It’s Wednesday My Dudes - Ep. 75: The Zak Show, not Ft. Bryan

Episode Date: August 17, 2022

The boyos are without their QB and coach this week talking about breky sandwiches, calling out sunny d on their OJ validity, and drafting all thing Burn 🔥 (Bryan) Rate us 5 stars on Spotify! and l...eave a review and rate on Apple Podcasts! Links here to follow on social media! and find other places to listen!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 And here we go. So I have two things. One, what's your bagel order? Like your go-to bagel order for like breakfast. And it could be like, I guess, breakfast sandwich if that's what you prefer. But mine, I'm pretty plain. Plain strawberry cream cheese though. Anyone?
Starting point is 00:00:22 That's it? Plain bagel? Toasted. Toasted. But yeah, i'm not like uh i don't know i don't branch out that much on my bagel stuff my tummy gets upset in the morning when i eat some weird things so like yeah i gotta go a little plate and then like strawberry cream cheese is my spice a little bit in the morning uh i respect that my order is a shout out great american bagel on belmont avenue in chicago uh i'd go in there get a hit the shout out music hit the shout out music i would get a sausage egg and cheese pepper jack cheese on a jalapeno cheddar bagel sandwich a nestwick chocolate milk and then we get a toasted everything bagel
Starting point is 00:01:05 with chive cream cheese for the walk home. So I'd eat the chive. I knew it was going to be convoluted. Jesus fucking Christ, man. So I'd have a bagel for the walk back to my apartment, and so I wouldn't get hungry on my walk back, and then I would then eat my sandwich and drink my chocolate milk.
Starting point is 00:01:21 Hold on. Is this the place that's like right next to your... Okay, you moved though, right? I did move, but it's equivalent. It's only slightly longer than the place that's like right next to your okay you moved though right i did move but it's equivalent it's only slightly longer than the place you went to cory so it's it's not like it's like a mile away so it's one block away it's like maybe and you get you get a walking sandwich yeah it's the it's the yeah it's the walking bagel dude outside of the secondary bagel that's as much cheese as you can have in a breakfast as possible you have a cheese on the sandwich the bagel is it has cheese on it as well and then you have a cream
Starting point is 00:01:51 cheese bagel my stomach is very upset right now just like me saying those words out loud that hurts my soul zag and i did it the best part is is when i was gonna move there and i did it for i got that order probably Saturday morning and Sunday morning for about four or five weeks in a row and I think the people were starting to get concerned that I was... Did you ever switch it up enough? Could you go up and be like, can I have the usual?
Starting point is 00:02:16 I wanted it. I think I could have gotten away. I never actually said can I have the usual, but I think I could have gotten away with it. And it was always a decision between the chocolate milk and the strawberry milk. I always went chocolate. And you had milk too with it. That's right. Fucking Christ, man.
Starting point is 00:02:33 Yeah, that's a lot of cheese. I don't mind. So I like the breakfast sandwich. I'm not a big bagel and cream cheese person. I don't know what it is about cream cheese. It just gives me the weirds. But yeah, I don't like I don't know what it is about cream cheese it just gives me the weirds um but yeah i don't weird i don't i don't like um i don't like us like a bagel with spread like any kind of spread
Starting point is 00:02:53 on it so all those are out out the window for your boy um i'm also not yeah no schmears for your boy um i also get any locks no i don't think I've... Because lox only pairs with cream cheese, right? Can you get just lox? Yeah. I don't think I want to eat a sashimi bagel. You know what I mean? I don't think I want just raw fish on a bagel. I'm sure it would taste fine.
Starting point is 00:03:19 I like raw fish. But it's a lot at 8 o'clock in the morning. That's my thought. But I'm very much a breakfast sammy boyo um if your boy's hung over we are 110 getting a bacon egg and cheese bacon egg and cheese when you're hung over and you're just you got the shakes you know you pick up the bagel so you got parkinson's like i'm absolutely getting a fucking bacon egg and cheese on a plain bagel. I don't like getting too creative when I'm hung over. I like just give me my three my ingredients, stack them on top of each other.
Starting point is 00:03:52 Let me inhale. We talking donkey or are we talking? Whatever works, dude. I've had I've had like that's the thing, too, is like I'm not one of these snooty Jersey and New York people where I'm'm like a bagel i'm a bagel hit the unshout out hit the unshout out big unshout out to the northeast um but i'm i'm not like a bagel elitist over here like i'll have them anywhere so duncan i've had like like airport bacon egg and cheeses like i've had fucking i've had the ones that you get at 7-eleven where you just it's like cold and you just take it back and microwave it and shit. Like, I don't discriminate when your boy's hurting.
Starting point is 00:04:30 So, this might be a hot take. I think bacon is a trash breakfast sandwich item. Well, okay. Take it easy there, big guy. Okay, hold on a second. Unless if you're making the homemade bacon, you're making your own sandwich with the legit stuff it's never good from any even from like a restaurant it's never good like honestly well there's it just has to i i think the most important thing with a bacon egg and cheese and hey welcome to it's wednesday my dudes already covered the most important topics
Starting point is 00:04:59 um i think the most important part is just one. You got to have some thicky bacon. Like the bacon, it can't be fucking. Are you, wait, hold on. Chewy or crunchy? Chewy. I'm a chewy guy. Let's start there. I'm a chewy guy.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Gross. I hate both of you. I'm a chewy guy. Shout out. Burn, play the music. But so I like. Why don't you just put some bubble gum on there and just chew that up. That's disgusting.
Starting point is 00:05:22 Chewy bacon. Yucky. It's the best. Fuck, you lost my train of thought. I forgot what i was fucking talking about jesus you lost my train of thought yeah no it's not me my train of thought to take care of and you lost it oh no yeah you need you need dick bacon and then um like not like that fucking oscar meyer throwing the microwave type shit like you need like that do you Mayer throwing the microwave type shit. Like, you need, like, that thick cut. Like, it has to say thick cut.
Starting point is 00:05:48 Isn't it Sugar Hill or something? Probably some shit like that. Sugar Hill gang bacon? But, yeah. You get some thick-ass bacon, and then there has to be enough bacon to match your egg patty. Like, it can't be, like, you have this fat-ass egg. This is where Duncan fucks up all the time. Bacon egg and cheese from Duncan is a tough choice. out duncan yeah like minus one so we're back at
Starting point is 00:06:10 zero because we gave you a plus one a second ago um and the rubric will change as we go so there's um but like if you have a thick ass egg patty you can't have three thin slices of bacon just like crisscrossed under it it's just the ratio is gonna be fucked from jump street like you need you need a nice solid balance and then the bacon egg and cheese hits i mean fair i guess i don't know it's i'm just still hung up on the chewy bacon thing i don't like that that's what i don't that's why i go sausage over bacon or i just feel like sausage the the the ceiling and the floor are closer together on sausage than they are in bacon like you're never gonna get probably a great sausage but you know it's gonna be serviceable
Starting point is 00:06:52 also hot take i don't mind a microwaved egg so and then yeah i'm cool with this like i like a sausage egg and cheese when i'm sober and i'm like you know going to work doing shit like that bacon egg cheese just hits different when i'm cool with this like i like a sausage egg and cheese when i'm sober and i'm like you know going to work doing shit like that bacon egg cheese just hits different i'm not feeling great microwaved egg please explain what the fuck like are you literally just are you talking about like fast food microwave egg or are you talking about like you're gonna wake up in the morning crack an egg in a bowl no send it in a microwave no i i take the time to do it if i'm doing it at home i'm talking about like at a fast food establishment where they kind of like they whisk it they put it
Starting point is 00:07:29 in the container they throw in the microwave it fluffs up a little bit like it's fine it doesn't doesn't yeah you know it's good serviceable i i used to always be cool with that and then there's a bagel place under my building now where like i got a bagel sandwich i took a bite and i made a big mistake doing so but i looked into the egg you know what i mean like you could see the inside of the egg that you've bitten into it and that shit was like yeah that and that shit was gray and your boy was not happy and then after that i'd always like any kind of like microwave egg i just get a little little skeevy but But I get that. If I see gray egg, gray anything, gray any food item, I'm probably out on.
