody's here today and then we
Starting point is 00:19:43 go up with random topics that we have powerpoints of and then we just go through the whole thing i think we should do that we're doing my title page safe moon everyone starts to cry on that note bry guy how was your weekend or week thanks for asking uh i'll try to keep it quick i had to go to the dentist and then they referred me to an orthodontist. The orthodontist's last name is Mayberry. I knew about this guy, but I was like, I'm never going to go to the orthodontist. It turns out I had to go there. Well, I was going to go in.
Starting point is 00:20:14 I was like, I wanted to make a joke of like, hello, dad, and like, help me like, funny like that. So I was like, I know that's weird. Not going to do it. I get in the seat. He walks in and goes, my long lost son. And I'm like, oh, I should have done the joke. So he was, he's got the Mayberry blood. But I was talking to him.
Starting point is 00:20:34 I was like, yeah, my dad's actually a dentist. He's like, oh, that's cool. Where did he like work or whatever? Oh, he's in the Navy. He's like, oh, my grandfather was a dentist in the Navy. I was like, oh, he's like, where'd your dad grow up? I was like, Newcastle. I was like, he's like, oh, I grew up in Newcastlecastle's like he's like oh i grew up in newcastle's i was like huh okay he's like uh where were you born
Starting point is 00:20:49 and i was like sharon pa and he's like i was born in sharon pa and i was like he's like the dad the doctor that probably delivered your dad is whatever name and i sent that to my dad he's like yep that's who it was i was like oh my um what what variant multiverse shit are you living it was so there was like a couple other connections too that i like i forgot to write down but it's just super weird i'm gonna tell you my dad joke alone is just enough to be like that's a connection it was great uh but i my dad's talking my cousin to get like our family tree so we can like kind of like date back to see if you like actually related because like 100 chance we kind of like date back to see if you like actually related because like 100 chance we are i just need to figure out how many like cousins over
Starting point is 00:21:29 this dude is uh but so that was super weird um then watched what's wrong with your teeth why did you have to go from the dentist to the orthodontist so i have a permanent retainer on the top of the bottom just like a metal wire in the back that like people get after they have braces like forever ago and it just like broke off so it was like stabbing me in the mouth i was like all right i need to go to them get this fixed and they didn't fix it but the lady when i was walking out she's like you just pull on it and yank it out and we'll go fix it i have an appointment tomorrow for them to actually do it yeah i didn't figure you actually cared about that part this is riveting content please continue uh saw eternals great movie everyone go see it ignore the reviews uh saw the movie werewolves about that part. This is riveting content. Please continue. Saw Eternals. Great movie. Everyone
Starting point is 00:22:06 go see it. Ignore the reviews. Saw the movie Werewolves Within. C+. Solid. Not incredible, but like if you need a good, like, sort of funny background movie, that one's great. Then, been watching Seinfeld on Netflix. Rooks.
Starting point is 00:22:22 I have to apologize. I don't like it. It's terrible. It's so shit. It's so shit. In college though, when it was like, okay, Friends has been on for five hours. I need something else. So then Seinfeld
Starting point is 00:22:37 will come on for like 30 minutes. Like, alright, this is different. And then you move on. But when you watch it on Netflix and it's like 10 episodes in a row, all it is is two Jewish dudes sitting in an apartment complaining about the dumbest things in the world. And it's just not actually funny. So I apologize, Rooks. Dude, Jerry Seinfeld is a terrible comedian.
Starting point is 00:22:54 I think we've talked about this before. That's my whole issue. My whole issue. Go ahead, Zach. I'm sorry. No, no, I feel like I said this before, but he'll go up in there. He'll be like, stand up at the beginning of the episode. He the beginning episode like what's up with jumbo shrimp how can we be
Starting point is 00:23:07 big and shrimp yes that's not a joke you're just saying an oxymoron like an oxymoron to us and posing as a question we're talking about thanksgiving stuff today i'm not trying to get too heated because i'm really excited to do this but i i'll i'll let this one say good news to let you know that like i'm i've changed sides i'm on your side i know but then zach started talking about seinfeld and how about this can be your presentation at the holiday party reasons why everybody should be jerry seinfeld oh my god lock it up. Easy. And then lastly, went looking for a good 70s slash Christmas outfit for the holiday party.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Went to a thrift store, figured that'd be a good stop. Nothing there. There's a lot of like 90s clothes, but nothing that far back. So bought some stuff online. Could be looking great. And then put up my Christmas tree
Starting point is 00:24:04 in the Christmas mood. It looking great. And then put up my Christmas tree in the Christmas mood. It's great. So on a scale of 4th of July to Christmas, my week is feeling jolly. I thought you were going with an Arbor Day. I feel like the opposite of Christmas is 4th of July. It's like middle of summer. Also a holiday. Horrible.
Starting point is 00:24:29 The opposite of Christmas is New Year's Eve or day. No. Yeah. They're all sort of the same holiday. Okay. Just someone make a PowerPoint about it. We got a draft to do. Okay.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Okay. Hey, buddy. We weren't the one who was like caused us to not record yesterday oh you want to make the rules fair fair all right thanksgiving food draft so rules there's six rounds there are none you get well there's like two rules four foods two experiences that's pretty much it. You can't drop the same thing. That's it.
Starting point is 00:25:08 Zach picked the order. It goes, Corey? Rooks. Rooks first, then Corey. Brian, then Zach. You just want that snake. You want that two spot.
Starting point is 00:25:20 We're going to, number one overall, your boy is a big, big side guy on Thanksgiving. I love just stacking it up with sides. You know, we'll throw the turkey on there. We'll throw the ham. But I'm going most of my plates are sides.
Starting point is 00:25:37 The number one side is my first overall pick, and that is stuffing. I'd stuff you. Okay. Anyway, talk to me after the show um so um but stuffing is just it's always good you can make it from the box you can make a super fancy either way stuffing be busting it's very very good and i don't really know what else to say like it's it's gonna slap it's always gonna slap no matter how you prepare it, no matter who prepares it too.
Starting point is 00:26:08 That's another thing. I don't think I've ever had – I've had stuffing made by multiple people, and I don't think I've ever disliked it. Like, it's consistent. It's very consistent. And I need a consistent starter, you know. So stuffing, number one overall pick I love the veteran on your team you need that leadership to bring it home exactly do you like to throw
Starting point is 00:26:30 any meats in the stuffing any sausage guy in there I've had it with sausage I did enjoy I did enjoy it but to me it again it don't matter like either way it's gonna you're gonna throw a meat in there that I like that sounds great too yeah throw a meat in there that I like. That sounds great too. Throw some meat in the stuffing. I love it. Easy. You're getting me a lot. Anyway, I love stuffing, so I'm down to talk about it for a little longer.
