I've Had It - Are Gender Reveals Attempted Murder?

Episode Date: April 20, 2023

Jennifer and Pumps finally unleash one of their biggest "Had It's" with the help of comedian Robyn Schall - the annoying and honestly quite dangerous Gender Reveal Party. The girls discuss all of the ...ridiculous fuckery that couples have caused the past few years with this mediocre celebration and the trail of damage that follows it. Robyn also tells a wild first date story that almost ended in murder.....  Thank you to our sponsors: I've Had It is brought to you by BetterHelp, visit Betterhelp.com/hadit today to get 10% off your first month. HelloFresh, Go to HelloFresh.com/hadit50 and use code 'hadit50' for 50% off, plus your first box ships free! Subscribe to our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IveHadItPodcast Follow Us: I've Had It Podcast: @Ivehaditpodcast Jennifer Welch: @mizzwelch Angie "Pumps" Sullivan: @pumpspumpspumps Special Guest: Robyn Schall: @robynschallcomic

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So we're supposed to start the podcast. Okay, are we ready? One, two, three. Pretty good. I'm good. I'm Titter-Mess, truly. What we need to remind you of listener right now is we have a lot of hot takes. Behind the scene, juice central stuff going on on Patreon. So hit us up and
Starting point is 00:00:28 subscribe there and if we get one million subscribers, pumps will go topless and balance a wire hanger on her nipple. I'm gonna leave that here and I'm gonna get right onto it. Pumps, what have you had it with this week? What I've had it with Jennifer and I know this isn't going to be popular because everybody likes to say it, but I've had it with the overuse of the word trigger. Like, not everything all day long can be a trigger. Sometimes it just has to be something you don't like and you move on. I completely agree.
Starting point is 00:00:58 But I mean, there's trigger warnings all the time and you hear people say, like the younger generation. Right. Well, that was a trigger for me. I'm like, is it a trigger? A trigger for what? Is it a trigger or are you just a pussy? Are you a pussy or are you just such a candy ass that nothing you have to have, like everything perfect?
Starting point is 00:01:19 Another thing that people are doing is we talked about the ass and nose out parking the other day. Yes. And I saw one of the comments on social was, I do this, but it's a trauma response. Okay. A trauma response. Listen, I don't want to dismiss anybody
Starting point is 00:01:36 who's experienced trauma. What I think is like an anxiety-free life is not a destination that we're achieving. We're just trying to get through the many anxieties we have every single day. This is such growth listener because I just want to tell you about 15 years ago, pumps pulled up to my house and we set on my front porch and we each lit up a sig and she was ball and crying. I mean, snotsling in another one of us ever cry. And her marriage is just, I mean, it is fucking tanked beyond. And she says, this just can't be happening to me.
Starting point is 00:02:15 My kids' lives are supposed to be perfect. Why do you always have to bring that up? Because it was jaw-dropping. And I'm still is equally shocked today about it as I was that bright and sunny Oklahoma City day 15 years ago. Yeah, well, I can still we get neither one of us have smoked in a really long time, but I can still smell that marble line and the pack. I can hear the it packing on my hand pack in that pack. Yeah. Yeah. So this is growth.
Starting point is 00:02:45 It's so, it's such growth. It's such growth that you just acknowledged in a public, for the permanent record, for the permanent record. Not kids, for the lives, are wrought with anxiety, happiness, sadness, the whole nine. As is everyone's. Right. This is huge growth.
Starting point is 00:03:02 I'm really proud of you, Bob. Thank you. Thank you. I think that there is just this movement where people have to identify their feelings non-stop and tell people. Yes, and it's like sometimes I wake up and I'm in a pretty good mood, dopamine and serotonin are really hidden. Other days I wake up and I'm like I didn't get that great asleep and it's just gonna be on a 10 scale. I'm looking at probably a five.
Starting point is 00:03:30 But here's my little life hack listener. Every single day, I'm not looking to have a 10 out of 10 day. I'm shooting for an average of around five to six. Average days and collect a lot of average days. And some days are going to be 10 out of 10. But some days are going to be one out of 10. So I'm shooting for about a five to six. Get up, get to work, record this podcast with you, beat some dead horses, do some interior design work, go bang on a pickleball, go home, in bed, a sleep, and just repeat. And I get a lot of joy out of just the monotony of that.
Starting point is 00:04:10 I do too. I always say predictability is an ability. Look at you. I mean, I'm fortunate. I learned that. Well, they always say in sports. Who's they? Like sports talkers.
Starting point is 00:04:21 Okay. That availability is an ability. And I was like predictability is an ability. So you made that up. I made it up. Predictability is an ability. I mean, call the lawyer Kylie get that copy. I mean, we need copyright shit going on. Self-help books will need to be published. Predictability is an ability. That's right. Well, okay, I've had it too with the triggers, with, you know, trauma responses. And here's the thing.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I think those things are real. One million percent of it. But I think that people that are triggered or have trauma responses genuine ones, don't talk about it all the time. It's like a vegan. Shut the fuck up. We're talking about being vegan. I saw this guy on Twitter the other day and his Twitter profile, vegan.