Starting point is 00:08:09 Gray's not a good color with your food. A question. I mean, none of you mentioned like the Bev. Like what's your side Bev you're getting? I mean, coffee, I would assume. Well, I don't drink coffee. I don't either brother the main reason i don't drink coffee just like for the viewers um i like talking about not drinking coffee so get it's
Starting point is 00:08:30 sick no i'm just kind of it's kind of a flex bro i also justify all my frivolous purchases well it's like well coffee coffee be five bucks a day so like really i'm saving like 150 bucks a month so i can afford this but then i use that excuse like eight times in one month you measuring like your purchases against if you were to get coffee every day is actually hilarious ultimate spin zone zach zach comes home with like a thousand dollar laptop it's okay it's okay i don't like i i haven't gotten coffee my whole life so like i could get it we officially reached this level of points you know um yeah so i don't i don't drink coffee though so i'm probably i like an oj or a gatorade oj gatorade like whatever is available to me i'm cool with either choice pulp no pulp some pulp no we're talking i don't like pulp
Starting point is 00:09:17 some pulp man put some hair on your chest i have like six hairs on my chest why do i want some pulp why do i want little fucking orange dingleberries floating around my fucking oj man i just tell you know it's real i don't need also i love my favorite orange juice is sunny d man like i don't need real orange juice i just don't i don't even think it says orange juice on the front i don't think they can legally call that orange juice like orange orange cocktail orange drink yeah i looked into this on wikipedia because i i was talking about this recently i went on wikipedia and i like the first line is like sunny d is an orange juice drink i was like does that count i was like i feel like them putting drink after orange juice makes it not orange juice dude i think you mentioned gatorade i think gatorade
Starting point is 00:10:05 and alcohol are are like similar for me now meaning that i can only have that like i have them and then if i have too much of the full strength gatorade i feel terrible afterwards like if i rip like two giant blue gatorades like full strength sugar, and I'm not working out, like I would feel awful like in about an hour or two. Same thing with alcohol. If I drink in like, I think that's fair. Like, I think it's just getting older. Like when you're little, I remember I'd be like Gatorade, like, let me drink two of these with dinner. I'm great. I'm feeling fantastic. Now all the sugar and stuff just, just puts, makes my bubble guts going on i'm still little dude yeah i feel like now you can just taste the sugar like i just like that's why i get the like g2 or the yeah i don't
Starting point is 00:10:51 know did they still make rain or whatever i get water down yeah i get gatorade zero yeah it's fucking have either of you like do you guys like the fruit punch one i feel like that one is just like like way too much flavor it's hawaiian punch it's basically hawaiian punch yeah it's it's a lot i want to get back actually to uh sunny d i feel like we should at them like we used to at like companies and by we i mean brian because i want to actually figure out if they have if can they legally say that they're orange juice yeah can they this is can they actually call them out is that like um you ever have tang when you were little your mom mom or dad ever met no i just put them in the same category
Starting point is 00:11:31 which is an all-time i know i know but like i just like i haven't thought of tang in at least 12 years bring it back shout out tang also another orange drink substitute probably i just remember it was a wild commercial it was like a monkey running around the kitchen correct it was orangutan doing doing crazy stuff drinking tank hanging it up hanging it up hanging it up i just um oh also kool-aid to like wild move with like those packets i always just think those packets had the sugar in them and when i found out you had to add actual sugar to the mini packets that my mind was blown i was like like, wait, what? I really, I genuinely did not know that. Really?
Starting point is 00:12:06 Definitely like eighth grade. I was like, mom's like, here's like a pound of sugar. You have to add like a cup and a half of sugar to make it taste good. What the fuck? Yeah. Yeah. That's why I probably always tasted like shit, my guy. That's why I wasn't a huge Hawaiian punch kid, you know?
Starting point is 00:12:22 What day of the week do you have your shitty shitty hawaiian punch uh kool-aid oh thursday burn hit the music my nipples are hard first step remove your bra i like that system my butt i'm ready to go golf is a sexy thing my dick will go like and flip inside out, and it'll turn into a vagina. And you take me. Hi, boys. And of course, Pennsylvania. You leave the butter in the crack. Why is my spaghetti fizzy?
Starting point is 00:12:51 I want to kiss you on the mouth, baby. God damn, he's so good. Yeah, he calls me big time. Ah, ah, ah. Ah, ah, ah. Booty. Of course, it makes me dookie. If you just wanted to slurp something and then spit it back out.
Starting point is 00:13:01 And then I swallow. I want to die. Raw dog and lower. A kid turkey based on nipples. He just got slopped.ped rock's dick has anchor arms i think i gotta get out of here i'm gonna get the paint i don't fucking great question who has vertical butt cheeks to the death everybody welcome welcome back to another beautiful episode of It's Wednesday, my dudes. Bryguy's out today, alright?
Starting point is 00:13:33 We're running the show now, okay? We have no- What's he doing, though? You gotta say something weird that he's doing. He always fills that in for us. He's out touching butts, looking, finding buried treasure in the ocean uh is he doing both of those things like together or are they separate i mean he could be i don't know all right our boy guy he texted for cranberries this man said i gotta go bog for cranberries and get treasure
Starting point is 00:13:58 and touch butts all in a day i can't make it to the pod tonight so we're gonna miss him but hey welcome welcome to another week we got our boy cory here what is up i'm hyped mom's gone for the week the boys can play we're gonna have a time the thing is bird is far and away from mom okay bird is the one that makes this shit go a little south like 85 percent of the time we're gonna be to be like on task today. It's going to be weird. It's going to feel real. It's going to be a very concise podcast, and there's not going to be any like super downer stories, you know, no fun facts that turn out to be depressing facts.
