I've Had It - Boom, There’s My Ex-Wife

Episode Date: March 30, 2023

It's an extra special Thursday because Jennifer and Pumps are joined in-studio by luxury rug designer and personal friend, Kyle Bunting. Kyle dives into the post-divorce dating world, running into exe...s on Bumble and the phenomenon of the dine-and-dash dater. Jennifer continues to brow-beat Stanley Cup abuse and Pumps has HAD IT with personal space invaders.   Subscribe to our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IveHadItPodcast Follow Us: I've Had It Podcast: @Ivehaditpodcast Jennifer Welch: @mizzwelch Angie "Pumps" Sullivan: @pumpspumpspumps Special Guest: Kyle Bunting: @kylebunting

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Starting point is 00:00:00 As if the Macchrispy couldn't get any better, Bacon and Ranch just entered the chat. The Bacon Ranch Macchrispy, available at participating with bottles for a limited time. Ba da ba ba ba. So we sped the store, the podcast. Ready, okay. Better. Better. Okay, how are you? I'm good, how are you?
Starting point is 00:00:28 It feels like it's been a year. I know, you went to the Grand Caymans. You went to Paris, in London. Paris and London, and we were separated for like eight days. I was very, very sad. I think I did text you halfway through and it was like, I'm embarrassed to tell you that I miss you. You did, you texted me on like day four.
Starting point is 00:00:48 And it was really sweet. I know, it warmed my cold black heart like you wouldn't believe. Cold black heart. So, Poms, what have you had it with? What I've had it with, Jennifer, is universal. And that is personal space invaders. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:06 I don't understand as an adult, particularly if you're married and or have children, how that continues to be a problem. Because my children, if I were in people's faces like that, would tell me, back the fuck up, like get back, you're too close. But I have people that like, as I start moving back, hang on, I'm kind of confused. Are you talking about your children invading your personal space?
Starting point is 00:01:38 No, I'm saying like, as somebody that has a child, if I were a personal space invader, they would chew my ass. I mean, there's one in particular that I'm thinking of that I mean, I have backed up and backed up, and she keeps coming, and she keeps coming, and I'm like backed up against the wall. Right. And I just want to throw my hands up and be like, I surrender. Like, get out of my face. No, it's bad. I don't, I just don't understand how people cannot realize their personal space and faders, especially if the person you're talking to
Starting point is 00:02:11 keeps backing up, I mean, subtly, but you're backed up and then all of a sudden I'm up against a wall. And I mean, we get French kiss. We're so close. It drives me crazy. And in fact, when I see this person, I like to hide. No, that's what happens. But it's almost like, it's like for the personal space invader,
Starting point is 00:02:35 it's like the self-fulfilling prophecy that they have, that nobody wants to be around them. And then they start inching closer, inching closer, and then they make it come true. You know what I mean? Because they manifest it. They manifest it because I have people that are around me from time to time in business that are total personal space invaders. And here's the biggest offender of all.
Starting point is 00:02:58 Personal space invader plus chronic halitosis. Oh, that is the worst. These people are the worst. It is so bad and everybody in the world knows this. And I don't know, again, why isn't somebody close to them telling them, A, you have chronic halitosis? Chugum, get a mitt. I'm very good about asking people if we're in close quarters, like if we're in a car and
Starting point is 00:03:26 we're traveling and we're talking, like, oh my god, it's my breath, but just tell me and I'll put a mitt in or something. Right. So the people with the chronic halitosis, again, why aren't the people that live with them? They're nearest and dearest, i.e. kids, husbands, wives telling them. Maybe they've just given up. Maybe it's like, you know, do you think Roman Welch would give up on you
Starting point is 00:03:49 if you were in people's faces everywhere he went with your horrible breath? No. And I'm not saying you have horrible breath. I'm just saying. I'm just saying that I think sometimes some people are so set in their ways that you get to a point where you just throw
Starting point is 00:04:04 your hands up in the air. And it's like, I can't fix this. I'll give you a prime example. Josh Welch talking about his hair 24, 7, 365. I can't make him stop. I've tried. I've tried very, I'm like, okay, you got a haircut. Let's move on.
