I've Had It - Mediocrity is Trending with Amanda Hirsch

Episode Date: March 7, 2023

Jennifer and Pumps are joined by Amanda Hirsch, host of Not Skinny But Not Fat @notskinnybutnotfat. Amanda teaches the girls about the influencer phenomenon that is GRWM's. Don't know what that stands... for? Neither does Pumps. The three also express their downright hatred of the snail mail Christmas card tradition. PSA: Nobody cares about your matching pajama family photoshoot, all it does it take up space in our trashcans.  Subscribe to our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IveHadItPodcast Follow Us: I've Had It Podcast: @Ivehaditpodcast Jennifer Welch: @mizzwelch Angie "Pumps" Sullivan: @pumpspumpspumps Special Guest: Amanda Hirsch: @notskinnybutnotfat Check Out: Not Skinny But Not Fat  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So are we supposed to start the podcast? Listen up, listener. We have a special guest in our pre-show today, and it is my favorite son. My soulmate, my companion, like none other, tubbers. Little tubbers couldn't be separated from Malmö. He's in my lap, and he wanted to be on the podcast today. And, we have received some messages on the social media of people saying I've had it with not seeing tubbers. And so today is their day. Yes, yes. And you know, we also have received some
Starting point is 00:00:37 messages on social media claiming that you are the real star of the podcast. So in that vein, I'm gonna let the real star tell us what she's had it with. What I've had it with is people filming themselves crying and posting it on the internet. It's unbelievable. Like I'm gonna cry, I'm gonna record myself and then I'm gonna post it for sympathy. I cannot wrap my head around it.
Starting point is 00:01:08 Are you getting this and you're like for you, feed? Like with a muck bang? I don't know. I think it just came up. I think it's TikTok. I think that was the offender. And I'm just like, why is this happening? Who would do this?
Starting point is 00:01:22 I mean, of course they're exponentially younger, like 20s, young, young, maybe even younger than that. But then I've also seen specifically where Emily has sent me somebody that I know that's posted about herself crying. And I just, I've had it with that. That there no decorum or etiquette? To me, that's such a pardon the pun, cry for help. It's such a cry for attention. Yeah, I mean, that is so pathetic. It is so pathetic, especially when it's like,
Starting point is 00:01:57 my boyfriend broke up with me, so now I'm gonna record myself crying. Like, bitch, have some pride. I think people are just doing too many things on the internet. Agree. There's just, the over sharing is out of control. Agree.
Starting point is 00:02:11 What about the people that are like crying and they're holding up like pieces of paper? And it's like, I just, and they do another page, found out my mom has breast cancer and they keep doing the pages when they could just speak, but they do it via, you know, like, I've had it with that. Love actually where the guy does it.
Starting point is 00:02:31 Yes, that's cute. That's adorable. And that's a movie and it's fiction. And it never happened. But people are doing this on the internet, like, you know, to bring awareness to maybe an earthquake or hurricane and they're doing the cards. It's too much. I just completely would not even watch till the end because I'm like, if you can't tell me within the first few seconds, I don't want to know, right? If I have to go
Starting point is 00:02:53 through 47 card changes, right, to find out why you're upset. I also have seen where it's like, I'm feeling really lonely today. If you could give me a shout out, that'd make me feel better. And I'm like, is that necessary to say you're feeling lonely and asked for random strangers to say hi? And does that help? Okay, let's talk about this. Let's talk about when people just randomly post like, I'm going through a lot prey for me. And that's all they tell you. Right. I think they're I tell you. Right. I think they're dying for you to direct message and ask. Tubby has left the podcast, everybody.
Starting point is 00:03:30 No more tubs in the chair. Okay. When people post something super cryptic, like everybody pray for my sister, she's going through a lot. See, I think that is just you were dying for somebody to reach out and say, oh my gosh, what's going on? Like your friends that have your number or people on direct message that you don't know. Well, the problem with that is, is when I see something like that, that I'm going to meet
Starting point is 00:03:55 your friends, I'm clicking on the people that comment on that, I'm trying to figure out what happened. And because you need to know, right, because they're they're petting it out there. And I think it's happened. And because you need to know, right? Because they're petting it out there. And I think it's chicken shit to not just say what it is, that's the problem. They're trying to control and make the attention last longer. Right. So they get more attention of, oh my gosh, what's wrong? Bubble ball. Right. And all the comments are the same. You can do it. Or I'm with you, just like stupid shit, prayer warriors,
Starting point is 00:04:23 unite. I mean, it's just too much. I've had it. And it's like, if something's going on, if it's super juicy, that's all the more reason if you're gonna go to the internet, just go ahead and take it over the finish line. Right. Take it over the finish line.
