I've Had It - Girl, You Just Called Yourself Out

Episode Date: March 21, 2024

Jennifer and Pumps are riled up today. Pumps kicks it off with a rant so good, it only further proves why she is one of America's greatest legal minds. Jennifer calls out the grandstanders online that... announce they're "taking a break from social media" and Kiley plays the girls some hilarious listener voice memos. NEW MERCH IS NOW AVAILABLE at https://ivehadit.store Come see I've Had It live on the Hot Sh*t Tour! More info & tickets are available at https://linktr.ee/ivehaditpodcast and subscribe to I've Had It wherever you get your podcasts. Thank you to our sponsors: This episode is brought to you by Booking.com: Book whoever you want to be on Booking.com, Booking.YEAH! Happy Mammoth: Listener, you can get your first bottle of Hormone Harmony for 15% OFF if you use the code HADIT on the checkout page. Visit https://HappyMammoth.com today! PrettyLitter: PrettyLitter helps keep tabs on my cat’s health - and keeps odors down. You and your cat are going to love Pretty Litter as much as we do! Go to https://PrettyLitter.com/hadit and use code hadit to save twenty percent on your first order. Terms and conditions apply. See site for details. JustThrive: Right now, when you go to https://justthrivehealth.com/discount/HADIT and use promo code: HADIT. You can get 20% off a 90 day bottle of Just Thrive Probiotic and Just Calm… That’s like getting a month for FREE! Subscribe to our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IveHadItPodcast Follow Us: I've Had It Podcast: @Ivehaditpodcast Jennifer Welch: @mizzwelch Angie "Pumps" Sullivan: @pumpspumpspumps

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Starting point is 00:00:00 This episode of I've Had It is brought to you by Booking.com. Booking. Yeah. So we're supposed to start the podcast. Ready? One, two, three. Oh my. Oh, look at that. Look at that smug AF face with the little shimmy over there. So happy. Great start to the day. It is so good. I mean, I just feel like I'm walking on a cloud. I'm so happy. Well, Memaw, what have you had it with? What I've had it with will come as no surprise that I fucking had it with the Supreme Court.
Starting point is 00:00:46 I've had it with their playing politics. I've had it with the special rules for Donald Trump. I've had it with them dodging the issues that affect most Americans. I've had it with the overturning of Roe. I've had it with their racist homophobic rhetoric. I've had it with their racist homophobic rhetoric. I've had it with Clarence Thomas. I think he's fucking gross. I've had it with John Roberts because he's a pussy.
Starting point is 00:01:16 I've had it with all of them. I've had it that they're taking this immunity case, not until April. I have fucking had it. Everything I learned in law school to revere them, to trust them, to be in reverence to the words that they write has just been like a big shit sandwich they shoved in my mouth and I've had it. All right. Let me ask you this. Since you are an attorney and one of this country's
Starting point is 00:01:38 greatest legal minds, is there any chance you could file a bar complaint against them? You know, that's a great question. But here again, in the judiciary, you file complaints with the council on judiciary. They don't have any, they have no ethics panel, no ethics rule, they have zero oversight. So what I could do is I could write a letter and shove it up my own ass because that would be exactly how much that would be That would be as effective because there is nobody that tells them what to do except them I fucking had it with that Clarence Thomas weighing in on an opinion about an Insurrection from January 6th that we all saw that his wife was a planner and 6 that we all saw that his wife was a planner and participator in by her own testimony to the January 6 committee and his fat ass doesn't recuse. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:02:31 I've just had it. Well, you know the situation with Clarence Thomas is he is funded by this Dallas billionaire named Harlan Crow who is a collector of Nazi memorabilia. Right, but he has a signed compie of Mein Kampf. He collects napkins with swastikas on them that were owned by Hitler. Hitler art, he has a collection of Hitler art. It's nuts.
Starting point is 00:02:59 It's crazy, and he'll say, oh, I just appreciate art. And I'm like, bullshit. I would not get a piece of Donald Trump art full stop. I mean, there's nothing. People collect things that they're fond of. You collect Ashley Longshore's art. Why do you do that? Because you like it. You don't collect shit you don't like. Nobody collects bird shit. Nobody collects dog shit because nobody likes that stuff. He likes it.
Starting point is 00:03:31 Right. And I think this situation with the Supreme Court, if our country is able to make it through the upcoming election, is something that has to be robustly addressed. Robustly. Because it is a joke. It's a joke. And it's sad because this court has completely been, it's a minority Supreme Court. You have three picks from Donald Trump who did not win the popular vote by millions.
