I've Had It - Hate Thy Neighbor

Episode Date: May 4, 2023

Have you ever had a neighbor leave a two page long, single-spaced manifesto taped to your door? Pumps has. Jennifer and Pumps dive into your listener submissions and take turns swapping next-door neig...hbor horror stories. The two also get into it over an "alleged" lack of punctuality. Subscribe to our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IveHadItPodcast Follow Us: I've Had It Podcast: @Ivehaditpodcast Jennifer Welch: @mizzwelch Angie "Pumps" Sullivan: @pumpspumpspumps

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So are we supposed to start the podcast? One, two, three. Nailed it the first time. I mean, you are such a professional podcaster. It's insane. Clearly, my talents are endless. So, you know, I'd love to read comments and DMs from our listener. I know. You do.
Starting point is 00:00:22 So this is a good one. Okay. It's a really good one. Is it hateful? No. It's from Brian Gunderson and he sent a DM, which Kylie immediately screen shot and sent to me. And he says, I have to say, I am obsessed with this podcast. Jennifer and pumps are the best. It's the highlight of my week. So nice. Jennifer is so hot, so sweet. Pumps is also as equally hot. He's just, he's had his bats. Yes. And then Kylie noticed this comment on Twitter. So, um, Mars bitches tweeted, I want a party with Jennifer, but sleep with pumps.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Is that wrong? That's standing. Isn't that fantastic? That is fantastic. I want to welcome everybody to, I've had it. I'm Jennifer. I'm Angie. I am the co-star of the show.
Starting point is 00:01:24 I don't have time to star the show because I am an elite athlete. I play pickleball. So I defer and let pumps be the star of the show because every show can only handle one star. You are so gracious like that. And I'm the star on the pickleball court. I don't think that's verifiable. I'm an athlete. That's why I don't have time to start to be the store of the show. That's right. I mean, I'm surprised you have time to do the podcast. Okay. Well, what have you had at what this week?
Starting point is 00:01:52 What I've had it with this week and every week is when people send out an email that gives step-by-step instructions of what needs to be done or what the goal is, all of those things. But then they also insist to have an in-person meeting to discuss the exact same points that were in the email. And not only are they discussing the exact same points, they're doing a PowerPoint presentation and putting the email on the screen. So I don't know if it's just massive grandstanding and they're just so desperate for attention,
Starting point is 00:02:35 they have to call an in-person meeting when an email would be fine. Or do they just think everybody on the email chain is a complete fucking idiot that could never, ever figure this shit out? Okay, so first of all, I do want to say it's grandstanding. 100% grand number two, it is like enabling stupidity. A person should be able to deduce and figure out everything they need. But then it's like, okay, we're also going to trot you in here, but I want to you, what were, what give us the listener an example? Like what was this, what brought this on?
Starting point is 00:03:10 What's a real life event that this happened to you? I just had to do it with my kids school. Like we got an email, had all the pertinent information, but yet you had to go up there, then they threw the exact same things that were in the email on the PowerPoint. And I'm just like, first of all, it's nighttime. We shouldn't have to go to meetings at school at nighttime.
Starting point is 00:03:30 What was it about? That they trought parents up to a high school. So it must have been really important. Like, drugs were found in the school, what was going on? No, no, no, no, no, no, they'll try you up there for absolutely nothing. I think the meeting I was in was about having a senior next year, the meeting after me was
Starting point is 00:03:47 a parent meeting about the senior trip. Again, I'm sure there has been emails sent step by step with exactly the information that was needed to those parents also. So you had to go up to the school to have a meeting about your child that drives to the school. Right. No, it was for the parents that will be legally able to vote probably next year when he starts, right? Is senior year?
Starting point is 00:04:15 Yes, he will. And so this is what I have a problem with. Like when we were seniors in high school, our parents were not up at the high school. There was no parent meeting because we were of age to where we were able to start solving our own problems and meeting our own needs. I know that's absolutely not the case. I think that is, this generation,
Starting point is 00:04:37 when they come out of this, this over-schooling, and I'm not talking about academics, I think you should rigorously drill kids academically. I think the more they learn the better, nothing should be off limits. But having the parents up at the school is when this child goes to college, they're gonna start having a lot of problems
Starting point is 00:04:59 because the colleges aren't gonna invite the parents to or the school and to meet with their professors. It's just simply not going to invite the parents to or the school and to meet with their professors. It's just simply not going to happen. It's true. I know this because I have a college-aged child. You do. I have two. And yes, never once has the university contacted me about anything.
