I've Had It - She's Really Let Herself Go

Episode Date: June 1, 2023

Jennifer and Pumps loop in the listeners for half an hour of debauchery. The girls listen to hilarious submissions covering topics that range from spouses calling 15 times a day to the Instagram influ...encers who claim to have just “woken up in paradise.” Jen and Pumps also get validation from a Floridian that wants to help the girls annex the state off the planet. Thank you to our sponsors: Bright Cellars: For a limited time, listeners get $100 off their first six bottle box by going to Brightcellars.com/ivehadit ZocDoc: Go to Zocdoc.com/IVEHADIT and download the Zocdoc app for FREE. Then find and book a top-rated doctor today. Many are available within 24 hours. Subscribe to our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IveHadItPodcast Follow Us: I've Had It Podcast: @Ivehaditpodcast Jennifer Welch: @mizzwelch Angie "Pumps" Sullivan: @pumpspumpspumps

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Starting point is 00:00:00 So we supposed to start the podcast. Okay, one, two, three. I'm really just killing it in the clap department. And I just want to say you're killing it in the outfit department today. I am actually tried. You have on cute shoes. Real shoes. Real shoes.
Starting point is 00:00:23 Real girl shoes. And not like men's flip flops. Yeah, no, they're not as comfy, but they're cute. So pumps, is there anything on your mind? Anything you've had it with, anything you want to share with the listener. I've had it with Lucky Lose. I'm tired of everybody's stopped in traffic because A, somebody had a fender brinder or B, they're getting pulled over. It's like, why are you staring, just drive? And believe I know, I have been guilty of it in the past if there's like 27 fire tracks,
Starting point is 00:00:57 but I'm doing it as I'm passing. I don't like slow down to 30 to watch this wreck or whatever's going on the highway. It's just unnecessary. Well, maybe they're slowing down because there are people impeding the roadway. Now, this is just like not people and me, like way off on the shoulder, like between the two highway lanes. I'm an offender. I want, I look.
Starting point is 00:01:19 But what if it was, I don't look because what if it was horrible? It could be, but I can't help myself. I look, it terrifies me that I'm gonna see like a dead body or something, like blood or. Yeah, I'm sure you can't, I mean, I'm sure that's a possibility. I mean, because car wrecks are, you know, dangerous, very dangerous. It's far more dangerous to drive in a car
Starting point is 00:01:40 than it is to ride on a airplane. Right. Which brings me to just one little thing I wanted to ride on a airplane, right? Which brings me to just one little thing I wanted to touch on. At one point we spoke about people clapping when a pilot lands the plane. Yes. It's far more dangerous listening to ride in a car. So for those of you that defended the pilots, whenever you're riding in a car, I don't care about your mother driving you, your husband, your boyfriend, your girlfriend, an Uber driver. I want you to start clapping. Don't discriminate.
Starting point is 00:02:11 Don't discriminate. If you're going to clap for the pilot, you clap for all people that operate machinery that gets you from position A to position B. The pilot shouldn't get all the glory. That's right. Because air travel is safer. So I want it, bus drivers. I want standing ovation for bus drivers. Every? Yeah, time. Do not cherry pick which type of driver gets the applause.
Starting point is 00:02:38 I've had it with that. But back to the look you lose. I'm a defender. I disagree with you on this. I haven't had it with look you lose because I'm a defender. I disagree with you on this. I haven't had it with lucky lose because I'm a lucky loop. I can be a lucky loop but generally not because I really am scared to see something that would be like traumatizing forever. Yeah. Okay. So listener pumps is up on the moral high ground this morning. I'm about to bring her a blanket. I just did chicken. Okay. I'm going to
Starting point is 00:03:02 bring her blanket. I don't really know that I've had it with anything today, but I do want to share a story with you and the listener. Okay, about three or four weeks ago, I went out like to a black tie event and Normally as you and the listener know when I get invited to do things I get resentful and Angry about it. I didn't in this scenario at all because and angry about it. I didn't. In this scenario at all. Because the event was for one of my pickleball friends she was receiving an award. Okay. Another pickleball friend invited me to go with her. And because pickleball was involved, even though we weren't playing pickleball, but it was my pickleball friends who were my real friends that don't judge me for
Starting point is 00:03:45 playing pickleball because they play it with me. I was all excited about it. But before I agreed to go, I asked the person that invited me, you don't stay out late, right? She has, let me just tell you something. If you go with me, you will be in bed in your pajamas before the first valet car is delivered. Love that. So I'm like, damn, sure. in your pajamas before the first valet car is delivered. Love that.
