It’s Wednesday My Dudes - Ep. 67: The Boyos Find a Dead Body ft. Stank Engine

Episode Date: May 25, 2022

Stank engine is back baby! Timmy Soggins makes his second appearance on the pod to talk about dead bodies in pools, bullying kids into therapy as a MLM, raunchy poprock commercials, and which fictiona...l worlds he would want to live in. Rate us 5 stars on Spotify! and leave a review and rate on Apple Podcasts! Links here to follow on social media! and find other places to listen!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And here we go. All right. So Dylan sent us something to talk about. This is going around the internet like two weeks ago. So sorry, Dylan. We didn't get to it last week. We had important things to do. So you wouldn't swim in a pool with a dead body, but you swim in the ocean.
Starting point is 00:00:20 And the ocean has plenty of dead bodies. So there has to be a specific water to dead body ratio that you would swim in the water in. But I'd also posit that there's a certain water to sperm ratio that you'd swim in. Because it was always a wives tale the reason the ocean was salty because of whale sperm. So, give me your ratios. What the fuck? So my body to my dead body is the water ratio? I want a one to one.
Starting point is 00:00:54 I want one dead body the same volume size as the water that I'm swimming in. It's like Jell-O with fruit in it? Yeah, yeah. That kind of consistency? And if we're changing the question to semen uh my answer stays the same dude it'd be hard to swim i don't know how they do it just asked this question friday night we were out with claire and her sister and we were like sitting at the bar and we were just like
Starting point is 00:01:21 talking about family stuff or something for a while then i I was like, there's like a lull. And I posed the same question. I don't remember. Cause it's really late. I don't remember how we even like left off. Like there's definitely no answer that they gave. It was just like talking about like how close they would be next to a dead body before they like were skeeved out by it. Get the heebie jeebies.
Starting point is 00:01:41 I think Kat said like, as long as I didn't see it, like if it was murky lake water because you got to imagine like in a lake there's probably you probably swam in a lake that could not probably there's a better percentage a hundred percent that like there's a dead body in a lake and a lake could be like a mile like it's not that big so but it's just murky like you have no idea so i would say as long as i can't see it so since your boy is a short king put that bad boy on the deep end of like the community size pool
Starting point is 00:02:11 and i'd be fine turn up the jets real high on that hot tub cory will get it no matter what's in there i just i like i'm on the same like mindset where it's like okay like as long as i don't see it who gives a shit like whatever it's like i mean i as long as I don't see it, who gives a shit? Like, whatever. Because, like, I mean, as long as I don't see it, I'm not going to give a shit. Yeah, there's probably shit in the ocean. There's probably, like, there's definitely piss in the ocean. Like, I mean, I think about how much I just pee in the ocean. Like, there's got to, like, if anyone's, like, within 10% of how much I piss in the ocean,
Starting point is 00:02:43 like, there's a lot of piss in the ocean. But, like, as long as I don't know that and, like, I could be like ignorance is bliss in there it's fine um i would say so for like an average pool right like your average pool i'd say i could if i like if i couldn't see it probably probably i could probably get two bodies in a regular pool and be like fine but then if i can see it um i would three bodies so i'm trying to think right because it's like if i'm dead sober whatever if i've had some booze i'm out here having a pool day like bry guy like we're gonna have it's texas weekend We're just hanging out at the pool. I have a few drinks in my system. If there's a body at the end of the pool and I'm on one end,
Starting point is 00:03:31 like, yeah, I'll call somebody. But, like, I'm going to stay in the pool. Like, if it's 90 degrees outside, like, I'm going to sit back with my Miller Lite and I'm going to still continue having myself a day. All right. Fair warning to Mendy this weekend. If he dies in the pool, Rooks is not coming out. I'll call somebody. He's just going to ride out the weekend. I did dies in the pool, Rooks is not coming out. He's just gonna ride out the weekend. I did the first step. I'll call somebody.
Starting point is 00:03:49 Yep, right here. Ambulance. Fucking idiot died on pool day, man. What a dumbass. Sounds like your sim, dude. Whoa, whoa, whoa. Fuck you, man. Was that a hot tub? It was a hot tub, yeah. Fuck okay fuck you man could the other sims
Starting point is 00:04:08 see like the jets or like see your body where the jets on they saw the tombstone just definitely on but there's definitely people in the hot tub actively swimming with his sim when he died so they didn't help him not drown these fuckers these fuckers literally made all of us in the sims my character they let my character drown in a fucking hot tub man the best part is you were a child yeah first off we supervision okay how are you gonna just let a child mosey into the hot tub and then second off when you know he's drowning like can we get a fucking little lifesaver thrown out to him or something like can we do anything is there a lifeguard on duty in this place what's going on there were steps right next to you to be fair to the builder
Starting point is 00:04:55 of this house he did put in steps to get out of the pool i'm a child it wasn't a pool it was a hot tub in in my defense uh my plan was to not touch anything and just let all the sims do what they want and to just watch and it was so entertaining because one taylor and mealy started hitting on girls and doing push-ups hilarious two you just died and then haunted the rest of the place it was with his incredible such a good start ghost body oh wherever your ghost went there's a bottle i didn't do my uh spur ratio so hmm so in an average pool important again i'm i'm banking on the for this i'm gonna bank on the fact i can't see it like i don't never came in a pool before never inspected um but like i'd assume if someone came on the opposite end of the pool, it wouldn't be like one like little blob floating my way.
Starting point is 00:05:50 You know, it wouldn't be like a dead bug on the surface. Like it would be it would probably like dissipate a little bit. Sperm, I'd probably say like it would take at least like at least like 10 loads for me to notice on like an average pool. You know what I'm saying? You take some it would take some volume i don't think because i think it would like it wouldn't like i think it would dissipate enough by the time it gets to my end of the pool so uh an average olympic size pool is 660 000 gallons so how many gallons of sperm is your ratio we We can use that. I don't fucking know, man.
