I've Had It - Stick Figure Families

Episode Date: February 9, 2023

Jennifer and Pumps dive into what you all have had it with, ranging from the insane way people spell their children's names to the stupid bumper stickers we are all subjected to each and every day. Je...nnifer also outs Josh Welch as a psycho-sports parent, who may or may not deserve to have his ass kicked.  Subscribe to our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/IveHadItPodcast Follow Us: I've Had It Podcast: @Ivehaditpodcast Jennifer Welch: @mizzwelch Angie "Pumps" Sullivan: @pumpspumpspumps  

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I would like to welcome everyone to this very special bonus episode of I've had it podcast with myself, Jennifer, Angie, with Colour Pumps. Pumps, I have a little something I want to share with you. Okay. That you can put in my file. Okay, file it away to pull out whenever you want to brow beat me. Oh, good, I love these kind of files. I'm going to make myself vulnerable. All right. And share a little embarrassing moment I had.
Starting point is 00:00:37 I cannot wait. So some girlfriends and I went to the pickleball courts Thursday morning. Yeah. And we were playing an open play, which means you play with people you don't know. Okay. Okay. So my friend Kim and I played with a gentleman named Robin and his wife named Donna. And they kicked our asses. Robin's 79. Oh, Robyn's 79. Oh my gosh. Donna's 76.
Starting point is 00:01:05 Boy, that hurt. It was 11-6. They beat us by five points. That was your pride, man. That just hurts the old pride. It was rough. Rough, rough. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:01:23 Do you think there were tennis players before? Just really get a pick-up off. So they were tired. The thing is, they hang out up at this gym all the time after they kicked our ass there, like, by we're going to our 11 o'clock exercise class, and they just hang out at the gym all the time and exercise, which I think is a great retirement play.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Right, good for them, they'll live forever. They were in great shape. But anyway, as you know, on these bonus content episodes, we like to hear from our listeners, and we want to hear what you've had it with. So Kylie's loaded up some voice memos that our listeners have sent to us via Instagram. Kylie, what you got for us?
Starting point is 00:01:58 The first one is Kendra H. I have had it with people and their goddamn cell phones on speaker. I do not give a shit about your phone conversation. Nobody gives a shit about the show you're watching, the movie you're watching, the conversation you're having. No one. We don't care if you are on a two-way call with Oprah and Beyonce. We don't want if you are on a two-way call with Oprah
Starting point is 00:02:26 and Beyonce. We don't want to fucking hear it. Get some earphones or go the fuck outside, but do not sit around in public places with your fucking speakerphone on. It is my absolute biggest pet peeve. I mean, Kendra has had it. She has had it up to her eyeballs. I love it. I love it. It is so good, but it's true. It's so true.
Starting point is 00:02:53 And I was just thinking when she said that, I was like, I've seen people face time, other people at restaurants. And I'm like, what the fuck? Yeah. It makes no sense. She's 100% right. Nobody cares.
Starting point is 00:03:06 It's rude. Go outside. I think the one that gets me the most is when you have like, John Q business. He's at an airport. He's in a restaurant. And he's got, you know, his work attire on. And he's got the earpods in.
Starting point is 00:03:22 Right. Speaking way louder than you would on a normal phone conversation, telling everybody at the entire gate that's departing for San Francisco, how goddamn busy he is. And important. Yes, and it is just, I'll tell you what,
Starting point is 00:03:37 you know, I think we offer three million and then we shift it over here and escrow and it just goes on and on and it's like, here's the deal, John. We get it. You're hot stuff. You can speak loudly. You can talk about big numbers.