Starting point is 00:05:18 Yeah, so, I mean, it's just ridiculous. We don't have to have meetings when we have email. Okay, so let me tell you what I've had it with. I was watching ABC News kind of flipping around the channels and they say the researchers have come up with a new study, a new report that Adderall is being abused. This is newsworthy? I am like, I have known this for like 10 to 15 years.
Starting point is 00:05:47 Feels like it's longer than that. And so apparently the study was like 15 years long. Okay. And it's middle school, high school, college aged kids that are abusing Adderall, which I mean, I've known forever because we miss the whole Adderall thing. Right, I don't, it was speed back in the day. I don't, I don't know. We miss the whole Adderall thing. It was speed back in the day. I don't know.
Starting point is 00:06:06 I, we missed the whole Adderall thing. And so I know that when I got to, like when I, in my early 30s, when I had kids, the girls that were younger, like in their late teens, early 20s, it was like, oh yeah, took an Adderall, oh yeah, took an Adderall, oh yeah, took an Adderall. And I was like, how these kids are really taken Adderall all the time and know what it was, Google it.
Starting point is 00:06:25 So remember that time I had that one babysitter and she was with my kids. I had to go to work. I was at work like six or seven hours. I get home and my kids are like so cranky and I'm like, what's wrong? And they're like, we're starving. And I'm like, did she not feed you?
Starting point is 00:06:43 And they're like, no, we haven't eaten all day long. So she was angry because she was on a roll. And so it's like as a babysitter, you have two jobs. Feed kids, pull kids out of house if kids are on fire. Everything else is survivable, right? But they were so cranky and they were like starving. So I call her and I'm like, Hey, you didn't feed my kids. And she just openly admits. It's like super brazen, Adderall use with this generation. And then she's like, I'm so sorry, I took an Adderall. So I didn't eat all day. And I'm like, what the fuck? I left my child with this Adderall crankhead. Well, and who would actually admit that?
Starting point is 00:07:26 Why wouldn't you say, oh yeah, I fed him, but they didn't want to eat when I fixed it. I mean, don't just say I'm a junkie. Therefore I couldn't care for you. But that's how brazen it is. Like the Adderall thing. And I think that there's like, when we grew up, I mean, I would say that a lot of people,
Starting point is 00:07:41 probably when you're young, have an attention deficit problem. I know I did. But the solution for me was not to go get on speed. You know, like that was not even in the option. But now everybody is so hypermedicated. I believe in Western medicine. I believe in all of the research, I think as this goes on, we're going to see the introduction of pharmaceutical companies' profit and the manufacturing of an illness
Starting point is 00:08:14 that has blown into a bigger thing, much like what happened with the opioid problem. And there's been shows and billions of dollars worth of lawsuits. I think Adderall's next. I think cracking out kids on Adderall and getting them at a very young age thinking, I can't function and I can't do normal tasks without this speed. I think it is a recipe for disaster and I was shocked when I saw the report.
Starting point is 00:08:41 I'm like, well, duh, this is a huge problem. I think during COVID it was like, there's a national Adderall shortage. And I'm like, well, duh, this is a huge problem. I think during COVID it was like, there's a national out-of-all shortage. And I'm like, well, this doesn't surprise me because all these kids are cracked out, not feeding my kids when they're babysitting my kids. I've had it, I've had it with the pharmaceutical industry, profiting off of addiction and getting people addicted
Starting point is 00:09:01 because the residue of it is horrible. The residue of addiction is absolutely horrible. Okay, all right, so now that we've ripped through all of that, now that we've ripped the pharmaceutical companies, let's go, let's hear from our callers. Okay, at first we've got Kai W. I've had it with parents that don't stop their kids from interacting with me. Pickaboo is cute for the first two times after that I'm done. I've had it. I totally agree with her.
Starting point is 00:09:37 She's 100% right people assume that you think their baby is as cute as they do and you don't. No, it's like novel, like she said, two peekaboo's. Then it's like, hit the bricks. Yes. Entertain your own fucking kid. And it happens all the time. It is so that the kids will come over
Starting point is 00:09:57 and they start interrupting an adult stranger, and they do do something cute. And you're like, oh, you're cute. And then you go back to talking with the adults that you're with. And then the kid continues to talking with the adults that you're with. And then the kid continues, and the parents just smile and giggle, like, have I not given birth to the baby Jesus? What?