Starting point is 00:06:29 You're a math major. That doesn't mean I can fucking look at a nut and know how much volume is. Then what did you learn at college? Fair, fair, fair. I missed that class. I didn't go to that class.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Freshman seminar. Alright, Tiggy. Give us your ratios i'm first off i'm really stuck on the the cum thing right now like how did the semen get there like did you come into the water or were you like in the water and then you came and what would that feel like oh i'm underwater i'm gonna tell you right now if i come underwater before if i come in the water i'm gonna notice it and also if i came in the water i wouldn't care fuck it let it fly but continue sorry no i'm assuming it's not yours it's and someone else's that's the point it's not your dead body it's someone else no i i know i was really stuck on like the how did the cum get there piece uh spunk tank they have residuals you at the end
Starting point is 00:07:32 of the night you gotta put it somewhere okay just dump in a random person's pool um dead body okay i'm a really anxious person you guys know that that. So if there was even a chance that there was a dead body floating near me, I'd say fuck that. So no pool, no hot tub. But yeah, lakes and oceans, there are going to be dead bodies there. Big time. But if you were like oh there's a dead body like within 100 yards of you no fucking chance which is like still a football field but
Starting point is 00:08:12 like i wouldn't do it sperm i don't really care like as long as like it's not floating on the surface like surrounding me like a whirlpool or something i'm gonna get like sucked in it's actually it's actually what happens when you um when there's enough cum in the water they treat it like sharks and they start circling you and they know that you're their prey that's what happens they smell blood um i hate all of you or two of you for saying you would swim in a pool with a dead body long you couldn't see it because one with the the body is decomposing and gets everywhere and then it's
Starting point is 00:08:47 all this nastiness and it smells bad and then it's just like... Close your eyes. Done. Now you're getting the pool again. You're throwing out what ifs. Here's my what if. 95 degree scorcher. I'm 12 beers
Starting point is 00:09:04 in. I'm in a pool that has like a little stool in it I sit down in that my whole body Submerged above the nips I'm feeling great Okay quarter my eye I see a body Am I getting out Fuck no man
Starting point is 00:09:20 I'm having a day okay I'm having personal time I'm having rooks time okay i'm gonna make some calls this weekend to make this happen really test if you're telling the truth fuck it you just have to wait till like halfway through the day in the beginning yeah i'll fucking oh my god what's going on but i think you have um histrionic personality disorder cool man it's when you don't have the ability to feel empathy oh yeah he's got that yeah pretty spot on yeah i'm making a call in the pool and there's a dead person you're like dude that's like kill i'm killing my vibe right now i can't i said i made the call we have a dead body sitting in the water What am I gonna give it CPR in the deep end
Starting point is 00:10:05 You want me to get down in there my hands and knees Just like no he's fucking dead I called somebody In the dead body's hand Like a koozie he's holding another Miller and you're out And it's 95 degree And the dead body might keep it
Starting point is 00:10:21 Cool I appreciate number 13 homie Thanks for doing business And the dead body might keep it cool. I appreciate number 13, homie. Thanks for doing business. Rooks have a whole weekend at Bernie's this weekend, and it's going to be super exciting. By the end of the night, we're going to pull the dead body out of the hot tub in the lower half. It's just going to be bones because it decomposed in the hot water.
Starting point is 00:10:39 I've got to thank Dylan for the great Memorial Weekend topic. Oh, God. Other thing with dead body in the water even if you don't see it you never like have a fish just like swim by you and it freaks you out even though it's just a fish if my toe just like caught the lip of a dead body randomly i don't think i'll get in water for the rest of my life like i'm not taking showers i'm not gonna drink i'm get in water for the rest of my life like i'm not taking showers i'm not gonna drink i'm just gonna solids for the rest of my life question though because now you've opened the door so you're gonna regret it because would you get in a lake knowing like for sure there's definitely fish in lakes my guy because you don't see the fish you go in all right
Starting point is 00:11:21 same thing with a body in the pool you get in you don't know that there's a dead body in the pool you're not seeing it you're still getting in that pool you just said you wouldn't unless it brushed up on your leg if it brushes up on your leg like maybe not you know i'm trying to convince you guys otherwise and i get into a lake with fish because they're fish that's where they live it's fine i'm not getting into a lake because there's dead bodies and i think it'd be fun to accidentally run into i don't think it'll be fun'm not getting into a lake because there's dead bodies and i think it'd be fun to accidentally run into i don't think it'll be fun to accidentally run into a lake that's not why i get into a lake i don't go to a lake to go maybe accidentally hopefully run into a fish hey did
Starting point is 00:11:54 you know i don't i don't know have you ever seen um cw's hit show riverdale the show starts with someone being dead in um a local river so hey that just kind of takes your theory and just like uh throws it in the shit or my guy do you uh do you know the sperm ratio of that river in the show probably pretty high i hear that if it's yeah the riverdale if a river in the show riverdale they'd be fucking everywhere it doesn't matter there's definitely coming that shit there was actually there was there was a pool party while the dude was floating and nobody cared. I saw that episode.
Starting point is 00:12:31 I wouldn't be surprised. I'll pitch it to them. It's the last season. They gotta go out on a good finale. Alright, somebody say what day of the week it is. Wednesday. What day of the week? It is Wednesday, Mikey. My nipples are hard now.
Starting point is 00:12:52 Number one, remove your bra. I like nuts. This is my butt. I'm ready to go. Golf is a sexy thing. My dick will go like, boop, and just flip inside out, and it'll turn into a vagina. And you'll take me. Hi, boys.
Starting point is 00:13:04 And of course, Pennsylvania. You leave the butter in the crack. Why is my spaghetti fizzy? I want to kiss you on the mouth, baby. God damn, he's so good. Yeah, he calls me big time. Ah, ah, ah. Wow.
Starting point is 00:13:14 Wow. Booty. Of course, it makes me dookie. If you just wanted to slurp something and then spit it back out. And then I swallow. I want to die. Raw dog and lower. Kid turkey based on nipples.
Starting point is 00:13:23 He's got slop. Rock's dick has anchor arms i think i gotta get out of here i don't fucking great question who has vertical butt cheeks to the death welcome back to another episode of It's Wednesday, my dudes. Episode 67? Zach's out this week, out learning the underwater basket weave, but we got Tiki Siggy back for the second time.
Starting point is 00:13:55 It is good to be back. I should have waited two more episodes for 69, but close enough. It's a big mistake you can give an honorary uh draft pick for the fetish draft on the 69th episode oh amazing i already have one what is it not at tommy but just the idea of a fetish um i'm gonna call in and give it to you guys okay yeah absolutely speaking of callers we have a caller this week so that'll be fun and uh we're just gonna grab some bags right oh yeah grabbing bags all right but we got tiggy we got rocks up
Starting point is 00:14:40 67 67 and i'm brian um as we always do though talk about our weeks tell the story something probably weird happened so cory you're uh supposed to have four fetish movies for us this week list them off so i know i said four so i got i got a definite three um and those three i'm shocked are oceans 11 12 and 13 because your boy watched those all three back to back when i was being a crumb on saturday there's been a there's a prequel being made i know so there's your four so it's definitely fetish because it's about this old lady who, like, it's actually about a guy who dresses up as an old lady who, like, has to watch kids. And it's, yeah, it's, you know, three movies. It's illegal.
Starting point is 00:15:35 Crazy. Weird fetish, you know? Yeah. I'll think of a fourth. I definitely watched the fourth one, but I can't remember. Damn it. Did the B movie already? Did you actually watch all three of those this week let me paint you a picture all right friday night okay friday night it's hot as balls it's like 90 degrees we go out to the pirates game we took the t to get there it's a mile walk so i walked a mile with claren
Starting point is 00:16:01 cat sorry claren cat did did not realize it was a full mile. I was like, yeah, it's close by. Man. Not good in 90 degree weather. Went to the Pirates game. They lost. Typical. And there was a scare. I went to go on beer run duty, so I went to go get beer.