Starting point is 00:05:13 I'm a nut about pickleball, but I don't have it in my bios. I wouldn't pass you. I just torture you, Kylie, Richard, and the listener. Every opportunity I get. You don't have to put it on your bio. It's understood. It's in the permanent record. Well, let me tell you what I've had it with.
Starting point is 00:05:35 So you go to a restaurant and I'd say it's maybe 20% full. Okay. And you go to the host to stand and you say four. Mm-hmm. And then she looks down at the seating chart and then she looks over a shoulder one side of the restaurant, looks over the shoulder to the other side, looks back down at the seating chart where you can see some tables that are full have an X in them. This says, I'll be right back. Go somewhere and consult with somebody about something and it's completely overwhelmed. And I'm talking, there's 23 tables, right? Comes back and then it's kind of like,
Starting point is 00:06:14 okay, I'll take you now. And you can tell us she's walking or he, it's kind of like, should we go here or there? And then finally, it's like, is this table okay? And what I don't understand about this is I used to be a hostess when I was 16 years old. My first job was at the Olive Garden. And I was a hostess. I looked down at the chart, I saw a free table, I grabbed the menus, I grabbed the silverware, I set them. It was a very simple thing. You make sure you didn't double seat waiters. Right. Sometimes as there was a rush, you had to. Right. Tell the waiter waiter like, I'm sorry I dicked you over on this. We got a huge rush. Right. It amazes me at how complicated such a simple job is to so many young budding hosts and hostesses. Here's another one.
Starting point is 00:07:00 You go up to the restaurant and you say four, restaurants half empty, and they look at you dead serious and say, that's gonna be a 25 to 30 minute wait. That makes me homicidal when that happens, because I'm like, you have half these tables are empty. And if I ever start like bitching about it, again, my kids think I'm an asshole, so they're like, mom, it's fine. It's fine.
Starting point is 00:07:25 I'm like, it's not fine. They have a million tables available. Isn't it interesting? The same generation that's triggered about everything. Then they can't solve a problem. Like, you have a right to say, there are 23 tables here. What is the wait for? Right. What are we waiting for?
Starting point is 00:07:39 Are you short-staffed? What kitchen? Explain it to me. I'll accept it, but there's got to be a reason. No, it's maddening, and it's not just, it's every city this happens in. Right. This is a nationwide problem.
Starting point is 00:07:53 So you can't believe it on COVID anymore. I'm so tired of that too. It goes widely ignored. What's going on in these restaurants with this seating situation? Yes. Nobody's talking about it. Nobody's doing anything about it.
Starting point is 00:08:04 And it seems like I'm one of the only people that talking about it. Nobody's doing anything about it and it seems like I'm all one of the only people that bitches about it Well, I think after this airs a lot of people Commented like it. Yes, because we need to address this and if there's like a restaurant manager or host hostess You know convention of some sort we would like to be invited And just simply say if there's a free table, see it. See it. And then you can tell the people, listen, you're waiter just got double sat.
Starting point is 00:08:31 Right. So it might be about five to 10 minutes before they get to you. That's a reasonable thing to do. Right. But to have a restaurant with all those available tables. And then you've got some, you know, hero of the restaurant that tells you it's gonna be a 25 to 30 minute wait with this mall cop mentality is fucking bullshit and nobody is doing a god damn thing about it. Congress is too preoccupied with drag queens. Maybe they could address this problem.
Starting point is 00:08:59 Because this is the shit that's affecting all of us every day to day life. Right. As we all know, I don't cook. So I eat out quite frequently. And I eat with the old ladies. I mean, I go at 536 PM, those restaurants are empty. Nobody's fucking there except for me and the people that are your age, right? Just got a dig in there. Before I welcome everybody to our podcast, I would just want to do a little reading of a comment
Starting point is 00:09:31 that we received on social media from, this was on TikTok from feb.7.2000. Okay, Jennifer is so hot. Welcome to I've had it podcast. My name is Jennifer. I'm E and G. We call her pumps. Not as hot as Jennifer. Apparently, a couple of episodes ago you were the hot one. But but according to fab.7.2000, I'm so hot. Okay, you just got hot. Okay, mine had an adjective in front of it. Okay, Jennifer is so hot. So hot, right? Not just hot, so hot, right?
Starting point is 00:10:13 Was it all caps? That's a question. Everything's lower case. Okay, even the profile. But listener Kylie is here with us today. Richards here, Richards say hello. Hello. Oh my God, Pumps.
Starting point is 00:10:25 I have had it with inaccuracy of my takeout orders. Oh my gosh, you've got to start using Hello Fresh. It completely takes the hassle out of mealtimes. Oh, you are so right. Hello Fresh is the best. As you know, I am not a pro in the kitchen. And Hello Fresh's full proof recipes arrive pre-portioned and easy to prepare in just a few steps.