Starting point is 00:04:05 So I'm like, damn. Sure. So she comes to pick me up, okay? And I've always thought that I was kind of a graduate level student as far as being able to go to an event, socialize, I wish I could. Right. I thought I was crushing it. Right.
Starting point is 00:04:22 Come to find out I'm like a preschooler. Really? Let me tell you what she does. Oh my gosh. We. Come to find out, I'm like a preschooler. Really? Let me tell you what she does. Oh my gosh. We pull up to the event, okay? She sees the valet line and she's like, she counts the cars. Does the math and she says, it's gonna be a lot quicker if we just park ourselves and walk in.
Starting point is 00:04:37 Are you down with that? And I go, I'm totally down. So she whips into a parking spot, ass in, nose out, right? We go into the event. She immediately starts socializing with each person that she needs to. She's like, she's working a room. Yeah, heat seeking missile, works in room,
Starting point is 00:04:57 immediately it says, hi, it's genuine, it's gracious. Then she starts giving the social cues that she's going to the next person. Right. I'm watching this whole thing go down, right? Just a shock and awe. So she works the lobby of the event, and she works one half of the room of the dinner.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Apatizer comes out in between the appetizer and the entree, she gets up and works the other half of the room. Smart. I'm sitting there with total amazement because a lot of the people were still wanting to chat with her, but she's giving these social cues and she's moving right onto the next person. Then she has to go up on stage,
Starting point is 00:05:31 introduce the recipient of this award. She does it graciously, awesomely, amazingly. Come back and sit down, we chit chat. They wrap up the final award. She looks at me, does a little twirl with her finger. Love it. We are out the door. We don't have to wait in the valley line. She's as in, nose down. I'm home in my pajamas. And she texted me. I just texted the people that were sitting at our table.
Starting point is 00:05:57 And they're still in the valley line. Love it. I am an object failure compared to this woman. She should teach a master class. It's incredible. She is a PhD and I'm in my poopy diaper when it comes to this. I'm so bad at it. I thought I was really good.
Starting point is 00:06:16 I thought I was really good too, but not like her. No, I had the best time and I was at home in bed in my pajamas at 8.30 pm and I went to a in bed in my pajamas. At 8.30 p.m. I went to a black tie, circled your event. Everything that I hate, and I had the most wonderful evening, supporting my darling friends.
Starting point is 00:06:37 Love it. So it's just all positive energy over here from me today. That's just, we need to get better. Yeah, we do. Okay, so listener, today is the day that we hear from you But before we do that, I want to welcome you to I've had it. I'm Jennifer. I'm Angie. We like to call her Princess Diana Shut up Jessica. I Did see a comment that was Jessica and Lumps Jessica and Lumps. That's pretty good. All right Lumps
Starting point is 00:07:03 Okay, Kylie is here today and she has gone through all the DMs and picked some winners and they are going to be humdingers. I believe zingers. Kylie, who's first? First we've got Katie. Hi, Jennifer and pumps greetings from London. I'm Katie. I have had it with cats, little furry fuckers coming into my back garden and taking a shit in my flower bed, staring me straight in the eyes through the window, looking at me like no peonies for you, blonde bitch, fucking cunts, and I'm allergic, so I go to my friend's house and she's like oh my cat doesn't really like people until I get there And then I sit in my lap trying to rub their fucking dandering my face so that I sneeze everywhere Cats I've had it had it I'm just gonna say this a
Starting point is 00:08:00 Person with a British accent right could say the most fucked up shit on the planet. And I'm in and I love it. But in this particular case, her I've had it with cats. I think it's 150% accurate. A hate cats. I think they're gross. I mean, I would never have a cat, but I kind of admire the cat a little bit, but it's pooping in her garden while looking at her,
Starting point is 00:08:26 basically telling her to fuck off. It's pretty savage. It's pretty savage cat. That's the thing about cats is, like, this cat hates everybody, but the cat knows that that darling little British woman doesn't like her. So the cat's over there, rebiting its ass in her face. And that's what cats do.