Starting point is 00:26:55 People love crunch. I'm a big, like the soggier. I like soggy. I like soggy. I don't need the crunchy top. I don't need anything like that. Who has crunchy stuffing? On the top, people put it in the oven,
Starting point is 00:27:11 they bake it. People broil it. Soggy boyos all day. Soggy boyos. That's a good band name. Soggy boyos is not a good band name. Soggy Boyos is hard. That feels like a Bulgarian EDM group. We should rename the podcast to just Soggy Boyos.
Starting point is 00:27:34 Branding change. I'm out. I'm out. All right, Corey, what do we got at number two overall? All right, I'm going, like Rooks, I'm going to go with a side. I'm going to go with the staple, another vet. I'm going with the mashed potatoes. it's for us it's our favorite i think it's it's the thing that goes us like my family it's the thing that goes the quickest it's gone there's no leftovers like when
Starting point is 00:27:57 we're packing up everybody gets their own to-go bag there's no more mashed potatoes and every year it's like i feel like an extra pound is made and it's still never enough um personally because and i said this before i'm gonna say you make it different ways and i get that but my way is smooth there's no skin uh and i like lots of butter and lots of cheese in there so those cheesy mashed potatoes it's every other way is wrong any chunk or any skin is just garbage that you threw in there's no reason to add that exactly like we were saying before we don't need texture we need some soggy just mush that's what thanksgiving is about you just push it all together boy it's perfect thanksgiving is just a bunch of like insulation for your body that's all it is
Starting point is 00:28:45 and I'm here for it you're just packing on the pounds for personality season and it's a good start exactly bra guy alright I'm gonna keep it oh wait oh no Zach's for it shit sorry
Starting point is 00:28:59 Zach's the referee he's the commissioner you don't get the pick Zach's just hanging out. No, we have to give Zach our picks, and then he'll speak them. We don't get to talk. I'm keeping it in the bread family, but I'm going to go very specific. So I'm drafting cornbread specifically my grandma's recipe, which is delicious. And three of the four people here have had it and can vouch for it. Normally cornbread is like dry as hell and gross.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Soggy? Not Nana's recipe. Not soggy, but like real moist. It's like a half soggy bollo. Not really part of the band, but like he's like the guitar tech in the back. It's just undercooked in the center. And Brian's like, it's so good. It's so soggy.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Nah, nah, nah, nah. Nah, nah, nah, nah. You add two whole tubs of sour cream to the regular Jiffy mix and then also add something else. And it's just delicious. So yeah, off the board. I'm happy on that one. I don't think I've ever had cornbread in Thanksgiving. I've, like I've had it
Starting point is 00:30:08 before, it's not Thanksgiving. The Pilgrims used to have it. The corn, that was like their main food. I don't think I have either. I'm on sex ads. It's called maize. You've had it at Thanksgiving because I've
Starting point is 00:30:22 made it for you on Thanksgiving. But that's Friendsgiving, that doesn't count doesn't count and also hey we can have different shit at our thanksgivings okay like that's i agree it's thanksgiving it's kind of weird it's into your family tree you know i mean it's not about when you think about my family okay it's about my own family what are you doing doing right now? I don't fucking know. Zach, you're up. Trying to get inspirational or something. Okay. I'm going with another side, a side that is probably my second or third favorite.
Starting point is 00:30:56 It vacillates. But I'm going with green bean casserole. Ooh. I love green bean casserole. Off the board, Brian. He's effed. Brian is so effed. You dump as many French onions as you can on top of that baby, and you're just living.
Starting point is 00:31:14 You got to make sure you get the first scoop out of the green casserole dish because by the time it gets around to you, all of the fried onions on top are absolutely picked off and gone. So you need to make sure you get that first scoop out of the green bean casserole. I made it for the first time with fresh green beans last year. Fresh bechamel, fresh mushrooms. Delicious.
Starting point is 00:31:34 I'm going to do it again this year, and it was amazing. Bobby Flay over here. Dude, it was so good. But yeah, it was delicious. So I'm a big fan of green bean casserole. Again, a little soggy bojo or girlio to put in the mix. How many of your dishes, Zach, that you're going to pick are casserole-based? Just one.
Starting point is 00:31:52 Just that one. What was your number one if that's your two or three? Because I would have thought you'd draft. It was mashed potatoes or stuffing. It goes in between. The stuffing is definitely number one. And then mashed potatoes, depending on who's making them, it can flip- goes in between. The stuffing's definitely number one and then mashed potatoes, depending on who's making them,
Starting point is 00:32:07 it can flip-flop between. I feel like green bean casserole is way easier to make because everyone uses the same Campbell's cream of mushroom soup mix recipe. So that's why mashed potatoes are, I get a little pickier with those.
Starting point is 00:32:19 Fair. Okay. Back to back. You gonna get an experience off the board? No, no, no. I have a feeling you're not gonna take any of my experiences. Fair. I. Back to back. Are you going to get an experience off the board? No, no, no. I have a feeling you're not going to take any of my experiences. Fair.
Starting point is 00:32:28 I'm going to take a slightly more specific bread item, and I'm going to take the brown and serve rolls, if you know what those are. So they're literally called brown and serve. They're the little – they're not big rolls.'re super small they have it they look almost like kind of like mini muffins on the top and you just pop those things like candy you basically split them open and then they're top of their butt crack and then you slide some butter in between them and then you just pack them in and you just keep going um so that's how those are my favorite type
Starting point is 00:33:01 of rolls at thanksgiving uh and i always buy like two or three packs because they're delicious. How soggy are these rolls? So here's the thing. Very soggy. All that butter. Very soggy when you don't cook them. You need to cook them. But you don't want to overcook them, though.
Starting point is 00:33:19 There's a sweet spot where you want them just slightly kissed by the oven. So you want them kissed. Okay. And then you just split them right down the middle and stick a nice... Remember how I talked about in the soapy butt crack episode? That's exactly what you do just with the butter. But you don't wash it out. You leave the butter
Starting point is 00:33:35 in there when you eat it. Can you whisper that to me, please? I'm just curious. You leave the butter in the crack. Oh my god. Alright. I'm getting fucking sweaty over here we need to keep moving sheesh all right so green bean casserole brown and i want brian on the graphic i want brown and serve rolls i want to know biscuits bullshit give me brown and serve i got you well i have a question yes can i draft rolls but if they're different than brown and serve this is a question i also have yeah i would prefer you can't just say rolls they have to be a type yeah we're not doing chinese food draft where bernie says i'll take every variation of appetizers or whatever the
Starting point is 00:34:15 fuck he chose it was the experience of appetizers okay i can choose the experience of eating rolls you're gonna pick specific people too I'd like to draft my uncle. I'd like to draft. It's open to interpretation, you know. If Rooks is drafting the little kids at an Asian restaurant, I think you can draft your own uncle. That's a family. You said specifically the kids are running around.