Starting point is 00:16:20 Right? Like the fourth inning or something. And so Claire and Kat were like, okay all we'll go find the hot dogs they come back after an inning no hot dogs in hand just nachos uh a b at best c level food at a baseball game in my opinion what did they get the like no helmet nachos with like the no not even helmet they got like barbecue on top of them at the pirate stadium last time i was there oh no no wait no oh those those i don't even remember what they got it was chicken fingers i'm saying the wrong thing the whole time see i wished it was nachos anyway okay you ever got nachos that i think
Starting point is 00:17:02 they said sporting events or like movie theaters or something where they like leave you like they give you like a bag of chips. Oh, yeah. And then like a cup of cheese. It's the worst. A cup of cheese. F tier. Yeah. Anyway, so no hot dog to be found.
Starting point is 00:17:19 And so I was a little nervous. Actually, the exact same time Zach FaceTimes me after he was at the cubs game at one o'clock so he's six hours deep into god knows what fun he had and he's he's chugging water on his couch like struggling i could tell um and i had to tell him the hot dog strategy anyway and it goes by i go down like the first concession stand I see. I get a hot dog. It was all fine. But drank a lot Friday night. We went to a new open bar. Brian, next time you come, we'll go there on the North Shore.
Starting point is 00:17:54 It's Shorty's. They have duck pin bowling. They have all the games, all of the games, outdoor games, everything. I love me some duck pin bowling. Me too. Give me some tiny balls in my hands. Exactly. It's a good day.
Starting point is 00:18:06 So did that Friday night. Posed the question to the girls about the dead bodies in the pools and stuff. That was a good time. Yeah. Like you too. Had a late night Friday. Got back at like 3 in the morning. So in Zach's words, we were crumbs.
Starting point is 00:18:20 More actually, specifically, I was a crumb. Claire and Kat were like, we're going to go to the pool. They were they're like it's 90 degrees it's really nice like we're at the pool i was like i'm in my basement under three blankets and like struggling for my life like i need to be here right now can't do the 90 degree weather so i watched all three oceans movies fantastic and then i was like, I want to make a dessert. So I made a key lime pie. But unfortunate. Exactly. What the fuck? I didn't read the instructions. So I started making it at like 10.
Starting point is 00:18:57 And it needs to sit in the fridge for three hours. So I was like, great. I made key lime pie for not right now. So I just made key lime pie and went to bed. That's great. Um, Sunday had a house, had a little, little day to myself. Well, not really to myself with Claire's family turned into a Sunday fun day. Kind of actually feel like none of your stories you've gotten right now.
Starting point is 00:19:24 And it's the crumb day. I got right crumb day i got right but okay well because it was it was a very misleading sunday it was like let's go out to brunch we went to brunch then we walked next door to a bar that was like an outdoor area watch the hockey game that was about it though but we were there for like four hours lots of beer drink anyway um oh i put my ranking to my bag that i brought this week um which was i guess part of my ending closing to the weekend it was a dream that i had so i'm bringing that up now sorry i'm running long on my update oh we're going dream right now i want to diagnose my dream because it's my ranking no i'll give the ranking we'll do the dream later my ranking is 11 gold medal dogs
Starting point is 00:20:10 okay what i feel some revelation biblical things all right interesting uh yeah i'm excited for this dream usually i'm the one the weird ones so. I feel like it's not as weird as yours. Make me feel normal. Well, don't bring me back down that quickly. Rooks, how was your week? It was good. I saw the Bry guy. Bry guy was in Washington. He's in the area.
Starting point is 00:20:39 So we went to a DC United game. DC United, absolutely terrible at soccer. All you players, I know you listen to this podcast, quit forever. You guys aren't going to fucking make it. This is as far as the line goes. You guys got fucking molly whopped. But yeah, had a great time. I also want to say, Corey poo-pooed on Chicky Tendies at a game.
Starting point is 00:21:02 Chicky Tendies slap at a game, my guy. Watch your tongue over here okay chicky tendies at the dc united stadium audi stadium they were good they were a nice little slapper at the beginning of the game so you watch your mouth game baseball game you watch your fucking mouth okay anyway um but then after that went down to the Bogan this weekend, down in the Big Apple. It was, dude, it was so fucking hot this weekend. Oh, my God, dude. The entire US. Goose sweat for days, my guy.
Starting point is 00:21:39 Dude, having to wear khaki shorts in this fucking weather. Oh, my God, dude. Got fucking trench ass like you heard like you know like back in like the war back in like vietnam dude they had trench foot dude no we were all there they had trench foot dude i had trench asshole dude my shit was fucked up anywho um watch friday watch the watch the rags Watch them play I ate a fucking delicious short rib sandwich Oh my god it was fucking delicious And then Saturday
Starting point is 00:22:12 I helped our resident niece Denise Move some shit And then I got to see Another female in the field Chris and Coppitalio's We stopped by the Coppitalio household Got to see them talk to them for a little bit talk to the cali girl dude all these california girls like it was crazy what's up
Starting point is 00:22:32 uh what part of her house did you break this time i did not break anything but it's a tradition have we talked about that on here probably she's definitely came on i think yeah let's talk about it you're basically your boy fucking yoinked their uh diving board out of the ground with a jump but i was like going into it i was like when the fuck is christian's dad gonna mention it like when is he gonna say it i know i'm gonna get poo-pooed on at some point when is he gonna say it doesn't say anything about it we just catch it up for like two hours and then we're leaving he comes up he shakes my hand he goes oh by the way so we're like in the process of selling this house and this guy came over to give me an estimate the other day and he was walking around our pool
Starting point is 00:23:14 and he's like yeah it's gonna be 15 000 less because this pool doesn't have a diving board and i was like you motherfucker it's like god damn I thought I was going to make it out of here without anything being said about it. But Al had to give me a little body bag. It was fine. It was fine. It was great being over there. It's great seeing everybody. I got to see Nicky Combs, too.
Starting point is 00:23:33 Kristen's brother. That guy's my fucking hype man. Nicky Combs, if you listen to this shit, I love you. I want to kiss you on the mouth every day. Anyway. But yeah, then Saturday night. I want to kiss you on the mouth, baby. God damn yeah then saturday night i want to kiss you on the mouth baby god damn he's so good like you say that a lot this is the second time i've said it
Starting point is 00:23:51 and i think that was it that was either a kyler murray or deandre hopkins nikki comps you're an elite company right now you're welcome anyway um and then yeah then uh saturday just kind of cooled it and just vibed out after uh oh, I went to dinner with Denise's family. Got to meet some of our callers. Got to put my ear to the ground a little bit, you know. Get out of here. Talked to Joe and Chris from New Jersey. Great guys.