Starting point is 00:04:19 We were in Paris, he got his haircut. We had to hear about it building up to the haircut after the hair cut, and at least three to five times per day post haircut for the remainder of our vacation. So I have just given up on this. But wouldn't you think that, um, like if you had bad breath logically, yes, but they're still out there. So I'm offering a solid. I guess it just defies logic defies logic. I agree with 100% of everything. You say, I think these people, the chronic halitosis, personal space invaders should not be allowed to leave the house. Yet they are. They're out there. They're leaving. And you've got some gal
Starting point is 00:05:02 back in you up to a wall that's trying to frinch kiss you Nobody's telling her to stay at home. So I don't understand a lot of what goes on with the general public Which is why I have become more and more agoraphobic as my life has gone on. Yes But the personal space invaders plus chronic halitosis and then you know like sometimes has like a booger. I always tell when people have boogers. You do, you always tell people. I always tell people's panzerons it, they have food in their teeth. Like, even if they don't, even if I don't know, I'm like, hey, girlfriend, food in your teeth.
Starting point is 00:05:37 I just think that that's being a good person. The person that lets you run around with lipstick on your teeth or your fly-ons it, that's not a good person. I agree. Did I ever tell you one time I was at DHS or Juvenile Court, which I don't practice in Juvenile Court very much? And I have no idea what's going on because everybody that's there works in the building. It's only, it's a rarity for a private attorney to be out there. So I'm out there prancing around like, you know, the princess of the legal community.
Starting point is 00:06:08 And the clerk, the judge goes off the bench for a minute, and the clerk says, Miss Sullivan, can I see you in the back? And I was like, oh God, I've got something up. I've done something wrong, like what is going on? So I go back there and she goes, your fly is in zip. Which, thank you. Yeah, zip. Which, thank you. Yeah, that was it.
Starting point is 00:06:27 Thank you. That was a public service. Yes, that was really helpful. So I think the question is, what do we do moving forward? I think what we could make a pact to do, you, me, Kylie and the listener, is when somebody is personal space invading, is immediately say, stop invading my personal space. And if you have a personal space invader plus chronic halitosis, you can double down on
Starting point is 00:06:54 that and say, you need to back up and you need to go scrape your tongue, brush your teeth, rinse with listerine, visit the dentist, and then circle back with me. Yes. And then I'll be happy to hear what you have to say. Exactly. So maybe we just need to be more blunt. Maybe we're not blunt enough. No, I mean, I would never say,
Starting point is 00:07:10 oh my God, you're in my space and your breath is terrible. I just wouldn't. But you just said that you tell anybody if they have something in their mouth, something in their teeth, something. I know. I know, I do. But I don't know why I don't tell the personal space
Starting point is 00:07:23 invader like just take a step back. Yeah. I don't know. I don't tell the personal space invader like just take a step back. Yeah, I don't know. I'll give it some thought. But I do want to circle back to something you were talking about. The Josh Welts, incessant talking about his hair cut. What are the tips that you use to kind of get that conversation out of the everyday mainstream. I completely ignore it. I mean, I complete, he starts talking about his hair and I just completely act like he's not speaking. I don't feed it at all. I just completely ignore it. And he even went as far as to suggest that the haircuts in New Yorker and Paris are so superior to those in Oklahoma City
Starting point is 00:08:07 that he's giving strong consideration to flying to New York once every four to six weeks to get a haircut, to which my 20-year-old son Dylan said, Dad, that is the dumbest, most impractical thing I've ever heard in my life. Well, I think that I appreciate what Dylan said, but what really should have been said is You are the biggest fucking entitled brat. Don't ever say that out loud again. Ever. Don't ever say that loud. Never. Well, okay, Kylie. So now we have some tips on the pickleball. We'll just when the pickleball conversation at Kylan and I are just gonna look at each other. We're just gonna act like you're not here. Do you want to hear what I've had it with? I would love to hear what you've had it with. So the entire eight days that I was in Europe I paid a lot of attention to the Europeans, right, to the Parisians and the Londoners. And there was one thing that I never saw,
Starting point is 00:09:08 not one time, and I took the tube, I walked the streets, I did public transportation, I was out amongst the people all the time. I'm a much better traveler than I am, day-to-day liver in Oklahoma City. There was one thing I never noticed at one time. I think I know what it is. Can I get to guess?