Starting point is 00:14:37 But we also got Zach. What's up? Go Hoosiers. College football starts in like 14, 15 days. I am amped. Friday night lights kickoff. University of Illinois versus Indiana under the bright, beautiful lights of Memorial Stadium down in Bloomington. starts in like 14 15 days i am amped friday night lights kickoff university of illinois versus indiana under the bright beautiful lights of memorial stadium down in bloomington
Starting point is 00:14:49 hoosiers are favored can't wait yeah i don't i don't know if anybody will watch that but hey he cares about thanks for thanks for the plug thanks for uh the only advertising that the game's gonna get across the board appreciate that all right well how does this shit go how does he do this what's the next step here well and you're rooks to the standard oh yeah fuck i fucking skipped over myself i'm trying to be bry guy it's korean beef how you doing beautiful people i don't think i've ever remember we used to rotate the intros to the podcast and then brian just started doing them all the time i've never introed one and i'm gonna just all right this would have been the best one time out okay rewind it's wednesday my dudes remove your bra zach what's up sluts welcome to the zach kirschner show with my guest cory and rooks one time only guest and
Starting point is 00:15:38 i'm gonna be doing solo for the rest of the time when we talk about fun stuff uh gotta say that was pretty fucking heat. That was pretty solid. How was your week, Zach, on the Zach Kirshner Show? Oh, buddy, let me tell you. I was ripping into Taryn down in Nashville, Tennessee. Actually, more specifically, Murfreesboro, which is a suburb of Nashville.
Starting point is 00:16:02 But we went down there for Mama Kirshner's birthday. Shout out Mama Kirshner. Today's her actual birthday. Turned 55, the double nickel. Big shout out. Big shout out. There, I tried. So she wanted to go to Nashville for her birthday,
Starting point is 00:16:16 so we got the whole family together. The first time the four of us have been together since last Thanksgiving, I think. So it's been a while since the four of us have gotten together. My mom had some college friends meet her down there, so it turned into a drinking festivities very quickly. We also got to see the middle of Tennessee, like the actual middle of the state.
Starting point is 00:16:35 They have a cool little plaque there. So we got to stand next to it. Like the college middle Tennessee? Yeah, so we were right by there. But there's actually a legit middle of Tennessee. Like there's like the geographical point, which is pretty sweet. Yeah. What's there?
Starting point is 00:16:48 It's just a plaque that says you're now in the middle of Tennessee. You just have to stumble upon it, and it's out in the middle of some random field. Zach was walking, and he tripped. He was like, oh, fuck, what is this? He's like, oh, I'm in the middle of Tennessee right now. So with one of the days, went to downtown nashville obviously uh my um cousin who lives down there has like a rooftop pool situation overlooking broadway it was tight so we chilled out there uh then we went out downtown obviously tore it up uh what did my
Starting point is 00:17:18 mom her first ever sugar-free red bull vodka she absolutely hated it um but it got the like 99 of the world it picked up the vibes for sure um got the energy going um was out drinking with with like a group of six of us again it was my my dad my mom were there my aunt was there my cousin my sister were all there this this drunk girl then comes up to me and is very clearly intoxicated and it starts hitting on me and like grabbing my hand and stuff and then i was like oh like who are you with i'm with my dad she leans over to my dad and was like i was like i think it's just had something to do effect of um me and your son could have what you and your wife have and i was like oh that's like oh that's aggressive and that's
Starting point is 00:18:02 how i met your mother yeah i was like oh dear um is that when you facetimed me so i could meet your future yeah right is exactly when um and she was from new york not to imply anything about those people out there but just you know they're a little jews jews a little aggressive implication received yeah um anyway i took her over to the bar and bought her the obligatory vodka soda and then uh sent her on her way uh back to her friends um you got your drink now go just fueling her up to come back at some point no no she's not gonna get tired she's gonna come back with more energy didn't see her the rest of the night uh thank goodness um but yeah then so it was a nice night out. When I texted the group, though, I think I finally met my match from a food perspective.
Starting point is 00:18:49 So we had two cars that drove us up there. And then I drove on the way back with some family friends. And my parents and my sister were in the other car. They stopped at White Castle and got a Crave Case. I was very jealous. It was about a 40-minute drive back. And I told my sister, I was like, well, order me pizza. Yes, Rux. What's in a 40 minute drive back um and i told my sister i was like well order me pizza yes rucks what's in a crave case what is that 30 white castle slizzy
Starting point is 00:19:11 sliders cheeseburger christ um so i was assuming there's gonna be none of those left for me on the way home or when we get back so i'm like maddie order me some pizza she's like will do so we got back to the apartment or like airbnb the pizza's sitting out in front the little the little pj's sitting out in front little papa genos papa john's um so the papa papa made the delivery and i'm like joe turns out there's some white castle in there about six borgers left in there so i'm like i'm gonna finish these bad boys down finish those then proceeded to have about four or five pieces of sausage pizza dipped in the garlic butter of the papa john's and i went to bed no hangover the next day but man oh man did i want my stomach was
Starting point is 00:19:54 wanting to retract from my insides and slither out of my butthole and i wanted to let it do it because it was like a fiery furnace of inflamed you remember like um dante's inferno like the seven or the eight layers of hell that's what i that's like the the papa john's white castle combo is like the secret menu like ninth layer of hell or whatever it is how many years do you think you have left on this plan dude i don't know i'm i'm kind of going by a week by week basis now so like every week is like every time i get to do this podcast i'm like sick another week down what okay this seems like an appropriate question so if you had to have your funeral catered what would your catering be because i feel like you're gonna have a very specific menu and we should all eat like shitty food if we're gonna be as yeah it's probably that's
Starting point is 00:20:39 definitely how you die yeah oh i also i also ate a full box of like 20 fruit snacks over the weekend too my mom bought them for me and i just powered through um so i think it definitely really calmed down the burger yeah definitely fruit snacks you have to be there um for sure then i think you go with domino's because i'm a domino's over a pj's guy um rooks go ahead yo i know like hypothetically you'd be dead and like i might be dead too but But like if I'm alive, can you make sure that there's some like Domino's wings there? You know what I'm saying? You're talking about the guy who sent you wings when I wasn't even there. That's my guy.
Starting point is 00:21:14 Let's go. It's like how we communicate with each other. Like I didn't have to talk to you. I just send you wings. Yeah, I'm thinking just probably like Domino's and fruit snacks with juice boxes. I also had some wild cherry juice boxes while I was there, Capri Suns. So those are delicious. So I'm thinking that's probably the meal that I would appreciate at my funeral.
