It’s Wednesday My Dudes - Ep. 72: Cargo Shorts Don't Melt Steel Beams (2000s Draft)

Episode Date: July 27, 2022

Y2K here we come baby, we're drafting everything 2000s, from puka shell necklaces, to 9/11, we hit all the bases. Throw in some talk about Corys fruit draft and why dogs should have more options for h...aircuts and thats a wrap. Rate us 5 stars on Spotify! and leave a review and rate on Apple Podcasts! Links here to follow on social media! and find other places to listen!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And here we go. So the only thought I have, because I was just, like, thinking back to the episode, it sounded like Zach was trying to convince Kristen that, like, girls get turned on by butt touching. And, like, she was not ready for that comment and so she was she did a great job on on answering that because i don't know i don't know what you wanted her to say because it looked uh i don't know she just did a great job because i was like i don't know how this is gonna go and i see it going very very poorly and like part of me would not have been shocked if today brian said
Starting point is 00:00:46 yeah it took me like an hour to cut out a lot of that because i was like she's she's not gonna dance around this one so i guess congrats zach it sounded like you had an answer in mind and like you wanted her to say it so so i had a hypothesis in mind my assumption was that they must the butt must have some extra nerve endings for them because otherwise why would they do it um because honestly if if i was grinding on a girl and i had got no sensation down below would probably not do it i'd probably just go crazy arms in the air um and keep keep enough room for me and jesus in between the ladies um of course but yeah no i mean i think she did a great job on the spot you know kind of you know phone a friend style i think she answered it well she had no spot, you know, kind of, you know, phone a friend style.
Starting point is 00:01:25 I think she answered it well. She had no idea. She had no idea. I'm excited to bring her back on for my second question. How about this for a while? Maybe it's like a back scratch, right? Like I like having my back scratched. So like maybe now you could like maybe a girl is like rubbing their butt up on you because it's incomparable.
Starting point is 00:01:45 I don't know. Not itchy, but who doesn't like a back scratch or a back rub? You don't need to be in need of one. I don't know. Every girl in the world has a very itchy butt crack. Just every single one of them. That's your hypothesis. Put it on the board.
Starting point is 00:02:03 I like it. I'll stand by it, I guess. I don't know. I wasn't trying to make a very big hot take, but I guess here we are. Oh, we need a cold call Bill Nye, and we'll get an answer. I was going to say, Corey, were you on the fruit episode? Was that last week? They're blending together.
Starting point is 00:02:19 That was last week. So you weren't on there? So can we get some fruits? Yeah, I guess I should have brought my five five so i'm trying to think of the like the fruits it was top i think you gave three um oranges trash watermelon trash yeah i mean i don't eat that much watermelon it's just like a fruit to eat in the summer i guess because like that's what people have at picnics i don't i don't know that i've actively ever bought a watermelon in my life to be honest unless it was for smashing purposes Shadow Calgar how how many watermelons we bought to smash?
Starting point is 00:02:53 I don't know like I'm thinking science experiment like I know we'd like flung potatoes and stuff So like I wouldn't be shocked if like we did stupid things when we were like hotels for hockey like tournaments So we would like go to the Walmart and like buy things and do something stupid i don't know didn't your buddy like throw a watermelon on top of a car and didn't that ruin it or something yeah i could tell that story if you want me to well i'm just saying like we all have our own watermelon destroying stories just love the idea of cory and his hockey teammates walking into a walmart just ravaging the produce section just not even i mean like mean, like, I don't know. To do something weird, I guess.
Starting point is 00:03:28 Yeah, we were pretty fucking crazy, man. Just each of them has a cart full of one vegetable or fruit of choice just to really confuse the cashiers. Make it look like a math problem. I was surprised you did a fruit episode where I feel like you all like just kind of dislike fruit in general and i like fruit like every fruit i feel like we talk about brian you're like i hate that fruit i'm like okay you pick bad fruits i like bananas which is a very common fruit a bad fruit i agree kind of bad fruit better bread better bread than fruit. Mediocre bread. Is there any fruit that is a bread that can be made into a bread?
Starting point is 00:04:09 Orange bread. Put it on the board. Nope. I think that's a thing. If you were to say like citrus bread. Pineapple upside down cake, yeah, if you're about to say. Strawberry shortcake, I guess, yeah. That's a thing.
Starting point is 00:04:23 All right, I'm just going to list off all the fruit desserts. The strawberries are doing the heavy lifting in the strawberry shortcake, I guess, yeah. That's a thing. All right, I'm just going to list off all the fruit desserts. I'll say, the strawberries are doing the heavy lifting in the strawberry shortcake because the actual cake part is not great. Angel food cake, bottom tier. F tier cake. Awful, awful cake. What? Angel food tastes like air.
Starting point is 00:04:38 It's just air. Just breathe. That's angel food cake. That's the point. That's the point. Yeah, I mean, if you're comparing angel food- So why would I eat a cake if I don't want it to taste like nothing because it's you put stuff on top of it it's not we don't buy a loaf of white bread and take a bite of it and be like man this is really
Starting point is 00:04:55 bland why they sell it like this i'm gonna make strawberry shortcake for the rest of my life just out of bread wonder bread for the rest of my life. It would be good. I'm a big heavenly body and all, but if I had to pick angel's food or devil's food, devil's food all the way. The devil doing something right with his desserts. It's just chocolate cake.
Starting point is 00:05:17 It's just a fancy name for chocolate cake. No. But you don't put anything else on. Guys, it's the base. You put things on top of it. That's why it's bland to begin with. Okay. But like, put it on other shit, I guess. Like if I'm going to say cake, I'm not going to, like, I don't want something that tastes like nothing.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Like I want a cake. Like something with flavor. Like sugar. That's why pineapple is bad. Or that's why watermelon is bad. Why is watermelon not yeah because it's a it has like no taste to it so is watermelon white bread of fruit watermelon should be the base to the strawberry shortcake there you go okay no that's a fruit salad my
Starting point is 00:05:59 friend yummy yummy i'm gonna bring it back to favorite fruits okay i was shocked nobody said peach it's not in my top three but like i really like peaches they're better pie better pie than fruit okay yeah i i'm with you um i think i've got to go i like blueberries a lot i'll go blueberry strong banana the berries in general the berry family in general is a strong family. Good foundations. The berry family. Yeah. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:06:29 Oh, and then black raspberry. So good. Blackberry? You mean a blackberry? Blackberry. Sorry. No. It is blackberry because raspberries are raspberry.
Starting point is 00:06:41 Because you don't say red raspberry, you think blackberry. Yikes. I don't know why I found that so funny. You zach is right i mean i definitely misspoke i'm not gonna say that that's what i call them i mean to be fair there is blue raspberry flavor so i can see there you go maybe but i'm gonna try to i'm gonna try to throw you a lifeline here but it's but my head's not on straight today um yeah loved the kiwi pick though love kiwi strong bro kiwis are strong um and then the only other thought i had from last week's episode was i really wish you guys talked a lot longer because i so we were coming back from north
Starting point is 00:07:17 carolina and it was supposed to be 10 like normal like nine and a half we got there in nine and a half that's what i was basing it on and so when we were driving back i was like it'll be nine and a half we got there in nine and a half that's what i was basing it on and so when we were driving back i was like it'll be nine and a half or ten we got on like the island hit traffic immediately tried to leave early so we didn't everybody has that idea lesson learned and i was like oh i'll just play like this episode we still were listening to the episode by the time we like were just getting off the island So we still had like nine hours left to go. It took us 12 hours to get back. Hey, man, we got 73 other episodes.