Starting point is 00:09:28 Do I get to guess? No. Okay. And oversized beverage. That you do not see these beverages that you schlep around with you everywhere. You go, they don't have that. You go to a restaurant and if you happen to drink sugary drinks like a Coke, you get a small bottle and a glass.
Starting point is 00:09:46 And there's no free refill. Nobody's schlepping around these big giant water bottle packs and they walk everywhere. They walk a million times more than we do. They walk everywhere. Are you sure no one had a stainless cap? Not one fucking person. I am 100% positive about it. As I started the story, I paid rock solid attention
Starting point is 00:10:07 to those around me, and I was looking for it. Nobody walks around with beverages. Well, you know, that's interesting because when we were in green came in, I too noticed that nobody like served big drinks. Yeah. You had to ask for a refill, that kind of thing. But you will be happy to learn that the four girlfriends that I went with, we all took our Stanley Caps with us
Starting point is 00:10:34 so that we were able to still enjoy our oversized beverages. So y'all like took your beverages down there with you and then you took them everywhere with you on the trip. I think I was the only one that took it everywhere with me but when we would go down to the beach, we all loaded up our standings. I'll just gonna tell you this. It will be a cold fucking day in hell
Starting point is 00:10:56 before I ever am caught dead with the Stanley cap. And it just, it really fucking chaps my high that you have found a posse that enables this a gorgeous consumption of yours. It is to everybody that went to the Grand Cayman with Pops, go eat a bag of dicks because it's enabling, it is not necessary to drink that much 24, seven nonstop.
Starting point is 00:11:24 I've had it, had it, had it, had it. And as you will know, I take all of my supplies for my tea on all trips. I'm abundantly aware. I'm abundantly, I'm a listener. When we travel, we go to Mexico, everything's giving together. The minute we check into the hotel room, the minute in our hotel room, this is like a house that we rent and it has a kitchen.
Starting point is 00:11:53 She is down there. I mean, just ravaging through the cabinets, finding things to make this tea, and then she has to make the tea, and then she refrigerates part of it. It is so disturbing that you cannot even just go in and enjoy the room for a second. Look at the view, look at the swimming pool, look at your bedroom and have a little conversation. It is like this
Starting point is 00:12:19 fix, like a crack head that has walked in the Sahara desert for 500 miles that just bumped into their crack deal. That is what it's like. So the fact that you are traveling with others like you, number one is disturbing. Number two shows you what an integral part I play in your life. To not. To stand up against the over drinking. Yes. Yes. That at least there's somebody in your life that says you don't need to consume so much. All the goddamn time it's not normal.
Starting point is 00:12:56 It's uniquely American and it must end. Okay. Well, thank you for that. You're welcome. Okay. I would like to welcome everybody. But we're worked up on that intro. You were worked up on that intro. What about you and the personal space? Oh, no.
Starting point is 00:13:13 10 minutes. Yours was 10 minutes long. Mine was 5-missy. I know. The personal space is inviting. It makes me crazy. Okay. I would like to welcome everybody to.