Starting point is 00:21:37 We'll allow it. We have it recorded now, so when it happens in five years, we'll be prepared. Dope. So I'm going to give my rating. I got to give it six out of 30 white castle sliders hey that's fair ain't bad right there yeah c word uh puby licey how was the weekend i didn't do shit this weekend uh friday we went over to claire's parents because we were saying uh goodbye to her youngest brother joe sent off to iup in uh on saturday who moved in um so i got like are you purdue i usually party
Starting point is 00:22:17 iup with indiana university of pennsylvania does claire's family single-handedly fund iup i mean my somebody asked me if like every single person knows them they all went there right uh except for her one brother he's going to pit what an idiot oh my god but i got like nostalgic because he so remember like when you get did you guys have laptops before you went to college or no no uh no okay so he was like i forgot like core memory unlocked i forgot like how hyped i was to get my like laptop before college this kid was just like he opened up shiny new laptop he spent the whole night like we were having like uh like dinner and he hung around and stuff but he had his laptop just in front of him the whole entire like night he was like setting everything up and it was like grandparents were there and like like we were celebrating him so just like cracking me up because he was just like
Starting point is 00:23:14 all into it it was great um but we had surf and turf bomb food always bomb food over there they had like king crab legs on the grill. Tried to give them to Cooper. Found out he doesn't like crab legs. He gets like fed like a king there. He had like three steak bones and attempted crab leg feeding. And he turned his nose to it. Did you peel the crab legs? No, because we figured like this.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Okay, this dog. He's sneezing behind me. This dog will crack and like eat bone like steak bones like he can break them in half and he breaks the bone apart and like eats those so i thought he'd be fine with a crab leg like shell just like devouring it but he just like looked at it and like pawed at it and didn't know what the fuck to do with it uh then the rest of my freaking weekend was pretty much nothing to be honest like i just did housework and shit because i've been traveling a lot um
Starting point is 00:24:11 but so my one like stupid cory like stupid story is freaking my electricity went out in like my guest room like the circuit must have like tripped and like water got in it or something so i spent two weeks not having electricity in my guest room trying to the circuit must have like tripped and like water got in it or something. So I spent two weeks not having electricity in my guest room, trying to get an electrician to come. The electrician comes and mind you, I did like trip the breaker back on and back and forth. And so like, I saw it keep clicking. It never stayed. The guy comes and the last time I probably checked it was Friday. He comes yesterday, shows up, like flicks it once, and it clicked off again. And then he flicked it again, and it stayed on. And I was like, motherfucker. This man just came out of nowhere to flip a switch for me.
Starting point is 00:24:52 I felt like such a bitch. How much did that cost you? Nothing. I mean, he came out to do a diagnosis of what was wrong. And me and him both looked at each other and were like, well, that worked. And so he was like, well, I guess if it happens again like let me know and then like we talked about a whole bunch of shit it might be but like nice guy like pretty tight that he came out here so that was a success um but i mean like that was about it literally that's all i had on my list uh here so i'll rank
Starting point is 00:25:21 it one empty nester is my weekend oh i i don't know why that took me a second you said it and i was like what the fuck does that relate to and i was like i'm an idiot sometimes sometimes it takes a moment looks how's your weekend it wasn't too bad friday so friday is the last uh probably the last you were off for your boy going to my friend's pool. For anyone that doesn't know, foosball season started. Your boy's a coach. We out here grinding,
Starting point is 00:25:52 rise and grind. Are you a D coordinator this year? I am defensive back and wide receivers coach. What kind of, can you take like a saying or a drop from this podcast and make it a call um well like it depends man i'm gonna have my kids screwed up fucking spunk take yeah that's immediately that's immediately where my mind went um you could just like scream for do
Starting point is 00:26:19 the shout out scream that could be a play that thing is so i that thing was so painful to listen to yeah no i'm not gonna no we're just you're getting my mind all frazzled okay um but yeah so i started coaching so that means a lot of free time's gone so we had one little sneaky pool sesh little sneaky bender of a day. Hung out there Friday, got some color, which is now fully a fucking farmer's tan because I'm just constantly outside. And then just, yeah,
Starting point is 00:26:54 we just hung out, drank there, did the usual shit. And then the next day, some of the boys came out to DC. We did some bar hopping. It was a pretty good time, okay? If you're ever in DC, ZB's Garden, or Zebby's, I don't know how the fuck, people say both. It was a pretty good time. If you're ever in D.C., Zeebies Garden or Zebbies, I don't know how the fuck people say both.
Starting point is 00:27:08 It's a fucking great time. If anybody ever wants to fucking come out to Zebbies or Zeebies with me, you come into town, you hit me up, I'm down. That place is fun as shit. But yeah, went out and about, had a grand old time. Got fucking Surfside Taco after. If you want to fucking make your boy squirt a little bit you say hey i don't let's go let's go to zb's tonight and we're gonna get surfside average after jesus and then your boy i'm just flustered thinking about it right now goodness gracious
Starting point is 00:27:37 um jesus you want us to leave i might need a fiver man honestly i'm gonna just leave the discord really quick um but yeah no so um yeah oh my god big brain move okay you go to surfside taco you get two entrees okay you eat half of both you put it in the fridge so the next day you got breakfast slash lunch double the orgasms for your boy you're welcome big brain it's really expensive that was like 30 bucks for that anyway but i thought you said you couldn't have 24 orgasms in a day and you couldn't do that and that wasn't part of the 6 12 24 18 whatever it was challenging you couldn't have as many organisms but you just had two right there for food i said i said two yeah but that's just said you just said eating that's two orgas two orgasms. Just eat more tacos. That's two.
Starting point is 00:28:26 Eat it like 18 times, you'll get 18 orgasms. That's two. There's only two of them. Relax over there, 30-burger boy. But yeah, no. Yeah, two orgasms, whatever. Fuck you, Zach. And then to end my weekend Sunday was just a lot of R&R and a lot of Love Island, okay?
Starting point is 00:28:44 Love Island, absolute slapper of a show. Beautiful beauties entering the villa. Exactly. A little cheeky batter. He's really got the chat, you know what I'm saying? And then they don't fucking say a word to each other. It's great. But watched a fuck ton of Love Island Sunday and really just got my legs back under me.
Starting point is 00:29:02 But, yeah, it was a good weekend. I'm going to give it one about myself because that's one of my that's my favorite thing that they say from fucking the uk is like if i believe in myself it's about myself like i back myself it's my favorite it's the best that makes sense i follow that but yeah it was a grand old time um all right so let's get into the meat potatoes so what are we doing today your boy uh korean beef here missed an episode right and when i was gone the boyos they did a rooks draft which i was extremely flattered i thought it was gonna be really mean and it was actually great and hilarious so we're gonna do one for the bra guy he's not here we figured there's
Starting point is 00:29:44 not gonna be another opportunity he's been on 74 straight episodes figure it's probably this is our one opportunity to do so his iron man streak in the dirt yeah this guy fucking stinks now he's washed um he's out there grabbing butts and bobbing for what'd you say cranberries or something yeah bogging for cranberries oh terrible juice on its own by the way because it's always cranberry juice cocktail it's never just oh i like cranberry juice unsweetened cranberry juice i mean shout out for the uti cures that it provides but if you're just raw dog and regular cranberry without no sugar added you're asking for a bad time does that does anyone drink it not to fix a uti i don't think i've ever seen cranberry juice anywhere
Starting point is 00:30:23 unless someone has said like oh yeah i'm dealing with something i don't think I've ever seen cranberry juice anywhere unless someone has said, like, oh, yeah, I'm dealing with something. I don't know. Call in if you have, if you just drink cranberry juice. If you're just housing it. But, yeah, so we're going to do a little four-round bra guy draft. And this one's going to be mean, though. We talked about it. We were like, we we're gonna bury this
Starting point is 00:30:45 fucking idiot no i'm just kidding but zach if you want to do the honors and zach what's the zach show let's let's uh oh so yeah what do you think um what do you think the order of what do you think order brian would want this to go let's go with first to last of who brian is known the longest so wouldn't that be rooks cory me i'm first all right let's do that you get that that's your advantage for knowing brian you're gonna give me number one overall you had to deal with him the longest we have to know we have to know what this is i know like you better this better have been number one on everyone's fucking big board if it's not like why are you even here okay number one overall in the bra guy burn draft is the classic this signature brian mayberry white t-shirt yeah
Starting point is 00:31:36 yeah the brian mayberry white it was never not gonna be number one overall i'll tell you that because it is just they got grit they got the numbers they got longevity those things have been around for fucking ages man the individual t-shirts don't have longevity but like the style but i'm talking i'm talking just the the idea of it right correct it's he's been rocking white tees we're over a decade now of him only wearing white t-shirts unless he's going out or something. If he's going out, blue. A nicer white tee.