Starting point is 00:07:51 You could have listened. I've listened to all of them. I'm either in it and I don't want to listen to it or. That's fair. Appreciate it. Big fan over here. Thanks, man. I'm a viewer.
Starting point is 00:08:03 And I just thought of like last year when I was coming back, maybe I think I was on the beach and the episode that I missed was the warrior face paint guy that Rooks told us about from Ocean City, Maryland. Oh, that was a good one. That was a good one. But yeah, those are my thoughts. I got a question for you. I might have an answer. I will. Do you think there should be more like haircuts for dogs like commonly styled haircuts like i feel like they all just get like they give them a two or a one like no one no one's going into the the pet shop
Starting point is 00:08:39 being like fade the sides give me a nice design on the back long on top like give them some options i mean if enough people did it i think we would have a lot of styles like a mohawk like so much fur to work all the way down their body it's easy isn't it isn't it more of a dog safety thing like if you give them a mohawk and it's cold outside one couldn't they freeze no they could ride bikes if they have a mohawk that's what you're thinking i'm yeah you grow out the beard in the winter but you could style it a little bit different give them some braids let me switch the tables around because i've openly told karina that i dislike this but she shaves down her cat to look like a lion like in the summer because it like gets hot so like she does that and i know we've talked about it and i know i've
Starting point is 00:09:31 told you i don't like it and i'm pretty sure you've agreed with me so i love it because but also like we need more options there's one option for a cat it's lion or nothing or you look like a cat like there's i need things in between man you could do like a tiger and like shave the stripes into them or do the lion but the whole mane only leave the bottom just give them like a mean goatee look that would be pretty sweet be a pretty evil cat i know right give them some crazy eyebrows just leave the top unibrow across the top but like leave one raised so it looks like it's always like being confused but who's it for who is it who's it for because the dog doesn't care the dog doesn't care like the only reason humans get
Starting point is 00:10:17 haircuts is to be appealing to the to other humans if if like are you not we could try to get our pets laid that could be in the room I don't think they i don't think that's how that works i don't think i don't think it's like they need help i think it's hey peacocks are of all those bright fellers because that's like what gets them laid animals could do the same or like pets cats and dogs true potential man people are gonna tie down their animals i'm for it just saying like give give them some options i would be bored if i could only buzz my head for my entire life you get them like you have you seen the videos of all the um the buttons that like trainers have like they like have like 8 000 buttons that offer one word and they're like they can speak i'm not convinced that they can um or understand like what they're hitting but like you do you like
Starting point is 00:11:09 put pictures of these haircuts on the floor next to the buttons in like a pet barber shop and they like walk up and just hit one barber just like does that that's how they pick exactly yeah the little chart on the wall at a barber shop with like the little examples they just put their paw on it like all right i got you give them a little shampoo beforehand i want to see a dog with like a high top like that would be hilarious to see like a poodle walking across the street just like gerald from hey arnold just like a foot tall hair on the top is that what his name is i was gonna say skeeter and it's hilarious that you picked the freaking exact person that I was thinking of. Is Skeeter Doug funny? Yeah, Skeeter's Doug funny.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Guys, speaking of Hey Arnold, remember his room and everyone thought how cool his room was? His top of his, like, it was all glass. My man would be cooking alive in there. If the sun was hitting directly, he'd be burning up. It'd be a terrible room. Yeah, but where do you live, though? San Francisco? Was it New York or San Francisco? burning up. It'd be a terrible room. Yeah. Where do you live though? San Francisco? Was it New York or San Francisco?
Starting point is 00:12:09 I don't know. The only episode I remember offhand right now is when they make that giant pizza in a back alley. You guys remember that? Or was it a pie? Just a regular pie? I can't remember. But when did Hey Arnold air? Primarily. Oh. Was it a Wednesday? Yeah. Specifically. primarily oh was it a wednesday yeah specifically my nipples are hard now number one remove your bra i like nuts this in my butt i'm ready to go
Starting point is 00:12:34 golf is a sexy thing my dick will go like and just flip inside out and it'll turn into a vagina and of course pennsylvania you leave the butter in the crack. Why is my spaghetti fizz? I want to kiss you on the mouth, baby. God damn. He's so good. Yeah, I'd call me big time Or makes me dookie if you just wanted to slurp something and then spit it back and then I swallow I want to die raw dog and lower kids shirt. He based her nipples. He's got slump rocks dick has anchor on I think I gotta get out of here I don't fucking great question who has vertical butt cheeks to the death Facer nipples. You just got slopped. Rock's dick has anchor arms. I think I gotta get out of here. Where did you get the paint from? I don't fucking... Great question!
Starting point is 00:13:07 Who has vertical butt cheeks? To the death. No, Paul, look it down! I'm fucking with this fucking guy, man! It is Wednesday, my dude. Welcome back to another episode of It's Wednesday, my dudes. Episode 73. Hey Arnold originally aired in 96, Zach.
Starting point is 00:13:27 Oh, dang it. Off the board. So it's awful. Terrible. Took a shot. 2000s draft though this week. Couldn't be good. What is it?
Starting point is 00:13:36 One clothing item, one band or artist, one TV show or movie, and two experiences. Correct. It has to be from the 2000s. We'll see where it takes us. But we got Pubey Lewis back this week. It's a boy. Zaddy's here. What's up?
Starting point is 00:13:53 I just took a shower. Shout out showers. And Rooks is out for, I don't know. Went to the cantina too much. Went to the Fort Lauderdale Taco Bell Cantina. Still hungover. He's just pooping out Baja Blast right now. It's just bluish green.
Starting point is 00:14:12 He's Baja Blasting all over his bathroom. Jesus. All right, let's move on. So how was your week, Corey? You've been out for a while. Tell us a story. How was the beach? Yeah, tell us a story.
Starting point is 00:14:22 Make it good. Oh, it's not. Weave a tale. I mean, it was a relaxing beach week i'm trying to so prior to the beach got a nintendo switch which huge purchase was great so uh what color i guess it was a regular one so regular so red and blue yeah the red and blue red and blue blue. Black, yeah. I went traditional. Maybe that says something about my personality, but there you go. Conservative choice. So we had that for the car ride, which was nice,
Starting point is 00:14:54 even though I drove the whole way naturally. But Claire got to try to set some records on Mario Golf. It was upsetting because Mario Kart didn't come in time for us to go. I already ordered it, so I wasn't going to buy. We only had Mario Golf, but we were in a big house. There were two houses because Claire has a big family. We had an older kid's house, which was great.