Starting point is 00:13:22 I've had it podcast. It is a place where we come to air petty grievances with each other, with others out into the world, and sometimes with the listener. That's right. So I'm Jennifer. I'm E and G. We call her pumps, and she is the star of our show. And she is the star of our show. Kylie is here with us today, Richard is here with us today, and we have an in studio guest, which is so exciting. So listener, for those of you that don't know, I am an interior designer when I'm not the co-star to the main star of I've had it podcast.
Starting point is 00:14:05 The supporting star. The supporting star. I'm a high-end interior designer and I work with a gentleman named Kyle Bunting who makes these fabulous cow-hide rugs. And when you hear cow-hide listener, don't think country and western because that's not what this is.
Starting point is 00:14:23 For those of you that watch our TikToks and Instagrams and YouTube, you can see the blue wallpaper wall behind us. That is all Calhide made for us by Kyle Bunting. And I have been doing business with Kyle for over 10 years. And he has come up to Oklahoma City to do some business with me and to be a guest on our podcast. We snagged him to do it. We need a to be a guest on our podcast. We snagged them to do it. We need a male perspective. So let's get Kyle in here. Kyle, welcome.
Starting point is 00:14:52 Thank you, thanks for having me. To Oklahoma City. My pleasure. To I've had it podcast. So what do you tell us? You make these rugs and you sell them all over the world. Correct. Can you tell the listener,
Starting point is 00:15:05 are there any a-list celebs that you can kiss and tell where it's been public? Absolutely not. None. Nope, I've done work for Jen Welch. That is a D-lister. That is as far as it's gonna go. Okay, what about that?
Starting point is 00:15:19 No, she's not. She's a lister. I tease her. Come on. I tease her. At least a C-lister. At least a C-minus. No, you know what it is. I mean, that's kind less. At least to see minus. No, you know, it is. I mean, that's kind of part of how this thing works. What about, didn't you do some for like a bougie retail store in Paris?
Starting point is 00:15:33 No, you know, I did do something that is public. It was a stunt rug. Oh, really? Yeah, I made a, the company was on the Kardashians about a decade ago. Okay. And the producers called and said, hey, we got this idea. We'd like to have this domestic disaster. And our idea is one of the girls drops like a bolaposta on the Kyle Bunning carpet and Chris freaks out.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Right. And this whole thing and they're like, but we don't want to destroy the rug. So we, what do you think we should do? So we made a stunt rug. It was like a small version of the same carpet and they closed up on it and they bumped the pasta on it. And we got a bunch of notoriety from it. So I have made carpets for the Kardashians.
Starting point is 00:16:23 Okay, there you go. I could talk about that one, but that's the best part. And I have a famous one, because I've seen it in the person's house. Who? The flaming lips. Yes, the chairs you've done for the flaming lips, I've seen those in person, they're amazing.
Starting point is 00:16:34 That's when I first saw your work, because I thought, oh my God, this is nuts. Yeah, thank you. And we did a carpet for Alton John. That was my big one. Oh yeah, that was probably too much. Oh yeah, not to get to meet him. No, I never get to meet these people. Oh, that's a shame.
Starting point is 00:16:49 But that's okay, you know, all in the game. Yeah. So Kyle and I work in an industry that is basically comprised of women and gay men, right? You think? Totally. Yeah. And Kyle is a good looking guy, lives in Austin, Texas, travels all over the country
Starting point is 00:17:08 in Europe. And Kyle, I have to tell you. So a lot of my friends, because they hear me say, Kyle venting, Kyle venting, let's do a Kyle venting rug here, Kyle venting wallpaper there. So they Google you or they get on your Instagram. And they say, does Kyle have a boyfriend? He's so cute. I'm sure. Right. Yeah, I've never heard that before. That's a new one. Yeah, that happens all the time. I think that's just part of the design business.