Starting point is 00:32:09 Yeah, or a nicer white t-shirt. Yeah, nicer white tee. A shout out to Amy Mayberry getting, understanding her son, one, and getting him, she got him like the white polo t-shirts. The polo, yeah, the white polo tee. Just a great gift overall. Like, incredible. It's an absolute heater but yeah these shirts like look man i know i'm a sweaty boy the white tee is for me
Starting point is 00:32:31 i wear a white t-shirt three times that thing is stained to the max this guy wears 75 white t-shirts i don't think i've ever seen any of them stained like i not that i'm constantly staring at the pits but i just think those things got some grit to them i don't know what he does i don't know what he's throwing in the laundry machine probably fucking since it's 85 white t-shirts he probably has like the special stuff you know what i'm saying but we we gotta try to get him like sponsored by haynes or something honestly it's like it's like i feel like it would be i mean i've lived with him we've all well rooks and i've lived with him so i know he well, Rooks and I have lived with them.
Starting point is 00:33:05 So I know he doesn't just have a like closet full of white T-shirts like a cartoon, but like honestly should. He might as well. He might as well. My question is, where does he get them from? Because I feel like for as much as we talk about this, we don't talk about where he procures his white T-shirts from. I'm pretty sure that like I think they're just like the like the haynes type thing like the ones where it comes with packs of like three or four and they all look the same and they're all white i love how they're not even you know you walk into j crew or old navy and they have the
Starting point is 00:33:37 this is a white t-shirt that's meant to be worn out he's like give me the undershirt and let me wear that i mean if you're gonna get a white tshirt, I feel like that's the route to go. Yeah, but I'm not going to get like those undershirt crew. Sixty dollar T-shirt just to get a white. Take it easy there, big guy. OK, they're not that expensive. You go to the outlets. But I love that was all of our number.
Starting point is 00:34:01 Yeah, it had to be. And I'm fucking I feel very blessed. You know, I was typically, like, typically I would fight Zach on just coming up willy-nilly with an order like that. But getting the number one overall pick and getting the opportunity to take that absolute stud off the board, I couldn't pass it up. Great pick. All right, so second in line here.
Starting point is 00:34:23 I'm going to go with the brian mabry classic your old text on your birthday it just hits it hits every time you know it's coming and this came to my came to mind shout out kelly hbd your birthday what yesterday uh two days ago when this comes out uh classic though it's just, you know it's coming every time, and every time it just makes me laugh. There's always a new gift, too. Fantastic. I'm going to look.
Starting point is 00:34:53 I enjoy that one. I don't think he texted that to me on my birthday. I'm going to see if he did. Can you, like, yeah, I guess you can find it fairly quickly. Yeah, we're scrolling back here. I mean, it is a very Brian joke joke even though if i've not gotten it the you're old with a gif it fits right into his personality i think i search i literally just searched in all of my text messages you're old and there are five separate texts from Toon Squad that are all burned just saying you're old to somebody for their birthday.
Starting point is 00:35:28 Yeah, I was trying to think a little outside the box. I feel like everybody knows it when it's their birthday and they get it, but then you forget about it. But then, you know, another year goes by. You're old. It's so good. And you're always reminded. That's a good one. You need to be humbled.
Starting point is 00:35:43 You need to be humbled a little bit. It's a big time sleeper humbled a little it's a big time sleeper right there round one coming off the board oh i got some i got some good ones get ready brian we're coming for you oh that's right brian forgot my birthday because we were in our group chat and this was monday may 23rd which is the day after my birthday and he said zach you in tonight or do you have dinner plans i said i'm I'm out. Turning 28 is a bigger deal than I realized. And he said, ha ha, wait, who's B-Day? I said, me.
Starting point is 00:36:07 I am the birthday boy. And he said, minus one for Brian. I mean, good response, though. That's a heater. It was a great response. But also, get fucked, Zach. Yeah. You're up.
Starting point is 00:36:19 So I've known Brian the least, but enough, a long enough time to draft a pretty good big board. I'm going to go with my first pick in the brian burn draft i'm going with uh taking everyone's food home after a night out oh my god that's a good one and i'm also gonna say with a caveat of the most inopportune times and the inopportune food to take your to take home like i remember we out for breakfast and this man was like yo give me your scrambled eggs and let me put them in a takeout container. Like, buddy, those aren't going to, like, reheat well. He's like, no, no, no, I'll heat them up later.
Starting point is 00:36:51 And I don't think he ended up actually eating them, but I think he just. No, I'm sure he did. But, like. I'm sure he did. You could have, like, a morsel of food on your plate. He's like, oh, no, let me just scrape that in there. Let me take that home. You think he'd throw that away?
Starting point is 00:37:01 Like, it's like. I wonder how much food, like, from. Because, like, the girls hardly ate food when we went out, I feel like. Because, like, we would know that there's going to be, like, leftovers. Because we always get, like, apps and shit. And it's just, like, you could probably eat, like, a full entree of apps with everything we got. It's classic. Well, you just got, and then you got, like, the weird, like, like Zach was saying, like, some of the shit, like, some of the of the combos of stuff like the little smorgasbords he's had in those to-go boxes like i we went to um i think we what's the what's the like brunch spot we've been to a few
Starting point is 00:37:35 times down the street from you cory uh it's like an urban tap yeah we've been to urban tap a bunch and like one time i saw it was like he had like huevos rancheros from me because i didn't want to finish it he had like two pancakes and then he had something that somebody got like a more like brunchy like sandwich type thing i was like that is the weirdest box of food like heating that up just throughout the day and be like this is a nice meal it's just the most burned thing on this planet i just think his breakfast sample i just think his eyes get big when he realizes someone is definitely not gonna like he waits to order last because like i know i'm gonna get some of those you know some of that that club sandwich that i mean some
Starting point is 00:38:15 of that then that baby's coming home with me later um which i don't hate it's just always just funny because i feel like it's just like also a big dad move like your dad would be like oh no i'll take like let's take that home and he just already got that locked down um all right so i'm assuming we're snaking even though there's only three of us yeah yeah on the you're on the turn so it's one that kind of relates to it which i feel like is kind it's it's not really mean i'm gonna go with not spending any money like in general or just that was that was that was on my list or finding ways to not spending any money almost to the extreme degree like uh um it just comes in waves like this stuff like where it's like streaming stuff or like not having like amazon prime which is just a wild move
Starting point is 00:38:58 to me and it doesn't have like prime video or anything i'm like that's the one subscription service i'd argue pays for itself 10 times over and he's like everything he's like everything has like almost like but i'm like but you get like so much more with it and it's like trying to reason with somebody who just doesn't get it and i you know it's just like a conversation i just can't fathom i just can't fathom it i just love hearing once once a year maybe is uh because he's got he's got his site and sometimes it's like once yearly i feel like there's a series that he starts and realizes like halfway through he's watching it backwards because the order is like flipped on there's nothing twice right yeah it's
Starting point is 00:39:39 i mean i think it's half it's definitely happened twice i don't maybe it's i forgot what the other one yeah maybe there was one other one. Yeah. It's just hilarious, though, because he's like, man, this is confusing. And then he'll text me and be like, I did it again. Well, then it's like it also makes the stories like when he told us about the time, one of the episodes on the podark or whatever that was gonna fly him over and they had to pay for the 70 parking because he prepaid it for like the week and then like just like that stuff will happen to him like oh man i know this kills you more than anybody because you're just so fiscally responsible with your money fuming like i'm i'd be surprised like he didn't eat the next week because he's like, I got to make up that money that I spent.