Starting point is 00:15:18 Then everybody else was in the other house. I just stayed up every night having drinks and playing Mario Golfio golf with uh her one brother dave who lives in like tennessee or whatever it was great because it was just like you know what you're getting at a beach trip where you go to the beach you relax build a sandcastle drink zach do you have a question i do i just have a quick poll everyone's favorite mario party golf cart character or your go-to character? Oh, Green Turtle. Whatever that is. The Koopa Trooper?
Starting point is 00:15:47 Koopa Trooper. But green, specifically green Koopa Trooper. If we're going specifically Mario Kart, Baby Mario every time. If we're going Mario Golf, Yoshi. Come on. He's a dino. See, I'm a dry bones guy. My guy dry bones.
Starting point is 00:16:03 The driest of the bones though actually actually there's a new there's a shout out big hole guys um before i ordered the game they were like oh you're gonna play as the wiggler the whole time there's this like worm who just like wiggles and he looks like like a pedophile basically so uh shout out uh whole guys also shout out monty Mole there's another character in Mario Kart did you say was it Monty Ball
Starting point is 00:16:29 wasn't he a running back is it Monty Monty Mole Monty Mole he's a mole oh the mole okay got it
Starting point is 00:16:36 Plankton the Plankton that okay that was hilarious hearing it over and over again dude
Starting point is 00:16:44 it was I feel vindicated. All right, keep going. How's the week? How's the beach? How many more? What scores did you set in Mario Golf? Be the game?
Starting point is 00:16:56 Honestly, I don't know. I have a bone to pick, though, with Mario. It seems like it's gotten less achievement-y. We unlocked everything just by playing like three rounds of holes like like three rounds of 18 holes that didn't sound right so kids games are just too easy nowadays well yeah like even in mario kart we were playing the other day and like you don't get you don't unlock the the places you just have all of them that's not that's not fun like i want to unlock shit i want to i want to
Starting point is 00:17:26 not have it and then earn it i don't want to just like have it that's not fun yeah kids these days have it too easy exactly gotta work for it uh-huh that was the moral of my story um and then but yeah that i mean that was i can't remember what I did the weekend before when I'm just laying on the beach the whole time. So, got back, 12 hours of traffic. Shitty. That was about it. I will give my week one big Mario. Wah, wah, wahoo!
Starting point is 00:17:59 Sorry for all the viewers there. Turn your headphones down on that one. I should have backed up, but... I think pretty good though it's getting clipped i'm gonna use that for everything from now on i do forget that you do that so whatever good ones on here no it's a great rating i think that's the best week we've ever had zach beat the wahoo somehow for us the dry bones noise friday uh dry bones that was really i have no idea that's the sound he makes i think that's pretty good yeah uh friday did nothing saturday woke up did my cycle bar class, was lit. Came back, got showered, went to my favorite bar in Chicago, Side Street Saloon, cash only.
Starting point is 00:18:49 Played pool, deleted about nine Miller Lights, put about $30 in the touch tunes, banged out some 90s alternatives, including Santeria by Sublime. Got a call from my friend, was like, hey, my sister's got a free ticket to a random rapper who's doing a party boat show on a boat in Lake Michigan. I was like, sick. I'm dressed for the occasion.
Starting point is 00:19:12 I'm wearing a Jimmy Buffett shirt and some mesh shorts. Like, let's go. And went there. Wait, mesh shorts? Yeah, like retro mesh, like athletic shorts. Like not like see-through mesh. I wouldn't call the. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:19:26 I wouldn't say it's mesh, but old school shorts got it yeah so went there um very underdressed for the bar uh ran into random people from high school i haven't seen in 12 years so that's always fun they commented on how tall i was that boosted the ego a little bit um then we were on the boat and i was like sick. I want to drink. And I ordered a double double vodka Red Bull came in a pouch like an IV bag felt like a very cool, like very like adult juice box vibe, which I'm, you know, big juice box boy. Suck that baby down in about four minutes. And so I had to kind of kind of pace myself and go back for some for some more seltzy boys and carry my night throughout the time. Honestly,
Starting point is 00:20:07 I got pretty drunk and just didn't, the music guy was okay. The boat being on the boat was nice. And then I proceeded like, okay, great boats over going to go home, take a nice little nap. No psych turns out there's an after party in a club. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:20:17 no way they let me in this club with my Jimmy Buffett shirt, met shorts. I've been sweating now. So I probably stink a little bit. Um, they're like, no, come on in.
Starting point is 00:20:24 I'm like, oh, sick, dope, uh, worst vodka water I've had in my life so I probably stink a little bit. They're like, no, come on in. I'm like, oh, sick, dope. Worst vodka water I've had in my life there. Playlist was fire, but I was operating on zombie mode. So finally went home at 1.30, which was fine, and went to bed. And then woke up on Sunday. What did I have?
Starting point is 00:20:40 Oh, order from Costco. I got the taco. Here we go. Strap it. I ordered the family chicken taco pack. It was like 18 bucks from Costco. Had that for lunch. There's about 12 taco shells in there.
Starting point is 00:20:55 Probably about like a good pound and a half, two pounds of meat. Had that for lunch. Ate that. Went to J. Michaels, a.k.a. Jersey Mike's. Got a big or like a super size uh they had a new sandwich like the big kahuna steak portobello mushroom sandwich got the biggest one of that uh powered that down um and had a couple ice cream bars that were like the frozen yogurt mint chocolate chips and two melatonin to wrap the night up um so it was nice um way to wash it down yeah i'll give it i hopefully that wasn't too long but i'm gonna give my rating um i think
Starting point is 00:21:30 i have 197 jersey mic points because i'm really close to a free sub hey i was trying to look up how many calories are in this taco kit um and i couldn't find it but I found a label that says it's 2.75 pounds of food. So, hell, that's a lot. Your stomach, man. Yeah, you know. You need more than two melatonin to really wash that out. Correct. Yeah, I think I'm starting to get immune to the melatonin,
Starting point is 00:21:56 which is a problem. If you try snorting it? I would, brother. They have the powder pills I could take. Okay, I shouldn't have given you any ideas. Moving on. I saw the movie Nope this weekend, and Rooks always gives me crap for saying every movie sucks,
Starting point is 00:22:11 so that movie was good. There you go. Rooks, fight me. He's not here. I recommend it. Go see it. He'll listen. He's a viewer.
Starting point is 00:22:21 But it was last weekend at Indy, so I just ran around downtown, saw some food sites went in places played some pinball went to a baseball game went hung out with the losers Jeremy and Megan again known as big time we went to like we're trying to pick a movie
Starting point is 00:22:36 and we're gonna go pick a pizza in 20 minutes like what's a movie that has a good like 20 minutes so we can start and then start like at the real movie we want to watch once we get our pizza so we put on the Dark Knight Rises because it's a great intro and then we got our pizza we're like we should just continue watching this movie so we just continue watching dark knight rises i feel like people hated all that movie because dark knight was so good but dark knight rises is just it's great it's not great it's the it's the worst of the trilogy by far it's not
Starting point is 00:23:01 correct it's not no it is it is batman batman begins is worse wrong very much wrong they're all great it's just it is worse dude when why you not like about the third when bane and batman are fighting in the daytime in the street looks like two old men like swinging their arms around it looks very bad it's not a good superhero movie at all but it's a good movie because compared to any of like the new Marvel movies or DC or even DC movies, the action's very subpar. The Batman suit looks really stupid. The cars and stuff are dope, actually.