Starting point is 00:08:43 Cats are like the ultimate fuck off species. They are clever. They know like this person thick and hates my guts. And I am going to prove exactly why I'm so hateable. And then the cat feels really good about itself for doing that. Yeah, I just, well, everybody knows I've got this cat, right, with the diabetes, the diabetes, and the problems. And now she's come, she comes to my bedside every night, me
Starting point is 00:09:12 owls at me, and then starts purring. So I have to go through a 20-minute pet session with her, which I, you know, despite my reputation in the podcasting world of being a cold-hearted bitch, I actually have moments of kindness. And so I pet the cat, 11 on the cat, I tell her she's pretty. Even though inside, I think you're lazy, you need to do better job forming yourself, get your diabetes under control,
Starting point is 00:09:35 maybe run around the house and exercise and lose some weight so you won't have the diabetes, but I don't tell her that, you know? But I've kinda had it with cats too, because this cat that I have It's never gonna die and the vet just keeps her alive. Is she only inside? She used to be indoor outdoor, right? That's what I thought she had some boyfriends She'd tramp around the neighborhood which I was in total support of right and then about five six years ago
Starting point is 00:09:58 She quit going outside and that's when the now that she doesn't have boyfriends now. She's not grooming herself She doesn't she's let, now she's not grooming herself, she doesn't, she's let herself go. She's let herself go. She has completely let herself go. Okay, Kylie, who's next? Next we've got Clinton J. Hi, pumps and Jenny, my name is Clinton and what I have had it with this week is people who are obsessed with telling you how many books they have read
Starting point is 00:10:25 in a year. I cannot give less of a shit that you have read 47 books by the month of June. This is not the third grade scholastic book of thumb bitch. You're an adult and you're not going to get a presidential award like in gym class for being a loser. Furthermore, this does not promote conversation unless I have read the same books as you, which I haven't because they're probably all trashy romance novels.
Starting point is 00:10:49 What am I supposed to say to this information besides, good job, you fucking nerd. I'm just a clown. And any adult can feel the urge to tell people this information. I would encourage you to lean into that hobby and read a book on self-awareness and social skills. Love you both. Clinton? Clinton killed it. Clinton. You fucking nerd. Not you, Clinton. Oh my gosh, I'm with him on this and I know that you're in a book club. Right, I've had it with
Starting point is 00:11:20 book clubs. I mean, I've had it. If I read a book, I want to read the book, and then I want to Google about the book. I don't want to go sit in a circle jerk and talk about the book. It is like my worst nightmare. I don't, if somebody had some weird, you know, thought about the book, I don't want to share it. And everybody's always going to book club.
Starting point is 00:11:41 I was at Pickleball the other day. And somebody's like, I got to race out. I got to go to book club. You're always going to book club. Yeah, I love my book club. They're so fun. I had going to book club. I was at Pickleball the other day, and somebody's like, I gotta race out, I gotta go to book club. You're always going to book club. Yeah, I love my book club. They're so fun. I had it with book clubs.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Yeah, they're really super fun. But what he's talking about is this random people coming up and telling him how many books they've read in a year. Like who would do that? 47 in June? I think a fucking nerd. A fucking nerd as he said. How about the romance novels?
Starting point is 00:12:08 How about lean into your hobby and read a book about self-awareness. He's so great. I mean, that's telling us just hotter than a firecracker. Totally. I mean, he's hot. I think he's surrounded by a bunch of quote, fucking nerds that are just reading books constantly. And then they want to trot around and flex about all these books they've read, which I can't even imagine anybody would care about, especially if they start talking about a book. He's not read. Here's what I think I'm going to do. Somebody says to me, like, hey, I have read 47 books this year. I'm gonna go really, because I've watched about 247 television series, starting from handmade tales to candy,
Starting point is 00:12:53 succession, succession. I'm totally fucking tap the vein on this. I have basically graduated from Netflix, Hulu, and HBO Max, with a PhD. Total PhD. Don't look at Apple. I mean, during COVID, I was like, I fucking finished streaming. I graduated from streaming.