Starting point is 00:04:07 And he got those three picks. The majority of Americans do not agree with the overturning of Roe. The majority of Americans support gay marriage and the majority of Americans support equality. You have this fever pitch. I'm gonna throw a temper tantrum non-stop fever pitch minority that screams at the top of their lungs. We're the silent majority. I'm like, then why the fuck are you yelling and why are your numbers not so strong? Right. Anyway, we could go on and on and on about this. You can join us on our YouTube
Starting point is 00:04:45 channel where we have our new segments where Pumps does a complete breakdown on the court, which is dynamic. We also started a little side hustle podcast of ours called Girl Please on our Patreon in an alarming turn of events. I clap us on on that one. Right, it's a real, it's disorienting. It drops every Monday, girl, please. But let me tell you what I've had it with. Okay. I have had it with people on social media that make a huge stink and a huge announcement
Starting point is 00:05:21 that they're gonna take a break from social media. That's the weirdest thing I've ever seen. Don't announce it. Just go. Hey guys, I just wanted everybody to know I've kind of been going through a lot and I need to take a mental health break for myself and this is going to include me cleansing myself from all social media. So if you don't see me on here for a while, it's because I'm gonna be taking a much needed break. Love you guys so much.
Starting point is 00:05:50 Thanks for following. Shut the fuck up. If you're gonna take a break from social media, take a break. Posting about your break is in fact the opposite of the break. Furthermore, I've seen the people that do this. I've seen some likes. I've seen some likes floating around during this alleged break. Because you know why?
Starting point is 00:06:13 We're all so fucking hardwired into this social media shit. You just kind of open up your phone sometimes and all of a sudden you're on Instagram tapping, double tapping shit. And it's like on Instagram double tapping shit. And it's like automatic. So these breakers that announce to the worldwide web their break, because by God, I'm sure that the void would have been felt had they not announced it. Well, and my whole deal is, do you really think that everyone else on social media is going to send out a search party for you and that everybody's so worried about what John Doe or Jane Doe is doing that you need to make an announcement. Let me just
Starting point is 00:06:53 update you on this. Nobody gives a fuck. Nobody even notices that you're not on social media until you tell them. It gets worse. Oh no. So then after their break, they reappear. Hey guys. I feel rejuvenated after my much needed break from social media. It was so great being off social media and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. These are the people that, you know, like back in our younger days, all the people are like, I'm taking a break from drinking. And you and I would always say only the alcoholics need to take a break from drinking. Otherwise it's not an issue. Right. These are the people who are
Starting point is 00:07:36 consumed so much with social media that they're projecting that, you know, everybody's going to give a fuck when I enter and when I exit. And I've got a hot news flash. Social media is full of not only billions of people, but also billions of animals and places and all sorts of fuckery. Your absence is not even remotely going to affect anything. Nobody cares. At all. And I would argue that the announcement of the departure and the announcement of the re-arrival is nothing short of just overt, documented narcissistic personality disorder. Green standing at the very least.
Starting point is 00:08:26 In the permanent record. Because people screenshot that shit. Right, you're announcing that you're dying for everybody to ask you why you're taking a break. You're dying for everybody to ask where you are. You're dying for everybody to ask how it went. It's just a full social media grandstand in my opinion. Like it's immediate
Starting point is 00:08:46 unfollow. If I ever saw that on mine, it would be an immediate unfollow. Let me ask you a follow-up. Do you know how to unfollow somebody? No, but I could ask Kylie. All right. Welcome to I've Had It podcast. My name is Jennifer. I'm Angie. My name is Jennifer. I'm Angie. She is the country's greatest legal mind as evidenced by her banger of a hat at the top of this episode where she fucking eviscerated Justice Clarence Thomas justifiably.
Starting point is 00:09:17 Yes. Because that motherfucker is the worst. Kylie. Hello. Hi, Kyle. On this same note, I've got some MAGA hate comments. Oh, good. These are my favorite.
Starting point is 00:09:30 That I'd love to read you. From the Patriots? We posted about Patriots on TikTok. Oh, goody, goody, goody, goody. They have something to say. Okay. Hunter comments and says, "'Having patriotism woman-splained to me
Starting point is 00:09:43 "'by a girl with blonde hair is hilarious. I am secure in my love for my country. First of all, he had to bring up the fact that we were women. That was very important because he is a misogynist and he doesn't want women to have an opinion about anything. Right. So that's threatening to him. Hunter. Hunter, Hunter, Hunter.