Starting point is 00:34:44 So, all right, we can move on um if you guys are gonna let me draft any kind of role uh i want roles from texas roadhouse just all over the living room does that typically happen okay does this typically happen at your Thanksgiving? No. Was that part of the rules? Yes. It's a Thanksgiving draft. I can't just say, oh yeah, I wish there was fucking rolls on rolls of sushi on my fucking Thanksgiving table. That's what I would draft that. I take my pick back.
Starting point is 00:35:19 I'd like to draft a million dollars in cash because I usually get that every year on Thanksgiving. That's my favorite you are the commissioner you are the commissioner there's no take backsies i want the experience of uh i getting a million dollars but not actually so much all right so i'm definitely gonna choose this uh rolls from texas roadhouse better than any rolls anywhere better than brown and serve rolls what you're gonna fight that have you ever had it was that directed towards me or zach from Texas Roadhouse, better than any rolls anywhere, better than Brown and Serve rolls, you going to fight that? Have you ever had it? Was that directed towards me or Zach?
Starting point is 00:35:50 It was Zach. I feel like he was looking sassy. Have you ever had it at any Thanksgiving? Have you ever even had it and not at Texas Roadhouse? Have you ever brought it back to your house or apartment? Yeah. That's a lie. To-go box of them? You can ask for a box of them when you leave
Starting point is 00:36:05 i i just have to say this is a brilliant strategy before this i knew brian's list was not long on food so to take the pick right before you and then specify where you're gonna get a different version of that is a pretty good strategy it's on zach because he said i could do it so this isn't this isn't like our just like we're picking our favorite version of different foods served at thanksgiving you know what you know what okay yeah it is brian where are you going back to for thanksgiving uh harrisburg is there a texas roadhouse there probably i'll pick them up you have to pick them up wednesday yes and then in order to justify this pick otherwise we'll have to retroactively take this pick away.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Wednesday, you pick them up and then you leave them in your house and you have to eat them on. It's written down. Okay, good. It'll happen. Dallas spoken.
Starting point is 00:36:57 All right, Rooks, where are you getting your rules from? No, it's Corey's turn. No, I'm an idiot. Corey,
Starting point is 00:37:03 where are you getting your rules from? Hawaiian? Oh, I know that's on the board. that's actually so my sister i think we all know does is not a she's not a chef she does not like cooking it is she has like wiggled her way into like a great position for thanksgiving where it's like you know how like maybe you guys don't feel this way but i'm like okay like it's like a potluck like, maybe you guys don't feel this way, but I'm like, okay, like, it's like a potluck, like, you should probably try to bring something like make something. And so it's like a little external pressure. Not really, it's pretty simple. But because everyone in our family knows that she doesn't cook, like one year, eight years ago,
Starting point is 00:37:40 she bought Hawaiian rolls, and it's stuck. And and now that's like a staple and expected and like everybody's favorite thing meanwhile like people like cook for like two hours and bring food across the state of pennsylvania and they're like oh yeah that's pretty good but like those hawaiian rolls you got at walmart they were sick dog like god anyway i'm not picking those out of spite i'm gonna i'm gonna should have i'm taking the first experience of the day i'm gonna go um sitting at the kids table so background i am the youngest of all my cousins and so it's different stages right so like when you're little it's a lot of fun because you're just at a separate kids table like doing kid shit like i don't know coloring playing games whatever you're doing and it's a lot of fun because you're just at a separate kids table, like doing kid shit. I don't know, coloring, playing games, whatever you're doing.
Starting point is 00:38:27 And it's like you feel like no supervision, even though they're like your parents and everybody are right upstairs. Great bonding time. A lot of fun, a lot of memories. And now on the other side of it, it's like everybody else is older and they're all like retired and all that. And we still like the way the seating is we still have to sit at a different table so it's still the kids table but it's like we're having drinks and like my dad's sneaking off to come over and like hang out with us and like chit chat and gossip and it's definitely more like the fun table uh so i'm going i'm going sitting at the kids table specific maybe to me but i like it that's one of my favorite things.
Starting point is 00:39:06 Right now, Corey just has mashed potatoes in a really small table that he's drafted. Just picture him on a plate, just playing with his hands with mashed potatoes. I'm going to eat at the kids' table happily. Stuff in my face with taters. All right, Rux, back to back. All right, I'm going to do one food, one experience. The to back. Alright, I'm gonna do one food, one experience.
Starting point is 00:39:26 The food I'm doing, I'm strictly doing this just to pretty much say fuck off to turkey. I'm picking ham. Let's go! I always... First off, ham versus turkey, ham wins 10 times out of 10. Yep. No lies.
Starting point is 00:39:41 No question. You're gonna tell me you like that dry ass white meat turkey fuck now just all draft better turkey dog shit yeah draft boston market turkey or something dude done or you can just get ham from anywhere and it's better so i'm gonna pick a nice, thick, juicy, honey-baked ham with my second pick. Like, ham's just better. And then also, it's hilarious that we're doing a Thanksgiving draft, and turkey did not come off the board, and ham's coming off first. I just love it.
Starting point is 00:40:17 I'm not going to draft turkey if you guys don't draft it. I'm not going to draft it. No, turkey stinks. Did you just hear my argument? I'm not drafting it. I already got my meat. I got my meat. I have not drafting. No, turkey stinks. Did you just hear my argument? I'm not drafting it. I already got my meat. I got my meat. I have a side.
Starting point is 00:40:29 I'm ready for an experience now. I don't need anything else. You're on Mel Kiper's, like, surprised undrafted list. You're experiencing that schmeat. What do you mean? You don't need another experience. Rooks can handle two schmeats. He's already got the stuffing.
Starting point is 00:40:43 It sounds overwhelming. Anyway. But, yeah. Ham. Ham's overwhelming. Anyway. But, yeah. Ham. Ham's better than turkey. I'm sorry. I hate to burst everyone's bubble here. It's just, there's so much more flavor.
Starting point is 00:40:54 Yeah, you can just lather out. Like, you can just dump gravy all over your turkey and shit. But, like, it's just a chip for gravy then. You know what I mean? It's just a vehicle to shove gravy in then you know i mean it's just a vehicle to shove gravy in your face uh do you put gravy on your ham no because i don't need to because it's delicious ham's gross great counterpoint rooks great counterpoint thank you anyway so we're gonna so that's my first the second my second pick on my back-to-back, I'm going to do experience.
Starting point is 00:41:30 Like, I'm going to say just Thanksgiving football. Ew. And that's going to be games as well as, like, my family always plays a game, too. So it's great watching football on Thanksgiving. Nothing better than post-Thanksgiving dinner, just sitting on a fucking couch and just like sweating out all your all your juices and just watching um the cowboys stomp someone out like they play the fucking lions and shit like every year cowboys are in the nfcs they don't stop anybody out well haven't they only lost two games or something they're nice yeah they're still bad anyway um but love watching football on thanksgiving it's a great it's a great activity through the day and then my family also plays it it's great my like my little cousins they're
Starting point is 00:42:19 they can they we grew up growing up you know a little obnoxious little kids run around bothering you and shit we get on the football field you best believe like when i was when they were like when they're like six right they're running blocking for somebody with the ball my ass is 20 24 23 at this time you're getting one firm push to the chest and you're eating dirt buddy you're you're gonna not want to play football anymore and this is for all the push to the chest and you're eating dirt, buddy. You're going to not want to play football anymore. And this is for all the annoying shit you do when we're in the house together. Like, we settle our differences on the field. It's a great time.
