I've Had It - Nixonian Jabs

Episode Date: June 13, 2024

It's all about the cover-up. NEW MERCH IS NOW AVAILABLE at https://ivehadit.store and Subscribe to I've Had It wherever you get your podcasts by visiting linktr.ee/ivehaditpodcast Thank you to our spo...nsors: Homes.com: When it comes to finding a home - not just a house - we have everything you need to know, all in one place. https://homes.com. We’ve done your home work. Nurx: Thanks to Nurx for sponsoring this podcast! Taking control of your reproductive health starts here. Go to https://nurx.com/hadit to get started. Results may vary. Not offered in every state. Medications prescribed only if clinically appropriate, consultation required. Signos: Go to https://signos.com and get up to 20% off select plans by using code HADIT today. Sundays: Get 40% off your first order of Sundays. Go to https://sundaysfordogs.com/HADIT or use code HADIT at checkout. To watch our post-show for this episode and much more - subscribe to our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IveHadItPodcast Follow Us: I've Had It Podcast: @Ivehaditpodcast Jennifer Welch: @mizzwelch Angie "Pumps" Sullivan: @pumpspumpspumps

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So are we supposed to start the podcast? Ready? One, two, three. All right. You look really springy, summery today. I'm just fresh as a daisy as they say. Your little dog's looking in here. My little dog is sir shits a lot, but I sure do love him. All right Pumps, what have you
Starting point is 00:00:26 had it with? What I fucking had it with is all these people running around on Ozempic, like objectively on Ozempic. 30 pounds, two months rolling out and they're like, oh no, I've just really been eating healthy and dieting. Bullshit, you're a liar. Just own it because now instead, like I have people quarter me to make sure that I know that their weight loss is not ozempic. When it is clear as the nose on my face, it is ozempic. And I'm like, well, I've been on ozempic
Starting point is 00:01:00 and I don't give a shit who knows. Like I don't understand why these people are lying about it because it only makes me want to talk bad about them when they're lying about it. The fact that they're using it, I don't care about. But when they go out of their way to lie about it, I've had it. It's all about the cover up. It's always about the cover up. That is the truest statement ever.
Starting point is 00:01:20 You take it right back to Watergate. Right back to Watergate? These Nixonian, Ozempic users that are trying to cover it up. Here's the thing, I think Ozempic, Mongero, I think it's fabulous. It's a wonder drug. Yeah, I think it's a wonder drug. You've had all of these diets, diet trends. This one comes in, this one goes out. Everybody's not eating carbs. Now they're not eating gluten. Now they're vegan, et cetera, diet trends. This one comes in, this one goes out, everybody's not eating carbs,
Starting point is 00:01:45 now they're not eating gluten, now they're vegan, etc. And everybody that is on a diet will not shut up about their diet. I mean, it is. I'm going to tell you what diet I'm on right now, and I'm going to go through my entire meal plan, my calorie count, my meal prep, and it's uninteresting. Nobody cares, and they will not shut up about their diet. Don't even get me started on vegans and how they won't shut up. But then you get to Ozempic and Mongera, which are really incredible.
Starting point is 00:02:15 It's an incredible diet booster for people, and it's really no different than fasting or whatever other diet you're on. And they're real Nixonian about it. It's just unbelievable. no different than like fasting or whatever other diet you're on. Right. And they're real Nixonian about it. It's just unbelievable. It's like a cover up. And then you know, like I saw somebody recently, no question, 50 pound weight loss in four
Starting point is 00:02:35 months. No question they got the jab. So I immediately am like, hey, are you getting the jab? Oh no, no. I've done a cleanse. A 50 pound cleanse. I did a cleanse. And I'm just like, I don't get it.
Starting point is 00:02:52 Like we get Botox, we talk about it. We kiss and tell, we're big kiss and tellers. Absolutely. I don't like the Ozempics secretors either. And I think that a lot of the celebs ended up getting busted like Kelly Clarkson, Oprah, they all had to come out of the closet. And if anything, when you have that platform, just say it because it's helpful. Now, your grievance segues perfectly into mine. And mine is, and I'm sure we've covered this before, but it just cannot be covered enough.
Starting point is 00:03:26 It is people that are so clueless about things. Like for example, I'll notice on my comments on Instagram, I'll post a photograph of you and me, and I'll get 10 comments. How did pumps lose their weight? I'm like, we have gone over this ad nauseam right we I mean it is so established She sings it from the rooftops. We've gone through her ozempic journey If you will where it didn't work, so she had to get that pellet put in her ass, so it would start working
Starting point is 00:03:59 We've gone over it in detail right talking about cram and stuff up your ass. And then I get these comments still all these months later. And here's the one that's really getting me. I posted a photograph of us in Chicago with some DNC verbiage behind us. And I must have had 20 people. You're a Democrat? I'm like, have you been in a coma? Are you serious?
