I've Had It - Politically Incorrect with Susie Essman

Episode Date: April 4, 2024

Jennifer and Pumps have had it with convertibles and are finally calling them out for being the bait-and-switch that they are. Pumps has (hypocritically) had it with inconsiderate walkers and later on... the girls then get to meet one of their idols, Susie Essman, from the greatest show of all time, "Curb Your Enthusiasm." NEW MERCH IS NOW AVAILABLE at https://ivehadit.store Come see I've Had It live on the Hot Sh*t Tour! More info & tickets are available at https://linktr.ee/ivehaditpodcast and subscribe to I've Had It wherever you get your podcasts. Thank you to our sponsors: This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp: Learn to make time for what makes you happy, with BetterHelp. Visit www.BetterHelp.com/HADIT today to get 10% off your first month. Cozy Earth: Treat yourself to the ultimate in comfort and indulgence with Cozy Earth bedding and sleepwear. Use code HADIT for 35% off at www.cozyearth.com - You deserve it! Athena Club: Head over to www.AthenaClub.com to try their award-winning razor and body products and get 20% off your purchase with code HADIT at checkout. You can also find Athena Club Razors at your local Target store. Trust us, you won't look back. Subscribe to our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IveHadItPodcast Follow Us: I've Had It Podcast: @Ivehaditpodcast Jennifer Welch: @mizzwelch Angie "Pumps" Sullivan: @pumpspumpspumps Special Guest: Susie Essman: @officialsusieessman @thehistoryofcurbpod

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Ready? One, two, three. I mean, it is a big day in the big city. Big clap to bring us on. I'm really proud of it. From a big star. I don't know about that. All right. Pumps, what have you had it with? Okay, what I've had it with, and I know I'm an offender, is when you're walking and somebody walks on the back of your foot. They like come up behind you and walk on the back of your foot and I do it to you in airports. All the time.
Starting point is 00:00:38 And I hate it when somebody does it to me and you're always super gracious about it. Of course. Well, of course, might be a stretch. But if it's happened to me and you're always super gracious about it. Of course. Well, of course might be a stretch. But if it's happened to me over the weekend like four times and it was just all I could do not just turn around and bitch slap somebody. So I'm making an effort. I'm going to make a pledge that I'm not going to do that anymore because I hate it, hate
Starting point is 00:01:01 it. I've had it with it. It's unnecessary and I know I do it and I'm going to do better. So it's a cell phone and I've had it. I think it was missing one ingredient. What? An apology. I always apologize. I'm so sorry. I'm kidding. No, here's the thing. I know you don't mean to do it. No, I know. I know it's not intentional and you know, we're always schlepping through airports, hauling our stuff, going from point A to point B and you're always like, Oh my God, I'm so sorry. And we're always schlepping through airports, hauling our stuff, going from point A to point B. And you're always like, oh my God, I'm so sorry.
Starting point is 00:01:29 And I'm just like, it's fine. For me, there's so much shit that goes down in an airport that irritates me. You stepping on the back of my shoe or my heel is the least irritating out of all of the things that I have to endure in an airport. Well, when you put it like that, that's true. But I get so irritated by it.
Starting point is 00:01:52 So I'm just, I thought about that. I was like, that's my habit. And I fucking do it every time to Jennifer. So I'm gonna really, that's my new, that's my airport resolution. How did you react when this happened to you four times this weekend? I was fine about it the first couple times. The third time I looked back and gave a dirty look and the fourth time I was like,
Starting point is 00:02:14 quit stepping on my fucking feet back up. Who was it? My daughter. Oh, okay. So that made it especially more irritating. Yeah, okay. So that made it especially more irritating. Yeah, yeah. But I'm turning over a new leaf. We'll see how long it lasts.
Starting point is 00:02:30 Yeah. Probably not very long. Yeah, you have a very selfish approach to walking in group settings. Yeah, like you just take off away from the group. And when I say group, it's like me, you and Kylie. And then nobody knows where you are. Recently, we were at a basketball game.
Starting point is 00:02:54 I mean, thousands upon thousands of people, nobody knew where you were. You know what also is, I have a lack of observing my surroundings. I'm just walking and then I'm like, oh, the person in front of me stopped. Like I'm not paying attention to my, I don't pay attention to my surroundings. I'll tell you what irritates me is when you're walking and if there's a flow of walkable
Starting point is 00:03:16 traffic, you're in a subway tunnel, you're on a sidewalk, you're at a basketball game, you're at an airport, and there is a definite two-way flow. And a person stops right in the middle of the flow. And then they might look at their phone or do something, you just about run into them. It's like a rear-end crash. And they don't think maybe I should kind of merge over here to the wall, then stop so that I don't block this walking traffic. And I really despise that because I'm a very fast walker and I almost just back in people. Right. That happened to me just the other day, leaving a basketball game. Somebody just stopped and looked at their phone. Everybody was leaving. There were thousands of people leaving, just dead ass stop. And I was
Starting point is 00:04:08 just like, what? Walked around in a real huffy puffy. Oh, I bet it was a Karen. I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow this sidewalk down. Absolutely. I bet it was. All right, let me tell you what I've had it with. Absolutely. I bet it was. All right, let me tell you what I've had it with. Convertibles. Convertibles? Here's the thing about convertibles. Growing up, it was like, oh my God, Jane Doe got a convertible. And it was like this big thing. When you ride in a convertible, they're miserable. Miserable. You're just beaten to a pulp Your hair is a wreck. It never looks that great It doesn't look anything remotely like it does in the movies. You can't hear you can't Really even hear the music. You can't even possibly have a conversation. I think it is the most
Starting point is 00:05:01 overrated automobile ever. And why they're so highly sought after is amazing to me. And I will admit that originally in my youth, I fell prey to the convertible allure. But after having ridden in convertibles and the misery that it is, it's just wind warfare out there
Starting point is 00:05:25 in the convertible. I mean, you can't hear a damn thing. Hair looks like shit. Skin's flapping like crazy. And you pay additional funds for this. I don't understand it. I don't get it either. And that's funny that you said that because I just watched a movie over the weekend and I was like, I wouldn't get in a convertible to save my life. Number one, the number one issue is the wind in your hair. You look like hammer dog shit after you get out. In Oklahoma, particularly, there's maybe five days a year that it's not too hot or too cold to ride in a convertible.