Starting point is 00:42:56 Ham and football, that's what Maryland does. Ham and football, that's what Maryland does. Yeah, I'm just drafting Thanksgiving Day football in general, and I'm going to pass it pass it all right bop it well you took uh i was gonna say rooting against the cowboys every year it's actually fun because they're one of the teams that is guaranteed to have a game so it's actually nice as an eagles fan to actively have a team you want to root for because family pastime everybody just hates the Cowboys and historically they've been pretty bad like recent history maybe not this year whatever but it's like that's like me against the Lions I just I don't hate the Lions I hate the
Starting point is 00:43:36 Packers but they're in the same division and the Bears play the Lions on Thanksgiving this year so there you go go back go Bears Super Bears Super bowl um i'm gonna go with the american staple i'm going apple pie baby ah fuck you dude oh good choice great i'm shocked i'm shocked ham went before it but hey i'm glad to have it i'll love me some ham man are you going honey glaze yeah a little honey baked yeah yeah yeah yeah all right all right yeah classic i don't like i i don't need to talk about it it's apple pie it's america you're making this apple pie in a skillet over a wood stove what are you doing give me some specifics so usually dutch or crust on the top yeah i go crust on the top cobbler i'm a dutch so i would like to make
Starting point is 00:44:27 cobbler every year but people dibs apple pie and one year i brought apple cobbler thank you brian for the recipe love it it's one of my favorites and i brought it not knowing and you know when you get like little side comments i was like, well, we're not bringing this next year. Because it's like two Apple things. I'm like, eh, alright, whatever. Who cares? Meanwhile, Karina's bringing Hawaiian rolls. Trash.
Starting point is 00:44:55 Karina, call it. Defend yourself. Ice cream or no ice cream on the Apple Pie? Oh, I... I'm going no. I like it. For Thanksgiving... It's so good. For Thanksgiving, I'm going no i like it for thanksgiving it's so good for thanksgiving i'm saying no for thanksgiving i'm saying no because there's so many different pies i want to have if i'm
Starting point is 00:45:13 shoveling ice cream down it's gonna be a lot that's fair if it's so this is my if it's cold no if it's warm yes the ice cream warm. If the ice cream is boiling, I want it. I always make a little stop in the microwave and heat it up no matter how it is. 250 degrees. Hot food is better than cold food. Nine times out of ten. Cereal? We're all thinking.
Starting point is 00:45:43 We're all like, wait. Pizza? I said nine times out of ten. Cereal? No the tenth time there you go we found it nine out of ten eaters agree pizza better than hot pizza there i said it lies all right time to draft another food from a specific restaurant um i fucking hate okay just so you know just yeah before you say this you have to also get this food on wednesday well, wherever it is. No, it's fine. No, no, no.
Starting point is 00:46:06 It's this one. No, this one's legit. This isn't from a restaurant. This is like another Mayberry recipe. So we always had this every Thanksgiving, and we always thought it was pumpkin pie, but it wasn't. It's pumpkin cheesecake because we've always had it and loved it, and then we would like go to other Thanksgivings. But like their pumpkin pie sucked. My mom would be like, well, we don't actually eat pumpkin cheesecake. Because we've always had it and loved it. And then we would, like, go to other Thanksgivings and be like, their pumpkin pie sucked. My mom would be like, well, we don't actually eat pumpkin pie. So my whole family hates pumpkin pie because we've always had pumpkin cheesecake and thought that's what it was.
Starting point is 00:46:35 But, man, is it good. You get, like, an inch-thick graham cracker crust on the bottom, and then you put, like, about a foot of whipped cream on top. Oh, that's the right ratio. Soggy as hell. Bringing it back to the first round soggy boyo off the board ask my mom for the recipe it's great soggy boyos man that's all i'm gonna be thinking about at fucking thanksgiving this year i'm just gonna be eating my plate i'm just gonna be like be like, Soggy's boy. You could be Soggy playing football and Soggy sitting at the kids' table. So, we got it. Keep going.
Starting point is 00:47:10 That's very true. Don't say Soggy at the kids' table. Don't think about it. Keep going. Zaddy, what we got? I'm going with... I'll do one food and one experience. So, I'm going to do for my food... I'm going to take gravy.
Starting point is 00:47:25 Big fan of gravy. It goes great on everything, except for my mashed potatoes, which I don't like gravy on my mashed potatoes, but good on stuffing. It makes the turkey palatable, which is delicious. And I think, too, like the gravy is also super interesting because people will buy like the the made gravy mix but what my mom does is she'll take the drippings from the turkey and then just dump that into a saucepan and add the gravy and then mix it up so i feel like that makes
Starting point is 00:47:52 makes like makes or break the gravy um that's actually the turkey sweat that you're cooking the gravy with it's all yes uh gets really nervous in the oven gets real soggy in the oven yeah um uh so yeah so i'm gonna go uh that with my um pick again it's great um and then my um uh experience is inappropriately playing with a turkey baster so you know you have the turkey baster and you're walking around. I can't hate you. You know, you're walking around. You can kind of suck up people's ears or cheeks. If you've got two of them, you can kind of put them by your pecs and make them real long pointy nipples.
Starting point is 00:48:36 It's just a cool thing. I'll just kind of stand on the sink sometimes, just suck up water and then squirt it out. So I'm going to go with playing with the turkey baster. All right. Zach's sitting at the kid table with cory yeah that's your first that's your first experience so that's like the to me that's like the thing you look forward to every year when else do you get to when else you get to play with a turkey baster my guy you're an adult whatever you want yeah go get a baster it ruins the experience it
Starting point is 00:49:06 waters down the turkey basin experience i'm i'm just picturing zach walking around with two fucking turkey baster nipples and his family's be like god damn it zach you've done this every year and you're fucking 27 go sit at the kids table shop and eat your dinner alright well I know what I'm buying you for Christmas gold plated turkey baster coming in don't act like you've never played like done things with the turkey baster other than
Starting point is 00:49:38 base the turkey so my family has given up on Thanksgiving and we just buy turkey from what's the place Corey you said earlier Boston Market So my family has given up on Thanksgiving, and we just buy turkey from... What's the place, Corey, you said earlier? Boston Market. Boston Market. We just literally buy sliced turkey.
