I've Had It - Meat Curtain Memaw

Episode Date: August 1, 2024

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So are we supposed to start the podcast? Ready? One, two, three. Welcome to I've Had It podcast. The star of our show and her patriotic red claps us on. How are you, Pumps? I'm great. How are you? Fantastic. What have've had it with is when you're having a conversation with someone, but you're standing in front of a window that's reflecting or a mirror, and the whole time you're having a conversation, the person keeps looking at themselves in the reflection. It's fucking unbelievable.
Starting point is 00:00:38 It's unlike number one, you look exactly the same as you did two seconds ago. Number two, are you so gorgeous you can't take your eyes off yourself? And number three, the self-confidence to look at yourself in the mirror because I hate it. You know where this comes from? The word narcissist comes from, right? The character narcissist who saw his reflection in a body of water. And so that's what that makes me think of it. You know who does this a lot? Josh. Case in point. But have you, have you had conversations with random strangers that they're doing
Starting point is 00:01:14 that? And it's weird. It's weird. I don't know why. I just, I don't get it. I think it's so distracting. No, it is because then you start thinking, should I be looking at your reflection to get your attention? Right. If we're both looking at the same thing, are we going to be more connected then? Like if you want to look at your reflection and I look at your reflection, maybe we're going to have a higher percentage chance of eye contact. Right. But if you're only looking at yourself during a conversation, I don't feel like you're present. Right. So yeah, annoying. All right.
Starting point is 00:01:45 Let me tell you what I've had it with. I have had it with people that don't give a shit about anything significant, specifically morally or ethically significant, until it happens to them. Right. Oh, and that's an epidemic. And let me give you some examples. So I had a conversation recently with a person about politics, a very civil conversation. And this person has always identified himself as being a Republican, where we're talking about the current presidential
Starting point is 00:02:19 race. And I said, Well, you know, I think on the right side of the ticket, they want to do away with birth control and IVF. And he said, oh, I don't think they're going to do that. I said, well, nobody thought they were going to do that with Roe, but they did it. And all of these Republicans had an opportunity to codify birth control and IVF into law and they voted against it. So they're sending signals. And so basically this man has two daughters.
Starting point is 00:02:50 He was like, you know, I have two daughters, but that kind of bothers me, but I just don't think they're going to do that. And I'm like, so this guy's not going to give a shit until his daughters can't get birth control, or if for some reason his daughters couldn't conceive, he's not going to give a shit about these laws until the IVF affects him personally. Another example is he said the gun thing really didn't bother him very much. Isn't that shocking? And I think this is like a microcosm if you enhance it all over the United States. A lot of people are like this because we value individualism so much more
Starting point is 00:03:26 than collectivism. And so they don't care about other kids getting shot in schools until it happens to them. They don't care about the LGBTQIA plus community until it happens to them. They have a gay daughter or son. They have a queer granddaughter or grandson or non-binary person. And I just ask them, who's going to stand up for these kids? If you're not going to do it, then that puts the burden always on the left. And then you criticize us for giving a shit. And you say, we're virtue signaling and we're doing all of this sanctimony bullshit, but you don't give a shit about anything
Starting point is 00:04:14 until it personally happens to you. And what makes me so mad slash so sad about this is so many people that are members of the LGBTQ plus community. Their biggest fear is telling their families because their families are going to be a part of the bullying system. Their families aren't going to go march like you and I will with them and get on a podcast and speak out, and speak out vociferously in support of them and say, hey, we love you, we're proud of you. They make them feel bad about it.
Starting point is 00:04:51 So I'm asking all of Americans right now, where do you stand on this shit? Are you gonna be one of these people that sits on the sidelines, that waits until tragedy via gun violence strikes, or that you have this beautiful mixed race child that you realize oh my god black lives do matter right are you gonna be one of these people that ends up having a gay daughter or gay son and
Starting point is 00:05:17 you're gonna be a dick about it be hateful to them are you gonna stand up and march and stand up and vote and stand up and fight for these people? Because I have had it with the moral duplicity of these people, on the one hand, to act like they are so deeply rooted in their religion, but you just peel one little layer back on it. And the religion has taught them to think that everybody is inherently bad, that's not white and goes to their church. And I mean, I've absolutely had it with this.