Starting point is 00:04:28 It's not even just like I started being progressive when I started the podcast. Go back in the permanent record of my Instagram feed. You can go back to the early days and you're going to see breadcrumbs that lead you up to this very post, not to mention our YouTube channel, our Tuesday, Thursday podcasts, and our TikTok, and our Instagram, and our Twitter. And you just now in 2024 realize that we're progressive? I mean, they are outraged. And then of course, it's followed up by, you know, MAGA, Trump 2024. And I'm like, bitch, we started a whole reverse gotcha here. We took back the eagle. The eagle's now our mascot. We're the Patriots. We took back the flag and we also took back the word Patriot and you're just
Starting point is 00:05:18 now figuring all this shit out. I've had it with these people. They're absolutely clueless. out. I've had it with these people. They're absolutely clueless. If nothing else on the planet screams, low IQ, it's that because this has been going on for 17 months. It's never changed. It's never wavered. There's never been a, I'm not sure. This is how it's been from the jump. So what I always come back to is why are they still here? How is it possible that they're still here? I don't know, but here's also, I mean I've had it with this but it also cracks me up. The person that discovers this very late in life discovery that you and I are progressive politically. They think they hold so much power with their Instagram account that their thumbs just get to work immediately. You're a Democrat? Unfollow Trump
Starting point is 00:06:17 2024 as though the unfollow is a fatal blow to our hearts. And it's like, do you, the fact that you take the time to tell people that you were going to unfollow is unbelievable. It's just like, I don't know if it's entitlement, narcissism, dumb fuck stupidity, or a combination of all three, but it's just jaw dropping. I unfollow people all the time. Like I'll follow some travel account that has,
Starting point is 00:06:50 you know, like pictures of London or Paris or whatever. Then all of a sudden it turns into like a telemarketing account. I'm like, I didn't sign up for this. Right. And I'll unfollow. Guess what I don't do? I don't go into the comments section
Starting point is 00:07:02 to let this person know that I've unfollowed because I know that they don't give into the comments section to let this person know that I've unfollowed because I know that they don't give a shit. Right. That's what I just always keep going back to is these people that announce everything on social media. I'm taking a break. I'm unfollowing you.
Starting point is 00:07:14 Newsflash, let's just put it up there in a neon light kind of in the corner. Nobody gives a fuck. Nobody gives a fuck if you follow them. Nobody gives a fuck if you don't. Nobody gives a fuck if you're on your break. This is not a library. You do not need to check out and check in. You're following and unfollowing. Nobody cares. And also to the late in life bloomers that lack observation skills that have just now figured out that we are progressive. I have no words. Right. I don't know what we could say to help you. I think
Starting point is 00:07:48 it's past that point. So all I'm just gonna say is ta ta. Yeah. Bye bye. Welcome to I've had it. Patriots. I'm Jennifer. I'm Angie. And she's the star of the show. I don't think I've said that in a while. And she also injects Mongero, which is a diet drug, into her body and also has a pellet in her ass with hormones in it that helps the Mongero work better. You too can go do all of those things. And also another thing, I saw some comments where people are like, Pumps, quit taking the jab, you're gonna melt away. Pumps needs a cheeseburger. Do not fuck with my meemaw like that.
Starting point is 00:08:28 She looks fucking great. And if anybody browbeats Pumps, it's me. You don't fucking get to. And I will fight you to the death, fucking claw your eyes out. Do not body shame her, skinny shame her. Do not do anything other than leave a few supraise to that woman. If she needs to be browbeat, I not do anything other than leave a fusive praise to that woman.
Starting point is 00:08:46 If she needs to be brow beat, I'll do it on the pot. I was going to say. But today she's off the hook because I saw some mean comments and it really pissed me off. All right. Before we kick it to Kylie, I want to share, you know, we were kind of out on People Magazine for a while. Yeah, I was.
Starting point is 00:09:00 I mean, just the whole gender disappointment. I was just like, People Magazine, what are you doing? Right. So now I saw on Instagram that there is a woman going viral. This was reported on the People magazine Instagram. A single woman has gone viral because she said that she refuses to go on a girls trip because she doesn't want to talk about marriage and babies for three days. To me, this woman deserves the I've Had It Patriot Profile Encourage Award. She is a trailblazer. She's got balls that all of the alpha males wish that they had. There is nothing wrong with this.
Starting point is 00:09:48 When she's taking a vacation from her marriage and her children, she doesn't want to talk about it. Here's what a lot of women do on social media. What happened to women supporting women? Shut the fuck up. Shut the fuck up. You get to generally be a woman that supports women by voting for politicians that do not take away your right to privacy in your doctor's appointments. While at the same time, get irritated by women whose whole identity is their husband and their children.