Starting point is 00:06:04 And you see all these people, you know, the first day of spring out in their convertible. And I just think they're miserable. That is the most miserable ride. You can't talk. You can't hear. And I think in my mind growing up, cause I too thought, boy, hot girls, they like convertibles.
Starting point is 00:06:24 They look great in convertibles, like sexy, hot girls, they like convertibles. They look great in convertibles like sexy, hot, hip. And then, because you kind of feel like in the movies, it's like the wind's kind of caught a little bit blowing, just enough glossy, you just look perfect. In reality, you look like you've been through a beat down. Let's just face it, it's showboating because everybody looks to the convertible. And then you draw this attention to yourself after you've ridden in it, your hair looks like shit, your skin is vibrating, you know, especially if you're on the highway. I've been in these convertibles before with friends and I'm like, can we roll up the windows at least, which makes it a little bit better. But it is like, there's nothing enjoyable about a convertible except for the
Starting point is 00:07:11 image that we have from our youth of somehow just, you know, what was it? Vacation, Chevy Chase vacation. Do you remember Christie Brinkley? It never looks like that. Never. And let's face it, most people that drive convertibles are not supermodels. They're old men going through a midlife crisis that are not very attractive. Right. Draws all this attention over to them. You'd rather not have seen it in the first place. Absolutely. Well, you know what I think every time I see one of those old men in a convertible?
Starting point is 00:07:46 Let me guess. Shrinking. We've got some shrinkage over there in that convertible. Yeah. I recently saw on a YouTube comments. I think it was YouTube. They said, uh, you girls need to quit body shaming men about their penises. Well, I hate to double down. Here's the deal. We're probably not going to stop. You're probably right. We probably shouldn't talk about teeny weenies.
Starting point is 00:08:14 Absolutely not. We approach it from a psychological standpoint, right? That's what we're... And here's the thing. The penis has controlled a lot of things and until the vagina is on equal footing with the penis, the penis remains on the table for criticism. Teeny-weenies at the top of that list. Maybe you're right, maybe we should be more PC about the teeny-weenies, but we're not big
Starting point is 00:08:43 people with big ideas. No! We're little people like the teeny-enies. But we're not big people with big ideas. No. We're little people like the teeny weenies. That's right. That's right. And I mean, I just, I'm going to say it, but I think the person that made that comment. Teeny weenie. Teeny weenie.
Starting point is 00:08:56 I mean, who says that? Just double down. I double down. I mean, you have to double down. But back to the convertibles, I'm just going to say, I've had it with convertibles. Had it.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Had it. It's a racket. I don't see attractive people driving them. I don't think it's an enjoyable ride. I think it's grandstanding and showboating. I think it is the most overrated vehicle on the streets. I want to be in a car with my noise, with my music, with my ideas, with my air conditioning and or my heat. I don't want to be windblown like
Starting point is 00:09:33 I'm in the middle of a fucking dryer. I agree. I want no part of any convertible whatsoever and I think moving forward I'm not gonna ride in any. If any friend has one I'm just not gonna ride in the convertible. Yeah I think moving forward, I'm not going to ride in any. If any friend has one, I'm just not going to ride in the convertible. Yeah, I will say I completely, 100% agree. I think we've overlooked it. It's been way overlooked. It's way overrated. Nobody talks about it. Everybody's just like, oh yeah, it's a dream car. I want to get a convertible. Fuck that. Fuck that. Yeah. I want a car with a proper roof. I have a sunroof in my car. Guess how many times I open it? Never. Zero. Zero.
Starting point is 00:10:06 Goose egg. I used to get mad. Big bagel. Bagel. I used to get mad if the car I was buying, like it came with a sunroof, cause I was like, I don't want that. Makes me hotter, makes me colder.
Starting point is 00:10:18 I don't want, I want no part of it. I like the natural light. Of course you do. I like the natural light. Yeah, you're a big natural light person. Because I'm not a vampire. Right, I am a vampire. You are a vampire. So I don't love natural light. Of course you do. I like the natural light. Yeah, you're a big natural light person. Because I'm not a vampire. Right, I am a vampire. You are a vampire. So I don't love a natural light. A vampire that picks on men that have teeny weenies. Yeah. Welcome to I've Had It. I'm Jennifer. I'm Angie. The biggest ridiculer of the small penis in North America. My co-host, Memaw. Kylie is our producer. She's here with us today
Starting point is 00:10:49 to make sure we don't get in trouble, which I think we already have. Probably. I think that was a great habit. I just want to say Jennifer Welch has been nailing her habits. You always do and I'm always so impressed. Thank you. Brings it. All right. I've got some reviews for you guys. Okay. We're just gonna fly through a couple. Five stars from M. Chud 2004, and it's titled, I'm Gay and Jessica's Laugh Turns Me On.
Starting point is 00:11:16 That's good. And he writes, as said in the title, Jessica turns me on. Sorry, Diana, I'm not into lezzies unless you want to peg me. Also, I love the hate chicken and Hobby Lobby. Sorry, Jessica's mom, Linda. Oh, I like that. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:11:38 All right, this one is from Gav R Camp, five stars. And they write, I really want to get my hands all over that Siberian husky. Oh, pups. And her Siberian husky. I'm thinking the dog. I just now got it. Now I think they're talking about your vagina.
Starting point is 00:11:57 Got it. All right, five stars, titled Filth. I have never heard this deep of filth come out of two middle-aged Southern women. As a strong evangelical Christian, I am deeply offended every single minute of this podcast. I have never missed an episode. That's a great one.