Starting point is 00:24:18 Had a lot of great reviews about the show. Honestly, that was my first time meeting Joe. Joe was probably listening to the show um honestly like that's my first time meeting joe like joe's probably listening to the show and then like i was like nice and relaxed and calm and he's probably like who the fuck is this guy sitting across from me because i hear typically if i listen like if he does listen like typically i hear this guy scream about cum for a fucking hour and now he's just like talking about his job and shit like what the fuck fuck's going on? You mean that didn't come up at dinner? There was no come talk at dinner. Surprisingly, I really don't talk about jizz anywhere except for here.
Starting point is 00:24:53 Like this is the only place. I'm pretty shocked. He capitalizes. When he knows it's going to the rest of the world, he talks about it. Yeah. And then so. And then, yeah. Woke up Sunday. So I wasn't in dc a bunch of the
Starting point is 00:25:06 boys went out in dc last weekend and i'm not good i'm not gonna out my boy milky mark on the pod i love that man to death i received some of the funniest snapchat stories and pictures i have ever seen in my entire life i'm gonna leave i'm just gonna leave it at that shout out milky mark i love you i know you're listening um just some of the greatest content i've ever seen and i have it on my phone and it will be in my memory bank for years there's one picture that includes four people it's all four of those people's um contact picture on my phone so that if any four of them call it comes up on my phone i'm just gonna leave it at that um but yeah overall solid solid weekend um i'm gonna give it um one juicy gucci for your boys juicy gucci
Starting point is 00:25:57 but i feel like that describes a juicy Gucci. I don't know. That sounds more like a bad thing, but you had a good weekend. That's all I'm going to say about that. It kind of sounds like a smoothie flavor. Juicy Gucci? Coming right up. I had a great weekend.
Starting point is 00:26:19 It was just, you know, there was some juice. For it being a juicy gucci that means like your boy was active you know what i'm saying you know what i'm saying okay okay fair enough all right tell me how juicy was your gucci my week was really boring um you're moving um yeah i'm moving um well okay so on monday my parents left flew back and then i wanted to hang out with a friend and he's like oh man like my allergies are acting up i was like no worries man i hope you feel better like we're like sitting on the couch together
Starting point is 00:27:00 watching the new halo which by the way fucking slaps i don't care what anybody says um i will fight all the internet trolls like waves of children the entirety of the internet hates it except for tom yeah so um but yeah then the next morning he texted me that he had covid i was like that's tight dude dude. Tight, tight, tight, tight. But you're good though, right? Like you tested negative? Yeah, but you kind of have to like wait a little bit to see if you got it or not. CDC said five days.
Starting point is 00:27:35 I made it like four. But I was isolated. And I got confirmation from my job that I didn't need to drug test. So I ordered a bunch of weed, which is sick. I haven't smoked in like three months. Weed is tight. Weed is so tight. So literally, so I'm in Pacific time,
Starting point is 00:28:01 and hockey games in the playoffs start at like 4. So basically from when I wake up to 4, I'm like packing, doing moving stuff. And then as soon as 4 o'clock hit, I just laid up and I watched hockey and I bought a off-brand Pokemon Heart Gold that like doesn't really work. But yeah, it's been a
Starting point is 00:28:19 solid, solid week. I'm like, yeah, I'm trying to just wrap all this shit up because I move Saturday. I will give my week one Indica pre-roll. Hey, only one? Only one. Hey, I just want to clear it up.
Starting point is 00:28:40 We do not condone doing drugs on this podcast. That being said, weed's fucking tight burn how's your weekend a lot less weed than candy cigarettes but uh do you think they make candy meth like crystal yeah yeah uh that's true they do make rock candy lots of rock candy this weekend wait have you guys ever seen that like deleted pop rocks commercial on youtube that was like aired but they took it
Starting point is 00:29:12 off because it was like crazy sexual please tag it in like the post on this week's episode please put it to it I feel like I have seen it I feel like that's not real though it can't be real I feel like it's definitely not real the title of the youtube is like deleted pop rocks commercial and it's literally like like the whole like porn set the scene of
Starting point is 00:29:37 like the student trying to get a better grade and was like i'll do anything she like puts a bag of pop rocks in her mouth and like goes on her goes on her knees and pans to the guy's face and he's like, ah! There's no way. All right, how was your weekend, bro? So like Rook said, DC United game. You didn't mention it. We saw a monk there.
Starting point is 00:30:02 Oh, yeah, I totally forgot. This guy's just in a fucking monk outfit. The game's over. We're all getting out of the stadium. Did I point it out or did you point it out? You pointed it out. I just casually tapped Bert. I was like, hey, there's a monk over there.
Starting point is 00:30:18 And we just kept walking. I want to say his robe was way too clean. It's definitely like a halloween costume but like why like one if he's a real monk do monks like soccer two if he's a fake monk why are you a fake monk at a soccer game also can i just can i just say i went on so i went on youtube and like you know how youtube will like auto play stuff but like not out loud i'm just this is the shit i know this is the shit tommy is talking not out loud i'm just this is the shit i know this is the shit tommy is talking about there's no fucking way this is real like there
Starting point is 00:30:49 is no fucking way this is real anywho sorry oh i'll post it afterwards don't worry you probably don't want to you probably don't want to continue we've posted a lot of this a lot of stuff okay it's playing right now brian getting knocked around in football you guys sledding and then pop rocks porn i'm pretty sure at the end of this there's like a fake um a fake money shot with pop rocks hold on give me two seconds hold on all right we play by color are you sure you're not on porn hub i am currently on youtube Hold on. Give me two seconds. Hold on. I don't remember that. Are you sure you're not on Pornhub? I am currently on YouTube, my guy. He's on Candy Crush.
Starting point is 00:31:37 What color pop rocks are they using currently? Yeah, it was red. It was red. No, you can't post this. How is this on YouTube? What the fuck? What the fuck? What the fuck? How is this on YouTube? Only Tommy.
Starting point is 00:31:54 I will post what to search on YouTube. Oh, also, there's a comment. This is a real TV commercial. They used to show it in Canada in the 80s. But I mean, that's just some random person commenting so who knows if that's true like that sounds that sounds like one of those things like just trust it just enough out there
Starting point is 00:32:15 that like no one's actually gonna look into it it's like oh yeah i feel that anyway sorry well yeah uh so we saw a monk at the game uh that i binged circle season four i dude i was gonna like i saw it i was like i don't want to watch it's gonna be the same thing over again and then i watched one episode i was like i love this show so much the stakes are so low every other reality tv show there's like in front of each other fighting and this one's like we're all behind a screen just sort of of chatting. So it's so casual. The good thing about this season, though, is like there's a lot of catfish and like they don't care anymore. Like half of the characters are like, yeah, I think this guy's a catfish, but like he's really good for my game.
Starting point is 00:32:55 So I'm just going to keep him around. Well, like in the past seasons, like they really tried to hunt them out and then they would get kicked out themselves because they weren't actually playing the game. So like it's evolving a little bit. So like it's done really well and a little bit of spoilers but i won't say who gets voted out a lot of the early on players get voted out finally where in the past seasons it was like the first three people in the show were the final three people in the show it was like well because they're their longest they made the first alliance in this time they're actually like being strategic and stuff.