Starting point is 00:03:51 But nobody gives a fuck. Right, no one. No one across the board. Probably even the people you're talking to don't give a shit. They're just so excited for you to get on the plane. Right, so they can't talk to you at all. No, cell phone etiquette is something that would definitely needs to be explored
Starting point is 00:04:06 in just a full episode unto itself, agreed. But you know, I think, remember, did your boys do Catillion? Dylan made it halfway through and hated it so much. Right, I think that for this up and coming generation, like our kids age, which is that Gen Z? Yes, okay. The Gen Zers should have to have a phone etiquette, Cattillion. Here's the deal. Old boomers are terrible.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Right. They are huge offenders with technology. You're right. I mean, so let's start with the boomers and then back pedal. The Gen Zers don't even know how to make a phone call. Right. Much less abuse it. Screaming. It's these boomers that then back pedal to gin zears don't even know how to make a phone call. Right. Much less abuse it. Screaming. It's these boomers that are out there screaming on the phone like crazy people. Yeah. That's probably right.
Starting point is 00:04:53 That's probably, I think you're probably right about that, but they're never going to change. Right. I mean, I was 25 when cell phones were invented and they, those were in the car. I forget how old you are. You're the biggest bitch on the planet. It's true. I've had it with you being four years younger than me and being five decades. I mean, I just, I mean, I was a lot younger
Starting point is 00:05:14 than you when cell phones came out. It's all, that's a fact. You were in college, I was in law school. That's not that day. I was in high school. Oh, that's bullshit. I was in high school. I remember it specifically.
Starting point is 00:05:24 I don't believe that. I'm calling Linda after this. Like she's gonna remember? Oh, that's bullshit. I was in high school. I remember it specifically. I don't believe that. I'm calling Linda after this. Like she's gonna remember? Listen, her Linda's my mom. Okay, Kylie, well, first of all, I wanna say Kendra, we agree with you. 100% we have had it.
Starting point is 00:05:39 You get five gold stars for your presentation. Yeah. And how will you portray it? I could feel the rage and I share it with you. I love it. Excellent. We should do a whole episode on Self-On-Addict. That's a great idea.
Starting point is 00:05:55 Thanks, Kendra. I'm chock full of great ideas. It was Kendra's idea. All right, fuck off. All right, Kylie, what's next? Up next, we've got Matthew H. I love man. I have fucking had it, had it with people who are spelling their kids names.
Starting point is 00:06:11 Totally fucking stupid. Like Brooklyn. Like I'm saying, B-R-O-O, K-L-Y-Y-Y, in, in, in, in. Like, what's the fucking point? Why? Why can't it just be regular as Brooklyn? I don't understand what's going on, but it's getting ridiculous. I could not agree more. That's a huge problem, huge problem. And I think it's like the parents think that they're, oh my gosh, this is such a cute spelling. I'm like, as an adult, no one wants to spell their name that is easily spelled the other way all the time. Matthew, I could not agree with you more.
Starting point is 00:06:47 These parents think they're being cute, cute, and creative, and they're totally dick and they're kid over. Right, they're totally dicking their kid over. Like Jennifer, I have a friend who my love. She's Jennifer with a G1 in. See, I mean, that's ridiculous. G E N I F E R. And here's the deal. If you're a Jennifer, which you can just say Jennifer and everybody knows how to spell it, right? But then there's also like Christie, there's
Starting point is 00:07:18 C H R I S T Y K R I S-Y. Right, lots of different styles. C-R-I-S-T-I-E. See, it's a fucking minefield. Christy. Christy is a minefield. Christy is a total minefield. I think the Christy's, though. I don't think there are any new Christy's being born. I think it's all like Riley, Kylie,
Starting point is 00:07:37 by Lee, Riley, I mean, just all kinds of soul. I'm not insulting her. I'm just saying that's what the names are going, the LY. But let's tackle Kylie. Sorry, Kylie. But there's KILY. Yes. KY, LIE. See, the Y where the first vowel should be
Starting point is 00:07:55 is just ridiculous. And that's what he was saying, Brooklyn. Yeah. And Matthew, it's 100% a huge problem. Huge problem. And these parents are dicking over their kids because it's one thing, it's assumed you have to spell your last name at most places.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Right. But if you're pregnant right now and you're listening to this podcast and you have your baby name list going and you've got some spelling that you think is so cute. It's so unique. You're only abusing your child for the rest of their life. Yes, it's not unique. You're only abusing your child for the rest of their life.