Starting point is 00:05:48 And this is a drum that I think we should continue to beat because there seems to be an epidemic problem in this with people that are in our demographic pumps. That's what I was just going to say. The typical person that espouses these theories, if you're stereotyping, it's white people, white men, white women, upper middle class that have a bias towards minorities and poor people. You know, and I just think about, here we are in this country, and I think the diversity is what's so amazing, absolutely, that we have so many different types of people that immigrated to this country. And so I ask all of these people that are so, get triggered when they see a pride flag,
Starting point is 00:06:38 or they get triggered that somebody might correct them about their pronoun use, or they get triggered when they think about immigrants. We were immigrants at some point, right? Our ancestors came over here, had horrible human rights violations to the native population, kidnapped and enslaved a lot of Africans, and a few hundred years later, here we all are, we're all here, we all live here, who are you going to be? Are you going to be an advocate for every American or just the ones that look like you, that go to your church and that live in your cookie cutter subdivision? Is that what you're going to be? Because I've found time and time again, living in this Bible thumper state, the buckle of the Bible belt, the people that are the
Starting point is 00:07:26 least tolerant and the least kind and the most cruel to immigrants and the most cruel to sick people, the most cruel to people that live in poverty are the most religious people I know. And so it's a call to all of the people that go to all of these mega churches that live in these cities all across the United States. Who are you? Who are you gonna be? Who are you gonna stand with?
Starting point is 00:07:52 Who's gonna stand for the kid whose parents shame them because they were born gay? Who are you gonna be when there's immigrants that are separated from a toddler, separated from their parents that are seeking asylum, escaping violence. Who are you going to be? Are you going to be the person that sits around and calls them
Starting point is 00:08:11 illegal and says, round them up, deport them? Or are you going to show some dignity and some grace in humanity? Are you going to be the asshole that says, I don't give a shit about guns, and then your grandchild or your daughter gets shot up in first grade, and then you give a shit? Like, stop thinking about the now and play the tape through and have a sense of collectivism.
Starting point is 00:08:30 You're clearly not getting it from your megachurch, so get it from somewhere else, because the cruelty of these people that we live around, Pumps, that we grew up around, is a uniquely white thing in this country. And it really fucking pisses me off that more people that have platforms like we have are too scared to say this shit and post it on their Instagram because they're fearful of losing followers. And I think it's cowardice and I think they don't have backbones. And I have fucking had it. I completely agree. All
Starting point is 00:09:05 right I wanted to share with you all Kylie and Pumps a little story that I recently experienced. So I went to Europe with my oldest son and his girlfriend and before I went a place where I play pickleball and tennis, a club that I belong to, the head guy was like, hey, we're going to do an inter-club open pickleball thing at this place called Rose Creek, and it's in the suburbs of Oklahoma City. Are you down? I said, yeah, I'm down. I'll go play. And he said, okay. It's 6 p.m. at this time at this place. And I said, okay. Well, 24 hours earlier,
Starting point is 00:09:45 I committed to this like a month prior. I get back in town, I have jet lag, I'm exhausted. So I call the coach and I'm like, hey, I'm so tired. I just got back from Europe. I'm on a different time zone. I don't think I can play. He's like, look, I need you. I can't have you drop out.
Starting point is 00:10:01 I've had to like grab the lifeguard to be one of them. You've got to show up." So I was like, you know what? I gave my word. I have to show up. So I arrive at this place in the suburbs at 6 p.m. on the dot. And as I'm walking in, and you know, everybody knows how I feel about the suburbs. Right.
Starting point is 00:10:22 And pickleball. As I'm walking in, there's a guy who has this hat on and it has an American flag on it and an AR-15 over the American flag. And this girl that I knew introduced me to him. And I had just enough jet lag that my give-a-fuck meter was completely broken. So I just went right in. I go, what's up with that hat? And he's like, well, it's a such and such coffee brand. I go, AR-15 for a coffee brand? And he was like, well, yeah. And I go, is that Magishit or something?
Starting point is 00:11:02 And he goes, yeah, I guess so. And so I'm thinking, you know, you're clearly wearing that to be provocative, you know, especially considering all of the gun violence in the country. Absolutely. That you run around with a hat, you know, and they always have to just desecrate the flag with all this nonsense. I just feel like the flag has really had a rough last eight years. That's why we've taken it back.
Starting point is 00:11:23 That's right. So anyway, I'm just like, this is going to suck. So I walk into the pickleball thing and I see a bunch of people that I know, a bunch of lesbians that I know. So I'm really happy that it's not all MAGA people. And I'm like, and the women that are playing pickleball against us were all lovely, A plus, great sports, darling people. They could not have been nicer. The person who organized it for their club could not have been nicer. Here's the problem.