Starting point is 00:23:32 But as a whole, it's freaking Christopher Nolan. It would be like if you got Steven Spielberg to come direct a current Marvel movie. It's not a bad movie. It's just the worst of the three. Fair. I still disagree. The first one just the worst of the three fair i still disagree the first one's the worst when talia ghul dies an unbelievably hilarious scene when she dies it's so funny why because of her acting i'll show you a clip later it's although it didn't i mean i watched it it did have one of
Starting point is 00:23:57 the funniest like funnier die skits though where batman gets stabbed it's is for Bat. It is for Alfred. So the where's the trigger line for Batman is in the second movie, right? Like that's like the big famous one where he's trying to. No, which one? So where's the trigger? Because he's trying. Yeah, where's the trigger? I thought it was the third because it's like the trigger for the.
Starting point is 00:24:25 No, no, no. It's the second one. It's the second one. No, it's the third because it's like the trigger for the for the that's the no no no it's the second one I thought it was the third one because it's the scene when he's doing the college humor thing he says it in that doesn't he I thought it was when he was screaming for Rachel I thought that was all one scene because he says the same like in the same tone
Starting point is 00:24:42 he says multiple things in the same tone where's Rachel? Where's the trigger? Where is she? It's like the same, like, so they blend together. I think you're right. I think the trigger one is in the third one. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:24:52 So the trigger one's in the third one. I was like, he says that in this one too? And I was dying laughing. Because I thought that was in the second movie. It's so funny. And I don't know why everyone can say it exactly how he says it, but it's spot on. No one has ever done that impression wrong it's always correct have you seen the funny video like the
Starting point is 00:25:09 people like recapping i can't believe uh two-faced didn't realize that this was um uh the joker it's like when the joker's in the like nurse outfit and this this is the second one and then like he like takes the mask off and then he like freaks because he realizes it's the Joker even though he has makeup on. It's hilarious. So there's flaws in every movie. Yeah. Don't look. I am never in the club of like you need to really diagnose a movie because every movie is going to be bad if you look at it too hard.
Starting point is 00:25:39 Just kind of turn your mind off slightly. Watch the movie. It will be good. But yeah. last weekend in indy drove to minneapolis it was like nine and a half hour drive long as hell but listen to like eight podcasts made it here it's fine uh also guys i asked cory this about how many lottery tickets he has for the drawing tonight zach how many how many lottery tickets are you in? How deep are you? Oh, is the lottery, is it big?
Starting point is 00:26:07 Oh, it's $810 million. There's your answer. Gotta get to a billion for me to play. Oh, dude, give it two days. It'll be a billion. B is for billion. No one's gonna... Usually, the funny thing about the lottery is is usually my mom would be the
Starting point is 00:26:26 one to remind me because mom loves the loves like playing the lottery and scratch offs and gambling and going to vegas responsibly of course um yeah but uh so she was the one in the in the house and she would be like are you gonna go get your ticket today and i'd be like oh no i'll just go off she's like no no if i win it's my money you're not getting any i was like okay so she would like indirectly force me to get a ticket because i didn't want to be like left out it's a smart play she just she's increasing her chances because if you win she's definitely taking your money correct no matter what so i appreciate it uh i got another ticket because you know i'm gonna win there's a 50 50 shot i lost last week so this week i have to win. It's a lot. Because, you know, one for two, right?
Starting point is 00:27:05 So I rate the week question mark out of two for the lottery. We're going to fill it into a one next week. Don't worry. I'll be giving away millions of dollars each week. It would be great. Ugh. Do you want the pot in here? How much?
Starting point is 00:27:19 Or does it stay alive? Oh, no. Oh, it's staying alive. We're going ad-free. How many millions of dollars do you guys want? I'll have a, what's $8's 810 million like subtracted by taxes uh usually it's like a million it's usually like 30 but that's like a bonus just be a little more conservative just cut it in half give yourself a little less to work with i'll give you each like 200 does that fair 198 150 okay all right yeah
Starting point is 00:27:48 i want a coupon for a free back rub with my butt a free grind and that's up to you you're the millionaire at that point that's true that's true i'll i'll buy you a fake version of my butt that can grind i'll put on like a robot and it'll just grind on you whenever you want it to actually have you seen uh not this is nothing where are you going with this so fake but reminded me have you do you guys watch uh f boy island i think it's called on hbo no i couldn't relate to any of those people so good it's all it's like another dating show so, I couldn't relate to any of those people. So good. It's like another dating show. So good. But you reminded me because one of the
Starting point is 00:28:28 person's date is they went to go cast mold. It's like one body part on the person and they casted each other's butts. So it was funny. Anyway, keep going. Sorry to interrupt. Tangent off the mind. It's great though. Highly recommend.
Starting point is 00:28:45 I'll watch it just for that scene, and then I can move on. Alright. 2000's Draft. Where's some music? Get the game show going. Welcome to the 2000s. We're 22 years late, but
Starting point is 00:29:02 we're here. We're drafting. Zach, what we're here. We're drafting. Zach, what's the order? You have one job. Yeah, one job. I'm not going to go on the draft order. What I'm going to do is I think the person who was born earliest, whoever the oldest in the group is, has an advantage
Starting point is 00:29:20 because they got to experience. That doesn't make any sense. More of it. No, that doesn't make any sense because we were both in 2000. I like that. The oldest person is going to go last because they have an advantage and the youngest person is going to go first.
Starting point is 00:29:34 Does that not make Zach the one going first? Rooks would hate this. Whoops. When was your birthday? May 22nd. 93? Four.
Starting point is 00:29:47 Yeah, he would be the youngest. Oh, you're young. Boo. All right, Zach's first. Whatever. Wow. In Zach's rules. Hey, look, I get the turn.
Starting point is 00:29:57 That's fine. I can go back to back. I'm all about that. I'm a big middle guy. I'm in. All right, Zach. All right, you're up. First overall pick in the 2000s draft.
Starting point is 00:30:10 I'm going to go with the article of clothing, and I got to go with the cargo shorts. You bitch. You bitch. You are a big, big, big, big bitch. Just do it. Can I get a follow-up? Is there a zipper on these cargo shorts that can then turn them into pants no because i feel like that's a different pick oh i feel like that's a
Starting point is 00:30:31 different okay that's on the board though correct just just i uh i'm going with this cargo point they're just the sheer girth on these and these shorts because or i would say like and so the reason i love these shorts is because one, everyone warm and looking back at pictures, everyone looked ridiculous past the knee. If you saw any of your knee, you thought you were like a witch or a wizard and they would burn you at the stake. Zero knees were shown. The sheer amount of pockets though, I think that was our selling point. Like you could fit so much stuff in there.