Starting point is 00:10:46 I mean, the kids in Josh think I am a new woman. The best thing about Hello Fresh is there are no trips to the grocery store. You don't have to Google recipes. It's just excellent food delivered straight to your door. I have had it with grocery stores and take out food. And if you have to go to HelloFresh.com slash Hadit50 and use code Hadit50 for 50% off, place your first box ships free. That's HelloFresh.com slash Hadit50.
Starting point is 00:11:15 Use code Hadit50 for 50% off and your first box will ship for free. HelloFresh really does make your life easier. We are gonna talk about a problem that is plaguing this globe. It is a massive problem that came out of nowhere, that now all of a sudden is a big, big thing. And everybody's got to do it, and everybody's got to trot it out, and it is a nothing burger to end all nothing burgers that everybody continues to relentlessly celebrate.
Starting point is 00:11:53 And I have had it up to my eyeballs with gender reveals. They're inseparable. It's unbelievable. Our kids are older, but they're not that old. I mean, it feels like, I was, I mean, it feels like my pregnancy, my youngest is 16. It doesn't feel like it was that long ago. This gender reveal thing did not exist then. No, but we didn't have social media either. Didn't Facebook come after that? I mean, I think it was just the birth of it, but it was not a thing.
Starting point is 00:12:25 I just think it's ridiculous. I mean, it's not you're not carrying cancer. You're having a boy or a girl. That's it. That's the right. Right. Right. That's it. I mean, there's nothing that novel about it. I think that there is a direct link from oversellibrating kids and making everything and I'm guilty of it and making everything a big fucking deal, and making them feel like every little moment is the most special. Sacred, you are the best go-getter my little shining star 24, 7, 365. And now it's starting in utero. Before they're even born. Right. They're celebrating. So it's no surprise by the time
Starting point is 00:13:06 they get to be teenagers. They are just wrought with anxiety and emotion. Do you remember that birthday party yet for Emily when she turned three? Oh my gosh it was horrible that was so bad. Listener. So pumps trots out this birthday party. I, she's spent an obscene amount of money. Yes. First she books a petting zoo. Right. Then she booked this creepy fucking clown named Chester. You remember that fucker?
Starting point is 00:13:34 You had come to that party? Yeah. Who was just, I mean, Chester. I know, it's bad. I know, it's bad. You had the clown. Then the pony rides. And everybody's dressed like a princess.
Starting point is 00:13:44 Magic. Oh, magic show, magic show. Yeah, yeah. For a three year old. Well, here's the deal. I had had Luke like two weeks before her birthday. And I felt guilty. Every time I had another kid, I felt guilty that I wouldn't have as much attention
Starting point is 00:14:01 to give to the child before. Right. So I mean, it was 100% a guilt. Like, and she doesn't remember it. Exactly. That was gonna be my next question. Right. She doesn't remember this, which goes to number one,
Starting point is 00:14:13 we know that this baby that's in utero is not gonna remember this fucking gender reveal party. Well, no. Okay. But they're gonna talk to you in a minute. But they're gonna talk to you in a shower for social media, for eons to come. I'm curious to see what this first generation of people
Starting point is 00:14:27 that were gender revealed in utero, what they look like in adulthood, because I don't think it's going to be good. Well, I mean, it's just like they're going to think that everything they do is worthy of being captured on the internet and a party. And really, I would say in your whole life, if you live to be 80, maybe 2% of what you've done should be on the internet. That's about it. Certainly shouldn't start. That's a hot take. Well, I mean, 2% like actually newsworthy. Like where people are genuinely interested.
Starting point is 00:14:57 I mean, everybody puts their Christmas card and they're, you know, happy birthday spouse, happy birthday child, all that. But everybody does that. I think you're breaking the 2% with the launch of this podcast. Oh yeah. But we just determined that we're part of the problem, Yakmals. Yeah. To weigh in on this movement, every feeling, the gender of a human being in utero. I would like to welcome our guest, she is a comedian and a TikTok star who is going to be on tour this spring. Let's welcome to I've had it, Robin Shaw.
Starting point is 00:15:30 Hi, Robin, how are you? I'm good, thanks for having me. We are so happy to have you. I'm Jennifer, this is Pumps. Hello, Robin. Hi. Can you guys hear me? Okay. You sound great.
Starting point is 00:15:44 It sounds like a million bucks. Oh, thank you. Yeah. Which is we really want you to sound great because what we're going to do right now is take a turn. And we want to hear what you've had it with. Well, everything. What? Can we start with my mother? Oh, let's do a hundred percent. That's too heavy. No, let's go right into it. I do older brothers. And they cannot do wrong. So, like, they're angels. And then I'll bend over backwards for my parents.
Starting point is 00:16:17 But if I, like, am a little late, I messed up everything. So you're held to a higher standard than your two, twat older brothers. Yeah, now let's take it back to Passover. Okay. Who hosted? I did.