Starting point is 00:33:26 It's really good. Highly suggest it. Watch it on Netflix. That's my recommendation of the week. After going to soccer though, on Friday, I went to see the Arkells at the nine 30 club in DC. Shout out Denise,
Starting point is 00:33:39 female on the field recommended to them. I needed concerts to go to. Cause I just love going to concerts and they were like not sold out yet. It was like the only ticket I could get put on a hell of a good show one saxophone solo love it two piano solo extra great three the lead singer guy just runs into the middle of the crowd for a song love it four they bring someone just randomly from the crowd to sing an entire song love it five they have five different songs on nhl soundtrack that all sound the exact same that every time they played a song i was like i feel
Starting point is 00:34:10 like they've played this one before but the crowd was going wild so i was just into it um they're great man uh good suggestion by denise they're just top to bottom and the 930 club is just such a good venue it's super tiny but like it's it's intimate but it's not like it's not like packed it's sick yeah it's not a hole in the wall it's just really small like picture stage ae quarry but like a third that's not or no the wrecks in pittsburgh but with like a really big balcony up top it's that exact thing and it's just isn't stage outside yeah he's he switched his example okay that's gonna say okay it's like think of stage ae but just like 25 times smaller and then that's exactly pretty much um saturday hung out with my friend stack that I haven't seen since like Brooks' apartment warming
Starting point is 00:35:06 like five years ago. And we just played Kirby Air Ride for about eight hours straight. Such a good game. Such a good game. We were trying to beat this one mode that we've never beaten like all the achievements for. And there were still some records on there
Starting point is 00:35:22 for some of the events from 2005. From when we used to play it. It's wild um we actually finally beat the game though like we got enough achievements that we got the credits for the first time since elementary school so good for us we finally did i'm so proud of us you put in oh man we call that growth well exactly perseverance everybody there's one thing you need to learn this week um no we also found out there's We call that growth. Well, exactly. Perseverance, everybody. There's one thing you need to learn this week. No, we also found out there's like eight other things we can unlock that we had no clue we can. So like I definitely need to go back for another like eight hour session.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Eight hour session? Moving on. Oh, yeah. Sounds like a program for like a medical program for like physical training or something. I got to go for another eight hour session. I'll feel a lot better. Oh, it was great for my mental health, man, to just zone out and just run stars into each other for like eight...
Starting point is 00:36:12 It's so much fun. We need to get everyone over there. Rooks, I'm going to make you play it a lot on Saturday. We'll see. I might be in a pool with a dead body, my guy. We'll see. Fair. All right alright my week warp star because hell yeah
Starting point is 00:36:30 Kirby arrived so you mentioned callers and you've mentioned a certain person from New Jersey so here's in parentheses Chris hi guys Chris from Jersey just checking in because I
Starting point is 00:36:45 Understand there's a couple people out There Corey who Like the Pittsburgh Penguins are whining About the fact that they've lost Another playoff series specifically to the Rangers from my understanding You're aggravated and upset About the fact that in game seven
Starting point is 00:37:01 The tying goal was Scored by Zibane jad because some clown defenseman lost his helmet and again in typical penguin fashion i guess the rules just shouldn't apply to you guys let's not even talk about the fact that earlier in the game right you scored a goal with a high stick it was allowed so we shouldn't even have been in that situation and if you want to go all the way back we can go back to game one with the fact that heetal after the goal was listed as good was taken down off the board so come on stop it would you please he's got the receipt so jersey i say one so jersey for that call first of all new jersey his's hidden fan that's all i have to say about it
Starting point is 00:37:46 that was incredible uh his name is zabuma fu not zabinijad get it right i just gotta say that first other than that not a penguins fan over here definitely not definitely not a penguins fan i love i love just tailoring the insults to whatever whatever he wants me to be he's gonna just decide i am and then ridicule that but hey thanks for the call chris keep doing it we love what you're doing out there in jersey we do that game was so great for someone who grew up in penguins country so i fucking hate the penguins and then i'm a devil's fan so i fucking hate the rangers it was game seven overtime i was so excited i'm like which team do i get to just bully the shit out of at the end of this oh it was great just so many memes just just texting people oh it was so great so i'm just so
Starting point is 00:38:37 perpetually sad though as a devil's fan but i was just like who whose tears do i get to drink later tonight i just picture it, Tommy. Have you seen the photos? If this team loses and if this team loses, it's just a folder full of memes on someone's desktop. That's definitely that. I haven't seen that, but yeah, that's very accurate. You're just making more clients for yourself for the future.
Starting point is 00:39:00 It's smart. Yeah, I'm going to get my new client there and be like, yeah, I got bullied so hard on Twitter that I got depression. you know it's it's smart yeah i'm gonna like get a my new client there but like yeah i got bullied so hard on twitter that i got depression i'm like sheesh my bad i'm just picturing like a therapist whose like business is running slow so then they just online bully all of their own people oh you know what you know you know we call that we call that multi-level marketing right there, champ. See, you're going to want to bully seven other people, and then they're going to want to bully another seven other people. A bully pyramid scheme.
Starting point is 00:39:35 A scheme of bullying. That would have worked better than Verve in college. Oh, my God. Fuck Verve, dude. If anyone listening, if you sold verve in college oh my god fuck verve dude if you say if if anyone listening if you sold verve in college like like just i like i like having listeners and viewers but like you can just fuck off and listen to something else because this is this is not the podcast for you if you're emotionally unstable great grab five more friends make sure they're emotionally bring us all down sinking tides sink all ships it's what i like what you could do is you could have like like you could like you wouldn't need to recruit people physically but they're just
Starting point is 00:40:18 gonna need to make multiple burners account burner accounts each on like twitter and then like one person's gonna comment on some random post and you guys just fucking hammer them like just like all seven of your burners have to jump on this person i just picture this gets big enough they have like 10 000 people under you and just pick one random person of 10 000 people insult you it one it would work it would be the most evil thing in the world if you got 10 000 mean comments in one day you would get confused than anything else every celebrity ever i would want it to on like a like i would want to like seek my minions out on like like i would want like it to be a post where they're just talking about a sports team winning or losing.