Starting point is 00:10:08 Patriot, thanks for engaging with our content, Patriot. Next, Meg comments and says, I cannot seem to get these two liberal cockroaches off of my timeline. Probably because you keep commenting, Meg. Yeah, yeah. Maggie, you know how you could do that? Not look at our page. Not listen to our podcast. It'd be real easy for you. All right. Maddie P commented and just said, looks like Botox leaked into their little brains. You know, everybody thinks they really own us when they talk about our Botox. And
Starting point is 00:10:42 I'm like, I'm just glad I'm paying this much fucking money and people notice. So thank you. I want you to notice that not one person in any of those comments defended any of the criticism that I hurled at the so-called patriots for wanting to dry up Donald Trump and for the attempted coup d'etat, they don't defend any of that. Because they can't. They attack us and our appearance and our age and our love and affinity for botulism. None of which hurts my feelings in the least bit and further confirms in my mind what a
Starting point is 00:11:21 bunch of fucking idiots, uneducated rubes these fucking people are. And guess what, listener, if you're still hanging around, it's an election year. Here's a little additional thing that I've had it with. To all the white women that look like pumps and me that come into our comments section with your entitled fucking self, and you say, I really like you guys a lot better when you don't talk about politics. What I have to say to you, Joyce, is we get to talk about whatever the fuck we want to
Starting point is 00:11:57 on our podcast, and we actually care about politics. We both read the news daily. So you can take your smartphone and cram it up your ass and maybe start your own podcast choice and let it circle back with us and let it let us know how it goes. Right. Had it. Had it. Don't tell us what we can talk about. That is like, could you imagine like commenting on somebody's podcast and saying, Hey, please curate this to my sensitivities and sensibilities. Curate it personally for me.
Starting point is 00:12:30 But these are the same people that when Donald Trump says, come to the White House, it will be wild that they think he called them. Like, hey, John Brown, please come. You need to come. They're like, he called me. We're not dealing with the sharpest knives in the drawer. You know what?
Starting point is 00:12:48 This is gross. And I can't even believe I'm gonna say this, but I kind of think it's kind of true. These women probably have Trump in their spank bank. Oh, God. They've got to. Cause he's so, like they defend him and they think he's so great and the men, I mean like
Starting point is 00:13:07 the men probably have him in their spank bank too. Yeah. It is really bizarre. The affection that this and here's the deal. They also comment this in the comment section. Good job. Way to go ladies. You just pissed off half the country.
Starting point is 00:13:23 No, you're not half the country. Right. You're not. You're the majority of the Republican party and that's it. You're a minority of this country. Donald Trump would have given an appendage to have won the popular vote. That failure on his part to not produce numbers large enough to win the popular vote, to not produce numbers large enough to have a bigger crowd at inauguration than Obama, occupies a lot of space in his brain. You don't have the numbers, motherfuckers. You don't have it.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Well, here's the deal. You don't have the numbers, motherfuckers. You don't have it. Well, here's the deal. I don't think it's any secret that size is a real issue for Donald Trump. And I think everybody knows why. He has a little bitty tiny mushroom penis. He doesn't know how to use it very good. Therefore, he is obsessed with size.
Starting point is 00:14:24 I mean, it is just the most obvious thing in the world. Why are you laughing? It's true. Anybody that obsessed with size has a little dick and his looks like a mushroom. But here's the insanity of this. This man is who these idiotic Republicans have chosen to be their leader in the last three presidential cycles. This is who they are. Yeah, it is. I mean, he is an adjudicated
Starting point is 00:14:55 rapist in the state of New York. He's been found unanimously by a jury. So Marsha or whoever just made that comment, I'm like, so you support sexual abusers because that's what you're doing. You're rubber stamping sexual abuse. So you'd want your daughter to be alone in a dressing room with him. Listen, no. Grab him by the pussy thing. It didn't affect him at all. He's immune to this. He is. It's this really weird thing where even where you have people that are in our socio economic demographic and they will say, Oh, I just vote for the economy. Nope. He wasn't great at the economy. Seven trillion dollars in debt in four years.