Starting point is 00:12:22 That's great. It cracks me up that when I see, we see people comment about the kissing, it's always a certain type of people every single time. If it's a woman, they're usually middle age, probably are demographic, but they are probably conservative leaning politically and for sure religious and they're offended. And then when it's a man, it is like you ladies sure are smart. I just sure wish you wouldn't drop so many f-bombs. However, if it's you know any other male comedian or podcaster, they would never dream of telling them what language to
Starting point is 00:13:03 use. So you've either got the butthurt Christian women that are mad about the cussing, or the men who think that women should be a particular way that should not be allowed to say fuck or shit or whatever. And here's also the thing I'm gonna say. Your life must be absolutely fantastic and you must have an incredible ability to drown out major significant problems. If pumps and I saying fuck riles you up, good for you.
Starting point is 00:13:35 Well, and the ladylike, it's not ladylike to kiss. Which is just sexism. 100%. And I could kiss like a sailor 30 years ago. I've only honed my craft and I like it. Yeah, I like it too. Sometimes the only word on planet Earth that covers your feeling is fuck. Agreed. That's the only word. Sometimes it is the only word available to describe a particular feeling or action. Agree. I think it should go on the feelings wheel. That's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:14:17 That's a great idea. Happiness, grateful, fuck. How do you feel today? I feel fucking awful. Yeah. I like it. Yeah. All right. Making a change. The fuck meter. The fuck meter. There you go. The fuck meter. All right. All right. Thank you for reading those, Kylie. It's always good to hear from our listeners, especially the evangelical Christians that listen to every single second of the podcast. Okay, today is a really big day and our podcasting careers are very short
Starting point is 00:14:54 podcasting careers that are probably destined to end very soon. Yesterday's news by tomorrow. Yes, but for those of you that are diehard listeners, you know that my favorite television show ever invented, ever created, I've watched every episode two to three times is Curb Your Enthusiasm. And I love everything about that show. I love Larry David. I have a framed photograph of Larry David on my desk at work. I do not have a framed photo of my biological human
Starting point is 00:15:31 children. I do have framed photographs of my dogs and Larry David on my desk. We've reached out to Larry David multiple times. Crickets. Crickets in response. I don't think it's going to happen. But we did reach out to Suzy Essman. Love. And she, of course, plays Suzy on Curb Your Enthusiasm. Yep. And guess what?
Starting point is 00:15:56 She is coming on I've Had It podcast, which is just like, speaking of cussing. Oh, she's brilliant. Try to remove the word fuck from Susie's character on Curb Your Enthusiasm. And that is nothing short of an egregious crime against the English language, acting, comedy. It would be character assassination.
Starting point is 00:16:23 It would be. It's what it would be. Suzy Green, to me, is one of the most admirable people on planet. Like I want to be her in real life. She motherfucks everybody. She takes zero shit. She does exactly what the fuck she wants to do with hiding her tail of consequences. Here's what I love.
Starting point is 00:16:44 I love how when somebody pisses her off, she's immediately like, if it's Larry, get the fuck out of here, get the fuck out of my house. And I just think like that's goals. We as you age, you give less fucks. And I think to be able to graduate to a point with friends where you can say, shut the fuck up, get the
Starting point is 00:17:05 fuck out of here, and then you don't have to worry about their feelings afterward is the biggest gift you can give your friends. And the reason that pumps and I have always been so close is we hang up on each other all the time and there's never a follow up. We are not thin skinned. We are not but heard about shit. We don't have to come back and explain stuff. We don't take things personally. And nobody does this better than Susie Green. No, she's Marvel. I mean, she really is one of my favorite characters on planet Earth.
Starting point is 00:17:39 Life goals. Yeah. And the way she dresses just takes it up five notches on the show. So we have a Patreon club, those of you that haven't joined, whatever, but, um, you're an asshole. We have a, in our chats on Patreon, we have a curb your enthusiasm chat and many of our members had never watched Curb Your Enthusiasm, so they started it. And I just feel like insane deep-seated jealousy that they get to watch all of that for the very first time. I know. Like they don't know what they're getting into and they get to unravel it and unwrap
Starting point is 00:18:21 it like a present every time. All right. So, I mean, this is a big day for I've Had It. A lot of people would get so excited about, you know, maybe like some big pop star coming on. This is my, what do you call it? Roman Empire? Yep. This is my Roman Empire listener. This is it. It's as close as I can get. Let's welcome Suzy Essman to
Starting point is 00:18:47 I've Had It. Do you suffer from having a parasocial relationship with two barely competent middle-aged women? If so, please go to ivehaditpodcast.com or to any social media site. I'm talking X, formerly Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, et cetera, and click the link in bio. And come see us at the Hot Shit Tour. Make your parasocial relationship real at the Hot Shit Tour. Right pumps, tell them. It's so fun. We hope to see you there.
Starting point is 00:19:28 This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp. Pumps doing the podcast or other jobs, being mothers, maintaining friendships. Sometimes I just feel like I have burnout, like I cannot face another meeting, another conversation. And I realize I'm just so disconnected from the world that I need to take the time to schedule a session with my therapist from BetterHelp. After I do it, I feel so much more centered, so much more grounded, and so much more functioning. What I like about BetterHelp is I do the sessions in the privacy of my own home where I'm comfortable and uninhibited. You know, I've benefited so much from my therapist at BetterHelp.
Starting point is 00:20:12 Listener, if you're thinking about starting therapy, give BetterHelp a try. It's entirely online, designed to be convenient, flexible, and suited to your schedule. All you have to do is fill out a brief questionnaire and get matched with a licensed therapist and you can switch therapist at any time for no additional charge. Find your social sweet spot with BetterHelp. Visit betterhelp.com slash had it today to get 10% off your first month. That's better help. H e l p dot com slash had it. All right, Suzy, welcome to I've Had It. I have to tell you, my favorite show on the planet ever since it started is Curb Your Enthusiasm. I've watched every episode two to three times.