Starting point is 00:13:10 There was nothing left for me to watch. Right. No, that is true. I am really good at watching TV. I'm great at it. I do love to read though. I love it. I like to read.
Starting point is 00:13:20 I don't want to talk to people about the books that I read. It's my serenity. It's my thing. I just really don't like talking to people about the books that I read. It's my serenity, it's my thing. I just really don't like talking to people, much less about books. Have you ever listened to an audiobook? Yes, when I'm driving. Yeah, it's a really nice feature, I think.
Starting point is 00:13:37 It's nice, but if I'm at home, I'm not gonna, I think audio books is, it's scirting. I think you're scirting reading a little bit. I think it's totally scurting. If you're sitting at home, listening to a book, that is scurting the system. You should be reading the book.
Starting point is 00:13:52 Right. If I'm driving, I will do an audiobook. But if I'm sitting at home, I want to read the book. I'm not scurting. I'm not a skirter. But yeah, now, Clinton, we can tell he's absolutely darling. Great voice.
Starting point is 00:14:04 Marta the Neweb. Sharpe, Levent. can tell he's absolutely darling. Great voice. Martyr than a web. Sharp attack. Yeah, he's a winner. Okay, next we've got someone with the username at everything starts with you. Oh my God, I've had it with my husband calling me a million fucking times a day. He doesn't even leave.
Starting point is 00:14:20 Well, no, he's left the house or I've left the house and within two seconds he's on the phone. I literally get God knows how many phone calls a day. I probably up to about 15 phone calls a day if we are apart from one another. Literally, I say to him, are you still breathing in oxygen? And where you are, is the sky still fucking blue? Because unless you were calling me to tell me something has gone catastrophically wrong or we have gone atomic, I really don't fucking care. I'm out for the day or I've
Starting point is 00:14:52 popped out for all of 2.4 seconds, there is nothing you should need to call me about. I have literally fucking had it and you know what, I don't even care if you play this or not, I just needed to get this off my chest. The mom is fucking nuts. By the way I love you, Jenny and pumps. Oh my god. I love you, British accent. Okay.
Starting point is 00:15:13 Here's the deal. Listen up. Listen up, listener. We are toying with going on tour and we need London. All of you little Londoners are everybody in the UK. You spread this fucking podcast around because we want to be there a week. London is my favorite city. So you've got to spread this podcast so we can justify coming and running the podcast
Starting point is 00:15:32 from there. Okay, so that's neither here nor there. This is real. Nothing worse than a spouse calling nonstop. So recently about a month ago, I go on a pickleball trip, surprise. And I talked to Josh maybe once per day. He's calling and texting a lot. He wants details. He wants to know what's going on, which is sweet and all of that. I didn't have time. I was busy being an athlete. I was in athlete mode. You know, athletes have a process and visiting what Josh 16 times a day
Starting point is 00:16:07 Didn't go with the Concentration level that I needed on the court. I mean it was the Palm Springs Olympics It was serious, okay So I get home from this trip and Usually when I travel Josh greets me at the door is so excited and he's like get in here And he takes my suitcase and he's like, get in here and he takes my suitcase. And he's like, tell me all about it, Mama's what went on?
Starting point is 00:16:29 Cause Josh and the boys call me Mama's, M-A-M-A-Z. Like, come on, Mama's, get in here. And the Frenchies are going bananas. He's sitting on the sofa, pouting. But her, and I was like, well, this is weird, but I don't care. So I go in and pack the suitcase, go back in, and I go, what's going on?
Starting point is 00:16:44 How is it? what's going on? How is it? How's everything going? It's fine. And I'm like, we don't really have this dynamic in our relationship, like passive aggressive but hurt. So I finally beat it out of him. And he has but hurt that I only spoke to him one time per day.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Oh, God. And I am like, oh, that's kind of sweet, because there was a time in our relationship where I would have given anything for him to have cared when he was like out using drugs. So the moral of this story is be careful what you wish for because if you wish your husband would quit calling you, then that happens. And then you're like, but we were just recently in New York, Pempson me. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:17:25 Josh had to call me at least six times a day. And I, we were sitting in the bathroom getting ready and I said, I think this confirms I can never get married or be in like a really serious relationship because I couldn't keep up with the phone calls. Yeah. Like I just couldn't do it. He really loves me. Oh, I just, but we talk on the phone six times a day, you and me.