Starting point is 00:11:50 So we just kind of got text, be here at six, nobody practiced, nobody had ever played with their partner before. It was just kind of like a potpourri, free for all, show up at this time. The other club, they had tryouts to make the team to play us. They had fucking tryouts. People that didn't make the team came to watch. No.
Starting point is 00:12:19 Yes. They had matching uniforms. What? They practiced for six weeks prior to this event. And then they show up at four for a two-hour warm-up because match play starts at six. So myself and nine other women that I barely know that I've hardly ever played pickleball with, the woman that I was partnered with, I've never played pickleball with. I've seen her before, maybe played against her in one, you know, like very non-serious game. And you have to have kind of like some synergy.
Starting point is 00:12:57 Right. We roll in and we get our fucking asses handed to us. I mean, I got skunked once, 11-0. It was an absolute smackdown annihilation of a team of people that were prepared, had tryouts, had matching outfits. They had gifts for us, they decorated it. Welcome to our pickleball place.
Starting point is 00:13:22 Uh-uh. Yeah. I walked up. Gifts? I walked up to Magic Mike. He's the leader of the club that I belong to and he's a British guy. And I go, you have thrown us to the wall. Right, you did not prepare us. These people had tryouts.
Starting point is 00:13:39 People that are really good players didn't even make it. They didn't even make the team. They have matching outfits, they have gifts, they decorated it, and we got our fucking asses handed to us. And I've never even played with Andrea. Andrea's never played with me, and I loved my partner. She was great. It was the most humiliating, miserable,
Starting point is 00:13:56 pickleball experience that I've ever had in my life. Kudos to the suburban team. Kudos to you all. Okay, here's my question. Is this like a reoccurring theme that they're going to wear their matching outfits like team play? Or is this they just got the matching outfits for this one event?
Starting point is 00:14:13 I don't know the answer to that because I was told that I needed to arrive at six and that it would end at eight. I was not finished with my match play. By eight and at 7.59, I looked at Magic Mike and I waved my hand and left because I fulfilled my time commitment. This was what I decided I would do.
Starting point is 00:14:33 This is what I did. We all got our asses handed to us. Kudos to this other pickleball squad, minus the Trumper that wore the Trump hat. Right. But all the women that we played were lovely. I mean, women that we were lovely, I mean genuinely they were sweet, lovely people. All the women that kicked my ass, all of them were awesome. I mean true, and I mean that sincerely. They were fantastic pickleball players. They were sweet. They had
Starting point is 00:14:57 great sportsmanship. I mean I was envious that they were so prepared. Right, I was going to say the next time Magic Mike comes along and says we're going to do a team play, team match, I was envious that they were so prepared. Right, I was gonna say the next time Magic Mike comes along and says, we're gonna do a team play, team match, I have a feeling J Welch is gonna organize, gonna practice. I told Magic, I go, listen, Magic, when we host them, are you gonna have gifts? Are you gonna decorate?
Starting point is 00:15:19 What the fuck are you doing? Right, we look like assholes. Yeah, total unprepared assholes. I'm just glad that I know in my heart you shine as a gracious loser. You are exceptionally gracious, kind, zero ego in the deal. I was, when somebody hit a good shot, I always said that's a great shot. Right. And there was a point where I was playing these people where I was just like, I don't even think I can move my legs to get the ball.
Starting point is 00:15:47 Like I was so defeated by their preparation before I even hit the court. And the decorations, the decorations, the decorations, the uniforms, the team unity that they had. We had no Riz. We had no ability. We had never played together. It was a good old-fashioned ass thumping. We were out prepared, out dressed, practiced. We roll up right at six o'clock on the dot and they're like already like broken out of sweat because they've been there for two hours warming up. Yeah, Magic Mike, trouble. Trouble at Magic Mike's. Pumps, our ability to suck and then wake up the next day and suck more than the previous day is undefeated. It's unparalleled. We are the champions. If you would like to see how bad we
Starting point is 00:16:42 suck, please join us in Seattle in September or New York City in November for just some world-class shit talking. That's right. Live. Live and in person. That's right. You know, Pumps, I think the key to life is discovering how to balance work problems, life problems. And I know that this sounds crazy, but let me tell you a little shortcut that I've discovered.