Starting point is 00:20:59 I am a die-hard, die-hard fan. It is like tap the vein. It is like a narcotic drug for me. That's how much I love this series that you're in. Well, I like hearing that. It's so good. I mean, she started me on it like two years in and we would have, we would watch it and then the next day we'd get together and we'd recap it together. Well, what's interesting is the entire, the entire premise of the series is, I've had it.
Starting point is 00:21:27 That's the entire premise of the whole show. Larry's had it with everything and I've had it with him. I love, I mean, how does it feel to just get to motherfuck everybody all the time at your job? It's amazing. I mean, I say this all the time. I show up to work and all my friends are there. I mean, there's people there that I've known since 1983, 84, you know, it's like a whole group of us, old stand-up comics. And I just scream and I yell and I tell everybody to go fuck themselves. And then they love me for it and they give me money and I go home. I get such satisfaction from Susie Green, just the ass-chewing of men and kicking people out of her house, chewing her husband out. It
Starting point is 00:22:13 is so incredibly satisfying to watch. It's like I get ass-chewing by proxy satisfaction from that character. Well, I think everybody's always like commenting on her language. And I really think the issue that people are really responding to with Suzy is her comfort with her anger. They're just not aware that that's really the thing that they're really responding to they think it's all the fox and all, but it's really that she as a woman is so comfortable with her anger, and we're all enraged all the time.
Starting point is 00:22:46 And I don't know how you were brought up, but I was brought up, you know, don't be angry, be a nice little girl. And it's like, fuck that. I feel the exact same. And I think we get a lot of blowback because we cuss a lot on our podcasts. And I think a lot of that is still so much sexism
Starting point is 00:23:04 permeates in society that women are not allowed to say fuck. And if a male comedian says fuck, nobody would dare tell him not to use that language. But when a brilliant female comedian such as yourself uses it, then the language becomes the issue. And I think you're right. Women should feel comfortable. If we want to say fuck, we get to say fuck. And if you want to be enraged, be enraged. There's so much to be enraged about. You know, when I was coming up doing stand-up in the 80s, I was considered what they call a blue comic, which means a dirty comic, because I talked about sex. I mean, nothing. I mean, not what the women do now. Now they really go all out. But I talked about sex and I talked, you know,
Starting point is 00:23:45 I would use language, whatever, but it was nothing different than what the men were doing. And for them, it was just de rigueur. And for me, I was considered a dirty comic because I was female. Yeah, yeah. And it's still going on. Yeah, okay, Suzy, speaking of stuff we've had it with,
Starting point is 00:24:02 you sent us a A plus stellar list of grievances. I mean, just tap the vein on these things. So let's just dive into it. I didn't even think about them. My manager was like, come up with some things. And I just rattled them all off. All right. So the first thing you mentioned was insincere politeness. Oh, don't you hate that? I hate it. We live in Oklahoma City and in the South. Oh my god. Insincere politeness is ubiquitous. Have a nice day. Have a nice day. Fuck you have a nice day. You know, I live in New York and we're not really guilty of insincere polonies here. And people think we're rude.
Starting point is 00:24:48 We're not rude. We're just busy. You know, you stop me on the street and ask me directions. I'm happy to help you. But don't think I'm going to get involved in a conversation with you. Right. You know, I have things to do. I got to go to the dry cleaner for God's sake.
Starting point is 00:25:13 But yeah, I hate that. I hate that. I hate it with customer service. I hate it with just, you know, in stores, wherever you are, I just hate the reality of people. You know, I don't want people to be rude to me. That's not necessary either, but I want them to be real. Right, right. And efficient. I like efficiency. You know, once I was on one of those, you know, in the airport, one of those, you know, go trams that you walk on that goes faster. What are those? I don't know. Yeah. So this couple was blocked and everybody knows the etiquette of the tram. You know, if you're if you're standing still, you stand to one side. And if you're walking, you go through the other side. You take the left. So this couple was taking up the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:25:51 And I said, excuse me, because I had a flight to catch. I was getting a connection. And the woman turned to me and she said, what happened to please? And I lost it at her. First of all, excuse me, please is implied. Right. Yes. Right.
Starting point is 00:26:11 It's implied. I was very polite. I just said, excuse me. I don't have to say fucking please. Excuse me is implied. And you were the ones who were blocking with the poor etiquette. Absolutely. I totally agree. You know what? I hate it when somebody is totally the asshole and then they try to flip the script. It's like you're the one blocking the thing.
Starting point is 00:26:30 I'm not the asshole here. You're the fucking asshole. I don't need an etiquette lesson from some stranger on a tram thing in an airport. Exactly. No, that's so gross. Okay, you have something here that I think is probably one of the best had its ever. And we haven't discussed this. And it is a person that tells a long story with no payoff.
Starting point is 00:26:55 What a fucking gun to my head. I can't take... Well, look, for me, I'm a comic. It's set up, punch, set up, punch. I understand not everybody is capable of doing that. But you know, these people that tell a story. So I went to the bank and it was Saturday. Wait, maybe it was Friday. Was it Friday?
Starting point is 00:27:13 Maybe it was Friday. It's totally irrelevant to the story. Nobody cares what day it was. It's like they don't know how to move it along. And then you're waiting for the payoff and there's none. There's absolutely none. It's not knowing how to read a room. It's being not aware of who you're talking to and whether or not they're listening or whether or not, you know, you have these conversations with people and they have no awareness that you have no interest in what they're saying.