Starting point is 00:40:34 But hey, man, he's going to be the one who's going to be retired before all of us living on a beach somewhere because he didn't want to spend his money on Amazon Prime. He'll have it then. He'll have it then, yeah. All right. So I'm up next, right? Yeah. uh all right so i'm on the turn i'm up next right yeah i'm gonna go with um for a man who doesn't drink so it has nothing to do with drinking uh blacking out when he talks to a pretty girl so this has happened like twice that i know of uh and i'll we'll say blacking out loosely but i just remember b we went on a cruise in like junior year um and like we were in line like I
Starting point is 00:41:07 don't know getting food or something and there's this like it was like spring break so there's this like cute girl that started like talking to him because he had a Penn State shirt on and she was like oh like something about Penn State and they talked for a little bit and then he came back over because I saw them talking so I walked away and he came back over and he was like oh i just talked to this girl or whatever i was like yeah she was really cute and he's just like she was i was like did you not like look at her at all and he's like i blacked out man and then same same thing happens at uh passion pit concert at at uh at bent state we're like standing there and shout out tall guys uh he he's just
Starting point is 00:41:46 like watching the concert and this girl's like trying to have a conversation with them like in front of him but he's like overlooking her so he kind of looks at her and like has conversation and then she walks away i was like man she was pretty cute and he was like ah didn't look at her at all like god damn it Classic. That's so good. I'd say I wish that would happen to me more sometimes because sometimes I feel like you're just kind of free-flowing with the convo then. You just – and it's almost better. Yeah, but like –
Starting point is 00:42:13 You can't – It's a missed opportunity for him though, I think. These girls clearly are like trying to hit on him and I think he – I don't know. The passion pit, he was clearly distracted you know it's there's there's pros and cons to it but you know you can't be scared of like a chick you can't see you know what i mean this guy's just six two just looking behind her the whole time but see like again they're more scared of you than you are of them maybe maybe it's because i haven't had the experience like these experiences with brian as much as you two have
Starting point is 00:42:42 but like i don't think brian would act any different like around a girl than he does like with us he'd be like I don't I don't know I think he just blacks out like he just doesn't remember but he doesn't he'll act that's what I'm saying yeah yeah I think I I don't know like because he does act the same like he's but smooth I guess I don't know like he has a conversation like a normal person I feel like he's not in his head but then he when he comes back and says i don't know what they look like i'm like what do you mean like it cracks me up that's so fucking good oh shit all right i've got some good picks so far i'm digging this draft okay so coming in hot on the turn with two pigs my first pick is going to be having the ability to eat whatever he wants and still have one of the most insane six packs like i've ever seen in my
Starting point is 00:43:33 fucking life like burn six pack fucking bulges man and this guy's fucking eats ice cream all the time and shit it's fucking bullshit okay you know what happens when i eat ice cream i shit for three days and i look like a fucking horse okay it's awful but burn literally like when we when we were growing up this guy literally every night would have ice cream like every single night i stay with him for multiple nights in a row he would eat ice cream he said he did that all the way through like high school and shit like it was just a sight to see and then he's walking around just fucking shredded to his core at all times that's some bullshit man like burn hidden underneath the white tea yeah yeah that's a thing a sneaky six-pack the sneakiest of all six-pack but then like do you remember do you remember like the best thing about it is
Starting point is 00:44:25 is when you're with somebody who doesn't realize like the shape that he's in and then like you'll go to the beach or something and they'll be like what like yeah there was there were so many reasons why when we were at the beach on the cruise i stood away from burn i kept my fucking shirt on i was like dude this is gonna i'm gonna get body bagged standing next to this fucking guy okay this guy this guy curls 50 pound dumbbells like controlled i'm over here flapping my little fucking wings around i have a beer belly like this is some bullshit we all go to the beach with them with like this speedo like like tight t-shirt on up top the full wetsuit on yeah oh man but yeah like anytime like there's a pool situation or anything like that like there's it burns ever no i don't
Starting point is 00:45:16 know if he's noticed but like you know i'm a little i'm a little distance from him that's all uh yeah i can't make it to that pool party sorry guys burns talking me. I just keep like walking around to the other side of the pool. I'm like, yo, just yell it, man. It's fine. You text me. It's cool. But so my second pick is. I don't like that.
Starting point is 00:45:39 I have two picks in a row about its body, but it's fine. Burns sunken in chest. chest oh that was on my sunken in chest but there's a caveat only when he put the cereal and milk into his chest and ate out of it i have cereal chest written on my board so for the viewers the bright guy literally has this like indent in his like in the middle of his chest so like his like ribs kind of go in and he has like this little bowl we always used to like joke around about it i would be like what the fuck is that um why do you have a shot glass in your chest and he was like oh one of these days i want to put cereal in it and i was like shut the fuck like and i don't
Starting point is 00:46:23 know why i didn't believe he would i'll chime in i feel like we told him you should eat me we as in like maybe me and dylan not necessarily you but i think we gave him the idea or said you should do it and he was like i mean if i'm eating cereal without my shirt one time sure and then we reminded him and then he did it and he took yeah and burn burn took a fucking picture of him with cereal and milk in his chest cavity, just scooping it out. And it was one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen in my life. It was like the full mini cereal thing, too. It was a substantial amount of cereal and milk. It wasn't like two Cheerios.
Starting point is 00:47:00 Was it Cheerios, though? What kind of cereal? I think it might have been Froot Loops. If you guys continue with the pics, I might cereal? I think it might have been Fruit Loops. If you give me, if you guys continue with the picks, I might have the picture and I might have some insight. I don't know if I have it here on my Google Drive, but let me do some research.
