It’s Wednesday My Dudes - Ep. 43: Holiday Party V: Staying Alive: V for Vendetta: Bingo

Episode Date: December 1, 2021

Boyos are prepping for the nations largest Gala this weekend as Holiday Party V is finally upon us. They recap their thanksgivings that went surprisingly well with no family drama, and draft a bingo b...oard for what events they think are gonna happen at the party. There are some usual suspects but also some odd balls to keep the board interesting. Rate us 5 stars and leave a review on Apple Podcasts! Links here to follow on Social Media! and Find Other Places to Listen!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 How are the Texas Roadhouse rolls? Were they a hit? Oh, fuck yeah. I mean, I don't want to get into my weekly stuff yet. Well, just give us a little taste. Were they a hit or no? I ate most of them. They were a hit.
Starting point is 00:00:14 They were appreciated. It's a bigger thing in society than you guys are giving me credit for. How long were you in line at texas roadhouse waiting for everybody else who ordered their texas roadhouse rolls to pick them up there was a line cory thanks for asking uh there were two people in front of me and the the person like handing them out was stressed because apparently they do this a lot and it's a thing on thanksgiving because you looked in the window there was about like 100 bags full of just bread. So I'm not crazy.
Starting point is 00:00:49 So fight me. Rate that soggy though. How soggy was the bread? Oh, not at all. Super dry. Well, not dry. It was the right amount, you know? Where it like pulls apart, slav or some of that cinnamon butter on it.
Starting point is 00:01:02 Also, it's great in the microwave heated up because i bought it like a day before and it's great two days later also in the microwave might have had four meals in a row um it was great walked in the door with the bag and mike looked at me and just like started laughing and everyone else was really confused like why i had food it's great i thought it was like my suitcase mike knew what was going on there, right? Yeah. Shout out, Mike. Love you, big guy. Hot Mike.
Starting point is 00:01:31 Hot Mike. In relative other news so we don't get too much into your week, I think I'm immune to NyQuil now. I think I've taken too much NyQuil that my body has ignored the effects of NyQuil. How often are you taking NyQuil? Every night. Well, no, it's not every night,
Starting point is 00:01:50 but when I'm sick, you know how when you get medicine from the doctor, you're supposed to finish the bottle, right? So even if I get better, I just finish the bottle of NyQuil. Not all at once. I don't think that's how you're supposed to do it. Well, I also have kind of thrown the plastic cup away
Starting point is 00:02:04 and just take a couple gulps and assume that that's enough. Measure with your heart, dog. That's right. The doctor gave me 50 laxative pills. I have to finish them. It's like in Yu-Gi-Oh. I got to believe in the heart of the cards. I got to believe in the heart of the NyQuil.
Starting point is 00:02:18 Pot of greed. Finishing it is like, that's like a, I think that's a... Antibiotic. Yeah, antibiotic thing like that's like a i think that's a um antibiotic yeah antibiotic thing because that's like it stops it from regenerating and coming back or whatever but like yeah definitely not for fucking nyquil nyquil's there gotta be some antibiotics in there right otherwise it's not medicine zach's just waiting he's just building his immune system so that way he can't get poisoned by nyquil. He's going to be a few. So it's like DayQuil,
Starting point is 00:02:47 like twice as strong for you now. I don't think that's how that works, but I don't think that's how that works either. I've, uh, I used to do, uh, I think I'd like to go on, go on ebbs and flows with it.
Starting point is 00:02:57 Cause I used to take two melatonin and a shot of NyQuil as well. And baby, let me tell you, put down a large, uh, American water buffalo. And i was out in the dreams you have on nyquil amazing you have every kind of dream serious question here what the hell are you man what are you nyquil and melatonin to fall asleep jesus christ man yeah bro do you need
Starting point is 00:03:21 that or you just like enjoy sleeping like a rock yes well i don't know if does anyone really need that i mean i think there's other other ways i could probably get to sleep i mean to some extent people need it i don't think they're casually taking it so i might have to switch over to the z quill uh because that's apparently just nyquil without the like make you feel better like it's literally just to go to sleep so do you try sleeping without performance enhancing drugs no i'm i have a foregoed my opportunity to go in the sleeping hall of fame though by using all i can't like take melatonin shit because when i take it i'm like why am i not sleeping after
Starting point is 00:04:08 like five minutes i'm just laying there just freaking out why the fuck am i not asleep yet it's just not working it heightens all your other senses and then i take more and then i lay back down i'm like i took even more i'm gonna die now because i'm not sleeping like i'm just like a hot fucking mess and every medicine that rooks has is the opposite effect because he thinks it should work instantly, so it's just heightened that it's not working. So Adderall is his melatonin and vice versa. You should try it. That's not true.
Starting point is 00:04:34 They need to make those gummies taste worse, though. They taste too good. Like the melatonin gummies. They need to make them taste terrible because then I'm only going to take one or two. I had a vitamin C gummy over the weekend because it was just on the counter. I was like, these things usually taste great.
Starting point is 00:04:49 Man, you're right. They're good. Vitamin C? Could overdose on that very fast. Yeah. It's like the... I think it would definitely prevent against scurvy, but I'm pretty sure it causes another disease.
Starting point is 00:05:00 I don't know what the disease is. Vitamin D.C.? You can't eat too much vitamins disease is uh you can't see like you can't like disease like two like you can't eat like two too much vitamins right like you can't like crush the whole thing of vitamins right the actual like responses some of them are fat soluble and they'll like absorb into your body and like slowly kill you if you have too many and others are water soluble so you just piss them out so there's ones that are really bad there's ones that aren't vitamin c i don't think it's really bad but like vitamin k maybe i think it's like fat soluble so like you need to actually like watch as as a baby who almost at the time a baby i'm currently not a baby for those who don't know me um you can you can uh seriously injure yourself over vitamins
Starting point is 00:05:42 flintstone vitamins was my pass. I'm on the other side of it. I'm on the other side of it, though. Guys, I beat it. I beat the addiction. Middle body injury. We should set up a fun run for you. Too much iron in my system.
Starting point is 00:06:01 I became Iron Man. That sounds like the worst rap lyric of all time i know took so much iron call me iron man that's the most that's the most french montana ass lyric i've ever heard in my fucking life oh my god my favorite is like uh the meme where it's you know like a gun to your head and it's like name a french montana song without a feature on it and then everyone's like i can't impossible he like responded to that on twitter like all pissed off and like had to name a bunch of songs and people were like no one listens to these i'm just and i was obsessed with this song if you ever have a if you ever have a lyric as a hip-hop artist that's bitch i'm hotter than fish grease like like you just that's minus 30 respect like all the jobs now you're you're not you're not making in the hall of fame you're done
Starting point is 00:06:56 like that's that's the end of your road pal i think but like still love that fucking song i think the worst maybe not the worst lyric but the lyric everyone sings that has no one idea is at the end of it's when the um the one guy it's um drinks on nikki minaj is like uh yeah i got her grocery bag like but you couldn't come up with any other in bedrock oh my god what a classic holy fuck i miss that song yeah that's a fucking that is a negative bar that thing is awful but i'm gonna start uh-huh good no brand sorry we all talk here hit the transition guys hit it let's land the plane on what day is it play the sounder. No, I'm editing this out.