Starting point is 00:49:53 So we put very little effort in. So no basters in this house. Of all the places to get it, that's the best place. But we eat it cold. I hate it. I'm not a fan.'re just like take it out the oven or the fridge and put on the table like all right let's go eat so it sounds like i need to get you a turkey baster yeah so you can go enjoy thanksgiving brian's gonna base the boston market
Starting point is 00:50:19 cold turkey with some boiling hot ice cream exactly soggy hey there you go oh am i up okay yeah i'll i'll vamp until i can find guys no one has drafted thankfulness as their experience come on oh my god eat a dick go jump off a cliff that's on my list of I'm not drafting this, but I need to say it. Worst. Do another one, but like a lot worse. Wait, do you guys? Okay, so serious question.
Starting point is 00:50:51 Do you guys go around? Because I didn't realize that this was like a tradition. Does anyone actually go around and do what we're thankful for? Because we don't. We don't. I think my family has done it like once or twice. And I just give typical bullshit answers. We're always waiting to hear what the little kids have to say because they just say dumb shit every year.
Starting point is 00:51:11 So like I think we've done a handful of times, but like eventually we were like, OK, this is kind of dumb. Yeah, I hate it. It's all sappy and like, oh, my family. OK, cool. We all get that. We're all here it usually it usually happens when we're when we started talking about politics at the table and my mom or someone trying to wrangle us back in be like all right everyone what are you thankful for brooks's
Starting point is 00:51:34 cousins are thankful for this stiff arm in their face yeah thankful they learned their lesson on the goddamn field today all right what are you picking all right you wouldn't let me draft thankfulness i'll save my experiences for the last two rounds because i need this one off the board i just thought of it like last round uh mac and cheese does anyone else have that thanksgiving other than just me yeah no but i don't know i i literally yeah i don't have it but i was asking if it was so i would allow it yeah i'm like in mind we always have goddamn like macaroni salad and it's like no i want fucking mac i want like ooey gooey mac and cheese like what the fuck some soggy bullshit cheese on some elbow macaroni no yeah we have that actually like all the time and it's
Starting point is 00:52:23 it's a good tradition so just another bread and cheese dish really just like block up your insides just so that like later on just get a good one coming out of it you no okay here we go so we said we were gonna allow uh other bread items since texas roadhouse brian uh i'm gonna go this is super basic i'm gonna go crescent rolls the buttery crescent rolls okay solid we don't we only have them on like i think like well okay pigs in a blanket but besides that it's like christmas and thanksgiving so it's like special occasion we go we go get to the uh pillsbury dough boy the good stuff and we uh butter it up and have a good meal so yeah i'm gonna go that that's my bread well actually that's that's one everyone
Starting point is 00:53:25 has like four breads on their list it's fun cory do you unwrap the crescent roll or do you eat it from one end like a tube uh i do not wait no i don't unwrap it i i cut it and put butter on it and then i eat it like bread more more importantly bry guy do you unwrap the crescent roll as you do every little debbie snack i was gonna ask if that's why zach was asking it um so when we have crescent rolls i don't remember we had them a lot when i was a kid probably because like dude play with your food have some fun with your life you know i don't i'm not sitting here with three forks and two knives and gloves on keep my elbows off the table like let me just Have some fun with your life, you know? I'm not sitting here with three forks and two knives and gloves on, keeping my elbows off the table.
Starting point is 00:54:06 Like, let me just have some fun. I'm at the kids' table with Corey just throwing mashed potatoes around, okay? Hell yeah. You're not going to be noticing me unrolling the rolls because there's going to be crap everywhere. Be the least of your concerns. I will say the big pigs in a blanket, too much. Too much hot dog. Not enough crescent roll.
Starting point is 00:54:26 Yeah. What the fuck is a big pigs in a blanket? Too much. Too much hot dog. Not enough crescent roll. Yeah. How big is a... What the fuck is a big pigs in a blanket? Are you saying just like where you don't cut the hot dog or something? Yeah, what is that? You just put a full hot dog and wrap it in one crescent roll. That's so lazy. What the fuck?
Starting point is 00:54:37 I just think you're making them wrong. Oh, really? It's just a fucking hog in a duvet, dude. What the fuck is that? That thing is fucking huge. hog and a duvet, dude. What the fuck is that? That thing is fucking huge. Hog and a duvet. Off the top of the dome, that's impressive. Where you pull duvet from.
Starting point is 00:54:57 I appreciate it. I don't know why I like saying the word duvet a lot. It's me, right? Yeah, you're right. This is four and five right yeah yeah okay um i'm gonna go we don't we're only allowed two experiences correct yes yeah okay i'm gonna go um food and this is like hold hold on. Actually, question first. What's everyone's bread choices that they've done
Starting point is 00:55:27 so far? Okay. Mine is Crescent Rolls. Do you want me to recap everything? No, just give me the breads. I have cornbread and also the rolls from Texas Roadhouse. I've got brown and serve
Starting point is 00:55:43 rolls. Okay. Do it. Do it. Do it. We need a fourth bread. I was going to do it. Yeah, fuck it. We're doing it. My family, I always go see
Starting point is 00:55:59 Yorktown, Virginia. Southeast corner of Virginia. They like cooking everything with butter. And these buttery ass like country biscuits are just an absolute slapper at Thanksgiving like they used to my grandma used to
Starting point is 00:56:14 like fully bake them but now she just buys them from places and stuff because it's like a process but like they're like oh my gosh as you can tell these boyos love bread we're also bread boyos as well as soggy boyos apparently. Soggy bread boyos. A nice buttery biscuit in the middle of the craziness of Thanksgiving always hits.
Starting point is 00:56:34 I'm going biscuits in my first one. Dude, you'd have biscuits and gravy for Thanksgiving? That's so Southern. But I'm all about it. It's fire. It's so fucking good. Are you a flaky biscuit guy or a crumbly biscuit guy i've had i've had both i and i do enjoy both i the crumbly so the crumbly has like better flavor
Starting point is 00:56:57 it's just more of a fucking mess the crumbly one you you start eating it's that nature valley effect where it just starts like disintegrating and starts going all over the place. But I think it has more flavor than the flaky ones. The flaky ones, texturally though, much more cohesive. Man, you're pulling out some good words today. Holy shit. What do you think I've been doing for these two weeks? I've been fucking head down in a Webster's just fucking reading words.