Starting point is 00:10:19 And so when you go on a girls trip, to me it makes perfect sense that you want to respite from such affairs considering that's your life. And you might want to go talk about, I don't know, maybe the recreational drugs you used in college and all the fun sex you had then. Maybe that would be more fun. So I totally support this woman. I totally agree with her. When we would go on girls trips,
Starting point is 00:10:44 we were always so relieved to not talk about our husbands or our kids. Yes, and if we did talk about our kids, it was about how fucking horrible they were. Yeah. I just think a girls trip, I think especially if you're a single person going with married women with kids, it's fucking miserable.
Starting point is 00:11:02 Like your brain is not even where their brain is. Your lives have kind of separated and you're no longer on the same. Like a single woman with no kids does not want to go talk about a married woman and her kids for an entire girls trip. That's fucking miserable. Nobody cares. I just think that there's this toxic positivity on the internet that has a really negative underbelly. And it is all of this mommy stuff where they show these idyllic videos of the breakfast they made and the smiley face sandwich and Mickey Mouse pancakes. And they post it and their kids smiling.
Starting point is 00:11:45 And you have people that, who's like me, when my kids were young, my husband was in and out of drug rehab, really struggling in the throes of opiate addiction. When your kids were really little, your marriage was completely falling apart. And I'm so glad I didn't see that crap on Instagram, because I'm sure on some level, because you have all this guilt the minute your child's born that you're not going to be a good enough parent for them. And to me, seeing all of this overt mothering and over positivity about mothering would have made me feel inferior in my younger, more insecure stage in life. And in reality, what's more relatable is the content that the mommy influencer deleted. Like, sit down, be quiet, I'm trying to take this video. That would be more relatable. But I want
Starting point is 00:12:35 to also point out for all of the young mother listeners out there, these women are not stay-at-home moms. They're influencers. Right. That influencing and producing all of these videos takes a lot of time. It's bullshit. All of this trad wife mom stuff. You're a hustler. You're an influencer. It's just the real traditional wives.
Starting point is 00:13:01 Nobody would fucking know about it because they're probably not on cell phones because their husbands won't let them have them. I was just going to say that. Pumps, I'm so excited for us to share with our listeners our discovery of the company Neurex. Neurex is a digital healthcare platform that makes it easy to get the expert healthcare you deserve at every step of your healthcare journey. Specifically, Neurex is a care model designed to grow with women. Did you know that to date, Neurex has delivered birth control to more than 1.6 million patients in the U.S.? Neurex is convenient, private, and compassionate. Neurex is accessible and discreet. Get your birth control delivered straight to your door
Starting point is 00:13:43 in disc discrete packaging. No trips to the pharmacy are necessary. We'd like to thank Neurex for sponsoring this podcast. Taking control of your reproductive health starts here. Go to Neurex.com slash had it to get started. That's N-U-R-X dot com slash H-A-D-I-T. Results may vary, not offered in every state, medications prescribed only if clinically appropriate, consultation required.
Starting point is 00:14:11 Listeners, Pumps and I have got to share with you all, we both started monitoring our glucose with this product called Cygnus. It's really cool. And what prompted us to do it is that we discovered that approximately 96 million American adults, more than one in three, have pre-diabetes. Of those with pre-diabetes, more than 80% don't even know that they had it. And, Pabst, why don't you tell us about your experience with Cygnus? Well, my dad was type 2 diabetic, so it really gives me comfort. And what happens is you get to track on a daily app what your glucose levels are, so
Starting point is 00:14:52 you can determine, am I pre-diabetic? Right now, Cygnus has an offer exclusively for our listeners. Go to cygnus.com. That's S-I-G-N-O-S dot com and get up to 20% off select plans by using the code HADDOT today. That's SIGNOS.com. Use the code HADDOT to get up to 20% off select plans for you today. Kiley, what's going on on the World Wide Web? Speaking of husbands not letting their wives have cell phones, that transitions perfectly into me.
Starting point is 00:15:26 So the chiefs, the Kansas City Chiefs, the football team that Harrison Bucker, the kicker, is a part of, they posted on Instagram their new fall schedule and said, put it in your calendar. The comments section, I'm going to read you some of the comments because it's pretty great. Okay. This one says, will you email my husband my permission slip or can he download it from your website? Will it allow me to watch the entire season or will I need him to sign one for each game? This is what this guy writes, is my wife allowed to come to the games if she finishes all of her house chores first? This person writes, can I bring my kitchen to the game? And then Bianca writes, I don't know how to turn on the TV after my lobotomy and my shock therapy.
Starting point is 00:16:17 Sad face emoji. You know, this whole we did on our YouTube channel, IHIP News, a reaction to the Harrison Becker thing. And there is this whole side of Twitter that is like the misogynist, ultra religious, like you click the profiles and it's like Christ is King, alpha male stuff. And so I go into my DMs and I have these like hate comments and some of them are like this. You are so miserable.