Starting point is 00:07:46 No. It is Wednesday, my dudes. Welcome back to another edition of Wednesday, my dudes. I'm Brian. Happy to be here today. With me, I always, I got Corey on the ones and twos. Thanks for having me, Brian. Good to be here.
Starting point is 00:08:06 Glad I got the invite. How's everybody doing? Me, Brian, doing great. Thanks for asking. Rooks, how are you doing, buddy? What's good? Yo, Brian, you seem extra, extra spry today, my guy. You seem worked up.
Starting point is 00:08:19 I like it. Thanks, man. We need a lot of melatonin to get me to sleep tonight. Zach, what's up? the vulva is a sexy thing my bad true that's all i got all right man this is just popping off right now baby we're fucking we are thriving all right we got wait are we actually rolling with this yeah we're doing this all right welcome back to another beautiful episode of it's wednesday my dudes Wait, are we actually rolling with this? Yeah, we're doing this. We're keeping this all in. We're keeping this all in. All right. Welcome back to another beautiful episode of It's Wednesday, my dudes.
Starting point is 00:08:51 Boys are all here. We got the full lineup. We got the fucking, we got the Pro Bowl lineup in today, okay? Females in the field did a great job last week, but they're not starters. You know what I'm saying? We got the starters here today. No offense, ladies. I love you.
Starting point is 00:09:05 But we got the starters here today. No offense, ladies. I love you. But we got the starters in the house. We got huge, huge party coming up this weekend. It's turning into a national holiday slowly but surely that the boys are all going to attend to. Me and me and Zaddy are flying out for this shindig. That's how big of a deal it is. And we're going to do a little discussion on that. Talk a little bingo and we're gonna do a little discussion on that talk a little bingo and we're gonna see where things going but hey right guy how's the weekend good uh specifically for the party we're not just gonna discuss it and then talk about bingo but make a bingo card for the party yes okay so we're just gonna talk bingo bingo is not the discussion this week we
Starting point is 00:09:44 are making a bingo for the holiday party. Jesus Christ. Did you know bingo, they don't stop when you hit a straight line in bingo? You have to get all the numbers on your bingo card. That's a different version of bingo. You can play four corners. You can play – it's like the end of bingo. You can – there's different games to it there's like the
Starting point is 00:10:05 straight line bingo there's four corners there's fill up the card i could keep going what do i sorry but if i fill up the card do i have to yell bingo like burn 45 times because that's how many bingos i have or did you say a bongo what do i know you yell you yell you yell bingo you collect your prize and then people just keep on going go to the next one why the fuck would you yell bingo, you collect your prize, and then people just keep on going. Go to the next one. Why the fuck would you yell bongo? Because you get so many bingos. I think it's like the super bingo, but that doesn't sound as cool.
Starting point is 00:10:34 The old bongo. Jesus Christ. Let's break down bingo. Let's talk about it. Yeah, this is the bingo episode. Tierless bingo rose. The third one, it has the free space in it definitely s tier but fourth row never get any f tier all right we're not talking about
Starting point is 00:10:53 i don't want to do this like we talked about line for rolls initially this week got there two old people waiting in line they wouldn't shut up stop complaining about things but man apparently they come there every year you guys are wrong i was right no no no booba boo boo suck it the rules are great next on the way to pa and when we're driving around i saw this billboard three separate times i need to send you guys the photo of it but it's a photoshopped joe biden onto a terrorist i've seen this seen this many times make the make the taliban great again and the like three separate billboards like are from pa till or from pittsburgh to like the middle of pa in like 50 mile increments all over the place who's paying for these well it's crazy
Starting point is 00:11:38 what's the billboard cost structure like i assume you have to pay an upfront fee to put it on there and then you have to pay rent right what? What's the rent for a billboard? We've actually looked in the past about renting a billboard for advertisement for the holiday party, but we have not followed through, nor do I remember the cost structure, but you're correct. You have to pay. Yeah. You have to pay for the initial, like them putting up what you want, like the graphic. And then you also have to pay for the initial like them putting up what
Starting point is 00:12:05 you want like the graphic and then you also have to pay for as long as you want it up there and all like obviously if you're on the highway that's you know you're paying some pretty good money and there's like multiple of them because i saw two of them on the way to harrisburg and like i was shocked so i didn't have my phone out and i'm driving to like take a photo of it and then i was driving around with mike and we saw it again and he was like did you see that billboard and i didn't see it but i knew what he what it was gonna say so there's another one over the place so on the drive home i like had my phone and i knew what to see like the mile marker ridiculous though um also found out apparently every child in my family when they were little had ear infections
Starting point is 00:12:46 and seizures so that was a casual conversation at the dinner table uh my mom's just like oh you guys are all right but found out i had seizures when i was a kid so sick great thanksgiving news and then back to my draft from like three weeks ago how i drafted christmas and you know laughed in my face the day after thanksgiving sitting down playing board games we put on christmas music and we opened presents so suck it did everything on my list every single thing that i drafted we did i stand by it it's true to my heart deal with it also got to go watch the penn state game with some of my friends it was terrible terrifying i hate penn state horrible way to end the year we suck but we're going to stay 12 no we just lost our defensive coordinator like the best guy on
Starting point is 00:13:40 our team too right my week 12 texas roadhouse rolls so good oh burn i think that was the first uh kiss you've given out on the podcast that was really hot even more don't like that i hated that zach how's your weekend which zach are you talking to? Yeah, Zach already went. Actual Zach? It was good. Went to Tejas, land of the armadillos and slightly overcast skies. It was good. No, that's PA. Dude, it was kind of cold. It was like 65 and 65, 70.