Starting point is 00:30:59 I never filled more than one pocket. Cause in go to high school, you have what your car keys, maybe a crappy wallet at the time. And that's pretty much it like you fill one pocket and everything else is just loose and puffing out it's like oh like let me put my tactical taser in the other one and i think it's gum like there's there's like um also to the underrated thing the stores where you could buy these cargo shorts tier one abercrombie first i feel like then it was probably like american eagle era postal um but i feel like hollister i feel like the the belts were also key the cloth cloth the
Starting point is 00:31:32 cloth or the braided straw belts were hitting different um nothing was worse than getting some of your as you were growing through puberty your you had a little belly button hair nothing worse than getting the little belly button hair caught in the buckle and ripping it out and you're just like oh man this is worth paying my life um but yeah man i'm gonna go with the cargo shorts because for whatever reason we thought those things were banging and they were absolutely like those things will never come back in style you know stuff like comes back that's one thing that will never come back hey man you should have left it for me because i'm trying my hardest all right there's at least three episodes where i've mentioned it so i'm very upset with that pick You should have left it for me because I'm trying my hardest. All right?
Starting point is 00:32:09 There's at least three episodes where I've mentioned it, so I'm very upset with that pick. This might be the most mad I've ever been. Just get the zip-off shorts. They're still there. You don't have to take clothes right now. You can take something else. You don't have to go clothes and all that. I know, but like— To recap, one clothing item, one band or artist, one TV show or movie, and then two experiences.
Starting point is 00:32:25 You got a lot of options. I know, but I guess I'll go one of the experiences because you guys might pick it. And I only – the cargo shorts was the one thing I wanted in this entire draft. Like if I got none of my first picks in the other categories, it would have been an okay day. So I'm playing catch up. I'm going gonna go and experience and i'm gonna go aom uh instant messaging after school like with everybody's handles and like it was just it was great it was give me your handle right now i won't go around the room
Starting point is 00:32:55 it was i think it was like devil's man 29 nice brian uh jub jub 13 mine was was Football Fanatic 54. Hell yeah. Hell yeah. Give me the other one. Did you only have one? Yeah, I only had one. I knew like eight people who had like 16 different screen names, and you had to like categorize them because you're like, I can't remember who's who.
Starting point is 00:33:20 I just remember. Give me the door close. Oh. When you leave the room? give it give it to me right now i can't remember it i'll just put the dry bones on again um well i just remember like coming back because nobody had phones and it was like fourth grade where it's like fourth and fifth grade. There were like the like playground like that's my boyfriend. That's my girlfriend. And I remember having like conversations with like friends of friends and being like so and so likes you like that type of like little like elementary school, like rumor mill that was like,
Starting point is 00:34:06 oh, it was great. It was fire. People would like get into like fights and stuff at the playground the next day because they'd be like, so-and-so I was, you know, I am in so-and-so last night.
Starting point is 00:34:15 And you know, they said they liked you or like they want to like hang out today. And then you ignored me on the playground. And it's like, guys, we are in fifth grade. It's the best. It was great because one, we're all socially inept.
Starting point is 00:34:29 But, like, you could do it over the internet and be, like, sort of decent at it. So, like, very much learned how to flirt there and then did not ever develop how to do that in person. So, like, it was great but also hurt in the long run. Oh, it hurt. Oh, yeah, it hurt. Oh, it hurt. Yeah. long run um oh it absolutely yeah oh yeah oh it hurt yeah yeah you'd like talk up a big game and then go the next day and like just like you're not don't even look at the person you're like oh oh yeah that was a play number one for me the best we love good play one it was
Starting point is 00:35:02 that's where the playbook was made, man. Dude, you left so many experiences on the table. Thank you. There it is. We left the chat. Corey, I might have to do it with them. Two experiences back to back. Just what shaped everybody in 2000s. Don't do it.
Starting point is 00:35:21 No, no. Don't. All right, I'll start off easy. We're going to go go the 2008 financial crisis what really just shaped all millennials is just destroy the economy right off the bat right when we're going to high school where like you might get a job just immediately just destroy how money works in the entire nation put all of our parents in the debt really just cause some divorces to happen just really really really push everyone into a depression really fast then to you know like just back-to-back picks
Starting point is 00:35:51 right together this happened before it but you know it just prepped us for it we have to go 9-11 it's the biggest experience of the 2000s damn it you guys left it on the board for good reason if there's you didn't say good experiences. You just said experiences. There's two things you're going to remember. These two things. We still have troops in the Middle East. It's still happening.
Starting point is 00:36:14 That thing... Cargo shorts are gone. We're still over there. I'm just... You still have to take your shoes off at TSA. But you don't see cargo shorts in Hollister. I don't know how to react to this. I don't either.
Starting point is 00:36:26 Brian's bringing the fun ones. We all knew you were going to do this. Everybody knew, and it's still somehow, like, it just hits you. Well, since my experiences are off the board, you want me to give you an honorable mention for experience because I can't draft another one? We could still draft it unless you don't think we want it. I don't think you want it. don't i don't think you want it sure go ahead fire it off so the bronze age began in north ancient china in 2000 bc so it was a good time like bronze is a big important thing for us you know all right i'm off the board core you're back up man um it's hard to teeter away from that one i'm gonna go also in 2001 a great film
Starting point is 00:37:10 franchise releases i'm going lord of the rings oh of course i have to which one which one specifically well the hobbit my favorite one's the second one. Oh, okay. Which was 2000. Two Towers. Hey, transition. I always do. Speaking of Towers. Lord of the Rings. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:35 What about that, Gollum? Yeah. Man, if I was better at this, I would have done that exact thing. Speaking of Towers. God damn it. Missed opportunity. All right. Anyway.
Starting point is 00:37:48 Yeah. god damn it missed opportunity all right anyway yeah uh i mean big game of thrones dragons fan now definitely was shaped because of that so like much like uh 9-11 shaped a lot of our lives lord of the rings also shaped by life um so zach take this over to your next pick well i'm just glad you didn't go with the third one, Corey. That trash pick. No, no, no, no. Yeah. Oh, the third one's great. The third one's great.
Starting point is 00:38:11 It's all good. No, the third one's bad because it had to fill all the plot holes. In the art of the Batman conversation we just had, it's still great. It's just not the best out of those three. All right. I'm going to go with an experience. I'm going to go with voting for your favorite American Idol contestant on the phone. Oh.
Starting point is 00:38:29 I feel like that was a weird, it's a weird nostalgic or just pinpoint memory in my life where you'd be watching American Idol with my parents and all of a sudden they'd flash the number and be like, 1-800-776-003 to vote for LaToya London. And you'd be like, oh, I got to vote for latoya london and you'd be like oh i gotta vote for latoya um david archuleta david oh but dude the early american idol people were so like were so much better kelly clark stuttered reuben stuttered uh clay aiken uh fantasia barino chris daughtry um carry on boat byce taylor hicks the soul patrol all aboard the soul patrol no choo-choo um but yeah it was something weird because you would call and you remember it would
Starting point is 00:39:11 like it either be busy or it'd be like your vote is cash it was just like a a wild way to record votes back in the day when you think about it i never voted for american idol because back in the day i was like i never know if I have minutes to do this or if it costs money so I just literally never would be like pick up the phone also did not care who won but we watched it religiously I'm drafting
Starting point is 00:39:36 my Fab 5 that I got free calls to between 2006 and 2007 you guys are the real ones and I'm going to draft my other experience I'm going to draft just iTunes between 2006 and 2007. You guys are the real ones. And I'm going to draft my other experience. I'm going to draft just iTunes in general.