Starting point is 00:41:06 And you know there's always one random comment under that gets no replies. It's like, I fucking hate the Jets. Or just something super random. They'd never think anyone's going to say anything to them. Bam, 10,000 burner accounts jumping down your throat. Have fun in therapy. All right, what's your rates, Tommy? How much money are we making out of this
Starting point is 00:41:25 oh it depends on the like extent of bullying twitter is just yeah we're going like extreme okay um dang well i know like trauma therapy can go up to like 300 an hour if you know the right intervention business is gonna be booming we rich so like if i so hypothetically like if i an hour if you know the right intervention. We rich. So hypothetically if I jumped on this guy and got him pissed and he DM'd me, do I get any commission per DM? Oh yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:57 If we collab. Now you're speaking my language. Dude, the worst insults are when like people are going back and forth on twitter and then they quote tweet it and then they say something about their appearance and then it goes viral oh it's any
Starting point is 00:42:16 anytime someone comments and it leads to just someone posting their like twitcon like profile picture after as a reply and they don't say anything it's just like i'm so sorry this happened to you but like have fun deleting your twitter because it's going to be gone like you're not going to keep it like i saw one in a pool no yet literally like it's that that fucking uh what's that movie
Starting point is 00:42:42 when he's the kids like do you guys want to see a dead body oh yeah true uh no it's like stand by me or stay by me or something i don't know yeah it's stay by me uh yeah no i was these two people were arguing and it's like two black people and one of them like had a like their avatar it was uh her and her husband who's like a white dude and they're like interracial baby and this dude like quote tweeted it's like you let ellen degenerate come inside you tommy's just gonna be on twitter finding the meanest comments be like hey man let's collab i have a job keep it up twitter twitter's twitter's definitely ruthless but like i think the big money for this would be on tiktok i mean tiktok like tiktok you would
Starting point is 00:43:31 blend in as is because there's already just bullet like if you go to a comment section on tiktok it's either the funniest place or the worst fucking place you could go to like it is painful in some of those comment sections like it is just full it is straight up just bullying it's harder for them to like go viral though because the comments themselves you can't like shit if i got 10 000 people i got 10 000 burners to all upvote a comment as well that's just gonna be the top of the list every time yeah but on twitter it's like it's its own post let alone not just underneath the video you know we're really we gotta think this out we're gonna we're gonna do a swat chart we're gonna do our strength weaknesses opposition strength come on
Starting point is 00:44:16 opportunities weaknesses nothing strong willed people um tommy what's your campus rep situation looking like we have some people in delaware that might be able to uh work for us do you mean like campus like college campus you just graduated dick bag we're too late yeah no no we know people in college um we get them to be our campus reps see there's a lot of mean people at usc i think there's more people at usc that deserve to get bullied all right we're coming out right so headquarters la one of the last times i was on campus i was just like grabbing lunch by myself and like these like three kids were sitting next to me for at lunch and like then this other kid walks up with like you know there's like the dumb cameras that they're filming their dumb little tiktok content i'm sounding like such an old
Starting point is 00:45:15 senile man right now boom kids and their ticketed talks he just walks up he's like what's up motherfuckers did you guys get any good content today and i almost like put my my like food bowl fork in their face and oh my god oh yeah we're going out west yeah yeah yeah it's too easy all right cool nice new business plan do you think we could pitch that the shark tank yeah we. You know how people love bullying and therapy? Have you seen the Shark Tank where they edit it to where they're like bullying the shit out of the little kid pitching his idea?
Starting point is 00:45:57 Yeah, it's so good. So they're already doing it. He's like, hey, hey, sharks. I think it's Mark Cuban or whatever. He's like, hey, sharks. And I think it's Mark Cuban or whatever. He's just like, fuck you. That's perfect, though. So in our pitch, we use that as evidence. We're like, you guys have been assholes to little kids.
Starting point is 00:46:18 That kid's going to be fucked up forever. He's definitely going to need therapy within the year. You know it. You love it. Bullying. Who's that? forever he's definitely gonna need therapy within the year you know it you love it bullying who's we've all experienced it it's everywhere but no one's made money off of it yet that's where we come in and that's where you come in for 10 of the zero dollars we currently make you could be part of the world's first pro-bullying campaign.
Starting point is 00:46:47 Look at the first lady on board. Guys. What? Dude, this is incredible. I'll add it to our Shark Tank list, which is growing rapidly. So, Corey, I heard you have a dream. Yeah, so. Not like an MLK dream. Why? That was never on the table.
Starting point is 00:47:09 That was never on the table. Whenever you say I had a dream, that's what I think of. I know, but let's be real. That's not what Corey's doing on this podcast. That's not what he's doing on this podcast where we're talking about cum and bullying and shit. That's for the viewers to decide. Go ahead. on this podcast where we're talking about cum and bullying and shit that's for the viewers to decide go ahead so we have the somewhat reoccurring subject game i don't know what it is whatever so segment yeah so segment yeah it sounded like segment over here segment yeah okay well whatever anyway oh uh let me interrupt you one more time. I went and checked tape on Zach pronouncing the word plankton.
Starting point is 00:47:48 He said plantain three times in a row. Just want to call him out. Quote it or whatever you do. What should we call it? Clip it. Yeah, I'll bring some tape for next week. Sorry about that. So the segment, Diagnose My Dream, right?
Starting point is 00:48:03 Isn't that kind of like what we do here? Yeah, I'm the doctor. Okay, so Diagnose My Dream. And I Isn't that kind of like what we do here? Yeah, I'm the doctor. Okay, Rook. So Diagnose My Dream. And I guess like Tommy, you know, diagnose it as well. You're a professional. So this was last night, and I had a dream that I was in the Olympics for what sport? It was a team hot dog eating competition.
Starting point is 00:48:28 And I vividly,ly like remember dreaming i actually had like a qualifier round where i was really nervous like this is like the pool round like the round robin it's like you have to be in the top group at this like at the it was like i think it was some like asian country i don't know what one because it's a freaking dream. They don't get that specific. But I remember maybe like China or something. And I got, don't worry guys, I'm repping USA. We made it past the round robin. It's incredible.
Starting point is 00:48:56 And shockingly so, the number I remember that I got was 11 hot dogs. Apparently 11 hot dogs is enough to make you through the qualifying round of the olympics and i love that that's like a reasonable number for a dream and not like a thousand and i was trying to remember like it was also not a long time but definitely way under joey chestnut like record numbers it was like it was like maybe two minutes and I had 11 dogs it's like okay I freaking I think Joey Chestnut can do that in a second it's fine but so so we make it past the first round and it's it's like the the rules on this game that doesn't exist is it's a pool so it's like you have five teammates and you just total up how many your team ate. It's not a relay. It's just go, stop, boom.
Starting point is 00:49:47 What's the total of the team? It's not you each take one bite of the hot dog and keep passing it. Really like that idea, Sharks. Listen up. If you didn't like our last idea, boy, have we got one for you. If you weren't into bullying, well, do you like hot dogs? If you were bullied for your size in school and didn't like that last idea, you're going to love this one. So make it past the qualifiers and we make it to the finals.
Starting point is 00:50:16 I actually remember specifically the dream. It was like they're releasing, flipping on the scoreboard like the teams that move on and it was like like happy gilmore style yeah it was like 50 teams that were in the qualifiers or something except like big number and it was just like nobody was being flipped it was like dq'd dq like everybody's disqualified like gets down to like the last five and like we made it i was like you're moving on to the finals and like then it was just like one other usa team so it's two usa teams in the finals which i don't know why there's two in the olympics and then apparently it came out that everybody else just decided not to be in the final round because they were full of hot dogs and didn't want to
Starting point is 00:51:03 that's what they wanted you to think it was actually like squid games and they got eliminated i don't man it was it was the dumbest dream and then we ended up winning gold like but it was us in another u.s team so like obviously we want gold so like guys diagnose that dream what's going on with me doctor let us let us hear i have so many questions i don't even know where to start i act another small detail i've matched my um olympic best at 11 dogs in the finals as well twice in the same day everybody else dq because they were full was going to say, what fucking bullshit, like, and I know it's a dream. What bullshit reality?