Starting point is 00:14:21 But yeah, it was good. Spent some time with the rents i realized that i i've come to the realization that my parents won't actually plan stuff they'll just expect us to stare at each other not be on our phones and talk so i literally like a month or two ago it was hey the bulls are playing the rockets we should go to the game and we did uh the bulls lost and the rockets one had won one game all year so they were those that was the second winner of season so that was sad um but thanksgiving was good uh that no brown and serve roles in texas uh thanks he was on life support for a while
Starting point is 00:14:56 luckily we pivoted did the crescent rolls so i was i was okay um but i was very i was scouring the kroger down south how dare you steal cory's bread choice well i needed a pivot we need to pivot hard sometimes you gotta survive in advance and that's what we had to do for thanksgiving um but yeah no i mean i i mean it was good standard family time you know didn't get too mad at each other uh any drama no. No drama. All right. I flew back on Friday. So I had all the weekend to kind of recover. Downloaded Pokemon Brilliant Diamond. What a game, let me tell you.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Just been grinding my guys and gals in that game. And it's great. I can't wait to play on the flight to Pittsburgh and just get a bunch of st a bunch of stairs at a six foot three 27 year old man just ripping through pokemon in the middle seat of a southwest flight it's gonna be great as long as you can wear the little streamer headphones that have like cat ears on them but they're pikachu ears then you got to really fit the role yeah um oh one last thing i said this before stink. They're not built for me. I don't like airplanes. I get self-conscious because I fly early in the morning or late at night. I don't want to put my laptop on and watch a movie because then it's so bright.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Everyone's going to be bothered, and I feel self-conscious about it. So fuck airplanes and how they're built. Do it on your phone. Good thing you're going to be on the airplane on Friday. I know. It's only an hour and a half flight, I think. So we'll be fine.
Starting point is 00:16:29 But yeah, I'm going to give it... Oh, the turkey was terrible. My dad grilled the turkey. I thought it was going to be medium rare. We targeted three to eat and it was about 5.30 before we even sat down.
Starting point is 00:16:42 It was rough. But we did have sausage. Stood in a meat market for like an hour and a half to get sausage. It was about 5.30 before we even sat down. It was rough. But we did have sausage. Stood in a meat market for like an hour and a half to get sausage. It was worth it. The jalapeno cheddar, delicious. So I'll give my weekend a four and a half meaty links. Yeah. Meaty links.
Starting point is 00:17:01 I didn't like that. C-Word, what do we got going on this weekend? Oh, let's see. Went to Philly for the full week. Relaxed. Hung out with family. That was good. Watched some movies. Some family time. Hung out. Made fun of Karina. A classic. A staple in the family.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Gotta do it. We get to do it this weekend, too. Back to back. Let's see. Notable notable things cowboys lost made my thanksgiving that much better also it was a heartbreaking loss so bears won there you go exactly bears uh we had our five dogs for it was actually friday the day after thanksgiving but there's five dogs so there's one dog for every two people not for dinner not for dinner but for activities living walking dogs not just needed to clarify puppies if you will poopies uh it was great uh watched we set up a projector because we
Starting point is 00:17:59 couldn't we couldn't bring my grandma to the movie theater so we brought the movie theater her to her so we watched james bond um nice it was i think brian i think you said like your thoughts on it when you saw it it was fine uh anna de armas is like barely in it though and that is sad and not what i was expecting and yeah just i would have done it differently and she's in all the previews so i looked up why she because she did knives out with daniel craig and then he was filming this movie like right after and he's like she was great she should be in the movie so they like threw her in the movie at the very end so like she comes in has this big role and then he says like bye and you expect her to come back and like be the villain or the twist or something or come help out like and save the day and just never does and it's really strange but yeah i could have could have done better but
Starting point is 00:18:50 the what leads us into this week was i spent a good chunk of my weekend prepping for a certain event that's happening yeah you might yeah some may say a gala actually most say all say um it's the red carpet event in pittsburgh um three themes to a party we had a theme every year if you know you know i'm excited. But it was a pretty relaxed weekend. So I'm going to rate it one 10 minute cameo by Ana de Armas in a two and a half hour film.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Whalers. It's a great cameo. It is. This is a big time. Rooks. Alright, Rooks. Thanks for asking. Thanksgiving. Typical, typical stuff.
Starting point is 00:19:53 Played football. Oh my gosh. Played football. Absolute stud out on the field. We were playing. I had my two dumb little cousins on my team playing against my parents and my brother. Drew up a whole scheme for them.
Starting point is 00:20:08 I was lead blocker, just pushing my little cousin in the dirt over and over again. It was so nice. He's at the age now. He's a sixth grader, but he still thinks he's a little kid. So we're just like throwing the football, and he goes to swat it, but he can't control his fucking limbs. And he just punched me in the fucking eye, and I was like but he can't control his fucking limbs and he just like punched me in the fucking eye and i was like i can't wait till we start playing i was like and i taught i cussed at him for the first time in my life i was like i was like and it was out of just
Starting point is 00:20:34 like reflex i was like if you hit me one more fucking time i'm gonna put you on the ground and i was like you're too old for this shit now like i was i was laying down the laws and he was fucking terrified he was fucking terrified. He was a deer in the headlights. But Thanksgiving was great. Hallow food. Had a grand old time eating. I looked fucking disgusting when I left Virginia.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Oh, my God. I was a fucking. I was a slop tart, baby. I was fucking thick. But after that, came home Friday and just kind of relaxed. Saturday, had some friends that were out and we were like, oh, okay, we'll come meet up with you. They had like brunch and we're like, oh, we'll meet up with you after that.
Starting point is 00:21:13 We met up at like two 30. We were at this one bar from two 30 until like seven or eight. And then we were gonna, we were like, oh, okay, let's go back and we'll see we'll see like maybe some people want to come out but like come back for drinks and stuff ended up like an eight person it's not a pre-game it's not a post-game it was in between games it's like a it's like a bi-week or like a half time i don't even i don't know what to fucking call it yeah intermission that's great um we had like eight of us all of a sudden like people people started just flowing through the door people that were here were just hitting up other people to come through and it was just like
Starting point is 00:21:50 what the fuck's going on um but it turned into a super rowdy like event then we went back out went to this club that like i mean we're going thanksgiving weekend to a club like i don't know what we were expecting, but it was just the move. And we got there and like, it was just our big fucking group of people, like just our big fucking group. And we threw the fuck down. We had a grand old time and it was great. This dance break brought to you by our sponsor, arby's vodka all right back to you rooks
Starting point is 00:22:27 thank you um but like if you could not interrupt that'd be great um so but anyway you fucker um but yeah i ended up going out had a great time um burnt the dance floor to a crisp sunday laid on my fucking couch and watched football the entire day and did not fucking budge seems to be a theme for your Sundays yeah every week my Sundays is sit your ass on the couch contemplate your decisions
Starting point is 00:22:56 and watch football but I'll get it was a pretty good time pretty solid I'll give it I'll give it I'll give it two tasty tequila shots because when we were out my friend bought me tequila shots and it was like the first time i've taken a tequila shot in forever where i was like that wasn't bad and then we did another one your boy was kind of thriving did you feel after where and was i have no fucking idea man i was
Starting point is 00:23:23 fucking cross-eyed at this point maybe that's why it wasn't bad but probably because you're drinking from 2 p.m to 8 p.m then you went home and then you went out again it's a great time you should try to figure out what that tequila is and then you can sit on the couch at the party and drink it out of out of a bag with claire i was gonna say so cory earlier for our sloppy joes and janes and viewers cory mentioned that this party is a gala the last time i was at this party at the end of the night me and me and cory's girlfriend and then our other friend's girlfriend we're literally sitting on a couch just hunched over passing a fifth around a vodka and just swigging it we looked
Starting point is 00:24:06 like we looked homeless we looked homeless we looked depressed like it was brutal we were banged up and i was like you cannot refer to event an event as a gala that ends in that fashion like there's just there's no way maybe the gala is friday and then saturday is like the party after the gala after party did you have your pinky did you have your pinky up while you were drinking it hell no i was getting it i was getting the hobo grip too where it's just like your grip on the neck of the bottle you know you're just like yeah you're strangling that bad boy exactly holding on holding on for dear life calling out a lot of homeless people on this one but all, so we're talking holiday party. We're going to make a bingo
Starting point is 00:24:46 card for it. Put on some things that are probably going to happen, might happen, and probably not happen and make it a little fair. Are we going full card bingo on the day of the party? Or are we going diagonal, four corners? Apparently not.