Starting point is 00:15:37 And so right now they're all just exposed for supporting the shit that they hate. And what they hate is other people getting the same that they have. And what they hate is other people getting the same that they have. Right, they don't want equality. It's just, ugh. Do you suffer from having a parasocial relationship with two barely competent middle-aged women? If so, please go to ivehaditPodcast.com or to any social media site. I'm talking
Starting point is 00:16:09 X, formerly Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, etc. and click the link in bio. And come see us at the Hot Shit Tour. Make your parasocial relationship real at the Hot Shit Tour. Right, Pumps? Tell them. It's so fun. We hope to see you there. You know, Pumps, booking.com is so fabulous. They offer so many possibilities when you want to travel across the United States, from a relaxing beach resort to remote mountain cabins, the multitude of choices across the United States on booking.com allow you to book whoever you want to be.
Starting point is 00:16:55 I don't know about you, but I am definitely a different version of me, depending on where I'm traveling and who I'm with. This spring, check out bookinging.com for your ideal hotel or vacation home, no matter where you want to go in the United States. For me personally, I'm going to New York City, aka the Big Apple, and there's no way I could have so seamlessly scheduled this trip without using Booking.com. Book whoever you want to be on booking.com. Booking.yeah. Pimp's hormonal imbalances are not just about PMS. They're not just about periomenopause. They're
Starting point is 00:17:38 not just about menopause. Hormonal imbalances change our whole personality like a light flipping a switch. We can suddenly feel like our body is not ours anymore. That's why I'm so grateful that you and I have both started taking hormone harmony from Happy Mammoth. I love the hormone harmony. I feel a reduced amount of stress. I feel less brain fog and I sleep so much better when I take it. It also can help reduce bloating and gas and it relieves mild moon swings. I've definitely noticed an uptick in my energy. There are over 13,000 hormone harmony reviews on the Happy Mammoth website alone. Listener, you can get your first bottle of hormone harmony for 15% off
Starting point is 00:18:26 if you use the code HAD IT on the checkout page. Go to happymammoth.com and enter the promo code HAD IT on the checkout page. Kylie, what's going on in the news? I just have one quick news story. I'm going to throw your way because I just wanna piss you off, Jennifer Welch. Okay, don't take much. She's always sitting on the edge. Cheap date. You remember the pink Starbucks Stanley Cup that everyone went nuts for at Target?
Starting point is 00:18:57 It's what they were fighting over, it was a limited edition. Right, the violence, the criming. The one that caused the violence and the criming. Right. So a woman on Facebook Marketplace is selling $10 selfies with the pink Starbucks Stanley cup for people who didn't get one. So posting on Facebook Marketplace, the entrepreneur wrote, selling selfies.
Starting point is 00:19:27 The entrepreneur. The entrepreneur wrote, selling selfies with an authentic pink Starbucks Stanley Cup. If you couldn't buy one, now is your chance to rent one and take some cool pictures with it for social media for only $10. Did anybody do this? I mean, I'm going to guess. Here's the deal. Even though it seems crazy, people do shit like this. And I mean, it's a grift. It is a fucking cup. It is a fucking cup.
Starting point is 00:19:56 It is a goddamn cup. It's an oversized cup. It is a fucking cup. And everybody is acting like somebody just fucking cured cancer with this thing. It is unbelievable. My hatred for these cups does nothing but grow and boil over and fester. I have had it with these cups. They're taking, renting the cups for fucking selfies.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Are you fucking kidding me? This is not a koala bear. This is not a kangaroo. This is not a human being that was born with like a gigantic penis. This is not anything that is worthy of a photograph. And I'm going to, I want somebody out there to do a fucking study. And I guarantee you that there is a link between Trumpism and the Stanley Cups. I called it here first.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I want it injected into the permanent record. Somebody out there fucking figure this shit out because I guarantee you there is a direct link to Trump and the Cup. I know it. Jen, I have to tell you that the entrepreneur posted that all of the slots were booked up and had to make a wait list. This is fucking unbelievable. And here's the deal, international viewers and listeners, all you need to know about
Starting point is 00:21:21 the current state of American culture is what our executive producer found in the American news. A woman puts on Facebook marketplace, come take a picture with my cup and it fucking sold out and morphed into a wait list. That does seem astonishing, quite frankly. I mean, I know everybody does something. There's so much fuckery around these cups. I just want to say that I'm a proud Stanley Cup owner and a proud Democrat that I would never vote for Trump. If they had said they're going to cut off each of my 10 digits one at a time, I would
Starting point is 00:22:01 let them have them. Let me ask you this. Let me ask you this. If the study that I talked about that I think is a great study for some whippersnapper scientists to come latch onto immediately. Is there a link between the Stanley Cup fetishes and the cult of Trump? If they came back and said there is no question that a Stanley Cup is a gateway drug for Trumpism. I would stop. I would take them all and I would throw them in the trash.