Starting point is 00:10:12 Are you not so lucky that my little perfect angel wants to just bug the shit out of you? And I can just sit here and allow it. I'm trying to think back. I mean, I know that when my kids were really little, I was abundantly aware because I don't love kids. And so I was abundantly aware that I love these kids, but the other people in the general public
Starting point is 00:10:33 are not going to. Right, they don't think that they're near as unique as we do. Josh and I would go to a restaurant all the time, place a full-blown order, we were gonna sit down and eat. Within 10 minutes of placing the order, stage five meltdowns ensued. Of course, We got the stuff to go and we were out of the restaurant immediately. It was just like, I am not going to torture these people with these kids. Yeah, no. I think that I remember at football games
Starting point is 00:10:57 watching my kids play football or cheer or whatever, they'll be like little kids that are just running all over the bleachers. And they keep falling down and coming back up and doing all that. And I'm like, every single person around me is helping this child, but the mother, the mother is blissfully unaware that any of this is going on with her kid. So it's like she's having the time of her life because she's got 10 other people taking care of her kid at a football game. Well, she's leisurely watching it.
Starting point is 00:11:27 So it's just ridiculous. Now it is, it is. I completely agree with her. I think the public service announcement to the world is, you think your child's the greatest thing since life's bread. Nobody else gives a fuck. Yeah, nobody cares. It's true.
Starting point is 00:11:43 And especially on an airplane, a kid at the seat in front of you that just kind of like claws its eyes up over. Right. And it's, you know, just looking at you and then the parents kind of figure out and then they go over to the crack. Right. And they're like, and you're just like, you know, with your iPad or whatever, it's so annoying.
Starting point is 00:12:01 It's so annoying. And the parents need to clue in that sometimes people don't want to engage with children. Right. A lot of the time people don't want to say the majority. Right. I'm not a school teacher on purpose. Right. There's a reason.
Starting point is 00:12:15 I don't work. I did daycare by design. Right. Yeah. You know, I'm just, I'm not a school bus driver on purpose. Right. All I did, all of those things because I don't like kids. Do you know what the craziest thing is?
Starting point is 00:12:29 Is that my undergraduate degree was elementary education? Can you just imagine anything worse than me as a teacher? I remember you're telling me that and I thought that was so crazy. So crazy. I mean, because I don't even like kids. No.
Starting point is 00:12:46 So yeah, no. I love how she phrased it too. I've had it with you not stopping your kids from engaging with me. I think that's a great way to cut it. I agree. Okay, at next we've got Amber. Thank you so much for talking about gender reveal parties.
Starting point is 00:13:04 I had a friend, stop being my friend because I did not go to her gender reveal party. I forgot to say. Now a few years later, I realized this was a blessing because she was crazy. I literally lost a friend and she told me I did not show that I cared about her and the baby because I did not go to the gender reveal party
Starting point is 00:13:27 because I had to work. Thank you, lovely ladies. I appreciate your service. This just gets my blood boiling. It's high maintenance friends too. High maintenance friends have got to be annexed off the planet all set. And the narcissism. That's what I was thinking. Like she had the balls to say that it is so disgusting to make the jump. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:51 That you don't care about me nor do you care about my baby. Where? Where you come into my gender reveal party. What? I mean, grow the fuck up. Grow up. I it's how people make a jump from, I'm sorry, I can't come to your gender reveal party
Starting point is 00:14:07 because I have to work. And then they go from that, which is reality. Right. To Kuku for Cocoa Puffland, which is, you don't care about me nor do you care about my feet as this friendship is over. That kind of track that people can follow, that mental track to just catastrophize a normal
Starting point is 00:14:26 situation and just make it all about themselves. Immediately, I would cease all friendship with that person. Yeah. I think the first clue that she got, she was crazy is she got mad at her for not going to the gender reveal. All's well that ends well. But no, that, I just, it shocks me even to this day how narcissistic people can be. I mean, first of all, do you know why I'm not coming to your gender reveal party?
Starting point is 00:14:52 I have to work. You know what else? I really don't care about your pregnancy as much as you do because it's not my second problem or kid. Right. Like, the expectation that everyone in my circle has to put their life on hold because I'm pregnant, I mean that's just fucking nuts. It is, it's crazy.
Starting point is 00:15:11 It really is. And I don't think friendships or relationships with a person like this are gonna be sustainable because you have somebody that has this standard. Right, that is, it's me or the high road, at all times. And that is just not a sustainable position to have somebody that has this standard, right? That is, it's me or the high road, right? At all times. And that is just not a sustainable position to have to maintain interpersonal relationships.
Starting point is 00:15:31 I think one of the reasons our friendship has been so effortless is because if you invite me to something and I don't go, it is not a big deal. Right. Don't care. And vice versa. Right. It is just not that big of a deal. I mean, you rarely come
Starting point is 00:15:45 and watch me play pickleball at all these matches that I play in. And our friendship is completely tip top shape. Despite you're not coming to watch me when I'm such a good athlete. Right. I mean, when you're in the middle of the Olympic championship every single day, every day, every day. But then three day, but then you think that would be selfish. I mean, she's just self-centered person, and that kid's gonna be worse. So, I mean, this girl got out just in the next time. It's the jump from reality to complete catastrophe, that somehow this person that can't attend this
Starting point is 00:16:18 is the worst friend you've ever had. That kind of thought track, where how people can jump there, I have a very hard time relating to. It's like people that, it's like a crazy paranoia. It's like somebody that is always assuming something. You know, if somebody says, hey, do you wanna go do this?