Starting point is 00:25:02 We'll take this to the committee. It'll be discussed. No. We're not going to say you have to hit all of them. I need the big markers then if we're actually going to play bingo. The huge markers are amazing. Actually, I should bring the whiteboard down to the basement and we can write what's happened on there. So long as it's not like this person did this thing.
Starting point is 00:25:22 And we like have it on the whiteboard like so and so did this. Who And we have it on the whiteboard. Like, so-and-so did this. It's like, ugh. Who threw up in the closet? I got a couple written down that we might not want to put on there, but we'll figure it out. Put it on the podcast for the whole world to hear.
Starting point is 00:25:36 How many squares do we need? We need 24? Say how many one more time. So how many... How many squares do we need? Like 24? Or how many one more time. So how many squares do we need? Like 24? Or how many? Yeah, I think 5x5 with the middle being the gimme.
Starting point is 00:25:51 So yeah, 24. We're a math podcast. Your boy was a math major. 9x7. Zach, go. 63. We're going to just do one episode. We're just going to do times tables for an hour straight bro i will dust all of you i will fucking don't even don't i don't want to get the gpa off right now but i
Starting point is 00:26:13 would i would leave you in you know like remember when like rocky and spongebob was like that's all right rocky you'll take the time you'd be sprinting out ahead and then i'd finish at the front because i'm a fucking rock i'm rock solid i fuck is rocky from spongebob remember they're doing the race never mind it's like sandy's brother or something dude i don't think i said this in when i visited michigan i made everyone because i took friday morning off and i bought cereal of course i started just i poured a bowl of cereal it turned out spongebob on amazon prime and just watched episodes of spongebob and the slow accumulation of people was amazing it just turned into this giant group of us eating cereal and watching spongebob on friday morning it was the best
Starting point is 00:26:53 channel your inner child i love it all right brian you got some but uh oh go ahead sorry i'll just say you're getting competitive about times tables which i don't think we could actually do on this but other podcasts i've listened to have done spelling bees oh shit if you want to compete we could throw that down one day i want to look like an idiot i'm down to look like a complete i feel like geography makes you look like more of a dumbass than spelling i would do that i'd much rather do geography and spelling poor poor can do fucking. Poor K, no, let's do both. We'll have the females in the field host it. Ooh, okay. I like it.
Starting point is 00:27:33 Yeah, I'm pretty pumped. This will be good. I'm pretty pumped for this LA Fitness lift we're about to get on Friday. Not sure if that was in the intro, but we're going to get a big old pump in on Friday. The boys are going to come into the gym hot, okay? Bryguy's gonna wear he's gonna wear a sleeveless shirt for the first time in his gym career we're gonna come in there busting
Starting point is 00:27:50 through the doors it's gonna be throwback to um y'all ever seen the video my new haircut where we just walk yeah oh yeah i'm like not now chief i'm in the fucking zone exactly it's gonna be a fucking heater we're gonna be we're gonna be looking huge at the party it's gonna be we're not gonna be able to fit through the doorways cory's gonna need to do more work on his house he's gonna need to make bigger doorways for us call me the uss main because i'm gonna be an aircraft carrier walk trying to walk through the doors looking like you guys come in that big i will pull my circular saw out and i will cut a hole bigger than my door just to fit you uh how many flaming folding tables do you have like i have two folding tables that can be in engulfed in flames all right all right cool
Starting point is 00:28:38 we won't put that on the list rooks halftime show no what the hell that would be kind of cool if it snows we should we should no dude i are now i rko once before i have no problem rkoing him again through a table not me that's all i'm gonna say not me should i put that in the bigger card no okay all right okay well can you maybe you could put it more general as someone goes through a table yeah yeah like that's fine it's a it's a category i thought flaming tables were coming into play i was like this isn't fucking extreme rules in wwe okay i'm not looking for mcfoley here like let's just do the classic and just put someone through a table or something just saying all right all right so putting someone through a table or something. Just saying. All right. All right.
Starting point is 00:29:25 So putting someone through a table. I have a... Easy one. Somebody wears a sweater vest. It's an ugly sweater. It's like an ugly Christmas party, but I feel like sweater vests... Specifically sweater vests? Yeah, sweater vests.
Starting point is 00:29:38 Because people are going to have sweaters. But I feel like that... Sweater vests, I feel like hits both of your things, though. Because vests were a huge thing in the like 70s right they were yeah but it'd be like it'd be like a it would be like i don't think it would look like i don't think it would look the part but like technically i feel like it's kind of a a two themer there i wrote it down i'll add it that's in the easy category i feel like we're in the brainstorming strategy where it's throw it and we'll write it down. And if we get too many, we'll weed things out.
Starting point is 00:30:09 Spend over $50 on dominoes. Oh, that might as well be free space. That might as well be free space. Bump it up like $60. Yeah. What's an amount of money that would be like the threshold? Like could we do $75? $100.