Starting point is 00:17:11 I realized I was spending a lot of time at the post office, mailing things out, returning things. Now I've discovered Stamps.com, and this is helping to contribute to my life balance, less work balance. I actually used stamps.com this weekend for Luke's graduation announcements. They were all ready to go, but I didn't have stamps. Got right on there. Done. Listener, take care of mailing and shipping wherever you are, even on the go with stamps.com mobile app. All you need is a computer and printer. They even send you a free scale. Easily schedule package pickups through your stamps.com dashboard. Automatically see your cheapest and fastest shipping options from different carriers. Put more life into your work-life balance with stamps.com. Sign up with the promo code HAD IT for a special offer that includes a four-week trial plus
Starting point is 00:18:06 free postage and a free digital scale. No long-term commitments or contracts. Just go to stamps.com, click on the microphone at the top of the page and enter the code HAD IT. All right, Kylie, what's going on on the World Wide Web? All right. I've got a four-star review. Four? I like a four. I've got a four star review.
Starting point is 00:18:25 Four? I like a four. I do too. It's honest. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. It's titled Bullies, and they write, I have been a longtime patriot, but in one of the
Starting point is 00:18:35 recent episodes, Jennifer and Kylie bullied the star of the show, hence the star reduction. As someone who also does not feel when I have a camel toe, I feel for me, ma, it's not her fault or my fault that we have large labias stop bullying us. I fucking love that. Here's the deal. There's unity in that. Here's the deal. I know that sometimes I go hard at me, ma. I know she's just not very nice to me. But if bullying me, ma, is wrong, I don't want to be right. All right? I know. I know she's nicer.
Starting point is 00:19:09 I know she's the star of the show. I know all of those things and I concur on all of them, but I will never not understand why she has such a visible camel toe and she can't feel it. And it makes me really worry about your vagina. You know what you could instead of saying large labia you could say well endowed. What do we call it? It's the it's the Mema meat curtains. Meat curtains. Meat curtain Mema. Welcome the star of our show meat curtain Mema. Welcome to I've Had It. I'm Jennifer and the star of our show
Starting point is 00:19:48 is Meet Curtain Mee-maw. Mee-maw, what sound does an eagle make? Cacaw! Cacaw! Patriots and Gatriots assemble because Kylie and Seth have prepared some voice memos where you all have sent us on Instagram your grievances, which is one of our favorite episodes. So Kylie, who do you have for us first?
Starting point is 00:20:10 Up first, we've got Patty. Hi, Jen. Hi, pumps. I'm sure what we're calling you these days. So I'm just going to stick with pumps. I'm going to tell you what I've had it with and it happens every fucking day of my professional fucking life. You're sitting at work working away and then somebody comes and says, hi, I hate to bother you. But and I'm thinking to myself, you really don't hate to bother me because here we are, you're fucking bothering me. Just say what you got to say and move on. It drives me literally
Starting point is 00:20:54 fucking ba-nanas. Thank you. I felt that. I was gonna say I did that to you this morning. It's one of those things that it's one of these habits it's where we're all probably somewhat hypocritical like the driving issue. Right. Guilty. I felt her because the delivery was spot on. It spoke right to my soul.
Starting point is 00:21:18 I felt like we were twin flames, the caller and me. I mean, I just was like, yes, I understand this type of rage and had it, had it done. Can we create a new word? Had it done. Had it done. And I really felt it. But I know that at some point today, when we disassemble from this fucking hollowed ground podcast studio of ours, and we all go to our little desks, I will probably walk up to you or Kylie or Seth and say, hey, I'm sorry to bother you, but will you pull up the footage of da-da-da-da-da,
Starting point is 00:21:53 and I'll do it. Right, oh, I do it every day. And I hate it, especially if I'm really engaged in something. But I think what she's saying, I mean, Patty is spot on. It's annoying as fuck. But it's one of those things when you hear, I hate to bother you.
Starting point is 00:22:08 It's kind of like no disrespect. You know, the minute you say it, you know where it's coming. That's a really good point because they are bothering you. No, I think you're right. They're bothering you. There's a nuance to that. With all due respect immediately means I'm going to be disrespectful.
Starting point is 00:22:25 You're exactly right. That's yes. Look at me, Kurt and me, Ma, crack in the case of the nuance of Patty's grievance. I'll tell you what, me, Kurt and me, Ma, attorney at law. Please stop saying me, Kurt and me. First of all, it's disgusting. Kylie, will you please make a legal card? Please don't.