Starting point is 00:22:33 Here's the thing. Here's the thing about the cups. Some people are going to be hearing this and saying, well, the cups are actually good because they're for the environment, so you're not using single-use plastic. And what I would say to that is these fucking people that are Stanley Cup fetishes, they collect the cups, which completely annihilates the argument that you're being pro single-use blah, blah, blah. Even Pumps herself has confessed that she would like to open up her cabinets and see nothing but Stanley cups there. I would. But you would quit if it was a link to Trumpism. If we have documented proof.
Starting point is 00:23:19 There's got to be somebody that could do this study. I think they're PhD students. You know, PhD students that are doing their dissertations. I think something, here's the thing. I mean, it's kind of interesting. Why is it that exciting to have a photograph made with a cup? I have no idea, but it's not a monkey. It's not a koala. It's not a cute dog. You don't get to drink that. It's not the Grand Canyon. You're not on a beach in Italy.
Starting point is 00:23:46 You're not, I mean, it's a fucking cup. Yeah, I don't know. I do find it interesting, but I mean, here's the deal. I'm gonna give the woman credit that's selling it for $10 a pop. It's a grift, but if people are paying her to do it, good for her. I think the bigger question is, who are the people paying to do it?
Starting point is 00:24:07 And what are they going to do with the pictures? Like post it on Instagram? Like I have no concept of why one would do that. You can imagine how I feel. No, I can't. I have been whistleblowing for a long time about these cups and it just continues to get more and more kinky. It's just a kinky fetish.
Starting point is 00:24:30 It's really fucking weird. Also, are people so devoid of culture that a thermos provides this level of culture to them. I mean, there were, you know, back in the day, people liked literature and art. And now in the modern world, you can like film, documentaries, all forms of different art. For these people, that art is a mass-produced thermos cup. With a straw.
Starting point is 00:25:04 With a plastic straw. and a handle. My job is done. It's unfortunate. Now you've got our blood pressure up for the whole day. Yep. That was my goal. All right, let's do this. Let's take some voice memos. Let's see what other people have had it with and get your mind off your habit. I really want somebody to do a link connecting what I just talked about. All right, for voice memos today, up first, we're going to hear from Joshua T. Hello to the pickleball champion, Jessica, and the Monjaro lesbian pumps.
Starting point is 00:25:37 This is Joshua from Manchester, UK. Pumps, I really hope your Siberian husky is ready for its first conilingus experience. And by that, I mean the new name for your vagina, not your dog Blaze. I have fucking had it with Yak Mouth Americans on guided tours in European cities across the continent. The worst offence is when the tour guide says, does anyone have any questions? At this point, it's game over. The Americans have questions prepared, memorized, printed, laminated and distributed to each member of the group. This then triggers an entire monologue about their European ancestral history. And then
Starting point is 00:26:18 they proceed to tell us every detail about their European vacation itinerary. I have fucking had it. Love you both so much. Joshua T. You speak my love language. I love you. Pumps loves your accent. Love the accent. I love that he referred to my Vigene as the Siberian Husky. The Siberian Husky is over there purring because of that accent, Joshua. But here's the thing, I agree as an American, I offer an apology. And here's where all of this stems from. We are raised and we are indoctrinated to be incredibly ethnocentric. We're also very lacking in identity. So when Pumps and I were growing up,
Starting point is 00:27:12 it was very common to say, what are you? And what that meant is, what is your European descent? It was like, oh, I've got some English. I've got some French. And that was the big talk. I mean, that was a big thing because we have, we lack a national identity. And in lacking a national identity, you see things like the Stanley Cup come in and be important pieces for American culture. And then you get these Americans that go to Europe and want to grandstand about
Starting point is 00:27:46 their great, great, great, great, great. And we're all so deluded over here. Nobody even really has a bunch of something that's too strong. But I mean, you have people that go, well, I'm Irish and always go like, Irish Irish or American Irish? Because you sound American. Right. Irish to me is somebody that lives in Ireland. That is an Irish person. But somebody say, oh, I'm Irish. And I'm like, oh, so three great-grandfathers ago,
Starting point is 00:28:11 you were Irish? You know who's English? Joshua. Absolutely. That left the voice. And you know why we know? Because he sounds like it, and he lives in Manchester. That's right.