Starting point is 00:51:49 Dude, fucking 11 dogs in two minutes is gold medal-esque? If you really need, like, the cap on, like, how big I can dream, I stop at 11 hot dogs in my dreams guys and then the thing is you're not even you're not even like we fucking pulled this shit out we did it guys you look nah everyone else just fucking quit man we got the gold medal yeah you said there's 50 teams ahead of you and then there's the last three teams and it was you and one other team so you got next to last tied with yourself and then ends up winning maybe the the answer is losers always was joey chess not on either of these united states teams um from my dream i can say confidently i did not recognize any of the competitors i I was going to ask, you've said we a lot
Starting point is 00:52:46 and you have not explained who's on the team. I was five people, so I was one of four. I don't recognize any of them. Hey, he was on United States B, okay? Not United States A. Hey, hey, hey. It's 1A and 1B, all right? We're both up there.
Starting point is 00:53:01 Whatever you say. Fair. Also, is it kind of like a college hockey situation where like or olympic hockey where like the pros can't play so it's only the college players and that's why you're in there really good point brian i'm gonna say that's probably the reason because there's a lot of better you know competitive eaters imagine show so you're on scholarship yeah imagine there being an olympic event for just hey how many how many hot dogs do you think this average group of people can just put down in two minutes like let's just see actually that's
Starting point is 00:53:31 a really good point because i would argue 11 might win i could not eat 11 hot dogs in two minutes i just no not at all well Well, thanks for playing, guys, because I never remember my dreams, and I'm glad I remember that one. Do you want my professional therapeutic advice? If you say seek help, I'm logging off right now. You like eating wiener. That would be $300.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Andy kind of bullied me, so guess what? I'll be back. I bullied you into the upper tier of for the price range so you're welcome because now we now we start the trauma business from getting bullied oh my gosh i have a question i'm so proud of you i have a question. I'm so proud of you for having me, Jim. I have a question for you guys. Oh. Yeah. I've been thinking about this. We, us millennials, have had the privilege of having a lot of amazing, fictitious worlds. Some have been before our time,
Starting point is 00:54:37 but a lot of them have existed while we were children and we grew up with. So, would you rather be a Pokemon trainer slash master, a Jedi, a wizard, a Spartan, or any other fictitious
Starting point is 00:54:59 worlds that you would rather be in? And a follow-up question after that. Which one of those four has the best theme song? Theme song is Pokemon. Don't even answer anybody else. It's Pokemon.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Dude, Halo... Halo takes a steaming dub on Pokemon. Are you joking? Are you fucking kidding me? What are the words? What are the words? You don't need to have words. That's the music part.
Starting point is 00:55:32 It's a dagger. Not the words. Who? Is your song played by Dragon Force? You know what? I actually read that that's false. That's a rumor. What?
Starting point is 00:55:40 That's not Dragon Force. Damn. You're an idiot, Burn fucked loser well i read that your rumor was wrong oh that's crazy man this could be true someone play any songs of these fictitious worlds what's that does creed play any songs of the fictitious worlds oh that's a good question oh pick a creed music video easy i mean that's your that's your fictitious world it's a creed music video it's a cowboys game on thanksgiving
Starting point is 00:56:14 oh i know where tommy's trying to go ram ranch baby dude i was gonna i literally was gonna ask like ad would you rather be a ram ranch cowboy but i was like i literally was gonna ask like ad would you rather be a ram ranch cowboy but i was like you guys would all shit on me but you brought it up my question is hand shop so you're i thought this was fictitious all right my question is what so we're skipping ahead to the theme song which fictitious like world would you grow up in or like you can portray so i guess you don't have to be a jedi you could just be like a civilian and the you think i'm going to the star but i'm not i'm going to fucking tatooine to serve as droids my guy fuck no are you joking i mean your life would probably be in way less danger
Starting point is 00:57:05 fuck no i'd be a civilian all the time my god there's three planets that blew up in star wars don't choose those planets i don't okay all right rick's answer the question i'm out here in my speeder just trying to pick up some fucking groceries and then I'm gonna stop at the local cantina to listen to the band play for a little bit and all of a sudden there's a fucking death ray coming at my fucking earth to
Starting point is 00:57:36 explode it like fuck no I'm not a civilian I don't know I'm gonna need a second I am gonna need a second okay can I choose a different world yeah I'm gonna need a second I'm gonna need a second okay can I choose I can choose a different yeah I just like thinking of like three or four like biggest ones easy Teletubbies
Starting point is 00:57:53 easy got the sun smiling down on you milkshakes for days for best friends you'd ever want that's your answer what color would I be thanks for asking invisible never thought of that huh uv it's not even visible the baby in the sun what the fuck are you talking about right now
Starting point is 00:58:14 you can't see ultraviolet rays of light so that's the color so i would be there but i'd just be a ghost telly telly i'd be a telltale people my color would be. So I would be there, but I'd just be a ghost Teletubby. This fucker said I'd be a Teletubby, but my color would be invisible. That was just said. A translucent Teletubby. Translucent. Not translucent. Ultraviolet. All right.
Starting point is 00:58:36 I'm regretting giving you guys the choice to go. What in the fuck? I'm going to go in honor of Zach, who could not be with us here today um i'm sorry zach uh r.i.p exactly um i'm gonna go cereal world like the mascot cereals like world so like you got fruit loops toucan sam you got all these bitches running around all in the same world it's chaos and i diagnosed all of them to kellogg's cinematic universe like a multi-person within that because look we have so here's here's a great theory so you have all the like knockoff cereals where it's just like
Starting point is 00:59:17 instead of honey nut cheerios they just turn it into honey nut o's and it's still like a b mascot yeah do you think this is like multi-iverse like they're all just like there's other versions of different universes just like there's not millions of grocery stores but there's a lot of grocery stores and it's like oh i'm giant eagle brand like freaking toucan sam i just want to see snap crackle and pop fight off against a bunch of other onomatopoeias and just have do you think snapcracker on pop would think the keebler elves are their versions of them in a different universe or they would know who the keebler elves are because it's like a turf war thing i thought we're talking i thought we're talking cereals here rice krispies is here i don't know if people don't they'll probably they
Starting point is 01:00:00 could whip something up in that tree of theirs. Yeah. Put cookies in milk, not cereal. Have you seen Zach's cereals that he posts? There's gotta be a fucking Keebler Elf cereal. As Zach finds one. He says he just puts Oreos in a box, or in a bowl, just full-sized Oreos, and says it's cereal. So, I think you should do that with Keebler cookies. I'm really regretting asking this question. No, this is a great question.