Starting point is 00:22:46 For? Got injured in a car wreck? Contact Meat Curtain Meemaw and we can have like the American flag and an eagle. Yeah, and call 188 Meat Curtain. We can make a jingle. Oh my gosh, Nick. Is Nick? Nick G. Nick G is our in-house rapper. Please make an ad for attorney at law, meet
Starting point is 00:23:13 Kurt and me, with eagle sounds and just a little maybe 15-20 second jingle that we can start playing with our commercials. Even though she doesn't want to practice law anymore. Nick, please do it. Please don't do it, Nick. Do it for America. You're a patriot, you're a gaitriot. Do it for America. Sometimes Mima doesn't know what's best for her.
Starting point is 00:23:35 I'm completely confident in saying, meet Curtin Mima, attorney at law. 1-800-call-meet-Curtin-Mima is not a good idea. I don't know much. OK, I'll tell you what. I'll tell you what. Here's the deal. I think that this has a ring to it.
Starting point is 00:23:51 We live in the biggest capitalistic, shallow, vapid universe on the planet. This stuff's got traction. What do you think, Kylie? 10 out of 10. What do you think is going to be more shocking, meet-kirt-and-mema or when they call me about their car wreck that I have no fucking clue what they're talking about?
Starting point is 00:24:08 Uh, hi, is this meat curtain? Or how about I start a call? You're on with meat curtain. Okay, let's role play. Let's role play. I'm going to be the receptionist. Okay, Kylie, you be the injured person in the car wreck and then you're going to be meet curtain me ma. Okay, let's role play for the listener. All right.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Meet curtain me ma attorney at law. How may I direct your call? I was just in a car accident and I really need meet curtains. Hang on. Let me see. Let me see if she's available. Beep. Meet curtain me ma. I think we have a new injured person on the phone. Are you available to take their call? No. Okay. That's not part of the script. No, but I want to. Oh my God. I hate everyone. Why are you going off script? I'm bleeding out. This is, this goes back to the, if you were having a medical emergency. You got an injured client. She's got a claim.
Starting point is 00:25:05 You've got me, Kurt and me, Ma seeks justice. What the fuck are you doing? You, do you have any idea how many eagles of this country are just disappointed in you that you just went off script? We have gay triates, we have patriots, we have bald eagles, and you're refusing to help somebody seek justice who's been wronged?
Starting point is 00:25:23 I've had it. I have fucking had it from top to bottom. It's zero star review on your Google Business account. Yelp, all zero is for Meemaw, Meek Curtains law firm. Please. It's Meek Curtains law firm. Whatever. Anytime Meek Curtains is used and Meimaw, it should be a zero review or zero star review. All right. Fun hater. All right, Kylie. Who's next? I hate you. You know, I try to give Seth a pass on all this a lot of times. I just looped him right in. But you just bring him right in and now I have to hate Seth too. I could hear him giggling
Starting point is 00:26:02 over on the other side of the sound wall. I heard him giggling. That's how funny it is. I guarantee you right now there are people with ear pods, our listener has their ear pods in and they're on a walk and they might have even peed a little bit because that's how fucking hilarious meat curtain meemaw attorney at law. I'm telling you what, you would be the new Johnny Cochran, just a white blonde woman. The meat curtain fits. That's brilliant. See, you're a natural. You were born for this.
Starting point is 00:26:38 If the meat curtain fits, you must acquit. Yeah. It's so good. It's so good. You're a natural. You were born for this meat curtain, Memaw. I don't think that's right. I also just want to say, if you want to hear why we call her meat curtain Memaw, it's on Patreon only.
Starting point is 00:26:54 That's right, Kylie. And there better not be a reel about it. I'm not allowed to make reels, so you have to get on Patreon. Jennifer's like, make a reel. I'm like, no fucking way. Don't make a reel. Everybody on Patreon got their money's worth when we revealed the meat curtain meme-all.
Starting point is 00:27:08 I mean, that's the content that people want. We deliver to the patriots, to the gay triots. And also like we have, you know, the eagle is our mascot. Right, we're taking it back. What are these? Cacaw! Fucking a cacaw! All right. All right, Up next, we've got Austin. I've had it with people who insist on hugging every time they see you, usually when they
Starting point is 00:27:33 arrive and when they leave. It's always like a little side hug. And it's people I see, I would say relatively regularly, like maybe once a week or every other week. You know, I don't need regularly, like maybe once a week or every other week, you know, I don't need to hug you every time. Even my closest friend, if I hadn't seen her in like a year, I guarantee we don't hug when she picks me up from the airport or vice versa.