Starting point is 00:17:33 If you're reasonably manicured and wake up, maybe take care of yourself a little bit, a little reverse stereotype maybe. Right. Straight guy, I think you know, I think you get guy. I thought pumps was gay way. But I really, like even when we first went to dinner, I just assumed you were gay, I never asked,
Starting point is 00:17:51 but I just assumed. So we're at dinner, you're manicured, you're groomed well, cute outfit, good hair, all of that, so I'm thinking 100%. So then you start talking about your kids, I was like, oh, that's so cool, he adopted kids, you know? Great, and then it wasn't until later in the evening, and I think I lead over to Jennifer, like, oh, that's so cool. He adopted kids, you know, great. And then it wasn't until later in the evening, and I think I lead over to Jennifer,
Starting point is 00:18:08 like dessert was coming out. I was like, so Kyle's not gay. She was like, no, Kyle's not gay. And I was like, oh, well, I thought he was. But I mean, you thought I was gay. Does this benefit you out in the dating world? Listener, Kyle is divorced, single, dad. Do you think it
Starting point is 00:18:25 makes you more approachable to a woman? Well it definitely makes me more approachable to a man. No doubt about that. It's like all the time. Hey fellas, it's cool. Yeah. Right. You know, I don't know. I think there might be something to that. I think it's the, it might be more about the business that we're at. Right. You have something that women are generally interested in. Right. Design and something you can relate to. Right. And so I think that's useful. It has never hurt to be a designer. Right. But he ever said, God, you know, could you be a fireman or like a contractor or something, ask you a lot of them, you know, I just do design.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Yeah. I think it works. Josh Welch, who is a friend of yours, is total Metro sexual. So he gets a lot, especially when we were on the TV show, he'll get this. I'm getting a gay vibe from Josh. And I kind of, I personally like a more manicured man that likes to go shopping with me. I mean, Josh and I love to go shopping. Love to go shopping. Pumps is a terrible campaign for me to shop.
Starting point is 00:19:32 Let's get on to Kyle thinking you were gay. I think this is, you know. Well, I want to talk, I mean, you know, I'm trying to not wave the gay car, but I'm gonna talk about shopping. You say you're not gay, but you do like to shop. Well, it's kind of like the funny thing. Like, I mean, you're, you're, do you like to shop a lot? Well, it's kind of like the funny thing. These are interesting stereotypes that we carry.
Starting point is 00:19:51 We think we've shed them all, but that's under the radar one. For me, I like to shop because I like to see what's happening in design and fashion and what's forward. I'm touching textiles and fabrics, and thinking about where it comes from. Yes. And that's kind of part of the game, the we're in. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:10 You need to know these things in the front of it. I agree. And it just happens to be nice to buy pretty things too. I know, I love. I am addicted to buying bags for like man purses. Kyle recently. No, the women, if I had the relationships that I'm in they get right I'm in a real good
Starting point is 00:20:29 You get right you get all sorts of great stuff listener and pumps and Kylie Kyle sent me a Christmas gift And I am very difficult to shop for because I make my own money and I buy what I want When I want to and I don't have to ask anybody for permission. Right, if I want something, I can go buy it. And so Kyle sends me this gift and I'm like, how that poor soul. I open it up and it is this fabulous Alexander McQueen
Starting point is 00:20:59 clutch that is, I mean, 12 out of 10, I called him and I'm like, oh, it takes a lot for me to be effusive over a gift. I was like, Kyle, I am genuinely telling you, you crushed it, you knocked it out the ballpark, you did. I mean, even Josh was like, he nailed it, like that is a great gift. Yeah, it didn't hurt that it had brass knuckles on it, so you could, you know, take care of people.
Starting point is 00:21:23 It does have brass knuckles like that you can attach your hand to. Oh, that's cool. And so it is a nice little thing. Like if somebody, we were just talking about personal space invaders before you got in here. And that's a great, we should get you one of these clutches. Perhaps because you could use that and just knock the personal space invader completely out. Just knock them out. Kyle, I want to move on to this whole, you know,
Starting point is 00:21:45 pumps a single, your single, and this whole post divorce dating world. It seems to focus on women, and it seems like, and maybe it's just because I'm a woman, and that's what shows up in my algorithm. But as a man out there in the wilderness, a gen Xer, walk us through your dating journey, post-averse, and what that has been like for a man that often is confused with a gay man.