Starting point is 00:47:14 Alright, you do the research. I will move on with the next pick. So this one is specific to, like, roommates, probably, because it's often enough, but I feel like he doesn't do it when uh there's visitors i don't know i don't know peanut butter spoon sink throws rooks i feel like you know what i'm talking about so that's such a fucking good one i'll i'll add on to it
Starting point is 00:47:41 and say i'll compliment you b, because I know you're listening. The accuracy of his spoon throws into the sink. So the man loves peanut butter. So every once in a while, he grabs a spoon of peanut butter. He does it with other foods too. But I just vivid memory of him with this peanut butter spoon, goes to the couch, eats the peanut butter, and then yeets it across the room to go into the sink. And, like, I'd say he shoots probably, like, 65%, which is pretty fucking good considering the angle that the sinks are usually on. I don't know if you know this, but living rooms typically don't have sinks in the middle of them. They're usually in another room with walls and shit in the way um but we then the one caveat to
Starting point is 00:48:27 that though is uh we did find out shortly that you should probably check the sink if there's glass cups in there because we've i think we've broken at least uh at least a couple but still i would just i would like to add on so and we talked about on this podcast you know our boy burn big body not the most coordinated person you watch him shoot a basketball and you're like what is that this guy across the room just no hesitation throwing a spoon and having it land in the sink was truly an insane feat to see happen multiple times throughout a year and it was just like without hesitation chucking it up and that shit would land and it was insane he yelled kobe like every other time like it was great it was so good that's such a great pick holy fuck thank you thank you i was
Starting point is 00:49:18 happy about that oh my god that's such a good one all right zaddy what do we got on the turn here all right i'm gonna round up my draft because we're only doing four rounds right one all right zaddy what do we got on the turn here all right i'm gonna round up my draft because you're only doing four rounds right yeah all right i'm gonna go see i could have a pick that kind of goes along with the the working out his buff bod but i'm gonna go away with that i feel like we've covered that enough um so i'm gonna go with uh i think brian has the unique ability to look both unkept and kept at the same time, if that makes sense. It's the Josh Groban. But even when he's not have long hair, I just feel like, I don't know if it's the white t-shirt thing as well. It's so true though, because he wears like, he'll wear, he'll have the same Nike trainers for like three years.
Starting point is 00:50:03 He'll wear basketball shorts and a white tee and then it's just like under all of that it's just like like he's got his life together though he doesn't like he dresses like a hobo but he acts not like a hobo and like i feel like he's so good he just like lives in the constant state of like post wedding when you've been on the dance floor for about an hour like you're dressed kind of nicely but you got the tie kind of like loosened a little bit like it's that like state of mind like you're in a professional setting but you kind of looked a little a little sweaty like he just lives in that fine gray area that you can never pinpoint him like he could be coming from a professional event or just like
Starting point is 00:50:41 going to like crash on his couch for the entire day like i can't i can't pin him down like zach's upset because he can never figure out what event brian is going to or coming from it's just like he looks yeah he looks both kept and unkept at the same time that's so good that's fair uh and then my last pick um this kind of relates to a uh kind of one of our um old drafts i'm just gonna draft appetizers because apparently there's no fucking rules to these drafts so i'm just gonna draft appetizers uh i assume brian likes appetizers so i'm gonna draft appetizers i oh my god that's actually so fucking good one man you should have told us we could have all just drafted something abysmal on the last round and been like there you go
Starting point is 00:51:34 still can't i mean next up in burns draft i'm drafting 9-11 yeah good god uh man christ well i'm sticking to i'm sticking to the game plan i had i'm sorry i i can't audible right now my my mind's at a pretzel um i've got we're gonna do are we gonna do honorable mentions yes absolutely yes i was just gonna say that so like this doesn't matter because we're all gonna hear the picks anyway so um I'm gonna go with Brian's uh list of notes on his phone this man is I don't even understand we gotta ask how much like space and storage he has on his phone and what percentage of that is notes because it's gotta be that guy has gotta be substantial it has to have like the max iCloud subscription out there like 110 iCloud's messaging i'm like you know they typically reach out like oh you you don't have enough storage do you want to invest in like a little uh plan they're like
Starting point is 00:52:37 dude fucking stop okay stop fucking uploading things to the cloud man they're like you need another terabyte but we're not gonna offer you that or no they're probably like you know what here here it is for free just just take all the storage we have it's all your own server it's fine uh yeah this man has i know for a fact he's has like he made my like back to him being ripped he made my workout plan the first time I ever started working out in like sophomore year of college and I'm almost positive he has it still like this is I've gotten into the habit and I probably did it before knowing Brian but I always now just say like hey can you remind me to do this to like Claire or like whoever I'm with like around me because like I feel like it's because
Starting point is 00:53:26 Brian's always, like, roommates for many, many years. He's always around. So I'm like, he's going to write it down and then just, like, remind me. It's like, shout out Brian, the goat of note keeping. Absolutely. It's actually impeccable.
Starting point is 00:53:39 Well, that's the thing. It's like, what? It's everything he's purchased for the last, like, eight years. It doesn't even have his weight every single he's purchased for the last like eight years what's it doesn't he have his weight every single day or something for the last couple years like oh my gosh man i can't like it's impressive it's fucking i'm not even mad i'm impressed it's it's a phenomenal feat like it is just i could not record that much shit in my life like i can't he has every he has like his goals and, like, that would be cool to see.
Starting point is 00:54:07 Like, do I necessarily want to see my weight from 2020 mid-pandemic? No. But, like, my goals from a few years ago? Yeah, that'd be interesting. But. I feel like you should, like, write a book. I don't know what kind of book or what genre. It'd be a lot of, like like haphazard notes but like
Starting point is 00:54:25 he's already writing that much might as well what we gotta do is we gotta have him like like at this point right he's just like a um you know like those old school like history like when you see stuff in like game of thrones or like old school shit where they're just writing every little piece of information down that they can just Just like a scribe for life? Yeah, literally, Bert, just give me your notes for your life. Give me just a hard copy of just everything you got for me, and let me just read it. Peruse, yeah.
Starting point is 00:54:56 Just see. See December, my birthday, December 8th, 1999, how much you weighed. Let me just see. I'm just curious. Is this all weight related? Do you think, do you think, and it would have been like eighth grade. Do you think he has his weight from September 08?
Starting point is 00:55:19 September, when was the last desk pop? September 08. All right. All right, Rooks right rocks hit it to round the draft okay i i wanted to pick i wanted to get a little pry guy experience here um and he talks about this a lot on the podcast and this is like like i know i said i was gonna be mean to him but i think this is like this is something he does that like i could never like fucking do like the solo dolo concert i think is just like the brian solo dolo is just crazy like he's gone to so many concerts by himself and like i know he's having a great time at the show which is crazy to me like i need to be with like a group at like a super high upbeat concert this guy's seeing like a band that just started touring the united states for the first time with 14
Starting point is 00:56:13 people and he's in the middle like fucking bobbing his head like that's it takes a special kind of person and like i could not do that shit like that shit's fucking crazy to me but yeah i think it's i think it's dope i just like could not fucking do it myself yeah i like i understand i could do movies and i like movies alone but yeah concerts are a little bit different for me i don't think i could do it either it'd have to be somebody i really really like which to your point you're like he's going to these like people that i'm sure he really likes but i mean like i want to see like i would go see like like bastille or like my favorite bands or whatever yeah but not like these casual bands that i know i like yeah but yeah it's impressive it's just the closest i've come is like at a festival and i just like branched off with people at the but i know that people
Starting point is 00:56:59 like i could go meet up with them like right after that show that's the closest i've come yeah it's it's just a crazy it's a crazy fucking feat to me and every time he talks about it i'm I could go meet up with them right after that show. That's the closest I've come. Yeah. It's a crazy fucking feat to me. And every time he talks about it, I'm just like, how in the fuck do you do that? And hey, props to the guy. Built different. You're not moving like Burns movements. Sucking chest king.