Starting point is 00:04:39 Please pray for me. My husband, I just busted my husband with a bunch of cocaine and a prostitute. Then I'm like, okay, right, thank you so much for landing the plane and for not being cryptic about this because now we all know what the fuck is going on and that frees up the rest of my day and I don't have to,
Starting point is 00:04:58 you know, deep dive into Facebook or Instagram or whatever it is to figure out what the hell's going on. Yeah, I think those kind of posts are designed to keep people asking what the problem is. Right. I mean, I think it's a total and complete attention-seeking behavior. It just amazes me how much people feel like they need to share online with other people. Like crying? I mean, that's the number one example. It is too much. It is too much.
Starting point is 00:05:28 It's too much. I mean, I only cry maybe like once a year. Right. And I'm dead serious about that. I mean, I'm not a cryer either. I just, it takes a lot for me to cry. The last thing I'm going to think about when I'm crying is filming it.
Starting point is 00:05:41 Getting a phone and filming it, making sure I look cute. I mean, that is ridiculous. It's bananas. It's bananas. Let me tell you what I've had it with. All right. I've had it with this racket, and it is a total fucking scam
Starting point is 00:05:55 perpetrated on the American public every single day. And it is breaking news. Oh my gosh, I hate. It's not breaking if you've been talking about it for five hours. And it's abused. It is. So much that I'm so desensitized. From what breaking news actually is.
Starting point is 00:06:13 Agree. And all of the news channels do it. Yep. And everything is breaking news. Right. And it's not breaking news. No. There's nothing breaking about it because
Starting point is 00:06:23 when I get up in the morning, I would turn it on and then that night I would turn on the news. There's still thing breaking news and it's like we've had 12 hours. I think it cannot still be breaking news. I'll get an alert on my phone and it says breaking news and I don't even really look at it anymore because I know it's a blow hard event. Right. That's a total blow hard event that is a nothing burger.
Starting point is 00:06:45 Right. I absolutely could not agree more. I do think that CNN got a bunch of backlash on always having the breaking news and supposedly they're better, but I don't know because I don't watch them anymore. No. I only watch the BBC and it's only breaking if it's major. Right. It's breaking if a war starts or it's breaking if somebody dies.
Starting point is 00:07:07 Right. Or a presidential election is called. Right, right. It is not breaking for a week. Donald Trump sends a 3 AM tweet. I mean, that was not breaking news. Like breathing oxygen. Right.
Starting point is 00:07:18 You know, it just was not breaking news. Right. And so, I mean, I am just up to my eyeballs with the American new system. So, I wanna welcome everybody to, I've had it podcast, and I am a minor supporting player in this podcast. I'm Jennifer. The real star is Angie.
Starting point is 00:07:42 Hi, I'm Angie. Why are you acting that way? That was two comments. The real star is Angie. Hi, I'm Angie. Why are you acting that way? That was two comments. The real star is Angie. We call her pumps. This is I've had it podcast. A podcast where you can visit twice weekly, right, and get all the shit off your chest so that when you go back out into the real world, right, you're nicer and calmer and ready. You can get all your bitches out. Yes. And just, and know that you are a monk, your people.
Starting point is 00:08:09 This is a dump truck of petty grievances via a mass therapy session. Because one thing that we oppose fundamentally is the statement, you can find positivity in everything. Oh my gosh, ridiculous. There are some things that are so insufferable. Right. The only option you have is to get with friends and bitch about it.
Starting point is 00:08:33 And bitch. And that is therapeutic. 100%. Oh my gosh, I have a story I haven't even told you. What is it? Okay, so I went to a Dilett, my youngest school. Okay. They had a speaker that was talking about being congenial
Starting point is 00:08:51 and high character, and she starts going into, when I go to the grocery store, I always ask the checker, how their day's going, I ask the beggar, how their day's going, I chat with the people in front of me and behind me in the grocery line, and the whole time I'm breaking out and hype's going, I asked the bagger how their day's going. I chat with the people in front of me and behind me in the grocery line. And the whole time I'm breaking out in Hyves going, please never let me have to go to the grocery store with her. This is like classic not taking into account the feelings of the checker, the bagger, and the people in line.
Starting point is 00:09:19 And she thinks, you know what she is? She's a braggar fake do-gitter. She's an assuming that everybody wants her to ask them how they are. They don't. Dan that she's doing them a favor by doing so. This is, this is foe do-gitter. She's too good. This is foe do-gitter shit.
Starting point is 00:09:39 And she is a problem, a huge problem for every grocery store where she enters. Like she's like the person you want to avoid in a grocery store. The last thing I want somebody to do when I'm in line at the checkout counter is to turn around a chit chat with me. I can't imagine anything worse, and I'll tell you what would be worse. I just imagined it. If you're in a hurry, you're trying to get your groceries checked, and she's yak mouthing with the checker about something no one cares about,
Starting point is 00:10:06 and you're waiting on her to be, quote unquote, congenial with her fake and courteous. Fake, do good or should? Fake, do good or I wanted to stand up in the middle of the auditorium and go, bitch, nobody wants to talk to you. But I didn't, right, because I am the beacon of the high red. I think it is an immediate red flag.