Starting point is 00:27:46 Yes. And here's what I think that is, Susie. I think that is not taking into account the feelings of the listener. I can't tell you how many times I have had to sit through something. And I think this person genuinely doesn't care about my feelings because they're making me sit here and listen to this boring bullshit that I can't even follow anymore. And it is ubiquitous everywhere you go. You've got somebody grandstanding that starts a story. And I'm always thinking, why is this relevant? Why is this interesting? Why won't you shut the
Starting point is 00:28:22 fuck up? Always. You know what? I have a very bad habit of doing something. Is this on? Why won't you shut the fuck up? Always. You know what? I have a very bad habit of doing something. Is this on, are we on video also? Yes. Okay. Cause I have a very bad habit of going like this. Like, come on, move it, move it. Keep it going.
Starting point is 00:28:38 We have a bad habit of like laying the plane. Like here you go. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Same thing. Same thing. Bring it down. And I've done it to people and it's rude. I shouldn't.
Starting point is 00:28:48 But it's like, it's a narcissism, which is probably the biggest I've had it of all is narcissism. I agree. Totally. So in the show, when we're talking about these petty grievances that we have now, do you all contribute to those like, hey, Larry, this just happened to me today and, you know, about these bad listeners and things like this? Sometimes, not often. I mean, Larry's so good at it all by himself and he writes all the outlines
Starting point is 00:29:18 also with Jeff Schaeffer, who's our EP and directs almost all the episodes. So they're pretty good on their own, but I'll mention stuff to him, you know, and everybody will mention stuff to him over the years, funny stories that have happened and he uses them sometimes and sometimes not. He's very good at grievances all by himself. It seems like it. And then I think the addition, I think it was season six of Leon, of JB's move. I don't know, how do you all get through those scenes? Do you sometimes just lose it and have to do another take? Who loses it the most is Larry. I mean, Larry's famous for losing it the most.
Starting point is 00:30:00 He loses it a lot with me because he loves to be yelled at, which is my job on the show. But he breaks up with JB also a lot. I actually just was on the phone with him right before I started this. What's interesting about JB is we're all playing characters. None of us are who we are on the show. But with me and with Larry and Richard and Jeff, we're all kind of versions of ourself in a way. JB is playing a complete character. It's a complete character. It's nothing like him whatsoever. And he improvises in that
Starting point is 00:30:38 character with these crazy tangents he goes off on. I don't know how this man's brain works. There's the one scene where he talks about Larry getting in that ass. And he's like, you get in that ass. And lampen and all. I mean, I just went in, it was like the perfect time to infuse something new to the show. You know, I mean, I could have, I can watch it go on and on. perfect time to infuse something new to the show. I mean, I could watch it go on and on. But one thing that I think is so brilliant about Curb
Starting point is 00:31:10 is it uses humor the way I think humor is supposed to be used. It's irreverent. And you talk about race, sexuality, Trumpism, crazy shit in such a humorous, meditative way, at least for me it is, like, I find it so soothing. And also, you know, there's no political correctness on this show. It is the most politically incorrect show. And we get really, I mean, I can remember just very few instances over the 12 seasons. We get very little flack for it. And I think the reason for that is because Larry's really making fun of himself.
Starting point is 00:31:49 Right. You know, he's not saying this is correct. He's he's showing using himself as an example of how not to be in a certain way. And yet he tells me that he aspires to be that character. I aspire to be Susie Green, so I can't fault it too much. I mean, I want to be that character. I aspire to be Susie Green so I can't fault it too much. I mean I want to be Susie. Let me ask you this because we've been talking about losing curb like this is it everybody knows this is it. I'm grieving it like I'm saving it. I haven't watched the most I've watched the first two but I don't want to watch it because then it's over. Are you grieving the loss of Curb? I feel at peace with it.
Starting point is 00:32:26 I feel so lucky to have been doing this for all these years. And it's 24 years since we started. And I feel so, I don't want to sound so Pollyanna, but I feel so privileged to have been a part of this show. As an actress in a comic, I could have been cast in any crappy sitcom that lasted for seven seasons. They just limp along these shows. And I would have been happy to have the job and
Starting point is 00:32:51 I would have taken it and I would have gotten the money I needed to live a life. And but I got to be on a show that I actually watch, actually respect. And that, you know, I mean, it's just, it's just one in a million that you get to have that experience. Right. What is your favorite episode of the series? I have a lot, but I would say probably the doll because that's from Sue. And that's the first time you, Suzy's really established.
Starting point is 00:33:20 Right. Her character is really established. And it's really established that Jeff and Larry live in fear of her. And every time they use that spaghetti western music, it's coming up. So that's probably my favorite. And it's such a perfect episode. It's a perfect half hour of comedy.
Starting point is 00:33:39 If you watch that, you just see how it all, I mean, Larry's such a master of the comeback, the callback and weaving everything together in his puzzle. But this is just, it's just, anybody who wants to be a comedy writer should start that episode. It's so good. I love that episode and one of my,
Starting point is 00:34:01 another favorite scene, and I just wanted to know if you improvised this or was it planned that you say this? And it's where Jeff beats off, and I think it's like Seder or something, it's some Jewish holiday. He beats off, Larry goes to confront him, and of course you always overhear those two up to all their fuckery. And you storm in there and you go, you're semen left this house?
Starting point is 00:34:23 That's cheating. That's infidelity. That was all improvised. It was all improvised. Brilliant. I remember that scene. I remember Larry said, somehow you have to get to kicking me out of the house
Starting point is 00:34:35 and banning me from your house. So I was like, all right, how am I gonna do that? And then I just came up with the idea that, you know, well, Cheryl's banning Jeff, well, I'm banning Larry. You know, you just take this shit up. And all of that, that, you know, well, Cheryl's banning Jeff, well, I'm banning Larry. You know, you just make this shit up. And all of that, that he was cheating, that was all me. That was all improvised.
Starting point is 00:34:50 Most of it is, you know, we get an outline. Okay. And the outline's very detailed in the sense of story, what has to happen for story, but there's no dialogue written. Almost all the dialogue is us improvising, unless there's like a line or something that's necessary to get out for story purposes.