Starting point is 01:00:24 Yo, I would just say, too, there's gotta be tons of fucking, like, of the serial mascots in multiverses that are hardcore drug addicts, just based on, like, their demeanors and shit like that. Like, it relates.
Starting point is 01:00:39 Cookie Crisp. That guy? Crazy. Dude, Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. Cuckoo for Cocaine, my guy. That guy is fucking wasted all Dude, cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs? Cuckoo for cocaine, my guy. That guy is fucking wasted all the time. Hey, there is a presentation. I'll break out the slides if people need the actual definitions of what's going on in their lives. That's true. We've done this before.
Starting point is 01:00:57 Camp Ryan. All right. While Rooks is thinking, I've already answered. I'm Tali Tubby. Corey's in the serial, the Kellogg's serial universe. What's your answer, Tommy? You're doing Halo, aren't you? Well, okay.
Starting point is 01:01:08 For fictitious universe, Pokemon, easy. Fair. Theme song, it's a coin flip between Pokemon and Halo. I don't know. Hold on. You'd want to live. Dude, living in the Pokemon world, like, what if you run out of Pokeballs when you're out in the wild? like what if you run out of pokeballs when you're out in the out the wild like you just if you want so he's going the anime version of it not like the
Starting point is 01:01:31 video game version of it where like you die anime version like ash gets zapped by pokemon constantly and just like he's like but you can't like they threaten death all the time in that show like you can die the character says don't. Yeah, that's fine. We threaten people to kill them in our bullying pyramid scheme all the time, but we don't actually kill them. That's true. It's all about expectations. So my texts are popping up on my
Starting point is 01:01:58 laptop right now, and my friend is giving me live texting updates of the episode when Chief claps cheeks. And it's hilarious all right so you're changing your answer to the halo universe specifically for that scene yeah and then okay cool yeah uh question if you're in the pokemon universe are you going in 2d or are you gonna be like full realistic and then everyone else is 2d oh 2d or are you gonna be like full realistic and then everyone else is 2d oh 2d okay all right she didn't want i feel like seeing like a like a like some of the pokemon like real like like uh
Starting point is 01:02:35 what is like what's what's your are you okay like like a realism version of some of the pokemon i feel like it'd be like scary The dudes that are just a pile of gunk, what's their name, Muk? Seeing that realism would be kind of terrifying. But if Muk was in a pool, how much would it have to be for you to get in? At least four.
Starting point is 01:02:59 Okay. So what universe do you shoot in? I've been just criticizing everyone else's answer, and I don't have an answer myself. You could say Nintendo, Mario Universe. That dawned on me after. No, because the whole thing revolves around
Starting point is 01:03:13 you fucking getting Peach away from Bowser, and Bowser's just going to keep getting Peach. And it's just like, dude, Peach, can you stop getting captured by this big, giant fucking turtle with horns on his back? It's pretty noticeable when he's around sorry didn't know you had such a vendetta against bowser it's more against peach like how do you get captured that many times my guy bowser is the best character of nintendo she's also she's also a badass and fucking super smash. Like, why the fuck can't you just fight this guy off
Starting point is 01:03:45 with your umbrella, you dumb idiot? Smash Bros. Universe, you going in? No, because I'm going to get pieced up by everybody, dude. Are you joking? One Falcon Punch, I'm dead, dude. I'm down a stock. All right. New answer.
Starting point is 01:03:59 The Subway Commercial Universe. You know... And you want to get touched by Jared? Like, what the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you just putting yourself in harm's way, my guy? I was waiting for Brian to say, like, the Sims version of, like, that he created. So, like, close to trying to recreate our current world,
Starting point is 01:04:17 but actually just Sims version. Do you want to be a child that's dead? No, I'll pass. Okay, well, I offered. do you want to be a child that's dead no i'll pass okay well i offered i mean i think like i think being a jedi of star wars is like a pretty like solid answer you know what i mean like and in star wars like there's hella jedi that just have this crazy story and then they disappear in the outer rim it's like dude i could just go like fuck around for a few years and just be like like i think be like having a job is it like people not knowing you're a jedi and you're working like a day job would be fucking hilarious
Starting point is 01:04:50 like that would be so much fun dude i can make so much money as a bartender oh my god they'd be fucking hammered i'd be like you want another drink right now and they'd be like i want another drink right now i bet you're gonna tip me 10 000 credits here's 10 000 credits like i think it'd be kind of thank you for using the universe specific actually i'm gonna i'm gonna be a jedi but i'm gonna be like an outer rim jedi who's just not involved in the shit anymore like i got all the powers i can fucking kill anybody that steps to me but like i want to be just doing nothing like i want to just be sitting around like i'm just laying around fucking getting some fucking just be the wit be in the wizarding universe then if all you want to do is just have some man but i want to be able to use a lightsaber too like you know what i'm saying
Starting point is 01:05:35 like all of the power of a jedi without the responsibility of being a jedi exactly because like you the obvious answer would be like oh i want to be like a Jedi Knight. The very best that no one was before. I never was. I love that. Bro, they all got slaughtered by Anakin, dude. Can I change my answer to being- Can you make that lightsaber noise just one more time? I want to change my answer to being a Jedi, specifically Anakin in episode three when he goes to the Jedi temple.
Starting point is 01:06:06 You turned her against me! Sorry. I'm changing my answer too. I want to be a Jedi in the Star Wars universe, but specifically in the Outer Rim, and I hunt and kill Jedis, and that's the only thing I do. Sounds like a Sith, my guy.
Starting point is 01:06:22 No, I'm a Jedi. It's my universe. Actually, I want to, my guy. No, I'm a Jedi. It's my universe. Actually, I want to change my answer. I want to be in the Cars universe. No, I just want everyone around me to be a car, dude. And I'll be a car, too. I'll just be like, what's up, man? It's weird how we're all just cars, right?
Starting point is 01:06:35 It's a kid. Question, though. I never watched the movie. Are planes in the movie Cars? Or are cars in the movie Planes? Is that the same universe to you? Or is that two different ones? So there's actually multiverse so the first the first level is just cars called the vehicle cinematic the second level is transformers okay so you get one outside it's
Starting point is 01:06:55 transformers where they transform from cars um and then yeah it's like it's it's this whole thing i don't have enough time on this podcast to explain it when since we're bringing that back up tommy uh if you're a transformer what do you turn into i literally was about to say that brian's gonna show up in the cars universe as a skyscraper no man that's the buildings universe uh if i was a transformer what i would um i'd be a pool just for dead bodies and come i didn't think there was a right answer but tommy found it all right well with that uh that was the episode thanks for listening uhs, please give us some advice. Horoscope?
Starting point is 01:07:48 I don't know. It's a kind of toss-up for either one. Who knows? But hey, this week... Avoid bodies of water. Thank you.

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