Starting point is 00:39:52 What? Is that experience or is that like software? I mean like being on iTunes, because right now it's all Spotify or Apple Music. Or the concept you could say, like getting an iTunes gift card in your stocking and then going downstairs and choosing meticulously. You had 25 songs. You've got a $25 gift card.
Starting point is 00:40:08 You had to pick which songs you wanted to download on your iPod Nano and go for that. And it was $0.99 a song. I remember they increased it to $1.29, which is ridiculous. No, I remember that. Terrible. But I remember – and I also remember I had to get my parents approval if I wanted to download an, uh, like a rap song, um, and get, they had to come in and they had to approve that. I, so I remember I downloaded smack that and they were like, yeah, sure.
Starting point is 00:40:32 This one's fine. I guess. And I'm like, okay. Um, but yeah, were you not, were you not a LimeWire kid? I was going to say it should have been LimeWire. My guy. No, I was an iTunes guy. So I was always asked for iTunes gift cards.
Starting point is 00:40:44 I didn't know how to do that. I was eventually a YouTube converter guy where you took the YouTube link and converted it to an MP3. Still am. Yep, yep, yep. To this day. To this day. But, yeah, I think iTunes was like another – like I'd spend – I remember I'd go down to my basement. All the lights would be off and the blue light from the computer would just be glaring into my eyes as i spend two or three hours just on itunes trying to rearrange
Starting point is 00:41:07 playlists and and pick out what songs i wanted i think you actually having to pay for music is proven to me why you are the way you are and you only listen to the hits because you had to pick only like one song from each artist because you had a specific amount of money to spend on all of them exactly whereas us limewire kids would just download a thousand songs in a row and half of them are viruses and then our parents would hate us because the computer didn't work anymore you just had to get a new computer once every like five years that's fine yeah all right core you're up all right so anyway uh'm going to go with, for clothing, I'm going to go with the Puka Shell necklace. Because, come on, man.
Starting point is 00:41:50 Everybody had that just because everybody would go to the beach over the summer and once one person started wearing it, it was like, well, number one, I think that was like the poster child of Abercrombie. Like, they all had it. Like, every single person, without a doubt. That and flip flops and jeans come on yeah every worst character in like the teen
Starting point is 00:42:14 movies in the 2000s all wore puka shell necklaces I think sometimes they still do and were in 2022 so like it definitely left its mark and I love the pic just because it goes with cargo shorts i mean cargo shorts puka shell necklace in like a blue neon blue shirt that just says like abercrombie across the front and giant letters a cousin of the puka shell necklace
Starting point is 00:42:39 was the shark tooth necklace yes that was that was the one that i wanted though i i wanted the the shark tooth one when i went to the beach and i'm pretty sure i did have one do not remember if there's a picture of it if there is i'll try to find one but i don't think there is do you see that like pearl necklaces for dudes are like in now like it's sort of like the new puka necklace but like it's way more expensive. Yeah. Say yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Those puka shell necklaces were tight too. Like you had a, you know, like,
Starting point is 00:43:10 yeah, like they had to strangle you. Yeah. Sure. You couldn't swallow like while you were wearing that thing. You had to just drink everything. That's why everybody was so fit. They just like worked out and then like didn't get food and got IV injections to get their
Starting point is 00:43:22 nutrients in the water diet. Thanks. You should just use that as Cooper's leash, and then he won't pull on the leash anymore. I mean, he'd look freaking sick. Although he'd look like a bully, though, so I don't know. Why does your dog smell like Abercrombie? Ah, don't worry about it. Why is he shirtless outside of this store in the mall?
Starting point is 00:43:46 Why does he have a haircut? Dude, I mean. I'm telling you. Oh, dude. Could you imagine? If dogs could have frosted tips. Yeah, you give the dogs the faux hawk. And as a person that had the faux hawk, it is a douchey haircut to have.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Girls loved it. Okay. All right. Backpack picks. is a douchey haircut to have so girls loved it oh okay all right backpack pics um i'm gonna go clothing item it's not gonna go we're gonna veer very far away from the abercrombie outfit um we're all with heelys as someone who actually had heelys and wore them all the time and was like one of only like two people I knew who actually had them man they're fun also fell on my face so many times it's really hard to just normally walk in Heelys so like you can little skate down the hall at school but then you try to like actually walk you'll accidentally land on your heel and your foot will slide out from
Starting point is 00:44:39 under you question yeah based on that comment I'm pretty sure I knew the answer was they're always out but they weren't like retractable right because i can't remember heelys themselves weren't retractable there were other versions that weren't like the heelys were they the ones that you could like pull the wheel out but then you're just carrying a wheel okay yeah yeah like in like like a door i mean if i had my cargo shorts on it would have been completely fine honestly they should have sold them together. That would have been huge. I didn't think that far ahead. No, I just wore gym shorts every single day like I still do.
Starting point is 00:45:12 So the pockets were not nearly big enough to hold wheels in them. So I rolled down the hallways. I wish Rooks was here because he would fully verify my story that in the seventh grade, I was just like cruising through the hallways just skating around surprisingly no teacher ever gave me crap for that because like you can't like have a skateboard in school or they usually like freak out yeah i mean you had shoes as long as they're like yeah in their your shoes it's okay i don't know every movie and tv show like lied to us because there was always the kid with the skateboard in the in the hallways
Starting point is 00:45:45 I don't know people were never actually good at skateboarding though in high school it was like two kids could ollie and like one kid could do a kickflip so like they're not actually going to be doing anything in the middle of the hallway but my honorable mention was the zip off pants
Starting point is 00:46:02 but since I actually had Heelys I had to get them Heelys are more fun than zippers oh no nevermind keep going my TV show or movie I phoned in so I'm going to leave that for last but for band slash artist guys
Starting point is 00:46:20 it's a classic if you know the words sing along. I thought it was going to be the T.I. song. It was going to live your life. Still sick, too. What a good song to throw into something. Incredible. Hi, Duke. like song to like throw into something incredible i love that song so much that was like the original viral video back in like 2005 i re-watched it again today this is very boring it's not that entertaining at all but like
Starting point is 00:47:23 you had nothing else to do that it was like the funniest thing in the world um entertainment has gotten a lot better since then tiktok is like light years more produced than this dude in like 180 pixels in his like living room just like throwing his arms around but i don't know man i miss that like everybody knew even with like vines there's like viral vines i don't know maybe i'm just being dumb i can't think of like a tiktok that i know every person has seen you know what i mean like at least with that it's like i know there's too much stuff i know the exact but yeah but the like vine had it too i guess yeah tiktok is more mass produced i I guess. Anyway, I loved it. I would gladly trade in all the hours I've spent on TikTok for the past year or two years for like just those random videos.