Starting point is 00:16:34 Why? I mean, my parents didn't want to do it. My one brother lives on a five story walk up. The other brother is an accountant and is very busy this time of year because April 15th, you know, for Passover was right before it. So it falls on mid. All right. I can't, I don't know if room for 12 people. I also am a very busy woman. I don't do anything. But
Starting point is 00:17:00 we have so much time. But okay. So one brother shows up an hour late. The other brother shows up 15 minutes before the evening's over. You know what my mom says? Babin, the chicken was very dry. Oh my gosh. I say, okay, wow. That's what I do with my mom. I'm just like, okay, whatever. Yeah, that's what I do with my mom. I'm just like, okay, whatever you say,
Starting point is 00:17:26 it's just easier not to argue. It's not worth fighting. Right. Because then we just fight. And then my dad gets mad. And my dad only takes her side. Smart man probably. I mean, he has to live with her, you know.
Starting point is 00:17:38 Well, there's a subject that we're real wound up about. I mean, wound up. And we've been saving this episode quite some time because we had to get to a place that we could discuss it without sounding completely like homicidal maniacs. And the subject of this is the gender reveal parties and movement on social media. Burn it all down. Totally agree Robin. Totally agree, Robin.
Starting point is 00:18:06 I mean, I have had it. I've had it with the gender reveal enough. No, this is the worst part of it. For me, it's being invited to it. I don't do you. I don't even care. Cut the cake. Blow something up, pink or blue.
Starting point is 00:18:22 I don't care. But why do I have to give up a Saturday afternoon to find out what I'm gonna find out anyway in two months? Right, I think that's a great point. Exactly, it's an inevitability. I mean, Pumps and I have always said it's not like somebody's cranking out a colabare. Right, that would be interesting.
Starting point is 00:18:39 What species are you gonna go to? I don't know if we're having an elephant, we're having a kangaroo. That's a lot more interesting than just a boy or a girl. Yeah. It's not interesting. People have been breeding obviously forever. And it's not some new hot take.
Starting point is 00:18:57 And you're going to have one or the other. And maybe that one or the other at a later date might decide it was wrong at birth. Right, switch. And so it's just this insanity, but you are onto something, the selfishness of inviting others to celebrate such a mediocre accomplishment. Right.
Starting point is 00:19:16 Yeah. Is it all pretty? I don't want to go to your bridal shower. I don't want to go to your baby shower. And now I really don't. It's like, you're giving me more and more pointless parties to come to. There's only two parties. I want to go, three parties I want to go to your baby shower. And now I really don't, it's like, you're giving me more and more pointless parties to come. There's only two parties, I want to go, three parties I want to go to.
Starting point is 00:19:29 I like weddings if it's an open bar. And it's good music. Okay, then I want to go to your wedding. I love a good bot mitzvah. Love the music, love the dancing, love the ocean bar. And I also, I like a birthday party. Again, if there's alcohol, music, and fun. Right. If it's fun. I never gone to a gender reveal party or a bridal shower or baby shower and been like,
Starting point is 00:19:50 that was so great. Yeah. Yeah. That was thinking you ever went to one one of those parties that you left me like, I can't wait to tell the stories that went on at this point. Never. Now, never, it is, you never leave those things thinking that was a total rager blast. Right. Cannot wait till this person has more moments in their life that we can get together to celebrate because they're just so mundane and routine.
Starting point is 00:20:18 But I want to talk to you both about the dangers of the gender reveal. So not only are they dumb and selfish and painfully unoriginal and not new to our species that you're going to reproduce, the fact that you're celebrating it is weird. But there have been more than six deaths. There is one missing person. There have been plus 20 injuries. Hundreds of thousands of acres have been destroyed and wildfires,
Starting point is 00:20:48 plane crashes, car fires, damages to property. And then I just want to start reading to you all some of these that have gone really astray. Here's some headlines. A family's gender reveal has caused a large wildfire in California. I think I heard about that on the news. I mean, that is horrible. Yes. Another gender reveal caused a minor earthquake when the blast was felt over two miles away. What did they do? Yeah. What did they do that caused that they do? They blew up something.
Starting point is 00:21:19 A pipe bomb or something. And here's the deal. How big of an asshole. Do you think that kids can be when he hits about 15 16? Oh, for sure, the biggest asshole. Yeah. Yeah. I don't even think that long. I think five. He'll bite everybody in preschool. Okay. Here's one. An Australian gender reveal party goes wrong as car burst into flames. I would be so pissed. Oh my gosh. Arrested in Australia over this as they deserve to be. No shit. I mean, this is something that I agree. If you're that dumb, you need to be arrested. You shouldn't have a baby if you're that dumb. Too bad it's too late. This one had
Starting point is 00:21:59 to have ended up in divorce. And if it hasn't, yet, I'm sure it will. Dad accidentally smashes pregnant mom in the face with a bat during a gender reveal gone wrong. Are you kidding me? I'm afraid not. That really happened. Oh my gosh. I wanna say that's the baby shop. That's the gender reveal I wanna go to.