Starting point is 00:17:46 Right, but we have stuff to talk about. He just is like, what are you doing? Pumps, what are you doing? We're in the bathroom. We're getting ready. Well, what are you going to wear? I mean, it's like, shut up. But Collar, Josh recently sent a text. Okay. He sends a text while I'm in New York, and the text says, I have a guy come in by the house to detail the cars. And I respond, yay, why, why, why, why, why, with a bunch of wise to show my enthusiasm. My car is filthy and needs it.
Starting point is 00:18:20 I thought from there this conversation about the detailing in my enthusiasm was complete. 2.5 seconds later my phone rings, much to my surprise, it's Josh. I answer and he's like, yeah, so the car detailers coming over. I'm like, yeah, you just said that in the text. I got the text. And he's like, yeah, but you showed so much enthusiasm. Like, are you taking a victory lap here? Is that what this is? Like, you're like peacock feathers out, silver back gorilla. Like, look at me. I'm your man.
Starting point is 00:18:49 I'm getting your card detail. And he goes, kind of, I am. And I was like, okay, are we finished now? Can we be done with this? Yeah, that, okay. But here's the deal. Collars, there's two options for psycho collars. Psycho, like significant other collars. Number one, they're just a psycho
Starting point is 00:19:06 and they're madly in love with you. And this would be the case with Josh Welch. Number two, are they up to no good? See, I kind of go lean towards nefarious with all the calls. But that's just my personal experience. When Josh was up to nefarious shit, he pretty much ignored me. Right. My husband was up to nefarious shit and called you to tell you how busy he was. Right. Just non-stop calls. So I think it's a 50 50 as best name. Nonetheless, I'm with her that it is annoying. And I just like, I wonder if you could just say, like, let's limit it to two phone calls a day. Like 15. So here's the problem with Josh. I could say, you're allowed to call me two times per day and then he would make it funny and he'd call me go, I realize this is my fourth phone call of the day, but I have
Starting point is 00:19:49 something super important to tell you and he'd crack some joke and Josh can be incredibly charming. Right. And funny and then I would get roped in to giggling about it. So I probably feed this stray cat, you know, right? And then it keeps coming back. It keeps coming back. You feed a stray cat, they're coming back. Yeah, I just, I don't know. I mean, it's like God if you live with them You're married to him and you talk 15 times a day. Yeah Yeah, it just sounds like misery the great thing about Josh is I can immediately say I got to get I got to go Great. He didn't get bad burning and he's not but hurt or think skin only that one time That I went on that pickable trip pick ball causes a lot of jealousy and frustration and hateful comments.
Starting point is 00:20:29 I'm looking at YouTube. I'm looking at you, pumps. There's a jealousy situation. Right. I'm jealous. You're such a great athlete. I'm competitive. I mean, it just, I lay awake and I worried about it.
Starting point is 00:20:40 I know. I know. Pumps, I've had it up to my eyeballs with you constantly on the internet trying to diagnose yourself with some imaginary disease that you don't have and then calling me and telling me that you're about to die, I've had it. I know I'm always worst-case scenario girl. Get on the internet, go down the rabbit hole is pretty soon. I'm convinced that I'm dying or have leprosy or something awful. Have you heard about this new product called ZockDock? I have. I just downloaded it on my phone.
Starting point is 00:21:10 It's amazingly easy. You're the perfect candidate for this app. ZockDock is the only free app that lets you find and book doctors who are patient reviewed, take your insurance, are available when you need them and treat almost every condition under the sun, even real ones pumps. With SOC doc, there are no alarms and no surprises.