Starting point is 00:28:20 That's how we know. That's how we know. And we are really good at deduction. We're investigators on the side. But I also agree with you. American tourists are insufferable, but this will also segue over to something that I've absolutely fucking had it with. And it is when somebody has explained something thoroughly and at the end of a very thorough explanation as a courtesy, they say, does anybody have any questions? Anybody that cares about anybody but themselves, zips their lips. They even might even hold their breath because they're not
Starting point is 00:29:05 going to ask a question. But Americans are the fucking worst at this shit. They start asking stupid questions that it's annoying, it's frustrating, and have had it. Don't ask questions. I think it's inherent in every group where somebody is giving information, whether it's a tour group, whether it's a classroom, whether it's a zoom call. Anytime someone is in a group and then holds everybody in the group hostage with their stupid questions, I don't know if it's because they want to grandstand and show you how, because almost always the question is designed not for further information, but for the
Starting point is 00:29:56 person asking the question to let you know how smart they are. Like I'm so smart. You probably want to hear what I have to say. So I'm going to couch it in terms of a question. Because I've got some nuance thing that I want you to know that I know. And invariably, in every group, every person in the group hates the person that is asking the question. Here's another spin on that.
Starting point is 00:30:20 In mom groups and parent groups, the leader of the school or the basketball team or whatever it is, they give a very thorough presentation. And then they open it up to the parents for questions. And sometimes these mothers and or fathers use it as an opportunity to show everybody that they think they are a much better parent than the rest of the members of the group because they asked the one fucking question. And I immediately think, I hate this person.
Starting point is 00:30:54 I hope my kid doesn't hang out with their kid. Shut the fuck up. Nobody needed to come to this meeting. Nobody needed to be here. You are bored to tears and you think you're such a great parent. Everybody hates your guts and I hate you double. Right for that question. Yeah. I could not agree more. There's one or two parents in every group. Joshua, here's the deal. You're just dealing
Starting point is 00:31:18 with this in glimpses of American tourists, we live here. Right. We get it every day in every group. We fucking live here, Joshua. We can't get away from this. This is our life. This is our country. This is the shit that we have to put up with from the minute we get up till the minute
Starting point is 00:31:42 we go to bed. Right. Or fucking obnoxious, annoying Americans. So the deal Joshua is we live here. You have to come help us. You were talking about you, but now we're making it about us. We live here.
Starting point is 00:31:58 We can't. It's help us. Fucking send rescue. Send boats and planes. Come get us. Come get us. Oh my gosh. Okay, I've caught my breath.
Starting point is 00:32:16 Pumps, it's been a while since you've taken a victory lap about your bowel movements. Why don't you share with the listener what's transformed your life? Absolutely. All the credit goes to just thrive probiotics. It helps with my bowels, helps me feel less bloated. There's no constipation, no diarrhea. It's just a normal person situation. Speaking of normal people, I feel a million times better now that I've been taking just calm psychobiotic.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Let's face it, Pumps, life is stressful and it can be overwhelming. Just Thrive has introduced Just Calm, the breakthrough new stress-busting formula from Just Thrive. I absolutely love this product. I feel calmer. I sleep better. I feel kinder. I feel gentler.
Starting point is 00:33:04 I feel calmer, I sleep better, I feel kinder, I feel gentler, I feel nicer. Listener, right now when you go to JustThriveHealth.com, use promo code HADDOT. You can get 20% off a 90-day bottle of Just Thrive probiotic and Just Calm. That's like getting a month for free. Perhaps when my cat is healthy, she's much happier and then in turn I'm happy. But since I'm not a mind reader I don't always know when she's not well. But Pretty Litter helps me keep tabs on my cat's health and that's why I use this litter. Pretty Litter is ultra absorbent.