Starting point is 00:57:27 Right clicking and word thesaurus right click thesaurus um but so yeah so that's gonna be my number four is uh nice juicy biscuits and then five i'm gonna go with experience so question i'm gonna i'm gonna preface this first question do you guys dress up for thanksgiving no fine dress up like do you wear jeans and like a like a sweater yeah yeah right okay yeah yeah it's a sweater yeah it's a sweater my experience is taking those clothes off eventually after dinner yeah dude yeah my when i'm sitting down at thanksgiving dinner yo i got american eagle slim jeans that are like the stretchy kinds when i'm sitting at thanksgiving dinner those things are stressed to the max those things are fighting for their goddamn life the belt is the the fucking um the the button is just like about to pop off it's mess. But the second I hit that on button off,
Starting point is 00:58:27 I take the sweater off, throw on some nice comfy clothes, throw on some joggers. Your boy is a happy boy-o. Happy, soggy boy-o every day of my life. But yeah, the experience of just getting out of those fucking clothes, and my grandma's house is typically pretty warm too, so'm i'm a little bit of a sweaty boy as well like
Starting point is 00:58:49 yourself it's a great feeling it's a fucking it's a 10 out of 10 feeling i think that's a steal picking that in the fifth round i think that's an absolute steal that's what he uses when he's making his gravy oh Ugh. Oh, derruks. Great choice, but or you could just wear a white t-shirt and gym shorts to dinner, and that works too. Question for the panel. What time do you have Thanksgiving dinner?
Starting point is 00:59:17 Zach. So I judge it based off the football games. I think we're normally, I think it's normally around like 2 30 okay 2 30 cory i was gonna say between two and three rooks we're we're typically closer to the four o'clock game typically because we'll have our we'll do our football game before like all of us so that'll be like a noon to whatever ish and then we all got a shower and everything and then later like it's a little bit later than you guys okay my family it's just like
Starting point is 00:59:52 they wake up start cooking when it's done we eat so we have like we have thanksgiving dinner at like 12 or like one like whatever it's like guys i had breakfast two hours ago I'm not hungry yet this man's gonna have to go to Texas Roadhouse so early this year to get his goddamn rolls I 100% am going to like Uber Eats some Texas Roadhouse rolls to the apartment and it's gonna be great
Starting point is 01:00:21 uh C word you're up right yeah I think so um okay so i think we're it's six items right it's four food two yeah you have one food and one experience left to draft okay so i'm gonna go experience and along the same lines as rooks but i'm gonna do the food coma afterwards that usually ends in a nap right so okay i think i eat between two and three so that i'm stuffed what's the so there's what are the games it's like one o'clock four o'clock and eight o'clock ish yeah yeah there'll be like some variants i think the first game actually starts at
Starting point is 01:01:05 like noon or no i think it's early it's noon for you well 11 for you yeah okay so i so yeah i don't know if i've ever made it out of the second half of the four o'clock game because by that point it's like two like two to three somewhere in that we start eating. And then we just keep eating. And then, yeah, around four o'clock, we start watching the game. I'm sawing logs by the third quarter, for sure. Literally, one of my experiences was taking a nap at the second half of the Cowboys game. That's really funny. Love it. But it's a soggy nap yeah you just get real sweaty because
Starting point is 01:01:49 you didn't take off your clothes like rooks did because you didn't fall asleep on a leather couch the worst well people always say that we had a leather couch in my house it wasn't that bad you just like wake up stick and do it man how like one of those deep sleeps you know the ones where you get like the imprint of the pillow on your face like one of those naps i don't have a leather pillow i'm sleeping on no i know but i'm saying one of those heavy naps but on a leather couch yeah how much do you sweat when you sleep you like if your body temperature is like mildly warm you're gonna stick to a leather couch yeah i think i run hot i've gotten compliment or not and then it's a compliment i've got feedback
Starting point is 01:02:30 i've gotten feedback from many people be like why are you always warm i'm like i don't know yeah a lot of energy to get this body going oh yeah me you and bry guy are all in the same boat there i don't know about the c word but i run super hot we 100 degrees because i'm super hot boy lukewarm guy our dorm freshman year rooks i don't know if you remember we had like really smelly cleats so we just kept the windows open and kept the cleats in the window it was like it was like november getting to december and it was like 30 degrees out we just kept the windows open oh we were chilling i was feeling great it's not bad at all i don't know leather couches don't affect me sorry uh tangent am i he's built different yeah impervious to leather that's in my uh draft profile all right i have two experiences left to
Starting point is 01:03:18 draft um i'm gonna draft the excuses. So after Thanksgiving dinner, you're just like, yeah, you know, like Turkey makes you sleepy. I can't, I don't want to do dishes. Cause you know, I'm sleepy or like,
Starting point is 01:03:32 you know, full of food. I don't want to do anything like football's on. I won't do it. You just, you have any excuse to just go do nothing for the rest of the day. It's a get out of jail, free card,
Starting point is 01:03:42 one excuse the entire year. Just be like, nah, I'm going to go over there. So it's a get out of jail free card one excuse the entire year just be like nah i'm gonna go over there so it's great no i'm gonna go over there for its family's trying to talk to him in the living room he's like stop talking he just moves to another couch It's Thanksgiving. It's my one day a year. I knew that was really high on your boards. I'm surprised I fell that far. Yeah, I had that right after Texas Roadhouse Rolls. Jesus. Okay.
Starting point is 01:04:18 All right, Zach. Last two. Last two. All right, I'm going to do experience is my last pick. So I'm going to take my last food. I'm going to do experience as my last pick. So I'm going to take my, for my last food, I'm going to take mashed sweet potatoes. So I've got a big sweet potato kick lately. So caveat, they do not have the marshmallows on them. They don't have any brown sugar or any extra sweetness in them.
Starting point is 01:04:37 We treat them like regular mashed potatoes. You add salt, pepper, garlic, take the skins off, mash them around. And it's honestly,'s sometimes i like mashed sweet potatoes better than regular mashed potatoes it is uh i am a big potato boy and sweet potatoes are healthier so i get uh i get uh the health benefits out of sweet potatoes so me and zach have been aligning today i i can granted i i am a big potato boy and i do love my my typical mashed potato but if you're having sweet potatoes and you're not having them savory you're doing yourself a disservice preach savory sweet potatoes are the best the other ones it's just cinnamon it's just
Starting point is 01:05:18 cinnamon and sugar like it's you it's not good what's the first word in this food we're saying savory sweet savory potatoes yeah sorry i was reading the wrong card What's the first word in this food we're saying? Savory. Savory sweet potatoes. Savory potatoes. Yeah, sorry. I was reading it wrong. But that's the thing. It already has the built-in sweetness. It has enough sweetness in it already.
Starting point is 01:05:32 You do not need to add more. I don't know where the Willy Wonka-ass grandmas got off and be like, let's add marshmallows to this bitch and it'll be fine. Totally agree. I put salt, pepper, and a little bit of turmeric on my ice cream. It really balances it out a little bit. Hey, it doesn't sound that bad to me. I'm with you, Zach.
Starting point is 01:05:47 Thanks, man. I appreciate it. It's that savory ice cream. I'm surprised me and Corey, I'm agreed with Corey. Never done anything I didn't see this day in my life. And we started off with me making lasagna in the same episode. I mean, not me. Can't win them all, but hey, look at us.