Starting point is 00:16:36 Oh, I'm sorry, I can't. Then the next time you see them, they're like, oh, I thought you were mad at me. Like, oh, I hate. What would make you think that? Well, I asked you to go have coffee and you couldn't. And I was like, exactly. Right, I couldn't that day.
Starting point is 00:16:49 I fucking couldn't go have coffee. It doesn't mean I'm angry with you. It doesn't mean I dislike you. What it means is you need to go seek therapy, ASAP. That's what that means. It's immediately go see a therapist, immediately. Immediately. I think I made it's friends.
Starting point is 00:17:05 I mean, that's just a huge, huge, I've had it. And luckily, we're at the stage of life that if we have high maintenance friends, they've been, they've been asked a long time ago, black, bald, like there's no way that I could, I could take a high maintenance friend at this point in my life. No, they've been shed.
Starting point is 00:17:24 Shed long ago. Absolutely. And these are probably their friends as well that the minute you have a moment with them and you have a really good time, they're probably sharing something negative about another friend of theirs. Oh, right.
Starting point is 00:17:40 And then you know the minute you're not with this friend then you're on the chopping board. Oh, 100%. Yeah. You're getting it behind with this friend, then you're on the chopping board. I was 100%. Yeah. You're getting it behind the back all day long and twice on Sunday. Yeah. For sure.
Starting point is 00:17:50 All right, Kylie, who's next? Up next, we've got Kendra. Hello, ladies. I'm a new listener. I actually have been listening to you guys every day before and after we're catching up on all your amazing episodes. And something that I wanted to share
Starting point is 00:18:03 that I've had it with are neighbors. I'm sorry, but I fucking hate them. I also don't wanna live in but fuck nowhere, but why can't we just keep it to a simple wave, smile, nod, whatever. They're so nosy, they don't mind, they're fucking business, and I fucking had it. First of all, where's that accent? Is, and I fucking had it.
Starting point is 00:18:25 First of all, where's that accent? Is that... I love it. Like North Dakota. Where do we know? Isn't that... That's not kind of Fargo. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:18:33 Yeah. I like it. She's so cute sounding too. Neighbors are the worst. The worst. The worst. My neighbor experience, you're very well aware of. When I used to live by you, I got an anonymous letter from a neighbor.
Starting point is 00:18:50 It went to my ex-husband's office. It went to our home. And it was a two-page single-spaced manifesto about my laundry. I would give anything if you still had that letter. I know. The crazy letter drawer. We had one forever. She had this neighbor.
Starting point is 00:19:12 So, Pumps uses this laundry soap that has a little tinge of patchouli in it. Right. And what I have found out is that patchouli makes people fucking crazy. It's like the catnet for certain human beings. Like cilantro, either leveter hate it. Yes, gotcha. So that laundry soap that you have, there's a ting, not a lot, but it has a little bit of patchuli.
Starting point is 00:19:34 And patchuli is like, there is something in certain people that patchuli sets off and they are fucking irrational about it. Right. So much so that they wrote you that two page letter, which I know I did at least 17 dramatic readings. Oh, I know you did. And I was just sick that we don't have that anymore.
Starting point is 00:19:52 And what was so funny is she sent it anonymously, but here's what was happening before the letter king. Her little boy would come ring the doorbell if the kids, if, because the neighborhood kids would be back at swimming in the pool. So he'd ring the doorbell and I'd say, oh yeah, go ahead, just go right through there and get in the pool. He was like, oh, but my mom won't let me come in your house because of the way it smells. But I was like, okay, there's no mystery.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Then one time Luke had gone over to their house to play. And he came to him and he said, Mrs. So-and-So made me take my shirt off before I could go in their house because she doesn't like our laundry soap. That's psychotic. So I'm like, Bitch, please sign your name. Does she still live there?
Starting point is 00:20:40 To the best of my knowledge, yes. I think we should write her an anonymous letter. You know what I wanted to do? I wanted to take that laundry soap and take a whole thing of it and just pour it all over her grass. I'm down. And so the next time this sprinkler came on, it was just suds, bubbles of that.