Starting point is 00:27:55 Like we just don't, I don't, I might hug her. Never have been. The dry delivery of that is 10 star. I mean, there's nothing I love more than a dead pan dry delivery. This is my best friend, I haven't seen her in a year, and she picks me up at the airport. I'm not hugging her.
Starting point is 00:28:20 See Austin, here's the deal. I'm a huge hugger. I hug people. I might hug Kylie every morning. I'm a huge hugger. I hug people. I might hug Kylie every morning. I'm just a hugger. I like to hug people. People I don't know, people I don't see. Do you think it has anything to do with your meat curtains?
Starting point is 00:28:37 No, I don't, as a matter of fact. Do you think people that have meat curtains have more of a leaning to be huggers? I know you hate me. Tell it to the hand. I know I'm a cunt. I know all the stuff. You're a hugger too and I don't know anything about your meat curtains.
Starting point is 00:28:53 But you're a hugger. Okay I do. I like to hug people that I love. Now, here's the thing. There are certain people, if I don't feel any sort of affection towards them or I think that there's something I don't like about them, I don't hug them. I'm not a fake hugger. I'm not. But I mean, like, if somebody I haven't seen since college, I'm going to hug them. Yeah. Now, wait, there's people. Wait, let me say, I have a small, select group of people that I hug regularly.
Starting point is 00:29:32 Me too. There are people that, if I haven't seen them four or five years, that I really used to have a previous affection towards. And I see them, I'll be like, hey, how are you doing? I'm not going to reach in for a hug. Now, if I've had an affection for you in the past, it's a full bear hug.
Starting point is 00:29:47 I'm coming in. Do the meat curtains participate? Fuck off! Fuck off. The bat wing wrap? The bat wing wrap. I recently, Roman and I, my youngest son and I, went to a place to have a burger.
Starting point is 00:30:01 And we're in line, and this girl comes up to me and she's like, oh my god Jennifer it's so great to see you and I literally am like reaching in my brain like who the fuck is this? So she goes in for like and it's not a I had first of all didn't have any idea who she was. I certainly didn't know that we were at not just the hug phase, but a squeezing embrace. Because there are degrees of hugs. Right, you've got the hug and then you've got an embrace.
Starting point is 00:30:34 You've got a pat pat. Right. And then you've got people that go in and you can feel them, you know, tighten their body with so much enthusiasm that they just want to give their energy and just like transfer it into your body. That's what I they just want to give their energy and just like transfer it into your body.
Starting point is 00:30:47 That's what I received in line to order the burger and Roman's looking at my face over her shoulder and he immediately knows. Mom has no idea who this person is. So we have to start talking and it clicks about like I think 10 minutes later that we used to go to the same Orange Theory class. Yeah, that's the worst. We never hugged at orange theory. Not one time.
Starting point is 00:31:08 Not one time. I never hugged her at orange theory. I don't know her name. I went along with the hug and stuff, but I think I, where I differ in this situation is I, my hugs are very authentic. Like I really feel an affection for the person. I'm not gonna be like the girl on the cheeseburger line that's just giving out hugs to anybody. I'm very discerning about my hugs, I think.
Starting point is 00:31:33 Yeah, I'm a big hugger. You are. I like to hug. Yeah. It's cause I'm just so kind and sweet. Even despite hating me so much, you hug me all the time. I do. You do.
Starting point is 00:31:44 You hug me all the time. I do. You do. You hug me all the time. But I have caught myself in situations like the other day I was at Lowe's for the third time. What the fuck are you doing at Lowe's? Oh, I forget that's where lesbians hang out. You're hilarious. Now, I, it was an air filter thing.
Starting point is 00:32:04 Wait, hold up. I got the wrong size twice. You're changing your air filters? your whole areas. No, I, it was an air filter thing. So, Wait, hold up. I got the wrong size twice. I just, You're changing your air filters? Yes, I always change my air filter. Wow. Wow. That is that kind of gay?
Starting point is 00:32:15 It's pretty butch. I wish if I were better at it, I would take credit for being butch. But I'm in there and I walk in, it was the first time. And I said to the guy, can you tell me where the air filters are? And they are literally like, if it would have been a snake, it would have bit me so close. And I grabbed it by the arm. I was like, oh my gosh, thank you. And I thought you got to be more discerning about grabbing people you don't know, strangers.