Starting point is 00:21:32 Choose from thousands of patient-reviewed doctors and specialists, browse Dr. Profiles, upload and verify your insurance information and get the care you need. Listen or go to SOC doc.com slash I've had it and download the zock.app for free. Then find and book a top rated doctor. Many are available within 24 hours. That's zoc.oc.com slash, I've had it. zock.com slash, I've had it. So guys, I have the hardest time finding gifts
Starting point is 00:22:04 for my friends because everybody has everything they want. So I think, okay, I'm going to go buy them a bottle of wine. So then I go to the wine shop and I really don't know anything about wines. But fortunately, Bright Sellers is the wine club that believes anybody can experience the joy of wine. All you have to do is take a quick seven question quiz and they match you with wines from all over the world. I recently gifted Kylie and her girlfriend Anna
Starting point is 00:22:30 a subscription to this service and the wine was delivered directly to their door. How was it Kylie? I think you nailed it. We had people over and they were so impressed with me and my wines, I looked so cultured. Did Anna like it? She loved it. For a limited time listener,. I looked so cultured. Did Anna like it? She loved it.
Starting point is 00:22:45 For a limit time listener, you too can look cultured and get $100 off your first six bottle box by going to BrightCellars.com slash I've had it to get $100 off your first box head to BrightCellars.com. That's B-R-I-G-H-T-C-E-L-l-a-r-s.com slash I've had it. Bright sellers is the wine club for real people. Okay, next we've got Camila G. To start off, I have to say, as I let the internet growing up in the US, you two are the versions of the ideal white mother that I've always wanted. I have had it, had it, had it, had to say it three times.
Starting point is 00:23:34 With the basic beaches, the Becky's Asusis, the Katie's, the Lawrence, post it on Instagram saying woke up in paradise. No, bitch, you didn't just wake up in fucking paradise. You've been planning this goddamn trip for the last six months in your girls group. Planned out every single off, it probably spent more on these two-week vacation outfits than he did in your everyday clothing selection. Okay, so f off with the woken up in paradise because we all knew it was a sh**kin' sh** show for you to get there. I'm sorry, thank you. I mean, she's right. It's like people think people care about their vacation. They don't.
Starting point is 00:24:16 I know. They don't. But I'm going to say this. I post more on Instagram when I'm traveling than I do when I'm in town because my in-town life is boring. Right. It's a way more fun. But to say woke up and paradise. No, that she's a hundred percent right that you do this thing like woke up in paradise. And for all we know, this person could have woken up with cocaine residue under their nose. Right. And like you know, two men in the bed, she doesn't know. Two men in the bed, God only knows what happened. Right. And like, you know, two men in the bed, she doesn't know. Two men in the bed. God only knows what happened. Right.
Starting point is 00:24:47 And it could have been a shit show prior to this reveal of paradise. That tada. I'm in paradise. 20 bucks says they're all dolled up in the picture. It's not just like God out of bed. Didn't brush it. It's like a fully quaffed dolled, woke up in paradise. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:25:03 I think that the, I mean, the doling on for social media is really real. I bet there are people that never leave their fucking house that wake up, doll from top to bottom, do a full blown, you know, like photo shoot, solo, and then trot it out on Instagram, like, you know, like they're doing all this shit.
Starting point is 00:25:22 I bet there's just a massive level of fraud going on. I mean, if I don't have court or this or a client, it's no makeup leggings. Like, I'm not dull enough. If you left out one key component, no bra. Well, if I went to work out, I'd have a bra. But if I'm just tooling around the house, absolutely right. No bra. Sometimes airplane flights, no bra. That's true. But it's true. I'm not a start. You started with a bra. You haven't been known to take it off on an airplane. Mid flight to remove your bra next to a stranger. I've taken my bra off in a lot of weird
Starting point is 00:26:00 places that like, where else? I've taken him off. Well, remember when we were doing the show and we had those deals, I would take it off while we were doing the green screen. Yeah. Always used to take it off in carpool. Oh, restaurants. Yeah. Like, if I've just had it,
Starting point is 00:26:16 it's just, it's really genuinely like, you should be the poster child for free the nip. They have gone about this marketing campaign all wrong because the real poster child, the real model, the real face of the movement is you. You do it in carpool, you do it in airplanes, you do it in restaurants, you free that nip, every opportunity you get, you free the nip, you free the tit, and you do it unapologetically. Yeah, you do it. And I'm really good at it. And I'm bothered.
Starting point is 00:26:46 Right. And I'm really good at it. Like if you were talking to me and I'd check it off, you couldn't even tell. Except for the time you slapped that woman in the face on the plane with your bra. One mistake in all these years. I know, I know, I know.