Starting point is 00:20:59 I'm down. I know, I mean, I really can do that, wouldn't you? Yeah, that's amazing. Richard, you in? Yeah. I mean, that is... So, an idea? Yeah, that's amazing. Richard, you in? Yeah. I mean, that is, so one of your sorority sisters lives like Cady Cornercrosses Street, love her.
Starting point is 00:21:11 She's great. She has kind of a psychotic dog that barks nonstop that she's had to send to boarding school a couple of times, but that dog is really sweet. And so, you know, I kind of, dogs can do no wrong. And then I brought my very, very next door neighbor is crazy. I mean, he is absolutely nuts. He thinks that there's like rats on the loose in the neighborhood.
Starting point is 00:21:34 There are no rats in the neighborhood. But, prior to the house that I live in now, my house before. So, this German lady, from Germany, the full blown German accent lived across the street from me. How it hurt? Yeah. How a German ends up in Oklahoma City. I don't know, but she was. So the day that I get birth to my first son, I come home from the hospital. Josh and I take him up to his room, petty minutes crib. Josh is like, I'm going to the office. I'll see you in a
Starting point is 00:22:03 little bit. I'm like, okay, we'll be just fine. So I'm upstairs watching him sleep, making sure he's breathing, saying to myself, holy shit, he fucking lives here. Right. So the doorbell rings. So I'm like, oh shit, what do I do? Do I watch the baby sleep?
Starting point is 00:22:19 Right. Or do I go down to the door? So I go downstairs, open the door, and it's the German woman. And she's like, I have come to see the baby. And I was like, okay, okay, he's sleeping right now. Like we just got home from the hospital. So come upstairs. I've made sure she comes up stairs. I said, don't touch him. Let's let him sleep. She immediately skips in, picks Dylan up, has him. And she looks at Dylan and then looks at me and she says, how could anyone abort a child?
Starting point is 00:22:48 And you're like, how did I let you in my house? I was like, give me my baby back. Get the fuck out of my house right now. So I'm like, oh, I like, I'm thinking, first of all, we're not going to talk about abortion. You nut because I've seen the portrait of Jesus Christ. You have over your fireplace. So I know this conversation is going nowhere. So I like get Dylan back, putting him back in his crib. I'm like,
Starting point is 00:23:10 okay, I've got it. I need to go to the restroom. I just got from the hospital. I'm trying to get her out, get her out, get her out of the house. And then she starts coming over more and more when you talk about religion, whatnot. And it's just like, go away, go away, you psycho, right? I mean, complete psycho. And obviously she was totally watching you if she saw you pregnant. Yeah. And then see she bring him the baby and she's over there immediately, which that's just rude from the jump. Yeah. But what she was wanting to do, she's one of these crazy pro lifers that wanted to come over and have and she probably saw our political signs in our yard, you know, which she knew that we were progressive. And so she had seen
Starting point is 00:23:50 that. And so then she wants to come over and start the day that I bring my child home. Some talk about abortion and I'm like, it's a fuck out. You're like, it's not the same thing as a baby. Well, I'm just like, first of all, I'm not having this conversation with a close-minded nut that I don't want to be your friend. I can't believe that first of all, I'm not having this conversation with a close-minded nut that's not happening. I don't want to be your friend. I can't believe that we're neighbors, but I'll get past it. But get the fuck off my property. hate it or yeah, no, the neighbor thing, because I have a great neighborhood in that it's a wave say hi, all that
Starting point is 00:24:19 neighborhood. And then I have friends in my neighborhood. So that's that's good. But I don, the people that are the nosiest though, you don't have that's the ninkelsills, are the homeowners association people. Like they'll fire up letters about, I need everybody to weed their flower bed, we need you to move your trash cans, which, you know, my response is,
Starting point is 00:24:38 go fuck yourself, I'll do whatever I want. Right. But I mean, it's like, are you gonna arrest me? I mean, what are you gonna do to me? Fuckin' nothin'. How many of our associations are, it's like, are you gonna arrest me? I mean, what are you gonna do to me? Fucking nothing. How many other associations are, it's a Petri dish. Right. For just breeding busy body people that want to get
Starting point is 00:24:54 all up in other people's business. Right. They'd have a 10 a time on their hands because they're obviously retired if they're gonna spend this much time worrying about the homeowner's association. I think it's like toxic breeding grounds, the homeowner's associations. No, it it's toxic breeding grounds, the homeowner's cessation.
Starting point is 00:25:05 No, it's bad. But my neighbors themselves are great. My neighbor hits great, but yeah, no. The homeowner's cessation can't take it. Neighbors coming over with new warns. I mean, it's just ridiculous, totally ridiculous. And I'll tell you what, this reminds me. So a victim's protective order is when someone is domestically abused or there's some kind
Starting point is 00:25:29 of dating relationship that ends in violence, whatever, but it's a VPO. Victims protective work. Thank you, counselor. But I'm telling the story now. That's why I'm doing it. I was just thanking you. The bench was thanking you. I called your legal description.