Starting point is 00:22:14 Good looking, works in the design world, great gift giver. Sure. Deep in the heart of Texas. Tell us what this looks like. Yeah. So like, you know, you, you can, online day is kind of interesting because you can just put, you know, I'm straight. Right. Right. Right. And try to try to clear the deck. But, you know, I think that, you know, people that have
Starting point is 00:22:38 been divorced, I mean, it's complicated. Right. You meet people and there's children and then there's jobs and just all sorts of strange stuff and blending things. But I think there's a lot of crazy in the field. Oh, yeah. Yeah, there's a lot of crazy. And I think we talked about this. You and I once about like social media and I think it kind of warps perspectives. Yeah, it does weird things to what wouldn't otherwise be like normal stuff. Right.
Starting point is 00:23:08 You know, when you're in the seventh grade, you're like, I'll see you after lunch. Right. And, you know, you'll see him after lunch. But, you know, somebody swipes right if you're online dating and they're like, he hasn't, you know, swiped right like I did. And you get all anxious and you wait on these things. And I think, you know think there's a lot of people that get a little lost in it all.
Starting point is 00:23:28 Have you ever bumped into people you know on an online dating app? I have. That's why I went on Bumble and you have these interesting things. You're running into profiles of people and you'd be like, oh, that's somebody I know. Oh, she's a friend of mine.
Starting point is 00:23:47 You're like, no, no big deal. Right. And then you have, oh, she works for me. Oh, God, that's, you know, so and so down the hall. Right. Okay. No, but, you know, there she is. And then you're like, oh, I went out with her.
Starting point is 00:24:01 Hope she finds somebody. You know what I was saying? And then you're kind of like, oh, there's, oh God, I dated her for a couple of months. Wow. And she dumped me. Yeah. I should try to do that again and see what happens. And then there's like the mother load of emotional reaction, which is bumping into your ex-wife.
Starting point is 00:24:27 So walk us through this. You're swiping through Bumble. And so what do you do? One direction is a yes, one direction is a no, and you're swiping and then pops up your ex-wife. I remember it was one night I was in a hotel or something, and I was just like, well, I can, you know, when I take away, I mean, maybe somebody will say, I'm amazing.
Starting point is 00:24:51 I love guys in the design business. I'm looking to move to Austin, Texas. I mean, I was hoping for. I'm a great lay. Yeah, like, you know, I've just, I've got cook, you know, I'll do what you say. I mean, I don't know whatever you want it to be. And I'm swiping along and then, boom, there's my ex-wife. Which was running into your ex online is kind of like a big one.
Starting point is 00:25:18 But it was kind of funny because that's inevitable. People are just going to be back in looking for someone. But to see your ex is an emotional experience, you can't truly describe that people can relate to. But I was in the profile. You were in the profile photo. Yeah, which is super weird, right? Right.
Starting point is 00:25:40 Like I was in it. Like a couple's photo. I remember going, oh, you know, damn, there she is. And I started looking at the pictures. And I'm like, there I am. And it's like, it's like my hand coming around her hip or like on a shoulder. It was like I was cut out of every single one.
Starting point is 00:26:00 Okay, wait, you were cropped, but your hand was in it. All of them, it was like the Adam's family. You know, like the hand, I was like on a shoulder, or you know, you could see some fingers around a hip or something. Oh, that is great. But I'll never forget it, because it was like, oh, and then you,
Starting point is 00:26:21 you know, it's like anything, when you get, you step back and you stop and you go, okay, kind of go look at this and you read it. Right. Right. And it perfectly summarized my ex, her description. Okay, that was my next question. Was the summary accurate?