Starting point is 00:22:20 So I'll change my mind. If someone's getting hit in the face with a bat, right by me up. Here's one plain crashes after unloading 350 gallons of pink water and gender reveal stunt. That is bananas. These people are going to be breeding a generation of grandstanding, show boating, assholes.
Starting point is 00:22:49 Well, the parents are assholes to start. Imagine how empowered that kid's going to feel. Yeah, no, it's going to be the entitlement child in doll entitlement children. Okay, here's one. The gender reveal that turned out to be a pipe bomb that literally killed a grandma. Oh, what?
Starting point is 00:23:07 Yeah, if I want to go to that. Yeah, if they have a good band and an open bar, still granny. Kill granny. I mean, can you believe this shit? Okay, here's my thing, Gill. I guess there was a huge fight at a gender reveal party at Applebee's and I would kind of want to be there. I mean, just to see the other patrons go down, but a big bruja at the Applebee's gender reveal party.
Starting point is 00:23:36 The biggest red flag here is that people gathered inside of an Applebee's at all. That reminds me, my dad, who's deceased, You should always want to go to Applebee's and he would tell my kids and I, well, let's just go to Applebee's because you know, you never have to wait there. And we were always like, because the food's terrible. Nobody wants to eat it.
Starting point is 00:23:54 The only way this would be entertaining is if we scratch the whole paper gender reveal. But use these stunts with like, Maurice, are you the father? Really? You look like you aren't the father. Take that premise, get a wallriss or whatever animal they use put a watermelon in the mouth. And if it's like, you know, black smoke, that means you are the father. And if it's white smoke, you aren't the father. And I just think it's, it's, it's not these stunts that are ridiculous. It's what these stunts are for that are so.
Starting point is 00:24:30 I can, yeah, I can get behind that. A great opportunity was so much juicier. Right. Yes. You know, having a human, having a human is just not that interesting or novel. It's, it's just not interesting. Maybe that's why there was a fist fight at Applebee's. We were fighting over who the dad was. I think you're given Applebee's patron's just not interesting. Maybe that's why there was a fist fight at Applebee's. We were fighting over who the dad was.
Starting point is 00:24:45 I think you're given Applebee's patron's way too much. Way too much credit. Yeah. Yeah. OK, last one. Kylie just showed me this one before we came on. A mom on Instagram laying on her ass naked.
Starting point is 00:25:01 I mean, laying on her belly naked. So her ass is in the air. And her friends were pregnant. She's pregnant. Yeah, pregnant. And she kind of has her feet up. And she, laying on her belly naked so her ass is in the air. And her friends were pregnant. Yeah, pregnant. And she kind of has her feet up and she's up on her elbows. She fartes. And blue powder comes out of her ass. Oh my gosh. And every all of her friends cheer and jump up and down. And I want to remind you, and you, this was recorded and posted on the World Wide Web. What the fuck how did they get it up there? It would be a lot more interesting questions like that how to chief bottom cue right exactly these gender reveal parties are completely out of control. Yeah, horribly uninteresting and quite frankly they're
Starting point is 00:25:41 incredibly dangerous dangerous. I want to say when I read about the gender reveal that started the fire, that they were pursuing criminal charges and reimbursement for all the firefighters and all that for the first responders and staff, which they should. They absolutely should. They absolutely should. And then, I mean, I want to know what happened to this woman who's husband hit her with a baseball bat. Yeah, there's a story there. That's just a little fishy.
Starting point is 00:26:10 But you know something else I've kind of had it with. These people that say, I'll be like, oh, you're pregnant. That's great. When are you doing August? Are you having a boy or a girl? We're not telling anyone. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:26:23 You know what? Like, I understand you don't want to tell the name, because like, let's actually, it's not even get You know what? Like I understand you don't wanna tell the name because like, actually, I still don't even get that, but let's say people don't wanna tell the name. Well, why does it matter to tell people if you're having a boy or girl? I think people think that everybody is so in anticipation of their child,
Starting point is 00:26:36 that they'll just be on pins and needles. Like everybody's just chomping at the bit because when somebody says that to me, I just think that's dumb. And I really don't care. I'm trying to be nice. Everybody's gonna know and everybody's gonna know for many, many, many years what the gender of this child is. So you keep in a discreet for these five hot months. Absolutely accomplishes nothing except for you being an asshole.
Starting point is 00:26:59 Right. Yeah. And thinking we actually care, like you just said, we were just being polite, like just trying to have a conversation. Right. Oh, you have to go for your girl just being polite, like just trying to have a conversation. Right. Oh, you have to be a boy or a girl. You say, you don't want to share, literally I don't care. So I'm not going to ask again in five months.