Starting point is 00:48:13 They're so good. Well, because all of them aren't like that wasn't planned. Yeah. It wasn't that guy's goal to make money off of a video to make people laugh. It was some weird dude over in Germany who was just like put a video up on the internet that like no one knew what the internet actually was. I was just having fun. And there was like 10 websites back then.
Starting point is 00:48:34 So like there's like four videos a day that would come out. So everyone knew everything. Whereas now it's millions of TikToks are made every day. So no one actually watches the same stuff anymore. But I digress. Pneuma Pneuma. So, incredible. That should have been the first pick overall, but I knew you guys weren't smart enough to get it.
Starting point is 00:48:53 And for my last pick, I'm phoning it in. I'm going The Dark Knight because I watched it over the weekend. It's incredible. Did you just draft three things? You said three picks. Oh, is it three things? All right, I'm going to wait that until the end. Sorry.
Starting point is 00:49:06 Continue. Abzian's making up his own rules. My bad. My bad. I forgot the order. All right, so I'm going to draft my last experience, and I'm going to go with the New Jersey Devils. The Dark Knight?
Starting point is 00:49:18 No, the New Jersey Devils being an actual dominant NHL team, and that one's for Chris. Chris and D- Nice in the field. That one's for you because I'm sad now so you guys are happy now. But like back in the day, man, boy was I happy to watch hockey.
Starting point is 00:49:36 And now I am not. Were the Rangers good back then? Nope. Not those years. You should have just drafted the Rangers not being good instead of the Devils being good. I mean, but like, the Rangers being bad didn't shape my life as much as the Devils being good did. Although now I have much more enjoyment out of thinking about that, so thank you. 2000, 2003 Cup winners, just saying.
Starting point is 00:50:03 And soon to be 2023. That's all I have to say about that. Get out of here. Zach, just saying. And soon to be 2023. That's all I can say about that. Get out of here. Zach, keep going. Place your bets. You got two. You have your fourth and your fifth pick because I actually know the order now.
Starting point is 00:50:14 Correct. Hold on, getting my notes out here. He's just repeating it to make sure he's correct. So I'm going to go with artist. And I'm going to go with an underrated i feel like 2000s we were kind of bleeding into like the like alternative grungy like angsty kind of alternative rock music i'm gonna go with my favorite band uh simple plan an all-time band uh i'm just a kid great song um another uh like the intro to like cheaper by the dozen great movie now i'm not gonna be my pick for a movie or tv show but wanted to give that
Starting point is 00:50:52 an honorable mention um but yeah i just agree i think simple plan is just an underrated band perfect banger welcome to my life also banger um addicted i'm just reading it off the the top of the charts right now i do anything banger like i mean just like an underrated canadian child they're canadian too shocker didn't know that oh um but yeah an all-time album cover too of their i think it's like their first album what's it called um but it's like they're on like the bed with all the chicks um no pads no helmets just balls what a great album title too um but yeah i'm a big simple playing guy i think they really shine in the 2000s i'm surprised but great pick the only
Starting point is 00:51:32 thing i don't like is their lead singer is a little bit whiny just like how he actually sings that's every that's every still great that's the style it's yeah it sort of was but i could still not like it that's. That's fair. That's fair. I'll allow it. Thank you. And then my last pick, I got a lot of movie and TV shows, a lot of honorable mentions. But I think the most 2000s-ass movie that I'm going to go with is Shark Tale.
Starting point is 00:52:04 Specifically the scene at the end when they're at the car wash and they sing the car wash scene when they're doing the car wash dance and then will smith is dancing the jack black's the one shark and the robert de niro's the mean older shark um this is short about friendship and fish and will smith before he hit people and will smith i wish will smith wasn't animated and he was just like live action underwater the entire time. That would make that movie so much better. Yeah. Scuba Will. You heard a scuba sting. So my last one is my band or artist, and it's definitely very specific to me.
Starting point is 00:52:44 And Brian's going to know exactly what it is, and I think he might agree with me. Is it a Talferton? No. Zach's going to have no idea. I'm going to draft the guy that came into our school, an elementary school, and did all of the nature songs. It had to be outdoors week or month.
Starting point is 00:53:04 But sure enough, every year he would come around and he would i can't even remember like half of the songs but he always yelled like the chorus was that's why they called me nature lover nature lover and you better believe i say it at least once a month minimum still to this day at least once a month like it's got to be at least it's got to be way more than that but i'm going with things that had a uh big impact in my life and apparently this man that i cannot name yeah he's he's big the twin towers the two towers and nature lover that's how you describe the 2000s. And then I was frantically shuffling around to find an actual one
Starting point is 00:53:51 that's like a good honorable mention. So I would say Sum 41. Oh. We're just going all of them? They're pretty good. Very similar. Not as good as Nature Lover. All right.
Starting point is 00:54:04 With my last pick, it's going to be a surprise. You guys haven't heard this yet. Like I said, I'm phoning in. I couldn't think of like for a movie or TV show, I was trying to think of like the worst movie or TV show that I ever saw. Maybe I could draft The Gilmore Girls because it's the worst thing in the world. That would go along with my 9-11 theme. I could give you one.
Starting point is 00:54:23 Since I watched The Dark Knight Rises recently, The Dark Knight came out in 2008. Christopher Nolan's just the best. And he did a Batman movie as well. Like I said, if Steven Spielberg went to the MCU and made a movie, it would be the weirdest MCU movie, but the best thing in the world. And that's what those movies were. And, dude, Dark Knight Rises, they set it up for freaking Joseph Gordon-Levitt to be Robin. but the best thing in the world and that's what those movies were and dude dark knight rises they
Starting point is 00:54:45 set it up for freaking joseph gordon levitt to be robin at the end they set up so much they teased so much they left on such a cliffhanger and then they've never put it's been 10 years no one wanted to see that shit no one wants to see fucking joseph gordon levitt as fucking robin in tights get the fuck out i wanted to see i want where's the robin come on i mean maybe not in the little spandex it would have to be like a very much uh updated outfit for sure but no it was just cool man i was so sad that didn't happen but christian bale did come out recently it was like if christopher nolan wants to make a fourth one i I will make a fourth one. He's dead. And I am hyped. He's not.
Starting point is 00:55:28 He's dead. Dude, he got blown up by a bomb. He fixed the autopilot. Freaking Jeeves sees him over in Paris. Did you say Jeeves? It's close enough. Alfred. Jeeves.
Starting point is 00:55:42 Did you watch the movie? I was distracted by pizza. Dude, you left scrubs on the table. You left scrubs on the table. I got Lord of the Rings, man. Look, I completely forgot about that. Well, first off, I was going to do Dragon Ball. But Dragon Ball Z came out in, like, 96.
Starting point is 00:56:02 So that was off the table. That was going to do Avatar. And then I just realized I watched Batman over the weekend. And I'm very hyped on Batman right now. So that's kind of where my head's at. But Scrubs, very big honorable mention. You guys got any other? We got our five here. I'll run them down.