Starting point is 00:16:52 All you do is sit around and complain on the internet about stuff. You need to find Christ and try to be happy. You are such a miserable bitch. You need to get off the internet. And I'm sitting there thinking the irony in what he's doing. Right, he has no get off the internet. And I'm sitting there thinking the irony in what he's doing. Right, he has no, it's lost.
Starting point is 00:17:06 It's completely lost on him. What he's doing, like, okay, fair enough. My excuse is I have a podcast called I've Had It. What's your excuse, alpha male Jesus Christ is Lord? What's your excuse? Right. You're just a dick? Is that what it is? You're just a dick that hates women? But I'll tell you what, it is wild. If you start diving into this, there is a whole side of Twitter, a whole side of Instagram, a whole side of TikTok, where all of these men definitely believe beyond a shadow of a doubt, tweet after tweet, post after post,
Starting point is 00:17:47 that the male gender is the superior gender and that women should be at home and that women should be breeding. And they are loud and proud about it. And I think there's just so much of a backlash right now on, you know, SCOTUS made gay marriage legal and now there's this huge backlash on that. We had a black president, huge backlash on that. Women are forging ahead in business and starting, you know, very successful companies, working, having careers, and there's a huge backlash on that. And so what I see
Starting point is 00:18:26 is this is like, you know, all of these white males just clinging on to this false sense of power that they feel entitled to have. And I'm telling you what, these people are, I'm sure they're preppers. 100% they're preppers. Did you know that as part of Trump's advisory committee, Stephen Miller, like the second most unfuckable man on the planet, he is filing lawsuits alleging racial discrimination against white men. That's part of his domain in the Trump world, is he is now suing companies, government agencies, saying you're discriminating against white men. These are the same men.
Starting point is 00:19:20 Like, I relate it to, OK, white men have been in power for all these years. Now they're starting to have equalization of power in business, in money managing, in homes. Women are allowed to vote. Gays are allowed to get married. Black people have the same rights as white people. All these things.
Starting point is 00:19:42 They want to turn back the clock to where none of those people had any power. It's just a straight line through. White men scared, white men teeny weeny, but that's not part of the thing. So white men scared, white men suing for their rights because they're discriminated against. White men going to alpha male camps, white males dominating women, white male racists, sexist, misogyny, homophobia. It's all I mean, it's just right in the line. Alpha male camps. Yeah, but they're also big Bible thumpers and and trumpers. Yeah. In every single, you know, bio, it's all of this, you know, Christ is king. And it's like, you're like a walking advertisement for anybody on the fence about being religious.
Starting point is 00:20:32 Not to be. Not to be. I mean, you are the embodiment of what everyone dislikes so fervently about organized religion. But we could sit and talk about that all the time. All right, Kylie, what do you have on on board for us today? We've got some voice with us today. Excellent. Up first, we're going to hear from Josie. Hey, y'all. I've fucking had it with capitalism. This was the first week I had to take my little baby to daycare. And the amount of money I'm about to spend for her to be in a German-fested
Starting point is 00:21:05 place for only two days a week is crazy. It's the same amount as somebody's car note. It could possibly be the same amount as somebody's mortgage. Like the only reason I have to pay y'all is because, you know, I have to work eight hours in order to survive in order to feed said fucking child. And don't get me wrong, I love my baby. I chose to have her, you know, shout out to the mamas. But bitch, it is expensive to fucking live.
Starting point is 00:21:31 And everybody knows this. So why are things so fucking expensive? Let's get back to bartering. I'll give you a fucking tomato to teach my kid how to read, right? I will feed you if you, you know, you sew my clothes. Something's got to give because I fucking have had it. Josie is spot on and this is a prime opportunity to point out how the alpha males that we were discussing before her voice memo are all about anti-abortion, anti-choice. Now they're going after birth control. And I think that we need to megaphone
Starting point is 00:22:16 to the entire country. The Republican Party is an anti-freedom, anti-choice, is an anti-freedom, anti-choice, big government, anti-economy party. They are. The messaging that they have that they care so passionately about children is bullshit. In other first-world countries, working women are not so compromised as Josie is to go get child care. And it is a travesty the way the Republican party wants to control women's lives. And then when that child is born, they want to criticize that mother and further punish her by making it damn near impossible to work eight hours a day, earn
Starting point is 00:23:07 a livable wage, and send your child to a decent child care. It is so immoral. And why the alleged Christians that say, oh, we're not like those other people, why this isn't their platform is beyond me. I'm an atheist and I'm all for this, but when I speak to people who find a nuance in their religion where they say, oh no, those evangelical pastors, that's crazy, or oh no, those hardcore Catholics are crazy, we're not all like that. And I'm like, well, I never really see you campaigning for anything other than lower taxes for yourself. That's all I ever see. I never see an ounce of humanity towards working
Starting point is 00:23:54 class women and the children that they're trying to raise. I never see it. It just makes me crazy with all of the pro-life. You're not pro-life, you're pro-birth. After that, you don't give a shit. You don't want to give any kind of social safety net. But in my divorce practice, when women go back to work and they have kids, it is so expensive. Child care is prohibitive. Finding decent child care for your child is thousands of dollars a month.