Starting point is 00:27:11 Like, just tell me. Okay, Robin, we're going to play a new game with you that we started for the podcast. And it's called Had it or Hit it. Oh my God, welcome to Had it or Hit it. I would hit it. Had it. hit it. I hit it every day sometimes twice a day. Okay. Gender reveals. Had it. I think we know that. I had it with children in general. Stop. I want all my friends to stop having kids. I'm with you on kids. Like, I have
Starting point is 00:27:42 one friend and she is a preschool teacher and she is so nice. I mean, she's a million times nicer than the three of us on this podcast right now combined. She smiles all the time. She's positive. I absolutely love her. And she loves these kids
Starting point is 00:27:57 and she talks so effusively about them. And when I see groups of kids, I always think, ugh, get those kids out of here. I'm just, I like kids on a case to case basis, much like I do adults. I think it's insane to just lump kids together and be like, oh, I love children.
Starting point is 00:28:14 Yeah, man. They are assholes. Right, no. They're too honest, too. Look, I remember this one kid was like, Robbins fat. I'm like, well, I'm gonna put up my hand. I was like, I don't care that you're four. I'm like about Robbins fat. I put up my hands. I was like, I don't care that you're four.
Starting point is 00:28:26 I'm about to take it. Be sure to ask. But I think it's on a case-to-case basis. Totally. Totally sweet. And some are calling you fat. Right? Okay, parking and parking lots.
Starting point is 00:28:39 People that park ass in, knows out. I don't drive off them living in the city. So I couldn't even do that. So I've said pure jealousy. So if you could do it fast, I actually say it's great, especially for the leaving purpose, then you just go right out at the end. Right. But as long as you could do it fast. But I don't think they do it as fast as they think they do when they're getting there, when they're going in backwards. I think everybody's waiting on them. Yeah. I don't know why this sounds so filthy. I know we're talking about cards with this whole essence. You have a dirty mind. See? We took this out of context. I would say this is a filthy
Starting point is 00:29:21 conversation. No wonder you're not your mother's favorite. Oh, that's good by me. Your brain immediately went to the gutter, but it does sound kind of naughty. Yeah, last one, mercury and retrograde. Oh, that. I had it with mercury and retrograde, but I had it, or I had it with believing that's why my life is terrible. I don't want to blame
Starting point is 00:29:49 myself when things are bad. So I'd rather like I hit it with mercury retrograde. I love blaming it. Right. But I had it with like, oh my god, my life sucks for 90% of the year because of mercury retrograde. Right. I've had it with mercury and retrograde. I would make a strong argument that the majority, and I think the overwhelming majority of people who post some sort of spiral that they're in on the worldwide web. And it's like, oh my god, I love my car keys.
Starting point is 00:30:19 I forgot to water my dog because mercury is in retrograde. I'm like, no, you're really just a dumb ass. And you have history on it. Well, that was my post. Did you post it? Okay. I'm just like, you really what you have is history on it personality disorder.
Starting point is 00:30:37 That's what's going on here. Go see a psychiatrist, get off the internet. Get off the internet ASAP. You don't even fucking know what Mercury and Retrograde is and everybody knows it. So I was looking at your reels on Instagram and TikTok, hilarious. Yeah, I mean, absolutely hilarious where you'll see somebody doing
Starting point is 00:30:59 some sort of kind of like superhuman trick. The one that cracked me up was a guy that like fit through a tennis racket and then it cuts to you. And then you're like super human trick. The one that cracked me up was a guy that like fit through a tennis racket. And then it cuts to you. And then you're like stepping in. They take the strings out of the tennis racket. She's like in her friend, they're dying laughing. But I think it's so hysterical, the stick of,
Starting point is 00:31:17 there's so much ridiculous content on the internet that is not relatable at all. But what is relatable is that when it cuts to you, trying to execute this, because that's what I think everybody can identify with is that's exactly what a normal person would look like to do this stupid thing. Like the other day,
Starting point is 00:31:36 well, I did one with it with these two like half naked men taking an exercise ball and they were like bouncing the back of the floor between their crotch and then it cuts to me and I'm dressed as an exercise ball. This episode is sponsored by Better Health. I'm assuming, remember that time I made a big laundry list of everything that was wrong with my husband Josh and marched into my therapist office and made a presentation? I sure do very vividly. And then the therapist flipped the script on me
Starting point is 00:32:05 and was like, well, then why on earth did you pick him? It was at that moment I realized I needed to stop focusing on others and focus on the one thing that I could truly change myself. I'm a big believer in therapy. Currently, I'm working on how to draw boundaries with my kids. Good God, you probably need to schedule another session or two. The best thing about better help is that it's all online and suited to your schedule. It's flexible and convenient.
Starting point is 00:32:32 All you have to do is fill out a brief questionnaire to get matched with a licensed therapist. Don't like your therapist. No problem. You can switch at any time for no additional charge. Discover your potential at BetterHelp. Visit betterhelp.com slash had it today to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterHelp-HELP.com-slaosh-hadit. When it comes to the internet, thank goodness.