Starting point is 00:35:11 That's written, but other than that, it's all improvised. Do you table read? No, no, no, no, no, no. Not only do we not table read, we don't do any rehearsal. We'll do a camera block in the beginning, you know, for each scene, but we purposely don't do any rehearsal. We'll do a camera block in the beginning, you know, for each scene, but we purposely don't speak until the cameras are actually rolling. So that the moment we start, it's all fresh and improv
Starting point is 00:35:34 and none of us know what each other's gonna say. And so you have a, like, this is what needs to be established in this scene, like a premise. Right. A premise. We have a premise. And we know where we have to start. We usually know? Like a premise? Right. A premise. We have a premise and we know where we have to start. We usually know what information has to come out and we know where we have to end.
Starting point is 00:35:52 You know, and there's a lot of great stuff that's cut out because it doesn't serve the story. Larry's all about story. That's his brilliance is all about story. Pops, have you been using the Cozy Earth sheets? Oh my gosh, yes. The bamboo sheets are to die for. I cannot get enough of them. I've ordered a second set so that while one's being laundered, I have another set on my bed. It makes sense that their slogan is,
Starting point is 00:36:21 soft as a mother's touch. Cozy Earth offers bedding products that will transform your sleep. Use code HADDOT for 35% off at CozyEarth.com. Cozy Earth bedding is temperature regulating and it has superior softness and paralleled fabrics, materials, and weave. And get this pumps, all products come with a 100 night sleep trial and a 10 year warranty. Incorporating Cozy Earth products into your self-care routine can enhance your sleep quality and overall wellness. Treat yourself to the ultimate in comfort and indulgence with Cozy Earth Bedding and Sleepwear and prioritize your self-care and sleep health. You deserve it. Again, that promo code is Hattit for 35% off at CozyEarth.com. Soft as a mother's touch.
Starting point is 00:37:10 Pumps spring has sprung and I am wearing my pickleball skirts every single day during my matches which means my legs have got to be free of stubble. The razors I usually use have like goopy mess after one try. They don't work as well after three tries. That's why I want to introduce you to Athena Club. There's three points I want to tell you about. First of all, it's their quality. Athena's Club razors glide so effortlessly thanks to a five precision engineered blades. There's a super moisturizing water activated serum with hyaluronic acid plus it has built-in skin guards that help prevent razor burn and reduce irritation. Secondly, it's the price. These razors are just
Starting point is 00:37:51 ten dollars but don't let the price fool you. The quality is out of this world. Thirdly is the magnetic hook. You get the same game-changing magnetic hook for easy storage. No more goopy blades and much better organization. Listener, get ready to upgrade your shaving experience. Switch to the best razor on the market and show your skin that you care with Athena Club. Head over to athenaclub.com to try their award-winning razor and body products and get 20% off your purchase with code HAD IT at checkout. You can also find Athena Club razors at your local Target store. Trust me, you will not look back. Happy shaving!
Starting point is 00:38:32 Okay, we want to play a game with you called HADDIT or HIT IT. So I'm going to list some things and you tell us. If you don't like it, you will have had it. And if you like it, you will hit it. Okay. Oh my god! Welcome to HADDIT or HIT IT. I would hit it. HAD Padditt or Hittitt. I would hit it.
Starting point is 00:38:46 Padditt. Padditt. I hit it every day, sometimes twice a day. All right. The first thing is Trump has now released the God Bless the USA Bible. Padditt. How dare this man have anything to do with the Bible. Agreed.
Starting point is 00:39:03 You remember that scene where he was at, you know, I forgot the name of that area by the White House and he's holding the Bible, reading the Bible upside down. Yes. What a dick. Listen, people can vote for him, they could do whatever they want, but don't pretend he's something he's not. He has no ideology, he has no fealty to religion
Starting point is 00:39:24 or any of the things that the people who were voting for him believed, none whatsoever. Yeah, absolutely none. We had Michael Cohen, his former lawyer on a podcast. Michael Cohen, yeah, okay. And we asked him, because he worked with him, they were best friends for years. And I said, is Trump a Christian?
Starting point is 00:39:43 Does he believe in God? And he said, no. No, he Trump a Christian? Does he believe in God? And he said, no. No. He believes in money is all he believes in and himself. Exactly. So had it. Had it. Okay. Had it or hit it. Millennial corporate group speak like, we'll workshop that. Let me circle back. Oh, nauseous over that. So had it.
Starting point is 00:40:02 that and let me circle back. Oh, nauseous over that. So had it. So had it. It's, you know, just so had it with the psycho babble and the, you know, the, that's again the false politeness in a certain way. It is. It is. You know, it's another version of that. Yeah, it absolutely is. Okay, I hate to do this to you, but I have to. How did her hit it? RFK Jr. Had it. Had it. Listen, I obviously know Bobby, he's married to Cheryl and I love Cheryl. Cheryl is a great girl. One thing I'll say about Bobby, as opposed to Trump, what we were just saying about him, Bobby does believe what he says.
Starting point is 00:40:50 Right. He's, he, you know, he has an ideology and he believes, I disagree with, some things I agree with him about actually, but I disagree with a lot of what he says, but he is a true believer. So I accept that more than I accept the narcissism of this other guy who is just about, you know, wanting to prove to people that he's got a huge,
Starting point is 00:41:09 huge penis when clearly. Oh my God, Susie, I say that all the time. He has a size problem. Oh, huge size problem. Yes, clearly. Anybody who has to, you know, there was more people there than ever existed in the face of this universe. I had the biggest, that is somebody with a really tiny dick. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:41:31 That's just a fact. Oh my gosh. We agree. We got called out maybe a couple episodes ago. We get called out all the time. We have super thick skin. But they said you cannot body shame men with little penises. And here's what I have to say in response to that. When the vagina is on equal footing with the penis, I will quit criticizing the penis. But until then, the teeny weeny is on the table. But you know, it's not and I agree with that, but it's not just it's not really the literal size. Right. It could be an inadequate, it could be
Starting point is 00:42:05 whatever. It's a feeling. It's like small dick behavior is not literal small dick. He might have a huge cock for all I know, but it's small dick behavior, which is his feeling about himself, his inadequacy. This must be an extremely unhappy, miserable man. Oh, yeah. Well, you know, quiet moments. Angie's full-time hobby is living in her curated liberal algorithm online. So she's listened to all these Stormy Daniels appearances on podcasts and on shows. And Stormy goes into great detail.