Starting point is 00:26:34 Yeah, the summary was just dead on. It said, and I'll never forget it. It said, not for the fan of heart. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:26:50 I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not.
Starting point is 00:26:58 I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I'm not. I, hey, I'm going to come up to Oklahoma City. I'm going to get a big table and by whoever you want to, I'm going to take you and your friends to dinner and we found a restaurant that had the TV so that we could all watch it. And so Kyle, I'm going to let you take
Starting point is 00:27:13 the story from here. Tell the listener what happened. You know, I'm pretty comfortable with stuff like this, but now I'm feeling a little awkward. So, here's my version of the story. So we're having this lovely dinner, just like Jen described. And Jen had a single friend who either she wanted me to meet very casually. I'm not trying to say you, I'm just maybe a like her. I make space at the table. And I'm like, hey, sit next to me. How are you? And I'm just kind of make conversation.
Starting point is 00:27:51 And then I'm like, hey, so are you hungry? Would you like something to eat? And she goes, oh God, that's so nice. Now mind you, it's like 10. Right? It's 10 o'clock. And there's you know, there's been a reasonable amount of wine. And she's like, oh, that's so nice. That'd be great. Let me order something real quick. I'm like, yeah, of course, please do. And so the waiter comes over and she whispers something to him for dinner. And then about 15 minutes later, she gets up and says, God, well, hey, thank you. You know, some kind of single mom thing, like the babysitter, my kids, you know, the meter. I mean, there was just some kind of,
Starting point is 00:28:32 I got to wash my hair. Some kind of dumb excuse. So I got to go. And, but it was lovely to meet you because there was like we were talking about earlier, there was, it's not here. I was looking for that, but point being is she gets up to leave and I look over and I watch her leave and I look over by the in this private dining room and there's this like little credenza. And on the core of their credenza is this massive to go like with like Styrofoam boxes popping out of the top. You know, like where you can like where you can't pinch the handles
Starting point is 00:29:06 and they have to kind of tape it together and you end up hugging it. Yeah. And she picks it up and she just rolls out of the restaurant with a massive box. And I remember the waiter, I look at him and he just kind of goes, you know. You know.
Starting point is 00:29:23 I'm sorry dude. Yeah, and like, he gave, you know. I'm sorry, dude. Yeah, and like, and he gave me like that, I'm so sorry, dude, like puppy dog guys kind of thing. And then we brainstormed each other, I'm like, I got, you got to tell me, you know, what's the damage on there? And he's like, man, I, I never seen something like that. So she was like sides and dessert and happy past day. It was like a porter house.
Starting point is 00:29:44 I mean, you know, it's like, what? So, happy birthday. It was like a porterhouse. I mean, it was like, what? So, but yeah, that was, sorry. No, you know, I'm not sorry. You know, I always kind of laugh with you. Like, you know, I ain't had it with a lot of stuff for a generally real positive. And even something like that,
Starting point is 00:30:01 I mean, I guess I should have had it with it. But I look at things like that as like great stories and experience. It was worth it in every way because you kind of grow. Right. And when things are hard, you get better. Right. Kyle, we cannot thank you enough for joining us and giving us a male perspective of things. I'm not going to.
Starting point is 00:30:22 And I mean, not the gay male perspective. The straight male. The gayish straight male perspective on things. And I mean, not the gay male perspective, the gayish straight male perspective on things. Absolutely. It's an honor. Look, I adore you both. And thank you, my pleasure. Listener, you can find Kyle Bunting at at Kyle Bunting on Instagram and at KyleBunting.com. And again, this delicious wallpaper behind us. This is the man who makes it all. I did that. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:30:50 All right, please like us, subscribe, rate, review, do all of those things. And pumps, tell the listener when we're gonna see them. We will see you next Tuesday, or next Thursday, and either way, it's cut. Ha ha ha. day and either way it's cut.

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