Starting point is 00:32:41 So I'm trying to be more consciously aware of, you know, like all slaps. Oh, my gosh, that's funny. You know, people don't like that more and more. Yeah. So I'm trying to be more discerning, but it's hard because as evidenced by my appearance, hello, just this week. You know, perhaps some things are a total crap shoot. Like you can say, you know what, I think I'm gonna try almond milk today in my coffee. And if it doesn't work out, no big deal. But when it comes to finding a physician, you can't just have this anything goes attitude.
Starting point is 00:33:10 Let me give you an example. My son Roman has eczema on his arms and we went to see one dermatologist, long wait period, et cetera. It didn't clear it up. So then I'm like, how am I going to find another dermatologist for my son? This is when I used ZocDoc. I was able to log on, filter through all of the necessary things, who's close, who accepts my insurance, who doesn't have a long waiting period, and voila, we have a doctor's appointment
Starting point is 00:33:38 for the child. I love ZocDoc because it gives feedback from real life patients. So you know what to expect from that physician. Listeners, ZocDoc is a free app and website where you can search and compare high quality in-network doctors, choose the right one for your needs and click instantly to book an appointment. We're talking about in-network appointments
Starting point is 00:34:00 with more than 100,000 healthcare providers across every specialty from mental health to dental health, eye care to skin care and much, much more. So stop pitting off those doctor's appointments and go to zocdoc.com slash I've had it to find and instantly book a top rated doctor today. That's z-o-c-d-o-c dot com slash I've had it. Zoc doc.com slash I've had it. Up next, we've got Matthew. All right, pumps full of pussy. Juicy Jennifer. Hopefully this is my second
Starting point is 00:34:38 appearance on the podcast. Here's what I've had it with and I just witnessed this now on the road. I have had it with Honda Civic drivers pimping those fuckers out like their ice cube, roaring down the street, racing up to a red light. There is no reason why you should have a muffler on your Honda Civic that is the size of the fucking Empire State building. There's no reason why you should have truck tires on your little tiny fucking car with your little tiny fucking dick There was no reason your car should be that loud. It's not meant to be that loud. It's a Honda Civic, babe Okay, stop fucking pipping out your cars do us all a huge favor and pawn that shit because nobody gives a fuck Nobody thinks you're fucking cool. Nobody likes your little blue interior lightings. Nobody fucking cares
Starting point is 00:35:28 Fucking pawn it move on. Fucking weirdo loser. Who was this person's name? Matthew. Fucking A. I love him. No wonder Matthew's been on twice. He's fucking hilarious. The attention to detail. and the grievance. I could visualize the car with his description. I saw the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:35:53 Because we've all seen him. We've all seen him. And I'm like, what is going on here? I'm always like, are your attachments to your car worth more than your car? You know, that's a great, I think that's a, I look at it and I think, how much money have you put into this car? I've just had it with,
Starting point is 00:36:10 why would you want to have a loud car? Well, I mean, that's a whole nother story, but I mean, you can buy cars that are particularly loud. Like that's their claim to fame. What kind of car is that? Like a, like a a Porsche. Are they loud? Yeah, like well, I mean, if the plus size over 55 men driving them do the revving and all that, they are. But typically, I agree with my little dick situation.
Starting point is 00:36:46 Let me ask you this. If you met a man on a blind date, okay, and you really like him, okay? Okay. I mean, he's got all the red flags that you're climbing up dry humping immediately. All right. He's a serial killer in disguise. So naturally I love him. Every fucking red flag a person could have, I mean, your non-existent ovaries are humming like you wouldn't believe. And y'all met at the restaurant, okay? You had Ubered there. All right.
Starting point is 00:37:16 And so, and you're thinking, God, I really like this guy. He's attractive, great personality. He's on the right side of politics. And you're like, check, check, check, check, check. And he goes, hey, I mean, if you feel safe enough with me, will you let me drive you home? And you're like, yeah, you know, yeah, sure, let's go. And you're kind of thinking, you know,
Starting point is 00:37:35 I might even show him the meat curtain. I might throw the meat curtain on him. All right, so you and your meat curtains walk out of the restaurant, right? And he's just like a total, and then all of a sudden you hear this chirp chirp. And this car that's like a total souped up, like what Matthew was talking about. And it like has like LED and it does like a chirp chirp. And it has like the ground lighting and all of that stuff. And then he's able to start it via remote.