Starting point is 00:30:24 You can get a medium pizza for $6. That would be like the threshold like could we do 175 because 100 you can get a medium pizza for six dollars that would be oh jesus christ 11 12 pizzas dude like three weeks ago i spent like 70 at mcdonald's which has a dollar menu so you brought that up and i don't understand how that happened uh alcohol is involved brian that's a part of this i'd say i'd say the the the um the mark and dominoes i feel like it has to i think it has to be a hundred yeah it's gonna be a hundred dollars that's what i think it can't be something like that's easy enough that we would just outright do like we're guaranteed to spend 50 minimum all right hundred dollars on dominoes uh someone dances on an elevated surface easy one does the couch count yeah if that counts then that's gonna be an easy one somebody
Starting point is 00:31:15 will do that oh i have another i have another easy one um zach does something disgusting yeah yeah well again granted granted we can just discuss it when it happens but that's an easy one that's going to happen zach's gonna do something that's gonna repulse everyone around him mean but fair i had zach hits his hand with a hammer during stump oh just say stump injury say stop injury everyone was a bunch of cowards last year steph didn't want to hit me in the face she was a big coward i threw her off her game and she missed the nail. Until we get some people with some cojones and some gumption.
Starting point is 00:31:51 One of the last times we played, my friend came walking over to me and he was holding his hand. I was like, what's up, man? I turn and look. He's just gushing blood. He was like, yeah, I broke your hammer and it cut my hand
Starting point is 00:32:06 open like the wood hammer he went to like he caught and went to like slam it down and the hammer snapped in his hand he was slamming it down that hard just like sliced his hand open so i'm betting somebody hurts himself all right stump injury on the list. After my deep creek injury that I witnessed, I do not want any more disgusting things to look at. I'm not going to put get stitches on the list because I'm hoping for... Yeah, no. Let's not even speak. Let's not even manifest that, you know. Two years ago, we had random people show up that just walked in the door that actually no one knew i it's you're in the neighborhood i don't think it'll happen but it might happen it could have the heart category it could happen uh a
Starting point is 00:32:56 stealer ends up coming oh no no fucking shot i mean isn't if katrina comes katrina know like chris boswell isn't that a thing yeah at one point she did i think bro if we get franco harris if katrina brings any stealers and it's the chris boswell's a kicker right i'll please yeah if she walks in with a kicker get the fuck out man we don't want you get juju's ass in here i don't want to see you i would be sick if juju came i would tell him to jump through the the flaming table he would do it oh he probably shouldn't do it but he would speaking of juju should we do i don't know if it's the right audience for it but someone does like a tiktok dance do you guys are you guys tiktok people yeah oh yeah i love it for wasting my time
Starting point is 00:33:46 i don't make them i think i think you could just put generally like someone makes a tiktok for the party or some shit or it takes a tiktok at the party oh shit that remind me of the snap the snap filter i have to make a snapchat yeah i sent it to you i know you sent it to me i just i haven't made it yet and i'll do that tonight. Let's just knock out another classic or just any party possibility. Do you want to do Puke anywhere? Yeah. There's so many people.
Starting point is 00:34:16 I feel like that's a really easy gimme. You know? I mean, I have yet to witness Puke at any of these parties. That's true. Actually – I don't think I puked last time. Brian drove me home last time like a saint. Thanks, buddy.
Starting point is 00:34:28 Yeah. Yeah. Anytime. Kristen mentioned this last week. Who's the guy that she always hits on? Corey? Is his name like Rick or something? Or wants to hit on, at least?
Starting point is 00:34:40 I don't think she's ever actually talked to him. Dindac? Yes. Yes. Can we put someone in our group wants to hit on Dindac, at least. I don't think she's ever actually talked to him. Dindac. Yes. Can we put someone in our group wants to hit on Dindac at least? Because they're not actually going to go hit on him, but someone's got to take Kristen's place.
Starting point is 00:34:52 He has a girlfriend now, but sure, you can put it on there. Wants to? Go for it. Dude, I have a goldfish. Naming things that don't matter. Got it, Zach. Thanks. I just Dwayne Wade and you slammed it home, brother. But just picture the Lebron and wade image but i'm rolling my eyes we're gonna have uh santa make an appearance yeah well he i mean he's what is this the fifth one
Starting point is 00:35:22 he's come to the last four so i so that's free that's free space right I would think uh Cody's making a countdown for Santa a like LED screen for it I'm pretty hyped there's gonna be a lot of technology at this and I'm I'm there for it
Starting point is 00:35:38 it's gonna be a it's gonna be a fucking there's gonna be Perry stage at fucking Lala dude just all the production and lights and shit behind them i've actually rigged my house to be like big brother i have cameras in every room in a confessional um that's a felony no yeah at 10 p.m all the doors lock and they don't open until 2 a.m you all signed the waiver right this is not a uh space, but an idea.
Starting point is 00:36:06 Corey, have you thought of the idea of getting a bunch of just, like, disposable cameras and scattering them throughout the party? We thought of that before. They're kind of expensive. How expensive are they? It's like 20 bucks a camera. No, it's not that much. Yeah, dude. They're, like, vintage now, so people, like, love them.
Starting point is 00:36:22 Oh, yeah. Okay, never mind. They, like, don't make them. Because we thought about that, like people like love them. Oh, yeah. Okay, never mind. They like don't make them. Because we thought about that like two years ago. New idea. We get 20 different artists and hide them around. And they draw people at the party. Upgrade.
Starting point is 00:36:34 The zoo caricature people. Oh, my God. Yeah, I mean, those are the artists. There you go. Corey, I thought you were going to say just hire actors to pretend like they're at the party. Because we always put that in the Facebook invite to don't touch the actors. Actually, they're like $13. No, I'm going to take this opportunity, though, to read off the rules of the party for those that don't know.
Starting point is 00:36:57 Because I feel that we should stress them because people break them every year. That's fair. For the audience. Yeah, for the audience. Keep your hands, arms, and feet inside the party at all times. Absolutely no flash photography. So Zach, your camera idea is garbage. Don't forget the code to your lockers.
Starting point is 00:37:16 You're going to want your stuff at the end of the night. It's important. If you plan on being in the splash zone, it's BYOP. Bring your own poncho. If you're going to overthrow the government, keep it to one room. Natalie Portman haircuts will be provided in the foyer. Ballet parking is for tricycles and big wheels only, obviously. Obviously. And don't touch the actors. To Brian's point.
Starting point is 00:37:51 And lastly, remain in your seats until intermission, which actually is a good full circle because Rooks was talking about having an intermission. So there you go. Hold on. Isn't there one big rule you're missing that's always on it? Absolutely no boats. Yeah, no boats.
Starting point is 00:38:07 Except this year, I am, because every single year, I put no boats, no boats, no boats. And every single year, you know what happens? People bring boats. I don't know what it is. You put up rules. People think they're meant to be broken. So this year, I'm going to lift up a little rule i'm gonna adjust it pontoons acceptable this year i know wow strictly pontoons though
Starting point is 00:38:33 nice you have to show your id though for that the permit yeah you need your boating license vax card good luck find mrs puff should we in the back? Do we want to just add a space for noise complaint? Yeah, I think we should, because I was thinking about that. My one neighbor, I could see doing it. Have you gotten one before? No.