Starting point is 00:42:39 Great detail about Donald's penis. Sure. Tiny, teeny little peeny with a mushroom top. Oh, I know it's revolting. Had it with that. I've had it with that. Okay, had it or hit it, pet etiquette. Well, you know, again, I live in New York.
Starting point is 00:43:00 I would have to say both in a way because one of my pet peeves, and I will walk up to people and say something, is when they do not pick up their dog's poop. Absolutely. I mean, it is, I have a dog, every coat that I have has baggies in it, like I pull out, there's just there,
Starting point is 00:43:20 and I would never not pick up his poop on the streets of New York for somebody else to step in. It's just, it's horrible. And but here's the other etiquette thing. I mean, in New York, you know, we're all on top of each other. And if I have my dog out and he is in the middle of pooping and somebody comes along with their dog and they let their dog come over and sniff him, leave the poor kid alone. Don't bring your dog over to sniff at him while he's trying to take a dump.
Starting point is 00:43:48 That is rude. That is rude. Poor pet etiquette. All right. Had it or hit it? Cussing. Oh, I could never have had it with that. I mean, you know, I can't get enough of it.
Starting point is 00:44:00 Me too. Same. Unless it's gratuitous. I mean, there are comics, there were comics back in the old days and even now, which every other word was motherfucker and fuck. And it has to have a meaning. You take the meaning away from it. You know, cursing is an interesting thing because you guys say cussing
Starting point is 00:44:16 because you from Oklahoma City, I'm from New York. Because when people will use euphemisms and they'll say, you know, you know, freaking and blah, blah, the intent and the meaning is the same. So what's the difference? Right. That's a very good point. Yeah. You know, the anger is there. The intent is there.
Starting point is 00:44:38 If they want to say fuck you, but instead they say, you know, screw you or it's still they're still telling you to go fuck yourself. It's a word or not. It's so true. Exactly. And I kind of in my mind think, are you too big of a pussy to say it? Yeah, exactly.
Starting point is 00:44:58 You want to say fuck you and you say screw you. I'm like, you're kind of a pussy. Yeah, kind of are. Okay, had it or hit it, Larry David. Oh, hit it, hit it, hit it. I can't. I love Larry. I love him more than anything. He, first of all, he's one of my closest friends. He's given up. See, I just look at my text. There he is. Um, he's given me a career. He was the only man that knew how to use me, really. And every season I just get the outlines and this like one funny thing for me after another.
Starting point is 00:45:36 You know, he just gives me the funniest stuff to do. And he's, the reason why as an actress and a comic, why I love doing Curb so much is that I'm part of the creative process in a way that you're not when you just get a script. I mean, you are, you interpret a script and, you know, you do a character, but not in the same way as with Curb where I get to write all my own lines.
Starting point is 00:45:59 So it's such a collaborative creative process. And he's Larry, you know, people, the question I get asked more than any other question is, is Larry really like his character? And I will tell you unequivocally, no. He's the most generous, kind, loyal, incredibly loyal friend that you could ever have. I figured that he probably was that,
Starting point is 00:46:23 and that I think Larry does what we all want to do in our minds, what we do in our minds all the time, like, oh, shut the fuck up. And you want to, you want to call people out that are sample abusers and you want to tell them you want to do all of this. You want to run into somebody on the street and they say, let's have lunch. You want to say, you know, we're never going to have lunch. Let's go through this charade and give each other our info. And let's, he, he, that's when I say he aspires to be that character.
Starting point is 00:46:51 He wants, he thinks all those things, but he doesn't act on them. He's too sensitive to other people's feelings. And another thing you have to realize is he's our boss. You know, he's our leader. And same thing with Seinfeld all those years, he was the showrunner. So when you have hundreds of people that work under you, you can't be that jerk that his character is. You know, and the crew is so loyal to him. They drop everything to come back to curb and work at
Starting point is 00:47:18 curb. They leave other jobs, because they're so loyal to him because he's such a great person to work for. Oh, that's nice to hear. I mean, I'm not surprised. Yeah, but that is nice to hear. I can't wait to start your new podcast with Jeff Garland. It's a history of curve enthusiasm. We start from what we started the pilot and then we go through every season. So far, we've recorded 50 something because we've gone through season five.
Starting point is 00:47:41 And it's interesting to go back and watch all the episodes because they really hold up. They do. I just watched the Palestinian chicken episode. How brilliant was that one? Which every it's just as funny. Every curb your enthusiasm episode is just as funny. The fourth or fifth time as it was the first time because it's so clever. You guys are so organically, naturally funny. I mean, you're genuinely funny people. Bob Einstein, who also has died, was so funny in that episode, who played Marty Funkhouse. Yeah, he was great.
Starting point is 00:48:18 So brilliant. You know, some of these are hard for me personally to go back and look like right after Richard died, there was an episode that he was in a lot and I couldn't watch it. I just couldn't watch it. It was too painful, but I'll go back and watch it, you know, maybe in a few weeks or something.
Starting point is 00:48:35 But it's, you know, having been on the air for so many years, we've been through people dying, people getting married, divorces, remarriage, children, grandchildren. We've all been through so much together and we're very much a family. You know, you can tell. I mean, I think that as a watching, having watched every episode of Curb, you can tell that there is an organic, genuine care that you all have for each other. Even though you're acting, you wouldn't have that chemistry if there wasn't respect. Chemistry is something I think that you spot in people that they have and you guys have such organic chemistry on screen. And then what Larry did,
Starting point is 00:49:21 I mean, you talked about he brought J.B. Smoven and then, of course, after Bobby died, he brought in Vince Funk. Oh, yes. You know, you can't replace Bob. The Marty Funkhouser was such a singular character. But you bring in another layer and then he brought Tracy in, you know, Tracy Ullman, who is just genius beyond. I couldn't figure out who that was. I was like, who is playing Irma?