Starting point is 00:24:18 So that means you have to work one, two, three jobs to be able to pay for child care. Why there is not subsidies automatically for middle income people for child care because it is so expensive. It is beyond me. It's one reason that women stay in bad marriages because it is so expensive.
Starting point is 00:24:41 I think society as a whole needs to look at that. If you are so pro-life, be pro-life after birth and help these parents raise these children. They're not though. But they're never going to. That's the big lie. It is the big lie of the religious right. They say one thing and there's even a nuance
Starting point is 00:25:03 within the far right Christian nationalist movement. You have the hardcore ones that are loud and proud about it and women need to be in the home and blah, blah, blah. And then you have these, I would say maybe average religious people that say, oh no, we're not all like that. Oh no, we're not all bad. But then if you were to say, here are your options for whom you can vote, they're always going to vote with the hardcore pro-life people. And it's just this social
Starting point is 00:25:34 politeness that they say to make themselves feel better in certain circles. But at the core, at the crux of it, the reason why I think Donald Trump and the reason why a lot of these far right politicians have gotten so much traction is he says what a lot of them think, but they're too polite to say out loud. They say that he says what I think. Well, then what's going on in your mind? It's fucking crazy. Right. It's fucking crazy. Here was my bright idea one night when I was up in the middle of the night.
Starting point is 00:26:08 If you're going to mandate no abortion, then you have to mandate per child a certain amount of money for childcare, food expenses, insurance. All of those things have to be baked in to a woman that would check the box. Yes, I would terminate this pregnancy. Then you have to give her all of these benefits at no cost to her. They're not going to. That's what I'm going to say. So immediately it'd be like we're pro-abortion because it is not about the child. It's about controlling women.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Period. Full stop. They could give two shits. I think that there is a growing cancer within the far right. And I think Trump has exposed their abject hypocrisy glaringly. And they feel so emboldened now. And they're more racist, and they're more sexist,
Starting point is 00:27:00 and they're cruel. And then you have this poor woman, Josie, who is clearly a good mother. She has to work. It's really difficult to go drop your kid off at childcare. I was a working mom and I remember the guilt that I felt. And everything she makes goes into that and she'll gladly do it, but there's nothing left over for her to have a quality of life. And it is a travesty in this freedom, capitalistic culture that we are starting to have such a separation of wealth where you have the
Starting point is 00:27:32 top and you have the bottom and the people in the middle are just getting shifted around and are used as pawns and have had it. Shout out to Josie. All right, Kylie, who's next? Up next we've got Emma. Hi Jen, hi Pumps. What I've had it with is relatable youth pastors. I find it criminal and abhorrent. I remember so vividly like them trying to incorporate dabbing into sermons, fidget spinners. I remember, oh my God, I remember the Black Beetles challenge for or the mannequin challenge. We did that at a youth group activity. And the thing is, they're just as bigoted as the crazy evangelicals. They just try to hide it better. I think that is fucking insane. And I drank the Kool-Aid, I was into it. And
Starting point is 00:28:20 now that I left that and like went to college and got a life and thought of something bigger than myself, I can see it now. But yeah, that's fucked up. I totally agree with her. I've been saying this forever. You have you've been saying it is it is full blown capitalism. Churches like Life Church with their sleek pastor, Craig Groschell, who, you know, has a stylist and rock band and the dunk tank. Private plane. Private planes and all this bullshit, coffee shops and shopping malls in the churches. And they package it up and they try to act like they're different. And it is a total grift.
Starting point is 00:28:59 And you don't have to look any further than the flock that comes out of these churches. These are the ones that I talk about that say, oh, no, we're non-denominational. Oh, no, no, we're not as crazy as, you know, the Joel Olsteins. No, you're worse. It's more insidious. You're trying to hide it. Because at least with Joel Olstein and what's that one crazy guy's name that bought that jet? Kenneth Copeland. Kenneth Copeland.
Starting point is 00:29:29 You know exactly what they are. The more insidious ones are the life churches and that's the one that's based here in Oklahoma. But I believe it's the third largest church in the United States of America. And it is this, you know, sleekly packaged product that they've wrapped up to make people feel good, to find loopholes for not digging truly deep and becoming better people. Like really looking at collectivism and how do we make a good society and how do we help the Josies? That is a great person, great mom, just trying to make ends meet. And I've had it. It's a total racket. It is a racket from top to bottom. The bigger your church is, the more they are looking to expand, the more red flags it is. It is a total grift.