Starting point is 00:38:59 No, but I could see it happening. He doesn't play rock band enough, and Hickey is not his roommate. So we kind of took those two factors out. It's not going to happen without one of those. Ryan Hickey, Worldwide Sports. Now I feel like I have to tell the story. Of course, go for it.
Starting point is 00:39:21 So shout out Ryan Hickey, Worldwide Sports Radio Network. He's a big deal now. He's probably not going to like us doxing him here but he was he was our roommate his address is 1723 new york avenue he was our uh he's our roommate and there's one night you know i hear i hear a big banging on i'm passed out it was like after a football game i'm passed out you're banging on the door come out in the living room hickey's in his underwear talking to the talking to two cops at the front door i was like what the fuck is going on cops leave hickey comes back what the fuck was that about what happened he goes oh uh we just got a noise complaint what there's nobody here it's just you he's like yeah i may or may not have been dancing around the living
Starting point is 00:40:06 room blasting music i was like what the fuck you got a noise complaint in this building that literally has actual parties happening currently you got a noise complaint dancing around your fucking underwear to titanium like what the fuck is going on and ever since then he's been a legend what were his songs back in college titanium uh heads will roll in heads will roll the summer summertime sadness didn't he love that one loves flow right it too flow right is literally his favorite artist damn we are body backing hickey on this podcast actually for the for the viewers we should have them brought could you put like uh i guess we don't really need a tweet or something. People should tweet at us what songs we need to put on the playlist.
Starting point is 00:40:49 Because I haven't touched a playlist in like a year. Granted, it's already fire. But... Landslide by Fleetwood Mac. Yeah, that'll really pick up the party. Rasputin? My favorite part of the party is after everyone leaves and people are just laying on the floor
Starting point is 00:41:08 and I can just play whatever music I want and dance by myself. It's a real good time. Brian's going to download all the sound bites and just play them all over. Oh, I have a fist in my butt. I'm ready to go. Go to the hide and seek to the death.
Starting point is 00:41:23 I don't want to die. Oh my god, stop. I'm just screaming those creamy waves, getting it all in my nooks'm ready to go hide and seek to the death i want to die oh my god stop those creamy waves getting all in my in my nooks and crannies jesus god there's voices in your head um can i add can i add someone says the name cletus to the bingo board as long as it's not you i won't say it yeah cletus is on the board had to be on the board cletus shout out red christmas if you've never seen red christmas go watch it don't no well yeah christmas morning go go watch it cookies your family all around cozy up they always say the big three when it comes to christmas movies home alone home alone 2 red christmas
Starting point is 00:42:05 red christmas lost in new york i feel like i would have put on like so much it's something that's not likely to happen but nobody asks brian or i specifically about the viva vendetta theme like yeah it's gonna happen but i'm curious if i i would love if everybody collectively like ignores that that is a piece of the puzzle i'll add it yeah no one questions theme did that did that come to be is the v for vendetta part strictly because it's the v roman numeral for like the fifth party yes that's strictly how it came to be right got it only reason and like you know you want to overthrow the government ask me and brian if we liked the movie v for vendetta i don't know i'll have to tell you on saturday when we see it
Starting point is 00:42:59 it doesn't matter if i haven't seen the movie all we know is natalie portman's bald and there's a guy with a mask and it's all we really need to be honest so much it jesus hook line and stinker baby um can we throw uh people get iced on there can we can we do like a over under number of ices should we get a bunch of ices i mean should we purchase like 12 santa might be around um brian write down the ice luge is not as effective as we thought it would be or putting it together phrase it how you want but you know what i mean ice luge failure who's uh did you buy the thing off amazon no i couldn't they i couldn't okay all right so we need to buy it it was it was either amazon was sold out of them or didn't have them and the other one was a sketchy ass site and it was like i didn't feel comfortable is there gonna be an ice luge yes i was gonna say whose responsibility is it to take a lysol wipe every time that someone
Starting point is 00:44:05 sucks off the ice nobody i don't know i don't know if the ice solution is a great idea during a pandemic i'm just gonna say it i'm not gonna touch it it's just there for people who want to touch it we'll make it look like a naked baby this year how about that what what this is the show i was talking about last week where cory like once we get like halfway through and the the beers start kicking a little bit and cory just said shit and there's like he'll have one statement where i was like what the fuck did you just say i mean it is a gala so there needs to be naked what does that have have to do with anything? It's an ice sculpture. Like a Cupid.
Starting point is 00:44:46 A naked child? I was thinking more like Cupid. Not like an exact replica of a Rooks as a baby. Although. Jesus Christ. Maybe we have that surprise in the set. God, I hope not. We're going to put the ice luge right next to the flaming tables it's gonna go great fire and ice theme are we still allowed to pee outside court
Starting point is 00:45:11 yeah let's go i mean like don't walk into my street and pee in the middle of the road but wait what that wasn't on the rules list you know what you're right i didn't put that on the rules list and you know what they say you can't update the rules list once it's out so it's true they do say that it's in print quote but they say it um someone someone does i know we have this sweater vest but this idea just came in my head uh someone does like a sweater swap like after an NBA or NFL game. That's kind of tough. It's like the
Starting point is 00:45:50 kid. It's like the picture of those two kids in Vegas where it's like the one jacked black guy and the one skinny white guy and they're just sweaty like dress shirts and they're holding them up. That picture gets every time. That picture is so it's so tough. It's such a good picture.
Starting point is 00:46:06 Alright, well, we have a lot of hard ones on here so far. I mean... Do we want one for something that Cooper's gonna do? Because it's his first holiday party. Yeah. Cooper's gonna shove his face in someone's balls. I mean, something easy that you could put down is like, Cooper has an accident,
Starting point is 00:46:21 because I don't know how he's gonna react with 50 people in the house. I hope it doesn't happen, and I don't know how he's going to react with 50 people in the house. I hope it doesn't happen and I don't expect it to, but won't be surprised if it does. Damn, Corey dances on elevated surface. Corey's really on here just slandering his own dog, dude. Wow.
Starting point is 00:46:38 He's a little bitch too. Cooper hits on Dindak. Yeah, put that one on there. I mean, if he sniffs his crotch, I would consider that hitting on him. I just consider that a sexual assault at this point. If Dindac sniffs Cooper's crotch, is what I meant. You want that
Starting point is 00:46:54 on the board? I mean... You want that to be, like, something that you could possibly witness at this party? I wasn't saying it was gonna be easy, but a bingo board's a bingo board. All right, I'm just going to put Cooper with a question mark, and we'll fill it in.