Starting point is 00:33:41 It's like little crystals and it traps odor instantly. No more cat bathroom smell. And Pretty Litter ships free right to my door in a small lightweight bag. I never run out of it and I don't have a huge container of litter taking up space and stinking up my place. Listener, Pretty Litter helps keep tabs on my cat's health and keeps odors down. You and your cat are going to love Pretty Litter as much as we do. Go to prettylitter.com slash had it and use
Starting point is 00:34:10 code had it to save 20% off your first order. That's prettylitter.com slash had it. Use the code had it to save 20%. Prettylitter.com slash had it. Code had it. Terms and and conditions apply see site for details all right up next we've got someone with the username at cranky whore 69 love the username hey Patriots I fucking had it with people who make double my salary responding to my work emails that I have proofread, I have scanned for everything because I'm professional like that, you know what I mean? And they will respond in all our case no punctuation and worst of all at the bottom of the tagline
Starting point is 00:34:59 sent from my iPhone. Girl please! A punch in the fucking face would be less disrespectful than that. I've had it. Also, the worst of all I've ever been sent is one that said, sent from my Samsung Galaxy on the Verizon network. Girl, you just called yourself out. I've had it.
Starting point is 00:35:16 I've had it. I've had it. I've had it. I've had it. I've had it. I've had it. I've had it. I've had it.
Starting point is 00:35:23 I've had it. I've had it. I've had it. I've had it. I've had it. I've had it. I've had it. Oh my God. That's so good. You know that all of this just illustrates just how insufferable it's become communicating with each other. Highlights insufferable people. I agree with him. Where's the professionalism in the grammar these days?
Starting point is 00:36:05 In writing a letter, I know it's an email, it's not a letter, I know that I am older, that I grew up with where you sent formal letters. I understand that that's a bias on my part. But I just think it's important in a professional setting to spell correctly, to capitalize correctly, to have grammar that's correct. I agree.
Starting point is 00:36:27 I just, I don't understand why we want to be so casual in the workplace. Now, if you want to send all lowercase to your girlfriend about what you're doing Saturday night, I'm in, 100% in. But when I take the time, like he says, you know, when I'm listing very important, necessary topics to do my job and you respond with no capitalization, no correction of grammar, and run on sentences, I immediately think you're a dipshit. You
Starting point is 00:36:57 are a dipshit. I'm dealing with a dipshit. I agree. I mean, it's just I completely agree. I do not appreciate the laziness and the lackluster approach to not capitalizing the beginning of a sentence and putting a punctuation mark at the end. I'd like a comment where this is the equivalent to me of not if you eat at a fast food restaurant, if not clearing off your table. table. This is laziness. It's not cute. The all lowercase, you might think it's cute, you might think it's neat, you might think it's fun, but I have a hot news flash for you. It is identifying you as a lazy motherfucker.
Starting point is 00:37:41 That's what it is. I'm lazy and I think I'm cute. Right, I think I'm cute. And I think I'm entitled to not capitalize my shit. I's what it is. I'm lazy and I think I'm cute. Right. I think I'm cute. And I think I'm entitled to not capitalize my shit. I've had it. I've had it. It's a great had it. You know, it just goes back to you're not that cute. You might think you're that cute. Your mom and dad might think you're that cute. Do we sound like rogue Gen Xers right now? We do. We do.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Do we? I like it. What do you, the millennial, what do you think about this? I agree. So the all lowercase. I remember when that started becoming a thing that was cute. I think I even did it for a while when I was younger. My daughter did it in high school. It's extra work because your phone automatically capitalizes. You have to go back and undo it and put a lowercase. Yeah. I think it's trying to be cute. And it's like,
Starting point is 00:38:26 It's trying really hard. Work is not the place to be cute. Work is for professionals. And I just, I think that the thing is, and here's the thing, and maybe we do sound like rogue Gen Xers, but I just want to say this. We should always put an emphasis on education
Starting point is 00:38:44 and decorum around things, especially in a professional setting. We don't want to see people celebrating the misuse of the only language that these fuckers speak because here's the situation. If you're American and your parents were American, your grandparents were American, your grandparents were American, you go back a couple generations, you probably only speak English like Pumps and Kylie and me. We are not the sharpest knives in the drawer, Americans. So you have one fucking language that you're writing in, one language you're speaking in, one language you're dreaming in, and guess what? When you go to every other country, they've all learned
Starting point is 00:39:23 English because the Americans are so goddamn lazy and stupid. The bare minimum thing that you can fucking do is punctuate it and capitalize it and use the proper verb tense and the proper grammatical structure. You lazy fuckface Americans, I've had it. We are just absolutely. Inseparable. Inseparable. Why are we so mad today? I don't know. Do you think you'll even be able to air this episode with this level of hostility? I'm going to have to put a warning, a not safe for work warning.