Starting point is 00:49:45 And then when it was Tracy, I was like, what? Oh, God. You know, I had lunch with her a few months ago, and she's got this long, gorgeous, lustrous hair. And she walks in the restaurant. I'm like, I didn't even know who it was. She wasn't in that horrifying Irma wig. Awful.
Starting point is 00:50:04 It's like people who see me dressed as a normal person, but they're not used to me. They're in a state of shock. That's how I was seeing Tracy walk into the restaurant. Susie's wardrobe is something we haven't even discussed, but it is so good. It just rounds out the character. And the pride that Susie has of being a fashionista
Starting point is 00:50:28 is just an extra layer. She believes that she has the greatest taste in the world. Oh, absolutely. And you know, Cheryl has no pizzazz whatsoever, you know, and every season it's gotten more and more and more over the top. Yeah. And like he said to me this season, he goes, you know, I don't even say anything anymore. Like there was some in the past, he would say, all right, you got too far. He said, I don't even say anything anymore.
Starting point is 00:50:54 You just and it's funny because when I I go into my trailer and I change and I walk onto set and everybody's waiting each day to see the Suzy outfit. You know, it's like when I walk onto set. You know what I just walk down like, hi everybody. And then crazy outfit. For me as an acting thing, it's just, I put on those outfits and I just become her. Right.
Starting point is 00:51:18 Yeah. That's great. It is so good. I think Pumps had a couple of questions she was gonna ask you about Suzy. Okay, So you said Larry's super different from his character. What about Suzy? So couple social situations I wanted to ask you about. So if you're on an airplane and somebody takes their feet off, shoes off, how does Suzy Green react versus Suzy Usman? They take the shoes of and socks.
Starting point is 00:51:45 Yeah. So like we're barefooted, you know, unless their feet were sticking into my area, I do find it absolutely repulsive, but I wouldn't say anything. What does it say? Something would totally say something. She she is much bolder and brasher than I am. something. She is much bolder and brasher than I am. The only thing that really gets me, Susie Essman, going that I get really angry at is, you know, really bad customer service. I've been known to lose it at really bad customer service. I, Susie, I have too. See, like, I want to be Susie Green when I grow up. So this is just making me so happy. I'm like elated on Cloud9. I will,
Starting point is 00:52:24 I will do it in a nice way, but I will care in customer service a little bit. Yeah, yeah. I have gone Susie Green on customer service. One time I had, and I've gone Susie Green on each of my kids at least once when they were teenagers. Not anymore. Oh, for sure. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:52:39 But how could you not? How could you not? Absolutely. But one time I was having a cable issue and it's always cable, you know, cable's the worst. And my internet was down and I kept calling, I called maybe seven or eight times and I'm not exaggerating.
Starting point is 00:52:54 They kept on saying, it's fixed, it's fixed. And finally I just lost it at the woman because it wasn't fixed. And I can't really, I'm trying to do work. I can't function without, you know, being able to go online. And she was like, all right, calm down, calm down. Let me have your name again. I gave her my name. She goes, you have the same name as that actress.
Starting point is 00:53:11 And then suddenly and I had been screaming at the top of my lungs. And so I like changed my voice. I'm like, yeah, you hear all the time. And I pretended I was a completely different person. And there are certain restaurants that I could not go into anymore in New York City because I've made a scene. Oh, the plot just keeps thickening. I love this woman. Loose lips are sinking ships on. I've had it today. I love that. Well, Susie, I cannot thank you enough. This is like so surreal and so awesome to meet you in person. And I cannot tell you how much joy that show,
Starting point is 00:53:52 your character has brought to my life. And I know so many other people. It is, in my opinion, the best comedy show ever made in the history. In the history of television. I agree. For sure. And you two are adorable. You're lovely. Well, thank you. Thank you for coming on. We've loved having you.
Starting point is 00:54:11 It was fun. I get to kvetch. That's all I care is I live to kvetch. Bye, Suzy. Thank you. Bye, Oklahoma City. Bye. Bye Susie, thank you so much. Bye Oklahoma City. Bye. Bye. Susie is everything to me. She over-delivered. Like where she is in my mind,
Starting point is 00:54:32 you would think that pinnacle would be so high. You can't reach the top. She over-delivered. And that is hard to do because we had the highest expectations for her and she walked in here and exceeded them. It's unbelievable. And here's the thing, we're not that gracious of people. So we genuinely mean that she exceeded expectations in spades. Totally. I mean, she was everything I wanted
Starting point is 00:54:59 her to be and more. Totally funny. She's irreverent. I mean, she is fabulous. And the act, the New York accent is fantastic. Get the fuck out of here. And we had a lot of kindred spirit things. I'm kind of feeling good about myself. I kind of feel like, I mean, she's probably going to be like, Oh, they were cute from Oklahoma. I kind of feel like she's my friend. I feel I want her to be my friend. Yeah, I forgot to promote. You brought it up, but she has a podcast, everybody called the history of curb your enthusiasm wherever you get your podcasts. And if you haven't watched curb your enthusiasm, just please stop stop listening to our podcast. Go watch it or go start it because it is the best comedy show in the history of television forever. And her character
Starting point is 00:55:42 is nothing short of complete goals. Probably one of the best television characters ever. Absolutely. I mean, she is goals city. Love Suzy Essman. Love Suzy Green. Love them both. That's right. All right. Stay tuned. For those of you that are members of Patreon, join us in our after show that starts right now on Patreon and hit our Lincoln bio to buy merch and to come see us on tour. Pumps tell them. We will see you next Tuesday or Thursday or both.

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