Starting point is 00:10:26 When somebody tells you what a great fucking person they are based on their behavior in a grocery store. You know, like that is an immediate, you know, she's fucked up immediately. And I can't believe that somebody would think that this person should be a public speaker. Right. You know, like, let me tell you kids, here's the trick to life.
Starting point is 00:10:48 Be nice to people in grocery stores. Here's my problem with that. That's a given. Be nice to everybody. You should not have to tell people to be nice to people in grocery stores because that should be your default setting. Right.
Starting point is 00:11:01 It should also be your default setting. Not just to start chit chat and hold up the line and do all that nonsense in a grocery store. You can very kindly look at the checker and say, Hey, how's it going? Right. Well, they're gaining your heart. Have a great day. Move on down the road. Have a good one. That's a good one. Have a good one. Right. Have a great week. Well, today we're going to have a guest. And this guest is going to talk to us about pop culture and all of the fuckery that's going on on Instagram
Starting point is 00:11:34 and TikTok. So let's go ahead and bring out Amanda Hirsch. Hello. Hello, Amanda. We would like to welcome you to I've had it podcast. How are you? I'm good. Thank you for having me.
Starting point is 00:11:50 Thank you for coming on. We're so excited to learn pop culture stuff. I'm excited. I loved the concept of your pod. I was like, I've had it with so much it. It's a minefield of hadots. I mean, there's just so much shit that happens when you go out on the internet, in public, to an airport. It's a minefield of fuckery that can go down. And we consider this place, a holy place where you can come and dump all
Starting point is 00:12:22 of this stuff out in a very therapeutic way, so that when you have to go back out into the world again, you're kinder and lighter and a better person having done this dump truck of petty grievances with us. I love it. And so does that mean you don't get people who are like, you know, annoying about things you complain about, like people don't tell you that you're privileged and that you're complaining about things. Oh yeah, we get all kinds of stuff, like on TikTok and everything. Let me ask you this, I mean, I was the most hated woman on TikTok because I'm like women, adult women that baby talk are ridiculous.
Starting point is 00:13:03 I mean, huge backlash. What's your position on women that baby talk are ridiculous. I mean, huge backlash. What's your position on women that baby talk? With two of baby, like two grown up, two another adult, not a pet, not a child. Not a pet or a baby. I'm fine with baby talk with the pet or a baby, but like, I don't think that men and women need to talk in baby talk. Oh my God. You got real backlash. No, this is why I need to stay away from TikTok. I have a feeling it's not the place for me. And I have been, you know, like old people
Starting point is 00:13:32 that don't want to conform to the times and like stay with their Nokia phones. And like, that's me, I feel like. I'm like, TikTok is just, I don't get it. It doesn't get me. Like I just signed up like a week ago. it, it doesn't get me. Like I just signed up like a week ago. My algorithm still doesn't get me. It's showing me women putting on concealer. I'm like, why does it think that this is what I want to see? Like, and everyone's like to algorithm.
Starting point is 00:13:55 We'll get you. And I'm like, it's not getting me. Um, so what do I think? I think it's creepy. I am not into it. I don't even think you made me think if I baby talk my baby. And I don't even think I baby talk my baby. Right. Well, let's get to what you have had it with. And I think that you just tapped onto it, which is this makeup tutorials,
Starting point is 00:14:20 which we've kind of had it with acronyms too, but I'm going to teach you a new one. It's the G or WM Amanda. I'm going to let you take it from here. Teach the old lady what this is. I don't know what that is. I feel like this is really a safe space for me. So it's get ready with me.
Starting point is 00:14:42 It took me forever to even have the motivation and to care enough to Google it, because at first I was like groomed, like I didn't get what it meant. And I had a friend, Kim and my podcast, she said she thought it meant like grown woman, like an African person. So for some reason I was saying about my algorithm and I feel like a lot of these people
Starting point is 00:15:09 that get famous on TikTok, part of what they do is just, so it used to be a makeup tutorial, it used to be like, okay, this is what I use, if you're a fucking idiot and don't know how to apply mascara, here I'm showing you. So that alone, stupid, I've had it. Right. A new thing, so everyone's hopping on this trend,
Starting point is 00:15:29 is like they put the headband. So it's either the headband with like little ears to be cute, or it's like these clips. Oh my God, I have them right here. Oh, I know exactly. No, these clips? Yes, yes, these clips. I had to get them.