Starting point is 00:08:26 Yes, it's child abuse. I don't know that I'll go that far, but it is stupid. It's stupid. Emily, E-M-I-L-I-E-G-H, like that's no. That's not even right. Yeah, it's stupid. Yeah, it's dumb.
Starting point is 00:08:42 It's dumb. Okay, Matthew, excellent. Excellent, many had it. It's dumb. Okay, Matthew, excellent. Excellent, many had it. Love it, and I love we have a male listener. I do too. I'll tell you how one of my friends spells Kylie. How? Capital K.
Starting point is 00:08:55 Why? Apostrophe. Stop, capital L, E, I. But see, that's not her fault. That's her stupid parents. And that's dumb. That's dumb. Why would anybody handicap their kid like that with a name?
Starting point is 00:09:08 I want to say to Capitol K, little Y, apostrophe, Capitol L, little E, little I. I want to tell you, I'm sorry. Right. Sorry that your parents did that to you because for the rest of your fucking life, everybody's gonna misspell your name. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:23 Forever. Yes. Forever. I hosted a baby shower once for my friend Shelley. I sent out the invites and it was, you know, like shower for Shelley, SHELY. And then she's like, Hey, I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but it's with an eye. So I reprints invitations, SHELI, come to find out, she didn't tell me the third time. It's SHELI. So I sent them out and they're all misspelled
Starting point is 00:09:57 and she's a friend of mine. But I mean, it's too much. It's too much. It's too much. Somebody needs to, we need to have oversight. Right, over these names. the Department of Vital Statistics need to Meet needs to have a kickoff button like if you should spell your kids name weird They're gonna kick it off. You have to try again. That's a great idea
Starting point is 00:10:14 Maybe you could spearhead that department. I should I should you could be the committee I could be the committee and the kicker offer that would be so fun. Yeah, okay. All right I like it. K. I. L. Yeah, okay. All right. I like it. K-I-L-E-Y. What is next? Up next is Chelsea R. Chelsea, okay? Hi, my name is Chelsea and I have had it with bumper stickers. Specifically, ones that say your child is a honor student. You do not care. If your child is an honor student. Also, the ones that at least their kids names on the back of their
Starting point is 00:10:53 car with which each activity they're in. Again, we don't give a shit. That is such a great one that I haven't even thought about ever. But when you're sitting behind somebody and they have like, the husband sticker, the wife sticker, you know, four kids. The stick figures? The stick figures and then like three dogs. It's like, shut up. No one cares. I have had it.
Starting point is 00:11:17 I can't believe you've never thought about this. No, I mean, as an I've had it since we've been doing the podcast, that's a great one that I have when I sit behind that car. Well, I mean, here's the deal. Instead of the bumper stickers saying, proud parent of an honor student, you know, at Joe Blow Elementary School, I think the stickers should say,
Starting point is 00:11:38 I am the asshole parent, raising an entitled child that I'm trying to peak in high school. You know, I mean, like, there might be a little long for a bumper sticker. raising an entitled child that I'm trying to peak in high school. You know, I mean, like, that might be a little long for a bumper sticker. It probably is, but it really, I'm just like, shut the f-
Starting point is 00:11:52 Everybody's kids are special to them. Absolutely. All of our kids do stuff that warrants a bumper sticker. To us. To us. Knock it off. Get it off the back of your car. And then just the stick figure families.
Starting point is 00:12:07 I mean, I have had it. They are terrible. I have had it with the stick figure families. I'm like, I don't even think it's clever, A. We all learn how to draw a stick figure when we're two. Right? And then it's like a child drawing. I'm like, why out of all the things you can put on the car, you live with all these people. Right. So what's the point?
Starting point is 00:12:32 I don't know. I mean, I guess it's just like a humble brag that you have three kids, like nobody cares. No one loves their animals as much as I do. That's probably true. I mean, there are very little things that I wouldn't do to ensure that my dogs know how special they are and how much I love them. And it's kind of crazy. It's bananas. It's fucking ape shit off the wall.
Starting point is 00:12:56 There's no doubt about it. But if Chacha and Tabi came to me and wanted me to put a sticker on the back of my car with like mom and the two fringes, we could have a lot of problems. That could be a real divider in that family. No, these stickers are a huge, huge, huge problem. Yeah, agreed.