Starting point is 00:56:17 I also had Shania Twain on the list too. That's such a good one. And I figured Zach would like that. That's so good. Yeah. Fuck. And then shows i had lost in psych uh i had for clothes i had uh just the baggiest jeans like like slim fit wasn't a thing even like regular even normal fit wasn't a thing your jeans weren't baggy you weren't trying um i thought you said slim thick for a second thick with my cute ass
Starting point is 00:56:46 slim fast um also i popped collar on like a polo just just leaving that thing up there um movie tv show the outfit friday night lights uh extreme makeover home edition and princess diaries my other ones such an odd mix of things but i love it it was really tough to not pick like classic like childhood things i feel like because my mind immediately went to like holidays and like making cookies for christmas and shit and i'm like that has nothing to do with the 2000s yeah it's a little different like i said zip off pants honorable mention for a clothing item the most like uh utility in a pair of pants that you never actually use i feel like i had them all the time and just always had them unzipped because like it was hot like i never would carry around the bottom half of my pants
Starting point is 00:57:38 with me so do people like wear cargo pants when it's appropriate to wear them still or not? Like fly fishing, I feel like is a big cargo pants. Fly fishing. But then they wear those vests that have pockets. I guess they do. No, they do. They do wear that. You need all the pockets.
Starting point is 00:57:54 I've got to get into fly fishing. I'm probably pretty sweet. Do you? All right. Also had loincloth, as my honorable mention, for clothing item. 2000 BC, they were probably pretty hot back then. That joke was funny the first time. For artists, I was trying to think weird,
Starting point is 00:58:12 and I was going to say the Jabbawockeez. I feel like dance is art, right? That's a thing. America's Best Dance Crew would have been a great TV show. Yeah, it would have been. You guys could have just circled back to the MTV draft. That's right. I know.
Starting point is 00:58:31 I'm trying to spread things out. but also speaking of american idol talk to me tell me your name you blow me off like it's all the same you let it fuse and i'm taking away like a bomb yeah baby she begs she begs oh baby when she moves she bangs oh baby when she moves she moves I go crazy cause she loose like a fluff but she stings
Starting point is 00:58:51 like a bee like every girl in history incredible that was like the second thing I thought of so I had to get that
Starting point is 00:58:59 on the board once you start talking American Idol I was like oh no he might actually say something like this but William Hung shout out big shout out favorite artist the 2000s um we need shout
Starting point is 00:59:11 out music brian like can we get a can we get a song or a queued up song for every time we say shout out we uh we play it he's got to play you make me want to shout every time how about i just do uh oh i have some rooks sounds that are pretty short oh no that's not it that every time you have to pick a rooks one because he's not here and then it's gonna stick for the whole entire time we do this what about this is from the last episode first jesus you a bitch no i'm just kidding yeah every time we say shout out or here's another one Yeah, every time we say shout out. Or here's another one.
Starting point is 00:59:53 That's a front runner for me. I don't know about you guys. Just lightsaber noises constantly. I'll find out shout out noise. I'll figure that out. Whatever floats your fancy. Can you do me a favor? And can you, like, maybe we should play these again where I can pick what sound I want for each one of your, like, text tones.
Starting point is 01:00:14 So, like, if you text me, Brian, it does something. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Can I, I'm going to pick mine for your thing. How about this one? Can I get this vagina animal style? Just every time I text you. Every time you text me, that's going to go off.
Starting point is 01:00:32 Yes. I'm going to be silencing my phone a lot. Corey, the one you're going to do for, oh, easily. Give me milk now, mommy. Just my phone screaming at me to pick it up. And you like milk milk so like you'll probably want it probably remind you to get more milk my tone for zach easily i'm gonna fuck you brian by far the leader yo but like what if he texts you like at two in the morning you're like
Starting point is 01:00:59 sleeping that's creepy and shit I'm gonna be freaking out I mean we could go with like just some silky silky singing from Zach too and fries will be fries either way we kind of harmonized that that's a ringtone
Starting point is 01:01:19 that last note is so good when Zach calls I'm gonna play that one so I like it though my last honorable mention is just like The last note is so good. When Zach calls, I'm going to play that one. I like it, though. My last honorable mention is just like raw dogging life when you just walk around with nothing in your pockets. You have nothing on you. You just kind of like, you walk out and you're just like, you're there. If you're lost, you die.
Starting point is 01:01:38 If you run out of food, you die. You have no money. You don't have a key to anything. You just get dropped off at school by your parents. They're like, oh, you know where we live. I don't know if this was a 2000s thing it might have been more like early 2010s but a lanyard like hanging your lanyard outside of your pocket to easily get stolen that's a that's a college thing too though that's like if you walk around a college any freshman has a lanyard yeah i don't know why it just always is so that's not
Starting point is 01:02:05 basically screaming please steal my keys which is shocking like i feel like not a lot of people lost their keys but yeah you just leave it like hanging out i remember i had like i had like four lanyards i had a blackhawks one a cubs one a bears one and like an iu one i like changed them every day since my both my brothers went to penn state they knew that like every freshman had a lanyard and like people would call you out for it and like you'd walk around and you'd see some like douchebags like call out freshmen for having lanyards so like from day one they're like just put your keys on a key ring and i did that and then you saw every single freshman had like a lanyard and a map and like a penn state hat on and they just looked lost.
Starting point is 01:02:46 And you're like, okay, yeah, try to not look like that. Try to blend in slightly. But yeah. You did great. Good draft. Here, let me run it down real quick. We, oh, I went back on my thing. Corey had experience AOL instant messenger.
Starting point is 01:03:01 For his movie, he had Lord of the Rings. For clothing, he had his puka shell necklaces his second experience was the new jersey devils actually being good and his fifth one was just nature lover is what i wrote down zach had cargo shorts as his clothing voting american idol contestants as his experience his second experience was itunes gift cards his artist was simple plan and his movie or tv show was shark tale i had my first experience was the 2008 financial crisis my second experience was 9-11 my clothing was heelys my artist was the numa numa guy from youtube and my movie was dark night so i'll say let us know who won works will not like your experiences I don't think he'll be surprised, though.
Starting point is 01:03:46 I really want to see what he would have put down because he might be similar. There are some other tragedies that happened. When was the BP oil spill? 2012. I don't know. That's my guess. I mean, it's in the running. I'm going to look it up.
Starting point is 01:04:02 What's your guess? Thank you for listening. Give us a rating. Give us a review. Follow us on iTunes, Spotify's in the running. I'm going to look it up. What's your guess? But thank you for listening. Give us a rating. Give us a review. Follow us on iTunes, Spotify, Instagram, Twitter. Oh, it makes a list. Zach, you got a question or are you saying bye? No, I'm saying bye.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Okay. And do you want to give a horoscope? There's no drop in this song, but we can try. I'll give a horoscope. Yeah, I'll give one. Okay, here you go. What's up, everybody? Shout out to the 2000s and t-pain i want you to all to why to kiss yourself Used to be you and I, then you left me, and now I'm sitting here wondering why. I had to see you walk away, is there another guy?
Starting point is 01:04:49 You got me feeling like I, I believe I would die. She said, I'm cruel, look at me in my eyes. Tell me what you see, I got that feeling like this shit is a lie. I'm on my knees begging you, baby, please don't cry. You got me feeling like high. I believe I will die. I said I'm done.

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