Starting point is 00:47:11 We'll figure something out. I'm spitting fire over here. There's one more that I'm going to try to keep names out of. Corey, me, you, and Rooks have been talking about a specific person that's going to show up that we need Rooks to talk to. Oh my god, you dumb bitch. Go for it. You stupid bitch. Shut up.
Starting point is 00:47:32 My mother. Rooks' secret admirer. My mother. What's his or her initials? Alana. Lorenz Myers. Morset. Jeff Myers. You saidette. Jeff Myers.
Starting point is 00:47:46 Did you say Alanis Morissette? You said Alana, right? Elena. Elena Morissette. Isn't it ironic? I'm sick. It's like, yay! I only have one more written down.
Starting point is 00:48:00 Then you guys are going to have to fill in the gaps. How many spaces do we have? We have 19, and then I have one more. Okay. then you guys are going to have to fill in the gaps. How many spaces do we have? We have 19, and then I have one more. Okay. So we need four. Someone kisses under mistletoe, because we'll always put that up somewhere random. Usually it's Jamie and Cody. Non-couple. Non-couple, though.
Starting point is 00:48:18 They can't be together at the party. Yeah, there you go. Alright, Zach, pucker up, baby. Non-couple, non-animal. Oh, what happens if we would kiss right now? That'd be crazy, right? Every time Rooks does the mwah mwah, he's just practicing. It's like advertising for Zach, too.
Starting point is 00:48:35 It's like what he's going to get into, you know what I mean? We haven't had an ambulance call in the party before. That would be pretty sweet. Put it on. Not too expensive. Here's the thing though ready three of these are coming off the board all at the same time because what's gonna happen is we're gonna do the fire table somebody's gonna hurt themselves there's gonna be an ambulance that arrives and that's gonna cause a noise complaint i mean it's all all three wrapped together so
Starting point is 00:49:03 boom and zach's gonna be in the background watching eating a hundred dollars worth of dominoes that's bingo right there boys cooper's gonna be watching in the corner peeing on the ground and then the sexy firefighters come in and someone kisses one of them under the mistletoe boom bingo oh god it's gonna be a clean sweep and it's dindak that kicks the one knock're missing out on. Knock it off the board. God, I don't think... No shot he's ever listened to this, but I'm telling him to listen to this. What if the dude... Like, I don't know this dude at all.
Starting point is 00:49:33 What if he just hears us talking about people flirting with him and shit and him kissing Cooper's fucking balls or whatever Corey said earlier? I'm sending this link to him before the party and I'm telling him to listen. Love you, Dindac. Kristen just talked about him so much last year
Starting point is 00:49:51 and she just kind of like sat in the couch and said a goddamn word. Two years ago, yeah, sorry. Yeah. Alright, we need four more and then probably some better ones to fill in the gaps on the horrible ones. Does it have to be
Starting point is 00:50:07 at the party? Can it be post-party, pre-party? I think just Saturday night in general. But specifically Saturday. Because we're going out Friday, but I don't think we can lump that in. That's too much time. No rehearsal dinner. Only Saturday.
Starting point is 00:50:23 Me and Zach have ferocious pumps walking in the door now i'm um rooks get stuck in a doorway shit it might it's possible bro depends on depends on what what we got what y'all got me doing in the gym you know what i mean jeremy's gonna do something stupid jeremy there there has to be something related to Jeremy, I think. Jeremy holds a knife at any point. There it is. It's gonna happen. He's a psychopath. He might be sleeping at my place.
Starting point is 00:50:54 Oh, no, no, no. Put in that somebody sleeps in Cooper's room. That's a good Cooper one. Solid. That's a Cooper move. Cooper Solid. That's a Rooks move. Cooper's annoying. Oh god.
Starting point is 00:51:10 Cooper does. That'd be kind of weird. It's like a crate door and a window. I mean, other than the fact that they're banging in a dog's room, it's still pretty weird. Is it a crate? Is it a crate or a cage?
Starting point is 00:51:29 It's a room. No, but is there a crate or a cage in there nope it's a straight up room with a like a door that like a it's like a closet with a door i was kind of hoping there was a cage window no damn i just thought about there's like a window into that room right yeah is cooper gonna be in that room during the party i mean if he'd be damn my man's my man's literally a zoo exhibit that's some fucked up shit no god damn no he's gonna be walking around if he can't handle himself he's going actually you know what that's the jail cell for the night. If somebody is doing some things... The drunk tank? Yeah, that's the drunk tank. That's good.
Starting point is 00:52:07 Drunk tank on the list. That's pretty good. It needed to happen. I'll put a chair in there, because you can sit in there. I'll put a chair in there, and then it's time out. You have to collect...
Starting point is 00:52:18 If Zack puts ping pong balls from the toilet in his mouth, you have to collect yourself in there for 10 minutes. Allegedly. No, not allegedly. ping pong balls from the toilet in his mouth you have to collect yourself in there for like 10 any party fouls they go in there cory you have to break out your referee outfit and just walk around on skates just handing out penalties dude i might have it two minutes for boarding there's enough that's like the fourth i got too many outfit changes going on. That's the thing, man.
Starting point is 00:52:46 It's like, dude, you have. Well, and this doesn't relate to the themes either. Like, what the fuck? What do you got three themes? No, five minute major. V for five minute major. Oh, dude. This is so good. And it's five.
Starting point is 00:52:57 Yeah. And it's five for fighting. Like, that's pretty specific for like a penalty you get at a party. Five for fighting minute majors vendetta. Holiday party. Scale back. specific for like a penalty you get at a party minute majors vendetta holiday party scale back holiday party five staying alive v for vendetta five for fighting hey both of those hey we'll workshop them okay i don't know if we have to lock those in right now we'll workshop them i actually really like that being the jail cell. Can we add to the list that it snows? That's cute. Yeah, put it on there.
Starting point is 00:53:30 It snows, guys. A little cocaine. A little snow. A little booger. Actually, if it snows hard enough, I hope this happens one time. People could get stuck at my house because there's all those hills. Yo, that'd be tough like ubers would not go up that hill and anyone who drove the party would not be able to
Starting point is 00:53:51 leave all right quick check of the weather uh today it's a high 50 and thursday high 58 saturday high 46 uh it's not gonna. So you're telling me there's a chance. What's the low now? It's going to rain on Monday. 32. Huh? No. Brian.
Starting point is 00:54:15 It's going to have to be some man-made snow. Do you believe in Christmas miracles though? Miracles? Oh, I don't have Rooks' screaming miracles on my soundboard. Thank God. Thank God. So tired to hear my shit on the soundboard. I'm so tired to hear my shit on the soundboard. It just makes me sad.