Starting point is 00:39:59 Right. We're talking about people that operate out of rage and here's what are we doing? Here's the thing. Here's the thing. You know what we started off with? We started off with this fuckery. Yeah. You know, and then you and I just get riled up. We get fired up. Rile each other up. These callers are riling us up. It's just rile up city over here. It's just rile up city over here. This is rile up city. Meemaw's probably going to have a stroke any second. Fucking stroke out. We'll start doing the podcast from the assisted living center next week, because she's in her stroke recovery plan. You might have to come in and trim the Cyperian Husky for me.
Starting point is 00:40:39 Oh, it's gone so low. It's gone so low. I don't think we can get it back. Do you think we have listeners left? No, I think they're all like, those fucking women are horrible people. Kylie, do you think anybody has made it this far? I think there's one left, Joe Estrada. Joe Estrada. I proud beat him the other day, but I'm going to take it back because he's the last man standing. And your mom, Linda.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Linda. We can count on Linda. We've got Linda. All right, listen. Jen, I think it's time to just knock you down a notch. This is a loyal listener, a resident voice memo leaver. It's Juju and she's mad at you. Oh, good.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Okay. Hey ladies, it's me, Juju and she's mad at you. Oh good, okay. Hey ladies, it's me, Juju. So I'm listening to the pod and I was listening to the egregious story told by the Jennifer Welch. And you would think that I was on Ms. Jennifer Welch's side, but no, I'm not. I'm even shocked myself by saying I'm on Josh's side. But Jennifer, you dead ass wrong for taking a bite of that man pie and mad about how big of a bite he wanted to give you. He
Starting point is 00:41:50 did it out of the kindness of his heart and you want to take it upon yourself to blast him on the I've Had It podcast, which I'm glad you did. But you dead wrong Jen. You knew you wanted some pie. You knew after you got done eating your petite small itty-bitty tiny steak, because you got a supply you knew after you got that you know, but he's small itty bitty tiny state because you got a small back that you want to something sweet when you got done, but Josh already knew he had his plan to get something sweet, but you want to take the pie just to take a bite of his pie and get that in. You did wrong. I've had.
Starting point is 00:42:21 You did wrong and I've had it. I love you, Juju. Juju, here's the deal. You're right. It was so good. You know, the thing is, the thing is you're right. And, and I really wanted a couple of bites of Josh's pie. And you have a sweet tooth after you eat. I do.
Starting point is 00:42:41 I like a little bit of dessert, Juju. And you're a hundred percent right that my vain ass didn't want to order a full pie. I did not want to have to put myself in a situation where I had to exercise restraint. So it is a much easier life plan for me to blame Josh Welch for pretty much everything in my life. Well, I think that's- A large portion of my problems- That's one of the beauties. ... have been because of Josh.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Right. But Juju, we are in a great place in our marriage where now we are fighting about pie because we used to be fighting about drugs and rehabs, and now we've graduated to fighting about pie. And so, Juju, as much as I deserve that ashtu, and it kind of turned me on and I liked it. I liked it. It was great.
Starting point is 00:43:30 All right, listen up, listener. Join us in our after show that starts right now on Patreon. You can go to patreon.com. I've had it. To join us there, we launched a new podcast, Patreon only, called Girl Please. It's fantastic. Comes out every Monday. We have post shows. We have the news, our iHIP news, where we are wound up like cheap clocks on that, and that is on YouTube only. For the love of God, go to Apple Review and leave us a five star.
Starting point is 00:44:06 Leave us your hat it there. Leave us your cell phone number. Leave us your blood type. Just go to the Apple Review. We don't care what you're doing. Right. I mean, like we're at the point right now where we just want to see us have 10,000 reviews.
Starting point is 00:44:22 Right. You can even like give us a five star review and motherfuck us and tell us how horrible you think we are. Yeah. We're going to appreciate that. Yeah. 100%. All right. We have a tour. Go check that out. Right. Go to the link in the bio. Got new merch. Oh my God. Meemaw's been modeling this merch lately. This merch. You wouldn't believe how hot it looks on Meemaw and her Siberian husky. All right, patriots. Pumps, tell the patriots. Tell them.
Starting point is 00:44:54 Tell them, Pumps. We will see you next Tuesday or Thursday or so. Oh. Do you want me to do it again? No. They get it. They know. I'll tell you what I've had it with.
Starting point is 00:45:07 I've had it with that.

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