Starting point is 00:15:43 See how fucking influenced? I don't even know what to do with them. They're supposed to like just make your hair go away from your face to like put on makeup or whatever. So now it's like these people are doing the same thing, but they're talking to you. Right. Right. Like trauma, you know, not about the makeup. Right. So it's not cool anymore. It's passé to talk about what you're doing
Starting point is 00:16:09 and be like this is my concealer, this is my, you know, I shout out. Now it's like, so this guy was, you know, dating and people are fucking into it. So that's all that's popping up for me. A lot of concealer, I was also influenced. They all use co-s's, so I bought it. Immediately. You ran out and got them. Immediately. Yeah. I have, it's not like I ran out. It's like,
Starting point is 00:16:31 I need this because apparently people just wear concealer all day, everywhere. Like, I don't even know you put on your chin. So I didn't know that. Here's my deal with this Amanda. I don't want to get ready with me. No, I don't either. So the last thing I wanna fucking do is invite Instagram or TikTok to get ready with me. My husband brings me coffee every morning and I spend time with my adorable French bulldogs. I do Whartle, I do some other puzzles that you end up doing when you hit, you know,
Starting point is 00:17:00 40s, late 40s-ish. And then I'm like, God, I don't wanna get out of the bed and get in the shower. I'm like dreading the getting ready part because the fluffing in the bed is so fucking good. So then I finally go to get ready. And then my husband will start talking to me. And he's like a total metrosexual.
Starting point is 00:17:19 Like he has these serums, the sea salt spray, he's totally into it. He could put any gay man to shame. Repole, he could put him to shame. He would be 100% into it. And he starts staring at me. And I'm like, I'm ready for him to leave. So I can just get ready by myself.
Starting point is 00:17:34 The thought of putting a camera on me while I'm getting ready, that's, no, that's an immediate no. But secondly, to start airing out shit that nobody cares about, and here's what bothers me, is clearly people do care what they's never with the problem with society. They're feeding the stray cats. They're feeding stray cats,
Starting point is 00:17:59 and you know what happens when you feed a stray cat? That motherfucker comes back for more food. Oh, here's another thing about the GRWM. There are always in a rush and don't have time. So they'll sit down, they'll put the clips, they'll put the headband, they'll be like, I have to go to the sweating. I have five minutes to get ready. GRWM with me.
Starting point is 00:18:23 I think they say the pole thing. I think they're like, get ready with me to go to the spot, Mitzvah. I'm, you know, I have five minutes. Like, let's do it. And I guess like the more rush they are, the better music gets. I don't know. They're always in a rush. They never have the time. The reason I gave button misfits, an example, ladies, is because I actually watched a 12 year old get ready for a bit miss. And that is a new personal low, I imagine. Her and you know why though on many levels, but one of the levels is because her routine like is much more expansive than my routine. And her products and everything this fucking 12-year-old has
Starting point is 00:19:06 with the three minutes she has left to get ready before her mom drives her to a but mitzvah. I mean, I can't. I can't. I'm getting hot. It's a wild world out there. And I am so grateful that I didn't have that when I was 12, that I was just focusing on
Starting point is 00:19:23 which boys like me in the class and like writing in my journal. Cause like what would I have been? Like a, these are monsters. You know what I think this is? This is belabored one hit wonders. That's what this is. You know, you have a one hit wonder song
Starting point is 00:19:40 and everybody knows it and it's a banger, you know, and it can come out decade after decade and everybody's it and it's a banger, you know, and it can come out decade after decade and everybody's into it. Well, this generation, they hit one viral TikTok video or one Instagram and that should be it. It should be their one hit wonder, but people start feeding those cats, the stray cats, and they keep going back for more
Starting point is 00:20:01 and more and they're really boring, one dimensional people because I think putting on makeup is really uninteresting. I agree. Now, if the girl was putting on makeup talking about, oh my god, I did a three some the other night. I was so fucked up on cocaine. I'm in. I'm under way more interested. I'm watching the whole makeup video. I mean, at least if you're going to do the, let me refer to my notes here, the GRWM, put some juice with that thing.
Starting point is 00:20:29 Right. I mean, there is an niche for that, though. I don't know. Maybe there are GRWMs that are like, Ronci, you know, more Ronci than my butt midst bow one. You know, I have a friend. She's also a podcaster and she says it like it one. You know, I have a friend, she's also a podcaster and she says that like it is,
Starting point is 00:20:49 and she said to me, we were talking about this phenomenon and she was like Amanda, I think mediocrity is trending. A hundred percent. That is a great point. That is, was like I think people and she has a whole philosophy, like she wants to write a thesis. She was like I think people and she has a whole philosophy, like she wants to write a thesis. She was like, I think people want to feel better about themselves. So they watch mediocre people. Because like imagine like we're watching like Hollywood movie, like I wanted to be,
Starting point is 00:21:18 you know, like Julia Roberts, you know, like, but that didn't make me feel good about myself. Right. Maybe it makes you feel better to aspire to be someone who ain't that, that amazing. That's like, that's attainable. Right. Right. Like, I can be just like the girl that got 500,000 views that can seal her on. Right. And then went to the coffee shop. Those are two goals that I can achieve today.