Starting point is 00:25:42 So I cannot, when I've been on that docket with clients, I cannot even tell you how many people are trying to get protective orders against their next door neighbors. I mean, it's a classic like they're throwing people, they're doing the trash cans like stealing trash cans, fucking with cars. I mean, it's just unbelievable what people just get fired up about their neighbor. It's crazy that as a species, like what's good for us is to be connected with other human beings, but it's also really bad for us, right? And makes us crazy, right? Like you and that patchouly, you know, detergent.
Starting point is 00:26:16 And Karla, do you have any crazy neighbors? I don't. I have great neighbors because I've lived there for six years and I've never met any of them. Oh, that's fantastic. Fantastic. I do the story about your neighbor, though. The guy that's fantastic. I do have a story about your neighbor though. The guy that write this right next door. The rat guy, I think.
Starting point is 00:26:29 Yeah, he's the one who keeps telling me his, I saw a rat. Have you seen the rat? I'm like, I haven't seen a rat. You hired my girlfriend, Anna, as you affectionately referred to as little baby angel spitfire. Yeah, she is. She's a little baby angel spitfire. She is. So she comes over to do your closet. Yeah. Organize it. She's a little baby angel Spitfire. She is. So she comes over to do your closet.
Starting point is 00:26:45 Yeah. Organize it. She's going in and out all day. She leaves a couple times and comes back. And she's parking on the street right by your driveway. Right. Because she didn't deem her niece on rogue. Good enough to be in your driveway. She's like, I'll park in the street. So she leaves another time. She comes back and the neighbor had taken his car out of his driveway and put it in her spot so that she couldn't park there. So she parks on the other side. And then she's walking up, Josh is out there greeting her, and he runs out and is like, don't park her, you cannot park in the street in front of my house.
Starting point is 00:27:21 But he moved his own car in the exact same spot in front of his own house so that there wouldn't be a car there. Let me tell you what's going on with this motherfucker. Let me tell you. So he's probably about 75 to 80, all right? And he's got adult children that are all my age and they all live in this house together. There's always about six cars
Starting point is 00:27:44 and the neighborhood that I live in, it's like a city within a city and you cannot park on the street overnight. So they have to like, you know, tandem park all these cars in the driveway. And I think they've owned this house for like 40 or right to your husband and the family. And everybody's gonna die there
Starting point is 00:28:02 and he's just, he's kuku for cocoa peps. I avoid him at all costs because anytime I'm even remotely close to being in the driveway, I seem start to come over and I immediately just have to speed up because my goal is to pull in my garage and close my garage door before I even get out because I cannot take it from this guy.
Starting point is 00:28:22 And here's what's the thing about neighbors is his car was completely parked. Right. But he couldn't stomach that Anna was parking close to his driveway. So he's got to get out, move his car and then confront the cutest little thing you've ever seen in your life, which by the way, if he would have fucked with her, Anna, totally what it kicked his ass. Right. She could have taken him even though she's really tied to me.
Starting point is 00:28:48 She weighs about 100 pounds, but I would not fuck with her. No, I would need it. She could kick all of her asses collectively. Yes, yes. But that's the same thing as this woman that was wound up about your, yeah, laundry set. Laundry set. I hope she listens to this podcast. I hope that you're listening. The person that wrote the
Starting point is 00:29:07 anonymous letter to Angie. We know who you are and we think you're a fucking kind. We know and we're gonna tell everybody your true identity not on the podcast, but in real life Everybody knows what you did and as long as we're sending messages, if you still have that manifesto, you wrote me about my laundry soap on your laptop, will you send it to me again so I can have a copy of it? I mean, when we were bored, we'd be like, I guess we'll just get out the letter.
Starting point is 00:29:35 I was like, get out the letter let's do a dramatic reading. Yeah, no, it was, it was awesome. It was like, she went into detail like, nobody even likes to come over to your house. All the moms are talking about how your kids stinks. And I feel so bad for your kids. And I think it's being a bad mother.
Starting point is 00:29:54 I mean, it was so deliciously psychotic. Right. It's one of those things that you realize like she had so many opportunities to not deliver this letter. Right. And she did. She sat down at her computer and knocked out two pages, single spaced, about my laundry soap. I mean, that's just fucking a whole nother level.