Starting point is 00:54:33 To make up for embarrassing you guys with your soundbites, I got a bunch of Denise ones now, too. I'll play them, please. What up, nerds? Hi, boys. Who has vertical butt cheeks? Heaters. Absolutely. they're all so good holy shit they're too good not to put on her own little page so i'm gonna start getting
Starting point is 00:54:53 guest clips if they keep coming back just to put them in their place cory is is slater coming um i think i haven't talked to him put put i i i like make out later i metaphorically jerk slater off for an hour again every year at the party i get blacked out and i just talk to slater and i'm like you're the fucking man like last year i was talking to his girlfriend i was like you know you date the coolest fucking guy on this planet i talked about that shit for like an hour to her and she was like you need to relax like not actually but like she was like oh yeah like she's being nice and i'm just like no like slater's the fucking king i've hung out i've hung out with him less than five times i love every random like group of friends at this party there's like one person that like
Starting point is 00:55:40 just is in love with someone from the other group because jeremy texted me and cory earlier i was like is rooks gonna show up like yeah he's like yes that's my fucking guy that's why i love you jeremy fuck you man that's my guy it's just so funny i thought when you said jerking slater off i thought you like i had never seen it but you were air jerking like slater off at every party. And I was like, what are you talking about? No hand movements. I said metaphorically, you know, like I'm like I'm a hype man.
Starting point is 00:56:14 I'm getting him to completion. You know what I'm saying? Metaphorically, though. I'm trying to think something related to the podcast. We clip something and put it on social media for the podcast I don't know see here's the thing with the bingo
Starting point is 00:56:31 we're in control of these like we know the bingo card we could make these happen well that's the part where we have to just like have some I have no problem dropping a blue face on Domino's. Like absolutely no problem.
Starting point is 00:56:49 No, yeah, we just got we let the sushi roll. But like there's there's some things that, yeah, like Zach's going to buy Domino's. Like, it's fine. Dude, Domino's is great. We're not forcing. Domino's wings. Dude, the spinach feta bread. Oh, sheesh feta bread.
Starting point is 00:57:05 Sheesh. Sheesh. What? Then let me get a sausage and mushroom pizza. Dude, I don't remember anything from the last party. I'm going to be 100% honest. I came in blacked out. I'm going to be honest. That's the least surprising thing I've ever heard in my fucking life.
Starting point is 00:57:19 Zach, you picked up a fucking ping pong ball in Corey's basement. Dude, I was just ripping Red Bull vodka out of the toilet at Katrina's pregame because I didn't know anybody there. And I needed to feel like I needed to do something. So I was like, I'm just going to drink. And I just had, I kid you not. I think I had like six or seven Red Bull vodkas and I was buzzing. Zach was just seeing through people. You know, when you see the drunk person and they just see way past you.
Starting point is 00:57:45 They're looking at tomorrow. They're like, today's a wash. It's over. I'm looking into the next week and the pit of despair I'm going to be in. That was Zach. For a full six-hour party, that was Zach. Katrina dooms people pretty quickly.
Starting point is 00:58:03 That was myself. I'll say she's a big- instigator that when it comes to drinking she's very much an instigator says the one who's hobo passing vodka to my girlfriend on the couch hey we're having a moment all right yo i'm hyped for katrina's punch with the sherbert i'll just say is she bringing it again uh we haven't talked about it i assume because like tradition fountain yeah i should probably clean it but yeah we got it okay did it clean it from last year yeah we did i know we we drunkenly clean everything at the end of the night every time that's true the tone in your voice when you said yeah i was yeah i mean clean is subjective uh can we add uh can we add someone farts to the list like someone rips ass in the middle of everybody i don't know why
Starting point is 00:58:56 the last like eight times i've gone out every and i don't know if people are just they're not used to being out again or something people are just letting farts fly constantly man like i'm just getting cropped us i don't know people i don't know if i'm just like a magnet for this shit people are shitting their pants when i'm out every time now and it's driving me crazy caveat it can't be us for it we oh yeah i mean i'm gonna i'm gonna fart i'm gonna fart on the slide the whole night dude don't even worry about that but I'm just going to go pet Cooper anytime I have to fart. She's like, man, she keeps farting all the time. Cooper, you're going to jail.
Starting point is 00:59:31 Party foul. Add to the list. This has happened at pretty much every party. It's usually a different couple each time, but a couple has a fight. Yeah, sure. Throw it on. There always ends up two people in cory's room
Starting point is 00:59:46 and you like open the door and they're just sitting there one of them's crying yeah yo yeah it's it's fine it's fine throw it on the list every time it's like well and then you always get the people like like whispering outside they're like what's going on i don't know like what who's in there i don't know so good meanwhile me and brian are just trying to do our fifth costume change of the night it's a rough life man i didn't train for this i'm not a quick change vegas act no i got one outfit and uh i'm hoping the sleeves and buttons stay on for the whole night we'll see how hands and rooks gets itoning your shit in a heartbeat. Can we say that?
Starting point is 01:00:27 Can we say Burn lets me? No, no, because we control it right now. It can't be us. And he's never going to let you unbutton his shirt. If it was let you, that's staying open the whole night. If it was you forcibly unbuttoning his shirt, then yeah, we could cross it off the list. Dude, he's got the body of a god, and he just just keeps it fucking he keeps it under the sheath at all times it's bullshit under the sheath yeah don't that's it's the first word that came to mind man i don't know
Starting point is 01:00:57 a shirt is not a sheath let me put my sheath on before we get out for the night when you say it like that it still doesn't sound that weird to me. I don't know. All right. Put that into your vocab for the rest of the week. See what happens. One thing's for sure. We're going to have a lot of content next Tuesday.
Starting point is 01:01:15 I'm fucking hyped. Next Tuesday is going to recap debrief. Yeah, it's going to be straight debrief. And the week after, we're talking spider-man so you guys better go watch the movie or we'll leave until christmas around christmas well then we're gonna spoil it for you because we're talking about it should we leave the we only we only have a few slots open should we leave that to uh maybe some sloppy joes and james yeah i'm fine with that last time for lala we got a few submissions we did we did all those slots phone in
Starting point is 01:01:52 no no no it's definitely funnier but no no it's definitely more problematic. Therefore, funny. Oh, that's not how this works. All right. Yeah. Sloppy Joes and Sloppy Chains. Call in. Leave a voice message. Twitter, Instagram. What's up, everyone?
Starting point is 01:02:15 Rate us five stars. Like and subscribe. It's your boy Brian here. Leave a voice message. You can call us at the number below. Thanks for joining us on today's pod. We love you all. Merry Christmas.
Starting point is 01:02:24 Happy holidays. Hopefully, we'll be all here next week. I don't pod. We love you all. Merry Christmas. Happy holidays. Hopefully we'll be all here next week. I don't know. Maybe I'll eat a golf ball. Who knows? Brian, take us out.

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