Starting point is 00:13:14 I've had it. That's a great, I've had it. Chelsea, we have had it. Kylie, who's next? Your last one is Caitlin H. Okay. I've had it with parents at sporting events. I'm talking about the unsupporting parents
Starting point is 00:13:32 who coach from the sidelines. They're yelling at their kids, they're yelling at the other kids. I'm talking about middle-aged men and women who are demanding to see birth certificate for the kids on the opposing teams. You would think that this YMCA team flew in a foreign transfer from Manchester United to help them win this soccer game. Okay, these parents are public enemy number one and I have had it.
Starting point is 00:14:01 That's a fantastic one. She's 100%. And it never fails. It doesn't matter what sport it is. It none of that matters. You're going to find the Yak Mouths screaming at their kids. Like it embarrasses me when in high school play. I mean middle school, it's bad. But in high school, when the parents are standing up yelling at their child during a basketball game, so the whole gym can hear him, do you not realize how humiliating that is for your kid? So, Kaitlin, I totally agree with this, and I have a personal story I can share about this.
Starting point is 00:14:40 And it involves Josh Welch, my husband, who is a fucking psycho. Right, he's part of the problem. So when Roman was in about fifth grade, he plays AAU basketball, and he's on this team that's really good. Really, really good team. They're nationally ranked. So we're at, you know, playing in some league tournament, and I just want to remind the
Starting point is 00:15:00 audience and remind you we're talking fourth or fifth grade here. Right. Josh proceeds to get in a fight multiple times with the ref regarding the calls, okay? This ref is much larger than Josh and appears to be a lot more street fight savvy than Josh Welch with the great hair and his Tom Ford suit appears to be.
Starting point is 00:15:26 Right, I mean, like, Josh would get taken under in about two seconds by somebody with a crab. So about third quarter, Josh keeps on with the trolling of the ref. And the ref says, when I'm finished here, I'm gonna take you outside. Pff, ha, ha, ha.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Josh continues, continues badgering the ref, screaming at everybody, acting like a lunatic, okay? Well, the game ends. The ref takes off his referee shirt where he's a white T-shirt on underneath, and I literally think he's gonna take Josh out and beat him up. And part of me thinks he kind of deserves it, right?
Starting point is 00:16:02 But the belly aching that you'd have to live with. The other part of me thinks I don't want him to get injured, but then I'm also like, why the fuck are we even in this position? Right. Needless to say, another dad kind of got with Josh and that we separated the ref and Josh, but I mean, it was going to be a fucking throwdown. And these dads are psycho, and some moms get in there.
Starting point is 00:16:22 Oh my gosh. They act like they're not. The women always, like you see them and they're so into it, but then if they get called out, they're like, no, I'm not as psycho as my husband. I'm like, oh yeah, you are. Oh yeah, you are. It's too much.
Starting point is 00:16:35 It's too much. And these parents, if you're a psycho sport parent, we just want you to know that there are as many of us that have had it with you. Right. And everybody talks about you behind your back. And everybody thinks you're not. Right. And it's true, because every fucking psychospor parent,
Starting point is 00:16:53 you and I totally, totally trashed behind their backs. Right. Yeah. Everybody hates you. With that being said, if you would like to be featured on I've had it podcast bonus episodes, please DM us a voice memo to at I've had it podcast on Instagram. Did you say voice memo?
Starting point is 00:17:15 I did say voice memo. Okay, good. But thanks. Egoly. Egoly. Well, I kind of spaced out there for a minute while you're talking. Tell the audience. Tell the audience.
Starting point is 00:17:23 See you next Tuesday or Thursday, and we love, love, love, getting your direct messages that are voice memos on I've had it podcast Instagram page. Fuck it nailed it. Nailed it. Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:17:38 You've got a career in this. Yes, absolutely. All right, bye everyone. I'm having it with that. I've had it. Had it. I'm happy with that. I'm happy. Happy. Happy. All I can say about that is I'm happy.

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