Starting point is 00:30:21 And then attached it to how nobody likes you and nobody likes your kids because you all fucking stink. Right. And then she explains, remember she explained nose blind to me in medical terms. Oh yes, yes. In medical terms like what that meant. And I was like, there was a tinge of empathy in it.
Starting point is 00:30:37 Right, like most of it was motherfucking, but there was that tinge of, I realized that maybe you have become nose blind, but that's when she went to, but everybody can smell it she went to you. But everybody can smell it and nobody likes you. Right. Nobody likes your kids.
Starting point is 00:30:50 I guess I'll just have to go to this world alone. So, listen, her, and Kylie, this was the funniest thing. So, when she, when Poms and her husband were getting divorced, she put herself on a budget. She's like, I can't buy that laundry so many more. I just can't justify it. Right. Well, then the minute the divorce was final, she's back to practicing law again,
Starting point is 00:31:08 I noticed this smell. That immediately came back. She immediately. Now you're back on the detergent again. Yeah, I'm back on it. I love it. You do love it. I do love it.
Starting point is 00:31:17 And it's, you know, laundry's kind of my thing. I like doing. That's my house, I chore I like to do. So I like to smell good. Well, I mean, I just love when I get in my bed, my sheet smells so good. Uh-huh. What a bitch. What a bitch. You know, she did get me a gift when I made that. Fuck her. No, I know, but I'm just saying that. So I'm, but that just shows the duplicity of this personality, to be so duplicitous, to send you an anonymous fuck you nobody likes you
Starting point is 00:31:47 Nobody likes you you all stink and then oh by the way here's a gift you know why she gave you a gift She's so fucking happy to see you and your stinky kids move away. That's why she gave you a gift That's probably right. She's like don't let the door hit you in the ass Okay, next we've got David Jennifer and pumps. I love the podcast. you in the ass. Okay, up next we've got David. Jennifer and Poms, I love the podcast. My name is David from Denver, Colorado. And I have had it with people making lateness a personality trait.
Starting point is 00:32:17 That is not some sort of character flaw. This is something that you can easily correct if you figure out how time management works. If I'm supposed to meet up with you at noon, it's not 12.30. It's not 12.45, it's not even 12.20. It's noon. I will give a grace period of maybe 15 or 20 minutes,
Starting point is 00:32:38 depending on who the person is, but these people that are consistently late over and over again, it makes me absolutely crazy, and I really have no interest in spending time with them. Okay, first of all, David sounds hot. Yeah, he does. I mean, what a great voice.
Starting point is 00:32:57 Yeah, he does. Second of all, David, I have a problem with this too, because I myself am incredibly punctual and I like that you did the psychological analysis that somebody starts making it like, oh, it's just me, it's my personality trait. And let me give you an example in real time. Prior to filming the episode that you and the listener are listening to right now, Pops was supposed to be here at the studio and what she does when she's running lane is she sends a little text like, Hey, I'm going to go get everybody lunch. No, I really was going to stop and get that right.
Starting point is 00:33:36 But then it then you are even later. Right. And it's okay because you brought food in. Okay, but a point of order. The text message, which I can get right now said 11 to 1130. I arrived at 1111. It said 11 to 1115. Okay, then I was early.
Starting point is 00:33:54 No, you arrived around 1116. No, I didn't. I like to. We're filming a podcast. You should be here at 1055. Okay, here's what I'm gonna say to that. Fuck off. You can't give short term. Okay, true Fuck off. You can't give short term,
Starting point is 00:34:06 you can't give between here and there, and in some way, if they're within that time of false. True or false, you are consistently a punctual person. Not, it depends on what it is. That was not one of the options that I gave you. Well, then yes, I'm very punctual. I'm I arrive on time.
Starting point is 00:34:26 That is a jet stream. No, that is bullshit. That is a double shit. David, a thousand days better about David. David. Because I know it bothers you. So I try to be better, but I would say generally I'm punctual. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:39 Not as punctual as you, but I am punctual. I would never be 15 minutes late. Okay. That's probably true. Oh, I've seen sometimes. Do'd never be 15 minutes late. Okay, that's probably true. I've seen some times. Do you want to pull them out? When were they? I don't know, but I'm going to start. I'll just start adding a new chapter to the permanent record that we're keeping here in the podcast studio. Times that Angie was late. And Kylie and Richard, you can make an entry for today's date and write Pumps One Minute Late to recording. No, I was early. No, because I was like 11-11.
Starting point is 00:35:09 In the permanent record, I would like a picture of the screenshot, and then I will do the whole like throw off the scent text that she sent where she was talking about getting. I was going to get, I've been thinking every time I came here, I was going to go get that agent salad. David, David, I agree with you. I hear you. I agree that people make it like, oh, I'm just always late. I never know what's going on.