Starting point is 00:38:08 It's like vroom vroom. And he opens the door. Let me ask you this. Does he still get to see the meat curtains or no? No meat curtains. Absolutely no meat curtains. That's too far. That's just too far.
Starting point is 00:38:21 I'll tell you what else the meat curtains would stay at home at. That exact same man, all the bells and whistles in one of those cyber trucks. I think those are the most horrific contribution to society since Donald Trump came on the scene. People that have jacked up cars or cyber trucks get no access to the meek curtain meemaw. Zero. And I would probably like the minute you started talking and I knew we were walking to the car and it was going to be just
Starting point is 00:38:49 awful and souped up like Matthew's talking about, I'm going through the list of excuses how I get out of getting in that car. I mean I'm starting to think like, do I say, oh my gosh, I left my phone in the restaurant. Then I go back in, come out with my phone and say, oh my God, my son just called. He's just gonna meet me here. So I'm just gonna stay here. But then you have, is he gonna stay? I mean, like I'm running all the traps.
Starting point is 00:39:17 How do I get out of getting physically in the car? Yeah. But see, you're kind of fucked when you're out there, he's got the car on by remote, the LED lights are going crazy, little smoke puff out of the muffler. I mean, you're kind of like, the only real way to get out of it is just to say,
Starting point is 00:39:38 I can't do this. And I guess that's just where honesty is the best policy. But as we all know, if all the red flags had been going off at dinner, it'd be impossible for me to do that probably. I think here's what I think. The meat currants would not come out though. Red flags are now.
Starting point is 00:39:55 Here's what I think and I've known you for a very long time. 22 years. I think that the, if the red flags were all like hitting on every cylinder at dinner and you're already like visually dry humping all the red flags, I think the added red flag of the car is not going to be prohibitive for the meat curtains. That's just, that's just my take. I could see you calling me the next day and saying, okay, I met this guy, he's great. And you're pitching and like going all chips in.
Starting point is 00:40:28 There's just only one little area that's problematic. And I'd be like, did you fuck him? You'd be like, yes, yes, but let me just tell you, here's the area. And then you'd tell me about the car. I could see you trying to make car mounts for the car. I think the meat curtains would dry up. I think there'd be beef jerky with that car. I the car. I think the meat curtains would dry up. I think they'd be beef jerky with
Starting point is 00:40:45 that car. I really do. I mean, that just would be a turn off deluxe. I will say this, not too long ago, Jennifer and I are someplace, running into a guy, age appropriate, politically the same alignment, all the things. This guy has a red flag out of every pore, not every orifice, every pore of his body. So we're walking out and I go, you know what? She goes, you'd fuck him. She said without hesitation, do not pass go, do not collect $200. It would be meet curtain, red flag, dry hub city.
Starting point is 00:41:29 I mean, I couldn't jump onto that red flag island fast enough. I don't think I'd stay, but I try as much shit as I'm giving you now. I share the same affliction with you. So it's time for me. Spot it, got it. It's time for me to be somewhat self-deprecating and I can tell our listener to go back and review the episodes where my husband was the guest. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:41:51 Yeah. So, I mean, I completely understand. And if I'm being really, really, really honest, if I were single and I went out with a guy in the dinner at two hour and it's like politics, religion, he has great bullshit, he's self-deprecating, everything's a fucking banger. And I get out to the car, I'd probably push through. I'd probably push through. I think I'd probably push through. I mean, if you add someone my age with all those characteristics and had hair on the top of his head, I'd probably really go for it. The car could be fixed. It could be traded. Yeah, but I mean, it goes back to there's some underlying issue that
Starting point is 00:42:34 we have that car. Right. But we're riding at the table with a lot of underlying issues. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks.
Starting point is 00:42:52 Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks.
Starting point is 00:43:00 Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Truth speaks. Gatriots, Eagles. Caw-caw! I don't think it's as funny as you do, but I think I'm getting better at it. I think you, I think you're a sensation. We might have to add that list to my talents.
Starting point is 00:43:13 Yeah, yeah, anyway, Nick, don't forget to make the song. Don't, Nick. Nick, do it. Okay, so we are going on tour. We are going to be in Seattle in September. The New York Comedy Festival in November. Please go to our link in bio to buy tickets to see me, Kurt and me, Ma live and in action in Seattle or New York City and pumps. Tell them we will see you next I've had it with.
Starting point is 00:43:45 Let's hear it. I've had it with that.

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