Starting point is 00:21:43 Right. I can buy today. Right. I can back to the concealer. I can go get coffee. I've also had it with the photographs of the God damn coffee. We've seen it. It's not new.
Starting point is 00:21:54 And every time anybody goes to the coffee shop, they're Instagramming it. Like I got coffee and I'm like, okay, that's just being a person. Like you're just a human that went and got a beverage enough with posting about it. Because everyone thinks that everyone wants to know their coffee order, so.
Starting point is 00:22:09 You know what? It was so great. And by the way, I want to make it very clear. I am part of this. I think people want to know my, I want to make it very clear that I'm a giant hypocrite because I can post my coffee and then people will be like, I'll get a few messages being like,
Starting point is 00:22:26 when are you gonna earn her? And then I'll fucking share it. No. I'll be okay guys, I'm really into, get those almond milk lattes. I know it's groundbreaking, but let me tell you, change my life. Do you love things that change people's lives
Starting point is 00:22:43 that don't actually change life? Like something that's ever changed my life. Like, I'm not going to take a probiotic and it's going to change my life. Like, stop telling me change your life. Because like, nothing has changed my life. It's the only thing that changes one's life as a child. It's a child, yes. Yeah. A baby changes everything, aside from that,
Starting point is 00:23:04 can't say that any that lemon water or fucking anything changed my life. Right. I don't want to hear that it's yours. Cause like, what am I doing that? If nothing changes mine. So Amanda, I want to play a little game of would you rather? Okay.
Starting point is 00:23:22 Okay. So the first one is would you rather G R W M and let me refer to my notes again, get would you rather get ready with me? Five days a week, three hours each session on your Instagram with enthusiasm. You cannot deadpan it like you do. I've seen your Instagram videos where you deadpan the shit and it's great. I mean, your delivery is excellent. You have to do it with, so what I'm doing first, and then go into personal stories, and you have to be sincere about it.
Starting point is 00:23:52 Five days, Monday through Friday, or every Christmas for the rest of your life with your family, post yourselves and matching Christmas pajamas on the internet. Okay, I'm gonna do the five get ready with you because that's like, I don't wanna do it for the rest of my life. Every Christmas, I posted something making fun of that because I was just kind of like,
Starting point is 00:24:14 who made this up? Like who was like, this is a thing we do and now everyone fucking does it and you have to see everyone's photo you know, photo with magic jamas. And everyone laughed. And then there are people that are like, is it it? Like, you know, the people defending it.
Starting point is 00:24:32 It's like, are you really gonna defend it? Like, even if you do it, you can make fun of yourself. 100%. Doing something that is, you know, the word chugi isn't really cool anymore. Do you know what chugi means? No. Chugi, it's just like so basic,
Starting point is 00:24:46 so vanilla, so whatever. And I'm not saying I could never be caught in matching pajamas, but I'm just saying I could do not want as a yearly tradition. I think it's cute as like a one-time maybe thing, but not people do it every year. And it's like they feel like it's a necessary part of their holiday. I will tell you, I this year, I succumbed because I see pictures, I see people's Christmas cards with their matching pajamas, and I think, oh my gosh, that's so cute. So I did it this year, but I'm with you.
Starting point is 00:25:17 I mean, it's kind of dorky, especially because my kids are almost all grown up. This is the problem with you get sucked in, and you feel like the asshole mom that's not doing the matching pajamas. That's what happened with me on National Sunday. Side, like I have a son and every's posting their son. And I'm like, well, goddamn,
Starting point is 00:25:33 I better post a picture of my son. Did it go? Yes, I totally fell prey to the entire internet racket of the entire thing, but I'm gonna tell you something I've had it with with Christmas. And this needs to end. Our snail male Christmas cards. Right, I don't know why we have them anymore.
Starting point is 00:25:50 Everybody has seen what everybody is doing on the internet for the entire past year. And so back in the day, like in the late 90s, in the early 2000s, there wasn't social media, so you really looked forward to seeing the card in the image of the family. Now you know what everybody looks like. And then I'll hear somebody saying, well, you know, I'm not going to post this picture
Starting point is 00:26:15 until after my Christmas card goes out. I'm like, I'll tell you what, sis, I bet everybody's fucking chopping bits, stalking their mailbox going fuck. Where is this? And Anna's waiting for that hot piece of photo to come in. I'm like, what do you really think? They know what you look like. They've seen your stories.
Starting point is 00:26:33 They've seen you get coffee. They've seen you do yoga. They've seen you drop your kids off at school. They've seen it all. And now all of a sudden they're rolling out, look at this new material, our new Christmas card. Put a sock in it, everybody knows. You know what's the worst?