Starting point is 00:35:33 Or I'm so sorry, this happened, and then I got a phone call. That's your thing. I was like, sorry, I'm late, but this happened, and then that happened. Like, I shut down everything to where I arrive on time. Like, so the people that I'm arriving to meet don't have to hear the stuff that went on before
Starting point is 00:35:50 because I eliminated that stuff that went on before so I would be on time. So I think next time I'm running late, I'll just shoot you at the double birds and tell you to go suck a bag of dick. I'm gonna be ready. So that way you want to hear an excuse. I'll just say, go fuck yourself.
Starting point is 00:36:03 We'll just keep it in the permanent record David I think for the permanent record Everyone needs all the facts and in my short time here. I Have witnessed you completely forget about filming an episode I did because you were at pickleball and we had to call you you still didn't remember on the phone You called back finally remembered and showed up about 20-something minutes later. This happened. Have you ever had to wait on me, Kylie, to film?
Starting point is 00:36:28 I really haven't. Okay, say. Oh, that's bullshit. No, I've been so punctual about all this. I will admit that there was a time that we were filming an episode and it was like 5.30 or 6 p.m. Which I shine in the mornings. I like to keep normal work hours. I believe religiously in a work-life balance, you know, and so I would rather have a meeting at 7 a.m.
Starting point is 00:36:54 than at 6 p.m. I'll wetter. I'm sharper. I'm crisper. Right. And I'm 48 years old now. I own my own business. So I set up my days as such. So this 6.30, 7 PM recording that we did was such a dick over. I think I went into denial about it. And you're right. I completely, I was supposed to come directly from pickleball to this recording studio. Right. I started dicking off with my friends after pickleball.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Putin and hollering, talking about everybody's shots and probably talking about on my victories. I mean, I can see how titillating it would be to rehash your pickleball, hooting and hollering, talking about everybody's shots and probably talking about on my victories. I mean, I can see how titillating it would be to rehash your pickleball, mash, ball by ball, hit by hit. But then I called you and you were like, why are you psychodiling me? Like you called me back, because I called you twice and you're like, what do you want?
Starting point is 00:37:39 Why are you psychodiling me? I'm like, we're waiting for you for a while. It didn't occur to me. Even when I was like psychodiling you. If anyone's wondering what episode it is, it's the one with pumps' infamous headband. Headband, where were you two assholes when that thing was going on?
Starting point is 00:37:55 We both agreed we were gonna come straight from workout. So I have that band on. There's like a hair pulling out, and you two dicks are just sitting here acting like it looks good. First of all, I think that was Kylie's very first day. I think that's right. Richard, it wasn't your first day. I'll tell you what my situation was.
Starting point is 00:38:13 I was so shocked by the entire thing, by the band, by the hair going out, and all these things are going through my head all at one time. Like, how does a person get out of the house looking like this? How does a person walk into a room and sit down in front of cameras like this? And it's all like just rapid fire through my brain, through my brain, through my brain.
Starting point is 00:38:34 And I think I just thought if you don't have anything nice, just say just don't say anything at all. Like that's ever stopped you. I never, you've never lived that. I was fearful that if you took the headband off, it was gonna go from bad to worse. Well, you could have at least gotten the squirrely hair thing out.
Starting point is 00:38:50 I came straight from workout. And so I never, I kind of forgot I had it on, which it probably would have been worse if I would have taken that off. That's what I was afraid of. Cause it was sweaty. But yeah, I look back on that. And I think these two are not true friends.
Starting point is 00:39:04 These are not a friend in need is a friend indeed helper at all. Just read. Jennifer, I think if you had been on time that day, right? You probably would have had time to help your friends. That's right. Thank you Kyle's. Yes. Yeah, it was, I mean, it was alarming.
Starting point is 00:39:21 Sometimes I go back and look at our reels that Kylie's made and I see that. And I just chuckle. I think what the fuck was wrong with her headband? Well, I have to wear a headband when I work out because I don't want sweat to get my lashes. Yeah, I wear one too when I play pickleball. Yeah, so I get that, but I had taken mine off. I think by the time I got here,
Starting point is 00:39:40 I've forgotten I had it on. Yeah. I mean, it wasn't like a conscious, I mean, I like to put it in the the permanent. It is absolutely in the permanence in the fact when we set up my dating profile. Okay. That's the picture. That is the picture. Let's see how far that one rides. I like it. I like it. Well on that. We will leave the listener with this. Please subscribe, rate, review, follow us on Patreon to get some extra content, and we will see you next Tuesday. Or Thursday, bye.
Starting point is 00:40:20 I'm gonna have to go to the airport. I'm gonna have to go to the airport.

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