Starting point is 01:06:08 All right. And for my last experience, okay, we've hated on turkey, right? Turkey stinks. We agree it stinks. The experience I'm drafting is walking over to the fridge at about 10 p.m. and picking the cold turkey out of the meat bag. So, you know, like the bag you put all the leftover turkey in? And when you walk over there and you're just standing, like you're standing in the light
Starting point is 01:06:31 of the fridge, right? The door is open. You're kind of hazy. You woke up from your nap and you open up that fresh Ziploc and you were sticking there. It's got the greasy dark meat in there. You're just standing there looking at the fridge and you're just eating the dark meat. So I'm going to take eating the cold leftover turkey out of the meat bag. How did you start this out with
Starting point is 01:06:49 everyone agrees turkey stinks. All right. Yeah, I'm going to draft turkey. It's not turkey. I'm not drafting turkey. I'm drafting the meat bag. No, it's experience. It's experience of eating
Starting point is 01:06:59 the leftover turkey out of the meat bag. You picked appetizer as experience last time, bitch. Shut up. I don't get it. Okay, I'm running out. Do you think we're ever going to have a draft that goes correct? No, not once. Oh, this is going just how I planned it, so it's fine.
Starting point is 01:07:21 Yeah, again, I am not drafting turkey. I am drafting eating the turkey out of the meat bag. You guys know what I'm talking about, right? With the refrigerator light on your face. With the refrigerator open and it being dark in the rest of the house. As much as it hurts me, yeah, I know exactly what you're talking about. Right? Wake up from the nap.
Starting point is 01:07:38 I do too. So don't act like you're all shocked. Like, oh, I don't know what you're talking about. But it's the fact that leftover Thanksgiving Thanksgiving food for like leftover turkeys isn't. It's the it's the preciseness of your description. That's what makes it. It hits home. I feel like I'm there now.
Starting point is 01:07:56 Yes. I want all those words on the graphic, Brian. Everything that I just said, I want on there. I wrote down experience of eating turkey out of a bag from the fridge. So I'll work with that alright this next one might be controversial I'm going to draft Christmas
Starting point is 01:08:14 the anticipation no because look I like this pick but you gotta defend it I like this pick but you gotta defend it i like this pic but you gotta we gotta we gotta hear it out and then we'll bash it please i need the point i need the point because look the best part of thanksgiving is when it's over it's christmas as soon as it's done no one can give you any crap for having any christmas stuff up it's officially free for all
Starting point is 01:08:52 put all the music up put your lights up put your tree up the best holiday of the year is coming around the corner start planning start buying presents our holiday party is like five days away it's coming up quick uh you don't have to pretend like thanksgiving is a holiday that's like in between it goes from halloween straight to christmas for some reason thanksgiving is in the middle all i'm doing is waiting until like 1201 on thanksgiving night so i can just be like all right christmas time put on the hat i'm agreed hold on before we get into this what's the the exact name of this draft that we're doing a thanksgiving draft thanksgiving food and experiences draft
Starting point is 01:09:31 electric electric bugaloo yeah the experience of having a thanksgiving end and then it being christmas if you i will i will give this to you don't like, though, is the phrasing of your pick. Saying you're drafting Christmas does not – I don't like that. That was for some shock value. Yeah, if you were just to say the anticipation and the acceptance of Christmas, like I would get – I'll give that to you. It's fine. Say the start of Christmas Christmas
Starting point is 01:10:08 no period Christmas it's Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas
Starting point is 01:10:12 Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas
Starting point is 01:10:13 Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas
Starting point is 01:10:13 Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas
Starting point is 01:10:13 Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas
Starting point is 01:10:13 Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas
Starting point is 01:10:18 Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas
Starting point is 01:10:18 Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas
Starting point is 01:10:18 Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas
Starting point is 01:10:19 Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas
Starting point is 01:10:24 Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Merry Christmas Round out your draft, Chief. I think I'm winning. Yeah, anticlimactic. I'm going pumpkin bread. Staple in the family. I bring it to every single Friendsgiving, Thanksgiving, whatever that I do. In my family, it's like the one item that is specific to my immediate nuclear family that we will bring.
Starting point is 01:10:47 That's the family of four, dude. That like the bomb oh yeah that's the first continue yeah rooks rooks hit up a thesaurus i'm here i got words um but yeah it's like the it's the one thing that i will actually like the only food item i will brag about that my family makes that i think is incredible and i'll bring it everywhere and i don't know if it's passed down or if my mom found it randomly on the back of a recipe book but it's delicious pumpkin bread i'm go i'm ending on another bread and it's moist so you could almost say it fits in the bread and soggy category which is really you know hitting home to what we're feeling today leave it in the fridge a little bit it's a little moist a little condensation on it
Starting point is 01:11:30 maybe maybe pick it out at the end of the night when you only have the light of the fridge out of put it in a bag i don't care a little hybrid choice right there little utility guy i just taste some hill of this draft it's playing tight end and quarterback pumpkin bread is the taste of hill of thanksgiving food oh shit all right guys round it out enough joking around okay it's time to get serious drafting new year's please halloween i was gonna say easter um no okay i'm drafting all the diseases the native americans got when they got away no no okay you're done you're done
Starting point is 01:12:15 um that was one of my experiences that i wasn't gonna say but i was leaving on the board just in case we had a dark joke no you're all done um so like we we ragged on it a lot throughout this you know and it's don't you dare it's the staple no it's something it got a lot of time and effort goes into it and yeah it doesn't come out the best all the time psych i'm not drafting that dumb bullshit i don't want any part of that shit. My last pick is beer. Beer on Thanksgiving is fantastic. Okay? Beer, in my family, we never drank at my grandparents' place, ever. It was just never going to happen.
Starting point is 01:12:55 One year on Thanksgiving, we just decided to drink beer, and man, it changed everything. Getting a nice little buzz going while you're sitting down at the table. I got a little Asian glow. I'm sitting there just housing ham and stuffing your boy is a happy camper okay throwing down a nice little beer guy before and after dinner and after dinner it coasts you into your little siesta absolute steal of a pick at the end of the drop at the end of the draft mr irrelevant coming in hot i'm drafting beer you. You thought I was really going to pick turkey? After all the slander? Fuck no. I would like to take a moment to apologize
Starting point is 01:13:30 to absolutely nobody. Man, beer, just like the pilgrims and the Native Americans used to drink. Just a Budweiser between the two. Back in 1700s. That's pretty American. Yeah, that reminded me of the Stone Cold vine where he's like, more beer, more beer, two
Starting point is 01:13:47 beers, vodka, whiskey, tequila, more beer. But hey, that's a lovely draft. That was a good one. Let me run it through real quick. Okay. No, run it through and then we'll do honorable mentions. Fair, fair, fair. All right.