Starting point is 00:26:46 Like, that you'll get it from like, you're a lawyer, like people that you work with, and it's like, love you, but like, need it for me? This card? Oh, I don't, and then what do you do, like, throw it out? That also feels like mean, but I'm gonna save it. No, I've struggled with that forever. I have, I know people that inventory
Starting point is 00:27:08 every year's Christmas card, like in a photo album, and they go back through over the years, and I'm like, I just throw mine away. They're friends Christmas cards? Yes, like inventory them? Well, I mean, put them in a photo album, like a normal photo album, and they'll put all the Christmas cards they receive in there for all these years so they have like 20 years worth of other people's Christmas
Starting point is 00:27:29 cards, which I always feel bad, like I need to throw them away and then I end up throwing away. I throw them away immediately. Now, I love it. The card is about me. I don't want it. Exactly. If it's like a whole essay about how amazing I am, I'm going to save that card in my in a box. You know, put it on the refrigerator even maybe. amazing I am. I'm gonna save that card in my in a box. You know, put it on the refrigerator even maybe. Yeah, right. I don't need like, you know, your story or your well wishes, you know. Okay, let me ask another one. Would you rather do the get ready with me five days, enthusiasm, sincerely, no dead panhamer Amanda, none of that. I mean, you have to be into it. Or go to Burning Man from start to finish, sleep in the tent, no electricity, and you have to do it.
Starting point is 00:28:14 How did you know? How did you know this? How did you know? Because how did you know I was in a Burning Man gal? We've already done two episodes about how we've had it with Burning Man. I was in a Burning Man gal. We've already done two episodes about how we've had it with Burning Man. I, you know, the Burning Man people are like so pathetically into Burning Man. It's like, if they're whole personality, we know. I just went to lunch somewhere and the owner of the restaurant came to talk to us and he is a Burning Man guy.
Starting point is 00:28:42 It's like they managed to bring up burning man in everyday conversation. I was like eating hummus and how did burning man come up? I don't know, but he started talking about it. Wouldn't shut the fuck up. I even made it very obvious. I was like, I hate it. Like I would never be part dead at burning man. It's nice for me.
Starting point is 00:28:58 And he was trying to convince me, no, you have this kind of camp and this kind of camp. In the art, the art, I'm like eating the art, it's gonna get me there. No, and that, the art. I'm like eating the art. It's going to get me there. No, and that's the thing. They want everybody to be converted. It's like evangelical Christians, you know, where they want everybody to be saved. It's similar with the burners.
Starting point is 00:29:15 They want everybody to go to Burning Man. And they can't. Wow. We've had it with Burning Man so much. No, I've had it. I've had it. We had a t-shirt on our website that says boycott burning man on our I've had it podcast.
Starting point is 00:29:27 Well, send you one. It's as my God. Boycott burning man. It's a total wreck. I'm going to go back to the hummus. I'm going to go back to the hummus place with our own are. Yes. And wear it.
Starting point is 00:29:36 Yes. No, I agree with you. I'm on your team. But it isn't a really nice though. Like I realized that we're negative and we don't like a lot of things. But it's really nice to just know that you'll never be convinced to like something. Right. Like I feel so confident that I'm never going to want to go skydiving.
Starting point is 00:29:54 Like it's really nice like know that. Right. You know, we like never in my life. So wow, get ready with me or Burning Man. I'm going to I'm going to fucking get ready with me. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same. Same with me. Same. The whole story. Yeah. You know what I would do, if I was single and I was on a dating app, that would be one
Starting point is 00:30:08 of my filtering questions. Mm-hmm. You know, like, are you into Burning Man? Yes, now. Right. It'd be an immediate cutoff mark. Yeah, like swipe left. Okay, so now we're gonna play another game.
Starting point is 00:30:22 Kylie is going to read, Pumps and I are not good at pop culture, and we have been deep diving in your Instagram, and you have got this shit unlocked down. So she's gonna read a quote, and then we're gonna guess which celebrity said it. You're probably gonna win. Okay. Because we don't know, come here from Sikum,
Starting point is 00:30:40 that's what they say in Oklahoma. We don't know, come here from Sikum in pop culture, but we're gonna try. Wait, are you in Oklahoma? Yes. Oklahoma City. Oh my god. I know. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Fly over state. Okay. Here goes Kylie. Who said I get to go to lots of overseas places like Canada. Sarah Palin. Wrong. Christina Aguilera. Wrong. Britney Spears. Correct. Yes. Oh, that's such a Britney thing to say. Yes. Yes. I'm so bad at this game. I know. I thought you'd be a lot better. Follow me for up to the news. Okay. Who said, I don't know if this is too much, but I can actually mentally give myself an orgasm.
Starting point is 00:31:32 Oh, fuck, I am, oh my gosh. Tell her Swift. Oh, Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga. Lady Gaga can give her self-confidence. Oh, she can. Or can. No, she can.