Starting point is 00:30:18 It is a total racket. I don't think all the people that go there are bad people. But I think at this point, when you know about prosperity gospels and you know the money they're raking in, you are enabling it. And here's the situation, Christians. I shouldn't be the most outraged at this. You should be. This is your faith that's been hijacked and made a mockery of. They should be leading the charge to say, this is not what any of this is about. If you're a member of a church, their number one goal is bring new people in so we can build more churches. I hate to break it to you, but it's a pyramid scheme.
Starting point is 00:30:57 It is a grift. It is Bernie Madoff shit. It's a huge problem, and it indoctctrinates people and these Jesus camps are nuts. I think there's going to be a massive need. I think there exists a massive need now and I think it's going to continue on in the therapeutic spaces. A lot of these kids, because I grew up with them around in the suburbs, that were wildly indoctrinated to think that there's this spiritual war going on, spiritual warfare all the time.
Starting point is 00:31:28 There's demons that you can't see and angels you can't see and they're fighting around you. That's like really psychotic. It's unhinged and they need therapy to unwrap all of that, to learn that sometimes life isn't fair. Sometimes bad things happen to really good people that didn't deserve it. And we can't explain why that happens, but that's why. And you need to move towards acceptance and thinking beyond just you and your tax bracket. If truly you
Starting point is 00:31:58 want to be a follower of Christ, give a shit about the refugee kids that are still not reunited with their parents. Give a shit about that and show up to the voting booth and vote accordingly. But I've had it. I mean, I've had it up to my eyeballs with these mega churches. I've been whistleblowing forever. And just an aside, architecture is awful. If you're going to make billions of dollars grifting people, hire an architect. At least make them pretty.
Starting point is 00:32:27 I'm not a big fan of the Catholic Church, but their architecture is fantastic. They nailed that at least. At least they've got taste. These evangelicals have horrible taste. I've never seen an attractive evangelical church. Ever. Not one. Not one.
Starting point is 00:32:43 There's not one. Wouldn't that be interesting? I mean, there really isn't. They're not. It is the trashy, trashy, it's a trashy religion with bullshit, sleekly packaged bullshit that tries to make people find a loophole to be a bad person. Pat it. Homes.com knows that when it comes to home shopping, it's never just about the house or condo. It's about the home. And what makes a home is more than just the house or property.
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Starting point is 00:34:10 Pumps I am a complete lunatic when it comes to my French Bulldogs and Their health and their diet and I want them when they eat a meal to be happy about it I don't want them to kind of like sniff over the dog food and not really want the food. I want them to devour their food with satisfaction and desire. That's why I'm so happy to share with you and our listeners my new favorite subscription. It's called Sundaes. Sundaes is a fresh dog food made from the short list of human-grade ingredients. Have you tried this out with your new puppy? He absolutely loves it, and it doesn't upset his tummy. You know, Sundays is so convenient. Unlike other fresh dog food, Sundays does not require
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Starting point is 00:35:45 quiz so you can avoid bad first dates. Here's what I think is pretty cool about eHarmony, and I didn't even think about this, but a lot of people just have like a copy and paste tagline that they send out, like casting a big wide net. Well, eHarmony has disabled the copy and paste post for first messages. So you get better messages that lead to better conversations. First messages that say more than, hey, I mean, I just think that's way more appealing. eHarmony makes it easier to have better conversations. So you're already one step ahead
Starting point is 00:36:19 when it comes to meeting someone who gets you. Listener, check out eHarmony. Take their compatibility quiz to get started today. Get who, check out eHarmony. Take their compatibility quiz to get started today. Get who gets you on eHarmony. Up next, we've got East Sundell. Hey guys. All right. First off, thank you for calling out the entire world on the amount of fuckery that is going on right now. And let me tell you what I have had it with. I have completely fucking had it with weddings that involve a shuttle or a bus of some sort. We do not want to leave our cars. That is
Starting point is 00:36:57 our escape route. We don't want to get on a bus or a luxury coach of any sort dressed up where you think that we're taking some magical school bus to this magical place. No, it's a winery. It's a meadow. It's a lake. It's a knoll. It's in the middle of fucking nowhere. We want to know one thing. When does the first shuttle leave? Stop holding us hostage. Our cars are our escape route. Thanks guys. Love you. It's so true. True words have never been spoken. Here's my thing. In college, party buses, that was
Starting point is 00:37:35 like, Oh my God, we're going to take a party bus. We're going to do this. It's so fun. Nothing good ever happens on a party bus. That's a blanket rule. You can count on it. Somebody's gonna puke, somebody's gonna fight with their partner. It's always bad on a party bus. As I have gotten older, I am of the, I will take my own car no matter where we're going. I will not get on your shuttle. I will not get on your bus because then I'm a hostage. I want my own car so that when I want to leave, I'm fucking out. I don't have to wait on the whole circle jerk of people
Starting point is 00:38:09 that are drinking and glad handing at the bar. When I'm ready to go, I get in my car and I have been to weddings where there was a shuttle and I have gotten in my car and followed the shuttle to where we were going. Cause I'm like, no fucking way I'm too smart. Will not do it. I agree. I don't like obviously group activities.