Starting point is 01:14:00 Rooks has stuffing, honey baked ham, Thanksgiving football, biscuits, taking his clothes off, and beer. Corey has mashed potatoes, the kid's table, apple pie, crescent rolls, the food coma and nap after eating, and pumpkin bread. I have cornbread made by my grandma, rolls made from Texas Roadhouse, pumpkin cheesecake made by my mom mac and cheese the excuse and christmas and zach has green bean casserole brown and serve rolls gravy turkey basters mashed sweet potato the experience of eating turkey out of the bag from the fridge so i think we crushed that you but like if you read back brian's, how many Thanksgiving items are really in there? At least three. Out of a draft of six, we run 50%?
Starting point is 01:14:55 Okay. All right. Cool. I'm just going to say it now. This is the best draft we've ever had. That was just top to bottom. That was fucking content right there well unbelievable there could be things we missed zach do you have any honorable mentions um so the i
Starting point is 01:15:12 have a couple uh experiences one is just it's kind of go along with rooks is just drinking immediately when you wake up like i like i'm i'm pounding bloody marys when i'm making food i'm if i'm not drunk by the start kickoff of the lions game. We've got a problem. The, the second experience is trying to awkwardly talk to the new significant other that has been brought to the, it's never good. They're always,
Starting point is 01:15:38 you always feel bad for him, but you're like, I don't want to put the effort in. I don't want to talk with him, but you, you talk for five minutes and you're like, all right, I did that.
Starting point is 01:15:44 I did said my piece, but they just always five minutes, and you're like, all right, I did that. I said my piece. But they just always look so uncomfortable, and I always feel bad for them. And then I feel like the appetizers are an unsung hero of Thanksgiving. Everyone's like, don't fill up on the appetizers. But I love a little cheese and sausage, a little charcut board, a little shrimp cocktail, a little shrimp cocks in my mouth. Oh, my gosh.
Starting point is 01:16:02 Bite it, bite it. That's just two on the head. Yeah, that's good take all of it all of it didn't mean didn't mean to do that do you guys have appetizers
Starting point is 01:16:12 at Thanksgiving oh yeah mine is so early appetizers just cereal we do like dressing rolls and shrimp cocktails so
Starting point is 01:16:19 burn it's called breakfast yeah I know they pair great with this Texas Roadhouse rolls. Roadhouse. Anyways, I don't think I have any honorable mentions. I have. I dropped everything I wanted, to be honest.
Starting point is 01:16:37 I have two. Not as good as Zach's, obviously. He gets weirdly specific. I'm going to put, I had Black Friday shopping, so we would go like to those who wake up from their nap we would go and just like we went one year like eight years eight years ago maybe as like uh oh it would be funny like things are open now like we don't have to like go at like five in the morning we can just go at 10 p.m and we went to like walmart and it
Starting point is 01:17:02 just one is hilarious but also two we ended up coming out with stuff so like jokes on us and then we kept doing that every single year uh did you guys do you guys do the break the wishbone because we don't but like that's a thing yeah no it's not like a tradition but we've done it yeah and then uh i had ambrosia if it got really thin on the food list just because of uh of kelly shout out kelly that's like the weird like jello it's so weird dude jello marshmallow it's an experience to eat it's absolutely an experience i think you can do different i think it's like you can do different it's like jello marshmallow and there's something like savory that's not supposed to be in there. Sweet potato.
Starting point is 01:17:46 Turmeric. I would say Jell-O, big thing on my grandma's side of the family to make for any holiday. It's either red Jell-O with mandarin oranges or cherry Jell-O with apples. What kind of apples? Granny Smith, I think.
Starting point is 01:18:05 Cherry with Granny Smith? That seems like a green apple type of jello. Yeah, I think she puts carrots in them too. I don't know. You can't throw that one in there. Yeah, she puts carrots in orange jello. Yeah. Just because it's orange, she's got to put it in there.
Starting point is 01:18:20 Every orange matches the color. Okay. Well. All right. My two. Okay. Well, all right. My two. It better be better than that. I mean, they're not. Well, my food. So this is me giving my grandma just huge shout out.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Shout out, Mimi. Love you. She makes this broccoli casserole that's fire. Like, it's like a typical broccoli casserole type thing. But then she coats the top with cheese it's oh my gosh it's so good it is like it is so good the crust is and it always comes out just so fucking perfect um and then i had an experience just in case football was taken and that was i don't know if y'all do this but making like a little moosh boosh of everything
Starting point is 01:19:04 on your plate like having bites of just like eight different things at once You know what I'm saying? Like a little like a little McGang bang like just putting it all together and eating. How do you spell that? I wanna I wanna know. Moosh-boosh I haven't gotten that far in the dictionary yet. I'm not sure. Alright. Yeah. Yeah go to the M section next time Yeah, you're off in a week. Getting the bite that has five different items in it? Yeah. It's always a good time.
Starting point is 01:19:32 Oh, honorable mention, corn? Anybody? Oh yeah, corn's great. Corn's fantastic. I just didn't want to draft corn. No, I know. I know. Just honorable mention, it's always like I'll get a thing of stuffing put some gravy on it scoop up some mashed potatoes there's always corn just stuck to everything
Starting point is 01:19:49 and like a piece of turkey oh yeah like that's the bite yeah shout out corn keep doing you dog don't bring it down yeah undrafted but hey you're gonna make it kid you got a lot of potential practice squad tell your buddy turkey tell your buddy turkey keep his head up tell your buddy turkey to give up forever well actually dark i'll say i will say another draft over dark meat turkey dealable white meat turkey jesus christ oh you know what lord help you you know what i i i go white meat sorry but i drown it in gravy to your other point which was also you know what this year i'm going dark meat because I think that's like the little kid in me. Like I used to not like dark meat.
Starting point is 01:20:30 And you know what? My palate's grown. I've changed. So I'll give that a try after I have some Texas Roadhouse rolls. Yeah. Do you put those together? One more. One more experience and then we can wrap up.
Starting point is 01:20:43 Pretending to like the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Why do we put that shit up? Oh, yes. Yes. That's a good point. I don't care. I don't care. Congrats.
Starting point is 01:20:51 Pikachu going through. Nice. Stewie. Really cool. Fucking Rick Astley singing. Never going to give you up on a float. Don't do that. So.
Starting point is 01:20:59 Well, they always have all the performances are always random fucking people, too. It's like, will I am? It too it's like but we're not like it's like will i am it's like dude you're not with the black eyed peas i don't care and then it'll be someone who got fourth place in american idol in 2006 performing talk about david archuleta like that performing on top of a fucking pirate ship it's like what the fuck is am i on acid right now like what am i watching i mean to be fair and this might be a good place to end it. After the end of the Macy's Day Parade, you get to see fucking Santa come out. So I think Brian's pick is right.
Starting point is 01:21:30 Hey. Everyone knows it's the right part. It's how you end it. With that said, thank you for listening. We love you. There's a link. I was going to give a little speech there's a link
Starting point is 01:21:47 click on that you can send a voice message I'm already giving my goodbye kisses raise five stars bye

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