Starting point is 00:31:41 No, she can't. That would be a trick, though, wouldn't it? Okay, there's one final thing I want to talk to you about. Okay. And in my deep dive of your Instagram, you did a complete autopsy of Emily and Paris. And what I loved about this, because the whole hypocrisy thing that you say you have we have to, I mean, we totally have that. We can flip on a dime about certain shit. But you tell your have that. We can flip on a dime about certain shit. But you tell your followers how much you dislike Emily and Paris and then go into detail, which proves that you have seen Emily and Paris all the way over the finish line. Let me tell you what I think about Emily and Paris.
Starting point is 00:32:18 I watched every bit of it. It's stupid. It's vapid. It's so unrealistic and I couldn't get enough of it. And then when it's over, I feel this like subtle depression because I'm never going to be in my 20s and have that wardrobe fucking hot man in Paris. That ship is sailed completely sail. And so I kind of get sad. But you know, you should feel better about it. It's like, it's not like it's hot. You know, that's one of the things I said. Like there wasn't any chemistry between any of them.
Starting point is 00:32:51 You know, it was like, they weren't even opening their mouth for like a kiss. It was like, I remember like Emily and Alfie just like, and they're hot and the others are like, open your mouth a little bit, you know. That's what I want to see. You want a little French kiss. In France. Exactly.
Starting point is 00:33:11 You're in Paris and Gabriel, that hot man, couldn't he be more into women for a minute? You know? Yes. You have Emily, just fucking, also, make out. Make out. And I just feel like no one was, was passionately making out. And I was in a suit for me.
Starting point is 00:33:29 And the sexiest one is the French boss. Love her. The old French man. She was the sexiest one. So if you watched the, the real, I think I say there, like I want to watch Sylvie in Paris. Yes. You know? Yes. That would be cool. Like she is just, she's doing it. She's smokingvie in Paris. Yes. I know. Yes. That would be cool.
Starting point is 00:33:45 Like, she is just, she's doing it. She's smoking the sags. Yes. She's having the young, hot husband that she's not really your husband, whatever she's doing. Like, she dresses so fringe. Yeah. And I don't know. Lily Collins kind of gets on my nerves sometimes.
Starting point is 00:33:59 Oh, my God. Somebody following Instagram wrote this. Emily. Emily, Paris needs to get Botox. And like, that was also distracting because like I'm, I, I just got a couple of duts for the first time, like a few months ago and up until then I was very like everyone would be natural and like you don't need it and blah, blah, blah.
Starting point is 00:34:23 Some people need it, right. You know, and sometimes it could be blah blah. Some people need it. Right. You know. And sometimes it could be distracting like Emily from Emily in Paris. Like that note spoke to me. Because I think I was focusing on her forehead the entire season. Right. Very expressive. Let me tell you both how bad this is. So yesterday I went to get Botox and I had let about four and a half months pass. So I go and the doctor is looking at my forehead. She's like, oh, there's this new thing. It's like this heat treatment thing.
Starting point is 00:34:51 I want to sign you up for it. It's like a natural way to produce collagen. And so I can book you for that like in a month. But today we're going to get onto that Botox because you really need it. And I just died. But I mean, it'll start kicking in like tomorrow the next day, but Botox is the best. It takes to get it. I'm bot, I have Botox next week.
Starting point is 00:35:13 I'm desperate for it. I'm usually like, I don't like needles and I get like anxious about like procedures, but I was like flying. I was flying. It was so cool. It was, it didn't hurt. It was like such a positive experience. So I flipped, like hardcore flipped on.
Starting point is 00:35:30 To go like, yeah. And also I just don't feel like it, like, maybe like filler changes you and people go overboard and look weird. I do have filler in my lips. She does. She is an ashamed. She calls me daffy pumps.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Well, she swings by the studio because we like to read our hate comments for like Instagram, the hilarious. And so she swings by and the great thing about Pumps is her give-a-fuck meter is broken and has been broken for years and years. She could give two shits with anybody things. And her lip is swollen up.
Starting point is 00:35:59 I mean, it is so swollen. And I go, how are we supposed to do she goes, oh, I don't give a fuck, that's just dead. She's taught her lips, her lips are all, I don't give a fuck, that's just right she goes, oh, I don't give a fact that she's dead. She's taught her lips, her all, I don't give a fact that she's ready to hate comments. I don't care. And I am crying laughing because she looks like a duck. It was fantastic.
Starting point is 00:36:13 Oh my God, I love it. Amanda, we thank you so much for joining us on I've had it podcast. I hope you feel better and lighter. So, yeah. Yeah. This is like, this is, this is, this is a really, I appreciate this podcast. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:36:30 I appreciate it. Yeah, I like, I really like podcasts that have like a purpose, you know? Yes. But it's not just like, here we are to like talk to you about, you know, what you do. It's like, no, you have a whole check. Yeah. And it works. And it's like, no, you have a whole check. Yeah. And it works. And it's like, I love that.