Starting point is 00:57:21 Sucking chest cereal king. Get it right. All right. Honorable mentions? Both of you you either yeah i've got cory um so we talked about his outfits so i left this on the board but his uh love of hoodies more specifically the burton black hoodie anyone oh yeah i oh yeah big that thing's been in the wardrobe longer than a lot of the white tees i picture it mostly uh on a plane because i know he likes his hoodies on a plane and so i feel like that's that's that hoodie's bread and butter although it gets a lot of work and i like it i that's a compliment brian we're hoodie guys big guys outside of that, Hatred of Lasagna is just impressive.
Starting point is 00:58:06 A classic. Like, he actually does dislike it. It's not like a shtick because I bring it up more than any other person. Like, he doesn't bring it up. But, yeah, it just baffles me always will to this day. I got a couple nice ones, and I didn't pick them on purpose. But podcast producing ability, that was if you guys picked all mine. I mean, he does do the podcast all pretty much himself.
Starting point is 00:58:34 We just talk into a microphone. For the viewers, we're all recording our bits right now, and we're sending them to Burn so he can put together this podcast. Yeah. So, I mean, I feel like that's got to get a shout out uh and i hope uh mark the time i'm gonna say shout out here brian uh and then the last one that i had was uh his gift giving ability which also kind of comes back to the note keeping oh my god i know because you'll like say something in passing like you could be like walking by a store and be like oh that's i don't know that's like a cool whatever like
Starting point is 00:59:10 freaking i don't know lamp whatever and then like this could be like february and then december for christmas that lamp is on your doorstep for a christmas gift and it's like i said it one time and we were in chicago how did this end up it's just it's uh it's a gift it's an it's incredible um so yeah watch what you say around brian because you might get it as a gift for christmas or your birthday and uh uh yeah i really want a million dollars brian that gift is crazy though like i sent him uh this year actually i sent him a tiktok and it was it was this girl i'm gonna describe this tiktok right now and it's gonna sound a little grotesque but it's this girl sitting on the shitter and the caption is like the sexual tension in here is crazy and it's her like zooming in on her face and she flips the camera around and
Starting point is 01:00:03 there's a little cutout of Hasbulla. And then she zooms in on Hasbulla. And then like back and forth two more times. Burn. I said that to Burn. And he literally like found the link of where to get that Hasbulla. And shipped it to me for my birthday. And I was like.
Starting point is 01:00:17 Dude. Like. He's just fucking. He's just a great gift giver. Like he's on it. Man. He's fucking on it. That's all mine. I'm going to go go with i was just looking i forgot uh how simple his instagram captions are they're just like the
Starting point is 01:00:32 names of places i feel like it's kind of cute and charming well if you think about it it's record keeping like notes but that's very true it's so he remembers yeah yeah um i also said hammer curls on there um yes oh my god big time honorable mention yeah just ripping on hammer and then i also said the name brian i feel like it fits him very well yeah very much a brian burns burns better where does burn come from again well nowhere literally like that's why he hates the dumbest story ever so i think is it is it urn or is it ern people's do ern i just like doing urn i think it's funny um but in my phone in my phone it's literally brian parentheses burn and like that's it so i i was i grew up like i've known him since like third grade and we had so
Starting point is 01:01:28 many bryans at our school we called all the bryans and ryans by their last name so growing up burn was mayberry to me from third grade until freshman year of college my friend from here roomed with burn and my friend teddy and teddy said he heard some country guy like call uh his son burn he was like get over here burn and teddy was like brian like since you're from the country like do people like you look like a burn do people call you burn he's like no and then teddy started calling him burn and then i thought it was hilarious so then i started introducing him to people in penn state his burn and then like it was just like wildfire like it was just everyone called him burn he'd always follow with brian and they still called him burn at times like it was crazy this is burn brian but that's why he hates it because like i think
Starting point is 01:02:22 and he can correct me i'm sure he'll listen and tell me that i'm like i fucked it up because i probably did but like he hates it because there's really just like no point behind yeah like that's why he hates it there's no story there is no story that's what he says every time when it's like what's the story he goes there is none and that's why i hate it with hey we've said like if he like burned things to the ground he's like that would be a better story and i would accept it if that was actually true but i don't so like oh fuck oh man it's great have fun editing this brian yeah have fun he's gonna be sitting here just listening like smiling be like listen all these nice things um my honorable mentions my first one is never backing down in an argument ever uh burn burn will fight you on anything and then
Starting point is 01:03:17 even if he's wrong he will like make jokes but then continue to fight you with like real empirical like data at times. And it's just really like it really throws you for a loop sometimes. But that's my first one. We talked about Bernie eating ice cream earlier. Like if Bern eats too much ice cream, like him sugar rushed is the equivalent of someone being drunk which is amazing like we'd go to the dining hall freshman year and he'd eat a lot of ice cream and then he'd be like stumbling around the halls and like jumping around and shit i was like you were literally on crack and you just had ice cream like it's a crazy life um another one um him complaining about it being hot
Starting point is 01:04:03 i'm shocked we didn't pick that as i've said a hundred times on this podcast big sweaty guy over Another one, him complaining about it being hot. Oh, yeah. I'm shocked we didn't pick that one. As I've said a hundred times on this podcast, big sweaty guy over here. I run super hot. Since Burn is always the one that complains about it being hot first, I can follow up. And then people get mad at Burn because he's the one that keeps bringing it up first and complaining. And then I just kind of piggyback. So he takes some of the guilt off of me which i appreciate um another honorable mention burn shooting a basketball if you've never seen it
Starting point is 01:04:30 like it's just amazing it's my favorite you should have drafted that one after the peanut butter uh peanut butter fork uh sink i'm telling you man it's the sink throw is fucking underrated because like like he throws a football decent the basketball shot it's just not in his genetics like you can just see it was just it's just not there um and then my last honorable mention goes to hot mike shout out oh that would be good to draft i know i was like I thought about it because I was like, you can't draft Hot Mike in a Brian draft. That'd be rough.
Starting point is 01:05:10 I was also thinking it would be the most burn thing ever, though, to just get someone that's not even technically a part of the draft pool. You know what I mean? We are forgetting that Zach did say appetizers. Oh, fuck. But hey, Burn, congratulations. did did yeah i would say appetizers oh my god but hey uh burn congratulations uh we uh we missed you today we love you and we hope you enjoyed that draft we hope you listen and you just sit there like i hope you edit this podcast
Starting point is 01:05:39 on your bed like on your chest and you have your feet kicked up and you're like swinging them back and forth and smiling while you edit this you pour milk on your laptop while it like on your chest and you have your feet kicked up and you're like swinging them back and forth and smiling while you edit this. And you pour milk on your laptop while it's sitting in your chest cavity. Exactly. I think that's a great way to end. Hey, thanks for listening all the viewers and viewers. Sloppy Joe, Sloppy James.
Starting point is 01:05:57 It's a great time here today. Zach, if you want to take over the intro since you did such a great, or outro since you did such a good job with the intro. You gotta do the horse go Let me do the background noise I'll meet you a guy named Burn That's it Ending the podcast
Starting point is 01:06:21 Goodbye I'm ending the podcast. Goodbye. you

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