Starting point is 00:26:58 OK, Kylie, who's next? OK, next you've got KDS. I've had it with people that bring their babies and toddlers to the nails salon. I went a couple weeks ago to get a manicure and a woman had brought her toddler with her and he proceeded to run around the whole nail salon screaming, crying, just making a huge fuss just making a huge fuss and I could not even enjoy my manicure. And if you can afford a manicure, you can afford a babysitter. 100% right on that. She's right. Yeah. Where's the lie? Where is the lie? There isn't one. Toddlers and babies do not belong in nail salons. Period. Period period if you can afford the manicure if you can afford the
Starting point is 00:27:49 Pedicure you can afford a fucking babysitter do not Take a child a toddler a asshole of all kids is the toddler do not take your toddler to a nail salon of the toddler. Do not take your toddler to a nail salon where other people are enjoying their moment of zen, getting their nails done, getting their feet massaged. They work, they've got fucking kids too. And then you trot your fucking toddler to a goddamn nail salon and let it run amuck. That is worse. That is, that is horrible. It's's it's disgraceful. Such a lap of self awareness, total lack of self awareness. Nobody thinks your toddler's cute. Right.
Starting point is 00:28:33 Everybody goes to a manicure, pedicure place. It's like a spa style treatment. It's just like a, I've had toddlers and back when my kids were toddlers, I was broke. I did not take my toddlers to the hair in nail salon. Absolutely not because other people are there. Other adults are there enjoying their time of spending their money to have a self-care moment. Right, and you're stealing it. And when you trot your toddler in,
Starting point is 00:29:00 when other adults are trying to have a moment of self-care, you're nothing short of a thief. You are stealing this person's serenity from them, and your toddler is an asshole, and it's probably going to grow up to be an asshole, and this has got to stop. Member Jared Fried that guessed what he had on? Where's your social referee?
Starting point is 00:29:21 The social referee. That's a call. They should be positioned outside, manicure, pedicure, hair salons, and spas. And if somebody's trotting in with a toddler on their hip, immediate red card, I send them out. Send them home. In shame.
Starting point is 00:29:36 There should be a sign on the nail salon place. Do not bring a toddler. No toddlers. No toddlers allowed. Toddlers are not allowed Yeah, that does it ruins a little zen time. You're exactly right. It does and there's like there's all these chemicals All this shit you're I didn't even thought about that you know It's a horrible idea of how and the mother can't do anything about it because her feet are tied up and the hands are tied up
Starting point is 00:30:01 So this child's running a mic for every single person in the salon to watch him, except her. Katie, I have empathy for you because that's terrible. One million percent. Okay, last one is Rachel H. Hello, Jennifer and Pops. First of all, long time fan, first time fucking caller. Okay.
Starting point is 00:30:24 But as a citizen of the dumbest state of America, which is Florida, my entire life, I have had it with these dumb motherfuckers that live down here, getting offended over other people and other states calling us trash. We are trash. We are literally the small dick of this country. If we make asses of ourselves repeatedly, no one down here has any
Starting point is 00:30:53 fucking sense. We're all assholes and we need to quit it. I think we need to be annexed myself and I fucking live here. Send us off into the ocean. We deserve it. Love you both dearly, especially the star and the hotter one. Oh my gosh, I love her. Rachel. Is it Rachel? Rachel? Rachel? I mean, here's the deal. I identify with that because we're from Oklahoma. Right. And you live in these states where you have great friends, a great family. And then you keep watching the news as to what's going on in your state and these fucking morons that are elected and all the shit that they do. And you're like, we deserve every bit of ridicule that we get. Every bit of it is more important. It's a true. And she, that is a master class and self-awareness.
Starting point is 00:31:54 Absolutely. A total and she's thick skinned. She's not thin skinned. I like Rachel. I like her so much because there's nothing worse than a but hurt thin skinned titty baby to where if you even put not even like a truth bomb but like a truth Touch like just a little tiny touch Their but hurt like some when you went off on Florida somebody's like You just lost a follower. I I'm from Florida into blame an entire state for blah, blah, blah, and she's just all butt hurting.