Starting point is 00:36:47 It's therapy. I have so many more. I have so many more. I know. We'll have to come back. We have to come back. I have a good one. Do you use ubers and Oklahoma?
Starting point is 00:36:59 Yeah. We also have the internet. Okay. So we'll talk about Uber's next time. Oh, yeah. No, I want, okay. Yes, we definitely should talk about Uber's next time. And I want to thank you for coming on.
Starting point is 00:37:12 Lissner, you can find Amanda at, not skinny, but not fat, and her podcast goes by the same name. Great name. Thank you. Thank you, listener. Yes, thank you, listener. Thank you, listener. I love how you call them like individually.
Starting point is 00:37:26 Listeners, we have to bring the listener in. We bring in. Oh, it's like a taxi. Like you're talking to the one person. Our one listener. We have one listener. Your Instagram is gonna blow up. You're gonna have 741,000.
Starting point is 00:37:40 And then when you see that one up tick, that's gonna be the, I've had it hit. That's right. Listener, the listener've had it hit. That's right. Listener, the listener. Thank you guys. Thank you guys. That's right. All right, thank you Amanda.
Starting point is 00:37:50 Thanks for being there. Bye guys, thank you for having me. Bye bye. She's great. She is so great. I love her like default setting of, okay, I totally have had it with this, but two days later, I totally did it.
Starting point is 00:38:03 Right, which is this? 100% is this. Love that. Half the shit that we've had it with, we're offenders. 100%. Like you started with the grocery store thing, and I can totally see you start yacking with somebody in front of you in line. I've actually been to Target with you, and you'll start, oh my god, are you buying that
Starting point is 00:38:20 book? I just read that book. That book is so good. I read it in two days on the beach. You know, we went here. I probably do do that, but I feel like it's not premeditated. I'm not walking into Target thinking, I'm going to chat up the person behind me.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Right, right. It's just, you know, I am kind of a chatter. You are. A little bit chatty. You are. You are a little chatterbox. I've got one more quote that I want to give to you. Okay, see if we know it.
Starting point is 00:38:45 Okay, I don't think she could find her own ass with both hands and a flashlight. Oh, that's me. Yeah, right? Yeah. That was easy. Well, I'll tell you who is the originator of that. Is Linda Mardis, my mother. Linda, it's got some saying. Yeah, she definitely, definitely has some saying. The one I definitely, definitely has some saying. The one I wrote down for pumps, anybody wanna give me a pelvic exam? How did I say that? It's on the internet, it's on the show.
Starting point is 00:39:15 You say that shit all the time. See, I don't remember half the shit I say. I don't even know when it's coming out of my mouth that I'm saying it. It's kind of diary of the mouth city over here. Do you remember this one? I need to go smoke right now because I don't want to get unaddicted.
Starting point is 00:39:29 Oh yeah. Oh yeah. So I stand by that when I was a smoker. Back in the day, pumps and I both smoked, our kids were super little, there was this giant ice storm, and she's like, hey, come over. And we had these feckin' mint coats.
Starting point is 00:39:44 And I don't know why on earth we had these code up. No, but this day we warmed during the day. Okay. Because it was like, it was an ice storm. And I don't know why in our 30s, we had old lady mean codes. But we fucking had these brown old lady mean codes that we both had.
Starting point is 00:40:00 And it's so cold outside, we're like, okay, let's wear the meancs. So we both are warm. They are warm. We go outside and pumps is like, I'm certain I have the flu. And she has like 102 fever. And I'm like, are you sure you want to smoke? And you're like, it's the last thing I want to do right now. But I can't be not addicted to sick. I got to push through. So she pushed through the flu.
Starting point is 00:40:24 With the cigarette in the mean codes. And how dorky were we running around with the mean codes? I'll still wear a mean code like to a football game if it's cold and snowy. I have no shame at all. I remember we were at some party at the country class. Yeah. We went outside in our mean codes and we were lighting up six,
Starting point is 00:40:40 hiding from everybody. And you go, look at us out here. We're in mean codes. I remember that. Yeah. We were under cover as proper ladies. Uh huh. Proper ladies. Well, listener, please DM us a voice memo to I've had it podcast. Go write a review. Go give us five stars. Follow us. We are on all of the social medias. I believe we are on Instagram, TikTok, Facebook.
Starting point is 00:41:08 We have Twitter. We have Facebook. I don't think anybody does anything to it, but we have one. Technically, if we ever needed it. Yeah, in a pinch. In a pinch, we had to put out an urgent message. And we have to put out an urgent breaking news.
Starting point is 00:41:21 Breaking news. Breaking news. Breaking news. All right. See you next Tuesday.

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