Starting point is 00:38:30 So I don't like group transportation. No. Any, it's too much. I don't want to shuttle. I don't want to do any of that. I love when we're in big cities. I love public transportation. I love of that. I love when we're in big cities. I love public transportation. I love the subway. I love the tube. I mean, absolutely love public transportation. I think
Starting point is 00:38:52 it's fabulous people watching. It's active travel. But I would say that the shuttles at a party and or wedding venue is just low key hostage taking. Absolutely. I absolutely agree with her. Kylie, you're in that age group. Lots of party buses and shuttles. I recently had to go to a wedding on a farm three hours away from here where we live. So we had to take shuttles to get there. And I'm not kidding you, everyone,
Starting point is 00:39:20 we didn't get out of there until like midnight. The first shuttle didn't come till midnight. And you know what? It just caused a ton of drunks to throw up on buses We didn't get out of there until like midnight. The first shuttle didn't come until midnight. And you know what? It just caused a ton of drunks to throw up on buses because they couldn't go anywhere. They couldn't leave when they were sick. They had to get on the shuttle.
Starting point is 00:39:33 Nothing good happens when there's group transportation like that. It's just a tried and true rule since 1988. You're stuck. You're stuck. All right, the last one is from Tara. Hey, I'm Tara from Texas. So I fucking had it with people that can't pick a lane. Okay. I'm in the store. I'm at a self checkout doing my thing. A lady comes up is asking the cashier that's just monitoring it, the self
Starting point is 00:39:57 checkouts, you know, which lane takes cash after she's already set her stuff down at, at another spot. Okay. The woman tells her which ones take cash, so she picks up her things and is going to the other register and says, oh, don't worry, don't get up or anything, I've got it. Okay, yeah, you fucking cunt, you decided to be independent five seconds ago and do the self-checkout.
Starting point is 00:40:19 Now you want them to help you? You should have went in the regular lane. Like, I don't understand the entitlement. It just pisses me the fuck off with people. Like, fuck off. Okay, thanks, bye. You know, I just relate to this so much because I find myself like in situations like this,
Starting point is 00:40:44 waiting in line to do something and I have to wait on other people to do things before I can do it. I just think, inhale, exhale. And it's really, it's not that big of a deal. Calm the fact down, let the person go through, but it can just make your blood boil. For example, we've flown from Chicago to planes land at Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma at the same time. In my opinion, if you're a world airport, as it's called, as they
Starting point is 00:41:17 named itself, two planes landing should not overwhelm the ground crew. We had to sit on the tarmac for 10 to 15 minutes and I had this yak mouse seated next to me and I had my ears in and he had already started pre-yacking with me before the takeoff. So I just kept watching my show as we landed. I can see the gate and the pilot comes down and he goes, hey, another plane just landed and they only have one ground crew. So we have to wait. So they had to get that plane.
Starting point is 00:41:48 And I'm like, you're a fucking airport. And it's not like planes just randomly drop in. Like there's a flight pattern. Y'all should be staffed up with the neon vests, crews with the, you know, I love those things, those pointer things that they do. I want some of those. I'd like to have one of that some of those in here and guide it through but we have to wait and then the JetBridge people are and I'm
Starting point is 00:42:14 not I am NOT trying to be dismissive towards the ground crew or the JetBridge operators. I'm mad at Will Rogers World Airport for not being properly staffed. Absolutely. You're an airport when planes land. So nonetheless, I'm sitting there on the plane, inhaling, exhaling. I'm thinking, inhale, exhale, let it go. There's nothing you can do. There's a couple hundred people on the plane with you. And Angie's sitting about five rows in front of me. Oh, fair enough. So I finally decide to take out my ear pods and put them up. And I'm just thinking, I hope this motherfucker sitting next to me doesn't start talking to
Starting point is 00:42:49 me like he did when we took off, because he was just volunteering a lot of unnecessary, uninteresting information. But I hear somebody really yakking, causing a huge ruckus. And I mean, it's loud. It's a loud voice. It's a lot of information. And it keeps going and going and going. And I think, God, that voice sounds really familiar. And it was none other than the star of our show, who was on episode after episode of talking about people on planes and how they should be invisible. Her words, not mine.
Starting point is 00:43:25 How you should sit down and shut the fuck up on an airplane. And I hear this hooting and hollering and cackling. And it's not like she's using her inside voice. The first 15 rows of the airplane. So finally, we meet, finally after Will Rogers World Airport gets their shit together and they're able to accommodate our plane that was scheduled to land FYI. It wasn't new. And I see her out into the airport. She's pushing our suitcases. And I said, God, you know, I was sitting on the flight. And after we landed, I bravely took off my headphones at great risk to the person sitting next to me, yakking. And I heard this woman on the plane just yakking nonstop.