Starting point is 00:32:56 Because dating and butch I'm on the dating sites, I don't need the guys last name to find all of their social media. So like, all I need is their first name. And then I'm like, oh, so what do you, if your profile says you work for importing, you know, shoe company, what shoe company? And then they tell me. And then like from their name and that info and where they live, I could find their link, then from their link, then I get their last name, from their last name, I get their Instagram Facebook and from there, I could see how long ago they broke up with their ex-girlfriend and if she cheated or he cheated, so I know everything for that
Starting point is 00:33:33 first date. So I know if he's a murderer or not, is what I'm saying. Nice. See, that is fantastic. Yeah, I really want pumps to date and and she's rassling with right now if she's gonna date men or women. No, I'm not rassling with it. She's rassling with it a little bit.
Starting point is 00:33:49 They keep telling me I'm a non-practicing lesbian because I like, I don't like any girl stuff but I like the stuff boys like to do. So it's like stereotyping. But, so they, Well, she's leaving out one huge detail, Robin. You love going down a limb. And it is.
Starting point is 00:34:05 And it is. And it is. And it is. Almost. And she's leaving out a huge detail. And that is, she's only had one wet dream, her entire life. And it was a full blown, lazy dream. Well, are you on any of the dating say?
Starting point is 00:34:22 No, I have not done that. Which ones do you do? I do so many. Did you find any of the dating side? No, I have not done that. What's one's do you do? Oh, I do so many. Did you find any found good guys to date? On Saturday, I almost got murdered. What? What happened? Yes. I went on a date with this guy
Starting point is 00:34:36 and he's from Switzerland. So he spoke, he had a very strong accent. It was like French, German, Italian, spoke everything. So he went on the date and he's very touchy and he's gonna come back to my place. Let's go back to my place. I have a hard rule. I don't go back to anyone's place,
Starting point is 00:34:54 like even if we're dating for a year, because he's in a year, you could kill me. I just know. So he said, no, let's go back to my place. I'm like, no, no, no, no, no. And then after a couple of drinks, I was like, you's go back to my place. I'm like, no, no, no, no, no. And then I like after like a couple of drinks, I was like, you could come back to my place. And he's like, okay, let's go back to your place.
Starting point is 00:35:10 And I said, he goes, do you have a stairwell? And I was like, I was like, no, I live in an elevator building. And I was like, why? He goes, oh, because I want to make cat with you in a stairwell. And then I was like, I, I was like, no, but we could kiss in the elevator,
Starting point is 00:35:28 but there's cameras. And my dormant know me really well. I'm going to give you a hard time. He's like, you have dormant. And I was like, yes. So then we step outside, it's pouring. So I said, oh, let me get me an uber instead of walking. And as I'm getting the uber, he goes, I should go home and he runs off.
Starting point is 00:35:48 No, buy nothing. Just runs. That is crazy. He runs. So he wanted to kill you in the stairwell. Right. Or the elevator, but then when he found out it was monitored, he was out. Yeah, and while I was pressing an Uber, which Ali also has like, you know, Tracing or the, he was gone.
Starting point is 00:36:06 So in like, he was all over me. He wanted to go home, me to go to his place. And then in like a three minutes span, he found out I didn't have a spare well. I had cameras, a door man, and we're going to an Uber. And he goes, I should go home and he runs. Yeah, my gosh. You dodged a bullet there, something creepy was gonna happen.
Starting point is 00:36:24 See, like King's city. Angie would have taken him home and had about three or four kids with. And then they're revealed by it. Right. All of that. For all of them. Yes. Absolutely right. He was so
Starting point is 00:36:37 sexy this guy. I should have known right away. He was sweet, too. Good luck. And like I should have known he was going to murder me. But he was what's crazy back to what we were just saying. Before a first date, I knew his first last name, his family, his job. Like, I know everything about him
Starting point is 00:36:54 because I did my research online. Right. Smart girl. So, I mean, not that that would have been useful. And the background you never saw any sort of homicide aligning and any of your no dead bodies anyway. Facebook page no assaults no stairwell. Well, staircase member that staircase. Yes, pushing a girlfriend down the stairs or anything
Starting point is 00:37:17 like that. I mean, nothing that I saw. So look, I shared this story of my Insta stories the other day, and some people said we were at a wine bar and he could have had like diarrhea from all the wine and maybe that's why he ran. You know, like that wine hits you fast. So maybe was diarrhea and not not murder, but something was weird with the fear. Something was off. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:37:42 So everything was all good. And then your first red flag went up when he mentioned the stairwell. Which was in the last two minutes. Like, like I was like, you could come back to my place. He goes, okay, let me get the check. And so he's getting the check.
Starting point is 00:37:54 And then as he's paying, he's like, so do you have a stairwell? I think he was gonna staircase you. For sure. So yeah, but then, so he runs. And I like, what just happened?