Starting point is 00:32:30 I'm like, bitch, people can say whatever the fact they were to about Oklahoma. Yeah, and have been for years. For years, we had a senator that didn't know the difference between climate change and weather and took a snowball on the Senate floor as proof that the climate was not warming because there was a cold weather day. And this is like, he was a senator for God. I mean, like 40 something years that fucker Jim Inhoff is dumbass.
Starting point is 00:33:01 Well, I mean, in the state, let's just like, sure, you just can't even talk about it. So embarrassing. It's stupid. They are. It's so bad. Well, I mean, in the state, let's just like, sure, you just can't even talk about it. So embarrassing. It's stupid. They are. It's so bad. So bad. So Florida, we feel you're paying. We do.
Starting point is 00:33:11 But we're just acknowledging that right now, you're getting all the shit because you're on TV fighting with Disney. Fighting with Disney, fighting with drag queens. That's right. What about pronouns? And here's the deal about the... What about pronouns?
Starting point is 00:33:22 Who gives a shit? What pronouns somebody wants to call themselves? There are so many things in the world to worry about. That is not one. If that is your big moral dilemma, I'm certain that your Google search history is going to reveal far more nefarious activities going on.
Starting point is 00:33:44 If your big moral dilemma is drag queens, I demand to see your Google search history. I demand it. I wanna see Rhonda Santis' Google history, Ted Cruz's, Google history. I want all their Lindsey Graham. I want that fucker's Google history because I'm telling you something.
Starting point is 00:34:03 It's not good. It is not good. Something's off who gives a shit about drag queens who cares about pronouns. The other day I use the men's restroom. Do you want to know what happened? Nothing. Fucking nothing. Fucking not a goddamn thing happened.
Starting point is 00:34:17 And I don't concern myself with these things. Anybody can see my Google search history at any time. Sometimes I Google how to look like a yacht captain for as a podcasting host. If I can swing for the fences, you can have my Google search history. I've had it. Had it, had it, had it.
Starting point is 00:34:35 Could not agree more. I started off this episode feeling so positive about my outing. Yeah, I wanted to take a turn. Colors, I mean, you just, I mean, it's in tap the vein and you guys just get that. Should we get her all wired up? I'm gonna tell you it turn. Collars, I mean, you just, I mean, it's in tap the vein and you guys just get that. Should I get her all wired up? I'm going to tell you this. I feel good.
Starting point is 00:34:48 Do you? I feel like now I can go out and face the day. I'm going to be kind. I'm going to be good. I'm really a gracious loser on the pickleball court in a very sore winner. I've got it twisted. No, you absolutely are. Today, if I win a pickleball match,
Starting point is 00:35:06 my goal is to be a gracious winner, a humble winner. Oh, wow, that would be nice. And I'm able to have this vision and this goal because of the therapy that we just engaged in. A lot of growth coming out today, Jenny. I'm gonna be a better person. I just love to hear it. Yeah, we learned about cats.
Starting point is 00:35:26 What fuckers they are. They're hate cats straight up savages. I bet, but we have, we don't like cats, but they're clever. Yeah, they do. They're really clever at telling people to fuck off and not give in a shit. Yeah. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:39 I admire that. Yeah. I really would never want one. I got one. I'm telling you, the grass is not greener. It's a fucking problem. She's completely let herself go. Speaking of letting yourself go listener, we've got to go. Go give us five star review, write a review, go to the voicemail moose. If you have an accent, we're a sucker for it. Right. Love an accent. Obvi. Love all of our international listeners.
Starting point is 00:36:01 UK, we want to come there. We want to go on tour there fucking blow this shit up in the UK. I fucking love the UK And we're gonna tour in the United States as well. It's just a big fucking country But we're we're floating this tour thing so let us know what you think if you'd like to see I've had it live Maybe pumps will take a broth during a recording. I will pack a hanger just in case just in case we get a million Yeah, just in case I get the urge on stage. Okay, I like it. I'll swap it out and get the hanger on it. All right, follow, subscribe.
Starting point is 00:36:31 Do all the shit you're supposed to jump tired of telling you people, do it all, all of it. All right, and we will see you next Tuesday, or Thursday. Bye. Bye. I'll tell you what I've had with. I'll tear it. I'm mad at it with that.

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