Starting point is 00:44:12 I mean, nonstop talking, motor mouthing, like you wouldn't believe. She goes, yeah, it was me. And I think we have a fucking reputation to uphold, to be on the plane, to be great at TSA, to be invisible, to be super quiet on the plane. And there you are going off brand, making friends with 25 rows of people on the plane. No, it was the flight attendant was sitting right across from me and we were talking about the passenger shaming Instagram page. Did she follow it? Yes, she followed it. So she was talking about stories she had. So did she recognize you from that?
Starting point is 00:44:44 No, but she said she's going to start following. She got on the thing and started following the podcast. But we had just had passenger shaming on that day. I have a question. Who brought up passenger shaming? I brought up passenger shaming. Who fed the cat initially? I'm going to say I did.
Starting point is 00:45:02 I don't remember. But I'm going to go ahead and take that. I think you're a cat lady. I think you're a stray cat lady. For years, I thought, I don't remember, but I'm going to go ahead and take that. I think you're a cat lady. I think you're a stray cat lady. For years I thought, I have a neon sign on my forehead that says, talk to me, tell me your life story. You're the initiator. I'm the problem.
Starting point is 00:45:13 You run around with your cat food. I am the problem. You know what you are? You're a cat lady that runs around with canned tuna fish, cracks open that can, puts it down and says, let's chitchat while you eat my tuna fish. That's right. I was going to say this.
Starting point is 00:45:28 When you started talking about airport, I thought you were going to talk about, okay, so we get in a line to get out of the airport parking. There's two cars. Okay, I always pick the last car. I always get in the longest line. Like a dumb motherfucker, I cannot believe what I was thinking. I picked the line behind, you know, a Ford F-250, high-rise tires. You could have just had MAGA neon sign on it.
Starting point is 00:45:56 You picked the Trump truck. I picked the Trump truck. This motherfucker, finally I had to get out because I had to get in a leveling because the other guy was gone, but I was just like, how can you be so dumb? You stick it in, you stick your card in, you get your card back, you get the receipt. It's not hard. It's a 15, 30 second deal. You know, the frustration that you felt in that moment with that truck.
Starting point is 00:46:21 I know you felt it with me. I felt it when I was sitting five rows behind you. And the temperature of the plane was boiling. I could feel the molecules of my fellow passengers at the irritation at the Will Rogers World Airport ground crew. And not the crew specifically, but the airport understaffed them. Right, it's an airport that should have, I mean, you should have ground crew just popping out of cracks in the cement if a plane pulls up, right? And I needed everyone to be invisible.
Starting point is 00:46:54 I needed everyone to shut the fuck up. And I just, I mean, it is, I was the rainier. You know what? Here's the thing. I remember thinking to myself, I don't know who she's talking to because I would never be able to hear the other person. She will not shut the fuck up. I couldn't,
Starting point is 00:47:14 I didn't know if you're talking to a man or a woman because you were seated next to a man. I raised my head up to poke around to get intel and I was like, well, I don't know who she's talking to her if it's the woman on the other side or the flight attendant across from her because Angie's non-stop 24-7. She didn't take a breath out of her tuna can or tuna fish out spoon feeding it. Guilty as to all these stray cats. It was me. It was me. Yeah that was it. You know who I'm gonna tattle? SK. Tattle to SK that I was part of the problem. You remember how on the episode with passenger shaming she said we we wanted flight attendants to tell people hello welcome to United sit
Starting point is 00:47:56 down shut the fuck up welcome to Delta Airlines sit down shut the fuck up and then you chimed in be invisible. My goal on an airplane is to be invisible. Yeah, yeah, just talking away. Chit chat, chit chat. Yeah, you're pretty cute though. Chatty chatty. I was really glad I wasn't seated next to you. Oh, there's no question.
Starting point is 00:48:14 I would have been pinching your arm. I would have had you next to me to talk to. But see, when we ride next to each other, we don't talk to each other. No, I know, but she was like, her seat and my seat were massive. So we're like making eye contact. And you know me, I can't just make eye contact and not talk. Makes me nervous. It's a character flaw. You can't just be invisible. I can't not when somebody's eyeballing me. I have to talk. So that's us. All right, let's continue this conversation about these. Are you writing on your pants? No. Oh, Let's continue this conversation about these huge,
Starting point is 00:48:49 I've had it, violations on our Patreon page. Because I do want to share with the Patriots about when we departed for Chicago and the people that we set behind in the airport waiting area. We'll continue that on our post show. Subscribe, like us, do all the shit pumps, tell them. We will see you next Tuesday or Thursday or both.

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