Starting point is 00:38:08 Like, where'd he go? I get into the Uber and I texted him, well, that's an unexpected ending. And I don't look, don't hear from him. Five days later, five days later, he just puts an exhalation point on that text. Weirdo, weird, and that's the last. Yeah, because the next day, I unmatched him on the dating app, because I was like, something was weird, I don't want to, you know, you
Starting point is 00:38:37 never respond to that text. I just said, okay, we're done, we could just go our separate ways, you go, do you, I'll do me, five days later, I just get a ding. I look and he puts an exhalation point on that tax. Can you leave like a review like everything went great, then he tried to murder me in the stairwell. So, you know, advise with caution. Do you get to leave like a note to future diggers?
Starting point is 00:39:00 You can't. I mean, you could report someone like this, this, you know, but like, honestly, I, he didn't do anything right now. Oh, the, it was, it was weird, the stairwell, and it's weird that he ran away. That was weird. But like, I, he didn't actually do something concrete for me to like report him. Right. I wouldn't have reported that either.
Starting point is 00:39:23 It's just a weird report. A man that was exposing himself to you and his car beating off, I mean, is he single? I don't think he was beating off. I just saw the turtle head. Anyway, that's a whole other thing. It's a whole other thing. There could be, I mean, there could be it, we always say with pumps, there could be an island with one man standing on it with red flags everywhere, no trees, but just like thousands of red flags shark circling the island. And pumps would get in the water and swim to that man.
Starting point is 00:40:03 They went out with this guy. He showed up an hour late because he was digging up his crypto passwords in the park. What? He came with like a shovel. Like he was like ready. Like I was like, what? This is the weirdest thing ever. Like I never saw him again, but that was such a fun first date because when are you going to meet a guy who shows up with a shovel to a date?
Starting point is 00:40:23 Well, I have a lot of scary days. I think it's a miracle that you're alive. Right, I mean, the shovel would have been like, oh my god, he's digging my grave. Yes. That to me would have been a shovel. What's your callin' me, Finn, then, thank you. Robin, we cannot thank you enough for spending your time with us.
Starting point is 00:40:46 Listener, you can find Robin on TikTok, on Instagram, and she is going to be touring with all of these fantastic stories. Her content is hilarious. She'll be touring this spring. Robin, thank you so much for joining us on I've had it. Thank you. And I actually have a podcast that launches in April, a brand new one called Call Waiting with Robin Shaw, where people can call in with advice questions and they actually get to
Starting point is 00:41:12 talk to me live. So, not voicemail. You get to call in. You can tell him about your mother problems. You guys have to call in. Oh, we have. The problems you have. I promise you we will, especially like when Pumps goes on her first lesbian date, we will. I promise you we will especially like when pumps goes on her first
Starting point is 00:41:26 lesbian date. We will call in to report that maybe you promise me you guys will call in to we get to the lesbian date. We don't have a lesbian date, but we will call in. It's in development. Robin developing it. I love. Thanks Robin. Thank you so much Robin. Thank you so much Robin. See you later. We'll get a look at your tour. Bye. She's hilarious. Oh my gosh, she is excellent. I love everything about her. I love that she has embraced these crazy first days.
Starting point is 00:41:55 So much for the sake of comedy. No, I mean, I think it's a brilliant idea because she's touring because you have a friend that single and goes on all these crazy first dates. Yes. They are the best stories. They really are. I mean, the best content comes out of these crazy ass first dates. I just would not be brave enough to continue doing it after the first couple like she had. You won't go out with anybody, male or female. So I don't know what you're talking about this bravery. Right. It doesn't exist at all. And I think, you know, I mean, we have a few listeners now
Starting point is 00:42:30 and maybe to elevate the listenership, Kylie, Richard, we need to start putting pumps on these dating sites. So yes, that's exactly what I wanted to do. You need to go on dates. I think it would be fun. For you? Yes. And the listener.
Starting point is 00:42:44 You forget about the listener.. You forget about the listener. You always forget about the listener. And you're their favorite. And this is how you always want what you can't have. That's right. Listener, please send Pops a message, encouraging her to date, male or female. You know, here at I've had it, we support all the letters, all the letters, all the sexualities, all the drag queens. We support them all.
Starting point is 00:43:09 And please subscribe on Patreon. Listen to us where you listen to your podcasts. Give us a five-star review and rating and hops. Send DMs of what you've had it with to our iPad at podcast page by voice memo and we will see you next Tuesday. Thanks listener. And action. What's up everybody? I'm Sarah Gretzky, and I'm Natalie Buck. And we've definitely been known to cause a scene. So whether you've been to show this weekend
Starting point is 00:43:52 or you don't even know what a streaming service is. Don't worry, because on causing a scene, we've got you covered from Netflix to Hulu and everything in between. Grab your popcorn or your martini and get ready to cause a scene with your new best friends every Thursday.

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